High-tech Product Development

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EDELDRONE Instructor: Prof. Dr İbrahim Akgün

By Serkan Kırdır Burhan Özyılmaz Gülistan Kenanoğlu Hatice Zehra Doğru M. Abdullah Soytürk


EDELDRONE Instructor: Prof. Dr İbrahim Akgün

Book Cover: photo retrieved from NASA archive

Serkan Kırdır Burhan Özyılmaz Gülistan Kenanoğlu Hatice Zehra Doğru M. Abdullah Soytürk


[Industrial Engineering] [Industrial Engineering] [Architecture] [Electric Electronic Engineering] [Mechanical Engineering]

1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.3 2 2.1 2.1 3 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 5 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7 7.1 7.2 8 7.1 9

Project Overview Objectives Background Problem Summary Project Description Design Process Management Summary Team Organization Team Scheduling Use Case System Level Requirements Mandatory Requirements Functional Requirements Non-Functional Requirements Desired Requirements Functional Requirements Non-Functional Requirements Performance Requirements Subsystem Requirements Obstacle Detection and Avoidance Flight Control Bill of Materials UAV Configurations Pre-design Conceptual Design Terms of mission System specifications List of the Specified Materials Power and Energy System Aerodynamic Analysis Spatial Organization Site Analysis Conceptual Decision Conclusion Future Work References


[Space-Time-Human Parallax + Interfered Topography]

1. Project Overview 1.1 Objectives 1.1.1 Background Currently, there is no flying vehicle on Mars, yet NASA is planning to send a helicopter drone on Mars in July 2020 to test whether this technology demonstrator can fly safely, and provide better mapping and guidance that would give future mission controllers more information to help with travel routes planning and hazard avoidance, as well as identifying points of interest for the rover (Brown et al., 2018). Depending on the latitude of operations and the Martian season, recharging of the battery of NASA’s drone through the solar panel could occur over one to multiple sols (Martian days)(Balaram et al, 2018). We believe that drones have the potential to fly more than 4 minutes by changing the overall design of the drone. 1.1.2 Problem Summary


Allowing drones to be able to fly around 4 minutes on Mars. 1.1.3 Project Description Given the path of the rover, a drone takes off from a rover, autonomously travels through the path, scans the environment while travelling through the path, sends images to the rover while scanning the environment, turns back to land on the same rover. 1.1.3 Design Process There are several potential problems that shall be considered to design a unmanned aerial vehicle to fly on Mars. One of the most important factors is the weather conditions on Mars. It vary from lows of about −143 °C (−225 °F) at the winter polar caps to highs of up to 35 °C (95 °F) in equatorial summer (NASA, 2007). To tackle this problem, the batteries are kept in a electronic box. The batteries need to be kept above minus 20 Celsius for when they are supplying power, and above 0 Celsius when being recharged. Heat inside the warm electronics box comes from a combination of electrical heaters, eight radioisotope heater units and heat given off by electronics components. Another problem that may affect the performance of the drone is the “dust devils” that may decrease the quality of image that are captured by the drone. To protect camera lenses from dust storms there will be an outer sapphire window for each lens that provides protection from dust. Last but not least, thin atmosphere of Mars is one of the biggest challenges. In order to overcome that problem, the drone shall be designed such a way that it does not have any redundant part that will increase the weight of the drone .


[Fall 2018 / Tharsis, Mars]

2. Management Summary 2.1 Team Organization Team organization was one of the key points during the project. For project to be able to success, it is needed to conduct a detailed research about the requirements. Therefore, we divided activities into groups and assigned them to the related teams. According to the identified requirements, related teams worked on conceptual design of the drone that will be sent to Mars, specifications of that drone, manufacturing area, bill of materials, specifications of the factory, building design and specifications of it. In order to visualise this, the following figure can be seen.

2.1 Team Scheduling As it is stated above, the project requires some amount of time to gather the needed information and identify the specifications. Therefore, it was needed to schedule the needed tasks, arrange meetings and be able to conclude the conceptual design phase of the project. We met for 4 times in order to work and discuss on the project details and requirements. As a result of these meetings, we identified which activities are interrelated and prepared a Gantt Chart at the beginning of the term. The following figure illustrates the prepared Gantt Chart.


Figure 1 An Illustration of Task Division

Figure 2 Illustration of the Gantt Chart of the Project


[Space-Time-Human Parallax + Interfered Topography]

3. Use Case Nasa has started to analyze the surface of Mars and its features by using rovers. They should have wheels to move, a camera or a few cameras. They shall have solar panels to charge itself for daily activities. The rovers were designed to go 100 meters per Mars day which equals to 24 hours and 40 minutes.


The surface of the Mars a has a lot of obstacles and cliffs. Another problem is that to communicate with rover which takes averagely 20 minutes. That is the challenging part of the driving a rover on the Mars. A rover can fall down from a hill or there might be another danger for it that cannot be prevented in 20 minutes. Emma is one the rover drivers of Nasa. Her duty is to drive the rover to the target point in order to make some research and to collect data about Mars soil without having any trouble. Emma is doing a really hard job because to produce a rover and deliver it to the Mars is a really time and budget costly work. Therefore, it is crucial to keep the rovers alive and able to make research. Edeldrone is working on a project for 2025 to produce a drone aiming to protect rovers and let them collect data from Mars and forward them into the Nasa computers located in the Earth. The main goal of that project to fly drone on Mars to examine the around of rover before getting any trouble. To reach that goal, Edeldrone will organize a drone race at Mars in 2025. There will be 4 competitors from different part of the world in that race. The winner of that competition will be used for Nasa’s researches that are going to be held in Mars.

4. System Level Requirements The critical requirements for this project are listed below under Mandatory Requirements. These are the ‘needs’ of the project. Additionally, the team identified several value-added requirements during brainstorming. These ‘wants’ are listed below under Desired Requirements. 4.1 Mandatory Requirements 4.1.1 Functional Requirements - Autonomously take off from a rover. - Navigate to an known position in the path of the rover. - Capture images and send it back to rover. . - Fly back and land on a rover. 4.1.2 Non-Functional Requirements - Operates in an outdoor environment. - Operates in a semi-known map. The GPS position of the rover and its path are known, but the geological properties of the ground are unknown and detected on the fly - Avoids static obstacles.


[Fall 2018 / Tharsis, Mars]

4.2 Desired Requirements 4.2.1 Functional Requirements - Simulation with multiple drones and rovers. - Drone and rover communicate continuously. - Drone confirms the identity of ground and send the results to the rover. 4.2.2 Non-Functional Requirements - Operates in windy conditions. - Avoids dynamic obstacles. - Sub-systems should be well documented and scalable. 4.3 Performance Requirements - Drone flies for at least 4 minutes without recharging the batteries. - Maximum horizontal speed shall be 10 m/s. - Maximum vertical speed shall be 3 m/s. - Shall have two high resolution cameras for detection and navigation. 4.4 Subsystem Requirements EDELDRONE

4.4.1 Obstacle Detection and Avoidance - Obstacles shall be detected with a range of 100 cm to 200 cm from the UAV. - Distance to the obstacle should be correct with a maximum error of 15 cm. 4.4.2 Flight Control - Drone shall reach the GPS waypoint with a maximum error of 3m. - Drone shall be able to fly 4 minutes without recharging the batteries.


[Space-Time-Human Parallax + Interfered Topography]

5. Bill of Materials Propeller(2): One of the basic materials of a drone is the propeller. It is determined that the drone needs to have at least 2 main propellers to provide main movement capability. The drone will be a kind of a small helicopter. According to our research, Nasa identified that with help of today’s technology, it is not possible to fly a quadrocopter at Mars due to the overheating problem. Therefore, the conceptual design is including two propellers at the top. For now, the propellers will be Falcon 24 inch. It is experienced that in order drone to operate for a long time, propellers must be qualified enough to carry the heavy body. Performance measures of propellers will be important for success of the project. Engine: Even though the drone will have two propellers, one engine will be enough to rotate the propellers. The brand and type of the engine will be determined in following weeks. There is a trade-off in terms of drone engine that if it is wanted to be strong and powerful, engine may get too heavy.


ESC(Electronic Stability Control): That part will be helpful to keep the drone stable. Electrical Fuse: This will mainly be used for on/off the drone. In an emergency, that part will automatically take the control and land the drone. Batteries: Batteries will be surely be used for providing the energy to the drone. The drone shall have two 3000mAh Li-on batteries. Batteries are one of the key points in design part of the drone because it is aimed to operate the drone for long amount of time. It is said that a drone can operate for 2 minutes at once. This amount can be extended, but at the same time drone may get too heavy. Solar Panel: Nasa is planning to add solar panels to their Mars Drones. This is because generating electricity is surely problematic so the best way to generate electricity is using solar energy. Since the drone needs to operate for long amount of time in Mars, it is known that a qualified solar panel is needed for the drone. It is said by Nasa that a drone can only operate 2 minute for once, but it can keep operating and conducting the study with the help of solar panels. Cables: Cables does not seem that much-complicated thing. Cables shall have the right diameters to prevent unexpected fire. Controller: Controller will direct the drone’s autonomous and manual capabilities. When needed, it will change the way of controlling. Processor: Processor will be used for recording video and doing image process. Telemetry: Telemetry will mana


[Fall 2018 / Tharsis, Mars]

GPS: Now, it will be a hard milestone to integrate a GPS sensor to the drone due to lack of satellites at Mars. However, we will at least need a sensor to identify the location of our drone. That part will be our first focus point on that project because it is crucial. Camera with night vision: Since the surface of Mars is usually dark, a camera with night vision will be needed in Edeldrone. UV Sensor: It is unknown if the sunlight damages Uçan Mars Gözü-1 because of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is thought for now a UV sensor will be needed.

6. UAV Configurations 6.1 Pre-design


Figure 3 Drone sketches The final resolution of drone design is approached in progress. After deciding the concept of Mars competition, quadcopter model race drone was first approach for operating on Mars.


[Space-Time-Human Parallax + Interfered Topography]

The readings we done ensures that quadcopter consumes more energy and creates huge heat on motors under the environmental circumstances on Mars. Then we decided to convert our drone to helicopter drone with minimal weight and less motor usage. The frame above represents our visual representation of drone-helicopter in imagined environment with basic electrical scheme. The following calculations and design parameters helped us to see the landing mechanism was unnecessarily for the concept. Then we removed landing legs from the structure and reshaped the chassis. Final full body configuration and system analysis will be examined in following sections.


6.2 Conceptual Design UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is a popular term in last decade to explain flying aircrafts that are piloted by remote control or by a specific software system. The familiar aircrafts named helicopters are famous with their essential powers in military or examination purposes, which are known to be piloted by an educated human being until now. The creation of the UAV concept created an idea to convert helicopter design towards unmanned versions either and they are named helicopter drones by NASA. (NASA, 2014) Controlling such a big iron mass with a software requires more study on the forces apply on the drones. Nasa explains aerodynamic as the way that air move around flying things which is an UAV in our case. (NASA, 2011) Aerodynamic can be investigated into 4 forces such as; weight, lift, drag and thrust as shown in figure 1 for a quadcopter typed UAV. However, the impact of equivalent forces towards the vehicle makes different angles in perspectives for different rotary systems, which helicopter is exampled in figure 2.

Figure 5


[Fall 2018 / Tharsis, Mars]

Uçan Mars GÜzß (UMG) is the design to be used in Mars to cooperate with rover which is explained in Use Case Section more detailed. UMG is planned to have one propeller as helicopter and will be controlled autonomously with a software system. The consideration of the low gravity and air density in the Mars, UMG is designed to have low weight to assist vehicle for lifting. Investigation of the different designs represents having one motor instead of multiples is irreplaceable to gain from weight and to decrease power consumption. In case, having one autonomously controlled rotary system makes UMG both helicopter and drone at the same time which is called drone-helicopter. Since the localizing and communication systems on Mars are way different then how they are on Earth, UMG is planned to have communication between rovers which already have the required equipment to analyse the position. 6.3 Terms of mission The 2025 Mars International Unmanned Aerial Competition comprises 1 main mission; autonomous flight. 4-6 teams are allowed to join to the competition according to transportation and cost concerns. They will be selected based to their performance analysis made on Earth.


In the competition, drones will take-off from the competition centre(figure3) and they are expected to reach to the rovers that are 300 metres apart. The fastest drone reaches to the rover will be selected winner.

Figure 6


[Space-Time-Human Parallax + Interfered Topography]


6.4 System specifications

Figure 7 6.5 List of the Specified Materials


6S TechGrown rechargeable batteries 26650 4307mAh FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) MicroSemi-ProASIC3L NAV/Servo Controller Board (NSB)- Snapdragon CPU Telecom Board (TCB) -16-bit 8-channel ADC Helicopter Power Board (HPB) Motor Maxon 2 X (DCX10) 18 Vicon Cameras 18x10 carbon propeller Telecommunication Board- SiFlex 02 Solar panel inverted metamorphic (IMM4J) cell 2x swashplate servo - KST DS315MG 450

[Fall 2018 / Tharsis, Mars]

6.6 Power and Energy System The drone helicopter is powered by the 6 serial connected 4307 mAh Li-Ion batteries that are recharged with the solar panel system. Considering the total weight of the drone will be approximately 1.7 kg, the 655-watt energy generated by the batteries will be used to operate in the flight duration that can vary from few seconds to 5.3 minutes as well as they are required to activate and run the heater system to protect drone in extreme colds of Martian nights. The total capacity of the battery voltage is in between 17V-25.2V and total mass of the cells is 530 g. FPGA’s management system for cell balancing charge provides control to keep cells at a uniform voltage. Since the boards in the system can operate in -40 to 85 degrees, and batteries starts to be discharge below 20 degrees, 30 percent of the energy is conserved to keep performance safe and sustainable. In case drone is capable of having 235 secs flight time on duty. Solar Panels in right and left hand sides of the drone filling 680 cm^2 area with total components could be charged in one day to multiple Martian days according to the season, thus using drone for 120 secs for one operation would be precaution for next steps.

Aerodynamic forces of the system are highly affected by the structure, weight, chassis basically the design of the drone.


6.7 Aerodynamic Analysis

6.7.1 Weight Weight is the force that causes drone to be pulled towards the ground. Gravity and air density plays big role in analysing weight effect of the aerodynamic. Batteries: 530 gr Boards (4): 158gr Propellers: 28x4 = 112gr Motors: 11gx2 = 22 g Swash Plate Servos:20 g x2 = 40g Chassis: 540g Solar panel: 270g Other elements like (gears, cables, antenna): 50g Total body: 1.722 kg 1.722 kg means 16.887,7 pulling gravity force on Earth, but it equals almost one third at Mars due to the different planet mass and density. (1722x3.711) = 6.390,3F on Mars.


[Space-Time-Human Parallax + Interfered Topography]

6.7.2 Lift The force that assists flying vehicles upwards. This force generally created with the external materials which are motors in our case. Each motor generates power to push drone to air. This power can be controlled with the current that feeds the motors. In case inverse force of the weight is being created and drones starts to percolate in the air after limit energy is achieved for lifting. Since the drone is planned to fly on Mars air density should be investigated in this section to understand the air pressure effect. The air pressure is 101.3 kilopascals near to sea on the earth whereas it is 600 Pascal’s on Mars surface. Air pressure is the main role player of creating air density that is used to assist propellers with air cut. Mars’ air density is around 0.020kg/m^3 as the result of low air pressure, and that low density makes lifting harder even it decreases the heaviness of the air. (NASA, 2018) 6.7.3 Drag


The power that prevents drone to steer in the atmosphere, that can be instant with friction force. Drag generally caused by wind and air friction. Low density of air and 2-10 m/s wind clarifies that trust force is not considerable in our concept. 6.7.4 Thrust Drag force assists flying vehicles in the movement direction. To be able to have movement capability in the air, the flying vehicle should have more thrust force than the drag. (NASA, 2011) 6.7.5 Pitch That represents how does pitch movement capability created for drone-helicopters.

Figure 8


[Fall 2018 / Tharsis, Mars]

6.8 Structure and Avionics Computing This section represents the integrated modules on the real structure. You may see the representation of the full body design by following.


Figure 9



[Space-Time-Human Parallax + Interfered Topography]

Figure 10


[Fall 2018 / Tharsis, Mars]


Figure 11


[Space-Time-Human Parallax + Interfered Topography]

7. Spatial Organization


7.1 Site Analysis

Figure 12 Mars Maps


[Fall 2018 / Tharsis, Mars]

7.2 Conceptual Decision


Figure 13 Location of the Units The racetrack will be located on Mars, Tharsis plato, because there are already landed vehicles on that specific area. It is well analyzed, so we can use the specific analysis.

Figure 14 Mars Topography



[Space-Time-Human Parallax + Interfered Topography]

Mountains and valleys that are located on the ‘Mars’ surface are emphasized. In every research, the solids and voids spatial qualities of them come to light. When the mountains and valleys are abstracted to the solids and voids, the diagram that is above ame to light.


[Fall 2018 / Tharsis, Mars]


Figure 15 Mars Topographic Analysis Accordingly, datas give a chance to designer to see the possibilities of spatial organizations. The analysis feed the concept of the building and the rough form of it. In that case, the feeling of being on Mars will be experienced on the Earth.



[Space-Time-Human Parallax + Interfered Topography]

Figure 16 Mars & Human-beings Mars has the ‘space’ and ‘time’ dimensions. By exploring planet Mars, human-beings interfere to the spatial world (example of Mars). Therefore, spaces that are affected by human-beings started to have more ‘hard-edges’ and clear cuts. The softness give its place to the hard-edges. Thereby, the pure topography of the Mars surface becomes an interfered topography affected by human-being existence.


[Fall 2018 / Tharsis, Mars]


spatial possibilities

Figure 17 Spatial Possibbilities


[Space-Time-Human Parallax + Interfered Topography]


spatial creation

f o r m f i n d i n g

the surface

the formation of Mars surface are composed by valley and mountain there is a repetation of the surface. (gives a pattern)

Figure 18 Abstracted Topography After analysing Mars surface and the effect of human existence on the Mars, spatial possibilities and the qualities were occurred. The spatial possibilities that is created by the analysis are used for the construction.


[Fall 2018 / Tharsis, Mars]

7.3 Production Center & Racetrack

manifacturing workshops for

test room



the structure will be composed by pattern that taken form Mars surface. ‘relationship between the valley and mountain creates a repetation which give the quality to the structure. The factory will be located in the world but follow the pattern. It will be ’transcreation of Mars’. conceptual elevation

Figure 19 Conceptual Research The structure will be composed by pattern that taken from Mars surface. ‘Relationship between the valleys and mountains’ creates a repetition which give the quality to the structure. The factory will be located on the Earth but it will follow the pattern. The structure will be transcreation of Mars.



[Space-Time-Human Parallax + Interfered Topography]


[Fall 2018 / Tharsis, Mars]


Figure 20 Drone Factory Scenes


[Space-Time-Human Parallax + Interfered Topography]

7.4 Building Specifications Drone Production Part

- - -

Body production center Motor production center Workshops : Cables and batteries units ESC units Gyroscope GPS units Controller untis


Test Room -

An illustrated room according to ‘Mars’ necessities

Social Activities and Work Place - Offices - Coffee bar/ restaurant - Meeting areas - Video/VR rooms - Lecture Hall - Auditorium 8. Conclusion The paper shares the work done for the Monocopter Project. Aim of the study is to identify requirements and configurations in order to design a drone for special Mars mission, a factory to manufacture it and a factory building. In this special mission, it is desired to gather information from Mars, but it is difficult for drone to operate in there. There are many requirements in order drone to success. Therefore, specifications and requirements of drone is searched and investigated during the project. According to this information, bill of materials is prepared, a factory building, a manufacture area and specifications of these are identified in order to produce in the desired quality with the least cost possible.


[Fall 2018 / Tharsis, Mars]

9. References Brown, Dwayne; Wendel, JoAnna; Agle, DC; Northon, Karen (11 May 2018). “Mars Helicopter to Fly on NASA’s Next Red Planet Rover Mission”. NASA. Retrieved 11 May 2018. Mars Helicopter Technology Demonstrator. (PDF) J. (Bob) Balaram, Timothy Canham, Courtney Duncan, Matt Golombek, Håvard Fjær Grip, Wayne Johnson, Justin Maki, Amelia Quon, Ryan Stern, and David Zhu. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), SciTech Forum Conference; 8–12 January 2018, Kissimmee, Florida. doi:10.2514/6.2018-0023 “Mars Exploration Rover Mission: Spotlight”. Marsrover.nasa.gov. June 12, 2007. Retrieved August 14, 2012. NASA. (2011, June 4). ‘What is aerodynamics?’. Retrieved from: https://www.nasa.gov/ audience/forstudents/5-8/features/nasa-knows/what-is-aerodynamics-58.html NASA. (2014,May 21). ‘What is a helicopter?’. Retrieved from: https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/5-8/features/nasa-knows/what-is-a-helicopter-58.html

Brown, Dwayne; Wendel, JoAnna; Agle, DC; Northon, Karen (11 May 2018). “Mars Helicopter to Fly on NASA’s Next Red Planet Rover Mission”. NASA. Retrieved 11 May 2018.


NASA. (2018, September 27). ‘Mars Fact Sheet’. Retrieved from: https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa. gov/planetary/factsheet/marsfact.html

Mars Helicopter Technology Demonstrator. (PDF) J. (Bob) Balaram, Timothy Canham, Courtney Duncan, Matt Golombek, Håvard Fjær Grip, Wayne Johnson, Justin Maki, Amelia Quon, Ryan Stern, and David Zhu. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), SciTech Forum Conference; 8–12 January 2018, Kissimmee, Florida. doi:10.2514/6.2018-0023


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