Fair Housing Statement
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
One kind word can warm three wintermonths. ~Japanese Proverb
Wanttoreply? Goonlinetosee all&comment! 2
Carhartt Santa
Thank you to the Carhartt-decked Santa at Aldi yesterday! At least six people in the store received envelopes with a cheery “Merry Christmas” and inside was money! I was one of the lucky customers. It was such a kind gesture. Thank you! Merry Christmas!
Walmart workers
The workers at our local Geneseo Walmart have been so cheerful and helpful throughout this holiday season. Even the ones that are “shoppers” would take the time to check on the location or availability of items. I was there on the 23rd and many were festively dressed – even a green faced Grinch was busy! Thanks to them for making the season a little better for your customers!
Go shopping lately? It’s bad enough with the self-centered drivers, but also those inside the stores. Leaving their cart smack in the middle of a row while they “window shop” a few feet away, then getting mad when someone moves it to pass. Blocking the deli counter waiting to be served. The “joggers” who fly out of a side isle and literally run their carts into others. A family of 5 or 6 blocking the whole aisle, oblivious to people trying to get around them. Don’t forget the two shoppers with carts standing next to each other discussing personal matters. Finally, even though there’s more, you try to be courteous and move off to the side. That draws more attention and they stand there until you move over. They look for whatever, I don’t know, then walk away with nothing. They must believe you’re hiding something standing there. Shoppers need to look further than the tip of their noses.
Life Saving Signs ...
Happy to see some extremely important signs at dangerous intersections that read “Cross Traffic Does Not Stop,” however, there are so many other intersections that need this important message. Should be pretty simple to remedy!
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Genesee Valley Penny Saver, PE 25776, Copyright © 2024, is published weekly by Genesee Valley Publications, Inc, 106 W. Main St., Honeoye Falls, NY. Periodical Postage paid at Pittsford Post Office and at additional mailing offices.
Send address changes to: Genesee Valley Penny Saver PO BOX 340 Avon, NY 14414-0340
Female entrepreneurs are on the rise. A 2017 report from American Express found that female entrepreneurship grew by 114 percent between 1997 and 2017.
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
Install a programmable thermostat. The United States Department of Energy estimates that consumers can save 10 percent on their heating bills by rolling back their thermostat 10 to 15 percent over an eight-hour period. Program your thermostat to keep the heat low while you’re at work or away from home. The latest digital thermostats are both userfriendlyandvisuallyappealingwhenhungonthewall.
Many people may practice the “love thy neighbor” creed, but when it comes to four-legged wildlife such as raccoons, squirrels, and opossum that often seek refuge in yards and homes when outdoor temperatures dip and food sources become scarce, they are best kept at an arm’s length. As community development has thinned natural habitats and forced these critters into residential areas and lessened their fears of people, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) has found that many areas of the country continue to report increased encounters with nuisance wildlife.
“While it can be a unique experience to spot wildlife in neighborhoods, these animals should be discouraged from taking up residence,” advises Missy Henriksen, vice president of public affairs for the NPMA. “Not only can they damage property, many are vectors of disease, most notably rabies.”
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 40,000 people are exposed to rabies each year, a viral infection passed through the bite and saliva of an infected mammal. Raccoons, foxes, skunks, coyotes and bats are the most commonly reported animals infected with rabies. Because of the risks associated with these pests, homeowners should take extra precautions to protect against them.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. FOOD & DRINK: What kind of cake is named after a British queen?
2. TELEVISION: What is the name of the family dog on “The Simpsons”?
3. ANATOMY: How long does a human red blood cell exist?
4. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where is New Year’s celebrated first each year?
5. ADVERTISING: Which company sponsors a 13-foot-long Weinermobile?
6. MEASUREMENTS: How many pints are in a quart?
7. MOVIES: What is the name of the dance performed in the “Rocky Horror Picture Show”?
8. BIOLOGY: What does the term ectothermic mean?
9. GEOGRAPHY: Which country has the longest coastline in the world?
10. LITERATURE: Who is the author of “The Canterbury Tales”?
Stay on top of your home. Much like older vehicles, older homes require a little extra TLC on the part of homeowners. Don’t allow your home to fall into disrepair. Even if your energy bills are not on the rise, inspect windows and doors to make sure they are closing tightly, as over time such seemingly minor problems can add up to substantial energy loss. Don’t forget to clean gutters and downspouts, removing debris that can add up and lead to water damage that may ultimately compromise the effectiveness of your home’s insulation.
Roof age: The age of the roof is a major factor in determining if it will need to be replaced or if repairs can be made to isolated damage. Individuals who live in neighborhoods where neighbors are now replacing roofs will likely find it is time to consult a roofing company. Homeowners also can check to see if they have any receipts that indicate the roof’s installation date so they have an idea about its age.
National Skating Month is celebrated every year during the month of January. This month-long holiday is packed with fun events to create awareness and spread the love for skating. U.S Figure Skating and Learn to Skate U.S.A prepare a host of entertaining activities and ideas for organizations to implement every year. Join us as we celebrate all things skating this month!
Axel Paulson Makes History
Paulson becomes the first skater to perform a forward-starting jump.
An Olympic Debut Figure skating is introduced to the Olympic Games. Find
By Keith Roach, M.D.
Why the Government Shouldn’t Limit Sodium Intake
DEAR DR. ROACH: I read in a health journal that large amounts of sodium are unhealthy for one’s diet. The government standard is no more than 2,300 mg of sodium per day. If one’s health isn’t so good, some doctors say that their sodium intake shouldn’t be more than 1,500 mg per day. Everything you eat or drink counts.
If consuming sodium is so bad for your health, then why aren’t there limitations in the amount of sodium a company can put into their products? Shouldn’t this be controlled by the federal government, similar to alcohol or numerous other chemicals in food and drinks that we find in cans, boxes and packages? For instance, why should diet soda have sodium in it? -- E.R.
ANSWER: It is true that excess sodium has health risks, and I agree with public health officials in recommending that people consume less sodium. High sodium increases blood pressure levels for most people. Even in people without high blood pressure levels, a high-sodium diet slightly increases stroke risk and predisposes them to kidney stones.
However, sodium is an essential nutrient, and although sodium deficiency is unheard of now, there are conditions where a highsodium diet is important. I recently saw a patient who had POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) after COVID, and she needs 8-12 grams of sodium daily to keep her blood pressure up. As a physician, my role is to advise. It’s not for me to dictate public policy, and I worry about the government making regulations about what is a personal choice. Pretzels contain 250-300 mg of sodium in a 1-ounce serving, so a big bag of pretzels might have 5 grams of sodium -- two day’s worth. I’m uncomfortable with the government limiting my ability to buy this, even if it isn’t a good idea for me to consume it all in a day.
On the other hand, I think that the decision made by the Food and Drug Administration in 2015 to ban the use of trans fats was correct. Trans fats are exceedingly unhealthy, and manufacturers quickly switched to heathier options. The decision to ban a substance or limit its use must be made wisely. As far as diet sodas, sodium suppresses the bitter taste that can accompany some artificial sweeteners. A typical diet soda might have 20 mg of sodium (0.02 grams), so those usually aren’t the biggest offenders. On the other hand, a large pizza might have 6-10 grams of sodium.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am 73 years old with an extremely large prostate. My PSA reading was over 11 ng/mL. I’ve had negative biopsies, and my new urologist put me on finasteride. He told me that he had great results with it and could cut my cancer risk by 80%. I’ve been taking it for more than six months, and my latest PSA was 4.4 ng/mL. I’m reluctant to keep taking it. What are your thoughts on finasteride? -- H.D.
ANSWER: I agree that finasteride decreases the risk of prostate cancer and death due to prostate cancer. Unfortunately, the data show more of a 25% to 30% decreased risk rather than an 80% risk. If it were 80% successful at stopping prostate cancer, we would be recommending it to all men (in absence of side effects). Still, a decrease in prostate cancer risk is worth considering when it comes to the treatment of symptomatic prostate enlargement. Finally, finasteride reduces PSA levels by about half, which needs to be taken into account when interpreting the PSA level.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Magic Maze MATES
Hamlin Public Library
1680 Lake Road, Hamlin
585.964.2320 hamlinlibraryny.org
M & W 10am-6pm
Tu./Th. 10am-8pm
F.10am-4pm Sat. 10am-2pm
Hoag Library
134 S. Main St., Albion
Visit our website for hours. www.hoaglibrary.org
Holley Community
Free Library
86 Public Square, Holley 585.638.6987 • holleylibrary.org
Hrs.: M & W: 10am-8pm Tu, Th, & F: 10am-5pm Sat: 10am-2pm Sept.-June (closed Sat. during summer)
Seymour Library 161 East Ave., Brockport 585.637.1050 www.seymourlibraryweb.org
Hrs.: M-Th: 10am-8pm F: 10am-6pm Sat: 10am-3pm
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Expect setbacks. If realizing resolutions was easy, the success rate would be greater than 8 percent. Setbacks are inevitable, so don’t allow them to derail your efforts. Even if setbacks occur when you’re well on your way to success, regroup and get back on track without getting down on yourself.
The HamlinPublicLibraryisopen Mondays/Wednesdaysfrom10am6pm;Tuesdays/Thursdaysfrom 10am-8pm;Fridaysfrom10am4pm;Saturdaysfrom10am-2pm. PreschoolwithMrs.Carlsonis Mondaysat10:30am.Joinusaswe read,talk,singandplaywith friends.URMedicineMobile MammographyBreastCancer ScreeningeventisWednesday, January8thfrom9:30am-2:30pm. Call1-844-870-0002oremail mammovan@urmc.rochester.edu toscheduleanappointment.Fiber FriendsprogramisMonday, January13from3-5pm.Itisopen toanyonewithaninterestinknitting,crocheting,spinning,weaving orfelting.Bringyourownprojects orhelpwithours.Themonthly HomeschoolprogramisWednesday,January15at1pm.AneducatorfromtheRochesterMuseum andScienceCenterwilldoapresentationontheScientificMethod followedbyactivities.Registerfor programsonlinethroughthelibrary calendarathttps://calendar. libraryweb.org/calendar/Hamlin. Formoreinformation,call 964-2320orvisitourwebsiteor Facebookpage.
Baby Storytime&SensoryPlayTuesday,January7th10:3011:00am
JoinMs.Zuzuforstories,songs, andsensoryplayTuesdaymornings attheParmaLibrary!Recommendedforages0-3.Noregistrationnecessary. WednesdayAllAgesStorytimeWednesday,January8th10:3011:00am
JoinMs.ZuzuonWednesday morningsforstoriesandsongs! Recommendedforages2-5,butall agesarewelcome.Noregistration. Pre-KSkillsPlaytime-Wednesday, January8th11:00-11:30am Childrenaged3-5withcaregivers canpracticePre-Kskills,develop earlyliteracycomponents,explore sensoryplay,andmore!Noregistration.
Teen/TweenCraftClub:Perler Beads-Thursday,January9th6:007:00pm
Makefunperlerbeaddesignsat teen/tweencraftclubthismonth! Bringyourowninspirationorpick fromsomeprinteddesigns.Open togrades6&up.Noregistration.
To shorten winter, borrow some money due in spring. ~W.J. Vogel
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program • Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
By Lucie Winborne
* Russia only classified beer as an alcoholic drink in 2011.
* In 1984, New Zealand Prime Minister Robert Muldoon got drunk and decided to spontaneously call a general election, which he lost.
* Before battles, some Roman gladiators read product endorsements. The makers of the film “Gladiator” planned to show this but nixed the idea for fear that audiences wouldn’t believe it.
* A person with geomelophagia has the urge to eat raw potatoes.
Bra measurements are hard to comeby,nodoubtthanksinpartto the nature of getting measured in such an intimate area of the body. But considering undergarments set the foundation for all clothing wornontop,thisisoneofthemore important measurements to verify. Enlist the help of a friend or family member to make measurements go more smoothly.
Online POLL
According to the Siena College Research Institute in 2024, 49% of New Yorkers will make a resolution for the New Year, with 83% of those believing they will keep that resolution. Where do you stand – Do you plan to make (or have you made) a New Year’s resolution this year?
- Yes and I believe I’ll keep it/them - Yes, but I doubt I’ll keep the resolution/s - No, I don’t plan to make any resolutions
Poll ends 01-07-2025
Poll ended 12-30-2024
Siena College Research Institute surveys New Yorkers’ holiday favorites, trends, and traditions each year. 89% of New York State residents celebrate Christmas, 13% celebrate Hanukkah, 6% celebrate Kwanzaa, and 81% celebrate New Year’s Eve. Which of the following end of year traditions and intentions will you include in your year-end plans?
16.7% Donate money, food, or gifts to local charitable organization/s
8.3% Attend religious or cultural ceremonies
16.7% Binge holiday shows and/or crank holiday music
16.7% Make New Year’s resolutions (whether or not you keep them)
16.7% Combination of the above 25.0% None of the above
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Batavia Barbershops
ran a shop on West Main Street. e Meleca brothers—Carl, Tony, and Benny—operated nearby, reportedly sometimes fishing out their back window overlooking Tonawanda Creek. Carl later moved to Main and Oak, where he worked until age 89. Ben Meleca taught chemistry at Notre Dame High and went on to teach at Ohio State University.
Other memorable barbers included Ray “Stub” Fisher, who tied fishing flies between customers, and Tom Varco, known for off-color jokes. Bill Cecere delighted kids with Juicy Fruit gum and magazines. Shops were scattered throughout Batavia: Charlie Puccio on Oak Street, Louie Fanara on Ellicott, Jack Burling on State (and later East Main), and Joe Deni by the Richmond Library, where kids would get books then get their hair cut, or vice versa. Chuck Wood had a shop on the corner of Bank and Washington above a TV repair store, and dads dropped off televisions for new tubes and then got haircuts.
So, if barbershops were so useful, popular, and necessary, why do so few remain? Blame it on e Beatles for one. In the early 1960s, when e Fab Four took the world by storm with their longish hairdos, many boys jumped on the long hair bandwagon. Hippie culture spread from San Francisco and long hair became synonymous with Vietnam War protests, cementing barbershops’ decline. With the rise of Disco in the ‘70s, men and boys getting hair cut by a “stylist” no longer held stigma, and today there are quick hair salons on every corner and in every mall.
ere are still a few barbers in Batavia, such as Canzoneri’s and Royals on Ellicott and My Cut on East Main, that are throwbacks to bygone days. ey will not disappear, as men will always need their hair cut. However, in today’s fast-paced world with people always in a rush, it doesn’t seem barbershops willeverregaintheirplaceasadefactoclubhousefor men and boys of town. at might be the unkindest cut of all to barbers.
Penny Saver
Lacey is our 17-year-old Maltese. She is in good health other than being deaf and having dementia. She still likes to run around the yard.
Send us a photo and a write-up to be featured. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com - Share With Us. Or, mail to: PO Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Published at discretion of GVPS.
* On Jan. 3, 1952,
A popular radio series, it became one of the first TV series filmed in Hollywood, instead of New York, and began a long line of crime and police dramas.
Send us a photo! and a brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it!
Submit at: gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I inherited my aunt’s cat, “Tabitha,” late last year. When Tabbi came to live with me, I noticed that she had six toes, but only on one paw. Her other front paw was normal. I thought that was unusual but not dangerous, or my aunt would have done something about it. However, on our first visit to the veterinarian, when I pointed out the toe as a strange genetic anomaly, the vet got very concerned. e “toe” was actually a lump! Tabbi had surgery to remove it. Fortunately, it was benign, and she recovered completely. Please tell your readers to contact the vet when they notice any strange growth. -- Joe in Portland, Oregon
DEAR JOE: ank you for sharing your story! Cats, dogs and other pets can develop strange growths or lumps during their lifetime. It’s not always easy to determine whether a growth is harmless or needs to be removed. e vet will do a needle biopsy and can o en examine the cells under a micro-scope right in their office, so they can report their findings to you almost immediately. Sometimes, they will send a sample to a veterinary pathologist, who can provide a clearer picture of what’s going on with a lump or mass.
Having new lumps and bumps checked out as soon as possible is important, because the vet can treat them while they’re still small, so your pet suffers less pain and discomfort. If a mass turns out to be cancerous, the faster the treatment happens, the better.
So, just as a change in behavior or energy signals that it’s time to visit the vet, a new lump or bump (or any strange new growth) should be checked out as soon as possible.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
Pet Year Contest
By Lucie Winborne
* Caffeine, which is found in tea leaves, guarana berries, kola nuts and, of course, coffee beans, acts as a natural pesticide. It overloads the nervous systems of insects that try to eat the plants containing it, paralyzing and even killing them before they can do too much damage.
Exerciseisagreatwaytomaintain a healthy mind and body. Many people begin a new year by making resolutions to lose weight or build muscle. Too often, however, men and women get stuck in an exercise rut, following the same exercise routine week after week. Not only can this be boring, fitness experts advise that it’s necessary to change an exercise routine periodically to continue to see results. It’s one reason why many fitness clubs unveil new classes every few weeks. Just when you master the choreography of a class, it’s time to change! With repetition, the body adapts and grows accustomed to the routine, using less energy as a result. That can affect your ability to lose weight. Changing your workout forces your body to work harder, producing better results. If you exercise with a trainer, discuss ways to modify your normal routine to surprise your body. Increased intensity, interval training, adding sprints to running, taking different classes, or even increasing the frequency of your workoutsmaydothetrick.
Level: Intermediate
active senior living
Here’s A Tip
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* A chef’s trick to keep cooked spinach green is to make sure the pot is not covered while cooking.
* “When cooking shrimp in a bouillon, put them in the freezer for about 10 minutes before cooking. ey will cook up nice and tender. I have had success with this also when grilling. When putting shrimp on a skewer, I use double skewers, which hold about five shrimp. When I thread the skewers side by side, the shrimp are easier to turn over, and they do not spin on the skewer.” -- R.R. in Florida
* To keep cheese blocks moist and mold free, place in a container with a tight-fitting lid. Place a piece of napkin dampened with white vinegar in with the cheese.
Hocus Focus
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Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!
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into our classifieds
Lucie Winborne
is accepting applications for the following positions:
Automotive Mechanic, Bus Attendant & Driver, Cafeteria Monitor, Custodian, Food Service Helper, Grounds Equipment Operator, Maintenance Mechanic, Senior Student Behavioral Assistant, Teacher Aide, and Subs in all areas.
Current Openings:
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For all positions, apply online at:
Join Our Team at Lapp, LLC –
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Are you ready to work for a company with a stellar reputation and a commitment to quality and innovation? Lapp, LLC, based in LeRoy, NY, is looking for a dedicated and skilled individual to join our team as a Production Worker.
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What We’re Looking For:
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• Physical stamina to meet the demands of the position. How to Apply:
Complete your application at Lapp, LLC
130 Gilbert Street, LeRoy, NY 14482 or submit your resume via email to jtuerk@lappinsulators.com.
Union Representation: is position is covered under a collective bargaining agreement.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): Lapp, LLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other legally protected status. We encourage applications from diverse candidates, including veterans and individuals with disabilities.
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Losing a job can be devastating. Even in a strong market, companies can go out of business or reduce payroll. Being let go can initially tug at one’s pride, and after a layoff sets in,it may cause individuals to start worrying for their financial futures.While many people can survive and may even enjoy a few weeks of rest and relaxation after a job loss, financial concerns may surface soon thereafter. A 2017 GOBankingRates survey found that more than half of American adults have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts. Financial planners typically advise people to have at least three month’s worth of earnings socked away for emergency situations, like a medical issue or a job loss. Even though the survey also found more than a quarter (27 percent) of respondents have $10,000 or more saved, that might not be enough to survive a job loss for six months or more.
A job loss can come as a shock. However, with level-headedness and smart planning, many people can avoid dire financial situations in the wake of a layoff.
Retirement can seem like it will never come for young professionals. But time can be a sieve,andretirementagecanarrive in the blink of an eye. Young adults who have not planned accordingly for retirement can find themselves infinancialstraitsatapointintheir lives when they want to kick back and enjoy themselves. Financial experts advise that financially solventpeopleshouldbeginsaving aggressively for their retirements early on. Ideally people should start saving in their 20s when they first leave school and begin their careers. The sooner one saves, the more time money has to grow. Vanguard says that the person who saves $4,500 per year over a career spanning 45 years can reach a goal of having more than $1 million in savings by the time he or she retires. Compounding interest and investment matches from employers can further secure professionals’ financial futures.
Puzzle Answers This Week
WOOD KITCHEN TABLE, 36” diameter. Very heavy. Legs detach for transport. Palmyra. Salubrious48@yahoo.com
All kinds of COLORING BOOKS. Pick up, Henrietta. 585-236-0426
CANDLE MAKING SUPPLIES. Top notch. Molds, wax, dyes, etc. Will meet in Avon. laurmec9@aol.com
GAMING CHAIR. Has some wear but still works. Large DOG CRATE. Geneseo. Text 585-752-9544
ELASTICATED TUBULAR BANDAGE. New in box, size F (4” w x app. 10 yd). Pick up, Henrietta. 585-435-3594
Queen size Jamestown BOX SPRING. Almost new. In two sections for easy handling. Henrietta. 585-334-3267
Three 2-drawer STEEL FILE CABINETS. Pick up, Penfield. 585-264-1068
LITTLE TYKES SCHOOL DESK. Pick up, Bergen. 716-474-2884
KING SIZE BED FRAME. Pick up, Geneseo. 585-991-8255
16# BOWLING BALL, multi-colored. Pick up, Henrietta. 585-298-6419
Two complete TWIN BEDS with frames, mattresses, box springs, mattress pads, blankets. Hemlock. elsiecostanzo@gmail.com
One wood and one plastic used but steam-sanitized standard ROUND TOILET SEATS. No issues, hardware included. Conesus. Text/Call 607-542-9113
50 various RECORDS, box of cassettes, some 8 tracks. Must take all. Fairport. cszilagyi1@rochester.rr.com
Life Fitness ELLIPTICAL - works great. You move: heavy, need truck and friends. Also, basic HOME BREWING EQUIPMENT, carboys, bottles, brushes, etc. Canandaigua. 585-469-4539
GE GAS OVEN with four burner stovetop (c. 2003). Everything works except the broiler button. Pickup in Penfield. corcaigh111@gmail.com
54” x 78” FOAM MATTRESS TOPPER, 3” thick. Great for camping. Phelps. 315-548-8685
SMALL HARD-SHELL CAMPER needed by local Boy Scout Troop.
Text/Call 585-455-4363
MOVIE FILM or VIDEO of 2 local rock bands from 1966-1972 named Us & Company and Redhorse. 2musicbands@gmail.com
A COMPUTER CHAIR in Batavia. 585-536-6269
7’ MEDIUM/HEAVY FISHING ROD with 30# fishing line and any extra fishing tackle. 585-645-2618 (no texting)
WOOL BLANKETS for insulation from the ground. 585-500-8839
COMIC BOOKS, any & all, any condition. Will pick up.
Text/Call 585-260-0437
ADULT NUTRITIONAL DRINKS, any brand. Text/Call 585-649-8706
MERCURY SABLE WAGON in working condition, around the year 2003. 585-500-2588
Stories! 4-H Camp Bristol Hills is looking for your OLD CAMP TALES for the Camp Centennial. Pre-1980 preferred. Jah249@cornell.edu
GHILLIE SUIT and CAMOUFLAGE NETTING, anything to hide in the woods. scoutmasterdavid@yahoo.com
Sturdy OAK DINING ROOM TABLE and an ELECTRIC STOVE w/oven in good working condition. 585-381-6546
OLD ELECTRONICS, tube testers, tube radios, tube stereos, anything tube. OLD RADIOS, transistor radios, microphones, test equipment, speakers, and amplifiers. greg3151@ymail.com
METRONOME, either manual or electric. 585-948-5079
‘70s-’90s ROCK RECORDS, CASSETTES, and 8 TRACK TAPES. gzintel1967@gmail.com
Mercury SNOWMOBILE PARTS 1974-76 for restoration project. Call/text 585-733-2026
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
• Deluxe Round Trip Motorcoach Transportation
• Five nights lodging including 3 consecutive nights in Virginia
• Virginia Beach Boardwalk, Colonial Williamsburg, Narrated Naval Base Harbor Cruise
• Admission to the Nauticus & Battleship Wisconsin, Visit to The Mariners’ Museum & Aquarium & Science Center
Deposit $75.00 per person due at booking.
Final payment is due April 2, 2025. Cancellation Insurance Available & Highly Recommended.
• Roundtrip motorcoach from Batavia
• 1 night accommodations at the Country Inn of Lancaster • Dinner Friday night
• Performance of Noah at Sight and Sound Friday night
• Breakfast Saturday morning at hotel • Time on your own at Kitchen Kettle
• Amish Farmlands Tour• First Choice Travel Tour Manager
Deposit $100.00 per person due at booking.
Final payment is due June 6, 2025. Cancellation Insurance Available & Highly Recommended.
BAHAMAS - 7 Night Cruise
• Deluxe Round Trip Motorcoach Transportation from Batavia to New York City
• Seven night cruise to the Bahamas
• Meals and entertainment onboard ship and All Known Government Taxes and Fees.
Deposit $250.00 per person due at booking. Book early for best cabin selection.
Final payment is due April 25, 2025. Cancellation Insurance Available & Highly Recommended.
$1,599 Based on double occupancy outside window cabin (OR1)
• 8 meals: 5 breakfasts and 3 dinners • Guided Tour of Mackinaw City
• Visit to Mackinac Island, including a Guided Carriage Tour
• Boat ride through the Soo Locks and free time and sight-seeing in Sault Sainte Marie
• Visit to Mackinaw Crossings • Admission to Colonial Michilimackinac
• Gaming excitement at a Northern Michigan Casino
Deposit $75.00 per person due at booking.
Final payment is due July 8, 2025. Cancellation Insurance Available & Highly Recommended.
MEMPHIS- Home of the Blues, Soul & Rock & Roll
• Motorcoach transportation
• 6 nights lodging, 4 consecutive nights in Memphis
• 6 breakfasts, 4 dinners
• Admission to Graceland, Home of Elvis, including Airplanes & Car Museum
• Guided Tour of Memphis, Gaming at Memphis area Casino
• Admission to Sun Studio • Admission to Memphis Rock ‘N’ Soul Museum
Deposit $75.00 per person due at booking.
Final Aug. 26, 2025. Cancellation Insurance Available & Highly Recommended.
• Motorcoach transportation • 5 nights lodging including 3 consecutive nights in Northern Michigan
$1,799 Based on double occupancy outside balcony cabin (BR2) Nov. 2-8, 2025 $