At Church Park Gazebo, Dansville
Saturday, March 30 • 11am This
Menu: Scrambled Eggs, Biscuits, Sausage Gravy, Pancakes, Toast, Home Fries, Bacon, Sausage, Coffee, Tea, Juice & Milk Get
Why is Easter ca ed Easter? The christening of the holiday as ‘Easter’ is believed to have originated from the name of a goddess in England, Eostre, who was celebrated at the begi ing of spring before Christ’s time.
What does the word Easter mean?
Another theory su ests that the word ‘Easter’ originated from the German word for ‘East,’ also meaning dawn.
10 Editions delivered weekly to over 100,000 Homes 165,000 Print Readers
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PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414
Phone: 585-226-8111
Fax: 585-226-3390
Email: sales@gvpennysaver.com
President ...........................Steve Harrison
General Manager
...........................Manuel Karam
Director of Advertising Sales
............................Colleen Mann
Creative Director
..............................Cristie Leone
Production Supervisor .................................Jeff Wasson
Circulation Manager
...............................Paul Schojan
Members of:
Gold Standard Publication National Award Winning Paper
BEACH BOUND: A relaxing day at the beach may be the perfect way to spend Father’s Day. Dad can enjoy the entire family while sitting back in his beach chair and watching the waves roll in.Pack a picnic lunch with his favorite foods and a cold beer, and Dad may just say this was his best celebration yet.
LC Stone Driveway
All types of Interior Upgrades
One of the ways homeowners can keep their lawns looking lush and green is to aerate the turf when the need arises. Aerators perforate the soil with small holes. These holes allow air, nutrients and water to penetrate all the way to the roots, helping them grow deep and strong. Deep, strong roots are essential to healthy, lush lawns. While aeration can help many lawns, not every lawn will necessarily need to be aerated. Lawns that get heavy use, such as those that are often played on by children or pets, will likely benefit from periodic aeration. Feeling the lawn also can help homeowners determine if it needs to be aerated. Lawns that dry out quickly or feel spongy may be overcome with thatch, which can prevent lawns from getting the air, water and nutrients they need to thrive. Lawncare professionals recommend aerating lawns that contain thatch that is more than one-half inch. Thatch also can foster grub infestations, providing another benefit to removing it and aerating a lawn. When to aerate depends on the type of grass. Homeowners should consult with a lawncare professional about the best time to aerate their particular lawns, but it’s generally recommended that cool-season grasses be aerated in early spring or fall, while it’s best to aerate warm season grasses in late spring.
I sincerely want to thank all of you for your votes and support during the election.
I am honored to represent the community and serve as your Village Trustee.
-Kathy Button
Easter Sunday, March 31st
9am Breakfast (Call the church at 335-6190 if you are interested)
10:30am- Easter Worship Service
Grace Baptist Church
9316 Main Street Dansville, NY
Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus was condemned by his peers as King Herod and Pontius Pilate had found him not guilty of his crimes. But crowds were enraged, and Pilate reluctantly ordered his crucifixion rather than face a mass riot.
Holy Family Catholic Community Holy Week
Holy ursday 3/28, 6:30pm at St. Joseph’s, Wayland
Good Friday 3/29, 3:00pm at St. Joseph’s, Wayland
Holy Saturday 3/30, 8:00pm at St. Mary’s, Dansville
Easter Sunday 3/31
7:30am, St. Joseph’s, Wayland
9:15am, Sacred Heart, Perkinsville
11:00am, St. Pius V, Cohocton
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: “Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal.” -- Friedrich Nietzsche
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The Day of Ashes commemorates the repentance of sin. On Ash Wednesday, Christians have ashes placed on their foreheads in the shape of a cross in recognition of their need to repent. Many churches host Ash Wednesday services, and those who receive the ashes are not only reminded of their mortality and sinfulness, but also of the opportunity for absolution. Christians typically fast on Ash Wednesday, though some simply abstain from eating meat.
GiftCertificates Available
Hours:M-F 8am-5pm Sat.8am-12pm
3 Dock St., Dansville, NY • 585-335-5230
Spring Variety Pack
2# Chicken Tenders
2# Pork Steak
2# Ground Beef
2# Pork Chops, Boneless 2 Chicken Halves
3# Ribs (Pork Nibblers)
2# Italian Sausage Links
2# (4) NY Strip Steaks
1# Zweigles Pop Open Hots
18.5# for only $95.00
Frozen Fruit & Vegetable Sale!
Cherries, Strawberries, Peaches, Blueberries, Raspberries, Peas, Corn, Broccoli and even Brussel Sprouts
All orders must be placed by April 12!
Don’t wait. Call today!
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: “Actually, in my opinion you never completely find yourself because you are always growing as a person and learning throughout your life. It is a process.” -- Robert A. Bofman
If you are a former employee of Eastman Kodak in Rochester, NY between 1979 and 1998 please contact Mr. Boccuzzi’s attorney, Christopher Hersom, at: Belluck & Fox, LLP • 877-534-2503 (Toll Free Number)
Email: tcarini@belluckfox.com
Any information would be greatly appreciated. ank you.
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
Cohocton Public Library
8 Maple Ave. • 585-384-5170 www.cohoctonlibrary.org
Hrs.: Mon., -Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Dansville Public Library
200 Main St., Dansville, 585.335.6720
Hrs.: Mon.-Thurs. 10am-8pm; Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat. 9am-1pm
E.J. Cottrell Memorial Library
5 Beecher St., Atlanta, NY 585-534-5030
Hrs.: Mon., Tues. 10am-8pm; Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10am-5pm; Closed Sat., Sun.
Wayland Free Library
101 W. Naples St. • 585-728-5380 www.gunlockelibrary.org
Hrs.: Mon.-Thurs. 10am-6pm; Fri. 12pm-5pm; Sat. 10am-noon
ClearviewCemeteryAnnual Meeting- Theannualmeetingof theClearviewCemeterywillbe heldThursday,April18that7PM atTheCohoctonTownHall,19 MainStreet,Atlanta,NY.
VeteranOnly-WarriorWednesdayDinner: VeteransOnly,come joinusonthefirstWednesdays everymonthforourWarrior WednesdayDinner.Thismonthwe willdineattheSierraInninSwain, NYat6p.m.on3April2024.RSVP byvisitingourwebsitewww. livcovets.comandclickingonthe RSVPlink.Wewillreachoutand confirmyourrequestforareservation.Wehopetoseeyouthere.
Monday,4/1:CheeseRavioli, Zucchini,Cauliflower,Whole WheatBreadSlice,Pear.
Tuesday,4/2:Chicken&VeggieStir Fry,Rice,SugarSnapPeas,Whole WheatBreadSlice,MandarinOranges.
Wednesday,4/3:OvenFriedPork Chop,MashedSquash,Brussels Sprouts,WholeWheatBreadSlice, Pears.
Thursday,4/4:TurkeyTetraziniCasserole,Carrots,GreenBeans, WholeWheatBreadSlice,Apple Juice,RiceKrispyTreat.
SiteClosedFriday (585)335-8130
Open to the public
• (585) 669-2300
Kern Robinson American Legion Post 905 7998 School Street | Springwater, NY
In Memory of Harry Reynolds, Jr.
Enter on Day of Cook-off • $5.00 Entry Fee
Doors open at 4pm to drop off Chili • Judging starts at 5pm Drawing for PICK TABLE & 50/50 RAFFLE PRIZES starts at 6:00pm and continues throughout the evening.
Most Orig al - $30
Ho t - $20
Crowd Fav e - $10
Come share your recipe and sample FREE CHILI AND HOT DOGS. Vote for your favorite!
hitsofthe60’s!Getreadytohit thedancefloorafterenjoyinga deliciousmealattheValleyOak EventCenter,Geneseo.Ourfamousbasketrafflewillbeginat5 withsocialhourandendat8:30. Dancingcontinuesuntil11.AllproceedsbenefitHopefortheWarriors.Tickets($40)availablenow! PayPal:AvonAmericanLegion Auxiliary294,MailtoAvonALA, POBox132,AvonNY14414,or call585-746-2608.
OrganRecitalSeries: Sunday, April7,3-4pmattheCentralPresbyterianChurch,31CenterSt., Geneseo.OrganistAndrewVan Varick.Facilityfullyaccessible. Donationsgratefullyaccepted. www.cpcgeneseo.org.
YMCA: Veteran’sPlus1comejoin us,wewillbeattheDansville YMCA5Apr24@10a.m.,where theywillhavesomestaffonhand foranactivelifestyleclass,aswell asaccesstothegym/fitness equipmentifyouwanttogetyour sweaton.Pleasejoinustosee whatwehaveavailableforfuture visits.RSVPbyvisitingourwebsite www.livcovets.com.Wewillbein touchtoletyouknowwereceived itandhaveaseatforyouanda guest.
Take-outSpaghettiDinner atthe UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,April10,4:30-6:00PM (oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce, meatballs,undressedsalad,and garlicbread.Donationsaccepted.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time.
Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
MountMorrisCommunityInvolvementAssociation- Saturday,April13,7PM-11PM.Door Open@5:30PM.RubyShooz, OldiesDance.ProceedsBenefit: MountMorrisFire/RescueDept.Co. Inc.BasketRaffles,50/50’s&Contests.FoodAvailable.21&Over Only.$15Tickets.Tickets-Call ChickieStout585-519-6573or JaneO’Dell585-507-5947.Table Reservationsof8or10-Call Chickie.Ticketsalsoavailableat: GeneseeRiverRest.,Mt.Morris LanesorBurt’sLumberinPerry. HeldattheGeneseeRiverRestaurant&ReceptionCenter,134N. MainSt.,Mt.Morris.
MonteCarloNight! MonteCarlo Night,hostedbytheHospeace HouseonSaturday,May4th,2024 from6:00pmto10:00pmatthe MaxfieldHoseMemorialHall,8181 MaxfieldRd.Naples.Professional GamingTablesandDealers;poker; craps;blackjack;roulette;raffle prizes;50/50raffle;music;plenty ofappetizers;beer&wineforpurchase;andmore!Theticketpriceis $40($45atthedoor)include$500 gamblingchips.Tolearnmore aboutHospeaceHouseandMonte CarloNightgoto:www. HospeaceHouse.org.Ticketscanbe purchasedattheHospeaceHouse orgotothefollowinglinkorscan theQRcode:https:// hospeacehouseinc.betterworld.org/ events/monte-carlo-night-2024
Clothing: New clothing is another symbol of Easter that traces its origins back further than many Christians may realize. It’s customary for present-day Christians to don their Sunday best when attending Easter Sunday Mass, and the tradition of looking sharp on Easter can be traced to the early Christians, who would wear new white robes for baptisms during Easter services. Eventually, all Easter celebrants began to wear new clothes during Easter services.
• - Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County: 4-H Cloverbud Club Leader - Plan monthly educational meetings for youth ages 5-7. Inspire the next generation, call us today! 585-3433040 or genesee4h@cornell.edu
• - National Warplane Museum: We’re looking for Volunteers! All opportunities can be flexible to fit your schedule. Aircra /Hangar/ Motor Pool, Pilots, Tours, Grounds & Facility Maintenance, Gi Shop, Administration and our biggest event: AIRSHOW! If you enjoy aircra & history, contact us to learn more. Email john.peckham@ nationalwarplanemuseum.com
• - Pet Adoption Network (P.A.N.): Foster homes for rescued cats and kittens desperately needed. P.A.N. will provide needed supplies (bed, food, toys, litter); foster provides daily care and transportation to Sunday Open House (12-4pm). More details/apply at https://www. petadoptionnetwork.org/foster. Email: info@petadoptionnetwork.org or 585-338-9175
• Lakeville Volunteer Fire Department: Volunteers are needed to become active firefighters. Training is provided free and retirement benefits are available. Help with social activities is also needed. Please contact our Fire Chief Patrick McGrath at chief@lakevillevfd.org. Email chief@lakevillevfd.org
• Serenity House of Victor: Please share your time & talent providing end-of-life resident care, building and grounds maintenance, website/ media, or fundraising support. No experience necessary. Free training. Share your most valuable gi - YOURSELF at our two-bed comfort care home. Email: serenityhousevictor@gmail.com or call 585-729-7617
• Caledonia Library Association: We have lots of volunteer opportunities available for you. Join a committee, help at a fund raising event, teach a class, give a presentation. Join the association. Email glouise4605@yahoo.com
• Begin Again Horse Rescue: Work directly with our equine trainer with a weekly commitment. Also help is needed in the used tack shop on Saturdays. And there is always work to be done with outreach and fundraising. Email info@beginagainrescue.org
• Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County: 4-H Dog Club Leader - Plan monthly educational meetings for youth ages 5-18. Inspire the next generation, call us today! Email genesee4h@cornell. edu or call 585-343-3040
• Livingston Day Services: Looking for an individual looking to practice paper shredding skills by interning at non-profit on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM. Email angela.m.kennelly@opwdd. ny.gov
• Patrick Place Comfort Care Home: We are a 2-bedroom comfort care home providing 24/7 care to residents. We are in need of hands-on resident care volunteers; no experience required, all training will be provided! Call or email us today to learn more! directorpatrickplace@gmail.com
• UR Medicine Home Care: Deliver meals to our participants in Monroe County. Email julie_cunningham@urmc.rochester.edu or call 585-274-4385
Send us your photos and captions at
Please don’t close so much
On behalf of 14 women at lunch on March 20 celebrating the birthdays of two special individuals at [a] restaurant in Mt. Morris, we thank you for the generous gesture of paying for our meals. Your act of kindness truly warmed our hearts and made the celebration even more memorable and has left a lasting impression on all of us. Thank you!
We live in [local town] and love our library. We’re always there for books, art exhibits and different programs. However, lately they often close for a day or longer for various reasons. This past weekend they were closed all day Friday and all day Saturday for an indoor miniature golf tournament which was a fundraiser for the library. It’s also not unusual for them to close for a full day for staff training. For holidays they frequently close for two days. These closings are in my opinion excessive and inconvenience many, many people. When it’s time to vote for the library budget, I always go and vote yes. I may rethink that.
Words alone cannot express our thanks to the staff of Livingston County [rehab facility]. My roommate was there for over a month and is now walking. A big thanks to the nurse on the rehab floor, the cleaning dept., the physical therapy dept., and Mike and Erica, were all wonderful! The cafeteria staff, Mike, the food was awesome and they were very courteous. Livingston [rehab facility] was a wonderful place; the staff upon arrival was like old family with their greetings. We also had to use their transportation to go to Rochester to the doctor. Robbie and Holly were awesome on the Mobile Medical. We highly recommend this place. Again, we say a big Thank you! Keep up the great job. We love you all. God Bless You all. Always remember you're never fully dressed until you wear a smile. Thanks again! ~John and
ShirleySome restaurants are starting to add a line on your bill to tip the kitchen. Tips are for the servers. Period! The OWNERS should pay their Cooks, Chefs and Cleaners appropriately. With our economy, costs and prices are out of control. I feel it’s absurd to “bleed” your patrons. Some checks have a pre-set tip or an extra line to add a tip but you are on the spot if you choose not to. When I see this, I WON’T RETURN, spreading the word about that restaurant.
to everyone who helped us at the time of our accident.
To the people who brought chairs to sit in until the ambulance came; they couldn’t have been any nicer to us. To the Wayland Springwater Ambulance personnel who transported us to the hospital. To the Dansville ER people who took care of us. We are especially grateful to all the people who sent food, cards and flowers. We can’t say thank you enough.
Bob & Ann Oxx & Family
* What’s the best way to keep sheet sets together? Tuck all the pieces in a matching pillowcase, of course.
* Need to hull strawberries? Try using a straw. You position the straw at the bottom of the strawberry, then push up toward the stem. It works quickly and well.
* If you mount a magnet strip in your bathroom or on your vanity, you can use it to hold bobby pins or metal barrettes. Or mount a ribbon to hold all kinds of hair clips.
* If your entertainment electronics have a clock that is too bright, cover it with plain tape. You will still be able to read the time, but the tape will lessen the glare.
Are you ready for the Eclipse? On Monday, April 8, the Dansville area will experience just over 2 minutes of totality during the solar eclipse, starting at approximately 3:20pm. Dansville Public Library will be closed on April 8 between 1:00pm and 5:00pm, to allow all library staff to enjoy this historic event.
ROC the Eclipse – Monday, April 1 at 6:00pm
To learn more about solar eclipses, join us for “Roc the Eclipse” with Jim Porter, Rochester-area resident and retired Chief Systems Engineer and Professional Engineer from NASA.
You should never look directly at the sun. To protect your eyesight during this event, use solar eclipse glasses. Register online for up to 3-pairs of free eclipse glasses from the Dansville Public Library; limit of 1 registration per household. Once registered, pick up your reserved glasses at the Library’s circulation desk. e online registration form is posted on the Library’s website and social media pages. Supply is limited; glasses not picked up before April 5 may be forfeited.
ere’s a lot happening at the Library in April. Check out our online calendar for more details and to register for events: bit.ly/DansvilleLibraryCalendar.
• Sit & Stitch – Every Wednesday at 6:00pm – All skill levels welcome!
• Storytime – Alternating Tuesdays at 10:30am (4/9, 4/23) & ursdays at 6:00pm (4/4, 4/18)
• Ravenous Readers: Adult Book Club – Second ursdays @ 6:30pm (4/11): en She Was Gone (Lisa Jewell)
• Homeschool Meetup – ird ursdays at 1:00pm (4/18)
• Sit & Sip with Staff – Second Saturdays @ 12:00pm (4/13)
• Family Storytime & Movie – Saturday, 3/30 and Saturday, 4/27 at 10:00am, movie starts at 11:00am
NEW Online Resources from OWWL – owwl.org/resources/
• Kanopy – Watch quality, thoughtful entertainment. Find movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films, and children’s stories
• Ground News – An innovative platform that empowers readers to compare news coverage, spot media bias, and think critically about current events in real time.
• LawDepot – An extensive library of legal resources provides easy-to-use assistance and empowers individuals to create legal documents specific to their personal situation.
• ASL Inside – Start learning American Sign Language by visiting Mango Languages and selecting “ASL.”
ese are in addition to other resources currently available to OWWL Library Cardholders, including Mango Languages, Consumer Reports, Local History Resources, New York Times Bestseller lists, and NOVELny.
Mark your calendars! Western New York is in the path of totality for a once in a generation event! Between 2:07 PM and 4:33 PM on Monday, April 8th, get ready to witness a celestial spectacle unlike any other: the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse.
is will be our first total eclipse here since 1925, and we won’t have another until 2144. Look at it this way: “If a kid is born on eclipse day 2024, their grandkid’s grandkid will be able to see it,” says Dan Schneiderman, Eclipse Coordinator at the Rochester Museum & Science Center (RMSC). Since 2022, Dan’s sole focus has been meticulous planning and preparation for this this once in a lifetime event—that’s how big this is!
With totality promising an unforgettable experience, visitors from far and wide will converge on Western New York. From Jamestown to Buffalo, Rochester to Waterloo, and even all the way to the Adirondacks, for local residents, your backyard itself offers a prime viewing spot, though the longest duration of the eclipse will occur at SUNY Brockport.
“Eclipses are extremely predictable,” Dan says as excitement for the event grows. “ ey follow very similar paths, and there’s one in Rochester every 100-120 years. ere was even a 1925 article in the Democrat & Chronicle mentioning the 2024 solar eclipse.”
With the moon beginning to cover the eclipse around 2:07 PM, Dan warns that eclipse viewing glasses are incredibly important if people wish to look up at the sun outside the window of totality. During totality, viewers can look directly up at the sun to find it completely obscured by the moon.
“It will last for three-and-a-half minutes total,” he says, and you can remove your glasses for this brief window, but be forewarned that when the sun comes back from behind the moon, “it is an icepick of light.”
Totality is not the only kind of eclipse out there—we had an annular eclipse as recently as October 14, 2023! Annular eclipses mean the moon is in front of the sun, but because it is farther from the Earth it appears smaller and cannot block it out entirely, so viewers see sun rings around the moon.
During this year’s total eclipse, the weather should be on the milder side. Dan highlights that totality will be a very visual and physical experience: “ e temperature will drop ten degrees, and it will be dark, like a deep dusk and not quite midnight. It will be like a 360º sunset on the horizon.”
During the eclipse, you will also be able to see Jupiter and Venus along with stars (which are always out, just not visible during the day because of the sun’s brightness), with Orion’s Belt being most notable.
With such a huge marvel on the horizon, there is no shortage of events planned in the area, from every local museum having an event/festival, a 5k, a themed euchre event, and Total Eclipse of the Park in Rochester, there are tons of ways to celebrate and something for every interest!
If you plan on staying home with family as opposed to going out, Dan suggests “really lean[ing] into the puns and have themed snacks: Sunny D., moon cookies, moon pies, Milky Way Bars… Have fun with it.” To go along with eclipse glasses, make your own pinhole viewers with cardboard boxes, or dig around in the kitchen for a strainer or slotted spoon for your own DIY version! (You can look at the ground and check the reflection in whatever tool you choose.)
“Plan ahead; be with your loved ones, because you will always remember who you were with,” Dan says. However you choose to observe the eclipse, it will be one of the biggest positive shared experiences you’ll have in this lifetime.
As the world collectively gazes upward, embracing the wonder of the cosmos, the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse promises to be an unforgettable glimpse into the depths of our universe.
Looking for something to do in our area? Check out some of these local events in the Western New York region! For more events in your area, check out rochestereclipse2024.org.
2:07 PM: Eclipse begins as Moon will begin to cover the Sun
3:20 PM: Totality Begins. Duration depends on where you’re in the path of totality
4:33 PM: Eclipse ends for Rochester viewers
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
Sunday,April21stfortheseason (8am-3pm).VendorSpaceavailable, $25perspot.DesireFood/Produce Vendors.ForSpaceavailabilitycontact Claude585-734-3789.
On what is now called “Palm Sunday,” Jesus Christ rode a donkey into Jerusalem while villagers welcomed him and waved palm branches. This is mentioned in each of the Biblical Gospels and occurs a week before His subsequent resurrection. Jesus possibly rode a donkey rather than a horse as a sign of peace, as a war-waging king might ride a horse. The “Passion of the Christ” is typically read during Palm Sunday masses.
my cat Flicker is already scratching himself silly with fleas! He has terrible skin reactions to flea bites. How can I get rid of them?
--Jesse B., Oak Ridge, Tennessee
DEAR JESSE: Flea infestations are awful, aren’t they? As the seasons change and the weather warms up, flea activity rises, and pet owners start seeing more evidence of fleas on their pets and around their homes.
Fleas aren’t just annoying. ey can carry diseases that are transmissible to pets and humans. Tapeworms and cat scratch disease are just two of the potential ills that a flea infestation can bring into your home.
Tackle a flea problem head-on, and don’t wait -- because it will continue to get worse as the summer approaches.
Because of Flicker’s allergic reaction to flea bites, he needs direct treatment to repel fleas and prevent them from latching on to his fur again. Talk to his veterinarian about the most effective flea treatments. For example, a monthly or quarterly topical flea treatment may be a good option. Oral medication -- as pills or chewables -- is also very effective. e vet may also recommend medication to clear up his current skin issues. Reduce the risk of another flea infestation by making your home difficult for fleas to exist in.
--Have your home treated for fleas by a pest control service.
--Pick up clutter from the floor and replace any plush or feltedtoys with new ones.
--Vacuum twice a week to pick up fleas and their eggs. --Repair or replace damaged window and door screens. --Remove any debris piles near your home, and shi wood piles farther away.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner. com.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
Reeds, books and handles for BASKET WEAVING. 585-352-4349
YOKOHAMA AVID TIRES, S34P P225/40R18 88V. Set of four tires came with 2023 Subaru Impreza. 1,500 miles on them. 585-245-3187
WOODEN DOUBLE BED, rotary wheels, 4’3” wide, 6’3.5” long. Easy to reassemble. brokers@bizbrokersny.com
6’ CHRISTMAS TREE with fixed lights and stand. rentzeljere@gmail.com
POWER LIFT RECLINER. Dark Green. You pick up, Caledonia area. 585-704-8336
PIANO - Upright Baldwin Acrosonic piano with seat. Good condition. Must pick up professionally. karenlarkin0730@gmail.com
Bag of GREETING CARDS (50+) – Brand new. Father’s Day, Graduation, Sympathy, Baby, and an assortment of others. 585-244-0864
Three large MIRRORS, two - 5’ x 6’ and one - 3’ x 6’. Very good condition. You pick up, Caledonia AM Legion. CalWarVetMem@gmail.com
PILGRIM HYMNALS (233 of them) and 16 black SLEEVELESS YOUTH CHOIR ROBES. Text 585-590-1982
RV MATTRESS - King 80 x 72. Only slept on 5 times. You pick up. 585-455-4783
INTEX SAND FILTER and PUMP for above-ground pool - model # SF70110-2. den.and.ed@hotmail.com
3-RING BINDERS. A variety of sizes. You pick up, Lakeville. Colleen. Henry@lalrr.com
PLAYER PIANO - has music to go into it. 585-670-9402
1-1/2’ stack of OLD POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINES. 585-385-9938
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Interfaith Center is taking BOOKS for a Book Sale. Please limit donations for pick up to Livingston and Southern Monroe County. Jackie 585-245-1526
OLD TYPEWRITERS and HOBBY TRAINS & Accessories, any condition. gregcloud55@gmail.com
MODELS - Built or Unbuilt. Automotive, Military, Aviation, Ships, Slot Cars, etc. Parts and Pieces ok. Collector looking for projects, restore. 585-314-6989
ADULT NUTRITION DRINKS, any brand; DOG/BABY PLAYPEN/GATE, LEASH, HARNESS. Any dog supplies. Lakeville. Call/text 585-649-8706
Minimum 100 sq. foot piece of LAND, full sun for monarch butterfly waystation; all plants, labor provided. Preferably in Newark. 3margcos@gmail.com
CHICKEN COOP and/or FENCING for chickens. schiff06@frontiernet.net
Restorer collector looking OLD ELECTRONICS - computers, video games, stereo equipment HiFi speakers, film cameras, ham/CB radios, records, reels +more 585-883-5334
Looking for QUEEN SIZE BED FRAME within 30 miles of Honeoye Falls, call (585) 624-1823
Full size, JOINTED SKELETON. 585-599-3490
OIL BASE PAINT: All colors. DO NOT TEXT. 585-377-0878.
CATTLEYA ORCHID that you no longer want. I would love to adopt it! Will pick up. Webster/Penfield area. Text or call 585-217-3397
Senior lady hoping to find OUTDOOR COVER for an older Simplicity Riding Lawnmower. Not too far from Williamson please. 315-310-3897
Seeking a DIRT BIKE or ATV, running or not for father son project. Text or call Matt 315-576-1278
DEAR DR. ROACH: I was recently diagnosed with alpha-gal syndrome (AGS). I live in the country, but I do not remember having a tick on me. My husband and I are very cautious and always check for them. I am struggling to understand what exactly are my symptoms, and what I can and cannot eat. I don’t know if I am someone who can have dairy or not.
The biggest challenge seems to be eating out. If I order chicken, fish or vegetables and they are cooked on the same grill as meat, then they are not safe to eat due to cross contamination. Also, dairy, lard and whey are in many food items.
Is there a specialist I should consult? My doctor seems to know about some of this, but is unable to answer many of my questions. Any information you can share would be helpful.
-- S.N.
Holy Saturday marks the final day of the Triduum, or the three days preceding Easter Sunday. Scripture states that Holy Saturday was when Jesus’ body was placed in the tomb.
ANSWER: AGS is an allergy to galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose, a carbohydrate allergen found in all mammalian meats, such as beef, pork and lamb. The allergy can be serious as people develop symptoms, including various syndromes like skin itching and rashes; gastrointestinal symptoms; and even anaphylaxis, a severe allergy syndrome of cardiovascular collapse.
These reactions are delayed compared to other typical allergic responses, with people often developing symptoms the night after consuming meat -- about two to six hours after consumption. A blood test for alpha-gal allergies can confirm the diagnosis.
These symptoms usually begin after getting bitten multiple times by a Lone Star tick. The tick has alpha-gal in its saliva, which triggers the sensitivity. Many medical professionals are unaware of this newly described condition (40% reported never having heard of the syndrome), which can prevent a diagnosis from being made in a timely fashion.
Because the condition is new, there are some factors that we don’t really understand about it, like why some people tolerate muscle meat from an animal but react strongly to organ meat. There just aren’t answers to some of the questions that you might be asking. For example, milk, whey and gelatin sensitivity have been described with AGS, but not lard (at least that I could find).
Sometimes a person tolerates cooked meat but is intolerant of raw (or barely cooked) meat. Some people lose the allergy over time (usually a few years), but additional tick bites may bring it back.
The ideal specialist in this case is an allergist. You should certainly have and know how to use an epinephrine injector in case of a severe reaction.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
April 1st ushers in the spring fishing season with trout derbies around the Rochester streams. Fishers, what about the season/ sport most appeals to you?
• Peace, solitude, quiet, disconnection from daily life
• Spending time outdoors in nature
• Sharing the experience with special people
• Catching my own food
• The thrill of the hunt, challenge outsmarting fish
• All or a combination of the above
Poll ends 04-02-202
Poll Results 03-26-2024
Gardeners around Rochester are busy dreaming of and planning this season’s plots.What early spring bloom common around here is your favorite?
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
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Holy Thursday, which falls on the Thursday before Easter Sunday, commemorates The Last Supper of Jesus Christ. During The Last Supper, Jesus,whoChristiansbelieveistheSonofGod,establishedthesacrament of Holy Communion. The Last Supper was the final meal Jesus enjoyed with his disciples in Jerusalem, and it was during The Last Supper when Jesus predicted one of those disciples would ultimately betray him. Holy Thursday is sometimes referred to as “Maundy Thursday,” a reference to the religious rite of maundy, which is the washing of the feet. The Last Supper and the rite of maundy are connected because it was during The Last Supper that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. Though The Last Supper, during which Jesus gave his disciples bread, telling them it was his body, and wine, telling them it was his blood, is celebrated at every Mass as part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, Holy Thursday Mass places even greater emphasis on this significant event.
Ellen “Blondie” Elaine Jacobs
January 5, 2024
South Dansville- Ellen “Blondie” Elaine Jacobs age 85, passed away peacefully Friday afternoon January 5, 2024, at the home of her niece in Dade City, Florida.
She was born in the Town of Dansville on February 11, 1938, a daughter of the late Walter and Mabel Catherine (Kiefer) Jacobs. She was also predeceased by her sister Phyllis (Clair) Johnson, and a brother, Stanley (Joan) Jacobs.
Ellen first worked at FA Owens Publishing following High School until closing, then she went to work for Al Burdick at Shapes, Inc. Finally she retired as a clerk for Steuben County. She was a member of the South Dansville United Methodist Church and the CSEA. In her free time, she enjoyed dancing, playing cards, convertibles, and her family.
Ellen is survived by her brother, Dale (Kim) Jacobs and numerous nieces and nephews.
Friends may call on April 6th, 2024, from 10:00am to 11:0 am where a service will be held at 11:00am at the South Dansville United Methodist Church. Interment will be in Rogersville Forest Lawn Cemetery in the Town of Dansville. Arrangements are by the Hindle Funeral Home Inc., 271 Main St., Dansville. Online memories may be shared at HindleFuneralHome.com.
In lieu of flowers please make memorials to South Dansville United Methodist Church.
Palm fronds: Palm Sunday is the final Sunday of Lent, taking place one week before Easter Sunday. Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. According to the Gospels, Jesus rode a young donkey into Jerusalem, where the townspeople threw palms in front of him in homage. That practice was a customary sign of respect in Jerusalem, and today Christians believe the palm is a sign of peace. Palms continue to be distributed to the faithful during Palm Sunday Mass.
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General Practice law office in Dansville is seeking a PARALEGAL or experienced LEGAL SECRETARY
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Location: Mt. Morris May Center
Salary: $50,000-$55,000. Negotiable based on experience
Starting date: ASAP or Fall of 2024
Visit our website at www.gvboces.org
Reply by April 5, 2024 with reference to Vacancy 24-92, with a letter of interest, resume, and proof of certification to hr@gvboces.org or mail to:
Human Resources
Genesee Valley BOCES
Loader Operators (2 positions available)
- Experience necessary with CAT loaders
- MSHA certified a plus but not required
Welder/Fabricator Wash Plant/Mechanic
- Experience with wash plant, sand/gravel operation
- MSHA certified a plus but not required
- Welding/Fabrication experience required
• Must be able to read/write English,
• Availability M-F with some Saturdays.
• Perform duties as assigned
• Team player.
Competitive Hourly Salary and benefits based on experience.
Apply by sending resume by email to: arandolph@SpallinaMaterials.com
CNAs: $23.12 to $26.43
+ $5.25 WITHOUT health insurance
Part-time and per diem positions available as well.
LPN: $28.58 to $33.06
+ $6.25 WITHOUT health insurance
Part-time and per diem positions available as well.
RN: $36.90 to $42.45
+ $7.25 WITHOUT health insurance
Part-time and per diem positions available as well.
Charge RN: $39.49 to $45.96
Part-time and per diem positions available as well.
Applications are available at the Town Highway Barn or on the Town’s website under Departments in the Town Highway Superintendent documents. Applications and resumés must be submitted to the Town Highway Superintendent by 04/22/2024
Mail application and resumé to:
Town of West Sparta , Highway Superintendent 8302 Kysor/Byers Rd., Dansville, NY 14437 Or
Email: highwaysuperintendent@townofwestsparta.org
Applications can also be dropped off at the Highway Superintendent’s office at the Town Barn. Must have a valid driver’s license (CDL is a plus). Tractor and equipment operation exp. preferred. Pay scale is $15.00-$19.00 depending on experience. Contact Doug @ 585-335-6798 or highwaysuperintendent@townofwestsparta.org
• Must be a current employee within one of Genesee Valley BOCES 22 component districts
• 7-12 Certification in either Math, Science, or English
Job Duties:
• Review Career and Technical Education Curriculum to ensure NYSED standards are met for programs undergoing the reapproval process
• GV BOCES Region
• $27.00/Hr.
Starting date:
• Hours flexible and may possibly be done remotely ese positions will be open until filled or until June 30, 2024, whichever happens first.
Please reply with reference to posting 24-93, letter of interest, and proof of certification to hr@gvboces.org or mail to:
Human Resources, Genesee Valley BOCES 80 Munson Street, LeRoy, NY 14482
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2. TELEVISION: In which sitcom is the catchphrase “Hello, Newman” used often?
3. FOOD & DRINK: What is a cornichon?
4. HISTORY: According to a WWII government slogan, what should citizens do after they “Keep calm ...”?
5. MOVIES: What is the name of John Wayne’s character in “True Grit”?
6. LANGUAGE: The Latin word “genu” refers to which part of the human body?
7. U.S. STATES: How many states begin with the letter “R”?
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