Ricciardi Portfolio

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Guglielmo Ricciardi

Urbanist, Environmental and Landscape designer planner

Urban Resilient Consultant | Climate Adaptation Consultant

Sustainable Urbanism Portfolio

Guglielmo Ricciardi Italian Nationality 10 October 1990

Address: Via Giacomo Leopardi 1 10095, Grugliasco (Turin), Italy +39 3453307518 guglielmoricciardi@gmail.com guglielmo908 (skype) gr_uelpd (Instagram) Guglielmo Ricciardi

About me I’m Guglielmo, I’m 26 years old.

I’m very ambitious and humble, with a strong teamwork ethic and will to do. I’m keen on working hard and never giving up, even

when situations get difficult and everything seem lost. I am able to adapt to difficult situations, always trying to pull off the best, even with few resources available.

I have a huge technical and creative side and I like giving credit and taking care of details. I put a lot of passion in what I do and I do my best to achieve the goals I set. I dream to get to the top one day, never forgetting where I come from and what I built step

by step. I managed to graduate without ever asking for any financial support to my family, because they could not afford it, but I have self-financed with grants throughout the academic term.

The different work experience, have allowed me to improve my ability to respond sharply to new adventures.

Association & Voluntary Italian Climate Network Circolo dei Lettori (Turin) Fondo Ambiente Italiano




Soft Skills

Able to listen Adaptable Collaborating Decision makin Energetic Innovator Motivating Patience Public speaking Strategic planning Team player




art exhibition




city architecture

Italian mother tongue

Portuguese C1

English B2

Brazilian B2

WORK EXPERIENCE April 2016 – present

Research and Development consultant

January 2016 – March 2016

Collaboration with Company

September 2015 – December 2015

Collaboration with company

May 2015 – September 2015

Collaboration with City Council

March 2014 to July 2014

Internship Training Programme

April 2012 to June 2012

Internship Training Programme

January 2011 to May 2011

Collaboration with architect

September 2010 to December 2010

Collaboration with architect

from summer 2007 till summer 2009 3 weeks per year

Internship as a surveyor specialist in sports facilities

ADVICE s.r.l. R&D consultant for innovation project on energy efficiency, environmental issues and reducing GHG emission in industrial companies and mass market retail companies. Business or sector R&D, Environment and Energy efficiency, climate change consultant for private sector MD Stampi s.r.l. Mechanical project and feasibility studies for automotive prototype body models, Business or sector Mechanical engineenering, Automotive, 3D Design CIE s.r.l. Project and realization of electrical devices for the measurement of alternating and pulse currents (Rogowski sensor), used for energy efficiency in industry and buildings for the American and Canadian market Business or sector Energy efficiency, Electronical engineenering University of Lisbon, Faculty of Architecture and City Council of Lisbon, Department of Urban Planning (http://www.cm-lisboa.pt/) Preliminary draft. Flooding problems in a sub basin of Lisbon City: Preliminary analysis (including historical evolution of the urban pattern) and methodological proposal for an informed intervention. Disaster Risk Management. Business or sector Urban Planning, Urban Design and Risk Analysis University of Lisbon, Centre of Research in Architecture, Urbanism and Design (CIAUD) Work in a research team, on Tagus estuary, organization and evolution. “Contribution to systematic analysis by the identification of urban and industrial patterns, and morphologies of urbanized deltaic landscape. The Tagus estuary urban patterns, evolution and risks” Business or sector Urban Planning, Urban Design and Risk Analysis City Council of Volpiano Feasibility study for the bicycle routes plan within the Municipality of Volpiano (Turin) Business or sector Urban Planning, Urban Design and Transport and mobility ATS Studio (Arch. Roberto Carapezza, Arch. Elisabetta Marchese) Corso Galileo Ferraris, Turin Designer 2D CAD, Photoshop CS5 design, Project financing, project and planning and works management, business and real estate consulting, surveys, land registry Business or sector Architecture and Building Archirem Studio Arch. Eugenio Musso, Corso Galileo Ferraris, Turin Designer 2D CAD, Photoshop CS5 design, Project financing, project and planning and works management, business and real estate consulting , surveys, land registry Business or sector Architecture and Building

City Council of Turin | Department of Sport, Tourism and Leisure Inspections of construction sites, inspections of existing systems by surveying the possible interventions of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance Business or sector Architecture and Building, Urban Planning

EDUCATION October 2012 to April 2015

European Master Degree in Urban, Landscape and Environment Planning and Design

October 2009 to September 2012

Bachelor Degree inTown and Environmental Planning and Design

September 2004 to July 2009


110/110 with Greatest Distinction University of Sassari - Department of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of Alghero, Sassari, Sardinia, Italy University of Lisbon, Faculty of Architecture, Portugal 97/110 Polytechnic of Turin

Diploma (Surveyor)

87/100 Technical Institute for Surveyors Carlo and Amedeo di Castellamonte

February 2016 to April 2016

Building with Nature – MOOC Course

January 2016 to March 2016

Climate Change and solutions – MOOC Course

September 2013

July 2013

July 2013

December 2012


Certificate of participation TU Delft, The Netherlands Duration: 2 month

Certificate of participation University of Exeter, United Kingdom Duration: 2 month

Urban Mobility, Architecture and Planning – International Workshop in Cascais (Portugal)

Certificate of participation City Council of Cascais, University of Lisbon, University of Sassari, University of Barcelona, University of Girona Duration: 2 weeks

Awarness and responsability in Environmental Risk – International workshop in Cagliari (Italy)

Certificate of participation University of Sassari, University of Cagliari, Kochi University, Japan, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, Japan Duration: 2 weeks

Coastal Landscape Architectures – International workshop in Solanas (Italy)

Certificate of participation University of Sassari, The University of Edinburgh, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, University of Belgrade, Polytechnic of Bari Duration: 2 weeks

Waterscapes – International workshop in Solarussa (Italy) Certificate of participation University of Sassari, University of Lisbon, Duration: 2 weeks Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft Power Point Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Envimet Prezi

Autocad Ecotect Civil Map 3d Google Sketchup ArcMap 10.1 ArcScene Kerkythea | V-Ray

CERTIFICATION July 2016 February 2016 April 2009

Professional qualification as Urban, Environment and Landscape Planner and Designer Politecnico di Torino (test centre for qualification)

Gis Certicate – Specialized Level

ECDL Foundation with AICA Certificate number GIS001445

Certification Project Concrete earthquake-prone areas ATECAP

AWARDS October 2016

2 nd place in Panel Award of IV Annual conference of the Italian Society for Climate Sciences

May 2016

Master Thesis Award 1st place “Gabriele Zanetto – Geography of risk and vulnerability”

May 2016

September 2015 January 2015


CLIMATE CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS UNDER THE 2°C TARGET Award Committee: Italian Society for Climate and Science Cagliari (Italy)

Award Committee: Fondazione Benetton Studi e Ricerche, University of Venice Ca’Foscari, Società Italiana di Studi Geografici, University of Wageningen Treviso (Italy)

Master Thesis Award EBINPROF

Award Committee: Ente bilaterale nazionale per i dipendenti da proprietari di fabbricati Rome (Italy)

Master Thesis Award Archiprix Italy – selected from Faculty of Architecture Alghero Archiprix Italia 2015 Alghero (Italy)

Best academic performance during Erasmus programme

IUAV Venice and Faculty of Architecture of Alghero Alghero and Venice (Italy)

April 2015

Scholarship Erasmus + Programme – Post Graduation Traineeship

January 2015

Scholarship – Collaboration with Faculty Library of Alghero

January 2014 June 2013 From 2010 to 2012 for each year

European Commission Scholarship for academic merit

University of Sassari- Faculty of Architecture Alghero Scholarship for academic merit

Scholarship Erasmus Placement Consortia Programme IUAV – Institute of Architecture Venice Scholarship for academic merit

Scholarship Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme University of Sassari – Faculty of Architecture Scholarship for academic merit

Scholarship “Ente Diritto allo studio Piemonte” EDISU – Piedmont (Italy) Scholarship for academic merit

PROJECTS Which waterfront is possible? The Lisbon’s east waterfront in the age of climate change Lisbon_Portugal

urban, landscape planning

town adaptation



Risk assessment and management in urban undergroundwater system

The case study of Sant’Antonio valley in Lisbon Lisbon_Portugal

Melting inTO

The project for pubblic suburbs Turin_Piedmont_Italy




Coastal landscape project Valledoria_Sardinia_Italy


New public landscapes Oristano_Sardinia_Italy


New “central suburb” for Lisbon Lisbon_Portugal



Progetti urbani e territoriali strategici per lo sviluppo di città d’acqua “sicure” Alessandra Casu, Guglielmo Ricciardi, Federico Serafini, Ilaria Sanna Urbanistica Informazioni 263 s.i. Special issue n° 04 Page 30 ISSN 0392-5005

October 2016

Towards resilient climateproof towns: urban and territorial projects and strategies

June 2016

Progetti urbani e territoriali strategici per città d’acqua più resilienti

IV Annual conference of the Italian society for climate sciences CLIMATE CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS UNDER THE 2°C TARGET Alessandra Casu e Guglielmo Ricciardi Cagliari

XIX Conferenza Nazionale Società Italiana degli Urbanisti CAMBIAMENTI, RESPONSABILITÀ E STRUMENTI PER L’URBANISTICA AL SERVIZIO DEL PAESE. Alessandra Casu e Guglielmo Ricciardi

June 2016

SUDS come pratiche di pianificazione e progettazione urbana “sensibili” agli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici

April 2016

Qual’è il waterfront possibile? Strategie d’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici in aree urbane di delta ed estuario

November 2015

XIX Conferenza Nazionale Società Italiana degli Urbanisti CAMBIAMENTI, RESPONSABILITÀ E STRUMENTI PER L’URBANISTICA AL SERVIZIO DEL PAESE. Guglielmo Ricciardi University of Catania Progetto PAESE - XXIX Congresso Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica Guglielmo Ricciardi SEARCH – Cagliari https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByypW4cRmvq5T0ViQU91VEV5WDA

Qual’è o waterfront possivel? projeto e cenarios de adapataçao as alteraçoes climaticas em Lisboa 6º Seminário “Alterações Climáticas e os Recursos Hídricos” - APRH Norte Portugal e Faculdade de Engenheria da Universidade do Porto Guglielmo Ricciardi

Which waterfront is possible? The eastern waterfront of Lisbon in the age of climate change

[Sea level rise impacts on Tagus estuary_WORST SCENARIO]

Lisbon (Portugal), 2015

Master thesis professors: Alessandra Casu, Ivan Blecic, Cristina Delgado Henriques, Verdina Satta, Federico Serafini

The work elaborated in the intership programme was the first step of my master thesis. The objective is to search a possible waterfront for this century linking the problem of climate change and the opportunity of urban regeneration. The process for construction the plan is caratecrized that analysis of the criticism of “deindustrialization process” and the logisitic important of the east port of Lisbon. The second step is the modelling of effect the climate change on the Tagus estuary and on the future precipitation model. The risk assessment of the east area, produce a waterfront as high priority urban area. The urban project use the tool of scenario for work with the future uncertinity and make a range of possibility for plan the develop of area. They were made 5 scenarios and each scenario answer to the question “What if ”, The last step is the assessment of each scenario through cost - benefit analysis for define a ranking and cosntruction a support for future decision of intervention.


Poço do Bispo



hillshade terrain 0-254 streets buildings


estuary level rise on 2025 +3,89 m estuary level rise on 2050 +4,13 m estuary level rise on 2075 +4,41 m estuary level rise on 2100 +4,56 m

[Risk assessment plan - Priority areas]

2025 | +3,89 m

2050 | +4,13 m

2075 | +4,41 m

area with high priority area with middle high priority area with middle priority area with middle low priority area with low priority area with scarce priority

2100 | +4,56 m

[Urban climate proof projects scenarios] Scenario 0

Option of “no policy”

Xabregas area

Poço do Bispo area

Scenario 1

Re-naturalization of waterfront


Scenario 2

Resist and Delay



Resist Resist

Scenario 3

Resist, Delay and Discharge


Delay Store

Delay Discharge

Discharge Resist


Scenario 4

Resist, Delay, Urban Transformation and Discharge

Transformation Store Delay Discharge Resist

Transformation Delay Store

Discharge Resist

[Cost Benefit Analysis] Damage - cost assessment

Avoided demage-cost assessment


Residual damage

cost 2 1,5 1 0,5

cost opportunity damage avoided damage

r 2,5% 0,5


r 5%

Urban flood

billion €

People at risk

Scenario 0

Option of “no policy”


cost opportunity

increase buldings values

2 1,5 1 0,5

damage avoided damage 0,5


r 2,5%

billion €

increase permeable paving

r 5% improvement urban micro climate

Scenario 1

Re-naturalization of waterfront

cost cost opportunity

2 1,5 1 0,5

damage avoided damage



billion €

r 2,5%

r 5%

urban safety level rise

r 2,5%

r 5%

increase permeable paving

Scenario 2

increase permeable paving

Weak urban flood

urban safety level rise

Weak urban flood

Resist and Delay

cost cost opportunity

2 1,5 1 0,5

damage avoided damage



billion €

Scenario 3

Resist, Delay and Discharge

cost cost opportunity damage avoided damage 0,5

Scenario 4

urban safety level rise

2 1,5 1 0,5


billion €

Resist, Delay, Urban Transformation and Discharge

r 2,5%

increase permeable paving

r 5%

Weak urban flood

Urban Transformation

Improving risk assessment and management in urban undergroundwater system

[Soil analysis of sub-basin]

The case study of Sant’Antonio valley in Lisbon Lisbon (Portugal), 2015

City Council of Lisbon Departement of Geographic Information System, Arch. Ana Luísa Domingos and Claudia Pinto This work was elaborate after my graduation in collaboration with the City Council of Lisbon. The objective was to build a methodology of analysis without data about groundwater system in Lisbon, to mitigate the risk of ground water raising. The process for construction the methodolgy was caratecrize by history analysis of urbanized path, soil analysis of sub-basin, ecology structure analysis, hidrogeological risk assessment, underground building analysis, surface water-flow analysis.

Sant’Antonio sub-basin TIN, with 3D rapresentation

Sant’Antonio sub-basin slopes analysis

[Urface water-flow analysis]

[Underground building analysis]

Permeable analysis

Cross analysis TIN (3D representation) with underground flat

Streets run-off in precipitation event

Rainwater dumped in the street by building (plan)

Rainwater dumped in the street by building (detail of process)

[Sant’Antonio sub-basin hillshade with streamwater representation]

Melting inTO

[Local mobility]

[Urban drainage with SUDS]

Urban Regeneration project in Turin’s suburb Turin [Italy], 2014 and 2016

Student’s competition Eire BNP-PARIBAS + UrbanpromoGIOVANI

The project of the surrounding areas has always been an important issue for urbanism within the countries. The project improves the current conditions of social and environmental degradation, using innovative tools that enhance the quality of the urban tissue. The main tools of the project are: urban policies for sustainable mobility, re-use of gray water (municipality needs), more pubblic requalified spaces enjoyable all year around, mixed use develops a better living of the neighborhood during the whole day.





[CONCEPT_Building use] People >70 years


[Building] [CONCEPT_Energy and Climate sustainability]

Flat to rent

[Urban vegetable garden]

Marinescape Coastal Landscape architecture on north coast of Sardinia

[Coastal path strategy] Concept



Valledoria [Italy], 2013

Project of city, environment and architecture atelier professors: Alessandra Casu and Marco Dettori

The project of the country suburb La Ciaccia, is strongly characterized by the environment and landscape, and the management regarding of the issues of urban drainage and resolution affecting the dune system. The main element of the masterplan is the link between Valledoria and Castelsardo passing through the Ciaccia suburb, with a coastal path that may change on a different landscape scenario.

[Wood model]

[Urban masterplan]

public space near “Falesia�

access to the beach

re configuration of camping area

access to the beach

strategy for reconstruction dune system

Waterscape New pubblic space near Tirso River

[Territorial plan of Campindano’s area]

Solarussa [Italy], 2013

Landscape architecture and urban project atelier professors: Silvia Serreli, Samntha Bartocci, Gianni Filindeu

The landscape project points to the Campidano’s territories where can be sensible areas for new location for leisure time. The main goal of the plan is to consider the most invisible areas located along the wetland shores of the Tirso river and Cabras-Santa Giusta pond. The project aims to pay attention to the existing resource (environment qualities and agricolture economies) and to the potential hydrological risk of the waterscape.

[Details of landmark in waterscape]

[Urban waterscape Masterplan]

LXabregas A new “central pole” for Lisbon

[City idea, concept of urban functions]

Lisbon [Portugal], 2014

Urbanism and Architectural study professor: Pedro George The area of Xabregas is a surrounding area near the historic center of Lisbon, keeping all the features of the periphery, such as social problems, low level security, poor public facilities and urban pollution. The masterplan wants to renovate the unused historical buildings that are not considered in the urban tissue, in order to requalify and reconvert the local welfare, and creation of new enterprise.

[Urban analysis] Strategic Plan 1992

[East waterfront strategy and polar magnitude]

“invisible city”

Urban Railway and metropolitan system


process of regeneration

Poço do Bispo

Poço do Bispo new centrality for Lisbon Xabregas

Terminal of Lisbons port


Unemployment of Lisbon Sant’Antonio Marvila Chelas



economy politics social collectivity






[Urban spatial analysis]

Section AA


[Xabregas masterplan]

Aspect A A View 2

View 1

View 1


[New Residential Building] Roof plan View 2

B View 3 B

[New Residential Building] Ground floor plan Section BB

B View 3

plan 1st floor

plan roof




view 1

service residencial


1st floor plan

View 3

section AA

B View 3 B

[Tobacco Factory Co-Housign] Section CC

Axonometric View

Section DD

access ground floor access 1st floor public space 1st floor

View 5 View 4

semi private space 1st floor private space 1st floor

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