928-931-932 PeirsonAve,Fri.Sat. June21&22.Lotsofgoodcleanstuff including2stageTroyBiltsnow blowerelectricstartwithloading ramps,tools,antiquescomplete21 volumeDickensHardcovers-collectionOriginalRoyRogersHardcovers, Pacbaskets,vintageHusqzarnasewingmachine,books,etc.
CLIFTON SPRINGS:516 FieldSt. June28&29(9am-4pm)Furniture, frames,houseitems,clothes,vases, jewelry,tools,toys,manymiscellaneousitems
CLIFTONSPRINGS: 3NDayton Ave.Saturday,June22nd(8:30am2pm)MULTIFAMILYAntiques, household,china,glassware,electric fireplace,furniture,clothing,decor, humidifiers,teacher’sitems,lotsof miscellaneous!
Walker Rd.(off21N)AntiqueDealer downsizing(10-4pm)June29th& 30thCashonly,NoEarlyBirds!
Statistics from U.S. Youth Soccer indicate that millions of children across the country are taking to the sport that was once primarily associated with Europe and other parts of the world beyond the United States. According to U.S. Youth Soccer, more than three million youth players were registered to play soccer in 2014. That marks an amazing increase from just 40 years earlier, when barely more than 100,000 youths registered to play soccer. While the reasons behind the growing popularity of soccer within the United States are not officially known, one might reasonably trace American youths’ embrace of the sport to the U.S. Men’s National Team’s appearance in the 1990 World Cup. Though the team was defeated in each of its three matches in the 1990 World Cup, the appearance marked the United States’ first since 1950. In fact, participation in youth soccerintheUnitedStatesin2014 marked an 89 percent increase since 1990. In addition, the United States hosted the 1994 World Cup, likely generating even more interest in soccer, which many American youths now consider their favorite sport.
• To clean out your coffee grinder in order to use it for spices, add about a half-cup of white rice, then pulverize it. Repeat until scent is gone and rice powder comes out clean.
• It’s food-smart to separate utensils and cutting boards used for veggies, meats, poultry, etc. Here’s a handy chef’s trick: Color code. Paint a different color stripe down the edge of cutting boards and around the handle of utensils for each variety: green for veggies, yellow for poultry and red for beef.
Monday 4:00pm to 8:00pm; Wednesday 8:00am to Noon; ursday 4:00pm to 8:00pm; Saturday 8:00am to Noon OUR ROADSIDE STAND IS OPEN DAILY
* On June 26, 1892, Nobel Prize-winning author Pearl S.Buck is born.Her novel “The Good Earth” (1930),describing peasant life in China,became an international bestseller and was translated into 30 languages.Buck wrote 80 novels and books.
Does Your Family Have a Fire Escape Plan? (Family Features) When a home fire occurs, you have very little time to get out. A working smoke alarm doubles your chances of survival, yet more than twenty percent of American homes are without them. Energizer and the International Association of Fire Chiefs teamed up to address this problem by providing vital fire safety information to families. Make a Plan Installing smoke alarms on every level of the home and developing a plan of escape can give your family precious minutes to get out and get to safety. Draw a floor plan of your home and sketch exit routes out of every room. Make sure you have a fire escape ladder long enough to reach the ground from upstairs rooms. Assign an outside meeting place, so you can quickly locate each other
Summertime and the Livin’ is
June 27th-
June 30th
Bonnie 4.5 Vegs & Herbs - 4 for $18.50
Bonnie 6 packs - 3 for $16.00
All Other Plants 35% OFF
Seed Potatoes 50% OFF
RustOleum Truck Bed Liner Kits
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Clearance items 75% OFF
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Hours: M-F 8am-6pm, Sat. 8am-5pm & Sun. 9am-3pm
While supplies last.
Maintaining the proper chemical balance of pool water will help keep it clean and protect system components from damage. The pH level of pool water measures its acidity or alkalinity. The pH level should be between 7.4 and 7.6 for best results. Latham Pool Products says water that is too acidic can cause eye and skin irritation and damage liners or equipment with corrosion. High pH may cause cloudy water and make chlorine less active. Again, frequent testing helps pool owners understand their water chemistry better and make adjustments.
SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TO OUR EXPERTS! Your question(s) will be answered directly & may be featured in our column! Ask them today at: GVPENNYSAVER.COM/GARDEN
What time of year is best to prune everything? Are different times/seasons are best for different plants?
Whenitcomestopruning,thebesttimeof year varies depending on the specific plant and its growth habits. Different plants have different pruning requirements, and timing is crucial to ensure optimal health and growth. Here’s a generalguidelineforpruningdifferenttypesof plants throughout the year:
1. Deciduous Trees and Shrubs: Late winter or early spring, before new growth begins, is usually the best time to prune deciduous trees and shrubs. Pruning during this period allows for better visibility of the plant’s structure and promotes vigorous growth in the upcoming season. However, it is important to avoid
pruningduringfreezingtemperaturesorwhen the plant is actively flowering.
2. Evergreen Trees and Shrubs: Evergreen plants can be pruned throughout the year, but the best time is typically in early spring before new growth starts.This timing allows the plant to recover quickly and minimizes the risk of damage from extreme weather conditions. Light pruning can also be done in late summer to maintain shape and remove any dead or diseased branches.
3. Flowering Shrubs and Trees: The timing of pruning flowering shrubs and trees depends on whether they bloom on old wood or new wood. Plants that bloom on old wood, such as lilacs and azaleas, should be pruned immediately after they finish flowering. This ensures that you don’t remove the flower buds
Septic Tank Pumping
Retaining Walls
Delivery of Gravel, Stone
Electric Lines
Ditching 585-738-5160
Getting out and about is a vital component of many seniors’ daily lives, but it’s important that aging men and women recognize how much exercise is healthy for them. The Department of Health & Human Services notes that adults need a mix of physical activity to stay healthy.That mix should be a combination of moderate-intensity aerobic activities, which can include golfing, swimming and even gardening, and muscle strengthening activities like weightlifting that make the muscles work harder than usual.The DHHS recommends adults combine 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week with at least two days of muscle-strengthening activities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that these guidelines are safe for individuals who are 65 and older, generally fit and have no limiting health conditions. Individuals who do not fit that criteria should consult with their physicians before beginning a new exercise regimen, as it’s possible that they could be putting their health at considerable risk if they attempt to follow guidelines designed for people who are generally fit. It’s also important that healthy seniors avoid overdoing it in regard to exercise.Though the DHHS suggestions are the minimum recommendations,going too far beyond those guidelines without first consulting a physician could increase seniors’ risk for injury, illness or even death.
for the next season. For plants that bloom on new wood, like hydrangeas, it’s best to prune them in late winter or early spring before new growth emerges.
4. Fruit Trees: Pruning fruit trees is usually done during late winter or early spring while the trees are still dormant. This timing allows for better control of the tree’s shape, improves fruit production, and reduces the risk of disease.It’s important to follow specific pruning techniques for each type of fruit tree to maximize yield and maintain overall tree health.
5. Perennials and Herbaceous Plants: Perennials and herbaceous plants can be pruned at various times throughout the year depending on their growth habit and flowering pattern. Generally, it is best to
prune these plants in early spring before new growth emerges or in late fall after they have finished flowering. Removing dead or spent flowers, known as deadheading, can also encourage prolonged blooming and tidy up the appearance of the plants.
Remember, these guidelines are general recommendations, and it’s always best to research the specific pruning requirements for eachplant in your landscape. By understanding the best time to prune different plants, you can promote healthy growth, enhance aesthetics, and ensure the overall vitality of your garden. Additionally, pruning is a tool to help promote health and well-being, not as a means to make a plant work in a location where it isn’t suited. “Right plant,rightplace”shouldalways beemployed.
A number of used QUART BASKETS, both cardboard and wooden, and a few market baskets. York. 585-243-3965
SILVERWARE (two sets), not complete sets. Spencerport. beatlebert@juno.com
60’ STOCKADE TYPE 6’ TALL FENCE. You take down and you can have it. Text 585 259 6106
8’ x 10’ SHED with windows. Needs TLC. You haul away. Currently used as chicken coop. Text 585-905-6172
DAFFODIL BULBS. You dig. Fairport. 585-388-0318
RECORD ALBUMS – 33s, 45s & 78s. A variety of music genre – a little bit of everything. Oakfield. 585-948-5632
UMBRELLA STAND – new. You pick up. Fairport. 585-943-7103
SOFA SLEEPER, nice shape. Will need pickup truck and two men. Remarkllib@aol.com
SCRAP METAL - 3 old dryers. Needs to be moved up one flight of stairs from basement. 585-392-7618
KING BED FRAME with head and baseboard, wood and wrought iron. Free standing ELECTRIC RANGE w/convection oven. 585-362-9351
OVER THE DOOR TOWEL RACK. Clifton Springs. 315-879-2970
Blue Broyhill COUCH, padded with wooden frame. Excellent condition. Must pick up ASAP. 585-412-6138
REDWOOD SWING SET – two swings, slide, crawl through barrel, climbing wall, picnic table, and fort. You dismantle. Pick up Wadsworth. 585-245-8234
EXERCISE BIKE and WEIGHTS. Wadsworth. 585-245-8234
About 10lbs of FABRIC SCRAPS – satin, taffeta, and brocades. No large pieces. Pavilion area. 585-584-3015
BALES OF HAY. Hilton area. 585-637-9709
Original packaging: 4’ & 7’ NASAL CANNULA, Nebulizer Tech
Nebulizer/inhalation/exhalation valve, mouthpiece, green oxygen tubing. Leave a message please. Batavia 585-343-5957
Two WINDOWS - 1 double, crank-out, 40” H x 40” W and 1 Single, crank-out, 40” H x 24” W. Call or Text 585-217-6811
ARTIFICIAL 6’ CHRISTMAS TREE. Lights left on. Pick up, Newark. 315-331-1774
LIFT CHAIR in good working condition for elderly person. Will pick up. 585-749-7523
Working DRYER, CAT FOOD - wet or dry! PAINT (beige, white, grey, or any light colors). 585-820-3948
EXERCISE BIKE in good working condition. Livonia, Geneseo area. 585-415-4336
GAMING/CODING COMPUTER for recent high school graduate. Trying to make way into tech field. 585-729-1259
Eight pieces of SMOOTH 8’ ALUMINUM SIDING at least 8’ long. Lv msg. 315-331-0247
Looking for MASSAGE TABLE for disabled person. 585- 297-9273
Round ALUMINUM STATE TRAYS and a BAG ON WHEELS. 585-507-8788
WANTED - Collector/Restorer Old Computers and Keyboards Apple II, Tandy, Amiga, etc. Old Nintendo/Computer games NES Super Nintendo N64 GameCube Gameboy. 585-883-5334
MAILBOX for a church garden. Mary 585-293-1874
FIREPLACE, wood burning, “corner.” In useable or repairable condition. 585-202-1991
MODELS - Built or Unbuilt. Automotive, Military, Aviation, Ships, etc. Parts and pieces okay. Looking for projects, restore. 585-314-6989
ELECTRIC STOVE in good shape and FREE WEIGHT BENCH SET. Will pick up. 585-729-1259
RIDING LAWN MOWER in good working condition and a MINI SILO. 585-394-0336
FREE WEIGHTS and BAR. Can pick up. Call or text: 585-478-8880
YEARBOOKS from the Irondequoit and Webster High Schools from the ‘40s and ‘50s. mayorbumper@hotmail.com
‘70s VINTAGE SNOWMOBILE or parts for restoration project. Call or text 585-733-2026
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
By Lucie Winborne* The majority of people will tilt their head to the right when they kiss.
According to the EPA, heat waves occur more often than they used to, durations lengthening and frequency tripling in the past 60 years. How are you dealing with the higher temperatures?
- Using air conditioning and fans
- Avoiding outdoor activities
- Visiting public places with air conditioning
- Keeping windows and blinds closed during the day
- Adjusting work hours to cooler times of the day
- Seeking shade or cooler areas when outside
Poll ends 06-25-2024
Poll ends 06-18-2024
What kind of activities do you prefer to do on Father’s Day?
10.0% Outdoor activities (e.g., hiking, fishing)
30.0% Barbecuing or cooking
10.0% Watching movies or TV shows
50.0% Relaxing at home
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
(NAPSI)—Each year, armed conflicts and natural disasters wreak havoc on a global scale. Yet even after the immediate crisis passes, the devastation can last much longer— particularly when families are torn apartamidstcircumstanceandchaos. In these cases, family members are often left with few resources and no sense of where to begin their quest to find their missing loved ones. Fortunately, there is a worldwide organization that works to reconnect families who have been separated by internationalcrises.
The American Red Cross—part of the world’s largest humanitarian network— offers free and confidential services, strivingtoreconnectlovedoneswhen:
• Families are separated as a result of international conflict, disaster, migration or other humanitarian emergency.
• Families have already tried normal channels of communication to reconnect.
• The family member making the inquiry is a relative who had been in direct contact with the sought personbeforethecrisisoccurred.
Across international boundaries, the organization offers a beacon of hope for families to be reunited.And though the process can take time, Red Cross volunteers do everything in their power—from phone calls and online searches, to in-person interviews and worldwide travel—to fulfill families’ hopes.
“These people have broken hearts,” said Fidele, a Red Cross volunteer from Burundi who was previously reunited with his father after a 20year search. “We ask questions about what their loved one looks like or where they last lived to help us with our search. These questions bring them back to the time they were forced to separate from their families.”
Little Words, Big Impact
Theorganizationalsomakesitpossible fordisplacedindividualstoreachoutto their families—even half a world away. The family messages transmitted by the American Red Cross can be very brief, but the three short words—“I am alive”—maybeallthatisneededtoease themindsof distraughtlovedones.
To begin a search, contact your local Red Cross chapter—the critical link in your community to the global Red Cross Red Crescent network. You can also call the free national helpline at (844)782-9441.
From Latin America and Africa to Asia and Europe, the American Red Cross helps people in some of the world’s most at-risk communities. This work is powered by the generosity of volunteers and donors. To learn more visitredcross.org/international.
• 12 Yd. $425
• 20 Yd. $475 • 30 Yd. $525 • 40 Yd. $575
I’m a 94 year male who uses a cane to get around. Do a lot shopping at Caledonia Market. Just want to thank the kind lady who help me load my car in the rain. Thank you
We were at [restaurant] in Avon this morning. When we were getting ready to leave and pay our bill, the waitress told us the young man seated at the table nearby paid our bill. We are an older couple and thought it was a wonderful gesture for this young man to do. You have no idea what that meant to us. We just came back from an appointment and we normally sit in the same spot, and it was such a nice thing for the young man to do. Thank you, and God bless!
Shout out to Ben Burgess who was nice enough to put my spare tire on when I got a flat in Shortsville, NY. I am not from the area so I did not know anyone personally I could call and although I tried calling several service stations in the area they were all busy and I was stuck. Ben was definitely a lifesaver as I had a couple of appointments in Irondequoit that afternoon that I had to keep and thanks to Ben I made them both.
To the person complaining about others mowing between 7am and 9pm, claiming it is unreasonable to mow during those times, most towns and cities have noise ordinances that allow those kinds of activities from those hours. When you factor in some blocks have 30+ houses that all need mowing, of course you’re going to hear mowing all of the time. It's a part of what summer is! Most towns also have a law about the height of grass, so mowing is necessary, and also helps keep the growing tick population at bay. So I'm sorry that people are following their local regulations.
They put in water lines throughout [local town]. They then "fixed" the huge crevices they made in the roads but didn't even make sure they were even with the existing road. There is one spot that is so bad that they have to keep filling it with gravel to make it easier to cross in your vehicle. Why not just fix them properly?! If you're going to mess the roads up for a project you should be held accountable to fix them properly when you're done.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am wondering what the best treatment is for sciatic pain. Would a steroid shot help? The pain is behind my knee, down the outside of my leg, and now on my foot. -- J.F.
ANSWER: “Sciatica” is a general term for a process that compresses the nerve roots, which causes symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, and a loss of reflexes. The sciatic nerve supplies much of the innervation to the leg. The area that you describe is most likely the first sacral nerve (S1), and pain here is most frequently caused by disc herniation at the L5-S1 space. This can cause acute symptoms that are often quite severe.
Initial treatment is usually conservative, consisting of anti-inflammatories and avoiding activities that worsen pain. While bed rest was sometimes prescribed, it is seldom necessary for more than a day or two, and many people actually feel better when they are up and about. After a week, most people are able to do light activity, and I tell my patients neither to push themselves to do more than they can, nor force themselves to rest if they feel OK with light activity.
Steroids have certainly been used in this situation, and they are injected into the epidural space by an expert who uses imaging. Although there is a slight improvement in pain around three months among those who are treated with epidural steroids, there was no longer a benefit found around six months. This means that you get better only a little faster than normal at the cost of a small risk from the injection. If a person isn’t recovering well within a few weeks, I often refer them to physical therapy. If they aren’t getting benefit at all (or they are getting worse), then it is time to find out what the cause is with an MRI and a referral to an expert.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
(NAPSI)—There’s a reason it’s called the “common” cold: Adults have an average two to three colds per year and children even more, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The Problem
Most people recover from a cold within a week to 10 days. But decongestants may raise blood pressure or interfere with the effectiveness of some prescribed blood pressure medications, according to the American Heart Association.
Be sure to read labels on over-the-counter (OTC) medications, especially if you have high blood pressure (HBP). Some contain decongestants such as oxymetazoline, phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine.
You should also look for warnings related to high blood pressure or HBP medication and talk to your health care professional before taking OTC medications or supplements.And don’t stop taking prescribed medications without talking to your doctor.
Some OTCs are also high in sodium, which can raise blood pressure. So look at the active and inactive ingredients lists for the words “sodium” or “soda.” If you have high blood pressure, you should consume less than 1,500 mg of sodium a day from all sources—and one dose of some OTCs can contain more than a whole day’s allowance.
Be Careful With Supplements Or Natural (Naturopathic) Remedies Special pills, vitamins or drinks don’t substitute for prescription medications and lifestyle modifications. Talk to your health care provider before taking any OTC drug or supplement that claims to lower your blood pressure. They may not work as advertised and may interfere with other medications. Some, like natural licorice and diet pills, can even raise your blood pressure.
What Else To Watch For
Other drugs and substances that can raise your blood pressure include:
• Alcohol
• Amphetamines
• Antidepressants
• Atypical Antipsychotics (such as clozapine and olanzapine)
• Caffeine
• Oral Contraceptives
• Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs: ibuprofen and naproxen sodium, for example)
• Illicit Drugs
• Systemic Corticosteroids (for example, prednisone and methylprednisolone)
Learn More: For more information about keeping your heart healthy, go to www. heart.org/hbp. The maker of Coricidin HBP, Bayer Healthcare LLC, is a proud sponsor of the American Heart Association’s High Blood Pressure Effort.
Newly remodeled 2-3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS available. Located in the historic Village of Lyons, NY
Close to Geneva, Waterloo Outlets, Del Lago, & Newark Wayne Health. Easy access to all expressways. Trash removal, water, lawn maintenance & snow plowing provided. Enjoy quaint small town living with farmer’s market June through October! Recent grads and approved roommates are welcome. All are encouraged to apply.
To get started with application process call Fire & Ice Properties at (315) 679-0976
No application fee. Full background check with application. No smoking or vaping please. Animal residents in compliance with our Animal Resident Policy welcome.
Find people with similar interests
Let your hobbies and other interests open up connections. Explore the opportunities in the area that cater to your interests. Find a local gaming shop and discuss the latest video game offerings, or check out a local band if indie music is your thing. Converse with others who are participating in the event or are in groups meeting in your area.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
DatafromtheUnitedStatesDepartment of Justice indicates that partner violence accounted for 20 percent of all violent crime in the U.S. in 2018. The World Health Organization defines intimate partner violence as behavior within an intimate relationship that causesphysical,sexualorpsychological harm.Such violence can include acts of physical aggression, sexual coercion, psychological abuse, and controlling behaviors. Violence perpetrated by both current and former spouses and partners falls under the umbrella of intimate partner violence. Domestic violence is so prevalent that the National Network to End Domestic Violence reports that it fields more than 19,000 calls on a typical day. Anyone who is a victim of domestic violence or suspects a loved one or acquaintance is being abused is urged to call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-7873224 (TTY) right away.
is an energetic, lovable silver lab that was sent from Heaven by his big brother, Rusty. He loves to play fetch, snack on ice cubes and enjoys a good nap.
Send us a photo and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com - Share With Us.
Or, Mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
Many pet owners would never intentionallyharmtheircompanion animals. In fact, pet owners often go above and beyond to ensure their animals are well cared for and content. However, many well-meaning people may be inadvertently harming their pets with something they provide each and every day: food. Obesity is on the rise among pets. The Association for Pet Obesity Preventionsaysthat54percentof dogs and 59 percent of cats in the United States were categorized as overweight or obese in 2016. That marks an increase from 52.5 percent and 58.3 percent, respectively, from four years ago. Themajorityofveterinariansthink that pet obesity is a significant problem and nearly half of pet owners admit that their vets have discussed a pet’s ideal weight with them during pet health visits.
Senior cat’s arthritis is impacting his quality of life.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My cat “Sticky” is 14 years old and still in great shape. He loves chasing a er a laser beam and rolling around with his toys. However, I’ve noticed that when he comes over to leap up on my lap, he hesitates and just puts his paws on my leg and meows. I have to encourage him to leap, and he doesn’t seem happy about it. Could something be wrong with him? -- Janine in Gulfport, Mississippi
DEAR JANINE: At age 14, Sticky is definitely a senior cat, and it sounds like he’s beginning to develop a common senior cat problem: arthritis. Just like us, cats can suffer from stiff, achy joints as they get older. You’re doing a great job of observing his behavior and spotting changes in the way he interacts. Arthritis (typically osteoarthritis, sometimes abbreviated as OA) is progressive, and sometimes not noticeable right away. ere are four key things to watch for:
Running -- Does your cat run with a fast, fluid motion, or in stops and starts?
Jumping -- Does your cat hesitate to take jumps that were effortless in the past?
Climbing -- Does your cat walk or run confidently on the stairs, or hesitate on each step?
Playing -- Does your cat keep up with the laser pointer, or start to lag behind?
Other noticeable behaviors, like excessive meowing, hiding away or even occasionally missing the litter box also signal that your cat is uncomfortable or in pain.
It’s important to consult with Sticky’s veterinarian at this point. Together, you can evaluate his pain level and function, and discuss options for improving his comfort. ere are treatments for cats with OA that will greatly improve his quality of life and get him back to his old self.
improving his comfort. ere are treatments for cats with OA that will of life and get him back to his old self.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
Send your tips, comments or questions to
Sat. 6/22-Fri.6/28:
EggSalad11am-Noon WholeFoods,Plant-BasedSupportGroup1pm-2pm
In summer, the song sings itself. ~William Carlos Williams
Clifton Springs Library
4 Railroad Avenue
Clifton Springs, NY 14432
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-7; Fri 10-5; Sat 10-2
Geneva Public Library
244 Main Street Geneva, NY 14456
Hrs.: Mon-Fri 8:30-7; Sat 9-2
Macedon Public Library
30 Main Street Macedon, NY 14502
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-8; Fri & Sat 10-2
Newark Public Library 121 High Street Newark, NY 14513
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 9:30-7; Fri 9:30-6; Sat 9:30-1
Palmyra Community Library
402 East Main Street Palmyra, NY 14522
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 10-8; Fri 10-5; Sat 10-2
Phelps Library
8 Banta Street, Suite 200 Phelps, NY 14532
315-548-3120 phelpslibrary.org
Hrs.: Mon-Thur 9-8; Fri 9-5
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Euchre2pm-4pm Mahjong2pm-5pm
SeniorsHelpingSeniors,Alzheimer’sRespite11am-1:30pm CardioDrumming2pm-2:45pm Callthelibrarytoregisterforprograms@315-986-5932
SavetheDates! The 4THANNUAL PHELPSCENTRALSCHOOLALUMNI GATHERINGwilltakeplaceonJuly 31standAugust1stfrom11-4pm atClub86inGeneva.Detailsto followbymail. GENEVA
GreatGardensofWayneCounty Tour - Ticketsavailablenow!See whatothergardenersaredoingand getsomeideasforyourowngarden. Wednesday,July17th,4-8pm,rainor shine.Thisself-guidedtourfeatures5 sitesinthePalmyraareathatour MasterGardenershopewillinspire you!TicketssalesbeginJune17th.For tickets,stopbyourofficeorsend $10.00perpersonto:CornellCooperativeExtensionofWayneCounty, 1581Rte.88N.Newark,NY 14513-9739.Pleasenote“Tour”on yourcheck.Formoreinformation,call (315)331-8415.Forspecialneeds pleasecontactustwoweekspriorto thetour.
Press close, bare-bosomed Night! Press close, magnetic, nourishing Night!
Night of south winds! Night of the large, few stars! Still, nodding Night! Mad, naked, Summer Night!
~Walt Whitman
CountryLawyerGalleryofthe Arts 1stAnniversaryandExhibit! Comecelebrateourone-yearanniversarywithusSaturdaythe29th, 1-5pm,CountryLawyerGalleryofthe Arts,7ChurchSt.,Phelps!Therewill befood,musicandraffles!Comemeet theartistsandcheckoutourwonderfulOne-YearAnniversaryExhibit!If youcan’tmakeittothepartynotto worry,theexhibitwillbeupfrom June27ththroughJuly27th!
WestHighSchoolClassof195965th ClassReunion!! TheWest HighSchoolClassof1959willbe holdingits65THCLASSREUNION onSaturday,July20,2024.Ifyou havenotreceivedinformationabout thisevent,sendyourrequestto johnmichael42@aol.comandplease putWestHighinthesubjectline.
Hours are: Tuesdays 10am-3pm and Saturdays 1-5pm
6925 State Route 5, Bloomfield, New York 14469 585-257-5119 • www.antiquewireless.org
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
The History Channel
* On June 22, 1775, Congress issues $2 million in bills of credit. Known as “Continentals,” the bills lacked the required rendering of the British king. Instead, some notes featured likenesses of Revolutionary soldiers and the inscription “The United Colonies.”
* On June 23, 1927, the Sioux County Pioneer newspaper of North Dakota reports that President Calvin Coolidge will be “adopted” into a Sioux tribe at Fort Yates. At the Sioux ceremony, photographers captured Coolidge, in suit and tie, as he was given a grand ceremonial feathered headdress.
* On June 24, 1975, an Eastern Airlines jet crashes near John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City, killing 115 people. The Boeing 727 was brought down by wind shear during severe thunderstorms. Only seven passengers and two flight attendants survived the fiery crash.
‘Yoga’ is a Sanskrit word that means the union of individual and cosmic consciousness.
The result of this union is the harmony of the body, mind, and soul.
It is a day to commemorate the importance of yoga for the wellness of the body and mind. Yoga combines spiritual, mental, and physical practices that have their roots in ancient India. Yoga is a practice that can bring peace and tranquility to the mind and help us deal with the plights of day-to-day life and daily suffering.
The Yoga mat was invented in 1982. REALLY?
The number of American children under 17 who practice yoga.
Jill Humphries, a National Board-Certified Teacher, embodies dedication and passion in her role as an ENL (English as a New Language) educator at Geneva Middle School. Her journey to becoming a distinguished educator is both inspiring and heartwarming, rooted deeply in her upbringing, family values, and a steadfast commitment to her students.
Humphries was born and raised in Newark, New York, where she grew up in a tight-knit family. “My parents, Alvis and Barbara Humphries, taught my younger brother Joshua and me the importance of hard work and following our dreams,” she recalls. Humphries’ father worked at Kodak as a film coater, and her mother served as an LPN at Newark-Wayne, DeMay, Newark Manor Nursing Home, and Newark Terrace Assisted Living. is strong family foundation instilled in Humphries the virtues of empathy, resilience, and strength. “My mom raised me to always see both sides of a situation and to be empathic. She also raised me to be a strong woman.”
Humphries’ educational journey began at Newark Central Schools, where she graduated in 1990. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English from SUNY Brockport in 1994 and initially worked at Wegmans. When asked to conduct “Food You Feel Good About” tours for local fourth graders, she says she realized she enjoying working with children, so she returned to college, earning a teaching certificate in English at Nazareth College, followed by a Master’s in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).
For the past three years, she has been an ENL teacher at Geneva Middle School, managing the 8th grade ENL students and co-teaching with three different ELA teachers. Prior to this, she spent 14 years teaching at Geneva High School. Jill is also the ENL department chair and serves as the Geneva Teachers Union President.
Jill’s daily motivation comes from her students. “It’s the kids. It’s being able to watch them grow and change,” she says. As an ENL teacher, she forms strong bonds with her students, helping them navigate their new lives in an English-speaking environment. “I always love when a student who came to me not speaking any English starts using slang!” Moments of linguistic and cultural integration are some of her favorite memories, showcasing the tangible impact of her efforts.
teaching, you had a chalkboard, overhead projector, and some markers. Now, technology is a huge part of what we do,” she explains. However, she emphasizes that the core of education remains the connection between teacher and students, but the methods used have changed. “ e teacher is more of a guide, rather than a ‘sage on the stage.’ We don’t lecture as much as we used to.”
Achieving National Board Certification was a milestone in Jill’s career. “For me, being a National Board-Certified Teacher means that I am an accomplished teacher,” she states proudly. e rigorous process affirmed her skills and provided her with invaluable professional development. “It has made me think differently about how I teach and helped me realize the impact that teachers have on their students daily.”
Jill credits her colleagues and the district for their support during her certification process. Looking ahead, she plans to continue improving her teaching practices and exploring new methods of instruction.
As she approaches retirement, she envisions a future filled with travel, family, and friends.
Jill advises aspiring teachers to “find your joy in teaching” and establish boundaries to maintain a healthy work-life balance. She also urges the community to limit children’s social media usage, emphasizing its impact on cognitive development. “ ank you for sharing your children with us. We need to work together to ensure their success as people and in life.”
roughout her career, Jill has been fortunate to have key mentors who have guided her. Lisa Spencer, a colleague from Newark Schools, was instrumental in helping her understand the role of an ENL teacher. Her best friend, Adele Voskerchian, also played a significant role in her professional development, encouraging her to pursue National Board Certification. “I have been fortunate to work with great teachers over the years who have helped guide me in my teaching journey. I would also credit my parents, they taught me what it means to work hard, be humble and do your best. ey have always supported me in my career and encouraged me to keep going.”
Jill acknowledges the challenges she faced, particularly in the beginning when finding a job was difficult. Despite these hurdles, her perseverance paid off. Reflecting on the changes in education, she notes the significant impact of technology and social media. “When I started
Jill Humphries’ journey is a testament to the profound impact that dedicated teachers can have on their students’ lives. Her story is a beacon of inspiration for educators and a reminder of the enduring power of teaching.
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* A chef traditionally wears white because the chef of the first prime minister of France (1815) believed it was the most hygienic of all colors.
* Early Hoover vacuum cleaners were hard to sell because potential customers refused to believe they could have that much dirt in their carpets.
* “Hurkle-durkle” is an old Scottish word meaning to lie in bed after it’s time to get up and get going.
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STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne
* By the time they have been retired for two years, 78% of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress because of joblessness or divorce.
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1. GEOGRAPHY: Which country’s native name is Cymru?
2. HISTORY: Which country is the first to recognize same-sex marriage?
3. MOVIES: Who voices the character of Frozone in the animated movie “The Incredibles”?
4. FOOD & DRINK: What is the primary ingredient in baba ganoush?
5. LITERATURE: The movie “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” is based on a short story written by which American author?
6. MEASUREMENTS: How many grams are in a pound?
7. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What cultural phenomenon is celebrated on May 4?
8. TELEVISION: Rhoda Morgenstern is a sidekick in which 1970s TV sitcom?
9. SCIENCE: What is the process called when iron is coated with zinc?
10. U.S. STATES: What is the only vowel that is NOT the first letter of a state?