Sunday, March 31, 2024
(Reservations Required)
Seatings 10:00AM-12:30PM & 3:00PM
$55 ADULTS • $43 SENIORS 65+
Easter Bunny will be here with treats and prizes for the kids!
Complimentary Bloody Mary, Mimosa, Orange Juice, Easter Bunny Punch, Coffee & Tea. Scrambled Eggs (10 & 12:30 Seatings Only)
Bacon & Sausage (10 & 12:30 Seatings Only) French Toast (10 & 12:30 Seatings Only)
Bagels & Cream Cheese (10 & 12:30 Seatings Only)
Rolls & Butter • Italian Wedding Soup • Spinach & Arugula Salad • Mediterranean Pasta Salad
Fresh Fruit • Potato Casserole • Spring Vegetable Medley • Chicken Cacciatore
Carved Turkey & Ham • Pasta Primavera • Braised Beef & Broccoli (3:00 Seating Only)
Blackened Australian Sea Bass (3:00 Seating Only) Assorted Desserts & Pastries
Fish Fry’s Every Friday through May 31st • 4:30-8:30
4oz. Dinner $14. • 8oz. Dinner $21
LIVE MUSIC THURSDAY’S BEGIN APRIL 4TH with Ken Campbell 6-9pm. Dinner and Bar Specials 4-8pm
and watch the birds
Canandaigua Jewelry & Coin Exchange
232 SOUTH MAIN ST. • CANANDAIGUA (NexttotheGermanRestaurant)
Hrs.: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 10-5; Sat. 9-4; Wed. & Sun. Closed
OPEN REGULAR HOURS (585) 284-5408
Account for the temperature - Temperature will go a long way toward improving or compromising comfort. Choose sleeping bags rated for the temperature. If you’ll be doing plenty of fall or winter camping, you’ll have a place to sleep that’s designed to be used at the time of year you’re camping.When sleeping in warm temperatures, dress so you can add or remove layers as needed. A portable, battery-operated fan also can be a game-changer if it is hot and stuffy in the tent.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My little dog Barnsey is quite a barker for a terrier, but for the past several days his bark has been very hoarse. He sometimes snorts or sneezes, too. I make sure he has plenty of water, but I’m not sure what else to do. It doesn’t seem to be getting better. -- Faye H., Hartford, Connecticut
DEAR FAYE: is is a perfect time to take Barnsey to the vet. Chronic hoarseness when barking can have several different causes, and the veterinarian can better evaluate him to see what’s happening.
I’ll go over some of the reasons for a barker suddenly getting hoarse. Laryngitis is a common diagnosis, but it’s important to figure out the cause. A bacterial or viral infection may be the culprit, or gastroesophageal reflux (where stomach acid flows up into the esophageal tract, causing irritation and inflammation).
Less common causes are masses or tumors growing on or near the dog’s larynx, or other conditions affecting the larynx. ese may require surgery, and the vet will discuss this option with you.
e vet will evaluate Barnsey to see if he has an infection, acid reflux, or if the hoarse barking has another cause. ey’ll then be able to recommend an effective treatment. For example, a bacterial infection would likely be treated with antibiotics. A viral infection has to run its course, but Barnsey would be treated with medications to make him comfortable and reduce inflammation.
If acid reflux is the suspected culprit, the vet may recommend changes to his feeding schedule and the amount of food at each meal. You can also try different varieties of dog food.
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NYCity via Amtrak • July 18-21 $675 pp/dbl Explore the city on own. Add on NY Yankee tkt. and more!
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Macy’s Day Parade • Nov. 20-23 $950 pp/dbl. Hotel 3 blocks from parade route.
Great Family trip. Children rates $95-$185 Call 585-250-8103 or visit www.travelwithcathy.com
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* On March 26, 1920, “This Side of Paradise” is published, immediately launching 23-year-old F. Scott Fitzgerald to fame and fortune. While in Europe, Fitzgerald finished his masterpiece, “The Great Gatsby” (1925).
Many people may be tempted to discard rusty tools that have gone unused and sat in a garage or shed for a significant period of time. But tools encrusted with rust do not need to be relegated to the trash bin, nor do gardeners have to toil for hours scraping and sanding off the rust. There’s a much easier way to restore rusty tools that relies on a common household ingredient: vinegar. Pour vinegar into a deep enough vessel to submerge the metal part of the tool. Soak the tool overnight. The next day, use a scouring pad to rub off the rust. If the tool is too big to fit into a can or bucket, simply wrap it with a vinegarsoaked rag and cover the whole tool with a tightly secured plastic bag. Follow the same procedure the next day. After all the rust is gone, rinse the tool in cool water and dry thoroughly. Then return it to regular usage.
Alternate tasks. Repetitive-strain injuries can affect gardeners who spend long periods of time performing the same activity in their gardens. By alternating tasks during gardening sessions, gardeners can reduce their risk of suffering repetitive strain injuries. Alternate tasks not just on muscle groups worked, but also level of difficulty. Remember to include some simple jobs even on busy gardening days so the body gets a break.
Plants need sunlight to thrive and grow, but some need less sunlight than others. People who find their landscapes are less supportive to sun-loving plants can choose from a variety of shade-tolerant plants, shrubs and trees.
Shade tolerance refers to a plant’s ability to withstand low levels of light. Certain plants have adapted this feature to survive in the wild. Plants that grow at the base of forest floors, for example, will get less sunlight than others outside of the tree canopy. Such adaptations enable a wide variety of foliage to grow even though they are not exposed to much sunlight.
While sun-loving plants often have broad leaves and expend significant energy to capture sunlight for photosynthesis, shade-tolerant plants expend less energy and tend to be more efficient consumers of soil nutrients and sunlight.
Penn State Extension’s Plant and Pests division says the amount of shade a plant is growing under will directly affect the density of the foliage and the plant’s flowering and fruiting characteristics. Blending shade-tolerant plants into the landscape can be an effective use of space. Before choosing plants for an existing landscape, it’s important to assess the level of shade or sun the plants will receive.
Once homeowners understand which type of shade they are dealing with, they can then visit plant nurseries and select their plants. Most greenery comes with care instructions that include recommendations regarding the amount of shade/sunlight the plant will need to do well. If further assistance is needed, a knowledgeable employee can make suggestions based on landscape needs.
Shade-tolerant plants can make welcome additions to the landscape, offering greenery and color in the darker areas of a property.
Allens Hill Free Library
3818 County Road 40 Bloomfield • 585-229-5636 allenshilllibrarydirector@owwl.org owwl.org/library/allenshill
Hours: Tues. & Wed. 3-6pm; Fri. 3-8pm; Sat 1-4pm
Bristol Library
6750 County Rd. #32, Bristol 585-229-5862
BristolLibraryDirector@owwl.org, thebristollibrary.com
Hours: Mon., Wed., & Thurs. 3-7pm; Tues. & Sat. 10am-2pm
Gorham Free Library
2664 Main St., Gorham, 585-526-6655
M & F, 12–6 PM; T & TH, 2–8 PM W, 9 AM–5 PM; Sat., 9 AM–1 PM Sun., 2–4 PM
Naples Library
118 S. Main St., Naples (585) 374-2757
Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 10am-6pm; Tues., Thurs 10am-7pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Honeoye Public Library
8708 Main St., Honeoye
New HoursbeginMonday,April 1st!Pleasevisitthelibrarywebsite formoreinformation!
Joinusatthelibrarytodiscover howtoassembleyourveryown deliciousminicharcuteriebox.All necessarymaterialswillbesupplied,justbringyourappetite! Ages18+RegistrationRequired. ThisprogramissponsoredbyWegmansFoodMarketsofGeneseo!
PleasejoinusFridayafternoonfora viewingofMaiden:thetruestory ofthefirstall-femalecrewto participateintheprestigiousWhitbreadRound-the-Worldregatta. Snacksandrefreshmentsavailable forallviewers!
ThursdayApril4th&April11that 5:30pm
JoinCarloFilice,ProfessorofPhilosophyatSUNYGeneseo,foracasualdiscussionaboutJudaism, Christianity,andIslamalsoknown asthe“Abrahamic”religionsspecificallyfocusingontheirsacred texts.Explorethesimilarities, differences,andthepotentialfor peacefulcoexistenceamongthese threereligions.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time.
Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
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www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
585-229-5020 • Hours: Mon. 12-6pm; Tues., Thurs. 2-8pm; Wed. 10am-4pm; Sat. 9am-1pm; Fri. & Sun. Closed
Sunday Closed Red Jacket Com. Library
89 S. Main St., Manchester
Hours: Sun. & Mon. Closed; Tues. & Wed. 11am-8pm; Th. & Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Wood Library
134 North Main St., Canandaigua 585-394-1381, woodlibrary@owwl.org www.woodlibrary.org
Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 9am-9pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-5pm
[W]ell-apparell’d April on the heel Of limping winter treads...
~ William ShakespeareBRISTOLLIBRARY: March 25,6-7pm,NASAAmbassador JamesPorterexplainstheTOTALSOLARECLIPSE2024ABRISTOLHILLS EVENTOFTHECENTURY,two weeksbeforetheApril8eclipse.Get yourfreeeclipseglassesattheEclipse 2024Talkasafetymustforviewing theeclipse!SponsoredbytheBristol HillsHistoricalSocietyandtheBristol Library.Seatingislimited.Registration isrequired.Thiseventisfree.
March26,12:30-2pm,ON-SITECAREERCOUNSELINGwithAmanda BollingerfromOntarioCountyWorkforceDevelopment.Discoveryour passionandpurpose.Findjobleads. Brushuponyourskills. EUCHRE,everyThursday,3-5pm. Don’tknowhowtoplay?Don’t worry!We’llteachyou!
April2,10:30-11:30am,aONE BOOK,OWWLKIDScommunity readingprogramofFINDINGKINDNESSbyDeborahUnderwoodacross Ontario,Wayne,LivingstonCounties forfamilieswithchildreningrades K-3,includingthepaintingofakindnessrock,Everyonewillbringhomea copyofthebook.
TotalSolarEclipse2024:ABristol HillsEventoftheCenturyGetreadyforthisonce-in-a-lifetime experiencewithanexpertguide, NASA“ambassador”JamesPorter, twoweeksbeforetheApril8 eclipse.Hearfromthisveteran spacecraftengineerwhattoexpect, whyourregionwillfinditselfin suchanarrowbandoftotaldarknessasitcrossesNorthAmerica, andhowtoviewitsafely.Attendeesreceivefreeeclipseglasses-a safetymustforviewingthesunas itdisappearsbehindthemoon. SponsoredbytheBristolLibrary andBristolHillsHistoricalSociety. HeldMarch25,6-7pm,BristolLibrary,6750CountyRoad32,Bristol.https://bristolhillshistory.org/ events/total-solar-eclipse-2024-a-bristol-hills-event-of-the-century
TheOntarioCountyArtsCouncil announces anacceptanceperiod for2024grantapplications.The OCACisacceptinggrantapplicationsthroughApril1st,2024from localnonprofitandgovernmentorganizationsforsmallprojectsto enhancethevisualandperforming artsinOntarioCounty.Thearts Councilhasestablishedabudgetof $4000for2024.Grantsofupto $1000willbeannouncedbyMay 15th,2024.Projectsmustbenefit theOntarioCountycommunityand enhancetheartsasawhole.For moreinformation,grantcriteria, andanapplicationformgoto ocarts.org
DID YOU KNOW? A landmark study conducted by researchers in the United Kingdom discovered a notable link between low to moderate alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk. According to the Million Women Study, every 10 grams (roughly 0.35 ounces) of alcohol a woman consumed per day was associated with a 12 percent increase in her risk for breast cancer. The Million Women Study focused on various areas of women’s health but included 28,000 women who had breast cancer. In addition, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism notes that more than 100 epidemiologic studies have examined a potential association between alcohol consumption and the risk for breast cancer, consistently finding that risk for the disease increases as alcohol intake increases.
ChosenSpotlightPlayersMusical TheaterCamp! HannahGodfrey,Director.Learnsongs,choreography,scenesandhowtoput ashowtogether.Performforfamily andfriendsonJuly18&19,First CongregationalChurch,58N. MainSt.,Canandaigua.Havefun, makenewfriends,enjoyanawesomesummerexperience!Opento studentsgoingintoGrades1-9. Weekdays9AMto3PM. Structuredactivitiesbasedongrade level.$300for10days, ScholarshipsAvailable!https:// www.canandaiguachurch.org
NewArtExhibit,TheSky’sthe Limit - Allnewartworkandlight refreshments.PlustheOCACPlayersperform“TotalEclipseHotline” at1:30,ashortskitwrittenby OCACmemberKathyMorris.How didancientcivilizationsexplainthe eclipseandhowcloseweretheyto thetruereasonforit?Besuretobe there1:30-1:45tofindoutthe answerstothosequestionsand more!HeldMarch30,1-3pm,OntarioCountyHistoricalSociety,55 N.MainSt.,Canandaigua.https:// www.ocarts.org
ParkinsonSupportGroupofthe Finger Lakesmeeting- The monthlymeetingoftheParkinson SupportGroupoftheFingerLakes willbeatWoodLibrary, Canandaigua,at1:00onWednesday,March27th.StuGillim,MD andMikeOsborne,pharmacist,will discuss“HowtoNavigatethePerils ofHospitalization”forthosewith Parkinson’sdiseasewithaQ&A sessiontofollow.ThosewithPD andCarePartnerswillthenmeet separatelytoshareexperiences, concerns,andsolutionsoftheir issues.
MeettheMedia-AprilWorkshops: Four sessionWorkshopsby OntarioCountyArtsCouncilartists. 6-8pm,April4,11,18,&25,St. John’sEpiscopalChurch,183N. Main,Canandaigua(rearentrance onSt.John’sCourt,Gleaner’s Kitchenentrance).AllWorkshops $25eachortakeall4for$85.Fee includesallmaterials.Thereisa minimumof3studentsandamaximumof12.Nopriorexperience necessary.BasicOrigamiInstructor:CarolHenshaw.April4. RubberStampCarving-Instructor: JudiCermak.April11.SoapCarvingforbeginners-Instructor:Harry Patrick.April18.NeedleFeltingInstructor:TinaBlackwood,Judi Cermak.April25.Registerhere: www.ocarts.org/events-andworkshops.
OntarioCountyHistoricalSociety Nooks&CranniesTour -Join usonFriday,March29,2-3:30PM forabehind-the-scenestourhighlightingtheHistoricalSocietyand itscollections.Pleasenotethat someareasonthetourareonly accessibleviastairs.Thetourisfree. Donationsappreciated.Wearelocatedat55N.MainSt., Canandaigua.www.ochs.org
SpringEphemeralWalkalong the DomineTrail,Fishers- Bruce Gilmanwillleadusonawalk throughtheDomineTrails(offthe AuburnTrail)toseeearlyspring ephemeralblooms.Meetatthe parkinglotbehindtheFishers’firehouse,March30at10AMorifyou prefertocarpool,pleasemeetusat theparkinglotbehindtheOntario CountyCourtHouse(SlyStreet)by 9:30AM.
April4ProgramFeaturesResearch onEnslavedPeople’s Quarters onCayutaLake:Aprogramon“PinpointingEnslaved People’sQuartersonCayutaLake” willbepresentedbyMichaelAriano onThursday,April4at7:00pmat theGenevaHistoryMuseum,543 S.MainStreet,Geneva.TheprogramissponsoredbytheAntiques CluboftheFingerLakesandisfree andopentothepublic.Historybuff MichaelArianowillbringapersonalperspectivetohisresearch andamateurarcheologyinlocating enslavedpeople’sandservants’ quartersonCayutaLake,Schuyler County,NewYork.
Shop at small businesses regularly.
HoneoyeLakeCountryGarden Club AnnualPlantSale -Perennials,annuals,hangingflower baskets,vegetables,herbs!Held Saturday,May11,9:00-12:00pm @HoneoyeTownGazebo,Main St.,Honeoye.Pre-Ordersmonthof March.Contact Margaretdunn729@gmail.com. Thanksforyoursupport!
RichmondFireDepartmentEaster EggsHunt- SaturdayMarch 23rd,2024atNoonsharp.Heldat theHoneoyeCentralSchoolSoccer field/parkinglot.
AmericanLegionEasterRaffleEnjoy aneveningoffunwith chancestowingreatprizes!SaturdayMarch23rd.Doorsopenat 5:45withrafflesstartingpromptly at6:00pm.Refreshmentswillbe served.JoinusattheHoneoyeHemlockAmericanLegionPost 1278,4931CoRd16,Honeoye. Thiseventisopentoeveryone.... Seeyouthere!
TheUnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia ThriftShop islocatedat thecornerofSpringandChurch StreetsinLivonia.Gentlyused, qualityclothingandhomegoods areavailable.TheThriftShopis openonThursdaysandFridays 9AM-3PMandSaturdays9AM2PM.Fillagrocerybagfor$8!!!
FamilyEclipseParty: Come and sharethisonceinalifetimeexperiencewithus!Everyoneiswelcome!Monday,April8th,2pm4:30pmattheUnitedMethodist ChurchofLivonia,21SummersSt, Livonia.Playsomegames,enjoy somesnacks,makeacerealbox eclipseviewerandcreategreat familymemorieswhileyouexperienceatotalsolareclipse!This won’thappenagainuntil2144!! BYOlawnchairs.
I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden. ~ Ruth Stout
VeteranOnly-FishingCharter: Veterans only,comejoinus12Apr 24@5:45a.m.,foranothergreat fishingadventurewithHarrington Outfitters.We’rekickingoff2024 withanotherfishingtripon CanandaiguaLake.Ifyouhaven’t joinedus,RSVPnowbeforeit’stoo late.RSVPbyvisitingourwebsite www.livcovets.com.Wewillreach outandgiveyouthedetailsandlet youknowifyougotaseat.We lookforwardtoseeingyouthere. CanandaiguaLake-SOUTHEND Launch,7201StateRoute21,Naples.
SpringClearance!!! The United MethodistChurchofLivoniaThrift Shop,locatedatthecornerof SpringandChurchStreetsin Livonia,willofferALLCLOTHING FREEApril4-5-6andApril 11-12-13.TheThriftShopisopen ThursdaysandFridays9AM-3PM andSaturdays9AM-2PM.
MonteCarloNight! Monte Carlo Night,hostedbytheHospeace HouseonSaturday,May4th,2024 from6:00pmto10:00pmatthe MaxfieldHoseMemorialHall,8181 MaxfieldRd.Naples.Professional GamingTablesandDealers;poker; craps;blackjack;roulette;raffle prizes;50/50raffle;music;plenty ofappetizers;beer&wineforpurchase;andmore!Theticketpriceis $40($45atthedoor)include$500 gamblingchips.Tolearnmore aboutHospeaceHouseandMonte CarloNightgoto:www. HospeaceHouse.org.Ticketscanbe purchasedattheHospeaceHouse orgotothefollowinglinkorscan theQRcode:https:// hospeacehouseinc.betterworld.org/ events/monte-carlo-night-2024
TrinityFederatedChurchHoly Week Schedule- Walkwithus throughHolyWeekatTrinityFederatedChurch.HeldMarch28,55:30pm.March29,5-8pm.March 31,7-9amand9-10am.TrinityFederatedChurch,119N.MainSt., Naples.
March brings breezes loud and shrill,
Stirs the dancing daffodil.
~Sara ColeridgeFalconryInTheFingerLakesFalconry isbelievedtobetheoldest sportintheworld,datingback thousandsofyears.Localfalconer MarkusHardttellsthestoryofthis ancientsport,howhetrainedand gotlicensedforit,anditspresence intheBristolHillstoday.Markus willbringhistrainedbirdforthis audiovisualjourneythroughthe historyoffalconryanditspresentdaypracticeinourregion.Free admission.HeldApril13,11-12pm, BristolSpringsGrangeHall,6457 StateRoute64inNaples.SponsoredbytheBristolHillsHistorical Society.
EasterEggHunt- Join usat1:00 PMonSaturdayMarch30thforour FREEannualEasterEggHunt!The huntisforkidsages0-12yearsold. Fortheegghunt,thekidswillbe dividedintoappropriateage groups.Wewillhaveplentyof candyandgames,andmostimportantlyeveryonewillwalkawayhavingheardaboutthetruemeaning ofEaster,theresurrectionofJesus Christ!LeTourneauChristianCenter,4950EastLakeRoad,Rushville.
LeTourneauChristianCenter’s Blessed Hope AprilLadies LuncheonwillbeheldonFriday, April5,2024at11:00AM.Melony Trementozziwillshareamessage entitled“ForSuchATimeAsThis.” Programandlunchare$15.Registrationandpre-paymentrequired by5:00PMFriday,March29which canbemadebycalling 585-554-3400.LeTourneau ChristianCenterislocatedat4950 EastLakeRoad,Rushville.
(NAPSI) — During these challenging times, people are avoiding the supermarket and, instead, stocking up on shelf-stable and frozen foods. Unfortunately, these can often be loaded with preservatives and lack nutrition. Many families also resort to take-out foods that can be high in sodium, hydrogenated fats and refined sugars.
“The best solution is to find healthy, prepared products that can be purchased in bulk at the supermarket, online and delivered to your doorstep,” advises consumer trends expert Merilee Kern.
One of Kern’s personal favorites is Veggies Made Great, which offers easy, familyfriendly and delicious veggie-rich meals and snacks such as muffins, frittatas and veggie cakes. They can fill freezers and keep families healthy—even during stressful times.
Vegetables including carrots, zucchini and kale are the first and primary ingredients in any Veggies Made Great item, and all are free of gluten, soy, peanuts and dairy. Available in the freezer section, each is individually wrapped and can be quickly and easily heated in the oven or microwave. It’s an easy and tasty way to have veggiedriven nutrition on the menu every day.
You can find them at www.TheHealthfoodStore.com and locate retailers at www.VeggiesMadeGreat.com.
New York State is known for a lot of things. Milk is the state beverage, the beaver is the state animal, rose is the state flower, apple is the state fruit and muffin, and the ladybug is the state insect. All these state emblems are evident in Western NY, but perhaps most notably this month is the NY state tree, the maple.
is time of year, the spring warmth thaws lakes and ponds, and maple trees are ready for tapping. Many maple sugar houses in the Finger Lakes welcome visitors for the short harvest season to witness the time-honored traditions of maple tree tapping and syrup making. And sure, many offer breakfasts where families and friends come together and sample freshly-made syrup atop fluffy pancakes.
A quick online search for Maple weekends reveals dozens of locations around Western NY, so you’re sure to find great choices close to home. at’s one of the many blessings of living in Western NY. My family likes to visit Cumming Nature Center, where we can hike the beautiful trails of the property before or a er touring demonstrations. When I was a kid, it was our annual tradition since we lived near the center.
We o en take for granted the sweet syrup gracing the breakfast table. I know for me anyway, it’s better to buy a jug from a neighbor instead of national conglomerates, and this time of year, it’s especially incredible to see how it’s made, to see the variations across strains depending on the tree, the year, and the process, and to truly appreciate the time and hard work that goes into the process. As with a lot of things in life, when we see how something is made or done, we o en gain a greater appreciation for that product or service, and this time of year, I find myself in awe that we tap the sweetness from trees we have in such abundance around here. at homemade syrup made just down the street carries that much more significance.
is year, I learned that 2024 marks the 100th birthday of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation. To celebrate the centennial, nearby Letchworth State Park staff say they’re adding even more fun to their annual pancake breakfasts, sugarbush tours, and demonstrations, with their mapling team using exactly one hundred taps on the park’s maple trees this year.
Sometimes we take for granted the beautiful expansive greenspaces and wooded areas around us. Travel a few hours away and the landscape changes. Maple weekends each spring help us recognize the hidden beauty within the trees we may take for granted.
For one hundred years, you’ve walked the trails, camped in the forests, organized summer cookouts, and swam in the lakes and pools. You’ve created memories and passed down traditions. You’ve helped forge the last one hundred years of recreation and stewardship – and will help ignite one hundred years ahead.”
NYS had the first publicly owned historic site in the nation opened in 1850, and Niagara Falls became the first US State Park in 1885. “NYS Parks cares for over 335,000 acres of land, 2,000 miles of trails, and thousands of historic buildings across the state. Almost 80 million visitors from around the world visit our waterfalls, campsites, and breathtaking views.” We are so blessed to have so many of those
According to Letchworth Park History, the original 1,000-acre Glen Iris estate, gi ed by retired businessman and philanthropist, William Pryor Letchworth, was added to the state system as Letchworth State Park in 1907, and through collaborations since then, the park has expanded to its nearly 14,000 acres, attracting over a million visitors each year.
We have such incredible resources in our own backyards, and as maple weekends remind us of the sweetness within such resources, I also reflect on humanity’s relatively small role in nature. We need to take care of the world around us. As warmer temps and spring blossoms brush away the winter’s cold, let’s appreciate the wooded areas that are so precious and make Western NY such a beautiful place to live. We have such impressive county and town parks, but if you haven’t yet been to a state park, I encourage you to check out parks.ny.gov, and explore.
e NYS Parks system, the department says, was “A vision one hundred years ago to connect people to New York State’s most celebrated lands [that] has since transformed into the state park system we know and love today – 360,000 acres of beaches, campgrounds, trails, golf courses, and so much more. is system was built for you.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
Please walk facing the oncoming traffic!
Every time we passed by the old stone wall in Geneseo, my grandma would lament over the fallen stones and disrepair of the historical and prominent feature that hugs the edge of downtown. What the Save the Wall group is doing by rebuilding the crumbled stone wall is a true service to the community and to history itself. Please know that we notice and appreciate the hard work it takes to fix it. The wall looks amazing and grandma would be so delighted and proud of everyone who worked so hard to fix it. Thank You!
After years of walking to and from work I’m retired now, but I continue to walk daily to stay in shape. Most of the streets and roads in my neighborhood do not have sidewalks so I have to walk along the edge of the roadway or shoulder (if available). From a child I was always taught to walk facing the oncoming traffic which in America usually means to walk to the left side. Before sharing this “vent” I even checked several websites to see if that is still the rule and yes, it is. So it annoys me when I have to change sides to avoid an oncoming walkeroften with a dog or dogs - that is walking WITH the oncoming traffic instead of facing it. Don’t they know that is dangerous when they can’t see the oncoming traffic or don’t they care they endanger my welfare by forcing me to temporarily cross the road to avoid them?
The beginning of spring in Western New York is like a welcome relief after the long winter months. There’s a shift in the air as the days get longer and the weather starts to warm up (hopefully consistently soon) and as everything starts to come back to life like the buds on trees and flowers starting to bloom. I’m ready to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, whether it’s taking a walk in the park or simply sitting outside and soaking up the sunshine.
I appreciate the effort and dedication that goes into markets, which are noticeably gaining more and more popularity even in our “small” towns. I love supporting real artisans and discovering one-of-a-kind items while spending time out in my community. There’s something special about seeing the hardworking owners/creators/sellers, hearing their stories, and knowing that each purchase directly supports their passion and livelihood.
I recently attended a high school sporting event with my grandchild and had to ask the man behind me to please “not use that language” as he was spewing out vulgarity. My husband and I were at a restaurant a week later and asked to move our seating because the person in the booth behind us was using the same vulgar word every other sentence. The signs on people’s vehicles and in people’s yards displaying vulgarity has increased. What has happened to our society? We are not going to change a person’s behavior but if you are tired of this then please contact your local and state representatives. There is a big difference between “free speech” and public obscenity. How a person talks in a private setting or their homes is their business but why should any of us have to hear/see that by going to public places or driving down the street in our cars? If enough people take the time to complain to our leaders it just might make a difference, especially since this has gotten so out of hand.
We’re calling all photographers, both amateur and professional, to share their stunning eclipse captures with us! Whether you’ve captured the breathtaking moment of totality or the subtle crescent phases, your photo could win! Submit your best shots for a chance to win a Pines Pass family membership and have your work featured across our platforms. Submit at gvpennysaver.com/contest or use #GVEclipse on social media
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Win a Pines Pass family membership to the Nature Center, 6472 Gulick Road, Naples NY 14512. This membership includes free admission to the nature center for your household, discounts on select events, 20% off ski and snowshoe rentals, 4 free guest passes, and reciprocal admission to nature centers around the country.
Deadline to submit photos: Sunday, April 14th Winner announced in our April 19th issue
Susan Simpson Hartwell, age 83, died March 2, 2024. Susan graduated from West High, 1958, Wagner College, 1963, and received a M.Ed. from the University of Rochester, 1976. She was formerly employed by Rochester Childfirst Network (RCN) and retired from School #33 in 2003. After moving to Canandaigua in 2005, she sold collectibles at Susan’s Shop at Loomis Barn in Rushville. Susan enjoyed reading, Tai Chi, summers on the lake, and her many friends. Susan’s brother, Kim, died on March 14. Survivors include sister-in-law, Carol Hartwell and her family, and sisters, Sandra and Sarah Hartwell. Donations in her memory may be made to RCN, Canandaigua Lake Watershed Assn, and Serenity House, Victor, NY. Condolences may be offered at www. johnsonkennedy.com. JOHNSON
Susan Simpson Hartwell
March 2, 2024
TRUE STORY:William Mackey was born 1839 in Montrose, Scotland. He left home at 17 for college. His mother gave him a Bible with his name and a verse in it to help guide him along. In school he drifted into sin as many do, dropped out, even pawning his Bible. He finally crawled out of his wicked decline, returned to school and became a doctor. In his residency, making his rounds, he came upon an unnamed laborer who was seriously injured. He deteriorated and died. His last wish was to have his landlady bring him his book. After his death the nurse asked Dr. Mackey ‘’what shall I do with this? It was a Bible. He realized it was His Bible he had pawned years ago. He was stunned and moved. He resigned and became a minister, He wrote a Hymn named REVIVE US AGAIN. May God move on us as well.
130 Hook Rd., Farmington
Opposite Pumpkin Hook Fire Hall Ray Drake - Pastor kjvray@rochester.rr.com • www.countrybiblebaptist.com
Sunday School 10:00am • Morning Service 11:00am Evening Service and Prayer 6:00pm
HOLY THURSDAY- 5-5:30PM Communion Service with a Soup Dinner to follow. Open Sanctuary Music Meditation until 8PM
Open Sanctuary Music Meditation until 8PM
Free Community Breakfast a er service at St. Januarius Church
Trinity Federated Church
119 N. MAIN ST. • NAPLES, NY 14512 • 585-374-5017
100 North Main St. • Canandaigua, NY 14424 585-394-5335 • www.fumcc.org
3/24/24 - Palm Sunday:
9am Contemporary Service (in the sanctuary)
11am Traditional Service (in the sanctuary)
3/28/24- Maundy ursday:
6pm Introduction to Communion for children (in the sanctuary) 7pm Maundy ursday Communion Service (in the sanctuary)
3/31/24, Sunday Morning - Easter Celebration: 7am Sunrise Service @ Kershaw Park (by the Gazebo)
9am Contemporary Easter Worship Service (in the sanctuary)
11am Traditional Easter Worship Service (in the sanctuary)
Link for Sunday services livestreamed on YouTube: https://YouTube.com/results?search_query=fumcofcan+
6370 Vine Valley Road • Middlesex, NY 14507 585-554-0402 •
March 29: Good Friday Tenebrae service, 7pm March 31: Sonrise service on the beach, 7:30am Resurrection Sunday service, 9:15am
Museums: Museums are ideal day trip destinations because many are indoors. That means weather never needs to be an issue while visiting. With historic artifacts, paintings, sculptures, or niche items like pop art or collectibles, there are museums for just about every interest. For example, railway enthusiasts can visit the National Railroad Museum in Wisconsin, one of the oldest railroad museums in the country.
First Congregational Church of Canandaigua
10:30 am
In Our Historic Sanctuary
Rev. Dawn Garrett-Larsen
58 N. Main St., Canandaigua
Livestream: canandaiguachurch.org
Palm Sunday - March 24 • 10am
Maundy ursday - March 28 • 7pm
Good Friday - March 29 • Noon
Easter Day - March 31 • 10am
St. John’s
Episcopal Church
183 N. Main Street, Canandaigua
St. Francis Church 10 Church Street, Phelps
Palm Sunday Mass, March 24 at 10am
Holy Thursday Mass, March 28 at 7pm
Friday of the Passion of the Lord, March 29 at 3pm
Easter Sunday Mass, March 31 at 10am He is Risen!
Generates tax revenue. Local businesses generate more tax revenue per sales dollar, according to Rubicon, a digital marketplace for waste and recycling businesses. Taxes paid by local small businesses go to support schools, parks, roads, and other programs that benefit the community as well. (315) 462-2961
PLAYER PIANO - has music to go into it. 585-670-9402
Reeds, books and handles for BASKET WEAVING. nlucas@rochester.rr.com
1-1/2’ stack of OLD POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINES. 585-385-9938
Two large PORCELAIN RABBITS - Mr. & Mrs. Rabbit and a large bag of PLASTIC EASTER EGGS. 585-519-1694
WURLITZER PIANO from the old Batavia Party House. You pick up, Batavia. 585-343-6821
Box of STAINED GLASS and CLEAR GLASS. 585-964-2405
48” LOVESEAT, blue color. Like brand new. QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS, like brand new. 585-356-3378
1978 KENWOOD STEREO RECEIVER, perfect condition. aimeen@juno.com for p/up detail
SPORTS CARDS - Duplicate, possibly triplicate of MLB, NBA, & NFL of various years. You pick up. desantisea@aol.com
ResMed CPAP MACHINE. With HumidAire 3i and S8 Escape System. Farmington. 585-202-0914
SEARS CRAFTSMAN 10” TABLE SAW. Needs new belt. You pick up, Canandaigua. Bob, 585-394-7746
QUEEN SIZE SOFA SLEEPER. Beige/flower design. You pick up, Newark. 315-945-3928
DISNEY VHS TAPES. Around thirty of them. You pick up, Hilton/ Hamlin area. 585-474-9473
CHRISTIAN TRACTS, BOOKS and BIBLES. Call after 3pm or leave a message. 585-436-8158
1945 ROPER GAS STOVE. Leave message. 585-323-1762
MODEL RAILROAD LAYOUT, HO scale, partially built. 8’x16’. Largely modular. Text 585-645-9835
OIL BASE PAINT: All colors. DO NOT TEXT. 585-377-0878.
CATTLEYA ORCHID that you no longer want. I would love to adopt it! Will pick up. Webster/Penfield area. Text or call 585-217-3397
Senior lady hoping to find OUTDOOR COVER for an older Simplicity Riding Lawnmower. Not too far from Williamson please. 315-310-3897
Seeking a DIRT BIKE or ATV, running or not for father son project. Text or call Matt 315-576-1278
Seeking a WEBER GRILL you are no longer using and is collecting dust. Call or text Matt 315-576-1278
Small ROWBOAT or CANOE in seaworthy condition and a small CULTIVATOR/ROTOTILLER. Call or text 585-993-1917
BATHROOM WALL DECOR and cute storage table for faculty bathrooms for a local elementary school! Kurtar20@gmail.com
White plastic or resin LAWN CHAIRS, any condition. Will pick up. Call or text 585-356-8742
HOYT VTM 31 COMPOUND BOW in good condition. 585-645-2618
Senior citizen collecting RECYCLED BOTTLES/CANS to supplement fixed income. Please Monroe County only. seniorcitrecycles@gmail.com
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS, especially Christmas village houses & Lemax accessories. In good condition for LeRoy Joy Project. 585-813-5089
Food Pantry in need of CARD TABLE. 585-690-3085
FISHING EQUIPMENT – Fly reel and pole. COSTUME JEWELRY. 585-415-8513
Sturdy DINING ROOM TABLE for senior citizen. 585-381-6546
Any season of THE MENTALIST on DVD starring Simon Baker (in English). qwakrkpr@yahoo.com
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com
under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
• Have stubborn stains in the toilet? Put some teeth in your cleaning job by dropping in a denture-cleaning tablet and letting it sit overnight. In the morning, scrub and flush. It just might do the job.
• “Lighten blemish spots on your skin with lemon juice. Just dab on several times per day.” -- O.M. in Georgia
• Take soap scum right off your shower curtain -- spray with vinegar and water mixture, then throw it in the washer. Hang it right back up, and those mildew stains are gone!
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
Gardeners around Rochester are busy dreaming of and planning this season’s plots. What early spring bloom common around here is your favorite?
• Snowdrops
• Crocus
• Daffodil
• Tulip
Poll ends 03-26-2024
Poll ended 03-19-2024
March in Western NY brings maple sugaring weekends, festivals, and pancake breakfasts across our region. What is your favorite part of maple weekends?
11.1% Sampling fresh maple syrup straight from the source
22.2% Tasting maple treats like candy and donuts
22.2% Joining family and friends for pancake breakfast traditions 44.4% Enjoying the beautiful late-winter, early spring weather
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
If you have a child born between 12/2/2018 and 12/1/2019, they will be eligible to attend Kindergarten in September 2024. Please phone the Naples Elementary School office at 3747952 to be sure your child is included on the school register and that the school has your correct mailing address and information.
Kindergarten registration material will be mailed to all incoming students by the end of April. Kindergarten screening will take place on Wednesday, May 15th, and ursday, May 16th, 2024. Information regarding screening and orientation in August will be included in the packet.
Required information: Child’s (original) birth certificate or other acceptable proof of age, immunization records, recent physical, and proof of residency.
Registration for the 2024-2025 Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) program at Naples Elementary School will be accepted in the Elementary School Office on: Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 8:30AM-4PM & 6-7PM BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
In order to avoid a long wait for parents, we ask that you call ahead for an appointment. is will make your visit safe and efficient. ank you!
To qualify to attend the UPK Program, your child must have been born between 12/2/19 and 12/1/20 AND be a resident of the Naples Central School District.
Required information: Child’s (original) birth certificate or other acceptable proof of age, immunization records, recent physical, and proof of residency. For more information and to make your appointment, please call the main office at 585-374-7952 Monday through Friday from 7:30AM – 3:30PM.
DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband had a small stroke last spring, causing a minor loss of vision in his left eye. He is 81 and an otherwise active man. He has even been told by several doctors that he can drive. One doctor told him to stop using meclizine and Viagra. Another physician said that he didn’t see a problem with taking the meds. Both physicians are very skilled. Whose advice should he follow? -- M.M.
ANSWER: A stroke is caused by the death of brain cells, most commonly due to poor blood flow in the brain, and it’s critical to avoid any medication that will increase the risk of stroke. Meclizine is an antihistamine medicine most commonly used for motion sickness and sometimes used for vertigo. Although it has been reported to cause blurry vision, the risk of taking meclizine in a person with a history of a stroke is minimal.
The situation with Viagra is more complex. A rare side effect of Viagra is nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION), affecting one in every 10,000 people over 50. A person with a history of NAION should not take Viagra.
There isn’t good evidence that Viagra is dangerous for a person who had a stroke. One trial suggested that there was benefit in reducing the size of a stroke with Viagra. However, Viagra does lower blood pressure by a few points, so if your husband’s blood pressure is on the borderline, this might be an issue. I can’t give you a definitive answer, but most authorities say that a man who is stable, has good blood pressure and is more than six months out from his stroke does need not stop Viagra.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
a recent phenomenon? - PTSD has been around as long as there have been traumatic events, though its name is more recent. The APA notes that PTSD has been known by various names in the past, including “shell shock” and “combat fatigue.” These names are no longer used in part because they give the impression that post-traumatic stress is exclusive to combat veterans. That’s a misperception, as the Sidran Institute, a nonprofit organization that helps people understand and recover from PTSD, notes PTSD will affect one in 13 people in the United States and 9 percent of Canadians at some point in their lives.
comprehensive exam.
Dental Benefits Program - Single: $143 per year & Family Plan: $385 per year* is provides discounts on all of our services from 10%-FREE during the time period you are signed up for.
*Has to be a family of four (2 adults, 2 children - immediate family members living under the same address.)
We also participate with CareCredit!
*Please note none of these programs can be combined with dental insurance, or any other offers/discounts.
Please give our office a call to learn more. We would be happy to help!
From estates, local store surplus, farmers and individuals: wood working tools, home improvement items, building materials and rough cut lumber, etc., Everyone welcome as a buyer or seller with quality, usable materials.
Consignments accepted: Wednesday, March 27th and ursday, March 28th from 9am to 5pm
(No consignments accepted Good Friday or Saturday.)
For more info: Harvey Leid (315) 536-2698 or Curvin Sensenig (315) 531-8857
Hunting/Fishing Gear
Sports Memorabilia
Visit consignment stores: Consignment shops and Goodwill(R) stores are popular places to buy preowned items. These stores take donations or offer items for sale on consignment, which means once sold the person who provided the item gets a portion of the sale.
When browsing the racks of these stores, it’s possible to discover highend items mixed in with less expensive items. Shoppers may find designer handbags and clothing for much less than they would sell at retail, especially if the pieces are one or two seasons old. Relying on these stores to supplement classic wardrobe pieces is cost-effective and beneficial to the environment. If you regularly shop consignment stores, you can develop a rapport with the shopkeeper, who may alert you when new items are available.
Saturday, March 30, 2024 at 9:00am
e Windmill Farm & Cra Market
3900 State Route 14A
Penn Yan, NY 14527
Now Accepting Consignments of All Makes and Models! Farm ∙ Construction ∙ Parts ∙ Tools
To Consign and Advertise Your Items, Please Contact: Jeff Dann at 585-233-9570, Nelson Horning at 585-554-5335, Nelson Zimmerman at 607-243-8932, fax to 315-595-5005 or email us at dannauctioneers@gmail.com. Pre-committed and choice items will be available for online bidding via Proxibid. Online bidder registration will be available prior to auction day at www.proxibid.com/dannauctioneers . Please note that online bidding terms differ from in-person auction terms.
Consignments are being accepted on-site Monday, 3/25, through ursday, 3/28, from 9am to 6pm daily. To have your items included for online bidding, those items will need to be on-site prior to 5pm on Wednesday, 3/27.
In-Person Auction Terms: ID for bidder number. No buyer's premium for cash or honorable check. Credit cards accepted with 3% fee.
Nelson Zimmerman: 607-243-8932
Apply Now!
Immediate opening for a full-time Seasonal Yard Person with or without marine experience. We are a well-established, full-service marina looking to add a new member to our team. We offer on the job training and have a highly supportive team atmosphere. We are open seven days a week with Hours: 9:00 AM-8:00 PM. We offer a competitive hourly wage based on experience. No experience is required. A valid driver’s license is required, and strong interpersonal skills is a plus.
Apply to this job
By Fax: (585) 394-0977
By Email:mikeg@suttersmarina.com
In Person: 808 South Main Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424 Apply Now!
• Learn to lay bricks, grind and point mortar joints, build cement crowns and much more.
• Must be in excellent physical condition, capable of li ing heavy objects, climbing ladders, and comfortable with heights for roo op work.
• Typical pay during extended training is $25/hr, but we are open to negotiation for exceptionally skilled individuals.
2150 Clay St., Lima www.kreidermasonry.com (585) 582-2284
Apply in person w/resume or e-mail resume to sales@shoestoboot.com
1. LITERATURE: What is the name of the kingdom in “The Princess Bride”?
2. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In British royalty, what is King Charles’ family name?
3. TELEVISION: Which TV sitcom features Sheldon’s catchphrase “Bazinga!”?
4. U.S. STATES: Which U.S. state is home to the Awatovi Ruins, a national historic landmark?
5. HISTORY: According to a WWII government slogan, what sinks ships?
6. GEOGRAPHY: What is the name of the small principality that lies between Spain and France?
7. ANATOMY: Which part of the brain controls hunger?
8. LANGUAGE: The Latin word “caput” refers to what part of the human anatomy?
9. SCIENCE: Which color has the longest wavelength in the visible spectrum?
10. FOOD & DRINK: What is the primary alcohol used in margaritas?
10. Tequila.
9. Red.
8. The head.
7. Hypothalamus.
6. Andorra.
5. Loose lips.
4. Arizona.
Level: Advanced
2. Mountbatten-Windsor.
1. Florin.
PSYCHICMEDIUMDEVELOPMENT HYPNOSISWORKSHOP with CamilleConti TV Hostof Faith&Inspiration and Founderof TheAcademyof DivineRichCEO Saturday,April6th,2024 1:00-3:00PM
CamilleContiAgency, 95AllensCreekRd.,Bldg.1, Suite328Rochester,NY14618 Tickets$20(regular$97)ToRegisterText716-603-1767Formore info:www.CamilleConti.com
TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.
DIDYOUKNOW... Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!
ITALYVALLEYCEMETERY ASSOCIATION AnnualMeetingTuesday April2nd,6pmattheTownofItaly TownHall.
EXPERTPIANOTUNING & REPAIR.Since1980.MusicianExtraordinaire,CharlesM.Freida, 585-426-2334.
CASHFORCARS, trucks, vans, SUVs.WE’RELOCAL!Fastcash! Freetowing.$200-$5000.No keys,notitle,noproblem! 585-482-2140
ATTENTION:Over40 years experience, Collisionrepair,rust repair,carsandtrucks,rockers, cabcorners,fenders,gates,etc. Manyavailableoptionsforallbudgets,freeestimates,freepickup anddelivery,appointmentsonly, callDon315-835-5214.
FIREWOOD: Sold bytheload,6face cord4x8x16$450perload.SM. Firewood(585)880-4665
ATTENTION: Oxygen Users!Gain freedomwithaPortableOxygenConcentrator!Nomoreheavytanksand refills!GuaranteedLowestPrices!Call theOxygenConcentratorStore: 855-839-1738.
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ATTENTIONOXYGENTHERAPY USERS! Inogen OneG4iscapableof full24/7oxygendelivery.Only2.8 pounds.Freeinfokit.Call 877-929-9587.
HANDICAPALUMINUM RAMP FORSALE: Approximately30’long,and about1yearold.New$7000, asking$3500orB/O 585-610-0354
DRESSERS (3) $50each.END TABLES withGlasstops(2)$50 pair. CRYSTALLAMPS (2)w/ shades$200pair. WROUGHT IRONDININGSET with4 chairs$500set, FIREPLACEINSERTHEATER withremote $200. COMPUTERDESK $40 DESK $30.BestOffers.Youmust move.585-610-0354.
FARMFRESHEGGS (Brown): $3 perDozen,$5per18Pack Textonly:585-704-3568 Bloomfieldarea.
2008FLAGSTAFFCAMPER: 30’, GUNCABINET:Solidwalnut,Homemade,hold12guNS.HESSTRUCK COLLECTION.MANYPOWER TOOLS.PricesNegotiableGarageSale atalaterdate.585-367-2423
DOGSITTERNEEDED: Part time upto8hoursperweek.Wednesdays &Sundays.Hopewell,Call 585-754-4059
STEVE´SMASONRY AND FIREPLACE SERVICES: Brick, block,concrete,stamped concrete,chimneyrepairs, foundations,brickandstone veneers. www.stevescustommasonry.com 585-309-4295.
TRICODOORCOMPANY for garagedoorsandopeners.Parts,Service, Salesandinstallations.Commercial, Residential,Automatic.FREEESTIMATES.585-924-3210.Insured.
TLCCARPENTRY: Home Maintenance,Repairs&Improvements. Interior&Exterior.FreeEstimates. Reasonableprices.Fullyinsured. 585-374-6565or585-259-8553.
SPRUCESAPLINGSFOR SALE: Makes greatwindbreaksfor landscaping.Springwater. 585-728-5733TakingorderstillApril 6th.30Saplingsfor$20. 585-728-5733
Residential JunkRemoval Cleanout... Estates,Hoarders,MoveOuts Attics,Basements,Garages,Barns Demo...Garages,Pools, Sheds,Barns BBBMember Mike,585-975-9019, 585-482-8366.
By Lucie Winborne* Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.
STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne
* Polar bears have black skin. And their fur isn’t actually white! It’s see-through, so it appears white as it reflects light.
Freeestimates.Fullyinsured Allworkguaranteed. 4.5NationalStarRatingfor Contractors/Painting. 585-335-3636;585-259-0931
ProfessionalHandymanServices including;carpentry, plumbing,electrical&painting, pluswindowsanddoors.Many homeimprovements&repairs. CallRickat585-374-2581
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CallorTextChrisatFront LineLawnCare 585-313-2122toget scheduledtoday!
SEWINGMACHINEREPAIR, all makes.50plusyearsexperience.Call Chuck24/7:585-813-6854.Rapid turnaround,allworkdoneinstoreby Bailey’sSewingCenter.2079 LeicesterRd,Leicester,NY14481. StoreHours:11-4,6daysperweek.
Ratesstartingat$49. CleanoutofAttics,Cellars, Houses,Barns,etc! Removalgarages,fences,etc. Also,Tree/BrushRemoval FastResponseTime SAMEDAYSERVICE!
MasterCardorVisaaccepted. SpringCOUPONSPECIAL: Expires4-30-24 JDJunk&CleanoutService, 585-719-8004
Immediateresponse.Licensedand insured.Anyjobwelcomed.30 yearsexperience.Call 585-455-1626.
STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne
SAVAGEMASONRYCHIMNEY REPAIRS:Rebuilds,ChimneyCaps,Cleanings,Crowns, Relining.Basementwalls,small roofleaks.Insured!RobertSavage 585-703-2526
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HonorYourLovedOne InprintandonlinebypublishinganObituaryinourPassages section.Includescolorphoto. Call: 585-226-8111 MISC.
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* Author William Faulkner refused a dinner invitation from JFK’s White House. “Why, that’s a hundred miles away,” he said. “That’s a long way to go just to eat.”