The attitude of a Glaswegian is that of a carefree, happy-go-lucky, que sera sera type. There are two main reasons for this: 1. We are not easily embarrassed 2. We really don’t care about the actions of others as much as you think we do. In the best way. If there is one place you can express yourself free of judgement it’s Glasgow, because no one cares, and it’s wonderful! Fashion is one of the truest forms of self-expression and the fashion of Glasgow’s students is unmatched, and truly reflects the Glasgow spirit. For a small-town girl like myself coming from a street (one literal street) full of judgement when I tried something new, Glasgow and its cosmopolitan indifference is the perfect blank canvas. Compliments from strangers sometimes resonate with us even more than compliments from friends because they are unexpected. I never hesitate to tell someone how much I love their bag, their boots, or their entire attitude and the reaction is always 100% worth the two seconds it takes from your day. We have all been (or are soon to be) in Hive and had THE talk with another girl at the sink, the 10-minute slur of non-stop simultaneous compliments and love. Wholesome content.
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