Eastway- Genesee Valley Penny Saver- 6-16-23

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June 16, 2023 | EASTWAY | 585.226.8111 | GVPENNYSAVER.COM A publication of featured MEDIA PRSRT STD. US Postage PAID Permit #43 ittsford,P NY
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page2 EASTWAY EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 16,2023 ActiveLiving50+ 23 Automotive 5 Body&Mind 7 Classifieds 34 Employment 30 GarageSales 10 Give&Take 21 HomeServices 16 HometownEvents 12 KidzKorner 26 PetPlace 10 PuzzleAnswers 14 RealEstate 28 Sip&Dine 24 Vibes&Rants 27
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM EASTWAY EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 16,2023 WE BUY & SELL GOLD • ANTIQUES • COINS • COLLECTIBLES JEWELRY • WATCHES • BULLION • CARDS SILVER • COMICS EASTSIDE GOLD & COIN EXCHANGE Contact us & see how much your gold & coins are worth! 585-476-GOLD(4653) Store Address: 7263 State Rte. 96 (Next to Eastside Martial Arts) Hours Open: Mon./Tues./Thurs./Fri. 10am-4pm, Sat. 10am-2pm • www.EastsideGold.com We Do At Home & Estate Appraisals HOW TO CREATE A ROMANTIC NIGHT AT HOME Hide romantic notes: Engage in a romantic scavenger hunt by hiding notes that express thoughtful sentiments and give your partner a list of clues to guide the hunt. Start with a clue such as “Where did we go on our first date?” If it was an Italian restaurant,you can attach the next clue to a bunch of basil in the refrigerator,and so on. Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-InTub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 1-855-417-1306 SPECIALOFFER SUBMIT PHOTOS & CAPTIONS AT GVPENNYSAVER.COM SPORTS • EVENTS CELEBRATIONS VACATIONS HOMETOWN 2. 3. 1. 2 friends fishing in Rush 2. Summer blooms 3. Sunset overlooking Meadowbrook Golf Course

June 19, 2023 marks the one-year anniversary of New York State recognizing Juneteenth (short for June Nineteenth) as an o cial New York State holiday, with state landmarks to be illuminated in red, black, and green, the black liberation ag to be own over the NYS Capitol, and state employees and buildings remaining closed. What is Juneteenth?

June 19 is o en considered the o cial end of slavery in the United States and the nation’s second Independence Day. Juneteenth celebrates the freedom of African Americans enslaved until liberation a er the Civil War.

In June 1865, Union troops under General Granger’s command arrived in Galveston, Texas at the conclusion of the Civil War to free the remaining enslaved African Americans, nearly two and a half years a er President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. According to the Smithsonian, on Freedom’s Eve, the eve of Jan 1, 1863, African Americans gathered in churches and private homes across the country awaiting news that the Proclamation took e ect. erea er, Union soldiers “marched onto plantations and across southern cities reading small copies of the Emancipation Proclamation.”

e Proclamation established that all enslaved people in Confederate states in rebellion against the Union “shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” However, it did not instantly free any enslaved people. e proclamation only applied to places under Confederate control and not to slave-holding border states or rebel areas within regions already under Union control. For example, as Northern troops advanced into the Confederate South, many enslaved people would ee behind Union lines.

In Texas, slavery had continued as normal as they generally experienced no large-scale ghting or signi cant presence of Union troops. Many enslavers from outside the Lone Star State moved there, as a safe haven for slavery.

According to History.com, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered their side in Virginia, but “slavery remained relatively una ected in Texas—until U.S. General Gordon Granger stood on Texas soil and read General Orders No. 3: ‘ e people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free.’”

General Granger’s arrival in Galveston in June 1865 signaled freedom for Texas’s 250,000 enslaved people. “Although emancipation didn’t happen overnight for everyone—in some cases, enslavers withheld the information until a er harvest season—celebrations broke out among newly freed Black people, and Juneteenth was born.” (History.com).

e following year, on June 19, 1866, Texas freed men organized the rst of what became an annual “Jubilee Day” celebration. Subsequent Juneteenth commemorations featured music, barbecues, prayer

Juneteenth: The US’s “Second Independence Day”

services, and other activities, and as Black people migrated from Texas to other parts of the country, the Juneteenth tradition spread.

In 1979, Texas became the rst state to make Juneteenth an o cial holiday; several others followed suit over the years. In June 2021, the US Congress passed a resolution establishing Juneteenth as a national holiday. President Biden signed it into law on June 17, 2021. In 2022, New York State recognized it as a state holiday. State legislators strive to bring awareness to issues of racism and violence that plague society to this day.

According to Governor Kathy Hochul, New York honors Juneteenth “in recognition of the Black community’s persistent and intergenerational resistance to institutional oppression.” New York and much of the US signals its “solidarity against the senseless violence and discrimination in icted upon Black communities, families, and individuals.”

Lieutenant Governor Delgado said, “ e painful legacies of slavery and segregation live on within our hearts, but the continued ght for justice and equal representation give us hope [for] an equitable future where our children can live in peace and love without bearing the weight of the injustices and scars of the past.”

Illuminated in red, black, and green, state buildings, Fairport’s Li Bridge, Niagara Falls, and the State Fairgrounds’ Main Gate & Expo Center in Syracuse will visually re ect the day. e city of Rochester hosts a Juneteenth Festival on June 17th at MLK Memorial Park. e Rochester Freedom Riders (bicyclists inspired by the original freedom riders to “support Black space, Black places, and to acknowledge Black faces”) host their annual ride.

Rochester Museum and Science Center celebrates with local performances, music, face painting, food, and activities for the whole family. e Blackstorytelling League of Rochester will share the origins of Juneteenth through storytelling, historical reenactment, and discussion at the Rochester Public Library.

With Rochester’s deep roots in the abolitionist movement, with key historical gures such as Frederick Douglass and nearby Auburn’s Harriet Tubman, Rochester has a rich history in African American heritage and culture. is Juneteenth, consider re ecting on the challenges faced by Black people of yesterday and today. Let’s work toward a more civil tomorrow!

Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!





Ridesharing is a growing trend among travelers from all walks of life. Some proponents of ridesharing support the concept because they feel it’s an eco-friendly means of traveling, while others find it’s a great way to save money. Still others employ third-party ridesharing services as a responsible, affordable way to travel when going out for a night on the town.

With a greater number of people sharing rides and interacting with strangers than ever before, safety while ridesharing is an issue to take seriously. While ridesharing trips often occur without incident, there have been some instances of violent altercations involving drivers and passengers. According to the Taxicab, Limousine and Paratransit Association, ridesharing companies use a background check service to confirm criminal convictions and to make sure drivers are legally able to drive. However, these services may not perform FBI fingerprinting checks conductedbylawenforcementofficials,whereastaxidriversaresubjected fingerprinting. So some ridesharing drivers who have committed crimes in the past but have never been caught may pass ridesharing background checks, but they might not pass tests that taxi companies would insist they submit to, such as fingerprinting tests.

While ridesharing, whether it entails carpooling or using an established ridesharing service, can be convenient, passengers must take steps to ensure their own safety when sharing rides.

AUTOMOTIVE ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page5 EASTWAY EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 16,2023 A UTO S ECTION www.apexautocollisions.com “The highest standard in collision repair” Jason Schaab and Todd Wesley Owners & Operators 4820 COUNTY RD. 37 • LIVONIA, NY 14487 (585) 229-APEX WITH DEER HITS ON THE RISE, LET US BE YOUR GUYS! Complimentary loaner based availability!on $200 off deductible when you mention this ad! • We Work With All Insurance Companies • Free Written Estimates, No Appt. Needed • Lifetime Warranty • I-Car Certified • Frame Straightening • Collision • Paint Refinishing • Rental Accommodations Rental Coverage? Ask your agent. It could help you save hundreds in the event of an accident. $5 OFF ANY OIL CHANGE NYS SAFETY/ EMISSIONS INSPECTION $15* *Most vehicles. Exp. 6/30/23 Complete Auto Service Foreign, Domestic, and Hybrid 742 5410 6146 Rt. 96 • Farmington (Across from Tops in Farmington) Your Total Car Care Spot! Check our tire prices Exp. 6/30/23
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Q&A Master Gardeners with the

I have a row of 4-5 year old lilacs with a fence around it to ward off deer. The plants are outgrowing the fenced area. At what point are they safe to leave unfenced and have the deer not devour them? When we attempted to open them a couple of years ago, the deer devoured the lower 3-4 feet. We don’t want that to happen againof expandingcourse.Dowejustkeep the fencing forever?

Ihaveplentifuldeerwhodon’tusually bother my mature lilacs, so you will notneedafenceforever. Thedeerwill eatyounggrowth,butoncetheplants mature the growth isn’t attractive to

from Cornell Cooperative Extension, Livingston County

them. It will be a gradual process. Maturesizeforalilacisabout12feet. I’m not sure about their current size. Have you tried a deterrent spray? The most effective sprays contain egg solids,Liquid Fence and Deer Out are two examples. These products will probably reduce the damage,but not prevent all damage. Usually, deer will cause the most damage just as leaves emerge, so spraying the bare branches should reduce damage.

We are building a 3ft high berm of dirt in front of some black walnut trees to act as a barrier and shield.The area

in front of the black walnut trees is sunny most of the day. We plan on planting either forsythia or lilacbushesonthetopof theberm since they are fast growing and can grow to a height of 8ft. Any suggestion on what else might work as a good 8-12ft barrier. We are also looking for a fast-growing ground cover to plant on the sides of the berm so we don’t have to

weed it. Any suggestions for the ground cover? Thanks!

“Landscaping and Gardening Around Walnuts and Other Juglone Producing Plants” CCE article gives a list of plants that tolerate juglone: https://extension.psu. edu/landscaping-and-gardeningaround-walnuts-and-other-juglone-

e Master Gardener Program is a national program of trained volunteers who work in partnership with their county CCE o ce to extend information throughout their communities. Look for this weekly column! Your questions answered by the local Cornell experts. SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TO OUR EXPERTS! Your question(s) will be answered directly & may be featured in our column! Ask them today at: GVPENNYSAVER.COM/GARDEN
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Bout of Pneumonia Leads to Shocking Breast Cancer Diagnosis

DEAR DR. ROACH: My 73-year-old wife has been diligent in getting her mammograms done, plus blood tests and doctor’s visits every three months. In November 2021, she came down with what seemed like a very bad cold that was actually confirmed by X-ray to be pneumonia. After two rounds of different antibiotics, she had lost 35 pounds, and it left her with weakness and a lingering cough. A CT scan later indicated that she “either has cancer or had cancer in the past.”

Multiple tests later, it was determined that there was a tumor at the 12:00 position in her breast and a tumor in her stomach that had spread to her pelvis and bones in her legs. She started taking letrozole and Ibrance, and although extreme fatigue is the most common side effect, they appear to be working.

My question is, how could this initial breast cancer have gone undetected for some time with all of the regular testing and not set off alarms? As bad as the pneumonia was, it allowed her to receive a diagnosis of a disease that eluded detection by current screening methods and very good physicians. -- Anon.

ANSWER: I am so very sorry to hear about your wife. Breast cancer is not just one disease. We think of breast cancer as something that can be easily cured if it is found early, but if you wait too late, it becomes difficult or impossible to cure. Some breast cancers do act that way, but others are much more indolent -- they grow slowly and may never get to the point where they threaten a person’s life.

Unfortunately, there are some breast cancers that can become metastatic (spreading to different sites such as the lymph nodes, bones, liver or lungs) before they are detectable at all by even the most sensitive tests, such as a mammogram or MRI. By the time they are found, because of symptoms, they are incurable by surgery and require systemic treatments like chemotherapy and hormonal therapy.

Most metastatic breast cancer is incurable, but newer treatments have improved life expectancy, with the average being three years. Screening for breast cancer is unable to save all lives. More effective treatment, in combination with regular screening, will be necessary to continue to progress against this horrible disease.


Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.

© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved

EASTWAY EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 16,2023 Julie Labrecque, D.M.D. 2 S. Main Street, Manchester, NY 14504 Call now for an appointment: (315) 462-5633 Refer a friend & Be Rewarded Earn a $50 credit on your account when YOU REFER a new patient. Your referral will also receive a $50 credit on their account. Word of mouth goes a long ways! *Some rules and stipulations may apply. We Listen More... To Help You Hear Better! 1331 East Victor Rd. • Victor • (585) 398-1210 513 W. Union St. • Newark • (315) 573-7844 (Cannery Row) www.professionalhearingsolutions.com Dr. Christine Stein Au D. Healthy Hearing Keeps You Connected Get Your Hearing Checked. Hearing test and consultation. New Insurance? Learn more without obligation. Call today for details and your appointment.
GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page8 EASTWAY EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 16,2023 9 Editions delivered weekly to 85,000 Homes 140,000 Print Readers 75,000 Digital Readers Office: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414 Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390 www.gvpennysaver.com Email: sales@gvpennysaver.com President ...........................Steve Harrison General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam Director of Advertising Sales ............................Colleen Mann Distribution ...........................Chris Harrison Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone Production Supervisor .................................Je Wasson Circulation Manager .............................Shari Rapone Members of: Gold Standard Publication National Award Winning Paper Our best to this year’s graduating class. CONGRATULATIONS Graduates! Congrats HF-L Class of 2023! MENDON-HONEOYE FALLS OFFICE 9 W. Main St., Honeoye Falls, NY 14472 O: 585-624-3370 585-624-2938 180 State Route 251 Mendon Since 1949 Congratulations Graduates 2020 2023 105 West Main St., Honeoye Falls, NY 14472 585-582-2020 Townline Garage The Original Congratulations Class Of 2023! 1440 State Route 444, Victor, NY 315-576-5082 VICTOR VIEWS ASSISTED LIVING Boutique-Style Assisted Living in a Home-Like Environment Congrats to the Class of 2023 Grads! Genesee Valley Penny Saver

To all the graduates, whether from large or small schools, we extend our heartfelt congratulations on reaching this signi cant milestone. As you prepare to embark on your journey beyond high school, whether it be college or starting a career, we commend your determination and spirit.

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Valley Penny Saver
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Make things easy for customers. Cash was once king at community festivals and marketplaces, but the convenience of plastic and even touchless payments has long since replaced hard currency as consumers’ preferred method of payment. In fact, a recent study from Visa found that contactless payment usage in the United States grew by 150 percent between March 2019 and March 2020. Card readers are inexpensive and easy to use. Businesses can still accept cash payments, as accepting both cash and card increases the chances of making more money.

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us a photo and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Email to: sales@gvpennysaver.com or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
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In addition to eating healthier, exercising more and getting more sleep, many people resolve to travel more at the dawn of a new year. Travel is much more than leaving one’s home. It’s about setting habits aside, escaping comfort zones and trying something different - and doing so in a different location.

In its latest World Tourism Barometer, the United Nations World Tourism Organization found that 1.184 billion tourists traveled outside their countries’ borders for at least one night in 2015. Europe, Asia, the Pacific, andtheAmericasallrecordedarounda5percentincreaseininternational arrivals that year. Europe was particularly popular, perhaps hedged by a weaker euro against the American dollar and other currencies. The U.S. Travel Association says that direct spending by resident and international travelers in America averaged $2.7 billion a day.

Millennials may be leading the travel-enamored pack. The United Nations estimates that 20 percent of all international tourists, or nearly 200 million travelers, are young people, and that the millennial demographic generates more than $180 billion in annual tourism revenue. The U.N. also reports that millennials are more interested than older generations in traveling abroad as much as possible.

Infrequenttravelersorthosewhohavenevertraveledmaynotunderstand why heading to parts unknown is so appealing to so many people. The following are just a handful of reasons why travel is so enticing.

1. Engage the mind. Staying mentally active over the course of a lifetime promotes long-term health. Navigating unfamiliar places or reading a foreign language while sitting in an international country can engage the brain and get synapses firing. The Mayo Clinic reports that higher cognitive activity endows the brain with a greater ability to fend off brain pathologies, such as disease and dementias.

2. Connect with new people. Travel opens a person up to not only new experiences, but also new people. English poet John Donne penned the famous line, “No man is an island,” which underscores the importance of having friends and making new acquaintances. Research conducted by the University of Michigan found the act of talking with people in a friendly way can improve a person’s memory, suppress external and internal distractions, and encourage people to see things from another person’s perspective. It doesn’t hurt to broaden one’s social network, either.

3. Build confidence. Leaving one’s comfort zone can be a great way to bolster one’s self-esteem. Navigating cultural boundaries and overcoming those boundaries may be initially intimidating, but doing so can make a person more confident and more adaptable to change.

4. Develop opinions. Until a person visits a place in person, he or she only has third-party information to form opinions. Visiting a city or country for the first time can offer a more complete perspective. Travel gives people the chance to rest, explore, meet new friends, and make lasting memories.

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BloomfieldPublicLibrary: NEW HOURSstartingJUNE26th: Mon.-Thu.10am-8pm Fri.10am-6pm;Sat.10am-2pm Programs: OngoingFridays1:30PM:DropIn Knitting Mon.6/19,7:00PM:Boardof Trusteesmeeting


Tues.6/27,3:00PM:WildlifeRockstarsSeetheAnimals,Learnabout AnimalAdaptations&Defenses Tues.6/27,4:00PM:SummerReadingRegistration&IceCreamParty !!!

Wed.6/28,10:30AM:Summer FamilyStorytime

Allens Hill Free Library

3818 County Road 40, Bloomfield 585-229-5636

Tues. 6-8pm; Wed. 3-6:30pm; Fri. 2:30-8pm; Sat. 1-4pm

Bloomfield Public Library

9 Church Street, Bloomfield 585-657-6264

Mon., Wed., Fri. 2-7pm; Tues., TH 10am-7pm; Sat. 10am-2pm NEW HOURS starting JUNE 26th:

Mon.-Thu. 10am-8pm Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat. 10am- 2pm

Mendon Library

22 N. Main St., Honeoye Falls (585) 624-6067 mendonlibrary.org

Mon.-Thurs.: 9am-8pm; Fri./Sat.: 9am-3pm; Closed Sunday

Victor Farmington Library

15 West Main St., Victor 585-924-2637 victorfarmingtonlibrary.org

Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun. 12-4pm

Here’s what’s happening at your local library…


Donuts withDadStoryTime:Saturday,June17|10:30AM|forkids|


JazzGenerationGuitarConcert: Wednesday,June21|7PM|for adults|registrationrequired

WeeWalkersPlayTime:Fridays,June 23|10AM|forkids|noregistration required

AllTogetherforFamilyStoryTime: Mondays,June26-July31|10:30AM |forfamilies|noregistrationrequired

AllTogetherforCraftyFun:Mondays, June26-July31|3:30PM|forkids|


AllTogetherforPreschoolStoryTime: Tuesdays,June27-August1|10:30 AM|forpreschoolers|noregistration required

AllTogetherforPreschoolCrafts: Thursdays,June29-August3|11:30 AM|forages2-5|registrationrequired

Mon.7/3,4:00PM:OutdoorPlaytime Tues.7/4,Closed4thofJuly!

VictorFarmingtonLibrary: Ongoing Programs:

Mondays2-4PM:MahJonggJoin otherMahJonggenthusiasts!

Mondays12:15PM&Thursdays 11:00AM:On-SiteChairYoga* Suggesteddonation$3/class

Mondays6:00PM:PlayHandand FootGameHavesomefun,meet newfriends!

Wednesdays9:15AM:Library WalkersExplorelocaltrails, neighborhoodsandparks.

Wednesdays10AM-1PM:Basic ComputerSkillsforAdults*Oneon-onehelpwithtechnologyquestions.

Wednesdays2:00-4:00PM:Euchre &HandandFootGames

Saturday6/179:00AM-4:00PM: AARPDriverSafetyClass*$30per person,$25forAARPmembers.

Tuesday6/206:00PM:LearnAbout ReikiandEnergyMedicine*Informationsession.

Thursday6/221:00PM:TEDTalk DiscussionGroupTEDTalksare videosthatpresentagreatideain 18minutesorless.WatchaTED Talkwithusanddiscussitafterward.

Wednesday6/286:00PM:TheFarmingtonRailroadTragedyon1900. *Visitwww. victorfarmingtonlibrary.orgfor moreinfoandtoregister.


CommunityBreakfast- A Community Breakfastisheldon 4thSaturdaysfrom8:30-10am.All arewelcomeforfoodandfellowship.Afreewillofferingis accepted.EastBloomfieldUnited MethodistChurchat2ParkPlacein Bloomfield.http://www. eastbloomfieldumc.org

BloomfieldLionsClubChicken Barbeque - Saturday,June24that DuvallFarms,6555Rte5/20and Rte64South.Serving11:00amtill soldout.$12includessides.


UndergroundRailroadExhibit: Pathways toFreedomReimaginingtheUnderground Railroad.Aneight-paneltraveling exhibit,availablefromNYSOffice ofParks,RecreationandHistoric Preservationinvitesviewersto reimaginetheUnderground Railroad.Takinganewlookatthe impactofthelandscape,people, myths,andlegalregulationson freedomseekerspassingthrough NewYork.HeldThursday-Monday, 9:30-4:30pmthroughOctober 30thatSonnenbergGardens& MansionStateHistoricPark,250 GibsonSt.,Canandaigua.Cost:IncludedinParkAdmission.https:// www.sonnenberg.org/events/

WorldRefugeeDayObservance - Called toCare,CanandaiguainvitesyoutoobserveWorldRefugee DaywithusonTuesday,June20th, 4-6pmattheUnitedChurch,11 GibsonStreet.Featuringasampling ofinternationalfoods,apersonal testimonyfromalocalrefugeeand hissponsor,andamessagefrom CalledtoCare,Canandaigua’sVice President,MegHuff.Therewillbe anopportunitytoexplorewaysto jointhewelcomeandresettlement effortsinCanandaiguaasavolunteerorasaWorldRelief“good neighborteam”memberwhowill welcomeandwalkalongsidea newlyarrivedrefugeefamilyas theybegintheirnewlives.Information:LindaWerts,315-447-0276.


RocOnforFallenOfficer Anthony Mazurkiewicz -RocOn Harley-DavidsonandPowersports willbesponsoringarideinhonor ofOfficerAnthonyMazurkiewicz. EOWJuly21,2022.Allproceeds donatedtothefallenofficer’sfamily.RidebeginsatRocOnHarleyDavidson(withacontinental breakfast)andendattheVeterans ofForeignWars,300Macedon CenterRoad,Fairport.Music,food andofcoursesupportforourBLUE. Fora$10donation,afterparty wristbandsavailableforthosewho wereunabletoparticipateinthe ride.Cashbarandfoodavailable forpurchase.Pleasedonate-gift baskets,giftcertificates,etc.tobe raffledoff.Pickupavailable.Email bsardone@roconharleydavidson. com

Focus on the Children

Serves the needs of children in Livingston County that cannot be met by any other agency, such as new beds and cribs, winter clothing and summer camp. www.focuschild.org


“GolfingForACause”Golf Tournament - Saturday,July22, 2023attheFarviewGolfCourse, Rt.39,Geneseo-AvonRd.,Avon. Registration/Lunchstartsatnoon. Shotgunstart1pm.HoleInOne plusothereventsoncourse.Dinner tofollowwithrafflesandprizes. $125perplayer,$500foursome. CallortextMarkat585-519-1917 formoreinformation. Friendsand FamiliesMuscularDisorders Foundation501(c)3not-for-profit organizationdedicatedtoimprovingthequalityoflifeandindependenceofchildrenandadultsdiagnosedwithneuromuscular disorders/diseasesandover100 otherdiseases.


“SummerSolsticeCelebration”Bob andJodieKissarebackatLittle LakesCommunityCenter.Theywill becelebratingtheSummerSolstice alsoknownasthelongestdayof theyear.Jointheminthiscelebrationwhichwillincludeaguided solsticemeditationandahealing meditation;enhancedbyroundsof drummingandNativeAmerican StyleFlutes.Wednesday,June21st, 7:00pmatLittleLakesCommunity Center4705S.MainStHemlock.A $10.00donationissuggested.AlwayscomefromaPlaceofInfinite LoveandGratitude~

TourtheSmithOperaHouseJune 26thwithLittleLakes CommunityCenter(LLCC).This lovelyoldbuildinginGenevawas constructedin1894.Afterextensiverenovationsitisnowconsideredthe“centerstage”ofthe FingerLakesRegionandseats950 people.ArriveattheLLCCby 8:00am,wedepartby8:30am. Tourcostis$15.00pp.Lunchat Parker’sGrilleandTapHouse.Bring smallbillsaswemustpayonone check.Afterlunchwewillstopat EarthlyPossessionsLadiesBoutique andSimpleSweetsBakery.We carpool,ifyoucandrivethatis appreciated.Registeronlinewww. littlelakesny.orgoratLLCC,cutoff June26.


AmericanLegionFather’sDay Breakfast - Sunday,June18th. 8:00-11:00.Fatherseatfree!Everyoneelse$8withkidsunder5free. Pancakes,Frenchtoasteggs,sausage,homefries,toast,orange juice,coffeeetc...Sitdownandget servedbytheAmericanLegion Auxiliary.Comeenjoyadelicious breakfastwithyourfamilyand ours.Honeoye-HemlockAmerican LegionPost1278,4931CoRd36, Honeoye.Thiseventisopentothe public.Seeyouthere!


SpringRummageandBakeSale - UnitedChurchofChrist: Main Street,HoneoyeonJune23rd& 24th.Friday9am-7pm,Saturday 9am-4pm.BagSaleonSaturday. BakedGoodsforsaleonJune23rd.


FingerLakesUFO&Paranormal Meetup - CometalkaboutGhosts, Aliens&Cryptids.OpenDiscussion Night!Shareyourfavoriteparanormalexperience.Saturday,June17, 6:00-8:00pm,UnitedMethodist ChurchofLivonia(UMCL),21SummersStreet,Livonia.$5.00donationtoUMCL.Snackstoshareare appreciated.Info:TextorcallMary Graceat585-766-9318,www. giftsofgraceministry.org

HLRCGolfTournament- On July 31,2023,theHoneoyeLakeRotary Clubwillhostits38thAnnualGolf TournamentatOldHickoryin Livonia.Thefunbeginswithregistrationstartingat9,shotgun startat10anddinneraround4. Golfcart,lunchanddinnerare includedwithyourroundofgolf foronly$95.Silentauctionand rafflewillalsoaddtothefun. ComejoinusforourannualfundraisertosupportCamp ONSEYAWA,communityservice projectsatHoneoyeCentralSchool, andotherprojectsaroundour town,nationandworldwide.For moreinformationcontactJeanne Hamele585-729-9118orbyemail jnnhamele@aol.com.


PancakeBreakfast,OpenTrap Shoot! Youthactivitiesincludefree archery&indoorpelletrange.Sunday,June25,8am-11amatthe MiddlesexConservationClub,6087 SouthHillRoad,Middlesex.http:// www.middlesexconservationclub. org/


OrchestrainthePines- June 24, 2-5pm,RMSCCummingNature Center,6472GulickRd.,Naples. Concertbeginspromptlyat3pm, withcomplimentarylightrefreshmentsstarting2pmthrough thedurationoftheconcert.Familieswillbeabletoenjoythe“OrchestraPettingZoo”2-3pm,where children(andadults!)willbeableto talktoorchestramembers,learn aboutthediverseinstrumentsthat makeupanorchestra,andlistento theiruniquesounds.Admissionis includedinthepriceoftheconcert, andattendeesareencouragedto arriveearlytoenjoyahikeorpicnic beforetheconcert.Limitedchairs available,andlawnchairsorpicnic blanketsareencouraged./events/ frost-town-trail-fest/



Central SchoolAlumniReunionAugust3,2023atClub86Geneva, from11am-4pm.Additionaldetails tofollow-AlumniCommittee.


Saint’sPlaceAnnualSuperSale! 25th Anniversary!Saint’sPlace 1998-2023.Comejoinusforthe fun!!Wednesday,July5th,1-8PMFirstChanceSale-$10Admission. FreeAdmission:Thursday,July6th, OpeningDay-10AM-7PM.Friday, July7th,HalfPriceDay-9AM-6PM. Saturday,July8th,BAGSALE9AMuntilit’sallgone-($10first bag,$5eachadditionalbag.Limit 5bags).Saint’sPlaceSuperSaleat St.LouisSchool,64SouthMainSt., Pittsford.Formoreinformationvisit ourwebsitewww.saintsplace.org. Celebrating25YearsofWelcoming theStranger.


FathersDayatthe Transportation Museum! Dads andgranddadsareinforaspecial treatattheNewYorkMuseumof TransportationthisFathersDay, June18.They’llbeadmittedFREE whenaccompaniedbyayouthage 3to12.Trolleyrideswillbeoperatingthroughsceniccountryside, recreatingtheinterurbantrolleyera ofacenturyago.Themuseum’s vintagetrolleydepartsat11:30, 12:30,1:30,2:30and3:30,andno reservationsarerequired.Thefamilyfriendlyadmissionincludesthe trolleyrideandisjust$10adults, $9seniors65+,and$6youthsage 3-12.Open11-4,Sundaysonlyat 6393EastRiverRoadinRush. www.nymtmuseum.org,(585) 533-1113.


AmericanRedCrossBlood Drive: Wednesday, June28, AmericanRedCrossBloodDrive: 12p.m.to5p.m.,St.Dominics ParishCenter,97WestMainSt., Shortsville.Participantsmustbe ages17orolder;16withparental consentandbringID.Forinformation:redcross.org.


HikeDansvilleReservoir&Gully Preserve inDansville- Hike& ExploretheDansvilleReservoirand GullyPreserveonWhitmanRoadin DansvilleonSundayJune18from 4-6PMwithSpringwaterTrails,followedbyasocialget-togetherpicnicattheWhitmanRoadGully Preserve.Foradditionalinfo/ directions/updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org


ChickenBBQatWestBloomfield Congregational Church -Sunday, June18th,11:30am’tilwerun out.Deliciouschickendinner, servedwithsaltpotatoes,choiceof coleslawormacsalad,androll& butter.Drivethruavailable.Bake saletoo!Locatedatthecornerof Rts.5&20andRt.65inWest Bloomfield.Cashorvenmo.Messagewbccoffice@rochester.rr.com withquestions.

WestBloomfieldHistoricalSociety YardSaleDonationDays andWelcomeHours,Monday throughWednesday,June26,27, 28,from2to7pm.AlsoSaturdays, June24andJuly1,from9amto Noon.StopbytheSociety(8966Rt. 5&20)foravisitandbringgood, usableitemsforour31stAnnual Sale.Pleasenoclothing,babycar seats,TVs,computers,largefiberboardorupholsteredfurniture. Wanttosellyourownitems?Informationatwbhsny.orgor 585-657-7060.


AnnualMacedonianFestival235 TelephoneRoad,WestHenrietta.Friday,June16,2023from 5pmto11pm.Saturday,June17, 2023from12pmtomidnight.Sunday,June18,2023from12pmto 7pm.Deliciousfoodanddesserts! Livemusicanddancing.Free AdmissionandParking.https:// www.macedonianfest.com/


What superpower would you like to have?

• Flight

• Super strength

• Telekinesis

• Invisibility

• Teleportation

• Super speed

• Telepathy

Poll ends 06-20-2023

Poll ended 06-13-2023

With graduations around the corner, what do you think is the most viable option for high school graduates?

50.0 % Pursuing higher education or trade/apprenticeship

14.3 % Joining the military

14.3 % Taking a gap year to travel or explore other interests before deciding on a path forward

14.3 % Starting their own business or pursuing entrepreneurship

7.1 % Engaging in volunteer work or community service

We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!


Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:

ShortsvilleRailroadStationMuseum OpenHouse: TheLehigh ValleyRailroadHistoricalSociety StationMuseumat8EastHigh StreetinShortsvillewillbeopento thepubliconSunday,June18. Hourswillbe1:00p.m.to3:00 p.m.Alargecollectionofhistorical artifactsfromtheLehighValley Railroadisondisplayatthemuseum.Thegiftshopwillbeopen. Admissionisfree;donationsare welcome.Formoreinformation, visitwww.lvrrhs.orgorcall 585-289-9149.

• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program

• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor

• Organizations seeking donations of items

Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date

REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!

www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414


BRICK HOMES FIGHT FIRES THE LONGEST (NAPSI)—Firefighters report that it takes about an hour and a half for a fire to breach a brick home-as compared to fiber cement in under an hour and vinyl siding in just minutes.

Choosing brick exteriors to protect their own firehouses, firefighters say brick homes help slow the spread, offering the extra few minutes to help save lives and property as this brief video shows.

While the International Residential Code (IRC) does not require cladding on singlefamilyhomestohaveafirerating,theInternationalBuildingCode(IBC)acknowledges that fired-clay brick has tested to provide a minimum one-hour fire resistance rating alone,regardless of backing material.This is something that synthetic materials—such as fiber cement—cannot claim.

Primarily made of clay, brick is classified as a noncombustible material that will not burn, melt or combust.

In a one-hour severe fire test conducted independently for the Brick Industry Association (BIA), vinyl siding burned after only 18 minutes, fiber cement failed within one hour and fired-clay brick withstood the flames after one hour.The test was conducted in accordance with ASTM E119, the Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials.

Learn More: BIA is the nationally recognized authority on clay brick construction representing the nation’s distributors and manufacturers of clay brick and suppliers of related products. To learn more, go to Fire Prevention at www.gobrick.com.

Puzzle Answers This Week


Look No Further For Reliable Appliance Service! 10 Main Street, Bloomfield 585-394-1880 • 585-657-4470 Sales/Service/Parts Servicing most brands for 43 years. Call Joe Appliance Sales & Service Servicing most brands for over 46 years! The BATMAN Expert Bat Proofing & Removal Residential/Commercial Serving Western New York 585-335-7902 LAW OFFICE OF Elizabeth E. Deery, Esq. Focusing in Real Estate, Estate Planning, and Probate & Administration Rochester, NY 14616 Prattsburgh, NY 14873 T: (607) 592-9445 eedeeryesq18@outlook.com WWW.DEERYLAW.COM Plan for the Future, Plan for Life. 533-9307 O’Neill’s Tree Service Insured. Call for free estimate. Since 1970 • Full Service Arborists • Tree/shrub/stump removal • Corrective pruning
GENESEE ASTWAY EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 16,2023 Curious what your neighbors are doing? Catch up with any of the other nine great editions of the Genesee Valley Penny Saver 59 MAIN ST.,BATAVIA 585.345.6788 • romansonmain.comTues.-Sat.11am-9pmBookyourprivatepartyoreventat: romansonmain@gmail.com Call us for your Day 20 .23 SPECIALS

Put paint to work. Paint is another way to make the most of a limited space. Painting certain pieces of furniture the same color as the wall can make the furniture blend in and feel less imposing. The result is a room that feels calm and open, even if there is less space to move around than homeowners might have grown accustomed to in their larger homes.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page16 EASTWAY EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 16,2023 • Concrete Walks, Patios, Steps • No job too small • Fully insured Senior & military discounts 585-425-3894 STONEPATH MASONRY Stonework • Brickwork • Stucco • Concrete Patios • Walls • Veneer Stone • Fireplaces Fire Pits • Sidewalks • Repairs 30+ years of experience A ordable • No job too small! Fully Insured • Free Estimates Fairport, NY 585-749-8431 CONCRETE PATIOS/SIDEWALKS ROOF LEAKS? ROOF REPAIRS starting at $179.00 GUTTER or SIDING Repairs starting at $169.00 Three Generations, Family Owned & Operated Veteran & Senior Discount 15% off ROOF TUNE UP Includes: Replace up to ve shingles, inspect chimney ashing, tar all vents $199.00 CHIMNEY Cleaning & Repairs starting at $179.99 (585) 225-7663 ROCROOFANDCHIMNEY.COM No coupon needed. CHIMNEY/REPAIR Gutter Cleaning Power Washing & Deck Staining • All Carpentry Work • Drywall Repair • Gutter Repairs • Basement Repairs • Soffit & Fascia Repairs ... and more! HANDYMEN/WOMEN When you need an electrician… FreeEstimates FullyInsured Licensed Since1984 Give us a call! DwightA.Knox 585-624-3868
New York •Residential • Industrial •Commercial SeniorCitizen Discounts ELECTRICAL
Make it Look New Again! • Power Wash & Coat • Sand, Strip and Coat Bring Out the Natural Colors (585) 330-5265 stevenarmy63@gmail.com DECKS

1. TELEVISION: When did “Sesame Street” debut on PBS?

2. MOVIES: What is the name of the moon where “Avatar” takes place?

3. GEOGRAPHY: Which country is home to a tall rock structure called the Finger of God?

4. HISTORY: What was Babe Ruth’s real first name?

5. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: How many of Snow White’s seven dwarfs have names ending in “y”?

6. MUSIC: Which country did the band AC/DC come from?

7. LITERATURE: How many books are in the primary Harry Potter novel series?

8. GOVERNMENT: How many national parks are in the United States?

9. FOOD & DRINK: In which country was the Caesar salad invented?

10. ANATOMY: Where is the uvula

the human body?

Answers 1. 1969. 2. Pandora. 3. Brazil. 4.
6. Australia. 7. Seven. 8. 63. 9.
© 2023 King Features Synd., Inc. Funded by: NYS Homes and Community Renewal PATHSTONE CORPORATION IS OFFERING FREE HOME ENERGY IMPROVEMENTS The PathStone Weatherization Assistance Program is available for income-eligible households in Monroe County located outside of the city limits. Reduce energy costs and improve the safety of your home through energy efficiency measures in owned or rented property. Contact Us Today! 442.2030 ext.752 www.pathstoneenergyinfo.org HEAP Recipients Automatically Eligible Income guidelines are: Family of 1: $34,224 Family of 2: $44,760 Family of 3: $55,296 Family of 4: $65,820 HOME HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Roof Leaks? • Rotted Wood Repair • Roofing • Roof Repairs • Soffit & Fascia • Chimney Repairs Fully Insured/Licensed Senior Discounts Financing Available – 18 months same as cash. 10% OFF w/coupon HANDYMEN/WOMEN
Five: Happy, Sleepy, Dopey, Sneezy and Grumpy. The other two are Doc and Bashful.


Homeowners often choose to save money and learn valuable skills by doing their own home improvement projects. These minor or major renovations are made much more successful by having the right tools for the job. Investing in good tools can be smart, but those tools are only effective if they are accessible and in good repair. Homeowners who emphasize taking care of their tools can make DIY projects that much easier and more rewarding.


(NAPSI)—Whether you’re looking for a job for the first time or trying to return to the workforce, you don’t have to do it alone.

Thanks to Social Security’s Ticket to Work (Ticket) program, people ages 18 through 64 who receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can receive free services and supports through service providers like Employment Networks (EN) and State VocationalRehabilitation(VR)agencies. For 20 years, the Ticket program has provided the support people need on their paths to employment and empowerment.

Angel is one of those people.

The Ticket program helped Angel after injuries to his neck and back derailed his career in the U.S. Air Force. Once he had taken the time to heal, Angel knew he wanted to work but wasn’t sure how his disabilities would affect his options.

“I was a young man with a family to support,” Angel says. “… and I was not ready to give up on the workforce.”

When Angel learned about a job opportunity with a federal contractor, he thought that his disability would prevent him from being a viable job candidate. But then, Angel learned about programs, resources and guidelines that could help him. First, he learned about Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Under Section 503, companies that do business with the federal government take affirmative action to recruit, hire, retain and promote individuals with disabilities. Angel also connected with a Ticket program EN that offered the services and support he needed for a fresh start. His EN helped him find the confidence he needed to pursue the job. Working with a Benefits Counselor at the EN, Angel learned about Social Security Work Incentives that applied to him and,onceAngel started working, his EN helped him request reasonable accommodations to help him in his new job working on a federal contract for the U.S. Department of Defense. Angel is happy to be working again with military peers, earning income to support his family.

“In the Air Force, your wingman is by your side as you face uncertainty,” he reflects. “…[like a wingman] the Ticket program is by my side, and I’m grateful for that as I look ahead.”

Ticket to Work helped Angel find his path to a better future. Find yours!

To learn more, call the Ticket to Work Help Line at (866) 968-7842 or (866) 833-2967 (TTY). Or visit https://choosework.ssa.gov/.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page18 EASTWAY EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 16,2023 (585) 545-5253 ( Bulk, Triple Ground Mulch Pick up, delivery, and install available. $35/yard $10 OFF Your Purchase Just mention this coupon or bring it in! Pick up available at 846 Macedon Center Rd. Macedon, NY 14502 • Asphalt paving and resurfacing • New driveway/parking lot construction • Reworking/re-grading stone driveways • Commercial/Residential (585) 354-1059 Fully Insured Free Estimates Huckleberry Paving LAWN & LANDSCAPING

Trust Your Roof to a Specialist


Be especially careful with power tools. Power tools can do a lot and they’re fun to use. But it’s important that DIYers do not let fun distract them from safety. The Power Tool Institute urges power tool users to wear personal protective equipment, including eye and hearing protection and a dust mask, whenever using power tools. The PTI also advises users to make sure tools are powered down before plugging them in and to inspect the tool before using it.Inspections can confirm that all guards are in place and that tools are up to the task at hand. Much like it’s unsafe to overreach on a ladder, overreaching when using power tools increase the risk for mistakes, accidents and injuries.


Avoid electrical work. Complicated electrical work is best left to the professionals. Estimates from the Electrical Safety Foundation International indicate that electrical malfunctions cause more than 50,000 house fires each year. Such malfunctions can occur for myriad reasons, and a lack of experience working with electrical circuits and breakers could make homes vulnerable to malfunctions and fires. It’s also worth noting that homeowners’ insurance policies may not cover damage caused by DIY electrical work. So at the very least homeowners should contact their insurance providers to determine if any accidents or injuries caused by DIY electrical work would be covered by their policies.


RICHARDS ASPHALT & MATERIALS, INC. Residential & Commercial Call today for a FREE estimate!! Driveways • Parking Lots • Roads Resurfacing • Concrete Work Stone Driveways • Milling 585-944-6979 Fully Insured PAVING & SEALING
Leaks? • Rotted Wood Repair • Roofing • Roof Repairs • Soffit & Fascia • Chimney Repairs Fully Insured/Licensed Senior Discounts Financing Available – 18 months same as cash. 10% OFF w/coupon 585-377-3222 • Re-Roofs • Roof Repairs • Facia Repairs • Moss Removal Gutter Guards Installed FRANK’S ROOFING GUTTER CLEANING & REPAIRS
• New Roofs • Re-roofs • Tear-offs Call Josh, 585-245-1972 JJMROOFING@aol.com • www.jjmhomeremodel.com Residential/Commercial • Metal Roofs • Flat Roofs • Soffit & Fascia • Gutter Cleaning • Gutter Leaf Protection

Conservation is an essential component of an eco-friendly lifestyle. Conserving the planet’s natural resources can have a profound impact on the planet, and conserving at home is a great way for men and women to get the ball rolling on their conservation efforts.

One of the most effective ways to conserve at home is to reduce water consumption. Few people give much thought to how much water they consume at home, as water bills tend to be considerably lower than other utilities like energy and phone. But even if efforts to conserve water at home may not make a dramatic impact on monthly utility bills, many measures can go a long way toward preserving one of the planet’s most precious resources.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page20 EASTWAY EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 16,2023 585-545-5016 Proudly Serving The Greater Rochester Area 20% Senior, Veteran, Police Discount Owner/Climber On-site, Less Overhead, More Savings Fully Insured Arborist • Satisfaction Guaranteed protreeserviceswny@gmail.com ProTreeServicesLLC Pro Tree Services LLC We look forward to meeting all your tree service needs. Please call us today at: 585-729-1488
Tree Service Now Offering FREE Quotes For tree trimming or removal and stump grinding. $150 OFF On all jobs over $800. *Excludes stump grinding. Must present ad at time of quote to receive discount. Exp. date 12/1/23. TREE SERVICES Quality Service…Competitive Prices Includes: millings removal, top soil & seed Fully Insured • Free estimates FULL SERVICE Stump Grinding Call or text Kevin 585-750-1823 Victor NY KCM Resources, LLC HOW TO CONSERVE WATER AT HOME
SENIOR DISCOUNTS 585-507-5488 Rick $100 OFF Tree Work of $1,000 or more! With this ad. Expires 7/31/23. Fully Insured • Free Estimates • Insurance Work • Stump Grinding, Removal • Trimming, Cleanup fishersstation9@gmail.com Clip & Save Clip & Save SPRING SAVINGS! • Trimming & Removal • Affordable Stump Grinding • Professional/Insured • Free Estimates • Senior Discounts ARBORSCAPER TREE & LANDSCAPE 585-613-2068 arborscapertree.com Best stump grinding prices in town.

TABLETOP GAS BBQ PRO GRILL. Good condition. Just needs cleaning: 585-671-2598

PLAYER PIANO w/BENCH and MUSIC ROLLS. Geneseo area. Must be picked up: 585-243-4894

DOUBLE KNIT FABRICS and RIBBINGS, 12 pounds, including some reds, blues, kid prints: 585-584-3015

KIMBALL PUMP ORGAN works; needs TLC. Beautiful case and seat. It was a great family instrument! You pick up: 585-624-9169

Several EGG CARTONS. Geneseo area. You pick up: 585-243-2173

Used brown camo SOFA/HIDE-A-BED & RECLINER. Great for cabin, college apt. You pick up. Text only: 585-813-4270

High quality Kate Farms NUTRITIONAL DRINK (like Ensure or Boost). Vanilla flavor. Approx. 200 11oz containers. Exp Nov 2023: 585-451-8868

CPAP MACHINE, approx. 10 years old. In working condition - includes case and related accessories: 315-871-8312

Box of MEDICAL NEWSLETTERS (Mayo Clinic, UCLA & Cleveland Clinic). NUTRITION ACTION MAGAZINES and an envelope of OLD RECIPES. Fairport: 585-388-0318

Several swatches of ASSORTED FABRIC, YARN, KNITTING NEEDLES, EMBROIDERY THREADS and a large bag of assorted SILK FLOWERS. E. Pembroke area: sbly5722@gmail.com

CANON PRINTER INKS box set, also have separate box of the 220PGBK ink: dsmith60@rochester.rr.com

Old AT&T PUSH BUTTON PHONE from 1990s, perhaps someone likes nostalgic items: dsmith60@rochester.rr.com

4” aluminum 90-degree adjustable ELBOW DRYER PIPE: dsmith60@rochester.rr.com

GUITAR MAGAZINES dating back to the ‘90s. Also, SMITHSONIAN and FINGER LAKES MAGAZINES: 585-229-2100

Eleven boxes of 12x12 GREY TILES, 10 in each box: 585-743-5773

Old ESQUIRE MAGAZINES, January 2008 to September 2010. Good condition: 585-671-2598

BABY GRAND PIANO with BENCH. 585-739-0888

Assorted size OLDER WINDOWS from old barn. One lg crank out, six lg skylights, ass’t others & panes. TEXT: 585-354-3346


Oldies but goodies – large collection of VHS TAPES, DVDs and CDs: 585-582-2011

DOCK SECTIONS - Sixteen 10’ long pressure treated with legs. Pick up Conesus: 585-346-2390

VARIETY OF CRAFT ITEMS. Pick up Lima: 585-624-2633 or najhedanglis@gmail.com

Working WINDOW AIR CONDITIONING UNITS for refugee family in Canandaigua area. Text or call: 585-754-1275

Looking for an ATV or DIRT BIKE that is running or not for father son project. Call/Text Matt: 315-576-1278

CPAP MACHINE, used or unwanted, for low-income senior with sleep apnea: 585-506-8125

GOLF PUSHCART: ndirisio@verizon.net

VINTAGE MOOG ANALOG SYNTHESIZERS & ACCESSORIES. Parts or whole, working or not. Mini, Micro, Sonic, Taurus, & Poly: 585-599-3142

TWIN BED FRAME with HEAD/FOOT BOARD FUTON in good condition. For refugees in Canandaigua area. Call or text: 585-754-1275

Food grade 55-GALLON BARRELS WITH LIDS: rsmckernan@frontiernet.net

WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Call or text Matt: 315-576-1278

CPAP. Gently used: 585-313-4315

VINTAGE ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, stereo equipment, Vintage radios, test equipment, speakers, turntables, Ham Radio, Advertising, Early TVs, records, communication, parts: greg3151@ymail.com

Elderly disabled mechanic looking for a good VEHICLE to go to doctor appts., grocery shopping, etc. Minor repairs okay: 585-883-7387

BOX TRAILER and working MINI FRIDGE: 585-323-1762 (leave message)

Old TABLETOP MANUAL MEAT GRINDER in useable condition (sometimes worded vintage): 585-201-6001

Two disabled veterans would like a CAMPER TO FIX UP: dobstarczyk@hotmail.com

COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and DISPLAY BOOK for granddaughter who will play in one tournament this summer: 585-334-6134

Looking for a decent GARAGE DOOR, 85”x9’: 585-298-0040

TRUCK for low-income Senior Citizen. Road-worthy, for transportation of elderly mother, and general handy work/yard work. Soon to be urgent need!


Looking for CLEAN PINE NEEDLES: 585-520-3819

Looking for any OLD/NEW VIDEO GAMES/CONSOLES or COMPUTERS. High school student looking to learn. Can be working/not working. Text 585-450-1172

FOLD-UP TREADMILL. Can pick up: Breit11763@gmail.com

All DC and MARVEL COMIC BOOKS; any year, any issue, any condition: timpani_m@yahoo.com

MANNEQUIN or MANNEQUINS. Used or unwanted for school project. Will pick up: stujaxon@yahoo.com

THE CHOSEN SERIES: braduns@yahoo.com

Small SUV or PICKUP needed for disabled veteran for transport to appointments and errands: bhaizlip@rochester.rr.com


Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.

Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com

under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111



(NAPSI) — Planning a move can be stressful, but planning a move in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic brings a new set of challenges. Stay safe and connected with some smart pre-move planning; here are some tips:

Follow Approved Protocols — If you can’t postpone your move,take extra precautions before moving in to ensure your new place is clean. Follow general disinfecting guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Among other surfaces,disinfect doors,door handles,bathrooms,kitchen appliances,countertops and—something many people don’t really think about—cabinet and doorknobs as well as light switches.

Safely Stay Connected — New work-from-home protocols and online schooling mean reliable Internet connectivity is more important than ever. Prior to your move, SmartMove can connect you to your local provider and help arrange new Touchless Installs that let you safely connect your tech services yourself. Cable companies deliver equipment with step-by-step activation information so you can set up your system on your own, or with support over the phone, online, through chat functionality or video tutorials. In most cases, no technician will need to enter your home.

Keep in Touch & Maintain Daily Routines — You may be staying in more, but don’t forget to take a break from unpacking boxes. Use your new online connection to find delivery services to help stock your pantry and fridge and refill prescriptions. Your new house will feel more like home if you take time to watch your favorite shows, maintain your exercise program or explore online courses that can help you discover new talents or resume old hobbies. Don’t forget to connect with friends through group video chats or viewing parties—you can even take your friends and family on a virtual tour of your new place!

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Cranberry Chutney

Makes 3 cups

1 1-pound bag fresh cranberries

2 navel oranges, unpeeled, cut into 6 wedges and then into thin slices

1⁄3 cup golden raisins

1⁄2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1⁄2 teaspoon whole cloves

1⁄2 teaspoon ground ginger

1⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt

1⁄2 cup apple cider

1⁄2 cup honey, preferably cranberry honey

1⁄4 cup apple cider vinegar


1. Pour the cranberries into a 2-quart pot. Add the oranges, raisins, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, salt, apple cider, honey, and vinegar. Bring to a boil, and then reduce the heat to low and simmer until the chutney thickens, about 20 minutes.

2. Remove from the heat and serve warm or, if you prefer, chill and serve cold.

Fair Housing Statement

All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center

1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org EQUAL HOUSING

* The Sistine Chapel contains a small side room nicknamed the “Room of Tears.” This is where the new Pope is taken after winning the election, to relieve the emotion of that process.

Summer tip for Seniors

Be Mindful of Outdoor Activities

Engaging in outdoor activities is a great way to enjoy summer, but it’s important for seniors to be mindful of their limitations. Avoid strenuous activities during peak heat hours to prevent exhaustion and heatstroke. Plan outdoor activities in the early morning or evening when temperatures are cooler. Take breaks in shaded areas and listen to your body. Stay active with low-impact exercises like walking or swimming, which provide a refreshing way to beat the heat. Remember to consult your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page23 EASTWAY EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 16,2023 This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper. The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798.


My Cat Follows Me Everywhere

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I adopted a cat from a shelter just before anksgiving of last year. Blue is a beautiful boy who settled right into my home. He’s very well socialized and doesn’t even claw the furniture. However, he follows me everywhere! Even to the bathroom -- I have to close the door in his face. At night, he meows and paws at my bedroom door. He runs under the bed when I leave the house, and he sulks for quite a while when I return. How can I stop his clingy ways? -- Beth in Syracuse, New York

DEAR BETH: ere’s a ne line between “cuddly” and “clingy,” and Blue has hopped right over it. If it helps, know that you’re not alone. Studies over the past decade show that cats bond to their humans much more strongly than we thought. Underneath that aloof exterior is a loyal heart of gold.

Cats who’ve had to spend time in a shelter may become overly clingy once they reach their forever home.

ey’re nally with a forever family, and they don’t want to let go! It’s also tempting to give in to their demands for treats or to take over your bedroom to make up for their lost time.

Keep enforcing boundaries, but try to introduce positive stimuli before and a er you shut him out of the bathroom or bedroom. Two important factors to be aware of are: 1. A daily routine and 2. Combatting boredom. Commit to spending time with your cat before leaving for work, a er returning and before going to bed. Incorporate play, using toys or laser pointers that he can chase.

Don’t give up. You and Blue will gure out a routine and comfort level that works for both of you.

Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.

(c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Refresh Your Home for Spring

Reorganize cluttered areas

If a room (or rooms) in your house are in disarray, start by reorganizing those often-used spaces to give them a like-new look and feel. Begin by removing everything from the room - including the furniture, if you’re ableand separate your belongings into boxes or piles based on what you plan to put back in the room, move to another location and throw away or donate. Once you’ve cleaned the space, resituate the necessary furniture then place items you’re keeping back in their places in tidy fashion so they’re easy to locate.


While high school seniors on the cusp of graduating and moving on to college give ample thought to their college majors, many are likely to change majors at least once after enrolling in a college or university. According to the UniversityofLaVerne,between50 and70percentofcollegestudents change majors at least once, and many of them will change their majors three times before they graduate. The University also reports that 50 percent of college graduatespursuecareersthatare not related to their majors. Career and personality assessments can help students determine which subjects they may want to study upon enrolling in a college or university. Such assessments can help students discover their interests, and then students can work with advisors and career counselors at their colleges or universities to find majors that align with those interests. High school seniors on their way to college in the coming months can rest easy that, even if they don’t know what to study when they arrive on college campuses this fall, many of their fellow freshmen are equally uncertain.


Fun Facts

20th Century Sonar Mapping Sonars are invented to help find submarines and map the ocean. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the oceans have around three million shipwrecks. Pacific Ocean is wider than the Moon At its widest point, the Pacific Ocean from Indonesia to Colombia is wider than the Moon. NationalOceans Month JUNE 2023 Sponsored By: Love our weekly puzzles? Get your very own BRAIN GAME Puzzle book! Purchase at our o ce at 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY OR mail your order form to: Genesee Valley Penny Saver, PO Box 340, Route 15, Avon, NY 14414 Include a check made payable to Penny Lane Printing. $6.50 per book Includes tax & shipping. Includes Over 30 puzzles! Name Street Town State Zip BROUGHTTOYOUBY: 1471Route15,Avon,NY14414•585-226-8111•gvpennysaver.com


Why? Why can you spend an hour working out but cannot walk 10 feet to the locker room to change your clothes? This is a common occurrence at the [local town] rec center where someone occupies the handicap stall in the ladies room to change their clothes while a woman with a walker is standing waiting to use the facility. I am so tired of how selfish and inconsiderate people can be and establishments who won’t post reminders to inconsiderate people to use locker rooms.

Don’t judge us!

To the elderly woman at [local dog park] with the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. You have a lot of nerve to say, to my husband, that we need to take better care of our fur baby! No dog is more loved or better cared for than ours. Just because the dogs had two brief scuffles, and my dog proved herself dominant both times, is no reason to bash the care that we give to our girl. You don’t know us and we don’t want to know you. We are just fellow dog owners. Please take the time to read the dog park rules. Scuffles occur all the time because dogs will be dogs. Only dogs under 25 lbs.belong on the small dog side. You break that rule. No brushing or grooming of dogs is permitted. You break that rule. The rules, however, do not say that you can’t call other dog owners names, so on that one, you are just guilty of being rude!

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Genesee Valley Health Partnership

Anti-violence and bullying training and education in many Livingston County schools and communities is supported by UWLC. www.gvhp.org 5810

DID YOU KNOW? The pinnacle of birthday celebrations, if there’s no piñata to break open, is when the birthday cake comes out and party attendees serenade the guest of honor. The song everyone harmonizes to is among the most widely recognized and well-loved tunes in the world. The “birthday song,” also known as “Happy Birthday to You,” is in the public domain in the United States and the European Union. The song originally was penned as a classroom greeting song titled “Good Morning to All,” written by sisters Mildred J. Hill and Patty Smith Hill. Both were educators and developed unique teaching strategies to assist students. The song was composed by Mildred and the lyrics were written by Patty to be used in kindergarten classrooms.

It is unclear who changed the lyrics and turned the song into a birthday ditty, as none of the earliest references to the song included credits or copyright notices. Two tales circulate regarding the eventual copyright of the song. One has The Summy Company registering a copyright in 1935, crediting authors Preston Ware Orem and Mrs. R. R. Forman. The other says Jessica Hill, sister to Mildred and Patty, who was working with publisher Clayton F. Summy Company, copyrighted and published “Happy Birthday to You” in 1935.Eventually Warner Chappell bought the company that was originally The Summy Company, and argued the birthday song was under copyright until 2030, making performances of the song illegal without paying royalties. However, a federal judge ruled in 2015 that Warner Chappell’s claim to a copyright on the song was not valid. The judge ruled its registration only covered a specific piano version, not the melody and lyrics. Therefore, “Happy Birthday to You” can be sung both privately and publicly without being subject to royalties or other restrictions.


Seeing you have one, how should you act toward HIM? In this period of confusion we live in, it’s necessary to have some guidance.Merriam-Webster Dictionary of 2023 says a Father is a... wait for it... a MALE PARENT!! So we know who we should honor. The Bible authored by God our Creator, gives in Exodus 20, 10 commandments necessary to have a start toward a good life. 10 basic commands are listed of the 613 in the book. The 1st four have to do with our relationship to God, the other 6 for the right relationship to mankind. So the 5th command is to honor your father. Realizing God knows more about life than you, it would be prudent for you to do it. Have a different Father’s Day this year.

REAL ESTATE ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page29 EASTWAY EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 16,2023 R EAL E STATE S ECTION With all of my clients from start to close and beyond. Call C:(585) 750-2783 O:(585) 624-3370 lindamcgory@howardhanna.com Linda McGory Lic. RE Salesperson
To Find Out What Your Home Is Worth!
Pumpkin Hook Fire Hall Ray Drake - Pastor kjvray@rochester.rr.com • www.countrybiblebaptist.com Sunday School 10:00am • Morning Service 11:00am Evening Service and Prayer 6:00pm
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Start the Job Right! • Site Work
Septic Pumping
Septic Systems
Goodale Rd., Canandaigua Call 585-394-4722 Warner’s

DID YOU KNOW? According to the Environmental Protection Agency, air currents can carry pesticides that were applied to nearby properties. That means even people who do not apply pesticides in their lawns and gardens can still be at risk of exposure to these potentially harmful chemicals. People concerned by the prospect of being exposed to the pesticides being applied by their neighbors can stay indoors with their children and pets while the substances are being applied. Those who live near fields and parks where pesticides are routinely applied can plant hardy, thick-branched trees to reduce their risk of airborne exposure.The EPA notes that such plants and shrubs can serve as buffers against airborne pesticides, essentially acting as walls around a property that prevent gusty winds from blowing pesticides into yards and gardens.

Executive Assistant

Monday- ursday • 8:30am-4:30pm

Primary Function: Responsible for e ective executive support, coordination and o ce management for Sheen Housing’s administrative o ce and implementation of the day-to-day activities, including fundraising, grant writing, event planning and public relations.

Speci c Duties:

Includes, but not limited to:

• Provides administrative assistance, such as writing and editing e-mails, dra ing memos, and preparing communications on the executive’s behalf;

• Maintains comprehensive and accurate records;

• Performs minor accounting duties;

• Organizes meetings, including scheduling, sending reminders and organizing catering when necessary;

• Answers phone call in a professional manner;

• Works on the design, improvement and implementation of better methods to coordinate a wide range of fundraising/ grant writing activities; managing the fundraising/grant writing plan and donor system;

• Proofreads, edits, assembles and distributes reports;

• Assists in preparation, compilations and submissions of state and federal grant proposals;

• Coordinates details of the annual event(s); manages tasks, vendors, solicitations, invitations, sponsorships, action items solicitations/presentation;

• Researches, implements and manages fundraising/grant writing activities;

• Manages and maintains databases;

• Prepares detailed written reports;

• Maintains the o ce equipment according to the warranty/maintenance agreement;

• Maintains accurate and updated procedures/ les/date bases for fundraising/grant writing activities;

• Performs other duties; attends meetings and events as assigned by the Executive Director.

Quali cations:

1. Bachelor’s degree in Business-related eld preferred but will accept an Associate Degree with three years of experience in organizational development or fundraising position.

2. Strong organizational skills and ability to multitask.

3. Pro cient computer skills mandated. Extended knowledge of Microso Professional O ce.

4. Excellent verbal and written communication, self-directed, detail-oriented.

5. Ability to handle con dential matters.

6. Time management and ability to meet deadlines.

Title of Direct Supervisor: Executive Director, Sheen Housing

Please forward all inquiries to: Email: ExecutiveDirector@sheenhousing.org


Work includes small high end hardscapes, planting and mulching. Pay based on experience. Will train if no experience. 40+ hrs/week.




The number of women entering the professional fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is slowly growing around the world, but there is still a sizable gender gap in these professions. According to the College Board, which produces many standardized tests, only 27 percent of all students taking the AP Computer Science exam in the United Sciencearewomen.Similarly,just 18 percent of American computerscience degrees are attained by females. However, this is not the case elsewhere in the world. A paper by Gijsbert Stoet and David Geary published in Psychological Science noted that women who live in countries with traditionally higher gender inequality tend to choose STEM professions more readily. Algeria, for example, has one of the highest ratios of women in STEM professions, at 41 percent. Stoet and Geary surmise that women in these countries may be choosing careers with the strongest path to financial independence.

According to a U.S. Department of Education report, students studying science or math in collegehaveahigheremployment rate and salary than other majors after graduation. STEM majors typically earn an average of $15,500 more annually than nonSTEM majors. Engineering and engineering technology tends to pay the most. Women eager to secure competitive, stable and well-paying jobs should carefully consider the opportunities available to them in STEM fields.


“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” –Alexander Graham Bell

Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District IS HIRING





Hours and pay vary by position. NYS Pension and bene t eligible positions available. To apply, visit: www.work4h .org

Circulation Manager/ Director of Audience

Our long-time Circulation Manager is retiring at the end of the year. We’re looking to fill this in-house position now to facilitate a positive, on the job, training period. Primary responsibilities include managing the print and digital distribution of our award-winning GVPS and other publications across Western New York.

Prior experience is not required but helpful skillsets include: knowledge of the United States Post Office, experience with direct mail, managing a small fleet of carriers, and digital media. Must be organized and dedicated to the long-term success of the company. The candidate should also have a customer service mindset when dealing with readers and advertisers.

Full-time • Generous benefits package

Email cover letter and resume to Manuel Karam, General Manager: manuelk@featuredmedia.com

The Genesee Valley Penny Saver is ranked the number one publication in New York by the Circulation Verification Council. With one of the largest footprints in the state, we bring businesses and readers together in Genesee, Livingston, Monroe and Ontario counties. At the heart of our organization are people who care about their customers and foster relationships that last a lifetime. Our mission is to create innovative marketing solutions to enhance and support businesses through advertising, design, digital, printing and promotional products.


CDL B Driver

Santelli Lumber is currently seeking reliable and motivated team members for local building material deliveries. Competitive wage and bene t package.

• Clean

or e-mail resume to: tfitch@santellilumber.com


The ability to communicate, interact and work collectively with others is bothaprofessionalandpersonalasset.Butincertainways,therelianceon technology has made working as a team more complicated. People have grown accustomed to spending large quantities of time alone working at computers or on phones and tablets, potentially compromising their ability to work directly with others when the need arises.

According to Monster.com, when it comes to choosing a candidate for a newjoborpromotion,employersconsistentlysaytheywantateamplayer. That means it’s advantageous for professionals looking to further their careers to brush up on their team-building and social skills.

EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page32 EASTWAY EDITION ● FRIDAY,JUNE 16,2023 We have immediate openings for: • Registered Nurses • Licensed Practical Nurses • Licensed Mental Health Counselors • Counselors • Peer Advocates • Behavioral Health Technicians • Cleaners and more! FLACRA is growing and adding positions! Walk-in/Open Interviews! Wednesdays, 10am-2pm in the Human Resources O ce 71 Kendall St., Cli on Springs, NY 14432 For additional information applicants may contact FLACRA Human Resources at 315-462-9116 or email resume@flacra.org CHOOSE forFLACRA career!your • Learn more about our agency and how you can help us to save lives FLACRA requires ALL applicants to follow ALL COVID-19 protocols. ese protocols will be heavily enforced. Masks are required and we will be practicing social distancing while nding the perfect candidates to become a part of the FLACRA family.
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Apply in person at:
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benefits - health and
JOBSGVPS .com RUSH-HENRIETTA CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT FULL-TIME CLEANERS NEEDED NEW HIRING RATE $15.00/HR PLUS SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL • 2nd shift • Must have ability to lift 30 lbs • Prior cleaning experience preferred • Includes excellent benefits Apply online at rhnet.org Experience the R-H Advantage!
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Maintenance Position Available

Legendary Auto Interiors, Ltd.

Maintenance of equipment and machinery

Background in electronics, pneumatics, hydraulics, computers, electrical, mechanical, fabricating, spray painting, and welding is helpful. Must have experience with all types of hand and power tools. Constant observation of safety and re procedures at all times. is is a fast-paced environment with some strenuous work involved. Must be a team player and a self starter and be able to work independently and multi-task. Have the ability to problem solve, good communication skills, and represent professionalism at all times. Must be willing to sometimes work outside normal hours to complete projects. Excellent attendance is a must. Must have clean and valid NYS driver’s license.

We o er excellent starting wage at $18/hr. and bene ts. Give us a call at 315-331-1212 ext. 226 and ask for Heather, or stop in at 121 West Shore Blvd, Newark, NY 14513


Maintaining energy throughout the workday can sometimes be difficult. For busy professionals, compromised energy levels can be especially problematic, causing workers to fall behind and maybe even forcing them to work extra hours just to catch up.

While infrequent days of low energy should not pose too great a threat, working professionals who routinely find their energy levels sagging by the end of the workday might want to take certain steps to boost their energy and ensure their productivity doesn’t wane.

We’re hiring PathStone Weatherization Program

Providing energy saving improvements to lower energy bills & improve a home’s comfort in Monroe County

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Knowledge of the home performance industry or experience in home energy eld preferred. Entry level opportunities also available. To apply go to: https://bit.ly/450Hq0B

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Quail Summit is currently accepting applications for Resident Care Assistants

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Typical projects include newsletters, business cards, flyers, post cards, print ads, directories


• Degree in Graphic Design

• Excellent knowledge of InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat

• Ability to work independently and consistently meet deadlines

Graphic Designer FREELANCE Email cover letter & resume to: cristiel@featuredmedia.com


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