Dansville-Wayland- Genesee Valley Penny Saver- 8-23-24
What’s so bad about belly fat? Seeing belly fat as a merely cosmetic concern overlooks the effects it has on overall health.According to the Mayo Clinic, belly fat is not limited to the extra layer of padding just below the skin known as subcutaneous fat. Belly fat also includes visceral fat, which means it extends to deep inside the abdomen and surrounds internal organs. Johns Hopkins Medicine notes that visceral fat in the belly is very close to the liver, which can turn it into cholesterol. From there, the fat goes through the bloodstream and may collect along the walls of the arteries, potentially contributing to a hardening and narrowing of the arteries known as atherosclerosis. The complications of atherosclerosis depends on which arteries are affected, but they can include an assortment of diseases that affect the arteries and a greater risk for aneurysms and chronic kidney disease.
Johns Hopkins Medicine notes that visceral fat is just as harmful for the heart as high blood pressure and smoking. So while efforts to reduce belly fat may initially be embraced to improve appearance, individuals should know that reducing fat in their midsections also can reduce their risk for a host of conditions, some of which are deadly.
By Keith Roach, M.D.
Accutane Isn’t To Blame for Affecting Woman’s Fertility
DEAR DR. ROACH: My daughter is in her 30s and has been experiencing infertility for several years. She and her husband have been tested, and the issue is her egg quality. She’s had several rounds of in vitro fertilization (IVF) with no success. At age 19, she was prescribed Accutane for her acne. She had to take a monthly pregnancy test in order to take this medication. I researched this medication at the time and was aware of the depression side effects. I was also aware that if a pregnancy occurred while taking this drug, it would have to be terminated. The situation was not a concern at the time. Now, years later, her fertility doctor says that she has eggs, but they are of poor quality. What is your opinion on this medication affecting fertility? I read that Accutane was banned in 2009. -- C.M.
ANSWER: Isotretoin (Accutane) is the most effective treatment for acne, but it has the potential for serious side effects and can only be given after a thorough review of its risks.
I have to correct two misapprehensions: Although brandname Accutane was discontinued in 2009, generic isotretoin was not banned and still remains an extremely beneficial treatment that is safe when used appropriately. Secondly, there is no obligation while on this medicine to commit to a pregnancy termination.
Great care needs to be taken to prevent pregnancy, with repeatedly negative pregnancy tests before starting therapy, as well as two forms of birth control in any person who could get pregnant (unless they are abstinent). There is a high likelihood that a baby who is exposed to isotretoin will experience severe damage or be stillborn. If a pregnancy occurs while on isotretoin, the drug must immediately be stopped, and the person needs to be referred to an expert in reproductive toxicity. A pregnancy termination should be discussed, but the decision is always up to the patient (except where prohibited by law).
Although isotretoin can cause severe damage to the developing fetus if taken during pregnancy, a study showed that any effect on fertility was gone 18 months after treatment. There are many reasons why a woman can have difficulty getting pregnant, due to eggs that are less likely to get fertilized. Age is a major factor, but many genetic conditions, chemotherapy, radiation, viruses (including COVID-19), and autoimmune diseases are known causes.
I wish your daughter the best of luck. I have had several patients give up after several rounds of IVF, only to conceive a healthy baby naturally.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
Lakeville 3513 Thomas Dr., Suite 2 Henrietta 20 Finn Road, Suite C Accepting New Patients.
Use the elevator. If there’s an elevator, use it. Stairwells are secluded and dark and often provide the perfect opportunity for would-be criminals to take advantage of unsuspecting students.
Level: Beginner
Sue DeBruyne, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology
10 Editions delivered weekly to over 100,000 Homes
165,000 Print Readers
80,000 Digital Readers Office: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414
Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390
President ...........................Steve Harrison
General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam
Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone
Production Supervisor .................................Jeff Wasson
It is with great sadness that today that I must announce to my patients, friends and family that my health has taken a turn for the worse and I am forced to retire immediately.
Words cannot express my appreciation to the local community for all the years we were able to make a difference in the lives of children and adults.
David H. Breen, MD
send record releases
Send address changes to: Genesee Valley Penny Saver PO BOX 340 Avon, NY 14414-0340 Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. GEOGRAPHY: Where is the Parthenon located?
2. TELEVISION: What game are the younger characters in “Stranger Things” playing at the start of the series?
3. MOVIES: Who was the first African American actor to win the Academy Award for Best Actor?
4. LITERATURE: What is floo powder used for in the “Harry Potter” book series?
5. U.S. CITIES: Which U.S. city’s nickname is Beantown?
6. AD SLOGANS: Which ride-share company’s slogan is “Move the way you want”?
7. ART: Which artist painted a work titled “The Potato Eaters”?
8. MUSIC: Who wrote the song “God Bless America”?
9. HISTORY: Who became U.S. president after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated?
10. ANIMAL KINGDOM: Which animal can hold its breath for up to five minutes underwater?
Eat before and after a workout. Early risers who like to exercise first thing in the morning might develop muscle fatigue if they workout on empty stomachs. The HSS recommends eating a light meal or snack roughly two hours before exercising, and then eating again within one hour of finishing a workout. Doing so provides some energy during a workout and helps muscles broken down during exercise refuel and repair.
Painting • Bathroom Upgrades • Floors
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Dish detergent and general home cleaning solutions work well on glass surfaces. Remember to clean all sides, including bottom-facing areas. After cleaning, use vinegar or a glass cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth to produce a streak-free shine.
Towns that rely
or universities to support their economies typically offer great deals to students willing to venture off campus. Local businesses, including bars, restaurants and entertainment venues like mini golf facilities or bowling alleys, may offer student discounts to entice kids to leave campus. Students can take advantage of these offerings to save on food and entertainment, which tend to be among the more pricey cost-of-living expenses college students contend with.
Get your very own BRAIN GAME Puzzle book! Purchase at our office at 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY OR mail your order form to: Genesee Valley Penny Saver, PO Box 340, Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Lemons have been around forever but were first introduced to the New World in 1493 by Christopher Columbus. Since then, lemons became a staple in households, for medicinal uses, and were also seen at one point as a sign of wealth. There is more to a lemon than just the flavor and its acidic properties. Lemon juice is used in herbal remedies, it is a quick fix for many ailments, and is even used for preparing at-home beauty treatments.
How many of each fruit? Whiten clothes
Lemon juice acts as a bleaching agent, so throw your whites into boiling water with a couple of lemon halves.
Remove water spots
Use lemon juice to remove stubborn watermarks from glass doors.
QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS. Good shape. You pick up South Dansville. 607-661-3717
LAUNDRY UTILITY SINK 20” x 24” x 36” with steel legs. Used. In good condition. kboheim@rochester.rr.com
1978 Courier-Journal of POPE PAUL VI and Buffalo News Magazine
1978 POPE JOHN PAUL II. Fairport. 585-388-0318
MEDICAL SUPPLIES for ActiV.A.C. System - Tubing and Dressings. Prosthetic socks, adult diapers (new), Transfer Belt, sterile pads and sterile tipped swab applicators, suture scissors and more. 585-704-4110
Hills Prescription Diet Urinary Care C/D DOG FOOD. kare2@rochester.rr.com
27 sq. ft of BURLAP. In original package, unopened and a 7.5’ CHRISTMAS TREE, PRE-LIT. Please text if interested. 585-519-9963
Many yards of beautiful new WHITE LACE TYPE SHEER FABRIC, 108” wide. Suitable for seamless drapes, etc. 585-748-2350
HOT TUB, five person Caldera Spa. New heater with two covers. As Is. You haul away, Canandaigua. 585-905-0109, leave message
2 CUSHION COUCH. White, clean. 85” in length. You pick up. ncboone65@gmail.com
ELLIPTICAL. 585-298-6419
MIRROR, 1/4” x 40” x 42” and an OVER STOVE MICROWAVE. Fairport, you pick up. 585-202-5642
CARD TABLE in good condition. Henrietta. 585-487-6322
BABY BOUNCER. Fairport. 585-943-5088
EXERCISE EQUIPMENT – rower, two steppers, walker, two bikes. You pick up, Scottsville. gary27@gmail.com
COUCH with electric footrest – both sides. Light gray. Heavy. Pick up, Manchester. 585-831-6040
21’ ABOVE GROUND POOL still in use. Grandkids outgrew it. You remove. mikebaker77@gmail.com
LENTEN ROSE & SPIREA bush seedlings. ROSE OF SHARON bush seedlings & up to a ft. awallace152@yahoo.com
NEBULIZER with new tubing. Used but clean and like new! Call or text 585-705-2259
Magnavox 30” LCD flat screen HDTV w/remote. Not a Smart TV. You pick up, Canandaigua. 585-905-0109, leave message.
VINYL RECORD COLLECTIONS 33RPM! Listen to all genres, but partial to Classic Rock. 585-729-1259
A set of HEARING AIDS in good working condition for a person in need. 585-590-2155
Old Betamax VIDEO PLAYER, TAPES. bartonta@gmail.com
CANNING JARS, any size. 585-356-0602
OLDER STYLE PORTABLE TV in good working condition. 585-443-9974
3 PT. HITCH SICKLE BAR in good working condition. 585-762-9245
BOOKS for IFC (Interfaith Center) Sale. Need recent fiction, nonfiction, cookbooks and children’s books. Livingston County only for pick up. 585-245-1526
Cooperstown Dreams Park TRADING PINS for 11-year-old grandson making his tournament team for the 2025 season. salvatore.d.timpani@gmail.com
SPORTS CARDS – football, baseball, etc. BED SPREAD for a single bed. COSTUME JEWELRY. 585-415-8513
TRUCK and a SNOWBLOWER in good working condition for a disabled vet with bad knees to supplement his income in the winter. 585-471-4424 or 585-531-4004
DOG RAMP/STEP, iPAD and any HANDHELD GAME SYSTEMS with games. 585-415-8513
WHITE BIRCH BRANCHES, preferably 5-10’ length. Text 585-764-9769
Does anyone have an overabundance of ZUCCHINI they would like to share? stellaswirlery@yahoo.com
4’ FLORESCENTS w/TUBES. Canandaigua. 585-657-6103
COMIC BOOKS, any & all. Avid collector. Will pick up any amount & condition. Call/text 585-260-0437
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Cohocton Public Library
8 Maple Ave. • 585-384-5170 www.cohoctonlibrary.org
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,September11,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.
DANSVILLE35CHESTNUT Ave. August 30and31regulatorco. thermometerCrewelGeishaasianart framed,Vintageformaldresses,OrientalrugsNascaritems,Manyoddsand endsCashOnly.9til4
The BATMAN Expert Bat Proofing
& Removal
Residential/Commercial Serving Western New York
Fair Housing Statement
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org EQUAL
From: e White House <noreply.wh@contact.whitehouse.gov>
Sent: Friday, August 9, 2024 8:12 AM
To: RICHARD C. CURTISS <curtissway@gmail.com>
Subject: Response to Your Message
August 9, 2024
ank you for taking the time to write to the Biden-Harris Administration. White House staff reviewed your correspondence and forwarded it to the appropriate federal agency for further action. For additional information about the Federal Government in the meantime, please visit www.USA.gov or call 1-800-FED-INFO.
Sincerely, e White House
From: DoNotReply <donotreply.nomail@oig.dhs.gov>
Date: Fri, Aug 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Subject: RE: Case #: C2419448
To: RICHARD C. CURTISS <curtissway@gmail.com>
OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528 / www.oig.dhs.gov
You previously attempted to submit information to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of Inspector General (OIG). Unfortunately, the information you provided is not within our jurisdiction. e DHS-OIG reviews allegations related specifically to the DHS, which is a U.S. federal entity. erefore, we will close your submission without any further action. Please redirect this matter(s) to an appropriate agency if you wish to pursue further action.
From: DoNotReply <donotreply.nomail@oig.dhs.gov>
Date: Fri, Aug 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Subject: RE: Case #: C2419357
To: RICHARD C. CURTISS <curtissway@gmail.com>
OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528 / www.oig.dhs.gov
You previously attempted to submit information to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of Inspector General (OIG). Unfortunately, the information you provided is not within our jurisdiction. e DHS-OIG reviews allegations related specifically to the DHS, which is a U.S. federal entity. erefore, we will close your submission without any further action. Please redirect this matter(s) to an appropriate agency if you wish to pursue further action.
DID YOU KNOW? According to the U.S. Department of Labor and data from the U.S. Census Bureau, registered nurse is the most common occupation for women in the United States labor force. Slightly less than 2.1 million women worked as registered nurses in 2017, the most recent year for which statistics are available. Such figures are harder to come by in regard to Canada, but Statista reports that the labor participation rate among women in Canada in 2018 was right around 64 percent. That rate marks a slight decrease from its 21st century peak in 2005, when 66.7 percent of women were active members of the Canadian workforce. In the United States, more than two million women worked as secretaries or administrative assistants in 2017, making these professions the second most common occupation among female workers. Elementary and middle school teachers was the third most common occupation for female professionals, employing more than 1.9 million women in 2017. Data from the U.S. Census Bureau also indicates that women have the lion’s share of jobs in an assortment of professions, including preschool and kindergarten teachers, secretaries and administrative assistants, childcare workers, and dental assistants. Women hold at least 92 percent of the jobs in each of those professions in the United States.
Free weekly seminar providing help and encouragement after the death of a loved one.
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Scholarships can help students offset the rising costs of a college education. Those who are willing to put in the research, time and effort to apply may find a wealth of scholarship opportunities at their disposal.
Tim Pratt – Bridging History and Nature at Tinker Nature Park
Tim Pratt wears many hats in his roles as Program Director at the Hansen Nature Center and Director/Caretaker at Tinker Homestead and Farm Museum in Henrietta. With a deeprooted passion for environmental education and history, Tim has been at the helm of Tinker since 2006, guiding its growth and fostering connections between the park and the community.
Tim’s journey to Tinker Nature Park is a culmination of his lifelong dedication to history and environmental education. Armed with a Master’s degree in Early American History from SUNY Buffalo, his path was influenced by a series of mentors who shaped his passion for the natural world and history.
His initial inspiration came from an Environmental Science class taught by Ron Walker, a former RH Sperry teacher and the first park naturalist at Tinker. is experience, coupled with Tim’s time at Finger Lakes Community College’s Environmental Conservation program and undergraduate studies at the University of Wyoming, solidified his desire to blend the two fields. Professor Colin Calloway at Wyoming inspired Tim to pursue a degree in Early American History, a choice that seamlessly integrated with his work at Tinker Park.
Employed by the Town of Henrietta since 1992, Tim says, “I’ve been involved [with Tinker] from the very beginning. I first served on a volunteer advisory committee for the Homestead, was involved in the construction and restoration phases, and now focus on programming and education for both the Homestead and Hansen Nature Center.”
As Program Director, Tim manages the park’s budget, oversees projects, and coordinates a variety of events. His favorite part of the job? “Our community events,” he says. ese events, ranging from educational classes to seasonal celebrations, are central to Tim’s work, allowing him to engage directly with visitors and promote both environmental education and the history of the Tinker Homestead.
Tim says the major challenge he has faced is enforcing the park’s No Pets policy. Since 1997, the Town of Henrietta instituted the policy for Tinker Park, including all trails and property, and the policy includes all dogs and pets, leashed or not, because “By their very nature, dogs are a threat to wildlife. ey leave behind traces of their presence that cause wildlife to take cover or leave the area. is greatly reduces the opportunity for conservation and diminishes the value of our trails and natural areas.”
Tim’s role goes beyond managing daily park operations. He is also deeply involved in partnerships with various organizations, schools, and local businesses. Collaborations with groups such as the Cornell Master Gardeners, RochesterBeekeepers,and local scout troops enhance the park’s educational offerings. “We partner with R-H for field trip programs, but we also provide opportunities to schools outside the district,” Tim notes. ese partnerships, along with initiatives such as the NYS Birding Trail, highlight the park’s commitment to conservation and education.
Over the years, Tim has witnessed changes in outdoor education and conservation, particularly with the advent of technology. “ e message has remained the same – ‘Take care of this planet, it is the only one we have,’” he says. “But improvements in technology [have led to] an increase in Citizen Science-based conservation efforts, providing more data for research and conservation strategies.”
For Tim, inspiration comes from the ability to merge his two passions – history and environmental education – and sharing them with the community. Tim says the community’s appreciation and care for Tinker Nature Park has been amazing.
His advice to the public is simple yet profound: “ ere is always something new to learn in this field, and you are never too old to learn something new about the environment, wildlife, and conservation. Don’t be afraid to get outside and explore. ere are plenty of opportunities to do so right here in your own community.”
Tim Pratt’s dedication to Tinker Nature Park is evident in every aspect of his work. His blend of historical knowledge and passion for environmental education continues to shape the park’s role in the community, ensuring Tinker remains a cherished resource for
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
“Evenwithallthesignageandcommunicationthroughourwebsite, social media, and newsletters, some people still try to walk their dogs here,” Tim explains, and that has been a challenge.
SNAP & Share
Electric Scooters
Veggie stands
What a lovely feature of our part of the country… home grown veggies, eggs, flowers for sale or for free by the side of the road. Grabbed some gorgeous sunflowers, succulent zucchini, and candy-sweet tomatoes tonight in Sweden. Makes me proud to be living here. Thanks neighbors.
Wonderful family stopped to help
Since when is it legal to drive an electric scooter down [street]? No, not just on the sidewalk but in front of moving vehicles. Then, with no helmet either. He was following a lady on a Vespa style scooter, both roughly doing 10 to 15 mph in a 30 zone. Oblivious to others, they just didn’t care. And then they went around the intersection using crosswalks, then back into the road. Where are the police? If any injury happens it should be NO fault to the drivers, regardless of the cause.
Yard/Garage Sales
We cannot thank the family in the black SUV (Lincoln maybe) that helped push our car to the side of the road when it died in traffic on RT332 near Carmens Way. At 77 years old I started to push it and all the members of this family got out from their SUV and pushed us to the side to safety. The OC Sheriff came along and kept us all safe. Monday the 12th of August reset my thoughts of who would help others today. We had only moved here (Farmington) for a year and a half, and now we know that among the fleeting moments of our lives there are the people who would "jump to help.” I didn't get names, but I wanted to post this so that perhaps they will see this and know how thankful we are. God Bless you wonderful good Samaritan family.
If you’re selling an item that’s defective or with no apparent damage, have the decency or class to point it out before you have your hand out for the cash. I bought an item, not cheap either, and I later found that it had cracks inside that leaked. You had to know. You even said you’re selling it because you’re moving. Your neighbors said differently. I tried contacting you hoping you’d do the right thing or at least tell me if there’s anything else I should know before I order the replacement part. Nope, you’re not man or woman enough to do so. Sure, it’s on me for buying at a yard sale, but either way, I’ll see you at your next sale.
Livingston County Office for the Aging
Provides funds to assist the home-delivered meals program and legal services aid for the elderly who choose to remain living independently in their homes. The Livingston County Office for the Aging offers programs and services to individuals ages 60 and over. www.livingstoncounty.us/ 133/Aging-Office-for-the
DID YOU KNOW? The demand for qualified,talented nurses figures to grow in the years to come.According to the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than half a million nurses are expected to retire by 2022. Couple that with an existing nursing shortage, and the BLS projects a need for 1.1 million registered nurses in the near future. A shortage also figures to affect Canada, where the Canadian Nurses Association recently estimated that the country would be forced to confront a nursing shortage of roughly 60,000 nurses by 2022. Various factors are contributing to the nursing shortage in both countries, including an increasingly large aging population that will require more and more nurses to meet its health care needs. In the United States, the Affordable Care Act, which was passed in 2010, increased access to health care for millions of people across the country, thereby creating a greater need for nurses and other health care professionals. In addition, a greater emphasis on preventive care in many countries across the globe figures to compel more people to visit their physicians even when they’re otherwise feeling healthy. As more people prioritize preventive care, the need for more nurses will likely increase.
already? Turning 65 or disabled? Need a supplement? Understand “EPIC”? Confused or have questions? Call or stop by to schedule an appointment.
Rt. 21, Wayland, NY (Foodmart Plaza) • 585-728-5150
active senior living
Here’s A Tip
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* If your bananas start to brown on the outside, put them in the fridge. ey will still get brown, but the inside stays firm instead of getting mushy.
* “I used double-faced tape to stick a couple of clothespins inside the cabinet under my sink. I can hang my gloves under the sink when I am finished with the dishes.” -- T.C. in Minnesota
* Help nylons and tights retain elasticity by giving them a final rinse in diluted vinegar before hanging dry. Never add nylons to a heat dryer.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
Hocus Focus
active senior living
Lynette R. Wallace
August 14, 2024
Lynette R. Wallace, age 74 of Avoca, passed away with family by her side on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 in Rochester.
Lynette was born on February 28, 1950 in Hornell to Moses & Sally (Harvey) Garippa. She graduated as valedictorian from Canaseraga High School in 1968 and went on to study Liberal Arts at Albany State University and graduated Summa Cum Laude. On May 12, 1986 after working the farm all day, Lynette and the late Tedd R. Wallace made a visit to the Justice of the Peace and were married.Together they raised two boys, John & Joe, and ran the family farm together until his passing on August 6, 2016.
rough the years,Lynette was a substitute teacher,owned & operated Garippa-Wallace Tax & Accounting Service, volunteered at the Town of Avoca Tax Grievance Board, offered pro bono tax services to local churches, handled all of the accounting, payroll & taxes for the farm and the neighbors; but Lynette’s heart was always at the farm spending time with her family. She was a devoted and beloved daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend. She was a very conservative woman but liberal with love.
In addition to her husband and father, Lynette is predeceased by her sister, Jeanne (Garippa) Frenyea; her parents-in-law, Elsie & Robert Wallace; her brothers-in-law, Fred Hoyt, John Koziak & Ronald Wallace.
Lynette is survived by her mother, Sally Garippa; her beloved children, John (Stephania) Wallace & Joseph (Becky) Wallace; her grandchildren, Ainsley & Grayson Wallace and Tedd & Aubree Wallace; her siblings, Teresa Hoyt, Christine Mark, John (Lynne) Garippa, Nancy Standish & her brother-in-law, Douglas Frenyea; her Aunt Lydia Buza & Uncle Jonathan Garippa; her siblings-in-law, Jim (Linda) Wallace, David (Marsha) Wallace & Susan (John) Murphy; and several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins & friends.
Family & friends are invited to call from 10am-2pm on Saturday, August 24, 2024 at the Walter E. Baird & Sons Funeral Home in Wayland.A Celebration of Lynette’s life will continue at the Wayland American Legion after calling hours–all are welcome to attend.
In lieu of flowers, please consider making a memorial contribution to the: Avoca Youth Sports, Inc., PO Box 14, Avoca, NY 14809 or feel free to leave a check in the drop box at 43 N. Main Street, Avoca, NY 14809.
Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Walter E. Baird & Sons Funeral Home in Wayland.
To leave an online condolence, please visit BairdFuneralHomes.com
Bert Eugene Swarts
August 10, 2024
Dansville: Bert Eugene Swarts, age 62, passed away peacefully on Saturday, August 10, 2024, at Strong Memorial Hospital following a bike accident.
He was born in Oxnard, California, on August 28, 1961, a son of Charles and Beverly (Schuster) Swarts. He was predeceased by his father, Charles, and a nephew, Franklin “Buddy” Hoffman.
A loving and caring soul, Bert passed away leaving behind a legacy of kindness and compassion. He will be deeply missed by his family, who were the center of his life. Bert was known for his generosity and selflessness, often growing his hair long to donate to wig programs. He had a passion for life, enjoying hobbies such as F1 racing, gardening, cooking, and baking. His family and friends will remember him for his warm heart, gentle spirit, and unwavering dedication to those he loved. Rest in peace, Bert. Your memory will be cherished by all who knew you.
He is survived by his son, Zachary (Nevada) Swarts; his mother, Beverly Swarts; a sister, Patricia Swarts; brothers, Michael (Cheri Sparks) Swarts, John (Jenny Jamison) Swarts; many nieces, nephews, and cousins.
A celebration of life to be announced at a later date. Arrangements made by the Hindle Funeral Home, Inc., 271 Main St., Dansville, NY 14437. Online memorials may be left at HindleFuneralHome.com
In lieu of flowers please make memorials to a charity of your choice.
St. George - Forsythe Funeral Home andM uments
Sandra Lee Levee August 16, 2024
Dansville: Sandra Lee Levee, age 68, passed away peacefully at her home in Dansville late Friday, August 16, 2024, following a recent illness.
She was born in Rochester on July 22, 1956, a daughter of the late Richard and June (Toomey) Green. She was also predeceased by her siblings, Sue Maynard and James Green.
Sandra enjoyed the outdoors, such as camping and walking, as well as bargain shopping at Big Lots.
She is survived by her children, Todd (Nicole) Levee, Scott Levee; her mother, June Perry; grandchildren, Amanda and Olivia Levee; great-grandchildren, Violet and Lillian Elliot; and a sister, Deb Mocny.
A Funeral Service was held on Friday, August 23rd, at 11:00am at Hindle Funeral Home, Inc., 271 Main St., Dansville, NY 14437. Interment to follow in Oaklawn Cemetery, West Sparta. Online memorials may be left at HindleFuneralHome.com.
In lieu of flowers please make memorials to the Ann and Carl Myers Cancer Center, 111 Clara Barton St., Dansville, NY 14437
Conservation methods can help save energy and preserve natural resources, but business owners may also be intrigued by the potential cost-savings of conservation.
Utility costs vary depending on the size of a business, but the U.S. Small Business Administration notes that prospective business owners must estimate and include such costs when seeking loans to start their businesses. Estimated utility costs can be intimidating, especially for those owners who have never before owned their own businesses. Traditional conservation methods like recycling and reusing are great ways to conserve and save around the office, but business owners also can embrace some other ways to lower their office energy costs while benefitting the planet at the same time.
Current Job Openings
Genesee Country Christian School Business Manager
(Full-time or part-time)
Qualifications: Proficiency in Microso Office and Google Workspace. Candidates must have strong communication skills. Knowledge of QuickBooks a plus.
Pre-School Teacher Aide
Qualifications: Must have a high school diploma and experience working with children.
Interested candidates please send letter of interest and resume to: Genesee Country Christian School 4120 Long Point Rd., Geneseo, NY 14454
Attn: Kelly Smith or email: Office@geneseecountrychristian.org
Please call (585) 243-9580 with any questions or for more information.
LICENSED VETERINARY TECHNICIAN – FT or PT for our busy Perry Pet – Livonia Center office. New grad or experienced applicants considered. Successful applicant is self-motivated, with excellent communication skills and thorough attention to detail. Some weekend hours. You will work with compassionate team members to deliver outstanding patient care. Salary commensurate with experience and excellent benefits.
Please e-mail resumes to ehall2@perryvet.com
By Sam Marzotta
Be a lost pet ally
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My brother and I saw a dog that matched the photo of a lost dog on flyers around the neighborhood. We tried calling him, but he ran off. So we told our mom what happened, and she called the number on the flyer. I don’t know if the owners found the dog. We’re wondering if we did the right thing. Why did the dog run away? -- Brian and Sarah in Cincinnati
DEAR BRIAN AND SARAH: You did the right thing by telling your mom so that she could call the owners and tell them where you spotted the lost dog. Don’t feel bad about the dog running away: Lost dogs are o en shy of strangers. Some will not even come when their owners call. But, by telling them the location, the owners have a much better chance of recovering their dog.
Here’s how you can support owners who are searching for a lost pet:
-- Take a photo of a lost pet flyer with your smartphone. You can instantly refer back to it if you see a pet matching the description.
-- Don’t call or chase a dog or cat if you spot it. Contact the owner as soon as possible and give them the location where you spotted the pet.
-- If the pet approaches you calmly, try to keep them in place by petting or giving them treats, until you can put a leash on them and bring them to a safe containment area. Contact the owner or local shelter.
-- If the pet appears to be ill or injured, carefully approach and wrap them in an old blanket before attempting to pick them up.
-- If the pet is being aggressive, contact animal control.
No phone calls please.
Know the evacuation routes. Learn your dorm’s evacuation policies. Know where all exits are and how to get out of the building if exits may be blocked. Find out if fire drills or other safety procedures are practiced, and participate in them.
Matthews Buses, Inc., one of the nation’s largest school bus dealers in the United States, has an opening for a Sales Administrator at our Avon, NY location. e position serves as a key operational and administrative liaison in the sales department, providing our sales team with administrative and strategic support. is position requires a highly motivated self-starter with excellent organizational skills. Should be results-oriented and able to thrive in a fast-paced environment. e position requires exceptionally strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and technical savvy with a high level of expertise with Microso Office Products and Google Drive
• Maintaining pricing catalogs and quoting so ware
• Processing DMV paperwork
• Facilitating sublet vendors quotes
• Communicating workflow with shops
• Coordination, tracking and execution of various business documents
• Contribute to ongoing process improvements
• Act as liaison between necessary support departments to facilitate sales process and growth strategies
Job Requirements
• Detail-oriented with the ability to rapidly learn and take advantage of new concepts, business models and technologies
• Ability to prioritize and manage multiple projects simultaneously
• Highly self-motivated, flexible, enjoys a fast-paced environment
• Professional level of written and oral communication skills
• Excellent follow-up and follow through skills, efficiently manage large amounts of information
• Work effectively with other departments towards accomplishing business plan goals
• Strong interpersonal skills and attention to detail
• Highly self-directed
• High level expertise with Microso Office Products including Excel and Word.
Send your tips, comments or questions to
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
Qualified candidates should apply to: Michelle McKernon mmckernon@matthewsgroupinc.com
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Online POLL
As college students head back to campuses around the country, what do you think is the most significant challenge facing college students today?
- Rising tuition costs and student debt
- Mental health and wellness concerns
- Adapting to remote and hybrid learning
- Job market competitiveness after graduation
- Balancing work, family, and academic responsibilities
Poll ends 08-27-2024
Poll ended 08-20-2024
The Summer Olympics ended with 126 US medals, new sports highlighted on the world’s stage, various viewership records posted especially rebounding post-COVID, and myriad global reactions to news big and small throughout the past two weeks. How do you feel after watching the Summer Olympics?
30.8% National pride
7.7% Curious to learn about different sports
23.1% Nostalgic for past Olympics
15.4% Disappointed by results or controversies
23.1% Indifferent – I didn’t follow the Olympics closely
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!