Annual Report 1998 INTRODUCTION Growing of the resource centers for public organizations (or NGOs) in different regions of Ukraine demonstrates essential growing of the third sector’s activity, that is the guarantee of the inevitable democratic changes in this country. To my mind, existence of the resource centers is caused not by the unwilling of the potential donors to maintain numerous and small NGOs, but vice verse - by the wishing to help them in the best way, having created the effective infrastructure of the third sector. Who but the public organizations themselves, which resource centers are, knows the needs of the sector? It is also very essential, that regional resource centers have young, but experienced stuff, that is not afraid of difficulties of chosen way and that is directed to achieving the goal - open civil society in Ukraine. HISTORY OF SETTING UP AND DEVELOPMENT GURT Resource Center for NGO Development was established by initiative of several famous youth organizations of Ukraine in October, 1995 in order to provide technical support for their development. Soon GURT’s activities became cover all spectrum of NGOs. The list of services was extremely increased. The most crusual is the development of intellectual services for NGOs – consultations, information processing and distributing, training. Since August, 1996 GURT is a part of AllUkrainian League of Resource Centers. And since March, 1997 GURT is a part of the Orpheus Network that consists of resource and information centers of Central and Eastern Europe and administrated by the European Foundation Center. GURT works for Kyiv city, and 4 Ukrainian regions: Cherkaska, Kirovohradska, Kyivska, Zhytomyrska oblasts. Where we conduct training seminars, consultations for NGOs, and also promoting the development of local centers for NGO support. Since June, 1998 GURT started program of volunteerism development in Ukraine. Volunteer Center “Dobra Volya” was set up. Its mission is mobilizing of human resources of community to support activities of NGOs. In September, 1998 we published first issue of bulletin for NGOs “Dobra Volya”.
MISSION GURT Resource Center for NGO Development – is non-profit public organization, whose mission is to promote the development of democratic society in Ukraine by strengthening the sector of public organizations. GURT performances – include providing technical, informational, consulting, methodological support for public organizations and initiative groups, developing social partnership, informing wide ranges of society and involving them in work of public organizations. Main tasks: Promote NGO development in Ukraine Informational support of NGOs Provide competent help for public organizations in their development and growth Increase the professional level of NGO’s personnel
Explore the development of the third sector of Ukraine Improvement of legal status of public organizations Third sector popularization in Ukraine and abroad Promote NGO cooperation throughout Ukraine Develop partnership between Ukrainian and international NGOs Promote NGO cooperation with publicity, businesses, mass media, governmental structures Mobilize human resources for the participation in the activities of public organizations Priorities: We realize the importance of cooperation with initiative groups and new public organizations of the country Our activities cover the regions of Kyiv, Zhitomir, Chernigov, Cherkassy and Kyrovograd The cooperation with NGOs from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and former republics is of great importance also.
PERFORMANCE DISCRIPTION SERVICES, Provided by Gurt Resource Center for NGO Development
Consulting work on formation and performance of public organizations Using electronic data bases of Ukrainian non-profit organizations, Ukrainian law Library Distributing printed editions of RC "GURT" and other organizations Faxing service E-mail Computer service (including Internet) Creating simple Internet pages for public organizations Holding consultations on the following subjects: Legal advice (registration, legal base of NGO performance, NGO rights concerning participation in social life of the country and government) Accounting (accountability, tax assessment, project accounting administration, wages, accounting organization) Creating and improving the performance of NGOs (what is public organization, mission, goal, objectives, structure of organization, board of advisors, partnership search in Ukraine and abroad) NGO administration (analysis of strong and weak points of NGO, analysis of environment, setting goals and finding the ways of achieving them) Fundraising (ways of fundraising, projects preparations) Information technology (modern conditions, technology selection) Coordination of volunteers activities (search and involvement of volunteers, volunteers motivation, volunteers placement, volunteers control)
ďƒź Public relations (cooperation with MM, businesses, government and publicity, press releases preparations, media-list)  Training and seminars for NGO representatives and initiative groups of Kyiv and regions. "Fundraising for NGOs of Ukraine" The program is orientated on NGO representatives who do not have any or have very little experience in writing and applying for financial support. Participants are given application forms, information on the directions, that are financed by donor organizations; design phases of the project are depicted, the tendencies of minimizing the project or social program expenses are explained. ( In 1998 were held 5 training programs: in Boryspol, Kanev, Kirovograd, Oleksandrya, Smela and PereyaslavKhmelnitsky). "Strategic planning for public organizations" The training is orientated on new organizations, that have needs in setting strategic goals and finding the ways of accomplishing them. It helps to enunciate the mission of NGO, hold analysis and denote strategic goals. This training will be useful for the directors of public organizations. (In 1998 the training was held in Kirovograd). "Public relations" The training is made for the organizations that need to establish strong relations with publicity. The participants will be given information about press-releases, methods of work with MM, image making of NGO. (In 1998 were held 4 trainings: in Vinnitsa, Cherkassy, Chernigov, Zhitomir). "Strategy of NGO survival in conditions of transaction" Training is orientated on public organizations, that want to brisk up their work and make it more effective, to provide seminars for public organizations on strategic planning, social marketing, public relations. (In 1998 there were held 3 trainings: in Kyiv, Cherkassy). "Volunteer management" This training is orientated on public organizations that have achieved the level where they use volunteer help or want to do that. The questions of motivation, search and volunteer involvement, job descriptions are discussed. (There were held 2 trainings in 1998 in Kyiv). "Effective communication" This training will be useful for the organizations of all levels of development. It will provide skills on representation of organizations, negotiations, that are very important for effective organization performance. Projects in 1998 Dialogue of non-governmental organizations – (project was financed by Phare / Democratic program Tacis) In cooperation with euroCom e.V. (Berlin, Germany) and association for extension of non-governmental organizations (Kyiv) RC "GURT" was one of the partners of the
project. The goal of the project was to provide information exchange, share experience and strategies of work between public organizations of Berlin and Kyiv; promote dialogue development among third sector, and between NGOs and other sectors of society; hold seminars and research the priorities of NGO performance. Strategies of NGO development in the regions of Kyiv, Kirovograd, Cherkassy – (the project was supported by Eurasia foundation, the costs were covered by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation) The project was orientated on the information and consulting support in formation and development of regional non-profit organizations and initiative groups, holding round table discussions and seminars for NGOs. Formation of volunteer center – (the project is financed by International Renaissance Foundation and Opened Society Institute) The goal of the project is to involve population in public work on volunteer basis. The project includes methodological issues for work with volunteers, special training, bulletin "Dobra volya". Strategy of NGO survival in the conditions of transition – ( the project is supported by UNO Development Program with the assistance of National Agency of Ukraine on reconstruction and European integration). The project will include holding of seminars for public organizations and they will concern the problems of strategic planning, social marketing, public relations. There will be published brochure dealing with such questions and considering positive experience of Ukrainian public organizations. Ukraine – Byelorussia: mutual development of third sector – (the project is financed by the International Renaissance Foundation). This project is result of mutual initiative of RC "GURT" and Byelorussian republican center for NGO development "United Way". It was created to develop partnership and initiatives of Ukrainian and Byelorussian public organizations. NGO qualified dialogue ( supported by Eurasia Foundation, costs are provided by USIAD). This initiative was implemented as part of "Mass media for public society" program of Eurasia Foundation and was aimed to teach the representatives of regional public organizations the main methods of public relations to promote efficiency of their performance. Organization's achievements: GURT has held 15 trainings and seminars in 1998.They were orientated on development and promotion effectiveness of performance of public organizations. More than 220 representatives of public organizations, governmental structures, businesses and mass media were involved. GURT maintained 50 organizations on regular base in 1998. Mailing list consists of 40 regional and Kyiv public organizations that were getting published editions and information on donor foundations and their programs. 5 informational electronic bulletins for public organizations were prepared in 1998 and were send to 120 addresses. 3 issues of bulletin "Dobra volya" were published and provided to all organizations interested.
1998 issues of GURT Resource Center: “Accounting and Taxes for NGO” – manual on accounting for NGOs in Ukraine "Strategy settles everything" – manual on strategic planning, social marketing and public relations for public organizations "Money settles everything" – manual on fundraising for public organizations. "Managing of volunteer performance" – manual on volunteer help for NGOs. "Charity in Ukraine: past, present, future" – origins of charity in Ukraine. Publications in mass media about GURT Resource Center "Public organizations merge" – Smilyansky obrii, 20.05.98 "Easier to do with "GURT"" – Ellin press, 21.05.98 "Zhitomir youth merge" – Misto, 22.05.98 ""GURT" combines, fundraising allows to breathe" – Smilyansky obrii, 28.10.98 "Fundraising. Have you heard about that?" – Noviny Kirovogradschyny, 30.10.98 "Volunteer center is organized in Kyiv" – Perechrestya, October – November of 1998
Financing in 1998 (in gryvnas): Source Erasure Foundation (Ch.S.Mott Foundation costs) Erasure Foundation (USAID costs) International Renaissance Foundation (including OSI costs) Passive income UNDP
43,439.07 31,596.14 74,939.37 800 19,117.25 TOTAL:169,891.83
Main GURT expenses in 1998 (in gryvnas): Holding of seminars and training for public organizations Equipment Publishing activity Administrative expenses Expenses for participation in international seminars, conferences, trainees Other expenses Balance
59,024.67 12,496.50 36,972.34 26,510.00 13,877.00 14,352.30 6,659.02
TOTAL: 169,891.83 - positive balance is caused by no coincidence of the project's implementation phase with the beginning or end of a year or a quarter.
Organizations that support GURT We appreciate the support of International Renaissance Foundation, Opened Society Institute, Eurasia Foundation, Charles Stuart Mott Foundation, UNDP, Phare and Tacis Democracy Programme, USAID. PERSONNEL Organizational structure of GURT General meeting
meeting Director / administration
Informational department
Media center
for NGOs
Board of advisors
Public relations, fundraising department
Consulting and training
depart ment Volunteer center
Technical department nt
Board of advisors
«Dobra volya»
Personnel of GURT Bohdan Maslych – director Andry Khaletsky – vice director Vasyl Nazaruk – consulting and training coordinator, Volunteer Center coordinator Serhiy Kyzyma – technical department coordinator Serhiy Shurukhin – informational department coordinator Oksana Tyurina – trainer Hallie Torrell – public relations consultant, Peace Corps volunteer Victoria Potapenko – vice director assistant, volunteer Tetyana Pushnova – Volunteer Center coordinator assistant, volunteer Oksana Vynnychuk – trainer, volunteer
CONTACT ADDRESS Contacts: (mail) Ukraine, 252005, Kyiv, PO box 126/7 Office address: Kyiv, Kostyantynivska St., 26 Tel/fax: (380-044) 417-84-30 E-mail: Internet: