4th year writing student written books 2013 2014 final draft flora yang the anonymous letter

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The Anonymous Letter

Flora Yang

Contents Chapter 1 – The wish........................................ 3 Chapter 2 - The Letter ...................................... 9 Chapter 3 – The belief .................................... 15 Chapter 4 - A New Friend .............................. 17 Chapter 5 - Comfort ....................................... 25 Chapter 6 - The New Discovery ..................... 37 Chapter 7 - A Big Favor ................................. 46 Chapter 8 - The Truth ..................................... 52 Chapter 9 – The Struggle ................................ 65 Chapter 10 - The Final Decision ..................... 68 Audio Link: http://goo.gl/7j2Ulf Words checked = [6303]

Words in Oxford 3000™ = [95%]


About the author I’m Flora Yang, an 18-year-old student major in English in Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages. I´ve never considered it interesting to write, however, this novel made me realize I actually quite enjoy doing it. I appreciate this English writing class and the respectful teacher, Smith, for giving me a motivation to finish it, otherwise I might never achieve this. I´ve always been very interested in time traveling, also I think mercy killing should be legalized for those who are suffering from terminal illness. I hope this novel would make a small change to this world.


Chapter 1 – The wish My name is Chloe. I am a 36-year-old office worker in Miami, just like other office workers, I am tired of my job “It is the 8th year, can you imagine, we have been doing the same things for 8 years, I just want to have a vacation.” I talk to my colleague Mary, who’s also my best friend. “Speaking of vacation, you know that last Friday was the 13th anniversary of me and Max, right?” How could I possibly forget? “Tell me, what did you get?” 3

I can see her joy in her eyes, you know, it is just us, women, never being able to hide secrets, especially our own happiness. “HE IS TAKING ME TO NEW ZEALAND NEXT MONTH!” Mary tried to hide her excitement but completely failed. “WHAT?? Really? Are you taking little Hank with you?!” I demonstrate a silent scream (because we’re supposed to be working and the boss is in the office next to ours) and hug her. “Yeah, he told me he’s been saving money for months, he felt very guilty for not taking me for a trip


since 3 years ago, and Hank is also very excited about it!” “I am so glad he did it, he’s a great husband and dad.” “Don’t say it like Peter isn’t a good one.” Peter is my husband, we met 15 years ago, I was still a university student who worked in a bar as a part-time job, my parents were dead in a car accident when I was 18, that is why I had to have a part-time. Peter had performances with his band almost every weekend there, that is how Peter got to talk to me. We started seeing each other and we shared lots of things,


he told me he did not really like football, but his friend invited him and he was good, so he became the leader; he would name his child Warren for boy, Mary for girl, and I would choose Tom or Lauren; he told me he liked French fries with mayonnaise more than ketchup. It was one night after their performance. I forgot where we started but he suddenly asked: “How are your parents? I’ve never heard you talk about them.” he asked “Well, they….they died 2 years ago in a car accident.”


Peter was surprisingly shocked and asked me if I mind telling the details, I didn’t, I just did not like to recall it, but I told him anyway, that it was on the St. Paul street, around 2 am in the morning, they were dead when police arrived, there was no witness and no suspect. And all of a sudden, I started crying, uncontrollably, Peter gave me a hug, after almost 10 minutes, finally he broke the silence. “Be my girlfriend, I will take care of you, I swear, I will never let anything harm you. I’ll take the responsibility, Chloe, would you let me do it?”


Of course I said yes, that was the first time I felt supported again after losing my parents. We dated for 5 years, and he asked me if he could be my family with a diamond ring, that is how we got married, and… I’d say we have had a great time together. “Of course he’s a good husband” I tell Mary. We have been married for 10 years, yet we still don’t have a child, we have been trying for years, but nothing happened inside my belly. I’m happy for Mary that she is going on a trip with her husband and son, I really am, I just hope I could do the same.


Chapter 2 - The Letter Finishing the work, I drove home with bags of groceries I got from the supermarket; I bought some chicken, carrots and potatoes for curry tonight. I parked and got off my car, got the mails from the mail box, and tried to open the door with only one hand. Peter was not home yet, I thought he’s busy for his business, he must be happy to see the curry on the table when he gets home. Before I cook, I had a quick look at the mails; they were bills and advertisements as usual. However, I found one white envelope, there is nothing written on it, 9

rare, for this informative era, who would have sent me a letter instead of just e-mailing me one? I opened the envelope carefully and started reading.

“Dear Stranger


I can’t tell you my name yet, I have to make sure I’m safe, but I’m telling the truth, please believe me, and do not tell anyone. It is year 2026 now, this is a letter from the future. Let me tell you how and why I write you, we now here already have “Time travel” this technology, the theory of Einstein worked, we can also send something back to the past. However, time travel could change too many incidents so it is not allowed yet, only high officials of the U.S know this and get to use it.


I have a friend, Dr. Morris, who works in the government, he’s a doctor but also a scientist, I begged him to let me send this letter, as for the reason why, I’ll tell you when I know you believe me because if somebody finds out, not only me but also Dr. Morris will get punished So, please don’t throw away the envelope, it is a little time machine invented by Dr. Morris, all you have to do is write me back and put the letter in the envelope, and touch the edge of it with your finger so our envelopes get connected. Please believe me, and don’t tell anyone.”


I read this letter for 3 times, and I still do not believe this, how come time travel actually happen? And why would a stranger write me something like this? Am I got into some troubles? This is stupid; I should just throw it away. “But what if it is true?� this came to my head when I was about to throw it in the trash bin. I put the letter in the drawer of my room, in case that Peter finds out, and then I continued my original plan tonight, Curry, for Peter. Around 19:30 he got home.


“OH! I smell it, it is curry right?” Peter came in the kitchen and hugged me from behind. “You have a nose like a police dog.” I kissed him on his nose. “Nobody can forget the smell of you curry once they have it.” We had dinner together, and we talked about what happened today, as usual, but my mind went blank sometimes because of the letter, I was struggling if I should tell him. But I did not. I can’t tell why, but I sort of believe the letter, and of course, I know it is ridiculous.


Chapter 3 – The belief After Peter went to bed, I reread the letter, still confused, but I took out a paper and started writing.

“Dear stranger” I hope you’re not kidding, if you are I’ll call the police. But for now, I think I trust you. I’m glad that we have time travel in the future, it should be cool. But you have to tell me more about you, I’m curious, better not drag me into any trouble, I’m warning you.”


So this is it, I put it in the envelope, touched the edge with my finger, and then put it back to the drawer. It could be a prank but nobody would know I do it, and it wouldn’t explore anyway, why not give it a try? I went to bed, Peter was already deeply asleep, and of course he’s tired because we just tried to make a baby tonight.


Chapter 4 - A New Friend “Wake up honey, time for work.” I open my eyes and it was Peter’s face right in front of me. “Good morning handsome” “I have to go, I have a meeting, but it is only 7 so you have time for breakfast, I put it on the table, okay?” Peter is doing his tie. “You make me breakfast! I love you!” “I love you, too. See you tonight.” Peter rushed out.


After making sure that he’s out, I opened the drawer and checked the envelope, as I’ve expected, there is no other letter except the one I wrote. “Stupid me!” I get dressed and leave the house, ready for the work. But somehow, I take the envelope with me. -----------------------------------------------------------------“Do you want some coffee?” Mary asks me during break “Sure, why not? Thank you!” Mary left for the tea room, I yawned and took a deep breath, I checked the envelope again, and I


noticed the difference, there is another letter! I took it out and read it immediately.

“Dear stranger: Hi, I’m so happy that you believe me! I’m Lauren, I’m 11 years old, I asked Dr. Morris to put the letter in the neighborhood I live, so we should live close, in 2026, of course. I live with my parents, I don’t go to school because I have a cancer, I have to go to the hospital too often. I spend my time reading and


writing because I get bored alone in home. I want to be a writer in the future. Can you also tell me about you? ASAP” I could not believe I actually get a letter, there is no way that somebody did it because the envelope had always been in my bag since this morning, and the last time I checked it, it was only the letter I wrote! This was scary. “Here you are! What you’re reading?” Mary put the coffee on the table “Thanks! Oh… It is just some letter from a friend.”


“People still send mails?” Mary burbled “She is a bit old-fashion.” I made a small lie. The rest of the day I could not stop thinking about it, the mysterious letter from 2026! How is it possible? What does Lauren, this 11-year-old girl, want from me? I wrote a letter back during my working hour, I feel like I have to.

“Dear Lauren This is a bit scary, but I trust you .You can call me C.C, it is my name abbreviation, 36 years old, I live with my husband. If we live in the same


area, and you’re 11, I think you’re about to born, right? Do you like the neighborhood? I’m sorry about the cancer; I believe you’ll get well! You do not read like an 11-year-old kid, I suppose you spend lots of time reading and writing, I think you can be a writer in the future if you want to. Hope to hear from you soon!” I put it in the envelope, I do not know why but I feel so tired and hungry. After the work I go to the market and buy lots of things for dinner. On the way back, I notice there is a car outside an empty house in


our neighborhood, the light is also on. I guess we have new neighbors! “How is your day?” Peter asks me “Nothing special” except the letter from the future. “I have a tough day, the boss is again complaining, but we were just following his orders!” ‘Bosses are all like this.” The pasta is delicious “I know, I wish he could leave the company.” Peter sighed; I put more pasta on the plate. “You eat like a horse, you did not have lunch?” “I did, I’m just hungry. By the way, have you noticed the new neighbor?”


“New neighbor? Where? ” “I think it is No.25, there was a car outside and the light is on, should we go visit them?” “Sure! Why not?”


Chapter 5 - Comfort I received another letter from Lauren today:

“Dear C.C: Thank you for writing mails with me, I’m really bored alone. I do not go to school, so I do not have many friends. We discovered the cancer 2 years ago, it is Leukemia, and my mom quit her job so she can take care of me. They didn’t tell me since when we have been living here, but this is my first house so I think my parents were (or are, in your time) already living there.  25

I’m happy you have a good husband; I like to think about my wedding, I hope I’ll have a beautiful wedding dress. I really want to go out and play with other kids; mom says that if I want to get married in the future I have to take the therapy. So I listen to her. Very nice to meet you! C.C!” I feel a bit sad for her, if we could invent time travel machine, why couldn’t we cure the cancer? “Honey, what’s your plan for this wonderful Saturday morning?” Peter yelled from down stairs.


“I don’t know, maybe we’ll have dinner in a restaurant?” “That sounds good!” “Hey, Chloe, I’m thinking, Why not inviting the new neighbors for a dinner tonight?” After few seconds Peter proposed “That sounds even better!” So Peter went to their house to invite them, and I waited in the house preparing recipes, and wrote the mail back.

“Dear Lauren:


You’re a brave child, don’t give up; I believe you’ll fight the cancer, with your parents’ accompany. My husband and I have always wanted a child, but we still don’t have one yet, I might not know how it feels to be a mom, but I’m sure your parents are proud.” ---------------------------------------------------------“Ding Dong.” the door bell rings “Coming!” Peter opened the door; a cute couple was standing in front of us.


“Hi! Nice to meet you, I’m Warren, and this is my wife Sybil” said the guy “Welcome! Please come in!”


We have the dinner together. They told us that they just moved in this neighborhood last week, they were working in New York, the big city, they both had a good job in the same company, after dating for 3 years, they got married. “Wow, that is really nice! New York!” said Peter “Yeah, it was, I love big cities, you feel alive simply by walking on the streets!” said Warren “But if it was so great, why would you move here? Miami is also big I know, but you were living in NEW YORK!”


“Well….we were thinking about living in New York forever, however…….” says Sybil “We don’t think it is good for our baby” Says Warren with a warm smile “Really!! I’m so happy!! Is it a boy or a girl?” “We don’t know yet, she did her pregnancy test last month, we don’t mind which gender it’ll be, we’ll love our kid.” “Of course you will, no wonder you weren’t drinking” I take a look at the wine glass “Sorry, we should have told you first.” Sybil responded.


“Of course, why hide the good news?” Peter laughs We had a nice dinner, they promised they would visit us from time to time, we agreed.

-----------------------------------------------------------“Maybe we should go to the doctor again?” I asked Peter “Darling, I know you’ve always wanted a kid, I don’t blame you for not having one.” “I know, but I want one, I want to be a mom, her face was full of joy….”


“This must not be easy for you, but we have done so many tests for so many years, and you know it is not working out.” “You don’t even want to try now??” “No no, I mean, we can also adopt one if you really want one.” I became silent. Before I get angry, I always become silent. “Listen to me Chloe; I love you, but….” Peter noticed my anger. “You give it up! You give up on our child!” I shouted at him


“No, I love you, I don’t want you to feel bad, and take so many tests, it is not necessary!” “I do not want to talk to you!” I don’t know what’s wrong with me to be so mean to Peter. “Babe, you have to listen to me.” “Fuck you!” “What’s your problem, you’re never so angry like this” “Because I am angry, you give it up!”

Peter slept in the living room that night, I was crying, even I, myself, do not know why I was so


emotional. Meanwhile I checked the envelope again, and discovered a new letter:

“Dear C.C: Thank you; you seem a very kind lady!  I hope my cancer will get better so I can go out and enjoy the sun. Now I can only see the palm tree outside my house, I can’t even get to touch it. Because of the chemotherapy, I’m now bold, I don’t think myself beautiful, my mom always tells me not to think it this way, and she tells me that they love me. But I know they fight for me, from time to time. One night I heard my dad shouting


that they shouldn’t have given birth to me, I cried but I didn’t let them notice it. I just wish they were happier, even it has to do without me. ” This made me feel a little bit better to be honest, that having a child might be risky, might not be a good choice, but if she’ my child, I’ll love her with all my life, this poor little thing suffers too much.


Chapter 6 - The New Discovery “I’m sorry” I woke Peter up. He was just awakened by me, head wasn’t clear but he hugged me right away. “I’m sorry darling, I love you, I also want a child, I just don’t want you to suffer more from the truth that we still don’t have one.” “I was so mad last night, I could not control myself…. I don’t know why I was so emotional, but please forgive me” “I will never be mad at you.” with a kiss, Peter said. 37

I have a date with Mary in a cafe, on the way to the city center, I drove by Warren and Sybil’s house, it looked even better in daylight. “Hey, how are you?” Mary asked “Not so good”


“Tell me.” I told her that I had a fight with Peter last night, I was out of control and got really angry, I felt really sad when he said we could just adopt one, it made me feel he didn’t really care, but I care so much! I want my own child! “But now you’re good?” “Yeah, I apologized this morning.” “Great then, I know eating is a good way to ease stress, but …..” “Huh?”


“Look Chloe, this is your 4th cake, you’ve been eating so much recently.” “I have?” “Yeah! You didn’t notice? Well you’re not fat, you were too slim, now you look perfect.” Mary smiled I did not notice that I’ve been eating too much, but I don’t care, I still fit, and that is what matters.

“Alright, thanks for listing to me, you know…” I stopped “What?” “Nothing” I shouldn’t tell the letter.


“I have to pick Hank up, I’ll see you tomorrow? On blue Monday?” “Sure” Mary left, and I wrote the letter in the café.

“Dear Lauren: Please don’t say it, your parents would be terribly hurt if they knew you think it this way. Everyone in this world is beautiful because we are unique in our own ways. You might not be able to play in the field, but you’re talented in writing,


and you should keep on doing it, I have great expectation on your novel. So, what you can do now, is to live bravely, fight against the cancer, win this and be thankful to your parents! Beautiful girls are still pretty without hair! C.C

On the way back home, I took a quick look at Warren and Sybil’s house again, not only the


house but also the garden is amazing. They have a little fountain in front of the door, and there are flowers on the field, next to the garage there is a small palm tree. I’ve never seen palm tree in the neighborhood before.

------ Now I can only see the palm tree outside my house Wait! Palm tree! The only Palm tree in this neighborhood and Sybil is now pregnant, and they live in this neighborhood! My heart beat fast, I stopped the car, and rang on the bell. “Hi, Chloe, how are you?”


“Hey, I’m very sorry for interrupting the night, but …” “Huh?” “Have you decided the baby’s name yet?” “Nope, we’re not even sure if it is a boy or a girl” Warren laughed “Oh, yeah you’re right! I’m sorry.” “But I would like to start the name with L “said Sybil Bingo! “But why L?” asks Warren


“Because of the company we worked, where we met, Limo” “That is sweet, I have to go, see you soon?” I smiled back “Sure!” I got back to my car, I could not believe what fact I just found out, I don’t know if I should be happy or sad because their child is suffering (or will be) from cancer. Should I tell them? Better not. But I’ll tell Lauren that I already know her parents, she should be happy!


Chapter 7 - A Big Favor “I’m back.” I rushed in and put my things on the table. “How is your afternoon tea time with Mary?” “It was gossiping.” “Ha ha, Women!” “Mary said that I’ve been eating a lot, I didn’yt notice that, did you?” “I did actually, but I don’t mind, you still look well-shaped.” Peter kissed me “I love you!”


I went up stairs and wanted to write to Lauren, to tell her that she has a wonderful family, but then I found another letter from her.

“Dear C.C: Remember in the first letter, I want you to do me a favor? Now it is time to. I wrote you the letter because I need your help to stop the mistake from happening. I’ve been terribly sick for the past 2 years. My mom quitted her job just to take care of me. Without her salary, my dad has to do a part-time to balance the payment. They were really in love


but now they fight for me every night. I sometimes hear my mom crying in her room, I don’t know what to do. I thought about suicide, but it is impossible because I can’t even leave the bed on my own, I suffer everyday from the chemotherapy, I’m not happy, neither are my parents. Dear C.C, if you could just do me a favor. Please find where I am and stop myself from being born. Don’t try to persuade my parents, they wouldn’t agree, especially my mom, I’m basically


her life. They would have been much happier without me. I’m really sorry, I know it is a big favor to ask, but you’re the only one can help me, please. That is why I chose this year and this area. You are my only hope. ASAP” This is too desperate. I can’t believe what the letter says, not to mention that I already know who her parents are. Warren and Sybil are such a sweet couple, I know that they would never give up on Lauren,.


No, I’m not going to do this, I can’t kill a baby, it is already in her belly, there is nothing I can do, drug her? No way. I’m really sad for her, I reread the letter for hundreds of times, yet I still don’t think it is a good idea to help her. I feel sick, I feel desperate. “Peter!” I yelled I don’t feel good, I feel like I’m going to vomit at any second, I run directly to the bathroom and I vomit into the toilet. “What happened? Are you OK?” Peter runs to me “I’m fine, I just… I don’t know.”


“Have you eaten something rotten?” “No, I only had some cake at the café, maybe I ate too much?” ”Could be” Peter take me on the bed.

All the night, I was thinking about this favor Lauren asked, I don’t know what I should write in the letter to tell her this is a bad thought. I tell myself, I’m not going to give up on this baby.


Chapter 8 - The Truth When I woke up in the morning, the first thing I did was to write her back

“Lauren: This is serious; you shouldn’t ever think about it, what would your parents think if they knew it? I know it is not easy, but you have to fight against the cancer. You have to! I just discovered who your parents are, they’re very nice people, and I’m sure they love you. I’m not going to do it, I can’t, but I’ll be here, supporting you, please be strong.” 52

I didn’t write much, I didn’t know what else I could do for this poor little girl. But I wish her the best.

“Are you feeling better now?” Peter sounded worried “Yes, I am, don’t worry.” “Chloe…… has your period come yet?” “No, why ask?” “Because….. You’ve been eaten a lot, and you got mad easily, and last night you vomited……” He’s right. “Oh….I know what you’re saying, but…..”


“I know, but if it still doesn’t come, maybe we should do a test?” Peter proposed “Yeah, sure, I hope it is not another disappointment.”

We kissed and then we went to work together, I saw Warren and Sybil’s house on the way, and the palm tree which gave me a hint. How ironic it is, should I tell them? That their kid from the future wrote me a letter? No.


This is too hard for them; they’re not going to believe me anyway.

“Monday blue” Mary said it like a song “Hey… Do you think I look different?” “What do you mean by different?” “I vomited last night, Peter said that I’ve been eating a lot and I could not control my mood, and my period is late….” “No way, really? Do you think there is any possibility?” “I don’t know” I sighed


“Well you’ve been trying for years!! Maybe the time finally comes? If you want we can do a pregnancy test together!” “Thanks, but I’ll do it with Peter.”I hugged Mary.

“Let’s do the pregnancy test tonight” I texted Peter. ----------------------------------------------------------------When I arrived home, I checked the envelope immediately and there was a new letter: “Dear C.C:


I know it is a big favor, but I’m still trying to convince you, I’m not happy, my parents are fighting all the day, they’ve spent all the money on my chemotherapy, I know we’re having financial problems. They never tell me, but I just know. They could have had a better life without me, I know they love me, and I know they would be broken-hearted when I leave. But if you could stop it all, they wouldn’t have to suffer so much for it. I’m begging you, please help me and also my parents, I’d rather they never know I exist.


By the way, how did you know who my parents are?”

“Baby, I’m home!” “I’m going down stairs” I yelled “I bought the pregnancy test; do you want to do it?” “Yeah, I’m tired of worrying.” Peter said that he has some little things to do, after that we’ll do the test together, I agreed. While he’s in the shower, I quickly write another mail to Lauren.

“Dear Lauren:


Because you said that you have a palm tree outside the window, and my new neighbors, Warren and Sybil, they also have a palm tree in the garden, though it is still small but it will grow in years. They just moved here, and Sybil is pregnant, I suppose you’re the baby. They still don’t know your gender, but I can already tell their joy on their face.”

I try to persuade her again, but now even for me am not sure what I should do, what if they really suffer?


What if there is no joy but only sadness and anger after she is born?

“Ok, let’s do it!” Peter walks out from the bathroom” He took out the pregnancy test and handed it to me; I took it and got into the bathroom. I did exactly the same as the instruction. There was one line starting to appear, but it wasn’t clear enough to tell. “Ding Dong” It was the door bell “Coming!” Peter answered


It was Warren and Sybil, behind them was a cart, on the cart was the pot of small palm tree. “Hey! Neighbors!” “Hi! What brings you here?” “Oh! We have a little surprise for you!” they stood aside and showed us the pot. “You’ve been amazing neighbors, and we would like to give you this plant, a palm tree, I think it fits your garden more than ours” Warren says I sort of go blank. “Wow, that is really nice of you!! But why so nice?”


“Actually we have some good news!” Sybil added “Good news?” “Lucas.” Warren said “Lucas?” Peter asked “It is a boy! And he’s name will be Lucas!”

Wait! No! This is completely not right! I ran all the way up stairs to check the envelope, there was already another one.

“Dear C.C. The palm tree, according to my parents, are given by neighbors, but there must be something


wrong because they’re not Warren and Sybil. My mom is Chloe and my dad is Peter. �

I feel disgusted, Peter came and asked me what happened, I vomited again, I could not even make it to the bathroom.

---He would name his child Warren for boy, Mary for girl, and I would choose Tom or Lauren Peter was shocked, but still very gentle; he took me to the bathroom and helped me clean. He turned on the faucet and gave me a cup of water to


gargle. I took the water, I was exhausted, and my stomach was twisting. “Chloe, there are two lines!� Peter screamed

And then I vomited again, fuck.


Chapter 9 – The Struggle “I can’t believe we’re going to have a baby.” Peter said it for the 30th time in the morning with the test on his hand. “Neither can I.” I made a hypocritical smile. “Don’t know if it is a boy or a girl?” he murmured take another look at the pregnancy test. Should I tell him it is girl? “We’ll know in few months” another hypocritical smile. “You should name the child, you’re the mom.”


Yeah, I already know he will let me name her Lauren, why? Because she wrote me a letter from the future and asked me to abort her. “You look tired, you should take a nap. You’re now an expectant mother.” Peter kissed me I went up stair so that I can be alone; I’m too tired to talk. I touched my belly, tried to feel her movement inside, but there is nothing. She is not even born yet, how could I abort her? I’m already 36 years old, this could be the only child I’ll ever have, I can’t give her up, I love my child, and I will take care of her. I wrote a letter to Lauren:


“Dear Lauren: I can’t do this, my name is Chloe Cohan, and yes, I’m your mom. I’m really sad that the “future us” will be such bad parents that you want to give up on your life, but there is one thing I am already sure of, that is, I already start to love you, and I know that we always will love you, no matter what illness you’ll have, how tough to look after you. Lauren, I will not do this, I love you, and I’m looking forward to your birth. Remember, I love you.” I end the letter with one teardrop on it by accident.


Chapter 10 - The Final Decision Peter had been very happy that we’re going to have a baby; I did not say anything and acted as I know nothing about our child. It hasn’t been easy not to tell him the truth, especially knowing he’s so excited about it. He took me to the hospital which he had some research on and he said they have the best doctors. “Chloe Cohan, please come in.” “It is our turn.” Peter stood up and took my hand. We entered the room and sat down.


“Hi, I’m Dr. Morris. So you’re pregnant, Chloe Cohan?” Dr. Morris, the friend who helps our daughter. “Yeah, we have done the pregnancy test.” I said. Then Dr. Morris did some ultrasound, the baby was still too small to see, but Peter looked very excited. Then he told us what I can’t do and what I should do. “Now you have to fill in a form to reserve your next visit and give it to the information desk.” “Can you do it for me, Peter? I want to ask Dr. Morris something.” “Sure, I’ll see you out there.”


Peter left the room, Dr. Morris and I were alone.

“Dr. Morris, can I ask you something?” “Sure, anything I can answer you.” “Would you let a woman abort her child if she knows that her baby has some illness that would make not only the baby but also the whole family unhappy?”


“Well….. This is a very difficult question. Hum, but let me just tell you one thing, I have seen many patients who have terminal illness, there is no way they can function without assistant. However, their family takes care of them without any complaint and pay for the expensive medical bills, they encourage the patients even they know the patients are not going to get any better, only worse, but they still do what they think is the best for the patients.” I did not respond anything, and then he continued. “But you know what? It only makes the patients feel worse, like they’re the burden of the family,


they’re not dignified and unconfident. Most important of all, those expensive treatments don’t really work, but only prolong the pain, so rests of patients’ lives are basically just suffering. ” “So if you had to decide, you would…...” “I would choose not to make my child suffer.” I took a deep breath and stood up. “But why do you ask?” He asked “Do you believe in Time Travel?” I asked back. “How do you know I’m working on the theory?” “Because my daughter told me.” I touched my belly.


“What?” I walked toward the door. “Thank you Dr. Morris” “For what?” “For having been a friend to help her.” Not giving him a chance to ask, I left and closed the door.


Chapter 11 - The Best Offer I spent the next whole week thinking about what is love; inside of my heart I could feel this strong emotion for this unborn child. We, parents or family, always want to do the best for our love, but sometimes we only see what we want instead of their need. I made up my mind, I will not tell Peter what happened, I think it is too unbearable for him. I’ll tell him I lost the baby because I’m already too old to have one. My greatest regret would be not being able to spend some time with my child, to watch how she


grows up in our care. I hope she had been happy, and I want her to know we love her no matter what. I wrote her the last letter:

“Dear Lauren: This could be the last letter I wrote you, I decided to do what’s the best for you because I love you, and I want you to know that. I just wish we could have spent actual time together, and had enjoyed every moment of your life, I’m sorry that we could not make it. How I wish I could tell you all these in person, and kiss you on your cheeks.


I love you more than anyone in the world, I’ll be the only person who knows your existence, and you will always stay in my heart, I will carry on with you as my daughter in my life. Remember, I love you. Mom�


Chapter 12 - The Memory Stays Two weeks later, I went to the hospital to do the abortion, Peter was really sad when he knew we lost her. I told him we should adopt a kid and we did, she is a lovely girl, we named her Lauren. Luckily, she is a healthy child with a warm heart, and we love her as if she is our biological daughter. I keep all the letters from Lauren, but I don’t read it, they only make me sad. But I believe she is relieved from pain, and that is the only thing I can do for her. “Where did you get this picture?” Peter asked.


“I just love it, don’t you?” “Which gallery did you go to? Who’s the photographer?” “Future.” I smiled and hanged it on the wall. That is a picture from the future, a picture of our sweet daughter, taken by us.


Chloe, a 36-year-old office worker, is now living in Miami with his husband Peter. She received an anonymous letter, which she didn’t expect would turn her world upside down and made her redefine unconditional love‌

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