Tri-County - Genesee Valley Penny Saver 09-01-2022

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September 2, 2022 | TRI-COUNTY | 866.812.8111 | GVPENNYSAVER.COM your Hometown connection PRSRTSTD. USPostage PAID Permit#43 ittsford,PNY


Make it light and bright. Open up all of the drapes and blinds, and turn on overhead lights so the house is well-lit. Add table lamps or other fixtures to especially dim rooms.


Use common ‘scents.’ Skip the fish, bacon or other aromatic meals for a few days, as such foods can leave lingering aromas. Baked goods, vanilla and cinnamon might make for more appealing scents.



Prospective buyers may not be able to see past personal belongings and may even be distracted by them. For example, buyers who have strong beliefs about animal welfare may not buy a home displaying hunting trophies. Remove personalized items where possible, replacing them with generic items.

Put things in storage. Rent a storage unit to house items that can make a home appear cluttered. Clean out closets and cabinets, so that when buyers “snoop” during appointments or open houses they see orderly storage areas. If closets are brimming with stuff, buyers may assume the house doesn’t have enough storage space and move on.

Homeowners who want to make their properties stand out can take the following steps. De-personalize the home. Homeowners fill their spaces with family photos, heirlooms, personal interests, and other conversation pieces.

TyphoonTip(1979): This was the largest and most intense Pacific typhoon ever recorded.

Listing Agent: David Snell 585-590-0280 • 107 N. Main St., Albion, NY 14411

At its largest,Tip was nearly half the size of the contiguous United States.Tip affected Japan, Russia, China, Alaska, and the Philippines.


Making a home sell fast involves preparation and the knowledge that buyers are often greatly influenced by their first impressions.

Saturday, September 3 • 1-3pm 41 Liberty Street, Brockport $109,000 2 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms. Colonial style house. Move-in condition. Includes an additional wooded lot. Within walking distance to downtown. MLS #R1426943

Remove extraneous items from kitchen counters and replace them with vases of flowers. In addition, set up dining spaces as if one were sitting down to a meal, and ensure appliances are sparkling clean.

REAL ESTATE ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page2 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 R EAL E STATE S ECTION ActiveLiving50+ 13 Auctions&Antiques 20 Body&Mind 10 Classifieds 30 Employment 25 GarageSales 5 Give&Take 14 HomeServices 15 HometownEvents 22 KidzKorner 7 PetPlace 6 PuzzleAnswers 20 RealEstate 2 Vibes&Rants 4


The sentiment “don’t judge a book by its cover” can be applied to many situations. When it comes to selling their homes, homeowners should remember this adage as they prepare their homes for prospective buyers.

Create a hotel experience. Forbes suggests making bathrooms look like a spa. Stack a few pretty washcloths tied with ribbon, add some scented candles and faux plants and buy bathmats and towels in coordinating tones.

Improve the exterior. HGTV says that curb appeal is crucial to making a strong first impression. A messy or lackluster landscape can turn buyers away even before they reach the front door. Mow the lawn and make sure shrubbery has been trimmed. Seasonal potted flowers and plants can help make the house look polished. Repair cracks or damaged walkways, and consider a fresh coat of paint on trim around windows and doors. Pressure-wash siding if necessary.

All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500

Location: Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES 3589 Big Ridge Rd Room 116, Spencerport, NY Dates/times: 9/12/2022 3pm-6pm 9/29/2022 12/1/202211/2/202210/27/202210/11/20223pm-6pm3pm-6pm3pm-6pm3pm-6pm3pm-6pm Location: Perinton Community Center 1350 Turk Hill Rd Room 200, Fairport, NY 14450 Dates/times: 9/9/2022 10/28/202210/19/202210/8/20229/26/20229/17/20229am-1pm9am-1pm9am-1pm9am-1pm9am-11am9am-11am



WPV 59D Monroe Ave., Pittsford, NY 14534 585-568-8340

Dates/times: 9/24/2022 10/27/202210/15/20229am-12pm9am-12pm9am-12pm

- Flu Prevention Partners

Dates/Times: 10/1/2022 9am-12pm

Location: Laurelton Fire Department 405 Empire Blvd, Rochester, NY 14609 Dates/times: 10/8/2022 9am-12pm

Location: Hegedorn’s Market 964 Ridge Rd, Webster, NY 14580 Dates/times: 9/17/2022 9am-12pm 9/25/2022 9am-12pm 10/9/2022 10/22/20229am-12pm9am-12pm

Location: Herrema’s Marketplace 125 Pattonwood Drive, Rochester, NY 14617 Dates/times: 9/24/2022 10/16/20229am-12pm9am-12pm Location: Greece Town Hall 1 Vince Tofany Blvd, Rochester, NY 14612 Dates/times: 9/12/2022 12pm-5pm 9/16/2022 9am-1pm 9/19/2022 12pm-5pm 9/28/2022 9am-1pm 10/7/2022 10/25/202210/18/202210/12/20229am-1pm1pm-4pm9am-12pm9am-12pm

Location: Lake Shore Fire District 1 Long Pond Rd, Rochester, NY 14612

Location: Ridge Rd Fire Department 1299 Long Pond Rd, Rochester, NY 14626

Plan Your Visit To One Of Our Walk-In Clinics TODAY! For people 18 years & older

Location: Town of Canandaigua 5440 Route 5 & 20 Canandaigua, NY Dates/times: 10/5/2022 11am-1pm Location: Town of Gates 1605 Bufalo Rd Gates, NY Dates/times: 9/16/2022 11am-1pm Location: Webster Farmer’s Market 1028 Ridge Rd, Webster, NY 14580 Dates/times: 9/24/2022 9am-12pm

Location: Honeoye Falls Mendon Volunteer Ambulance 210 East St, Honeoye Falls, NY 14472 Dates/times: 9/19/2022 4pm-6pm

Dogs at Concerts in the Park My family and I love going to the summer concerts in the park. For safety reasons, most of the villages do not allow dogs, but when we go to [certain] evening concerts, there are always people who have to bring their dogs. Last week, there were a couple of dogs that were barking and snarling at each other. This frightened my children enough that they wanted to go home. Then, every time a dog would walk by, other dogs would set them off all over again. This is very annoying. Please, people, leave your pets at home so others can enjoy the concerts. In America To the rant titled "Private Property: indeed." It is nice that in Scotland, there is mutual respect of property. However, we live in America where there is not mutual respect of property. I support the original rant. The family should've asked for permission. How hard is it to ask a simple question? If anyone in the family had been injured while on that person's property, they would not have hesitated to sue the landowner. In America, we don't respect each other, our laws, or our government. "Personal boundaries" have not become ridiculous in this country. What is ridiculous is your lack of respect. If you like the way they do things in Scotland, please consider relocating there.

Thanks, Maxine! Maxine, you are the best! Thank you for the healthy snack. - Jill Here’s to a new school year! Thanks in advance to all those who put our children first when we entrust them to your care this school year. Teachers, administrators, nurses, counselors, coaches, aides, cafeteria monitors, bus drivers, buildings & grounds personal, crossing guards (and anyone we missed.) To all those driver’s out there, please watch for stopped buses and walkers as the new school year begins. Thank you! Thanks to my mother-in-law for coming through in the clutch and watching our oldest son this week. Couldn’t do it without you!

HOMETOWN PHOTOS SNAP & ShareSNA Send us your photos and captions at under My Hometown

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page4 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 RAVES RANTSGo to WWW.GVPENNYSAVER.COM and submit your own Rants and Raves under the tab - SHARE WITH US Companion Animal Protection To "No Support,” and any renter who needs a companion animal for their mental health: Help is available, and you don't need certification for a support dog. All you need is a written statement from a medical care provider, therapist, or social worker stating that the animal is an emotional support animal needed for the tenant's ability to safely and fully enjoy the premises. If the landlord or property manager still refuses to allow the animal, they are in violation of both state and federal law. Further information and assistance are available through the Center for Disability Rights, the New York State Division of Human Rights, and the Humane Society.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page5 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 HOBBIES FOR DIFFERENT PERSONALITY TYPES involvedorForsomeleaguescantheirAthletescanpursueahostofpotentialhobbiesoractivitiesthatwillfosterloveofsports.Menandwomenwhostillhaveahopintheirstepsignuptocompeteinadultsportsleagues.Dependingonthesport,mightbeavailabletoadultsofvariousagesandskilllevels,andmayevenbemorefocusedonfunthancompetition.athleteswhocannolongerlaceuptheircleats,coachingyouthsportsvolunteeringtocoachatanearbyschoolprovidesachancetostayevenifcompetingisnolongerpossible. 2nd, 3rd & 4th BROCKPORTMCCORMICK PLACEoffEastAvenue,September9-10DON’TMISSTHIS MULTIFAMILYSALE.9:00-5:00 .LOTSofTREASURESAntiques, outdoorfurniture,costumejewelry,designerclotheswithtags on,tools,campinggear,gadgets, books,RaeDunnmugs,newgas smoker,sportsequipment,wine cooler,lamps,metal2shelfstorage cabinet,cds,scarves,wintercoats, boots,variousglassitems,Queen comforters,Christmasstuffgalore, catbeds,woodenfluteandmusic book,andSOMUCHMORE! COME,BROWSE,BUY!!! Yard sales are popular ways to make money and clear homes of unwanted items. YARD SALE TIPS Leave young kids at home. Many kids will grow bored after the first yard sale, if not earlier. Hire a sitter and shop unencumbered. WESTHENRIETTA: 75Sedgley ParkSeptember3,4,5HugeGarage andYardSale:10am-5pm-Household items,collectibles,holidayitemsand decor,GardenandYarditems.All mustgo.CashOnly HILTON:5856West Wautoma BeachRd.9/2&9/3(9am-4pm)Every Man’sDream.Brandnewandslightly usedwoodworkinghandandpower tools,professionalpressurewasher, brandnewrefrigerator,St.CroixFishingpools,miscellaneoushousehold itemsstillinpackages.Cashand Carry. OUTDOOR CRAFTANDVENDOR SALE!OVER45Tents!6181Cook Rd.,Byron.Saturday,September10th 10-4pm. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! $0 OPTIONS!**FINANCINGDOWN Prepare for Power Outages & Save Money ACT NOW TO RECEIVE A $300 OFFER!*SPECIAL (877) 223-1218 *O er value when purchased at retail. **Financing available through authorized Generac partners. Solar panels sold separately. UOTE! PWRcell, Generac’s fully-integrated solar + battery storage system, stores solar energy that can power your whole home during utility power outages and save you money on your electric bill. HOW COLLEGE STUDENTS CAN CUT LIVING EXPENSES The cost of college tuition is a concern for many college-bound students and expensestherecatchingplanningCollegetuitiontheirfamilies.Thecostofacollegeeducationcontinuestorise,butit’snotjustandroomandboardthatstudentsandtheirfamiliesmustaccountfor.studentsmayunderestimatecost-of-livingexpenseswhentheirschool-yearbudgets.Butsuchexpensescanbesubstantial,eventhemostwell-preparedstudentsoffguard.Fortunately,areseveralwaysforcollegestudentstosavemoneyonlivingandstillmakethemostoftheirtimeoncampus.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page6 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 Penny Saver Send us a photo and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Email to: or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS. Hi! My name is Willow. I have a sister, Fiona, whom I love very much. We love to run, play, sometimesand I see what kind of mischief I can get into. I also try to help Mom harvest the garden. Aren’t I such a good girl? To learn more about Paws With A Cause and to find out how you can help, just download this simple app and watch this story come to life: GET ZAPPAR ZAPTHE CODE TO DONATE Provided as a community service by this civic minded publication and the Association of Community Publishers Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 10th & 11th Sponsored By Adults - $4.00, Sr. Cit. (60+) - $3.00 Ages 6-14 - $1.00, 5 & under - FREE FOOD & BEVERAGES AVAILABLE MACEDON CENTER’sField Rt. 31F at 2481 Canandaigua Rd. Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (866) 643-0438 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions FREE 7-YearWarranty*Extended A $695 Value! 70 S. Lake Ave. (Rt. 19), Bergen • 494-2056 • cra New Hours: urs. & Fri. 10am-5pm • Sat. 10am-4pm • Closed Sun.-Wed. Craft Supplies Unlimited We carry cross stitch supplies, beads and ndings, general cra supplies, knit and crochet notions, novelty yarns, paints and brushes, vases, baskets, ribbons & gi items ALL 50% OFF!* *sale does not include jewelry, fabric remnants, and vintage items. With over 23 years’ experience, we will treat your home, business, or cottage so you’re bug-free all season! All major credit cards accepted. Professional Pest Control Services is here to help you with all your pest concerns! Yellow Jacket, Wasps & Hornet Nests ClustertreatmentFly, Boxelder and Stink Bug removal (9 month warranty)

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page7 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 D National September 3, 2022 D D A Y L E O O doodles have long-term neurological and physical e ects. and help break a creative block. It can calm us, help us process information faster, According to research, What can you lines?3withcreatetheserandom What is a doodle? A doodle is a drawing made by someone whose mind is otherwise occupied at the time. etc.notes,meetingtextbooks,schoolofmarginstheindrawingsincludeExamples Sponsored By: 585-391-3099 • 34 S. Main St., Brock Thank you for your support...from your local pizzeria! Order online at theroosterpub.pizzaDinein, Take-out or Delivery by th st b.pi ne n, akeOpen For Lunch Fri., Sat. & Sun. Your Local Hometown Pizzeria • GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE Monday Special Large 16” One Topping Pizza $13.99 Tuesday Special Large One Topping Pizza and 10 Wings $29.99 Fish EveryFrysDay! WEDNESDAY NIGHT WING NIGHT! .98¢ wings (dine in)

• Covid • Insufficient Pay • Lack of Respect • Virtual/Distance Learning • Other Poll Ends 09-06-22 Poll Results 08-30-22

Close the valve after cooking. Always make sure the valve is tightly closed after cooking. Refresh Your Home for Spring Reorganize cluttered areas If a room (or rooms) in your house are in disarray, start by reorganizing those often-used spaces to give them a like-new look and feel. Begin by removing everything from the room - including the furniture, if you’re ableand separate your belongings into boxes or piles based on what you plan to put back in the room, move to another location and throw away or donate. Once you’ve cleaned the space, resituate the necessary furniture then place items you’re keeping back in their places in tidy fashion so they’re easy to locate.

For decades, people young and old have flocked to movie theaters for the latest film releases, but times are changing. Movies are increasingly and quickly available through streaming services in the comfort of one’s own home. Combined with what some have described as a “block buster desert,” this has led many movie goers to become movie “stayers.” How will you watch the next film that catches your interest? 18% In a movie theater 0% Online 36% Streaming through my TV 46% Nothing catches my interest. We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit!

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page8 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 9 deliveredEditionsweekly to 85,000 Homes 140,000 Print Readers 75,000 Digital Readers Office: PO Box 340 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414 Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390 President ...........................Steve Harrison Vice President ...................Kimberly Dougherty General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam Director of Advertising Sales ............................Colleen Mann Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone Production Supervisor .................................Je Wasson Circulation Manager .............................Shari Rapone Members of: GoldPublicationStandard National Award Winning Paper *We are not a liated with NY State or Empire NYSHIP ** is is not a medical evaluation. is is a hearing aid evaluation to determine the need for ampli cation. 95 Canal Landing Blvd. Suite #5 Rochester, NY 14626 Andrew F. Morabito, HIS Hearing Instrument Specialist Does your insurancecover hearing aids? We will nd out for you. Give us a call today. 585-360-2540 UNITED HEALTHCARE EPIC Hearing $375-$1,425Aids Excellus BlueCross BlueShield • $699-$999TruHearing Call today to schedule an appointment. Over 25 years of experience GAS GRILL SAFETY TIPS

Online POLL Like many areas around the nation, Rochester is experiencing a teacher shortage. The President of the Rochester Teachers Association states that the shortage is five times worse than it has been in recent years. What do you think the primary cause for this is?

For more information or to donate, visit A Young Eagle receives certi cate from Pilot/Owner/ Builder Dave Hurd in front of his Glassair! Lake Ontario from the cockpit - Tres D.“How was your ight?”Tres D. climbs aboard his rst ight with the Young Eagles!

Brockport Young Eagles Program Takes


Across our great nation, kids are blessed to have many career possibilities available to them. One of the most exciting of these elds is aviation. e EAA’s Young Eagles Program is inspiring children around the world to dream of ight. e Experimental Aircra Association (EAA) Chapter 44 is an “organization of aviation enthusiasts” which operates out of the Sport parentstypicallytheclosearebriefedintroducedandParentsaYoungchildrenrideAtoYoungsummer,exploringbuildingItsAviationCenter(SAC)locatedattheLedgedaleAirport(7G0)inBrockport.missionistoeducateothersabout“aviation,aviationsafety,aircraandmaintenanceskills,”while“introducingyouthstoaviation,Rochester’saviationheritageandmuchmore.”EachspringandtheEAApilotsvolunteertheirtimeandairplaneswiththeEAA’sEaglesProgram,personallycoveringalloperation-relatedexpensesintroduceyoungpeopletotheskiesone-of-a-kindnonprot,theYoungEaglesProgramoersafreeairplanetoyoungpeopleages8-17insmallaircrasuchasCessnaandPiper.eprogramhasonlyonemission:“toeducate,inspireandintroducetotheworldofaviation.”Launchedin1992,theEAA’snationwideEaglesProgramhasnowgivenovertwomillionyouthsafreeight,certicate,alogbook,andfreegroundschool.mustpre-registertheirchildorchildrenbeforetheiright,andeachchildmayyagaineachyear.Severalightdatesareplannedthroughoutthespringandsummer.Flightsmaybecancelledduetounfavorableweatherconditions;however,soitisbesttopre-registerasearlyaspossible.SafetyisatoppriorityfortheYoungEaglesProgram.Aerparentschildarriveandregister,theyaregivenasafetybriengbeforebeingtothepilotandhisorheraircra.Youngpeoplearefullyonwhattoexpectandareencouragedtoaskquestionssothattheyascomfortableaspossiblebeforetakeo.eightisagloriousexperience.PilotsoenyoverareavillagesandenoughtoseetheshoresandsereneblueexpanseofLakeOntario.Ifyoungpersonwouldliketotrytheirhandatyingtheplane,pilotsletthembrieytakethecontrols—atruepilotingexperience.Aswaitfortheirchild’sturnandfortheirchild’sighttoreturn,they

Enjoy this article? Check out this week’s other great stories online at • St. Mary’s 50th Annual Summer Festival in Canandaigua Rounds Out Final Weekend!

• Building my Home with Habitat for Humanity: One Year Later

Kids to the Clouds!


can enjoy lunch from the EAA’s cookout—its only fundraiser. Finally, the aircra returns, touching down with a young person who now knows what it’s like to soar among the clouds.


Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at or email our Hometown Editor Amanda Dudek at!


Magic Maze NYMS


Sunburn also can cause some irreparable damage that goes unseen.

DEAR DR. ROACH: While reading one of your recent columns, I learned that all water, except for distilled, contains electrolytes. I wondered if there are differences in the amount of each electrolyte in drinking water in different places in Canada, and if so, whether that might explain why I experience cramping and diarrhea while visiting another place? Through experience, I have been able to avoid the problem by drinking only bottled mineral or distilled water when I am away from my home. In cases where I have been on lengthier holidays, after I lived through the initial distress, eventually, my gastric system calmed down and seemed to accommodate the new source of water. I felt that my malady might be some sort of domestic version of Montezuma’s Revenge, but the analogy is inapt because the water I have consumed away from my home was not contaminated. -- M.T. ANSWER: “Montezuma’s Revenge” is an (insulting) term for traveler’s diarrhea, specifically in reference to Mexico, where drinking water may be contaminated with bacteria. I don’t think the answer to your diarrhea while traveling is in the water. The quality of drinking water in nearly all of Canada and the United States is outstanding, and bacterial contamination is exceedingly rare, as you say. Similarly, electrolytes are kept at very low levels in most parts of North America, although some water softeners do put a fair bit of sodium into the water in exchange for other ions, such as magnesium and calcium. Still, none of these trace minerals are likely to cause diarrhea. Some people develop diarrhea with stress. Other people are more likely to drink alcohol while traveling, and excess alcohol can cause diarrhea. I can’t explain why drinking bottled or distilled water seems to prevent the problem. *** Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to All©,Inc.RightsReserved


Sunburn is one of the most easily prevented summertime ailments. It’s also important to note that sunburns are not just limited to the hot weather or when it is sunny outside. Ultraviolet damage can occur at any time of the year, and also from artificial UV sources, such as tanning beds. Preventing sunburn is simple.

Many people find it impossible to think about summer without conjuring visions of spending endless hours outdoors from morning until evening, whether beachside, on the open water or even floating in a backyard pool. Although a certain measure of sun exposure is required for some natural functions of the body, it’s well documented that too much time in the sun can be hazardous to one’s health. That’s why summer frolickers need to exercise considerable caution each time they step outside.

Taking sunburn for granted can be a big mistake. Many people wouldn’t risk burns from a hot stove or open fire, but they won’t think twice about being unprotected under the very hot rays of the sun. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says more than one-third of adults and nearly 70 percent of children admit to suffering from sunburn within the past year. Depending on the intensity of the sun and the amount of time spent outside, sunburn can be a first- or second-degree burn. In first-degree burns, damage affects the topmost layer of skin. However, sunburn can even affect deeper layers and cause blistering in addition to redness and pain.

Different Drinking Water is Not the Cause of Diarrhea While Traveling

According to WebMD, ultraviolet light from the sun can alter DNA, prematurely aging skin or even contributing to skin cancers. It can take years before symptoms become noticeable. Therefore, it is best for people of all ages to exercise caution when spending time in the sun.

TOWNS OF BERGEN, CLARENDON, CLARKSON, HAMLIN School tax warrants have been delivered to the Brockport Central School District for the towns of Bergen, Clarendon, Clarkson, and Hamlin. All such taxes can be paid beginning September 1, 2022, at the following locations. Please read all payment instructions on the back of your tax bill.

By Sam Mazzotta

-- Sherry in Dallas, Texas Dear Sherry: I’m so glad to hear that Jessup is doing well! Yes, blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, is toxic and can make a dog very ill if it’s ingested. It exists in many bodies of freshwater and grows rapidly when the water temperature is over 75 degrees -- so it’s at its highest levels, and most dangerous, in the hot summer months.

Collection for the following towns: BERGEN • BROCKPORT SCHOOL BUSINESS OFFICE (Located in the District O ce Building) Monday - Friday • 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m.



HAMLIN • HAMLIN TOWN HALL Patty Jo Groenedaal, Tax Receiver Monday & Tuesday from 8:00a.m.-6:00p.m. Wednesday - Friday from 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m.



Collection for the following towns:


Look carefully at the water in the lake or pond before letting your dog near it. If you see a lot of peagreen growth and a slimy look to the water at the shoreline, don’t let your dog jump in.

*To qualify, consumers must request a install and activate the generator with a for full list of and

Prepare for unexpected power outages with a Generac home standby generator FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* A $695 Value! REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! 855-972-3529 Limited Time O er - Call for Details Special Financing Available Subject to Credit Approval

participating dealer. Call



Always use appropriate language. When using a mobile phone in public, refrain from peppering conversations with expletives or graphic language. Children may be nearby without your knowledge, but even if there are no young people in the immediate vicinity, your fellow adults likely don’t want to hear foul or graphic language.

Blue-green Algae Is a Potentially Deadly Risk for Pets DEAR PAW’S corner: A couple of weeks ago, my family took a trip to a nearby pond. Our dog Jessup splashed and played along with us. On the drive home, Jessup began to look ill and started drooling. When we reached home he got very ill and started having seizures. I rushed him to the emergency vet, where they treated him. e vet said that he may have ingested blue-green algae, and that it is very common in ponds and still water at this time of year. Please let your readers know about this risk! Jessup is recovering and will probably be OK, but the vet said this can be fatal.

Even if the water looks OK, check to see if any “no swimming” signs are posted nearby. You also can check your local county or city website or parks department for a water quality report. And even if the water is OK for people and dogs to swim in, be sure to rinse your dog’s coat in clean tap water as soon as possible a er swimSendming.your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner. (c)com.2022

King Features Synd., Inc.

CLARKSON • CLARKSON TOWN HALL Susan Henshaw, Tax Receiver Monday - Friday • 8:00a.m. - 4:00p.m., Tuesdays until 6:00 p.m.

quote, purchase,


CLARENDON • BROCKPORT SCHOOL BUSINESS OFFICE (Located in the District O ce Building) Monday - Friday • OR8:00a.m.-4:00p.m. Mail to: Lisa Proctor, Tax Receiver Business O ce, 40 Allen Street, Brockport, NY 14420

This week’s puzzle answer is elsewhere in this paper. The Crossword Puzzle is provided by Tribune Media Services. Any questions or comments should be made to 1-800-346-8798. By Matilda Charles


Build Muscles With Strength Training

For an additional source of help, consider investing in two sessions with an exercise coach who specializes in seniors. ings they’ll be able to teach you include how to do each exercise and how to use hand weights without straining joints. At the second session you’ll be able to ask any question that came up and verify that you’re still doing the movements correctly.


It’s hard to know what information to trust these days, but one source I’ve always trusted is Consumer Reports. When not testing the items they review, they go straight to good, solid sources for information. Search for “Strength Training Tips to Live Longer and Better.” And while you’re looking around the Consumer Reports website, consider signing up for their weekly email newsletters. ey’re free, and you can chose between cars, health, home, smart buying, money, food and more.

(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

For additional information on senior exercise from the CDC, take a look at

Strength training is one of the best things we can do for ourselves to maintain strong bones, increase muscle strength and improve mobility, balance and coordination. ose things in turn reduce our risk of falling and help maintain our independence. Many of us, however, don’t know where and how to start. e Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in conjunction with Tu s University, has a free 126-page book titled “Growing Stronger: Strength Training for Older Adults” ( If you can’t download the book, call the CDC at 800-232-4636, and it can be mailed to you. Start using the book (either reading it online or having it sent to you) by completing the test to see if you need to run the program by your doctor, especially if you’ve had any surgeries for your knee or hip. Your second step should be to read the section on getting motivated, because yes, some of us need coaxing to start exercising.

Cloth material NEMO and TOY STORY items for autistic child: 716-515-8756

MATERIALS TO BUILD A SHED (plywood, 4x4 posts, 2x4, 2x6 etc.) for a disabled vet: 585-438-4122

2 QUEEN-SIZED SOFA BEDS - one oatmeal colored, other yellow/green floral. Both in very good condition. You haul away, Hamlin:

Used 36” CORNER SHOWER with all parts and installation instructions: 585-300-9682 25 CDs (non-music) - could be used for craft projects. Pick-up in Penfield/Webster. Mahogany Lester Philadelphia SPINET PIANO, good condition, some keys need repair.

BROOKSTONE® AEROBIC TWISTING STEPPER, for cardio fitness. In excellent condition. Resistance cords tone upper body while swiveling stepper platforms tightens:

Large quantity of SCRAP METAL. Iron and aluminum. You must pick it up. E. Pembroke area:

YARN - Needed for kids’ art club/camp, Webster/Penfield area: 8-CUP FOOD PROCESSOR and a 21” SLEEVE IRONING BOARD: 585-409-6477

SIT ON TOP KAYAK: 585-754-4140

SHED, wooden, very sturdy. Approx. 4’ wide x 5’ wide, est. 6-7’ tall. Take down for wood or take away as is:

FIREWOOD. You must pick up yourself:

QUILTED CRYSTAL JELLY GLASSES, one dozen, size 1 cup, Ball brand. Churchville/ Chili area: 585-889-4763

VHS TAPES – all Disney movies. You pick up, Canandaigua: 585-364-8666

COMIC BOOKS & SPORTS/COLLECTIBLE CARDS. All conditions. I can pick up. Thank you & God Bless: Call or text 585-260-0437

CHANGING TABLE - Good condition:

7’ STEP LADDER. Any condition. To be used in garden: 585-944-2386

27’ ROUND ESTER WILLIAMS POOL, Extruded aluminum, Hayward pump, Filter, Patio deck. You disassemble, Remove: Box of MAGAZINES (hunting, boating, religious, women’s interest): 585-346-9777

KONG Ultra Strong 2 Door CRATE w/divider panel with pad. 49.1”L x 30.8”W x 32.5”H. Like new:


FROZEN DEER HEART and FROZEN DEER LIVER from last year’s season for training my new puppy: 585-208-9784

WEIGHT TRAINING EQUIPMENT – Benches, bars and weights for local student athlete and families. Send picture if you can. Text Jim: 585-465-0111

In need of two, but will take one, clean and in working condition MINI REFRIGERATOR(S) for a school building: 585-301-1247

ELECTRIC KITCHEN RANGE, black, 30” General Electric. Excellent condition. You pick up: 585-321-0194

PIPING FOR WOOD STOVE or DUCT WORK, 6”: 585-323-1762

INDOOR TREES or LARGE PLANTS. Moved and gave mine away: Used 30” PROPANE GAS KITCHEN STOVE in good working condition: 585-374-5768 About 30 RED BRICKS for a church garden in Churchville: 585-293-1874

HOSPITAL BED, electric w/remote, NEW MATTRESS, SIDE RAILS, raises and lowers, wheels, and locks. Very good condition. Pick up in Gates:

6 - 70 lb. TUBE-SAND BAGS. You pick up in Brockport:

Lots of STYROFOAM EGG CARTONS. Needed for kids’ art club/camp. Webster/Penfield area: Outdoor/Patio Umbrella STORAGE BAG in good shape:

Several JIGSAW PUZZLES with missing pieces. Does someone want them for craft projects?

FIREWOOD. You haul. Bring truck. Caledonia/Avon area:

Guidelines: Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111

HP PRINTER, NUTRITION ACTION MAGAZINES and other health magazines, GREETING CARDS for crafts and a box of HANGERS. Fairport: 585-388-0318

Wolff System SunQuest Pro 16SE TANNING BED, in good condition. You move and take away. Pavilion Area: 585-738-0887, leave message

Old SADDLE and BRIDLE to be used for a display. Any condition: Old DRESS FORM, MANNEQUIN or HEAD MANNEQUIN to be used for a display:

WHEELCHAIR for a church in East Bloomfield in good working condition: 585-472-5392

CLEAN - LIKE NEW Ameda DOUBLE closed system BREAST PUMP and carrier bag. Comes w/NEW storage containers & bags: 225-205-4255


ADULT INCONTINENCE UNDERWEAR (pull-up style), size XL, UNDER PADS (any size) and NUTRITIONAL DRINKS (any brand). 585-346-9777

Working REFRIGERATOR WITH FREEZER. Preferably one from at least the year 2000 for an after-school program. No leaks please:

TONING TABLE. Elite Maximizer excellent condition, good for indoor exercising. VERY heavy, you pick up. Wayland area: 585-728-3801

Cracker Barrel style WOODEN ROCKER, white: 321-377-3295

CROQUET SET ROOM DIVIDER for a studio apartment and #178 SKIS: 585-507-8788


2. PSYCHOLOGY: What fear is represented in the condition called 3.plutophobia?MOVIES:What is the name of the horse in the Disney animated movie 4.“Tangled”?ANIMALKINGDOM: What is a group of rattlesnakes called?


DID YOU KNOW? Modern cars are technological marvels, and it turns out drivers may value tech over all else, including their choice of automaker. A 2017 study from Autotrader asked 1,000 participants an assortment of questions about technology and car buying. Roughly 60 percent of millennial car shoppers and more than 40 percent of baby boomers indicated they would switch vehicle brands just to get the technology features they want. Drivers are even willing to pay extra for their preferred tech. The Autotrader study found that the average shopper would pay an extra $2,276 to get the right tech features.





1. TELEVISION: What is the song played at the end of the final episode of “Breaking Bad”?


GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page15 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 Funded by: NYS Homes and Community Renewal PATHSTONE CORPORATION IS OFFERING FREE HOME ENERGY IMPROVEMENTS The PathStone Weatherization Assistance Program is available for income-eligible households in Monroe County located outside of the city limits. Reduce energy costs and improve the safety of your home through energy efficiency measures in owned or rented property. Contact Us Today! 442.2030 ext.752


5. GEOGRAPHY: What is the oldest, still active volcano on Earth? 6. SCIENCE: What is the tallest type of grass? 7. LANGUAGE: What does the Greek root word “morph” mean? 8. FOOD & DRINK: What is a samovar used for? 9. MUSIC: Which Rolling Stones’ hit featured the line: “Who could hang a name on you”? 10. ANATOMY: Where are suture joints found in the human body? Answers 1.“BabyBlue.” 2.Fearofwealth. Maximus. Arhumba. MountEtna,Italy. Bamboo. Formorshape. Anurnformakingtea. “RubyTuesday.” Theskull. © 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.


HEAP AutomaticallyRecipientsEligible Income guidelines are: Family of 1: $32,748 Family of 2: $42,828 Family of 3: $52,908 Family of 4: $62,988

By Fifi Rodriguez

on a complete Bath Fitter system UP TO SAVE 450*$ ®Registered trademark of Bath Fitter Franchising Inc *Save 10% up to $450. Special o er good on the purchase of a bathtub or shower, wall and faucet kit. One o er per customer. May not be combined

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Determine your motivation for renovating: Renovation projects often involve balancing needs and wants, and determining if a project is a necessity or a luxury can set the timeline and course of the project. Is the roof leaking? If so, immediate action is necessary. Could the kitchen be a bit more functional? If the kitchen is still manageable, a homeowner may be able to wait a little bit to get better prices on appliances or contracting services. Separating needs from wants helps homeowners map out a viable timeline that maximizes productivity and affordability. with any other be presented at the time of estimate. applies to same day purchases only. Previous orders and estimates excluded. valid only at the above location. to certain limitations. 2022-3-31.


O er expires



FACTORS TO CONSIDER BEFORE CONVERTING AN ATTIC Climate control: Attics are converted to provide residents with more livable space. Converted space is only livable if the climate within the attic can be controlled so it’s cool in the summer and warm in the winter. An existing HVAC unit needs to efficiently heat and cool an extra room. If it can’t, bills might spike because the rest of the home likely won’t be as comfortable, forcing homeowners to adjust thermostats to offset that discomfort. That also could affect the unit’s life expectancy. Before going forward with an attic renovation, homeowners should contact HVAC professionals to determine if attic spaces can be serviced with the existing units and ductwork, or if an alternative arrangement must be worked out to make the spaces livable.


o er. O er must


GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page17 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 CONSERVE WATER WHEN TEMPERATURES RISE Employ rain barrels to collect rain water runoff. Rain barrels can help to repurpose rain water rather than simply allowing it to wash into storm drains. LIMITED TIME OFFER 60% off TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 10% off YOUR INSTALLATION Install for Military, Health Workers and First Responders + Warranty- Limited Lifetime. Transferable to 1 subsequent owner from original purchaser. Terms and conditions apply. Hail up to 2.5”, Appearance of the surface coating beyond normal wear and tear. Limited time offer. Expires 12.31.22 STRONG AS STEEL WITH THE ATTRACTIVE LOOK OF VARIOUS ROOF STYLES Upgrade Your Home witha NEW METAL ROOF Guaranteed to Last a Lifetime! From Dimensional Shingles to classic styles reminiscent of Cedar Shake and Spanish Tile, an architectural roo ng system by Erie Metal Roofs can enhance the beauty of your home while protecting your family and property for a lifetime. Made in the USA Call today to schedule your FREE ESTIMATE 1-877-350-3053 New orders only. Does not include material costs. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Minimum purchase required. Other restrictions may apply. This is an advertisement placed on behalf of Erie Construction Mid-West, Inc (“Erie”). Offer terms and conditions may apply and the offer may not be available in your area. Offer expires December 31, 2022. If you call the number provided, you consent to being contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-recorded messages by Erie or its affiliates and service providers using automated technologies notwithstanding if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on All rights reserved. •Re-Roof and Complete Tear-off •Insurance Claims •Storm •InstallationDamage&Repairs RESIDENTIAL SPECIALIST Since 1968 637-3348 • (c) 943-3497 Roofing Service Free Estimates! ROOFING & SIDING

2. Choose resistant varieties. They are generally marked as to their resistance. Be aware, heirloom varieties are delicious but generally not disease resistant.

Linda Phillips, Master Gardener Volunteer,CCELivingstonCounty


9. Never give up! Home grown tomatoes are one of the joys of summer and well worth the effort.

4. Space plants generously for good air 5.circulation.Waterduring the day when foliage is dry and will quickly dry afterwards; some pathogens are dispersed by splashing water and infect while the leaf surface is wet. Water consistently 1-2 inches per week.Water at the soil level avoiding the leaves. Drip irrigation is ideal.

3. Plant tomatoes in well-drained soil with a balanced pH (usually about 7 in our area). Add some compost to enrich the soil. I am partial to Bessie’s Best composted cow manure, which comes from a farm in Gainesville,NY,and can be found at J&A Farm Market in Avon.

1. Rotate crops. Bacterial wilt and fungal diseases may overwinter in the soil. Do not plant tomatoes in the same area again for about 3 years. If space is limited, consider planting a few in containers.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page18 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 Eco-Friendly CLOTH TOTES We take care of everything from start to finish including custom design with all orders. Call us today for a FREE quote! Jill Garza • jillgarza@gvpennysaver.com585.226.5865 Sponsored by: 3272 Eagle Harbor -Waterport Rd., Albion “Celebrating 32 years and still growing strong” “Red Shed” Gift Shop including fresh produce, jams, jellies, glazes, spreads, fresh honey, homemade soaps, candles & more Annuals • Perennials • Hanging Baskets • Geraniums • Fruit • Vegetables • Bedding Plants Gift Certificates • M-SAT, 9-8; SUN 9-5 1 mile south of Rt. 104, 1 mile from Rt. 31, north of lift bridge Navarra’s Farm Market & Greenhouse “We grow it all!” from Cornell Cooperative Extension, Livingston County Q&A Master Gardeners with the e Master Gardener Program is a national program of trained volunteers who work in partnership with their county CCE o ce to extend information throughout their communities. Look for this weekly column! Your answerquestionsedbythelocalCornellexperts.

Please address bacterial wilt in tomatoes. My tomatoes were very robust but almost overnight began to wilt. Do we have ralstonia bacteria in this area? How can I test my garden soil to find out what is causing this? What can I do to make the soil healthy again? Home vegetable gardeners love the taste of tomatoes grown in our own gardens, but growing tomatoes also causes us many headaches since they are subject to a variety of problems. Very common in our area are fungal diseases – early blight, late blight, Septoria leaf spot, Verticillium wilt, and Fusarium wilt, to name a few. The wilt described does sound like a bacterial wilt, but of course, that can only be determined by examining the plant, especially the interior of the stem. Bacterial wilt is a disease of tomato and other plants in the nightshade family (Solaneceous). The disease occurs predominately in the wet tropics and subtropics but also has been found in some parts of the northeast. It is caused by a soil-borne bacterium and inhabits the roots, entering at points of injury caused by tools and/or pests in the soil. It can survive for long periods in the soil. In the future,to prevent bacterial wilt,and other diseases as well, here are some good practices for growing tomatoes:

6. Remove and destroy affected plants throughout the season and in the fall. Place in trash bags, NEVER in the compost.

7. Wash your hands after handling infected 8.plants.Clean/disinfect tools, tomato cages and trellises, and other equipment that have come in contact with diseased plants.


GENESEE VALLEY GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page20 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 585-431-0089 BROCKPORT, NY WWW.EZDUMPSTERBROCKPORT.COM Antique things have an appreciation and worth. Something can be old, but it can be timeless; therefore, it becomes an antique. If this antique is preserved and deemed precious, it could be passed down as a family heirloom. ~CeeLo Green Phone (585) 494-1880 59 South Lake Avenue Bergen, New York www.harriswilcox.com14416 HARRIS WILCOX INC. RealtorsAuctioneers,&Appraisers JAMES J. PIEDIMONTE AND SONS LLC. VEG CROP ONLINE ONLY FARM MACHINERY AUCTION • HOLLEY, NY THURS., SEPT. 15, 2022 • 6PM W/ So Close See for list of equipment, pictures, terms and link to bid. Puzzle Answers This Week NYMS GO GREEN WHEN SPENDING TIME OUTDOORS THIS SUMMER Volunteer with a local park service. The National Park Service offers a variety of volunteer opportunities to individuals who are enamored with the great outdoors and are interested in protecting their local and national parks. Such opportunities can be explored by visiting getinvolved/volunteer.htm. Parks Canada ( offers similar opportunities to outdoor enthusiasts. Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-InTub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 1-855-517-1892 SPECIALOFFER


Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date

REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!

GUIDELINES FOR HOMETOWN EVENTS: Here’s what’s happening at your local library…

HamlinPublicLibrary: TheHamlinPublicLibraryisopen Mondays/Wednesdaysfrom10am6pm;Tuesdays/Thursdaysfrom 10am-8pm;Fridaysfrom10am-4pm; ClosedSeptember3-5.Cookbook Clubforadultsandteensresumeson Thursday,September8at6:30pmin theTownHallGym.TheCookbookof themonthisavailableforcheckout nowatthelibrary.SmartPhoneQ&A programisonWednesday,September 14at1:30pm.“BeActive,Eat Healthy”presentedbyCornellCooperativeExtensionisThursday, September15at2pm.PreschoolstorytimeresumesonMonday,September 19at10:30am.AdultBookClub meetsWednesday,September21at 2pm.TeenparacordcraftisSaturday, September24at11am.Libbyand e-BooksprogramisonWednesday, September28from3-4pm.Buffalo Soldierspresentationfor homeschoolerfamiliesandadultsis Thursday,September29at2pmatthe HamlinTownHallgym.Formore information,callthelibraryat 964-2320,visithamlinlibraryny.orgor ourFacebookpage. SeymourLibrary: TheLibrarywillbeclosedonMonday, September5,forLaborDay.Wewill reopenonTuesday,September6at 10am. BabyStoryTime:Tuesdays,10:30am to11:00am ThisBabyStoryTimeisfocusedon interactionbetweenlap-sitters(ages 0-15months)andtheircaregivers throughstories,songsandmovements. TeenGardenClub,HarvestCelebration:WednesdaySeptember7, 4:00pmto5:00pm Let’sseewhatwecanharvest.We workedsohardonourgardensover thesummer,nowwehaveachance toseeiftheybearfruit.Comeand takeapieceoftheharvesthomefor yourselvesandlovedones!Grades 6-12 PreschoolStoryTime:Thursdays, 10:30amto11:00am Thisstorytimeisforpreschoolers, ages3-5,thatarepreparingforschool bylearningmajorconceptsneedfor kindergarten.

• Organizations seeking donations of items

HoagLibrary: HoagLibraryisopenMondayThursday10am-8pm,Friday10am5pm,Saturday10am-2pmfor browsing,computerlab,andfax/ print/wirelessprint/copy/scan/ notary.DownloadfreeeBooks, audiobooks,movies,music,and magazinesontheLibbyandHoopla apps.FREEElectricVehicle(EV) chargingstationsavailableinthe HoagLibraryparkinglot!Earnyour GED-freeclassesofferedby Orleans/NiagaraBOCESatHoagLibrary.Meetingroomsareavailable tothepublic-findthereservation formonourwebsite!One-On-One TechHelp,Wednesdaysby appointment.Freebooksforages 0-5:registeryourchildforthe BooksfromBirthprogram!TGIF CraftDay,Fridays,1pm,kindlyregister.ChatwithaMasterGardener, 4thThursdayofthemonth,4pm6pm.TeawithDeeLocalHistory Lecture,September6,2pm.Teen AnimeClub,September13, 3:30pm.Alzheimer’sAssociationof WNY,September21,6pm,register: 1-800-272-3900.TheLaughing SurvivorwithAlexandraStevenson, September27,6pm.AAADefensiveDriving,October8,register (800)836-2582. ParmaPublicLibraryTweenSTEAM:Chromatography: Friday,September2nd|4:30-6pm Everwonderhowleaveschange color?Orhowmarkercolorsare made?DropintoTweenSTEAM Clubandlearnallabout chromatography.Discoverthedifferentcolorsinaleafandparticipateinacolor-separatingcraft. TeenTuesday:3:00-4:00pm Needsomethingtodoafter school?Joinusatthelibraryfor snacks,games,crafts,andNetflix! Youthingrades7-12welcome!No registrationrequired. WednesdayStorytime:September 7th,10:30am JoinMs.ZuzuonWednesday morningsforstoriesandsongs! Recommendedforages2-5,butall agesarewelcome.Noregistration. Tween/TeenCraftClub:AlcoholInk AutumnTree:Thursday,September 8th|6-6:45pm Getyourcraftoneverysecond ThursdayofthemonthinCraft Club!Thismonthwe’llbecreating abeautifulautumn-themedsilhouettewithalcoholink.Grades5 andup. BookChat:Thursday,September 8th,6:30-7:30pm JoinParmaStaffin



Seymour Library 161 East Ave., Brockport Sat:F:Hrs.:www.seymourlibraryweb.org585.637.1050M-Th:10am-8pm,10am-6pm10am-3pm

• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program

• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor

Hamlin Public Library 1680 Lake Road, Hamlin 585.964.2320 Saturdays10am-8pm;6pm;Mondays/Wednesdayshamlinlibraryny.org10am-Tuesdays/ThursdaysFridays10am-4pm;10am-2pm

HLOMGuestSpeakerSeriesDeanneQuinnMiller, “ThePrison Guard’sDaughter”-Joinusatthe HollandLandOfficeMuseum,as wewelcomeDeanneQuinnMiller onWednesday,September14th,7 pm.Mrs.Millerwillbepresenting onherrecentlypublishedbook,“A PrisonGuard’sDaughter:MyJourneyThroughtheAshesofAttica.” Thebookishermissiontofind answerstothedeathofherfather, acorrectionsofficer,duringthe AtticaPrisonriotonSeptember13, 1971,andherstruggletofind justiceforthesurvivorsandtheir families.Copiesofthebookwill alsobeavailableinthemuseumgift shop.Admission:$5or$3formuseummembers.Toattend: 585-343-4727or


MuseumQuiltGuildMeetingsTheMuseumQuiltGuildmeetson the3rdSaturdayofeachmonthat theVAMedicalCenterAuditorium, 222RichmondAve.,Batavia.Masks arecurrentlyrequiredinsidethis facility.Regularmeetingsbeginat 9:30amandincludeashortbusinessmeeting,Show&Tellanda program.Duesare$20/yearfor eachmember.Workshopsmaybe scheduleforanominalfee.Please visitus! BATAVIA FiddlersConcertatthe CobblestoneMuseum- TheFiddlersoftheGeneseewillpresenta liveoutdoorconcertatthe Thompson-KastVisitorsCenterat3 pmonSaturday,September10. Bringyourlawnchairorblanketto thisopenairevent.Thisfreeconcertrequiresawristband,issued uponarrival.Therainlocationwill beinsidetheCobblestoneChurch. Call585-589-9013orvisitwww. cobblestonemuseum.orgformore details. CobblestoneMuseumFallOpen House- Saturday,September10 from10am-3pmthecomplexwill beopentothepublicatnocost, sponsoredbytheRochesterArea CommunityFoundation.Learnthe historyofourbuildings,meetartisansdemonstratingskills,browse theUsedBooks,HolidayandGift shops.BBQPulledPorkmealssold, advanceticketsrecommended. CobblestoneMuseum,14389 RidgeRd.W.,Albion.Visitwww. cobblestonemuseum.orgorcall 585-589-9013forinformation.

Hoag Library 134 S. Main St., Albion Visit585.589.4246ourwebsite for www.hoaglibrary.orghours. Holley Community Free Library 86 Public Square, Holley 585.638.6987 • Hrs.: M & W: 10am-1pm & 4-8pm Tu, Th, & F: 10am-5pm Sat: 10am-2pm until June 22nd (Closed Sat for the Summer) under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414


VolunteersForAnimals ’Furaiser’Basket&SideRaffle: Sunday,September18,2022,from 1to5pmattheWillowBendInn3489W.MainStreetRd.,Batavia. Basketswillcoverawidevarietyof items.Livemusicbytheband FOMR.VolunteersForAnimals worksinpartnershipwiththe GeneseeCountyAnimalShelter.All proceedssupportanimalcare.Do notneedtobepresenttowin.

Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:

JointheFriendsofHamlin Beach StatePark: TheFOHBSPisa greatorganizationthathasfun whilehelpingtosupportourlocal statepark,HamlinBeachState Park.Wehelpinmanywaysincludingeducationalandrecreational programs,workdaysandhelppromotethepark.Buildingandmaintaininggardens,trailmaintenance, monitoringbirdpopulations,makingcraftkitsforcampers,supportingprogramsputonbythepark, volunteeringatthemuseumand alsowehelpguideprojectsfor“I LovemyParkDay”.Joinus Wednesday,September14that 6:30pmatShelter5inArea4.,also youcanfollowusonFacebook. com/FOHBSP HAMLIN AgriculturalFair! Celebrate the bountifulWesternNYharvestas theMuseumshinesinitsfinestfall colors!Enjoylivestockandcooking demonstrations,entertainmentfor thewholefamily,andbrowsingfor uniquefindsatthemarketinthe traditionofthecountryfairsofdays goneby.SaturdayandSunday, October1&2from10am-4pmat theGeneseeCountryVillage&Museum,1410FlintHillRoad,Mumford. ag-fair/ MUMFORD FallFestivalatOurLadyof Mercy September10thfrom 10am-5pmandSeptember11th fromnoon-6pm.Featuringawide varietyofvendorsandcraftbooths, bothoutsideandinside,food trucks,andmore!Alongwiththe greatshoppingandfood,onSundaytheCummingsfamily&friends bandwillbewithusSundayplaying musicfromthe50sand60sand ourCASHRAFFLEprizewillbe drawn!Formoreinformationcall 768-6543,email:parishsecretary@ LEROY

CORFU MovieNight- Saturday, September3,6p.m., TheSecretsofJonathanSperry. Freerefreshments. FilmedinHolleyandBrockport. JubileeChristianChurch,3565N LakeRd.,Clarkson.Everyonewelcome.Bringguests. CLARKSON CaledoniaLibraryFallFestival and Old-timeCountryAuction September17,9am-4pm.Tennent Park,(Behindthefirehall).Auction willincludeHandmadequilts,old andnew,tablerunners,needlework,woodwork,pies,cakes,and muchmore.GuestAuctioneer CraigWilcoxwillbejoiningus.Lots ofvendors,farmersmarket,pumpkins,mums,variousbaskets,50/50 drawing,duckderby,funforkids, food,booksale,repurposeditems, andmore.Comeseewhatournew expansionwilllooklike!Proceeds benefitthelibrarybuildingproject andoperatingexpenses.Vendor applicationsavailable.Donations fortheauctiongreatlyappreciated. Formoreinformation,callGailat 585-313-7975.


FARMINGTON ClassicCar,Motorcycle,and Tractor Cruise- Saturday,September10,12-4pm,HighPoint CommunityChurch,1163Main Road,Corfu.Adayoffunfor youngandold.Adaytoexplore ourchurchministriesandadayto welcomeourcommunity.

CALEDONIA HarvestKitchenatSt.Luke’s Episcopal Church, 14StateSt., BrockportSunday,September11. “GrabNGo”GarbagePlateboxes w/HotDog,FrenchFries,Baked Beans,MacaroniSalad,andCookies.Opensat2pm&runsuntil foodisgone.Oneboxperperson. Multipleorderscanbeplacedin advancebycallingKarenat(315) 569-5029.Advanceorderdeadline 5pmSaturday,September10. ATTENTION:InOctoberwewill openourdoorsforasit-downmeal intheParishHall.

BERGEN RallyDay- Batavia FirstUnited MethodistChurch,8221Lewiston Rd.(585)343-4708.Invitesyouto RALLYDAYonSunday,September 11,10a.m.FeaturingLuigi’sIce CreamTruck,Picnic,Prizes,Games, Bibles.Don’tMissOut!!!

TriviaNightattheMuseumElizabeth I:JoinusatanewlocationforTriviaNightattheMuseum onThursday,September8that7 pm.Thismonthwewillbemeeting attheGOART!buildinglocatedat 201E.MainSt.inBatavia.This month’stopicisElizabethIinhonor ofthequeen’sbirthday.Admission is$3perpersonor$2formuseum members.ComeandjoinusatGO ART!,whereyoucanalsoenjoy beveragesservedbyTavern2.0 whiletestingyourElizabethan knowledge.Pleasecontactthemuseumifyouwouldliketoattendat 585-343-4727or

* On Sept. 6, 1943, a new highspeed train traveling between New York City and Washington, D.C., derails, killing 79 people and seriously injuring 100 more. The Congressional Limited traveled at a then-unprecedented speed of 65 mph.

GalleryOpening:“Fibers” work from RochesterAreaFiberArts Group-MembersfromRAFAwill showtheirworkthroughOctober 22nd.RAFAisanorganizationof artistswhoworkinfiber-basedmediasuchasquilting,surfacedesign, wearableart,felting,fiber-based jewelry,andpaper.Meettheartists andenjoywineandtinybiteson Thursday,September8from5-7 pm.Alsoondisplaywillbeitems fromNorrieBelleStitchery,made byCobblestoneteacherAlliMapes. Free.CobblestoneArtsCenter, 1622Route332,Farmington.More informationpleasevisithttps:// art-gallery.

MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel

CommunityHygieneBankDistribution, Saturday,September 10,atJubileeChristianChurch (3565LakeRd.N.inBrockport). Curbsidepick-upbetween11AM2PM.Receiveoneadmissionticket perfamilybeginningat10:30am. Mustbepresenttoreceiveitems. Personalhygieneitemsarefreefor familiesandindividualsinneed wholiveintheBrockportSchool DistrictandSUNYBrockport.Bring photoIDandproofofresidency (currentbill).Formoreinformation emailcommunityhygienebank@ jubileechristianny.orgorcall 585-637-8530.

BergenHistoricalSociety: The Bergen HistoricalSocietywillpresentaprogrambyBergenTown HistorianThomasTiefelon Thursday,thefirstofSeptemberat 7:00p.m.Itwilltakeplaceinthe BergenPublicLibraryConference Room(rearentrance).Hspresentationwillbe“NorthBergenHistoricalMapleSyrupProject”.Ashort meetingwillprecedetheprogram. Followingtheprogram,attendees willgettotasterealMapleSyrup onascoopoficeream.Thefacility ishandicappedaccessible.

PastaDinnerDanceAscension Parish ofBatavia- Sponsoredby theAltar&RosarySociety.Held Saturday,September17,20224:00-8:30pm.Dinnerservedfrom 4:00to6:00pm.MusicandDancing,startingat4:00pmbytheDSP JazzTrio.CashBar-Beer&Wine. 50/50andBasketRaffle.Ticket Donation$15perperson-Eatinor Takeout.$10.00-Coffee,Dessert andMusic.Ticketsavailableatthe door.Proceedswillbeusedfor replacementitemsintheParish Kitchen.


GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page24 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 FABULOUS FALL MOTORCOACH TOURS WITH BUS AMERICA! Sept. 26-29 THE ARK ENCOUNTER & CREATION MUSEUM Oct. 3-6 OLDE CAPE COD Oct. 4-5 LANCASTER & “DAVID” Oct. 10 CHITTENANGO WILDLIFE PARK + LUNCHEON Oct. 13 ADIRONDACK RAILROAD + LUNCHEON Oct. 16 ATTICA-ARCADE RAILROAD + LUNCHEON Nov. 14 BUFFALO NAVAL PARK, MURDER MYSTERY SHOW + LUNCHEON Nov. 16-17 THREE CASINO ADVENTURE Nov .16-21 PIGEON FORGE SMOKY MOUNTAIN CHRISTMAS STAY TUNED FOR OUR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY TOURS COMING SOON! Check our website or call for tour details, prices & flyers • Tel. (585) 697-3590 Bus America Group Tours 668 Phillips Road •Victor, NY 14564 Reopening For The Season!A Harvest Gathering Clarissa’s Country Cupboard Rt. 31A Rt. 262 Clarendon BrockportBergenN. Bergen Rd. Byron A Harvest Gathering Sat., Sept. 10th & Sun., Sept. 11th Our unique country shoppe is filled with needful wares for your autumn home. Clarissa’s Country Cupboard 5839 Merrill Rd., Byron • 585-409-1374 Sat. & Sun. 11-4 HearingLossAssociationof America Rochesterchapter: Hearingotherpeople’sexperiences (HOPE)Prospective,new,orexperienced.hearingaiduserscanshare theirexperiences,questions,and hearinglossjourneysinaninformal discussion.Followedby:Primeron hearing,hearingloss,andhearing aids.Whatshouldpatientsexpect fromtheirhearingaids?Thebasics ofhearing,hearingaiduse,and “reasonableexpectations.”Retired audiologistandhearingaiduser JosephKozelskyCCC/Afacilitates bothsessions.September13,101pm,St.Paul’sEpiscopalChurch, 25WestminsterRd.,Rochester ANDvirtualonZoom.See hearinglossrochester.orgforzoom link.

SavetheDate!Run,Walk,and Roll withCobblestoneArtsCenter -Sunday,September18thfor ourannualRun,WalkandRollfor CobblestoneArtsCenter.Registrationbeginsat8am,walkstartsat 10amatVictorHighSchool,953 HighSt.,Victor.Joinoursponsors CanandaiguaNationalBank,Kodak,Corby’sCollision,VisionKia andmanymoretosupportthis localresourceandourprogramfor personswithdevelopmental disabilities.Endingceremoniesat 11:15am.Tobecomeasponsorcall ShaneFackelmanat585-217-6430 Formateamandregisteronlineat races/cobblestone-arts-centerannual-run-walk-roll-5k

VICTOR SUBMIT PHOTOS & CAPTIONS AT GVPENNYSAVER.COM SPORTS • CELEBRATIONSEVENTSVACATIONS HOMETOWN 1. Clowning around! Artist Kit Corti at her Sunflower Circus - Naples, NY 2. Fun at the County Fair! 3. Enjoying the beautiful summer weather! 4. Buffalo vs Denver football game! Buffalo won 42 to 15!


EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page25 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 NOTICE OF VACANCY Assistant Treasurer Civil Service Title: Financial Manager Quali cations: Bachelor’s degree in accounting, business administration, economics or related eld and two years of accounting experience OR Associate’s degree in accounting and four years of accounting experience Location: LeRoy Services Center Salary range: $44,000 - $48,000 Starting date: ASAP Visit our website at Reply by September 9, 2022 with reference to Vacancy 23-34, letter of interest and resume to or mail to: Human Resources Genesee Valley BOCES 80 Munson Street LeRoy, NY 14482 Full-Time - 40+ hrs/wk 3rd shi Fabrication and CNC Departments • Welder & Riveter Machines CNC Robotic Cells/Machines Brunner International O ers: • Competitive Wages ($17.00/hr & up + .60 Shi Di erential) • Monthly Safety & Attendance Bonuses • Full Bene t Package at 75 Days Applications available in-person & online @ 3959 Bates Rd., Medina, NY 585-798-6000 APPLY TODAY EOE MachineOpeningsOperator Apply in person at T&L Automatics Inc. 770 Emerson St., Rochester, NY 14613 InspectorsQuality&MachineOperatorsNeeded Veteran-owned machining company that makes components for the automotive industry. Quality Inspectors needed for nal inspection of all parts prior to shipping to our customers. Mon-Fri, 6:30am-3pm, $15/hr. Training available. Machine Operators needed. Mon- urs, 6:30am-5pm, $17/hr. or 5pm-3:30am, $18.70/hr.

EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page26 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 HP HOOD VIRTUAL JOB FAIR Join HP Hood for our VIRTUALINTERVIEWPHONE SEPTEMBER 23RD Time Slots between: 3:00-7:00pm RSVP BY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST AT NOON HIRING FOR SPOTS ARE LIMITED To register for this event, e-mail with the time and an updated resume *Resume is required to interview RSVP BY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST AT NOON You may also apply online at • Production • Processing • Entry • Lab • Blow Mold • Warehouse • Mechanics STRANGE BUT TRUE By Lucie Winborne * In 2012, the makers of Bubble Wrap-brand cushioning conducted a survey in which respondents said that just over one minute of popping bubbles provided the stress relief equivalent to a 33-minute massage. Don’t have any on hand? No worries! The manufacturer also released an iPhone app that allows you to pop virtual bubbles all day long.

The number of women entering the professional fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is slowly growing around the world, but there is still a sizable gender gap in these professions. According to the College Board, which produces many standardized tests, only 27 percent of all students taking the AP Computer Science exam in the United availableconsiderwell-payingsecurepayengineeringSTEM$15,500typicallyafterratecollegestudyingofAccordingindependence.themaythatpercent.womenhasreadily.choosehigherliveScienceGearypapercasefemales.science18Sciencearewomen.Similarly,justpercentofAmericancomputer-degreesareattainedbyHowever,thisisnottheelsewhereintheworld.AbyGijsbertStoetandDavidpublishedinPsychologicalnotedthatwomenwhoincountrieswithtraditionallygenderinequalitytendtoSTEMprofessionsmoreAlgeria,forexample,oneofthehighestratiosofinSTEMprofessions,at41StoetandGearysurmisewomeninthesecountriesbechoosingcareerswithstrongestpathtofinancialtoaU.S.DepartmentEducationreport,studentsscienceormathinhaveahigheremploymentandsalarythanothermajorsgraduation.STEMmajorsearnanaverageofmoreannuallythannon-majors.Engineeringandtechnologytendstothemost.Womeneagertocompetitive,stableandjobsshouldcarefullytheopportunitiestotheminSTEMfields.

EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page27 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 Applicants must be 18 years of age or older, have a valid CDL A or B, a clean driving record, pass a pre-employment physical and drug test and be willing to work nights and weekends. $18.88/hr + benefits NEW YORK STATE DOT IS HIRING Highway Maintenance Workers Contact your county office to fill out application: Genesee/Orleans 585-343-0502 Livingston 585-346-3036 Monroe Eastside 585-586-4514 Monroe Westside 585-352-3471 Wayne/Ontario 315-332-4000 Wyoming 585-786-3310 Additional information is available at: or NYS is an Equal Opportunity Employer/ Affirmative Action Employer. NOW HIRING AUTO TECHNICIAN Timebuyer Auto Sales • Batavia, NY • 1-2 years’ garage experience • Excellent work ethic • Valid NYS Driver’s License NYS Insp. License NOT Required WE OFFER: Full-time (40 hrs. M-F) Great Work Env. Hourly Wage – (no at rate). Insurance, paid vacation, sick, holidays, 401K, bonuses, uniforms, tools supplied. EMAIL RESUME TO: OR Stop by the dealership for an application 244-248 W. Main St., Batavia, NY 14020 Aide Needed For woman in Brockport area in her home, at Wellington Woods Full-time & Part-time available (6:30AM - 3PM) • (3PM-11PM) Other times also available. • Personal Care • Light housekeeping • Some meal prep • Laundry • No CNA necessary For an interview or information • 585-391-3094 Please call between 11AM – 7PM ONLY WOMEN AND STEM

EMPLOYMENT ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 Page28 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 View complete employment listings at GVPENNYSAVER.COM Hiring Fair September 13th 11:00 am – 6:00 pm Two locations 200 Lucius Gordon Drive, W. Henrietta Rochester Technology Park, 234 Wallace Way, Building 9-East, Numbers above entrance doors #202-250 No Registration Excellent benefits and competitive wages. DID YOU KNOW?




personality Mike Rowe says the country is in the midst of a skilled labor shortage because workers lack the necessary training to fill the hundreds of thousands of available jobs. Lack of information may drive the notion that trade jobs are nothing more than a backup plan if college doesn’t pan out. However, by realizing that trade jobs, along with short-term vocational training, is a smart investment - and eventually a lucrative career choice - attitudes about trade schools and laborintensive jobs may shift. A great number of college graduates enter the workforce with degrees that may not help them land jobs. And these students typically carry thousands of dollars in tuition debt. Many college grads are underemployed and working in jobs that aren’t even in their fields of study. Career and technical schools help students develop specialized skills that make graduates immediately marketable in their chosen fields, and trade salaries can be very competitive.


Many students believe that the next natural step after graduating from high school is to go off to college. Secondary education has become such a common transition that many parents begin saving for college tuition as soon as their children are born. Although college can be the next chapter in a student’s education, many teenagers still choose to attend trade Televisionschool.

LEAVING A JOB GRACEFULLY Keep the momentum. It can be tempting to phone it in as you near departure day, but this is inadvisable. Do your job to the best of your ability up until you say your goodbyes.

GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM1-866-812-8111 Page30 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 To place aclassifiedad… VISIT or 1-866-812-8111call info at gvpennysaveClassified ads with the Ads providingvideosPluslogohavemorepictures,orinfoonline-youwith more details before making yourdecisiontopurchase! Goto www.GVPennySaver. com and view the ad online to see the additional details. Scan the QR code below to learn more! ATTENTION: OxygenUsers!Gain freedomwithaPortableOxygenConcentrator!Nomoreheavytanksand refills!GuaranteedLowestPrices!Call theOxygenConcentratorStore: 855-839-1738. ATTENTIONOXYGENTHERAPY USERS! InogenOneG4iscapableof full24/7oxygendelivery.Only2.8 pounds.Freeinfokit.Call 877-929-9587. DENTALINSURANCE- Physicians MutualInsuranceCompany.Covers 350procedures.Realinsurance-nota discountplan.Getyourfreedental infokit!1-855-526-1060www. VIAGRAandCIALISUSERS! 50 GenericPillsSPECIAL$99.100% guaranteed.24/7CALLNOW! 888-445-5928HablamosEspanol. HEALTH EMPLOYMENT: Lookingforcarefor 65yearoldmale.AllShifts,$13.20/ hr.October,$15.20/hr.CallMaria 585-752-1058,585-538-9252. ELDER CARE CASHFORCARS, trucks,vans, SUVs.WE’RELOCAL!Fastcash! Freetowing.$500-$5000.No keys,notitle,noproblem! 585-482-2140 DONATEYOURCARTOCHARITY. Receivemaximumvalueofwrite offforyourtaxes.Runningornot!All conditionsaccepted.Freepickup.Call fordetails.1-855-587-1166. DONATEYOURCAR toVeterans Today!HelpandSupportourVeterans.Fast-FREEpickup.100%tax deductible.Call1-800-245-0398. JUNKCARS,TRUCKS,andVans Wanted!Highercashpaidformost. Alwaysfreepickup.Wearethe ONLYlocalcompanythatpaysthe most!HonestandFairestforover 30years.585-305-5865. AUTOMOTIVE EXPERTPIANOTUNING &REPAIR.Since1980.MusicianExtraordinaire,CharlesM.Freida, 585-426-2334. ART & MUSIC DIDYOUKNOW... PlacinganObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation! ANNOUNCEMENTS NEEDANELECTRICIAN? Immediateresponse.Licensedand insured.Anyjobwelcomed.30 yearsexperience.Call 585-455-1626. SERVICES UNIQUEBERGEN APARTMENTS: 3bedrooms. Laundry,parking,storage,daycare onpremises.Securebuilding.Bergenelectric!585-314-4379. APARTMENTANDOFFICE RENTALSAVAILABLE!:24hrMaintenance. 2CatsAllowed(withfees)Sorry,No Dogs.VacanciesListedOnline.Apply Today!www.DeGeorgeManagement. comCall585-205-5221.Email OrleansDeGeorge@Gmail.Com PRESIDENTS’VILLAGE APARTMENTS:One&Twobedrooms,heat,water,highspeedInternet,&cableincluded.SeniorCitizen DiscountsAvailable!585-637-4450. FOR RENT PERSIANKITTENS: 3maletabbies, 1femaleblacksmoke.10weeksold, 1stvaccinations,Vetcheckedand wormed,littertrainedeatinghardand wetfood.$800each.Pat 585-749-3427,Lola585-820-9447. MALTESEPUPPIES forsale:$3000. 315-414-8385. DACHSHUNDPUPPIES AVAILABLE: forpicturesgoto AKCmarketplace.orglookforYostlitterorcall585-682-5571 THEKITINN: CatBoarding.SpaciousSuites.Peaceful.Private.Affordable.Immaculate.Insured.Home AwayFromHome.Visitwww. thekitinn.com585-698-8799 PETS LSATPREPBOOKS: 2018-2020 Editions$50for9books 585-768-8075. ITEMS FOR SALE AttentionViagrausers:Generic100 mgbluepillsorgeneric20mgyellow pills.Get45plus5free$99+S/H. CallToday1-866-589-1706 DENTALINSURANCE fromPhysiciansMutualInsuranceCompany. Coveragefor350plusprocedures. Realdentalinsurance-NOTjusta discountplan.Donotwait!Callnow! GetyourFREEDentalInformationKit withallthedetails!1-855-434-9221 TIMCALLAGHANPAINTING *Interior/Exterior *WallpaperRemoval *DrywallRepair *DeckStaining *Over25YearsExperience *FREEReasonableEstimates Tim,585-259-6758 JUNK CLEANOUT JUNKCLEANOUTSERVICES: Ratesstartingat$49. CleanoutofAttics,Cellars, Houses,Barns,etc! Removalgarages,fences,etc. Also,Tree/BrushRemoval FastResponseTime SAMEDAYSERVICE! MasterCardorVisaaccepted. SUMMERCOUPONSPECIAL: Expires9-30-22 JDJunk&CleanoutService, 585-719-8004 CUTTINGTREES& OURPRICES! SUMMERDISCOUNTS! **65’BucketService** ARBORSCAPERTREE& LANDSCAPE Trimming&Removal LotClearing StumpGrinding Professional/Insured AFFORDABLE FreeEstimates SeniorDiscounts 585-613-2068 NATE’SHANDYMAN: *Nojobtoobig/small. *Freeestimate. *Interior/Exterior *HoneyDoList *BasementWaterproofing *Roofs,*Windows,*Doors $59GutterCleaning 585-755-NATE(6283) SEAMLESSGUTTERS 40 YearsExperience 16Colors,Facia&sofitrepair andreplacement NoJobTooSmall. FullyInsured. A.J.Fritz,585-506-5904



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NOW HERE’S A TIP By JoAnn Derson

* Trying to lose weight? Many of us eat portions that are waaaaay too much. Try using a smaller size plate, or one with a border around it. Studies show that people who do so serve themselves less food and still feel satisfied. HOW CITIZENSEVERYDAYCANPROTECTLOCALPARKS

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* If you have too many suds in the sink (or the tub), try pouring salt on the suds. They die down and can be washed away without creating more suds.

* “To save money on going out to eat, we purchase gift cards at the local warehouse club we belong to. It’s usually 10% or 15% below face value, but that helps with the tip and tax.” -- E.S. in Missouri

* This week we offer a hodgepodge of tips. Here’s one of my favorites: Use kitchen tongs to retrieve an item that is stuck behind a heavy piece of furniture. It is much easier than trying to move the couch. -- Jo Ann


* “Old suitcases (hard-sided ones) are really fun holders for craft supplies. You can use hook and loop tape to secure smaller containers to the inside lining. This has worked well for my scrapbooking supplies. They are easy to carry from room to room.” -- L.A. in Georgia

* “We attached an over-the-door plastic shoe organizer to the back of our pantry door. The slots that are reachable by the kids hold healthy, single-serving snacks for the morning, to include in lunches or for after-school snacking. It’s easy and the kids have choices!”

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-- M.M. in West Virginia

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GENESEE VALLEY PENNY SAVER ● GVPENNYSAVER.COM 1-866-812-8111 TRI-COUNTY EDITION ● FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 2,2022 We withinworkyourbudget. 10% OFF 3,000 sq. ft. or bigger One offer per customer and cannot be combined with any other coupon. Expires 9-30-22 $500 Off 1,000 sq. ft. or less One offer per customer and cannot be combined with any other coupon. Expires 9-30-22 15% Off 1,500 - 2,500 sq. ft. One offer per customer and cannot be combined with any other coupon. Expires 9-30-22 Call Free estimates and unbeatable prices! RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL In Business since 1956 LOCALLY OWNED Not a liated with any other companies. Hell Wester Ne York… Have you been considering a new asphalt driveway but the quote you received is ridiculous? Give us a call, we provide quality service at a ordable prices for your residential or commercial property. Discounts for Seniors! Big Enough To Serve You, Small Enough To Care! 585-204-3144 833-728-3481MobileOce Tired of expensive quotes on your asphalt driveway? We never ask for a deposit upfront and always deliver over 50 years of expertise!

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