WelcometoGlasgow!Firstly,congratulationsonyourexcellentchoiceto joinus.Andsecondly,thankyouforpickingupthiscutelittleguide!Who doesn’tloveafreebie?Especiallywhenit’saguidewrittenbystudents whohavesurvivedFirstYearandlivetotellthetale.Allowustodishout somegoldennuggetsofwisdom,fromhowtobeabudget-friendly environmentalwarriortomasteringnightsout.Butfirst,some background...
Foundedin1451,GlasgowUniversityisthefourtholdestuniversityinthe UK.IthaseducatednotablealumnilikeeconomistAdamSmith(wehavea buildingnamedafterhimthathasoneofthemostupsettingfloorlevel systemsknowntoman,seriously,whyarelevel9and10onthesame floor?!)Andforthemorecontemporarysouls;SusanCalman,the comedianfromtheRBSadverts;GerardButler,whocanoftenbefound inafilmshootingthingsanddrivingconsiderablyoverthespeedlimit;and EmeliSandéwhowantedtosingandshout‘tilthewordsdryoutsowe canreadallaboutit.
Nowifthathasn’tsoldyou,Glasgowhasalsobeenvotedthefriendliest cityintheworld.Nowhereelsewillyouexperiencesomeone’snangiving youa20%offvoucherforyoursocksatM&S(donotjudgeM&S,theydo greatsocks).Norwillyoufindabettergroupofpeopletochatwith outsidetheclubwhileyougetmuch-neededbreakfromthesweatyair inside.
You’vemadeagreatchoicecominghereandhopefully,youwon’tregret it(eveniftheskiesofGlasgowareforeverraining).Nowgoforth!Andfor God’ssake,don’tshagyourflatmate. Love,
Glasgow is a wonderful city. Complex, bright, fiercely distinct, there is nowhere like it. Within this guide you will find advice, reviews and lists, all relating to this magnificent place, and what is written will hopefully give you the information you need to take that first small step of exploration, or perhaps expose you to a new favourite.
You only get out of this city what you put in, and the sheer size of it demands you be active. Should you be lucky enough to have lived in Glasgow during the green minutes of youth, then wherever you go, for all your life it will stay with you.
We are very happy you are here, and we hope this humble guide will aid you in your time spent in this fantastic, endlessly exciting city.
Bring your own cup for your pret subscription or coffee shop of choice!
Now if you’re a coffee addict like me, getting a daily coffee, or three, feels like a necessity, however, a simple trip to poundland for a reusable tumbler to carry your coffee in costs you a pound and in the long run, saves many plastic cups from being put into landfills and the ocean.
Use a reusable cup at pre ’s!
If you choose to drink, instead of buying plastic cups that are going to be thrown away, ask if you can use one of theirs. It’s free and saves the waste that would be accumulated by disposable cups.
Take advantage of public transport inside and outside of the city
Free bus if you're under 22 with a young scot card (apply for one, it’s the best).
The subway is less than two quid per ride
As far as going on day trips or bigger excursions, there are trains to almost anywhere and if purchased in advance, are less expensive
Using public transport supports transport workers and keeps cars off the road and with the rising petrol prices, public transport seems to be the cheaper option
Google maps will also make your life easier when trying to navigate public transport with detailed directions.
With the climate rapidly changing causing extreme weather and plastic polluting our oceans, doing all that you can to be environmentally friendly goes a long way
While corporations are the main producers of these CO2 emissions and plastic pollution, these choices corporations make are driven by demand
So the question remains, how can we remain environmentally friendly and not contribute to the rising CO2 emissions and plastic pollution and reduce your carbon footprint?
It’s no shock that fast fashion is ruining our planet with thousands of pieces of microplastic being pumped into the ocean constantly. Charity shops often have better quality pieces that will last you longer than a two pound top from Primark. Charity shopping saves gallons of water, energy, and plastic because the product is already made and you drive the demand away from fast fashion
Why spend 10p on each plastic bag you buy if you can spend a pound at poundland for a reusable one? Or better yet, reuse the plastic ones you have
There are many local stores in Glasgow that sell “loose produce” where it is not wrapped in plastic, like Locavore. Even when shopping at Tesco/Lidl/Aldi choose loose fruit and vegetables when possible
Choose loose leaf tea and a reusable tea infuser, as many tea bags don’t decompose. Bamboo!
Bamboo is your best friend when transitioning to environmentally friendly products. Anything from bamboo cutlery, to toilet paper, and even toothbrushes. Bamboo is fast growing and very biodegradable. If you do choose to use disposable products, make them bamboo.
Asocialhavenforwhatseemstobeall studentsatGlasgowUniversity,BankStreet BarandKitchenispopularforgoodreason Situatedrightnexttotheunionandonlya shortwalkdownthehillfromtheGilmorehill campus,BankSt providesagoodselectionof beersandcocktails,aswellassellingawide andaffordablearrayoffood,includingburgers andpizzas,wellintothelatehoursofthe evening Ifyouarelookingforaneasy,vibrant placetositandchatoverapint,BankSt is alwaysafantasticandaccessibleoption
Ifitiswhiskyyouarelookingfor,youneedlookno furtherthanTheBenNevis Awarm,rusticretreat,the BenNevisishometoafantasticselectionofwhisky, whichwallshighbehindthebar,whichwillnodoubt holdyourfavouritesaswellassomerarities,shouldyou feellikesomethingnewanddifferent Thoughthe selectionofwhiskyisthemainattraction,theystillhold agoodselectionofbeersontap,sowhateveritisyour aftertodrink,itislikelytheyhavegotyoucovered.If youareafteragooddramaandawarm,sophisticated atmosphere,theBenNevisiscertainlyafineoption
SituatedontheidyllicAshtonLane,theUbiquitous Chipisalargevenuethatoozessophistication Again, thereisnoshortselectionofdrinks,fromcraftbeersto cocktails,agedwhiskeysandfinewinesalike,whatever youfancytodrink,theChipwillnodoubthavejust whatyou’relookingfor TheChip’swidevarietyof drinksisequalledbyitsmanyrooms,eachservinga differentpurpose Whetheryouarelookingforaplace towarmbythefireintheharshcoldofwinter,or lookingtofeelthecoolsummerbreezeonarooftop balcony,theChiphasyoucovered Overall,the location,drinksselectionandthefantasticbuilding provestomaketheChipaclassicwestendpub
Another classic Glasgow venue, Òran Mór is special for a few reasons Taking the form of an old church, upon entering you are greeted with oaken beams, high ceilings and artwork from wall to wall Behind the bar stands a fantastic selection of whiskey, as well as a number of options on tap, from locally brewed ales to all your pub classics What is sincerely impressive about Òran Mór, however, lies upstairs Once in the auditorium, you are met with what has been dubbed the ‘Sistine chapel of the 21st century’, a profoundly impressive, completely absorbing wall to wall mural done by one of Scotland’s finest artists and writers, the late Alisdair Gray I understand that any written description of such a magnificent work of art would do little justice to the real thing, so all I will say is go and see it
TheUbiquitousChip;12AshtonLaneSo it's the first weekend after freshers week you ’ ve finally slept off your hangover, you don’t have assignments due anytime soon and it’s time for your first bonding day trip with your new flatmates. You sit down at breakfast and realize you have no idea where to go but wait! You remember that you picked up G-You’s Guide on the Side and flip to this page where you see a list of day trips and trails, perfect! You pick one to do and have the most amazing day out with your flatmates, you ’ ve formed a foundation for lifelong friendships and have had a day you won’t forget anytime soon
Before you rush out the door there are few more things to know: make sure you plan out how you ’ re getting there and back, getting stuck somewhere because you didn’t double check when the last bus/train leaves is the worst If you haven’t already, get a Young Scot card to travel free on buses until your 22nd birthday. It also gets you £1 entry to Historic Scotland sites Anyone between 11-26 living in Scotland is eligible (this includes international students) And remember, this is Scotland so wear good shoes and bring a raincoat
How to get there: Train from Glasgow Central to Pollokshaws West, First Bus 4/4A from University Union, Hillhead to Wellcroft Place, Tradeston then 57/57A to Christian Street, Pollokshaws
What to do there: Say hi to the Highland Cows, Visit the Burrell Collection, Visit Pollok House, Bring a picnic and enjoy the September sun, Walk along the Highland Cattle Way
How to get there: Train (direction Ardrossan Harbour) from Glasgow Central to Lochwinnoch (LHW)
What to do there: A 2 hour waymarked walk along the loch and through the woods past the ruins of a church from 1504
How to get there: Train from Glasgow Queen Street to Haymarket then X22/X27 to Post Office (20% discount when you show a valid bus/train ticket)
What to do there: Admire the outdoor sculpture exhibits and beautiful landscapes
How to get there: Train from Glasgow Central to Lanark
What to do there: Visit the New Lanark village (a UNESCO world heritage site) and take a walk through beautiful woodland to see the Falls of Clyde
How to get there: Train from Glasgow Central to Troon
What to do there: Walk along the beach and enjoy the seaside air, grab lunch and ice cream
How to get there: Train from Partick to Balloch Station
What to do there: Walk through Balloch Country Park to see Balloch Castle and beautiful views of Loch Lomond, take a boat tour of the loch, visit the Loch Lomond Birds of Prey Centre
How to get there: Train from Glasgow Central to Port Glasgow, Clydeflyer 906 from St Vincent Palace to Bay Street, Clydeflyer 901 from Cathedral Street to Bay Street
What to do there: Visit a well-preserved 16th century castle with a notorious former resident, walk along the Firth of Clyde and enjoy the view
How to get there: Train from Glasgow Central to Largs then Ferry to Cumbrae
What to do there: Walk along the shore and admire the views, take a bus to Millport and grab lunch in a seaside town, tour the Isle of Cumbrae gin distillery
A quick disclaimer before I get to the juicy bit. The perfect night out will always depend on the person’s preferences, and this is just a general guideline open for adjustment. We got to ensure that Hot Girl Fresher’s Week.
PREs: The easiest way, as well as the cheapest, is to grab a bottle of wine or cheap mixer and hard alcohol to drink at someone’s flat/room/kitchen. Make sure to not overdo it as we’re aiming for a nice buzz, and if in a social setting, PREs can help in connecting with people and making new friends.
Bar: Arriving at the Union, you should head straight for the Beer Bar and order yourself a Pint of Fun. If you’ve chosen the wrong bar to go to, order yourself a drink from there. To ensure that you’re getting as sloshed as possible while maintaining a budget, shots are required but cap them off at your limit otherwise we’re going to be seeing that puke I was talking about.
Clubbing: Once satisfactorily drunk, head towards HIVE or another wrong choice, Cathouse for the emos, Polo for the gays, Mango for the dancers, and Buff Club for the eclectic. The best club will always be the ones with music best correlating to yours, so make sure to do a bit of research if you’re picky like that. Once clubbing, I would say to avoid buying drinks due to prices, lines, and safety reasons. Nevertheless, if sure, go ahead and get that drink girlie.
The most important part of the night is the drunk munchies. Bank Street Café stays open till 1am, McDonalds always has a 24 hour branch somewhere, or a little trick is to get prepared food which can be nicely stored only to be heated up at the end of the night.
Now, it's time to remove makeup, dress down, and prepare for a hangover. The best ways to avoid them lies in, I know boring, drinking plenty of water and scoffing down a slice of toast. For those who choose to continue the night, make sure to stay safe and always ask for help if necessary. It’s never too late if it’s a friend in need (audience cue should say aww).
Dear wee fresher, You’re about to embark on the journey to being a certified Glasgow uni wanker. Although you might have a fair idea of what’s to ensue, you never FULLY know what to expect. Allow me (and my 3 years of experience) to break down the nuances of student life and how to hack it!
Don’t schedule seminars or labs for 9AM on Fridays. You might think you’ll be efficient and proactive – but after a Thursday hive night filled with pints of fun, your perception of time is bound to change.
Get involved!! Whether it be with the fantastic union (big ups GUU), or GUSA if you’re more of a sporty spice and are keen on being part of the numerous clubs offered, or one of the variety of societies present at Glasgow Uni – you’re spoilt for choice(s)!
Be easy on yourself! First year will be an adjustment for most, so don’t feel the need to immediately settle and adapt to your surroundings. Everyone moves at a different pace and it’s completely okay to take the time to find what suits your needs best.
Piggybacking off of the last piece of advice, seek out social circles that genuinely spark joy within you Don’t latch onto the first 5 people you meet during Fresher’s Week. Your flat mates won’t necessarily end up being your best mates. And for the love of God, don’t sleep with your flat mate/ roommate – no matter what anybody tells you, it (usually) never ends well
Never wear your best pair of trainers on a night out: the sticky union floors and spilt pints of fun are not a good look for your white air forces. And while we’re on the topic of shoes – NEVER wear toe exposing sandals or heels because you’ll wake up with a ripped bloody toenail the next morning. Make mistakes, lots of them in fact. But also know how and when to bounce back from them Set boundaries for yourself, some things just can’t fly and your future self will thank you for standing your ground.
Nights out are a great part of Glasgow and a memorable part of university life. So, don’t try to be a smartass and try to skip the queue or get yourself barred from the clubs just because you got into a fight with the bouncer. And no matter what people tell you, THEY NEVER FORGET A FACE. Write for Libraries and Groundings, we have more fun ;)
This definitely does not cover all of it, and there’s still so much more for you to learn and discover by yourself. This is the beginning of the next best 4 years of your life so make the most of it! Live in the moment and cherish every memory. We’re more than thrilled to welcome you to Glasgow – your home (hopefully) for the next few years.
Tchai-Ovna (Otago Lane)
One of the best places in the West End. Ethically sourced tea from across the world, vegetarian/vegan food, and live music/art events. Yogi Yogi Tchai is like drinking stewed sunlight.
Offshore (Gibson Street)
Sofas? Tick. Food? Tick. Dogs? Tick. QR codes you can order through? Tick More windows than walls? Tick Kind of like all the furniture in the living room of the flat above fell through the floor and landed in a café.
Willow Grove (Sauchiehall Street)
Might sound like an ITV drama about a Manchester comprehensive but is, in fact, a brilliant, quaint coffee shop, with good food, water-coolers on each table (!), and Joyce quotes on the walls. Hard to beat.
CGood places to spend £2 30 to facilitate a conversation you could have anyway, for free, in a park.
BWho even eats Breakfast anymore? Aristocrats and olympians, that’s who. Not you Anything after 09:25: that’s Brunch I don’t make the rules I don’t even like the rules. But those are the rules. God help us all.
No messing around - great, classic, staple breakfast and lunch options, often with inventive twists. You will undoubtedly bump into someone you know. Possibly a member of your family.
The Brunch Club (Old Dumbarton Road)
An apothecary for hangover cures. Loaded fries; the best vegetarian full breakfast in the West End; smoothies; pints; everything. The food equivalent of having your head cradled as someone whispers in your ear that it’s all going to be okay, you’re safe now, it’s all okay now.
Fancier option, with an international array of tasty breakfasts and lunches. Mexican eggs, Lebanese breakfast, and Korean cauliflower all recommended. Still searching for The Right Bank.
Perfect for if you want to impress someone, or if you want to take your parents out so you can subtly break some bad news to them about that exam result you totally forgot to mention
Ubiquitous Chip (Ashton Lane)
Classic choice for a particularly special occasion. A mezzanine level, a cobbled-floor restaurant, and greenery everywhere. Staff are especially charming and articulate. Haunted by the ghost of Alasdair Gray.
Sylvan (Woodlands Road)
Exclusively vegetarian and vegan sharing plates. Delicious and creative. Just about the only place I’ve ever been that you can eat an egregious amount of food and come out feeling healthier.
Five March (Elderslie Street)
Vibrant sharing plates and seasonal cocktails. Really, really, really good food. The kind of stuff that makes you point your fork at your plate as you chew it and say, like a middle-class food critic Dad, “This. Oh, this.”
Gloriosa (Argyle Street)
Best food in the West End. Similar style to the above, but with added candles and things like ‘Whole Roast Chicken’ written on the chalkboard menu. Like being cooked for personally by a Mediterranean grandmother.
The Union Kitchen (University Avenue)
The highest quality food at the lowest prices that you’ll find in the West End. Truly. I am not paid to say that.
Barbecue Wrap Salad (Hyndland Street)
Glorious, cheap homemade falafel and kebab chicken shawarma wraps. Subway to the power of 100. Godly. Low points for creativity of name; sky-high points for tastiness of food.
The Chicken Palace (Gibson Street)
Last but not least, an honourable mention, simply because a particular member of our Committee would move in here if they could. High points for creativity of name, beaten only by ‘The Chicken Cottage’ (how quaint) on Victoria Road. Lots of chicken.
Before coming to University, I must have watched every ‘what I’m bringing to Uni’ YouTube video on the internet. Two years on and that 16-piece dining set, knife block and flatpack IKEA chest of drawers (no, I am not kidding), are nowhere to be found. After extensive research, which involved messaging in multiple group chats and an Instagram poll, I’ve compiled a list of things that are worth splurging on at university.
This is #1 for a reason. One of the biggest reality shocks I had coming to university was realising how expensive bin liner actually is. When you look at the price of bin liner, it’s not exactly something that’s going to bankrupt you but considering bin liner had never been an expense for me before moving away from home, it definitely wasn’t something I was happy to pay for. However, despite this, do not buy cheap bin liner. The extra 50p for better quality bin liner is worth every penny when you factor in not having to pick up your flatmates’ mouldy food off the Murano stairs whilst hungover.
There’s often quite a large price difference between branded and unbranded dish soap, which can ultimately be the deciding factor in going for cheaper options. However, the commercials are not lying, branded dish soap does last a lot longer and will save you money in the long run.
I want to start by prefacing this doesn’t mean you have to go out and drop a grand on a MacBook and Beats. However, a laptop is a big purchase, and it is something that you will use almost every day at university – online lectures or not. Do your research and choose wisely. As for earphones, whether it be watching online lectures, listening to music without pissing off your flatmates, or blocking out the sound of someone having the most obnoxiously loud conversation in the library with your favourite Spotify study playlist, a good set of headphones will save your sanity at university.
In my first year I lived in Murano which is a 25 – 30 minute walk from McCune and the library. Carrying my laptop, iPad, lunch, and every piece of useless stationary known to man, to the library everyday took its toll on my back. Invest in a durable backpack that’ll last you a while and support your back - or maybe bring less rubbish to the library. But if you’re obsessed with study TikTok like I am, then you’re going to need a good backpack.
I still remember the pain I felt from the blisters on my feet after fresher’s week. As much as I adore my Doc Marten boots, they just weren’t made for walking long distances. Walking is a cheap and reliable way to get to places and you’ll do a lot of it at uni. I recommend investing in a pair of comfortable walking shoes, they’ll stop you from ruining your favourite pair of shoes and make walking to the library slightly more bearable. 5
3 6
This is not an absolute essential at university, but if you find yourself by some miracle not in your overdraft, I recommend a good facewash. Luckily this doesn’t have to be break the bank expensive – CeraVe and Cetaphil have affordable options under £10. There is no feeling greater than washing your sweat, probably a stranger’s sweat, and the remains of whatever makeup you wore on a night out off your face, and it’ll help to avoid the post Firewater Acne.
Welcome to the guide to end all other guides when it comes to being an absolute legend in the drinking department. These are my tried and tested methods to surviving a heavy night out and reducing the chances of the dreaded hangover. You don’t have to do everything on this list but incorporating a couple into your routine will make the world of difference. Let me, a fourth year who has made nearly every drinking mistake in the book (and then some), enlighten you on how to drink safely and like a champ.
Right, I get that there’s some tension when it comes to drinking neat milk, but I promise you that even a small glass of this stuff makes a huge change. Drinking milk lines the stomach and can help with nausea (for the hangover). Lactose intolerant or vegan? No problem! Lacto-free and nut milks can have a similar effect.
Eat a meal before a heavy night out. I know you want to look snatched but trust me, that batch-cooked chicken curry you reheated will serve you well. Like milk, its all about lining the stomach so you can outlast your friends in the survival of the fittest that is HIVE (other clubs available).
Doing shots? Stick to the clear spirits like vodka and tequila. Shots like Sourz or fancy shots that cost you £6 a pop are firstly, not worth the money and secondly, filled with sugar which is what will kill you the next morning.
Fan of spirits with mixers? Try using the sugar-free versions, we’re still trying to reduce the amount of sugar. Also, fizzy mixers get you drunker faster (the carbonation increases the rate that alcohol gets into the blood and brain) so try having fruit juice – they’re dead tasty with vodka and one of your five a day, win-win!!
If you’ve been sitting down in a Spoons since you started drinking, stand up and have a walk around every now and then to see how you’re feeling. When sitting, you don’t feel the effects of the alcohol as much and thus, you’ll keep ordering drinks thinking that you’re nailing it. There is NOTHING worse than when you finally get up to go to the toilet, and you can’t function because you’re way more sloshed than you thought and you’re only on the pres.
We’ve all gone on a night-out while slightly too exhausted and so have survived on Red Bulls. A Vodka Red Bull is brilliant but it’s also a killer if you drink one too close to the end of the night, you’ll be pinging off the walls when it’s bedtime. Trust me, I’ve not slept a wink because of Red Bulls. Also, use them sparingly – Red Bull is ONLY for when you’re out of energy and it’s only 11pm.
Once you’re back home from your smashing night-out here’s what to do:
Drink AT LEAST two pints of water
Eat some food (carbs or a dirty chippy (recommended))
Don’t go to bed straight away, wind down first - watch ASMR, listen to piano, contemplate the meaning of life etc.
Got something important the next morning that you really can’t be hungover for?
Alternate between an alcoholic drink and water, you’ll still feel the effects of the alcohol, but that hangover will be shot dead in its tracks come morning.
Delicious, nutritious, and deceptively simple This is a Tuscan crowd pleaser that you can easily put your own spin on
You’ll Need:
500g Chicken of Choice (breasts or boneless/skinless thighs)
Olive Oil
Garlic (about 3 big cloves)
2 Tins of chopped tomatoes
2 Cups Fresh Spinach or greens of choice
1 1/2cups Orzo (or any short grain pasta)
2 Cups Chicken or veggie stock
Single Cream
Italian Seasoning mix (premade, or combine equal parts basil, oregano, and garlic granules)
One lemon
As much parmesan as desired to top!
Prepare your chicken by adding Italian seasoning and salt and pepper Heat Olive Oil in a large skillet at medium-high, and cook chicken for about 3-4 mins a side until it begins to sear Remove and set aside
Drizzle extra olive oil into the pan Crush and add the garlic, and sautee until fragrant Add the tinned tomatoes
Stir in the orzo, then slowly pour in the stock and bring to a boil Lower to a simmer and cook until orzo has begun to soften and half of the liquid has been absorbed Add back in the chicken and return to a simmer
When the orzo is softened and the chicken is cooked through, slowly stir in about 1 cup of cream, and continue to simmer on low heat
When the orzo is fully cooked, turn off the heat, add in your spinach and allow to wilt Squeeze in half of a lemon’s worth of juice
Grate parmesan on top OPTIONAL: Make this ahead and right before potluck time, scoop it into a casserole dish and bake for a few minutes to melt cheese and crisp up the top
*If you want to fancy up this dish to wow your buddies or woo a cutie, add any/all of the following: a splash of dry white wine, a teaspoon of dijon mustard, or any leftover fresh herbs at step 4 before your final round of simmering.
You’ll need:
Customizable, healthy, and suitable for gluten-free and plant-based friends This recipe is super simple because it’s all prep work, and your pot luck guests get to assemble their own bowls!
Enough rice to feed your pals, assume about 1/2 cup per person
Plant-based protein options -- Firm/Extra firm tofu is a pretty safe bet, just be sure any pre-marinated packages are allergy friendly.
Toppings of choice: Great choices are carrots, cucumber, red cabbage, radishes, sugar snap peas, avocado, and even mango when it’s available!
Sauce options: It’s hard to beat a vegan sriracha mayo for this one. Or, sweet chili sauce. For a DIY option -- read on.
The Method:
Cook your rice (Nice job, you ’ re mostly done!)
Prepare your protein If you ’ ve gone the tofu route, look into different options for marinades you can let it soak in while you chop your veg. Or, keep it simple with salt, pepper, chili flakes, and a quick pan fry
Cut up your veggies and other toppings into bite-sized pieces (I like to do thin strips for cucumber and carrot, just because it’s fun to look at)
Make your sauce if you ’ re feeling fancy:
4 tablespoons (1/4 cup) tahini
water as needed
juice of 1/2 small lime
2 – 3 teaspoons sriracha
Splash of GF soy sauce (Tamari)
Pack it all up and let your pals assemble their own bowls! (If you ’ re hosting, toss the toppings into separate serving bowls as you go to minimize clean-up)