Gungahlin Smokesignals
April 2008
A community newsletter published bi-monthly by the Gungahlin Community Council Inc 14,500 copies distributed around the Gungahlin district
No height limits? No way! O
n 6 March 2008, the ACT There is a community Government passed a expectation that any potential planning legislation amendment variation from the original GCC Meetings..............2 that in part removed height limits Gungahlin planning intents will Latest GCC News.........3 from commercial land in the be sympathetic to, and avoid Townhouse Tunnel.......4 Alzheimer's Workshop..5 Gungahlin Town Centre. Our developments that detract or Andrew Barr responds..5 responses to media enquiries were vary greatly from, Gungahlin’s Gungahlin Rotary .........5 based on the Planning Minister's unique Town Centre character. Latest GRCS Update.6-7 media release, which referred to GCC continues to advocate that Health, Fitness and “lifting” height limits. Only the Gungahlin Town Centre Beauty .....................8-11 Your Say................12,14 afterwards did it become clear that MUST be capable of providing Church Notices...........16 this was intended to mean infrastructure, facilities and an Just For Kids! .............16 “remove”, rather than “increase”. employment base comparable to The executive of the Gungahlin any other Town Centre in the Community Council wish to make ACT. it known that at no time has it We’ve previously enjoyed a Disclaimer advocated the total removal of close consultative dialogue with building height restrictions for new both the Minister and ACTPLA Gunsmoke is produced with Sky Plaza Gungahlin? developments within the and would have reasonably the aim of allowing residents to Gungahlin Town Centre to either expected to have been consulted keep in touch with their local the ACT Minister for Planning, his office or the or suitably briefed prior to any announcements community. It enables people to express ACT Planning and Land Authority. The spectre that are at significant variance to prior views on a range of topics that do not necessarily represent of ugly, imposing skyscrapers like Woden’s Sky discussions and dialogue. opinion of the editor, or Plaza is something we would never endorse for We note that in October 2007 the the members of the Gungahlin Gungahlin. Planning Minister announced a $200,000 study Community Council Inc. To the contrary, GCC has actively and to examine the amount of commercial and consistently lobbied both the Planning Minister, community land in the Gungahlin town centre his office and ACTPLA for an increase in the and review the town centre’s allowable heights for new development in the p l a n n i n g c o n t r o l s a n d (revised) Commercial Core (C1) and Business infrastructure needs. This (C2) zones of the town centre to be no more review was going to lead to an than a maximum of eight stories, with indicative land supply strategy appropriate transitioning of the building height and capital works program as to be sympathetic with surrounding residential well as possible changes to the development. planning controls for the town The request to increase permissible building centre to broadly guide future heights to a maximum of eight stories is development. intended to ensure effective use of remaining As part of community scarce land resources and to permit the consultation, an issues paper establishment of larger office developments was anticipated to put out by that would attract major prospective employers. ACTPLA for public comment GCC has been taken by total surprise at the in early 2008 as the first of nature of the recent announcement. several phases of community We believe that the matter of development consultation. At time of in the town centre and associated height writing, the issues paper has restrictions, diverging from the original still not yet been released to Proudly supporting the Gungahlin community. planning intent for Gungahlin is a matter that GCC or the wider public. Gungahlin Lakes Golf and Community Club pay for distribution of Gunsmoke newsletter. needs to be handled with care and sensitivity. GunSmoke 106
April 2008
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Busy Mums, log onto ‘Busy Gungahlin Mums’ on Facebook for informative ideas on increasing your physical activity within a busy schedule. You are invited to join, and give feedback or suggest more ideas for other busy mums in the Gungahlin area. ACT Lic. No 2002 16090
• • • • • • • •
All plumbing Roof leaks Cistern repairs Grey water recycling Gas fitting and repairs Solar hot water systems Drainage including blockages Hot water systems and repairs
Call 0418 608 201 Fully Insured
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April 2008
WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS Repairs to all mechanical and quartz watches and clocks. Over 40 years experience and all work guaranteed. Malcolm Scott 32 Grampians Street Palmerston ACT 2913 Phone: 02 6242 9636 Email:
The Gungahlin Community Council holds a public meeting on the second Wednesday of every month (except January). Meetings run from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. We often have a wide variety of interesting guest speakers including local & federal politicians, various ACT Government agency representatives and special guest speakers. The venue is the Palmerston Community Centre, on Tiptree Crescent (off Kosciuszko Avenue next to the Palmerston shops). Be sure to check our website to see what is going to be discussed at our upcoming meetings!
Alan Kerlin
Jonathon Reynolds
President Gungahlin Community Council
Interim GunSmoke Editor Gungahlin Community Council
I don’t think there’s any other way to describe the last few weeks of GCC life than “rollercoaster” – all ups and downs... We’ve had some blows politically (as you’ll see from the front page story) and people-wise (as may have been apparent from how late the “February” GunSmoke final made it into letterboxes). But balancing that have been some wins. Looks like we may have a long-term solution for the management of Palmerston Community Centre. We may have one new person on board with the GCC Executive – but we urgently need several more. And today (as I write this), we had a very good meeting with Andrew Barr – ACT Minister for planning, education, sport. Here are some of the things we discussed, and the outcomes: Implications of the height restriction removal: issues paper should be coming out within few days; other measures will prevent unlimited heights. “A Sky Plaza will not happen in Gungahlin.” See his explanation this issue. Flemington Road concept plan townhouse concerns – despite the numbers supplied by ACTPLA, 67% of the built frontage will be townhouses, versus 21% apartments/commercial. The Minister admitted this was poorly handled and he’s ordered a review. He agreed that the Northbourne Ave approach at 4-6 stories maximum (mostly 2-3) was a desirable outcome. A positive... Budget submission for the Burgmann School traffic solution: it is in the budget submissions from Minister Hargreaves and he will support it. Progress on Library/College/Sports field precinct: budget bids in there for all of this. If successful, likely start mid next calendar year. Pool to be 50m + family/wader. I asked him to investigate “family/wader” as a key requirement is learn-to-swim classes needing 25m). Moving the proposed Harrison childcare centre site closer to the public school: will be tucked in a section between preschool and sports field. Perfect. Need for an earlier start for the Harrison Highschool to minimise students having to go back to Amaroo temporarily: was to open 2013, but is trying to bring this forward but unable to confirm outcome until post-budget. Nurdurr Road (Crace) extension: definitely will happen. Only issue is timing—will be reviewed after the GDE opens. May come forward. Also presented draft docs from Moncrieff Concept Plan workshop and pointed out that they are going down the same poor passive solar and tree preservation paths as previous concept plans. He will investigate. So there you go – a few people can make a difference. Wouldn’t you like to be a part of that? Finally, a big thanks to Jonathon Reynolds, who stepped in at the last moment to make sure issue 106 of GunSmoke gets out the door on time.
The February issue of Gunsmoke came out exceptionally late and we apologise if that has caused any inconvenience for our readers or advertisers. We recognise that the Gunsmoke is well-regarded and relied on as an important resource for the Gungahlin community. The Gungahlin Community Council relies entirely on the goodwill of volunteers to achieve its aims and outcomes - no one is paid to hold a role on the committee/executive. Everyone of us on the GCC offer our services to the community as a labour of love, with a strong sense of civic duty over and above our normal family, personal and work commitments. I’m sure that you’ll agree those family, personal and work commitments of our volunteers should always be prioritised over their GCC commitments, and as a result hiccoughs may occasionally occur. Unfortunately such a situation arose recently that has affected several of our committee members. We’ve been asked what can be done to ensure that this does not happen again? The answer is quite simple: the Gungahlin Community Council needs your assistance! So if you are prepared to volunteer some of your time to assist the council (and there are a wide number of areas where you could possibly assist), we would warmly welcome your assistance and it would help spread the workload.
Palmerston Community Centre Hire of facilities 0409 691 153 Meeting Room 1 Casual $25.00 p/h Perm $17.50 p/h Meeting Room 2 Casual $15.00 p/h Perm $12.00 p/h Function rates $300 for 9 hours Deposit for key is required All users $150 per key
Gungahlin Community Council is supported by ACT Department of Health & Community Services ACT Planning and Land Authority
President: Vice Pres: Secretary: Treasurer: Editor: Pub officer: Web Admin:
Alan Kerlin 0408 771633 Jon Reynolds 0418 812281 vacant Evelyn Greaves 0403 865888 vacant Kevin Cox Boni David
president vicepresident secretary treasurer gunsmoke publicofficer webadmin
GunSmoke is published bi-monthly in even numbered months – Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec Deadline for submission of articles and advertising is 15th of the month prior to publication. Please note that Gunsmoke is produced with the aim of allowing residents to keep in touch with their local community. It enables people to express views on a range of topics which do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editor, or members of the Gungahlin Community Council inc.
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April 2008
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f you live on Anthony Rolfe Drive and like the overall design of that key Gungahlin entry, then our apologies – you’re not going to like some of the following. But the simple fact is that many Gungahlin – nah, many Canberra residents – cringe whenever they drive down Anthony Rolfe. They see the almost unbroken tunnel of unattractive townhouses as a blight on Gungahlin, and a “shining example” of some of the woeful planning outcomes with which Gungahlin has been saddled. ACTPLA planners asked to come to the GCC meeting last November to present their draft master plan for the key stretch of Flemington Road – probably THE major entry into Gungahlin. When what they showed us was another townhouse tunnel, you can bet we were crystal clear about our thoughts... GCC was very clear with the ACTPLA planners about the plans presented to us in November. We said the transport corridor – complete with corridor for public transport up to and including light rail – was fine. Clustering of larger scale residential and commercial development up to six stories around the key intersections along that public transport route was understandable. But...the proposed lot arrangement for everything in between was not acceptable, and would inevitably lead to a replication of Anthony Rolfe Drive. We suggested that rather than the continuous building facade that would result from long stretches of unbroken townhouses, a more appealing and attractive solution would come from larger blocks featuring apartment complexes—a residential style virtually non-existent in Gungahlin, but that we see being built in places like Kingston now—Viridian for instance. Larger developments would allow for the same or even more density, but with breaks in the urban façade, in keeping with the planners stated intent of trying to emulate Northbourne (at a lower height). Our Minutes of the November meeting reflect this discussion. So when the approved version of the Flemington Road Concept Plan was posted to us recently showing our concerns had been totally ignored, guess you could say we weren’t too happy. The plan is now on the ACTPLA website, and you’ll find links to the key areas on our website at The concept plan report, in its Methodology section, doesn’t even mention that they requested to come and consult with us, let alone the outcomes of that discussion. In fact, the report describes the supposed value of using townhouses to get an “improved” outcome: “Groups of attached town houses provide a continuous and strong built form to Flemington Road. This, together with landscaping, will reduce the apparent road corridor width and strengthen its “urban boulevard” character.”
Given we’ve been building a good working relationship with him over the last couple of years, we went to see ACTPLA boss Neil Savery to discuss our concerns and Neil undertook to investigate. Page 4
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Neil’s feedback is on our website. His key points were: The typical concept planning process involves the preparation of a report on agency and public consultation. While this report is included in the background report and is made available on request it is not included in the (summary) concept plan on the ACTPLA website. In relation to Flemington Road, ACTPLA discussed a range of issues at a meeting with GCC meeting. I am advised that at the end of the evening, GCC was happy with the Concept Plan and there were no unresolved issues; no formal submission was made by GCC following ACTPLA’s presentation. Approval of the Concept Plan was delayed for a number of weeks after the GCC briefing in case any issues were subsequently raised. For the ACTPLA team on this concept plan to say all issues were resolved and we were happy with the plan is quite inaccurate. We clearly expressed concerns that if the subsequent subdivision plan were constructed in accordance with the plans presented to us, the outcome would be to perpetuate the Anthony Rolfe Drive effect right down Flemington Road, an outcome we have been very clear about being far from desirable. At no stage were we given any indication that our feedback would require a written submission in order to be recognised. We believe that when ACTPLA staff ask to attend one of our meetings that it is for listening as well as telling. The process by necessity involves a significant degree of trust that verbal feedback will be recorded. We’ll be driving down the middle of the results of this little bit of planning for decades to come. That makes a better outcome worth fighting for, and the local media thought so too, giving our concerns a good airing. You can view video of news stories on our YouTube page, linked from our website. As this newsletter goes to print, it seems our message is now getting through. GCC President Alan Kerlin met with ACT Planning Minister Andrew Barr on 26 March and was given a commitment that the Flemington Road Concept Plan would be revisited. Minister Barr conceded that the plan was not desirable from either a visual or passive solar design perspective, and that the Northbourne Avenue effect—at lower heights would be a more desirable outcome.
I WRITE in response to the concerns you have expressed on the GCC website about the removal of height restrictions for the CZ2 Business Zone in Gungahlin Town Centre. The removal of a numbered height limit does not mean there can be unrestricted development of buildings in the area. There will be criteria that any future development proposal or application would be assessed against. While the height restrictions for the CZ2 Business Zone in Gungahlin Town Centre have been removed in a numbered form, the criteria relating to scale, form, and compatibility with adjacent developments, including traffic management and car parking, remain firmly in place. This means development will be assessed against criteria such as whether it fits with the other developments in the area, and whether there would be overshadowing - among others. The proposed planning studies that are currently being undertaken for the Gungahlin Town Centre will inform the planning outcomes for traffic, car parking and building interface, at the time of sale of land in the CZ2 Business Zone. It is likely that land sold in this area would also be subject to GFA restrictions through any lease granted by the Government. With this in mind, I believe you can reassure your Council that there is no risk that a “sky scraper” would be approved for the Gungahlin Town Centre, unless such an outcome was to be arrived at through the Town Centre study, with the community's support. Yours sincerely Andrew Barr MLA—Minister for Planning
Can you help us to help Gungahlin? At the GCC, we get involved in all manner of consultations and planning processes, and we need to have a “panel of providers” who can help us with aspects of these projects as they come up. Is or was your background as any of these areas? Please give Alan Kerlin a call - we'd love to be able to draw on your expertise to help make Gungahlin a better place for us all. Social planner or town planner Architect or building designer Traffic engineer or public transport engineer Urban artist Surveyor Disability advisor Landscape designer Energy consultant or environmental consultant Political lobbyist Health professional Or an everyday member of the community who’d like to help make the place better?
ROTARY is a community organization of local people who seek out areas of need in the community. A new Rotary Club is being established in Gungahlin to satisfy the needs of the growing community of more than 35,000 people. An interest meeting will be held at the Canberra Raiders Club on Monday, 21 April at 6.30 pm. Enjoy a meal and learn what Rotary can do for you and your community. If you can’t make it in time for a meal, the information session will commence at 7.00 pm. For more details or to register interest, please contact Rowley Tompsett on 0408 661 372 or Bob Greeney on 0407 737 131. “Rotary is a world-wide organization.” said Rotary District Governor, Bernie Rodgers, ”Rotarians provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build peace in the world. There are over 32,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries. Clubs are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds. As signified by the motto Service Above Self, Rotary’s main objective is service in the community: in the workplace, and throughout the world.” Local projects include youth mentoring, working with the elderly, assisting local events and sponsorship for scholarships and for young people to travel and learn about the culture of another country. Rotary has provided scholarships for young people in the fields of art and selfdevelopment. It has also removed accumulated rubbish from the streets of Mitchell, recognised excellence in the workplace and assisted in community days in Forde. Internationally, Rotary has led the private sector in the fight to eradicate polio. For more than 20 years, Rotary has driven a global effort to rid the world of this crippling disease. Today, Rotary and its worldwide partners have almost completed this colossal task. Polio is now endemic in only four countries and there are less than 2,000 new cases of polio per year. Since 1985, two billion children have been immunized, five million have been spared disability, and over 250,000 deaths from polio have been prevented. Rotary welcomes new members, so why not join us on 21 April at the Raiders Club? Contact:
Rowley Tompsett 0408 661 372 Bob Greeney 0407 737 131
Forde BBQ Members of the Rotary Club of Mitchell–Gungahlin provide a sausage sizzle at the recent Forde Community Days. From left: Rob Brew, Harry Kraft and Sandra Mahlberg
PoWA Rotary recognises workplace excellence. Peter Starun (left) from Capital Radio and Jacob Cay (right) from Starbucks Gungahlin with Pride of Workmanship Award Winners Paul Hollibone and Alison Wrigley
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10 Tips for healthy computer use
Facts and myths about cycling
Using your computer incorrectly can lead to neck, shoulder and back pain. Poor posture and a lack of regular work breaks and regular exercise, can contribute to these problems. Here are some simple ideas on how to help prevent injuries associated with computer use.
There has been much debate about cycling’s effects on the libido. It doesn’t make you go blind but it can make you invisible (to drivers anyway!). Others speculate it makes you more attractive. Separating fact from fiction is important in cycling, particularly when considering more important issues than libido. Consider the popular myth that “it is too dangerous to ride a bicycle in Australian cities”. In fact, it’s more dangerous to be sedentary. True, in 2003, 26 people died riding bicycles in Australia. However, being sedentary is far more dangerous. Physical inactivity contributes to the deaths of 6400 Australians each year from coronary heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, and up to 2200 more deaths due to other conditions, including breast cancer and stroke. Choosing not to cycle for fear of accident, while understandable, is in fact likely to result in a net loss in terms of health outcomes for both individuals and at a broader, community level. An assessment by the British Medical Association found that the benefits of physical activity from cycling clearly outweighed the risks. Further, a highly regarded Danish study assessed the health status of 30,000 people over a 14-year period to measure the health benefits of cycling. The researchers found that, with all other factors being equal, simply cycling to work lowered the risk of death by 40 per cent. Choosing not to cycle for health reasons simply doesn’t add up.
1. When possible, sit in a comfortable and adjustable office chair. Move the chair close to the desk and adjust the seat height so that your hips, knees and elbows are bent at about 90 degrees. Keep your feet flat on the floor (or a footrest) and position your forearms parallel with the desktop or hanging slightly downwards. 2. Set the backrest of the chair so that it supports the natural curve of your lower back. This should also help you to sit up straight. 3. Position the screen directly in front of you at about arm’s length, with the top of the screen at eye level. If you find yourself leaning forwards to read the screen comfortably at this distance, it may be time to see an optometrist. 4. When working from printed documents, use a document holder that positions the documents upright and close to the screen, not flat on the desk. Alternatively, use a folder placed between the screen and the keyboard to prop the documents up. 5. Make sure that the screen is easily visible. Adjust the tilt of the screen, or if possible, position the workstation so that there are no reflections on the screen from lights or windows. 6. Take a break! Try for one every 30 minutes and stretch out your neck, shoulders and wrists. Look up from the screen at something in the distance to allow the eyes to relax. Get up and move every hour to unload the strain on your body. 7. If you need to use a laptop for prolonged periods (try not to), use an external mouse and keyboard and keep the top of the screen at eye level. 8. Learn to touch type so that you are not continuously moving your head to see the keyboard. Change your tasks around so that you are alternating between mouse and keyboard use. Learn some keyboard shortcuts to limit mouse use (surprisingly strenuous). 9. Maintain your fitness. Keeping the core muscles and other spinal stabilisers strong will allow you to maintain proper posture for longer. Exercise is also great for relaxation. Be aware of early warning signs of postural pain. Check your posture, have a break and stretch, and if the pain persists go and see a physiotherapist. By Ray Ellett (Masters Physiotherapy) who works at Sport and Spinal Physiotherapy Gungahlin
by Paul Magarey, ACT Project Manager Bicycle Federation of Australia ----------------------------------------This article is based on work being undertaken by the Bicycle Federation of Australia in developing a series of Fact Sheets on the Health and other benefits of cycling. For further info see cycling_issue_and_fact_sheets.htm. The work is funded by an ACT Government Health Promotion Grant with support from the Cycling Promotion Fund and Australian Ethical Investments.
PALMERSTON MEDICAL CENTRE Palmerston Shops, Tiptree Cres Ph 6242 9464 Dr Prad Southi MBBS (Syd)
Accredited Practising Dietician Ann Wong (Msc. Diet & Nutr., APD) Wt. Management Heart Diseases
Diabetes Kidney Diseases
Food Allergy / Intolerance Nutrition Support
Registered Health Care Provider of Medicare / Private Funds Spoken English, Mandarin & Cantonese
Phone / Fax: 6255 0779 M: 0474 453 473 66 Windradyne St. Ngunnawal 2913 Page 8
GunSmoke 106
April 2008
Dr Sandy Viketos MBBS (Syd)
Dr Michael Gan MB, BS (UNSW) DCH (NZ) D Obst (Otago) FRAC GP
Surgery Hours Mon – Fri 8.30am – 6.00pm Saturday 8.30am – 11.30am
Kids to benefit from Teen Dental Plan A new Teen Dental Plan will assist over one million Australian teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 with dental costs. Federal Member for Fraser Bob McMullan says that establishing the Teen Dental Plan to help working families fix their kid’s teeth honours another major election commitment by the Rudd Government. Under the plan, eligible families will be able to claim up to $150 towards the cost of an annual dental preventative check for each of their teenage children. The cost of a comprehensive dental check up – comprising oral examination, clean, scale, and x-ray – is around $290. Mr McMullan said “With statistics showing that as many as one in three Australian’s avoid attending a dentist because of cost, this funding will provide a welcome relief for working families struggling to cover the cost of visiting a dentist. “Most primary school children receive school dental services; however, these services are not as widely available to teenagers. This program will directly target teenagers and encourage young adults to continue to look after their teeth once they move out of home. “Regularly going to see the dentist at a young age can help avoid more expensive dental procedures later on in life.” Under the program, over one million 12-17 year old teenagers in families eligible for Family Tax Benefit A or in receipt of Abstudy or Youth Allowance will be eligible. Families would receive a voucher advising them of their eligibility for a dental rebate of up to $150 per year for a preventative dental check. The scheme will be implemented from 1 July 2008.
Gungahlin Marketplace Dental Centre (Woolworths Building - entry next Commonwealth Bank ATMs) Dr Van Trinh (Lady Dentist, Adelaide Uni)
6242 5666
Open 6 Days
C o s m e t i c , Te e t h W h i t e n i n g , A l l G e n er a l D e n t i s t r y Gentle, On time Appointments Str i c t St e r i l i s a t i o n P r o c e d u r e s H i g h D e n t a l S e r v i c e St a n d a r d s M ed ib an k P r iv at e , M B F, H CF P ar tic ip atin g P r o v id er Dir e ct Health Fu nd Reb at e HI CAPS
1st Floor 33 Hibberson St, Gungahlin Marketplace, Gungahlin 2912 GunSmoke 106
April 2008
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As a local business owner, I have advertised in the Gungahlin Smoke Signals Magazine for the past six years. During this time the Gunsmoke has been a vital addition to the growth and exposure of my businesses. Originally, I advertised as Hair by Julie, which had operated successfully from my garage in Ngunnawal for five and a half years. Recently, I’ve moved into a new salon at the Waterfront in Gungahlin on Phyllis Ashton Cct, Yerrabi. The salon is now called Tayden Hair and Beauty and it would not have been possible without the continued support and exposure through the local Gunsmoke Magazine. Advertising helped me to capture the attention of the local community and promote what services were available during that particular print cycle. I have found the Gunsmoke to be a vital info point for our community and a credit to the wonderful volunteers that continue to produce such a great local read. It would have been impossible to open Tayden Hair and Beauty and continue with the fantastic prices and services that we had worked so hard to achieve, without the support of the GunSmoke. Thank you GunSmoke!
Choosing the ‘holistic’ approach to counselling While the term ‘holistic’ is widely tossed around nowadays there is still a level of mystery and misunderstanding to its meaning. When talking about ‘holistic therapies’ the term refers to therapies that attempt to treat the whole person, looking at and treating on a mental, emotional, physical and energetic (or spiritual) level. It is the aim of the therapist to not only treat or manage symptoms but also to look for the underlying cause of the issue or problem. Using a holistic approach to counselling involves blending traditional counselling (clients discussing their concerns or issues with the counsellor) with a range of holistic therapies to sift through surface symptoms, then find and deal with the core issue. This is achieved through the use of techniques such as visualisation (seeing issues in the minds eye while relaxed and comfortable to allow distance and perspective), inner child work (releasing hurts or issues from childhood that may be the basis for your current life patterns), reiki and energetic work (the gentle placing of hands on the body, over clothing, to encourage balance and inner healing). It is important to remember that traditional approaches and medications always have a place and be used in unison with holistic approaches rather than one or the other. All About You - a journey within offers holistic counselling with a qualified counsellor and experienced holistic therapist - Janelle Rogers Janelle is available for appointments Tuesday to Friday. Other services offered include massage, Australian bush flower remedies, intuitive tarot readings, weekly meditation and more. All About You – a journey within is located at 88A Phyllis Ashton Cct Gungahlin (at the Waterfront), . Ph 62414998
Do You Suffer from Any of These 4 Common Skin Complaints?
GunSmoke Competition
Spider Veins? Our Intense Pulsed Light treatment removes unsightly spider veins.
Tayden Hair have decided to give back to the community that reads the Gunsmoke and we are offering a lucky reader a Total Well-being Pamper Pack!
Pimples & Redness from Waxing? Throw away that razor. VPL treatments are effective and easy - never having to wax again.
This includes: Total Hair Makeover, Colour, Cut and Re-Style with Emma at Tayden Hair and Beauty De Lorenzo hair products to the value of $50 A Make-Up Lesson with Napoleon make-up with Tanya Pedicure and Manicure with Tanya Inner Body workshop with Janelle at All About You
Lines & Creases? VPL smoothes wrinkles and leaves the skin soft and wonderfully supple. Blemishes & Pigmentation? If you are tired of looking in the mirror and seeing those same old blemishes you will be amazed at how they can be reduced so effectively. These treatments now available at a price you CAN AFFORD. Visiting Clinical Therapist and fully qualified Laser Safety Officer. GREAT PRICES - LIMITED APPOINTMENTS - BE QUICK
For appointments phone Tayden Hair 6255 7602
Valued at over $250.00 Just email us at president (Subject: Total Well-being Pamper Pack!) and include 25 words or less as to why you feel that this particular person deserves to be recognised and pampered. There could be several reasons such as financial, recognition for their hard work and just basically because you think it’s about time they need to feel like new again! Please include their Name, Address and Contact details, so we can call them to collect their wonderful prize. Then, keep a look-out in the June issue of the GunSmoke for an update. Page 10
GunSmoke 106
April 2008
Tayden Beauty is now available at Tayden Hair! Biosculpture Gel nails Manicures and Pedicures Napoleon Makeup Range
VPL Permanent Hair Reduction Wedding and Formal Packages Waxing
So come in and pamper yourself while your hair colour is processing. Certified Nail Technician and Makeup Artist Call today 62557602 ask for Tanya!
Women off to Boot Camp Fernwood is launching its “Military Miss” boot camp and for the first time is opening the challenge to non-members. “Military Miss” is only for the bold and brave. The eight week program, which launches in April focuses on intensity and endurance. And while the physical demands are broad and challenging, the camp is also great fun. At Fernwood’s “Military Miss” boot camp, recruits are pushed and prodded to reach their peak physical fitness. The program package is designed to tone and tighten the body, improve core strength and cardiovascular fitness by truly testing each recruit. Weight loss usually follows. The real strength of “Military Miss” is the sense of belonging it triggers among recruits. They feel a great camaraderie and responsibility to one another and to their group, which numbers no more than 16. Motivation and competitiveness go hand in hand in camp. Recruits feel compelled to show up to all sessions because failure to do so would only let themselves down, but also their group. Places are limited so to experience “Military Miss” all you have to do is sign up at your local Fernwood club. The challenge promises to leave you feeling healthier in body and wealthier in spirit. Call Fernwood Gungahlin on 62550991 for more information
SINA Gel Nails A Lady Deserves Beautiful Hands
By appointment only
0438 629 197 Available Mon, Tues, Wed & Thur all day Full set of permanent French Gel Nails $70 Infills $45 Plain Pink Gel $40 Coloured Gel $50 French Gel on Toes $50
Infills completed within 40 mins
Alzheimers Workshop Alzheimer’s Australia through their Dementia and Memory Community Centres will be holding a Twilight Session on Monday, 5th May 2008, 5:307:30pm at 159 Maribrynong Avenue, Kaleen. They will be presenting information on services in the ACT: Stepping Out, North Belconnen Day Centre, Respite Links, Mobile Respite Response Team, Carers ACT, Home Help Service, Tuggeranong Fifty Plus Club, ACT Red Cross, Home Flexi Care, Falls Prevention Clinic, Uniting Aged Care, and the Independent Living Centre. A healthy supper will be available after the session. Please RSVP on 6255 0722.
GUNGAHLIN DENTAL SURGERY Dr Vincent Trai Tran B.D.Sc (Uni Qld)
37 Anthony Rolfe Ave Gungahlin (Across from Police Station)
Hours Mon – Fri 8.00am – 6.00pm Sat 8.00am – Noon
PH (02) 6242 7288 To make an appointment
All work guaranteed Qualified technician with quality products Special Officer $10 discount on your first visit
Beauty & Tanning Studio We now provide Arcylic and Gel Nail Services Call today for our introductory offers Services Include: • Spray Tanning
• • • • • • • • •
Waxing Matis Beauty Products Tinting Facials Massage Pedicures Manicures Pamper packages Gift Vouchers Open 9.30am to 6pm Tue-Thurs, 9.30am to 7pm Fri 9am to 3pm Sat
Located in Gungahlin town centre above Big W Suite 3, 1st Floor The Marketplace Gungahlin
Ph: 6162 0048 GunSmoke 106
April 2008
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COMMUNITY BBQ Local Area Coordination is a new service for people with a disability aged 0—65 who live in the Gungahlin and Woden Valley Regions. We can provide information and assistance to help you reach your goals. We are able to assist you to plan for the future, access local services, increase your personal networks and supports, make lifestyle changes of your choice, and much more. The focus of Local Area Coordination is you. It’s your life, it’s your choice. For more information please phone 6255 7911 or visit us at Suite 1.3 The Market Place 33 Hibberson Street Gungahlin Local Area Coordination is provided by Belconnen Community Service Inc. and Woden Community Service Inc. partnership and funded by Disability ACT
I shed 9.6 kilos in 1 month Brand New Program to Oz Call Bill (0414443295) or Lisa who lost 4.5 kilos (0413030727) to find out how we did it easily and safely at home.
HAPPY SOLUTIONS Hair, Nails & Beauty
Phone (02) 6230 4949 Dickson Shopping Centre Hair Cuts :
Primary School $13 High School Boys $ 18.00 High School Girls $ 20 Men $23 Ladies $28.00
Gungahlin Community Baptist Church is hosting a Community BBQ on 16-18 April. WHAT: FREE COMMUNITY BBQ hosted by Gungahlin Community Baptist Church WHERE: Yerribi District Park WHEN: Wed 16 - Fri 18 April 1pm - 3.30pm FEATURES: Jumping Castle, Face Painting CONTACT: PHONE: 02 6253 8600 or 02 6253 8157
YOUR SAY— Graffiti “I am increasingly concerned about the amount of graffiti in the Gungahlin region. It appears no one is doing anything about it. Some is Gov’t responsibility, others property owners. We need a educational campaign & some action. Who can I contact re-this matter?. Thanks.” (Name withheld)
GCC responds: There has been some media coverage on the graffiti issue lately. In past it has been found that legitimising the art, plus quick removing of anything else, as the best way of combating illegal graffiti. A little while back we had exchanges with the Tuggeranong Arts Centre about exactly this, and they were looking to expand their work with youth into Gungahlin. They were successful at getting a grant to address some high-profile trouble spots. The government area responsible for graffiti is Territory and Municipal Services (under Minister John Hargreaves. You can lodge complaints to TaMS via the Canberra Connect line (13-2281). Lastly, we believe that in a somewhat perverse way - some graffiti that occurs on large blank fences and walls people have facing roadways is a comment on the ugliness of those fences etc. The best way to prevent it is to do something about screening the fences with dense plantings, defeating the graffiti and making the streetscape more attractive into the deal.
Foil Highlights $8 each Re-growth. Cap $38 Hair Treatments $15 Shampoo and Set$25 Perms-Fringe only $10 Deluxe Facial 1 hr $80 WAXING $10 Eyelash Tints $23 Eyebrow Tints $18 Nail Manicure $20 Acrylic Nail$30 We use DE LORENZO-Australia's finest hair care products
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GunSmoke 106
April 2008
Ultimately no one is safe or immune from the vandalism of graffiti artists… in this photo even my own house has previously been targeted (Gunsmoke Editor)
5% OFF selected items
68 Hoskins Street MITCHELL ACT 2911 6241 7474 / 6241 3569 Fax: 6242 7911 Soils Sands Gravels Granites Potting Mix Composts Barks Chips Road Base Metals
Gungahlin Plumbing, Drainage & Gas Fitting Repair or Replace Taps & Toilets Hot water Systems Dishwasher Installation Under sink Water Filtration Systems Vanity Basins Blocked Drains Rainwater, Greywater & Sumps Pipe works
Emergency Repairs Call you local Bloke Birralee Scout Hall HIRE Valley Avenue opposite Burgman School
Peter Tilley Lic 816 Free Call 6253 9229 Mobile 0412 626 867 93 Kelleway Avenue Nicholls
Please Contact 0402 007 553
We look after your pets when you are not available. We come to your home so that your animals are comfortable in their own surroundings. Feeding, watering, oral medication, cuddles and playtime. Walking, yard and kitty litter clean up. Mail, bins and that lived-in look. Personalised packages available on request Enquiries and bookings please call
6242 8269 Email : GunSmoke 106
April 2008
Page 13
YOUR SAY - Childcare
50% off dance classes! Come to your first class and get the second one for half price! Learn to dance in a fun relaxed atmosphere. No contracts or set courses – learn at your own pace! Children’s Beginners Class Mondays 6.00pm at Ngunnawal Community Centre Adults’ Beginners Class Tuesdays 8.30pm at Kaleen Community Hall Inquiries phone: 6258 9254 or 0417 247 875 Email: Web:
61 A Nellie Hamilton Ave Stockiest of all Indian, Pakistani, Fijian and Sri Lankan groceries, Frozen foods, Sweets, Snacks, Pickles, Chutneys and Bread/Milk, Phone cards, Latest Bollywood DVDs and CDs We offer quality products, friendly service and the best prices in town. Open 7 days Mon-Fri: 4.30pm- 9pm Sat/Sun: 8am-9pm Phone/Fax: 62624819
For Mechanical Servicing & Repairs “Think BARS cause BARS Fix Cars” Your warranty will not be affected when you have your car serviced here Courtesy car lift to work or home
Fuel discount vouchers for all mechanical servicing & repairs
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GunSmoke 106
April 2008
I’m writing in the hopes that you may be able to offer a list of childcare providers, approved carers or babysitters in the Gungahlin area. My children attend the Ngunnawal Primary School. The company that runs the After School Care program at the school have not processed my application for a full-time place within their program, despite the fact that my children have attended the program (full-time) since they began attending the school. This leaves me somewhat stranded. As a single-parent, working full-time, this awkward situation means that – as a temporary measure – I have had to change to part-time hours to accommodate this unexpected unavailability in care. This workingarrangement (and pay-cut!) is unsustainable on a singlewage. I have called the Child Care Access Hotline. They were unable to advise on any available care, without moving schools. I have called every business listed in the Guide to Children’s Services in the ACT provided by the DHCS. We are on waiting lists at each of these services, but no spaces are currently available. As you can imagine, I’m in an uncomfortable spot at this point. I do not want to lose
• • • • • •
Telephone outlets Additional TV outlets Powerpoints Tastics Low voltage halogen lights Sensor & security lights
Ph 6242 9355 Mob 0412 620 225 Credit cards accepted ENSURE YOU GET YOUR ELECTRICAL WORK COMPLETED BY A LICENCED AND INSURED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Electrical contractors lic ACT C1310 Telephone Licence AO 11215
custody of my children, but if I can’t find childcare for them and return to full-time work urgently, I can’t pay the mortgage. Any advice/assistance relating to services available in the area would be gratefully received. (Name Withheld) The GCC Responds: The GCC referred the matter to Minister Gallagher’s Office, the matter was further escalated and the affected person contacted by representatives of the relevant ACT Department to see what could be done to assist with the situation. The Minister’s Chief of Staff responds: As you may be aware the ACT Government has very few ‘levers’ where it comes to child care. The Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services licences operators; a standards and quality control function, and the LDA/ACTPLA can intervene on the supply side with land releases directed specifically at the child care sector. The ACT Government doesn't have any role in ‘allocating places’ to child care, per se, other than from a land perspective. The rest of the field is controlled/covered by the Commonwealth. On the land release side of the equation, I suggest you raise your concerns with Mr Barr as Minister for Planning or Mr Stanhope with respect to land release via the LDA. Please feel free to contact me again if I can be of any further assistance. Regards...
Shop 28 “KIPPAX FAIR” Hardwick Cres, HOLT 2615 PH: 6254 0388 FAX: 6254 0220
TRANSITION TO RETIREMENT An exciting opportunity for the over 55's “Now that I’m over 55, I want to spend less time working but also have enough money coming in to maintain my current lifestyle.”
Delicious food, good wine, premium coffee and cakes in a modern dining
“I’m happy to keep working standard hours, but need to give my retirement savings a ‘boost’ over the next few years.”
Fully Licenced and BYO (Bottled Wine)
Open Hours: Tue - Thur: 5:30 - 9:30pm Fri - Sat: 5:30pm - 10:00pm
Phone: 6242 6666 Shop 107 Gungahlin Place, Gungahlin Town Centre
Are you… Over 55 years of age? Still working? Earning over $30,000 per annum?
Do you… Have over $100,000 in superannuation? Want to save tax both on your income and within your superannuation fund? Have a desire to access your superannuation, but think you can't until you retire?
The Opportunity Recent changes to superannuation rules allow working persons to access part of their superannuation before retirement. While not being able to access this in lump sum amounts, you can access a superannuation pension (between defined limits) used to either: Fund the income needs for those who would like to semi-retire, but cannot afford to; or Fund the lost income as a result of you salary sacrificing your pretax income to both reduce tax and boost your retirement nest egg.
Want to know more? Please call Geoff on 0418 432 931 to arrange an appointment. Kind Regards, Geoff Kelly DipFP Authorised Representative PATRON Financial Advice
The advice provided on this document is General Advice Only. It has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this advice you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. GunSmoke 106
April 2008
Page 15
CHURCH NOTICES CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Palmerston Community Centre Tiptree Court, Palmerston Pastor Rod Holmes 02 6255 6087
SUNDAY: 10.00am Sunday Worship and Children’s Church
GUNGAHLIN ANGLICAN CHURCH Bergmann Anglican School Valley Ave, Gungahlin Rector Michael Dasey 02 6242 0734 Rev Tim Baxter 02 6242 0700
Some really cool places to explore on the internet
SUNDAY: 9.30am All Ages Service at Grace Chapel (incl Children’s program) 5.00om Sunday @ Grace Chapel (incl Children’s program) 7.00pm Sunday @ Grace Chapel
HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC PARISH Parish Church Burdekin Ave, Amaroo Father Bernie Patterson 02 6242 9622
SATURDAY: 6.00pm Mass
9.30am Mass incl children’s Liturgy 5.30pm Mass
NEW LIFE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 107 Wanganeen Ave, Ngunnawall Rev Mark Adams 02 6241 3750
SUNDAY: 10.00am Sunday church & Kids Bizz 5.00pm Evening Worship
NORTHSIDE SALVATION ARMY 7/160 Lysaght St, Mitchell Cpt Dale & Ros Brooks 02 6242 6037 Entrance on Hoskins Street or at rear with parking
Tasty White Tropical Hedgehogs
Recipe ingredients:
2 cups rice bubbles 100g macadamia or cashew nuts, chopped 1 cup shredded coconut 1/2 cup dried diced mango 1/2 cup banana chips, chopped 75g copha 375g white chocolate, broken into small pieces How to prepare: Combine rice bubbles, nuts, coconut, mango and banana in a medium bowl. 1. Melt copha following packet directions. Remove from heat and set aside to cool for 5 minutes. Stir in chocolate until melted. 2. Stir melted chocolate mixture into rice puffs mixture and firmly press into a lined 25x17cm slice tin. Refrigerate for 1 hour or until set. 3. Cut Hedgehog into small pieces and store in the refrigerator for up to one week. 4. Makes: approximately 26 pieces
Tip: Dried pawpaw or pineapple can be used as an alternative to mango.
10.15am for 10.30am Sunday Worship
Bible Studies Children’s Activities
Where is my copy of the GunSmoke?
8.00am Men's breakfast
That is what we would like to know.
GUNGAHLIN UNITING CHURCH Ngunnawal Primary School Unaipon Ave, Ngunnawal Rev Mark Faulkner 02 6242 5001
SUNDAY: 9.30am Church service—Ngunnawal School
GUNGAHLIN CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTRE Gungahlin Community Centre Ernest Cavanagh St, Gungahlin Pastor Sue & Syd Miller 02 6259 6444
If you did not get a copy of GunSmoke delivered to your place, please let us know. Perhaps you are reading this copy because you collected it from the GCRS or someone else’s place. GunSmoke is prepared by volunteers of the Gungahlin Community Council, and we pay to have it delivered to more than 14,000 homes north-west of the Barton and Federal Highways, including Mitchell and Gungahlin. Please complete this form to tell us if you did not receive a copy of GunSmoke and return it by mail, in person, email us or go to our website at Name .................................................................................................. Address ...............................................................................................
SUNDAY: 10.30am Worship Service—Gungahlin
GUNGAHLIN COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH Amaroo Primary School Pastor R Perkins 02 6253 8157 SUNDAY: 10.30am Church Service Page 16
GunSmoke 106
April 2008
........................................................................................................... Phone ………………………….. Email ..................................................... Post: PO Box 260, Gungahlin Email gunsmoke