Just celebrate it

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Content Bonfire Night


Canada Day


Carnival of Venice


Day of the Dead


San FermĂ­n


Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta


The Elephant’ festival


Tomorrowland Festival


Ultra Music Festival


Just celebrate it! First edition - september 2015

Bonfire Night By Sebastian Camilo Pineda


ireworks, guys made with old clothes, flayear and in different dates per country. The ming barrels, and so on, are part of a set most popular “Bonfire Night” is celebraof celebration named “Bonfire Night.” A lot of ted in England, actually, there is the origin countries have this tradition and all of of this tradition. On the other hand, them do different things, but are some countries in Commonwealthey good or bad? The answer th, Scandinavia, and Ireland This is a is going to be throughout also have this tradition, but story about religion this article. In addition, we the background is anobecause the problems will know some traditional ther. Thus, this festival in began when some laws food, rhymes, and chants, England is commemorated against Catholics were which are performed for on November 5 throughout imposed by the the people. Also, the reason the country. Finally, we have current Queen. why children ask for money in to say that for 410 years “Bonthe street. Then, history, fights, fire Night” has been celebrated, food and more, pretend to be a travel and from this date people meet to to the culture of England. share food, have fun and burn things. Bonfire Night is an amazing celebration or tradition in some places. It is made each


This is a story about religion because the problems began when some laws against

Just celebrate it!

“Bonfire Night” because there are risks for community in the cities go where the rest the nature and the consequences are seis gathered to share. Fireworks and bonfires rious. Social impact has been an important are the most common, and around these, thing to have in mind for the people and if other things like people drinking, eating, cooyou are a protector of the world maybe you king, singing and so on are made. The food won´t like this. is cooked on bonfires, the menu include, potatoes, soup, traditional cakes, sauTo summarize, “Bonfire Night” is a sages and finally marshmallows. big tradition which have been Furthermore, days before the If you are celebrated for 410 years in celebration “Guys” are made a person who many countries. It has good with old clothes and stuffed and bad aspects, but the likes living amazing with gunpowder, and they real thing is that it is a experiences, knowing are used by children to get custom that people enjoy. about history, trying new money and to be burned Because of that, we recomfood, you have to go the last day too. “Bonfire Nimend this party as a way to there. ght” is a beautiful event, the know the world and its culture. people have fun, fireworks are If you are a person who likes living amazing, and this is for all the comamazing experiences, knowing about munity of either age. history, trying new food, you have to go there. “Bonfire Night” could be an excuse to know Although the celebration is a tradition, it has England on November, is a perfect plan to go caused some problems. Before the celebrabackpacking or to have a family travel. One tion everything is ok, but after or during the of the biggest experiences that a person can celebration we can’t say the same. It is belive is to travel around the world. Traveling cause throughout the party people usually should be a thing that people do every time, drink a lot alcohol and there are fire wherever it makes you happier, improves your memory you see. Therefore, it is the reason of many and you will have stories to tell somebody accidents happen like people or buildings else. burned and persons fighting. In addition, the environment impact could be a point against

Catholics were imposed by the current Queen. Guy Fawke was a Catholic and James I was the King of England who made other laws too. Gay Fawke with other people attempted to blow up the parliament and the king, he pretended kill the king. The plot was not successful and Fawke was discovered by soldiers which found gunpowder in his feet. When the soldiers went to Fawke’s house, which was near to the parliament, they found some barrels with gunpowder. Therefore, the guy was tortured and he couldn’t kill the king. This facts happened the morning of November 5 of 1605, and the king ordered to celebrate this day every year with bonfires. During the celebration of this tradition, many kinds of activities are done by the people and processions are some of those. The

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Canada Day

By Kiara Velasquez



ave you ever shared some words and a Canada day started in 1980 when a group real hug with the mayor of your city whiwas made responsible of the federal goverle you are enjoying a parade? These are just nment. Three provinces joined together to a few experiences you get to live when form a federation called Canada which you visit Canada and join the Cais the reason for this celebration. nada day celebration. This These are Novoa Scotia, New Canada amazing Canada event offers Brunswick and the Canada day is a national you not only the opportuniprovince. However, Canada holiday celebrated in all ty to practice some sports was not completely indeprovinces and territories, with your neighbors in the pendent from England unpark, but also incredible ice til 1982. The holiday called and it is a day off for creams and cotton Candy Canada day was officially most businesses. trucks. Canadians really know established in 1879. Canada how to spend time together day is a national holiday celewith people you don’t even know brated in all provinces and territoand actually make you feel like family. You ries, and it is a day off for most businesses. can’t forget about some recommendations Two years after the creation of the province, as packing comfortable clothes, a camera Canada acquired the vast possessions of the and all your summer an attitude. Hudson’s Bay Company. Today, Canada is on

Just celebrate it!

event celebrated by millions of Canadians from coast to coast.

neighborhood with milk, fish, flour, potatoes and rice as the principal ingredients. You can buy a lot of food at the bazaar while you spend time with your family. The most traditional recipes in this celebration are Canuck cuisine, poutine, tortiere and other pastries. They include pulled pok, chilly and lobster. You can tell this is a wide country with huge havours. If you love to try new food, this day is the best option. The food, dishes and glasses in this day have a special decoration with the Canada flag. Finally, there is a food for all tastes around the world.

This celebration has a lot of events for you. Popular activities as shows are organized by groups of volunteers, and you can listen to music or dance. The most important activities are: A ceremony, in which Canadian armed forces military band oversees the raising of the flag during the national anthem. Collective artwork is a famous activity for the entire family because you draw on a collective chalkboard. If you want to practice sports, Consom Hockey is the best choice for adults, and Caribou Route for children. Also, you There are other important aspects about have the option of going to different your trip. You need to have all your concerts with your family or documents really organized, infriends. In these events there cluding your passport and Canada day are artists for all tastes, for visa. Also, you can make a offers a big variety of example Elizabeth Blouin, reservation before your desserts, dishes, drinks and Lisbonne Telegramtrip because at this time candies. The most traditional me, Cindy Bedard, Bleu of the year Canada is full recipes in this celebration are Jeans, Too Many Cooks, of visitors. Don’t worry Canuck cuisine, poutine, and others. But what’s a about the food because patriotic celebration wiyou will have a lot of stores tortiere and other thout a parade? There will in every corner. If you want pastries. be parades in almost every to buy souvenirs, so don’t forstreet of the cities and towns. get to exchange the money in the Canada day offers a big variety of desserts, dishes, drinks and candies. All of them are made by different families around the

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airpot or at any office inside the city. You will take a lot of pictures if you take your camera. It’s very important to carry comfortable

clothes for example shorts, t-shirts, and skirts. Conclusion, the celebration of Canada day is very important and famous around the world. It has a lot of things for you to live an unforgettable experience with your family or friends. Would you like to live amazing situations? Canada day offers this option for you. If you know a few people here, you’ll make a lot of friends. It’s important to say that Canada day is a main tradition for the Canadians. Also, Canada is a beautiful country with incredible buildings. If you go to the Canada day celebration, you can visit a lot of places in the country for example Calgary, Ottawa, Whistler, Banff National Park, Toronto and Niagara falls. Those places have a fantastic sceneries, and you can do different activities. I hope you can visit Canada during this celebration.


Carnival of Venice By Claudia Diaz Riaño


id you know the Carnival of Venice was the perfect chance when the nobility could blend into working class and everybody did forbidden things? Therefore, this is the main reason why the people wear masks. Also, did you know that a night out in town could cost € 500? There is no doubt this celebration is the most fashionable and applauded around the world. Besides, each costume tells a story and each mask represents a role in the society. Now, let me show you some interesting things about it. This revelry was established by Christopher Tolive, who was the chief of staff of the highest leader of the “Republic of Venice.” He thought the people needed amusement time and publicly made fun of the Aristocracy and at the same time that the elite were with the nation. One of the most important emblematic characters was Giacomo Casanova, a worthy man represented the spirit and joy from carnival. This celebration started in 1926 although there are writings about it since 1094 when it was declared public festivity. This one was forbidden by Napoleon Bonaparte in


1797 during the occupation to Venice for fear of conspiracies. Some years later, the fest was slowly appearing and finally in 1979 it was restored completely. The Carnival is celebrated in Venice, a city located at northeast from Italy. Also, it begins ten days before lent and finishes on Tuesday called “Tuesday Carnival” when Venice reaches the record of visitors. The typical characteristic of this bacchanal are their costumes. These are dresses of the period from Venetian century XVII. Moreover, there is a diversity of masks and characters, which have their own story and emblem. Regarding characters, there is the Harlequin, the Pantalone, the Polichineta, the Colombina, the Pierrot and Brighella. Besides, there are six kinds costumes such as the Bauta, the Morenita, the Domino, the Cendal and the Visage. In addition, each disguise was put on by different social position people like traders, philosophers, the servants, noblewoman, lower class Venetian woman, monks and clergyman and everything. Furthermore, each apparel and character represents someone or something special in this fest

Just celebrate it!

like the miser and rich trader, the love, the Neapolitan culture and the working class. Finally, The Venetians are the only ones who wear masks and costumes, but if you want to have them on, you can buy or rent them there. Usually the tourist only visit Venice to go to the shows and parties, take photos and it is not common for them to put on costumes.

through out the carnival and it awards the best competing films. Moreover, this festival is one of the most famous and older around the world. In addition, the tourist can enjoy opera performance in “The Fenice Theater,” one of the most important and recognized in the world. Finally, the recital in the churches is part of the activities the people do during the Venice carnival.

The main objective of the visitors is to take pictures with the best costumes and go for a On the other hand, don’t forget to plan your walk around waterways. Although, don’t wotrip and take into account an important asrry because during the carnival you can enjoy pect to consider like the weather, hotels and the parties and events planned by adminismeans of transportation. During carnival trative staff even if some of them are privaseason it´s advisable to take winter clothes te- The organizing committee programme because Venice is near the Alp mountains boat races, I mean, gondolas races which it’s and snow. Also, the “Acqua Alta” phenomean old tradition and who participate non which are moderate floods cauare the best gondolier from Venised by the phases of the moon ce. The name of this activity and meteorological phenomeThe typical is “Carnival’s on the water non might occur. Regarding characteristic of party.” Also, there is anolodging, you can book a this bacchanal are their ther type of celebrations room in a hotel or rent a flat costumes. These are commemorate important if your group of travelers is dresses of the period dates like the end of the big and you don’t mind shafrom Venetian Black Death. For example, ring your room. Besides, the century XVII. The Maria’s Party celebrates best areas of Venice to host to remind twelve virgin women are the zone called Saint Mark, were kidnapped by corsairs and a near to the main square. In Regards jury chooses the twelve most beautiful woto transportation, you can know it walking. men who wear dresses from middle age. In However, you can travel around the canals of addition, there are parties organized in excluVenice by gondola, cabs, vaporeto or another sive places like Venice’s Palace, luxurious resaquatic transportation. Finally, some tips taurants or in the Saint Mark´s Square where the people choose the best costumes and masks. The tourists can go to parties coordinated exclusively to gondoliers. Moreover, the Venetian people offers tours to know magnificent palaces, churches and architectural monuments where they can see artistic shows in distinct languages.

to your trip are to make the reservations in advance and search cheap flights online to avoid problems. In conclusion, take this opportunity of living another experience in your trip. The carnival of Venice is more than masks and costumes because it narrates a history; it’s art and joy. Besides, you can appreciate the art in different artistic expressions like drama, paintings or sculptures and know the Venetian traditions. You will know people from other places of the world and will make new friends while you enjoy this festivity. You only have to pass on the joy of the people and follow all recommendations. I am convinced it will be an unforgettable experience. Just enjoy it and live it!

Regarding exhibitions, the carnival of Venice has a complete program. There are performances outdoors, concerts, food and masks market in the principal squares. Furthermore, every day of this festivity exhibits a stage play called “The secrets of Venice.” Additionally, it is held every two years out art which is an exhibition including drawings, paintings, sculptures, movies, music, dance and visual art made by artists from the whole world. In relation to this, some matters of these exhibitions are the sexual discrimination, climate change and social difficulties. Also, the movies festival named ”Mostra of Venice” held

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Day of the Dead

By Leonardo Layton Arévalo



hen I was in Mexico for first time at spirits to let them know that they are not forthe end of the October in 2010 I was gotten and still cared for them. It is a way to extremely surprised by the color, music, keep in contact with beloved beings. Even candles, food and monuments called “altar.” though there are families that who are more Do you want to live a special and unforgettainclined to celebrate a traditional “All Saints ble celebration full of energy and color? Don’t Day” associated with the Catholic Church. miss the opportunity to visit an amazing The indigenous people have combined this country located in North America: Mexico. At with their own traditions because they beliethe beginning of November every single ve that the gates of heaven are opened year during two days is celebrated at midnight on October 31, and de Day of the dead. This cultuthe spirits come down to enjoy The purpose ral and religious event dating that people are prepared for behind this day is to Spanish colonization in them. to make contact with the 16th century and it was Have you ever eaten Mexithe spirits to let them mixed with the Aztec fescan food? Have you tried know that they are not tival dedicated to the godtamales yet? The most forgotten and still dess Mictecacihuatl. common tamales are made cared for them. Common Day of the Dead trawith beef, chicken or pork ditions include creating altars to in a red or green chile sauce or honor of the dead because it’s a very sweet tamales made with cinnamon. festive and creative holiday that also include They are made for special days like Day of festivals, parades and crafts. Children put the Dead or Christmas. Many families gaon masks and wear costumes. The purpose ther together to prepare them the day bebehind this day is to make contact with the fore. Usually hundreds of tamales are made

Just celebrate it!

so everybody can take them to their homes, friends and family. On the other hand, gigantic sugar skulls are made. This are by far the most popular symbol of Mexico’s Day of the Dead, created from sugar and decorated with every kind of color and glitter. Sugar skulls are given as gifts, when they are offered to the deceased they are placed on an altar with his or her favorite foods and drinks. Creating an altar is one of the most important Day of the Dead customs it could be different between cities but the main objective is to remember the people who deceased and their soul. People also visit cemeteries, clean gravestone, and put flowers and pray. The holiday includes elements of literature; many poets create a “Calaveras”, epitaphs in which the great moments in life are described. For example, epitaphs first appeared in Mexican newspapers at the end of the 18th and beginning of 19th century. Epitaphs of famous public figures with cartoon were published there. Although Calaveras is not only a funny epitaph, it’s also a skull which is the most famous symbol of the holiday. It appears in many different forms. A “calaca” is a figure of skull or skeleton wearing human clothes and almost always carries flowers and foliage. They play musical instruments or dance because Mexicans believe that every soul should be remembered as a happy one.

people, and its creative environment. Get in touch with people, talk and listen to their traditions, allow people to talk about, and even finds humor in death. In this way death loses some of it’s sad senses. Personally, I found in this celebration a big rich image to absorb,

to create and tell stories with deep roots of Mexicans traditions. These are all very positive concepts that I have about this ancestral tradition to watch in perspective the essence of the death as a reason to celebrate even in sadness moments.

Day of the Dead activities is a special way of social cohesion between different groups of people. In addition, the people gathered around the graves not only to celebrate their ancestors but also celebrate the role that those ancestors played in their lives. Don’t confuse the Day of the Dead as Halloween; it’s completely different because it demonstrates a strong sense of love and respect for ancestors. Before you get involved in a fantastic world around this celebration you must devote some time to shopping flowers or skulls made from clay and sugar used as decorations. You should identify the events, places and activities for these days and eventually get information about transportation, unsafe places, behavior and all things that will help you enjoy this celebration in a respect frame of traditions. Finally, I strongly recommend you to visit Mexico, give yourself the opportunity to enjoy the splendid gastronomy, warmth, nice

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San Fermín By Nicolas Fonseca


f you will talk about celebrations, you need be organized as a part of the tradition. On to try “San fermines.” It is one of the most the other hand, religious ceremonies honoimportant festival of the world in which celering the saint were held on October 10. Ferbrated, the day of Saint Fermín. In the beginmín was the son of a roman in Pamplona in ning was only a religious ceremony, but the 3rd century, who was converted to with the time the Spaniards chanChristianity by Saint Honestus, a ged and added some amazing disciple of Saint Saturnius acIn the activities like “Running of cording to tradition. Howebeginning was only the bulls.” As a matter of ver in 1519 they transferred a religious ceremony, fact, this event is very danthe celebration to 7 July but with the time the gerous but exciting the to take place at the same Spaniards changed and adrenalin that you can is time as the fair, and both added some amazing exciting. You need to try celebrations were consideactivities like “Running the variety of food and lisred to be the beginning of of the bulls. ten differences rhythms with the “sanfermines.” wonderful lyrics. Believe me you The opening of the festival is need to live this. marked by setting off the pyrotechnic The celebration of the festival has origin in chupinazo, a drink that the people love. The the combination of two different medieval chupinazo has officially marked the beginevents. Commercial fairs were held at the ning of the festival since 1941. Other imporbeginning of the summer. The merchants tant activity is held every afternoon between came into the cities, and they used to bring food and things but the most important were the animals, eventually bullfighting came to


July 6th and 14th there is a bullfight in which the 6 bulls that have been driven to the bullring during the bullrunning of that day are

Just celebrate it!

killed, this activity is related with the next activity “Running of the bulls”, it is the most striking in the celebration because as a matter of fact you need to run of the bulls for the city, and you could get hurt or in some cases the people die in this “game.” Finally after nine days of partying, the people of Pamplona meet in the city hall plaza at midnight on 14th July singing the traditional mournful notes of the song ”pobre de mi.” Another important activity in the festival is “gigantes y cabezudos ” the giants are usually a long figure with a big head , with a painted paper, head and arms, the rest of the body being covered in cloth and other clothing. Their frame is usually made of wood or aluminum, is very terrific because the head is made by hand, this is a kind of performance and the people love this activity: therefore, in the moment that the giants appear a lot of people are meeting, as a matter of fact the reason why the people love this activity is because

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they show like a sarcasm reality in which the giants are showing the true of Spain and his problems also the most important news of the world. Every afternoon between July 6th and 14th there is a bullfight in which the 6 bulls that have been driven to the bullring during the bullfight of that day are killed. It begins at 18:30. In addition the 5th bullfight whit younger bulls and not fully trained bullfight is performed while the 6th features bullfighters on horses (in Spanish “rejoneo”.) while the bullring of the city is the fourth largest in size in the world, it is full every afternoon and tickets are hard to find. As a matter of fact this event is very controversial because some people think that the bulls need to live like human and they feel the pain, so they deserved to live. In conclusion this is a wonderful experience in a beautiful country, but obviously it has different opinions, so you need to live it and make your opinion, just celebrate It.!


Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

By Andrea Cañón



ave you ever been on a hot air balloon? for people all ages and the place where the fesIf the answer is no, you can try it at the tival celebrates is Albuquerque New Mexico. Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. The According to the statistics, it’s the most phofestival is held every year in October and litetographed event in the world. The New Mexirally hundreds of balloons are launched on the co sky is filled with hundreds and hundreds Balloon Fiesta Park. You can also enjoy some of balloons unimaginable shapes and colors. sessions, for example, special shape rodeos Every year it attracts thousands of pilots and and evening sessions, but you need you with spectators, who don’t want to miss the wake up early because it begins most anticipated event in the United approximately at 4:00 a.m. FurStates. Additionally, it’s important The New thermore, you can see fireworthat you know that Balloon Mexico sky is filled ks and ride in a balloon. The Fiesta Park receives almost with hundreds and competitions are very impor100.000 people daily and hundreds of balloons tant and attractive however you should arrive early. The you should follow some reFestival is organizes by Albuunimaginable shapes commendations about the querque International Balloon and colors. food and drinks that you consuFiesta Inc. each year and it’s a me inside the place. The festival is nonprofit company with 12 full-tiheld every year on October. me staff members. A lot of events were celebrated inside the Balloon Fiesta Park. This Festival began in 1972 with 13 balloons to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the radio staThe festival has sessions that depend on the tion KOB 770. It’s a world-renowned attraction weather and there are two types; morning

Just celebrate it!

sessions and evening sessions. If you choose the morning you can enjoy flights as long as the wind is in favor but if it isn’t possible, the pilots light the flames of their balloons, and you can see the designs. But if you choose the evening, the pilots inflate their balloons and the flames light up inside as if they were large candles. The festival has cost of admission near to $8 dollars for persons over the age of 12 and children under 12 have free admission. However, the prices depend on your money. For example the chaser’s club allows you to have private outdoor seating adjacent to the launch field and you can have a hot food. In addition, you can have a deluxe view of the action for a $30 dollars fee per person. Furthermore, you have another option called the gondola club. It offers more privileges because you can have prime location for viewing, hot air balloon lunch, collectible souvenirs and gourmet buffet meal for $125 dollars for adults and $60 for children. There are many activities that you can enjoy in the festival. However, the organization takes a lot of precautions to carry out the sessions with the best security possible. For example, The Dawn Patrol pilots takes off prior to mass ascension to give the mass ascension pilots an idea of wind speeds and directions at varying altitudes. Once that finishes, the sessions and Mass ascensions in the morning begin. The balloons begin to rise at about 7 a.m. and the spectators can be there among the balloons and watch them as they rise. While many balloons are launched during the mass ascension, the traffic and safety are insured by “zebras” or “umpires”, they are a kind of cops. It’s very curious and funny because they wear black and white shirts but it’s necessary to protect the activities. The balloons are led by a balloon that carries the American flag. The second session is called The Special Shape Rodeo. The activity is about special shape balloons showcased at Balloon Fiesta and it can be done into almost anything you can imagine; some examples include an animals and cartoons.

you can participate in the photo contest. It’s a competition about taking the best photo in the festival and there are some categories; Dawn Patrol Photo, Mass Ascension Photo, Balloon Glow Photo, Special Shape Rodeo Photo After Glow Fireworks Photo. The rules to participate in the competition are: pay $5 dollars and you should take the Photographs from October 3rd through 11th, 2015. Finally the organization offers wonderful prizes; the first place can win a professional camera, the second place will receive a Balloon Fiesta Jacket and the third place can win Official Event Poster from the 2015 Balloon Fiesta. In conclusion, you should visit the Balloon Fiesta because it is a wonderful experience and you can see the best visual spectacle on the

world. The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is made up of so many events, each one unique. The Festival is simply one of the most spectacular displays of sound and color you are ever to witness. In addition, it is a great example of experiential tourism that culminates with a fireworks display and provides the finishing touch to the most photographed event in the world. This exciting journey also includes time in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, two culturally rich cities because have a passion for art, history, culture, sport and show air balloons. You can also visit to the International Balloon Museum with fascinating crafts and market operated by New Mexico’s 19 pueblos. No matter who you are, Balloon Fiesta will leave you awestruck and wanting more.

In addition, you can see competitions in the festival. For example, flying in task, judge declared goal, multiple judging declared goal, minimum distance double drop and Gordon Bennett memorial. All competitions have an objective; to descend at a certain point, take an object in a high post, or arrive first at specific place. Usually, the Pilots have to fly at least 1 mile to a designated target. Furthermore,

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The Elephant’ festival

By Camilo Daza



ave you ever seen an elephant wearing a suit made by experts? If you’ve never seen it, I invite you to know a Little about the elephant festival, a typical celebration made in Jaipur(India). Usually, in the middle of march, it starts with the principal attraction,”the elephant.” Which was they have to preserve the tradition and the best way to celebrate is with elephants wearing different types of fabric. The story describes that each person wanted to have the power, they needed to ride an elephant to win the elephant’ race. Therefore, the elephant’ race is considered the main activity. Don’t forget that while you are dancing an amazing rhythm, you can also see elephant’ races. Furthermore, they organize some polo’ matches and elephant’ fights so the spectators enjoy them. I want to invite you to know more about it.

Each year, in the middle of march, to be exactly (march 15), the elephant’ festival is celebrated, It provides a bunch of rides and attracts some spectators from all over the world. This festival has a nice message because it is used for recording that tradition in which, everybody writes and sends messages of hope to their family and acquaintances. The story says that when the kings rode their elephants and won the race with them, they showed power and of course they could have luxurious things like jewelry, animals, food and even women. The decorations of the elephants are beautiful since their tusks are shined with gold. The elephant has contributed to India’s history and we have to remember that it is consider a God. In addition, the elephant is praised by all the India.

Just celebrate it!

Now, since the elephants are the main attraction, they are adorned by experts that think during all the year how they can get the elephants dressed? For it, they use paint and different types of fabric. When the elephants start to march in a big highway, the participants dance in front of them. Usually, people from everywhere for example: spectators, children, women, men, photographers and other occupations come to enjoy and celebrate it. To remember, while the elephants are marching, you can see some horses and camels to ride them and don’t walk to the main palace since the festival end there. In addition, since it a custom, you are going to see people tossing flowers, messages of gratitude or sometimes they show their children. Furthermore, they are inspired by paying tribute to the elephant because they know that it is their symbol of health and strength. The rhythms come from decades considering that they are an important part of the festival and they are used for dancing and celebrating until no one can stand up. The rhythms are important because with them, the elephants feel relaxed. Besides this, the elephant’ festival has become a big raffle since while the tourist are honoring or sometimes dancing with the rhythms, the people in charge of making it are telling the winners’ names, But these animals face an uncertain future. It is calculated that it is between 3.500 and 4.000 elephants in captivity, according to Suparna Baksi Ganguly, who collaborated with the Workgroup on Elephants of the Indian Government.

hit at the ball and score. The climate is hot and the good is light for the photography To tell the truth, the main idea of the fesand seeing the games. Finally, the tourists tival is the elephant race. What is it? The are invited to ride the elephants and to elephant’ races were created for showing play Holi. who was the best king and also if the elephant that he had was The festival of the elephant The elephant’ able to resist it since the is an annual event is ceraces were created for winner of the race could lebrated every year in showing who was the best control the people. It is Jaipur Rajasthan’s carking and also if the elephant that anybody no matter dinal city. Look all the tourist or hindu must that he had was able to resist reasons to not missthe take an elephant, ride it, it since the winner of the chance: First, The decorun with it and avoid the race could control the rations of the elephants obstacles to win the race. are beautiful, they are adorpeople. Second: the polo’s match is ned by experts with jelwery, when the elephants are wearing color’s paint and different types of red clothes and turbans with some profabric. Second, people of the all earth for tection and the players use long sticks to

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example: spectators, children, women, men, photographers and other occupation come to enjoy and celebrate it. Third, while the elephants are marching, you can see some horses and camels. Fourth, you are participating a big raffle to win amazing award. Fifth, you are going to enjoy of the elephant race and finally, you will be thrilled while you are playing a polo match. Therefore, if you are planning to travel to the India, you are adventured and with desire of experimenting and exploring diverse aspects of the India, I recommend you the “elephant festival.”


Tomorrowland Festival

By Diana Quintero



omorrowland is the most famous festival Tomorrowland is the most important festival of of electronic music in the world. Therefoelectronic music around the world. The festival re, 1.050.000 people from 75 different nationatakes place in Belgium, and it’s celebrated in lities attend the festival. Also, Tomorrowland the town of Boom. Boom is between Antwerp has won different awards. For example, in the and Brussels. In addition, the event is carried International Dance Music Awards won in out in a recreation area in Boom (Belgium). the category of the Best Music Event in 2012, That city means tree in Dutch. The first edi2013 and 2014, and in the Red Elektropedia tion of this festival was celebrated on August Awards won in the category of the Best Festi14, 2005, so Tomorrowland organization gave a val in 2011, 2012 and 2013. In addition, lot of free tickets since they wanted to the most important DJ’s of the make the most crowded party and moment around the world go to generate enough acknowleThe most to the festival, and you can dge in the electronic music important DJ’s of listen to different subgenworld. Furthermore, in the the moment around the res of electronic music. Tofirst edition of the festival world go to the festival, and morrowland has fantastic had famous artists as Push you can listen to different kinds of accommodations (M.I.K.E), Armin van Buuren, subgenres of electronic according to your budget, Cor Fijneman, Yves Deruyter, music. and you can see beautiful Technoboy, Coone, among decorations and scenarios beothers. The third year, the festicause the festival pretends to be a val lasted two days for the first time fairytale. Furthermore, you can arrive to Toin its history in 2007, and in 2008, 100 DJ’s of morrowland Belgium in different ways. In thedifferent parts of the world participated. In adse conveyances you can know people from dition, Tomorrowland had a record attendance different countries and cultures, and you can of 120.000 people in 2010. In 2011, the festival start enjoying this fantastic festival with great lasted three days for the first time, and in that music. Also, in this festival you can drink and year it had an attendance of 180.000 visitors. eat delicious and different tastes of the world Tomorrowland associated with Brussels Airliof famous chefs. You should know all about nes since they wanted to offer travel packages this festival since it‘s the most important and to 15 cities around the world in 2012, and 400 amazing festival of electronic music. DJs participated. In 2015 it was celebrated on

Just celebrate it!

July 24-25-26 its tenth edition, and the most important DJs of the moment participated in 2015. Dreamville is an area of accommodations of Tomorrowland Festival, and that area can hold 35.000 festival visitors. You can reach it in different ways; for example, you can reach Dreamville by train. Therefore, you can buy a special ticket for only 11 EUR. Also, you can get there by car, but you will find closed streets, traffic jams, among others, or you can reach it by plain. Dreamville has fantastic kinds of accommodations. For example, Dreamville Magnificent Greens is a place where you can camp, and this accommodation costs 350 EUR per person. Other one is Friendship Garden. Therefore, you can stay with a group of friends and it’s necessary to note that you should bring your own camping, and these accommodations are for ten people. Easy Tent is other kind of accommodation, and you shouldn’t bring your own camping because Dreamville gives you a tent with inflatable mattress, sleeping bag and a small light where you can share with 2 or 4 friends. Also, Dreamville has a Relaxing Room where these rooms include 2 full equipped beds, light, a clothing rack and you have free access to sanitary facilities, and these rooms is only for 2 people. Dream Lodge is a spacious, luxurious tent with a comfortable bed, your own locker and a terrace, so this accommodation is for 2 people. Dreamville Cabana includes 2 comfortable beds, a terrace, also it offers delicious restaurants and bars, and it is for 2 people. Finally, Mansion has luxury accommodations where you are within walking distance of the Tomorrowland site. Mansion is valid for up to 12 people, and it has beds, bar, an espresso machine, your own bathroom, massage service and room service, and Mansion costs 9000 EUR. You should check your budget since these prices are only accommodations.

your suitcase all possible shampoo, toothpaste, sunscreen, among others since you shouldn’t spend money unnecessarily. Also, you shouldn’t forget to take identification documents ID, passport and tickets. In addition, in that festival you can drink and eat delicious dishes of famous chefs, but if you want to save money, I recommend that you should bring any food, drinks and snacks. Also, you shouldn’t forget to take a good camera because the festival has amazing and spectacular scenarios. Furthermore, the entrance to the festival costs approximately 320 EUR all weekend without lodging in Dreamville. Finally, you shouldn’t forget that everything is expensive in the festival, so I recommend that you must buy everything outside the festival site. In my opinion, Tomorrowland is an amazing festival. Therefore, if you like electronic music, you have to go and live of this great and unique experience. In addition, you can know and share with people of different countries and cultures around the world. Also, you can know the most important DJs of electronic music of the world. Then, I would like to live this wonderful experience with my brother since we love to listen to electronic music, and we know that it will be an unforgettable experience. Finally, if you like electronic music, you can begin to plan this great trip with your friends in order to you can live a fascinating experience.

The decoration always represents a fairytale in Tomorrowland because they use different colors, figures, masks, castles, books, among others. In addition, the organization puts some movement in the scenarios. For example, it put a sun with movement in its eyes in 2010. Therefore, this decoration is fascinating and unusual since every year the organization invests effort, creativity and man power to change Tomorrowland and Dreamville into a magical world. Furthermore, you can see different and original scenarios all years because they use new technology, best sound in presentations and more special effects. The organization announced the following scenarios Star Warz, Versuz, I Love 90s the party, Blue Flame, Trance Addicted, Cafeina, Fools Gold, among others. In addition, the most important DJs of the moment around the world participate in this spectacular and amazing festival. For example, Avicii, Solomun, Hardwell, Armin Van Buuren, Robin Schulz, Alesso, Awell A Ingrosso, Carl Cox, Tiësto, David Guetta, Martin Garrix participated in July 2015. Each presentation lasts about an hour. Furthermore, the shows are impressive because they use lights, fireworks and you can listen to different kind subgenres of electronic music. For example, you can find Electro, Athmosphere, House, Hardcore, Industrial, among others. Tomorrowland has some rules that you should consider. For example, the minimum age for entry to the festival is 18. Therefore, if you were born in 1997, you will be able to enter at festival. Also, Tomorrowland has a drug deposit where people can remove the drugs in medicine boxes without any consequences, so you should consider this before entering to festival. In addition, you should have a valid bracelet with your name if you want to access to the festival. Furthermore, I recommend that you should take in

Number 1


Ultra Music Festival

A new level, a new experience.

By Camilo VelĂĄsquez


ave you ever wondered what it feels to be in heaven? If you are an electronic music lover, Ultra Music festival could be a piece of heaven on earth. This amazing party has been made since 1999, most of the times in Miami Sun City, but in the last years it has been held in other fascinating cities too. You will have an exciting experience with colors, tasty food, music that will shake your senses. Therefore it will make you want to come back every year. UMF has been the place where electronic genres like techno, tech house, house and other musical underground genres grew and famous artists have played. Most of the experience is based on the musical and the new senses that will touch you. Before UMF, there was the Winter Music Conference in Miami too, with duration of one week. In 1985 this festival was founded and it gathered lots of DJs, music producers


and promoters. Furthermore, it gathered 300000 people per year. The promoters saw the success of this kind of conferences and decided to create a new festival called Ultra Music Festival. The first time it was made in 1999 and every year it has been celebrated in Miami until 2010, since that year it’s been celebrated in cities like Bangkok, Seoul, Macau and Singapore. Every year, a lot of beginners and successful DJs and electronic music producers have been playing their music. Therefore, they have shown new tendencies and innovative sounds. Each event has a little change compared to the previous one and it tries to have differences about the stages, but always conserving its music concept and atmosphere. Ultra is known to give us a reliable and quality musical product, enhanced by its visuals effects and lights that it will make you crazy. Every year the people wait

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to see for the new Main stage design, much like Tomorrowland, Miami’s Ultra has year after year redesigned its main stage to the excitement of new and old attendees. This redesign keeps the experience fresh for fans of the festival as the stage become increasingly fantastic and memorable year after year. In UMF there are different stages; they are classified as genre and importance. Furthermore, you can choose between stages by electronic genre and recognized DJs depending of their trajectory. There are stages where you can hear underground tech house, techno and minimal and you will feel in Gareth Emery, Aly & Fila, Benny Benassi, a dense and dark atmosphere. This year a Sasha, John Digweed, Richie Hawtin, Eric new stage concept called ‘Resistance’ will Prydz, Erick Morillo, Hernan Cattaneo have debut at the festival, focusing on this new been playing on its stages. However, Ultra underground concept. The ‘Resistance’ stage has had also contemporary and present DJs was created to include changing taslike David Guetta, Afrokjack, Steve tes of the music industry in the Aoki, Swidish House Mafia, LaidUS. UMF describes the new back Luke, Dash Berlin, Umek, Musically, concept as ‘ the urge to go Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Ultra doesn’t differ against the grain, to step Martin Garrix, Skrillex, Avifrom other major world out of the box, to move cii, Calvin Harris, Hardwell, dance music festivals with away from the norm Zedd, R3HAB, etc. Althouvarious stages dedicated to and challenge yourself gh we can see famous arto experience someelectronic music’s genres tists, Ultra also dedicates a thing new– to break down like EDM. space for emerging talents boundaries and barriers and every year. abandon your comfort zone– Ultra managers have seen counto be able to open your eyes and tries in South America like Chile, Argentina ears to an undiscovered realm of electronic or Brazil to bring this festival to those counmusic’ according to its manager. However, tries. However, Colombia has been relegated you can find other kind of stages, like the because our country doesn’t have a strong Main room, where there are successful DJs electronic culture. A lot of promoters have and commercial genres. Therefore, you’ll see tried to encourage and development of the more colors and you’ll find a different conconditions necessary to bring an event of cepts Compared to the underground stages. this magnitude unsuccessfully. We have Musically, Ultra doesn’t differ from other major world dance music festivals with various stages dedicated to electronic music’s genres like EDM. The musical industry has relegated subgenres like Techno and house, without doing to delete them completely, but with the doing to sell more commercial products. However, It is the festival where you can find more attention and importance for those subgenres. In addition, apart from EDM, we can listen to Trance, Techno, Deep house, minimal, tech house. Even if we wanted to hear Dubstep, we can. Throughout the years, Ultra has had lots leyends like Carl Cox, Dubfire, Deep Dish, Marco Baily, Paul Van Dyk, Fatboy slim, Tiesto, Deadmau5,

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some background about this kind of festivals. Recently, in Bogota The Baum Festival was held, it was a big festival with lots of recognized DJs and underground environment with food, beer, camp and all of amenities of a big festival. Also, The Sumerland festival in Cartagena every year is celebrated. It has the recognition of all Colombian electronic culture and it has had contemporary, present and famous DJs. Although, the people would like to have festivals like Ultra in Colombia with all the media coverage but now we will have to wait some years for it. The experience is amazing, you will meet new people, you will try new things, maybe you will make friends for life and you will have a good story to tell. For electronic music lovers it is the best place to hear everything you ever dreamed. As I mentioned at the beginning, this experience will be based in the musical and the new senses that will touch you. Therefore, you should be prepared to have the best weekend of your life. In summary, you need to go to Ultra, it is one of the things that we need to enjoy before we die.



Just celebrate it!

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