Diplomacia Siglo XXI
Los mejores colegios para hijo s de diplomáticos
La revista Diplomacia, como órgano de comunicación de la Academia de la Diplomacia compromiso con el Cuerpo Dip , fiel a su lomático acreditado en España edita una renovada edición de de Colegios para el Cuerpo Dip la GuÌa lom·tico. Una guía pensada par a los diplomáticos, especialme los extranjeros acreditados en nte para España, pero también para los españoles que vuelven con sus pués de años destinados en el hijo s desextranjero, y por su puesto la red con sula r por tod a Esp petición de nuestros lectores aña. Por expresa diplomáticos, la revista Diplom acia edita la octava edición de Colegios para el Cuerpo Dip la Guía de lomático, que sirve de referen cia para el colectivo diplomátic elegir el mejor colegio para sus o a la hora de hijos. Diplomáticos españoles y ext ran jero s, mu chos de los cuales llegan destinados a España con sus hijos por varios años. En la Guía nuestro lector va a encontrar las mejores institu ciones y lo más importante: especializados y con gran exp Colegios eriencia en el trato con hijos de diplomáticos. Colegios exp en idiomas... religiosos... en erim entados el bachillerato internacional... tod os ello s rec om end ados por Diplomacia como los mejores en la búsque da de la excelencia académica , en la ens eña nza y en la formación. Le deseamos que disfrute de la nueva edición de la Guía de Colegios para el Cuerpo Dip curso 2020-2021 y que le des lomático ea de gran utilidad.
DIRECTORIO COLEGIO BRISTOL C./ Enrique de Prada, 9. 28042 Madrid Tlf. +34 91 742 86 87 www.colegiobristol.com bristol@afuera.com @ColegioBristol COLEGIO SUIZO Carretera de Burgos, KM 14 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid) Tel.: 91 650 58 18 www.colegiosuizomadrid.edu COLEGIO CEU SAN PABLO SEVILLA Glorieta Ángel Herrera Oria, s/n 41930 · Bormujos (Sevilla) Tlf. 954 48 80 80 info@colegioceusevilla.es https://www.colegioceusevilla.es/ Facebook. @ceuandalucia Twitter. @CEUAndalucia Linkedin. Fundación San Pablo Andalucía CEU Instagram. ceu_andalucia INTERNATIONAL MONTESSORI SCHOOL C/ Gregorio Benitez 23-25 28043 Madrid Tel.: 91 300 13 44 info@montessori.es www.montessori.es www.facebook.com/montessori.colegio twitter.com/Montessori_Mad KING’S COLLEGE, SOTO DE VIÑUELAS Paseo de los Andes, 35 Soto de Viñuelas Madrid 28761 - Spain Tlf. +34 918 034 800 info@kingscollege.es madrid-soto.kingscollegeschools.org KING’S COLLEGE SCHOOL, LA MORALEJA Paseo de Alcobendas, 5 La Moraleja Madrid 28109 - Spain Tlf. +34 916 585 540 info.lamoraleja@kingscollege.es www. madrid-lamoraleja.kingscollegeschools.org/ KING’S COLLEGE, ALICANTE Glorieta del Reino Unido 5 El Palmeral-Urbanova-Tabarca 03008 Alicante - Spain Tlf. +34 965 106 351 info.kca@kingsgroup.org alicante.kingscollegeschools.org
BRITISH COUNCIL SCHOOL c/ Solano, 5 y 7 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón - Madrid KING’S COLLEGE, MURCIA Calle Pez Volador s/n Urb. La Torre Golf Resort Roldán, 30709 Murcia - Spain Tlf. +34 968 032 500 info@kcmurcia.es murcia.kingscollegeschools.org COLEGIOS SEK COLEGIO INTERNACIONAL SEK EL CASTILLO Urb. Villafranca del Castillo Castillo de Manzanares, s/n Villanueva de la Cañada. 28692 Madrid, España Tlf. +34 91 815 08 92 sek-castillo@sek.es www.sek.es COLEGIO INTERNACIONAL SEK CIUDALCAMPO Urbanización Ciudalcampo Paseo de las Perdices, 2 San Sebastián de los Reyes. 28707 Madrid, España (+34) 916 59 63 03 www.sek.es
COLEGIOS ST. GEORGE’S BRITISH SCHOOL Calle Salvia, 40 28109 Alcobendas (La Moraleja) Calle Padres Dominicos, 1 28050 Madrid sec.madrid@stgeorge.es Tlf. +34 916 508 440 www.stgeorge.es Calle de Alemania, 28 04740 Roquetas de Mar - Almería sec.almeria@stgeorge.es Tlf. +34 950 338 860 www.stgeorge.es Carrer de l’Esperança, 13 08017 Barcelona sec.barcelona@stgeorge.es Tlf. +34 931 293 024 www.stgeorge.es Carretera Sevilla-Huelva, s/n 41800 Sanlucar La Mayor. Sevilla sec.sevilla@stgeorge.es Tlf. +34 55 702 430 www.stgeorge.es Avenida Centaurea, 8 29018 Málaga admin@stgeorge.es Tlf. +34 952 290 149 www.stgeorge.es
COLEGIO INTERNACIONAL SEK SANTA ISABEL Calle San Ildefonso, 18 28012 Madrid, España Tlf. +34 91 527 90 94 www.sek.es
COLEGIO RETAMAR c/ Pajares 22, Pozuelo de Alarcón 28223 Madrid Tlf. +34 917 141 022. www.retamar.com
COLEGIO INTERNACIONAL SEK ATLÁNTICO Urb. A Caeira - Illa de Arousa, 4 Boa Vista Poio. 36005 Pontevedra, España Tlf. +34 986 87 22 77 www.sek.es
COLEGIO PRIVADO ENGAGE C/ Mar Egeo, 32 28220 Majadahonda, Madrid Tfno. 916 380 196 Email: info@slg.es www.engage-edu.org @colegioengage
COLEGIO INTERNACIONAL SEK CATALUNYA Av. del Tremolencs, 24, La Garriga 08530 Barcelona, España Tlf. +34 93 871 84 48 www.sek.es
COLEGIO LOGOS Urbanización Molino de la Hoz c/ Sacre, 2 28232 Las Rozas - Madrid Tlf. +34 91 630 34 94 colegio@colegiologos.com www.colegiologos.com
COLEGIOS IEP Alicante, Asturias, Castellón, Madrid, Valladolid y Zaragoza Tlf. Madrid: +34 916 38 01 96 iepgroup.es
LYCÉE FRANÇAIS DE MADRID Plaza del Liceo, 1 - 28043 - Madrid Tlf : +34 91 748 94 90 www.lfmadrid.net/es/
COLEGIO AFUERA Colonia del Retiro. C./Conde de Cartagena, 33-35 28007 Madrid Tlf. +34 91 551 64 39 www.colegioafuera.es colegio@afuera.com @ColegioAfuera COLEGIO INTERNACIONAL DE SEVILLASAN FRANCISCO DE PAULA C/ Alcázares, 8 41003 Sevilla Tlf: +34 954 224 382 colegiosfpaula.com sfpaula@sfpaula.com BRITISH COUNCIL INFANTS C./ Alfonso Rodríguez Santamaría 23 28001 (Madrid). admisionescolegio@britishcouncil.es Tlf. +34 91 337 50 50 www.britishcouncilschool.es SCUOLA ITALIANA MADRID Calle Agustín de Betancourt, 1 28003 Madrid Tlf.: +34 91 533 05 39 www.scuolamadrid.org COLEGIO ESCANDINAVO Camino Ancho, 14 28109 La Moraleja - Madrid Tfn: +34 91 650 01 27 www.escandinavo.com HASTINGS NEXUS Lorenzo Solano Tendero, 11 28043 Madrid Tfn: +34 91 825 21 52 admisions@hastingsschool.com www.hastingsschool.com CAUDE C/ Barco, 2 28222 Majadahonda. Madrid Tlf. 91 602 80 22 info@colegiocaude.com HIGHLANDS SCHOOL LOS FRESNOS C/ Comunidad Canaria, 8 28660 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) Tlf. 638 28 33 09
Av. de Venecia, s/n, 40424 Urbanización, Segovia admisiones@slamschool.es Tlf. +34 658 098 733.
¿Qué es SLAM? Un proyecto basado en el conocimiento profundo de la persona y en la cultura del encuentro.
¿Qué gran novedad ofrece? SLAM revoluciona el sistema educativo, convirtiéndose en el único centro que se adapta a las capacidades de los alumnos creando itinerarios propios para cada uno.
Hablamos con Juan Antonio promotores y titulares de SL 20 millones de metros c de Guadarrama, en r
¿Es algo más que un Colegio Internacional? ¡Mucho más! Es la única oferta educativa que engloba, en un solo campus de más de 20 millones de m2, Colegio Internacional, Universidad, Escuela de Negocios y Formación Profesional.
¿A qué tipo de estudiante se dirige? SLAM es un centro educativo dedicado a alumnos con altas capacidades deportivas, intelectuales y artísticas, y por eso se esforzará por captar ese talento para que pueda realizarse en nuestro centro. La sociedad y la empresa formarán parte del Consejo Asesor de SLAM, para que el centro siempre esté ofreciendo a la sociedad los perfiles más capacitados y mejores que ésta demande.
o Perteguer y Enrique Martín, LAM, un campus de más de cuadros en plena Sierra régimen de boarding
¿Dónde se encuentra el campus de SLAM? En plena Sierra de Guadarrama, reserva de la Biosfera, con la mayor oferta de servicios y actividades de ocio en el mundo de la educación. Un campus de más de 20 millones de metros cuadrados en régimen de boarding.
RES DEL MUNDO ¿Cómo son sus instalaciones? ¡De verdadero ensueño! - Lujoso edificio de aulas: salón de actos, auditorio, comedores, gimnasio, salas de fisioterapia, laboratorios, aulas de informática. - Residencia de estudiantes. - Campos deportivos: fútbol, baloncesto, golf, centro hípico, tenis, pádel, esgrima, etc. - Polideportivo cubierto, piscinas climatizadas, piscinas de verano, deportes náuticos (lago), etc. - Conservatorio de música, escuela de restauración, escuela de moda, escuela de drones, etc.
+34 921 174 622 info@slamschool.es info@slamuniversities.com
CEU SAN PABLO SEVILLA Un proyecto educativo bilingüe que apuesta por la formación integral de sus alumnos. El Colegio CEU San Pablo Sevilla lleva ocho años ofreciendo a las familias una educación integral –académica, así como en valores y virtudes cristianas–, con el objetivo de poner al alcance del estudiante las herramientas necesarias para superar cada etapa educativa y prepararle para culminar con éxito su formación escolar. El centro –con más de 1.000 alumnos matriculados– destaca por su excelencia académica, por su proyección internacional y por su apuesta por la creatividad y la innovación. Desarrolla un cuidado proyecto académico bilingüe desde Educación Infantil –a partir de los siete años se sigue el método Cambridge–, cuyo objetivo principal es la educación del alumno a través de una metodología individualizada, innovadora y pedagógicamente eficaz, ofreciendo una atención personal exclusiva en todas las etapas de su escolarización. Desde el colegio se promueve la investigación, poniendo en práctica programas de innovación educativa en la lectoescritura, el fomento de la creatividad, la utilización de recursos tecnológicos y el aprendizaje por proyecto; se realiza, asimismo, una apuesta por la formación musical,
deportiva, artística y se fomenta el gusto por la lectura, la oratoria, los hábitos saludables y el buen uso de las nuevas tecnologías. En el Colegio CEU San Pablo Sevilla también se puede cursar el Bachillerato Internacional Dual, desde 2º de la ESO hasta 1º Bachillerato. Por otra parte, se invita a los alumnos a participar en acciones de voluntariado adaptadas a cada etapa y se trabaja en la formación de virtudes cristianas a través de Pastoral y de las catequesis, que les preparan para recibir los sacramentos. CEU –obra de la Asociación Católica de Propagandista (ACdP)– es el mayor grupo educativo privado de España. Cuenta con 25 centros docentes, donde se imparten más de 200 enseñanzas oficiales, que abarcan desde la Educación Infantil hasta estudios de postgrado y formación profesional, con más de 33.000 alumnos. En la actualidad, posee sedes en Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Murcia, Castellón, Alicante, Vigo, Jerez, Elche, Sevilla, Vitoria y Valladolid y cuenta con tres universidades, escuela de negocios, diez colegios, varios centros de formación profesional y escuelas universitarias repartidas por toda España.
SINERGIA ENTRE LOS CENTROS EDUCATIVOS CEU ANDALUCÍA El Campus Universitario CEU Andalucía, donde se encuentra integrado el Colegio CEU San Pablo Sevilla, es un moderno campus sostenible y muy bien conectado, orientado a la formación y la innovación. Allí se encuentran, además, los servicios generales de la Fundación San Pablo Andalucía CEU, el Centro de Estudios Universitarios Cardenal Spínola, el Centro de Estudios Profesionales y el Instituto de Posgrado, entre otros centros educativos CEU. Esto posibilita que se potencie la sinergia entre todos los centros, lo que se hace especialmente patente, por ejemplo, entre los grados de Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria y el ciclo superior de Educación Infantil. En concreto, el Colegio CEU San Pablo Sevilla se coordina con el Centro de Estudios Profesionales de CEU Andalucía y el Centro de Estudios Universitarios Cardenal Spínola CEU para avanzar hacia un modelo educativo más innovador y creativo. A lo largo del curso, se organizan múltiples actividades, promoviendo la interacción con los alumnos del centro y facilitando la realización de dinámicas novedosas que enriquecen tanto a los estudiantes de ciclo y grados de educación, como a los alumnos del colegio que participan. CEU Andalucía posibilita a través de su oferta académica un proyecto educativo integral y coherente, dando continuidad a una formación que comienza en el colegio
y puede concluir en el Instituto de Posgrado, tras haber cursado un grado o un ciclo superior. El objetivo es capacitar al alumno para incorporarse con éxito al mercado laboral, habiendo obtenido una preparación integral durante todos estos años en un mismo espacio educativo.
AMPLIACIÓN DE INSTALACIONES El Colegio CEU San Pablo Sevilla se encuentra en un proceso de ampliación cuyo objetivo es responder al crecimiento natural del centro. Desde sus inicios hasta ahora, ha ido adaptando sus instalaciones a la incorporación de nuevos alumnos, trasladándose en 2017 a su ubicación actual. Un complejo educativo que acoge desde Educación Infantil hasta 3º de Educación Secundaria, y que en los próximos años llegará hasta Bachillerato. Actualmente cuenta con un amplio aulario –50 aulas–, iglesia, bibliotecas, laboratorio, sala de música, de nuevas tecnologías y plástica, instalaciones deportivas, comedor, gimnasio y un amplio aparcamiento, siendo el centro escolar de Sevilla con más plazas de aparcamiento para padres.
En la actualidad se está construyendo el aulario de Bachillerato, con las obras en marcha, el centro contará con una extensión aproximada global de 35.600 m², y tendrá una capacidad para 1.500 alumnos con la que se completará la oferta educativa escolar. En su afán por ofrecer el mejor servicio a su comunidad
educativa y siguiendo su política vinculada a la implantación de los ODS y la Agenda 2030, CEU Andalucía ha realizado este año una importante inversión en el autoconsumo energético de sus instalaciones y en mejorar la accesibilidad sostenible al recinto, llegando a un 90 % de autoconsumo energético.
COLEGIOS GRUPO CEU Colegio CEU San Pablo Sevilla Infantil, Primaria, ESO (Bachillerato a partir del curso 2021-2022) Calle Maimónides, 38. 41930 Bormujos (Sevilla) 954 488 000 https://www.colegioceusevilla.es/
Colegio CEU Jesús María Infantil, Primaria, ESO y Bachillerato Calle Deportista Alejandra Quereda, 15. 03016 Alicante 965 26 14 00 http://www.colegioceualicante.es/
Colegio CEU San Pablo Montepríncipe Infantil, Primaria, ESO y Bachillerato Urbanización Montepríncipe, s/n. 28668 Madrid 913 52 05 23 http://www.colegioceumonteprincipe.es/
Colegio CEU Abat Oliba – Loreto Infantil, Primaria, ESO y Bachillerato Av. de Pearson, 9, 08034 Barcelona 932 04 08 16 https://loreto.abatoliba.edu/
Colegio CEU San Pablo Sanchinarro Infantil, Primaria, ESO y Bachillerato Av. de Niceto Alcalá Zamora, 43. 28050 Madrid 913 92 34 40 http://www.colegioceusanchinarro.es/
Colegio CEU Abat Oliba – Spínola Infantil, Primaria, ESO y Bachillerato Av. de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat, 86, 08024 Barcelona 934 56 53 81 https://spinola.abatoliba.edu/
Colegio CEU San Pablo Claudio Coello Bachillerato Calle Martín de los Heros, 60. 28008 Madrid 915615240 http://www.colegioceuclaudiocoello.es/
Colegio CEU Virgen Niña Infantil, Primaria, ESO y Bachillerato Paseo del Batán, 60, 01007 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava 945 14 28 74 http://www.colegioceuvitoria.es/
Colegio CEU San Pablo de Murcia Infantil, Primaria, ESO y Bachillerato C/ Camino San Pablo CEU, 16. 30509 Molina del Segura, Murcia 968 61 19 05 http://www.colegioceumurcia.es/
Colegio CEU San Pablo Valencia Infantil, Primaria, ESO y Bachillerato Edificio Seminario Metropolitano, 46113 Moncada 961 36 90 14 http://www.colegioceuvalencia.es/
OTROS COLEGIOS INTERNACIONALES SUGERIDOS BRITISH COUNCIL INFANTS C/ Alfonso Rodríguez Santamaría 23. 28001. (Madrid). DEPARTAMENTO DE ADMISIONES admisionescolegio@britishcouncil.es +34 91 337 50 50 www.britishcouncilschool.es
British Council School
Three in One A School That (Really) Fits All
At Colegio Internacional de Sevilla – San Francisco de Paula we have fine-tuned individualised education. Procedures are in place to cater for the needs of students with special interests (like an advanced musical programme), gifted and talented and those who have learning difficulties. The expertise in personalised attention has been combined with our long-standing investment in digital technologies and innovation during this pandemic: they have enabled us not just to cope with the emergency but to leverage it in order to make further progress. As a result, our educational offer is threefold:
1. Face-to-face modality. A K-12 world-class, full-IB face-to-face School, which also offers the U. S. High School Diploma – up to seventeen modalities of leaving Diploma: a day school, with a residence in family programme, which has seamlessly gone fully online when needed. A School with a tradition of progress, which has permanently strived to provide an innovative, engaging and up to date education since the 19th century. Our educational offer is bilingual in English and Spanish, with additional Arabic/ Chinese, French and German. Over 60 tailor-made subjects, within a carefully designed programme, cover a wide variety of interests and needs.
Our students • have access to the largest school library in Spain (over 60000 volumes); • learn through the largest musical offer (over 800 instruments, covering the entire symphony orchestra, to take home); • benefit from inquiry-based approaches and scientific experimentation from younger ages; • engage in service projects through peer-managed collaborations with social organisations in the city; • may adhere to the residence-in-family programme, designed for those interested in an international experience or an educational offer unavailable at home.
Email contact: admisiones@sfpaula.com
2. Full-year online modality.
A video-conferencing and distance-learning offer: from September 2020 we open all educational levels online; our entire language variety and services ranging from library to counselling, and optionally adjusting the programmes to individual interests.
Our students
A complete educational offer with the same ethos and academic rigour as the face-to-face schooling; it combines the versatility of distance learning with the advantages of an individualised attention. Our teaching body is experienced in catering for the intellectual as well as the pastoral needs of our pupils, ensuring a right balance of learning and wellbeing.
• broaden their inquiry skills and their creativity, whether through the IB student-centered approach, thanks to custommade entrepreneurial and innovative programmes or both;
• enjoy an IB education which combines self-paced and live video-calls with teachers and classmates; • acquire the habit to use their environment, and not just schooling materials, as a resource for active, meaningful and engaged learning;
• receive artistic training, in music, visual arts or both, choosing a musical instrument among those part of a symphony orchestra; • may have specific, custom-made programmes on demand.
3. Skills-centered online modality. A 21st-century-skills centered, comprehensive online offer: benefitting from the huge opportunities opened up by digital technologies, transcending traditional matters and organisation, centered on the development of those personal and interpersonal aspects that will be key to individual and societal success in the future. All available studies underline the fundamental changes under way and the slow, insufficient evolution of schools and educational systems. The flexibility allowed by online learning facilitates new approaches which keep the value of IB education whilst focussing on the essential needs of future adults. We have thus combined the hard skills with the soft skills, personal awareness and growth with intercultural collaboration and understanding. We aim to help students grow as ethically engaged, more resilient, alert and conscientious individuals, aligned with the IB learner profile and our traditional values of respect and commitment.
Our students • use team-work approach to build their knowledge through multidisciplinary study projects which combine creativity with inquiry and scientific rigour; • enrich their language and interpersonal silks through writing, reflecting, debating, dialoguing and presenting; • acquire sound personal habits through meditation, selfanalysis and interpersonal growth, keeping a healthy balance between mind, body, study and leisure; • become tech-savvy using and resources in an innovative, creative and practical way; • explore ethical, social, international and cultural issues from a multi-sided perspective through collaborative study within diverse teams.
An exclusive and An innovative exclusive and educational innovative educational model, focused on students model, on students and focused the development of andtheir the development of skills their skills SEK Education Group, founded over 125 years ago, stands at the SEK schools are considered among the best bilingual schools in forefront of international education. SEK schools in Spain Spain (English and Spanish), pioneering the introduction of the SEK Education Group,Barcelona, founded over 125 yearsand ago,Almería), stands atIreland, the SEK schoolsInternational are considered among the best schools in than 40 (Madrid, Pontevedra France Baccalaureate (IB) bilingual programmes more forefront ofand international education. SEKcommunity, schools inwith Spain Spain (English and Spanish), pioneering thestudents introduction Qatar host an educational students aged years ago. The schools cater for agedof4 the months to 18 (Madrid, Barcelona, Almería), France International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes than 40 between Pontevedra 4 months andand 18 years of ageIreland, from over 70 nationalities, years of age and effectively combine amore rigorous curriculum with whoan benefit from an community, individualised andstudents multicultural fostering skills and for competencies beyond merelyto rote and Qatar host educational with agededucational years ago. The schools cater students aged 4 months 18learning of model and geared towards theirover personal development and content.combine These curricular programmes, between 4 months 18 years of age from 70 nationalities, years of agesyllabus and effectively a rigorous curriculumoffered with by just a professional success. and An multicultural educational community on handful of prestigious beyond schools merely aroundrote the world, offer who benefit from an individualised educationalfocused fostering skills and competencies learning of access to building a newtheir citizenship for the 21st century,and committedsyllabus to the most prestigious international universities. also model geared towards personal development content. These curricular programmes, offered bySEK justschools a change and with a strongfocused humanistic offer, as an alternative, the Spanish syllabus. professional positive success.social An educational community on vocation. handful of prestigious schools around the world, offer access to And citizenship all this in collaboration youngcommitted people from the most prestigious international universities. SEK schools also building a new for the 21stwith century, to all over the world. addition the to the IB, SEK schools are part of international positive social change and with a strong humanistic vocation. offer, as an In alternative, Spanish syllabus. organisations such as NEASC (New England Association of And all this in collaboration with young people from all over the the Council International Schools, the world. In additionSchools to the and IB, Colleges), SEK schools are partofof international World Sports Academy, Round Square International, organisations such as NEASC (New England Association of Duke of Award, ECISofand FEDE, which servesthe to forge ties Schools andEdinburgh's Colleges), the Council International Schools, withAcademy, other international schools and facilitatesDuke carrying World Sports Round Square International, of out joint Edinburgh'sprojects. Award, ECIS and FEDE, which serves to forge ties with other international schools and facilitates carrying out joint projects.
Academic stays in Ireland Academic and France stays in Ireland and France
Students can opt to take short study stages or full academic years at SEK-Dublin, in Ireland, and SEK-Les Alpes, in France. The aimopt of these international stays is toor foster strengthen their Students can to take short study stages full and academic English and French skills inwhile increasing their years at SEK-Dublin, in Ireland, andlanguage SEK-Les Alpes, France. The autonomy aim of thesepersonal international staysand is tosocial fosterskills. and strengthen their
English and French language skills while increasing their SEK-Dublin the only school in Ireland that offers the IB Middle personal autonomy andis social skills. Years Programme (aimed at young people between 12 and 16 the IB in English. SEK-Les Alpes enjoys a SEK-Dublinyears is theold) onlyand school in Diploma Ireland that offers the IB Middle privileged setting for mountain sports, going on cultural trips Years Programme (aimed at young people between 12 and 16 around Europe and activities related to nature and the years old) and the IB Diploma in English. SEK-Les Alpes enjoys a environment. privileged setting for mountain sports, going on cultural trips around Europe and activities related to nature and the SEK schools offer children and young people a wide range of environment. summer activities tailored to their preferences such as sports, music, arts, science and extra tuition. Pre-university students, SEK schools offer children and young people a wide range of between 16 and 18 years of age, have the option of taking part in summer activities tailored to their preferences such as sports, the University Camilo José Cela Humanities, Sciences and music, arts, science and extra tuition. Pre-university students, Technology Pre-College Programme - HST. The SEK educational between 16 and 18 years of age, have the option of taking part in model focuses on reinforcing the acquisition of science skills and the University Camilo José (Science, Cela Humanities, Sciences and Art and STEAM vocations Technology, Engineering, TechnologyMathematics) Pre-College Programme - HST. from an early age. The SEK educational model focuses on reinforcing the acquisition of science skills and STEAM vocations (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and in science It combines the importance of academic performance Mathematics) from an early age. subjects with the development of transversal skills such as
leadership, public speaking, creativity or healthy lifestyle habits. It combines the importance of academic performance in science subjects with the development of transversal skills such as
Supporting athletes and academic excellence
Young athletes who train for elite sports competitions can enjoy the SEK International Sports Academy, which enables them to combine their dedication to their chosen sport with academic education, with an individualised and tailored programme combining sports training and personal development.
International boarding
To offer students the best possible education and personal life, SEK-El Castillo (Madrid), SEK-Catalunya (Barcelona) and SEK-Les Alpes (France) boast international boarding schools, in addition to the student halls of residence of University Camilo José Cela (Madrid), where students live in community in close contact with peers, encouraging them to live in harmony, support each other and learn together. Boarding and student residences at SEK offer personal attention to enhance students' academic and personal development in an environment of freedom and responsibility.
The International Ski School was officially opened recently in conjuncture with Copos Ski Club, enabling young skiers between the ages of 13 and 18 and their families to combine the academic education offered by SEK schools with sports training geared towards elite international alpine skiing, as of the upcoming academic year.
Students from different nationalities live together in an atmosphere of cultural exchange, recognising and fostering diversity, acceptance and mutual respect. The boarding programme also caters to students from the SEK International Sports Academy and the IB Diploma Programme. Non-native Spanish speakers are offered the Spanish as a Foreign Language course, aiming for students to understand and express themselves in Spanish, enhancing both their spoken and written Spanish, and activities related to Spanish culture.
Leader in Spain in offering Model United Nations
SEK Education Group has pioneered, for the past 14 years, the organisation of Model United Nations (MUN) schemes, in which students take on the role of delegates of different countries in mock United Nations assemblies. SEKMUN aims to educate young people in values of respect, dignity, freedom and solidarity, and introduce cross-curricula skills such as oratory and communication, critical thinking, persuasion, debate and negotiation. MiMUN, the model held by UCJC, is the first university model in Madrid approved by the UN.
SEK Education Group tall ship
The SEK Education Group school ship is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for students at SEK Schools and University Camilo José Cela. A classroom at sea where they will enjoy experiences such as summer courses on marine biology, get their official diving certificate, and carry out environmental projects such as SEK Posidonia Lab (where they will work in the regeneration and conservation of Posidonia seagrass in the Mediterranean) or courses on navigation, leadership, teamwork and social skills. Being part of SEK Education Group is to be part of an educational community that is passionate about students' all-round education, taking into account all their talent and preparing them for a world that is increasingly demanding and constantly changing.
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Diplomacia Siglo XXI