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0.9% financing available on select models through GM Financial.

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Why? Why can you spend an hour working out but cannot walk 10 feet to the locker room to change your clothes? This is a common occurrence at the [local town] rec center where someone occupies the handicap stall in the ladies room to change their clothes while a woman with a walker is standing waiting to use the facility. I am so tired of how selfish and inconsiderate people can be and establishments who won’t post reminders to inconsiderate people to use locker rooms.

Don’t judge us!

To the elderly woman at [local dog park] with the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. You have a lot of nerve to say, to my husband, that we need to take better care of our fur baby! No dog is more loved or better cared for than ours. Just because the dogs had two brief scuffles, and my dog proved herself dominant both times, is no reason to bash the care that we give to our girl. You don’t know us and we don’t want to know you. We are just fellow dog owners. Please take the time to read the dog park rules. Scuffles occur all the time because dogs will be dogs. Only dogs under 25 lbs.belong on the small dog side. You break that rule. No brushing or grooming of dogs is permitted. You break that rule. The rules, however, do not say that you can’t call other dog owners names, so on that one, you are just guilty of being rude!

BATAVIA: Apple Grove,Pratt Rd,Lot60.June16-17(9-4pm). 2004JohnDeereridingmower, plasticfencing,electric wheelchair,children/teen clothing,newandusedhousehold items,collectibles,jewelry,2010 Fordtruck,andmore!

CALEDONIA326Country Club Dr.June9-11,16-19,23-25. AUTOMOTIVE,alltools,Standard,Metric,enginehoist,impact,wrenches,sockets,many more.

WOODWORKING,drillpress, Deltalargetablesaw,joiner,miter saw,sanders,muchmore.

BATAVIA:3955Rose Rd. 6/24 (9am-4pm)NeighborhoodYardSale. Huntingequipment,tools,clothing. Somethingforeveryone!

BATAVIA:5421Clinton St. Rd. Friday6/23&Saturday6/24(9am4pm)HouseholdItems,Diningroom table,chairslinens,Bolenstractor,log splitter,metalfireplace,grill,misc.

BATAVIA:210South Main Street

Friday6/23(9am-3pm)Saturday 6/24(9am-12pm)Lotsofhomedecor,gardenaccessories,freepetcostumes,lotsmore!

BATAVIA: 3233 PrattRoad.Friday, June16th&Saturday,June17th (9-4pm). RIDGEWOODVILLAGE ANDAPPLEGROVELARGE COMMUNITYSALE. Somethingfor everyone!

BATAVIA3507SOUTH MAIN STREET ROAD6/23noon-5pm, 6/24and6/259am-5pmAnnual multifamilyyardsale-kidsclothesand toys,huntingclothes/supplies,tools, shoplights,furniture,toomuchtolist

Estate Sale

For the Late Michael Wacht

Owner of Mulberry Station Antiques Shop

Corfu, NY

Friday, June 23 • 9AM-4PM

Saturday, June 24 • 9AM-4PM

Sunday, June 25 • 9AM-4PM

1241 Main Street (Route 5), Corfu, NY 14036

All Contents of Mr. Wacht’s Mulberry Station Antiques Shop including xtures, store displays, primitive & glassware, gas pumps, shed contents, lawn /garden accessories, chopped wood and ”Vintage” Tractor etc. will be for sale.

For pictures check EstateSales.net and the Bu alo/Rochester Craigslist.

I have a row of 4-5 year old lilacs with a fence around it to ward off deer. The plants are outgrowing the fenced area. At what point are they safe to leave unfenced and have the deer not devour them? When we attempted to open them a couple of years ago, the deer devoured the lower 3-4 feet. We don’t want that to happen againof expandingcourse.Dowejustkeep the fencing forever?

Ihaveplentifuldeerwhodon’tusually bother my mature lilacs, so you will notneedafenceforever. Thedeerwill eatyounggrowth,butoncetheplants mature the growth isn’t attractive to

Cornell Cooperative Extension, Livingston County

them. It will be a gradual process. Maturesizeforalilacisabout12feet. I’m not sure about their current size. Have you tried a deterrent spray? The most effective sprays contain egg solids,Liquid Fence and Deer Out are two examples. These products will probably reduce the damage,but not prevent all damage. Usually, deer will cause the most damage just as leaves emerge, so spraying the bare branches should reduce damage.

We are building a 3ft high berm of dirt in front of some black walnut trees to act as a barrier and shield.The area in front of the black walnut trees is sunny most of the day. We plan on planting either forsythia or lilacbushesonthetopof theberm since they are fast growing and can grow to a height of 8ft. Any suggestion on what else might work as a good 8-12ft barrier. We are also looking for a fast-growing ground cover to plant on the sides of the berm so we don’t have to weed it. Any suggestions for the ground cover? Thanks!

“Landscaping and Gardening Around Walnuts and Other Juglone Producing Plants” CCE article gives a list of plants that tolerate juglone: https://extension.psu. edu/landscaping-and-gardeningaround-walnuts-and-other-jugloneproducing-plants

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