Rush-Henrietta- Genesee Valley Penny Saver- 9-6-24

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1. GEOGRAPHY: How many lakes are in the Great Lakes Basin?

2. MOVIES: What is the little girl’s last name in the film “Matilda”?

3. TELEVISION: What is the name of the teacher on the animated kids’ series “The Magic School Bus”?

4. LITERATURE: In which historic period is Jack London’s novel “Call of the Wild” set?

5. U.S. CITIES: Which city’s nickname is “City by the Bay”?

6. ANATOMY: How much of the human body is made up of water?

7. SCIENCE: What is heliology?

8. HISTORY: Which world leader’s birth name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio?

9. ASTRONOMY: In what year did a U.S. astronaut land on the moon?

10. ENTERTAINERS: Which famous actor who starred in “The Notebook” was once a member of “The Mickey Mouse Club”? Answers


1. Five.
2. Wormwood.
3. Ms. Frizzle.
4. 1890s Klondike Gold Rush.
5. San Francisco, California.
6. About 60%.
cScientifi study of the Sun.
8. Pope Francis.
9. 1969.
10. Ryan Gosling.

Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters. STRANGE BUT TRUE By

* Sociologists have discovered an interesting correlation between economic health and women’s clothing: The worse the economy, the longer women’s skirts become, while the better the economy, the shorter they rise.

A Steady Hand in Rural Healthcare Donna Flaherty’s Journey with Geneseo Parish Outreach Center

ExecutiveDirectoroftheGeneseoParishOutreachCenter(GPOC) since 2017, Donna Flaherty, a dedicated physician’s assistant, has volunteered at the Center since 2004. Flaherty’s commitment to rural healthcare has shaped the lives of countless individuals across Livingston, Monroe, Genesee, and Steuben counties.

Flaherty’s journey into healthcare began long before she set foot in Geneseo. From a young age, she was inspired by the work of Dr. omas Dooley, a physician who documented his experiences in Vietnam and Laos. She laughs that she read every one of his books long ago, and these stories fueled her passion for becoming a rural medical provider. “I always wanted to help those in rural areas who needed care,” she reminisces, her voice filled with the strength of someone who has lived her calling.

For over a decade, Flaherty balanced her professional career, including her role at Tri-County Family Medicine, with volunteer work at the newly-formed Parish Outreach Center. As time passed, her involvement at the Center grew, particularly a er she retired from full-time work. “I had a real concern for people who couldn’t afford medical care,” she explains. “Not just those without insurance, but also those who couldn’t afford the extras—labs, dental care, OB services. It’s a big problem.” is concern became the foundation of her work at GPOC, where she has tirelessly advocated for accessible healthcare for all.

e Geneseo Parish Outreach Center was founded in 2004 when Linda Weaver, a registered nurse, recognized the need for free and charitable medical care in the area. Weaver served as Executive Director until 2017, when she passed the torch to Flaherty. Under Weaver’s and now Flaherty’s leadership, the Center has flourished, providing a wide range of services through an all-volunteer staff that includes doctors, nurses, physician assistants, and office support.

A unique aspect of GPOC is its commitment to serving diverse populations, including migrant farm workers and the Amish community. Flaherty, who has lived in the area since 1992 (a er moving around a lot for her husband’s Air Force career), liaises between these communities and various charities in Monroe County and the Finger Lakes, ensuring that even those without formal medical networks receive care they need.

e Outreach Center is a hub of activity, open four mornings a week with evening and weekend hours to accommodate community needs. Services range from primary and pediatric care to women’s health, medication assistance, and health education. e Center supports and empowers the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of uninsured and underserved individuals, providing care both on-site and through referrals to other health and social service agencies. Since 2019, the GPOC even partners with Foodlink as an emergency food pantry, providing food regardless of borders.

Flaherty’s primary message to the community is: “We’re here. If you cannot afford your medication, or you are new to the area, you need help getting medical insurance, if you can’t afford labs, or need to see a specialist, we’re here for you.”

Flaherty is quick to credit the dedication of the Center’s all-volunteer staff of 168, including 28 medical providers, 55 nurses, and 83 nonmedical volunteers such as office staff, food pantry volunteers, and IT support staff. She says, “Our volunteers are so dedicated, coming not just now and then, but every single week, bringing their skills from whatever background they have. ey are SO great.” For example, Flaherty gives a shout-out to the Center’s Medical Director, Dr. Ayesha Tasaddaq of Tri-County Family Medicine in Dansville and Dr. Chris Stewart, a retired internist, who serves adult patients at the Center. At

the GPOC, she says, all patients, pediatric to geriatric, receive incredible care thanks to the amazing volunteers.

e Outreach Center’s impact on the community is evident in the services it provides and the recognition it receives. In 2008, GPOC received the TRIAD Community Service Award by the NYS Assembly, and in 2023, GPOC received gold member status by the National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics.

August 24th, the Center offered its annual Health and Wellness Fair, providing free podiatry services (thank you, Dr. Andrew Merkel of Geneseo), and free eye care through Flaum Eye Institute, as well as blood pressure checks, BMI analysis, and information on local health services.

As the Geneseo Parish Outreach Center approaches its 20th anniversary on September 4th, Flaherty reflects on the journey. “We’re going strong, probably stronger than back then,” she says, and it’s all thanks to the incredible volunteers who continue to be the heart of its mission, ensuring everyone who needs help receives it.

e Center will celebrate this milestone with an Open House on September 7, 2024, inviting the community to meet the volunteers and learn more about the vital work being done. For more information, visit

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GPOC Executive Director Donna Flaherty with Excellus BlueCross BlueShield representative Kim McKinsey-Mabry, 2023

Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390


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Schojan Rush- Henrietta Genesee Valley Penny Saver, PE 25775, Copyright © 2024, is published weekly by Genesee Valley Publications, Inc, 106 W. Main St., Honeoye Falls, NY. Periodical Postage paid at Pittsford Post Office and at additional mailing offices.

Send address changes to: Genesee Valley

Penny Saver

Meet Agatina & Freda

Guinea pig sisters with so much personality! They sit where they fit!

Send us a photo and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Submit online at - Share With Us. Or, Mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.


Fight Back Against Fleas

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My apartment has been infested with fleas all summer! I’m so frustrated. My two cats are suffering from hot spots and patchy fur because of the flea bites, and I’ve constantly got bites all over my legs. I don’t want to give my cats flea medicine because I heard it is dangerous to their health. What can I do to get rid of these fleas? -- Cara J. in Macon, Georgia

Send us a photo! and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it!

Submit at: under Share With Us or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.

DEAR CARA: You’re going to have to plan an all-out assault on the flea infestation, and do it as soon as possible.

Talk to your veterinarian about the health risks and benefits of various flea and tick treatments. Ticks can give your cats heartworm and tapeworm. Your cats’ health is at greater risk right now from not doing anything than they would be from an effective treatment.

Next, get rid of the fleas and their eggs in your house with a complete cleaning and treatment. Take down the curtains and wash and dry them. Wash all your bedding and clothes. Dust from ceiling to floor. Vacuum the carpets thoroughly. Wash all mats and put out in the sun to dry. Clean every corner of the apartment. Clean fabric furniture with a steam cleaner. Flip the sofa and vacuum up all the dust bunnies and dirt.

Finally, with the cats sequestered in a safe room, treat the carpet to kill remaining fleas and their eggs. You can use a direct spray or an insecticide that is sprinkled into the carpet and vacuumed up. is all-out assault will nearly wipe out the fleas in your home. But they can (and will) come back. To keep them on the retreat, vacuum twice a week, wash your cats’ bedding weekly, and make sure the cats get their flea/tick/heartworm medication on schedule.

Send your tips, comments or questions to

Send your tips, comments or questions to

Tree Tamers

Trimming • Take Down Brush Chipper

Cabling Stump Grinding

Reasonable Rates

Free Estimates • Insured Office - 538-2745 Cell - 585-259-5117


Airline miles: Though it might be unconventional, gifting airline miles to the happy couple may save them hundreds of dollars. Men and women with ample airline miles should determine if their agreement allows them to transfer those miles to a loved one. If so, transferring the miles won’t cost the person doing the gifting any money out of pocket, but it can save couples substantial amounts of money on their next trip, including their honeymoon if they have yet to book one.

Rush Public Library

5977 East Henrietta Rd. Rush 585-533-1370

Monday 1:00pm - 8:00pm

Tuesday 11:00am - 8:00pm

Wednesday 1:00pm - 8:00pm

Thursday 11:00am - 8:00pm

Friday 1:00pm - 8:00pm

Saturday 10:00am - 2:00pm


Henrietta Public Library

625 Calkins Rd., Rochester, NY 14623 359-7092 •

Mon.-Thurs. 9am-9pm Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat. 10am-5pm

Henrietta Public Library currently provides curbside pickup and in-building services. Hours are subject to change. Please call (585) 359-7092 for hours before visiting.

Here’s what’s happening at your local library…


NEW! JoinMs.EmilyeveryWednesdaynightat6:00PMinAugust& SeptemberforBuddingBookworms

StoryTime!Allagesarewelcome;no needtoregister,justdropin!

MacramePlantHangers-Learnsome basicmacrameknotsorbrushupon yourskills,noexperienceisnecessary. Monday,September9thintheWilliamUdiciousPavilion.

Adultsandages12andupcanregister foraseatatthe3:00PMor6:30PM session.Costofmaterialsforadultsis $5,payablethatday,andfreefor teens.

EuchreClub-Euchreknowledgeis necessary,asthisisnotaclassfor beginners.Theclubwillmeet Wednesdays,September11&25at 6:30PMintheWilliamUdicious Pavilion.Youmustregisterforeach dateyouplantoattend,thereare registrationinstructionsonline. Registerforeventsat:https://www. (585)533-1370


Henrietta PublicLibrarypatrons checkedout420,524itemsin 2023!30%ofadultitemschecked outwerenon-fictionbooks.52% ofteenitemscheckedoutwere teenfictionbooks.37%ofchildren’sitemscheckedoutwerepicturebooks.Picturebooksinthe “PopularCharacters”and“Stories”collectionsweremost popular.Whatisyourfavoritetype ofbooktocheckout?Stopintothe HenriettaPublicLibrarytocheck outbooks,movies,andeven uniqueitems,likeaukuleleora NintendoSwitch!


Internet Security,Privacy,and Safety

JointechnologyinstructorDaniel Jonesforthisfunandinformative 90-minuteseminarwhereyou’ll learnhowtobetterprotectyourself online.Youwilllearnabout:Secure websitesandencryption,privacy tips,passwordsafety,andemail& smartphonesafety.ThisisaninpersoneventheldinHenriettaPublicLibrary’sCommunityRoomon Tuesday,September24thfrom 10:30-11:30am.Pleaseregisterby calling585-359-7092oronlineat

Introduction to Square Dancing. No experience necessary.

Sunday, Sept. 15th • 5-7pm

Held at First Baptist Church 3182 Chili Ave, Rochester, NY Singles, Couples, Families all are welcome.

Refreshments provided. For more info visit or call our info line at 987-5972.


Farmer’sMarketattheMoose Lodge WEDNESDAYS, July10thSeptember25thfrom2-6PM.OPEN TOTHEPUBLICatthePavilionjust behindMooseLodge#2290,5375 WestHenriettaRd.,W.Henrietta. Farmer?Hobbyist?Gardener? Crafter?InterestedinbeingaVendor?PleasecontactSueSpeta, 585-259-3020. TobenefitMoose Charitiesandlocalcharities.

AllYouCanEatBreakfastBuffet - September15, 9-11:30,Rush HenriettaAmericanLegionPost, 260MiddleRd.,Henrietta.Youget regularorwesternstylescrambled eggs,bacon,sausage,ham,potato gems,pancakes,Frenchtoast,sausagegravy&biscuits,freshfruit salad,orangejuiceandcoffeefor just$13!Childrenundertheageof 8eatfree.

TuesdayNightChopSteakDinner - Ahalfpoundofgroundbeef smotheredinmushroomandonion gravywithmashedpotatoesand cornfor$10.00.Housesalad availablefor$1.00.HeldSeptember10,4-6pm,RushHenrietta AmericanLegionPost,260Middle Rd.,Henrietta.http://alpost1151. org.

TheHenriettaGardenClub meets onthesecondWednesday, exceptMay-Augustand Decemberat6:30pminthelower leveloftheHenriettaTownHall, 475CalkinsRd.TheSeptember11 speaker,KarenSoanes,willprovide apresentationonbulbplanting. Signin,socialgatheringandrefreshments6:30-7pm.Meeting77:15pm.Speaker7:15pm.Guests andnon-residentsarewelcome. Handicapaccessible.Call 585-781-0278orvisithttps://, henriettagardenclub@gmail.comor visitourFacebookpage.Pleasejoin us.

FridayDriveThroughFishFryEnjoy a12to16ouncebattered haddockfilet,Frenchfries,ourspecialin-housemadecoleslaw,tartar sauceandalemonwedgefor $13.00!September6&20from 4-6:30pmattheRushHenrietta AmericanLegionPost,260Middle Road,Henrietta.https://www.


2024StandDown&JobFairVeterans 2024StandDown&Job Fairisacommunity-wideeventto provideassistancetoALLveterans inneed.Comeandmeetwithserviceprovidersandemployerslookingtohireveterans.Enjoyameal, thecamaraderieofyourbrothers andsisters,andmeetwithlocal serviceprovidersandemployers. Servicesoffered:veterans’benefits, housing,socialsecurity,employment,trainingproviders,health care,publicassistance,seniorservices,peermentoring,education counseling,legalassistance,veteranorganizations,andmore. September13,11-2pm,Rochester PublicMarket,280NUnionSt., Rochester.

Weaver’sGuildofRochester Holiday Sale2024- TheWeavers’ GuildofRochester(WGR)invites youtoattendourAnnualHoliday SaleatthehistoricPerkins Mansion/AAUW,494EastAvenue, Rochester.Areafiberartistspresent one-of-a-kindcreationsforsale. Scarves,Blankets,Hats,Mittens, Rugs,Towels,Clothingandmore willbeavailable.Allitemsarehandmadebythefiberartistsofthe WGR.HolidaySaleTimes:Saturday, November2,2024from11am6pm

Sunday,November3,2024from 11am-3pm.Admissionisfree.Parkinginthebackofthebuilding,and inthePrinceStreetLot.Finduson: WGRWebsite:https://www. Facebook:Weavers’GuildofRochester.Instagram:#weaversguildofrochester.

60thSt.AgnesHighSchoolAnniversary -Classof’64: Sunday, September15-Massheld10amat theSistersofSt.JosephMother Houseat150FrenchRd.,Rochester,NY.FollowedbyBrunchat AdjacentNazarethUniversity.Tentativecost$20.Youcanattendone orboth.Pleasespreadtheword. CallLauraLochnerMichatek@ (585)223-5559

GetS’moreShabbat- Join usfor aspiritedmusicaloutdoorservice onourbeautifulcampus,inhonor of“back-to-school”--followedby apicnicsupper:hotdogs,hamburgers,veggie-burgers,andmakeyour-owns’mores!September6, 6-8pm,TempleSinai,363Penfield Rd.,Rochester.

TheGatesHistoricalSociety’s September program willbeheld onMonday,September16at7:00 pmintheGatesTownHallAnnex. AishaPierre,CuratorattheSusan B.AnthonyHouseandMuseum willpresentaprogramaboutthe historyoftheHouseandMuseum. Thereisnochargeforthisprogram andthefacilitiesarehandicapped accessible.

Woodworker’sSharpeningBeeAttention woodworkingenthusiasts,beginnerstoexperts.This eventonSaturday,September21, 9AM-1PM,691St.PaulBlvd., Rochesterisfreetobothmembers andnonmembers.Allarewelcome tobringawoodworkingtoolsuch asaplaneblade,achisel,orturninggouges,twistdrillbits,router bitstosharpen.Learnafewtips& trickswithaccesstodifferentmethodsandtools.Seewww. rochesterwoodworkers.orgfor moreinformation.

SquareDanceOpenHouse: IntroductiontoSquareDancing.No experiencenecessary.OnSunday, September15,2024from5-7pm. HeldatFirstBaptistChurchInChili, 3182ChiliAveinRochester14624. Singles,Couples,Families(parents andteenagechildren-minimum age13),allarewelcome.Freerefreshmentsprovided.Formoreinfo visitwww.cloverleafsquares.orgor calltheinformationlineat 987-5972.

Happy50thAnniversaryGeneseeValleyWoodcarvers! Come CarveWithUs-Thecluboffers carvingopportunities,classes, guestspeakers,anannualshow andcompetition,andsocial connections.Allcarversarewelcome-beginnersthruaccomplished.MemberscomefromMonroe,Ontario,Livingston,and Steubencounties.Theclubmeets at6:30pmonthesecondMonday ofthemonthatthe40&8Club, 933UniversityAve,Rochester. Moreinformation:www. guest;comebackasamember!


AntiqueFireTrucksatthe transportationmuseum- The NewYorkMuseumof TransportationhostsafleetofantiquefiretrucksonSunday, September15,2024,11-4pm.Trolleyrides,thefullmuseum,andthe firetruckshowareallincludedwith thefamilyfriendlyadmissionof$10 adults;$9seniors(65+);$6youth (3-12).Noreservationsneeded!Resplendentinbrightredpaintand polishedmetalwork,thesevintage vehicleswilldelightvisitorsand bringbackmemoriesoftimespast. TheNewYorkMuseumof Transportationislocatedat6393 EastRiverRoad,W.Henrietta.


WheatlandSeniorCitizensClub monthlymeeting willbeonTuesdaySeptember10at12:00noonat theSeniorCenterintheTownHall onMainSt.inScottsville.This monthisaDishToPasssobring yourfavoritedish.Bringyourown placesettingandutensils.Coffee andteaareavailable.Itwillbe goodtoseeeveryoneafterour shortbreak.Tojointhecluborfor moreinfopleasecontactDarryl Cadyat585-889-4330.


CraftSale: 21,2024,from9:00AMto3:00 PM.TobeheldinsidetheWest HenriettaFireDepartment,774Erie StationRoad,WestHenrietta.Parkingbehindthefirehouse.(Weare nexttotheWestHenriettaBaptist Church).

Protecting Honeybees

Honeybees and other bees require some sort of shelter. Dead trees and plants provide adequate shelter, so don’t be so tempted to pull out all of the undergrowth in the name of aesthetics.


Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:

• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program

• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor

• Organizations seeking donations of items

Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date

REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414



The PathStone Weatherization Assistance Program is available for income-eligible households in Monroe County located outside of the city limits.

Online POLL

Millions of youth play sports in the US each year, but research shows declining participation across the board. What do you think causes this “evolution of sports culture”?

- Rising costs to participate - Overscheduling of activities

- Too much pressure too early/young

Contact Us Today! 442.2030 ext.752

HEAP Recipients

Automatically Eligible

Income guidelines are:

Family of 1: $36,420

Family of 2: $47,640

Family of 3: $58,848

Family of 4: $70,056

(Family Features) Here are three things you can do to help protect your mobile devices and your identity:

Password protect your device. A recent study by Javelin Strategy and Research found that even though many smartphones are being used to handle sensitive financial information, only 33 percent of smartphone owners password-protect their devices. If your phone falls into the wrong hands, you could make it very easy for someone to access your personal information and steal your identity.

Review your social network privacy settings. It’s not just advertisers taking advantage of the personal information you include on your social network sites. As the use of social networking continues to increase, it’s expected that the use of malware will rise, too. Cybercriminals are always looking for ways to steal information and money. So you need to review your privacy settings frequently, be careful of what apps you install, and never “friend” someone you don’t know.

Consider getting extra protection. There are a growing number of tools available to help you monitor and protect your identity as well as restore your name and credit, should your identity get stolen. For example, Mobile Rhino is a specialty insurance program that not only insures your device, but also offers an Identity Monitoring Service that alerts you of any changes that could indicate someone else is using your information.

- Increased injuries and burnout

- Changes in community support

- Sport specialization

Poll ends 09-10-2024 Poll ended 09-03-2024

According to a recent Business Insider article, business leaders disagree on the dynamic role of personal and professional time. How would you define work-life balance today?

14.3% Life is more like a portfolio ~ TIAA CEO

14.3% Work-life harmony, aligning “deep interests” with work. ~ Microsoft CEO

21.4 Circular - Being content at home leads to work productivity, and vice versa ~ Amazon CEO

35.7% Work-life integration, we bring our entire selves to work but personal life is more important than work ~ HuffPost founder

14.3% Remote work is “morally wrong” ~ X founder

We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit!


DID YOU KNOW? Spinal muscular atrophy, or SMA, is the most common cause of mortality in infants. According to the Muscular Dystrophy Association, SMA is a motor neuron disease that affects the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and voluntary muscle movement. WebMD notes that the severity of SMA varies widely, but the disease is known to weaken muscles and can cause difficulty eating, breathing and walking. In the past, infants diagnosed with SMA typically did not survive more than two years, but the MDA notes that doctors now prefer to avoid making rigid predictions on life expectancy based strictly on age of onset. (585) 967-7919 Mike Benson, Owner/Operator Commercial/Residential • Best Rates

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4-CAMP SAM WOOD COFFEE MUGS (late ‘70s). 2-G&WRR MUGS (‘79). 1-INTERNATIONAL SALT GLASS (‘79). 1-AKZO SALT GLASS (‘93). 585-243-0520

MICROWAVE in good working condition. Phelps. 315-548-3872

Old RETRO KITCHEN SET with four CHAIRS. In pieces – needs to be put together. Newark. 315-331-1774

150+ NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINES. Pick up, Marion. 315-926-5538

PHOTOS taken in the 1960s of Newark Village the day before they tore all the buildings down.

Two TWIN SIZE MATTRESSES. One twin size box spring. Adjustable metal bed frame. 585-729-7420

LIFE FITNESS ELLIPTICAL. Good condition. Heavy. You pick up, Canandaigua. 585-469-4539

WINTER COVER, SOLAR COVER, and LEAF NET for a 16’x32’ oval above ground pool. 585-243-5412

METAL OFFICE DESK, 60” W x 30” D x 30” H, four drawers. BEACH CHAIR – folds down to cot, with mattress. Pick up, Fairport. 585-354-8339

Four to five bins full of ‘50, ‘51 & ‘52 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE PARTS. Hilton area. 585-351-1423

COUCH – 8’ L. In good condition. Striped – shades of tan, light green and hunter green. 585-233-6073

MALCOLM LOVE GRAND CABINET PIANO. Made in Waterloo, NY. You pick up. 585-734-2673

SCRAP MATERIAL - small to large sizes. Great for quilting or crafts. 585-623-0448

FABRIC Upholstery - weight samples, most 9” x 12”, also clothing fabrics. Assorted colors, sizes 1 yd-7 yds. TEXT 585-733-0291

COUCH, clean, white. 85” long, two matching pillows.

BABY BOUNCER and BABY BATH. Fairport. 585-943-5088


EXERCISE EQUIPMENT - Rower, two steppers, walker, two bikes. Pick up, Scottsville. 585-889-1933

KNEE SCOOTER with brakes. In great condition. 318-254-1690


PARTS for a 2007 Volvo Station Wagon XC70 model, a TIRE IRON, a JUMPER BOX BATTERY CHARGER, and a small AIR COMPRESSOR. 585-415-8513

CAT SCRATCHING POST or any other supplies for a cat that was dumped and had kittens. 585-739-1068


Collecting older SYNTHESIZERS and SAMPLERS. Analog or digital. Also looking for some GUITAR PEDALS and AMPLIFIERS.

OUTDOOR FURNITURE in good used condition (mini sofa, chairs), SCREEN HOUSE to reuse screen, 24’ WINTER POOL COVER. 585-303-9242.

SMALL RECLINER in good condition for an elderly gentleman. 585-883-7387

Used SWING SET in good or fair condition. 585-554-5356

OLD FOUNTAIN PENS, working or non-working.

ACCURATE DIGITAL SCALE needed for senior woman with a heart condition. 585-507-8788

Small TAG-ALONG CAMPER – in need of repairs okay. Call or text 585-797-4493

FOUNTAIN PENS. 315-945-8053

DVR - used or unwanted. Call/text 585-474-4430

YARN, any size CANNING JARS, CONCRETE BLOCKS. Within Honeoye, Henrietta, or Canandaigua area.

BOOKCASES for senior disabled women. 585-507-8788

Old unwanted NINTENDO HANDHELDS (ex. Gameboy) in working condition. Text 585-356-9156

CORRUGATED METAL ROOFING – used, rusty okay. 585-797-9402

Seeking a DIRT BIKE or ATV, gas powered. Running or not for father/ son project. Please text or call Matt 315-576-1278

Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111


DVT Patient Switches to Aspirin With Good Results

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an 81-year-old female who has been on Xarelto for years due to deep vein thrombosis (DVT). I also have an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter. I read that low-dose aspirin (325 mg) is just as effective in preventing clots in the legs as Xarelto, which is very expensive. My doctor advises against changing to aspirin, but won’t give me an explanation as to why. I switched anyway, and the redness in my foot disappeared. After one month of taking 325 mg of coated aspirin daily, I have no symptoms and actually feel better. What are your thoughts? -- A.B.

ANSWER: Although aspirin is better than nothing, it has been proven to be less effective than Xarelto and similar medicines in people who are at risk for blood clots. In a yearlong trial comparing the two, recurrences of DVT (a blood clot in the deep veins of the leg) occurred in just over 1% of people taking Xarelto and in 4.4% of people taking aspirin. (This study used low-dose aspirin -- 100 mg -- rather than the full-dose of 325 mg that you are taking.) The risk of bleeding was about the same among the aspirin group and the Xarelto group.

Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory, which may be why the redness in your foot disappeared. I doubt it had anything to do with a blood clot.

For people at a high risk, I recommend against changing from a more-effective medicine like Xarelto to aspirin. In your case, you are protected against a blood clot in the lung by your filter, which is designed to catch any clot before it can get to the lung. Unfortunately, the IVC filter slightly increases the risk of a recurrence of a blood clot in the legs, so it’s important to keep taking medication to reduce your risk.

Given the serious nature of a blood clot, I can’t recommend disregarding your doctor’s advice, although you deserve a thorough explanation from your doctor. If the main issue for your wanting to change medications is the expense, you might ask your doctor if there are lessexpensive alternatives that would still be as effective as Xarelto. The manufacturer also offers a program to help with expenses.


Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to

© 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved


Makeup can help counter the look of dark shadows and pigmentation around the eyes. Use a shade that is opposite the color of the circles to camouflage them. For example, use orange-yellow tones to combat blue-purple shading under the eyes. Makeup artists also advise applying concealer in the shape of a triangle. That way a person is creating a light arrow that draws attention to the bright part of her eyes.

Puzzle Answers This Week

Apple Cider Donuts



Metal Tabs


I would like to thank everyone who has donated their pop can tabs in the Canandaigua area. Those Tabs will be going to the Ronald McDonald House. Thank you so much. Linda D


We recently had our [presidential candidate] sign stolen from our yard. If I recall, the Constitution says we have free speech, not if it only pertains to your view. We have had presidents that I did not care for, but gave the office the respect it deserved. Whatever happened to the saying to agree to disagree? Please, less hate and more kindness, understanding and love.

Rude and Dangerous Drivers

Saturday eve at 9PM, my sister and I were worried when we didn’t see a clearly labeled ‘shuttle stop’ at the Fairport Music fest. We hailed 2 delightful young men in a Jeep type vehicle parked by the Fest entrance and told them of our concern. One ran down the street to flag the shuttle he saw coming to ensure the driver didn’t miss us on the curb. These men were SO kind, friendly and eager to help 2 seniors in need! I am sorry I didn’t get their names for a personal thanks.

When my car suddenly became undrivable in the middle of the right lane on [local road] across from [local plaza] late Friday afternoon, I did my best to get as far onto the shoulder as possible. I turned my 4-ways flashers on, called my husband, and called 911 to report my car in the road because I was afraid of causing an accident. To the woman who slowed while driving down the far lane on the other side of the road, thank you for asking if I needed help. To everyone else, and especially those on my side of the road who didn’t slow down or stop and worse yet, sped up to swerve into the next lane even though you could so easily have caused an actual accident, shame on you. I hope you never find yourself in a similar situation one day. And to the police officer who asked if I’d run out of gas...since my car was still running, no I did not. The real cause: a snapped drive axle.


Come and see why we were voted Best Child Care Provider in Livingston County! Schedule a tour, or pop in today!


In 1892, the French newspaper La Siècle printed a game that was akin to Sudoku in that each row and column had to contain all the designated numbers, but unlike Sudoku, it involved numerals higher than 9 and engaged solvers’ mathematical skills, not their logic center.

Flash forward to 1979. Circumstantial evidence points to Indiana architect Howard Garns publishing a puzzle of his own invention (at that time named “Number Place”) in Dell Magazine that would become the game we now know as Sudoku.


Actively participating in things that exercise our brains, especially those that involve math, is a good way to keep our minds sharp. Sudoku can increase focus and concentration as well as alleviate depression. Studies also suggest that puzzles and word games help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Who knew Sudoku could be so good for your health?

Avon, NY 585-226-6110 Livonia, NY 585-507-8126

WINNER! Best Child Care Provider in Livingston County! Thank you! Geneseo, NY 585-519-4451 Henrietta, NY 585-321-1151

Use the 4 symbols given in the puzzle.

Each symbol should appear once in each line horizontally and vertically.

1 Solve some Sudoku puzzles! HOW TO CELEBRATE SUDOKU DAY?

2 Have your parents buy you some new puzzle books.

3 Challenge a friend to play head-to-head.


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Here’s A Tip

* To fix a hole in drywall that requires a healthy helping of joint compound, you can cut a piece of screen slightly bigger than the hole and tack it to the inside of the drywall. You also can wad up a piece of aluminum foil and shove it in the hole, pressing it in a bit to create a recess for the compound. e foil will keep the compound at the site of the hole, allowing it to set up instead of fall down. * "I recently did a little work on my car, and a erward I washed and waxed it. My tools got pretty grimy, so I cleaned them too. Since I had the wax out, I used it on several of them to keep them from rusting in storage." -via email

Hocus Focus

Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES: Science Teacher

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Westside Academy

Design and teach a comprehensive science curriculum aligned with the NY State science learning standards. e instructional program is directed toward maximizing progress in academic areas and meeting individual needs of at-risk students. NYS Certification – Science (7-12) required. Preferably Earth Science and Biology dual certification. Experience with adolescents & families dealing with social, emotional, academic & behavioral issues preferred.

For more information and to apply for positions, please refer to our website:


SUNY Geneseo is looking for a new team member to provide excellence in service to the College community through this Purchasing & Contracts Assistant position. Under the direction of the Director of Purchasing & Central Services, the Purchasing & Contracts Assistant position will support campus procurement needs by providing timely review of commodity, service, and revenue contracts to ensure that agreements meet institutional needs while ensuring compliance with New York State Finance Laws, Office of State Comptroller Guidelines, and SUNY policies and procedures. is position will also act as the Procurement Card Program Administrator for the College. Bachelor’s degree by time of appointment required. For complete details and to apply visit: EEO/AA/M/F/V/D

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Speak up about your stress. As noted, stress at the workplace can affect workers’ performance, which employers are looking to optimize. Workers can speak to their employers if they feel their work environments are conducive to stress. Work in tandem with an employer to develop time-saving strategies that make it easier to get work done on time. Supervisors may encourage employees to delegate more often, freeing up time to get their work done. Employers may also direct employees to wellness resources that can help them more effectively combat stress. The outcomes of such discussions may never be known if workers never take the initiative and speak up about their stress.


Henrietta Schools

information and to apply, Visit: and click “JOBS”

Join Our Team!

Mail Room and Production


Learn the basics of direct mail and assist in fulfilling all of the work sent through the Postal Service. Prior understanding of the USPS is a bonus but not a requirement. We will coach the right person with the right attitude.


Full-time position includes benefits.

Send cover letter & resume to:



Anderson-DuBose has part-time employment opportunities for Warehouse Associates

Job entails order picking with electric pallet jacks as the primary tool, pallet stacking, and loading trucks. Must be capable of performing physical labor, lifting up to 50lbs.

Pay is $18.90/hr to start on second shift, with the possibility to promote to a full-time position. Part-time associates have the benefit of flexible scheduling, available sick time and 401K plan after 90 days, and paid birthday off.

To apply: or


Stay in touch. Professional networks are most effective for professionals who keep in touch with their colleagues and acquaintances. Follow up with colleagues you’ve worked with in the past to see if there’s anything you can do for them or to check in on how a project you discussed with them is going. Staying in touch can shed light on job opportunities or open other doors that might facilitate your job search.

Why join us?

- Be part of a dynamic team dedicated to supporting and growing the local community.

- Enjoy a collaborative work environment with opportunities for professional growth.

Find out why so many of our employees have spent their careers with our family owned and operated company.

Prior sales experience a plus but we will consider the right candidate with the right drive and a itude. Compensation is commission based.

How to Apply:

Send your resume and cover le er to: Manuel Karam, General Manager, at

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