Rochester Baby Guide 2014

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Rochester Baby Guide 2014



Rochester Baby Guide 2014






Guide • 2014 Edition

short stuff

6 / An Introduction from our Publisher 8 / Noteworthy


preparing for baby 10 / Hospital Bag Essentials

12 / Welcoming Baby - Including Siblings in Baby's Arrival 16 / Dad-chelor Parties - Celebrating Fatherhood

health & wellness

18 / The Benefits of Breastfeeding


20 / Little Swimmers - Teaching Your Baby to Swim 25 / Finding Dr. Right - How to Choose a Primary Care Provider for Your Child 28 / Bringing Baby Home - Can a Postpartum Doula Help?

education & development 30 / Tummy Time - The Benefits for Babies

34 / Baby Signs - Teaching Sign Language to Babies 38 / Babies on Board - Books for Babies


community resources

42 / 292-BABY - A Local Resource for Parents & Families 44 / Area Support Servies, Groups and Resources



dad-chelor parties 16 little swimmers 20 the benefits of breastfeeding 18 tummy time 30 baby signs 34 50+ area resources 44 Rochester Baby Guide 2014



// By Barbara Melnyk

Oh, baby!


elcome to the 14th edition of our Rochester Baby Guide produced by Rochester and Genesee

Valley Parent Magazine, Rochester’s best

resource for parents and families. We know that whether you are expecting your first child and new to the parenting game, or are well-versed in the ways of child-rearing, raising a family can be an

Baby Guide Staff

exciting (yet stressful) time. In this edition, we bring you some great advice, connections, and local resources that will help you along that journey and help you raise a

PUBLISHER Barbara Melnyk -

happy and wholesome family. We are incredibly proud to share with you our joy that last year’s Baby Guide received three national awards — Finalist in Overall Writing, Gold Winner in Overall Design and Silver Winner in Ancillary General Excellence — from the Parenting Media Association. Missed previous editions? Catch up on baby content and find more pregnancy and maternity related articles on our website at As your child grows, be sure to pick up copies of Rochester and Genesee Valley Parent Magazine, our free, monthly family magazine which is available at more than 400 area locations including select Wegmans grocery stores! Be sure to visit us online at and our special section for new parents in Age &

EDITOR & CREATIVE DIRECTOR Jillian Melnyk - ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Cynthia Goldberg Kenneth Stevens CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Denise Yearian, Dr. Ruth Lawrence, John Boccacino, Dr. Neil Herendeen, Christa Melnyk Hines, Sandra Gordon, Deena Viviani

Copyright 2014, by GVP, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Distribution of this magazine does not necessarily constitute an endorsement or necessarily reflect the opinions of this publication.

Stages > Rochester Baby Guide.

Happy Parenting!



Rochester Baby Guide Rochester and Genesee Valley Parent Magazine PO Box 25750 Rochester, NY 14625 (p) 585.348-9712 (f) 585.348-9714

Rochester Baby Guide 2014



1 in 8

According to PostPartum Support International, one in eight women suffers from POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION. READ MORE ON PAGE 28.

“BABIES WHO SIGN actually speak sooner than their non-signing peers. They have larger vocabularies; they get a jump start on language development; they typically have IQ’s that are 10-12 points higher than their non-signing peers; and they develop closer bonds with caregivers.” READ MORE ABOUT TEACHING SIGN LANGUAGE TO BABIES ON PAGE 34.


RESOURCES can keep you knowledgeable and engaged as a parent. Sign up for “text4baby” to receive educational tips on your cellphone during your pregnancy and throughout your baby’s first year of life. Visit for the world’s largest selection of educational videos about early childhood.

WITHOUT ADEQUATE TIME ON THEIR TUMMIES, babies may experience deficits, including weak neck and shoulder muscles, which can delay a baby’s ability to roll over, sit up without support, crawl and pull to standing. READ MORE



Women who breastfeed lose the additional weight they gain during pregnancy more quickly and are at a lower risk for postpartum obesity than women who bottle feed. READ MORE ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF BREASTFEEDING ON PAGE 18.


IS YOUR BABY NAME HOT AND TRENDY OR COOL AND CLASSIC? According to the Social Security Administration’s most recent statistics, here are the current most popular baby names from 2013:


Noah Liam Jacob Mason William Ethan Michael Alexander Jayden Daniel

girls Sophia Emma Olivia Isabella Ava Mia Emily Abigail Madison Elizabeth

What was topping the chart 100 years ago? The top 5 most popular names for boys and girls in 1914 were as follows: John, William, James, Robert and Joseph for boys. Mary, Helen, Dorothy, Margaret and Ruth for girls. For a complete list of baby names visit decades/century.html Rochester Baby Guide 2014



// By Jillian Melnyk

hospital bag essentials P

repping for baby's arrival? The last thing you need is a mad scramble for your hospital essentials when baby lets you know she's about to make an entrance. Getting your hospital bag in order long before baby is due can help ease

anxiety and make sure you're fully ready for the big day. Here are a few things we recommend packing:


Keep your feet warm (and clean) with slippers, socks and flip flops. Comfortable outfits (think pajamas, a cotton sun dress, or a nightgown.) You want to be comfortable but also ready for visitors or photographs. Bathrobe It's never easy resting in an unfamiliar environment. Consider bringing along an eye mask or ear plugs. Your own bedding. Fend off a chill and keep cozy with your own blanket. Bring your own pillow along with a colorful pillowcase so your pillow doesn't get mixed up with the hospital's.


After baby arrives, you will likely be taking lots of pictures. Packing a few make-up bag essentials like a natural shade of lip gloss, concealor or blush can make you feel picture-ready. Your favorite bath products and shower supplies like shampoo/conditioner, body wash and face wash will make you feel right at home. Toothbrush and toothpaste Your favorite chapstick


Towel and washcloth Brush and hair elastics. For hair elastics, try a soft style that won't snag, pull or create bumps.


Notebook or baby book to write down any important details. Phone charger Snack bag with hard candy and any foods you may crave. Don't forget Dad! Pack some of his favorites too. Cash for vending machine snacks and drinks.


When baby arrives things can get hectic. Sit down with your spouse and create a list of who to text, call and email when baby arrives so you don't miss anyone! Remember outfits for both you and baby. Don't forget sunglasses. After being cooped up indoors, outside can be awfully bright. The hospital may give you items to take home. Bring an extra tote to take home your goodies. (Reusable grocery bags work great because they fold up and don't take up much room.)

Rochester Baby Guide 2014



// By Denise Yearian

welcoming baby

including siblings in baby's arrival


amilies whose children have attended their sib-

ling’s birth report it is a powerful bonding experience. To explore if this option is right for you, consider both the mother and child’s needs, then make the necessary preparations. But be flexible in the event unforeseen circumstances arise.


That’s what Holly Balasia did. During one prenatal visit to a birthing facility, this mother of two learned about a sibling preparation for childbirth class being offered there. “I was intrigued with the idea that children could be present during birth and thought the girls would benefit from the class, even if we didn’t go that route,” she says of her then 6and 4-year olds. Balasia enrolled her family in the class and took a waitand-see approach. During the

session, she listened as veteran families shared their children’s birth encounters. Nancy Michel, sibling preparation for childbirth class educator and administrator, encourages such conversations. “Parents should talk with other families who have done this to hear what they have to say,” she says. “At the same time remember that every situation will be different.” Although women can’t predetermine the course of their labor, they can reflect on

previous birth experiences and think about the type of environment they need to be comfortable and to concentrate on the process. Likewise, consider your child's developmental age and temperament. “Children can have a range of emotions from excitement to wonder to tenderness, to fear, boredom or disgust. It just depends on their age and personality,” says Karen Webster, 30-year veteran certified professional midwife, who has witnessed countless children in this

Finding a class locally Strong Beginnings Sibling Class

This class is ideal for children ages 3 years and older. Each attending child should bring a doll or stuffed animal, a photo of himself or herself as a newborn, and a drawing of hir or her family. Attendees will learn what it will be like to have a new baby in the family, becoming a big sister or brother, and what a new baby can do. Those children planning to attend the birth of their new sibling are encouraged to stay for an additional 30 minutes, when they will be given more information on the process of labor (using charts and drawings) and will view a family centered birth video. Cost: $25 for first child, $5 for each additional child. For more information and to register, call (585) 275-4058.

Rochester General Hospital Sibling Class

This class is for big brothers and sisters (ages 3-10) to help them prepare for the new arrival. Siblings will make a new gift for the baby or a focal point for mom to use during labor, learn how to help prepare for the big day (by packing mom's suitcase), and discuss feelings and ways to help once the baby comes home. Includes a tour of the TWIG Birthing Center. Cost: $20. For more information or to register visit or call (585) 922-5465.

Thompson Health Birthing Center Sibling Class

This one-hour class is for big brothers and big sisters who will have their sibling(s) born at the Thompson Health Birthing Center. The class is for 3-10 year olds and includes a tour of the Birthing Center, a “visit” with a newborn, viewing a video about the changes they can expect with a new baby and practice sessions of diapering and holding a baby doll. Call (585) 396-6497 for more information.

setting. “In my experience, preschoolers do well and are truly fascinated with the birth experience, provided they aren’t clingy. Children [age] 7 and up, however, may or may not want to participate in the event. What’s most important is to follow the child's lead, not forcing or coercing him to attend if he doesn’t want to.” Equally important is to designate a familiar adult to accompany the child at all times. Michel says the sibling support person shouldn’t be the father or anyone else actively involved in the birth. “That person’s sole responsibility is to interact with,

care for and support the child throughout the process,” she says. Tamra Larter is doing this in preparation for her athome birth. “I have two primary sibling support persons — one for each child — and two backups in case one can’t make it when I start labor,” says the mother of 4- and 2 ½-year olds. “This will give each of my kids the option to come in the room or go out and play if they want.” Parents may also want to consider a sibling class. Blasia was glad she did. “The instructor kept the discussion

CONTINUED >>> Rochester Baby Guide 2014


Thinking about having your child attend his sibling’s birth? Consider these points: LISTEN AND LEARN. Talk with other families who have had their children present during a sibling birth to hear what they have to say. What did or didn’t they like about it? How old were their children and how did they react? At the same time remember every situation will be different.

PONDER THE PAST. Although you can’t predetermine the course of your labor, you can reflect on previous birthing experiences — length and intensity — and consider the environment you need to be comfortable and concentrate on the process.

CONSIDER YOUR CHILD. Children can experience a range of emotions from excitement to wonder or tenderness, to fear, boredom or disgust, depending on their age and temperament. What’s most important is to prepare


your child then follow his lead as to his level of participation.

DON’T PRESSURE. Never force or coerce your child, regardless of age. Respect his wishes and remind him he can change his mind and leave anytime, and you will not be disappointed.

SET APART A SUPPORT PERSON. Designate a familiar adult to accompany your child at all times throughout the process. The sibling support person shouldn’t be the father or anyone else actively involved in the birth. This person’s sole responsibility is to interact with, care for and support the child. She should also be part of the preparation experience through books, videos, a sibling class and conversations.

SIGN UP FOR A SESSION. Some birth facilities provide family classes for siblings in

preparation for attending childbirth. Instructors tailor the discussion to the children’s developmental age while still sharing what they will likely experience.

REACH FOR RESOURCES. Prepare your child through subject-related juvenile books and live birth videos that have been designed for children. Ask your midwife or birthing center if they have a lending library. Your child may also benefit from attending prenatal visits to meet and talk with the midwife or doctor.

TALK IT OVER. Throughout your pregnancy, engage in conversations with your child about the event. Use age-appropriate language and be realistic about what he may witness and the length of time labor may take.

BE FLEXIBLE. Have an alternate plan in

the event labor doesn’t go as planned and you need time away from your child or he needs a break.

TOTE ALONGS. Bring snacks, drinks, toys and books for your child to help pass time. Consider purchasing a new toy for the occasion. Make sure there is a place for him to rest in the event he needs a nap.

FOLLOW UP. Talk with your child after the birth of his sibling. What did he think of the experience? Did he have any questions?

FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCT. If you are still unsure how your child will respond, remember you can always take pictures or video record the birth and let him watch it later. Or you can bring your child in immediately following his sibling’s birth.

on the kids’ level but at the same time shared in depth with them about what they may experience,” Balasia says. “They got to touch different instruments that may be used on their moms, toured the facility to see a birthing room and watched a video of an actual birth. I felt like it did a good job of preparing my girls.” Books and videos may help too. “There are juvenile books and videos specifically designed to prepare kids for the experience, some are even told from the child’s perspective,” says Webster. This is how Larter is preparing her kids for their sibling’s birth. “Every once in a while I’ll say, ‘Let’s watch a mama at work’ and put on a short, pre-selected segment of the video — these are calm births and that’s the way my past births have been,” she says. “I also have a Brazilian mama doll I use to explain in simple terms what is going to happen.” Most important, continue conversations and remain flexible in the event that the mother’s labor needs change, the child gets restless or wants to opt out all together. Balasia took this approach. “During labor the girls came in and

out of the birthing room but it didn’t distract me,” she says. “When they were out they played games and watched videos with my dad. When they were in the birthing room, my sister, mother and mother-in-law were there to support them and answer questions.” Balasia’s daughters did, in fact, witness their brother’s birth. “The girls were out of the room when the baby’s head crowned, so my sister called them in,” she continues. “The older one came in just as the baby was born; the younger one walked in right after. At first they were awestruck then they joined me on the bed with their new brother. Both were so excited. And the youngest, she couldn’t stop smiling.” Balasia is pregnant with her fourth child and has enrolled her now 8- 6- and 2-years olds in another sibling preparation class. “We’re getting them ready but again taking it as it comes,” she says. “If they want to be present, they can. If they don’t, it’s okay with me.”  Denise Morrison Yearian is the former editor of two parenting magazines and the mother of three children.

Rochester Baby Guide 2014



// By Jillian Melnyk

dad-chelor parties celebrating fatherhood

Dad-chelor ideas • Golf outing


• Brewery tour or beer tasting

aby showers – celebrating Mom and

baby – have been around for ages, but what about honoring Dad? Fear not, a new trend has entered the market… one that celebrates the father-to-be: Dad-chelor parties.


SO WHAT EXACTLY IS A DAD-CHELOR PARTY? A Dad-chelor party is a way for dad-to-be to get out and connect with his friends before baby comes. Plus, fatherhood is exciting! This is an opportunity to celebrate upcoming parenthood with the people who are important to you. "I was one of the first of

my friends to have kids, so I think my buddies were worried about me dropping off after having kids," says Erick Bond of Pittsford who had a Dad-chelor party when his first daughter (now two years old) was born. "One of my friends suggested having it, kind of as recognition that things were changing, but we

• Sporting event • Dinner out • Afternoon barbeque • Poker party or casino trip • Camping and fishing trip • Diaper party (guests bring diapers for the baby and a beer for the dad-to-be)

WHAT DOES A DAD-CHELOR PARTY ENTAIL? Unlike bachelor parties, Dad-chelor parties tend to be low-key (and classier) affairs. It can be anything from a guys' night out to a weekend away to relax, connect, and generally have a good time. "Make sure it's celebratory," suggests Bond. "You don't want your friends to think it's the last time they'll ever see you, so don't make it a show of mourning." You'll have less Friend Time once the baby comes, sure, but a Dad-chelor party is a celebration of friendship and family, not something to mark the end of an era. Instead, it celebrates the next step in life. "Make sure your friends know you want them to continue being a part of your family's life," says Bond. "Also, your wife will appreciate knowing that you don't think the baby means the end of your social life."

DOWN TO THE DETAILS Ready to get started? When planning your event, think about what is personal to you and what you'll really enjoy. If a rowdy night out isn't really your cup of tea, don't feel obligated to bar hop all night long. Do what is comfortable and will be the most enjoyable. If you're into music, try a concert or a weekend away to a musical destination. (Bond's friend recently threw a Dad-chelor party that included a trip to Nashville.) Like sports? Snag tickets to a Bills game or plan a day of golf. Enjoy dining and a night out? Bond's Dad-chelor party included dinner at a fancy steak restaurant and drinks afterwards at a nice bar. When selecting the guest list, try to keep things simple. It will be easier to manage the event with a smaller group of attendees

– somewhere in the range of four to six works the best. Set your date and give your guests enough time to schedule time away from home or vacation time. "Don't book it too close to the due date," Bond recommends. His Dad-chelor party was originally scheduled for a week before his wife's due date, but when she went into labor early, the party had to be pushed back until after the baby was born. You might want to consider setting some ground rules before the party. Baby showers traditionally include goofy games and moms swapping parenting advice; decide how you want your Dad-chelor party to operate. Should guests bring gifts? (Often Dadcehlor parties are gift-free, but creative ideas are encouraged like bringing a beer or bottle of booze along with diapers.) You can also decide if you want the party to be free of baby and parenting talk or if you would rather make it an opportunity to swap parenting stories, advice and have the chance to pick the brains of a few dads who have been there. Overall, plan something fun and memorable. This is about you and that great step you're taking toward fatherhood.  Jillian Melnyk is the Editor of Rochester & Genesee Valley Parent Magazine. Contact her at Editor@

Space donated to the Ad Council as a public service of this publication.

were still friends and would still be seeing each other."

Overwhelmed. Hopeless. Exhausted. These are just some of the symptoms of depression. But you can get better. Find out how. Call the Mental Health Association at 585-423-1572, or visit depression. it’s not whatyou think.

Rochester Baby Guide 2014



// By Dr. Ruth Lawrence


the benefits for mom & baby


any women think about how they will feed their baby long before they become pregnant. It’s important

for every woman to have the opportunity to make an informed decision and know all the facts. Much research and experience has been collected recently about the tremendous value of breastfeeding for both the mother and infant. While these thoughts are not new, the new documentation has become very substantial.

HOW BREASTFEEDING BENEFITS BABIES Advantages to the infant include bonding between mother and baby through the physiologic manner in which the baby nurses at the breast, which is quite different from sucking on a bottle. The infant has been sucking in-utero from about 14 to 16 weeks gestation and knows the proper action of the tongue and the swallowing mechanism very well. Other advantages for the infant include the fact that it is perfect nutrition for overall growth and development, and especially for ideal brain growth. Exclusively breast-fed infants have been shown to score better on intelligence tests and developmental tests. In addition to nutrition, breastfeeding provides protection against infection. Breast-fed infants have a low incidence of otitis media, pneumonia, diarrhea and other infections. The immunologic protective components in human milk provide ongoing protection until the baby is weaned


and beyond – no matter how old the infant is at the time of weaning. Human milk contains many protective properties including the apparent reduced incidence of childhood onset cancer, diabetes and Crohn’s Disease. Don’t underestimate the short-term and long-term breastfeeding benefits for mothers as well.

BE PATIENT WITH YOURSELF Many mothers worry that they won’t know how to breastfeed. Breastfeeding is not a reflex for the mother but rather a learned procedure. But the baby, who is born to breastfeed, knows exactly what to do. Read about breastfeeding before delivery to gain familiarly on the subject like The Nursing Mother’s Companion by Kathleen Huggins. Women should also consider attending local breastfeeding group meetings before delivery. La Leche League International has local groups all over the world. Four groups meet in the Rochester area – North, Southeast, South and West. Call Lifeline at 275-5151 to locate

your nearest group. Breastfeeding mothers, mothers-to-be and babies are welcome to attend. Your obstetrician’s office can also provide breastfeeding information and your hospital of delivery usually has a session on breastfeeding in their preparation for child birth series. Some mothers worry about breastfeeding because they need to go back to work. This does not mean you can’t breastfeed. Any time spent breastfeeding (one week, two, three, or a few months) is a very good investment in the infant’s well-being. There is plenty of help for working mothers. In some circumstances, women can return to work and arrange to feed their baby at daycare

while they work, or pump at work and save the milk for the baby the next day.

FOCUS ON THE FIRST FEW DAYS The first few days of breastfeeding in the hospital are very important. The first opportunity to breastfeed is right after birth. The World Health Organization and UNICEF “Baby Friendly” guidelines suggest that every mother have the opportunity to put her baby to breast within the first hour following delivery. The baby is ready and eager and it is the perfect opportunity to interact with the infant for the first time. The bedside nurses in the birth center or the delivery

how breastfeeding benefits mothers SHORT-TERM BENEFITS • When one breastfeeds, the uterus responds and contracts which contributes to a reduced loss of blood and a more prompt return to the pre-pregnancy state • Women who breastfeed lose the additional weight they gain during pregnancy more quickly • Breastfeeding mothers are also at lower risk for postpartum obesity than women who bottle feed LONG-RANGE BENEFITS • Women who breastfeed have a decreased incidence of osteoporosis, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer • Many women describe a tremendous feeling of well-being while they are breastfeeding • Women with diabetes are often in much better control of their disease during the period of lactation

room will help mother position herself and the baby so the feeding will go smoothly. Actually, babies placed on mother’s abdomen and left to their own resources will find their way to the breast and latch on if not interfered with. Babies are born to breastfeed. Following this initial experience at the time of delivery, mothers should be ready to breastfeed the infant whenever the infant demonstrates interest in feeding. Interest in feeding is manifested by the baby bringing his own hands to his mouth or getting more active and rooting around. Crying is a late sign of hunger. Babies latch on and feed much more effectively if they are fed before they get frantic. While in the hospital, ask for help. It should not hurt to breastfeed. If it does hurt, it’s because the baby has not latched on correctly so ask for help in getting the baby adjusted comfortably. When discharged from the hospital, plans for follow-up should be made with the pediatrician and the lactation support person in the pediatrician’s office. They will want to see the baby within a few days and see how things are going.

KNOWING HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH Some mothers are uncomfortable not knowing exactly how much milk the baby receives when breastfeeding. You can tell if the baby is getting milk by listening for swallowing sounds and seeing a little milk drip from the breast during a feeding. In addition, the baby’s weight and output should be monitored. A well-fed, breastfed baby in the first month of life should have at least three seedy yellow stools per day. The baby also should wet at least six or seven diapers a day. With disposal diapers, it is often hard to be sure they have wet, although the weight of the diaper will change. Breastfeeding is a wonderful opportunity to provide a lifetime of good health and the most precious gift a mother can give her infant. If there is illness, it may be a life-saving gift, and, if there is poverty, it may be the only gift.  Dr. Ruth Lawrence is the Medical Director of the Breastfeeding and Human Lactation Study Center and a Professor of Pediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynecology at Golisano’s Children’s Hospital at Strong in Rochester. Rochester Baby Guide 2014



// By John Boccacino

little swimmers teaching your baby to swim


eing by the water is an integral part of any summer vacation,

be it swimming at Ontario Beach Park and Hamlin Beach State Park, or taking a boat out for a cruise on Irondequoit Bay or Lake Ontario. But enjoying time on the water is not all fun and games. Water safety is an extremely important aspect of any trip to one of the area’s many beautiful waterfront destinations. And area experts say getting your children acclimated to the water at an early age is key in teaching them the importance of being safe in the water. That’s where swimming lessons for babies comes into play. The Jewish Community Center, the YMCA, and Penfield Sport & Fitness are among area organizations that are helping more and more youngsters feel safe in the pool while learning a valuable lifelong lesson: how to swim. “The earlier you can get children into the water, the safer they will be when it comes to water safety,” says Gail Buckner, the aquatics director at Penfield Sport & Fitness. “A lot of programs don’t focus on teaching swimming to babies, but our philosophy behind all of our lessons is that children learn by repetition, and no one goes into a lesson they’re not ready for. We teach according to their ability, and not according to their age.”


But that’s not the as how to safely enter only benefit babies and exit a pool, will receive learning to kick from learning and and the The earlier to swim at use of arms, you can get children an early floating on into the water, the safer age. A one's back, they will be when it baby’s and rolling comes to water safety." physical over in strength is the water. – GAIL BUCKNER, cultivated MaintainAQUATICS DIRECTOR AT PENFIELD SPORT through ing a small & FITNESS muscle destudent to staff velopment, as ratio of 4 to 1, early swimming parents are encourallows the baby to use aged to take an active muscles that cannot yet be used role in the day’s lessons. while on dry land. The developBuckner says she and her ment of these muscles can help staffers also work on effective aid in a baby’s ability to walk at communication when near the an early age while also fostering water. For example, before better hand-eye coordination jumping into the pool for the and more finely-tuned motor first time during any lesson, the skills. The associated movechildren count to three. ments that come from swimAfter the students enter ming also strengthen the baby’s the water, they make their way heart and lungs. back to the wall, which Buckner Buckner says lessons says plays an important role in start for children as young as a child’s confidence in the pool. six months old, and focus on Once the babies realize the wall supervised water activities such is always there for them, they

should feel safer learning to swim. “We do limit the number of times where the baby will go under water. Kids at that age appear as if they have no fear, and they’re very comfortable in the water,” Buckner says.“We will teach the parents to teach their children to be safe in the water. As the child is learning a skill, his parent is doing that skill with him as he goes up and down the pool. It’s all about continuation and building upon their skills as the babies get more and more comfortable in the pool.” At the JCC, there are two levels of instruction offered to parents and their babies. The Parent and Tot classes are for babies ages 10 months to 2 years, while the Advanced Parent and Tot classes are catered towards children ages 2 to 4 years. Hanna Bergwall, assistant aquatics director for the JCC, says the 30-minute classes begin with an upbeat song such as “If


Thirty-minute classes are offered weekly, and the cost varies between $12 and $15 per class, depending on if the family belongs to Penfield Sport & Fitness. For more information or to enroll in a class, call (585) 586-7777, email gail@, or visit


For more information on the JCC’s Parent and Tot classes, call (585) 461-2000 ext. 289, or visit https://jccrochester. org/programs-services/bytype/pool.


Rochester Baby Guide 2014



You’re Happy and You Know it,” and “The Wheels on the Bus” before transitioning into fun games that advance the child’s swimming education while providing a fun learning atmosphere. One of the first lessons taught to both the babies and their parents is the importance of the prone position, where a swimmer is flat on her belly, arms extended, with her face close to the water. This serves as the primary swimming motion for many of the swimming strokes that children will learn during their swimming careers. Through the use of water toys, Bergwall and the aquatics staff encourage the babies to “learn to scoop their hands through the water and extend their arms in front of them,” the same motions they would use to swim up and down the lanes of the pool. By breaking down the skills needed to be successful in the pool, Bergwall says that children are more prone to remember that day’s lesson, and will have a broader skill base to build upon as they continue to develop as swimmers. “When we do jumps into the pool, we encourage the kids to immediately grab onto the wall,” says Bergwall, who estimates that 300 children and parents take a swim class each quarter. “When we end our classes in the kiddie pool, the focus is on independent movement (with or without floatation devices, depending on the age group). The consistent message the parents take away from the classes is the different ways to hold a child in the water to encourage correct body positions and how to make a child feel safe and secure in the water while still pushing him to explore and try new things.”  John Boccacino is a freelance writer and monthly contributor to Rochester Area & Genesee Valley Parent Magazine. He is currently the Director of Sports Information for Keuka College. He lives in Webster, NY.

Rochester Baby Guide 2014




// By Dr. Neil Herendeen

Finding Doctor Right

how to choose a primary care provider for your child


irst-time parents have so many decisions to make and often can get overwhelmed with well-mean-

ing advice. One of those decisions is choosing a primary care provider (PCP) for your new baby. We are fortunate in the Rochester area to have many outstanding pediatricians, family medicine providers and nurse practitioners in our community. With so many good healthcare options to choose from, your decision may come down to convenience, availability and compatibility. Most commonly, parents choose their child’s pediatrician during the last trimester of pregnancy as part of the preparation for their baby's birth. It is important to solicit friends and family for recommendations regarding a pediatric office since they know your personality traits and might be helpful with matching you with a practice that would suit you well. Here are factors you should take into account when making your decision.

AVAILABILITY AND CONVENIENCEÂ Not all practices are accepting new patients and some will only

take patients from a specific geographic location, so make sure the office is taking new patients before you get your heart set one PCP. If you grew up in the area and liked your pediatrician, call and ask if she would care for your new baby as well. Pediatricians love to continue their relationships with the next generations. (He might even share a story or two with your child about what Daddy was like when he was growing up.) Look in your neighborhood or near your workplace or childcare center. You will be seeing your pediatrician frequently in the first

two years, so think about how a trip to the doctor will fit into your daily routine.

PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES Is your pediatrician someone you feel comfortable talking to? Is there a nurse practitioner available to discuss your concerns and fears? These qualities are best examined

with a personal interview. Most offices welcome new parents with a prenatal interview, but be sure to ask if there is a charge for this consultation.

OFFICE STAFF A well-run office begins with a courteous voice when you first call for an appointment and


Rochester Baby Guide 2014


ends with billing staff that can answer your insurance questions. Does your pediatrician’s office welcome your call, provide information, and respond in a compassionate manner? Try to understand the triage system for acute and routine concerns. Solo practitioners will have a much different feel than a large practice, but you might be trading off services that the large office can provide like a lactation consultant or extended evening and weekend appointments.

WAITING TIMES FOR APPOINTMENTS Most local providers make time to see children for illness concerns on the same day that you call. On the good side, this means that you will see a provider you know and trust in both good times and bad. On the down side, this may mean you have to wait for your appointment when the provider is running behind during the illness seasons. If you hate waiting, ask the secretary at the front desk what the average wait times are to see the doctor or what time of day you should schedule your appointment to minimize the wait.

CREDENTIALS Credentials (including where the physician was trained) tend not to predict much when it comes to parent satisfaction. Knowing where your provider trained is less important than knowing his communication style and personality. The training process after college to become a pediatrician includes four years of medical school along with three years of pediatric residency training. She must then pass a thorough examination of pediatrics in order to be “board certified.” Pediatric nurse practitioners must complete a Masters degree in nursing with clinical experience focused on caring for children and families.


With a life-long commitment to keeping up on the latest medical knowledge, providers must complete at least 50 hours of continuing medical education each year. Teaching is what pediatrics is all about. Pediatricians help teach parents how to care for their children, teach children how to care for themselves, teach communities how to keep children safe and maximize their development, and teach the next generation of medical providers that how you do it is as important as what you do. Since all of you can remember a favorite teacher when you were growing up, think about the attributes of that teacher and use them to pick your primary care provider. Initially, you may not think that you want student doctors involved in your child’s care; however, the best pediatricians are often sought out by the medical school because they are the best teachers. Your pediatrician will also tell you that having medical students and pediatric residents in their office keeps them stimulated and on top of the latest advancements in medicine. Try not to get too anxious over the decision. Just like that paint color you picked for the baby’s room, it will either be perfect, grow on you with time, or drive you crazy, at which point you can make a more experienced choice next time.  Dr. Neil Herendeen is Director of Pediatrics at Golisano Children’s Hospital and is the Medical Consultant for 292 BABY.

Rochester Baby Guide 2014



// By Christina Melnyk Hines

Bringing Home Baby can a postpartum doula help?


orey Engmann never considered hiring a postpartum doula until she learned she was expecting

twins. Feeling overwhelmed and worried about how she would handle twin babies, along with the pressing needs of her two-year-old, she turned to Teresa Marshall, a certified birth and postpartum doula, to help her after her twins arrived.

Marshall spent five nights a week for four months at Engmann's home after the birth of the twins, providing support, encouragement and help. Her assistance enabled Engmann to get the sleep she needed to recover from a physically demanding pregnancy. "I can easily say that hiring Teresa was the best thing I have ever done for myself and our family," Engmann says. "During the day I could be present, loving and enjoying all three of my children. It wasn't the endless cycle of fatigue and frustration as it sometimes was during the first few months with my first child."

WHAT IS A POSTPARTUM DOULA? The initial six weeks after a newborn arrives can be a mixture of happiness and anxiety as moms settle into a new routine. Many of today's new mothers lack the support network that generations of mothers have relied on. Close family and friends are far-flung and part-


ners return to work within days. A postpartum doula can provide experience and valuable support that a new mother may be missing. "A lot of women are waiting to have children until they are much older. Their parents are older or live in other parts of the country," says Teresa Marshall, who in addition to her work as a birth and postpartum doula, is a facilitator for a pregnancy and postpartum depression and anxiety support group. "With postpartum depression a risk, it's so important for women not to be isolated." "I am convinced that Teresa saved my life. As most moms have felt at one time or another, I was often wondering and questioning if what I was doing was the right thing for my children -- and with twins, the responsibility is so unbelievably overwhelming," Engmann says.

how friends & family can help:

Having a sense of community is vital to a new mom's health and well-being. Here are ways you can help a new mom during those first few weeks home (always text or call ahead first): • Coordinate an online care train where friends and family can sign up for time slots to deliver meals, take care of siblings, clean house or rock the baby. (Check out • Offer to rock the baby for a couple of hours to give mom a chance to take a shower or a nap. • Deliver coffee and muffins. • Drop off a fully prepared meal. • Babysit any older children for an afternoon. • Offer to walk the dog, clean house or run an errand. • Give her a gift card to her favorite take-out restaurant.

The support of a postpartum doula can be especially helpful to mothers who: • Have a history of depression or postpartum depression. • Don't have close friends and family nearby to rely on. • Are expecting multiples. • Have other little ones demanding her attention.

For more information & to locate a postpartum doula in the rochester area: • DONA International, • Rochester Area Birth Network, • Doula Cooperative of Rochester,

MOTHERING THE MOTHER A mom who spends hours alone with her baby can easily spiral into emotional and physical exhaustion, which can put her at greater risk for postpartum anxiety or depression. During this challenging transition period -- often called the fourth trimester -- a postpartum doula can provide calm reassurance and support to a new mama and her family. "When moms feel supported at home and they are getting what they need, the rates of postpartum depression are reduced," says Kate Kripke, LCSW, an expert in perinatal mood and anxiety disorders and contributing writer for "There is a lot to be said about the role the postpartum doula plays in simply mothering the mother after she gives birth that can be incredibly preventative for lots of women." In addition to helping to care for the baby, postpartum doulas often help with light housework, errands, cooking, crowd control and caring for siblings. Many are also trained to recognize the signs of postpartum depression and provide resources to the moms they support. "When doulas are educated in what to look for, they're one of the first people to pick up on and identify when something is going on with the mom," Kripke says.

WHAT IS POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION? According to PostPartum Support International, one in eight women suffers from postpartum depression. Symptoms include insomnia, severe mood swings, a lack of joy, loss of appetite, overwhelming fatigue, withdrawal from family and friends and thoughts of suicide. (Additional symptoms can be found at Postpartum depression can also interfere with healthy bonding between a mom and her newborn. "When a baby is on the inside, a woman takes amazing care of herself. And then the baby is born, it becomes all about the baby. As soon as that mom starts to struggle and suffer, she will no longer have what is going to be required to care for her baby the way she wants to. Not because she isn't a good mom or doesn't love her child, but simply because she's human," Kripke says. "I find that the women who are enjoying motherhood the most and who feel the healthiest are the ones who are receiving help."  Freelance journalist, Christa Melnyk Hines, and her husband are the parents of two active boys and a pair of lazy dogs. Christa is the author of Confidently Connected: A Mom's Guide to a Satisfying Social Life.

Rochester Baby Guide 2014



// By Sandra Gordon

Tummy time

the benefits for babies


o reduce the risk of SIDS and suffocation, you know

the mantra: Place babies to sleep on their backs (unless your pediatrician advises otherwise) at naptime and nighttime in a crib that meets the latest safety standards.


Since the “Back to Sleep” campaign was initiated in 1994 by the American Academy of Pediatrics, SIDS rates have declined by over 50 percent. That’s good news. Still, there’s a downside. Because babies are on their backs when they’re sleeping, they may not be spending enough time on their tummies when they’re awake to develop appropriately.

“Tummy time is critical,” says Brannon Perilloux, MD, a pediatrician in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. “It develops head control, which helps develop walking skills, and increases neck and body strength and improves balance.” When babies are on their tummies, they instinctively do the infant version of push-ups: They use their shoulder muscles to push

their head and shoulders off the floor. As a result, babies who put in enough tummy time develop head and neck control early on and strong shoulder muscles that can improve posture and neck strength, a prerequisite for crawling and other physical skills. Conversely, without adequate time on their tummies, babies may experience

Tummy time is critical. It develops head control, which helps develop walking skills, and increases neck and body strength and improves balance.”

deficits, pediatric including neuropsyweak neck chologist in – BRANNON PERILLOUX, MD, PEDATRICIAN and shoulprivate pracder muscles, tice. Tummy which can delay time can also help a baby’s ability to roll prevent plagiocephaly over, sit up without support, (flat-head syndrome) and crawl and pull to standing. torticollis (weak neck muscles “Typically, though, by the on one side), both of which time they’re walking, babies have increased in babies since catch up,” says Melanie the "Back to Sleep" campaign Mintz, DPT, a board-certified began. pediatric physical therapist. Studies show that infants TUMMY TIME LIMITS who don’t spend much time “Tummy time should start on their tummies learn to from day one,” Mintz says, walk when they’re supposed beginning with three to to. “But walking doesn’t use five minutes, two to three the same muscle groups that times each day as soon as tummy time does,” Mintz baby comes home from the says. Tummy-time-deprived hospital. Continue to up the toddlers can end up with ante and add increments of weak neck, shoulder and jaw tummy time. “I give parents muscles that can impact their a schedule, such as fifteen ability to hit other developminutes, four times a day,” mental milestones. Dr. Perilloux says. There isn’t “Adequate neck control a consensus for how much can impact a baby’s eating tummy time is needed, “but and speech development,” as your baby gets older, thirty Mintz says, because the same to ninety minutes total per muscles that babies use to day is optimal,” says Mintz. hold their head up also supFeel free to break that time port their jaws. When babies up into five- or ten-minute push themselves up through spurts, or whatever lengths of their hands when they’re on time your baby can tolerate. their tummies, they develop Official tummy time can end the shoulder support that when your baby starts to roll can impact the fine motor and crawl. In the meantime, skills they’ll eventually need here’s how to make the most to learn to eat, hold a crayon of this important developmenand dress themselves. tal activity. Moreover, the muscle tone babies develop from Be your baby’s play mat. tummy time helps them feel For the youngest babies who more in control of their surcry when they’re placed on roundings, which has global the floor or for babies with rerepercussions. “The more flux, try an inclined version of relaxed babies are with their tummy time: Have your baby environment, the more they lie on your chest, while you can attend to visual and audisit at a semi-reclined position. tory stimuli going on around An incline is easier on babies them, which helps develop because they don’t have to use language,” says Rebecca Timlin-Scalera, PhD, a CONTINUED >>> Rochester Baby Guide 2014


For more ideas on how to

integrate tummy time into your baby’s routine, visit and click on “Five Essential Tummy Time Moves.”


as much muscle strength to hold their head up and most babies enjoy the skin to skin contact. Talk to your baby while you’re at it, or sing songs or tell him a story, anything that engages your baby and makes eye contact, which is also important for cognitive, social and emotional development. “Work your way down to a reclined position,” Mintz says. Invest in an activity gym. A take-off on the mobile, activity gyms typically feature charming, brightly-colored floor and hanging detachable toys that make sounds, play music and sport tantalizing textures. Some may include unbreakable, embedded mirrors, a definite plus. Babies love to look at their own image. Activity gyms help babies explore their environment through their sense of sound, touch, sight and taste. Their fine motor skills also get a tune-up when they

bat, reach and grab for toys. If your baby fusses during tummy time on a play mat, “distract him with the gym’s lights, music and crinkle toys until he gets used to it,” suggests Kristina McMorris, who would also roll her son, Tristan, onto his back for a ten-second rest at the first signs of frustration, then back on the mat for more tummy time. Both tricks worked. At five months, “Tristan now thoroughly enjoys being on his tummy,” McMorris says. Also, take turns with your baby making the activity gym’s elephant ear crinkle, for example, or helping her pull the giraffe’s tail. "When your baby is around four months old, detach her favorite toys and place them just out of her reach in a circle during tummy time,” says Mintz, either lying down or supported by you or a Boppy pillow. At first, your baby might just make general movements in the direction toward the

object. Eventually, she’ll be able to reach out and pull objects forward. “One of the precursors to crawling is being able to shift your weight and pivot on your tummy,” Mintz says. A warning: Your baby might find the arcade that is her activity gym so entertaining, you’ll be tempted to park her there while you get things done around the house. For safety and other reasons, however, it’s best to stay involved. You want to make sure your baby doesn’t end up with her face smooshed into the floor. And besides, your baby learns best by interacting with you and other caregivers. When you choose activities like tummy time, you’re helping him foster motor, cognitive and social skills he can build on. But don’t give tummy time all the credit. You’re a key player in the process. Babies crave one-onone social interaction and need the security it provides.

Stay grounded. To enhance tummy time and make it more tolerable, here are more tricks to try: Get down on the floor with your baby and shake a rattle or keys at various points of your baby’s sight so he’ll enjoy the surprise of hearing the toy’s sound from different angles. Also, have your baby grab for toys with either hand to help develop both sides of her brain; sometimes present toys on her right side, sometimes on her left. (Your baby won’t show true hand dominance until age two.) And try tracking; hold a toy six to twelve inches from your baby’s face, which is where babies four months and under see it best, with your baby lying down, and move it back and forth slowly. This technique helps develop eye coordination and vision. In time, take turns playing with a toy to help establish the notion of turn taking, an important lesson for kids of all ages.  Sandra Gordon is an award-winning freelance writer who delivers expert advice and the latest developments in health, nutrition, parenting and consumer issues. Her most recent book is Save a Bundle: 50+ Ways to Save Big on Baby Gear.

Rochester Baby Guide 2014



// By John Boccacino

baby signs

teaching sign language to babies


or newborn babies, their world is an exciting place, full of new experiences. To these wide-

eyed infants, every day brings about new sights, sounds, smells and tastes as they become more familiar with their new environment. But often, these new experiences can be confusing to babies, and as a parent, one of the most frustrating experiences of raising a child is knowing that your new son or daughter is upset or distraught, and you have no idea what is causing this stress.

Parents, wanting to provide the best possible environment for their bundles of joy, are often exasperated trying to get to the root of why their child is crying, why their child isn’t communicating or why their child has stopped eating. Because young infants aren’t able to use their verbal skills to discuss why they’re unhappy, this can present a difficult struggle as parents try to interpret their child’s non-verbal clues. As a method for building strong communication bonds between parent and child, there is a growing movement both in Rochester and across the country to develop another means of communicating with infants: teaching them sign language.


Susan Rizzo has

taught sign language for more than 17 years, and she currently teaches sign language to everyone from newborns to adults through RocCity Signers, LLC. Rizzo formed RocCity Signers last year, and she and her staff have taught American Sign Language (ASL) to three distinct groupings of students: Babies (newborn to age 2), Kiddos (ages 2 to 11) and GrownUps (age 12 and up). Rizzo’s RocCity Babies classes meet once a week for 45 minutes, and are stand-alone classes, meaning families can join up at any time. Parents are encouraged to register for an eight-class session, and there are unique topics that are cycled through. Rizzo says each class has the same basic

structure, with several elements that carry through regardless of the week's topic. Classes begin and end with a song, and also include signing both the alphabet and basic counting. While the weekly topics vary, classes open with a review of the prior week’s instruction, providing a learning base to build off of as both parent and child further their sign language education.

Linda Schmackpfeffer has been teaching sign language classes to babies since 2006, and she echoes Rizzo’s

sentiments on the benefits of teaching sign language at an early age. Schmackpfeffer runs Tiny Hands Talk to Me, a business that offers sign language instruction to an average of 100 families a year. The instruction , which can begin as early as 5 months, occurs in private homes, at local libraries and through assorted town recreation programs. “The benefits for babies who learn to use simple ASL signs are numerous,” says Schmackpfeffer, who recommends interested parents first take a class to learn about the techniques and strategy of signing with babies before enrolling their son or daughter in classes. “Babies who sign

RIZZO SAYS THE BENEFITS TO TEACHING BABIES SIGN LANGUAGE ARE INNUMERABLE AND INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: • Earlier communication (which means an ability to satisfy functional needs, as well as to see inside a child's mind before he or she can speak). • Reduced frustration (which means less fussiness and fewer tantrums). • Empowerment of the child (who is not only getting his needs met, but knows his parents care about what he or she has to say). • Enhanced parent-child bonding (through face-to-face interaction and engagement in an activity that is fundamentally inclusive of the child). • Less stress for mom and dad (signing helps parenting become less of a guessing game).

actually speak sooner than their non-signing peers. They have larger vocabuBabies who laries; they get sign actually speak sooner a jump start than their non-signing peers. on language They have larger vocabularies development; and they get a jump start on they typically have IQ’s that language development." are 10-12 points – LINDA SCHMACKPFEFFER, higher than their TINY HANDS TALK TO ME non-signing peers; and they develop closer bonds with caregivers.” Because babies learn by repetition, Schmackpfeffer and her instructors emphasize as frequently as possible each the importance of not only and every day. The more incorporating sign language they see the signs the faster into the baby’s day-to-day they will learn.” life, but also signing consistently and not taking shortis a sign cuts when it comes to the inlanguage instructor with My struction. “I teach the adults Smart Hands, a worldwide how to incorporate signing organization of baby sign into their daily routine, so language instructors dedicatthat learning to sign with ed to teaching parents how their baby is fun, simple and to communicate with their effective,” Schmackpfeffer hearing babies through ASL. says. “Parents and caregivers Through the use of music, learn through repetition and fun games and instructional practice in class, and they books, Monson and other My also receive take home tools Smart Hands instructors aim like handouts or flash cards to teach the parents/careto help them remember what givers how to sign to their they learned during class. babies with helpful words and The most important thing a phrases they would normally parent can do is to be consistent. Signing the words they CONTINUED >>> want their baby to learn

Katie Monson

Rochester Baby Guide 2014


use throughout the day. The first class focuses on how to sign with your baby, with an emphasis on learning the alphabet, as well as a few everyday signs such as “Mommy,” “Daddy,” “I love you,” “Milk,” “Eat,” “More,” “Finished,” “Help,” “Please,” and “Thank you.” To avoid inundating the baby with too many signs right away, Monson recommends that parents chose between two to five signs to start off with when introducing sign language into their child’s daily routine. She says that there is no wrong time to start teaching your baby sign language, but recommends starting the process as early as the parent feels comfortable, usually when the child is 4 to 5 months old. At that age, Monson says, the babies are better able to focus their attention longer on the hands of their instructors and their parents. “We teach these everyday signs in our very first class so the parents are able to go home and start incorporating these signs into their everyday lives with their children,” says Monson, whose classes have taught as many as 30 children a year to use sign language. “Generally, babies don't start signing back to parents until they are 6 to 11 months old, but earlier signing is not out of the question – it’s just rare. This is not a language that babies learn overnight; some babies might sign back a few weeks after the learning process starts, and some take much longer. We encourage parents not to give up after a few weeks, it does take time to learn.”  John Boccacino is a freelance writer and monthly contributor to Rochester Area & Genesee Valley Parent Magazine. He is currently the Director of Sports Information for Keuka College. He lives in Webster, NY.


Rochester Baby Guide 2014



// By Deena Viviani

Babies on board W

hat makes the perfect baby

shower gift, bedtime ritual, and library visit for a new mom or dad? Board books of course! They often feature shortened versions of classic picture book texts or help infants learn early concepts such as numbers, letters, and colors. Board books also have sturdy pages that are easy to grab and turn, which is one of the first reading skills a child learns according to the American Library Association’s Every Child Ready to Read program. Encourage your baby to gain his or her print awareness by snuggling up together with one of these treats.

ABC Now You See Me

Are You A Cow?

By Kim Siebold Running Press Kids, 2012, $13.95 What do you see when you lift the flaps in this book? Animals starting with each letter of the alphabet! Adorable illustrations alongside upper and lower case letters make this interactive book a smart choice.

By Sandra Boynton Little Simon, 2012, $5.99 Kids love silly questions so make your baby giggle with these! Sandra Boynton’s classic illustration style seals the deal for humor and heart in each of her titles, with or without the cows.


Clare Beaton’s Nursery Rhymes Illustrations by Clare Beaton Barefoot Books, 2010, $6.99 Seven classic nursery rhymes come to life with fabric and felt illustrations. Pigs, cats, birds and more act out these action and farm rhymes. Check out more of Clare Beaton’s books for additional fuzzy, fun photographs!

Count! National Geographic, 2011, $6.99 How many animals appear in this book? Count the photographs and learn about cougars, dolphins, zebras, parrots, and frogs! National Geographic produces a high quality series that babies and adults will enjoy reading together.

more reads What do you read to baby number one when baby number two is on the way? Baby Shower by Jane Breskin Zalben The Baby Tree by Sophie Blackall A Book of Babies by Il Sung Na I’m a Big Sister/I’m a Big Brother by Joanna Cole There’s a Baby In There! Written by Dandi Daley Mackall & Illustrated by Carlynn Whitt You’re Getting a Baby Brother Written by Sheila Sweeny Higginson & Illustrated by Sam Williams

Global Baby Girls

Little Bee

By the Global Fund for Children Charlesbridge, 2013, board book, $6.95 Babies love looking at faces. Indulge them with this book full of expressive photographs featuring children from across the globe! The accompanying words are lovely as well and state that girls can – and do – change the world.

By Edward Gibbs Little, Brown, 2011, $8.99 Who’s scared of a little bee? Certainly not the fierce animals of the jungle…are they? Find out in this animal story that thrives on repetition and rhyme. Little bee’s sparkly wings don’t hurt its appeal either.

Good Night, I Love You

Written by Kimberly Ainsworth & Illustrated by Daniel Roode Little Simon, 2013, $7.99 Mustaches have taken pop culture by storm – so why not feature them in a board book? Read about opposites using fun facial hair as examples. The high contrast illustrations in black and white are perfect for developing eyes. Older babies may also enjoy matching the cardboard moustache cut outs with the right faces. Their parents might, too!

By Caroline Jayne Church Cartwheel Books, 2012, $8.99 What do a boy and girl have to do before being tucked in at night? Follow them through their bedtime routine and find out! The larger pages, longer text, and activities touched on in this book make it a good choice for little ones who are moving into a more independent routine of their own.

Goose Needs a Hug By Tad Hills Schwartz & Wade, 2013, $6.99 Duckling and his friends try everything to cheer up goose when he’s feeling down. Who knew all he needed was a hug? Simple text and colorful illustrations make the Duck & Goose series a hit.

Moustache Up! A Playful Game of Opposites

My Lucky Little Dragon By Joyce Wan Cartwheel Books, 2014, $6.99 Babies love watching their reflections. Encourage them to do so with the surprise safety mirror in the back of this book! Its pastel palate, sparkly cover, and repeated phrases

CONTINUED >>> Rochester Baby Guide 2014


make this an appealing title of real and imagined animals. Which adjective best describes your little reader?

Rest By Elizabeth Verdick & Marjorie Lisovskis Free Spirit Publishing, 2014, $6.99 Anyone who wants a “Happy Healthy Baby” should check out this series of the same name. Close-up photographs of baby faces, subdued colors, and gentle, rhyming text make this a perfect choice for infants when it’s time to settle down. The last page also offers tips to caregivers on helping baby sleep.

Things That Go Sterling, 2012, $4.95 Get that baby moving! Simply identified full color vehicles stand out on white pages in this book for infants on the go. From an airplane to a dump truck to a tricycle, babies will be excited to identify familiar shapes in their world.


Tickle By Leslie Patricelli Candlewick, 2014, $6.99 The unabashed bald baby of Higher, Higher fame tells readers how he is not ticklish! Well, maybe just a little bit. Children love the simple, expressive drawings and humor in this author’s series.

Trains By David Stewart Scribblers, 2011, $6.95 Feed your baby’s train fascination from an early age! This wordless British import in black and white depicts locomotives of all shapes and sizes. Point out the similarities and differences between each train to your little one, and get ready for the shiny surprise at the end.  Deena Viviani is a Young Adult Services Librarian who writes reviews for VOYA and the RACWI Newsletter. Read more reviews on her blog or send her a note at – she loves to hear from readers!

Rochester Baby Guide 2014



// By Jim Coffey


a local resource for parents & families


ongratulations! Whether it’s your first child or your fourth, the experience will most

likely transform you in ways you might never have expected. While the challenges are many, scores of parents describe the experience as the most fulfilling in their lives.

One challenge many parents have identified is a sense of isolation at home with their babies; they wish that they could more easily access information about their child’s development during the first three critical years of life. Our community has responded to those needs and we are proud to introduce you to 292-BABY, the nation’s first community-wide, interactive, communication network designed to serve you, the parents and care-givers of infants and toddlers. Administered by Monroe Community College with 15 community partners, we have connected the telephone, television and internet to each other to create one seamless system that you can access in several ways. Through 292-BABY, you can reduce isolation and access important informa-


tion when you need it. All services are free and here’s how each of the parts work:

292-BABY WEBSITE Visit to access more than 100 videos that are now available 24/7 to view whenever you want to watch. The 292-Baby website offers the largest selection of educational videos for early childhood in the world! The videos are arranged by developmental stages as well as interest areas such as: breastfeeding, adoption, immunizations, lead poisoning, childhood obesity and more. In addition, there is the Early Educators’ page where information about training and community resources for those working in the fields of early child care and education can be found.


8pm-9pm on Time Warner Cable Channel 4 MONDAY: Focus on breastfeeding. Dr. Ruth Lawrence, one of the nation’s foremost authorities on breastfeeding, has been featured in three of them. TUESDAY: Focus on adoption. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY: A variety of programming focusing on early childhood.


“Parent Talk” airs daily from 9pm-10pm on Time Warner Cable Channel 4. MONDAY: Pregnancy and the first three months of life TUESDAY: 3 to 12 months Wednesday: 12 to 24 months THURSDAY: 24 to 36+ months FRIDAY: Community resources

292-BABY TELEPHONE 292-BABY (292-2229) is a number you can call to talk free to a registered nurse about any NON-EMERGENCY issue you may have. From head to toe, whether the issue is breastfeeding your baby or advice concerning your finicky-eating two-year old, the nurses are happy to “talk babies” with you. In fact, they love it! Even if you just need to know whether or not you should call your pediatrician, don’t hesitate to call seven days a week from 7 am to midnight. The service is available in Spanish during normal weekday, working hours.

292-BABY TELEVISION 292-BABY has produced more than 100 educational videos, featuring local and national experts, in a “television talkshow” format called Parent Talk. Focusing on a wide variety of important issues in early childhood, the series is replayed Monday through Friday eve-

nings from 9-10 pm on Cable Channel 4. The videos are organized according to developmental stages so that Monday’s programming focuses on pregnancy and the first three months of life; Tuesday’s focus is from three to 12 months; Wednesday’s focus from 12 to 24 months; Thursday’s focus from 24 to 36+ months; and Friday’s programming introduces you to a variety of community resources. (These videos are now all available on the 292-Baby website.) Additional programming is available from 8-9 pm, Monday through Friday, also on Cable Channel 4. Monday evenings feature a show on breastfeeding. Dr. Ruth Lawrence, one of the nation’s foremost authorities on breast-feeding, has been featured in three of them. Tuesday evenings at 8 pm, the focus is on adoption, while Wednesday through Friday evenings concentrate on a variety of early childhood issues. Please write to with

any suggestions or feedback you may have. While the three components can operate independently, they are actually connected. For example, you may be watching one of our videos on television that deals with the introduction of solid foods to four-month-olds and you are trying to decide if the time is right for you and your baby. You can call 292-BABY (292-2229) and talk free with a registered nurse who will make sure you have all the vital information needed for an informed decision. At www.292baby. org you can watch the show. Maybe you know someone who would want the information found in the video that is on the website. You can use your mouse to highlight the link on the website, copy it and paste it into an email and send it to that person. All they need to do is click on the link and the video will play on their computer.

Please provide feedback on the “survey” page and be sure to join. All you need is a valid email address. 292- BABY is a non-profit, educational program and, as such, does NOT share any information with any outside agency. We are grateful to all of the community’s early childhood professionals who have donated their time and expertise free of charge to create the Parent Talk series. (If you wish to support us financially, please go to our home page at and click on the “Support 292BABY” icon.) It is the goal of the 292-BABY network to make your experience with your baby as rich and rewarding as it can be. Please let us know how we can serve you!  Jim Coffey is the Founder of 292BABY and a Professor of Communication at Monroe Community College.

Rochester Baby Guide 2014



area services & groups ¤


8 Find even more resources ar Notice anything missing from our directory? Submit a listing to

Adoption Resource Network at Hillside Children’s Center 100 Metro Park, Rochester 14623 350-2500 Jewish Family Services of Rochester, Inc. 441 East Ave., Rochester 14607 461-0115 ext.120


Child Care Council, Inc. 595 Blossom Rd., Suite 120, Rochester 14610. 654-4720 |




Highland Hospital Lactation Consultant. 341-6808

Highland Hospital Center for Women 1000 South Ave., Rochester 14620 271-4636 473-2229 for Family Classes Highland Hospital Childbirth Classes . 473-2229

Highland Hospital Breast Pump Rentals. Operates in conjunction with Highland Hospital Lactation Education services. 341-0519 maternity

La Leche League Lifeline Call Lifeline at 275-5151 for referral to the local leader nearest you. Rochester General Lactation Consultant 922-LINK (-5465) URMC Breastfeeding Hotline 275-9575 | (Noon-1 p.m. M-W-F) 275-0096 | Breastfeeding classes The Specialty Shop at Strong Memorial Hospital 601 Elmwood Av, Rochester 273-1276 | (10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. M-F)


Birthright of Rochester 385-2100 or toll free at 800-550-4900 Emergency pregnancy support services. Pregnancy tests, non-judgmental counseling, follow-up, material assistance, and referrals.

Highland Hospital Mother’s Help Line. 341-8021



Infertility Focus, Inc. P.O. Box 343, Pittsford 14534 385-1628 | Planned Parenthood of the Rochester/ Syracuse Region 114 University Ave., Rochester 14605 866-600-6886 | A non-profit organization that provides education and reproductive health-care services regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, disability or economic circumstances.


Rochester General Childbirth Education Program 1425 Portland Ave., Rochester 14621 922-5465 or 877-922-5465 Rochester General Hospital offers a modern Birthing Center, outstanding pediatric services and leading-edge, minimally invasive OB/GYN procedures. Strong Beginnings Education Program 601 Elmwood Ave., Rochester 14642 275-0096 Strong Fertility Center 500 Red Creek Drive, Suite 220, Rochester 14623. 487-3378 |


Strong Midwifery Group 905 Culver Rd., Rochester 14609 275-7892 |




Golisano Children’s Hospital 601 Elmwood Ave., Rochester 275-URMC (8762) A division of U of R Medical Center, Golisano Children’s Hospital at Strong Memorial Hospital is the area’s only children’s hospital and a referral center for seriously ill and injured children from the Finger Lakes region. Highland Hospital 1000 South Ave., Rochester 14620 473-2200 | Exceptional healthcare specialist skill delivered with a warm, attentive, compassionate attitude. A family-centered hospital which considers every visitor (patient, family member or friend) a guest. Newark-Wayne Community Hospital 1212 Driving Park Ave.,Newark 14513 (315) 332-2022 Dedicated to providing the best care possible (to people from Wayne County and beyond) in direct partnership with Rochester General hospital. Rochester General Hospital 1425 Portland Ave., Rochester 14621 922-4000 | Modern Birthing Center, outstanding pediatric services and leading-edge, minimally invasive OB/GYN procedures. Among Thomson Reuters List of Nation’s 100 Top Hospitals® for Cardiovascular Care.

Strong Memorial Hospital 601 Elmwood Ave., Rochester 14642 275-2100 | Strong Memorial Hospital, Highland Hospital and Golisano Children’s Hospital (w/other Strong Health care providers) are part of The U of R Medical Center – a leader in clinical care, research and education. Unity Hospital (formerly Park Ridge Hospital) 1555 Long Pond Rd., Rochester 14626 723-7000 | Offering specialty services at Unity Hospital and at more than 50 other locations throughout Rochester and Monroe County (including Unity St. Mary’s Campus in Rochester, formerly St. Mary’s Hospital).


DONA International (Doulas of North America) 888-788-DONA (3662), Toll Free Doula Cooperative 234-0164 | URMC Midwifery Group 909 Culver Rd., Rochester 14609 275-7892 |


PARENTING SUPPORT GROUPS & SERVICES 2-1-1 Finger Lakes Region 2-1-1 or 1-877-356-9211 Toll Free Available 24 hours a day. Run by local counselors trained to address your needs. Providing information and human service agency referrals. 292-BABY 292-2229 | Free phone service connects parents w/ Non-Emergency questions about baby/ child health or development to pediatricnurses. Al Sigl Center 1000 Elmwood Ave., Suite 300 Rochester 14620 442-4100 | Providing shared and dedicated facilities, business services, awareness and financial support for independent human service agencies.

Autism Speaks, Inc. Funding global biomedical research, raising awareness about autism and bringing hope to those dealing with related hardships. Birthright of Rochester 320 N. Washington St., Suite 116, Rochester 14625 385-2100 1330 Buffalo Rd. Suite 201, Rochester, 14624 328-8700 or 800-550-4900 (Toll-free) Other locationsavailable. Emergency pregnancy support services. Pregnancy tests, non-judgmental counseling, follow-up, material assistance & referrals. Crisis Nursery of Greater Rochester 201 Genesee Park Blvd., Rochester 14619 546-8280, CNGR is a non-for-profit agency where children (birth to age 10) can stay when their families are in crisis. Services are free of charge and can be used in cases of illness, unemployment, housing problems, respite care, judicial problems, and for many other reasons. No referral is necessary. Easter Seals N.Y. 103 White Spruce Blvd., Rochester 14623 292-5831 | Provides assistance to children and adults with disabilities and other special needs to live, learn and work independently in their communities. Epilepsy Foundation of Rochester-Syracuse-Binghamton 1650 South Ave., Ste. 300, Rochester 14620 442-4430 or 800-724-7930 (Toll-free) Aiming to prevent, control & cure epilepsy through service, education, advocacy & research. Helping people with epilepsy & related disabilities reach their potential. Family Resource Centers of Crestwood 2nd floor in Bishop Kearney 89 Genesee St., Rochester 14611 436-0370 | Flower City Down Syndrome Network 2117 Buffalo Rd. #132, Rochester 14624 56Tri-21 (568-7421) | A group of individuals joined to provide support & education regarding issues relating to Down Syndrome to families & the community. Infertility Focus P.O Box 343, Pittsford 14534 385-1628 | Offers support, education and information to individuals and couples at any stage of and with any type of infertility.

Rochester Baby Guide 2014


IMPORTANT NUMBERS Fire / Rescue Police ����������������������������� 911 Ambulance Poison Control (Finger Lakes Region) ����������� 275-3232 General Poison Control Line. ���������������� (800) 222-1222 State Police (Monroe County and outlying) ����������� 279-8890 Pediatrician:________________ Hospital:___________________ Babysitter: _________________

Other Numbers: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________


La Leche League Lifeline 275-5151 | Call Lifeline for your local chapter. Go to for area meeting times and other information. March of Dimes (Genesee Valley/Finger Lakes Division) 3445 Winton Pl., Ste. 121, Rochester 14623 424-3250 | Our mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. Mental Health Association (Better Days Ahead) 320 Goodman St. N. Suite 202 Rochester 14607 325-3145 | Endorses creative thinking, focuses on family strengths, supports action which empowers. Information, referrals & support. Moms Offering Moms Support (MOMS) Clubs Various locations throughout Rochester 234-6667 MOMS offers support to stay-at-home moms and their children, as well as playgroups and other activities. Mommies for Miracles 5 Grey Fox Lane, Fairport 14450 507-5367 This non-for-profit raises funds to purchase gifts for sick or disabled children in need of specailized services. Mothers & More Rochester Extended neighborhood of women which meets twice monthly to share concerns, friendship, acceptance & fun. Mothers of Twins Club Open to any mother of multiple birth children, including those expecting multiples. Offering discussion groups to support mothers. Noogieland (at Gilda’s Club Rochester) 255 Alexander St., Rochester 14607 423-9700 | Noogieland is a unique arts & activities based program that meets the needs of children who have cancer or a loved one who is living with cancer. Parents Without Partners P.O. Box 204, Fairport 14450 251-3647 | Support, friendship, an exchange of parenting techniques and growth opportunities await single parents and their children.

Planned Parenthood of the Rochester/ Syracuse Region 114 University Ave. Rochester 14605 866-600-6886 | A non-profit organization that provides education and reproductive healthcare services regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, disability, or economic circumstances. Regional Early Childhood Direction Center Monroe #1 BOCES 41 O’Connor Rd., Fairport 14450 249-7817 | Supporting families with children birth to 5 years by providing free information and individualized assistance to connect them with programs and services. Rochester Area Birth Network 425-7105 | The purpose of Rochester Area Birth Network is to advocate for health, safety and informed options in childbearing. Rochester Holistic Moms & Holistic Moms West Local chapter of a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting mothers with an interest in natural health and mindful parenting. Rochester Society for the Protection and Care of Children 148 South Fitzhugh St., Rochester 14608 325-6101 | Provides various programs supporting children and strengthening families. Ronald McDonald House of Rochester, Inc. 333 Westmoreland Dr. , Rochester 14620 442-5437 | Providing a home-away-from-home for families while their child receives healthcare in Rochester area hospitals. Also awards community grants. Stepfamily Assoc. of Rochester 442-3440 | A non-profit organization offering education, support and counseling on the challenges involved in blending families and nurturing stepchildren. United Cerebral Palsy Association 3399 Winton Rd. S., Rochester 14623 334-6000 | Advancing the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with disabilities.

Rochester Baby Guide 2014



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