personal (english)
Gustavo Adolfo Normanns
Gustavo Adolfo Normanns Morales
Full-time researcher of the Institute of Conflict Transformation for the construction of the Peace in Guatemala -INTRAPAZ- of the Rafael Landívar University. Since 2010, he is in charge of the axis of social conflict. His experience includes, in addition to social research, the teaching assessment for the initial, intermediate and higher levels, as well the teaching in the careers of Communication, psychology and anthropology at the Universities of San Carlos of Guatemala and Rafael Landívar. Among his recent activities are:
IDENTIFICATION Personal Identification Document number: 2573 13192 1804 Born on 5 March 1963 in Morales, Izabal, Guatemala. ADDRESS 6a. Calle “A” 38-67, zone 2 of Mixco colonia Santa Rita II. EMAIL norgus PHONES
(502) 5365 8669 (502) 5558-9293
• ( 2013-2014 in course)Mapping socio-environmental conflicts. • 2012-2013) The investigation of social conflict by means of social mapping exercises. • ( 2012-2013) The comparative study of the profiles of violence in Sololá and Jutiapa. • (2010) Construction of the baseline for the convention for the construction of peace in Guatemala sponsored by the Spanish Cooperation Agency -AECID• (2011-2013) Editing and layout of magazine “University Texts of Critical Reflection “ of INTRAPAZ-Rafael Landívar University. • (2012) Organization advice and research-training on social mapping and the study of the social conflict in the department of Sololá, Guatemala • 2007-2013. University teaching. • 2005-2010 Design and teaching of leadership workshops and youth participation .
ACADEMIC LEVEL Postgraduate degree Bachelor degree SKILLS Critical thinking skills
Language skills
Tecnical skills
EXPERIENCES Research Teaching. Jobs experiences Events
PUBLICATIONS Books Magazines Other. CURRENT PROJECTS. Research. Master degree Thesis REFERENCES Personal references Laboral references
01 02 02 03 06 07
ACADEMIC LEVEL 2009-2010 Master’s Degree in Social Anthropology. (Graduating). School of History. University of San Carlos of Guatemala 2010 Diploma in Environmental Anthropology. School of History-USAC 2004-2009 Bachelor’s Degree in Language and Literature. Humanities Faculty, University of San Carlos of Guatemala 2004-2007 Bachelor’s Degree in Sociolinguistics(graduating) Linguistics School of Mariano Gálvez University. 2000-2003 Middle School Teatcher in Language and Literature. University of San Carlos of Guatemala
Certificate of bachelor studies in linguistics
Bachelor’s Degree in Language and Literature Diplom
• Pedagogical Mediation. • Promotion of critical thinking skills at the level of 2006 Mexico DF. Exchange of experiences between higher education the Federal Electoral Institute of Mexico -IFE- and the Institution of the Ombudsman for Human Rights of Language skills Guatemala PDH. • French (oral and written comprehension) • German (oral and written comprehension) • English (basics language skills) • Knowledge of maya Q’eqchi’ TECNICAL SKILLS • Domain of Microsoft Office tools • Knowledge of graphic design softwares (Adobe CS5 Suite) • Domain of softwares for qualitative research like Atlas.ti.; SPSS20; NODExl, Tableau public, etc.
2002 Delegate by the SAO PAULO FORUM, Antigua Guatemala. 1991 Member of the national delegation of youth and students at the XIII World Festival of Youth and Students. Pyongyan, Democratic Republic of Korea
JOB EXPERIENCE 2010-2013 Full-time researcher in the axis of social conflict -Institute of Conflict Transformation for the construction of the Peace in Guatemala, INTRAPAZ -Rafael Landívar University
2011 Teacher of the course: Design, development and evaluation of projects in the social sciences education. FLACSO-Guatemala
2011 Teacher of semiotic analysis. Communication School, Rafael Landívar University, Guatemala.
2010 Research assistant within the systematization of Healthy School Program -CARE- Guatemal
2011 Consultant researcher for the construction of the baseline for the convention for the construction of peace in Guatemala sponsored by the Spanish Cooperation Agency -AECID-
2007-2008 Teacher of the reading comprehension techniques and pre-columbian literature (emphasis on hermeneutics, and semiotic analysis and mythological texts). University of San Carlos of Guatemala
2011 Teacher of Contemporary History. School of Psychology, Rafael Landívar University.
2008 Coautor of middle school text on Social Studies for El Salvador. Santillana Publishing
2011 Editor, co-author and facilitator of educational workshops for the Updating of teachers. Editorial Santillana.
2008 Consultant researcher for validation of middle school Communication and language text . Santillana Publishing
2011 Teacher of citizenship Education in Central American Institute for Social Democracy -DEMOS
2005-2006 Consultant researcher for the preparation of educational materials for the promotion of human rights in the institution of the Ombudsman in Guatemala.
2011 Consultant researcher for socialization and validation of the course of Reading and Communication and Reading and its teaching. Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Guatemala -FLACSO-
PUBLICATIONS Study for the Institute for Conflict Transformation -INTRAPAZ - during the year 2011-in the departments of Sololรก and Jutiapa in Guatemala. Object of study: Profiles of Violence Units of analysis: Representations and social codes facts of violence Study area: Municipality of Nahualรก, Sololรก Municipality of Santa Catarina Mita, Jutiapa Methodology Grounded Theory
The proposal for analysis consisted in the approximation to the object of study from the grounded theory. The option for this methodology responds to the importance of the different processes of coding for the explanation of the phenomenon of violence as was raised in the previous recipe. The registration of the codes of the violence is at the same time an encoding, but this time interpretative, done with descriptive and analytical purposes. The registration of the codes of the violence is at the same time an encoding, but this time interpretative, done with descriptive and analytical purposesIn keeping with this methodology and logic the initial working hypothesis is as follows:
At the base of the different dimensions of the violence present in the study area, operate social representations through functional codes that mobilize violence but also actions could help to promote a culture of peace
From the outset was raised the need to interpret the violent events and the formulation of a theoretical proposal to identify and avert such codes from the culture of peace look in: h t t p : / / w w w. u r l . e d u . g t / P o r t a l U R L / A r c h i v o s . aspx?s=82&real=1
PUBLICATIONS The dispute between the communities and the State through the INAB in its quality of forest authority-, has transcended and generated escalation of the conflict, which must be resolved in a manner satisfactory to the Parties. However, similar experiences can be repeated, and multiply to other spaces and times. The material that follows focuses on that relationship and interaction is reported and it is recommended. The social conflicts that are part of the present study are three: • Cerro Tuncaj, located mainly in the municipality of Granados, Baja Verapaz and the municipalities of Cubulco, The Chol and Rabinal, Baja Verapaz also, and the municipality of Pachalum, Quiché; • Finca San Jose Ocaña, municipality of San Juan Sacatepéquez, Guatemala; • Mountain the Granadillas, located in the municipality of Zacapa.
(Pending publication) Case study for the National Forest Institute as part of the team of researchers from INTRAPAZ during 2011. Object of study: socio-environmental conflicts by forest management Unit of analysis: collective actions of the communities
This study was carried out by a team of researchers that was responsible for case, who collectively made a subsequent integration of their analyzes, results, and general and specific recommendations that appear in the body of the Final Report: 1) Cerro Tuncaj, Gustavo Normanns; 2) Finca San Jose Ocaña, Byron Morales; and, 3) Mountain the Granadillas,Luis Martínez y Zaira Lai-
Area of study: area of Cerro Tuncaj, Municipalities of Granados, Cubulco, Rabinal and El Chol,Pachalum, (Municipalities of two departments in the north of Guatemala: Baja Verapaz en Quiché) Methodology: Case Study
cation with social scientific orientation aimed through the dissemination of research, theoretical contributions, work experiences or contributions from academics, students and social activists that are related to the thematic and functional axes of INTRAPAZ.
The Magazine Universitary Texts of Critical Reflection is an effort of INTRAPAZ to promote discussion and theoretical-methodological reflection of the experiences of research and projection of the Institute and other research centers, especially from the post URL in the magazine. The presentation of the magazine is due to criteria and standards publishing houses for the reception of texts Responsible for its publication of textual editing issues of national and international authors novel or recognized that they are willing to share their proposals and published under my responsibility: accept the scientific quality and editorial discretion.
No. 4 Devices of power and violence, a critical Seen in: aspx?s=82&real=1 look from women
No 3: violence in Guatemala, diverses looks.
Graphically Re-edited numbers:
No. 2 Peace and Environment No. 1 historic memory recovery and their di lemmas the articulator axis of this effort is the firm conviction that the generation of knowledge and its dissemination must be a collective task of society and, therefore, should retribuĂr you relevant and systematic way to it. University Text of Critical Reflection is thus a publi-
The Bachelor’s Thesis about the work of the maya q’anjob ‘ al, writer Gaspar Pedro González, is a study that linguistically incorporates several levels of analysis: linguistic, rhetoric and the semiotic study to build the proposal of iconographic and iconologic analysis.. Object of study: Maya q’anjob‘al poetry Units of analysis Rhetorical image Poetical Word Methodology: iconological method This study delves into the recent indigenous textual production and analyzes components sociological and anthropological in the work “Maya words” of Gaspar Pedro González see:
It has initiated the uprising of a map of environmental conflicts in the watershed of Cuilco, on the norwest departament of Huehuetenango and in the sudeast watershed of Ostua-Guija according to criteria for transdisciplinary study, interpretation and follow that includes the following general maps:
This Research Proyect focuses on the study of social representations of indigenous young people in their social interaction spaces. To do this are built two life stories of two young people participating in training policy spaces with different levels of involvement and leadership
Study Subject: young indigenous leaders
- Actors and resources Maps - Maps of relationships - Maps of actual conflict
Object of study: The socio-environmental conflicts Analysis unit: The subject of a dispute Methodology: social mapping view in: aspx?o=5153&s=82
Units of analysis social representations of power Methodology: Ethnographic method Advises: Ruth Piedrasanta
Institute of Conflict Transformation for the construction of the Peace in Guatemala, INTRAPAZ Lic. Byron Morales Dardón, Director. email: Phone. (502) 2426-2626 extention 2583 Comunication School, Faculty of Humanities, Rafael Landívar University. Guatemala. Lic. Ramiro Mc Donald email: Phone. (502) 2426-2626 extention 3112 School of History, San Carlos University of Guatemala Dr. Artemis Torres Pnone: (502)2418-8802 (502)2418-8804 email. Institut für Soziologie der Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover. Dr. Eva Kalny Im Moore 21 D - 30167 Hannover. Phone.: 49 511 762 5537 Fax : 49 511 762 5554 Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences -FLACSO- Guatemala Lic. Egil Galindo. Phone. (502)2414-7444 The Institution of the Ombudsman in Guatemala Lic. Martina Guzmán de Solares Phone. (502)2424-1717 Dominique Simone Rychen Phone: 41 79 292 51 78 Email (home):