JULY139am-3pmMulti-familysale. Yearsofaccumulationneedstogo! Everythingpricedtosell.
HONEOYEFALLS: 7058Rush-Lima Rd.July12,13YardsalewithAntiques.Ourbi-annualsaleunderour bigtent.Antiques,bikes,largechild’s logcabin,vintage.Fri,SatJuly12,13. 7amtil5pm.COMEEARLY
GENESEO:3374ELM Road Friday&Saturday,July5&6 9:00-4:00Diningset,captain’s chairs,dresser,endtables,desk, PotteryBarnitems,VeraBradley purses&backpack,giclee paintings,printers,longboard, small&mediumcleandogkennels,flute,brandnamemen’sand women’sclothing,kitchen&holidayitems,muchmore.Noearly birds.
Tree Tamers
Trimming • Take Down Brush Chipper Cabling Stump Grinding Reasonable Rates
Free Estimates • Insured Office - 538-2745 Cell - 585-259-5117
• Basic Painting
• Cabinet Painting/Refinishing
• YES We Remove “Popcorn” Ceilings
Office: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414
Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390
www.gvpennysaver.com Email: sales@gvpennysaver.com President
Harrison General Manager
Bumper cars, also called dogems in other English-speaking countries, were the brainchild of inventor Victor Levand, who worked for General Electric.
Each year the Oatka Festival, held on the banks of the scenic Oatka Creek, starts off with a gala musical parade. Many local churches and organizations provide the food choices and the continuous entertainment is family oriented.
Another highlight of the Festival is the arts and crafts show overlooking the scenic Oatka Creek. Many classes and families plan their reunions to coincide with the weekend and there is a “coming-home atmosphere” for all who attend.
Saturday, 7/13 and Sunday, 7/14 • 12-4pm
• Free Admission to the Jell-O Gallery
• Shop at the Jell-O Gift Shop
• Tour the Historical LeRoy House
All Activities on the Grounds of the LeRoy Historical Society
• Vote for Your Favorite Jell-O Toddler
• Browse Our Yard Sale
Sunday, 7/14 1:30pm
• “Whatever Four” Barbershop Quartet
• BUFFALO FOOTBALL Afghan Raffle Tickets Available
Free Play Area
The first Oatka Festival was held in 1989. the festival is held on the banks of the scenic Oatka Creek and starts off with a gala musical parade.
Inflatable Obstacle Course
Mr. Scribbles
Bounce House
Cara Weinman Dance/ movement class
Free Face Painting
Bubble Show
Reptile Show
Scavenger Hunt
Balloon Animals
The Art of Mandy Painting Classes
Magic Show
Mini Golf
July 13th & 14th, 2024
@ 11am
JULY 13TH & 14TH • 2024
The first Oatka Festival was held in 1989. It was Mayor Kevin Earle who wanted Le Roy to have a festival similar to what he had experienced in Dansvillewherehelivedbefore moving to Le Roy. He spoke to Lynne Belluscio, curator of the Le Roy House, and Pete Weaver a local businessman and neighbor of the mayor. They visited Palmyra’s Canal TownDaysseveraltimestoget ideas about the way to shape ourfestival.
Together Lynne and Pete planned an old fashioned community gathering. The idea was to bring the community together for food, entertainment, and fun. It was a lot of work, but the reward is seeing the festival continue year after year. It has always been the idea of the festival committee that the size of the festival is perfect just as it is, and so it continues to have that old fashioned community gatheringflair.
Others have joined the committee that each year weaves a tapestry of Le Roy’s many features to present a festivalthatisoneofthenicest family events in the northeast. Each year the festival, held on the banks of the scenic Oatka Creek, starts off with a gala musical parade. Many local churches and organizations provide the food choices and the continuous entertainment isfamilyoriented.
Another highlight of the festival is the arts and crafts show overlooking the scenic Oatka Creek. Many classes and families plan their reunions to coincide with this weekend and there is a “coming home atmosphere”forallwhoattend.
Protect Your Mobile Devices - and Your Identity (Family Features) Mobile devices have become an indispensable tool for many people - and the thought of losing one of those devices, or having it stolen, is disconcerting, to say the least. But it happens every day. It’s estimated that lost or stolen phones alone could cost U.S. users $30 billion in 2012.
When a phone or tablet goes missing, so does a lot of personal information. And that can lead to more than just some inconvenience - it can lead to a stolen identity.
The Federal Trade Commission estimates that as many as 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. While identity thieves still resort to old-fashioned methods of information gathering, like going through trash and stealing wallets and purses, they can also get the personal information you store on your mobile device.
Yield: 10 cups
3 tablespoons melted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground allspice
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
8 cups popped popcorn
1 cup dried apple chips, broken into large pieces
1/4 cup toffee bits
Heat oven to 300 F. Whisk melted butter with vanilla. Toss brown sugar with cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg.
Toss popcorn with butter mixture. Sprinkle evenly with brown sugar mixture. Stir. Transfer to baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle apple chips and toffee bits over top. Bake 15 minutes, or until toffee bits start to melt. Cool before serving.
Tip: Add chopped pecans for extra crunch.
Not just on Small Business
Saturday, but every day that you can. Need milk, eggs, bread, or beer? Go to the local corner store instead –Say “hey” and get to know the owner who’s paying taxes to keep your neighborhood in tip-top shape.
Get vocal on social
Post pictures, tweets, and status updates of either the small business you own, or of yourself shopping at one, and be sure to use the hashtag #ShopSmall. Also write positive Yelp reviews for the small businesses you love and support. Sign up for local business’ loyalty programs – Does a local business have a customer loyalty and rewards program? Sign up for it –not only will you be supporting a local business, but you’ll get discounts and rewards for it, too.
Byron Bergen Public Library
13 S. Lake St., Bergen (585) 494-1120
Hours: Tues.-Thurs. 10-1 & 2-7; Fri. 10-6; Sat. 10-1
Caledonia Library
3108 Main Street, Caledonia (585) 538-4512
Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 2-5:30 & 7-9; Tues. 9-1 & 2-5:30; Fri. 2-5:30; Sat. 9-1
Chili Public Library
3237 Chili Avenue, Rochester www.chililibrary.org (585) 889-2200
Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-9; Fri.-Sat. 9-5, Sun. Closed
Hollwedel Memorial Library
5 Woodrow Dr., Pavilion (585) 584-8843
Hours: M,W 1-8; T, Th 10-1; F 11-6; S 9-noon; Sunday-closed
Mumford Branch Library
883 George Street, Mumford (585) 538-6124
Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 12-6
Newman Riga Library
1 S. Main St., Churchville, NY www.newmanrigalibrary.org (585) 293-2009
Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 11-5; Tues., Thurs. 11-9; Sat. 10-2
Scottsville Free Library
28 Main Street, Scottsville (585) 889-2023
Hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. 10-5; Tues., Thurs. 1-8; Sat. 10-1
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Thursday,July11th5-8p.m.Allare welcometoseeourbeautifulnew expansion!
ADULTFICTIONEruptionbyMichaelCrichton;RedStarFallingby SteveBerry;HusbandsandLovers byBeatrizWilliams. DVDsBobMarley/OneLove;Arthur theKing;NoWayUp.
YOURLIBRARYCARDEMPOWERS YOUYouarelinkedtoall42librariesintheOWWLsystem.
LOOSELYKNITKnittinggroup meetsonThursdaysat2:00p.m. Allskilllevelsarewelcome!
CobblestoneMuseumFleaMarket: On July20,9am-3pm,the CobblestoneMuseumgrounds (14393RidgeRdW,Albion)willbe bustlingwithvendorsandbargain hunters.Mixedgoodsof collectibles,antiques,furniture, toys,plants,andMORE.HUGE amountofbooksandChristmas itemsatLOWprices,plusGiftShop tobrowse.Freeparking,refreshmentssold.
FREE MonthlyOpenJam- Two indoorareas,aswellasonthe coveredpatioandtheGroto (weatherpermitting)onthesecond Sundayofeachmonthfrom2-7pm attheBenningtonLanes,1374 ClintonSt.Rd.,(Route354)Attica. Wewelcomeeveryoneandencourageyoutobringyouracoustic instruments(guitars,banjos,mandolins,basses,fiddles,etc.)and playalongatanylevel,orjuststop inforalisten2pm-7pm.Thenext jamisSunday,July14th,2-7pm. Pleasetellyourmusiclovingfriends tobringtheirinstrumentsandplay alongforanextrafunafternoon!
ACSClassof198440thClass Reunion!! We willbecelebrating our40thClassReuniononAugust 9thand10th(CornFestivalWeekend).August9th:NoBSBrewingin Livonia6:00-10:00pmandAugust 10th:Peppermint’sRestaurantin Avon6:00-10:00.Ifyouhavenot receivedinformationaboutthereunion,pleasesendyourrequestfor detailsto:avonclass1984@gmail. com
2ndAnnualAvonAmericanLegion FamilyPost294CarShow! Sunday,July21,10-3pm.Rainor Shine.Food*Raffles*Music* Trophies!Starttheday...Pancake Breakfast,8am-11am.$1013&up /$55-12yr.-Pancakes,eggs, sausage,homefries,juice,coffee, water.Endtheday...ChickenBBQ 12pm-3pm.$15/dinner-1/2chix, beans,saltpotatoes,roll,dessert. FreeforSpectators!Event Schedule:8am-11am-Breakfast$, 8am-10am-Registration,10am2pm-CarShow.Activitieswith Music.12pm-3pm-ChixBBQ$, 2pm-RaffleDrawing-Awards Ceremony.3pm-EventCloses. Vehicle:$15EntryFee.Facebook: @avonamericanlegionpost294. Call:585-738-4642.Email: avonnyalpost294@gmail.com
MemorialScholarshipRideHonor OurFallenHero: July27, 2024from9am-6pm-SSGT.AlexandriaGleason-MorrowMEMORIALSCHOLARSHIPRIDE.Familyorientedeventwith100+miles throughoutLivingstonandsurroundingregion.Registration:9am withKSU:11am,AvonAmerican LegionPost294,5480Avon-East AvonRd.,Avon.ALLVEHICLESARE WELCOME!Donation:$25Drivers$10/Passenger.PorkDinnerat AvonAmericanLegionPost294 from4-6pm.Patches-Swag-Food -50/50-Raffles.Formoredetails @ssgtalexandriagleasonmorrowon Facebook. Proceedstobenefit:LivingstonCountyAmericanLegion AuxiliarySSGT.AlexandriaGleasonMorrowMemorialScholarship Fund.
Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.
~Russel Baker
“HeavenlyTraditionsandHoly Matrimony: Weddings Through Time,”isanexhibitthatwilltake youthroughdecadesofwedding dressstyles,andtraditions.This exhibitwillshowhowoneofthe mostsacredeventsforacouplehas changedthroughdecadesandeven centuries.Variousinfluencesand societalchangesareattheheartof thetraditionsandeventsthathold weddingstoday.Comeviewitems fromthe19thcenturythroughthe 20thcentury,thatrepresentdifferenterasandhowwehave endedupwiththeweddingsthat weknowtoday.Theexhibitwillbe ondisplayduringnormalmuseum hoursfromMay16ththrough December31st.http://www. hollandlandoffice.com
GeneseeCounty4-HMarket Animal Auction: Joinusforthe 54thAnnualGeneseeCounty4-H MarketAnimalAuctionon Thursday,July25th,6pmatthe GeneseeCountyFair!Sellingmarketrabbits,chickens,goats,lambs, beefsteers,dairysteers,andhogs raisedbylocal4-Hmembers.Bid onlineatwww.williamkentinc.com.
TheAnnualCrossroadsHouse Tent Sale isalmosthere!!It’sthe DON’TMISSHUGESALEofthe summer!Householditemsgalore, homedécor,furniture,collectibles, toys.StartsJuly24thwitha preview/presaleeventfrom9am1pm,$5entry,under16free.Full salestartsJuly25th9am-6pm,July 26th9am-6pmfeatures25%offall day,andJuly27th9am-1pmsale concludeswith5$/$10boxsale and50%offsale!Refreshments, hotdogsavailableThursdayand Friday!Eventdetailsatwww. crossroadshouse.com/events.Don’t missit!
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
TheBataviaRambleExploreArt and MusicFestival -PromisesMusicandFunforAll!JacksonSquare andJacksonStreet,Saturday,July 6,10am-9pm.25+bandsperformingontwostages,anExploreArt tentforkids,streetperformances, foodandmuchmore!Fromthe festivalstartto5:00pm,theExploreArttentwillofferhands-on workshopsindiversearts,crafts, anddance,withseveralminiconcertsanddemos.Artsvendors onJacksonStreetwillofferavariety ofhandcraftedwares!Attendees canenjoycaricaturesandface painting.Streetfoodincludeshot dogs,hamburgers,sausage, chickenfingersandicecream,with neighborhoodrestaurantsandcustomarybeveragesavailable.
CaledoniaLibraryAfternoon Tea - JoinusattheCaledonia Libraryformonthlyteaamongthe books.Everyonewelcome.Friendly, comfortable,fun.Bringyour friends.Enjoyteaandtreats.The Teaswilltakeplacethesecond Mondayofeachmonthat2:00pm at3108MainStreet,Caledonia. Comerelaxwithus.
CaledoniaLibraryCelebration! Join usThursday,July11aswe CelebratetheOpeningofourLibraryExpansion!Everyoneisinvited!Ribboncuttingat5pm.Open houseuntil8pm.RSVP: glouise4605@yahoo.com.CaledoniaLibrary,“YourPortalToThe World”
ElbaBettermentCommittee Summer MusicSeries! TheElba BettermentCommittee,alongwith ElbaCentralSchoolispleasedto announcethecrowningofthe 2024OnionQueenatourconcert intheVillagePark.Thursday,July 18.Crowningat6:00,concertat 6:30withmusicbyit’sMyParty. ComecelebrateElbaandsummer. MoreThanaMouthful,Agatina’s, IceCreamandChill,BlueGroove CoffeeandCircleBWinerywillbe theretoo,startingat5:30.The 50/50RafflewillbenefitVolunteers forAnimals.Concertsfundedbya StatewideCommunityRegrantProgramthroughGoArt.Youknow youwannabethere!
ElbaBettermentCommittee Summer MusicSeries! FivesummerconcertsinTheElbaVillage Park.July11,listentoTrolls2.0. IslandsHawaiianGrill,TheOriginal RedOsierRestaurant,IceCream andChill,BlueGrooveCoffeeand LoganberryandCircleBWinery providingfoodandbeverages starting5:30.Musicstarts6:30,so comeandpickoutagreatspoton thelawn.The50/50rafflewillbeto supporttheOpenHeartsClubFood PantryatElbaCentralSchool.You areencouragedtobringanonperishablefoodorhygieneitem. Wewillbesellingticketsforour giant50/50allsummer,foryour chancetowinupto$5000.
Farmer’sMarketattheMoose Lodge WEDNESDAYS, July10thSeptember25thfrom2-6PM.OPEN TOTHEPUBLICatthePavilionjust behindMooseLodge#2290,5375 WestHenriettaRd.,W.Henrietta. Farmer?Hobbyist?Gardener? Crafter?InterestedinbeingaVendor?PleasecontactSueSpeta, 585-259-3020. TobenefitMoose Charitiesandlocalcharities.
25thAnnualLeRoyAlumniBanquet - Opentoalumniwhohave celebrated50ormoreyears,their spouses&spousesofdeceased alumni.July12th,12-4pm,Our LadyofMercyHall(HolyFamily SchoolHall/Gym),44LakeSt.,LeRoy.Forinformationpleasecall RoseScottat585-768-7534or emailPatIamonatpiamon@gmail. com.
GroovyMovesFamilySingand Move Along- Getreadyfor GroovyMoves,afamilystylesingand-move-alongfilledwithaction songsandmusicalgames.These familyfriendlyeventsareperfect forkidsaged0-5andtheirfamilies, andarefreetothepublic.Joinus foranenergeticandmemorable familytimefilledwithmusic,movement,andfun.July96pm-6:45pm, July2710:30-11:45amandAugust 1410:30-11:15amattheWoodwardMemorialLibrary,7Wolcott St.,LeRoy.Let’smakethissummer agroovyone!Thisprojectismade possiblewithfundsfromthe StatewideCommunityRegrantProgram.
LeRoy-StaffordSeniorCitizens Luncheon will beonWednesday July17that12:30PM.AtOurLady ofMercyParishCenter,44Lake Street,LeRoy.Lunchwillbeprovidedalongwithdessert,atacost of$5perperson.Pleasebringyour ownbeverage.Entertainmentto follow.ContactRosemary #506-5233,Lucy#721-6073orSue #861-0422.
ChairYoga - EveryThursdayfrom 10:00a.m.to11:00a.m.Opento all!Allequipmentisprovided!No RegistrationRequired!Walkinand joinus!TheGOOSECommunity Center,33SouthMainStreet,Oakfield.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
OBCDA2ndAnnualOakfield Box CarDerby- WANTED:Boys andGirlsages7-13toraceinour eventJuly27th,2024.Racingbeginsat12PMonBennettAve. HURRYANDREGISTERasspotsare fillingupquick.Wehave32openings,firstcomefirstserve.We providethecarparts,basiccar buildingskillsandlotsoffun.Prizes forall.Registrationfee$25.To registerpleasecallScott@ 716-218-6000.
TheGeneseeValleyCivilWar Roundtable will meetWednesday, July17that7pmatthePavilion UnitedMethodistChurchatthe cornerof63&19inPavilion.Greg Kinalwilldohispresentationon Arlington.
GroovyMovesFamilySingand Move Along- Getreadyfor GroovyMoves,afamilystylesingand-move-alongfilledwithaction songsandmusicalgames.These familyfriendlyeventsareperfect forkidsaged0-5andtheirfamilies, andarefreetothepublic.Joinus foranenergeticandmemorable familytimefilledwithmusic,movement,andfun.Heldeverytwo weeks,Thursdays,July11-August8 from11-11:45pmattheHollwedel MemorialLibrary,5Woodrow Drive,Pavilion.Let’smakethissummeragroovyone!Thisprojectis madepossiblewithfundsfromthe StatewideCommunityRegrantProgram.https://linktr.ee/ groovymovesbatavia
PetAdoptionNetworkJulySpecial -AllAdoptions50%Off:Pet AdoptionNetwork(PAN)isoffering a50%discountoncatandkitten adoptionfeesduringthemonthof July.Kittens-$100;Adultcats$75;Seniorcats-$50.Visitour website:petadoptionnetwork.org forpicturesanddescriptionsof availablecatsandkittensandour adoptionapplication.Orvisitour adoptioncenterat4261CulverRd duringourSundayopenhouse event(12pm-4pm)onJuly7,July 14,July21,andJuly28tomeet someofourfurryfriends.Call (585)338-9175withanyquestions oremailinfo@ petadoptionnetwork.org.
WheatlandHistoricalAssoc. Summer Open thedoorstothe historicSage-MarloweHousein Scottsville.Stepbacktothemid19thcentury.Thelittle,“working man’s”stylehomeonMainStreet reflectssimplertimesinthehistory ofthisvillageontheOatka.July14: theartworkandjournalsofWilliam Wilkinson.July21:ownerhistoryof theSage-MarloweHouse.July28: teawiththetownhistorian.August 4&11:19thcenturyfashion.August18:kitchengardenherbharvest.August25:TBD(watchour Facebookpagefordetails).Open Househours:2pm-4pmeachofthe Sundayslistedabove.SageMarloweHouse,69MainSt., Scottsville.Details:whascottsville@ gmail.comorFacebook.
WheatlandSeniorCitizensClub monthly meeting willbeTuesday July9at12:00noonattheSenior CenterintheTownHallonMain St.inScottsville.Bringyourown lunch.Coffeeandteawillbeprovided.Thiswillbeourlastmeeting untilSeptemberaswetakethe monthofAugustofftoenjoythe remainderofsummer.Asusualour picniclastmonthwaswonderful. Thankstoallwhocameandcontributedtheirfavoritedish!Aspecial thankstoJimLikeandJoyce Oberlinforalltheirhardwork, puttingitalltogether.Hopetosee everyoneinJuly!
By Lucie Winborne
* As if it weren’t cool enough that your DNA encodes the entire blueprint for your body using a set of just four characters (amino acids), you can treat the outside surface of cotton fabric with concentrated genetic material, as the DNA is also flame retardant: Its molecules are similar to those in other fireproofing substances.
Sue DeBruyne, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a healthy 55-year-old woman who eats well and exercises (with both weights and cardio) six to seven times per week. Four years ago, I was diagnosed with Lynch syndrome. (I have the “MLH1” genotype.) My primary care physician suggested testing after my sister died of cancer at the age of 48. (Doctors were never able to determine if she had breast or lung cancer because of the location of the cancer.) All of my siblings (four of us) have been tested, and each of us has it. Two of my nieces have also tested positive for it.
I have three adult children of my own, and my doctor told me that at least one of them will have it. Of my three children, only one has been tested, and she tested positive for it. Since my diagnosis, I have been receiving regular preventive care such as colonoscopies, endoscopies and mammograms. Other than some polyps that were removed, checked, and free of cancer, all procedures have come back “clear.”
Base tans do not protect the skin. Research does not support the habit of getting a tan to prevent subsequent sunburn.
Gum recession happens when your gums pull away from your teeth and expose the roots, making the teeth sensitive and more prone to cavities. Accumulating tartar and delayed dental cleanings lead to periodontal disease, which is the leading cause of receding gums. As receding gums expose the gumline, it becomes even easier for bacteria, plaque, and tartar to accumulate. When gums recede, they make periodontal disease worse, and each condition continues complicating the other. Occasionally, there are other causes or contributing factors for gum recession. Aggressive tooth brushing, tongue and lip piercings, tobacco products, and existing or prior orthodontics can all cause gum recession. For some, genetic predisposition to thin gums is also a major contributor.
P.S. Gum recession can affect just one tooth or several teeth, and it affects almost 90% of people over 65 in one or more teeth. SECONDARY RISK FACTORS FOR
Avoid that moment of panic and regret that comes when you realize you’ve neglected your oral hygiene routine for too long and now must deal with the consequences. At BATAVIA FAMILY DENTAL, we are adept at dealing with those consequences, and will do all we can to turn your smile into the one you’ve always dreamed of having. When you’re ready to take that first step, we’re ready for your call at 585.343.4246, 6 Batavia City Centre.
One doctor told me to eat little to no red meat, follow a Mediterranean-style diet, and exercise. Another told me: “Live your life and eat whatever you want. Lynch Syndrome is hereditary. No matter what you do, you’ll either get cancer, or you won’t!”
I feel like I’m getting mixed messages from my doctors. Could you please tell me more information about Lynch syndrome? Does this mean that I will definitely end up getting cancer? Is there preventive care that I should focus on? -- G.R.
ANSWER: Lynch syndrome is caused by a mutation in a group of DNA repair genes. Without these repair genes, a person’s DNA is more liable to have errors in it when duplicated, which leads to an increased risk of cancers. People with Lynch syndrome are particularly at risk for colon cancer, but also cancers of the stomach, kidney, bladder and other organs. Women are at a higher risk for endometrial and ovarian cancer, but it remains debated whether breast cancer is a Lynch-associated cancer. Men with Lynch syndrome are at a higher risk for prostate cancer.
Among family members, it is expected that half will inherit the Lynch mutation. Your family has been unlucky. I recommend that your other children get tested soon.
Of the four major genotypes in Lynch syndrome, MLH1 tends to have the highest risk of cancer, and approximately 70% to 80% of women with this genotype will get a Lynch-associated cancer, usually colon or endometrial. The goal is to find and remove these cancers before they can spread.
I strongly disagree with the doctor who suggested that diet isn’t important. When you are at a higher risk for cancer, it’s more important to have the healthiest lifestyle you can. A Mediterraneanstyle diet, which is high in fruits and vegetables and low in processed foods and meat, is likely to reduce your cancer risk, but it is critically important to continue screening.
A colonoscopy is recommended every one to two years. Many experts perform endometrial biopsies every year, despite ironclad evidence of benefit. Ovarian cancer screening is controversial and of uncertain benefit; some high-risk women have chosen a riskreducing surgery to remove their ovaries and fallopian tubes. Any symptoms of endometrial or ovarian cancer should be discussed with your physician, who can decide whether to do additional testing.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
According to the World Health Organization, tobacco kills up to half its users, annually killing roughly six million people each year. The WHO notes that more thanfivemillionofthosedeathsare the result of direct tobacco use, while more than 600,000 deaths can be attributed to non-smokers being exposed to secondhand smoke. While many in the United States may understand the threat that smoking poses to their overall health, the WHO notes that studies indicate knowledge about the specifichealthrisksoftobaccouse is not widespread. A 2009 survey of smokers in China found that less than 40 percent of smokers knew that smoking tobacco causes coronary heart disease, while only 27 percent were aware of the link between smoking and stroke. It’s also important that smokers recognize that cigarettes once characterized as “light” or “low tar” are not healthier than more traditional cigarettes. While the US Food and Drug Administration has banned the use of such terms in cigarette sales within the United States, smokers traveling or living overseas should be mindful that other countries may not operate under such restrictions. In addition, the American Cancer Society notes that there is no proof that cigarettes sold as “all natural” and marketed as having no chemicals or additives are any safer than traditional cigarettes and that the best way for men, women and children to avoid the dangers of tobacco is to never smoke or to quit immediately.
Keeping weeds at bay is an ongoing battle for gardeners, but there are several tried and true methods to help you maintain a weed-free garden. Here are some effective strategies to consider:
1. Mulching: Mulching is one of the most effective ways to suppress weeds. Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips, straw, or bark, around your plants. Mulch helps smother weed seeds, prevents their germination, and blocks sunlight from reaching existing weeds. It also helps retain moisture in the soil and improves its fertility. Regularly replenish the mulch layer to maintain its effectiveness.
2. Hand Pulling: For small areas or isolated weeds, hand pulling is a practical and eco-friendly method. Ensure you remove the entire weed, including the roots, to prevent regrowth. It’s best to pull weeds when the soil is moist, making it easier to extract them. Regularly inspect your garden and promptly remove any emerging weeds before they have a chance to spread.
3. Weed Barriers: Weed barriers, such as landscape fabric or cardboard, can be used in conjunction with mulch to create an additional barrier against weeds. These materials block weed growth by preventing sunlight from reaching the soil. Place the barrier over the soil before applying mulch, ensuring it covers the entire planting area. Cut holes in the barrier to accommodate existing plants.
4. Weed Control Fabric: For larger areas, weed control fabric can be an effective solution. This permeable fabric allows water and nutrients to reach the plants while blocking weed growth. Install the fabric on the soil surface before planting, securing it with landscape pins. Cut holes in the fabric to accommodate the desired planting areas. It’s important to regularly inspect and remove any weeds that may emerge around the holes.
(Quarter, Half or Whole) includes cutting to your specifications, wrapping & freezing.
*Mention this ad for 5% off your first order! Fresh individual cuts always available! Fresh individual cuts available! Order online or call (585) 749-6958. Pickup by appointment @ our farm in Lima, NY or at the Rochester Public Market Thurs. 9am-Noon & Sat. 6am-2pm WWW.SEVENBRIDGESBEEF.COM
5. Regular Maintenance: Regular maintenance is key to weed prevention. Keep your garden beds tidy by removing debris and fallen leaves, as they can provide a breeding ground for weed seeds. Regularly hoe or cultivate the soil to disrupt weed growth and prevent them from establishing deep roots. Additionally, practicing good garden hygiene by removing weeds before they go to seed will help prevent future weed problems. Remember, a combination of these methods is often the most effective approach. It’s also important to be vigilant and address weeds as soon as they appear to prevent them from spreading and competing with your desired plants. With consistent effort and the right strategies, you can keep weeds under control and enjoy a healthier, more attractive garden.
e Family of Herman Yahn would like to express their thanks to all those who remembered them with acts of kindness during their time of need. e cards, food, phone calls, flowers and all condolences were greatly appreciated.
Shirley Yahn
Many people need not travel far for a little summertime fun, as many communities host fun events throughout the warmer months.
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* Must-haves at the beach: Zipper-top bags for trash and clothespins to clip a napkin down so it won’t blow away!
* “Freeze bottles of water (take out a sip or two to allow the ice to expand) and juice boxes or pouches before you head out to the beach (or anytime you’re taking a cooler). ey will act as ice packs to keep food and snacks cool, and double as refreshing beverages along the way!” -- A.A. in Florida
Two RUG CLEANERS in good condition – Hoover and Bissell. Fairport. 585-388-0318
2002 Chevy Camaro SALES BROCHURE. Excellent collector condition. Will mail to a good home. jclare01@rochester.rr.com
VINTAGE ARCHERY EQUIPMENT – wooden long bow, 3 early compound bows, arrows, bowfishing accessories. 585-737-2565
CANNING JARS. Newark area. 315-331-0355
PADDOCK FULL OF HAY! You cut and carry out. Livonia. 85-346-4515
WINDOWS – 2 crank-outs. 1 double with screens, 1 single. Good condition. Webster/Penfield area. Call or text. 585-217-6811
DEHUMIDIFIER and a SLIDE PROJECTOR with SCREEN. Batavia. 585-343-0385
DOG FOOD - 14 Little Cesar & 10 Merrick Lil’ Plates brand. Not past expiration date. Mostly beef flavors. 315-651-8545
USED FRYER OIL - Six 35# jugs. Take all. Text only 585-755-2025
Male OSTOMY SUPPLIES. You pick up, Webster. Joan 585-216-9754
WOODEN CLUBHOUSE with swings, slide, seesaw, 55” x 55” by 70” tall. Please leave a message at 585-637-0587 (landline).
KING MATTRESS. Used for staging. Sealed in a box. You pick up. Conesus Lake. Call or text 804-514-8711
XX Large Prevail in PANTY LINERS. New 4 packages (156 total). rayjentayok@gmail.com
TUB, SURROUND, GLASS DOORS in Canandaigua. 585-394-8917.
B&D 1VPX SCREWDRIVER (needs battery pack), DVDs, VHS TAPES, WIRE COAT HANGERS, new FURNACE FILTER 20” x 25” x 1”. Rush. zoomie@rochester.rr.com
Large variety of VHS TAPES. You pick up. 585-500-0246
A number of used QUART BASKETS, both cardboard and wooden, and a few market baskets. York. 585-243-3965
DAFFODIL BULBS. You dig. Fairport. 585-388-0318
RECORD ALBUMS – 33s, 45s & 78s. A variety of music genre – a little bit of everything. Oakfield. 585-948-5632
UMBRELLA STAND – new. You pick up. Fairport. 585-943-7103
Senior with disabilities in desperate need of an AIR CONDITIONER in good working order. pscaliforniaangel@gmail.com
BABY CRIB. 585-358-6850
QUEEN SIZE BED FRAME with headboard and footer. Jason 585-447-0201
8” x 16” CONCRETE BLOCKS and DOG KENNEL FENCING. 585-975-9176
Disabled senior in need of a RELIABLE VEHICLE for doctor appointments and shopping. 585-773-039
CURTAIN RODS: 10 - 36” and 3 - 24”. Webster/Penfield are only. 585-698-6236
HOYT CARBON RX3 or RX4 in good condition for a junior bow tech. Call or text 585-419-5246
In dire need of DRY DOG FOOD, CAT FOOD, CLUMPING CAT LITTER. holdfort@rochester.rr.com
DRIVEWAY SEALER needed. Small portion of a bucket to repair 1 sq. ft. damage from fuel leak. Prefer text. 585-363-1903
DEHUMIDIFIER in good working condition. 585-374-5768
Seeking an ATV or DIRT BIKE, gas powered, running or not for father/ son project. Call or text Matt 315-576-1278
Seeking WEBER CHARCOAL GRILLS you are no longer using. Text or call 315-576-1278.
PORTABLE AIR CONDITIONER in good working condition for senior citizen. 585-471-4424 or 585-531-4004
All volunteer nonprofit managing nature park needs: UTV, MOWER, TRACTOR, BRUSH HOG, equipment for digging, moving, mowing. Please text/call 585-503-6019
Seeking a GRAIN MILL that can be used for milling whole grains into flour. Please leave a message. 607-936-3137
ATARI 2600 with all the games, POLICE SCANNER, and COSTUME JEWELRY. 585-415-8513
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Make sure you choose the right ladder. DIYers may spend ample time shopping for drills and other electronic tools and gadgets that are fun to use. But ample time also must be afforded to the type of ladder you intend to use on a project. Estimates from the West Bend Insurance Company indicate that roughly 90,000 people visit the emergency room due to ladder accidents each year. Never use a broken ladder or an aging ladder that’s uneven. In addition, do not use a ladder that forces you to reach far away. If you’re leaning while using a ladder, the ladder is either too short for your project or positioned too far away from the wall. The National Home Security Alliance advises DIYers to place their ladder one foot from the wall for every four feet it rises above the ground. Test your ladders for their sturdiness prior to beginning work so you aren’t tempted to use a subpar ladder.
Reduce energy costs and improve the safety of your home through energy efficiency measures in owned or rented property.
The PathStone Weatherization Assistance Program is available for income-eligible households in Monroe County located outside of the city limits.
Automatically Eligible Income guidelines are:
Family of 1: $36,420
Family of 2: $47,640
Family of 3: $58,848
Family of 4: $70,056
Funded by: NYS Homes and Community Renewal
According to the US Census Bureau, 336.6m people now live in the US, up from 2.5m when our founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence in July 1776. With $396m in fireworks imports and $6.5m in American flag imports each year, Americans often celebrate July 4th with spectacles. What is your preferred way to celebrate our nation’s independence?
- Hosting/attending a party/picnic with family/friends
- Participating in a parade
- Attending fireworks displays
- Watching patriotic movies/tv shows
- Decorating the home or yard with patriotic decor
Poll ends 07-09-2024
Poll ended 07-1-24
Walking is exceptional for the human body and mind. Where is your favorite place to walk?
16.7% Public park trails
16.7% Off-trail it in the woods
16.7% Gardens and arboretums
50.0% Historic sites and peaceful cemeteries
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Testing can determine if radon is present in a home. Homeowners can rely on professional companies or purchase self-testing kits at home improvement retailers. If a test comes back positive for high levels, conduct a follow-up test before taking any measures to fix the problem. Unusual weather can increase radon levels. If repeat testing yields the same results, efforts to reduce radon levels are necessary. Homeowners must keep in mind that no two situations are the same and various techniques may be necessary to reduce radon levels in a home. Simply opening the windows in a home may not be enough, and many radon remedies require the skilled services of professional contractors who are experienced in radon reduction procedures. Homes can be fixed, but some instances may be best left to the professionals.
Groundhogs prefer camouflage around their burrows. Mow the lawn, pull weeds and clean up brush piles to deter groundhogs.
K-Style Gutter Installation
Galvanized and Copper • Leaf Guard Installation • Material Delivery
Ice Removal
Half Round Gutter
Smart watering conserves water and saves money
Place sprinklers correctly. If you do not have an in-ground irrigation system and don’t intend to install one, you will likely use lawn sprinklers to water the lawn. When placing these sprinklers, turn them on and then document their trajectory before moving on to the next area. You want to make sure the water from the sprinklers is not landing on sidewalks, patios or streets, especially if your community typically institutes drought restrictions that limit how much you can water. In such instances, you’ll need to make the best use of the water you’re allowed to use, so make sure none of it is watering the driveway.
not set air conditioner thermostats at lower than normal temperatures when turning them on. The DOE notes that setting thermostats at
than normal temperatures when turning air conditioners on will
homes any faster than setting them at typical temperatures. Such a strategy
Please take notice e Storage Mall - Brooks Avenue located at 1214 Brooks Ave., Rochester, NY 14624 intends to hold a sale of the property stored in the below listed Storage Spaces. e public sale shall occur as an online auction via www.storageauctions.com on 7/23/2024 at 10:00AM. Unless listed below, the contents consist of household goods, furnishings and garage essentials.
Kianna Allen unit #160 • Desmond Ward unit #197 is sale may be withdrawn at any time without notice. See manager for details.
Ordinary riches can be stolen; real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.
~Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism, 1891
Online Real Estate Auction
Bidding closes July 8th at 11am with a so close. 79 South Lake Ave., Bergen, NY
3 bedroom, one bath home with barns on over 3 acres! Zoned Commercial & Residential!
Machinery & Tool Auction
Bidding closes Tuesday, July 9th at 4pm
Preview: Tuesday, July 9th from 10am until Noon. 10650 Transit Road, Bethany, NY
Selling: Ford 7000 tractor w/ loader; ExMark Lazer Z mower; Farmi 501 log skidder; DR mower & trimmer; log splitters; implements; tools & much more!
Bidding closes: July 11th. RE at 11am, Contents at 5pm 9522 Asbury Road, LeRoy, NY 24 acre farm with farmhouse & barns plus contents!
Bidding closes July 16th at 5pm Churchville, NY
Large auction with McCormick-Deering W-9 pulling tractors; Ford road tractor; Stoughton trailer; JD 25 mini; Kubota tractors; NH skidsteer; Li ; Dozers; Hovercra s; Boats; Jetskis; Honda Odysseys; scooters and much more!
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
Honey is a natural wonder that can be equally useful in the kitchen and in the medicine cabinet.
By Sam Mazzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: While checking my little Terrier, “Fritz,” a er a walk, I found one small tick just hanging on his fur. I don’t know what I would have done if it had attached itself to his skin. What’s the procedure? Should I rush him to the vet if a tick attaches itself? -- Carla in Albany, New York
DEAR CARLA: Excellent work in checking Fritz’s coat right away a er your walk! Ticks are so common now that it’s important to check a er every outdoor foray, even if your dog never leaves the sidewalk. A tick check is a fast way to make sure -- just by running your hand along your pet’s coat, down and then up.
You do not need to rush your dog to the vet for an embedded tick. You can remove it yourself. Here’s how:
-- Grab a pair of tweezers and a magnifying glass. If you have surgical gloves and a tick remover tool, even better.
-- Have another person hold your dog still while you locate the embedded tick.
-- Carefully grasp the tick with the tweezers as close to the dog’s skin as possible, near its head.
-- Slowly, steadily pull the tick out. Don’t jerk. Place the tick into a plastic bag with a little isopropyl alcohol.
-- Clean the dog’s skin with a dab of isopropyl alcohol and apply antibiotic ointment.
A er removing the tick, monitor your dog for a few days and keep an eye on the bite area to make sure an infection doesn’t develop. If you notice changes in his behavior, signs of illness or the bite area gets infected, then it’s time to see the vet, and bring the tick along in a plastic bag.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
(c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
when investing in real estate, but recent shifts in how and where people work could change the real estate investment landscape. A 2020 Gartner, Inc., survey of more than 300 financial executives and leaders in the finance industry found that roughly 25 percent will move at least one out of every five of their on-site workers to permanently remote positions in the years ahead. Economists note that this shift to remote working could be among the more lasting trends to emerge from the pandemic. Before investing in real estate, prospective investors should examine local trends to see if more and more locals are working remotely, and whether or not that’s affecting the market for rentals.
Market: The real estate market is another factor to consider when deciding if the time is right to downsize. A seller’s market can help seniors get the biggest return on their real estate investment, potentially helping them make up for meager retirement savings. For example, home prices skyrocketed across the country during the COVID-19 pandemic, making that a great time for sellers to put their homes on the market. Seniors selling to downsize may capitalize on such spikes since they won’t be looking to turn around and buy larger, equally expensive homes once they sell their current place. If the market is down and seniors can withstand the work and cost a little longer, it may be best to wait until things bounce back in sellers’ favor.
Monday – Winging
Tuesday – Taco
Wednesday – Happy Hour – 5-7 pm – Half price drinks from our handcrafted cocktail menu along with half priced select apps
Thursday – Salad and Sangria - Buy any entrée salad and receive a free glass of sangria
Friday – Wine down Friday - $2 off a glass of wine with purchase of a handheld or main
Except Wednesday, all deals available 11am to 9pm
Not valid with any other discounts or promotions
Restaurant is open Monday thru Friday from 11am to 9pm
Course is in great shape. Book your tee time today! terryhills.com/tee-times
5122 Clinton St. Rd., Batavia (585) 343-0642
Saturday, July 13th • 10am-2pm
Genesee Country Campground (Across from Limerock Speedway) 40 Flint Hill Rd. • Caledonia
Help support local small businesses
Over 20 vendors!
Minnie Pearl’s Kitchen • RF Craft Beef Jerky
We deliver to LeRoy, Byron, Caledonia, Mumford, Pavilion, Wyoming, Stafford, Batavia Teleflora Wire Service for family & friends out of town 110 Lake Street, LeRoy • 768-7720
Cherry pit spitting is the act of spitting out remains of cherries from one’s mouth to send them as far away as possible. Thousands of people, comprising contestants and spectators around the U.S., gather at specified venues to participate and witness this exciting holiday. The origin of the day is associated with Herb Teichman. He is the owner of Tree-mendus Fruit Farm. They first held a fun competition of cherry pit spitting in 1974 at his farm.
BUT... have you ever wondered how you can just enjoy cherries without trying to tear out the pits first? Well, guess what, there is a cherry pitter! It looks like a giant hole punch, except it’s for punching out cherry pits and it does four cherries at a time. It’s simply amazing! You won’t ever have to spit out or tear out cherry pits again!
The current Guinness WorldRecordforthelongest rangeshotbelongstoBrian “YoungGun”Krause,amemberof theKrause familywhorecorded acherry pitspittingdistance of93ft6.5 inchesin 2004.He wouldgo onto recordan even farther spit,albeit ina freestyle display.
Summer is prime vacation season when travelers take trips to every corner of the world. While faraway destinations abound, those looking for fun can also find enjoyable activities much closer to home. Level: Advanced
12th marks National Eat Your Jell-O Day, a celebration that resonates deeply with residents of Western NY and holds a special place in the hearts of many. is delightful gelatin dessert, known for its bright colors and playful wobble, began in LeRoy, NY, and the JELL-O Museum continues to delight visitors with the fascinating history and legacy of JELL-O.
e JELL-O Museum, operated by the LeRoy Historical Society, attracts around 5,000 visitors annually from all over the United States, Canada, and beyond. According to Sam Zalacca, Vice President of the LeRoy Historical Society, JELL-O’s enduring appeal lies in its simplicity and versatility. “It is easy and quick to prepare along with the variety of use from simple dessert in a bowl to adding fruit, adding vegetables for a JELLO salad, or a fancy mold, has made JELLO a staple from generation to generation.”
Zalacca’s favorite exhibits include the JELL-O arch from the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics and vintage photos of factory machinery. ese artifacts offer a glimpse into the industrial heritage of JELL-O, reflecting its journey from a local innovation to a national icon.
e history of JELL-O begins with a serendipitous invention by LeRoy carpenter, Pearle Wait, in 1897. While Peter Cooper initially patented a product ‘set’ with gelatin in 1845, that early version didn’t last. When Wait initially experimented with cough remedies and laxative teas, adding flavoring and coloring to granulated gelatin, he produced a sweet, fruitflavored powder that could be added to boiling water and served upon cooling. His wife, May, named this new gelatin-based treat JELL-O, and the rest is history.
Lacking the resources to market the new product, however, Wait sold the formula to fellow LeRoy manufacturer, Orator Frank Woodward, for $450. Under Woodward’s stewardship and an impressive marketing campaign for the time, JELL-O, under the Genesee Pure Food Company label, quickly gained popularity, and by 1902, annual sales skyrocketed to $250,000.
roughout the 20th century, JELL-O evolved from a high-society delicacy to a beloved household staple, democratizing what was once a luxury dessert. Nathaniel Meyersohn of CNN highlights this transformation, noting that “During the Victorian era, decorative gelatin molds were a symbol of high society and served to royalty. JELL-O gave middle-class consumers access to a luxurious food that had only been accessible to the wealthy.” e JELL-O Museum’s display of historical molds offers a fascinating look at these trends.
Marketing played a crucial role in JELL-O’s success. By targeting women’s magazines and emphasizing ease of preparation, JELL-O became accessible to American families. e introduction of the JELL-O Girl in 1904 further cemented its appeal to children and homemakers alike.
ere were a few hiccups in the flavor board (such as the short-lived savory flavors such as seasoned tomato, celery, mixed vegetable, and Italian salad used in JELL-O “salads” in the 1950s and ‘60s as a “colorful way to use le overs in side dishes,” the Cola flavor, or even the chocolate flavor that proved unaccepted as gelatin but perfect for the transition to pudding). However, JELL-O fruit flavors have stood the test of time and still grace supermarket shelves, a tasty treat that’s easy to make. Shi ing marketing gears to single-serve, ready-to-eat servings, pudding cups, Jigglers, and even sugar-free options, JELL-O persisted.
According to the University of Michigan’s JELL-O exhibit, “JELL-O became both famous and quintessentially American: it is sweet and processed, colorful and slightly fantastical.”
JELL-O remains a cultural icon with a 99% brand recognition rate. Lynne Belluscio of the LeRoy Museum says JELL-O “remains a cultural curiosity,” noting that visitors o en leave inspired to revisit this simple yet elegant dessert. No matter where JELL-O’s legacy goes, it is awesome to know that such a nationwide craze began right here in our backyard.
e JELL-O Museum hosts various community events, including the annual OATKA Festival and the “I Love New York” tourist weekend. Historical Society members visit local organizations to present the JELL-O story, and the museum hosts the annual Genesee County Chamber of Commerce’s A er-Hours event that’s always a nostalgic hit. A recent charming tradition is the JELL-O Toddler Contest, inspired by a toddler’s delight in eating JELL-O on the museum’s porch. Each year, photos of toddlers enjoying JELL-O are submitted and voted on, adding a whimsical touch to the museum’s activities.
Owned and operated by the LeRoy Historical Society, the JELL-O Museum on East Main Street, LeRoy, is open ursdays through Sundays from May through December.
Celebrate National Eat Your JELL-O Day by visiting the JELL-O Museum in LeRoy and rediscover the wobbly wonder that has brought joy to generations. A er all “ ere’s always room for JELL-O!”
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
Cell: (585) 750-2906
Email: mark.swanson@patriotrealestatepros.cmo www.patriotrealestatepros.com
The Penfield Business Chamber wishes to thank all who participated in a successful June 14th PENFEST.. Thanks go to The Town of Penfield, Volunteers from many, many organizations, our raffle donors, vendors, food trucks and the Board of the Penfield Business Chamber. We could not have done it without all of your help and support. This year's raffle increased 50% from last year's raffle. Half of the proceeds benefit Penfield Hope. Here's to our 5th annual PENFEST in 2025!
This Senior Apartment Complex Smells! What used to be nice senior apartments is now filthy, dirty, and a very low caliber of people. Drugs. Drinking. Constant overnight guests. Dirty animals. Bad behavior. Smoking inside. It sounds harsh but it’s a fact. How can new managers bring down a building so fast? In a matter of a few years! It literally smells in there. It’s going to take years to clean up, if you care to. In the meantime it falls on you and your reputation of not doing a very good job. It might pay to bring in older, experienced and wiser people to manage it.
[local town] Airport
Thank you!
On behalf of all the Henrietta Seniors that attended the trip to the Seneca Park Zoo, I would like to thank the Staff at the Zoo who were so helpful answering all our questions and to Nicole and Diane of the Henrietta Senior Center for being awesome and helping us through the entire trip, it is nice to attend a place were Seniors are treated with respect.
Can’t believe a multi-million dollar renovation is necessary for our [local town] Airport after the many million dollar renovation recently completed. Our small city airport functions just fine without the “enhancements” that are proposed. “Natural lighting” shouldn’t cost millions. This sounds like a huge rip-off for our tax dollars. Fix the roads instead!
Full-Time with
Pellegrino Auto Sales is looking for a full-time AUTOMOTIVE
Must have NYS Inspection License, Tools & Driver’s License. Pay and benefits based on experience.
Please apply at:
4060 Pearl St. Rd. • Batavia OR email
Guy@pellegrinoautosales.com (Applications held in strict confidence)
Nursing is one of the fastest-growing and longest-running occupations in the United States and Canada. The New England Hospital for Women and Children, established in 1862, was the first nursing school in the United States. The first formal nursing training program in Canada was established in 1874 at the General and Marine Hospital in St. Catharines, Ontario. The American Nurses Association was started in 1898. The CanadianNurses’Association,formerlytheCanadianNationalAssociation of Trained Nurses, was developed in 1907. These associations are national professional associations representing the hundreds of thousands of nurses across the country and are instrumental in legislative policy and the influences of health care on nursing professionals today.
• Associate degree in Accounting, Business Administration or related degree and 6 months of full-time paid experience maintaining financial records OR
• Associate degree and 1 year of full-time, paid experience maintaining financial records OR
• Graduation from high school or equivalent and 3 years of experience in maintaining financial records
Desired Qualifications:
• Familiarity with Microso Office & Google Workspace
• Strong experience with Excel
• Purchasing Experience
• Attention to detail & ability to problem solve
• Ability to manage a small central supply room (required for 1 of the 2 positions)
• LeRoy Services Center
• $38,000-$43,000
• Excellent Benefits including NYS Pension, up to 85% paid health care premiums, Vision & Dental insurance
Starting date:
• ASAP Visit our website at www.gvboces.org
*Must have CDL class A with tanker endorsement Call Ben at 585-245-4198
Reply by July 22, 2024 with reference to Vacancy 25-06, letter of interest and resume to hr@gvboces.org or mail to: Human Resources, Genesee Valley BOCES 80 Munson Street, LeRoy, NY 14482
Are you passionate about media and marketing?
Do you have a knack for connecting businesses with their customers? Are you commi ed to doing excellent work? If so, we want you on our team!
- Assist local businesses and organizations in developing comprehensive marketing and community outreach plans.
- Work across both print and digital media to deliver effective marketing solutions.
- Foster strong relationships with clients to understand and meet their marketing needs.
- Contribute to the growth of our publication and community by connecting readers with valuable local information.
- Be part of a dynamic team dedicated to supporting and growing the local community.
- Enjoy a collaborative work environment with opportunities for professional growth.
Find out why so many of our employees have spent their careers with our family owned and operated company.
Prior sales experience a plus but we will consider the right candidate with the right drive and a itude. Compensation is commission based.
Send your resume and cover le er to: Manuel Karam, General Manager, at Manuelk@featuredmedia.com
• Competitive Wages & Benefits Package
• Health Insurance & 401k – Day One
• Starting Rate $22.00/$23.00
To learn more about Tenco and the job opening visit the Tenco website: www.tenco.ca
To Apply: click NY, click Career EOE Minorities/Females/Protected Veterans/Disabled. Drug Free Workplace
Train your replacement and prepare final assignments. Volunteer to train or assist with getting your replacement set up. If you have any outstanding projects or documents, be sure to tie up any loose ends before leaving. Leave behind instructions or a guidebook if you think it will help your replacement perform their duties more effectively.
• Currently licensed as a NYS RN or LPN
• Geriatric Experience Preferred
• Mt. Morris
Rate of pay and schedule:
• LPN-$30/Hr.
• RN- $32/Hr.
• Hours vary between 9:00am-3:15pm
Starting date:
• August 29, 2024
Visit our website at www.gvboces.org is posting will be open until filled. Applications will be reviewed when received. To apply, submit a letter of interest referencing Vacancy 25-02, proof of certifications, & resume to hr@gvboces.org or mail to:
Human Resources, Genesee Valley BOCES
80 Munson Street, LeRoy, NY 14482
Quitting a job can be full of mixed emotions. Just be sure to time it correctly and leave in as positive a way as possible to maintain a strong professional network.
Positions in our Dip Molding and Forming department. Entry level or experienced Operators/Laborers
Competitive Benefits. Starting hourly pay is $16.50+ ****Flexible Hours****
• Must be dependable & organized
• Schedule appointments
• Must have good phone skills
• Parts knowledge a plus
• Check in service customers
Pay range is $16-$20/hr. based on experience.
Please apply @ 4060 Pearl St. Rd., Batavia OR email: Guy@pellegrinoautosales.com
Schedules can help professionals in much the same way that grocery lists help consumers at the grocery store. When visiting a grocery store without a shopping list, shoppers are bound to forget items, necessitating follow-up visits to the store, and waste time wondering what they need. Without schedules in an office environment, workers may allow time to idle away because there are no deadlines motivating them to complete projects.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. MUSIC: What is a didgeridoo?
2. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a baby swan called?
3. HISTORY: What is the name of the treaty that ended the Revolutionary War?
4. GEOGRAPHY: In which country is the Basilica de la Sagrada Familia located?
5. SCIENCE: What does a hertz measure?
6. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What color is most of the toilet paper in France?
• General Production: $19/hour
• Maintenance Technician (10-hour Evening & Overnight): $25.50-$35.50/hour
• Maintenance Supervisor (Overnight): $81,760 to $114,464
• Operations Supervisor (Overnight): $64,000 -$87,000
• Lab Tech (Evening & Overnight): $21/hour
• R&D Food Scientist - Level 3: $81,800 - $114,500
7. PSYCHOLOGY: What irrational fear is represented by coulrophobia?
8. LANGUAGE: What is the first character to be added to Morse Code since WWII?
9. LITERATURE: What is the term for a section at the end of a book that concludes what has happened?
10. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president turned down offers to play professional football after college graduation?
No evenings or weekends! Growing practice adding to our team. Responsible for front-end support and patient care.
Please send cover letter including salary requirements and resume with references to: bfcc1677@yahoo.com
Embrace relaxation methods. The APA recommends professionals coping with workplace stress embrace techniques that can effectively alleviate stress. Such techniquesincludemeditationand deep-breathingexercisesandcan help workers develop their ability to focus purposefully on a single activity. That improved focus may help workers better navigate hectic working environments without succumbing to the stress such environments can produce.
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All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org