Perception of ...

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Perception of... º N 15-19

Gülistan Kenanoğlu

AGU, Bachelor of Architecture +905415441269



Consume It! Produce It!,




Slow City


Space Craft


X Over Y If you are interested and want to see more detail about the project, here is the link for a wider copy of my portfolio:

[Fall 2018 [Academic] / Kayseri, Turkey

one can take a piece of gelatin by using scissors empty space to bring people together



fuzzzy spatial organization

c ed space

psychological touching each other



People afraid afraid to touch each other both physically psychologically. ere ispsychologically. transparent frontiers between People to touch each otherand both physically and There is them. To break the frontiers, they need to do nothing and just watch each other. Since, the furniture will be transparent frontiers between them. To break the frontiers, they need to do nothmade by chocolate or else, it will be remained ‘consumption’. In this case, borders between people and uncoming and just watch each other. Since, the furniture will be made by chocolate fortable feelings will be consumed by reducing the lines. e interactive between humanbeings-humanbeingsor andelse, humanbeings-street furniture will be produced. e. installation will be actively used and be apeople part of the it will be remained ‘consumption’ In this case, borders between and process design.

uncomfortable feelings will be consumed by reducing the lines. The interactive between humanbeings-humanbeings and humanbeings-street furniture will be produced. The installation will be actively used and be a part of the process design. video link: production: the paper: 1



Spatial Organisation and ‘The Edible Material’ Organisation

[Territorality + Basic Spatial Needs] ROLE Designer + Producer [Academic] CONTRIBUTION Execution of concept + Production of full scale model + Understanding of territoralities

longest materials used because it is welcoming facade of the structure

on the enterence, there is longer materials because it is wlecoming shorter materials, used inthe inner part because it is welcomes users to the 4th part of the structure

longest material used in that part to take it by leaning out in sitting level but there is no edible material, so people may take it out in normal 6


3 2








no trespassing space ‘the edible material’ is shorter to take it by streching out

this is the inner oart of the structure, it is hard to get there, so the material is shorter to take it by streching out, ‘deformation in the inner structure will be clearlly seen.

longest material used in that part to take it by leaning out in sitting level

on the outher facade, longer material used to take it in normal dimension, because it is welcoming space for inside shorter materials used to take it by streching out


[Territorality + Basic Spatial Needs]


[Territorality + Basic Spatial Needs]

Topography behaves like a living organism and is accumulated and subtracted. Therefore, there will be permanent and temporary structures. The process is the matter in the project. The research center will be open with permanent structures. The temporary ones will be constructed while visitors experience and observe the collective memories of the past. Thus, there will be able to create the connection between the the past and the possible future by means of pathway that will create a concrete border on the intuitional (sezgisel) border.

Is time real?, what makes time tangible and observable in the earth?, or else, time is just a human based product? the pattern created by taking the site into consideration


abstracted into points

people(user) active/passive

regular grid formation

points designation into the grid

grid distortion by considering the points

taken from the pattern created by taking the site into consideration designate into the grid. patternPoints pattern pattern height topoğrafyanın canlı olma durumu ve regular grid sisteminin düzenli olma halini kırmak istemesi, gridin deforme olma olasılığıyla çakıştı. keskin yolların git gide eğrisel formları takip etmesi, grid dekivariation deforme olma halini destekledi. Mekanın zamanla değişimedesicion uğraması, yani canlı deformation variation z



bir organizma gibi davranması, proje sürecine işledi ve zamanla kendini yenileyen ve değiştiren bir altlığa dönüştü.

1-3 people



high height 3-5 people


less close

middle height

5-15 people


less open low height


20> people




time topography as a living organism past

possible future

[Topography: as a Living Organism +Parametircism of Urban Theory] ROLE Designer + Drawer [Academic] CONTRIBUTION Execution of concept + Production of model


[Territorality + Basic Spatial Needs]

One’s connection with the world of experience and all other assets is experienced on a space and a time dimension, in case of perceptibility of facts and phenomenon. [04]


[Fall 2017 / Kartal, Istanbul]

[Topography + Mind and Body Interaction] ROLE Designer + Drawer [Academic] CONTRIBUTION Understanding of phonomenology of the space + Designing a space by caring about the spatial qualities


[Fall 2017 / Kartal, Istanbul] Fabricaiton Detail Diagram


:textile reinforcement

:fabric shuttering

:cable-net falsework



Bad Romance [the life of ‘Reservoir’]

[Fall 2017 / Magic Eye, Bad Romance

In Cern,the Big Bang theory test were performed to understand the evolution of the world. The expectation was to see a small replica of the world but wait for it! Long ago, there was a universe called as ‘Bad Romance’ that come into existence as two part. ‘Single-eye’ and ‘Magic-eye’ ate the parts of it but there is not a physical connection between them. Reservoirs, which is the creature that has no ability to move, live in the universe. In the Bad Romance, there is only a place that one creature can live in and there is no place for another one. So that when one Reservoir die, another one replace it. The life period of a reservoir is not certain because only they die after they see all universe with their eyes. Reservoir has its own universe full of beautiful, beautiful, dramatic, gloominess and blur spaces. By watching the environment, Reservoir can feed itself although it has no ability of mobility. Even if the bad romance has limitation of frontier, and feels the universe as infinitive. Reservoir actually live in the single-eye part that is surrounded by a moveable platform with the numbers of lenses. These lenses have different color and shape. Therefore the lenses take reflection of the magic-eye city, that has different life style that Reservoir want to see and it is like a huge screen, from different perspective and bring them to the Reservoir. The reflection can be in different color, upsite-down, in an elliptic or a lank form. The reflection are not only a visual material but also it is showing the life and Reservoir feel feels like it is living in there. It is like Reservoir surrounded by lifeless life. The universe has the power of imagination and lenses serve them to Reservoir as an artifical life.

[Space Creation] ROLE Designer + Drawer [Academic] CONTRIBUTION Execution of concept + Production of model + Understanding of spatial qualities



Innovation: give a new way of usage to something that exists, or to create something else by clarifying existing structures. Can variation in the human genetic coding change / add-ons / transformations produce a new user profile? is this innovative? The world’s first genetically modified babies were born in China! In the absence of all the ethical problems related to the subject, how the human beings, the real element of architecture, anatomy will look like in the near future. When Da Vinci was thinking of ‘Vitrivuan [hu] man’, could he depict a living structure that could evolve and adapt to later centuries? Kubrick, perhaps was not that innocent about thinking of an automatic regulated mechanism!? In fact, when you were visiting the exhibition of designer babies, you focused only he colors or shapes of the objects !? How the genetically manipulated babies / [hu]man beings can define the formation of space? In which level the spatial qualities will be affected by the evolution of designer babies? Will the questions of Whom?, What?, and Why? be asked in a different manner with the evolution of architecture in case of chances that will come to light by understanding the limits of genetical modification. How the current architectural practices will be affected from the DNA genetical modifications and its limits. The main aim of the project is to make an analyze on the prevenient human body, therefore to make a research on the new human prototype. However, to create innovative scenarios except from the technology that architectural practice has. Therefore, the evaluation of human beings’ anatomy and ergonomics and the changes on the standart of the familiar space and the reflection of the situation on the current architectural practices will be analyzed. To have a better understanding of the evaluation ‘genetically adjustable / modified life-forms’, the genetical manipulation technics and to create trans-genetic life forms technics will be used. - The terms of Architectural DNA and Humankind DNA can not be considered separated will be analyzed. - Define the chancing user profile and its needs, accordingly create alternative spaces. - Understand the continuity of traditional architectural codes and location-specified design criteria. - Understand how the current architectural understanding will react to the possible changes in the near future [ex. In what percentage the population will be affected]. - Modeling of predictive human-prototypes, if there will be any, and working on the possible human-scape scenarios and its needed spaces.

[Genetic Manipulation]

Stanley Kubrick analyzed the regulated changes in the human beings A Clockwork Orange

Human Scape / 2019

Pınar Yoldaş gentically modified and trans-genetec life forms creations Designer Babies

transcription of the whole genetic codes in the body in 1989 Human Genom Project



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