LeadLab Grundtvig Project LEADLAB - Leading Elderly and Adult Development -LAB 502057-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
STATUS ARTIS ON PERSONALIZATION SYNTHESIS REPORT This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. LEADLAB COPYLEFT LICENSE This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Reproduction of all part of this publication is authorized in according to this license. Attribution-NonCommercial-
INTRODUCTION This presentation aims to join all the contributes of the partners involved in the LeadLab Project on the status artis, in each country, and a synthesis report in order to describe what they consider as good practices in term of personalization and selflearning approaches. Some of contributes will be showed: • For a personalization of the adult education in the NVAE field in Europe; • The dimensions of the personalization; • The terms from the culture of each country; • Best practices
PERSONALIZATION OF THE ADULT EDUCATION IN THE NVAE FIELD IN EUROPE “person” is the one term that can serve as reference at the European level The term “person” is etymologically more dense than the term “individual”; The term “person” does not conflict with the three major cultural references through which partner countries identify the training in which the learner is considered in its singularity and is actor of his training;
The term person includes the content that some European actors qualify by the individualization term; The term "person" refers better to the humanist foundations of Europe; The term person seems to make consensus at the international and European levels.
THE DIMENSIONS OF THE PERSONALIZATION All the dimensions of the learner Self-directed learning Tutor as a facilitator of the learning process
Learner as actor and co-producer of the learning process
THE TERMS FROM THE CULTURE OF EACH COUNTRY Individualization ; Personalization ; Social learning and Personalised learning (Formal Structured Learning – FSL); Personal Directed Learning - PDL ; Group Directed Learning – GDL ; Intra-Organisational Learning – IOL ; Accidental and Serendipitous Learning – ASL.
Alternative education (Education nouvelle) ; Differentiated education (Pédagogie différenciée) ; Individualized education or Independent learning (Enseignement individualisé) ; Individualized training or learning (Formation individualisée) ; SelfLearning (Autoformation) ; Personalized training or learning (Formation personnalisée) ; Training or learning Individualization (Individualisation de la formation). The last term being often translated in English by “Personalization” (cf. official reports published on Eurydice database). Self-education (Selbsbildung) ; Individualised learning ; self-regulated learning – SRL ; self-organized learning. ; Democratic learning ; Non-formal learning ; Satisfying learning (gelungenes Lernen)
Personalized training (Εξατοµικευµένη εκπαίδευση) although it is not really used (cf. Athen meeting’s minutes, 12-13-14 May 2010) ; Lifelong learning (Δια βίου µάθηση) ; Continuous learning (Συνεχής µάθηση) ; Open University (Ανοιχτό Πανεπιστήµιο) ; Distance learning (Εξ’ αποστάσεως µάθηση) ; Lifelong education (Δια βίου παιδεία ) ; Vocational and Educational training – VET (Εκπαιδευτική και επαγγελµατική κατάρτιση) ; Formal education (Τυπική εκπαίδευση) ; Informal education (Άτυπη εκπαίδευση) ; Non-formal education (Μη τυπική εκπαίδευση) ; Non-Vocation Adult Education - NVAE (Μη επαγγελµατική εκπαίδευση ενηλίκων). Learning Individualization (Individualizzazione degli apprendimenti) ; Learning Personalization (Personalizzazione degli apprendimenti) ; distinction between Individualization and Personalization ; the individual concept ; the person concept and its philosophic tradition ; Pedagogic Personalism. Personalized learning and motivation (Aprendizaje personalizado y motivación) ; Tutorial (Tutoría) ; Perception of learning (Percepción del aprendizaje). Personalization (Personnalisation) ; Individualization (Individualisation) ; Trainer definition: Personalizer (Personnalisateur), Accompanying adviser (Accompagnateur), Facilitating coach (Coaching facilitateur) ; Differentiation (Différentiation) ; Autobiography (Autobiographie) ;Life Stories (Histoires de vie) ; Self-directed learning or coached self-training (Autoformation accompagnée). 6
From the European partner's papers, the collected information about “Best Practices� was classified following four categories which also corresponds to four learning dimensions: Socialization, Cognition, Knowledge acquisition, Employment relationship.
FINLAND Online learning services can be provided with a highly personalized approach, managed via a Member engine which presents info, functionalities and services based All web pages, forms, and other presentation interfaces are built with application generating engines that enables personalization both through relevance and access rights as well as conditionalising based on past performance (e.g. via electronic footprints), gained assets and/or conditionalization statements with a wide range of conditionalization options. The interactive environment includes more than 15 engines by which different personalization features can be built. Some of these can be both interconnected with each other as well as be interconnected to internal or external learning services
FRANCE The personalized learning workshops (APP - Ateliers de Pédagogie Personnalisée) support all dimensions of people, hence the choice of the term « pédagogie personnalisée » (personalized pedagogy). They are situated in the social and professional integration field, but not exclusively. They are for anyone, working or not. This choice has the advantage of not developing a segregation against a population suffering from social disqualification. In its action field, this kind of device allows to develop a different relationship with learning. Knowledge acquisition, cognition and socialization operations are thus closely interrelated.
The LQW is the widest spread quality management system in the further and adult education in Germany and Austria. It was supported from 2000 2005 by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugee and ESF and is recognized as a renowned quality attestation procedure. The individual ONLY can educate himself! The education organisations only design and organize the facilitation area for them. This kind of Centres are non-profit organisations for adult and further education. Volkshochschule – public evening “university” - does not mean a university in a common meaning. It is only a designation. There are more than 1000 Volkshochschulen in Germany. Each Volkshochschule is acting independently. There is, however, in every federal state an Association of Adult Education Centres which is a regional umbrella organisation of all Adult Education Centres in the particular federal state.
GREECE Practices are limited to the fields of vocational training and continuous learning in enterprises, that is, not in the formal education in primary and secondary school, and in the Universities. At the same time customized training is strictly related to the use of new technologies (Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Open and Distance Learning (ODL) etc.)
ITALY In Italy, NVEA seems to represent a small reality where courses/training Are delivered in secondary schools or training centres. In this country there are some experiences or pilot projects can be relevant: -Following the Ordinance of the Ministry of Education no. 455 of 29 July ‘97, Permanent Territorial Centres (CTPs) for adult education and training. For example the Conference of 2 March 2000, according to which it is necessary to assure an integrated formative offer among universities, schools and vocational training agencies', with Territorial Centers for adult education as reference points. - Compliment” project where Afol had worked on testing personalized approach
ITALY -Another project to be reported is the “arobase selfevaluation” or self-assessment which has been experienced at different educational levels. This model developed by a group of experts in educational processes led by Marco Guspini includes several interesting features: • self-assessment is a group reflection in which everyone is asked to describe his or her own behaviour and attitude • the path or levels representation • the model has been experienced in several adult training courses. This experience shows a possible strategy that allow to personalize a training pathway also addressed to a large number of people in a traditional course at a presence. • the symbol of the @ represents just an iterative cycle of progressive improvement of the person • The @ of self evaluation is based on an inductive approach, not didactic, nor directive. The role of the professor is to scaffold and offer peer tutoring. The @ process development is mainly based on a collaborative learning (rather then cooperative) approach. It rather includes and matches several theoretical elements of cognitivism, constructivism, constructionism, connectivism, interactionism.
SPAIN Training customizing in Spain seems to be mainly related to employment and vocational dimension. However, the example of the Angel Martínez Fuertes Foundation identified as a “best practice”, presents some interesting elements (promotion of educational, cultural, research activities…, encouragement of human and personal development, self-control, selfconfidence…)
SWITZERLAND The “good practices” identified by the FDEP as programmes of basic training for adults were rewarded by a price, during the last ten years, if they were respecting the following three criteria as key elements of their strategies : - education by proximity - education by comprehensiveness - education by participation