DEAR DR. ROACH: What is the main cause for insulin resistance? I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes about five years ago. I’ve maintained a consistent weight under 200 pounds, and I’m only 5 feet, 9 inches tall. I was able to get my A1C level down to 7.2% last summer, but in late fall, my numbers started spiking, even with insulin. I now find myself injecting crazy amounts of insulin just to maintain normal glucose levels.
I’m on a diet of 40 grams of carbohydrates a day. I walk close to 20,000 steps a day. But on a regular day, I inject 30-40 units of mealtime insulin before eating a low-carb, high-protein meal. Still, my level spikes above 250 mg/dL, and it stays there for a few hours.
-- A.R.N.ANSWER: Insulin is a signal that there is plenty of sugar in the body, and the body uses insulin to take sugar out of the blood into cells. Normally, just a little insulin will make blood sugar levels go down a lot. When it takes a lot of insulin to lower blood sugar levels, we say that there is insulin resistance. A great deal of work has been done in trying to elicit why people develop resistance to insulin. There are some rare congenital cases involving mutations of the insulin receptor. There are rarely acquired immune-mediated causes that have antibodies to insulin or the insulin receptor. These antibodies have an extremely high resistance to insulin. However, most cases of insulin resistance are associated with obesity. Your BMI is 29.5, suggesting that you’re overweight but not obese. In this case, abdominal fat is more metabolically important, since it can lead to free fatty acids and compounds called adipocytokines, which may contribute to insulin resistance. People with abdominal obesity and insulin resistance often have abnormal cholesterol levels and high blood pressures, a combination called “metabolic syndrome.” Blood pressure and cholesterol must often be treated separately. Insulin works to lower blood sugar, but there are four main hormones that oppose insulin and raise blood sugar: cortisol, catecholamines, glucagon and growth hormone. Elevated levels of any of these hormones will cause insulin resistance. I know this isn’t your case, but the pregnancy hormone human placental lactogen causes insulin resistance and is the proximate cause for gestational diabetes.
Some medicines (steroids, birth control pills, and HIV medicines) can cause insulin resistance. Critically, glucose itself can cause insulin resistance! High blood sugar levels prevent insulin release as well. This is why getting and keeping a normal blood sugar level is so critically important, especially when a person is first diagnosed. Management of a person with high amounts of insulin resistance can be challenging. You are already doing amazingly well with exercise, and it sounds as though your diet is of the type that is commonly recommended. Medications that reduce insulin levels -- such as metformin, GLP-1 agonists and thiazolidinediones -- are often recommended to reduce the amount of insulin used. Your situation is not common, and you should absolutely be in the hands of an endocrinologist who specializes in diabetes.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Cholesterol: Men with no known risk factors fo coronary heart disease are urged to get annual cholesterol screenings beginning at age 35. Men with known risk factors should begin receiving annual screenings at age 20. More frequent screenings might be necessary for individuals with diabetes, kidney problems or heart disease.
1. TELEVISION: What subject does Walter White teach at the beginning of “Breaking Bad”?
2. GEOGRAPHY: Which three countries make up the Baltic states in Europe?
3. MUSIC: What is the title of The Beatles’ first album?
4. LITERATURE: Prince Edward Island is the inspiration for which novel series?
5. HISTORY: Which Roman emperor built a wall across northern England to deter invaders?
6. MOVIES: Which movie first featured the character Lisbeth Salander?
7. ASTRONOMY: The asteroid belt lies between which two planets in our solar system?
8. U.S. STATES: Which state’s coast was dubbed the “Graveyard of the Atlantic” because so many ships wrecked there?
9. FOOD & DRINK: What does the term “a la carte” mean?
10. SCIENCE: What is the process called when a gas changes into a liquid? Answers 1. Chemistry. 2. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
June 4th-June 15th
Mon.-Fri. 10am-6pm Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. Closed
Use organizing tools. Over-the-door mesh shoe racks are great for storing all kinds of winter accessories -- hats, gloves, scarves and coats. Get some sturdy hooks for purses, backpacks and other accessories, and relish the feeling of a clean closet.
www.printingbypennylane.com ginad@pennylaneprinting.com
NAPLESNY:39 EastAvenue.6/14 &6/15(9am-4pm)INSIDE HOUSEHOLDSALE,Mars#20small woodPotBellyStove,Raleighbike C40,Yohotabike,oldtoys,6bar stools,dresser,Slotcarwithraceway, portableoxygentorch,tablesawgardentools,dresser,quilts,moremore more,housefull!
GENESEO:27Tuscarora Ave. Saturday6/15(9-5pm)Antiques, vintageclothing,pokerchips, handtools,antiquetrunks,posters,books,militaryitems,old lumber,bamboo,woodenboxes.
WAYLAND: 7791TABORS CORNERRd,6/14&6/15(9am-6pm), 6/16(9am-3pm)GIANTTOOL& HOUSEHOLDESTATESALE.Retired commercialcontractorsellingtools andconstructionsupplies,including masonryandmechanicstools,ladders, aircompressors,handtools,newshutters,tablesaws,electricwinch,cementforms,andmore.Household goodsincludelivingroomanddining roomfurniture,canningsupplies,pots andpans,smallkitchenappliances, andmore.
EXIT9FLEAMARKET: Toys, furniture,LOTSOFMISCELLANEOUSITEMS,Booth35. Kitchenware,toolsfurniture, SOMETHINGFOREVERYONE, Booth38,39,40.VINTAGE FISHINGLURES,Cutglass,Booth 34.Sundays(8am-3pm.)
Advertise the sale
To reach the maximum number of shoppers, advertise your sale in various ways. Signage around the neighborhood announcing the sale is one method. Signs should be bold, simple and easily readable for passing motorists. Place ads in local newspapers, online and on grocery store bulletin boards, and use social media to spread the word of the sale even further. Be sure to give ample notice of the sale so that shoppers can mark their calendars.
Nominate your favorites within our 50 categories from now until June 14th at gvpennysaver.com/favorite scan to nominate
Survival kit: If the graduate is going to college or leaving college, customize a basket full of items he or she may need to make their transitions that much easier. Food can always serve as the centerpiece of such baskets, but don’t hesitate to include decorative items to outfit that first apartment or dorm room.
Office: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414
Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390
www.gvpennysaver.com Email: sales@gvpennysaver.com
Harrison General Manager
Make sure they are in a pit, and put out before you leave!
Lemons are cool
LNational MON
Lemons arrived in e New World in 1493, when Christopher ColUmbus brought lemon seeds to Hispaniola. The Spanish conquest spread em roughout e New World for ornamental, culinary, and medicinal use.
Did you know that lemons are actively used in science experiments? When electrodes are attached to them, they can be used as batteries to produce electricity. They can also be used as invisible ink.
Lemons were grown in pre-modern California by 1751 and in Florida in e 1800s, for cooking and more sophisticated flavoring. Each line across and down should have one of each fruit.
One lemon tree can produce up to 600 lbs of lemons every year. The high acidity of lemon makes it a good cleaning aid for removing stains.
California and Arizona produce most of the United States’ lemons.
SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TO OUR EXPERTS! Your question(s) will be answered directly & may be featured in our column! Ask them today at: GVPENNYSAVER.COM/GARDEN
My maple tree (approx. 50 ft. high, 2 ft. around) has roots coming out of the ground (approx. 50 ft. from the house). What can I do? I want to keep it.
Maple trees can sometimes have shallow root systems that are prone to being at or just above the surface. This can be influenced by various factors, including soil conditions and the tree’s environment. In cases where the tree is healthy and the
exposed roots are not causing any immediate issues, it may be sufficient to avoid damaging those roots and be mindful of activities around the tree that couldharmthem.
One approach to protect the exposed roots is to use a stone mulch. Stone mulch can create a barrier that helps retain moisture and shields the roots from physical damage. It allows
for proper airflow and water exchange, ensuring the tree’s health. When using stone mulch, it is important to choose the appropriate size and type of stones to avoid impeding water penetrationorlimitingairflow.
However, it is always recommended to consult with a professionalarboristtoassessthe tree’s health and determine the best course of action. They can
provide specific advice tailored to your situation and ensure the long-term well-being of your maple tree. By taking these precautions and seeking expert guidance, you can maintain a healthy and thriving maple tree withshallowroots.
~ Ken Estes, Ag Program Manager,CCELivingstonCounty* “Use a bandanna to strain coffee if you’ve accidentally had a filter bust. It works. I first used this tip when camping, but I have used it at home, too. e coffee goes through it faster than a paper filter, which is fine when it’s already brewed, since you lose less heat.” -- T.R. in Arkansas
* Recycling notes: Cardboard that’s greasy or food-caked is just not recyclable. It’s trash. On the plus side, your glass jars don’t have to be perfectly clean, nor your cans crushed, in order to take them to the recycling center or drop curbside if your community has a plan in place.
TheBoardofClearviewCemetery, NorthCohoctonwould appreciateyourhelpand cooperationinkeepingourCemeterymaintainedandlookinggood. Pleasefollowtherulesasposted: “TheCemeteryAssociationreservestherighttoremoveallreal flowers,wreaths,orotherdecorationsfromlotsassoonasthey becomeunsightly.Alldecorations andflowersmustbekeptinline withtheheadstones.Allplanters mustbemadeofresinorcement. Allartificialflowersplacedfor MemorialDaywillberemoved10 daysafterMemorialDay.Glass itemsandsolarlightsarenotallowed.”Thankyou.
HeimlichSkills- “Whatwouldyou doifyouwerechoking?”Cometo theLivingstonCountyOfficefor theagingSocial&Diningsitesto learnskillsthatmayhelpinachokingemergency.CarmenV.has beenaFirstaidandCPRinstructor formanyyearsandwillshareher knowledgewithusaboutwhatto doifsomeoneelseischoking.This isNOTacertificationclass.June18, 11am,DansvilleSeniorNutrition Site,5ChestnutAve.,Dansville. YoumustRSVPtothelocationyou wishtoattendoneweekpriorif youwouldliketostayforthenoon meal.
AnnualmeetingoftheZion LutheranCemetery Association willbeheldonTuesday,June11, 2024at7PM.Meetingwilltake placeintheZionLutheranChurch socialhall,20S.DansvilleSt., Cohocton,NY.
Monday,6/10:TunaNoodleCasserole,Cauliflower,LimaBeans, WholeWheatBreadSlice,Orange Juice,SugarCookie.
Tuesday,6/11:HoneyMustard Chicken,AuGratinPotatoes,Peas, WholeWheatBreadSlice,Tropical Fruit.
Wednesday,6/12:TortelliniAlfredo,Carrots,GreenBeans,Whole WheatBreadSlice,GrapeJuice, PeanutButterCookie.
Thursday,6/13:Meatloafw/Gravy, MashedPotatoes,Spinach,Whole WheatBreadSlice,AppleJuice, ChocolatePudding. SiteClosedFriday. (585)335-8130
CommunitySummitPigRoastAreyoucravingmorecommunityin yourlife?Doyouworkwithan organizationthatwantstobuild moreconnectionsinourarea?Are younewtotheareaandwantto meetfunpeople?CometoaPig Roast/CommunitySummitat LagomLanding!RiversandRoots bandwillbeplayinganda facilitatorwillhelpusnetworkwith oneanother.June15,3-7pm,7966 ReedsCornersRd./Dansville;www. lagomlanding.com/events
AARPSmartDriverCourseDansvillePublicLibrary,200Main St.,Dansville.LearnDefensiveDriving,NewTrafficLaws&Rulesof theRoad.ProvenSafetyStrategies. Save10%onCar/Truck/RV&MotorcycleInsurance.NoTesttoPassJustSignUp&Learn.Removeupto 4PointsFromYourLicense.6Hour Course-Thursday,June27,123PM&Friday,June28,12-3PM.To registercallTomFellion(585) 335-8935.$25AARPMembers/ $30Non-Members.Checkor Moneyorderonly,madeoutto AARP(NOCASH).Courselimitedto 30Students.Opentoages18and above.
MiddlesexConservationClub PancakeBreakfast, OpenTrap Shoot,Lawn&GardenSale-Additionalactivitiesincludefreeyouth archeryandindoorpelletrange. Flower&GardenSalewillinclude donationsfrommembersofperennialplants,lawn&gardentools& furniture,housedecor.June9, 8am-11am,MiddlesexConservationClub,6087SouthHillRd., Middlesex.Info.:607-522-7440. https://middlesexconservationclub. org/
HikeBareHillUniqueAreain Rushville- HikeandExplorethe BareHillUniqueAreaoverlooking CanandaiguaLakeSundayJune9 from4-6PMwithSpringwater Trails.Foradditionalinformation/ directions/updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org
WestSpartaOldFashionedDay -Arts,Crafts,Wares! Saturday, July27,2024from10am-4pmat theWestSpartaTownHall&Park. DETAILSavailablefromLisaat 585-315-2053oremailat Ldylisa62@aol.com.Finduson Facebook!WestSpartaHistorical Society- WestSpartaWhereHistoryGrows.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Genevieve, Jean Seward wishes to thank everyone who attended and to those who brought a gift for her at her belated 90th birthday party. Jean also wishes a special thanks to Jane, John, Janet, John III and Danielle for preparing the meal and the cake.
How Do You Prefer to Soak Up the Sounds of the Summer Concert Season?
- Outdoor Music Festivals
- Drive-In Concerts
- Live Streams and Virtual Concerts
- Local Park/Community Events
- Concert Cruises
- Nightclub Shows
Poll ends 6-11-2024
Poll ended 6-4-2024
Observed annually since 1868, Memorial Day, also known as Decoration Day, honors fallen soldiers in our communities. How did you and yours observe the holiday this year?
15.4% Parade, memorial, or religious service
23.1% Visit memorials, place flags or flowers on graves
7.7% Picnicking
15.4% A combination of the above
38.5% None of the above
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Come to Ossian’s District #7 School House
Saturday, June 22, 2024 • 10am-noon 4663 Linzy Rd. • Ossian Open House • Tours • Refreshments
Sponsored by Ossian Historical Society ere is a need for community members to lend a hand to the Historical Society during the upcoming restoration of District # 7 School House - Our remaining school house.
2023 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for the Village of Cohocton is now available at the Village Office 17 South Main St. or on the village website at www.villageofcohocton.com
On Medicare already? Turning 65 or disabled? Need a supplement? Understand “EPIC”? Confused or have questions? Call or stop by to schedule an appointment.
the Medicare market.
Level: Intermediate
HOLIDAY INFLATABLES for your yard. Christmas and several other holidays. chaz322@aol.com
Four 4’ FLUORESCENT SHOP LIGHTS with lamps. Clean and ready to plug in. Honeoye Falls area. Text 585-260-8951
CAT SUPPLIES - Rug tower, bed, litter box, food dish, toys. Six months old. Brockport area. gitanes2@netscape.com
Brand new XL - EZYDOG LIFE PRESERVER. Bought from Chewy. jcs1961@frontiernet.net
SportsArt Light Commercial Grade ELLIPTICAL TRAINER. Model # E820. Pick up, Pittsford. Lv. msg. 585-264-1832
COUCH, 90” L. Good condition. Webster area. 585-737-2050
AUTO FLOOR MATS, front and rear. Several pairs. All season. Leave call back number. 585-226-2379
Child’s twin size CAPTAINS BED with bookcase headboard. Bed does not come apart. Needs mattress. You pick up. tlmik81@aol.com
Assorted PATIO/WALKWAY PAVER BLOCKS. Enough to do a 10-foot square area. ndirisio@verizon.net
About five DOUBLE HUNG WINDOWS. White, used, assorted sizes. 585-584-3734
Paddock full of HAY. You cut and carry. 585-346-4515
HOSPITAL BED, all electric, mattress included. Springwater. 717-926-1210
Eight pieces 9’ + GALVANIZED PIPE, 1 5/8” OD, 1/8” thick. Call/text. 585-298-3404
12’x 24’ SWIMMING POOL DECK. All wood. Good condition. You dismantle, Webster. jwissick@rochester.rr.com
Mature dug HOSTA PLANTS. Fairport. 585-455-6116
SINGLE BED w/mattress, mattress cover, box spring, headboard & footboard. Very good condition. Pick up or deliver/Webster and surrounding area. 585-330-2442
Size 5X PLAID STRAPLESS DRESS, three HARDCOVER NOVELS. Batavia. Text only. 845-309-9373
YARD MACHINE CHIPPER with 10hp Tecumseh engine. Last used last fall. 585-797-3362
‘70s VINTAGE SNOWMOBILE or parts for restoration project. Call or text 585-733-2026
SELF-PROPELLED PUSH MOWER – working would be awesome. Call or text. 585-260-0437
4-DRAWER METAL FILING CABINET in good condition. Webster/Penfield area. 585-698-6236
Medium-large DOG/BUNNY PENS or a large BUNNY CAGE. dancealyssa85@gmail.com
TRAMPOLINE with intact safety enclosure if you have one you no longer need! 585-698-0758
CAT and DOG FOOD, CAT LITTER and a large DOG CRATE. holdfort@rochester.rr.com
Rock & Roll 8-TRACKS, CASSETTES, and RECORDS for personal collection. gzintel1967@gmail.com
Artist needs PROSTHETICS for a new project. Old, broken and no longer needed are preferred. dorodah@yahoo.com
POKÉMON CARDS for handicapped child. Please call or text 585-478-6497
Any WORKING USED TOOLS. 585-368-8414
3-WHEEL EBIKE for an adult. Any condition. 585-582-2011
Old CIGARETTE LIGHTERS, working or non-working. Old FILM CAMERAS, working or not working. bartonta@gmail.com
COMIC BOOKS, any & all, any condition. Text or call. 585-260-0437
GUITAR for Crossroads House music therapy with residents. 585-356-1751
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
585-919-9911 Ask for Larry Windows PC Repair & LCD TV Mounting Solutions
LBthecomputermedic@yahoo.com Dansville, NY
e Town of West Sparta proudly presents MUSIC IN THE PARK WITH “HEATHER,
Friday, June 14 at 6:30pm • In the Town Park pavilion 8302 Kysorville-Byersville Rd., West Sparta
A free concert of folk and acoustic music. Bring a picnic supper, a lawn chair and a friend. Dancing is encouraged! anks to our many sponsors including Tony’s Pizzeria, Fender Bender Mender, Assemblywoman Marj Byrnes, Pam and Howard Perry, BBS Accounting LLC, Dogwood Floral, Joyce Davies Associates, Eschenlauer Construction, Swink Girls’ Quilts, and others for making this evening possible.
Buy fresh foods at your local farmers market. Farmers markets are many foodies’ favorite places, but they aren’t exclusive to individuals with a passion for food. Everyone needs to eat, so why not eat foods grown locally, which are generally more fresh and appetizing than imported fruits and vegetables sold at chain grocery stores? Even individuals who don’t typically eat fresh fruit and vegetables can find something delectable at a local farmers market, where anything from homemade tomato sauces to locally raised fresh beef and pork might be on sale.
A place where you can find an abundance of locally grown and produced whole foods.
MAPLE STREET in DANSVILLE (Across from Tractor Supply)
Every Friday 10:30am-4pm
Amish Baked Goods, Hanging Baskets, Fresh Fruits & Veggies Coming Soon
WIC Accepted • Lots of Free Parking
I’m so thankful for the over 900 volunteers who worked tirelessly for months to plan and pull-off the collection of well over 135,000 signatures to secure a place for an Independent presidential candidate on New York State’s 2024 ballot. What a recordbreaking accomplishment! I’m equally grateful for the quiet support that candidate has from tens of thousands of New Yorkers who wish for a better life for ALL Americans. This is happening all over our country. Thank you for all the Love, Light, Peace, Cooperation and Civility so many carry in their hearts and words.
Honor and remembrance ceremony. Huge thank you to the Conlan-Mulvaney American Legion Post for their holding the flag presentation for Ssgt. Stephen J Wilson KIA in Iraq. Thanks Legion commander and members.
Before you see, smell, or taste the arrival of summer—you’ll hear it by the sound of lawn mowers. I’m so over the perpetual, neverending lawn mowing in my area—at all hours day and night and often up to three or four times a week! But it’s not just the frequency that gets to me, even though mowing your lawn that often is truly terrible for the environment. Rather, it’s the time of day people choose to mow their lawns, with no regard for quiet hours in the early morning or late evening. I’ve heard multiple neighbors’ lawn mowers running as early as 7am and as late as 9pm this week. What is up with that? Friends, please be considerate of the noise and choose to mow your lawns during reasonable hours. And maybe think twice about how often you need to mow them—one or twice a week is really quite enough.
What a wonderful time for all ages at the Caledonia Trout Festival on June 1st! Many, many thanks to all of the members of the Trout Festival Planning Committee and Big Springs Museum for the time and effort it takes to plan a community-wide event that brings together an entire community while opening it up and welcoming visitors from all over. Well done!
To people who walk their dogs in our local cemeteries, please STOP! It is disgusting and disrespectful to allow your dog to urinate and defecate on or near a grave. Our loved ones and all those interred deserve respect and honor. A cemetery is a place where families and friends should be able to reflect on and pay tribute to the lives of those buried there, free from dog excrement. Also, to all those who visit our cemeteries, please do not discard drink containers, cigarette butts and food wrappers on the grounds. Those interred deserve our utmost honor and respect.
Now through June 13 Garfield COMING
Weekly Showtimes: Fri @ 7pm; Sat & Sun @ 3pm & 7pm; Wed @ 1pm
144 Main St., Dansville, NY 14437
Movie Info: 585-335-6950 • Inquiries: 585-622-6722
Makes 4 servings
4 beef tenderloin medallions (each 6 ounces and 3/4-inch thick)
2 tablespoons olive oil
Seasoned salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 cup roasted green chile peppers (see below)
1 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese
1. Brush steaks thoroughly with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper.
2. Place medallions on preheated grill, close lid and grill, turning once, until an instant-read thermometer registers 145 F for medium rare, 5 to 8 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate, tent with foil and let stand for 10 minutes.
3. Preheat broiler with rack 3 to 4 inches away from heat. Place steaks on individual ovenproof plates. Top each steak with equal amounts of chile and cheese. Broil until cheese melts, about 2 minutes. Serve immediately. To roast chiles: Preheat greased outdoor grill to medium or preheat an oven broiler. Place fresh chiles on outdoor grill or gas stovetop over medium heat or arrange on a baking sheet and place 2 to 3 inches away from heat under broiler. Grill or broil, turning often with tongs, until surfaces of skin are lightly charred and blistered. Immediately place peppers in a paper bag or an airtight container and close tightly. Let peppers cool for 12 to 15 minutes. Peel off charred skin and remove stems and seeds. Tear into strips or chop as needed according to the recipe. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling chiles. Refrigerate peppers for up to 3 days or freeze in airtight container for up to 6 months.
Stick to paper invitations. Many schools provide students with invitations, but graduates and their families can choose to buy their own. Paper invitations are more personal than digital alternatives. Paper invitations also give the impression that the ceremony will be formal.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Here’s a weird one. I went away on a business trip for three weeks, leaving my 9-year-old cat “Jenks” with a friend. Since I’ve returned, Jenks will not leave my side. He clambers onto my lap while I have Zoom meetings; he follows me to and fro around the house; and he insists on sleeping on the bed at night. He also meows loudly if he can’t see me. is is a new behavior for him. What’s going on? -- Claudio G. in Brooklyn
DEAR CLAUDIO: Jenks may have separation anxiety. Even though he never exhibited these behaviors before while you were away, it’s possible for a cat to develop this issue with no clear triggers.
Monitor his behavior patterns closely for a few days. In addition to meowing loudly when you’re out of sight, is he grooming his coat more than usual? Is he doing anything destructive like clawing up a new piece of furniture? Have his eating habits changed -- eating too little or gulping his food? ese can also be signs of anxiety.
Try the following and note if his behaviors lessen or normalize:
-- Don’t make a big production out of leaving the house or coming home. Extra affection may make him more anxious.
-- Leave the TV, radio or speaker on while you’re away, playing a program or music.
-- Set up a cat perch near the window so he can watch the world.
-- Create a den or nook where he can rest, safe and cozy.
If the behavior doesn’t improve, or it worsens, contact the veterinarian. ey will recommend an exam to rule out any illnesses. ey’ll offer advice on additional ways to help calm Jenks, and if necessary, will prescribe medication to reduce his anxiety.
Send your comments or to scribe medication to reduce his anxiety.
Tito is a rescue from Georgia. He’s only 20 weeks old and already knows how to sit, lay down, stay, come, and paw! Tito loves to play outside, chase tennis balls, go on car rides, and get pup cups from Starbucks! Send
Athletes can pursue a host of potential hobbies or activities that will foster their love of sports. Men and women who still have a hop in their step can sign up to compete in adult sports leagues. Depending on the sport, leagues might be available to adults of various ages and skill levels, and some may even be more focused on fun than competition. For athletes who can no longer lace up their cleats, coaching youth sports or volunteering to coach at a nearby school provides a chance to stay involved even if competing is no longer possible.
While new homes are being built to be more energy efficient than ever before, thanks to a growing green building movement and increasingly strict building codes, the age of existing dwellings continues to present challenges. More than 40 percent of the housing stock in the United States was built before 1969 and simply wouldn’t stand up to today’s standards. Yet, much can be done to help homeowners improve their buildingenvelopetoreduceenergy use and increase efficiency. Improving your home’s energy efficiency can help save money, keep you more comfortable, reduce pollution, and prevent global warming.
Carol Mae Moulthroup
June 2, 2024
Dansville - Carol Mae Moulthroup, age 70, passed away early Sunday morning, June 2, 2024, at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester.
She was born in Rochester on December 8, 1953, a daughter of the late Donald Frank and Shirley Mae (Burse) Shepardson. On December 20, 1980, she married George Moulthroup who predeceased her on March 3, 2011. She was also predeceased by a son, Michael Moulthroup.
Carol was a pioneer of twenty-five years of Jehovah’s Witnesses at the Kingdom Hall in Dansville. In her free time, she enjoyed gardening, landscaping, and restoring old homes. She was a former secretary at the University of Rochester, and she owned and operated a cleaning business for commercial and residential customers.
She is survived by three daughters, Sarah (Daniel) Rohrbaugh, Lisa June and Regina Foser; a son, Jamie (Melenia) Moulthroup; six grandchildren; four sisters, Donna, Linda, Cindy Shepardson, Tammy Brooks; and a half-brother, Donald John Green.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, June 8, 2024, at 11:00 am at the Hindle Funeral Home, Inc., 271 Main St., Dansville. Private interment will be in Greenmount Cemetery, Dansville. Online remembrances may be left at HindleFuneralHome.com.
In lieu of flowers donations made to the Ann and Carl Myers Cancer Center, 111 Clara Barton St., or the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 349 Main St. both of Dansville, NY 14437.
One of the most popular choices for sympathy arrangements, carnations of various colors have different meanings. A red carnation evokes admiration while a pink carnation stands for remembrance. White carnations stand for pure love and innocence.
Richard “Dick” H. Platt
May 31, 2024
Richard “Dick” H. Platt, age 90 of Wayland, passed away peacefully surrounded by family on Friday, May 31, 2024.
Dick was born on July 4, 1933 in Bath to the late Harry & Ruth (Strait) Platt. After graduating from high school, Dick served our country in the Army National Guard from 1955 until being honorably discharged in 1959. Dick worked at a few places over his career, from Gunlocke, owning and operating a gas station in town, & the Hardwood House; Dick retired from UR Noyes Hospital as the Director of Environmental Services. Dick was very active in the community; he was an active volunteer fireman for 65 years, serving as chief not once, but twice, was president for countless years and also ran bingo for several years. In his free time, Dick enjoyed being outdoors and was an avid fisherman. He also enjoyed reading, playing cards, and tending to his yard & garden. Nothing made Dick happier though than spending time with his family, friends, and fellow firefighters.
In addition to his parents, Harry & Ruth, Dick is predeceased by his wife of 66 years, Diane (Fronk) Platt who passed in February 2024; and all of his siblings.
Dick is survived by his children, Cynthia J. (Stephen) Washburn, Jennifer Ebert, Michael W. Platt; his grandchildren, James R. (Shelly) Washburn, Melissa K. (Alex) Harter, Micheal (Ammon) Morphy, Kevin Ebert, Eric Ebert & Ryan Ebert; his great-grandchildren, Evelyn R. Washburn, Dylan J. Washburn, Karen Morphy & Mathias Morphy; many nephews, nieces, cousins, and dear friends.
Family & friends may call from 11am-1pm on Saturday, June 22, 2024 at the Walter E. Baird & Sons Funeral Home in Wayland where funeral services will be held at 1pm. Burial will take place with Diane in Village Cemetery, Wayland. e family has invited everyone to join them at the Wayland Fire Department after the service to share food, drinks, memories & stories.
In lieu of flowers, please consider making a memorial contribution to the Wayland Fire Department, 14 E. Naples St., Wayland, NY 14572. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Walter E. Baird & Sons Funeral Home in Wayland.
To leave an online condolence, please visit BairdFuneralHomes.com
Dansville is about to welcome a vibrant new addition to its historic Main Street. On June 29th, the community will come together for a unique “Paint Party” to celebrate Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross, o en referred to as the “Angel of the Battlefield.” Residents will help paint Dansville’s newest mural, created by acclaimed muralist Melissa Stratton-Pandina, on the south-facing wall of 170 Main Street, steps away from the historic Chapter 1 House.
Dansville ArtWorks manages this mural project, with funding by the LivCo First Impressions Village Edition grant to bring history and art together in a public space. Melissa hails from Westborough, MA, but her in-laws, Frank and Alice Pandina, live on the mountain in Dansville.
Melissa’s journey as an artist is as fascinating as her work. “I grew up in Germany as an Army brat,” she shares. “I got to see a lot of murals and chalk art growing up and I wanted to do that when I grew up.” Her artistic path led her to the Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt), where she studied under notable working artists. “ e program was tough and only had a 10% graduation rate. So, I got better real fast,” she says.
A er college, Melissa worked as a freelance artist but found it challenging to make a living without business skills, so she worked as a massage therapist while her family was young. Fiberglass public art rekindled her passion, and when her children started school, she devoted herself full-time to art. Melissa’s works have been featured in museum shows, professional artist magazines, and various publications.
“I started to really fall into public art and murals,” she says. She honed her skills further at the Community Mural Institute, where she learned to scale up her work and learned business and logistic skills needed for murals. Today, Melissa aims to complete five large and five small murals each year. Her largest to date spans 6,000 square feet at the Southwick Zoo.
For Melissa, stories are the heart of her inspiration. She says, “I find people fascinating. I really love getting into people’s internal lives; this is why I do a lot of portraits. ese portraits have led me to doing historical murals,” such as the upcoming Clara Barton one. “You can tell so much about a person by their face. And I love to reflect to people the beauty I see looking at them.” She describes the challenge inherent to each project, wanting to see how far she can push herself artistically while representing the feeling and the story behind a subject.
Melissa’s favorite media are oil and large-scale murals, “Oil because I can take my time, build layers, and make sure everything is perfect.
And I love murals because of the challenge to see how big, fast, and accurate I can be.”
Her creative process for murals, especially historical ones, involves extensive research and sketching. “Each mural starts with about 100 thumbnail sketches. Once I’m happy, I go on a scavenger hunt for reference photos, and then I work a photo design up on the computer.” is meticulous process ensures accuracy and ease of projection onto the wall.
e Dansville Clara Barton mural is particularly meaningful to Melissa, as she explains: “My dad was a medic in the army. I grew up around battlefield medicine and I find [Barton’s] role in it fascinating.”
e mural’s goal is to capture Clara Barton’s essence, particularly through her portrait. “My biggest focus is getting that portrait perfect. I really love the lighting and color in the sketch so I can’t wait to make it a reality.”
Melissa appreciates the creative freedom she has had with this project. She says, “Dansville had a short list of things they wanted in the mural, but I had a long leash on how I put those elements in. I feel like I had a large sandbox to play in.”
Melissa’s journey is a testament to perseverance and passion. Her advice to aspiring artists is simple yet profound: “Don’t give up. Be fearless in making mistakes. Your work will never be perfect, but each time it can be less wrong. And that’s the path to good art. All the ‘nos’ don’t matter as long as your work makes you happy.”
As Dansville prepares to celebrate Clara Barton with the new mural, Melissa Stratton-Pandina’s artistry stands as inspiration, inviting the community to engage with their history and each other through the power of art.
For more about Melissa and her work, visit www.deshria.com, and join her and the community on June 29th to be part of Dansville’s legacy. Melissa hopes she and her muraling can be part of some child’s origin story, just as she experienced long ago.
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