APRIL 2010
Fourteen different newspapers were established and merged over a 95 year period to create what has been known as the Gunnison Country Times since 1975.
(1880-81) — Established April 1880
(1880-82) — Established May 1880
(1880-81) — Established August 1880
How eight became one (1881-91) — Created by merger of Gunnison News and Gunnison Democrat in June 1881
Start-ups and mergers, 1880-1975
(1881-82) — Established September 1881
by Larr y Jensen
The newspaper in your hands has a long and distinguished history dating back to the first paper printed in town, the Gunnison News of April 17, 1880. Between then and 1975, seven more newspapers were established and merged on what was a long and winding road toward creating the Gunnison Country Times. Today, we will trace those start-ups and mergers. We won’t include other unrelated newspapers that came and went over the years. It would complicate the story beyond comprehension. As it is, pay close attention faithful readers, as this is a rather convoluted road. The establishment of the Gunnison News was soon followed by the Gunnison Review, which began publishing in May 1880. A third paper, the Gunnison Democrat, began publishing in August 1880. And a fourth, the Gunnison Free Press, was established in September 1881. Before the Free Press started, the News and the Democrat merged in June 1881 to form the Gunnison News-Democrat. After only 11 months, the Free Press merged with the Review to form the Gunnison ReviewPress in August 1882. For those of you keeping score, the four newspapers have now become two. Things remained relatively stable until 1891. The NewsDemocrat stopped publishing in March, only to resume in October as the second Gunnison News. Meanwhile, the ReviewPress was sold and renamed the Gunnison Tribune. Net total is still two. A new Gunnison newspaper, the People’s Champion, was
(1882-91) — Created by merger of Gunnison Review and Gunnison Free Press in August 1882
(1891-1900) — Gunnison NewsDemocrat renamed in 1891
(1891-1904) — Gunnison Review-Press renamed in 1891
(1894-1901) — Established in 1894
(1901-1975) — Henry F Lake Jr. acquired Gunnison News in December 1900 and People’s Champion in January 1901, merging them; Gunnison Tribune acquired in 1904. Sold to Wally and Vesta Foster in 1948
(1901-32) — Established in 1901; merged into Gunnison NewsChampion in 1932
(1932-33) — Established in 1932.
(1933-1975) — The Echo was renamed in 1933; sold to Wally and Vesta Foster in 1955
No one has been continuously practicing the trade of journalism in the Gunnison Valley longer than George Sibley. He started in the early ’70s by owning and editing the Crested Butte Chronicle. He taught journalism at Western State College for many years. And to this day he remains an active freelance voice, offering stories and commentaries on life here in the Upper Gunnison Valley.
Gunnison: A newspaper town for 130 years ... and counting by Chris Dickey
Henry F. Lake, Jr. 1873-1948
Wallace D. Foster 1920-1990
established in 1894 by supporters of People’s Party presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan. Net total is now three. The march toward the future began in December 1900, when Henry Freeman Lake, Jr., purchased the Gunnison News. Lake was a Michigan native who relocated to the area in 1895. He would be a player in Gunnison newspaper circles for almost 50 years. In January 1901, Lake purchased the People’s Champion and merged his two papers to become the Gunnison NewsChampion, a masthead that would survive for just under 75 years. Gunnison was briefly back down to two papers. But it didn’t last long. The Gunnison Republican began publishing shortly thereafter, apparently to offer a competing voice. The Gunnison Tribune continued publishing until 1904, when Lake purchased it and folded it into his empire. The News-Champion and the Republican remained competitors until 1932, when Lake purchased the Republican and it, too, became part of the empire. Briefly, there was only the News-Champion. Another competing voice was
quickly established in 1932. It was originally named The Gunnison Echo, but became the Gunnison Courier in January 1933. Again there were two. Henry Lake passed away at the age of 74 on February 4, 1948. His family sold the Gunnison News-Champion to Wallace D. “Wally” and Vesta F o s t e r t h a t O c t o b e r. T h e Fosters purchased the Gunnison Courier in 1955, but kept it a separate paper and continued to publish both. Subscriptions included both papers. At the time, the Courier was published on Sundays and the NewsChampion on Wednesdays. Another new paper, the Gunnison County Globe, began publishing in 1957. For the next 18 years things remained status quo. Gunnison was a three newspaper town representing two editorial voices. In July 1975, Sams Communications purchased the two Foster papers and the Globe. All three were merged to create the Gunnison Country Times, effective August 18, 1975. (This article first appeared in the “A Glance into History” column on April 16, 2009)
Independent in all things, neutral in none
(1957-75) — Established in 1957 to compete with the Foster-owned Gunnison News-Champion and Gunnison Courier.
(1975-present) — Created via an acquisition and merger of the Gunnison News-Champion, Gunnison Courier and Gunnison County Globe by Sams communications, effective August 18, 1975
A couple of years ago he prepared an insightful report on the history of journalism in the Upper Gunnison Basin. But, in typical George fashion, this is hardly a bland account of the most basic facts — this paper started then, the other followed ... etc. His is an analysis not only of what it took to bring newspapers to the people, but what was going on around those establishments that made them happen, the
motives behind the people that brought them to life. “Independent in All Things, Neutral in None: A History-inProgress of Newspapers in the Upper Gunnison Country.” It’s too long to publish here, but you can read all about it online, at www.gunnisontimes. com. Once again, thank you, George, for being who you are, and doing what you do.
With this special section of the Gunnison Country Times that you hold in your hands (sorry on-line readers, this time it’s really not the same), we celebrate the history of newspapers in our beloved Gunnison community. About a month after Gunnison’s founding fathers made it official and incorporated the town in March of 1880, along came a newspaper. And then another. And another. And so on. Suffice it to say, Gunnison has always been a newspaper kind of town. Amen to that. This long and colorful lineage of newspapers — of newspaper men and women, of competing businesses and optimistic entrepreneurs, of sweeping technological changes, and, always, of journalists working frantically to get the next issue on the streets — unfolds into the product that you see today. The Times hasn’t always been the Times, of course. Nor has it always been a weekly, greeting engaged citizens every Thursday morning. Remarkably, however, with a couple of brief exceptions, Gunnison newspapers have always been locally owned and operated enterprises. That’s a fact we take pride in today. As goes Gunnison, so goes its hometown newspaper — the way it should be. So with this special section we thought it would be interesting and fun to not only take a quick look back at this Gunnison newspaper history (thanks to the Times’ Larry Jensen for doing a masterful job of condensing 130 years and countless operations into a manageable summation) but to hear from a variety of former Gunnison newspaper people. My apologies up front for the incompleteness of this collection. Not only would it have been nearly impossible to track down everyone who has ever worked here (and is still breathing), but we couldn’t afford all of the paper it would take to print all those stories. Instead, we offer a tasty sampling of recollections and reflections from a handful of the fine folks who have brought you all the news they knew about over the years.