Gun gahlin Smoke signals
A community newsletter published bimonthly by the Gungahlin Community Council Inc 13,000 copies distributed around the Gungahlin area
Gungahlin is on the Agenda Since I joined the Gungahlin Community Council, our main push has been to get the ACT Government to recognise that they’ve “dropped the ball” when it comes to providing services and infrastructure in the Gungahlin community. It looks like we’ve been successful. At the beginning of this fiscal year, new ACT Minister for Planning Andrew Barr announced the government’s planning priorities for the next few years. The majority of the Minister’s statement addressed ACT-wide planning principles, except for the following section, which was the only section mentioning any specific area: Serving Gungahlin Gungahlin has provided the lion’s share of new housing for the ACT. In supporting young families and others who have moved to the Gungahlin area, the government will deliver improved services. This will ensure all Gungahlin residents have access to key services such as shops, schools, ovals, public spaces, petrol stations and leisure facilities. The planning system will contribute to this through the coordination of infrastructure provision and sequencing of development.
Gungahlin Community Council Inc GPO Box 260 Gungahlin ACT 2912 Email : Website : Executive Committee: President : Alan Kerlin 0408 771 633 Vice President : Jonathon Reynolds 0418 812 281 Secretary : vacant Treasurer : John Kelly 6242 7437 Editor : Evelyn Greaves 0403 865 888 Web Administrator: Boni David 0428 302 019 Hire of Facilities : Palmerston : 0409 691 153 Nicholls Community House : 6242 5004
We welcome this solid commitment to Gungahlin from Minister Barr, and look forward to working cooperatively with him to deliver these goals. You can read the Minister’s announcement and the full Statement of Planning Intent (nine pages), plus leave your comments on it, under “News” on our website Also, following the work we did on our submission to the draft Territory Plan, the Minister has asked me to be one of the two community representatives on the Reference Panel to oversee the redrafting of the Territory Plan. Doing our submission, and all the consultation workshops that involved was a full-on period for us, so this role will indeed be a bit daunting. But it is an incredibly important opportunity for us to have direct input into the direction planning takes in Canberra, and I’m looking forward to it. There have been a few changes to the GCC Executive. Jonathon Reynolds has agreed to come back on board as the vice president – welcome Jonathon! And secretary John Kelly is moving into the demanding treasurer role, as well as continuing in the Palmerston Community Centre subcommittee. We still need a minutes secretary though, and we are very keen to find some members who have skills in related areas like graphic design, town planning, architecture, and environment. There is plenty more about the various happenings on our newly-redesigned website, and I encourage you to engage with us via your comments, which can be left on each and every article on the site, or your can write your own and send them in.
GCC Public Meeting All Gungahlin residents are invited to attend the GCC public meetings held every second Wednesday of the month (except January) at Palmerston Community Centre Tiptree Crescent (next to the shops) starting at 7.30pm. Gungahlin community members can raise issues and discuss matters that are of importance to all of us. We encourage the community to get involved with the Gungahlin Community Council to make our area a better place to live. You are also invited to submit articles or make comments on any articles published in the GCC newsletter and website.
Deadline for submission of articles for the next issue of Gunsmoke edition 103 is 16th September 2007. The GCC website is updated regularly . Cost of advertising is on the website.
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Gungahlin Community Survey Results The Gungahlin Community Council Inc. has undertaken a quantitative survey of the Gungahlin Community during the period March and April 2007. The purpose of this survey was to establish the key areas and topics that could be considered to be of the greatest concern or interest to the general Gungahlin community (and to any other individuals responding to the survey, who may otherwise have an interest in the district). The survey was made available to over 13,500 households and businesses in the Gungahlin district, via the GCC’s community newsletter Gunsmoke (issue 100). Additionally the survey was made available for participants to complete on-line via an online web form, accessed via the Gungahlin Community Council’s Internet website. A total of 405 individual responses were received across the two surveying methodologies, with 62 responses in printed form and 343 online responses being received prior to the cut off date of 1st May 2007. The total response ratio of 30 per 1000 households is considerably less than the 87.25 per 1000, received from the 2002 survey. This may reflect apathy within the Gungahlin community or growing frustration relating to the lack of action in addressing the issues identified in the 2002 survey. Postage costs may also have contributed to the limited number of surveys returned in hard copy form. The GCC believes that the survey results accurately reflect the major issues and topics that the community, as a whole, considers to be of relative concern at this stage of Gungahlin’s development. The Gungahlin Community Council intends to use the information collected through this survey to better represent the interests of the Gungahlin Community. The information collected will also be passed to the ACT Government administration, relevant planning and development agencies, and the elected representatives of the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly. Survey Methodology Initial draft survey questions were developed from community input and were tested by undertaking surveys on a face-to-face basis. The survey was expanded to include issues identified during the initial surveying. The hard copy survey responses were hand collated and counted. The results were tabulated and graphed using Microsoft Excel. All survey response forms will remain available for inspection on written request to the Council until 1st December 2007. After this date the forms will be archived. In questions 2 and 3, the respondent’s preference was weighted to reflect a value that recognised “1” as the most important and “5” as the least important. This was achieved by counting the first preference as 5; the second preference as 4; the third preference as 3; the fourth preference as 2; the fifth preference as 1. All answers to questions 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 were counted as “1” as these were “yes or no” answers. Members of the GCC Executive committee were reasonable surprised by the initial survey responses, which clearly favoured a yes or no answer. However, this trend continued to persist, with a fairly consistent ratio, for example: • Q4 Do you want a competition for the Town Centre Park design? 74% yes, 26% no • Q5 Should Hibberson St be closed to traffic at the weekend? 69% yes, 31% no • Q6 Are planning and development processes achieving suitable outcomes? 68% no, 32% yes • Q7 Is a 50 metre pool required for Gungahlin? 83% yes, 17% no • Q8 Should each suburb have teenage recreational areas? 87% yes, 13% no • Q9 Do you support a light rail link from Civic to Gungahlin? 83% yes, 17% no. Four of these five questions clearly favoured a “yes” answer, even though the “no” option was presented first in each of these questions. Many respondents entered detailed comments. These can be found on the GCC website and will continue to provide a veritable “goldmine” of guidance for us in our work to represent the community. Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey. Survey Results continued on the next page
Name Announced for New Youth Justice Centre The ACT Minister for Children and Youth, Kathy Gallagher announced “Bimberi” as the name for the new Youth Justice Centre at Mitchell on the 2nd July 2007. The Centre has been named after the ACT’s highest peak - Mount Bimberi. The association of the name Bimberi with achievement, overcoming challenges and rising above, are most appropriate for the new Centre. The construction of Bimberi to replace Qamby marks the beginning of a best practice approach to youth justice in the ACT. Work by contractors has started with site sheds and perimeter fencing established and preliminary earthworks under way. Construction is on track for completion by June 2008.
Gungahlin’s Community Newletter
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Gungahlin Community Survey Results 1) Do you live, work or study in Gungahlin? Do you live in Gungahlin? Do you work in Gungahlin? Do you attend school in Gungahlin?
Yes 379 41 14
2) General infrastructure – List the top 5 issues that you think are the most important at this stage of Gungahlin's development? Items identified in order of weighted preference Total weighted 1 to 12 points Road networks 867 Employment for the area 663 Public transport 656 Poor town-planning outcomes 556 Sporting facilities 532 Town Centre focus 529 Telecommunications services 510 Community facilities 503 Youth facilities 313 Construction of a college 292 Facilities for the aged 231 Child care facilities 180
No 26 364 n/a
First preferences 22.25% 10.72% 14.71% 11.97% 6.23% 5.24% 10.72% 5.49% 4.24% 3.73% 2.25% 2.25%
3) Town Park items/facilities – Using a rating of 1 to 5, what do you think are the 5 most important items for the GTC park? Items identified in order of weighted preference 1 to 11 Extensive shade areas Well maintained trees and grass areas Children’s play area Eating areas with public tables and seating Drinking fountains and public toilets An area suitable for community markets Facilities for teenagers A garden or water feature Areas for entertainment (eg elevated stage) A theme that creates interest, colour, focus An area for chess games or other activity
Total weighted points 989 770 705 662 604 509 372 368 326 325 139
First preferences
Preference yes or no 94 265
Percentage of preference 26% 74%
25.20% 20.90% 22.80% 11% 9% 7.30% 0.73% 0.73% 0.34% 0.73% 0.97%
4) Would you like the government to conduct a competition for the design of the Town Centre Park?
No - A design competition is not required Yes - I support a competition for the park
5) Town Centre traffic flow issues - Would you like to see Hibberson St (from the east end of the “G” to the west end of the Marketplace) closed to traffic during the weekends? Preference yes or no No - Normal traffic flow at all times 99 Yes - Closed to traffic at weekends 217
Percentage of preference 31% 69%
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GUNSMOKE 101 Gungahlin Community Survey Results continued 6) Gungahlin planning issues Do you think that planning and development in the Gungahlin district and the Gungahlin Town Centre is achieving a suitable result? Preference yes or no No - I am not satisfied with Gungahlin’s planning 237 and development outcomes Yes - Gungahlin’s planning and development is 110 achieving a suitable result 7) Swimming pool complex – Should the GCC continue to push for 50 metre pool or accept the 25 metre pool that is currently proposed for the Gungahlin Town Centre? Preference yes or no No – A 25 metre pool is suitable 61 Yes - A 50 metre is required for Gungahlin 295 8) Teenage recreational facilities – Should each suburb have teenage recreational facilities (e.g. basket ball) Preference yes or no No – I do not believe teenage recreational facilities 49 are required for each suburb/ area Yes – Local teenage facilities are required 317
Percentage of preference 68% 32%
Percentage of preference 17% 83%
Percentage of preference 13% 87%
9) Do you support the proposal for a light rail (tram) link from Civic to Gungahlin? Preference or no No - The light rail link is not required Yes - I support the light rail proposal
Percentage of preference
59 298
ACT Preschools Enrolling Now! If you have a child turning four on or before April 30th 2008. ACT Preschools offer you and your child a fantastic introduction to their early years of education. • • • • •
A well balanced preschool education program. Meeting each child’s needs and differences. Both structured and unstructured play. Engaging each child’s creativity. Developing self-confidence a positive self esteem
Enrolment forms are available from your local government primary school. Or take a LOOK at: OR CONTACT one of your local preschools: Amaroo 6205 2808 Hall 6205 6526 Harrison 6205 2808 Ngunnawal 6205 2955 Nicholls 6205 2955 Palmerston 6205 6526
17% 83%
Gungahlin’s Community Newletter
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Ginninderra: forerunner to Gold Creek Village by Chris Newman Today’s Gold Creek tourist precinct is a far cry from Ginninderra of one hundred years ago when the small settlement was the lifeblood of the local community. In 1826 George Palmer, a wealthy Sydney merchant, established Palmerville, a private village on the banks of Ginninderra Creek at a point immediately to the west of present-day Giralang. Using the workforce of indentured convict labour, the Palmer family developed its 20,000 acres property, a very successful enterprise that persisted until mid century. With the break up of the landholding, the focus of community life shifted westward to the Queanbeyan-Yass Road, the present-day Barton Highway. A General Store and blacksmith shop were amongst the earliest of Ginninderra’s commercial businesses. The general store operated for the next 45 years until its destruction during the1905 bushfire. Ginninderra Village was typical of local villages – Murrumbateman, Gundaroo and Tharwa amongst them, marked by adhoc development and buildings sprawled haphazardly close to a busy thoroughfare. The village gained its own post office in 1859 and with it, the twice-weekly stopover on the coach route to and from Sydney town. Then local businessman WH Jones opened a general store on the eastern side of Gold Creek Road soon after.
General store Ginninderra view from side of Mt Perceival (Courtesy Canberra & District Historical Society)
of local Justice of the Peace, Henry Hall. The village of Hall took 10 years to gain sufficient momentum and residents to sustain a viable community. Despite these setbacks, Ginninderra village remained the focus of social life including sport. In 1863 locals gathered for the annual event a few hundred metres east of Hall’s Creek. In celebration of the Queens birthday 200 locals gathered to watch a cricket match and later still festivities which continued on past midnight. The focus of sports was the former Cricketers Arms Hotel, since demolished but located immediately opposite the sports ground. Ginninderra and the Yass districts have a long tradition and at one time was the world centre of fine wool production. Livestock auctions were conducted at the Cricketers Arms through until 1910. Ginninderra struggled on through the first half of the twentieth century and a second blacksmith shop opened in 1890, survived until in early the 1950s when octogenarian, Harry Curran passed away. Locals dropped past the Ginninderra Post and Telegram Office to collect their mail through until 1970. Ginninderra village languished for twenty years and its fortunes were revived in the early 1980s when Cockington Green opened its doors. Today the fabric of Ginninderra’s local history lays nestled behind craft and tourist shops a stone’s throw from the Barton Highway. The former St Francis church and its diminutive interior belies its significance to local history. The Ginninderra police station erected in 1905 has since been relocated three kilometres down the road near the intersection of Ginninderra Drive and the Barton Highway where it lays derelict and gathering graffiti.
By 1872 with the erection of a timber construction, St Francis (of Ginninderra), a Catholic church, Ginninderra’s status as a village seemed assured. The addition of the very substantial Ginninderra Schoolhouse in 1883 sealed its fate. In 1884, with region’s burgeoning population, the NSW Government commissioned a survey to site a local township. Whether deliberately or by accident, officials elected to site a residential development on a 135 acre site on the western side of Hall’s Creek 3 kilometres from Ginninderra Village. In the wake of local complaints, the government named their settlement Hall, in honour
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The Gungahlin Weather Centre has been providing Gungahlin residents with a unique local weather service since it began operating from Ngunnawal, in January 1998. Over the years, the Weather Centre has grown to keep pace with the ever increasing population of Gungahlin (approaching 32,000), and now provides live weather updates every 5 minutes via the Gungahlin Weather Centre web site ( The Weather Centre web site, which records and displays all major weather elements including; temperature, rainfall, humidity, barometric pressure, wind direction, wind speed, wind chill and much more, also provides locals with a unique daily weather forecast, specifically for Gungahlin. Gungahlin Weather Centre operator, Darren Giles, started the Weather Centre out of frustration of the lack of weather information available for Gungahlin residents in the Canberra media. “Gungahlin is almost 20km N/NW of Canberra Airport, and with most houses situated at least 50 metres higher in elevation, Gungahlin can have quite different weather conditions to those recorded at the airport, he said.” Mr Giles said rainfall variance is a case in point. “Up until July 15th this year, Gungahlin had recorded 248.9mm of rain, whereas Canberra AP had recorded 311.4mm and Tuggeranong 351.0mm”. Clearly Gungahlin was crying out for a local weather service, and the Gungahlin Weather Centre has helped close the void for almost 10 years now. For more information log onto . G U N G A H L I N 'S C LI M A T E A N D W E A T H E R R EC O R D S The Gungahlin Weather Centre opened in January 1998. It has recorded rainfall data since January 1998, and temperature data since January 1999. The table below reflects the data recorded at the Gungahlin Weather Centre since it opened. Jan
Average Maximum (°c)
20. 2
Average Minimum (°c)
7. 1
Average Rain (mm)
568. 1
Highest Maximum
Lowest Maximum (°c)
Highest Minimum (°c)
22. 3
Lowest Minimum (°c)
-6. 6
Most Rain in Month (mm)
176. 6
Least Rain in Month (mm)
0. 0
Strongest wind gust (km/h)
78. 9
Weather Records
Please note: given the small sample, caution should be exercised when making assumptions on the long-term climate of Gungahlin.
Gungahlin’s weather is now guaranteed! There’s another good reason to log on to the Gungahlin Weather Centre – Gungahlin’s weather now comes with a guarantee! Each day, the forecast temperature range for Gungahlin is posted on the Gungahlin Weather Centre web site ( ). There’s a monthly prize on offer if the weather guarantee is broken. This occurs if the actual recorded minimum and maximum temperatures (when combined) differ from those forecast by more than 5°c on that day. The monthly competition is open to everyone (not just Gungahlin residents). This month’s prize is a Galileo Thermometer, so to join in the fun, simply register for the Gungahlin ‘Weather Guarantee’ by clicking on the ‘Weather Guarantee’ logo on the Gungahlin Weather Centre web site. For more information – contact Darren Giles at the Gungahlin Weather Centre on 0409 781 252, via email to or the web site – © Gungahlin Weather Centre – 16 July 2007
@ Gungahlin Reading Education Centre Assessment and Tuition in Reading, Writing, Spelling and Phonics 0428 483887
Gungahlin’s Community Newletter
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Our Local Gungahlin Environment What do you think of when you hear the word environment? It’s easy to imagine it as a faraway place that we sometimes call nature. But ‘environment’ just means our surroundings, and there are plenty of reasons why Gungahlin residents really value their local environment!
Feeding the ducks at Yerrabi Pond To name just a few, Yerrabi Pond and Gungahlin Pond are favourite spots for exercise and recreation – great places for taking the dog for a run or letting the kids make friends with the ducks. On Gungahlin’s eastern edge lie Mulligans Flat and Goorooyarroo nature reserves, beautiful areas for bushwalking, cycling, roo-spotting and more. These reserves are also very ecologically significant (and fragile!), since they protect the largest publicly-owned piece of endangered yellow box-red gum grassy woodland in all of south-eastern Australia. But as well as local parks and nature reserves, our very own streets and neighbourhoods form an important part of our local environment, and we all value a clean, safe and attractive place to call home.
Photo by Brett Crombie
Cycling at Mulligans Flat
Despite hectic lifestyles, research shows that the majority of Gungahlin residents are keen to take part in keeping their local environment in great shape. So if you don’t have much time, but want to do your bit, here are some simple things you can do! Gardens Put in plants that won’t become environmental weeds (if you’re not sure, ask at your local nursery). Even better, fill your garden with natives and you’ll be rewarded with an abundance of bird life!
Gungahlin Pond
Cai-Alpha Counselling Services • • • •
Depressed, anxious or finding it hard to cope? Marriage, relationship or family difficulties? Struggling with grief or loss? Alcohol/drug problems or addictive behaviours? You’re not alone – help is available. Cai-Alpha Counselling offers safe, Confidential and professional counseling to help with life’s difficulties & challenges. Contact:
Jude Morris Cai-Alpha Counselling, Harrison, ACT. ph: 6255 4371, mob 0428 477 432
Pets Keep your cat inside at night, as this is their favourite time for hunting down some tasty snacks. For everyone’s sake, clean up after your dog when you go on a walk. Just grab a couple plastic bags before you leave, and you’re all set. In the reserves Dogs aren’t permitted in the nature reserves (even on a leash), both to protect wildlife, and to protect your dog from lethal fox baits. Leave any fallen timber where you find it, as it provides important habitat for native wildlife. Of course, stay on formed tracks. Most importantly, make sure you get out and enjoy the reserves that form Gungahlin’s own backyard!
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The Big Switch is set to be the largest community climate change campaign ever in Australia. Founded by leading environment groups Greenpeace, the state based Conservation Councils of Australia and GetUp! The Big Switch is a campaign to get more Australian households active on reducing their greenhouse pollution and to get politicians from all sides of politics to do more to combat climate change. The exciting new website was launched last week and encourages voters to tackle their local MP on climate change in the run up to the federal election. The Big Switch aims to get 100,000 Australians to sign a climate pledge. The Big Switch is calling for new laws to reduce greenhouse pollution by 30 per cent by 2020, boost Australia’s economy by introducing a 25 per cent renewable energy target, ending logging of high conservation forests and broadscale land clearing by 2008 and pumping an extra $1 billion into public transport. All 150 federal MPs have been sent a survey asking them to state their level of support on climate change solutions. Their answers will be rated and made public on The Big Switch website. The Big Switch will set the political agenda in terms of climate change this year. It’s about ensuring politicians feel pressure from a public desperate to see that urgent and real action is taken to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. The Big Switch ‘one-stop-climate shop’ also gives simple steps and ideas to help people reduce their own greenhouse emissions. There are a number of ways people can take action at home and in their community. The Big Switch is urging politicians to take the politics out of climate change and act in the interests of the community. Australia is part of a world that must take urgent action to avoid a global climate crisis and deep cuts in greenhouse emissions are the only way to do this.
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Gungahlin Regional Community Service Gungahlin Community Resource Centre Gungahlin Youth Centre
Ngunnawal Neighbourhood Centre
Ph: 6228 9200, E-mail: Website :
Walk and Talk
Gungahlin Community Markets
A walking group for everyone! All ages and capabilities welcome.
9.30am -10.30am Thursdays
The walks usually start at the Ngunnawal Neighbourhood Centre. (Yarrawonga St) Get fit and make new friends Ring 6123 4422 for more information.
G.R.C.S markets are held every 4th Saturday of the month 10am-2pm Next markets: July 28 & August 25 If you would like to sell arts/crafts, plants or pre-loved goods at our next market please ring 6123 4422 to book.
Local Art Group New Horizons is a free career skills program which assists women to re-enter the workforce, commence studies or become a volunteer. Participants attend a short course which builds self-esteem and helps women to set goals and compile a resume. Following the course a series of workshops are conducted on a range of topics including basic computing, addressing selection criteria & interview techniques. Childcare: is provided for children under the age of 6, free of charge on site. Venue: the courses and workshops are held at the Gungahlin Community Resource Centre, Next course starts August 7 For more information please call
6123 4422 or 6228 9200
This program is proudly funded by the ACT Government as part of the Community Inclusion Fund.
The Gungahlin Art group meets every fortnight on Mondays at the Ngunnawal Neighbourhood Centre at 9.30am. All Gungahlin residents who have an interest in art are welcome to join (you don’t have to be an expert). Contact Derek on 6242 8239 for more information. Gungahlin Community Network
The group meets weekly to undertake craft and art activities, chat and have coffee. It also offers social support and friendship. The Network welcomes new residents Where: Gungahlin Community Resource Centre When: Wednesday 10AM – 12MIDDAY Cost: Gold coin donation for morning tea Ring Alison on 6123 4422 for more information.
“Community Within Gungahlin”
FREE English Course Suitable for residents from nonEnglish speaking backgrounds. This course will help you to improve your speaking and basic writing skills. Run over six weeks on Thursdays 11am-12.30pm commencing late August. Book now as places are limited. Ring 6123 4422 or
Seniors Group Celebrates it’s 10th Birthday
6123 4400.
New Acrylic Art Course A weekly acrylic art course for beginners is starting on Tuesdays 12.30pm -3.30pm for 6 weeks at the Ngunnawal Neighbourhood Centre. The course will cost $50 or $40 for concession card holders. Ring 6123 4422 to book. Starting August 14
On the 13th June members of the Gungahlin community celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Gungahlin Regional Community Service Senior’s group. The group has more than 40 members and is part of G.R.C.S.’s Home and Community Care Program. The group meets every Wednesday at the Ngunnawal Neighbourhood Centre. The members enjoy craft mornings, guest speakers, games and excursions. The group helps to reduce the social isolation of elderly Gungahlin residents. If you are interested in attending this group please ring 6242 6077 for more information. FREE
The next Mental Health First Aid Course for people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds and for people who support clients/family/friends from CALD backgrounds begins in September. (7, 14, 21 and 28 September 2007) The course will be held in the Gungahlin Community Resource Centre. Please contact Branka on 6123 4402 for more information and bookings
Men’s Group A support group for HACC eligible men who live in Gungahlin is held every Friday from 10am- 12pm at the Ngunnawal Neighbourhood Centre. Community transport can be organised for participants for a small fee. For more information please ring 6242 6077 for more information.
“Community Within Gungahlin”
Carer’s Support Group
The Carer’s Support Group meets every second Tuesday of the month from 1pm -3.30pm at the Gungahlin Community Resource Centre. The group would like to invite all carers including carer’s from CALD backgrounds to join them for mutual support in a relaxed setting. Ring Branka on 6123 4402 for more information.
Gentle Exercise Classes For the over 55’s G.R.C.S. is now running 2 classes per week at the Gungahlin Community Resource Centre: Mondays 11am- 12noon Thursdays 1pm – 2pm Please call Branka on 6123 4402 for bookings and further information.
Celebrating Creative Minds
Feeling a little down or lonely? Come and join a group for women. Meet new friends and promote mental health and well-being while engaging in creative, fun activities. The group meets every Tuesday between 10am and 12noon at the Gungahlin Community Resource Centre. Please call 6123 4402 for further information.
A bloke’s guide to simple cooking on a budget
(Women’s Support Group)
English Conversation Classes
Meet new friends and learn to speak English in a friendly environment The group meets every Friday 1pm-2.30pm at the Gungahlin Community Resource Centre. Phone 6123 4422 or 6123 4403 for more information.
Have you mastered the art of tuning your V8 but have no clue as to how to boil an egg? If this sounds like you then Beyond the BBQ will get your engine running. The group is open to all men wanting to learn the simple science of cooking and those wanting to expand on and share their cooking skills. For further information call Sisira 6123 4400 or Brett 6123 4403.
“Community Within Gungahlin”
FREE Business Listing
To have your business/ group details listed please access the Entry Form via our website
Gungahlin Residents Guide 2008 The Gungahlin Residents Guide is an overview of community groups and businesses in the Gungahlin Region. The guide is updated annually and available free to Gungahlin Residents.
Entry Forms need to be received by 31st August 2007 for the 2008 Edition. or by contacting us on 6228 9200. Sponsor Pages are also available for $500.00. A Sponsor page allows you to advertise your business/group on an A4 page.
Email: Fax: 6242 8201 PO Box 35, Gungahlin ACT 2912
Gungahlin’s Community Newletter
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Local Environment Questionnaire The development of the new suburb, Forde, is generating a great deal of interest particularly due to its close proximity to Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve. Many people are also interested to know how the nearby woodlands are managed and whether they can do anything to help maintain them for the future. A coalition of Government, scientific and community organisations are undertaking projects to better understand and protect these woodland assets. Importantly, these organisations recognise that beyond their work, community attitudes toward the local environment will have a major bearing on the success of protection efforts for future generations. We want to understand your thoughts about some important local environmental issues because we believe that management is most effective when community views are understood and where engagement is undertaken in ways that suit the particular community. As well as the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, our group includes ACT Environment and Recreation, the Conservation Council of the Southeast Region and Canberra, and the Ginninderra Catchment Group. We have devised a questionnaire for Gungahlin residents. It will entail is about 15 minutes of your time – enough to tell us what you think about things such as: • control of foxes and feral cats in nearby bushland; • how you would like to be involved in local environmental issues; and • local environmental management, generally. Whether you feel you know much about these issues or not, our project is focussed on improving your local environment – so we hope you’ll help us. This research will be conducted in accordance with national guidelines for ethical research so you can be sure that any information you provide will be treated confidentially and that your anonymity will be guaranteed. If you wish to participate, please download the PDF file from the Gungahlin Community Council website You’ll be in the running for a $100.00 gift voucher.
Local Gungahlin Traders Gathered the ACT and South-West NSW Business Award Julie at Hair by Julie would love to thank all of the lovely clients and friends in the Gungahlin Community, and De Lorenzo Hair Care, who supported the salon in the recent Local Business Awards. Julie was happy to be nominated, along with nine other finalists, in the Outstanding Hairdresser Category for the ACT and South-West NSW Region. The Presentation took place at the Capital Entertainment Centre in Wagga Wagga. She was proud to be recognised in this category, and was excited to be there to see all the happy finalists in each category. CONGRATULATIONS to L.J Hooker Gungahlin for winning the real estate agency category and to Cafe Guru for winning the Café/ restaurant category. According to Julie, she felt extremely honored and excited to be involved, as it is great to be recognised for all the hard work and energy she have put into the business over the past five years. And she look forward in fulfilling the year ahead. The Local Business Awards was sponsored by Commonwealth Bank. Precident Productions did a wonderful job in organizing the award presentation. All the participants had a great night and enjoyed the entertainment provided by Aussie Elvis Presley impersonator who sang the night away.
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Don’t Cool Down on Exercise Getting out of bed at 6am in the middle of winter to exercise when it’s dark and you can hear the rain pelting against the window may not be appealing. Fog, cold wind, freezing conditions are all common in Canberra, no matter how hard you walk or run it gets more difficult to warm up, the immune system drops, coughs and cold are in the air, sound familiar? However don’t abandon exercise and settle for those extra winter kilos when you have the option of exercising in the comfort of Fernwood. Fernwood Women’s Health club believe that the cold weather should not be the excuse not to exercise, as it only gets harder when you decide to start again, if you would normally go for a walk in the morning but it’s raining or the fog just wont lift, why not come in and walk on the treadmill instead? Canberra weather is unpredictable but your workouts don’t have to be. If it’s cold and dark in the evening and you don’t feel like going for a walk, try a group fitness class – Fatburner, Body Balance (Yoga/Pilates) or step, so much variety to try. Winter is a massive motivation killer, and Fernwood is proud to be able to provide you with everything you need to keep motivated, all under the one roof. “When it’s cold and dark and people are wearing big winter coats, it gets harder and harder to feel like exercising.” Friends can be a big help in the colder months, it is proven if you exercise with a friend you will be more successful. “Exercising with friends is also a motivating factor in the colder months as people are also less likely to back out of a group workout.”
Bring this article in to Fernwood Gungahlin or Belconnen by the end of August and you and your friend will receive 3Personal Training Sessions to share, this may be just what you need. Non – members are welcome to attend our Michelle Bridges night, please call the club and book you place!
Local Area Coordination is a new service for people with a disability aged 0-65 who live in the Gungahlin and Woden Valley Regions. We can provide information and assistance to help you reach your goals. We are able to assist you to plan for the future, access local services, increase your personal networks and supports, make lifestyle changes of your choice, and much more. The focus of Local Area Coordination is you. It’s your life, it’s your choice.
For more information please phone 6255 7911 or visit us at Suite 1.3 The Market Place 33 Hibberson Street Gungahlin Local Area Coordination is provided by Belconnen Community Service Inc. and Woden Community Service Inc. partnership and funded by Disability ACT
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Website design the open source way Patterns! Patterns! Patterns! The software behind the new GCC website design is based on patterns just like a cookie cutter. It is simple and elegant, yet has a powerful and flexible design pattern that is powered by open source software and open standards. Grady Booch - Chief Scientist of Rational Software* wrote: The importance of patterns in crafting simple and complex systems has been recognised in other disciplines. In particular, Christopher Alexander and his colleagues were perhaps the first to suggest the idea of using patterns to design homes, buildings and cities. His ideas and the contributions of others have now taken root in the open source software community. In short, the concept of the design pattern in software provides a key to helping designers and developers leverage the expertise of other skilled architects.” Having a website that operates on open source software and standards is free to maintain and relatively cheap to build. Most of the open source software was developed and contributed by IT students, academics, software engineers, programmers, teachers and others. They contributed their valuable time and collaborated just to create a software intended for the open source community and the public in general. All the items on the GCC website are stored on a database and can easily be restored if something happens to the website. It has a very user-friendly backend and front-end support to maintain published items. A person who knows how to operate a computer can easily become productive in a matter of hours and can publish an item right away. The website is built on the best of breed of the open source world, where collaboration and social networking is proudly incorporated. Take for example the RSS Feed – you can subscribe to the site for any new content that is created to come straight onto your desktop or browser. There are more useful things that the website could provide and you ain’t seen anything yet. That’s why we are encouraging the Gungahlin Community to visit the site at, and help us by giving feedback. Just remember, creating a website using patterns will make your life easy! Boni David – GCC website administrator * In his foreword to the book Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, John Vlissides, published by Addison Wesley
ACUPUNCTURE Effective pain & stress relief Elissa Chapman BAppSc (TCM) Adjust For Health
5/9-11 Montford Cres. North Lyneham
6257 6055
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Allan Watt Accounting Certified Practicing Accountant
- working together ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Income Tax Annual Accounting Compliance Tax Effective Investments Strategic Planning Budgeting & Cashflow Management Self Managed Superannuation Funds Business Development Buying/Selling Business Business Growth and Wealth Creation.
Gungahlin Plumbing, Drainage & Gas Fitting Repair or Replace Taps & Toilets Hot water Systems Dishwasher Installation Under sink Water Filtration Systems Vanity Basins Blocked Drains Rainwater, Greywater & Sumps Pipe works
Emergency Repairs Call you local Bloke
Tel: 02) 6262 2442 Email:
Peter Tilley Lic 816 Free Call 6253 9229 Mobile 0412 626 867 93 Kelleway Avenue Nicholls
Suite 116, Gungahlin Square, Hibberson Street GUNGAHLIN
Introducing Anthony Flaherty Introducing Anthony Flaherty your local Financial Planner your local Financial Planner
Authorised Representative* Amaroo Amaroo Authorised Representative*
For all your Financial Advice needs including: Investing, Superannuation, Estate planning, Personal & Business Risk Management.
Call Anthony on 0400825578 or 6242 8773 *Financial Wisdom Limited AFSL No. 231138
Gungahlin’s Community Newletter
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SIBU HAIR Nicholls shops New Men's grooming centre, American Crew products, latest style cut and colour work .
OPENING HOURS: Tues 9 am to 6 pm Wed 9 am to 8.30 pm Thurs 9 am to 8.30 pm Fri 9 am to 8.30 pm Sat 8 am to 5 pm
Ph 62411511
Beauty & Tanning Studio We now provide Arcylic and Gel Nail Services Call today for our introductory offers Services Include: • Spray Tanning • Waxing • Matis Beauty Products • Tinting • Facials • Massage • Pedicures • Manicures • Pamper packages • Gift Vouchers Open 9.30am to 6pm Tue-Thurs, 9.30am to 7pm Fri & 9am to 3pm Sat
Shop 28 “KIPPAX FAIR” Hardwick Cres, HOLT 2615 PH: 6254 0388 FAX: 6254 0220
PALMERSTON MEDICAL CENTRE Palmerston Shops, Tiptree Cres Ph 6242 9464 Dr Prad Southi MBBS (Syd)
Dr Sandy Viketos MBBS (Syd)
Dr Michael Gan MB, BS (UNSW) DCH (NZ) D Obst (Otago) FRAC GP
Surgery Hours Mon – Fri 8.30am – 6.00pm Saturday 8.30am – 11.30am
Located in Gungahlin town centre above Big W Suite 3, 1st Floor The Marketplace Gungahlin
Ph: 6162 0048
5% OFF selected.
68 Hoskins Street MITCHELL ACT 2911 6241 7474 / 6241 3569 Fax: 6242 7911 Soils Sands Gravels Granites Potting Mix Composts Barks Chips Road Base Metals All Quarry Products Free Measure & Quote
We look after your pets when you are not available. We come to your home so that your animals are comfortable in their own surroundings. Feeding, watering, oral medication, cuddles and playtime. Walking, yard and kitty litter clean up. Mail, bins and that lived-in look. Personalised packages available on request Enquiries and bookings please call
6242 8269
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Gungahlin Marketplace Dental Centre (Woolworths
Building-Entry next Commonwealth bank ATMs)
Dr Van Trinh (Lady Dentist, Adelaide Uni)
6242 5666 Open 6 Days • • •
C o s m e t i c , P re v e n t i v e Restorative All General Dentistry
Gentle, On time Appointments Str i c t St e r i l i s a t i o n P r o c e d u r e s H i g h D e n t a l S e r v i c e St a n d a r d s M ed ib an k P r iv at e , M B F, H CF P ar t i c i p at i n g P r o v i d er Dir e ct Health Fu nd Reb at e HI CAPS
1st Floor 33 Hibberson St, Gungahlin Marketplace, Gungahlin 2912
Gungahlin’s Community Newletter
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• • • • •
Monday– Friday: 8.00 am—6.30 pm Saturday: 8.30am—4.00pm Please ring for an appointment.
Come and wash your dog in our hydrobath— $15 including shampoo, towel and use of dryer
Puppy Classes running regularly—get your new mate off to the best start
Ph 6242 9355 Mob 0412 620 225 Credit cards accepted
Please ring the hospital for further information or to make a booking
21 Crinigan Circle, GUNGAHLIN (adjacent Caltex / Woolworths Petrol)
6242 7276
WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS Repairs to all mechanical and quartz watches and clocks. Over 40 years experience and all work guaranteed.
Malcolm Scott 32 Grampians Street Palmerston ACT 2913 Phone: 02 6242 9636 Email: Delicious food, good wine, premium coffee and cakes in a modern dining
Sunday, Monday and Lunchtime are Closed No Home Deliveries
Shop 107 Gungahlin Place, Gungahlin Town Centre
Gymnastics Every Wednesday afternoon Re-enrolling for 2007 Ages 3yrs and up
GUNGAHLIN DENTAL SURGERY Dr Vincent Trai Tran B.D.Sc (Uni Qld)
37 Anthony Rolfe Ave Gungahlin (Across from Police Station)
Hours Mon – Fri 8.00am – 6.00pm Sat 8.00am – Noon
To make an appointment
Dinners Only Tuesday - Thursday 5:00 - 9:30pm Friday - Saturday 5:00pm - 10:30pm
(Recreational & Gymnastic Entertainment)
PH (02) 6242 7288
$0.0 Corkage Fee (Bottled Wines)
Where: Gold Creek Senior Hall When: 5pm Wednesdays during School Term Who: Canberra City Gymnastics - RAGE
Telephone outlets Additional TV outlets Powerpoints Tastics Low voltage halogen lights Sensor & security lights
Birralee Scout Hall HIRE Valley Avenue opposite Burgman School Please Contact
0402 007 553
CHURCH in Gungahlin area CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday Worship & Children’s Church 10.00am Palmerston Community Centre Tiptree Cr Palmerston ACT Ph Pastor Rod Holmes 6255 6087 GUNGAHLIN ANGLICAN CHURCH @ Burgmann Anglican School, Valley Ave, Gungahlin Sundays:9.30am All Ages Service at Grace Chapel (Burgmann Anglican School); 5.00pm 7.00pm Sunday @ at Grace Chapel. (9.30 & 5.00 include Children’s programs) Rector: Michael Dasey ph 62420734 Minister: Rev Tim Baxter Ph 62420700 GUNGAHLIN CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTRE (an extension church of Canberra Christian Life Centre)
Sunday Worship Service 10.30 am Gungahlin Community Centre Ernest Cavanagh St Ps Sue & Syd Miller Ph: 6259 6444
GUNGAHLIN COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor R. Perkins Ph 6253 8157 Church Service - Sunday 10.30am at Amaroo Primary School. "MOPS” fortnightly Weekly Home Groups Email:
GUNGAHLIN UNITING CHURCH All age Sunday Worship 9.30am Ngunnawal Primary School, Unaipon Ave. Ngunnawal. Children’s Groups, Family Groups, Women’s Groups, Reading Groups, Play Groups. Minister: Rev. Mark Faulkner Phone: 62425001 HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC PARISH Mass Times: Sat 6pm, Sun 5:30pm Sun 9:30am including Children’s Liturgy All services at Holy Spirit School Fr Bernie Patterson. Ph: 6242 9622 hols.gungahlin@cg.cun
NORTHSIDE SALVATION ARMY Sunday worship 10:15am for 10:30am 7/160 Lysaght St. Mitchell 6242 6037 ( Entrance on Hoskins St. or at rear with parking. ) Bible Studies Weekly. Men’s breakfasts 1st Sunday each month 8:00am. Children’s Activities Captains Dale & Ros Brooks
NEW LIFE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 107 Wanganeen Ave, Ngunnawal Sunday Church & Kids Bizz: 10.00am Evening worship 5pm. Rev Mark Adams Ph 6241 3750 Email:
Proudly supporting the Gungahlin community. Gungahlin Lakes Golf and Community Club pay for distribution of Gunsmoke newsletter.