We’re calling all photographers, both amateur and professional, to share their stunning eclipse captures with us! Whether you’ve captured the breathtaking moment of totality or the subtle crescent phases, your photo could win! Submit your best shots for a chance to win a Pines Pass family membership and have your work featured across our platforms. Submit at gvpennysaver.com/contest or use #GVEclipse on social media
Sponsored by:
Win a Pines Pass family membership to the Nature Center, 6472 Gulick Road, Naples NY 14512. This membership includes free admission to the nature center for your household, discounts on select events, 20% off ski and snowshoe rentals, 4 free guest passes, and reciprocal admission to nature centers around the country.
Deadline to submit photos: Sunday, April 14th
Winner announced in our April 19th issue
Holy Family Catholic Community
Holy ursday 3/28, 6:30pm at St. Joseph’s, Wayland
Good Friday 3/29, 3:00pm at St. Joseph’s, Wayland
Holy Saturday 3/30, 8:00pm at St. Mary’s, Dansville
Easter Sunday 3/31
7:30am, St. Joseph’s, Wayland
9:15am, Sacred Heart, Perkinsville
11:00am, St. Pius V, Cohocton
Easter Sunday, March 31st
9am Breakfast (Call the church at 335-6190 if you are interested)
10:30am- Easter Worship Service
Grace Baptist Church
9316 Main Street
Dansville, NY
5 Chestnut Ave., Dansville, NY 14437
3/24/24 PALM SUNDAY – “Jesus Restores the Nexus” Laying of the Palms. Service at 11am.
3/27/24 Wednesday Devotion: “Jesus washed the feet of Judas.” Foot Washing Ceremony at 6:45 pm.
3/28/24 ursday – Paschal Service –Maundy ursday, Service at 6:30 pm.
3/29/24 Feria sexto in Passione et Morte Domini Service –Good Friday, Service at 7pm.
3/30/24 “3 Days om Shaol – Holy Saturday Morning, Service at 11am.
“What now?” Holy Saturday Evening, Service at 6pm.
3/31/24 Easter Sunrise, Service at 7am. Church Park.
Easter Sunday, Service at 11am. “When the Risen Lord meets you.”
Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus was condemned by his peers as King Herod and Pontius Pilate had found him not guilty of his crimes. But crowds were enraged, and Pilate reluctantly ordered his crucifixion rather than face a mass riot.
Gardeners around Rochester are busy dreaming of and planning this season’s plots. What early spring bloom common around here is your favorite?
• Snowdrops
• Crocus
• Daffodil
• Tulip
Poll ends 03-26-2024
Poll ended 03-19-2024
March in Western NY brings maple sugaring weekends, festivals, and pancake breakfasts across our region. What is your favorite part of maple weekends?
11.1% Sampling fresh maple syrup straight from the source
22.2% Tasting maple treats like candy and donuts
22.2% Joining family and friends for pancake breakfast traditions
44.4% Enjoying the beautiful late-winter, early spring weather
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
* On March 24, 1989, one of the worst oil spills in U.S. territory begins when the supertanker Exxon Valdez, owned and operated
Exxon Corporation, runs aground on a reef in Prince William Sound in southern Alaska. An estimated 11 million gallons of oil eventually spilled into the water, polluting
10 Editions delivered weekly to over 100,000 Homes 165,000 Print Readers 80,000 Digital Readers
PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414
Phone: 585-226-8111
Fax: 585-226-3390
Email: sales@gvpennysaver.com
General Manager
Director of Advertising Sales
Creative Director
Holy Thursday, which falls on the Thursday before Easter Sunday, commemorates The Last Supper of Jesus Christ. During The Last Supper, Jesus,whoChristiansbelieveistheSonofGod,establishedthesacrament of Holy Communion. The Last Supper was the final meal Jesus enjoyed with his disciples in Jerusalem, and it was during The Last Supper when Jesus predicted one of those disciples would ultimately betray him. Holy Thursday is sometimes referred to as “Maundy Thursday,” a reference to the religious rite of maundy, which is the washing of the feet. The Last Supper and the rite of maundy are connected because it was during The Last Supper that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. Though The Last Supper, during which Jesus gave his disciples bread, telling them it was his body, and wine, telling them it was his blood, is celebrated at every Mass as part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, Holy Thursday Mass places even greater emphasis on this significant event.
* The Iberian ribbed newt uses its own bones as weapons! Special tubercles in its abdomen allow its ribs to poke out through its skin when the newt is frightened. As an added bonus, the skin secretes a toxic chemical, turning this little creature into a killer of anything that tries to bite it.
Cohocton Public Library
8 Maple Ave. • 585-384-5170 www.cohoctonlibrary.org
Hrs.: Mon., -Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Dansville Public Library
200 Main St., Dansville, 585.335.6720
Hrs.: Mon.-Thurs. 10am-8pm; Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat. 9am-1pm
E.J. Cottrell Memorial Library
5 Beecher St., Atlanta, NY 585-534-5030
Hrs.: Mon., Tues. 10am-8pm; Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10am-5pm; Closed Sat., Sun.
Wayland Free Library
101 W. Naples St. • 585-728-5380 www.gunlockelibrary.org
Hrs.: Mon.-Thurs. 10am-6pm; Fri. 12pm-5pm; Sat. 10am-noon
Andsobydegreesthewinterwore away... and the chill, bitter, windy, early spring came round. The comic almanacks give us dreadful pictures of January and February; but, in truth, the months which should be made to look gloomy in England are March and April. Let no man boast himself that he has got through the perils of winter till at least the seventh of May.
~Anthony Trollope (1815–1882), The Chronicles of Barsetshire, Vol. III: Doctor Thorne, “Chapter XLVII: How the Bride Was Received, and Who Were Asked to the Wedding,” 1858
VeteranOnly-WarriorWednesday Dinner: VeteransOnly,come joinusonthefirstWednesdays everymonthforourWarrior WednesdayDinner.Thismonthwe willdineattheSierraInninSwain, NYat6p.m.on3April2024.RSVP byvisitingourwebsitewww. livcovets.comandclickingonthe RSVPlink.Wewillreachoutand confirmyourrequestforareservation.Wehopetoseeyouthere.
Monday,3/25:SalisburySteak, ParsleyPotatoes,LimaBeans, WholeWheatBreadSlice,Juice, RiceKrispyTreat.
Tuesday,3/26:RoastPorkw/ Gravy,Sauerkraut,Carrots,Whole WheatBreadSlice,Juice,Apple Crisp.
Wednesday,3/27:TurkeySausage, FrenchToastCasserole,Stewed Tomatoes,OrangeJuice,Pineapple.
Thursday,3/28:ChickenCacciatore,Pennew/Marinara,Green Beans,WholeWheatBreadSlice, Juice,BirthdayBrownie.
SiteClosedFriday. (585)335-8130
SpringHasSprungDriveThru Chicken BBQ -Sunday,March24, 2024from12noon-2pmatthe DansvilleMooseLodge#1130,6 MainSt.,Dansville.$12.00.1st Come,1stServed-NOPre-Sale. Menu:1/2Chicken(byStearns), SaltPotatoes,BakedBeans,Roll& Cookie.SponsoredbyDansville MooseLodge#1130.
Historyofthe1837Livingston County Anti-SlaverySociety Minutes -TheLCHScollection holdstheoriginalminutesofthe LivingstonCountyAnti-Slavery Society1837-1839.Dr.JustinBehrend,SUNYGeneseoprofessor,will presentaboutthecontentsofthese Minuteswhichlistsmembership nameofapproximately125men andwomenwhowereactivists helpingtopromotetheideathat slaveryshouldbeabolishedinthe UnitedStates.Thispresentationcoincideswiththeopeningofthe newexhibitSlavery,Abolitionism, andtheCivilWar.March24,1:303pmattheLivingstonCountyMuseum,30CenterSt.,Geneseo. https://www. livingstoncountyhistoricalsociety. com/
1960’sDinnerDance- April 13: Onceagain,theAvonAmerican LegionAuxiliaryinvitesyoutoour annualdinnerdance.Theme: Peace,LoveandHopefortheWarriors.DJDanwillbespinningthe hitsofthe60’s!Getreadytohit thedancefloorafterenjoyinga deliciousmealattheValleyOak EventCenter,Geneseo.Ourfamousbasketrafflewillbeginat5 withsocialhourandendat8:30. Dancingcontinuesuntil11.AllproceedsbenefitHopefortheWarriors.Tickets($40)availablenow! PayPal:AvonAmericanLegion Auxiliary294,MailtoAvonALA, POBox132,AvonNY14414,or call585-746-2608.
VeteranPlus1-Dayatthe YMCA: Veteran’s Plus1comejoin us,wewillbeattheDansville YMCA5Apr24@10a.m.,where theywillhavesomestaffonhand foranactivelifestyleclass,aswell asaccesstothegym/fitness equipmentifyouwanttogetyour sweaton.Pleasejoinustosee whatwehaveavailableforfuture visits.RSVPbyvisitingourwebsite www.livcovets.com.Wewillbein touchtoletyouknowwereceived itandhaveaseatforyouanda guest.
December days were brief and chill,
The winds of March were wild and drear,
And, nearing and receding still, Spring never would, we thought, be here.
~Arthur Hugh Clough (1819–1861)MountMorrisCommunityInvolvement Association- Saturday,April13,7PM-11PM.Door Open@5:30PM.RubyShooz, OldiesDance.ProceedsBenefit: MountMorrisFire/RescueDept.Co. Inc.BasketRaffles,50/50’s&Contests.FoodAvailable.21&Over Only.$15Tickets.Tickets-Call ChickieStout585-519-6573or JaneO’Dell585-507-5947.Table Reservationsof8or10-Call Chickie.Ticketsalsoavailableat: GeneseeRiverRest.,Mt.Morris LanesorBurt’sLumberinPerry. HeldattheGeneseeRiverRestaurant&ReceptionCenter,134N. MainSt.,Mt.Morris.
MonteCarloNight! Monte Carlo Night,hostedbytheHospeace HouseonSaturday,May4th,2024 from6:00pmto10:00pmatthe MaxfieldHoseMemorialHall,8181 MaxfieldRd.Naples.Professional GamingTablesandDealers;poker; craps;blackjack;roulette;raffle prizes;50/50raffle;music;plenty ofappetizers;beer&wineforpurchase;andmore!Theticketpriceis $40($45atthedoor)include$500 gamblingchips.Tolearnmore aboutHospeaceHouseandMonte CarloNightgoto:www. HospeaceHouse.org.Ticketscanbe purchasedattheHospeaceHouse orgotothefollowinglinkorscan theQRcode:https:// hospeacehouseinc.betterworld.org/ events/monte-carlo-night-2024
TrinityFederatedChurchHoly Week Schedule- Walkwithus throughHolyWeekatTrinityFederatedChurch.HeldMarch28,55:30pm.March29,5-8pm.March 31,7-9amand9-10am.TrinityFederatedChurch,119N.MainSt., Naples.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Sponsored by Dansville VFW
Easter Sunday, March 31st • 1pm Sharp! held at Williams Park on Clara Barton St. (across from Athletic Field)
Ages 0-12 yrs
• Candy
• 100 dozen hard boiled eggs
• Money eggs
Bring your own basket or bag.
On what is now called “Palm Sunday,” Jesus Christ rode a donkey into Jerusalem while villagers welcomed him and waved palm branches. This is mentioned in each of the Biblical Gospels and occurs a week before His subsequent resurrection. Jesus possibly rode a donkey rather than a horse as a sign of peace, as a war-waging king might ride a horse. The “Passion of the Christ” is typically read during Palm Sunday masses.
109 West Naples St. • Wayland, NY 14572 (585) 728-2100
Joel Mark Kemp
March 13, 2024
Fishtail MT/West Sparta - Joel Mark Kemp, age 83, passed away on March 13, 2024, surrounded by his family at the St. John’s Home in Rochester. He was born in West Sparta on April 22, 1940, a son of the late Richard P. and Isabelle (Marks) Kemp. He was also predeceased by his sister, Stephanie McGraw, and his brother, Rev. Roger Kemp. On April 17, 1965, he was married to Mary Anne (Spencer) Kemp, who survives.
Joel was an active member of the Dansville Community for over 68 years. He owned and operated Kemp Insurance Agency and was always generous with community sponsorships. He was a former member of the Grange, former member of the Dansville Lions Club, a singer in the Minstrel Show, and an elder and former treasurer of the Dansville Presbyterian Church.He was a former Chairman and Board Member of the Nicholas H. Noyes Hospital Board. Following his retirement, Mary Anne and Joel moved to his dream home in Montana. ey spent the next 12 years looking at the mountains, traveling, sightseeing, leasing land for cattle,building friendships,and serving on the Nye Community Church Board. Joel was very interested in Native American Art and the history of the Indians in Montana.
Surviving, in addition to his loving wife of 58 years, Mary Anne, are their children, Shaun (Anne) Kemp, Shannon (Brian) Verprauskus, and Nicole (Brian Cullen) Kemp; grandchildren,Tyler and Brandon Kemp, Sophie and Luke Verprauskus; and a sister, Kathleen Kemp.
Friends may call on Saturday, March 23rd from 10:00am to noon, with a service to follow at the Hindle Funeral Home, Inc., 271 Main Street, Dansville, at noon. Interment in Oaklawn Cemetery, West Sparta.
In lieu of flowers please make memorial donations to:
• Nye Community Church, 2191 Nye Road, Nye, MT 59061
• Ann and Carl Myers Cancer Center, 111 Clara Barton Street, Dansville, NY 14437
• West Sparta UMC, 4289 Redmond Road, Dansville, NY 14437
Online memories may be shared at HindleFuneralHome.com
Barbara A. Quanz
February 14, 2024
Wayland – Barbara A. Quanz, 95 years of age, passed away Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at the Livingston County Healthcare Facility in Mt.Morris where she resided for the past 9 years. A special “THANK YOU” to all who took care of her.
Barbara was born December 4, 1928 in Springfield, MA, the daughter of Joseph and Helen (Satrowsky) Krol. She grew up in Massachusetts and moved to New York State in the early 1950s. She settled in the Wayland area where she resided until her move to Mt. Morris. Many will remember Barbara from Bobbie’s Place clothing store in Dansville where she owned and operated the store for many years. Barbara enjoyed gardening, knitting and was an avid reader – especially murder mysteries.
Barbara was pre-deceased by her husband, Victor Quanz in 1969; her parents, Joseph and Helen Krol; and her brother, Joseph Krol. She is survived by her daughters, Vanessa Cole (Robert McInnis) of Wayland and Alana Farrell (Gordon Hull) of Wayland; and her sister-in-law, Sharyl Krol of NH.
Barbara was laid to rest with her husband, Victor and mother, Helen at St. Joseph’s Cemetery in Wayland. Contributions in memory of Barbara A. Quanz may be made to the Vincent House, 310 Second Ave.,Wayland,NY 14572 or to Lollipop Farm,99 Victor Rd.,Fairport, NY 14450.
Please visit www.stgeorgefuneralhoome.com for online condolences and fond memories of Barbara.
One of the most popular choices for sympathy arrangements, carnations of various colors have different meanings. A red carnation evokes admiration while a pink carnation stands for remembrance. White carnations stand for pure love and innocence.
Susanne M. Munro
February 4, 2024
Dansville – Susanne M. Munro, 57 years of age passed away peacefully early Sunday morning, February 4, 2024 at her home in Dansville surrounded by her family,friends and fur babies.
Sue was a high school and college graduate earning her Bachelor’s Degree. She worked at Network Craze successfully selling technology. Most recently she was acknowledged by her company for achieving over one million dollars in sales for them.She loved both her work and her colleagues.
Sue’s love for nature and the outdoors was unparalleled. Hiking, kayaking and golfing were just some of her favorites. Her love of animals was second to no one. Sue’s positive energy, sense of humor and compassion would light up a room where ever she was. Many stories are being shard on how she inspired and changed the lives of so many.As her cousin Tina says,“a book could be written about Sue.” Sue was predeceased by her mother,Judy Munro and her sister,Lorrie White. She is survived by her brother, Matthew Munro; along with aunts and several cousins.
A Celebration of Life in Sue’s honor will be on Saturday, March 23, 2024 from 12-4 at the Battle Street Brewery in Dansville. Contributions in memory of Susann M. Munro may be made to the Hearthside Cats, PO Box 282, Geneseo, NY 14454.
John “Jack” R.Truax Sr. March 16, 2024
Dalton – John “Jack”R.Truax Sr. of 9975 Oakland Street died Saturday, March 16, 2024 in East Side Nursing Home, Warsaw. He was born on August 12, 1935 in the Town of Grove, a son of the late Arthur and Ruby Everingham Truax. He married Mary Mower who predeceased him on September 22, 1998.
Jack loved listening to classic country music, camping and puttering with lawn mowers and small engines.
Surviving are his sons, John (Cheri) Truax of Strykersville, Randy Truax of Dunkirk, five grandchildren, two great-grandsons and many nieces and nephews.
In addition to his wife and parents he was predeceased by a son, Richard, and 13 brothers and sisters.
Family and friends may gather from 4:00pm to 7:00pm on Friday, March 22, 2024 at the Kopler-Williams Funeral Home, 21 N. Genesee Street, Fillmore where a funeral service will be held on Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 12:00pm. Burial will be in Hunt’s Hollow Cemetery,Town of Portage.
Memorials if desired to: charity of the donor’s choice.
Online condolences may be made at: www.koplerwilliamsfuneralhome.com
Use organizing tools. Over-the-door mesh shoe racks are great for storing all kinds of winter accessories -- hats, gloves, scarves and coats. Get some sturdy hooks for purses, backpacks and other accessories, and relish the feeling of a clean closet.
Guns/Ammunition Electronics
PLAYER PIANO - has music to go into it. 585-670-9402
Reeds, books and handles for BASKET WEAVING. nlucas@rochester.rr.com
1-1/2’ stack of OLD POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINES. 585-385-9938
Two large PORCELAIN RABBITS - Mr. & Mrs. Rabbit and a large bag of PLASTIC EASTER EGGS. 585-519-1694
WURLITZER PIANO from the old Batavia Party House. You pick up, Batavia. 585-343-6821
Box of STAINED GLASS and CLEAR GLASS. 585-964-2405
48” LOVESEAT, blue color. Like brand new. QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS, like brand new. 585-356-3378
1978 KENWOOD STEREO RECEIVER, perfect condition. aimeen@juno.com for p/up detail
SPORTS CARDS - Duplicate, possibly triplicate of MLB, NBA, & NFL of various years. You pick up. desantisea@aol.com
ResMed CPAP MACHINE. With HumidAire 3i and S8 Escape System. Farmington. 585-202-0914
SEARS CRAFTSMAN 10” TABLE SAW. Needs new belt. You pick up, Canandaigua. Bob, 585-394-7746
QUEEN SIZE SOFA SLEEPER. Beige/flower design. You pick up, Newark. 315-945-3928
DISNEY VHS TAPES. Around thirty of them. You pick up, Hilton/ Hamlin area. 585-474-9473
CHRISTIAN TRACTS, BOOKS and BIBLES. Call after 3pm or leave a message. 585-436-8158
1945 ROPER GAS STOVE. Leave message. 585-323-1762
MODEL RAILROAD LAYOUT, HO scale, partially built. 8’x16’. Largely modular. Text 585-645-9835
OIL BASE PAINT: All colors. DO NOT TEXT. 585-377-0878.
CATTLEYA ORCHID that you no longer want. I would love to adopt it! Will pick up. Webster/Penfield area. Text or call 585-217-3397
Senior lady hoping to find OUTDOOR COVER for an older Simplicity Riding Lawnmower. Not too far from Williamson please. 315-310-3897
Seeking a DIRT BIKE or ATV, running or not for father son project. Text or call Matt 315-576-1278
Seeking a WEBER GRILL you are no longer using and is collecting dust. Call or text Matt 315-576-1278
Small ROWBOAT or CANOE in seaworthy condition and a small CULTIVATOR/ROTOTILLER. Call or text 585-993-1917
BATHROOM WALL DECOR and cute storage table for faculty bathrooms for a local elementary school! Kurtar20@gmail.com
White plastic or resin LAWN CHAIRS, any condition. Will pick up. Call or text 585-356-8742
HOYT VTM 31 COMPOUND BOW in good condition. 585-645-2618
Senior citizen collecting RECYCLED BOTTLES/CANS to supplement fixed income. Please Monroe County only. seniorcitrecycles@gmail.com
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS, especially Christmas village houses & Lemax accessories. In good condition for LeRoy Joy Project. 585-813-5089
Food Pantry in need of CARD TABLE. 585-690-3085
FISHING EQUIPMENT – Fly reel and pole. COSTUME JEWELRY. 585-415-8513
Sturdy DINING ROOM TABLE for senior citizen. 585-381-6546 Any season of THE MENTALIST on DVD starring Simon Baker (in English). qwakrkpr@yahoo.com
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com
under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Dansville American Legion Easter
Dansville American Legion
34 Elizabeth Street • Dansville, NY
Saturday, March 30 • 8:30-11am
$10 Donation • Children 5 and under eat free.
Menu: Scrambled Eggs, Biscuits, Sausage Gravy, Pancakes, Toast, Home Fries, Bacon, Sausage, Coffee, Tea, Juice & Milk
Get Your Picture with the Easter Bunny
8:30am to 11am
Proceeds to Support e Dansville American Legion
The History Channel
* On March 26, 1920, “This Side of Paradise” is published, immediately launching 23-year-old F. Scott Fitzgerald to fame and fortune. While in Europe, Fitzgerald finished his masterpiece, “The Great Gatsby” (1925).
On Medicare already? Turning 65 or disabled? Need a supplement? Understand “EPIC”?
Confused or have questions?
Call or stop by to schedule an appointment.
Joyce Davies
170 Franklin St., Dansville, NY (585) 335-4750
38 years of experience in the Medicare market. Additional products and services may be available through Joyce E. Davies Associates, Inc.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County
Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
And Spring arose on the garden fair, Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breast rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.
• Have stubborn stains in the toilet? Put some teeth in your cleaning job by dropping in a denture-cleaning tablet and letting it sit overnight. In the morning, scrub and flush. It just might do the job.
• “Lighten blemish spots on your skin with lemon juice. Just dab on several times per day.” -- O.M. in Georgia
• Take soap scum right off your shower curtain -- spray with vinegar and water mixture, then throw it in the washer. Hang it right back up, and those mildew stains are gone!
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband had a small stroke last spring, causing a minor loss of vision in his left eye. He is 81 and an otherwise active man. He has even been told by several doctors that he can drive. One doctor told him to stop using meclizine and Viagra. Another physician said that he didn’t see a problem with taking the meds. Both physicians are very skilled. Whose advice should he follow? -- M.M.
ANSWER: A stroke is caused by the death of brain cells, most commonly due to poor blood flow in the brain, and it’s critical to avoid any medication that will increase the risk of stroke. Meclizine is an antihistamine medicine most commonly used for motion sickness and sometimes used for vertigo. Although it has been reported to cause blurry vision, the risk of taking meclizine in a person with a history of a stroke is minimal.
The situation with Viagra is more complex. A rare side effect of Viagra is nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION), affecting one in every 10,000 people over 50. A person with a history of NAION should not take Viagra.
There isn’t good evidence that Viagra is dangerous for a person who had a stroke. One trial suggested that there was benefit in reducing the size of a stroke with Viagra. However, Viagra does lower blood pressure by a few points, so if your husband’s blood pressure is on the borderline, this might be an issue.
I can’t give you a definitive answer, but most authorities say that a man who is stable, has good blood pressure and is more than six months out from his stroke does need not stop Viagra.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
1. LITERATURE: What is the name of the kingdom in “The Princess Bride”?
2. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In British royalty, what is King Charles’ family name?
3. TELEVISION: Which TV sitcom features Sheldon’s catchphrase “Bazinga!”?
4. U.S. STATES: Which U.S. state is home to the Awatovi Ruins, a national historic landmark?
5. HISTORY: According to a WWII government slogan, what sinks ships?
6. GEOGRAPHY: What is the name of the small principality that lies between Spain and France?
7. ANATOMY: Which part of the brain controls hunger?
8. LANGUAGE: The Latin word “caput” refers to what part of the human anatomy?
9. SCIENCE: Which color has the longest wavelength in the visible spectrum?
10. FOOD & DRINK: What is the primary alcohol used in margaritas?
If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.
Greetings! My name is Ahrens-Fox, and I have a very fun, interesting, and important story to tell, and time is of the essence. I had help writing this story, of course.
is is me, standing in front of the old firehouse on Genesee Street in Avon. I am a 1926 Ahrens-Fox fire truck. I am now trying with all my might to get home to Avon, NY before it is too late. Too late is coming faster than I thought! If I get sold to someone else, I will be lost forever, never to return to Avon again.
I was raised here. I worked hard with the community, fighting fires and saving people’s lives, loves, and property here for 33 years.
I le in 1959 when I was sold for $300 as scrap (Can you believe it? Scrap? How rude!) at’s what is happening in the picture. My keys are being handed over to Mr. Sandy VanAllen, operator of a local junkyard.
Miraculously, Mr. VanAllen kept me for six years, but for some reason never scrapped me out! Instead, he sold me to Scott Warthman of Brockport. He had plans to restore me. However, he found an older sibling of mine and decided to restore that one instead.
100th birthday, the 100th birthday of the Avon Pumper Co. and the 150th anniversary of the Avon Fire Department was brought up, the AFFCPS and the Canadian Automotive Museum really started thinking about the fact that they wanted me home to stay!
I am super excited! So is the Avon community! ey have been doing a lot of fundraising and contacting places that can bring me back over the border. ey are talking to politicians, obtained a 501(c)3 to become non-profit, started a GoFundMe page, anything that can help us get ahead and help get me home!
I want to be in parades and be part of fire prevention education for everyone in the community, including the National Fire Prevention Week events at the schools in October!
ank you so much for your time. I hope you enjoyed my story. I helped save property, pets, and people. Will you help save me now? Is my history and my stories worth hearing, sharing, and remembering? Will you help bring me home?
anks again!
So, off I went again. is time to Robert Owen of Getzville, NY. at was in 1967. In 1974, I was sold to J. Turner of Don Mills, Ontario, Canada. 1978 found me sold to the Craven Foundation, part of the Rothmans of Pall Mall Tobacco Company of Toronto, Canada. Here I underwent a total restoration and was lovingly restored to my former glory!
Upon the decline of the Tobacco Company, I was acquired by the Canadian Automotive Museum in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, where I have remained on display (albeit in the back corner) since 1986.
e Canadian Automotive Museum has been in touch with the Avon NY Ahrens-Fox Full Circle Preservation Society, Inc (AFFCPS), as I’ve been followed during my journeys. Recently when talk of my
e Avon NY, Ahrens-Fox Full Circle Preservation Society, Inc. 74 Genesee Street Avon, NY 14414
Just for perspective I am two years older than sliced bread, which was invented in 1928.
I was born the same year as David Attenborough, Marilyn Monroe, and Andy Griffith.
In 1926, the Ford Motor Co started the 40 hour work week; AA Milne published Winnie the Pooh; Calvin Coolidge was President; Route 66 from Chicago to LA was completed; the US population was a mere 115 million people (CA, NY, TX, FL today); antifreeze was invented, as was the toaster; the first transatlantic phone call took place between NYC and London; NBC started broadcasting, and the average cost of a new home was $6,296; a car was $515 (vs $12,950 for the ‘Fox’); a stamp cost .02 cents, and gas cost .23 cents a gallon.
The Purina Pet Care Center found that overweight pets may live two years less than ideal weight pets. Reduced life span is not the only problem, as carrying extra pounds can contribute to various maladies. These include osteoarthritis and poor joint health, type 2 diabetes, ligament injuries, heart and respiratory disease, kidney disease, and cancer.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My little dog Barnsey is quite a barker for a terrier, but for the past several days his bark has been very hoarse. He sometimes snorts or sneezes, too. I make sure he has plenty of water, but I’m not sure what else to do. It doesn’t seem to be getting better. -- Faye H., Hartford, Connecticut
DEAR FAYE: is is a perfect time to take Barnsey to the vet. Chronic hoarseness when barking can have several different causes, and the veterinarian can better evaluate him to see what’s happening.
I’ll go over some of the reasons for a barker suddenly getting hoarse. Laryngitis is a common diagnosis, but it’s important to figure out the cause. A bacterial or viral infection may be the culprit, or gastroesophageal reflux (where stomach acid flows up into the esophageal tract, causing irritation and inflammation).
Less common causes are masses or tumors growing on or near the dog’s larynx, or other conditions affecting the larynx. ese may require surgery, and the vet will discuss this option with you.
e vet will evaluate Barnsey to see if he has an infection, acid reflux, or if the hoarse barking has another cause. ey’ll then be able to recommend an effective treatment. For example, a bacterial infection would likely be treated with antibiotics. A viral infection has to run its course, but Barnsey would be treated with medications to make him comfortable and reduce inflammation.
If acid reflux is the suspected culprit, the vet may recommend changes to his feeding schedule and the amount of food at each meal. You can also try different varieties of dog food.
Please visit the Village website at www.villageofwayland.org for any updates, news or notices
If you are a former employee of Eastman Kodak in Rochester, NY between 1979 and 1998 please contact Mr. Boccuzzi’s attorney, Christopher Hersom, at: Belluck & Fox, LLP • 877-534-2503 (Toll Free Number)
Email: tcarini@belluckfox.com
Any information would be greatly appreciated. ank you.
Dogs are wildly popular pets. The American Pet Products Association saysthereare63.4millionhouseholds in the United States that have a dog, and with the exception of 2002 and 2015, that number has steadily risen since 2000. Certain breeds remain especially popular among dog owners. In August 2021, the pet insuranceproviderTrupanionreleased the most popular dog breeds of 2020, and the top five breeds were:
1.Labrador retriever
2.Golden retriever
4.German shepherd
Tournament will be upstairs
20 team maximum • $50 per team
1st place $200
2nd place $150
3rd place $100
Sign-up at the Dansville Legion
Registration at 1pm • Bags Fly 2pm
Additional Games During Intermission 50/50 Cash Raffle
Bucket of Beer Special: 3/12oz. Beers for $6.00
Proceeds to support the Dansville American Legion
Book lovers also can channel their passions for the written word into a rewarding hobby. While reading might not seem like the most social activity, readers who want to use their love of books to grow their social networks can start a book club. People of all ages and backgrounds love to read, so starting a book club can be a great way to meet an array of people.
Readers also can call their local libraries or schools to ask about reading programs for children. Volunteer to read to youngsters, helping the next generation discover the wonders of reading.
Penelope 80°, Toasted, Barrel
Strength 9 yr & Architect
Rebel Yell 80°, 100°
I.W. Harper Cabernet Cask + 15 yr
Jefferson - 3 types
Widow Jane 10 yr, Lucky 13vaulted 15 yr
Angel’s Envy
Four Roses - 3 types
Bib & Tucker
Iron Smoke & Bottled in Bond
Horse Soldier - 3 types
High West - 2 types
Basil Hayden 80°, Toasted, Red Wine Cask, Dark Rye & Malted Rye
Rabbit Hole - 2 types
Old Forester - 6 types 1792 - 2 sizes
Blade and Bow
Larceny Sm Batch
Woodford Double Oak
Knob Creek - 5 types
Bulleit - 4 types
George Dickel Bottled in Bond
George Dickel Cascade Hollow
George Dickel Barrel Select
Maker’s Mark
Maker’s Mark 46
Elijah Craig Sm Batch & Toasted
Jim Beam- 6 types
Jim Beam Black
Jim Beam Devil’s Cut
Old Grand Dad - 3 types
Evan Williams - 6 types
Mon- urs 10am-7pm Fri & Sat 10am-8pm
Ezra Brooks McKenna 80°, 10 yr.
Old Crow
Jesse James & Single Barrel
Ten High Kentucky Gentleman
Early Times
Bardstown - 3 types Bird Dog ree Chord 81° & 15 yr
Belle Meade - 2 Types
Bower Hill Special Edition
Milam & Greene 13 yr, unabridged Kentucky Owl
Ben Holladay Bottled in Bond
Johnny Drum
American Highway Reserve omas S Moore - 2 types
D12tance Puncher’s Chance
Old Elk
Pure Kentucky Heaven’s Door & 3 pack gi set
Brother’s Bond
Baker’s Single Barrel
Citrus Nascar
Hardin’s Creek Jacob’s Well
Green River - 2 types
Southern Star Bottled in Bond
Breckenridge - 2 sizes
Wolf Moon
Peg Leg Porker
Chicken Cock
Wild Turkey 81* & 101*
Wild Turkey Rare breed
Wild Turkey Longbranch
Wild Turkey Am. Honey
Russells Reserve Single barrel, 10 yr.
Rt. 21, Wayland (Foodmart Plaza) • 585-728-5150
BATHROOMS: Bathrooms also tend to bear the brunt of winter weather, as mold and grime can accumulate throughout a season in which it’s too cold to open bathroom windows to let fresh air in after bathing. Inspect ceilings, tubs, shower stalls, and floors for any signs of mold growth or grime. Mold growth in a home can lead to respiratory problems and exacerbate existing conditions such as asthma, so it’s best to inspect bathrooms for any signs of mold growth throughout winter. If you have let that slip, prioritize such inspections come spring cleaning time.
It is the first mild day of March: Each minute sweeter than before... There is a blessing in the air, Which seems a sense of joy to yield To the bare trees, and mountains bare, And grass in the green field... We from to-day, my Friend, will date The opening of the year.
Love, now an universal birth, From heart to heart is stealing, From earth to man, from man to earth:
—It is the hour of feeling.
~William Wordsworth (1770–1850), “To My Sister”
* The human brain would be able to perform 38 quadrillion (38 thousand trillion) operations per second if it were a computer.
* Pope Francis was once a nightclub bouncer in his native Argentina.
* “Psycho” was the first movie to show a toilet flushing.
* As part of standard convention, pilots and co-pilots do not eat the same food before a flight in case of food poisoning (or worse). If one of the pilots is incapacitated (in other words, unable to leave the bathroom), the other pilot can take over.
NYCity via Amtrak • July 18-21 $675 pp/dbl
Explore the city on own. Add on NY Yankee tkt. and more!
Great Family trip. Children rates $95-$185
Explore Maine • Aug. 4-10 $2,350 pp/dbl 14 meals including Lobster Bake and so much more!
Mackinac Island • Sept. 14-18 2 nights ON Island. Call for details!
Macy’s Day Parade • Nov. 20-23 $950 pp/dbl. Hotel 3 blocks from parade route.
Great Family trip. Children rates $95-$185 Call 585-250-8103 or visit www.travelwithcathy.com
Please walk facing the oncoming traffic!
Every time we passed by the old stone wall in Geneseo, my grandma would lament over the fallen stones and disrepair of the historical and prominent feature that hugs the edge of downtown. What the Save the Wall group is doing by rebuilding the crumbled stone wall is a true service to the community and to history itself. Please know that we notice and appreciate the hard work it takes to fix it. The wall looks amazing and grandma would be so delighted and proud of everyone who worked so hard to fix it. Thank You!
After years of walking to and from work I’m retired now, but I continue to walk daily to stay in shape. Most of the streets and roads in my neighborhood do not have sidewalks so I have to walk along the edge of the roadway or shoulder (if available). From a child I was always taught to walk facing the oncoming traffic which in America usually means to walk to the left side. Before sharing this “vent” I even checked several websites to see if that is still the rule and yes, it is. So it annoys me when I have to change sides to avoid an oncoming walkeroften with a dog or dogs - that is walking WITH the oncoming traffic instead of facing it. Don’t they know that is dangerous when they can’t see the oncoming traffic or don’t they care they endanger my welfare by forcing me to temporarily cross the road to avoid them?
The beginning of spring in Western New York is like a welcome relief after the long winter months. There’s a shift in the air as the days get longer and the weather starts to warm up (hopefully consistently soon) and as everything starts to come back to life like the buds on trees and flowers starting to bloom. I’m ready to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, whether it’s taking a walk in the park or simply sitting outside and soaking up the sunshine.
I appreciate the effort and dedication that goes into markets, which are noticeably gaining more and more popularity even in our “small” towns. I love supporting real artisans and discovering one-of-a-kind items while spending time out in my community. There’s something special about seeing the hardworking owners/creators/sellers, hearing their stories, and knowing that each purchase directly supports their passion and livelihood.
I recently attended a high school sporting event with my grandchild and had to ask the man behind me to please “not use that language” as he was spewing out vulgarity. My husband and I were at a restaurant a week later and asked to move our seating because the person in the booth behind us was using the same vulgar word every other sentence. The signs on people’s vehicles and in people’s yards displaying vulgarity has increased. What has happened to our society? We are not going to change a person’s behavior but if you are tired of this then please contact your local and state representatives. There is a big difference between “free speech” and public obscenity. How a person talks in a private setting or their homes is their business but why should any of us have to hear/see that by going to public places or driving down the street in our cars? If enough people take the time to complain to our leaders it just might make a difference, especially since this has gotten so out of hand.
Saturday, March 30th (Rain or Shine)
1:00pm Sharp!
West Sparta Town Hall
8302 Kysorville Byersville Road Dansville, NY 14437
Please bring your own basket and your whole family! (2,500+ eggs to find!!)
Food and drink will be provided
(Sponsored by West Sparta United Methodist Church & West Sparta Town Hall)
Holy Thursday is sometimes referred to as “Covenant Thursday,” “Maundy Thursday” or “Thursday of Mysteries.” Holy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the apostles. According to Catholic News Agency, Holy Thursday might be one of the most important, complex and profound days of celebration in the Catholic Church. Holy Thursday celebrates the institution of the Eucharist as the true body and blood of Jesus Christ and the institution of the sacrament of the priesthood.
Responsible for performing routine building maintenance tasks throughout Bristol Mountain. Qualifications: 18 years of age or older and prior work experience with sound carpentry skills.
The position is a part-time position, year round. For more information or to apply visit: www.bristolmountain.com
General Laborers, Full-Time (seasonal ok)
Requirements: Clean NYS driver’s license
Job description: General Laborers will travel with and assist our maintenance and installation teams. Applicants should have a positive attitude, be self-motivated, and physically able to drag hoses, hand shovel up to 2 feet deep and occasionally li up to 100 pounds.
Pay range for this position: $15-$20/hour
We offer: A small, family owned and operated work environment. Full-time benefits include medical & dental insurance, productivity bonuses, retirement plan, paid time off, and paid holidays.
Call, email, or text Scott Barefoot with interest/resume today and let’s see if we are a match!
2920 Telephone Rd., Caledonia, NY 14423
Office: (585) 538-4886
Scott’s Cell: (585) 303-7247
• Currently licensed as a NYS RN or LPN
• Geriatric Experience Preferred
• Mt. Morris
Rate of pay and schedule:
• LPN-$30/Hr.
• RN- $32/Hr.
• Hours vary between 9:00am-3:15pm
Easter eggs: While Easter eggs may seem like a secular symbol of Easter, their connection to Easter dates back many centuries. CatholicCulture. org notes that the early Christians saw the egg as symbolic of the tomb out of which Christ emerged when he was resurrected. Early Christians even painted Easter eggs, much like parents do with their children today, and even had them blessed and gave them as gifts. Historians believe King Edward I of England, who ruled from 1272 to 1307, dyed boiled eggs and gave them to members of his royal household on Easter.
Genesee Country Christian School, a Pre-K through 8th grade Christian school located in Geneseo, NY, is seeking a
e principal is responsible to the school board for the school’s operation including but not limited to:
• Administration
• Finances
• Curriculum
Candidate must be a committed Christian, commit to the school’s Statement of Faith, and faithfully attend and support a local church. e ideal candidate would have:
• Academic/school administration experience
• Classroom teaching experience (3-5 years of elementary teaching experience desired)
• Bachelor’s degree in elementary education
• Leadership ability/experience in school or church
• Spiritual maturity, academic ability, and leadership qualities to lead the school
Preferred qualifications include:
• Master’s degree
• Experience and/or education in school administration
• Experience in a Christian school
Applicants should submit a letter of application, resume, and 3 letters of recommendation (one from a pastor or Christian mentor) by March 30th to:
Genesee Country Christian School, 4120 Long Point Rd., Geneseo, NY 14454
Starting date:
Visit our web site at www.gvboces.org
Reply by March 27, 2024 with reference to Vacancy 24-90, letter of interest, and resume to hr@gvboces.org or mail to:
Human Resources, Genesee Valley BOCES
80 Munson Street, LeRoy, NY 14482
The higher up in altitude a person goes, the stronger the sun’s rays become. Therefore, sun exposure in the mountains can be more dangerous than exposure at sea level.
CNAs: $23.12 to $26.43
+ $5.25 WITHOUT health insurance
Part-time and per diem positions available as well.
LPN: $28.58 to $33.06
+ $6.25 WITHOUT health insurance
Part-time and per diem positions available as well.
RN: $36.90 to $42.45
+ $7.25 WITHOUT health insurance
Part-time and per diem positions available as well.
Charge RN: $39.49 to $45.96
+ $7.25 WITHOUT health insurance
Part-time and per diem positions available as well.
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Holy Saturday marks the final day of the Triduum, or the three days preceding Easter Sunday. Scripture states that Holy Saturday was when Jesus’ body was placed in the tomb.
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