Apps for developing teaching materials

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Lokakarya Pembuatan Bahan Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan Apps

Dr. A. Gumawang Jati, M.A KKIK-ITB

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What most educators talk about these days

critical thinking


problem solving

information literacy


creativity analytical skills media fluency global awareness effective speaking

innovation synthesis

effective writing curiosity

globalworld local schools

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digital world

analog schools

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Proposed Apps for teaching and learning

Cartoon Story Maker (CSM) ScreenCast Omatic (SOM) Webquest

The power of Cartoon What is the power of Cartoon?

As educators, what can you do with Cartoon?

Cartoon and Creativity

CSM (Cartoon Story Maker)

What is it?  The Cartoon Story Maker has been designed with a focus on applying language learning.  It is easy to use with simple controls so students spend less time manipulating tools and more time on the language.  Within a few minutes of opening the Cartoon Story Maker students can be typing text or adding their own voice recordings  Make 2D screen based cartoon stories to illustrate conversations and dialogues.

Teachers can:  provide a script or storyboard which students use to create a story  create partially completed stories which students can then open and complete  provide text only and students must add their own matching voice recordings  provide questions to which students generate appropriate answers in the story  use Cartoon Story Maker in other subjects!

Out of the BOX?

Students can:  create dialogues with their own text or voice recordings to demonstrate proficiency  create using digital photos of themselves acting out a situation and add either text or voice recordings to the photos  search the web for culturally authentic images and import them into the Cartoon Story Maker as backgrounds to a story.  Students can place pictures of themselves in front of culturally authentic images: they can imagine they are really there

Cartoon Stories can be used:  as a medium for students' writing in a number of modes: conversation, narrative, persuasive or informative.  to revise a language topic  as an assessment task

 to practice pronunciation and spelling  as a collaborative task

Out of the BOX?


Group work (CSM)

Dialog ----- 4 frames Characters ---- available Background ---- your own Pictures

Overview of Sample Project 1. Students receive instruction on a topic (to give a tour guide in Bandung) 2. Student team conducts “research” (e.g Museum Geologi, Tangkuban Prahu, Kawah Putih, Aklung Ujo etc) 3. Individual students prepare and submit “research” reports 4. Individual students investigate and write papers on related topics. 5. Individuals prepare and deliver oral/PowerPoint reports on topics above 6. Students respond to follow-up questions on their presentation 7. Groups

21 st Century Skills in the example ICT skills for finding infomation Group work to develop cooperation skills Teacher make sure that each students achieve the learning objectives by individually write and present the report Students develop written and oral communication skills, utilizing the presentation software

Ideas (Out of the Box) How will you use cartoon in teaching ?

What is it?  Screencast-o-matic is a Java-based web application used to create screencasts on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.

 Specific benefits of using Screencast-o-matic  The highlighted cursor and click indicators,  Ease of use,  The ability to add captions easily,  Share video with your audience through Screencast-o-matic’s web space or YouTube.  Videos can be saved in MP4, AVI, or FLV formats and then uploaded

Demo (examples)

What can teachers do?  Introduction to a lesson

 Record lectures or short lesson or instruction for project  Provide demonstrations  Present orientations to an online class  Tell digital stories  Supplement Your Classroom Teaching

What can students do?  Review a lesson  Project presentation  Tell digital stories  Sharing “how to”

Sample ITB

Why is it significant?  Can be created and viewed anytime and anywhere  Work well in online and hybrid courses.

 Work well for presenting lessons or instructive demonstrations and can be a reference for students.  Screencasts create a more engaging environment for a student who is working online, giving a lecture or demonstration a more personal, face-to-face feel.

Practice PPT webcam Out of the box?


What is Webquest? Main developer of the Webquest 1995, a webquest is an inquiry-oriented task Most or part of the information which students deal with comes from the web Bernie Dodge

The web tends to be preselected by the teacher.

Some of the tasks a webquest may involve: searching on the net (as a means, not as a finality) choosing relevant information and processing it analyzing the information, creating and presenting a final product

ď śWebquests are NOT advisable for solving learning gaps in knowledge of basic concepts

Levels and typology of webquests Depending on the educational goal, webquests are characterised by different time spans:  short term webquests aim at students to learn a relevant amount of information  long term webquests imply not only knowledge manipulation but also the ability of students to create a product with which others can interact

Common Webquest Tasks

Retelling tasks

Persuasion tasks

Judgment tasks

Compilation tasks

Journalistic tasks


Design tasks

Compilation tasks

This is the most rudimentary type of quest Students surf through different resources and select information in order to make a compilation (e.g. a cookbook, a collection of plants, etc.). Later on, they gave birth to the so-called Wikis, that is, an online database of open publishing

Judgment tasks

ď śAfter gathering enough data about a special event or fact, students reach a decision and present it. ď śE.g. Where should a zoo, traditional market, mall, school be built?

Retelling tasks

ď śAfter a search, students reformulate what they have learnt.

ď śE.g. students search information about an island or city, then create a tourist attraction brochure or write a document about historical places

ď śUnlike retelling tasks, students are presented with a mock real situation and asked to use what they have learned so as to develop a convincing strategy to persuade their audience

ď śE.g. issues on, global warming, the use of plastics, saving electricity, living a healthy life, stop smoking etc

Persuasion tasks

ď śJournalistic tasks: adopting the role of journalists, students gather information, organize it and report it according to the journalistic genre. ď ś Reporting current issues, celebrity gossips, sport events etc.

Journalistic tasks

ď śStudents are prompted to create a product that accomplishes some predefined goal. ď śE.g Designing a magazine for English Club

Design tasks

Sample of webquest Handout – British Council

Useful websites for publishing prodict

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