Play-doc 2012

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SECCIĂ“N OFICIAL competitive program

Xoves Thursday รกs 18:30h


Artavazd Pelechian



SHERMAN’S MARCH / 155’/ 1986 xoves Thursday ás 22:30h

TIME INDEFINITE / 114’/ 1993 Venres Friday ás 18:30h

SIX O’CLOCK NEWS / 103’ / 1996 Sábado Saturday ás 22:30h

«Deberías usar a cámara para coñecer mulleres...» O que comeza como un intento de volver sobre os pasos das tropas do exército da Unión baixo as ordes do xeneral Sherman, na súa devastadora marcha polos estados secesionistas do Sur, convértese, en palabras da irmá de McElwee, nunha desconcertante e torpe busca cabaleiresca do amor. Gañadora do gran premio do xurado en Sundance, Sherman’s March mostra o paradoxo do realizador de documentais inquisitivo: «Como está escarmentado da vida e a súa amante o deixou, usa a súa cámara a modo de escudo, asomando a cabeza de cando en vez». *

‘’You should use the camera as a way to meet women….” What begins as an attempt to retrace the path taken by General Sherman and his Union soldiers in their devastating sweep through the secessionist South, becomes, in the words of McElwee’s sister, a brokenhearted filmmaker’s clumsy chivalrous quest to find love. In his most celebrated film, McElwee points up the paradox of the inquisitive documentarian: “He’s gotten scalded by life, his lover left him, and so he retreats into the mollusk shell of his camera and pokes his head out now and then. Winner of the Sundance Grand Jury Prize’’. *

A morte dun pai e dunha avoa, unha voda e o nacemento dun fillo. Como observa McElwee, todo empeza e todo acaba na familia. E na vida dunha familia, ao igual que en todo o demais, os momentos aparentemente intranscendentes resultan ser os máis importantes, coma o momento no que o pai de McElwee decide coller a cámara do seu fillo ou os momentos nos que McElwee decide apagala. Chea de humor negro e de profundo ‘pathos’, Time Indefinite captura dun xeito maxistral a inmensa complexidade das emocións humanas. *

The death of a father and a grandmother, a marriage and the birth of a son. As McElwee observes, ‘everything begins and ends with family.’ And in the life of a family, as in everything else, it is those seemingly inconsequential moments that often turn out to be profoundly important, such as the moment when McElwee’s father picks up his son’s movie camera, and the moments when McElwee decides to put it down. Filled with black humor and deepest pathos, Time Indefinite is a magisterial chronicle of place and character, capturing the fullest range of human emotion. *

Catástrofe, desastre, traxedia: o sangue vende. Nun intento por descubrir as historias humanas ocultas tras das imaxes que mostran os noticiarios, McElwee viaxa durante anos de cidade en cidade filmando a vítimas de terremotos, enfermidades e asasinatos. Cando estas terribles desgracias suceden, como consegue a xente seguir adiante? E como puido McElwee traer o seu fillo recentemente nado a un mundo tan estraño e espantoso?. *

‘’Catastrophe, disaster, tragedy: if it bleeds, it leads. In an attempt to go beyond the stock figures of the evening news— victims of earthquake, disease, and murder—McElwee travels from town to town filming these human interest stories over a period of several years. When terrible things happen, how do such people go on? And how can McElwee’s own newborn son be brought into such a bizarre and frightening world?’’. *

GALICIA galicia

O RETRATO FILMADO The filmed portrait



RESTAURANTES 1.- A Lareira 2.- Bodega Remesal 3.- Don Sancho 4.- Jaqueyvi 5.- La Cava 6.- O Novo Cabalo Furado 7.- Parrillada Tapería A Muralla 8.- Snack Hotel Colón Tui 9.- Tapas e Viños 10.- Tapería O Alboio 11:- Viñoteca de García



A Guarda





DISCOTECAS, PUBS 18.- Metropol 19.- Pause & Play

CERVEXERíAS, CAFETERíAS 12.- Amadeus 13.- Café Central 14.- Café Terraza La Fábrica de Tui 15.- El Cielo 16.- El Pilar Café Bar 17.- La Fabriquería Espacio Creativo

Río Miño



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12 18


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Zona moderna ss.XV-XIV

Zona Medieval ss.XI-XIV

Camino de Santiago

Zona monumental






Área Panorámica PLAY-DOC Catedral Muralla Siglo XII-XVI Paseo Fluvial Playa de la Marina

Guillarei Vigo

BaionaVigo MonteAloia

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