Everyday Korean By Harsh Kumar Mishra
Episode 46
라면이나 먹을까요?
Shall We Eat Ramen or Something? Grammar Points
누나, 배 안 고파요? 라면이나 먹을까요?
Nuna, aren’t you hungry? Shall we eat ramen or something?
Noun + 나/이나:
응 라면 좋아! 니샤는 라면을 끓일 줄 알아?
Jeongmin: Yes, ramen sounds good! Do you know how to make ramen?
네, 아주 잘 알아요. 자주 끓여 먹어요.
Yes, I know how to do it very well. I make it often.
아 진짜? 라면 좋아하는구나.
Jeongmin: Oh, really? You must love ramen!
네, 어제는 세 그릇이나 먹었어요.
Yeah, I ate three bowls yesterday.
나도 라면 좋아해서 외국에 출장 가면 많이 싸 가.
Jeongmin: I like ramen, too, so when I go on business trips abroad, I pack lots of it.
(웃으면서) 그래서 우리 친구네요.
(Laughing) That’s why we’re friends!
배 고프다 끓이다 그릇 외국 출장을 가다 싸다
to be hungry to boil (or make something by boiling it) bowl foreign country to go on a business trip to pack
볶다 튀기다 찌다
to stir-fry to deep-fry to steam
Harsh Kumar Mishra is a linguist pursuing his PhD in Korean linguistics at Chonnam National University. He is also a freelance Korean translator/ interpreter, content creator for TopikGuide.com, and does online Korean teaching through the same organization.
October 2021
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to cook to make to simmer to roast
3) When used with numerical expressions, this grammar point expresses the extent of something to that point. In English, this point is made by adding more emphasis on the numerical unit. Ex: 커피 다섯 잔이나 마셨어요. I had five cups of coffee. 한국에 온 지 7년이나 지났어요. It’s been seven years since I came to Korea.
The Author
Cooking Expressions 요리하다 만들다 삶다 굽다
2) Another use of this expression is to choose between things, where it has a meaning similar to “or.” Ex: 유럽이나 미국으로 여행 가고 싶어요. I want to travel to Europe or the U.S. 사과나 배를 먹고 싶어요 I want to eat an apple or a pear.
Vocabulary Items
1) Use this attachment with nouns to express that the noun is not the best option per se, but rather one of a few choices. In English, you can relate this to “or something.” If the noun ends in vowel, attach ‘~ 나’, and if it ends in a consonant, attach ‘~이나’. For example: Ex: 저녁에 영화나 볼까요? Shall we watch movie or something in the evening? 와인이나 마시자. Let’s drink wine or something.
The Conversation
2021-09-28 �� 11:20:24