Friday 3/3&Saturday3/4(9am-3pm)
Sunday3/5(9am-12pm)MOVING SALE,Everythingmustgo!50years accumulation.
Leave young kids at home. Many kids will grow bored after the first yard sale, if not earlier. Hire a sitter and shop unencumbered.
Just as a child grows when fed right, so does the Christian when fed with the KJV Bible. 1) Trust in the LORD.. Psalm 37:3, We must always trust HIM. Jesus cannot do wrong so you know his commands are pure. We may not understand, but we must trust.
2) Delight thyself also in the LORD..Psalm 37:4,delight means “soft, pliable,” allow the Holy Spirit to mold us, not like the wicked world we live in, but by the Word of God. Allow God to change you. It’s not “I’ve GOT to go to Church, It’s Praise Him, I GET to go to church!!”
3) Commit thy way to the LORD, Psalm 37:5. Joshua 1:8 says Meditate in the Word and we will have sure success. What’s your life counting for?
130 Hook Rd., Farmington 315-986-2293
Opposite Pumpkin Hook Fire Hall Ray Drake - Pastor kjvray@rochester.rr.com • www.countrybiblebaptist.com
Sunday School 10:00am • Morning Service 11:00am Evening Service 6:00pm • Wed. Prayer 6:30pm
would like to thank
for his years of service to our company and the Bloom eld community. David has managed our Saturday Residential Drop-O and has worked in the business for 25 years.
Saturday, 2/25/23 will be his last day working with us. Please come by and wish him well. He will be sorely missed!
* On Feb. 24, 1786, Wilhelm Karl Grimm, the younger of the two Brothers Grimm, is born in Germany. The Grimm collection of folk and fairy tales includes “Hansel and Gretel” and “Little Red Riding Hood.”
Break the boredom with our four week Cabin Fever Contest! Solve the puzzles each week and send them in for your chance to win a Cabin Fever Survival Kit No purchase required.
Mail to: GVPS Cabin Fever Contest 2023
1471 Route 15 • Avon, NY 14414
1. Using the symbols below, spell out a word associated with Penny Saver and write it in the column. (18 and older)
All entries must be postmarked by March 3, 2023. Winner will be randomly chosen from all correct entries. Enter each week for a greater chance of winning. Must be 13 or older to play. 18 or older will be signed up for our coupon club. Playing all 4 weeks? Mail your entries together by 3/3/23.
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Route 21 and Water Street, Shortsville Phone (585) 289-6100
332 W. Main St., Honeoye Falls 585-624-1216 View
Check tire pressure. Right before you pack up the car to hit the open road, check each of your tires’ pressure, making sure the pressure in each tire is at the level recommended in your owner’s manual. Inflating tires to the proper pressure takes just a minute or so, but that minute can protect you and your passengers while also saving you money at the filling station.
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DEAR DR. ROACH: I have been diagnosed with vitamin D toxicity, according to the blood work from a month ago -- my result was 122 ng/mL. I was taking high doses of vitamin D3 in pill form (15,000 IU a day for three years) bought from a drugstore. I have stopped taking it, but I need to know how long it will take to have a normal amount in my body. (Weeks, months?) Can you shed any light on this question? I would like to take it again when my level comes down, but in a lower amount. Also, by any chance, would the high amount of D3 in my system have any correlation to a diagnosis of stenosis of the aortic valve? -- C.I.
ANSWER: Vitamin D toxicity is not common. I have seen one case in my career requiring hospitalization, due to a very high elevation of the blood calcium level. Vitamin D increases absorption of calcium from food through the intestines.
In addition, calcium can come out of bones in people with very high levels of vitamin D. With high vitamin D levels, calcium levels can also become dangerously high. Common symptoms of very high calcium levels include constipation, nausea and vomiting, muscle weakness, kidney stones, and neurological symptoms, including poor concentration and fatigue. These symptoms tend to happen at levels higher than yours, above 150 ng/mL. Years of high calcium levels can absolutely cause existing heart valve disease to worsen quickly.
In cases of acute intoxication from vitamin D, available treatments include steroids and pamidronate (an injectable medicine similar to alendronate and other drugs used to treat osteoporosis), which can quickly bring the calcium levels back down to normal.
Without this kind of intervention, a vitamin D level will still come down on its own, only more gradually. Vitamin D3 is removed slowly from the body, because it can go into fat tissue. It takes about two months for half the excess to be removed from the body, but because the active forms are removed more quickly, toxicity from excess vitamin D3 usually only lasts for weeks, not months. Still, you are likely not to need any vitamin D for many months, and if you do take it again, do not exceed the safe dose of 5,000 IU a day. I recommend you also get your blood levels tested. Recent studies have questioned the benefit of supplemental vitamin D for most people, although some people, such as those with osteoporosis and low vitamin D levels, probably still benefit.
I’m very glad you wrote. Many people still don’t know that excess of some vitamins can occasionally be dangerous. Vitamin A is the other vitamin where high levels can be very dangerous.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Are you interested in changing a tooth’s color or shape?
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(NAPSI)—The Employee Benefit Research Institute estimates that a typical 65-year-old couple will spend a total of $265,000 in health care costs over the remainder of their lives. This staggering amount of money has the potential to derail even the best-laid retirement plans.
Vanguard and Mercer recently developed a new framework, “Planning for Health Care Costs in Retirement,” that identifies practical tips for forecasting your health care expenses. Here are four top ideas:
1. Personalize health care costs. Start by understanding how your health history and current health status will influence expenses. Even your geographic location, marital status and age at retirement will impact your forecasts.
2. Plan for long-term care. This is a tough one to assess because half of retirees won’t even incur these costs, but on the other end of the spectrum, 15 percent of retirees will spend more than $250,000. Consider potential long-term care options, such as unpaid care from family and less-expensive available facilities.
3. Create a hedge in your budget for other expenses. Research shows that retirement spending in virtually all categories other than health care tends to decline with age. By forecasting steady spending in other expense areas, you may create a buffer in your budget to deal with rising health care expenses.
4. Forecast costs in annual spending. There are so many variables involved in estimating health care costs in retirement that trying to plan around a total lifetime budget can be overwhelming. Experts recommend that you focus on annual spending plans instead, provided that you understand costs will rise as you age.
For seniors who are struggling to find cash in their retirement budgets to offset unexpected health care expenses, it may be a good idea to take stock right now of all your assets. Many seniors are surprised to learn that one potential asset for generating immediate cash is a life insurance policy. You should review your life insurance policy from time to time and determine whether or not it’s still needed. A life insurance policy is considered your personal property, so you have the right to sell it anytime you like. When a consumer sells a policy—something called a “life settlement” transaction—the policy owner receives a cash payment and the purchaser of the policy assumes all future premium payments, then receives the death benefit upon the death of the insured. Candidates for life settlements are typically aged 70 years or older, with a life insurance policy that has a death benefit of at least $100,000.
If you own a life insurance policy you no longer need or can afford, you may be able to generate immediate cash to pay your health care expenses by selling that policy for immediate cash.
To learn more about life settlements, visit www.LISA.org or call the LISA office today at 888-921-3793.
Angels of Mercy in Rochester was inspired by Mercy Ministries, a residential treatment center, that “o ers unconditional love and helps young women heal and experience freedom to go forward in their lives. ere are women of all ages in our own community that need someone to reach out to them. Perhaps you may know a friend, daughter, mother, or sister that has been challenged with unpleasant circumstances. We certainly do.”
Angels of Mercy’s Butter y Boutique o ers free clothing to women survivors attempting to re-enter the workforce who need casual and business casual clothing. Dressing hundreds of women each year, the Boutique volunteers help women feel upli ed and special, helping develop visitors’ self-esteem and con dence. Angels of Mercy wants every woman to be able to go forward in life and reach positive goals. In 2022, they lled nearly 1,000 orders through 110 agencies.
Angels of Mercy also o ers the Monarca Group, a monthly peer support group for women impacted by trauma, including domestic and community violence and sexual abuse. e group o ers women tools and resources to help facilitate their recovery, fostering healing through the grace of God and empowerment to help break the cycle of violence so many women face.
and elsewhere, they help stop the tragedy. Angels of Mercy focuses its human tra cking education at schools, churches, hospitals, and other organizations around Rochester.
Founder Mary Jo Gugino Colligan and Human Tra cking Coordinator Lauren VanCott lead the initiative to raise awareness to empower girls and women and hopefully buck the statistics. “Empowering the youth and parents of today is vital,” they say. O entimes, “young girls and boys who have been molested have very low self-esteem and feel they are to blame.” ese educational initiatives teach them the opposite is true, giving youth the tools to be aware of warning signs of abuse and dangerous situations. Schedule a free human tra cking awareness presentation for your organization by calling or emailing the o ce.
Angels of Mercy stresses that whole, con dent women make better choices! e organization helps women and girls achieve freedom, dignity, and restoration. Connecting with Mercy Ministries, Rochester Coalition Against Human Tra cking, and various other organizations, they help women and girls rise above the challenges.
Colligan is herself a survivor of domestic violence in her 20s. When the opioid/heroin crisis and trauma a ected her own daughter, Mary Jo and her husband “propelled into action,” creating this organization to help other women and girls avoid or rise above the trauma. She says, “Angels of Mercy is here to raise women up and help them realize the life purposed for them.”
Perhaps best known for their US-based but worldwide Dress a Girl program, going strong since 2009, Angels of Mercy provides handmade dresses and dolls to girls, and shorts to boys in the United States, India, Cambodia, Guatemala, Uganda, and at least 60 other countries. According to the organization’s website, “Statistics show that these children, dressed in rags and searching for food in public dumps, are perceived to be easy targets that no one will miss if kidnapped into sex tra cking.” Angels of Mercy seeks to help women and girls escape such tragedy.
Angels of Mercy collects and delivers coats, hats, scarves, blankets, pillows, sweaters, dresses, and all sorts of goodies to support many di erent agencies such as e International Academy, Rochester City Schools, Ukraine refugees, and other displaced people. ey ll stockings for soldiers across the world. ey provide menstrual pads and homemade holders for Kenyan girls who o en do not go to school during their menstrual cycle, missing valuable instruction each and every month. Nursing students from St. John Fisher University traveled to Kenya to distribute these care packages and teach about girls’ health.
Colligan says the Angels of Mercy’s Home for Healing is needed more than ever, because “Too many women and girls need a safe place to heal from the root of their problem.” Angels of Mercy accepts donations of money, women’s clothing, and time. Prayers and volunteers to help their outreach e orts are always welcomed. Please reach out if you nd it in your heart to help them out.
Angels of Mercy celebrates their 15th anniversary with a Hoedown at Midvale Country Club (2387 Baird Rd., Pen eld) from 6-11pm Saturday, March 11th. ey look forward to celebrating with the community that has been such a support to them over the years. For information about Angels of Mercy, its current initiatives, and upcoming programs, visit www.angelsofmercyny.org.
Schedule a tuneup beforehand. Before departing, ensure your vehicle is in good working order to reduce the likelihood of a breakdown. Make sure you have a spare tire and tire-changing tools, just in case.
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If camp seems out of reach, look into local summer recreation programs at parks or schools. Such programs may not be as extensive as those offered by camps, but they can quell kids’ boredom and keep children occupied during the day.
30 North Union St., Rochester, NY 14607
Thursday, March 14 • 11:30am-1:00pm
Are you considering advanced technology for your cataract surgery? We’re here to help you on your journey to clearly better vision.
To RSVP call Kim at 585-232-7807 by March 10, 2023.
Staying warm is a goal each winter, but that doesn’t mean you have to banish skirts and dresses to the back of your closet. Choose materials that will keep you toasty, including wool, synthetic blends and thick, cotton corduroys. Pair skirts with opaque tights to keep legs warm, and choose stylish calf- or knee-high boots, which are trending right now. Patchwork trends can be seen all over the fall and winter runway shows, and you can experiment with this trend on dresses or skirts to bring a bohemian touch to your winter ensembles.
• Hospeace House In Naples: Serving Naples and surrounding communities in a two bedroom comfort care home. Donate to e Wild ower Challenge to defray operation costs and volunteer for resident care, cleaning, cooking and shopping. Visit Hospeacehouse.org or call 585-374-2090
• House of John: e House of John is a 2-bedroom Comfort Care Home located in Cli on Springs. We provide end-of-life care to those unable to be cared for at home at no cost to the resident. We are looking for caring, reliable people willing to share 4-8 hrs. a month to assist with resident care. No caregiving experience required. All training is provided free of charge. If interested, please call or email the House at 315-462-5646 or house@houseo ohn.org
• Perinton Ambulance: Seeking volunteers for general o ce/administrative work as well as building & grounds. Hours and tasks vary based on ability and availability. Email volunteer@pvac.org
• Catholic Charities of Bu alo: e Home Visitation Program needs Friendly Home Visitors, age 21+ to volunteer one hour each week through in person visits or calls to a 60+ older adult in Genesee County who is living independently and has expressed feelings of loneliness. You can be the bright spot in their week by providing a smile and laughter that brings increased socialization and a feeling of community connection. Call Lisa Wittmeyer at 716-341-6751 to learn more about volunteering with us.
• Light Hill, of Canandaigua Comfort Care Home Inc.: A two-bed end of life care home. We are always seeking volunteers for hands-on care, home & garden maintenance, light housekeeping and/or fundraising support! Contact us today or ll out an application on our website at lighthillhome. org. We would be so honored to add YOU to our extended family! Email us at mk@lighthillhome.org or call 585-393-1311.
• Charlotte House Comfort Care: Resident care help needed. We would love to bring new volunteers into our family. It is a rewarding experience and a great way to spend time with friends or make new friends. Email charlottehouseinc.@gmail.com
• Webster Comfort Care Home: We use volunteers to handle every aspect of resident care. We are a two person home for the terminally ill and we rely on community volunteers to o er round the clock care to our residents. We are also looking for volunteers with graphic skills, writing skills and strong social media skills. Email VolunteerCoord@ webstercomfortcare.org
• Genesee County 4-H Program, 4-H Teen Club Leader: Coordinate monthly meetings and projects for youth age 13-18. Call 585-343-3040 or email genesee4h@cornell.edu
• Serenity House of Victor: A two-bed comfort care home serving residents with end-of-life care. Serenity House needs volunteers to share their time & talent through providing resident care, building & grounds maintenance, or fundraising support. Come join our team! Share your most valuable gi – yourself ! Please contact the Director at serenityhousevictor@gmail.com or call 585-729-7617.
• PAX - Program of Academic Exchange: Seeking host families for the 2022-2023 academic year (or “welcome families” for 6-8 weeks). Share YOUR America with an exchange student. Contact me with questions at emilypelkowski@gmail.com or 315-576-2326.
• Geneseo Groveland Emergency Food Pantry: Needs your help! Email ggefoodpantry@gmail.com
• Wood Library: Shelving books and other materials, ful lling hold requests, special library events, straightening shelves. Call 585-394-1381 or email stoomey@pls-net.org
space permits. See more volunteer opportunities at gvpennysaver.com.
A er grad school, Mike began touring with the worldrenowned Glen Miller Orchestra, whose famous song “In the Mood” has a ubiquitous melody that almost anyone will recognize. He traveled with the orchestra to Europe, Asia, and Canada, playing night a er night at packed venues for three years.
As I listened to Mike list o accomplishments throughout his career, I remembered his genuine humility and down-to-earth demeanor. Even as he spoke of playing with Ray Charles - that’s right, RAY CHARLES - in 1993 to a live audience of 10,000 people, he did not boast or brag. at is simply not in Mike’s nature.
is humility rang true when I asked him what he hopes to be known as and remembered for as a trumpet and ugelhorn player. His answer was simple yet profound: “I hope to be known for playing sincerely and honestly.”
Imet Mike Kaupa some 17 years ago on my rst day of middle school band practice at e Harley School. As a timid ute player with high levels of social anxiety, I couldn’t have imagined a kinder, more encouraging band instructor than Mr. Kaupa. While my days playing the ute are long gone, Mike has had a lasting impact on me, my older brother, and countless others as a teacher and as an impeccable, world-renowned jazz musician over the past 40+ years.
I recently sat down with Mike and my brother, who is now a professional jazz guitarist himself, for a cup of co ee to learn about Mike’s incredible musical career thus far. At 69 years old, it was easy to tell one thing: he is only getting started.
Mike was born and raised in West Seneca, New York. With two older siblings who were very musically inclined, Mike began to take piano lessons at a young age. Shortly therea er, he discovered the trumpet. He shared with me, “I could tell what it would feel like to play the trumpet before I even started.” Having learned the basics of music theory from his piano playing, Mike began teaching himself trumpet by ear and eventually added ugelhorn.
His love for the trumpet was strong and mighty, but it wasn’t until high school that he discovered jazz. He began listening to the greats like Miles Davis, Chet Baker, McCoy Tyner, and Kenny Wheeler. His musical ear continued to develop, and a er high school, he began studying music at SUNY Fredonia. As Mike explained, there wasn’t a jazz program in the 1970s at Fredonia. So, he and the other students interested in jazz music began to “jam” together late at night. is was where the magic lived.
During his time at Fredonia, Mike performed in the prestigious Notre Dame Collegiate Jazz Festival, where he won Outstanding Trumpet Player, a huge recognition of his talent as a musician.
Between his studies at Fredonia and starting graduate school in Miami at the Frost School of Music, Mike taught in Lisbon, Portugal, and Barcelona, Spain to some of the greatest jazz musicians of the generation.
At this point, I turned to my brother, Noah, who shared what Mike has meant to him and his career. “Mike Kaupa is a real master.” Noah described Mike’s impeccable control over his instrument and command of his sound, with the ability to play at a whisper volume. I looked at my brother and saw his face light up as he spoke of his hero.
Noah also went to Harley and played guitar in the school band. He shared that “Kaupa,” as he a ectionately refers to him, helped him nd his groove in jazz music. Noah said, “If you’re listening to him play a tune, you just have to listen to a few notes to know that it’s Kaupa. He’s that unique; he’s that good. I was incredibly lucky to have him as my teacher.”
eir journey together didn’t stop at Harley, as Mike and Noah currently perform several times a month together in the local Finger Lakes area. When Mike isn’t playing a gig or teaching a master class in other countries like Spain, he continues to teach dozens of students a year. In fact, he has taught at Harley for 26 years, the Eastman Community Music School for 25 years, and at Finger Lakes Community College for 6 years.
I asked Mike what he would say to an aspiring music student, and in his typical fashion, he led with honesty and encouragement: “You can always play at some level, and you can always play on your own. Just keep practicing.” ank you, Mike, for your words. At the end of the day, we don’t have to be perfect to do something we love - we just have to try.
10 Main Street, Bloomfield
585-394-1880 • 585-657-4470
Servicing most brands for 43 years.
(NAPSI)—National Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to acknowledge the history, culture and contributions of the people of Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and Spain. One of the best ways to celebrate, many say, is with food.
Making that easy is one restaurant chain that’s having a year-round love affair with Latin and Hispanic cuisine. Long known for its authentic Tex-Mex roots, Church’s Chicken®/Texas Chicken® has spent years championing the commemorative period—which runs from September15 to October 15th—on a global stage.
The first Hispanic influence on the company’s menu was the jalapeño pepper—the very first side item ever offered at the restaurant chain. The peppers were added to the menu due to a San Antonio tradition of squeezing their juice over various foods to give them a south-of-theborder style “kick” of heat and spice.
The restaurant’s sister brand, Texas Chicken, features the Mexicana Burger on menus worldwide. This tasty chicken burger is a fiesta of tastes and textures, with a juicy hand-battered chicken breast fillet that’s topped “taco style” with cheese, fresh lettuce, tomato, spicy mayo, crunchy tortilla chips and chopped onions.
Learn More: For further facts and to see a menu and a map of the nearest location, go to www.churchs.com.
I hear the sparrow’s ditty
Anear my study door; A simple song of gladness
That winter days are o’er; My heart is singing with him, I love him more and more.... Oh, Spring is surely coming, Her couriers fill the air; Each morn are new arrivals, Each night her ways prepare; I scent her fragrant garments, Her foot is on the stair.
~John Burroughs (1837–1921), “A March Glee,” c.1902
* “Revive the look of indoor plant leaves by rubbing the leaves with mineral oil on a soft cloth. Just wipe nicely, and it makes a big difference. Through the years, I have used this tip for both my real plants and plastic plants.”
-- J.D. in Alabama
* Lime juice and vinegar both make good meat tenderizers. You can purchase tougher cuts of meat, season with spices and lime/vinegar and marinate for 10-15 minutes before cooking. It is a great way to ease your meat budget. Steaks are getting expensive!
* “To make onion rings easier to cut (less stinging eyes) and to have the layers separate better when making onion rings, I put my onions in the freezer for about 10 minutes before peeling. They don’t freeze, but they do get nice and cold.” -- O.F. in Florida
* Looking for a more natural way to clean? Here’s two for the bathroom: Clean chrome with baking soda on a soft, damp cloth. Follow up with vinegar for some shine. Spray lightly and wipe away with a clean cloth.
* “Men: Make your own aftershave. Thin a bottle of baby lotion with a little rubbing alcohol. Put in a hand lotion bottle, and use half a squirt. No sting, and soft, smooth skin.” -- T.G. in Illinois
* Add a single teaspoon of rice to the saltshaker in order to keep too many grains of salt from coming out at a time.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My cat Huey will let me pet him for a few seconds, and then he’ll nip at my ngers or knuckles. Am I doing something wrong? How can I get him to stop that behavior? -- Sarah W., Boston
DEAR SARAH: Nipping at your hand while being petted is a very common cat behavior (or misbehavior, depending on which end of the bite you’re on). It stems from instinctive behaviors that a cat learns from the time they’re born through adulthood.
Ideally, the best time to curb biting behavior is when they’re kittens, but not everyone has that luxury -- people who’ve adopted adult cats, for example, or owners who thought a kitten nipping their knuckles was cute, until that kitten turned into a full-grown, biting cat.
As you’ve probably noticed, yelling, “No” at a cat doesn’t always get the desired e ect. Instead, gently discourage this behavior. Pet your cat as usual, but as soon as he begins to bite, withdraw your hand and turn your body partly or totally away from him. You want to communicate that biting means he won’t get your attention any longer.
Another option, before settling in front of the television with Huey snuggled up next to you, is to smear a tiny bit of peanut butter or another favorite treat across your knuckles. Let him lick your knuckles periodically while you pet him. e instant he tries to bite, take your hand away. Essentially, you want Huey to not see your hand as a toy or an attention-getter. It will take a few tries, but most cats pick up on your intentions a er a while, so be patient and consistent with this training.
Does your cat bite? How did you solve it? Tell us at ask@pawscorner. com.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
Send us your photos and captions at gvpennysaver.com under My Hometown
A big thank you to the person who removed the top of the tree that fell across my driveway. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness (as well as your strength).
One reader’s take on the garbage plate discussion I had to try that fish stick substitution at my local plate joint. Not only did they do it and do it well, but my plate guy offered me tuna salad instead of mac salad! I was hesitant at first because mac salad is my favorite part, but the tuna and capers with extra mayo were a perfect complement to the plate. It added a fresh bite, a nice foil to the richer meat sauce and raw onion. Dig in with a celery stick instead of a spoon for added deliciousness and health!
Calling the Cops!
My sincere and heartfelt thanks to the fellow sufferers at the Mobil Car Wash in Lakeville on February 8, 2023 from 3:15-3:30 who witnessed a confrontation between Generation Z and a 60s person. During a dirty car day I had a 20 minute wait in line. Once it was my turn a large black truck came at me from the EXIT and tried to play chicken. We were now inches apart, but I kept driving forward to pay. Then the dude exited his truck while screaming that I had cheated (cheated a cheater?), and if I hit him he would sue me. It got even brighter when, upon exiting the tunnel, I saw a Livingston County Sheriff parked right by the door. Somebody had called the cops! Other people saw what was going on, and they didn’t like it. My faith in humanity and common purpose soared. I know it’s only a car wash, but we are all on this earth together and equal. Selfish jerks who cut the line anyplace are not really winning anything but our collective contempt—and sometimes vigilance.
I’m fed up with tailgaters. No matter how fast or slow or time of day there’s always an idiot who tailgates. With deer and other animals out, it’s plain stupid to drive close. Even in daylight some won’t pass or back off and give space. Maybe your eyesight is poor and you need to follow close, sort of like a guide dog. Maybe you’re in a hurry to get somewhere and safety doesn’t matter. Consider the car in front of you who’s worried if they do have to stop or turn you’ll rear end them. Front and rear dash cameras can be used in court. Remember that next time you tailgate.
To the person who wrote in condemning 'obese' people for costing you more in health insurance, shame on you. There is NO proof that being in a larger body causes poorer health. There IS a correlation between those two things and that is likely due to poor medical care and trauma caused by incessant weight stigma (by people like you). 95% of people who lose weight on diets gain it all back within 2-5 years. Intentional weight loss is not sustainable. So, keep your non-evidence based and oppressive opinions to yourself.
I traveled through town on a nice Sunday in February, looking at the old buildings on Main Street. I admired the old historical building on Main Street and looked across the driveway when something caught my eye: a pickup loaded with trash, along with trash and debris on the side of the house and back. What a disappointment. I proceeded to turn south. While admiring another building, what caught my eye were saws, trailers, wood; you name it, it was there.
Your town is very old. Why don't main drag streets keep clean? Where's the code office? Do they have one? It has been a long time since we came through this town. We really wanted to see the old buildings, but this was a sore eye maker.
Allens Hill Free Library
3818 County Road 40, Bloomfield 585-229-5636
Tues. 6-8pm; Wed. 3-6:30pm; Fri. 2:30-8pm; Sat. 1-4pm
Bloomfield Public Library
9 Church Street, Bloomfield 585-657-6264
Mon. 2-7pm; Tues. 10am-7pm; Wed. 2-7pm; Thurs. 10am-7pm; Fri. 2-7pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Mendon Library
22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls (585) 624-6067 mendonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs.: 9am-8pm; Fri./Sat.: 9am-3pm; Closed Sunday
Victor Farmington Library
15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637 victorfarmingtonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. 12-4pm
Tween Makers:Thursdays,March2& 16|4:15PM|fortweens|registrationrequired
WorldWildlifeDay:Friday,March3| 2PM|forkids|registrationrequired
BiscuitVisitstheLibrary:Saturday, March4|11AMor1:45PM|for kids|registrationrequired
SweetBitesPoetry:Tuesday,March7 |12PM|virtual|foradults|
SiamsaEveningofIrishEntertainment:Wednesday,March8|7PM| foradults|registrationrequired
IrishDance:Sunday,March12|2PM |forallages|registrationrequired
VictorFarmingtonLibrary: Ongoing Programs:
Mondays2-4PM:MahJonggJoin otherMahJonggenthusiastsfor thesefriendlygames!
Mondays12:15PM&Thursdays 11:00AM:On-SiteChairYoga* Stretch,breatheandde-stress.Suggesteddonation:$3/class
Mondays6:00PM:PlayHandand FootGameHavesomefun,meet newfriends!
Wednesdays9:15AM:Library WalkersExplorelocaltrails, neighborhoodsandparksbyfoot.
Wednesdays10AM-1PM:Basic ComputerSkillsforAdults*Oneon-onehelpwithyourtechnology questions.
Wednesdays2:00-4:00PM:Euchre &HandandFootGames
Fridays1:00PM:Mindfulness& MeditationClass*Suggesteddonation:$3/class
Wednesdays3/1,3/8,3/15,2/22: FlyTyingSchoolinFiveLessons* There’sstilltimetojointhe CanandaiguaChapterofTroutUnlimitedforthisfunfly-tyingseries!
Thursday3/26:00PM:AlcoholInk Necklaces*Learnthebasicsof usingalcoholinktomakeabeautifulnecklace.
Saturday3/189:00AM-4:00PM: AARPDriverSafetyClass*Saveon yourautoinsurance!
*Visitwww. victorfarmingtonlibrary.orgfor moreinfoandtoregister.
FreeDinner- The FirstCongregationalChurchofEastBloomfieldis offeringafreedinneronFriday, February24from5-6:30p.m.at thechurch,10SouthAve., Bloomfield.Themenuissloppy joes,saltpotatoes,coleslawand icecreamsundaes.Tunafishsandwicheswillbeprovidedforthose whopreferafishoption.Comejoin yourneighborsforatimeoffood andfellowship.
BCSDramaClubpresentsOnce Upon AMattress -Duringa kingdom-widesearchtofinda princessfitforthehaplessPrince Dauntless,inswimstheless-thanregalPrincessWinnifredthe Woebegone.Thetrulyterrible QueenAggravaingoesonamissiontocomebetweenhersonand hissoulmate.ThisisaHappily-EverAfterunlikeanyother!atthethe BloomfieldPerformingArtsCenter, 21OakmountAve,Bloomfield.FridayMarch17that7pm,Saturday March18that2pm&7pm.Tickets availableathttps://bloomfieldcsd. seatyourself.biz,$10adults/$8studentsandseniors.Remainingticketswillbesoldatthedoor$11 adults/$9studentsandseniors.
Winter is a time of promise because there is so little to do — or because you can now and then permit yourself the luxury of thinking so. ~ Stanley Crawford, A Garlic Testament: Seasons on a Small New Mexico Farm, 1992
TheBloomfieldGardenClub will be havingacommunityeducation programonTuesday,March7, 6:30-8pmatVeteransPark,6910 Rt.5&20,Bloomfield.Theeventis titled“BringUsYourGardening Questions”.APaneldiscussionby Master&Experiencedmembersof theBloomfieldGardenClubwillbe presented.Coffeewillbeserved.
Speak with business owners about your experience as a customer, sharing insight about both good and bad experiences.
IrishNight- You’re inluck!!“Irish Night”isback!(sponsoredbythe OntarioCountyArtsCouncil). FundraiserforannualScholarship& GrantPrograms.Cornedbeefdinner.IrishMusicby“AlmostIrish”~ IrishHumor~SilentAuction.$25 perperson/CashBar.Sunday, March12th,3-6:30pm.Limited Seating/ReservationsRequiredat www.ocarts.org.ElksClub,19 NiagaraStreet,Canandaigua, (parking&entranceatrear).
SouthPerintonCemeteryAssociation is havingitsAnnualLot OwnersMeetingonMarch18that 9:30amattheSouthPerinton Church,291WilkinsonRd., Fairport.Alllotownersareinvited toattendaswellasinterestedparties.Yourinterestinthefuture successofourcemeteryisboth welcomeandappreciated.
AmericanRedCrossBlood Drive: Wednesday, March8,1 p.m.to6p.m.,FaithBaptist Church,860HookRd.,Farmington. Participantsmustbeages17or older;16withparentalconsentand bringID.Forinformation:redcross. org.
TheHoneoyeFalls/Townof Mendon HistoricalSociety will presentaprogramfeaturingJack Kowiak.Entitled:“AllAboutSt. Patrick’sDay”onThursday,March 2,2023,7:30pm.Thiswillbea virtualmeetingviaZoom.Toobtain theZoomapp:https://zoom.us/ join.ToobtaintheZoomaccess codes,gototheHistoricalSociety’s websitehfmhistorical.orgon March1st.Questions?Call 624-5655..
Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,March8,4:30-6:00PM (oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce, meatballs,undressedsalad,and garlicbread.Donationsaccepted.
AttentionAllSingers!! The Canaltown ChoralewillbeginrehearsalsTuesday,March7,6:40PM withregistrationforthenewseason.RehearsalsheldTuesday evenings7-9PMintheUnited ChurchofMarion,3848N.Main St.,Marion(rightsidedoorentrance).Auditionsnotrequiredbut somechoralexperienceishelpful. Allarewelcome!Anyoneinterested injoiningthisSATBchoraleisinvitedtoattendtheMarchrehearsals.Registrationfeeof$10is requiredperconcertseasonasis proofofCOVIDvaccines.AllCDC guidelineswillbefollowed.Information:BarbVanDelinder 315-597-9558,GeneralManager orDottieGraudons,membership chair,315-331-5961orgotothe CanaltownChoralepageon Facebook.
WCW:Music,Foodand Friendship - TheWomen’sClubof Webster’sMarchGeneralMeeting andLuncheonfeaturesStevePetrovichwithhisguitarandclassic songs.Thiseventwilltakeplaceon Thursday,March16thatthePenfieldCountryClub,1784Jackson Rd.Penfield.Social:11:15a.m., Meeting:12:00noon.Lunch:12:30 p.m.followedbySteve’smusic. Luncheonbuffetofassortedwraps, tossedsalad,fruitsaladanda cookie.Cost:$23.WomeninWebsterandsurroundingareasareinvitedtoattend.Sendcheckmade outtoWCWbyMarch9thto CarolynRittenhouse,405County LineRoad,Ontario,14519.Questions?585-265-1303.
NOTICEtoallGypsum/Riverview Cemetery lotowners:SpringClean Upwillbeginassoonasweather permits.Cemeteryrulesand regulationsstatenomorethantwo(2) flowerpotsorurnsperLOTwillbe permitted.Solarlightsneedtobe placedevenwithmonuments.No glasscontainers,noin-groundplanting offlowers,trees,bushesorshrubswill beallowed.Duetoliabilityissues,we cannolongerallowshepherdhooks andthelike.Allitemsfromthe previousyeartoincludewreathsand standsmustberemovedbyMarch15. TheAssociationwillremoveanddisposeofitemsonLOTSnotcomplying withtheserequirementsatanytime.
HearingLossAssociationof America Rochesterchapter: HEARTOGETHER-SpeechlanguagepathologistKristinBergholtz CCC/SLPconductsavirtualsupport groupforparentsandcaregiversof Deaf/hardofhearingchildren.Registeratkristinbslp@gmail.com.VIRTUAL-HeldTuesday,February28, 8pm-9pm.http://www. hearinglossrochester.org
It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.
~Charles Dickens (1812–1870), Great Expectations
Bluey’sBigPlay: This isBluey’sBig Play,ForRealLife.Bluey’sBigPlayis abrand-newtheatricaladaptation oftheEmmy award-winningchildren’stelevisionseries,withan originalstorybyBlueycreatorJoe Brumm,andnewmusicbyBluey composer,JoffBush.JointheHeelersintheirfirstlivetheatreshow madejustforyou,featuringbrilliantlycreatedpuppets,thisisBluey asyou’veneverseenitbefore, broughttoreallife.Bluey’sBigPlay ispresentedbyBBCStudiosand AndrewKayinassociationwith WindmillTheatreCo.blueylive. com.March10-11,RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre,885EastMainSt., Rochester.https://rbtl.org/events/ bluey/
Open House- Large(40x60’HO trainlayoutdepictingtheLehigh Valleyrailroadofthe1950’sfrom BuffalothruPennsylvaniatoJersey City.Membershaveusedphotos, actualplansandon-sitevisitsand picturestorecreatemanyofthe actualscenes,buildingsandbridges alongtherailroadwhichtheclub callstheSenecaValleyLines.Held March4,10-5pmandMarch5, 1-5pm.Theeventisnot handicappedaccessibleasthelayoutisinthebasementoftheFirst UniversalistChurch,150South Ave.,Rochester.Masksareoptional.$5,Kidsunder12free. http://www.rocMRRC.com
RochesterRhapsody,NowAuditioning! Rochester Rhapsodywelcomessingersofallages,backgroundsandculturestoaspecial openrehearsalnighttolearnmore aboutauditioningforthechorus.If youareasingerenthusiasticabout performinginthegreaterRochestercommunity,improving yourvocalskills,andhavingFUN, comeseewhatwedo!Rochester Rhapsodyisopentoindividuals whoidentifyasfemale,aswellas peopleassignedfemaleatbirth whonowidentifyasnonbinaryand arecomfortablebelonginginour communityofwomen.February 27,7pm-9pm,TempleBethEl,139 WintonRdS,Rochester.RSVP appreciated-https://forms.gle/ fb7PsKKQj7kQcApY8 Questions?Sue(585)259-3094or emailinfo@rochesterrhapsody.com
AmericanRedCrossBlood Drive: Wednesday, March8,12 p.m.to5p.m.,St.DominicsParish Center,97WestMainSt., Shortsville.Participantsmustbe ages17orolder;16withparental consentandbringID.Forinformation:redcross.org.
* In 1960, during a period of high tensions between Havana and Washington, a Cuban cow got hit by a chunk of a falling U.S. satellite. Islanders got a dig in at their American neighbors by parading another cow through the streets sporting a sign that read, “Eisenhower, you murdered one of my sisters!”
HikeOntarioCountyParkin South Bristol- HikeandExplore thetrailsofOntarioCountyParkin SouthBristolonSunday,February 26from2-4PMwithSpringwater Trails.Foradditionalinformation/ directions/updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org
AmericanRedCrossBloodDrive - Thursday,March9,12p.m.to5 p.m.,VictorTownHall,85East MainSt.,Victor.Participantsmust beages17orolder;16withparentalconsentandbringID.Forinformation:redcross.org.
KiwanisClubofFarmingtonVictor St.Patrick’sDayFreeDinner forVictor&FarmingtonSenior Citizens-March18,2023.RSVP REQUIRED.Joinusforourannual FREEcornedbeefandcabbagedinner!Thisyearwewillbeoffering drivethrumealstogo,freetolocal seniors.WHEN:March18,2023, 1-4pmattheVictorSeniorHigh SchoolBusLoop,953HighSt, Victor.RSVPbyMarch11th.Callus at585-433-5926,andleaveamessagewithyourname,phonenumberandnumber(#)ofmeals needed.**Thisisadrivethrough, nocontactevent.Pleasestayin yourcar.Wewillbringyourmealto you.
Use light wisely. The photography resource Expert Photography recommends taking photos primarily during the golden hours. These are right after sunrise and just before sunset. The light during these times of day has a softer, hazy quality that will illuminate subjects evenly and less harshly than midday, when shadows also may pose challenges. Taking photos during these times also means fewer people around and a better chance that wildlife will be out and about.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
OTC MELAGENINA PLUS LOTION, 235 mL, unopened. Expiration April 2025. Can send photos of the bottle if interested: rsmckernan@frontiernet.net
SUBARU VERTICAL SHAFT ENGINE, did run, needs pull start replaced: 585-737-0491
BOXES and PACKING MATERIALS: donna.lievense@gmail.com
WOMEN’S DIAPERS, size large. Still in bags: 585-236-0426
Clean QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS, 2” thick. Perfect for camper: 585-755-1948
FELLED 4-5’ SECTIONS ASH WOOD; take as much as you want. Easy access; wood on edges of lawn: 585-281-1717
LG TV, 55” Smart TV. Won a new one in a raffle. Must be picked up: joedriscoll45@gmail.com
El Dorado model 8½ TRUCK CAMPER. Propane stove/oven, fridge, heater, light. For parts or scrap. Must take entire camper: 585-438-4118
CASTRO CONVERTIBLE COUCH and SLIPCOVER - cushions ripped, but mattress perfect: grleah1@juno.com
ICE FISHING SLED: jpt423@yahoo.com
FIREWOOD. Large cotton wood tree; felled, trunk and large branches broken down. Easy access. You pick up, Ionia: 585-657-4894
Two IGLOO DOG HOUSES, one small and one large. You pick up: 585-507-8788
AMPCO PLAYER PIANO and a LOWREY CITATION HOME THEATER ORGAN You move: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
SINGER SEWING MACHINE, model 8280, with directions. Excellent condition. Fairport: 585-223-9014
WURLITZER PIANO - great condition; only one sticky key. Located on the second floor. Text: 585-755-9697
YOUNG CHANG PIANO. You pick up, Honeoye Falls: 585-944-5825
RESMED S8 ELITE II CPAP - Case, Heater/Humidifier, 2 Tanks, Cord, Manual, Hose, but CPAP part probably no good. West Henrietta: cmonroj1@rochester.rr.com
VHS BLANK TAPES. I have several and never been opened. Corfu area: sbly5722@gmail.com
AVANA COMFORT MATTRESS ELEVATOR (king size). Pick up, Webster: 585-872-6756
PATTERNS for an 18” doll: 585-624-5144
PREVAIL OVERNIGHT UNDERWEAR, small, bladder control and a box of ALCOHOL PREP PADS. Pick up Batavia: 716-474-0292 leave message
OLD WOODEN HIGHCHAIR, blonde wood. Good condition. Pittsford/Mendon area: 585-414-0845
SLEEPER SOFA, any size. Please, not if it smells like smoke or cat urine. Will pick up! Thanks! 585-443-9338
VINTAGE ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, vintage stereo equipment, radios, microphones, motors, speakers, meters, turntables, communication gear, Advertising, Ham, Test Equipment: 585-538-9341
ROSARIES (old and new) to add to my 300+ collection: 585-293-2199
COMICS AND SPORTS/COLLECTIBLE CARDS, any condition, will pick up. I enjoy everything. Thank You! God Bless. Text: 585-260-0437
KEYBOARD in working condition for a 90s Dell computer for a disabled person to work with: 585-346-7022
CLEAN STORAGE BOXES, like copier paper boxes, with lids for moving. Stored indoors. Will pick up: 585-497-2327
HP PRINTER INK CARTRIDGES #60 and #61, new or expired okay. Thank you: 585-519-3325
OLD ELECTRONICS, will refurbish and pass on to others in need, or recyclecomputers, stereos, printers, etc.: terrybeckley1@gmail.com
Senior Navy Veteran needs any running VEHICLE that has passed inspection for himself and animal rescue: 585-531-4004
Rock music - 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTE TAPES, and VINYL RECORDS for my own personal collection. Thanks in advance: gzintel@yahoo.com
BOX TRAILER: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and carrying case for granddaughter who will be in this summer’s tournament: 585-334-6134
AIR COMPRESSOR - 10+ gallons: mhoskins@pvac.org
INVERSION TABLE, for senior with bad back: stujaxon@yahoo.com
TRAILER WHEEL & TIRE, ST175-80D13 13” wheel, 5 lugs: 585-993-1917
BUILT/UNBUILT MODELS OR KITS. Parts and pieces ok. Longtime collector seeks projects/restorations/customs. Auto, Truck, Plane, Military, etc. Call 585-314-6989, thanks
DIRT BIKES, ATVs, GO-KARTS wanted that are running or not running for father-son project. Thank you in advance! 315-576-1278
Looking for a WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Thank you and feel free to call or text me: 315-576-1278
Looking for GARAGE SIGNS, OIL CANS, or other decorative automotive memorabilia from the 1970s and earlier. Thank you! 315-576-1278
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com
under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper. The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798.
A er preparing my own taxes annually for over 40 years, I’m about to have someone else do them for me for the rst time.
is is not without concerns, of course, but the people who volunteer to prepare taxes at the senior center are trained. ey’re part of the AARP income tax assistance program, which means they’re IRS-certi ed and therefore will know about any recent changes to tax law ... which will be handy at this point.
As of this writing, the IRS is telling people to hold o sending in their tax returns for 2022. e reason: So many states handed out so many types of money during the pandemic that the IRS isn’t sure yet what is and isn’t taxable. For example, checks designated as “rebates” might or might not be taxable. A Covid disaster emergency relief check is not. However, in some cases, the issue is complicated by whether you do or do not itemize. People in at least 22 states are caught in this dilemma.
If you haven’t done your taxes yet and want help, or if you want to make a note for next year, do an online search for “AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Locator.” Once on the site, scroll down and enter your ZIP code or town in the search eld to nd the locations near you.
Be sure to ask about the forms you’ll need to pick up and ll out before your appointment, and whether you’ll be going inside or waiting in the parking lot.
e other good news is that this AARP service is free. For me it means I don’t need to spend $50 once again to buy the computer so ware and do it myself and hope I haven’t made an error somewhere ... perhaps with guessing wrong about whether that state check I received is or isn’t taxable.
(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.
Using reclaimed timber when building or renovating a home benefits the environment in various ways. According to GreenBusinessWatch. org, building and renovating with reclaimed timber helps to preserve forests by greatly reducing the need to cut down trees. In addition, when using reclaimed timber to build or renovate a home, contractors and homeowners tend to use locally sourced reclaimed wood, reducing the need to transport wood from afar to complete the projects. That reduced reliance on transportation reduces fuel consumption and air pollution. Processing reclaimed timber is often less taxing on the environment than processing virgin wood. However, reclaimed timber may provide more than just environmental benefits. Virgin timber typically comes from commercially grown trees that are not always afforded enough time to reach full maturity. Timber that is reclaimed from old buildings and vessels may very well have reached full maturity before it was cut down to use as building material. Reclaimed timber that grew to full maturity is likely stronger than virgin wood taken from commercially grown trees that were not given enough time to mature. Reclaimed timber also may prove more durable than virgin wood because the former has already dried out after years of contracting and expanding, making it less likely to warp and split than virgin wood that has yet to endure such exposure.
Family of 2: $44,760
Family of 3: $55,296
Family of 4: $65,820
Funded by: NYS Homes and Community Renewal
2. MOVIES: What subject does Professor Minerva McGonagall teach at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
3. HISTORY: Where was civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated?
4. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president had a sign on his desk that read, “The Buck Stops Here”?
5. GEOGRAPHY: Where is the world’s largest desert?
6. LITERATURE: What is the real name of the author Lemony Snicket?
7. FOOD & DRINK: What is the fruit that gives the liqueur creme de cassis its flavor?
8. MUSIC: What inspired the Beatles’ song “Blackbird”?
9. CELEBRITIES: What is singer/ actress Judy Garland’s birth name?
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
* On March 1, 1966, Venera 3, an unmanned Soviet probe launched from Kazakhstan, collides with Venus, the second planet from the sun. It was the first spacecraft to reach the surface of another planet.
10. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What are squirrels’ nests called? Answers
1. “Mad Men.”
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: “Yet I had rather be remembered as those brave beginners are, though many of them missed the triumph, than as the latecomers will be, who only beat the drums and wave the banners when the victory is won.” -- Louisa May Alcott
Be specific in regard to planning. Being specific when choosing goals is important, but it’s equally important to be as specific as possible in regard to developing a plan to realize those goals. Before embarking on a journey to realize your goals, figure out how you’re going to achieve them. Create a new daily or weekly schedule that allots time to realize your goals, seeking input from loved ones whose lives may be affected by your new schedule.
Full-Time CDL
required. Full
Tony: 585-748-4348 or 585-624-3778
• B shift Cleaners
• Bus Drivers
• Bus Monitors
Hours and pay vary by position. NYS Pension and bene t eligible positions available. To apply, visit: www.work4h .org
In today’s competitive job market, individuals need to channel all possible assets to get ahead. Working more efficiently and improving productivity can be an advantage to anyone.
Finger Lakes oroughbred Adoption Program, Inc. is looking to hire BARN HELP
is is a part time opening - year round. e ideal candidate will need to know how to handle oroughbreds for turnout, cleaning stalls, watering, feeding and general maintenance of the indoor arena and paddocks. Must be comfortable greeting the public and assisting with any questions they may have.
Applications are available at Finger Lakes oroughbred Adoption Program
Willing to train motivated individuals. Must have
One of the leading General Contractors in Western NY is looking to support its continuing growth by hiring a motivated Carpenter and general jack-of-all-trades. is dynamic individual needs to be a carpentry specialist, with additional supporting construction skills, while exhibiting the professionalism and energy of this growing company.
Candidates seeking to join this Rochester Top 100 company will need to have a minimum of 5 years of experience in nish carpentry, as well as basic understanding of all trades.
Please send electronic resume and salary requirements to info@BuildTaylor.com.
Spring for coffee. Many employees require a caffeine buzz to get them through their busy days. The old pot in the break room may not deliver the best brews these days, and you can give employees another coffee fix to help them perk up. Check to see if independent coffee chains or even franchised businesses have to-go carafes. If not, consider purchasing a coffeehouse-inspired coffee maker, complete with the capabilities to make cappuccino and lattés.
* It’s illegal in Vermont to prohibit anyone from putting up a clothesline.
DIDYOUKNOW... Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!
EXPERTPIANOTUNING & REPAIR.Since1980.MusicianExtraordinaire,CharlesM.Freida, 585-426-2334.
www.GVPennySaver.com or call 1-866-812-8111 info at gvpennysave
Classified ads with the Ads Pluslogohavemorepictures, videos or info onlineproviding you with more details before making yourdecisiontopurchase!
Goto www.GVPennySaver. com and view the ad online to see the additional details. Scan the QR code below to learn more!
CASHFORCARS, trucks, vans, SUVs.WE’RELOCAL!Fastcash! Freetowing.$200-$5000.No keys,notitle,noproblem! 585-482-2140
Wanted!Highercashpaidformost. Alwaysfreepickup.Wearethe ONLYlocalcompanythatpaysHonestandFairestforover30years. 585-305-5865.
DONATEYOURCAR to Veterans Today!HelpandSupportourVeterans.Fast-FREEpickup.100%tax deductible.Call1-800-245-0398.
DONATEYOURCARTOCHARITY. Receive maximumvalueofwrite offforyourtaxes.Runningornot!All conditionsaccepted.Freepickup.Call fordetails.1-855-587-1166.
NOJOBTOO SMALL, Icanclean yourapartment,cottage,andhouse. Reasonablerates.Referencesavailable. Call585-704-9345
FORSALE4’x8’x16”(Facecord) 585-924-3377or585-402-4806
CANING ANDALLTYPESOF SEATING.Clockservices,electrical&mechanical.Furniture repairs.Uniquerusticand lodgegifts:TheFurnitureDoctor,Inc.585-657-6941.Rts. 5&20,Bloomfield,NY, thefurnituredoctoronline.com.
VIAGRAandCIALISUSERS! 50 Generic PillsSPECIAL$99.100% guaranteed.24/7CALLNOW! 888-445-5928HablamosEspanol.
DENTALINSURANCE- Physicians Mutual InsuranceCompany.Covers 350procedures.Realinsurance-nota discountplan.Getyourfreedental infokit!1-855-526-1060www. dental50plus.com/ads#6258.
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DENTALINSURANCE from PhysiciansMutualInsuranceCompany. Coveragefor350plusprocedures. Realdentalinsurance-NOTjusta discountplan.Donotwait!Callnow! GetyourFREEDentalInformationKit withallthedetails!1-855-434-9221 www.dental50plus.com/44#6258
VIAGRAandCIALISUSERS! 50 Pills SPECIAL$99.00FREEShipping! 100%guaranteed.CALLNOW! 855-413-9574
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PRAYERTOTHE Blessed Virgin (Neverknowntofail.)Oh,mostBeautifulFlowerofMt.Carmel,fruitful vine,splendorofHeaven,Blessed MotheroftheSonofGod.Queenof HeavenandEarth,Ihumblybeseech youfromthebottomofmyheartto succormeinmynecessity(make request).Therearenonewhocan withstandyourpower.HolyMary, conceivedwithoutsin,prayforus, whohaverecoursetoThee.(3times). HolyMother,Iplacethisinyour hands.(3times).Saythisprayer3 daysandthenyoumustpublishitand itwillbegrantedtoyou.Thankyou VirginMaryforansweringmyprayers. P.G.
December days were brief and chill,
The winds of March were wild and drear, And, nearing and receding still, Spring never would, we thought, be here.
~Arthur Hugh Clough (1819–1861)
LABRADORPUPPIESREADY Now: Chocolate, AKC,Familyraised,Father isfullEnglishandtested.Parentson premises.Females$750,Males$650. 585-382-9921Callsonly.
HEATING&COOLING: We repair &servicealltypesofoil& gasheatingsystems.Boilers,furnaces,waterheaters,residential& Mobilehomes.Oilheatservice contracts.A/Ccleaning&repair. Fastservice,honestadvice,guaranteedwork.24houremergency service.VISA/MC.CallSummit BurnerService,585-554-4492. www.summitheatny.com
MARALELECTRICLLC : Commercial/ Residential. Licensed/Insured.25yrsexperience.FORALLYOURELECTRICALNEEDS!AllMajorCredit CardsAccepted. 585-490-3607.
STEVE´SMASONRY AND FIREPLACE SERVICES: Brick, block,concrete,stamped concrete,chimneyrepairs, foundations,brickandstone veneers. www.stevescustommasonry.com 585-309-4295.
ProfessionalHandymanServices including; carpentry, plumbing,electrical&painting, pluswindowsanddoors.Many homeimprovements&repairs. CallRickat585-374-2581
Rates startingat$49. CleanoutofAttics,Cellars, Houses,Barns,etc! Removalgarages,fences,etc. Also,Tree/BrushRemoval FastResponseTime SAMEDAYSERVICE! MasterCardorVisaaccepted. WINTERCOUPONSPECIAL: Expires3-31-23 JDJunk&CleanoutService, 585-719-8004
TRICODOORCOMPANY for garagedoorsandopeners.Parts,Service, Salesandinstallations.Commercial, Residential,Automatic.FREEESTIMATES.585-924-3210.Insured.
Residential JunkRemoval Cleanout...
Attics,Basements,Garages,Barns Demo...Garages,Pools, Sheds,Barns BBBMember
Mike,585-975-9019, 585-482-8366.
Honeoye-Pittsford 585-322-5909
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CARINGFORANAGINGLOVED ONE? Wondering aboutoptionslike senior-livingcommunitiesandinhomecare?Caring.com’sFamilyAdvisorshelptaketheguessworkoutof seniorcareforyourfamily.Free, no-obligationconsult:1-855-759-1407
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Works by Children’s author, Roald Dahl, famous for works such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, and James and the Giant Peach and being edited to remove certain words that could be deemed offensive to modern audiences. Do you think we should review and edit children’s books for the current times?
• Any steps that will promote inclusivity should be taken, including rewrites.
• Certain words should be omitted, but adding language that was not original to the author should be off limits.
• Freedom of speech should protect the right to leave the works as is.
Poll ends 2-28-23
Poll ended 2-21-23
New Jersey restaurant is implementing a no kids under 10 policy because of loud, unruly, messy children. What do you think of this policy?
43.3% I agree with it. Not all restaurants are a good fit for children
10.0% I welcome a restaurant which won’t have the distraction of small children
23.3% They should have a section dedicated to families with young kids
6.7% Kids should be welcome no matter what
16.7% My kids are well behaved, would they make an exception?
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My name is Cynnamon, and my parents rescued me from a backyard breeder. I’m about one years old, and I love my fenced in backyard because I live to chase rabbits and squirrels! I spend my days playing with all my toys and annoying Mommy when she has to work. I have a 15 year old rescued sister, Zoe, who refuses to play with me. She just naps all the time. Party pooper! I’m such a happy, snuggly girl!
Don’t miss a fun packed month at the Club at Cli on, the public restaurant, bar and party house at Cli on Springs Country Club. Save the calendar below so you can join old friends, meet new ones and enjoy all we have in store!
Thursday, March 9th: Stand Up For Hunger!
Live comedy to bene t the local food pantries. Featuring comedy by Frank Del Pizzo who has entertained audiences from New Jersey to Vegas! Dinner and Show $50. Reservations required.
Fridays, March 10th - April 7th: Chef Simon’s Famous Fish Fry! Our rst dinner of the season. Other select menu items also available. Twelve cra beers on tap and a full cocktail menu. Live music too!
Thursday, March 16th: Wine Tasting and Dinner Menu – Reservations required.
Friday, March 17th: Our Big Grand Opening St. Patrick’s Day Party – Live music by e Dean’s List! Reservations required – limited seating!!!
Tuesday-Friday Dinners 4-9pm beginning April 4th. Reservations appreciated!
Thursdays Live Music April 6th-27th
And through September!
4/6: Nate Michaels
4/13: Josh Ketchum
4/20: Rock Jester featuring Mark Millis of e Dean’s List
4/27: Just Joe makes his CSCC debut!
Saturday, April 15th: Silent Disco!!! Fundraiser for e House of John. Tickets required, details to follow!