Livingston- Genesee Valley Penny Saver- 12-20-24

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Do-It-Yourself Decorations

No purchased holiday decoration could ever be more personal than something you make yourself. Fortunately, DIY holiday decoration projects can be as simple or as grand as you like. You can opt for easy personalized projects, such as putting family members’ names on holiday stockings or tree ornaments, or decorating some dollar-store picture frames with holiday colors and accoutrements. Or, you can go for high-impact with a larger personalized project, such as creating a wrapping paper wall in one room of your home.

Penny Saver

Merry Christmas from Bronx Maverick love to snuggle together and are pretty compliant when their mommy dresses them!

Send us a photo and a write-up to be featured. Submit online at - Share With Us. Or, mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Published at discretion of GVPS.


Monitor water temperature: The temperature of the water in the vase should coordinate with the flowers on display. Do not use hot water or the stems will cook. Room temperature is best for most flowers, except for blooms from bulbs that flower during cooler months, such as tulips and daffodils. They’ll be more likely to thrive in cooler water, according to Consumer Reports.

We thank each of you for all the work provided to us over the past years and especially this year, as you trusted us with your projects. We ask forgiveness from all of you we were unable to get to. We li you all up in prayer over this holiday season for healing wherever needed, hope in our Lord Jesus Christ and happiness in times spent with friends and families as you gather together.

We look forward to serving you again next year!


Chat &Craft



Avon Free Library

143 Genesee Street • Avon (585) 226-8461 Fax: 226-6615

Mon. & Thurs. 10-8; Tues & Wed 10-6; Fri. 10-5; Sat.10-3

Lima Public Library

1872 Genesee St., Lima (585) 582-1311

Mon. 10-noon & 1-8;

Tues. & Thurs. 1-8; Wed. 10-noon & 1-5; Fri. 1-5; Sat. 9-noon

Livonia Public Library

2 Washington St., Livonia (585) 346-3450 • Fax: 346-5911

Mon.-Thurs. 10am-7pm; Fri. 11am-5pm; Sat. 11am-3pm Sun.Closed

Wadsworth Library

24 Center St., Geneseo (585) 243-0440 • Fax: 243-0429

Mon.-Thurs. 10-8; Fri. 1:30-6; Sat.10-3

Here’s what’s happening at your local library…

Noyes Health/E.A.R.S. Lifeline Program


Joinourmonthlygroupforadult crafters!We’llchat,workon projects,andhavefun!Thelibrary willprovideacraftororyoucan bringyourownprojecttoworkon. Hotbeverageswillbeavailable. Registrationisrequired.Signupat BadArtAfternoon



Makewhateverawesome/hilarious/ trulyhorrible(yetlibraryappropriate)artyouwant.Snacks,too! RegistrationisNOTrequired.See youthere!Fortweensandteensin grades6-12.

FrameworkRecipes:Cooking Homemade101



CornellCooperativeExtension nutritioneducatorColleenDowns Therrienwillleadthisclassonhow tomakequickmealswithoutusing processedfoodsororderingtakeout.Foradults18andolder.Registrationisrequired.Signupat ThelibrarywillbeclosedTuesday, December24forChristmasEve andWednesday,December25for ChristmasDay.


Holiday ClosureNotice: TocelebratetheChristmasand NewYear’sholidays,theLivonia PublicLibrarywillbeclosedon Tuesday,December24th,Wednesday,December25th,andWednesday,January1st. TalesforTots! Mondays&Thursdays10:30am11:15am

Designedfor2-5yearolds.Registrationrequired. Tuesday,January7that1pm Adults18+Cometothelibraryfor anafternoonofHand&Foot,the excitingnewversionofCanasta! Don’tknowhowtoplay?No problemwe’llshowyouhow! Tuesday,January7that6:30pm LPLBookclub

JanuaryBookSelection:TheRiver WeRememberbyWilliamKent Krueger

Wednesdays,beginningJanuary 8that11am


Adults18+Joinusforafunand relaxingweeklyprogramwherewe exploreanewcreativeprompteach session.Whetheryou’reabeginner oranexperiencedartist,allmaterialsareprovided,andourfriendly groupatmospherewillhelpinspire yourartisticjourney.


AVONFREELIBRARY: FYI: Thelibrarywillbeclosedon Tuesday,12/24andWednesday, 12/25fortheChristmasHoliday. Wewillalsocloseat5:00pmon Tuesday,12/31forNewYear’sEve andremainclosedforNewYear’s DayonWednesday,1/1.Havea safeandjoyfulholidayseason! Wrap&Yap-GiftWrappingParty: Saturday,12/21at11:00am

AmericanVersionofMahjong: BeginningagainMonday1/6/2025 at10:30am

SitN’Knit:Thursdays,1/9&1/23@ 6:00pmandFridays,1/17&1/31 at11:00am

Mahjong:Fridays,1/10&1/24@ 10:30andThursdays,1/16&1/30 at6:00pm


PositiveExpressions:Tuesdaysat 11:00am


Backgammon:Wednesdaysat 4:00pm Formoreinformationortosign-up foranevent,gotoavonfreelibrary. orgorcall 585-226-8461.

AvonAmericanLegionFamily Post 294 -WEDNESDAYSOUP& SANDWICHLUNCH.Proceedsto benefitVeteransinNeed.Serving 11:30am-1pm.FreeforVeterans. $5forSupporters.AvonAmerican Legion,5480Avon-EastAvonRd., Avon.

HolidayclosingsfortheAvon Food Pantry areThursday, December24,25,26and31, 2024.WeareopenallotherTuesdays11:00-2:00andThursdays 3:00-5:00.Pleaseplanyourfood needsaccordingly.

AvonSeniorNutritionProgram Week ofDecember30toJanuary3 SiteClosedMonday. Tuesday,12/31:OvenFried Chicken,ScallopedPotatoes,Peas, WholeWheatBreadSlice,MandarinOranges,TapiocaPudding. Wednesday,1/1:SiteClosedfor Holiday. Thursday,1/2:TunaNoodleCasserole,Cauliflower,Zucchini, WholeWheatBreadSlice,Grape Juice,OatmealRaisinCookie. Friday,1/3:PepperSteakw/Gravy, Squash,BrusselsSprouts,Whole WheatBreadSlice,Yogurt. RSVPby12/24. (585)226-6353

Breakfast - ConlonMulvaney AmericanLegion,6317Marshall Road,Conesus.Heldthe4thSundayofthemonthfrom8am-11am. $10Adultsand$5under10.Thank youforthegreatsupportandwe lookforwardtoanothergreatyear! CONESUS


FamilyChristmasEveService: Everyone isinvitedtoaspecial ChristmasEveserviceatthe GeneseoUnitedMethodistChurch, 4520GeneseeStreet,Geneseo, beginningat6:30pm.Thefocusof thisfamily-friendlyservicewillbe helpingyoungpeopleofallages understandandexperiencethe birthofJesussolongagoina stableinBethlehem.Thisservice willconcludewiththetraditional singingof“SilentNight”bycandlelight.

CandlelightChristmasEve Communion Service- You’reinvitedtoourCandlelightChristmas EveCommunionServiceatthe GeneseoUnitedMethodistChurch, 4520GeneseeStreet,Geneseoon Tuesday,December24that10:00 pm.ThestoryofChristmaswillbe sharedthroughlessonsandcarols inacandlelightsetting,followedby communionandthesingingof“SilentNight”bycandlelight.

BlueChristmasService Saturday, December 21stat7:00pm.During ourBlueChristmasService,wewill offerprayer,reflection,and remembranceasweholdspacefor ourwearinessandourjoy,andseek hopeinthemidstofourhurting world.AllarewelcometojoinusSt.TimothyLutheranChurch,5015 LakevilleRd.(20A),Geneseo. WatchnightServiceandNew Year’s EveFellowship- You’re invitedtoaWatchnightServiceand NewYear’sEveFellowshipatthe GeneseoUnitedMethodistChurch, 4520GeneseeStreet,Geneseo,on TuesdayDecember31stat9:00 pm.Bringinthenewyearwitha timeoffamilyfun,food,and fellowshipintheFellowshipHall, followedbyaspecial“Watchnight Service”inthesanctuaryatmidnight.Allarewelcome.Friends (newandold),fellowship,and games!Bringyourfavoriteboard gameorcardgameandjointhe fun!

ChristmasEveCandlelightService - Wednesday,December24, at7pm,joinusforchurchforsome lightrefreshments,followedbya ChristmasEveCandlelightService at7:30pm.ChristCommunity Church,26CenterSt.,Geneseo.

ChristmasMorningServiceWednesday, December25,at9am, joinusforaninformaltimeof worshipanddevotion.Thiswillbe anopportunitytoreadthe Scriptures,singandpraytogether. Alightbreakfastwillbeserved. ChristCommunityChurch,26CenterSt.,Geneseo.


CuylervilleVolunteerFire Department ChristmasLightParade willbegoingaroundthe Leicester/Cuylervillecommunity SundayDecember22ndat6pm. TheLeicesterVillageParkwillalso havefestivitiesbetween6-7pm withawalkaroundtheChristmas treesandyoucanenjoysomehot cocoawithSanta!


TheUnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia ThriftShop islocatedat thecornerofSpringandChurch StreetsinLivonia,NY.Gentlyused, qualityclothingandhomegoods areavailable.TheThriftShopis openonThursdaysandFridays 9AM-3PMandSaturdays9AM2PM.

FingerLakesUFO&Paranormal Meetup - SeasonsGreetings!All arewelcome.Saturday,December 21:6:00-8:00pm.Followedby Pizza&HolidayParty.$10.00donationforpizza&roomrental.Snacks anddessertstoshareareappreciated.ForthelocationinLivonia, seewebsiteortextorcallMary Grace:585-766-9318.www. Meeting:January18,2025.

Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,January8,4:306:00PM(oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce,meatballs,undressed salad,andgarlicbread.Donations accepted.

PorkRoastDinner- January 11, 4pm-tillgone.Tickets$10in Advance.$12attheDoor.TakeoutAvailable.Call346-9663for info.HeldattheLegioninLivonia Center,3850FederalRoad.


ArtfulHolidays: Local Artisan VendorMarket.throughDecember 21st,2024-Seewebsiteforhours. Where:GVCA4MurrayHill,Mount Morris.SpecialEvents:Holidayson theHill. ❍ AroundtheWorldOrnamentClassDec.14th1-3pm $40/perperson(pre-registrationrequired). ❍ HolidayConcertfeaturingGeneseeValleyChildren’sChoir andBrockportSymphony.Suggested$5donation.Auditorium,1 MurrayHillDr.,Mt.Morris.1. formoreinformation.


BlueChristmas: A ServiceofHealingandHope,Saturday,December 21,7PM-8PM.Springwater ChurchoftheNazarene,8498IndianValleyRd,Springwater.You areinvitedonthelongestnightof theyeartoviewoverahundred luminariasthatlinethesanctuary providedbytheVincentHouse Luminariaevent.Doorsopenat6 PM.

HikeMiddlesexRailTrail- Hike & ExploretheMiddlesexRailTrailon SundayDecember22from2-4PM withSpringwaterTrails,followed byasocialget-togetheratBrew& BratsinBristolSprings.Foradditionalinfo/directions/updatesvisit


Invite small business owners to community activity centers, nursing homes, schools, and the like to share their experiences about starting a business in the area.

Hrs: Monday - Thursday 9:00-noon by appointment





Friday, December 27 • 3PM

Star eatre, 144 Main St., Dansville

Sponsored by: Letson Tree Farm II & Innovative Quality Process Solutions

AWA Communication Technologies Museum Two Hundred Years of Innovations

Hours are: Tuesdays 10am-3pm and Saturdays 1-5pm

6925 State Route 5, Bloomfield, New York 14469 585-257-5119 •


Sledding: Sledding may remind adults of their childhoods and turn kids’ snow days into fun afternoons they will never forget. Kids can seemingly ride their sleds and toboggans down snowy hills all day long, but even parents get a kick out of racing kids downhill or sharing a sled with their youngsters. While older kids can typically handle sleds on their own, parents should ride along with toddlers to prevent falls and handle steering duties. When sledding, keep a close eye for any signs that suggest kids might be getting too cold, such as shivering or clothes that are soaked through.


Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:

• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program

• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor

• Organizations seeking donations of items

Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date

REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414


Wishing all of you good health, peace, joy and all the best from our home to yours!

We will be closing Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 12:00 noon. We will be closed Wednesday, Dec. 25!

Merry Christmas!

Tim, Brenda, John, Nick, Bob, and AJ

Mon. thru Fri. 7am-5pm; Sat. by appt. • Sunday Closed


Do your homework. It’s never been easier to determine the value of a car prior to trading it in. Resources like NADA, Black Book and Kelley Blue Book can give drivers a good idea of what they will get for a given vehicle when trading it in. According to Kelley Blue Book, roughly 54 percent of trade-in vehicles qualify as “good condition,” so drivers should be realistic as they determine the value of their trade-in.A trade-in value that is designated for vehicles that qualify as “excellent” is likely unrealistic, though not impossible.

We specialize in collision repair, so you can count on us for quality work.

Frame straightening, custom color matching, dent and ding removal, insurance specialists Free Written Estimates

Just an old-fashioned greeting to wish our valued friends and customers good cheer, along with a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Thank you for shopping locally and choosing us.


Winter can be a beautiful time of year, particularly when freshly fallen snow blankets the landscape. However, winter is also a time fraught with potential peril. The same winter weather that makes landscapes so pristine can make roads and walkways - and even being outsidedangerous.

The U.S. Department of Transportation says weatherrelated vehicle crashes killed 6,253 people last year and injure more than 480,000 per year. These accidents most often occur when roadways are wet, snowy or icy. Yet, winter driving is not the only seasonal hazard.

and Safe Travels Merry Christmas

Geneseo Collision Service

Since 1960 Days 243-0400 • Eves. 259-8545 4565 Morgan View Rd.

Prepare your car for winter. Start with a checkup that includes:

* Checking the ignition, brakes, wiring, hoses and fan belts.

* Changing and adjusting the spark plugs.

* Checking the air, fuel and emission filters, and the PCV valve.

* Inspecting the distributor.

* Checking the battery.

* Checking the tires for air, sidewall wear and tread depth.

* Checking antifreeze levels and the freeze line.

We would like to thank all of our customers and friends for your continued support this year.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Gott Family Commercial Automotive Inc. Livonia, NY

Village of Geneseo residents may Recycle Christmas Trees by leaving them on the boulevard through February 6, 2025 for the DPW crew to pick up.

As a reminder, Village residents are asked to please dig out fire hydrants a er heavy snowfalls throughout the winter. ank you


Blue Christmas Service

Saturday, Dec. 21st at 7pm

Christmas Eve Service

Tuesday, Dec. 24th at 7pm

St. Timothy

Lutheran Church

5015 Lakeville Rd. (Rt. 20A), Geneseo Livestream

While it’s tempting to huddle up indoors when winter hits full swing, families who embrace the great outdoors when the temperatures dip can avoid cabin fever and enjoy one another’s company along the way.

First Presbyterian Church of Livonia

Christmas Eve

Candlelight Service 7pm

Sunday Morning Worship 9:30am

3837 Center Street Livonia Center, NY

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. Norman Vincent Peale

Christmas is one of the most joyful holidays! Some celebrate it just to partake in its holiday fun or to spend time with family. Houses are decked out in colorful lights and beautifully decorated pine trees, the delicious smell of hot cocoa and spices fill the air — there's nothing that quite tops the beautiful Christmas spirit.

26 million Xmas trees

In 2015, approximately 26 million Christmas trees were purchased at an average cost of $50.82 each.

Spread cheer

The holidays are the perfect excuse to spread cheer to those around you and, in doing so, help you enjoy the holiday more, too. Whistle along to your favorite Christmas tune, smile at others, and wish everyone a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. Your joyful holiday spirit will be contagious.


Enroll in an adult education course. A 2014 study published in the journal JAMA Neurology examined the association between lifetime intellectual enrichment and cognitive decline in the older population. The study’s authors found that higher levels of late-life cognitive activity were associated with higher levels of cognition. The study’s authors concluded that lifetime intellectual enrichment might delay the onset of cognitive impairment. Retirees can look into adultlearningprogramsatlocalcollegesanduniversitiestoseeif anythingpiquestheirinterest.

Online POLL

If you think this holiday season feels shorter than normal, you’re not wrong. 2024 has the shortest holiday season, with only 27 days between Thanksgiving and Christmas (compared with 33 days in 2023). What is your favorite way to celebrate the winter holiday season?

- Festive decorations

- Quality time with family and friends

- Seasonal foods and treats

- Travel / plan travel

- Community or religious traditions

- Staying in with movies and books

Poll ends 12-23-2024

Poll ended 12-17-2024

With the holiday season and end of year stresses upon us, neuroscientists across the nation and world continue to prove the benefits of welcomed hugs. What do you think is the greatest benefit?

17.6% Hugs help me feel calmer and less stressed

23.5% Hugs soothe fears and provide comfort

41.2% There’s no downside to a warm, welcome hug!

17.6% I do not welcome hugs

We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit!


Use a cookie mix. Who says you have to toil and make cookies from scratch?It’sthethoughtthatcounts,andanynumberofcreativerecipes can begin by utilizing a premade baking mix. These mixes already have most of the dry cookie ingredients sifted together, including flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and sugar. All you have to do is add the wet ingredients and any extra embellishments to make the mix your own. If mixes are too much work, purchase refrigerated or frozen cookie dough. Include your own add-ins, such as nuts, white chocolate chips, bits of dried fruit, or crumbled candy canes, to give the premade dough a unique flavor.

Mon-Closed,Tues-Thurs4pm-8pm Fri-Sat4pm-9pm,Sun4pm-8pm

HOLIDAY SHOPPING FOR THOSE WHO SEEMINGLY HAVE IT ALL Consolidate memories. Technology continues to evolve, which means that the way music, videos and photos are captured and stored is always changing. Unless a person has older gear, it’s no longer possible to watch a VHS tape featuring a family member’s graduation ceremony or reprint photographs that are on film negatives. However, shoppers can work with a company that will transfer media onto a new format, such as a thumb drive or in a cloud-based account. This can be a heartfelt gift for someone who wants to reminisce.



DEAR PAW’S CORNER: We are bringing our new dog, “Mara,” with us to visit relatives in Ohio this Christmas. ey are aware and said that our guest room is prepared with a dog bed so that she will be comfortable. However, we’ve never traveled with a pet before, and Mara is an energetic Border Collie. Do you have any advice for a pleasant road trip? -- Dave and Diane in Sarasota, Florida

DEAR DAVE & DIANE: e best advice is to plan, plan, plan around Mara’s needs during your drive to Ohio. As an energetic dog, Mara needs frequent walk breaks to get out of the car and work off some energy. You’ll also need to stay at a pet-friendly hotel if you’re not driving straight through the night.

Here are some important tips as you prepare:

• Make sure your dog’s vaccinations are up to date, and carry a copy of her records.

• Consider microchipping your dog before the trip if you haven’t done so, and make sure an ID tag is attached to her collar.

• Pack a bag just for Mara with her preferred food, treats, toys, cold weather gear and medications. Add an extra leash and collar just in case.

• Install a sturdy crate big enough for your dog to turn around in -either in the back seat or, if you have an SUV, in the cargo area. is will be secure and comfortable for a big dog.

• Take Mara on a few short car trips so she gets familiar with the travel crate.

• e day of the trip, feed and walk Mara at least an hour before departing. She may get carsick if she eats too soon before starting off.

• Never let Mara off leash during your trip.

Thank Y

to American Rock Salt and M&R Automotive for moving Livingston County Museum artifacts to safe storage as we embark on a 2025 building project!


Data from the Small Business Administration indicates there were 33.2 million small businesses in operation in the United States as of 2022. Numbers are equally high in Canada, where the Government of Canada reports that, among the 1.21 million employer firms, 1.19 million are small businesses.

Puzzle Answers This Week


Special Spring Chimney Cleanings & Inspections

• All Carpentry Work

• Drywall Repair

• Gutter Repairs

• Basement Repairs

• Soffit & Fascia Repairs ... and more!


Caulkoraddweatherstripping.Smallcracksandgapsaroundwindows, which are most often found around windows in older buildings, might not seem like a big deal, but such breaches can lead to considerable energy loss. The DOE recommends using caulk to seal cracks that are less than 1/4-inch wide on the parts of the window that do not move (i.e., frames and where the trim meets the wall). Caulk might be less effective at fixing leaks larger than 1/4 inch in width. Employ weatherstripping to address leaks on movable parts of the window. Properly applied weatherstripping should adequately seal windows when they are closed without making it difficult to open or close them later on. Weatherstripping is available in various materials.


Maintain appliances and replace older ones. While reducing reliance on energy-thirsty appliances is a great way to reduce energy consumption, no one needs to throw away their refrigerators. Instead, maintain appliances so they are not forced to work harder, and thereby consume more energy, to function. Routinely clean the filters on window air conditioners, replacing them if they’re worn down. In addition, have HVAC units serviced annually to ensure they’reoperatingatpeakcapacity. Replace older appliances, including refrigerators, that are no longer effective.

Take advantage of placing wood orders before the fuel prices increase.


After a long season of use, fireplaces need to be cleaned. Many homeowners think this is a job that can be put off until the fall, but spring is an ideal season to have the chimney and flue cleaned and inspected. One reason to include scrubbing the chimney as part of spring cleaning is to cut down on odor. After using a fireplace, a buildup of creosote forms in the chimney. As the weather gets warmer, creosote deposits can start to smell sour and that odor will seep into the home. In addition, moisture can mix with the creosote and start to degrade the flue liner, necessitating costly repairs. The sooner a chimney and flue are cleaned the better. A chimney sweep can do a thorough job of scrubbing down the chimney and fireplace and ensuring that everything will be in working order come next season.


1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the northernmost capital city in the world?

2. U.S. STATES: Which state is the driest?

3. MOVIES: In the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life,” what is the name of the angel who saves George Bailey?

4. LITERATURE: Which American novelist also wrote under the pen name Edgar Box?

5. SCIENCE: What is the process called in which plants lose water through their leaves?

6. HISTORY: What was the name of the international group that was supposed to keep the peace after World War I?

7. TELEVISION: Which TV sitcom featured a holiday episode titled “Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas”?

8. ASTRONOMY: What is it called when a group of stars forms a pattern?

9. MUSIC: What is the top-selling holiday song of all time?

10. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: How many years are in a millennium?

1. Reykjavik, Iceland.
2. Nevada, with an average of 10 inches of rain a year.
3. Clarence Odbody.
4. Gore Vidal.
5. Transpiration.
6. The League of Nations.
7. “Community.” 8. Constellation.
9. “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby.
10. 1,000.

Experience: Atrialanderrorapproachcanworkwithvariousprojects and problems. But applying such an approach to home improvement projects is risky and potentially dangerous, not to mention costly. Experienced professional contractors with strong track records (seek recommendations from friends or neighbors) won’t have to go through trial and error and are therefore more likely than DIYers to complete a project on time and on budget.


Encourage residents to lend a helping hand. The work frontline medical workers have done during the pandemic has been endless and exhausting. In recognition of that, community organizers can promote volunteer programs designed to lift some of the burden off local health care workers’ shoulders. Local hospitals, blood banks and health centers may need volunteers, and this is a great way for local residents to show health care workers their efforts are appreciated.

smiles enhance self-confidence & self-esteem.

5A Batavia City Centre 116 North Center St. 16 Broadway Mall Batavia Perry Hornell (585)344-0775 (585)237-2410 (607)324-3784

Separate - Do not cross-contaminate. Keep raw food separate from cooked foods. Also, do not use the same utensil to handle raw foods and cooked ones. Wash utensils and food preparation dishes promptly, and refrain from using marinade on cooked food if it has been in contact with raw meats.


Semaglutide Assists With Weight Gain Caused by Antipsychotics

DEAR DR. ROACH: I was wondering whether Ozempic might be prescribed for somebody who gained weight due to antipsychotics or drugs for depression. I read some years ago that the weight gain associated with antipsychotics had something to do with blood sugar levels (or some other metabolic reason). -- K.

ANSWER: You are quite right that many medications, including some antipsychotic and antidepressant medicines, are commonly associated with weight gain. There are many mechanisms at work here, but the blood sugar increase is probably secondary to the weight gain, rather than the other way around. Some medicines are worse than others, so a wise prescriber chooses the least-harmful option when possible. But sometimes the only medication that works for a mental health issue does cause weight gain.

For decades, psychiatrists and others have prescribed metformin to help with weight gain due to medications. It’s certainly better than nothing, but you are right that semaglutide (Ozempic when prescribed for diagnosed diabetes and Wegovy when prescribed for weight loss) will be more effective. A 2023 study showed that semaglutide was effective for people who gained weight due to psychiatric drugs and did not respond to metformin.

Getting insurance companies to cover these expensive medications is often the biggest barrier.

DR. ROACH WRITES: You recently wrote about colitis, aka inflammation of the colon. Could you please explain how to treat and prevent it? -- M.C.

ANSWER: ”Colitis” does mean inflammation of the colon, but it isn’t just one disease. It’s a finding that is associated with many diseases, so treatment depends on the exact cause.

Colitis can be due to infection. Diseases like diverticulitis and gastroenteritis are inflammatory due to the presence of a pathogen. A pathogen is an unhealthy germ in the colon that leads to symptoms such as fever and diarrhea. Often these infections do not need antibiotics, just support until the body gets rid of the infection itself. Other infections are more serious, like Clostridioides difficile (“C. diff”), which is life-threatening and requires powerful treatment. Microscopic colitis diseases are unusual and possibly autoimmune. They are sometimes triggered by medications and treated with anti-inflammatory medicines such as budesonide.

The underlying cause of inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis) still isn’t well-understood. Although anti-inflammatory medicines like steroids still form part of the treatment for IBD, current treatment uses biological agents to target molecules that form part of the disease response -- without the long-term toxicity of steroids. There are many other causes of colitis. Treatment is highly variable, and prevention isn’t always possible. Still, a healthy diet with a large variety of foods, especially plants, will help keep your colon in the best shape to ward off infections. It’s much easier to get an infection after antibiotics, for example, since the healthy bacteria are largely killed off.

I do not recommend probiotics in healthy people. Your microbiome -- the “suite” of bacteria, viruses and other microbes that live in your gut -- respond better to a good diet than a large number of limited bacteria. There is almost no evidence of benefit when it comes to probiotics in healthy people.

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Email questions to © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved

LITTLE TYKES SCHOOL DESK. Pick up, Bergen. 716-474-2884

KING SIZE BED FRAME. Pick up, Geneseo. 585-991-8255

16# BOWLING BALL, multi-colored. Pick up, Henrietta. 585-298-6419

Eclectic design SILVER BASED LAMP with three graduated sizes of cylinder lights below. West Henrietta. 585-424-5993

Large collection of BALL POINT PENS. All with various advertising and note/memo pads. Fairport. 585-421-3681

JITTERBUG FLIP PHONE for senior citizens (through AARP). In box with manual. Pick up, Palmyra. 315-502-1321

GOOGLE HOME MINI, never used, still in box. Fairport.

7’ CHRISTMAS TREE. Pre-lit, w/stand/storage bags/remote. Pick up only, Newark.

ELVIS COMMEMORATIVES: 11 TV Guide commemoratives, 3 Elvis Special Edition booklets, 1 Newsweek 8/97, 1 Life 1987, 1 Tape. Phelps.

Two complete TWIN BEDS with frames, mattresses, box springs, mattress pads, blankets. Hemlock.

Three 65-gallon metal drums of FUEL OIL. Pick up, Newark. 315-332-8043

One wood and one plastic used but steam-sanitized standard ROUND TOILET SEATS. No issues, hardware included. Conesus. Text/ Call 607-542-9113

50 various RECORDS, box of cassettes, some 8 tracks. Must take all. Fairport.

Life Fitness ELLIPTICAL - works great. You move: heavy, need truck and friends. Also, basic HOME BREWING EQUIPMENT, carboys, bottles, brushes, etc. Canandaigua. 585-469-4539

GE GAS OVEN with four burner stovetop (c. 2003). Everything works except the broiler button. Pickup in Penfield.

54” x 78” FOAM MATTRESS TOPPER, 3” thick. Great for camping. Phelps. 315-548-8685

COMMODE, barely used. Batavia. Call before 12noon. 585-813-5325


METRONOME, either manual or electric. 585-948-5079

COAT TREE, small to medium DOG CRATE, small PET CARRIERS, and an APARTMENT SIZE REFRIGERATOR. 585-507-8788


Mercury SNOWMOBILE PARTS 1974-76 for restoration project. Call or text 585-733-2026


Any WEBER GRILLS. Call or Text Matt 315-576-1278

Cooperstown Dreams Field TRADING PINS.


FOOD DEHYDRATOR for meat, veggies, etc. 585-697-4489

Small HARD SHELL CAMPER. Registration not required. Call or text 585-455-4363

ATARI 2600 with games, BUFFALO BILLS BLANKET and a PORTABLE DVD PLAYER. 585-415-8513

MODEL KITS built or un-built. Automotive, aviation, military, ships, etc. Parts and pieces ok. 585-314-6989

BOOKCASE. Does not need to be pretty. 585-356-9306

MINI REFRIGERATOR in working condition and ADULT NUTRITION DRINKS, any brand. Call or text 585-649-8706


FLAT SCREEN TV (no matter how small or old), MICROWAVE and DVD PLAYER all in working condition. 585-505-7276

TOMATO CAGES - any size, any style! (The taller, the better!) John at

ELECTRONIC PARTS, IC chips, connectors, relays, switches, test equipment, electronic tools, electronic hobbyist/prototyping items, old/obsolete/surplus. 585-746-9904

Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111

active senior living

Here’s A Tip

* “Save egg cartons for children’s painting palettes. It’s very easy to give kids a small amount of many colors, and they don’t spread them out and run them together as quickly when they are each in their own cup. Plus, they are easy to carry.” -- O.L. in Utah

* Remove price tag residue off hard surfaces with hairspray. Or WD40 works well too.

* Make your own frozen dinners by purchasing divided trays and using them to store le overs. Slip each into a plastic bag and label. On busy nights, you can take your favorite out and microwave it.

* Damp cloth plus baking soda should be your first weapon against stains in the kitchen and bathroom. It’s eco-friendly, and a mild abrasive, which works without scratching!

Hocus Focus


Get the services and support that meets both your business needs and your budget from our experienced team of IT professionals. • 585-226-2526

Winter weather is no match for Western NYers!


Side street traffic gets in sometimes

The DPW Highway Departments here are amazing, salting and plowing, removing leaves and yard debris for residents. I grew up all over New England, so we saw snow every year, but the sheer volume of snowfall here is breathtaking, but even more amazing is how quickly and efficiently people here are able to resume their normal daily routines. Three inches, no problem, everyone goes about as normal. Six inches, plows do great and all's back to normal. A foot? Two feet? Constant snowfall for 24hrs? No problem. Plow people kick into high gear and keep the roads clear. Residents keep sidewalks reasonably clear and clear out around hydrants. It's just ... normal and so amazing to be able to enjoy the full winter season. Thank you to everyone who helps out in whatever way they can.

To the person who let me in when traffic was backed up for half a mile and everyone else just passed right by, pretending not to notice I was there, thank you! Traffic in that stretch often rivals a city or something, but usually the side street traffic gets waved in every few cars. Not today. Everyone had places to go, people to see, off in their own worlds, I guess. So again, thank you. We can all use a little extra patience and let a car in every now and then when traffic is backed up.

True meaning of Christmas

Coming home from work I have noticed the Christmas decorations in areas I have to drive through. There is one that caught my eyes, the Nativity scene. This is the true meaning of Christmas.

Humble Holiday Celebrations

Thank you, everyone who keeps it simple with your kiddos. Some of us do not have a lot extra to spend on our children this holiday (or any year), and it always adds to the stress when some people lavish their children with so much 'stuff' for gifts. Yes, we all know you have money. Yes, you're allowed to spend your money however you want, so yes of course feel free to gift to your children. Just please be mindful that it might be nice to raise your kiddos a little mindful of all who don't

Things to think about while planning a eulogy

* Some churches do not allow eulogies during a church service. Others permit a brief reflection before the service or at the end. If you want a eulogy to be part of a church service, discuss this with the minister. Ask when during the service it is preferred and if there are any guidelines or restrictions to be aware of.

* Other appropriate times for a eulogy may be during an evening service, during a visitation or following the remembrance service at a luncheon or reception.

* If there are to be any readings during the service, the eulogist should be informed.

* If there is to be more than one eulogy given, review this with the minister and coordinate with each speaker. Each speaker should avoid similar stories and themes, and each should be brief.

Deborah K. Mulligan (O’Coyne)

December 15, 2024

Springwater: At age 65, passed away on Sunday, December 15, 2024, peacefully at home with loved ones by her side. She was born on April 21, 1959 to the late Cyril and Jacquline (Banwell) O’Coyne. Debbie is predeceased by her sister, Jill M. Owens. Survived by her husband of 45 years, Michael K. Mulligan; son, Kevin M. Mulligan; sister, Sandra A. Loudin; nieces, Jessica Randall, Nicole Stefano-Smith, Tammy Conley, Elizabeth Curran, and nephews, Donly Northrop and AJ Ingerick, as well as several grandnieces and nephews.

Debbie was a lover and a fighter. She had a fierce love for her family, friends and animals, but she truly was a fighter! She defied the odds for the last 8 years, with doctors telling her she was a miracle; we called her the “Energizer Bunny.”

Debbie worked at Champion Products in Livonia and Perry for over 25 years. She then took a job as a custodian/cafeteria monitor at both Livonia and Honeoye Schools. She enjoyed the teachers and youngsters! She loved her plants, gardens, watching “her” birds, spending time with family and friends and making everyone laugh. Her favorite saying was “Everybody loves Deb.”

Debbie made the decision to donate her body to the University of Rochester Anatomical Program, in the hopes that one day she could help someone else suffering from cancer. Even in death, Deb wanted to help others.

“I did it my way.”

Per Debbie’s wishes, there will be no formal calling or service. A celebration of Life will be held at the Hemlock Sportsman Club, 4883 S. Main St., Hemlock, NY 14486 on Sunday, December 22nd at 12:00 PM. Please feel free to bring a dish to pass or an appetizer.

Donations may be to Ontario-Yates County Hospice, 756 Pre-Emption Rd., Geneva, NY 14456 or the Hemlock Sportsman Club.

To share a memory or a condolence, please visit:

Margaret Vahue

December 7, 2024

Avon - Passed away on December 7, 2024, at age 88.

She is predeceased by her sisters, Elizabeth Vahue, Ruth O’Shea, Beatrice McFadden, Rosemary Peacock, Doris McCann; and brothers, Edward, Richard,James,Donald,Charles,and Frank Vahue.

Marge is survived by her sister, Katherine Cole; brothers, William and Bernard Vahue; nieces and nephews, Kathy (Pete) Cole, Michael (Eileen) McFadden, Richard (Eileen) McFadden, Trish (Martin) Herkimer, Meg (Matt) Holmes, Heather (Bob) Romeiser, Terrie McFadden, Sue McFadden; and many nieces and nephews,and great-nieces and nephews.

Marge worked as a bank teller at Marine Midland Bank in Avon.She really enjoyed baking, reading, and doing puzzles in her free time. Marge was a volunteer at the Avon Nursing Home for several years. Most of all, she loved spending time with her family.

Her service and interment will be held privately.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Chuck McFadden Scholarship, c/o Avon Chamber of Commerce, 74 Genesee Street, Avon,NY 14414.

To share a memory or leave a condolence,please visit

Celebrate the memory of someone who has touched your life by publishing a memoriam in our passages section.

Submit online at or call us at 585-226-8111 to share your precious memories.

585.226.8111 //

‘Twas the night before Christmas

When all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse e stockings were hung by the chimney with care

In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there e children were nestled all snug in their beds

While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads

And mamma in her ’kerchief and I in my cap

Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter

Away to the window I flew like a flash

Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash e moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow

Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear

But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer

With a little old driver, so lively and quick

I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick

More rapid than eagles his coursers they came

And he whistled and shouted and called them by name "Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, Donder and Blitzen!

To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!

Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly

When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky

So up to the house-top the coursers they flew

With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof e prancing and pawing of each little hoof

As I drew in my head and was turning around

Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot

And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot

A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back

And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack

His eyes—how they twinkled! His dimples how merry!

His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!

His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow

And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow e stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth

And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath

He had a broad face and a little round belly at shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf

And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself

A wink of his eye and a twist of his head

Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work

And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk

And laying his finger aside of his nose

And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle

And away they all flew like the down of a thistle

But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight

“Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!”

This poem is in the public domain. According to Parade Magazine’s Jessica Sager and, this quintessential poem, originally titled “A Visit” or “A Visit From St. Nicholas,” was first published anonymously on Dec. 23, 1823, in a Troy, NY newspaper called e Sentinel. Sager says Moore allegedly wanted to keep his authorship secret “because he was a professor and the piece wasn’t considered a scholarly work.” In 1837, Moore accepted credit and explained that he based his vision of Santa Claus on the historic St. Nicholas as well as a Dutch handyman near his home. Legend has it that this handyman drove the sleigh that took Moore home. Sager says, “Moore is largely credited with creating the modern-day

image of Santa Claus as well as the domesticity associated with being home for the holidays, especially on Christmas Eve.”

According to, this poem “offered a different take on Santa Claus, a figure who was, until that time, traditionally depicted as a thinner, less jolly, horse-riding disciplinarian, a combination of mythologies about the British Father Christmas, the Dutch Sinterklaas, and the fourth-century bishop Saint Nicholas of Myra.” e new version showed Santa as a cheerful, chubby icon now “everpresent in holiday cards, movies, television shows, and malls everywhere.” Much less known is Moore’s “Old Santeclaus” poem.

Wherever you travel this season, we hope it finds you surrounded by peace, happiness and loved ones!

We’re all geared up for a festive season, and we’re excited to be celebrating with our friends and customers. We hope your holiday is merry all the way!


Needed for Woman Owned Business.

• 10-15 hours per week

• Reports to Director/Owner

• Must be proficient in QuickBooks and payroll.

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Call backs done after resume received.

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Are you ready to work for a company with a stellar reputation and a commitment to quality and innovation? Lapp, LLC, based in LeRoy, NY, is looking for a dedicated and skilled individual to join our team as a Production Worker.

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Union Representation: is position is covered under a collective bargaining agreement.

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): Lapp, LLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other legally protected status. We encourage applications from diverse candidates, including veterans and individuals with disabilities.

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Registered Nurse 2, Outpatient

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A nursing opportunity to become part of a diverse and multidisciplinary radiation oncology team. A broader prospect to be a patients’ advocate, educator, and care-coordinator. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: patient assessment and care, patient education, care coordination, telephone triage, and collaboration with multidisciplinary teams. Must possess a positive attitude, flexibility, excellent assessment/critical thinking skills, strong interpersonal communication skills, and autonomous decision-making skills. Recent acute and/or oncology experience preferred.

To apply please visit and reference posting #252628

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EOE Minorities/Females/Protected Veterans/Disabled

Notice of Vacancy Teacher Aide, Diesel Mechanic


• High school diploma or equivalent

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Visit our website at is position will be open until filled. Applications will be reviewed when received. To apply, submit a letter of interest referencing Vacancy 25-58 along with a resume to or mail to:

Human Resources, Genesee Valley BOCES 80 Munson Street, LeRoy, NY 14482

MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel

* On Dec. 21, 1891, James Naismith introduces the game of basketball as an activity for bored and unruly students during difficult New England winters. Based on rules he created, the game was tested by 18 students at the International Young Men’s Christian Association Training School in Massachusetts.

Fair Housing Statement

All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 •


Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.

Stony Brook Pediatrics

Seeking to hire a full-time RN or LPN for our Dansville and Geneseo offices.

We are a private practice with over 30 years of experience caring for our children in the communities we serve. We are looking for a nurse with at least 1 year of experience in Pediatrics. e position is 4 days per week. 1 evening a week and 1 Saturday every other month. We offer competitive pay and benefits. Our rate is $26-$32 per hour based on experience.

Submit a resume to the attention of: Nurse Manager at or PO Box 499 • Dansville, NY 14437

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DIDYOUKNOW... Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!


Tuesday, December24,2024, 10A.M.SCOTTSBURG UNITEDMETHODIST CHURCH,7331Route256. Family,friends,neighbors,of allfaiths,arewelcometojoyfullyWorshipandCelebrate.


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Aug. 17-27 - National Parks Explorer!

Sept. 8-10 - Villa Roma Resort

Sept. 28-Oct. 10 - New England Fall Foliage Cruise including Montreal overnight & the Berkshires! *Register by 12/31 to receive $50 OBC

2025 Day Tours

Mar. 25- Sprague’s Maple Farm & WWII Museum

Mar. 27- Sprague Maple Farm & Seneca Allegany

Apr. 30- History Mystery Tour

May 7- Ithaca is Gorges with Cornell Botanical Gardens

June 18- Grand Lady Lunch Cruise & Hawks Creek Nature Preserve

June 24- The Odd Couple at Cortland Repertory

July 2 & 24- Chocolate Tour with Hiawatha Paddle Wheel Cruise

August 14- Fun in the Finger Lakes with Canandaigua Lady Cruise

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