issue 12: hallowzine - oct. 2019

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gui l l ozi ne i s s ue 12

I ssue 1 2 H allowzine so. . .we had originally planned on hosting a super sick all ages show,but had ZE R O time to plan,so i hope this zine suffices! xoxo,gee( miss guillozine if ya nasty)

contributors: localcryptidd @gobblinquen inside cover +contributors illustrations Jocelyne F lores " something always follows me" Galya Kerns pieces from “ Are Y ou Afraid of the Art? ” E xhibition in O pen D oors Gallery L illian pricer " friday the 1 3th” nikolle yakoke " joshua tree” parker mackenzie witch hat illustration

kari trail " alone" lilly pricer " final girl"

@H orsewoman_of_apocalypse

al one

bykar it r ai l

canyoudr ownabovewat er ?

myt oescur landcr os si nt hecar pet . handpi ckandpr odandpaper s . myheadunr avel sl i keyar n, t hecont ent ss pi l l i ngunwi l l i ngl y downt hes cr at chedt abl e. s eehow i ts t ai nst hecar pet ? l ar ges hapesofpi nkemer ge, mani f es t a onsofbur ni ngt hought s . how muchi ns i deyourheaddoyouf or get ? how muchwoul dyougi vet o? is l i pands l i deont hes cki nes s . l etmyheadcr ackopenagai ns tawal l , l etmybr ai nki s st hefloor . t he l ei scol d, abufferf ort hechaosi ns i de. l ett hi ss et , l ett hi sr es t . 12hour sl at er ,as cr eam wi l lcome. butiwasl os tl ongbef or et hen, myhai rt angl i ngwi t ht heyar n t haticoul dn’ ts wal l ow back. choki ngont hewor dsicoul dn’ tr emember , t het hi ngst hatmi ght ’ vema er ed. butnow t heyonl yexi s ts ol y , s oqui etyoumi ghtmi s st hem. hummi ngwi t hi nas t ai nont hecar pet , i ns i det hechal kmar ki ngs . i fyoul i s t encl os eenough, youmi ghtbeabl et oi gnor et hebodybag10pacesaway.

Joshua Tree by nikolle Y akoke “ Missing hikers found dead,locked in an embrace. ” my eyes narrow;click the link will Ihave to kill anyone else? Y ears ago,Istood in the trees watching as they set a man on fire I n May,they found her,only they didn’ t know it They still don’ t know. S he was my first,but I ’ ve lost count since

“ B odies don’ t bury themselves. ” the hiker froze,becoming paler than the cadaver he fell over. he found my burying ground,though his scream was lost the moment my jaws closed, my canines ripping the warm flesh, blood matting my dark fur Ichanged,walking into my cave.B lood stained fingers marked the stone.1 60 2. Ilied.Inever lost count.

photograph by lilly pricer

get in contact with us ( in an uncreepy way) @guillozine guillozin3@gmail. com guillozine. ca

and made zi nes


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