Gun gahlin Smoke signals
April 2007, Your Community Newsletter – Published by Gungahlin Community Council Inc. Distribution of 13,750 copies – Editor: this issue Roma Hosking. Next issue Email:
Gungahlin Community Council Inc. Postal: PO Box 260, Gungahlin ACT 2912; Email:; Website: Executive Committee: President – Alan Kerlin 6241 3457-email: -; Vice President –-Sean Bainbridge – M 0430 489 914-; Secretary ––on leave – assistant secretary needed; Treasurer – Barry Dee –Ph 62557511; Editor Gunsmoke –Evelyn.Greadfes 6253 8897 Hire of Facilities: New manager needed – see ad - Palmerston – 0409 691 153 ; Nicholls Community House -6242 5004.
When: Wednesday 11 April 2007 Venue: Palmerston Community Centre Tiptree Cr Palmerston (next to shops) Come along and ask the questions you always wanted to know about Gungahlin’s planning and transport and anything else to do with our development. Don’t leave it to someone else! Following meeting: Wednesday 14 May 7.30pm agenda: Gold Creek Homestead.
Hargreaves, Mr John
Australian Labor Party
(02) 62050020 Fax: (02) 62050495
Minister for Multicultural Affairs Minister for Territory and Municipal Services Minister for Housing GPO Box 1020, Canberra, ACT 2601
Corbell, Mr Simon
(02) 62050000 Australian Labor Party Fax: (02) 62050535
Minister for Planning Minister for Police and Emergency Services Attorney-General
Ms Anne Skews from LDA, a frequent guest of GCC is also expected to be present. Please note that the role of the LDA is: “The Land Development Agency (LDA) manages land sales and land development on behalf of the ACT Government. More information is available at Members and visitors to GCC meetings have often become frustrated when Ms Skews or staff from ACTPLA (Dept of Planning) have not been able to answer questions because the topic is out of their area. Government Ministers are those responsible for policy and ultimately for services provided or omitted. We thought it would be helpful to have the main players in the same room together to answer questions from their portfolio.
Gunsmoke 101 Deadline.
15 May. Remember Roma Hosking is no longer editor of Gunsmoke. Please contact: Evelyn Greades on 6253 8897 Website: has been updated. Cost of advertising in Gunsmoke is on the website. The programme for Palmerston Community Centre is on the calendar. There are playgroups, dance and exercise groups as well as groups for seniors. The Spiritual aspect of life is also catered for at the centre.
If you live in Gungahlin, April and May are “must see” GUNGAHLIN COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETINGS On 8 November 2004, The Canberra Times ran a front- page lead titled “Gungahlin’s growing pains”. Over three pages the Times explored the problem of the ACT Government’s failure to deliver on promised infrastructure for Gungahlin, which at that stage had 29,850 residents. Then Minister for Planning Simon Corbell is quoted in one of the articles saying that Gungahlin needed a “critical mass” of population before more services could be delivered. Former G CC President Ian Ruecroft responded: “Let’s see a matrix that shows what critical mass is needed. It is okay to say we’ve got a plan, show us what the triggers are.” Last November after I took over the role of President for the Gungahlin Community Council, I asked in the Canberra Times when Gungahlin is going to get the community infrastructure it was promised, deserves and needs. Minister for Planning Simon Corbell again responded saying that Gungahlin would get infrastructure when it hits “critical mass.” Entire suburbs have been built in the three years since then, but still we have the same tired old cliché. Just when will we hit this mystery “critical mass”? The GCC has been asking this for years now , with an adequate response yet to come. However at our General Meeting on 11 April, we will have Minister Corbell, Minister for Territory and Municipal Services John Hargreaves and the CEO of the Land Development Agency Anne Skewes there together to form a panel to answer our questions and yours. With the three key people responsible for ACT’s planning, development, transport and community infrastructure together at once, there shouldn’t be any questions they can’t answer between them. Then at our meeting on 9 May, we will follow up with representatives from the ACT Planning and Development Authority presenting the draft of the new Territory Plan. This is the result of a major overhaul of the ACT’s principle planning laws, and it will be open for public consultation for eight weeks from around mid-April. GCC Executive member Kevin Cox and I have spent many hours in a number of consultation workshops prior to Christmas, working alongside industry and other community representatives to help ACTPLA design a new plan that they hope will give all stakeholders certainty and streamline application processes for straightforward developments that meet all the core criteria. So has ACTPLA achieved this admirable goal? We’ll have to wait until release of the draft Plan to know. But one thing is for sure – we’re going to have a very busy couple of months ploughing through the draft to see if we are happy with it. It is critical that the new Territory Plan gets it right, as we’ll be living with it for a long time. If it is a good plan, it will also make our roles in the GCC a fair bit easier than they have been under the existing planning laws. And if you have a planning background and could lend a hand – we sure could do with the help. Also at the May meeting, we’ll be discussing the future of the historic Gold Creek Homestead. I hope that you can come to both meetings, and meet the people who play such important roles in shaping the future of our community in Gungahlin. See you at the Palmerston Community Centre, next to the Palmerston shops, Tiptree Crescent, at 7.30 pm. DISCLAIMER
Alan Kerlin, President GCC
Please note that Gunsmoke is produced with the aim of allowing residents to keep in touch with their local community. It enables people to express views on a range of topics that are not necessarily the opinion of the editor, or members of the Gungahlin Community Council Inc.
The Gungahlin Community Survey On behalf of the Gungahlin Community Council we would like to ask all Gungahlin residents to consider completing this survey. The information that we are able to gain from the details you provide will assist the Council to focus its attention on the issues you consider to be important to you, your family and/ or the Gungahlin community. Following is some information that may assist you in completing the GCC 2007 Community Survey. Q: Where did the questions come from? A: The survey has been developed with input from the community, including the trailing of a preliminary survey. We have included questions that explore issues identified as important, at this stage of Gungahlin's development. Q: Who should complete the survey? A: Any person who is mature enough to understand the issues can complete the survey, provided they live, work or study in Gungahlin; or if they are aware of the issues that impact on the Gungahlin community. Each person should complete only one survey, which can be either electronic or hardcopy. Q: How many people can participate in completing this survey form? A: One to five people can complete this survey form. Each person can provide their input by entering information in one of the numbered columns. In many cases different members of the household will have issues that they think are important to them. These issues may not appear to be as important to other members of the family and/or household. Where this occurs, we suggest that each person ignores the answers / comments made by others. Although discussion of the issues may be helpful, each person is different and should be encouraged to express their priorities. If necessary, separate forms can be used by photocopying this survey sheet. Alternatively the survey can be completed electronically by visiting the GCC website The survey is on the Home page. Q: What should a participant do if they have no opinion on one or more of the topics? A: If a survey participant has no opinion on a topic, they should leave that section of the survey blank or put NA in the box, as only genuine community feedback is of value. Q: What will happen to the survey results? A: The GCC will summarise the survey results and publish the information in the Gunsmoke, Chronicle and on our website. This information will indicate the number of people who identified that the issue was important to them. The information will be used by the Council to provide members of the Legislative Assembly with the community's priorities for future development in Gungahlin. The information will also be used by the Council to focus our efforts in promoting the issues that the community identifies as important. All results remain anonymous. Q: Where do I send the completed survey form? A: After all participants have completed the survey, mail the completed form to the GCC - PO Box 260, Gungahlin ACT 2912. All surveys received before the 1 st May 2007 will be included in the survey calculation. Note 1: If you have insufficient space, please attach additional information; even if your comments are not related to the survey questions. Note 2: Multiple surveys and attachments can be put in one envelope. Note 3: This survey is available electronically at Note 4: If you would like to be contacted by the GCC, please include your contact details at the bottom of the page or email
Household member One column per person
1 2 3 4 5 1) Do you live, work or study in Gungahlin? (Mark “Y” for yes, “N” for No) Do you live in Gungahlin? Do you work in Gungahlin? Do you attend school in Gungahlin?
2) General infrastructure – List the top 5 issues that you think are the most important at this stage of Gungahlin's development? Identify the item most important to you as 1 - then descending to 5. Youth facilities Road networks Public transport Sporting facilities Child care facilities Town Centre focus Community facilities Facilities for the aged Construction of a college Employment for the area Telecommunications services Poor town-planning outcomes Other - please specify in the space provided here, or attach additional information:
3) Town Park items/ facilities – Using a rating of 1 to 5, what do you think are the 5 most important items for the GTC park? Identify the item most important to you as 1 - then descending to 5. (see the article on the previous page) Children’s play area Facilities for teenagers Extensive shade areas A garden or water feature Drinking fountains and public toilets Well maintained trees and grass areas An area suitable for community markets Eating areas with public tables and seating An area for chess games or other activities Areas for entertainment (eg elevated stage) A theme that creates interest, colour, focus Other - please specify in the space provided here, or attach additional information:
4) Would you like the government to conduct a competition for the design of the Town Centre Park? Mark your preference with a “X” No - A design competition is not required Yes - I support a competition for the park
5) Town Centre traffic flow issues - Would you like to see Hibberson St (from the east end of the “G” to the west end of the Marketplace) closed to traffic during the weekends? Mark your preference with a “X” No - Normal traffic flow at all times Yes - Closed to traffic at weekends
6) Gungahlin planning issues Do you think that planning and development in the Gungahlin district and the Gungahlin Town Centre is achieving a suitable result? Mark your preference with a “X” No - I am not satisfied with Gungahlin’s planning and development outcomes Yes - Gungahlin’s planning and development is achieving a suitable result
7) Swimming pool complex – Should the GCC continue to push for 50 metre pool or accept the 25 metre pool that is currently proposed for the Gungahlin Town Centre? Mark your preference with a “X” No – A 25 metre pool is suitable Yes - A 50 metre is required for Gungahlin
8) Teenage recreational facilities – Should each suburb have teenage recreational facilities (eg basket ball) Mark your preference with a “X” No – I do not believe teenage recreational facilities are required for each suburb/ area Yes – Local teenage facilities are required
9) Do you support the proposal for a light rail (tram) link from Civic to Gungahlin? Mark your preference with a “X” No - The light rail link is not required Yes - I support the light rail proposal
A brief summary of the history of the Gungahlin Community Council. By Ian Ruecroft At the end of March 2007 Gungahlin will be celebrating its 15th anniversary. During the majority of this time the Gungahlin Community Council Inc. has provided a public forum where residents can obtain information and voice their ideas, preferences and concerns. The Council’s formation followed a meeting held on the 16/3/93 at Zinnia Place in Palmerston. The meeting was attended by Robert and Lyn Floyd, Robert Rosenstraus, Alyn Doig, John Hosking, Mal Ball and Ian Ruecroft. At this meeting it was decided to call a public meeting in an attempt to form a local community organisation to act on residents’ behalf. The first meeting of Council was held on the 19/4/93 at John & Roma Hosking’s home in Halifax Close Palmerston, with more that 30 people in attendance. The meeting moved to support the formation of the Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) and elected an Executive committee to draft a constitution and arrange for incorporation of the GCC. Almost every person at the meeting lived in, or was building in, Palmerston; as there were no other areas of Gungahlin developed at that time. Since the first meeting of the GCC, meetings have been held on the second Wednesday of the month from February to December. There have been 9 venues for our meetings, which were initially held at the Hosking’s home, until the Palmerston (temporary) hall was completed in February 1994. During 1995, meetings were held in the temporary Nicholls Community hall which was located in Anne Clark Av Nicholls. When the permanent Nicholls Community House was completed, in early 1996, this became the meeting venue. During 2000 GCC meetings were relocated to the Gungahlin Marketplace (1st floor) and in June 2001 - the Gungahlin Resource Centre. In August 2004 - Gungahlin Raiders Club;
Year 1993/4 1994/5 1995/6 1996/7 1997/8 1998/9 1999/0 2000/1 2001/2 2002/3 2003/4 2004/5 2005/6 2006/7
August 2005 - Gungahlin Lakes Golf and Community Club. In September 2006 GCC meetings returned to the new Palmerston Community Hall, where it is hoped that some stability can be maintained at this location, as it provides convenient parking and a suitably sized meeting room, at a cost that is sustainable to the GCC. The GGC is a not-for-profit community organisation that has no paid employees. The GCCs’ local newsletter is “Gunsmoke” which is a play on the words “Gungahlin Smoke Signals”. This issue of Gunsmoke is number 100. The newsletter was first published in September 1993 and consisted of 2 (A4) pages that were folded and stapled before being hand delivered to homes that “looked finished”. Gunsmoke 7 (Oct 94) was the first A3 configuration, it consisted of only one page folded in half. Gunsmoke 14 (Oct 1995) was the last newsletter delivered by GCC members. By this time there were 4,600 copies and it consisted of 3 (A3) sheets folded and stapled. From Gunsmoke 15 onwards deliveries have been by courtesy of the Gungahlin Lakes Golf and Community Club. Gunsmoke 99 had 13,000 copies dis tributed. The Editor of all (100) Gunsmoke issues has been Roma Hosking. Roma has spent many long hours recruiting articles for the publication and balancing printing costs against advertising revenue and community interests. The printing cost for each issue of Gunsmoke is between $4,000 and $6,000. Gunsmoke 100 will be Roma’s last contribution as the Editor. On behalf of the GCC and the Gungahlin community, I would like to thank Roma for the untiring contribution she has made and I would like to thank all the helpers who have assisted her during the last 14 years.
Following is a summarised record of the GCC Office Bearers over the years. President Vice President Secretary Robert Rosenstraus Ian Ruecroft John Hosking Richard Hughes Ian Ruecroft Robert Rosenstraus Ingrid Zander Anhalt David Gower Kylie Chapman David Gower Ian Ruecroft Peter Gillard Ian Ruecroft Peter Gillard Heidi Robinson David Gower Peter Gillard Glenys Goff David Gower Peter Gillard Glenys Goff Ian Ruecroft Graeme Taylor Wendy Waggitt Ian Ruecroft Julie Brodrick Wendy Waggitt Barry Dee Ian Ruecroft Wendy Waggitt Barry Dee Roma Hosking Ilze Groves Peter Coggan Roma Hosking Ilze Groves Peter Coggan Vernu Venugoban John Kelly Alan Kerlin Sean Bainbridge John Kelly
Treasurer Ian Ruecroft Margaret Gower Margaret Gower Robert Rosenstraus Gordon Beckett Sally Ruecroft Sally Ruecroft Sally Ruecroft Sally Ruecroft Sally Ruecroft Emma Prezzi Barry Dee Barry Dee Barry Dee
The objective of the Council is: To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Gungahlin and the Gungahlin community. The GCC constitution can be found at
? PILATES, YOGA AND BODYBALANCETM ? Pre-Natal and ‘Mums & Bubs’ classes ? Exercise Physiology and Injury Rehabilitation (including Workers Compensation & CTP Claims)
? Remedial Massage Therapy Open until 8.30pm Weekdays + Saturdays
Gungahlin Marketplace - Level 1 (located between Commonwealth Bank and Library)
Ph: 6241 5677
First 30 people to mention this ad will receive 20% off Class Programs and Massage Therapy Conditions apply.
SATELLITE IMAGE OF GUNGAHLIN 2007 showing extent of development and effects of drought
Early buildings at Gold Creek Homestead
First carol service December 1992 when population of Palmerston was about 200 people.
Chris Ball standing on new building site Palmerston 1992. Above right: Jacqui Burke with police at the opening of the ‘G’. Below: A new Town Centre at last! Below right: Gloria and Lloyd Walker built their new solar energy house eleven years in Ngunnawal. They came from Hawker to enjoy the view here.
Ladies' craft group 1996
Jenny Daly, Gungahlin Regional Service with seniors at Ngunnawal Neighbourhood Centre 2006. Below: Child and family Centre Gungahlin.
Left: Train and gardens at Cockington Green 2007
Stephen, Kylie, Heidi & Rohan Richardson who moved to Palmerston almost by accident when family members were looking for a house. At one stage all extended family members lived in Gungahlin
Soccer 2006
IMAGES OF GUNGAHLIN cont Meet the candidates before last election Sept 2001
Staff preparing for the opening of Centrelink
Opening of the Veterinary Hospital
Members of Rotary at Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club
I’ll help you, Dad! Let me feed the ducks, you silly goose!
Personnel from the Joint Emergency Services Centre 2002.
Gungahlin Regional Community Service Gungahlin Community Resource Centre Gungahlin Youth Centre Ngunnawal Neighbourhood Centre Ph: 6228 9200, E-mail:
Gungahlin Regional Community Service would like to congratulate the Gungahlin Community Council on the release of the 100th edition of GunSmoke. G.R.C.S. is happy to support this newsletter which is an essential community service for our rapidly growing community. G.R.C.S. has been serving the people of the region for 13 years. On June 11 G.R.C.S. will celebrate it’s 10 th birthday since incorporation. The board, staff and volunteers would like to take this opportunity to thank our
sponsors; Gungahlin Marketplace Canberra Murugan Temple Canberra Raiders Sports Club Gungahlin Lakes Community Club & Ainslie Football and Community Club Woolworths Gungahlin First Choice Butchers Noble Style Australian Federal Police Gungahlin Uniting Church Kaleen Sports Club Gungahlin Bakers Delight Brumby’s Bakery Staging Connections Acumen Alliance Lennock Motors
Without the support and donations received from our sponsors we could not maintain our high quality programs and services
Walk and Talk A walking group for everyone! All ages and capabilities welcome.
9am -10.30am Thursdays
The walks usually start at the Ngunnawal Neighbourhood Centre. (Yarrawonga St) Get fit and make new friends Ring 6123 4422 for more information.
Out of Hours School Care
Positions Vacant
Casual Out of School Hours Care Worker This position is for before and after school or after school care only. Attractive Salary Sacrificing options are available. For a duty statement and selection criteria please contact (02) 6228 9208 or email
New Women’s Group
For women interested in making new friends and sharing life experiences. A healthy morning tea will be provided free of charge. The group meets once a fortnight on Tuesdays at the Gungahlin Community Resource Centre 10am12midday. For more information call Branka on 6123 4402 SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES G.R.C.S. will be running school holiday beading and chess workshops during the first week of the break. The cost will be $2 per child. To register your interest please call 6123 4422.
“Community Within Gungahlin”
Local Art Group
New Horizons is a free career skills program which assists women to re-enter the workforce, commence studies or become a volunteer. Participants attend a short course which builds self-esteem and helps women to set goals and compile a resume. Following the course a series of workshops are conducted on a range of topics including basic computing, addressing selection criteria & interview techniques. Childcare: is provided for children under the age of 6, free of charge on site. Venue: the courses and workshops are held at the Gungahlin Community Resource Centre, Next course commences in May For more information please call
6123 4422 or 6228 9200
This program is proudly funded by the ACT Government as part of the Community Inclusion Fund.
Gungahlin Community Markets .
G.R.C.S markets are held every 4th Saturday of the month 10am-2pm Next markets: April 28 & May 26 If you would like to sell arts/crafts, plants or pre-loved goods at our next market please ring 6123 4422 to book.
The Art Society of Canberra (ASOC) with the support of Gungahlin Regional Community Service is establishing a district art group. The aim is for people who like to draw/paint to get to know one another. The group meets every fortnight on Mondays at the Ngunnawal Neighbourhood Centre at 9.30am. All Gungahlin residents who have an interest in art are welcome to join (you don’t have to be an expert). Contact Derek on 6242 8239 for more information. Acrylic Painting Course Commencing May 3 *Suitable for complete beginners and more advanced painters. * The course will be held once a week for 6 weeks * Thursdays 12.30—3.30pm * Cost $40 ($30 for concession card holders) Ring 6123 4422 to book. Gungahlin Community Network
The group meets weekly to undertake craft and art activities, chat and have coffee. It also offers social support and friendship. The Network welcomes new residents Where: Gungahlin Community Resource Centre When: Wednesday 10AM – 12MIDDAY Cost: Gold coin donation for morning tea Ring Alison on 6123 4422 for more information.
TOTS & TODDLERS MUSIC CLASSES Introduction to singing/rhythm/dance Classes are held on Monday and Thursday mornings at the Gungahlin Community Resource Centre. For more information ring 0405 539954 or 6123 4422.
“Community Within Gungahlin”
English Conversation Classes
Gungahlin Youth Centre Are you aged between 11 & 25? The centre facilitates a recreational drop in centre, youth and young parents programs, holiday programs, school outreach programs and case management. Phone us on 6123 4411 or visit for more details.
A Mental Health First Aid Course is now available at the Gungahlin Community Resource Centre. It is a 12-hour program for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds who may be carers or supporting clients with mental health issues. The course teaches first aid skills for mental health crisis situations. For information about the next course please contact Branka on (02) 6123 4402 for further info. This program is proudly supported by:
Coffee BREAK
A women’s discussion, craft and coffee group. The group meets on Thursdays 10am12 midday. The cost is $3 per week. Childcare is available at $3 per week for 1 child; $4 per week for 2 or more children. Bookings essential. Please call Bev on 6242 6077.
Meet new friends and learn to speak English in a friendly environment The group meets every Friday 1pm- 2.30pm at the Gungahlin Community Resource Centre. Phone 6123 4422 or 6123 4403 for more information.
Are you interested in Volunteering? Do you have time on your hands? Want to do something worthwhile? We are looking for volunteers on an ongoing basis for a variety of different activities such as helping with groups, admin work, driving and helping people with their shopping. Volunteering can be fun, rewarding and a great source of personal development. For more information contact Christa on 6123 4403.
Carers Support Group The Gungahlin Carers Support group is open to all carers, including people who give occasional care or support to a carer. The aim is for carers of all ages in all types of caring roles to have fun, go on social outings and on occasion listen to guest speakers discuss topics of interest. When: Every second Tuesday of the month from 1pm -3.30pm. Where: Gungahlin Community Resource Centre- Ernest Cavanagh St Gungahlin. Contact: Branka on 6123 4402
“Community Within Gungahlin”
Local Area Coordination is a new service for people with a disability aged 0-65 who live in the Gungahlin and Woden Valley Regions.
Delicious food, good wine, premium coffee and cakes in a modern dining setting. $0.0 Corkage Fee till licensed 10% discount for take aways 10% dis. Dinners Mondays, Weds, Thurs All Lunch Dishes $8.00 Shop 107 Gungahlin Place, Gungahlin Town Centre
T: 6242 6666 Brindabella Natural Health Centre Dickson Services provided include: ü counselling,
ü ü ü ü
kinesiology, acupuncture, massage and other natural therapies.
Ph: 62291790 M: 0404 844 847 MY CAT You’re lovable, playful, intelligent, bright. You’re sleepy by day and active by night. Gracefully beautiful, impeccably groomed. No need to fine feather expensive perfume. Sultry, provocative, seductive and more… You’re the one that my heart will always adore. When the day has been bad and life feels flat I return home to you….My darling cat!
We can provide information and assistance to help you reach your goals. We are able to assist you to plan for the future, access local services, increase your personal networks and supports, make lifestyle changes of your choice, and much more. The focus of Local Area Coordination is you. It’s your life, it’s your choice.
For more information please phone 6255 7911 or visit us at Suite 1.3 The Market Place 33 Hibberson Street Gungahlin ex.html Local Area Coordination is provided by Belconnen Community Service Inc. and Woden Community Service Inc. partnership and funded by Disability ACT
Gungahlin residents now have the opportunity to access a new program for people with disabilities, in their local area. Since the commencement of Local Area Coordination in Western Australia, in 1988, Local Area Coordination has established itself in other Australian states and territories to be a successful concept to support people with disabilities in their local communities. The ACT has welcomed this new program that aims to provide this complimentary professional yet flexible support to people with disabilities in the Woden Valley and Gungahlin Area’s. Residents of Gungahlin under the age of 65, who may have a physical, intellectual, sensory, or a cognitive disability can access Local Area Coordination for information, advocacy support, to create and build community connections, even plan for the future. Short to long term support is available and is free of charge. The program has been kept flexible to enable the Coordinators to respond to individuals and families changing needs, with a focus on creating meaningful lives with families and have individuals leading the direction of support from Local Area Coordination. Local Area Coordination is located above The Marketplace, with the main entry next to the Commonwealth Bank ATM’s. You can arrange to speak with a coordinator in the office, your home or in the community. Continued….
If you would like more information or arrange an appointment with a coordinator please see the Local Area Coordination advertisement in this edition of Gun smoke for contact details or phone 62557911. This program is provided by the Belconnen Community Service Inc. & Woden Community Service Inc. and funded by Disability ACT.
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Beauty & Tanning Studio Located in Gungahlin town centre upstairs in The Marketplace. We’re convenient, friendly and open 6 days a week. Services Include: ? Spray Tanning ? Waxing ? Matis Beauty Products ? Tinting ? Facials ? Massage ? Pedicures ? Manicures ? Pamper packages ? Gift Vouchers Open 9.30am to 5pm Mon, 9.30am to 6pm TueThurs, 9.30am to 7pm Fri & 9am to 1pm Sat
Suite 3, 1 st Floor The Marketplace Gungahlin (Above Big W)
Ph: 6162 0048
2006 Ginninderra bridge being hauled into place. P 13 In 18 months we might be able to travel to
Tuggerangong without delays!
DEVELOPER JOIN FORCES WITH RESEARCHERS, COMMUNITY GROUPS TO PROTECT LOCAL WOODLANDS Gungahlin residents can celebrate that their local Woodlands, Mulligans Flat and Goorooyarroo Nature Reserves, have national significance for conservation. These two reserves represent the largest piece of a critically endangered Woodland community in public hands anywhere in Australia. In themselves, they contain a diversity of habitats and are home to many threatened and unusual plants and animals. These publicly accessible reserves are precious assets to our ‘Bush Capital’. Recognising this, Forde has joined forces with a range of government, research and community organisations to better promote these reserves and coordinate efforts to protect their natural heritage. A “Bush on the Boundary” reference group has been formed to bring together the Ginninderra Catchment Group, Conservation Council South East Region and Canberra, Forde, ACT Department of Territory and Municipal Services, Australian National University, CSIRO and Greening Australia. Scarlet Robin . Photo: Helen Fallow
“All of these organisations are undertaking important projects or contributing resources to better ensure the long term protection and management of these reserves,” Peter Davey, Coordinator of the Ginninderra Catchment Group and convenor of the reference group said. Projects being undertaken by BOB participants include: ? the National Capital Woodland Initiative (ANU CRES & ACT Research & Monitoring) a major long term research project to better understand woodland ecology and progressively restore biodiversity of the Mulligans Flat environment to its pre-European state. ? Community Engagement in Conservation at the Bush/Urban Interface (Conservation Council).This is an NHT-funded initiative, which aims to investigate and develop ways to achieve higher status, protection and management of the woodlands by engaging and involving the community in conservation activities. ? Community Monitoring initiatives (Ginninderra Catchment Group & University of Canberra) aims to involve community in local environmental monitoring projects. These include waterwatch, Frogwatch, native turtle surveys, and noxious weed surveillance. ? The Garden Bird Survey (Canberra Ornithologists Group) is a long-term project that monitors bird species and numbers around the ACT. Baseline and ongoing information from newly-developed areas is of particular interest. ?
Greening Australia/Forde partnership to enhance the environmental values of Forde.
“These and other initiatives being undertaken by BOB organisations have a strong focus on informing and engaging the community,” Mr. Davey said. The Conservation Council of the South-east region and Canberra is a key member of the reference group and is taking a lead role in developing better ways to inform and engage the community in Woodland conservation.
Water quality testing. Photo: John Baker
“Protection of our woodlands will ultimately depend on government and community working together” said Kåren Watson, who is heading up this initiative.
“Urban development and lifestyles can have significant impacts, however, the majority of Canberrans do appreciate the value of their bush Capital and an increasing number of individuals and community groups want to get involved.” Forde have also played an active role on the reference group. Forde have sponsored the printing and distribution of a brochure on the Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve, and contributed funding to the design of other visual display material. They have highlighted the importance of the Woodlands in their recent newsletter and have made promotional material available through their sales office. Old yellow box tree at Mulligans Flat. Photo: Kåren Watson
“Forde recognises its development is closely linked to the Mulligans Flat Reserve and we are keen to play our part to help ensure our development is sensitive to the long-term conservation objectives of the reserve. This includes actively encouraging new residents to get involved in conservation activities being offered, but also to think of their suburb as being an extension of this wonderful reserve,” says M alcolm Leslie of Forde. Peter Davey and Kåren Watson agree, “Having the developers so cooperatively and enthusiastically involved has made the outlook for achieving these conservation goals very positive.” Peter Davey, Ginninderra Catchment Group 6278 3309
Kåren Watson Conservation Council of the South-east and Canberra 6247 7808 P14
POISONOUS PLANTS Some of the most common household plants have the most toxic qualities. Young children are often attracted to colourful plants with blossoms or bright berries. Youngsters should be taught never to put any part of a plant in their mouths. If you think your child may have ingested a poisonous plant, contact a doctor or the Poisons Information Centre immediately Ph 1311 26. Be sure to get a piece of the plant, so positive identification can be made. Some of the most common plants found in and around the home can be extremely dangerous to children:
Poinsettia (Euphorbia Pulcherrima) may cause slight gastrointestinal irritation. Treatment is to thoroughly wash mo uth and give milk to drink. Call a doctor or ring the Poisons Information Centre.
Crown of Thorns May cause skin irritation in the form of a rash or even blister. Washing of affected areas will minimize symptoms. Ingestion symptoms are irritation of the mouth, throat and stomach, vomiting and diarrhea. Thoroughly wash the mouth and give the child milk. Call a doctor or ring the Poisons Information Centre.
‘FOR ALL YOUR’ ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
Oleander (Oleaceae Nerium Oleander) is extremely poisonous if ingested. Yellow oleander is one of the most poisonous plants grown in Australia. A single leaf or flower may kill a child. Symptoms include vomiting, abdominal pains, diarrhoea, dizziness, irregular heart action, dilated pupils and coma leading to death. Call a doctor or ring the Poisons Information Centre.
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Diana Burns Solicitors is an established Solicitors Practice and has been operating in Canberra since 1992. Since 1998, the Practice has operated from its Office at ‘The Kennedy’ in Kingston. In June 2004, the firm opened its second Canberra Office – from Suite 5, First Floor, Gungahlin Marketplace. Over many years, Diana Burns Solicitors has developed considerable expertise in a diverse range of legal fields, including: . Conveyancing and Property Law . Business and Commercial Law . Commercial Leases . Purchase and Sale of Businesses . Wills and Grants of Probate
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Proudly supporting the Gungahlin community. Gungahlin Lakes Golf and Community Club pay for distribution of Gunsmoke Position vacant: Contract $6,000 pa to manage and clean Palmerston Community Hall. Enquiries after Easter to Roma Hosking Ph 6242 0485 P17
GCC is looking for people who are interested in helping prepare submissions for the drafts for the Sustainable Transport Plan and the Canberra Parking Strategy in response to a letter from Dr Hanna Jairet.“I am writing in my capacity as Secretary of the ACT Legislative Assembly's Standing Committee on Planning and Environment to invite you to make a submission to the Committee's inquiry into ACTION bus services and the ACT Government's Sustainable Transport Plan.” If you would like any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me on 6205 0137 or by email: Please Email Alan Kerlin if you would like to assist: or ph 6241 3457 after hours.
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Submission to Electoral Commission from Ian Ruecroft
As a Gungahlin resident I would like to express my concern that the current electoral distribution disadvantages the Gungahlin community in an unnecessary and unfair way. The Gungahlin community is a “community of common interests” just the same as Belconnen, Weston Creek, Tuggeranong and other clearly identified communities. There is a need to identify communities of common interests as one of the main factors in establishing ACT electoral boundaries.
Nicholls shops
I believe that the ACT Electoral Commission needs to consider committing resources into exploring a range of options relating to electoral boundaries. This should be done in an effort to resolve the current issues and to provide the ACT community with a transparent and socially equitable model for electing members of the ACT Legislative Assembly. There can be no dispute that Gungahlin is a disadvantaged community in relation to the way voters are split into two electorates. This has resulted in our under representation within the ACT Legislative Assembly and an associated lack of provision of services for the Gungahlin community. Under the current model Gungahlin makes up a small portion of the Ginninderra electorate and minor portion of the Molonglo electorate. M embers of the ACT Legislative Assembly appear to consider the district as insignificant in relation to community issues.
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In April 2007 Gungahlin will celebrate the 15th anniversary of our community. Facilities and services provided of other ACT communities, during their development stages, have not been available to Gungahlin, although the financial contributions made from land sales, rates and taxes from the Gungahlin district have made significant contributions to the ACT’s finances. Every audit comparing services and/ or facilities, within the ACT community, confirms that Gungahlin is a disadvantaged community and this situation has only deteriorated over recent years. I believe that the Electoral Commission has a responsibility to work with the Gungahlin community to explore every possible solution to the current situation and implement changes that will ensure that Gungahlin is contained within one electorate for the 2008 ACT election and for future elections. If it is not possible to develop a suitable option that contains all communities of common interests within the same electorate, then there is a need to develop a process that rotates the disadvantage. Gungahlin can be wholly contained within either the Molonglo or Ginninderra electorate, however this may impact on other parts of these electorates. At this time it may not be possible to structure electoral boundaries unless one or more communities of common interest are disadvantaged. If this is the case it is time that other districts are disadvantaged. Gungahlin has been split into two electorates for a number of ACT elections. In the 2008 ACT election, all Gungahlin suburbs should be contained within one electorate. How this is achieved is a challenge the ACT Electoral Commission will need to deal with. Yours sincerely T.I. Ruecroft
From: Phillip Green 9 March 2007 Electoral Commissioner Five suggestions received by the Redistribution Committee are available for public inspection at the ACT Electoral Commission office at Level 2, 12 Moore Street, Civic, and from its website at Members of the public are invited to make written comments on suggestions to the Redistribution Committee. Comments should be lodged with the Electoral Commission at the above address or via email to by Thursday 22 March 2007. After the close of the comments period, the Redistribution Committee will consider the public suggestions and comments before publishing a proposed redistribution of the ACT's electoral boundaries. The public will then have 28 days in which to object to the proposed boundaries. The Redistribution Committee consists of the Electoral Commissioner, Phillip Green; the ACT Planning and Land Authority, Neil Savery; the Commissioner for Surveys, Frank Blanchfield; and the Regional Director, ACT Office, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Karen Macdonald .
Map right showing 2001 – 2004 Electoral Boundaries with Nicholls attached o Belconnen.
disability, housing & community services
news & information New Youth Detention Centre will benefit Gungahlin Hindmarsh, a leading construction, development and property company will project manage the ACT’s new $40m Youth Detention Center. The new centre will be established in Gungahlin and construction is due to commence in March 2007, with completion planned for June 2008. The Centre’s character will be similar to that of a secondary college. The design is an assemblage of small scale buildings forming a campus-style environment. There will be variation in the colour and texture of materials, enhancing the visual integration of the Centre into the broader landscape. Further information on the new Youth Detention Centre can be accessed on or by e-mail or telephone 6205 0313
page 1 of 1
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HINTS FOR AVERTISING IN GUNSMOKE When placing your advertisement, leave easy to reach contact details in case there are problems with the advertisement. Provide the advertisement you wish to place in the same size as you wish the advertisement to be published – for example sometimes unexpected results can happen if you provide an A4 copy for 6cm x 4cm advertisement. Provide clear contact details for invoicing. If it is an email address, please ensure it is accessed regularly – what happens if some is away on leave or holidays? If you change your email address please notify us of the change as soon as possible so we can remain in contact. Pay as early as possible after receipt of invoice. If paying by EFT – our preferred method of payment – check your account a few days later to see if the transaction has been successful.
Monday– Friday: 8.00 am—6.30 pm Saturday: 8.30am—4.00pm Please ring for an appointment.
When paying by EFT it is good practice in the transaction description to identify your name and the invoice number you are paying. Please notify us by email to that you have made the transaction.
Come and wash your dog in our hydrobath— $15 including shampoo, towel and use of dryer
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If you cannot afford to pay for the advertisement before you lodge it, consider the implications, are you overreaching your commitments?
Please ring the hospital for further information or to make a booking
21 Crinigan Circle, GUNGAHLIN (adjacent Caltex / Woolworths Petrol)
6242 7276
“Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash. ” - General George S. Paton -
If you are paying directly into our bank account BSB 062-911 Account Number 10113957 Account Name Gungahlin Community Council Inc. please notify us by email or letter of the transaction including the amount and the invoice number.
B.D.Sc (Uni Qld)
37 Anthony Rolfe Ave Gungahlin (Across from Police Station)
Hours Mon – Fri 8.00am – 6.00pm Sat 8.00am – Noon
PH (02) 6242 7288 To make an appointment P12
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The Gungahlin Community Council (GCC) provides a forum where the community can contribute suggestions and opinions. One of the ways we do this is through our community newsletter Gunsmoke. Following are a number of items provided by Ian Ruecroft. These items are Ian’s personal views and comments. Intertown buses The Action bus Intertown bus information sheet reads: " The Intertown bus service is made up of bus routes combined to operate a high frequency bus service linking Belconnen, City, Woden, and Tuggeranong Town Centres. - Intertown buses start in the suburbs of Canberra then travel via the four Town Centres. You can get just about anywhere on an Intertown. - Any bus route with the numbers starting with 300 form part of the Intertown. These numbers are: 300, 312, 313, 314 and 315." I take it that "just about anywhere" does not include any suburb in Gungahlin. With a population of 32,000 people it is time that we were recognised as a Town Centre with a community that deserves services comparable to other districts in the ACT. Especially since there is very little employment in Gungahlin and a road network that makes it hard to access areas of employment during peak hours. Employment in Gungahlin On page 2 of Gunsmoke 16 (16th February 1996) the article states “The GCC continues to have the development of the Town Centre high on its agenda. We trust that the Community representatives will continue to be part of the ongoing discussions. What is of concern is that there has been no thought or support from ministers in the ACT Government to ensure that the Town Centre will be economically viable. There has been no announcements made guaranteeing the presence of a Government Department in the first stage of the development”. Eleven years down the track we can not see any real commitment from ACT Government ministers to employment in the Gungahlin Town Centre. We can see extensive office construction at the Airport, Civic, Belconnen, Barton and other areas of Canberra, but Gungahlin continues to be overlooked and kept in the “let them wait” pigeonhole. Unfortunately planning in the Gungahlin Town Centre is gradually undermining the options we will have available to provide suitably sized blocks that will provide enough land to accommodate substantial multi story office accommodation, as required by government departments. The land is being sold off for residential development and even now there is a problem identifying blocks, which are located in the central area of the Town Centre and big enough for large scale office development. The ACT government has stated that they are exploring options for attracting employment to Gungahlin. Hopefully they will be able to provide more information when Simon Corbell and John Hargreaves attend the GCC meeting on the 11th April 2007. Water supply to new areas of Gungahlin More than ten years ago I attended a meeting of the GCC where the suggestion was made that all new developments should provide households with two water supplies. It was suggested that one supply could be for drinking water and one supply could be for toilet flushing, washing etc; and garden watering. At the time it was considered by the government representatives that this option would be too expensive to install. Although there has been considerable development since then, there is still more than twothirds of Gungahlin yet to be developed. New home owners are required to expend a considerable amount of money to install tanks, pumps and other infrastructure, not to mention the costs to run and maintain the pumping system. Maybe
it is time to explore every option in relation to water usage, storage and utilisation. There also needs to be consideration given to cost efficiencies for the people who are building new homes. The amount of money expended on installing tanks etc, may be reduced or more efficiently used by installing the additional water pipes required to provide each home with a dual water supply, even if this amount is added to the cost of the block. The Gold Creek Homestead The development of the Gold Creek Homestead site has been an issue that has been debated in many forums over the past seven years. There have been a number of working groups (set up by the community and government) that have considered proposals and drawn up plans in an effort to find a suitable use for the land and the homestead. There are a few things that are generally agreed, these include: 1) That the homestead should be retained and utilised. 2) That the land needs to be used in a way that is compatible to the homestead and complimentary to the surrounding homes. After considerable deliberation by a committee set up (in 2005) to call for expressions of interest for the use of the block, it was recommended that the block be rezoned so that it could be used for aged care facilities in addition to community use. The Gold Creek Homestead block is big enough to provide a combination of aged care facilities and community uses. The GCC and other community organisations have always supported the sensible development of the block, but we have also tried to link the sale of the land to the provision of community facilities. We believe that any money received from the sale of the block should be wholly used for improvements to the homestead and the provision of community facilities contained on the block. With the knowledge of what happened with the Fyshwick Long-stay Caravan Park the community needs to be vigilant in considering any options where the homestead and community facilities are not owned by the government. For this reason the GCC is supportive of a model that establishes a community based (not-for-profit) organisation, to be involved in the design of the community precinct and the management of these facilities after their completion. One option that would provide for good utilisation of the land and the community facilities would be to combine a mixture of aged care facilities, accommodation and housing for older people, plus the establishment of an art , craft, workshop and community use precinct. This would be an example of community housing that would provide a structured transition for older people, who are looking for a way to make the change from their current home to an environment that provides them with facilities that will keep them active, without the responsibilities of owning and maintaining a large home, workshop, garden, etc. The community facilities could provide activities like craft work, quilting, working with timber and metal, gardening, art, automotive restoration, pottery making and other compatible hobbies and interests. With innovative planning, and a reasonable allocation of money and resources, Gungahlin could have a sustainable enterprise that will provide the general community and residents of the aged care establishment with facilities that are in high demand, in a location that is easily accessible to all residents of Gungahlin, Belconnen and North Canberra. The Gungahlin Community Council will be having a general meeting that will focus on the Gold Creek Homestead. This meeting will be held at the Palmerston Community Hall on the 9 th May 2007 (7.30pm to 9.30pm). Interested persons are invited to attend. If you have any suggestions you would like to contribute before the meeting, please email them to Alternatively contact 04000 23422 or write to PO Box 260 Gungahlin ACT 2912.
President’s Report The ACT Government’s Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) is in the midst of a major overhaul of its key planning regulation – the Territory Plan. GCC Executive Member Kevin Cox and I attended several consultation workshops towards the end of 2006 that were looking at the proposed structure of the new Plan. My overall impression is that ACTPLA is heading in the right direction, but there is a lot more work still to be done. The next stage of this project will be the actual detail of the regulations themselves, and as always, ‘the devil is in the detail’. So it will a critical time for GCC and the wider community to get involved in making sure this new plan is set up in such a way that we have certainty about where our community is headed, and that the sorts of planning mistakes we see around us every day in Gungahlin are not repeated. If you are interested in town planning issues, we are keen to set up a sub-committee looking specifically at planning and development, so please give me a call. Also before Christmas the Land Development Agency (LDA – the ACT Government’s semiautonomous development business) lodged a development application for redevelopment of the Gungahlin Town Centre Park. As I’ve explained in some detail on our website, this was the first we’d heard about the plans, and we were disappointed that the LDA hadn’t thought to consult with the community on such a pivotal development for our community. (Front page Gunsmoke 99). We lodged a submission pointing this out, plus raising some concerns we could glean from the DA. (development application) ACTPLA agreed and while approving the DA, also included a requirement in the approval that the LDA engage with the GCC, and through us the wider community, about the design. We recently started surveying people in the street in Gungahlin, and the response to date seems to be on a par with the concerns we
raised in our submission. Briefly, too much paving, not enough grassy play areas near the playground, not enough shade around the playground and surrounds, and a critical need for fencing around the playground and surrounds, given that busy streets surround this small park on all sides. We welcome your comment on the plans – we’ll put the LDA’s plans up on our website for you. Construction has commenced on the East Gungahlin School in Harrison. This is meant in time to be a K-10 school, with preschool and beforeand-after-school care on site. We would like to see a childcare centre co-located, as this would avoid the dreaded ‘double drop-off’ for many parents, and maybe even help boost patronage of the bus services through Harrison.
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PALMERSTON MEDICAL CENTRE Palmerston Shops, Tiptree Cres Ph 6242 9464 Dr Prad Southi
Personally, our household has been very busy sorting the details out for our new house. However, bucking against the Canberra building trade’s apparent addiction to brick veneer, tiled roofs and disregard for the hot end of our climate is proving quite frustrating. And trying to do it all within a reasonable budget is making it that much harder… We can well understand why so many people abandon their good intentions when faced with the barriers the local trade places in the way. But as we look around at the dust clouds and drought-ravaged gardens, we reassure ourselves that it will be worth the effort. Our house will be comfortable and cheap to live in summer and winter, and our yard will be pleasant for the children to play in, regardless of water restrictions. I’m happy to hear your thoughts on these or any other concerns you have with your community. Email is always the best method – Regards,
Alan Kerlin President GCC.
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COMMUNITY GRANTS The communityhelp Grants program gives you the opportunity to nominate a group that works to prevent crime or injury, provides emergency services, or helps the environment, especially in the area of climate change, for a grant of up to $5000. More than 450 community groups have benefited from communityhelp Grants since 2003 and, last year alone, more than $500, 000 was invested into local communities through the program. I encourage you to make a difference in the area you work or live, by nominating a group for a grant. It’s also an ideal opportunity to speak to customers about how NRMA Insurance is investing in, and supporting, local communities. Please talk to and encourage deserving groups within your community to apply for a grant. I’ve no doubt you will embrace the 2007 communityhelp Grants program wholeheartedly, given the passionate community spirit in the country network. You can find out more about how to become involved in communityhelp Grants on inside IAG. Stuart Blake NSW Sales & Distribution Manager