“LEARNERS LEAD; LEADERS LEARN.” — Dr. Paul A. Elsner Chancellor, Maricopa Community Colleges
Organizations that work with the public often face a special challenge: how to complete the circle between the internal and external communities — that is, the staff and its constituencies. Without planned give-and-take discussions, an organization tends to hear only from those people who have problems or grievances to air. This system results in the chasm between the organization and its constituency growing ever wider. The Strategy Conversation is designed to fill that need. It helps an organization connect in a positive way with the public it servers, leading to a better understanding of issues, a higher degree of support for decisions, and a stronger commitment to the organization by both the staff and constituencies. The time spent preparing Strategic Conversations is one of the best investments an organization can make to develop new understanding of complex issues among its staff and public! Strategic Conversation: Tools for Board Leadership and Meetings © 1997 by the Maricopa County Community College District 2411 West 14th Street Tempe, Arizona 85281-6941 (602)731-8000 www.maricopa.edu
Producciones G.P. - Caracas – Copyleft 2019