PALMYRA: 3689ArmingtonRoad. May3rd&4th(9-5pm).MULTIFAMILYSALE.11families.Our largestsaleever!Indoors/under tents.Rainorshine.Bakedgoodsto benefitAlzheimer´s.Somethingfor everyone.Greatdeals!
RUSH:6720E RIVERRD.May9, 10,&11,(8am-5pm)LARGESALEFurniture,Lamps,walldecor,Hummels,glassware,Household,Women Clothes,andplants,smokefree,clean, organized.
BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne
Mon., Wed., Fri. 8am-5:30pm; Tues. & Thurs. 8am-6:30pm; Sat. by appt.
Maintain your vehicle. Poorly maintainedvehiclesendureundue stress that can be prevented by adhering to routine maintenance schedules. Peruse your vehicle’s owner’s manuals to determine the recommended intervals to change the oil and replace the air filter and spark plugs. These simple maintenance tasks are easy and inexpensive, but they make it easier for engines to run smoothly andmakeefficientuseoffuel.
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the Highway Loss Data Institute, roughly 10 percent of all highway deaths involve large trucks. Braking capability can play a role in such deaths, as the IIHS notes that loaded tractortrailers take between 20 and 40 percent farther than cars to fully stop. That discrepancy is even greater on poorly maintained roads or roads marked by adverse conditions such as ice, rain and/ or snow. While 16 percent of the roughly 3,600 people who died in large truck crashes in the United States in 2014 were truck occupants, more than four times that many people (68 percent) were occupants of cars and other passenger vehicles. That’s because large trucks typically weigh 20 to 30 times more than passenger vehicles, meaning occupants in cars and passenger trucks are incredibly susceptible to serious injury or death should they get in accidents with tractor-trailers and other large trucks. Time of day also must be considered when examining large truck crashes and fatalities. While 17 percent of deaths in 2014 took place between the hours of noon and 3 p.m., that figure dropped to 11 percent between the typical rushhoursof6p.m.and9p.m.
I used to visit and revisit it a dozen times a day, and stand in deep contemplation over my vegetable progeny with a love that nobody could share or conceive of who had never taken part in the process of creation. It was one of the most bewitching sights in the world to observe a hill of beans thrusting aside the soil, or a rose of early peas just peeping forth sufficiently to trace a line of delicate green.
~Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mosses from and Old Manse
Portable vs. Standby Generators
Prepare your home for a power outage (Family Features) Understanding the distinction between these options will help any family determine which is the better choice for their home.
• A portable generator is an immediate, but temporary, solution. A portable gas generator is less expensive than a standby unit and doesn’t require installation time. Its benefits have limits, as it can only power a few home appliances for a few hours before needing refueling.
• A standby generator with an automatic transfer switch provides a seamless and permanent backup power solution. It is professionally installed outside the home and can power more of your home’s appliances for long periods of time. Powered by natural gas or liquid propane, recent power management technology has allowed homes to still receive whole-house backup electricity, but with a smaller, more affordable generator than in years past.
With an emergency kit on hand and the right backup power source available, the frustration of weathering a storm can be greatly lessened.
Lucie WinborneImproving traction around the house also can minimize falls. Throw rugs and runners can be made more secure with nonslip rubber backings. Bath rugs can reduceslippingonwetsurfacesin the bathroom. Also, nonslip mats can be used inside of showers andbathtubs. Useshoetraystoreducepuddling frommeltingsnoworrainrunoffin entryways. Mop up spills quickly, and consider the use of matteor textured-finished flooring to improvestabilityunderfoot. Promptly remove snow and ice from driveways and walkways. For those who live in cold climates, heated concrete can help melt precipitation before it accumulates.
* The first washing machine was invented in 1782 by H. Sidgier of Great Britain. His design was later honed by other inventors, including William Blackstone, who invented the first at-home washer as a birthday gift for his wife.
1. GEOGRAPHY: Which of the Great Lakes is smallest in surface area?
2. TELEVISION: Which sitcom has the theme song, “Where Everybody Knows Your Name”?
3. ANATOMY: Which part of the human body is involved with ACL surgery?
4. GAMES: What is the victim’s name in the U.S. version of the board game “Clue”?
5. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the world’s largest species of frog?
6. SCIENCE: What do isobars indicate?
7. LITERATURE: In the novel “Don Quixote,” who is the human companion to the title character?
8. MOVIES: In which movie did actor Bill Murray live the same day over and over?
9. THEATER: Who is believed to be the first actor in a Greek drama?
10. MUSIC: What is the name of Beyonce’s 2024 country album?
• Construction Grade Stone • Decorative Stone
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Plant to create privacy. Homeowners spent more time at home than ever before during the pandemic, and some might have grown tired of seeing what their neighbors are up to. Fencing might be the first solution homeowners consider when looking to make their landscapes more private. But new fencing installation can be expensive, costing homeowners between $1,667 and $4,075 on average, according to BobVila.com. A more costly and natural solution is to plant trees around the perimeter. Speak with a local landscaping professional, who can survey the property to see which trees might thrive and provide the privacy homeowners want.
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There are plenty of reasons to plant trees. Trees provide a natural form of shade, reducing air temperature by blocking the sun’s rays. This can reduce reliance on air conditioning systems and make it more comfortable to spend time outdoors during the summer.
North Carolina State University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences says trees absorb and block noise and reduce glare. They also can trap dust, pollen and smoke. Trees also absorb carbon dioxide and potentially harmful gasses from the air. One large tree can supply a day’s worth of oxygen for as many as four people, while also storing 13 pounds of carbon per year.
Does Your Family Have a Fire Escape Plan? (Family Features) When a home fire occurs, you have very little time to get out. A working smoke alarm doubles your chances of survival, yet more than twenty percent of American homes are without them. Energizer and the International Association of Fire Chiefs teamed up to address this problem by providing vital fire safety information to families. Make a Plan Installing smoke alarms on every level of the home and developing a plan of escape can give your family precious minutes to get out and get to safety. Draw a floor plan of your home and sketch exit routes out of every room. Make sure you have a fire escape ladder long enough to reach the ground from upstairs rooms. Assign an outside meeting place, so you can quickly locate each other
Roof age: The age of the roof is a major factor in determining if it will need to be replaced or if repairs can be made to isolated damage. Individuals who live in neighborhoods where neighbors are now replacing roofs will likely find it is time to consult a roofing company. Homeowners also can check to see if they have any receipts that indicate the roof’s installation date so they have an idea about its age.
• Roofing • Remodeling • Siding • Seamless Gutters
Conservation is an essential component of an eco-friendly lifestyle. Conserving the planet’s natural resources can have a profound impact on the planet, and conserving at home is a great way for men and women to get the ball rolling on their conservation efforts.
One of the most effective ways to conserve at home is to reduce water consumption. Few people give much thought to how much water they consume at home, as water bills tend to be considerably lower than other utilities like energy and phone. But even if efforts to conserve water at home may not make a dramatic impact on monthly utility bills, many measures can go a long way toward preserving one of the planet’s most precious resources.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Which of the following activities do you find most helpful for maintaining your mental wellbeing?
- Regular exercise
- Hobbies or creative outlets
- Mindfulness / meditation
- Talking with friends or family
- Professional therapy
- Self-help books/articles
- Journaling Poll ends 05-07-2024 Poll ended 04-30-2024
What are your favorite ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine?
46.2% Outdoor activities like hiking, biking, or walking in the park
15.4% Dancing to my favorite music
7.7% Taking the stairs instead of the elevator
23.1% Playing
7.7% Incorporating
$149,900 plus tax
Sunday, May 5th
Complimentary Refreshments
6256 Murphy Dr., Victor, NY 14564: is beautiful and spacious three-bedroom, two-bath home is placed in our quiet, yet active community! Join us and enjoy our many amenities! Swim, golf, walk, play bingo, euchre, mahjong and more!
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Hundreds of thousands of new businesses are started each month, with Yahoo! reporting that about 543,000 entrepreneurs open a business in a typical month.
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
Since 1970
Serves 6 to 8
2 to 3 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 pounds apples, peeled, cored and cut into thick slices
1/2 cup honey, preferably sage honey
1/2 cup white wine
Zest of 1 lemon
Juice of 1 lemon
Fresh sage sprigs for garnish
1. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the apples, turn the heat to high and sauté until they begin to brown on the edges, about 5 minutes. If some are getting too well done, remove them and place on a plate while the rest continue to cook, then return them to the skillet when all are done.
2. Reduce the heat to low and add the honey, wine, lemon zest, lemon juice, and 1/2 cup water. Cover and allow to cook until the apples are tender but still firm; you don’t want them to turn into applesauce.
3. Serve this in a bowl, tuck in a couple sprigs of fresh sage from your garden, and tell your guests all about sage honey.
MOMENTS IN TIME (The History Channel)
* May 8, 1988, Stella Nickell is convicted of murder by a Seattle jury. She was the first person to be found guilty of violating the Federal Anti-Tampering Act after putting cyanide in Excedrin capsules in an effort to kill her husband. She began planning his death after their 1976 honeymoon.
WORM FACTORY COMPOSTER - a four-tier composting worm bin system with instruction booklet. 18”x18”x24” high. Photos available. den.and.ed@hotmail.com
USED POSTAGE STAMPS and POP CAN TABS. Pick-up from Lakeville or Geneseo. Call or text 585-649-8706
Many VINTAGE PLAYER PIANO MUSIC ROLLS, all music genres. caringheart50@yahoo.com
DOG BEDS - Ten available. They are pillowcases with cotton stuffing and are homemade in various sizes. lesterhome1991@gmail.com
SCRAP LUMBER. Miscellaneous pieces; incl. 2x4, 4x4, 1x6. Take as much or as little as you want. Please text 585-645-9835
PLASTIC STORAGE BINS w/lids. All sizes – from food storage to 64qt. You pick up, Fairport. Call or text 585-766-8584
USED GREETING CARDS for crafts. 585-243-3965
Variety of AFRICAN VIOLETS to a good home. Penfield/Webster area. 585-698-6236
Eight DECORATIVE BRICKS. You pick up, Clifton Springs. 315-879-2970
CHILDREN’S ARMOIRE, white, 3’ W x 5’ H. 2 drawers, 3 shelves and closet with door. Good condition. 585-703-4898
ROUTER – Netscape. Works fine. Wires included. Will meet in public area. allentom322@gmail.com
2 pair of ECLIPSE GLASSES, 3 NOVELS, size 5x STRAPLESS DRESS, MEN’S SNEAKERS - size 8-8.5. Batavia. Text only. 845-309-9373
Older ARIEN’S SNOWBLOWER. Walk behind. You pick up. Brockport (Clarkson). 585-520-8140
Lots of LEFTOVER WOOD – boards and pieces and other materials from handyman projects. Must take all. Pickup truck full. Canandaigua. 585-394-8189
KING SIZE MATTRESS, three and a half years old. Has always had a protection cover on it. 585-762-8250
New in box, TOILET SEAT RISER W/ARMS. VICKS VAPOR STEAM. EXERCISE WEIGHTS. Excellent condition. rayjentayok@gmail.com
4-DRAWER FILING CABINETS. colleen.henry@lalrr.com
New to food canning. Seeking CANNER, JAR LIFTER, FUNNEL. kabij444@gmail.com
CASSETTE PLAYER to play back tapes. Must be fully functional. In Penfield. mehmolar77@gmail.com
STURDY DAY BED with mattress needed for elderly gentleman. Sleeping in recliner atm. No bed in over a year. 607-968-4144
VINTAGE ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, vintage stereo equipment, reel to reel, turntables, old radios, microphones, portable CRT TVs, ham radio. greg3151@ymail.com
LAPTOP - Windows 10 or 11. Used/unwanted, for Senior. stujaxon@yahoo.com
Have MS, looking for ALUMINUM WHEELCHAIR RAMP. Even parts of one would help. ccfrenchy34@yahoo.com
Restorer collector looking for OLD ELECTRONICS - computers, video games (Nintendo), stereo equipment, HiFi speakers, cameras, ham/ CB radios, records, reels +more. 585-883-5334
Large CHESS SET and a FOLDING CART or BAG ON WHEELS for groceries. 585-507-8788
VINTAGE LIGHT WEIGHT TV TABLE or TABLES. rayjentayok@gmail.com
Looking for very large TERRACOTTA BROKEN TILES for erosion control. raineylady51@gmail.com
Looking for MINI AMBER LIGHT BAR, preferably clear lenses, and FLOOR TILES. 585-447-0201
SPORTS CARDS – Football, baseball, hockey, basketball. OLD TIME RADIO SHOWS on CDs. Handheld SEGA GENESIS GAME SYSTEM w/games. COSTUME JEWELRY. 585-415-8513
ADULT NUTRITION DRINKS, any brand. Any DOG SUPPLIES; harness, leash, clothes, gate, etc. Call or text 585-649-8706
BIRD CAGE. Call or text 585-880-7995
50 feet of 4 foot or taller FENCING for garden. wkwalker74@gmail.com
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
The traffic circle is annoying. What’s even more frustrating is that people don’t use blinkers when they’re exiting. It causes traffic to back up unnecessarily & makes delays for people to enter the circle. It’s annoying and rude. When you learned to drive, didn’t you learn to use your blinkers?
I want to thank the kind and honest person who found my credit card at the Webster Post Office a few weeks ago and returned it to staff. It just proves that there are good, honest people who do the right thing. I appreciate it very much and thank you.
My husband and I noticed piles of garbage at our local Town Park. We both decided to pick it up, since there is a constant flow of people. We filled 2 garbage bags with shoes, soup containers, broken glass, clothes, coffee cups and doggy poo bags! Nasty!
Last Friday, I thought I ordered a pizza from a local pizza shop, but the order never made it through. I contacted the restaurant and the person who picked up the phone said that he would give me a free pizza, size large, including a brownie! If more people could be this kind I think that the community would be so much better! Thank you again!
When we brought this to the attention at the Town office across the street, the lady in charge of the parks department said that “The Park is closed but when it’s open they pick up.” When asked if we could throw the trash in their dumpster, she rolled her eyes and called someone else, while laughing at my husband. Pick up after yourselves so that others do not have to- clearly the Town could care less about the safety of others!
Adam Eaton is Founder and Creative Director of Rochester Artist Collaborative. Born and raised in Rochester and Penfield, he uses photography “as a medium to explore the beauty of Black people in Rochester and examines how art and culture shape our definitions and perceptions of beauty, celebrating diversity and the human spirit. I love my hometown and the beautiful people that live in Rochester.”
Eaton says he always felt he was a creative person, but never fully considered himself an Artist until he discovered photography in 2019. Having spent many years dealing with depression and anxiety, he remembers when he would do something creative, whether it be singing, painting, or whatever, the creative efforts made him feel better.
In 2019, when a ceramics class he wanted to take through Flower City Arts Center was sold out, Eaton took a chance with a photography course, learning about aperture, ISOs, and techniques to successfully use even an iPhone to capture life. While he started out a little bored photographing sunsets and architecture, when he started taking photos of family and friends, his passion ignited and he started his photography practice.
Around the same time, he says he began connecting with different Rochester Artists, participating for instance in the First Friday events at the Hungerford building, where Artists collaborate, find inspiration, and network. As Eaton developed his own practice, he discovered a common refrain: Rochester Artists did not feel supported, o en did not know where to start or what to do to develop their skills, or how to gain traction with the public.
When he heard a good friend intended to move out of the area because of this lack of support, Eaton coordinated an event at the Rochester Contemporary Arts Center, at which the public could meet the Artist and view her significant collection. e event was a success, with all the Artists’ prints selling out, and more importantly, spreading the word about her and other Artists. Eaton loved coordinating that event and as he le , he says he felt inspired to help other Artists.
Eaton founded Rochester Artist Collaborative to “[support] the Artists and creatives who significantly contribute to our city’s cultural enrichment and economic development.” By providing local Artists with resources and opportunities needed to succeed, the RAC “[empowers] them and [creates] a lasting impact.” With this access, the Rochester Artist Collaborative “celebrates creativity and every Artist is provided the opportunity to flourish.”
Eaton says Rochester is home to thousands of Artists practicing part-time or full-time, with music, painting, photography, different art mediums, and a lot of those people have operated in what he calls “silos,” or small groups, but not really connecting in general. So, with Rochester Artist Collaborative, Eaton aims to connect those silos, so they’re not secret or hidden, so they’re organized, so Artists needing support can find what they need.
Eaton says in his journey developingtheCollaborative, he found Rochester art community staples, such as the Memorial Art Gallery, Flower City Arts Center, and the Contemporary Arts Center. He also raves about the Anderson Arts Building, creative home to 40-50 Artists, many of whom have been there for 20-30 years, and the Artists there offer lots of knowledge and wisdom, he says.
Rochester Artist Collaborative aims to grow its network by connecting more Artists through various events and activities, especiallyduringMay,whichisMemberMonth. isperiodwillfeature numerous events designed to promote Artist members and attract new members and sponsors. Additionally, they seek to engage more deeply with the broader community. According to Eaton, community support is crucial for Artists to thrive and continue their creative work.
Eaton thanks the RAC team for their assistance: Studio Assistant ai Huoang, Office Assistant Amanda Smith, Videographer Rajae Barnes-Wright, and Graphic Designer Austin Palozzi; they are integral in making Rochester Artist Collaborative a success.
In addition to his administrative role at Rochester Artist Collaborative, Eaton is a professional fine art photographer focusing on portrait photography and visual storytelling, for example leading “high-profile campaigns for [Rochester area businesses to cra ] brand narratives that resonate authentically and powerfully.” rough his work, Eaton seeks to foster an inclusive and supportive arts community in Rochester, continually exploring innovative ways to visually express ideas and narratives.
Eaton says, “Rochester is filled with beauty,” and as many Black community members suffer daily racism and discrimination, Eaton uses his “power as an Artist to speak about these issues. rough photography, I can capture how I see the world and allow others to see the beauty I experience daily in my community.” His artistic vision focuses on timeless themes focusing on community, honesty, love, and beauty. He is particularly proud of his solo exhibit, “Black is Beautiful,” at Geva eatre, which he intends to reprise each year to celebrate the beauty of Black people around Rochester.
Visit www.rochesterartistcollaborative.com for more information and to get involved with the community. For Adam’s works and story, visit adameaton.com.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
* Need to save money grocery shopping? Studies show that if you shop when the store is least busy, you’ll make smarter decisions. Try shopping at off-peak hours, such as later in the evening or early in the morning. Or try your store on Wednesday, traditionally the least busy day of the week.
* “I was making cookies last week and needed to roll out the dough. I couldn’t find my rolling pin anywhere. In a pinch, I pulled a bottle of wine off my wine rack and wrapped it tightly in plastic. It did the trick. I’m thinking I might just save the next empty bottle and clean the label off of it to use. I can store it right there in my rack!” -- O.V. in Oregon
* Add shredded veggies to tomato sauce to up the veggie quotient. Many vegetables can be added without adding many calories and will not change the taste that much. Try carrots, squash or sweet potatoes. You can even add a tablespoon or two of canned, pureed pumpkin.
Men and women over 50, who are considering returning to school may be eligible for financial assistance through various programs. According to the American Association of Retired Persons, older men and women who want to go back to school do not necessarily have to bankroll that expenditure on their own.
How do I prepare my soil for planting?
Properly preparing your soil before planting is essential for creating a thriving garden bed. To embark on this journey, begin by meticulously removing any pesky weeds or grass that may have taken root in the area. This will help ensure that your plants have ample space to flourish without any unnecessary competition for nutrients and resources. Once you have cleared the canvas, it’s time to indulge in the art of soil cultivation. Gently till or dig the soil to loosen its texture, allowing for improved aeration and drainage. As you delve into this task, consider adding a touch of magic in the form of organic matter. Compost, a delightful concoction of decayed organic materials, can work wonders for your soil structure and serve
as a nutrient-rich feast for your soon-tobe-planted garden gems. Generously incorporatethispreciousresourceintothe soil, allowing it to weave its enchantment and transform the landscape. Finally, as you put the finishing touches on your soil masterpiece, gently smooth the surface and offer it a refreshing drink of water, quenching its thirst and creating an inviting environment for your seeds or seedlings.
How often should I water my garden? The rhythm of watering your garden is a delicatedance,influencedbyasymphony of factors that harmonize to create the perfect balance. Consider the unique needs of your plants, the composition of your soil, the whims of weather, and the
stage of growth your green companions find themselves in. As you traverse this journey,keep in mind that moderation is key. While providing ample hydration is crucial, drowning your garden in excess water can lead to soggy roots and a lack of oxygen, stifling the potential for growth. Instead, aim for a gentle and nourishing approach. Seek to deliver approximately 1 inch of water per week, a golden rule that provides ample moisture without overwhelming the delicate ecosystem beneath the surface.
Look for this weekly column! Your questions answered by the local Cornell experts.
However, remember that this is merely a guiding principle,and it’s vital to listen to the whispers of your garden. Observe the moisture level of the soil, and let it guide your hand as you adjust your watering routine. Remember, deep and infrequent watering encourages the development of robust root systems, anchoring your plants firmly in the ground and preparing them for a flourishing future.
~ Ken Estes, Ag Program Manager, CCE Livingston County
The tradition of Mother’s Day in the United States dates back more than a century to 1908, when West Virginia native Anna Jarvis held a memorial service to honor her mother, who had passed away three years earlier, and all mothers in Grafton, West Virginia. Mother’s Day would ultimately become a national holiday in the United States in 1914, thanks in large part to Jarvis’ campaigning. As Jarvis, who never married and never had children of her own, grew old, she criticized Mother’s Day as overly commercial, even trying to have it removed from the calendar. Those efforts failed, and Mother’s Day remains popular now, more than 100 years after the idea for it was conceived.
A vast number of families travel to their favorite restaurants for Mother’s Day meals. Mother’s Day is one of the busiest holidays of the year for restaurants. The National Retail Federation says 54.8 percent of Americans treat their mothers to a special meal out on Mother’s Day.
May 10-11, 10AM-5PM
Join the Windy Acres Spring Fling. Bring your items to sell, cra s, furniture, antiques, whatever you have to sell! Only $15.00 per day. Bring a tent or set up on the lawn.
Extra bonus: Everything in the back of the barn 50% off! Come join the fun!
Call Barb at 585-330-0893 to reserve your spot.
Locally handcra ed furniture, from reclaimed & premium wood. Vintage decor & decorative accents.
2518 Huber Rd. • Fairport (off 441)
Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.
~Marion C. Garretty, quoted in A Little Spoonful of Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul
• 8 1-inch-thick bread slices, cut from a country or peasant loaf
• 2 cups half-and-half
• 4 egg yolks
• 3 tablespoons light brown sugar
• 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, plus 1/2 teaspoon
• 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
• 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
• 1/2 cup sour cream
• 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
• 1/3 cup strawberry jam or preserves (see note 2)
1. Arrange a rack at center position and preheat the oven to 400 F. Place the bread slices on a baking sheet and bake until dry and very lightly browned, about 8 minutes per side. Watch carefully so that the bread does not burn. Remove the bread from the oven and reduce the oven temperature to 200 F.
2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the half-and-half, egg yolks, brown sugar, 1 tablespoon vanilla, and cinnamon. Pour the mixture into a shallow pan (a 9-by-13-inch glass baking dish works well). Add the
toasted bread slices and soak them 4 minutes per side. Remove to a large plate or platter.
3. Place a large, heavy frying pan over low to medium heat. Add about 2 teaspoons of the butter, or enough to coat the bottom of the pan lightly. When melted, add enough bread slices to fit comfortably in a single layer. Cook slowly until the slices are golden brown and crisp on both sides, about 4 minutes per side. Remove to a baking sheet and place in the warm oven. Repeat, adding more butter to the pan as needed until all the bread slices have been sautéed.
4. In a small bowl, stir together the sour cream, granulated sugar and remaining 1/2 teaspoon vanilla.
5. When ready to serve, spread each toast with a thin coating of strawberry jam and top with a dollop of sweetened sour cream.
Note 1: The best bread for this dish is an unsliced loaf of good-quality peasant or country bread, preferably one without an extra-hard crust. One that is rectangular, rather than round, is more convenient, but either will do. Cut off the ends of the loaf, and reserve for another use. Then slice the bread into 1-inch-thick slices. If your loaf is large and the slices seem large, cut them in half.
Note 2: You can try other jams, preserves or marmalades. Cherry, raspberry or peach preserves and orange marmalade are other possibilities.
Sat. & Sun. 5/4 & 5/5 • 10am - 3pm
Misc. Antiques, Art, Pottery, Furniture and so much more! Cash, Credit Cards or good NYS checks preferred. Bring help to load larger items. Delivery available for a fee.
New & Used items all priced to go!
Jerris-Wadsworth Estate 1211 West River Rd., Caledonia, NY 14423
Level: Advanced
Mr. B He loves his treats. He loves to play with his mouse buddies and his tail. He has his own bed that we call his “igloo” which he has all of his buddies in. He loves pets and cuddles and makes the cutest little noises when we surprise him. His purr is infectious!
Send us a photo and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com Share With Us.
Or, Mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
* A chef traditionally wears white because the chef of the first prime minister of France (1815) believed it was the most hygienic of all colors.
* Early Hoover vacuum cleaners were hard to sell because potential customers refused to believe they could have that much dirt in their carpets.
* “Hurkle-durkle” is an old Scottish word meaning to lie in bed after it’s time to get up and get going.
No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow. ~Proverb
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: We have a contractor coming soon to renovate our kitchen. I plan to keep my cat, “Freya,” out of the way and in a separate room during the day. But at night, she’ll want to wander the house. How do I keep her out of the kitchen? -- Jim in Portland, Maine
DEAR JIM: Cats are pretty wily, and I’m sure Freya will try to find a way around any barriers you set up to keep her out of the kitchen.
e best way to dissuade her from exploring the construction area, therefore, is to tempt her away with better distractions. at means moving her food and water to a new location far from the construction area (but out of heavy foot traffic) and giving her treats and attention whenever she opts to stay in the living room with you or near her bedding and food.
At night, tighten the barriers around the kitchen -- if there’s a door, close it. If there is plastic sheeting up, tack it to surrounding walls and tape it to the floor. Put a sheet of plywood across the entrance if necessary.
Inside the work area, make sure that the contractors put away all sharp tools and cover any containers tightly. ey should clean up any debris at the end of each day and use a wet-dry vacuum to pick up sawdust and dirt. Any spills need to be cleaned completely. is will reduce the risk to Freya if she manages to get into the kitchen, and it’s just good practice.
Readers, how did you keep your pets safe during home renovations? Tell me at ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
Shortsville, NY
Hours: Wed.-Fri. 9am-5pm, Sat. 9am-Noon, Appointments available Mon. & Tues.
An economically struggling Mexico was intervened by the French for the second time,whohadthehopesto gain control of the Latin American country under theruleofNapoleonIII.The French General, Charles de Lorencez,directedhisarmy towards the capital of MexicoCity,withtheintent tooverthrowthepresident ofMexico,BenitoJuarez.
But things didn’t go as planned, as they encountered heavy resistance, culminating at theBattleofPueblaonMay 5,1862.Eveniftheirforces had half the numbers of their opponents, the Mexican Army, led by Ignacio Zaragoza, managed tosuccessfullywinoverthe French army at Puebla, a city just 70 miles from Mexico City. Four days later, on May 9, Juárez declared Cinco de Mayo a nationalholiday.
2,000 the number of Mexican soldiers who defended the town of Puebla against 6,000 invading French forces. 87 million pounds the number of avocados purchased for Cinco de Mayo. How to celebrate? Learn about Mexico | Dance to Mexican Music Cook an Authentic Meal
May 5th, 2024
Not just on Small Business Saturday, but every day that you can. Need milk, eggs, bread, or beer? Go to the local corner store instead –Say “hey” and get to know the owner who’s paying taxes to keep your neighborhood in tip-top shape.
Get vocal on social
Post pictures, tweets, and status updates of either the small business you own, or of yourself shopping at one, and be sure to use the hashtag #ShopSmall. Also write positive Yelp reviews for the small businesses you love and support. Sign up for local business’ loyalty programs – Does a local business have a customer loyalty and rewards program? Sign up for it –not only will you be supporting a local business, but you’ll get discounts and rewards for it, too.
Mondays2:00PM:MahJonggJoin otherMahJonggenthusiasts!
Mondays12:30PM&Thursdays 11:00AM:On-SiteChairYoga* Suggesteddonation$3/class
Mondays5:30PM:PlayHandand FootGameHavesomefun,meet newfriends!
Bloomfield Public Library
9 Church Street, Bloomfield 585-657-6264
Mon.-Thus. 10am-8pm Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm
Mendon Library
22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls (585) 624-6067 mendonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri./Sat. 9am-3pm; Closed Sunday
Victor Farmington Library 15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637 victorfarmingtonlibrary.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. 12-4pm
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
How to pack a suitcase: Roll pants and tops, adding to suitcase first, toward the handle side. Then add heavy items (shoes, boots) toward the wheel end. Make sure you choose the right size case for the trip; too much room will cause items to shift around.
Wednesdays9:15AM:Library WalkersMeetatthelibrary,walkin anyweather.
10:45AM-1:45PM:BasicComputer SkillsforAdults*Signupfora sessionbycallingthelibrary.
Wednesdays2:00-4:00PM:Euchre &HandandFootGames
Saturday5/410:30AMIntroduction toGenealogyLearntoconducta basicsearchofyourancestorsand more!
Tuesday5/66:00PMCommunities JoiningTogether:TheBuildingand RescueoftheSouthFarmington Chapel1889toToday-Learnabout thenewSouthFarmingtonHistoric District.
Wednesday5/76:00PMNative PlantsandDeerTolerancedecrease deerdamagewiththeseinterventions.
Saturday5/1110:30AMNature JournalingwithRMSC’sAngela Cannon-Crothers.Createajournal oftext,sketches,meaningfulentries. *www.victorfarmingtonlibrary. libcal.comformoreinfoandregistration.
[W]ell-apparell’d April on the heel Of limping winter treads... ~ William Shakespeare
BloomfieldRotary’s“TasteFest 2024” Fundraiser: Saturday,May 18,2024,from3-6PMatVeterans Park,6910StateRoutes5&20, Bloomfield.Tastings,FarmMarket &SilentAuction.Tastelocalwines, beers,coffees,chocolate,honey, syrups,jams,specialtysauces, bakedgoodsandmore!Alsoenjoy delicioushorsd’oeuvres&desserts whilebrowsinglocalfarmers’productsandparticipatinginoursilent auction.Admissionis$15.For moreinfocallBonnie@367-8622.
TheBloomfieldGardenClub’s 50th annualPlantSale willbe heldonSaturdayMay18thfrom 9AMto1PMattheBloomfield HistoricalAcademyBldg,8South Ave,Bloomfield.Thesalefeatures annuals,hangingbasketsandour homegrownperennials.Proceeds supportourmanycharitable&gardeningprojects.Thepublicisinvited.Formoreinformation,call LaurieO’Mara585-406-3457.
Hike/BikeMertensiaParkinFarmington - HikeorBikearound MertensiaParkinFarmingtonand seethebluebellsinpeakbloom SundayMay5from2-4PMwith SpringwaterTrailsfollowedbya socialget-togetheratEddie O’Brien’sGrille&BarinFarmington. Foradditionalinfo/directions/ updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org
* In 1907, an ad campaign for Kellogg’s Corn Flakes offered a free box of cereal to any woman who would wink at her grocer. (By Lucie Winborne)
FarmingtonHistoricPreservation Commission- Spring2024 LectureSeries:Trials,Mysteries& Corruption.TheCrimeofthe19th Century?TheWilliamMorganKidnappingandItsSocialandPolitical Consequences-ThursdayMay9th, 7PM.Speaker:PrestonPierce,OntarioCountyHistorian.Justa PaintingofaManandSomeHorses (ataleofcorruption)-Thursday June13th,7PM.Speaker:Derrick Pratt,MuseumEdErieCanalMuseum.HeldattheFarmington TownHall,1000CountyRoad8. Calendarofevents:http://www. townoffarmingtonny.com
PleinAiratMertensiaPark with the Bluebells&Canandaigua BotanicalSociety-May4,1011am,MertensiaPark,1438MertensiaRd.,Farmington.We’llbe therewithpaintsandbrushesyou canborrowtoportraythebluebells onpaperweprovideforyouto keep.Awalktoidentifythebluebellsandotherwildflowersmay beginat11:30.You’rewelcometo bringsomethingtositonandan easel(cardboardbox)incasewe haven’tenoughofthosetoloan.-
Troop32BSAPancakeBreakfast - Come andenjoybreakfastwhile supportingourTroopandhelp sendaScouttocamp!Saturday, May4from8am-10:30amat Charlie,3140CountyRoad10, Canandaigua.Cost:$7advance/$8 atthedoor.
HoneoyeAmericanLegion1278 Auxiliary’s MonthlyDinner is MondayMay6th,4:00pmuntil gone.Cost$7.Takeoutonly.Dinnerwillbepeppersteakonrice, vegetableandpeachcobblerfor dessert.Reservationsaresuggested bytextingBonnie585-752-2939 withquantityandapproximatepick uptime.4931CoRd36Honeoye. Thankyouforhelpingussupport ourveteransandtroops.
HF-MSr.Citizens-May2024 Events -CommunityCenter: May 14-BusinessMeeting.JohnMoffettwillbeourguestspeaker.May 28-11:00AM:BookClub:May book: TheStrangerintheWoodsbyMichaelFinkel.Storyofthelast truehermit,ChristopherKnight,livingalone27yearsintheMaine wilderness.SocialMeeting:Noonlunch,Bingo,etc.May31-$10 Dues.Tocontinuetoenjoyfinancial benefitsofclubmembership,send checkbyMay31,payabletoHF-M Sr.CitizenstoMargeVogt,Treasurer,37CheeseFactoryRd.HF, NY14472.
STATISTICS SHOW JUST HOW BIG SMALL BUSINESS IS Female entrepreneurs are on the rise. A 2017 report from American Express found that female entrepreneurship grew by 114 percent between 1997 and 2017.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
TheR.L.ThomasHighSchool, Class of1969 isplanningtheir 55thclassreunionforSaturday, September28,2024atCaseyPark, Ontario,NewYork(from1pm8pm).Itwillbeaninformalgettogetherandagreatoccasionfor ourfellowclassmatestocatchup. PleaseSAVETHEDATEandpass alongthisannouncementtoany otherclassmembersyoumaybein contactwith.Thereunioncommitteewillprovideadditionaldetailsin comingmonthsandwillshareour workinglistofpeoplewhoare havingtroublelocating.Formore information,e-mailusat rltclassof69reunion@gmail.comor callCindi@585-217-2885.
Use social media to give your recommendations on small businesses that go above and beyond in quality and service.
ShortsvilleRailroadStationMuseum OpenHouse: TheLehigh ValleyRailroadHistoricalSociety StationMuseumat8EastHigh StreetinShortsvillewillbeopento thepubliconSunday,May19. Hourswillbe1:00p.m.to3:00 p.m.Alargecollectionofhistorical artifactsfromtheLehighValley Railroadisondisplayatthemuseum.Thegiftshopwillbeopen. Admissionisfree;donationsare welcome.Formoreinformation, visitwww.lvrrhs.orgorcall 585-289-9149.
CaregiverSupportGroupAlzheimer’s Association -Establisha networkofunderstanding individualsbyconnectingwithAlzheimer’sAssociation support groups.Ledbyknowledgeable facilitators,thesegroupsprovidea safeenvironmentforindividualslivingwithdementiaandtheir caregiverstofosterasupportnetwork.Participantscansharepracticaladviceonovercomingchallenges,discusspotentialsolutions, explorecopingstrategies,express emotions,addressneedsandconcerns,andgaininsightsintolocal resources.HeldthefirstTuesdayof themonth,11-12noon,VictorFarmingtonLibrary,15WestMainSt., Victor.http://action.alz.org/MTG/ 581128288
MuddyWalkonMonkeyRun Trails inVictor withCanandaigua BotanicalSociety-May18,1012noon.DawnCarterhasinvited ustojoinheronamuddywalk alongtheMonkeyRunTrailsofthe VictorHikingTrails.Wewillmeetin theparkingareaoffVictorEgypt RoadonSpringdaleCourt(just southofValentownRoad).Ifyou’d liketocarpoolfromCanandaigua, pleasemeetintheSlyStreetparkinglotbehindtheCountyCourt Houseby9:15AM.
And Spring arose on the garden fair, Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breast rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.
~ Percy Bysshe Shelley, “The Sensitive Plant”
TheWomen’sClubofWebster’s Spring Luncheon andFashion ShowwillbeheldonSunday,May 19th,11:30amatthePenfield CountryClub,1784JacksonRd., Penfield.Fashionspresentedby Chico’s.Entreechoices:-AppleShrimpSaladwithCheese-and CandiedNutsorChickenFrench withLemonSauceandLinguine. RSVPbyMay8.Donation:$37.00. Yourcheckisyourreservation.Mail checkpayabletotheWomen’s ClubofWebster.SendwithChoice ofEntrée,toLauraFawcett,28 WheatstoneCircle,Fairport, 14450.Questions?Laura, 585-329-5317orBonnie, 585-671-2345.Netproceeds donatedtolocalcharities.
WestBloomfieldHistoricalSociety will offerapublicprogram “AboutAsparagus”at7pmon Tuesday,May7th.Thefreeand accessibleeventtakesplaceatthe Society,8966Rt.5&20inWest Bloomfield.Asparagushas flourishedintheuniquesoilofthe Bloomfieldsforcenturiesand becamealocalclaimtofameinthe heydayofproduceshippingonthe NYCentralRailroad.Learnabout ourasparagushistoryandharvesting,meetdescendantsofearly growers,andhearfromacurrent farmer.TheSocietyanditsexhibits willbeopenstartingat6:30pm. Formoreinformationvisitwbhsny. org.
DEAR DR. ROACH: Recently, I had anal cancer and was treated with chemo and radiation. The radiation burned my insides and severely damaged most of my internal organs. One of the aftereffects was occasional blood and small clots in my urine. A few months ago, both the frequency and amount of blood, especially the clots, increased dramatically. The size and number of the clots got so large that they blocked my urethra. During a visit to my urologist, he looked into my bladder and declared it “angry.” Then he told me the same thing every doctor has told me about every problem caused by my treatment: “It was caused by the radiation, and there is nothing that can be done.”
Shortly after this, I began to take unfiltered apple cider vinegar in hopes that it would improve my digestive problems. It helped a little, but the big difference was that I have not had a single recurrence of either blood or clots in my urine. Can you tell me if this is due to the vinegar or if it is just a coincidence? -- A.G.
ANSWER: No, I can’t definitively tell you whether the vinegar helped. It was probably by chance, but let me explain a little about it.
Rectal cancer is often treated with radiation, or combined chemotherapy and radiation, either prior to or after surgery. The dose of radiation is quite high compared to some other cancers, and the complications can be significant.
In addition to damage to the bowel and bladder, radiation treatment can damage the bones and bone marrow, leading to poor blood-cell production, infertility, premature menopause, and more cancer years later. On the other hand, radiation is used when it is expected to improve the cure rate of cancer. Still, the side effects can be challenging.
Hemorrhagic cystitis (bleeding from the bladder) can be caused by chemotherapy or radiation. It may start within a few months or as long as 20 years after radiation.
I am surprised your urologist did not offer any treatments, as there are certainly ones available. Although none of the currently available systemic drugs are proven to be very effective, hyperbaric oxygen is one treatment that is, at least, moderately effective. Medicines placed into the bladder and laser bladder treatments are sometimes tried as well.
I was unable to find any study that evaluated the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar. I am skeptical, but reports like yours of apparent improvement associated with its use might convince a researcher to conduct a study to determine whether it really is effective.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Periostitis: Periostitis is commonly known as “shin splints.” This is an overuse injury that occurs in athletes who are engaged in activities that involve rapid deceleration. Periostitis causes inflammation of the band of tissue that surrounds bones known as the periosteum, and typically affectspeoplewhorepetitivelyjump,runorliftheavyweights.
To head off potential pain in the shins, young athletes can gradually build uptheirtoleranceforphysicalactivity.Supportiveshoesororthoticinserts mayalsohelp.Incorporatingcross-trainingintoaregimenalsocanwork.
What better time to take care of your dental health and needs? We are the office for you! Take advantage of the deepest discount yet.
(Cleaning, X-rays, Comprehensive Exam) Valid for one month ONLY – Expires 5/31/24. Appointments will be limited and fill fast. is is a total savings of $258! *Cannot be combined with insurance, discounts, or any other savings.*
We would like to take this time to honor those who have given the greatest sacrifice
Sculpt abdominals: The cosmetic benefits of building a strong core should not be overlooked,as individuals might gain additional motivation to keep exercising and eating right when they see desirable results in the mirror. Core exercises strengthen and sculpt abdominal muscles,creating a win-win situation for anyone who wants to get healthy and look good doing it.
Nature and vitamin D - The potential health benefits of vitamin D are increasingly drawing the attention of medical researchers, and for good reason. According to the Harvard Medical School, recent research has suggested that vitamin D may offer added protection against conditions such as osteoporosis, cancer, heart attack, stroke, and depression.Exposure to sunshine can help the body generate vitamin D,thus providing further reason to spend time in nature.
Hurricane Katrina (2005): A huge Category 5 Atlantic hurricane, Katrina caused billions of dollarsindamageinandaroundNewOrleans.Katrinacausedsignificantlossof lifeand at the time was the costliest tropical cyclone on record (losses associated with Hurricane Harvey in 2017 equaled those of Katrina).
Ronald “Ron” J. O’Brien
April 23, 2024
Lima: Ronald “Ron” J. O’Brien, a beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend, passed away peacefully with his family and his loyal dog, Walter, by his side on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NY. Born on May 4, 1951, to the late Donald and Wilma O’Brien, Ron’s warm heart and kind spirit touched the lives of all who knew him. He will be deeply missed.
Ron is predeceased by his son, Kevin O’Brien; and his brother, Glen O’Brien. Ron is survived by his devoted wife of 27 years, Patricia “Pat” O’Brien, his children, John (Andrea) O’Brien, Lisa O’Brien, Jenn (Mike) Torres, and Tim Reynolds (Katie Schneider); his siblings, Gary (Debbie) O’Brien, Randy (Cheryl) O’Brien, and Tom O’Brien; his grandchildren, Jonathan (Katherine), Christopher, Ashleigh, Sophia, Isabel, Matthew, and Elijah, along with several nieces, nephews, and a multitude of cherished friends. Ron’s love and laughter brought joy to countless lives, and his memory will forever be treasured.
Ron dedicated 35 years of his life to Eastman Kodak Company, where he forged lasting friendships and contributed his talents to the field of photography. His commitment to service extended beyond his professional life; for 40 years, Ron volunteered with the Lima Fire Department, embodying a steadfast dedication to his community’s safety and well-being. Additionally, Ron devoted 14 years to the Honeoye FallsLima school district transportation dept., leaving a positive impact on numerous students and staff members. His selfless spirit and tireless work ethic were an inspiration to all who had the privilege of knowing him.
Outside of his professional and volunteer endeavors, Ron found immense joy in coaching Little League baseball and All-Stars in Lima, where he shared his passion for the game and served as a mentor to many young athletes. His unwavering commitment to nurturing and empowering others will leave a lasting legacy in the hearts of those he touched.
A Celebration of Life Gathering will be held at 1:00 PM on Saturday, May 11, 2024, at the Lima Firehouse, located at 7288 West Main Street in Lima, NY. In place of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Lima Fire Department. To share a memory or offer condolences, please visit: www.doughertyfuneralhomes.com.
Ron’s memory will live on in the hearts of all who had the privilege of knowing him, and his legacy of kindness and generosity will continue to inspire future generations.
Dougherty Funeral Homes
Livonia • Honeoye | (585) 346-5401 | (585) 229-2444
Secretary to the Lima Primary Principal (Office Clerk II)
Secretary to the Director of Community Programs (Office Clerk II)
Hours and pay vary by position.
NYS Pension and benefit eligible positions available. To apply, visit: www.work4hfl
Quail Summit currently has an opportunity for a
Quail Summit, an independent senior living community is seeking a Case Manager to support our residents in the Village (memory care). e perfect candidate will oversee all aspects of the Village, to ensure residents receive excellent physical and psychosocial care promoting dignity, choice, and individuality. Provides case management services to residents and coordinates interdisciplinary service plan, meeting with residents and families as care needs change. Shares in the responsibility for providing and maintaining an environment that is conducive to the safety and physical and emotional well-being of the residents and personnel. Conducts pre-admission level of care assessments on potential residents and assures completion of on-going assessments and service plans as reviewed with the Wellness Director. Monitors care staff proficiency in caregiving.
Requirements include: Graduate of accredited school of nursing (NYS licensed RN) or Social Work program. Bachelor’s Degree required. Minimum of two years’ supervisory experience. Experience understanding health concerns of elderly required. Experience in an assisted living setting and dementia care preferred.
Quail Summit offers excellent benefits, a competitive salary starting at $68,000 and an excellent work environment! Please send resume and cover letter to: Liz Slater, Assistant Executive Director lslater@quailsummit.com
VALLEY CREEK CONDOS in Fairport is looking for a Grounds & Building Maintenance Person Seasonal plus full-time.
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Part-time and full-time available.
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PO BOX 723, Mendon, NY 14506
No walk in or phone calls please.
Rush-Henrietta Central School District Is Hiring
Full-time positions to provide educational support to students. High School Diploma plus 1 yr. related exp. We offer excellent benefits!
Apply: rhnet.org
Episcopal SeniorLife Communities at Pinehurst in Honeoye Falls is looking for
One-two confirmed days a week and as needed. Per Diem Overnight Receptionist
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Clark Manor House Assisted Living is searching for a per diem cook. We are a 17 bed facility that acts like a big family. Experience in a commercial kitchen or similar setting a plus.
For more information call 394-0965 opt 2 or email Administrator Emmalie Beaman ebeaman@clarkmanorhouse.org
Please apply in person, online or send resumes to: Pooler Enterprises, Inc.
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Phone: 585-924-5200 • Fax: 585-924-5205
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Retirement can seem like it will never come for young professionals. But time can be a sieve, and retirement age can arriveintheblinkofaneye.Young adults who have not planned accordingly for retirement can findthemselvesinfinancialstraits at a point in their lives when they want to kick back and enjoy themselves. Financial experts fromMoney,CNNandTheMotley Fooladvisethatfinanciallysolvent people should begin saving aggressively for their retirements early on. Ideally people should start saving in their 20s when they first leave school and begin their careers. The sooner one saves, the more time money has to grow. Vanguard says that the person who saves $4,500 per year over a career spanning 45 years can reach a goal of having more than $1 million in savings by the time he or she retires. Compounding interest and investment matches from employers can further secure professionals’financialfutures.
TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.
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