HILTON: Next toNewSALE! St.Paul’sLutheranChurch.158 EastAvenue.April5th&8th Friday9-5&Saturday1/2price sale,9-12.Jewelry,Clothes, Books,Vintage,Toys, Housewares,Linens,Furniture.
3 First Park, Bloomfield
Built in 2022 newly remodeled 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom manufactured home in the quiet Bristol Valley Community. Lot rent is $425, includes garbage and taxes. $44,900. R1525569
Call/Text Christine White, (585) 944-6453
TEXT H053887 to VIDEOS
Christine White
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson (O) (585) 624-3370 (C) (585) 944-6453
Holy Saturday marks the final day of the Triduum, or the three days preceding Easter Sunday. Scripture states that Holy Saturday was when Jesus’ body was placed in the tomb.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project
County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614
Palm Sunday Services
March 24th • 10am
Easter Egg Hunt
Palm Sunday, March 24 • 2pm
At the Church • Ages 3-10
Sponsored by Clarendon BSA Troop #59
Easter Sunday Services • 10am
Disciples United Methodist Church 4410 Holley Byron Rd • Holley, NY 14470 585-638-6383
Safety goggles and glasses are a must-have for any do-it-yourselfer. They will provide a barrier between the eye and flying debris. According to VisionWeb, an eye education resource, most of the 110,000 eye injuries that occur each year in homes within the United States result from splashes with household cleaners, flying debris such as wood chips, or getting hit by branches. Many of these injuries can be prevented by wearing eye protection.
The Day of Ashes commemorates the repentance of sin. On Ash Wednesday, Christians have ashes placed on their foreheads in the shape of a cross in recognition of their need to repent. Many churches host Ash Wednesday services, and those who receive the ashes are not only reminded of their mortality and sinfulness, but also of the opportunity for absolution. Christians typically fast on Ash Wednesday, though some simply abstain from eating meat.
DID YOU KNOW? Spinal muscular atrophy, or SMA, is the most common cause of mortality in infants. According to the Muscular Dystrophy Association, SMA is a motor neuron disease that affects the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and voluntary muscle movement. WebMD notes that the severity of SMA varies widely, but the disease is known to weaken muscles and can cause difficulty eating, breathing and walking. In the past, infants diagnosed with SMA typically did not survive more than two years, but the MDA notes that doctors now prefer to avoid making rigid predictions on life expectancy based strictly on age of onset.
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My little dog Barnsey is quite a barker for a terrier, but for the past several days his bark has been very hoarse. He sometimes snorts or sneezes, too. I make sure he has plenty of water, but I’m not sure what else to do. It doesn’t seem to be getting better. -- Faye H., Hartford, Connecticut
DEAR FAYE: is is a perfect time to take Barnsey to the vet. Chronic hoarseness when barking can have several different causes, and the veterinarian can better evaluate him to see what’s happening.
I’ll go over some of the reasons for a barker suddenly getting hoarse. Laryngitis is a common diagnosis, but it’s important to figure out the cause. A bacterial or viral infection may be the culprit, or gastroesophageal reflux (where stomach acid flows up into the esophageal tract, causing irritation and inflammation).
Less common causes are masses or tumors growing on or near the dog’s larynx, or other conditions affecting the larynx. ese may require surgery, and the vet will discuss this option with you.
e vet will evaluate Barnsey to see if he has an infection, acid reflux, or if the hoarse barking has another cause. ey’ll then be able to recommend an effective treatment. For example, a bacterial infection would likely be treated with antibiotics. A viral infection has to run its course, but Barnsey would be treated with medications to make him comfortable and reduce inflammation.
If acid reflux is the suspected culprit, the vet may recommend changes to his feeding schedule and the amount of food at each meal. You can also try different varieties of dog food.
(c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
Put this on your bucket list and mark the date. Stand in the shadow of the moon!
Rare Occurrence: Total solar eclipses are relatively rare events. On average, they occur somewhere on Earth roughly every 18 months, but each specific location may only experience a total solar eclipse once every few decades.
Viewing Safety: It’s essential to use proper eye protection when viewing a solar eclipse to prevent damage to your eyes. Specialized solar viewing glasses or eclipse glasses are necessary to safely observe the sun during the event.
Animal Behavior: During a solar eclipse, animals may exhibit unusual behaviors. Birds may return to their nests, thinking it’s nighttime, and nocturnal animals may become active.
Scientific Research: Solar eclipses provide scientists with valuable opportunities to study the sun’s outer atmosphere, known as the corona, which is typically obscured by the sun’s brightness. Researchers can observe and analyze the corona’s structure and dynamics during the brief period of totality.
Eclipse Chasers: Some enthusiasts, known as “eclipse chasers,” travel the world to witness solar eclipses in different locations. ey plan their travels meticulously to ensure they’re in the path of totality for the most spectacular views.
Carrot Carriages:Monday,March25, 6:00pmto7:00pm
CreatecarriagesforPeepsoutofcarrotsthenseeiftheywork.Ages10-18. TinsmithwiththeGeneseeCountry Village&Museum*:Homeschoolers: Tuesday,March26,1:00pmto 2:00pm;GeneralPopulation:Tuesday, March26,2:30pmto3:30pm
Hamlin Public Library
1680 Lake Road, Hamlin 585.964.2320 hamlinlibraryny.org
Mondays/Wednesdays 10am6pm; Tuesdays/Thursdays 10am-8pm; Fridays 10am-4pm; Saturdays 10am-2pm
Hoag Library
134 S. Main St., Albion 585.589.4246
Visit our website for hours. www.hoaglibrary.org
Holley Community
Free Library
86 Public Square, Holley 585.638.6987 • holleylibrary.org
Hrs.: M & W: 10am-1pm & 4-8pm
Tu, Th, & F: 10am-5pm Sat: 10am-2pm until June 22nd (Closed Sat for the Summer)
Seymour Library
161 East Ave., Brockport 585.637.1050
Hrs.: M-Th: 10am-8pm, F: 10am-6pm
Sat: 10am-3pm
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
OurGeneseeCountrytinsmithbrings hiswaresandtools.Learnhisrolein earlyAmericaneconomies.*Registrationisrequired.
PeepsPlaydough:Tuesday,March26, 6:00pmto7:00pm
Createplaydoughoutofpeeps!Ages 5-12.
“AsthePagesTurn”BookClub: Wednesday,March27,11:00amto 12:00pmandThursday,March28, 6:00pmto7:00pm
Thismonth’sbook:“TheHouseof Hunger”byAlexisHenderson.
EclipseChalkArt:Wednesday,March 27,4:00pmto5:00pm
Makeeclipse-themedchalkartwhile learningaboutpartsofaneclipse.
MoonrockMadness!:Friday,March 29,4:00pmto4:30pm
Makeextra-specialmoonrocksusing householdmaterials.Compare moonrockstoEarthrocks!
Toddler PlayTime-Monday,March 25th10:00-11:00am
Drop-inforplaytimewithsensory toysandmore!Gearedtowards childrenages2-3.Noregistration. UnderstandingAlzheimer’sand Dementia-Monday,March25th 1:00-2:00pm
Joinustolearnabouttheimpactof Alzheimer’s.PresentedbytheAlzheimer’sAssociationofRochester& FingerLakesRegion.Registration appreciated,butnotnecessary. BulletJournalClub-Tuesday, March26th6:30-7:30pm
Noregistration.Joineachmonthto socializeandbecreative!
OnlyMurdersintheLibraryBook Club-Wednesday,March276:307:30pm
Title:VeraWong’sUnsolicitedAdviceforMurderersbyJesseQ. Sutanto.StopbyParmaforacopy!
SOLAREclipseWeekendatthe Cobblestone Museum (14389 RidgeRdW,Albion),Apr5-7 (10-3)andApr8(10-4:30).Aprogramofactivitieswillbeprovided withdailyofferings.Tourexhibit roomsandselectheatedbuildings. Blacksmithingdemosattheforge. AutoShow(Sat/Sun,noon-3pm), weatherpermitting.Threeshopsto browse,funphotoops,storytellers andmore.Regularadmissionrates applyorweekendpassfor$25, includesrefreshments&musicon EclipseDay.Protectiveeyewear distributedonApr8.Visithttps:// www.cobblestonemuseum.org/ special-eventsorcall585/589-9013 forfulldetails.
SolarEclipseWeekendatWNY Gas &Steam- EnjoytheEclipseat theWNYGas&SteamEngine GroundsstartingonSaturday-April 6th-PrimitiveCampingavailableon 175acres.Sunday7:30am-12pm. Allyoucaneatpancakebreakfast, tramridesandbeltingdemo’swith theEclipseFrickSteamEngine, PhotoopwiththeEclipseSteam Engine,Blacksmithdemonstrations, Modeltrainsoperatingandmore. Monday-ourgroundswillopenat 11a.m.toviewtheEclipse,BaldwinsCountryStorewillbeonsite Mondaywithdelicioushotfood. Joinusat10294GillateRd., Alexander.Comeoneofthedays orcamptheentireweekend.More info.www.alexandersteamshow. com
“DineOutFundraiser”-Down Syndrome ParentSupport Group.April10@BataviaOriginal Pizzeria.AllDayEvent.Dineinor Takeout.
HLOMJavawithJoeE:Tyler Angora, “Bridesofthe19thCentury -JoinusattheHollandLand OfficeMuseumforthenextedition ofourJavawithJoeE.morning coffeeseriesonThursday,March 28that9am.OurCurator,Tyler Angorawillbesharingthehistory ofbridalfashionthroughoutthe erasofthe19thcentury.Thepresentationwillalsofeatureexamples fromthemuseumcollection. Admissionisfreewithpastriesand coffee.Reservationsarerequired, pleasecontactthemuseumat 585-343-4727or hollandlandoffice@gmail.comto reserveyourspot.
WewanttothankPubCoffeeHub forsponsoringJavawithJoeE.for 2024.
AllBabiesCherishedSpringBasket Raffle!! JoinusApril13th.We willberafflingoffdozensofbaskets,giftcards,largeritems,and 50/50tickets.Lunchincludingbeef onweck,pastasalad,desserts, sodas,etc.willbeonsaleaswell! AdmissionisFREE!Allticketand lunchsaleproceedswillgotoAll BabiesCherished,alocalnon-profit thatprovidesparentingclasses,materialassistance,andmoretothe familiesofourcommunity.Saturday,April13th,11am-2pm,38 WoodrowRd.Batavia,NY(GeneseeCountyChapterNYSARC).
BergenHistoricalSociety- The Bergen HistoricalSocietywillmeet onThursday,4thofAprilat7pmin theByron-BergenPublicLibrary ConferenceRoom(rearentrance). Theprogramfortheeveningwill be,”EdibleandMedicinalPlantsin YourGarden”,presentedbyJoel Humphrey.Thefacilityis handicappedaccessibleandallare welcome.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
* In 1862, the King of Siam offered Abraham Lincoln many elephants on the grounds that a “country as great as the United States should not be without elephants.” President Lincoln politely declined.
* “Digging a hole to China” is theoretically possible if you start in Argentina.
* A flower that smells like chocolate? Yep, but you’ll have to limit your enjoyment of this dark-red Mexican native to sniffing, as the “cosmos atrosanguineus,” or “chocolate cosmos,” isn’t edible.
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
NYCity via Amtrak • July 18-21 $675 pp/dbl
Explore the city on own. Add on NY Yankee tkt. and more!
Great Family trip. Children rates $95-$185
Every April, God rewrites the Book of Genesis. ~ Author Unknown
JoinUsAtTheGoose! Coffee HourEveryWednesdayfrom10:00 a.m.to11a.m.,Justwalkinand joinus!PleaseFollowTheGoose Facebookpageforupdates,additions,andcancellations.The GOOSECommunityCenter,33 SouthMainSt.,Oakfield.http:// www.warriorhouseofwny.com
BenefitforSarahCallahan-SPAGHETTIDINNER$15.Pre-Salewith limitedavailabilityDayof,includes Spaghetti,meatballs,salad,roll& butteranddessert.BASKETRAFFLE. BAKESALE.JoinusforourFundraiserforSarahCallahanonSaturday,March23,1-4pmattheOakfieldFireDepartment,20AlbertSt., Oakfield.
38thAnnualGeneseeValley WoodcarversShow andCompetition - April13,10-4:30pm, RochesterMuseumandScience Center-EisenhartAuditorium,657 EastAvenue,Rochester.Something forallageswithcarvingsofall shapesandsizes.Events:10AM ShowOpens.10:30AMWorking DecoyJudging.3PMRafflesales close.3:30PMRaffledrawingneednotbepresenttowin.4PM Peoples’ChoiceAward.4:30PM ShowCloses.Ourshowfeatures bird,fish,caricatures,youthcarvings,demonstrations,andmore. Soapcarvingkitsforyouth(no charge)availablewhilesupplies last.Raffleforcarvingsandcarving relateditems-neednotbepresent towin.Information:http:// gvwoodcarvers.com
Explore Maine • Aug. 4-10 $2,350 pp/dbl
14 meals including Lobster Bake and so much more!
Mackinac Island • Sept. 14-18
2 nights ON Island. Call for details!
Macy’s Day Parade • Nov. 20-23 $950 pp/dbl. Hotel 3 blocks from parade route.
Great Family trip. Children rates $95-$185 Call 585-250-8103 or visit www.travelwithcathy.com
If you are a former employee of Eastman Kodak in Rochester, NY between 1979 and 1998 please contact Mr. Boccuzzi’s attorney, Christopher Hersom, at: Belluck & Fox, LLP • 877-534-2503 (Toll Free Number)
Email: tcarini@belluckfox.com
Any information would be greatly appreciated. ank you.
Level: Advanced
Frank & Hale Burch Farm Online Auction
Bidding closes Monday, March 25th at 3pm
Preview: Monday, March 25th from 9am until Noon
Lunch provided Hilton, NY - Full address will be posted on our website the night before.
SELLING: (2) Kubota M8540N tractors w/loaders; Ford 540 & 515 tractors w/loaders; NH TN90F tractor; MF 2675 tractor; plus other Ford & Case tractors; ‘98 Mack CH600 road tractor; ‘91 IH road tractor; Fruehauf trailers; other vehicles and a large collection of orchard, irrigation & tillage equipment, tools, supplies, totes, ladders and more! OVER 700 lots!
Bidding closes ursday, March 28th at 5pm
Items located throughout Western New York
SELLING: JD 4020; JD 3020; Farmall Super C; Farmall 806; IH 656 Hydro; Same 130; & MF tractors; JD 544C payloader; Gradall & Lull telehandlers; ‘10 Navistar 7600 feed truck; ‘97 Ford F650 roll back; ‘91 Load King lowboy; NH 240 forage harvester; NH Super 1049 bale wagon; NH 1495 haybine; Case IH 8530, JD 336, NH 575, & Case IH 8420 balers; H&S & NH rakes; double hitchs, tedder, inverter; White 8100 6 row planter; Unverferth 130 strip till; Case IH 720 4 btm plow; White 508 4btm plow; Case IH & JD drills; plus tillage, mowers, cattle equipment, and much more!
PLAYER PIANO - has music to go into it. 585-670-9402
Reeds, books and handles for BASKET WEAVING. nlucas@rochester.rr.com
1-1/2’ stack of OLD POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINES. 585-385-9938
Two large PORCELAIN RABBITS - Mr. & Mrs. Rabbit and a large bag of PLASTIC EASTER EGGS. 585-519-1694
WURLITZER PIANO from the old Batavia Party House. You pick up, Batavia. 585-343-6821
Box of STAINED GLASS and CLEAR GLASS. 585-964-2405
48” LOVESEAT, blue color. Like brand new. QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS, like brand new. 585-356-3378
1978 KENWOOD STEREO RECEIVER, perfect condition. aimeen@juno.com for p/up detail
SPORTS CARDS - Duplicate, possibly triplicate of MLB, NBA, & NFL of various years. You pick up. desantisea@aol.com
ResMed CPAP MACHINE. With HumidAire 3i and S8 Escape System. Farmington. 585-202-0914
SEARS CRAFTSMAN 10” TABLE SAW. Needs new belt. You pick up, Canandaigua. Bob, 585-394-7746
QUEEN SIZE SOFA SLEEPER. Beige/flower design. You pick up, Newark. 315-945-3928
DISNEY VHS TAPES. Around thirty of them. You pick up, Hilton/ Hamlin area. 585-474-9473
CHRISTIAN TRACTS, BOOKS and BIBLES. Call after 3pm or leave a message. 585-436-8158
1945 ROPER GAS STOVE. Leave message. 585-323-1762
MODEL RAILROAD LAYOUT, HO scale, partially built. 8’x16’. Largely modular. Text 585-645-9835
OIL BASE PAINT: All colors. DO NOT TEXT. 585-377-0878.
CATTLEYA ORCHID that you no longer want. I would love to adopt it! Will pick up. Webster/Penfield area. Text or call 585-217-3397
Senior lady hoping to find OUTDOOR COVER for an older Simplicity Riding Lawnmower. Not too far from Williamson please. 315-310-3897
Seeking a DIRT BIKE or ATV, running or not for father son project. Text or call Matt 315-576-1278
Seeking a WEBER GRILL you are no longer using and is collecting dust. Call or text Matt 315-576-1278
Small ROWBOAT or CANOE in seaworthy condition and a small CULTIVATOR/ROTOTILLER. Call or text 585-993-1917
BATHROOM WALL DECOR and cute storage table for faculty bathrooms for a local elementary school! Kurtar20@gmail.com
White plastic or resin LAWN CHAIRS, any condition. Will pick up. Call or text 585-356-8742
HOYT VTM 31 COMPOUND BOW in good condition. 585-645-2618
Senior citizen collecting RECYCLED BOTTLES/CANS to supplement fixed income. Please Monroe County only. seniorcitrecycles@gmail.com
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS, especially Christmas village houses & Lemax accessories. In good condition for LeRoy Joy Project. 585-813-5089
Food Pantry in need of CARD TABLE. 585-690-3085
FISHING EQUIPMENT – Fly reel and pole. COSTUME JEWELRY. 585-415-8513
Sturdy DINING ROOM TABLE for senior citizen. 585-381-6546 Any season of THE MENTALIST on DVD starring Simon Baker (in English). qwakrkpr@yahoo.com
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com
under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
I have an advanced programming procedure that can maximize your ability to understand speech clearly with your current hearing aids.
We honor all warranties no matter where purchased.
Over 25 years of experience
Andrew F. Morabito, HIS
95 Canal Landing Blvd., Suite #5 Rochester, NY 14626
DID YOU KNOW? Leisure activities may be widely viewed as fun ways to fill up free time, but the benefits of leisure activities extend beyond beating boredom. A 2011 analysis published in the journal BBA Molecular Basis of Disease found that leisure activities have a positive impact on cognitive function and dementia. The analysis, conducted by researchers with the Aging Research Center in Stockholm who examined various studies regarding the relationship between certain activities and cognitive function, defined leisure activity as the voluntary use of free time for activities outside the home. After retirement, leisure time constitutes a large part of many retirees’ lives, and finding ways to fill that time is more beneficial than merely avoiding boredom. The researchers behind the study concluded that the existing research is insufficient to draw any firm conclusions regarding the effects of certain types of leisure activities on the risk for dementia and cognitive decline, though they did note that multi-domain cognitive training has the potential to improve cognitive function in healthy older adults and slow decline in affected individuals. A multi-domain approach to cognitive training involves memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and map reading, among other activities. Aging adults who embrace activities that require the use of such skills may find that they’re not only finding stimulating ways to fill their free time, but increasing their chances of long-term cognitive health as well.
• Have stubborn stains in the toilet? Put some teeth in your cleaning job by dropping in a denture-cleaning tablet and letting it sit overnight. In the morning, scrub and flush. It just might do the job.
• “Lighten blemish spots on your skin with lemon juice. Just dab on several times per day.” -- O.M. in Georgia
• Take soap scum right off your shower curtain -- spray with vinegar and water mixture, then throw it in the washer. Hang it right back up, and those mildew stains are gone!
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
Please walk facing the oncoming traffic!
Every time we passed by the old stone wall in Geneseo, my grandma would lament over the fallen stones and disrepair of the historical and prominent feature that hugs the edge of downtown. What the Save the Wall group is doing by rebuilding the crumbled stone wall is a true service to the community and to history itself. Please know that we notice and appreciate the hard work it takes to fix it. The wall looks amazing and grandma would be so delighted and proud of everyone who worked so hard to fix it. Thank You!
After years of walking to and from work I’m retired now, but I continue to walk daily to stay in shape. Most of the streets and roads in my neighborhood do not have sidewalks so I have to walk along the edge of the roadway or shoulder (if available). From a child I was always taught to walk facing the oncoming traffic which in America usually means to walk to the left side. Before sharing this “vent” I even checked several websites to see if that is still the rule and yes, it is. So it annoys me when I have to change sides to avoid an oncoming walkeroften with a dog or dogs - that is walking WITH the oncoming traffic instead of facing it. Don’t they know that is dangerous when they can’t see the oncoming traffic or don’t they care they endanger my welfare by forcing me to temporarily cross the road to avoid them?
The beginning of spring in Western New York is like a welcome relief after the long winter months. There’s a shift in the air as the days get longer and the weather starts to warm up (hopefully consistently soon) and as everything starts to come back to life like the buds on trees and flowers starting to bloom. I’m ready to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, whether it’s taking a walk in the park or simply sitting outside and soaking up the sunshine.
Public Decency
I appreciate the effort and dedication that goes into markets, which are noticeably gaining more and more popularity even in our “small” towns. I love supporting real artisans and discovering one-of-a-kind items while spending time out in my community. There’s something special about seeing the hardworking owners/creators/sellers, hearing their stories, and knowing that each purchase directly supports their passion and livelihood.
I recently attended a high school sporting event with my grandchild and had to ask the man behind me to please “not use that language” as he was spewing out vulgarity. My husband and I were at a restaurant a week later and asked to move our seating because the person in the booth behind us was using the same vulgar word every other sentence. The signs on people’s vehicles and in people’s yards displaying vulgarity has increased. What has happened to our society? We are not going to change a person’s behavior but if you are tired of this then please contact your local and state representatives. There is a big difference between “free speech” and public obscenity. How a person talks in a private setting or their homes is their business but why should any of us have to hear/see that by going to public places or driving down the street in our cars? If enough people take the time to complain to our leaders it just might make a difference, especially since this has gotten so out of hand.
DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband had a small stroke last spring, causing a minor loss of vision in his left eye. He is 81 and an otherwise active man. He has even been told by several doctors that he can drive. One doctor told him to stop using meclizine and Viagra. Another physician said that he didn’t see a problem with taking the meds. Both physicians are very skilled. Whose advice should he follow? -- M.M.
ANSWER: A stroke is caused by the death of brain cells, most commonly due to poor blood flow in the brain, and it’s critical to avoid any medication that will increase the risk of stroke. Meclizine is an antihistamine medicine most commonly used for motion sickness and sometimes used for vertigo. Although it has been reported to cause blurry vision, the risk of taking meclizine in a person with a history of a stroke is minimal.
The situation with Viagra is more complex. A rare side effect of Viagra is nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION), affecting one in every 10,000 people over 50. A person with a history of NAION should not take Viagra.
There isn’t good evidence that Viagra is dangerous for a person who had a stroke. One trial suggested that there was benefit in reducing the size of a stroke with Viagra. However, Viagra does lower blood pressure by a few points, so if your husband’s blood pressure is on the borderline, this might be an issue.
I can’t give you a definitive answer, but most authorities say that a man who is stable, has good blood pressure and is more than six months out from his stroke does need not stop Viagra.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
On Saturday, March 2, 2024, Roxanne Noeth made Section V Athletics history by becoming the first woman to coach a boys varsity basketball team to a sectional championship in the 103-year history of the organization. e win marks the first sectional championship in Byron-Bergen boys basketball history. e only other Byron-Bergen basketball sectional championship was in 1984 when 9th grader Noeth was called up from JV to help the girls varsity team to victory.
As a member of that championship 1984 team, Noeth carved out a place for herself in Byron-Bergen athletics’ history, setting the single game scoring record in 1987, which was tied in 2022 by varsity boys’ basketball player, Corden Zimmerman, and broken by boys’ captain, Braedyn Chambry, this season. Noeth still holds the girls’ basketball single game scoring record and was inducted into the Byron-Bergen Athletics Hall of Fame in 2010.
A er graduation, Noeth attended St. John Fisher where she played Division III basketball and so ball. She is also a member of the St. John Fisher Athletics Hall of Fame. She coached collegiate women’s basketball at RIT before stepping away to raise her children. She returned to Byron-Bergen basketball in 2009 when she volunteered for her children’s basketball teams. In 2017, she was hired as head coach of the boys’ varsity team.
Noeth was hired by Athletic Director Rich Hannan and Superintendent Pat McGee, who was High School Principal at the time. Hannan says, “I couldn’t be prouder of Coach Noeth and the job she has done with this program. I have watched her build the team for many years now. She is extremely knowledgeable and puts her heart and soul into giving her athletes the best opportunity possible to achieve their greatest potential. She leaves no stone unturned and is always prepared. Her passion rubs off on her team and you can see it in her players.”
Outside the Byron-Bergen community, Noeth noticed some raised eyebrows. Despite the abundance of men coaching girls’ teams, Noeth was o en the only woman in the room for boys’ basketball. According to Noeth, the first three years as head coach were tough, but she soon made a name for herself and the team within the division. In 2023, she became the first woman named Section V Class C3 Coach of the Year for Boys Basketball, a title she kept for the 2024 season in C2.
McGee says, “Coach Noeth is an excellent role model for her players and all our future coaches. e Sectionals win was huge for
our community, but I also feel the enormous impact it has made on the future of Section V coaching.”
Byron-Bergen Assistant Principal Katie Grattan says, “Seeing Coach Noeth raise the Sectional trophy was a reminder of what is possible. e future coaches of Section V are watching.”
When asked about her legacy, Noeth states, “ e impact of my coaching a boys’ team, the impact it is having on young girls and women, it’s definitely a positive side effect, but it’s not why I coach. I love this team. I love this sport. I’m just a coach. I’m excited for my alma mater because a lot of great players have played there, and they’ve never achieved this level of success.”
ough Byron-Bergen lost their Class C crossover game, and the season is finished now, their historic win will surely carry their spirits for a while.
With time to reflect on the public’s reception of her achievement, Noeth admits it is important for people to see women in maledominated positions, and she understands why people now see her as such an important figure.
However, Noeth says, “A coach is only as good as their players. I was a player myself. I know. With the current seniors graduating, I have to prove myself again, we have to prove ourselves again.” She explains her unique perspective as a female coaching boys: “ ere are things I pick up on in their day-to-day routines, their mental state [...] that may get overlooked by male coaches.” Perhaps that’s what makes her such a good coach.
Since that historic win, Noeth says she o en fields questions about the future. Specifically asked if she’s going to retire now that she achieved the ultimate coaching milestone, she says, “I don’t feel like I’m done. I still have something to offer.” She explains that each year is a fresh challenge, a new lineup of players to bring together as a team.
She loves the challenge each season brings, and she looks forward to next season, working to create a cohesive, thriving team again. When she hears current and upcoming players are excited that she will return, that gives her added motivation to return for them.
Join us as the Director of Head Start at Community Action of Orleans and Genesee.
Head Start is the oldest and largest program of its kind in the United States. As the Director of Head Start, you will lead a team of dedicated professionals who provide comprehensive early childhood education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to our community. You will also be responsible for developing and implementing innovative strategies to improve the quality and outcomes of our program, in alignment with our mission and vision. You will be a visionary leader who is open to change, able to generate fresh new ideas, and passionate about moving the agency forward. If you have a strong background in early childhood education, management, and grant administration, and you share our commitment to serving children and families in need, we want to hear from you. Apply today and join us in making a positive impact on the future of our society.
• Assess need and establish goals of Head Start programs and develop ways to meet them.
• Seek out, secure and apply/renew funding applications to maintain current programs, and develop new areas (within current programs or as need is identified and prioritized).
• Maintain liaisons between state and national funders (ex. Head Start/Early Head Start regional and national office) in Orleans and Genesee counties for all Head Start programs.
• Supervises Content Area Managers, Program Managers, Site Coordinators, and Specialists and Consultants for all Head Start programs.
• Responsible for implementation of Community Action Personnel Policies.
• Oversees administrative documentation files/records requested by the grantees, HHS/ACF, OCFS and other certifying agencies at the Administrative Office.
• Coordinates collaboration with community agencies and resources to enhance the effectiveness of all Head Start Programs.
• Assures compliance with all Head Start Program regulations and standards according to funding agencies and regulators.
• Develops/directs strategies for the effective integration of the content areas with Area Managers, Program Managers, Specialists.
• Administers the budget for the Head Start, Early Head Start and EHSCCP Programs.
• Establishes method of hearing and resolving community complaints about the Head Start/Early Head Start and other Children and Youth Programs.
• Works closely with CEO and staff director team to assure agency mission, vision and values are carried out.
• Bachelor’s degree required. Master's Degree preferred in Early Childhood Education or Human Services/Social Work.
• Five years or more experience in early childhood/infant and toddler education field. Direct Head Start experience preferred.
• ree years or more administrative experience, including supervision of staff.
• Experience working in or closely with human service and/or education agencies.
• Ability to maintain confidentiality of agency, staff, and client information.
• is position requires a valid driver’s license, an acceptable driving record, and acceptable insurance coverage limits per agency policies.
Position Location: Albion
Full Time – Exempt
$60,278 - $82,190 Salary Range
Respond by March 31, with resume and cover letter to:
Susan Jessmer, HR Administrator
409 East State Street Albion, NY 14411 hr@caoginc.org
Batavia auto collision shop that takes great pride in its work is looking for Auto Body Technicians that feel the same. Experience required. Hours are 8am-5pm Monday –Friday. Clean, modern shop, good pay with great benefits.
Paid vacations, paid holidays, health insurance and company matched retirement plan. Pay range $25-$35/hr.
Gardeners around Rochester are busy dreaming of and planning this season’s plots. What early spring bloom common around here is your favorite?
• Snowdrops
• Crocus
• Daffodil
• Tulip
Poll ends 03-26-2024
Poll ended 03-19-2024
March in Western NY brings maple sugaring weekends, festivals, and pancake breakfasts across our region. What is your favorite part of maple weekends?
11.1% Sampling fresh maple syrup straight from the source
22.2% Tasting maple treats like candy and donuts
22.2% Joining family and friends for pancake breakfast traditions
44.4% Enjoying the beautiful late-winter, early spring weather
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MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
On March 22, 1947, President Harry Truman establishes a sweeping loyalty investigation of federal employees in response to public fears of communism in the U.S. Congress had already launched investigations of communist influence in Hollywood.
e Genesee County Public Defender is seeking a full-time Legal Clerk-Typist and a full-time Assistant Public Defender for its criminal division. For additional information, please visit the Human Resources link on the Genesee County website at www.co.genesee.ny.us. Resumes and Civil Service applications can be sent by mail to: Jerry Ader, Public Defender, at the County Courts Facility, 1 West Main Street, Batavia, New York 14020, by fax to 585-344-8553 or by e-mail to jerry.ader@co.genesee.ny.us
Any questions can be addressed to:
Jamie Amburgey, Office Manager, at 585-815-7815
All qualified applicants will be afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or marital status.
When leaving a job, it is important that professionals exhibit a certain measure of grace and etiquette. Leaving a job with dignity and mutual respect can benefit professionals in the short- and long-term.
Southside Trailer Service Inc. is looking for an Experienced Mechanic in our light, medium and heavy duty truck and trailer repair shop. Would prefer some experience, but not needed. 40+ hours per week. Starting pay $16+.
We are a family owned business!
Please contact:
Craig Smith at 716-481-3765 or email: csmith@southsidetrailer.com
1. LITERATURE: What is the name of the kingdom in “The Princess Bride”?
2. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In British royalty, what is King Charles’ family name?
3. TELEVISION: Which TV sitcom features Sheldon’s catchphrase “Bazinga!”?
4. U.S. STATES: Which U.S. state is home to the Awatovi Ruins, a national historic landmark?
5. HISTORY: According to a WWII government slogan, what sinks ships?
6. GEOGRAPHY: What is the name of the small principality that lies between Spain and France?
7. ANATOMY: Which part of the brain controls hunger?
8. LANGUAGE: The Latin word “caput” refers to what part of the human anatomy?
9. SCIENCE: Which color has the longest wavelength in the visible spectrum?
10. FOOD & DRINK: What is the primary alcohol used in margaritas?
10. Tequila.
9. Red.
8. The head.
7. Hypothalamus.
6. Andorra.
5. Loose lips.
4. Arizona.
3. “The Big Bang Theory.”
2. Mountbatten-Windsor.
1. Florin.
is accepting applications for the following positions:
Bus Driver, Custodian, Cleaner, Cafeteria Monitor, Food Service Helper, Teacher Aide, and Subs in all areas.
Current Openings:
Spanish Teacher, Social Worker, School Counselor
2024-2025 School Year: Math Teacher, Literacy AIS Teacher, Technology Teacher
Anticipated Teaching Vacancies: ESL, Secondary Special Education, Elementary Special Education, Elementary
For all positions, apply on-line at:
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Holy Thursday, which falls on the Thursday before Easter Sunday, commemorates The Last Supper of Jesus Christ. During The Last Supper, Jesus,whoChristiansbelieveistheSonofGod,establishedthesacrament of Holy Communion. The Last Supper was the final meal Jesus enjoyed with his disciples in Jerusalem, and it was during The Last Supper when Jesus predicted one of those disciples would ultimately betray him. Holy Thursday is sometimes referred to as “Maundy Thursday,” a reference to the religious rite of maundy, which is the washing of the feet. The Last Supper and the rite of maundy are connected because it was during The Last Supper that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. Though The Last Supper, during which Jesus gave his disciples bread, telling them it was his body, and wine, telling them it was his blood, is celebrated at every Mass as part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, Holy Thursday Mass places even greater emphasis on this significant event.