melia Earhart is o en the most recognizable woman in aviation, researched by schoolchildren across the country and perhaps the world. Her cross-Atlantic solo flight was impressive for anyone at the time, male or female, and she was an amazing individual in the industry.
However, America’s first female aviator is Rochester’s own Blanche Stuart (“Betty”) Scott. Born April 8, 1885, Scott loved spending time outdoors, bicycling and exploring. Despite her mother’s attempts to “transform her into a lady” in finishing school, Scott was, as she described herself, “a screwball” and “a cocky kid of 18,” so that didn’t work. Sean Dobbin of the Rochester D&C says Scott “[eschewed] her finishing school lessons in favor of the latest technologies.”
Scott was a firm believer in women’s self-sufficiency, and Scott said “women should wake up and take serious, intelligent, articulate interest in what makes the world tick.” Fittingly, Scott, an avid automobile enthusiast, started driving around Rochester at age 13. She supposedly “terrorize[d] the city streets to the point where the city council attempted to ban her from driving,” as the Federal Aviation Administration’s Hannah Chan reports. However, such a ban couldn’t stick because there were no age or gender driving restrictions.
In 1910, according to the FAA, Scott hopped in an Overland roadster nicknamed “Lady Overland” and made the 5,500-mile road trip across the US. Traveling from New York City to San Francisco in 68 or 69 days, depending on the source, Scott said she made the trip “purely for pleasure and educational value,” but also said that “women who have cars are too dependent on men … or their chauffeurs.” ough critics thought Scott would not be able to handle the mechanical issues of such a long journey, Scott was determined to prove them wrong.
In that land adventure, Scott became the first or second (again, depending on the source, but those who claim Scott as second name another Rochester-born woman, Alice Huyler Ramsey, as the first) woman to drive across the contiguous US. On the way, she saw her first airplane, originally “thinking these people flying were idiots, not realizing [she’d] be doing the same thing three weeks later” (FAA). Scott made news with that road trip, and a member of the Glenn Curtiss Exhibition Company of Hammondsport, NY connected with her to learn to fly. Despite no formal training for aviators (who only received verbal instructions on the ground, evidently) and widespread discrimination against women at the time, in 1910 Scott mostly taught herself, and she never looked back.
BY SUZIE WELLSWith her first public flight with the company, the first professional appearance of a female US aviator in Fort Wayne, IN, Scott began (or continued) a career of firsts. She set long-distance flying records for women in 1911, and performed the lead role in e Aviator’s Bride, the first film about flying. In 1912, she became the first female test pilot in the US and performed in many exhibitions across the western US, becoming the US’ first female stunt pilot, gaining the nickname as the “Tomboy of the Air.”
In 1913, a Memorial Day crash took Scott out for a year, a er which she flew only a few times before retiring from active aviation in 1916. According to the FAA, she retired “because of the lack of opportunities for female engineers and mechanics [and because she] was bothered by what she perceived as the public’s disturbing interest in air crashes” instead of the sheer wonder of human aviation.
In retirement, Scott dove into screenwriting and radio, even writing and producing her own radio shows under the alias “Roberta.” Her passion for flying continued, though, and in 1948, she became the first female passenger to ride in a jet plane, a TF-8oC, and she received honors from the US Aeronautics Association in 1953.
In 1954, Scott began consulting with the US Air Force Museum, helping acquire $1M+ of early aviation artifacts for the museum. e Antique Airplane Association honored the 50th anniversary of her first flight in 1960, and the US Postal Service commemorated her achievements with a stamp in 1980.
In 2005, Blanche Stuart Scott was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame, whose reports declare Scott “a pioneering aviator of indomitable spirit of adventure.” May we all remember this incredible Rochesterian whose strong will and determination allowed her to break barriers and follow her passion.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
* Use a muffin pan to make cookie cups for ice cream or fruit. Just flip your muffin pan over, and press dough over the upturned wells. It will puff up a little, but once it settles, they make very nice bowls. I do this with pizza dough as well. Prebake for a few minutes to form the bowl, then fill with ingredients and complete baking.
* If you can put a tension rod in the cabinet under your sink, you can use it to hang spray bottles for extra storage. It’s amazing how much space clears up, and it’s easy to find the bottle you need.
* Travel a lot? Make use of those shower caps by pairing up shoes and using the shower cap to hold them together while simultaneously protecting your clothes from the shoe bottoms. Smart!
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
Freedom of experimentation: Although chain restaurants may have to meet approval from administrative boards and marketing departments before they can introduce new fare, independently owned restaurants can let their diners decide which foods remain on the menu and even adapt to community trends. Local restaurants may take pride in serving cultural or regional foods.
Arguably the most famous St. Patrick’s Day parade in the world, the New York City parade is more than 250 years old. The Big Apple’s first St. Patrick’s Day parade took place on March 17, 1762, when Irish soldiers serving in the British military marched through the city.
We are thrilled to be sending you this FREE edition of the Genesee Valley Penny Saver. Now serving the homes in Macedon, Palmyra, Newark, Cli on Springs, and Phelps, this edition of the Penny Saver is dedicated to helping you find out what’s going on in the community as well as what local businesses are offering you and your family. We believe that supporting local couldn’t be more important these days and we look forward to fostering that mission by bringing you our award-winning publication in print and online. Enjoy!
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First published in 1948, the Genesee Valley Penny Saver has been serving readers and businesses in the Finger Lakes region for over 75 years. Now second and third generation family owned and operated, we are committed to serving our community by producing the best possible publication that brings readers and local businesses together. We’re excited to be making long term investments in our ability to serve you, including the installation of all new printing equipment at our headquarters in Avon, NY, the addition of new digital products and services for our customers, and, of course, this brand-new edition in your area. Learn more about us at gvpennysaver.com and featuredmedia.com.
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In the weeks leading up to Easter, practicing Christians commonly commit to a period of fasting and abstinence known as Lent. This commitment commemorates Christ’s 40-day journey into the desert, and the sacrifices modern day Christians make are meant to replicate those made by Christ duringthatperiod.ManyChristians abstain from alcohol during Lent, but those who do may not realize that beer played a significant role in helping a small community of 17th century monks survive the Lenten fasting season. Monks from the Order of St. Francis of Paola, often referred to as “Paulaner monks,” fasted from all solid foods throughout the season of Lent during the 1600s. According to the Paulaner Brewery, the monks, originally from southern Italy, relocated to Bavaria, once an independent country but now a southern state in Germany, in the 1600s. Their strict religious orders forbade the monks from consuming solid food during Lent, but they still needed nutrients to sustain them. So the monks concocted a strong brew loaded with carbohydrates and nutrients. The monks must have liked the beer, as they continued to brew it and even began selling it in their community. An early doppelbock, the beer was one of the first offerings from the Paulaner Brewery, which opened its doors in 1634 and remains open today.
Formanyrevelers,St.Patrick’sDaywouldn’tbethesamewithoutGuinness, which is among Ireland’s most famous exports. This world renowned and easily recognizable Irish dry stout traces its origins to 1758, when Arthur Guinness began creating it at his brewery at St. James’s Gate in Dublin. The black beer and its familiar white head instantly evoke images of Ireland for millions of people across the globe. While hosts outside of Ireland might not be able to find a keg of the black stuff for their Paddy’s Day party, it is widely available in cans.
TheOntarioCountyArtsCouncil announcesanacceptanceperiod for2024grantapplications.The OCACisacceptinggrantapplicationsthroughApril1st,2024from localnonprofitandgovernmentorganizationsforsmallprojectsto enhancethevisualandperforming artsinOntarioCounty.Thearts Councilhasestablishedabudgetof $4000for2024.Grantsofupto $1000willbeannouncedbyMay 15th,2024.Projectsmustbenefit theOntarioCountycommunityand enhancetheartsasawhole.For moreinformation,grantcriteria, andanapplicationformgoto ocarts.org
Clifton Springs Library
4 Railroad Avenue
Clifton Springs, NY 14432
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-7; Fri 10-5; Sat 10-2
Geneva Public Library
244 Main Street
Geneva, NY 14456 315-789-5303
Hrs.: Mon-Fri 8:30-7; Sat 9-2
Newark Public Library
121 High Street Newark, NY 14513 315-331-0552
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 9:30-7; Fri 9:30-6; Sat 9:30-1
Phelps Library
8 Banta Street, Suite 200 Phelps, NY 14532 315-548-5314
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 9-8; Fri 9-5
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
CanandaiguaHistoryAllianceTherecentlyformedCanandaigua HistoryAllianceinvitesthepublicto ourWed,3/13programat CanandaiguaTownHall,Onnalinda ConfRm(lowerlevel),5440Rte 5&20West.Programbeginsat 6:30PM;suggest6:00PMarrival. ProgramispresentedbyNancy Hayden;titled“TheComplete GuidetoVillageLifeinAmericaTheplaces,faces&storiesof19th CenturyLifeinAmerica.”Basedon 1852-1872diaryofCarolineCowlesRichards;anentertaininglook insideourcommunityatacritical timeinournationalhistory. CanandaiguaresidentNancyHaydenisaneducator&historian. Dessertreceptiontofollow.FREE ADMISSION.Watchforfutureprograms.
GardeningwithNativePlantsto DeterInvasiveSpecies- Matt GalloofFingerLakesPartnership forRegionalInvasiveSpeciesManagement(FLPRISM)invitesustothe GenevaRoomontheHobartWilliamSmithcampusMarch12,7pm. ItisrightnexttotheFingerLakes Institute,hometoFLPRISM.Parkin theMedberryparkinglotby campusandsafety,andwalktowardsthelakeacrossSouthMain Street.Therewillbesigns.Ifyou prefertocarpool,youmaymeetus attheparkinglotoffSlyStreet behindtheOntarioCounty Courthouseat6PM.Moreinformationandamapareonour weblog.
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reports that mushrooms contain about 15 vitamins and minerals, including folate magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6,and zinc.Mushrooms also are low in calories and rich in antioxidants, which can help to lower risk for inflammation.
PotterVolunteerFireDept. Breakfast! ThePotterVolunteer FireDepartmentwillbehavinga BreakfastatthePotterFireHouse, 1255PhelpsRoad,thethirdSunday ofthemonthforMARCH17from 8AMtillNoon.Wewillbeserving Pancakes,sausages,homefries, breakfastsandwiches,eggs,toast, coffee,juiceandmore!
ThePalmyraGardenClubFundraiser willrunfrommid-Marchtothe endofApril2024.Proceedsfromthis annualeventwillpurchaseflowers andsoilforsummerflowercontainers atthePalmyracommunitycenter, Villagehall,villagestreetlocationsand windowboxesattheAllingCoverlet Museum;18locationsintotal.Local participatingbusinesseswillhavewellmarkedjarsintheirestablishments requestingdonationsforthisproject. ThePalmyragardenclubFacebook pagewillincludeaflierwithfurther details,locationofdonationjarsand contactinformationforquestions. Thankyouforyourconsideration;any andalldonationshelpuskeepPalmyralookingbeautiful.
NOTICEtoallGypsum/RiverviewCemeterylotowners: Spring CleanUpwillbeginassoonas weatherpermits.Cemeteryrulesand regulationsstatenomorethantwo(2) flowerpotsorurnsperLOTwillbe permitted.Solarlightsneedtobe placedevenwithmonuments.No glasscontainers,noin-groundplanting offlowers,trees,bushesorshrubswill beallowed.Duetoliabilityissues,we cannolongerallowshepherdhooks andthelike.Allitemsfromthe previousyeartoincludewreathsand standsmustberemovedbyMarch15. TheAssociationwillremoveanddisposeofitemsonLOTSnotcomplying withtheserequirementsatanytime.
Riverview/GypsumCemetery AssociationAnnualMeeting is March12,2024at6:30pmatthe PhelpsCommunityCenterintheVillageMeetingRoom,8BantaSt., Phelps.Alllotownersarewelcome. Formoreinfo:(315)462-3255.
Participate in community events that may be sponsored by small business owners.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
THANK YOU to everyone who sent in name suggestions for our NEW Penny Saver edition in Macedon, Palmyra, Newark, Cli on Springs and Phelps. A er receiving several suggestions referencing the canal, it became apparent how important this resource is that links us to a shared regional past and present.
It is with great excitement that we announce this new publication name as the Genesee Valley Penny Saver, Canal Path Edition. is in many ways speaks to the suggestions we received from all of you, but also our own publishing roots. Many years ago, GVPS published a “Canal Path” edition that served Fairport, which is now grouped into our Monroe East edition. What a great opportunity to bring back a classic name while serving a new community. ank you again.
University of Maryland Extension notes that stripe smut primarily poses a threat to Kentucky bluegrass that is older than three years. Pale green streaks that run parallel to the veins in the leaves and leaf sheaths are symptomatic of stripe smut, which tends to be noticed in spring and fall, when weather is cool. As the disease progresses, stripes turn black or a silvery gray, causing the leaf blade to shred and curl. After the blades have shred, they turn brown and die. The grass thins because stripe smut makes it vulnerable to problems like drought.
March 14th-17th - While Supplies last!
Seed Packets 10% OFF
Black Gold, Miracle Gro, Whitney Farms, and Coast of Maine Select Soils 10% OFF
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Grass is the forgiveness of nature - her constant benediction. Forests decay, harvests perish, flowers vanish, but grass is immortal.
- Brian IngallsMany an amateur landscaper has encountered grubs while tending to their lawns, but even the most attentive green thumber may have a lawn infested with grubs and not know it. According to the pest and weed experts at Roundup® , grubs often go unnoticed until late summer, when they’ve already done substantial damage to a lawn. Oddly enough, one of the telltales signs of a grub infestation is not the grubs themselves but the animals looking to dine on them. Fully grown grubs make for hearty meals, so homeowners who notice raccoons, skunks, armadillos, and/or birds digging up their lawns may have a grub infestation. That’s because these unwanted guests like to dine on mature grubs who have spent summer feasting on organic matter in the soil. Another sign of a possible grub infestation is a lawn that feels spongy when stepped on. Patches of dead grass that peel back easily are a sign that grubs have eaten the roots that keep healthy grass in place.
Keep it covered. Covered bins can serve as a seating area and also a place to store shoes, hats and scarves.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I developed chronic dry eyes after having cataract surgery on both eyes. I consulted an ophthalmologist who specialized in treating dry eyes. She prescribed Restasis, but my condition didn’t improve after three months of use. She then switched me to Xiidra and instructed me to use it for two more refills, which lasted for nine months.
At the end of my conversation with the dry eye specialist, she said that she had done everything she could for me. I inquired about the Miebo drug that was recently approved or the LipiFlow procedure. She mumbled something, then said “goodbye” and “good luck.” Was she openly admitting her incompetence?
-- K.J.W.ANSWER: It’s hard for me to believe that a dry eye specialist wouldn’t know about the new treatments available in their area of expertise, and I can only guess that there was some kind of miscommunication. As a generalist, I have to know at least a little bit about a whole lot of conditions, rather than a specialist who knows a whole lot about just a few conditions.
For most people with dry eyes, starting with artificial tears is usual and effective, but I certainly have had patients use artificial tears many times daily and still have unpleasant symptoms. I also recommend trying to avoid dry areas, especially with high airflow.
Most people with dry eyes have blockages in the meibomian glands, which secrete an oily substance that helps prevent the eye fluid from drying. It also forces the lacrimal glands to make more tears. (This leads to the paradox of people having red, watery eyes when they really have dry eye disease.) Trying to unblock the meibomian glands with baby shampoo and warm water is another treatment generalists like me often try. But when these therapies aren’t working, an ophthalmologist is essential. An ophthalmologist can do an exam to be sure if the meibomian glands are blocked. Among the treatments they have available are the ones you tried: cyclosporine (Restasis), which works well for a minority of people; lifitegrast (Xiidra), which decreases inflammation; varenicline (Tyrvaya), which increases tear production; and Miebo (perfluorohexyloctane), which works by reducing evaporation.
If the problem really is the blocked glands, doctors can also consider more powerful treatments to unblock them. One of these, Lipiflow, is a heat-based treatment. My colleagues in ophthalmology, to whom I refer, tell me that this is often successful, although the process may need to be repeated -- sometimes every six months and sometimes longer. Ophthalmologists can also place plugs to reduce the loss of tears through drainage.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Are you feeling anxious or is your mind racing? You can trust our years of experience helping people calm their minds through meditation and exercise.
Get to the gym. While it might seem impossible after a night spent overindulginginalcohol,somemoderateexercisemayhelpyoufeelbetter, at least mentally. Make sure you’re fully hydrated before hitting the gym so you’re less vulnerable to muscle cramps or injury, and drink water while exercising as well. Exercise releases neurochemicals and hormones, including endorphins, that can help boost your mood and provide some energy on a day when you might benefit from both of those things.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I walk my neighbors’ dogs every day a er school. It takes time because I have to walk one dog at a time, then go to the next house, and then the third one. I’d like to make this job a little more efficient by walking all three dogs at the same time. What’s the best way to do this? --
Colin R., Smyrna, GeorgiaDEAR COLIN: I can see your dilemma! Walking three dogs separately takes at least one hour, probably two, when you add in the time spent accessing each home, leashing up the dogs and unleashing.
It is possible to walk all three dogs at once, but you have to do two important things first: One, get permission from each neighbor to walk the dogs together, and two, make sure the dogs will get along before you commit.
You may be able to only walk two of them together and the third one alone. And if the neighbors don’t agree, then you’re stuck walking all three separately.
If you do get permission to walk them together, do it on a trial basis. Here are a few tips from professional dog walkers:
• Don’t use retractable leashes when walking multiple dogs. You need full control at all times.
• Leashes can easily get tangled; hold two in one hand and one in the other, or buy a 3-way leash coupler to minimize tangles.
•If one or more dogs gets aggressive or bullying, walk them separately to prevent the problem from getting worse.
SALT- Matthew 5:13 “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing.” Born Again Believers are called to be Salty in our difference from the worldly culture, morals, kindness, forgiveness, love, light, honesty and work ethic. Also our defiance against sin, standing for the weak and fallen, Faithfulness to Church, Family and Country. Water causes Salt (sodium chloride) to lose its saltiness. Watered down Christianity causes that. Then we don’t follow the “Old Paths’’ (Jer. 6:16), Keep our selves Godly (Jude 1:20) and keep ourselves in a Bible Believing Church. “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” Hebrews 10:25..... SALTY.
130 Hook Rd., Farmington 315-986-2293
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Sunday School 10:00am • Morning Service 11:00am Evening Service and Prayer 6:00pm
•Avoid walking them in areas where a lot of other dogs are present. If all three bolt toward another dog, you may not be able to hang on to them.
2024 King Features Synd., Inc.Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
Hairball is the most energetic and personable kitty. In her youth, she did gymnastics on my clothes drying rack!
Now she’s content to sit on the towels. Send us a photo and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com Share With Us. Or, Mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
important creatures because they help to pollinate flowers.
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David C. Boyle
February 27, 2024
David C. Boyle of LeRoy passed away surrounded by his family on February 27, 2024, at age 61. He is survived by his loving wife of 37 years, Lois; his sister, Kate (Tim) Moulton; several nieces and nephews; 3 brothers-in-law, Wesley (Lydia), Stanley (Mary), Paul Schneckenburger; sister-in-law, Verna Bennett; and special friend Maggie-moo.
Friends called on Wednesday, March 6 from 4-7pm at the Alhart Funeral Home, 3068 Main Street, Caledonia. A graveside service was held ursday, March 7 at 11am at the Mumford Rural Cemetery, 1100 Flint Road, Mumford.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Crossroads House, P.O. Box 403, 11 Liberty St., Batavia, NY 14021.
Wilber “Bill” Colegrove
February 28, 2024
Groveland: Wilbur “Bill” Colegrove passed away peacefully, surrounded by his family, on February 28, 2024.
Bill was born on May 9, 1941 in Canandaigua NY. Bill was the son of the late Victor & Esther ( omas) Colegrove. He married Susan (Griffin) Colegrove on September 9, 1967.
We are locally owned with three generations of our family serving the community.
• Newly remodeled
• Handicap accessible facility
Bill graduated from Livonia Central High School in 1960. He was a member of the National Guard for 6 years and worked for Kraft foods where he retired from in 2003. He was a former member of the Groveland Fire Department. In his free time, Bill enjoyed hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, watching and traveling to NASCAR races, and going on 4-wheeler rides.
Bill is survived by his wife, Susan; sons, Scott (Jo Galluzzo) and David (Betsy) Colegrove; his grandchildren, Emily (Elijah Godown), Garrett & Lexi Colegrove and Madison & Kaitlyn Lee; his sister, Janice (Wayne) Truelson; sister-in-law, Sherron (Jack) Turner, and many nieces, nephews, cousins & friends.
Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Chamberlin-Baird Funeral Home in Dansville.
To leave an online condolence, please visit BairdFuneralHomes.com
Our staff is here to assist you with pre-arrangement options. We offer various services to meet your needs, including traditional funerals and cremation services. Our traditional funerals include a visitation, funeral service, and burial. Our cremation services offer various options, from a simple cremation to a memorial service or cremation with visitation options.
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According to Mental Health America, individuals’ reactions to the death of a loved one can elicit unique emotions linked to their relationship to the deceased. For example, MHA, a community-based nonprofit focused on promoting mental health, notes that a child’s death could inspire different feelings than the loss of an elderly spouse. When parents lose a child, that death may arouse a sense of injustice that can overwhelm the child’s parents as they contemplate lost potential, unfulfilled dreams and, in certain instances, the child’s suffering. Elderly individuals who lose a spouse may be overcome by feelings of loneliness. Recognition of these different reactions is important because it can help individuals and their support networks more effectively cope with their grief.
TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.
DIDYOUKNOW... Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!
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HonorYourLovedOne In printandonlinebypublishinganObituaryinourPassages section.Includescolorphoto. Call: 585-226-8111
1. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which large U.S. city is nicknamed Rip City?
2. MOVIES: Which movie features the quote, “She doesn’t even go here!”
3. GEOGRAPHY: Which national capital city is the northernmost in the world?
4. TELEVISION: Which long-running sitcom features a dad named Phil Dunphy?
5. GAMES: In chess, how many knights does each player have at the beginning?
6. GEOLOGY: What natural phenomenon is associated with igneous rock?
7. LANGUAGE: How many official languages are in the United Nations?
8. MUSIC: David Grohl was a drummer in which band before he became the frontman for the Foo Fighters?
9. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of alligators called?
10. FOOD & DRINK: What kind of meat is used in Hasenpfeffer, a traditional German stew? Answers 1. Portland, Oregon.
I wanted to give a small shout out to my small town that in the past few years has done many things for their residents and visitors. From updating/paving the park walkway to adding a disc golf course to new events to redoing a building to a small venue spot, the work hasn’t gone unnoticed by your residents. Kudos!
The grocery stores don’t need to sell wine. They are already dominating the local revenue streams of our communities. Why jeopardize the small wine & liquor stores that help make up our local commercial sectors. It’s just greed on the part of the grocery chains. Write your legislators and say “no” to grocery store wine sales.
Breakfast on a Saturday Morning Brings Me Joy
Handicapped parking
After moving back to Webster 1 1/2 years ago from the Buffalo area, I resumed attending a restaurant in Webster to meet friends and acquaintances from 9:00AM to about 10:30AM to make garrulous conversation. The conversation is all over the place, and it is made up of people in their 70s to early 80s. The number of attendees can vary from 6–12 people. However, adding to this happy merriment is my engaging with a lovely 7 year disabled girl named Delilah. She is brought there by her mom who puts her in a high chair cause she can’t walk and can’t talk too well, but she understands. They sit in a booth about 10 feet down the aisle from our group. That sweet blonde haired little girl has stolen my heart and the others in my group. I wave to her and blow kisses from where I sit and call her name. She then exhibits a smile that enthralls my heart. For the past 3-4 weeks I have brought her candy and dolls. Her mom brings her to our table to interact. Yes, Delilah and friends bring joy to me to start the weekend.
AGAIN, this must be addressed! Monday, a red SUV sped up and quickly pulled in front of me, cutting me off. Then they pulled in the [Department store] (same one as me) and sat in the vehicle for 5 minutes before getting out. My point? In such a hurry to cut me off then sat 5 minutes before getting out. He had parked in a handicapped spot, literally jumped out, bent over, pulled a young child out of a car seat, carried the toddler and briskly walked into the store. PHYSICIANS!! Please do a better job of passing out tags! Seriously, the abuse must stop! This man’s strength did not warrant that close spot by any means. His walking was fantastic. If disabled mentally? Seizures?…he had a young child with him while driving. The excuses must stop, these people know they are abusing this! There must be more spots for the true ambulatory disabled.
Numerous TREES – standing and down. You cut and remove. steveharrison@gvpennysaver.com
COAST SPA. Needs Control Panel. markh@integratednet.com
ERECTOR SETS: one from the 60’s and one from 2010 or so. Please text. 585-737-5153
MIRROR - bathroom wall, 50”H x 44”W. Includes two 3” x 50” beveled side mirrors attached. Fairport. 585-455-6116
AFRICAN DJEMBE DRUM. Good condition, needs to skin. kgenung1@gmail.com
RV MATTRESS, Full Queen, hardly used, also low-rise Queen foundation. Pegzim@yahoo.com
JIGSAW PUZZLES with pieces missing, but good for crafts. ptviele462@gmail.com
Assorted Mercury OUTBOARD MOTORS and PARTS. 65HP, 100HP, 20HP. Text or e-mail for more info. 585-230-9380 or johnrohrbaugh666@gmail.com
TABLE w/two chairs, TV STAND, COUCH, CHAISE LOUNGE (patio), two 2-DRAWER FILE CABINETS, large DOG CARRIER, and two VHS STORAGE UNITS. Canandaigua. 585-507-8788 PIANO BOOKS: learn to play, children’s and holiday. cabeiter@rochester.rr.com
FIRE PIT GLASS ROCK, ¼-½” pieces. About 100 pounds. Grayish color. Brockport area. 585-637-0221
MICROWAVE OVEN. Needs minor repair. 585-538-9825
MAPLE HARDWOOD TONGUE & GROOVE FLOORBOARDS. Leftover from install. 5¼ inch wide. Most 1 foot long, 41 boards. 585-356-3439
Working TORO Power Clear (180 Model) 18” SNOWBLOWER. You pick-up. Call/Text 585-704-7948
BIBLES in English and in Spanish. 585-924-5869
ORGAN for Manor House church services. 585-356-1751
Copy of the book, JESUS LIVES by Sarah Young. Call or text 585-649-8706
A good complete working OLD-FASHIONED ROUND WRINGER/ WASHER for regular use. 585-802-3328
YARN for crocheting hats, gloves and other items. Brockport, Hamlin, Hemlock, Hilton and Spencerport area. 585-964-2405
Unwanted FOLK INSTRUMENTS: banjo, mandolin, fiddle, etc. venturatyler@yahoo.com
Needed: reliable PICKUP TRUCK for a senior handicapped couple to get to doctors and shopping. 585-297-9968
COMIC BOOKS - Avid collector would love to get anything you don’t want, any amount. Will pick up. 585-260-0437
Adult women’s INCONTINENT PADS, BRIEFS (pull-ups or tabs). Size s/m or large, and 2x. Text or call 585-233-5030
VINTAGE STEREO EQUIPMENT: Speakers, silver face receivers, amplifiers, turntables, Synthesizers, keyboards, microphones, Test equipment, records, reel tapes, ham radios. 585-883-5334
WHITE BIRCH BRANCHES, preferably 4-5 feet long. 585-764-9769
USED WEIGHT TRAINING SETS. Help us provide used weight sets to youth football players and wrestlers. Text 585-465-0133
Looking for TILING FOR FLOORS. Also looking for AMBER LIGHT BAR. Can pick up. 585-447-0201
ADULT NUTRITION DRINKS, brand unimportant. Call or text 585-649-8706
Interfaith Center is taking BOOKS for a Book Sale. Please limit donations for pick up to Livingston and Southern Monroe County. Nancy 585-243-2114
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Brighton Central Schools. Full-time, 12-month position (7:00am-3:30pm, M-F).
Includes health, dental and retirement benefits. $18.53 per hour (Negotiable based on experience).
Visit our website at www.bcsd.org under Job Opportunities to apply and to view additional position details.
We currently have opportunities on our evening shi for both part-time (3 shi s) and full-time (5 shi s) for Senior Resident Care Assistants, to provide assistance with activities of daily living as well as completing medication passes following the DOH policies and procedures as taught through on-site training.
Quail Summit offers excellent benefits, competitive wages starting at $19.08, and an excellent work environment.
Please send resume to: Liz Slater, Assistant Executive Director lslater@quailsummit.com or apply in person at 5102 Parrish St. Ext., Canandaigua
• Chemistry Teacher 7-12
• K-12 Music Vocal Teacher (6-12 vocal instruction)
• K-5 Reading Teacher: LTS (March – June 2024)
Continual Recruitment - Substitutes:
• Teachers (Certified and Uncertified)
• Aides/TAs
• RNs/LPNs
• Bus Drivers
All interviews begin upon receipt of application. Additional information and application available: www.yorkcsd.org
Deciding to leave a job is seldom an easy decision. However, it’s a more common decision than many people may know, as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates the average worker holds 10 different jobs before age 40.
People change jobs for a variety of reasons. Some do so because of better opportunities elsewhere, while others simply need a change. Regardless of what’s motivating a job change, leaving a place of employment can elicit various emotions, including some that may contribute to negative thoughts about a current employer. But it’s always best to leave a job gracefully, which can pay dividends down the road.