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Home for Life速 Animal Sanctuary

MEMORIALS Spring | Summer

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In loving memory of give other pets a chance to be loved just as much as Bailey was... –KATIE noRDBy

In loving memory of dear Tigger, with sympathy to Jessica Harris. –DEB AnDERSon

In memory of Richard “ Dick” Schwarten. –Corinne Rooney, Ann and G. Howard Ruggles, Gary and Janice Simonson, Eric Poehler, Karen and Gerald Gaasland, Thomas and Virgina Peterson, Mary McGltohin, Connie Anderson, The Schwarten Children

In Memory of Lady Mindy. –MARy MuCCILLI

In memory of Simba, who just passed away and with sympathy to Kathie Priebe .

In loving memory of Icy, a feline leukemia cat who lived at Home for Life for 9 years.





In Honor of Larry & Abby. Maverick came to Home for Life at age 11 passed at age 14. The majority of that time he was happy and in good health, thanks to Home for Life. It was my privelege to sponsor Maverick.

With this year’s sponsorship donation towards the care of Chase, I would like to pay tribute to my dear friend Larry for his birthday and his cat Abby (who is FIV+ like Chase).



In Memory of Lois Parkos, with sympathy to Jack and Michele Parkos.

In memory of my beloved Cocker Spaniel, China Belle. China passed away last october from cancer. She was 12 1/2. I will always remember her trying to eat dropped bird food pellets from under my cockatoo’s cage. So funny – head way under the cage, butt way up in the air. My cockatoo still says her name – CHIIIIIIInAAAAA! I love and miss her so much.



In loving memory of Vachon. –GREG AnD SHERI HoISTAD

In memory of Faith the Dalmation. –AMy WEBB



In memory of Folley, with sympathy to Roberta Kellam. –CARRIE WHITE

In loving memory of Buster “Bustle”—a very special beagle. –JEnnIFER KuTSCHEID

In memory of Keantu, my beloved Samoyed, now passed, mother of many wonderful white fluffy pups, all of whom found good homes. –JEFF VIRAnT

In Memory of Brittany Larson. She sincerely loved animals. – SAnDRA SAnCHEz

In Memory of Janet Barnholdt. –GLEn AnD BRAnDy SoKoLA – VALLEy AGEnCIES,InC

In honor of the yoga Karma Project. –SuAn SWEnSon

To honor Lila Cramer’s love of Sadie her devoted companion of 13 years. Sadie a Golden Retriever taught that love and courage are gifts to be shared. –DR. MICHAEL oSAKI

In memory of Jake. –ERIn BLoCK WARD

In loving memory of Tsimmes. In honor of Stormy and Buddy.

In loving memory of Cedar,with sympathy to Rebecca york.





In Honor of Cedric the Cat. Please direct this gift to the Emergency Medical Fund.

For sponsorship of any dog or cat that needs the help in memory of Trigger and Tojo.

In loving memory of Sadie, with sympathy to Roger and Phyllis Sherman. Phyllis and Roger Sherman adopted Sadie 10 years ago. Sadie was an elegant and loving companion, repaying them many times for the care they gave her. Sadie was a very lucky dog.



In loving memory of Lucky. Lucky was my gentle “Homeless Hound” – a collie/golden retriever mix we adopted when she was about 2 years old. She left us over a year ago now, and I still miss her.

In Honor of the wedding of Stephanie Misencik and Joe Feisthamel.

– JuDy nELSon

–LoGAn STonE


January 19, 2013



In loving memory of Kirk Bradley Johnson and with sympathy for his family especially his parents Joyce and John Johnson. –JuDITH PEACoCK

In loving memory of Drummer, a great partner. –RAnDy WALLAKE

Please accept this gift to the Home for Life Emergency Medical Care Fund in honor of Kim, Janet and Christy Herrmann. −IRIS REED



In loving memory of Hazel. Hazel was our wonderful cat who left us too early. She brought joy to everyone she came in contact with and left a smile on your face. She will be greatly missed. –DAn & JoAn ARBACH

Kelly Kat Campbell Little Bit Linne Quincee Fisher Sandi Schottler Shadow yunke Wags Wolanin Sammie Leadens

Dotty Hunt Gus Baier Khaki Anderson Kosmo Haugen Rebel Jones Teddy Holloway Tucker Brietch


In Memory of Charlene Street. Junella Litzkow, Janet Kendra,Colleen Ward, Diane Ringhofer & yvonne Jared and Living Choice Condominium who wrote:

In Memory of John Love.

“Charlene Street was a dear member of our community and lifetime advocate for the care and humane treatment of all animals”


In honor of the Willard, Jost and Halligan Families. –AnDREA WILLARD

In memory of Christopher Kausch who died 10/6/11 at age 46. –BoB AnD ADAM ToME WITH SyMPATHy To MARK KAuSCH AnD PATTy JoHnSon ouR nEIGHBoRS.

In tribute to the memory of our patients: Barron Remhof Aja Shaltz Bud overby Dori Whipperman Jasmine Jones

Ava Sallblad Baby Johnson Blais McElroy Bandit Roll Crystal Bohlig

In loving memory of Sidney, our wonderful yorkshire terrier, who was our constant companion, lap dog and beloved family member. –SAnDy AnD JERRy DoRAn



In loving memory of our little Schnauzer zoe. –VICKI AnD CHARLIE GIFFoRD

In honor of Garth Stein. –MICHAEL ozAKI

In honor of my mother Fran Wistrcill. In honor of Abby. –JAy KREAMER

In loving memory of my brother Dan Byrne, a true lover of all animals.


In memory of my dear brother in law Mike Klinke, who is missed every single day and with sympathy for my sister Carole. –JAynE PETERSon


In memory of Paul Sodegren. In honor of my mother Mamie Gregory. Please use this gift for Home for Life’s pet therapy programs which help the elderly and hospitalized children as well as kids who have been impacted by domestic violence.

–Frances and Carol Boman,Christine Kraft,Mary Glynn Elizabeth Glynn,Mark and Judy Cox,Dr. Michael Roscher, Margaret Roscher, Mike Henson and Paul’s loving family.


In honor of my cat Runt and in memory of her sister Gremlin.

My late uncle, Paul Sodergren, was a caring person who loved animals. Generous and humble in death as in life, he asked those who loved him to donate to Home for Life in his memory.

–TAnyA FooTE




In loving memory of Joe the boxer and with sympathy to Jen, Conner and Easton Halbert.

In honor of Genie Smith and Kate Tyler. –DIAnE KAMP


In honor of Anne Wagner we have made a gift to Home for Life. This gift will bring Christmas Joy to dogs and cats who need it more than we need things. May you always be the person your dogs think you are. –ALICE AnD LELAnD LEVIn

In Memory of Molly with sympathy to the Paul and Elizabeth Erdahl family. –DAn AnD JoAn ARBACH

In honor of Debbie Geiger. –SuSAn AnD MARSHALL KATzMAn

In honor of my son William Becker and his girlfriend Stephanie Shiel. –JAnET BECKER

In loving memory of Liberty “Lib”,who will be missed by many, and with sympathy to Sherri Boyer. –JESSICA SToWERS AnD ALL youR FAMILy

In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ken DeDoux. –MARy RICHARDSon

In memory of Jack Homme. –GLADyS AnD RoGER REILInG

In Memory of Phoebe (aka Phoenix). –TARA STEELE

In memory of natalie Hanson’s father John Lum. –LuCInDA AnD ToM PALLAnSCH

In memory of John D Petrisko. –MARy PETRISKo



In honor of Susan ostrem. Sue loves animals and I know this tribute will mean a lot to her.

In honor of Marketing Midwest partners and clients. –MICHELLE BEnSon


In honor of Rebecca york , a woman with melanoma who is an artist but above all a good person. She has three animal rescues at home.

In memory of Hazel Saveland an extraordinary lady who recently departed this life just shy of her 94th birthday and with sympathy to her daughter Linda. –MARy PETRISKo


In memory of my cousin Michael Bennett. Mike always had room in his heart for any animal and made room in his home for strays. He wanted to make sure those he rescued lived “the good life”!! We all miss you so much! –CHARLEnE BRADy MD

In memory of Gepetto who brought us so much joy for 14 years–he will live forever in our hearts. –LAuREEn o’BRIEn

This gift is in honor of all my animal loving friends this holiday season. In memory nicolas Johnson and with sympathy to Doug and Joan Johnson.



For Deb and Tracey, Ricky and Smokey: Merry Christmas to you all!

In loving memory of Schatzi the dog,beloved by Tufia Steidle and Michael zelman.

Lots of Love Michael –MICHAEL HoRRIGAn


In memory of Simon.

In honor of Peter Kahn’s birthday and with a thank you for all you do.





In memory of Missy. our female sheperd/husky mix was a beautiful companion who gave us all her love and attention. Even on her last day she gave her all to be the beautiful girl that we hold dear to our hearts with a smile and a tear in our eyes.

In memory of Lois Warner. –Jane Beerman, Judy Morgan, Linda McFarland, Fred and Lorraine Scheiber, Kelly and Mike Schall, Donnette Rzeszutek, Lynda Beerman


In memory of my mother olivia “Sis” Geller, who took in stray and abused dogs and cats and gave them a wonderful home. I hoep this donation will help another animal have a better life. –LInDA AxELRoD

In memory of Laurie Lee Wagner of Burlington Kentucky. –PATRICIA CoyLE

In honor of Jeff and Diane nikkel. –JuDy THoRnBERG

In honor of Granny LaBlue. –MARCIE STARK

In memory of Ken a and Leona yackel and Spotty, Shorty, Casey, Colby, Annie and Cody. –CHRISTy yAKEL

In memory of Chip and ophelia. –KARAn PEnTon

In memory of Sugar, a wonderful therapy dog for the elderly and loving companion to her pet parent, Kelly Casella.For years, Sugar brought comfort and affection to many seniors during her weekly visits with them. All of us who have experienced her sweet nature will truly miss Sugar; her name was just perfect. –LEn AnD ELAInE DunCAn

From the WoW group at the Des Moines Area Community College in loving memory of our departed furry friends. –CynTHIA BRuInS AnD WoW



In loving memory of Jeanette Dufort. –Ervin Dufort,Fred and Lorraine Schreiber,Laureen Bluhm and Brian and Karen Bebel

In memory of Bud Roberts and with sympathy to the Amanda Gohl Family. –CLIFF AnD MARCIE ToCK

In memory of Jeanette Dufort—with sympathy to her family Marni and Greg Blake, Joanne Minke.

In loving memory of my wife, Susan Hamer, an ardent supporter of Home for Life Animal Sanctuary.



In memory of Solomon English and with sympathy to Gerda and Dong English. In honor of my clients. –KRISTA SCHWARTz

In memory of Hammer. owned and greatly loved by Dr. Geri and Mark Whaley. A Wonderful rescued Jack Russel who lived to 16 years old. He blessed them with his wonderful love., loyalty and profound spirit during his long life. His spirit will always live in their hearts. –JAn ToMLInSon



In memory of Koty. This Tibetan Terrier was the wonderful soul mate for 16 years of Barbara Gutkin and Patti Baldwin. He was a constant companion through good times and difficult times and was a daily walk buddy for every season. His wonderful spirit will live on forever in their hearts. –JAn ToMLInSon

In memory of Tracy Glasser with sympathy to her mother Robin. –JEWEL BuFF

In memory of Smoke, the beloved old and blind cat belonging to our good friends Gwen and Mason Myers. –PHyLLIS AnD RoGER SHERMAn

In loving memory of Blueberry. –HER SPonSoRS MIEKo AnD ToDD AnDERSEn

In loving memory of Felix. –HIS SPonSoRS MARK AnD DEBBy THuRLo

In memory of our dear sheltie Danny Boy who was our wonderful friend for 14 years. –BARBARA AnD DoRA MARIE RoHL

In memory of Wilma Carlson. −LAnny AnD CHERyL BAuMAnn, BETTy WAGEnSTEEn AnD FAMILy

In memory of Hal, one of my favorite Home for Life dogs! –KATHy RAFoRD



In honor of zoey, a lovable wheaton terrier of ours who died after only 4 1/2 years of life due to a heriditary disease. We love and miss you! –JuDy EDDy

In loving memory of Sadie, a 12 1/2 year old Boston Terrier. She was our sweetheart and still is. –MARILyn AnD GEoRGE noLD

In memory of our poodle Abby. –KAREn GRILLIn

In memory of Tony, Toni, Penny, Sandy and Molly. –CoRRInE BERGSTRoM

In memory of Jeff Hill. –PAGE HoLMQuIST

In memory of my sister Maureen and her 3 dogs: Funnybone, Peek–a Boo and Peanut. –KAREn HAyES

In memory of my Basset Hound Bingo with thanks for all that Home for Life does throughout the year. –DEBBIE SWAn

In memory of Chauncey Scott. –PATRICIA SunDBERG

In loving memory of all the wonderful pups who have shared their lives with us and been beloved members of our family. We hope our gift will help Home for Life provide love and comfort to the grateful animals who rely on you. –THE PETouVIS FAMILy

In memory of Lois Kruse and Ivan Ross. –SAnDRA WARnER

In loving memory of a dear dog named Cash. His caring family included Suzanne and Malcolm Forward. −KAy SCHRoEDER

In Memory of loss of our beloved friends’ dog Cash Forward. – nARESH GuRunG



In memory of Kathy Kieke. −owen and Sheila Enestvedt, Marion Wright, Marge Hamlin and Geri Van Alstine, Joanne Kozloski, Jill Enestvedt– nungesser, Ruth Kieke

In memory of our cats: Carmen Chloe Grace and Stella Maxine. And in honor of cats: Charlotte Eden, sisters Meredith Lucille and Matilda Rose and our dog Rupert D. Dziuk. –DEBRA SWAnSon DzIuK AnD FAMILy

In memory of Judy Kaempfer and in support of Home for Life’s Sit* Stay Heal Program’s visits to patients of the VA Polytrauma unit, Minneapolis. -KAy MooRE

In memory of Earl Blocher and his Labs.

“Liric”—June 1, 1998– october 21, 2012


It hurts to lose a beloved dog, especially when you have to make the choice to let go. But that last act of friendship was the most caring thing we could have done for Liric. It says a lot about the special bond that he and I shared, a bond that will leave behind many wonderful memories. Liric was a very special boy who was greatly loved by Jan and Sharon. He was an obedience dog, an agility dog and a therapy dog with many titles in each. He will be greatly missed, but his spirit will live in our hearts forever. –JAn ToMLInSon

In loving memory of Pixie.

In honor of my daughter Carol Ackley who sponsors Home for Life’s paraplegic Basset Hound Moppet in my honor.





In memory of the great Roseville Police Department K9 “Major” and with sympathy to the Roseville Police Department. –RoBERT AnD ELAInE BoSSART

In loving memory of Florayne olen. –the family of Florayne olen, Helen LaVelle,Betty Bullis, Laurel Boerger, Kathryn Stingl, Cynthia Anderson and J Edward Anderson, Julie and Jim Garrison, Cheryl Hawkinson, Barbara Bozonie, Lynn and Linda Ault, Linda Byrne, Marilyn and Bob Dodd, Sally Law

In memory of Florayne olen with sympathy to Robert olen and Kathy Stingl.

In loving memory of Karen Ruth Bortnick who was an exceptionally nice and wonderful little girl who was kind and loving to others.


For Cheryl & Corey, your loving canine companion. Bogey will live on in the lives of animals in need through this donation made in his memory to Home for Life. – JoHn AnD LInDA DIMMoCK

In memory of Gayle Santarsiero . –FRIEnDS AT THERMoKInG, InC

For Laurie: Hoping you have a splendid birthday! –JuLIE WATKIn

In loving memory of Carl Brown, a generous supporter of Home for Life and the loving sponsor of Maverick, Rusty, Sally and Star. Above ,Carl with his dog Friki. In memory of Lucille Arlene Anderson. –REBECCA GILMoR



In Memory of Junior. Rescued at 5 weeks old he, missed the knowledge and nuturing of his mother. Junior overcame his problems and enjoyed thirteen wonderful years. – RAnDy GAVEn

In celebration of our wedding. In lieu of traditional wedding favors, my fiance and I have opted to donate to a worthy cause close to our hearts. Please use this gift to continue doing wonderful things for all your animals! –KRISTInA ( FoRTunE) AnD MATT AnDERSon

In loving memory of Elaine Richardson, with sympathy to her daughters Lisa and Janet. Karen Richardson, Singles All Together, Carol Resseg, Sue Lindquist, Joanne neumann,Margaret Cass, Jayne S., Jill Wiseth, Tennie Stark, Cindy Schultz, Gretchen, Lorraine nelson, Mary nattle, Linda Eisenbeck, Pat Dockey, Leslie, Kristine, Pam, Paul and Tess, Steve and Kris, Tom and Ryan, Paradigm, Rochelle, Chris and Sarah, Lorilee and Rianna, Julie Kloster, Ken Anderson, Lorraine nelson, Jerry Kistler, Susan Kooiman, Dona nd Biz Person, Maura Tierney, Kristi Arntzen, Angie Sundell, David Richardson

In loving memory of Shadow with sympathy to Tya. Shadow was very special to us all and will be missed immensely!! Luckily we have all the memories we can hold close to our hearts that will always bring a smile to my face – even if she did eat my sandwich. Shadow was an amazing dog and I know I can say with absolute certainty that she had the best life a dog could ever imagine. Well she may have had to put up with a couple embarrassing moments from Breezer but only out of love! –TALI LEE

In loving memory of Candlochen’s Poetry in Motion and In memory of Katie Richardson Johnson.

In memory of Cisco and with sympathy for Charlene Brown. I will not forget little feisty Cisco and her graceful leaps for leaves that I would toss. I am sorry she had to leave but she moves on from such a good life with the best mom a little dog could ever hope for. I hope she and Shadow are off frolicking in a field together somewhere.



In honor of my sister Mary Dougherty for her birthday. –PATTI DonAIS



In Memory of oskar. –KRISTIn LILE

In memory of Judy the cat. –KARIn nAVIS

In loving memory of Kenu and Sundog.

In Memory of Lochy and Gracie.

My brother had a guide dog, a yellow lab named Angie and she helped him lead an independant life. Angie was his guide, helper and best friend. Sponsoring Buster Brown will be my way of paying Angie back in a small way.



In Memory of Sir, K.C. and Keebler Eckert, my deceased “furbabies” who are waiting at the Rainbow Bridge and will never be forgotten.

In Memory of oscar and xuxa (pug) and xuxa (shih tzu)are the two dogs I had the pleasure of sharing my life with for 12 and 14 years. xuxa died of old age at home at nearly 15 years old, and oscar had to be put to sleep due to losing his ability to walk at age 12. I miss them every day! I love what you are doing to help these hard to place animals!



In Memory of Kaiwa, my calico kitty, died this past year, I had her for 18 1/2 years and I really miss her.



In Honor of the Waibel Boys. In Honor of Leo and Linus. nICHoLAS SCHMITT




In Honor of Abby & Winston. –SuSAn & WARREn SCHuMACHER

In Memory of Jackson Silkworth—In honor of a life well lived. –MonICA KRyzER

In Honor of Richard Wassen. This gift is in honor of Richard’s unconditional love and commitment to Willow and in loving memory of Lady, his former partner in life.

In Memory of Fess, Arrow and Molly—Cairn Terriers and Border Collie. – JAnET SEAVITTE


Given in loving memory of our wonderful cat Scrumptious, who brought us many years of joy.

In Memory of Sandy and Penny—Loving Golden and Chesapeake. –KATHRyn CARLSon


In Memory of Christopher S. Gardner. Chris, your mother, brother, sister in law, nephew, Earl the cat, Jody the cat and I miss you very much. We will never forget you! These four long years have been hard without you!

In Honor of Debra Peterfeso—for all her hard work for this organization. Above, Home for Life’s volunteer Deb Peterfeso with Dodi, Home for LIfe’s epileptic Great Dane who is a certified therapy dog.



In honor of Sue Burnight.

In Honor of Eleanor Krahn.





In Honor of David Struckman—For 44 years of service to the city of Davenport. Thank you Captain Struckman. –LAuRIE WILLARD

In honor of Al & Wendy Vorderbruggen. – JoAn VoRDERBRuGGEn

In honor of Amy olson. –MICHELLE SCHooFF

In honor of Patricia Moran. –youR SECRET SAnTA, BoB

In Honor of my friend Bonni Kautz on her birthday. – C K HEGERFELD

In Honor of the Schweikert Family and In memory of Marilyn who had an affection for all animals, especially our dogs who have been instrumental in providing us many memories if laughter and enjoyment. Current family loves our animals like no other and treat them as children knowing the love they bring each and every day. –WILLIAM SCHWEIKERT

In Memory of Molly. – PATRICIA RuSSELL

In loving memory of my best friends Stormy and Buddy. –noRM STRATTon



In Honor of Mary Brown. For Mom, From: Lori, Derek, Marin, Avery and the fur kids Mom, because you have always done so much for the animals and gave me the same passion, we have made a donation in your name to Aunt Jeannie’s place. Merry Christmas!!!! In Memory of Tuxey Knechtges. We rescued the sweetest tuxedo kitten in 2007 after losing our first cat to cancer. Tuxey became our world, we loved having him as our baby. At only three years old, Tuxey suddenly got sick one day and within hours was gone. We never found out what happened to him and to this day our hearts are broken. We have since rescued two more babies as I am sure Tuxey would have wanted us to continue to rescue. But there isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t think about and miss our little boy. – TRACI KnECHTGES

In honor of Ernie, Charlie and Josie—our three Mininature Schnauzers. –PAuLA DAAMGAARD

To honor the life of Liric—a beautiful dog with a special spirit and to Jan Tomlinson who gave him a wonderful life filled with great love and care. –BARBARA GuTKIn

In memory of David’s friend Jessie, the Wonder Cat. – LIzA & DAVID oKAMoTo

In Honor of Madi Knapp. My neice Madi gave us her list for Christmas, which included donations to animal rescues. This is in her honor. –TRACI KnECHTGES

In Memory of Superkitty Clark Kent.–cat– found–in–gutter–family–says–they–put–him–out– because–he–acted–sick/

In loving memory of Carter Faust, best friend to Pauly, Amy and Emily Faust. And in memory of Carmen Peil, the loving companion to Pam and Carl Peil of Montana. –SuSAn JoHnSon

I’d like to send this small donation for Banquo’s 12th birthday (it was September 17th). Thank you for all your care for him! (Banquo top with HFL’s other Cairn Sanda). –ALExAnDER LEDBETTER

Clark passed away Feb. 1, 2013 from a tumor that burst in his mouth. In his memory I am sponsoring Rudy, a blind kitty who lives at Home for Life

In memory of our dear friend Colleen Breske. Colleen loved her own cats, Phoebe and zoe, who were rescue cats. She wanted help all animals as often as she could. This memorial was her request.





In Memory of Michelle Simoneau.

In honor of Bernie Beres.

Michelle died peacefully on 9/24 at 46 years old. She loved animals and family requested memorials to Home for Life.

Happy Birthday Bernie! We made a donation in honor of your 90th birthday to Home For Life, an animal sanctuary for disabled animals. Many of the animals become therapy pets and visit VA hospitals.



In memory of our beloved Meowzi. –CHoy–FoonG WonG & THIEn–VIET nGuyEn

My beloved cat, Grey had to be put to sleep due to severe illness. My heart aches at the loss of my sweet Grey.

In loving memory of Colby Foo, who brought snorts and smiles wherever he went. – KATIE AnD ARIK noRDBy


In memory of Riley, with sympathy to the Greg Miller Family. –DAn ARBACH

In Memory of Scooter and Kirby. Scooter was an amazing cat with a big personality. our friends, Judy and Joe Hickey had the joy of raising and loving him for 18 years. Kirby the cat was a member of our family for over 20 years and passed a year ago. Their legacy will be to help other animals. –KATHy HoRWATH

In memory of those Dobermans who rescued me– Blackjack, Lucy, Thor, Angel, Champagne, Mitsy, Rontu and Abby. May HFL continue to help those who can’t help themselves. Thank you for all you do! –MARy RuuD (DoBERMAn RESCuE oF MInnESoTA InC PRESIDEnT)



In memory of our beloved cat, Tashish, whom we set free of suffering on September 7, 2012. She loved to knead and slobber. She gave us love for 15 years and we miss her dearly. –SoRELL AnD VALERIE SLAyMAKER

This is given in memory of Eileen Barstow Davis. –By CREATIVE CoMMunICATIonS ConSuLTAnTS.

In honor of Rosie neher.

In memory of Joy Anne Marie Peterson.


My sister Joy often and lovingly cared for my dogs when I was away. I think of her and miss her every day!

In Honor of @lurainpenny @juliawb. LuRain and Julie are my twitter friends who are a positive force both on Twitter and in life. I have sponsored Momkun the cat for them and in their honor –MICHAEL oSAKI


In Memory of Buster “Bustle”—a very special beagle. – JEnnIFER KuTSCHEID

For Renee, Bruce, SueEllen & Tulip Elizabeth: “In memory of your Buddy, who will always remain in your hearts, and who will always hold you in his.” A gift has been made to Home for Life Animal Sanctuary in memory of Buddy. –nAnCy MoRIn AnD BAILEy, HuCKIE, JJ, GEoRGIE & PEBBLES

In memory of Basie with sympathy to Mary Walhquist and John Boblett. –Dan Arbach In Memory of beloved Sofia. Sofia was my mother’s beloved Shih Tzu. Sofia lived a long and happy life filled with love and adoration. She slept in the bed everynight with my mother, nuzzled in her neck. Sofia took rides with my mother in the car, ate turkey hot dogs (her favorite) cut up in little pieces while my mom sang her a special song. She was the best dog and the bond between her and my mother was unbreakable. Sofia passed away a very old and happy lady. My mother is devastated but will take comfort in knowing a financial contribution to needy animals was made in her name. –MEGAn MCnALLy

In Memory of Molly—with sympathy to Paul and Elizabeth Erdahl & family. –DAn ARBACH

In Honor of otto Martinez—the sweetest man I know because he is kind to everyone and especially animals who are in need. –SEREnA MA RTIn

To Jen– Happy Valentines Day from the cats & Karl Koopman. –ISABEL & FERDInAnD

In honor of the Bonnsetter Family who took such wonderful care of our elderly dog while we were on vacation. –DEBBy WALTERS

In loving memory of Schatzi the dog, beloved by Tufia Steidle and Michael zelman. –MICHAEL oSAzKI



In Loving Memory of DAISy, who lives forever in the garden.

In Memory of Spooky. We lost you one year ago. –MICHELE KoEnDERS


In memory of Max and Emma. In Memory of Beau Kasper—We love and miss you Beau!!!you are always with us! – DAWn KASPER


In Memory of Lucky and Trader —We love you and miss you both! –KIMBERLy KEnSInGER, oLIVER, SGT, TIBS, TIPPy AnD CHLoE

In honor of the birthday of Peter Kahn and with thanks for all you do; you’re a mensch! –MyRnA KLITzKE

In honor of Mandy Lindbergh. –JERRy LInDBERGH

In honor of Helen Johns. –KIMBERLy JoHnS

In Memory of Ripley. Ripley went to her rest today. I want to sponsor Ava who looks like Ripley to honor Darcy Mulville my wife and Ripley’s companion.

For Josh & Abby Gabrick: in honor of your wedding we have made a donation to Home for Life. –DAVE & MARy JEFFREy BRIDGET, JAKE, SEAMuS, AnD ABBy

– Michael ozaki In memory of Griffin, my Bernese Mountain Dog, who passed away in February after a valiant battle with cancer. He taught me so much — I miss him every day. –LoRI CoRnELL



In loving memory of Keebler, K.C. and Sir the three that are waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for me. –PATRICIA ECKERT

For Lynne: Happy Birthday!” and “Merry Christmas!” :–) A wonderful kitty named Rory is being sponsored at Home For Life in your honor. (She reminded me of your kitty that I know you miss so adorable tiger–striped female kitty) :–) –KATHy PoSuS

It is with our deepest regret that we inform you of the passing of Patricia nadine James who passed peacefully on September 18,2011. nadine had been fighting bronchitis for months which ended up in pneumonia. Her final days were spent in a beautiful Hospice residence on a lake. It was very comforting for her to look outside her window and see the birds and squirrels at play. Please accept this gift in remembrance of nadine in keeping with her final wishes.

RIP Booshe– The house is so quiet with you. I’m so lucky to have had you in my life for 3 years. I feel peace in knowing that you are with your first owner who passed away from cancer. Always remembered, never forgotten, forever loved and missed. –KAREn BREnny


In Honor of Chicken Chunk who is my elderly cat who has come into some age–related health issues in the past year. He’s very special to me and it makes me so happy to know that there is a place that takes care of older animals like him. –HEATHER VooRHEES

In memory of Hummer, the sweetest dog I’ve ever known. you’re missed everyday. –Jarisara Charoensit In Honor of Lynnette olson. –PERRIE HEITLER

In celebration of our wedding. –SuzIE( CoFFEy) AnD JEREMy BuSCH



In memory of my loving cats Maxx and otis, who lived long lives with each other and their human friends. – JILL CAMPBELL

In loving memory of Iris and with sympathy to Rinda. Dear Rinda, Iris was an amazing girl. We are sorry for your loss. Hugs and headbutts, Dale, Kristin, Mark and Ann. In memory of Lucille Anderson. Lucille was a special lady who loved dogs and her family. May she rest in peace and pass along comfort to those dogs in need. -AuDREy RETKA, MATTHEW CoMMonS

In memory of our BFF (best furry friend), Dave the Dog. He was a yellow lab with personality plus and a flair for fishing. We were blessed to be his guardians. He leaves a hole in our heart as big as he was. –JuLIE & PAuL BERG

Buddy Ditzmore was my cat from 6 weeks until he died at 15. He was a special needs cat – diabetes requiring insulin two times a day at the age of 9, respiratory issues at 12, and inflammatory bowel disease which ultimately claimed his life. I miss him terribly in the two weeks since he left me, and I wish to honor his memory by supporting other cats who have special needs, and have found their way to HFL. –A. LEE MERRICK



In Memory of Joe (1957 - 1968) Joe was my first dog, a beloved Dalmatian/English Setter mix although he appeared 100% Dal! He was my best friend during my formative years. I never got to say “goodbye” to him but I know that one day, I’ll say “hello” to him again and be with him forever. –REV. MoSER

In memory of opal Potter who died April 2, 2013. –REnEE PoTTER

In memory of Holly and Dan Burand’s little cat Moe. –KAREn KIEMELE

This is my son’s dog Quinn. He passed just a few months after this picture was taken. He had a bad heart. He was over 20 years old. My son, Alan, misses him very much and loved him so much. Quinn was a very sweet and loving little guy. –AnnETTE SCHMIDT





rotect the animals you love! Create a lasting partnership with Home for Life. Your planned gift makes it possible. By including Home for Life in your estate plan, you can continue providing a second chance for dogs and cats who are unwanted due to old age, chronic illness, handicaps and temperament issues. There are many financial vehicles available to donors who want to ensure the continu28


ity of services to the animals in Home for Life’s care. Many of these giving strategies can offer substantial tax benefits, supplement retirement income and enable donors to leave a legacy that will secure a safe, loving and permanent home for unwanted dogs and cats. 




The Renaissance Project: Henrietta with her student trainer.

Animals Give Back: HoME FoR LIFE 速 ouTREACH PRoGRAMS HFL touches people of all ages


through our innovative community outreach programs and the

Our volunteers and animal residents give presentations free of charge to area clubs, schools and community and youth groups

client organizations we serve. Animals that were once rejected and neglected are given a second chance at our sanctuary, and then, with faith in life restored give back through their participation in the Pet Peace Corps. 30


PEACE CREATuRES速 A collaborative program with the Tubman Family Alliance of the Twin Cities and the Women of Nations Shelter in St. Paul, MN, the Peace Creatures速 project uses volunteers, staff and animals from the sanctuary to teach peaceful conflict resolution to families impacted by domestic violence.

THE REnAISSAnCE PRoJECT Now in its 13th year, this program pairs our younger dogs with at risk teens from Boys’ Totem Town, St Paul, MN. The teens train the dogs who will then partner with Home for Life volunteers to provide pet therapy to the elderly, families impacted by domestic abuse, hospice patients and patients at the University of Minnesota Medical Center-Fairview, and the Minneapolis Veteran’s Administration Medical Center Poly-Trauma Unit.

The Renaissance Project: Juliet the doberman with her student trainer.

SEnIoR ouTREACH PRoGRAM Home for Life® staff, volunteers and animal residents visit nursing homes throughout the Twin Cities for therapy work with the elderly. 

SIT*STAy*HEAL This program began as an initiative to provide solace and joy through healing pet therapy to pediatric patients at the Fairview University Hospitals who are undergoing treatment for cancer and other serious health conditions. Sit*Stay*Heal has now expanded to serve: • Adult critical care patients at Fairview university Hospital’s cardiac and oncology floors. • Adult and pediatric, adolescent and adult patients at Fairview university Hospital receiving treatment for mental health conditions. • Patients receiving hospice care through Asera Care at various facilities in the Twin Cities. • Injured veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts receiving treatment at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center’s Polytrauma unit, one of just four such units in the country.

Home For Life’s cockapoo, Sammy, with a hospice patient.



2013 EVEnT CALEnDAR Don’t forget Home for Life® as you plan your 2013 social calendar! We have great events coming up throughout the year and hope to see many of you soon!

DoG DAy 5K: RAISE MONEY FOR HOME FOR LIFE SANTUARY’S ANIMALS HoME FoR LIFE is the “Best in Show” sponsor for this 4th Annual Event celebrating fitness, fun and “fido”. Whether you walk it or jog it, with a dog or without, this event is all about fun. JUNE 8, 2013 Downtown Waconia, Mn | To register, visit

erin and nike

THE FAcE OF THE RAcE: Make a pledge to Home for Life donor and sponsor Erin Ward and nike, Home for Life’s paraplegic Alaskan Husky, representing all our animals, as they run the Dog Day 5k to raise money for the sanctuary.

RIDE FoR THEIR LIVES, BLESSInG oF THE AnIMALS, AnD oPEn HouSE Visit Home for Life at our open House, Annual Ride for Their Lives Motorcycle event and Memorial Garden event, be part of our touching Memorial Garden event, where the cats and dogs who have passed away are remembered and cherished. This year our open House, Ride and Memorial Garden event is scheduled for SATURDAY JULY 27 at NOON. A complimentary luncheon will be served. This event is FREE but please RSVP by calling 1-800-252-5918 or emailing us at

oPEn HouSE TouRS Home for Life welcomes our donors and sponsors for tours of the sanctuary beginning the first weekend after Memorial Day, We offer tours each WEDnESDAy and SATuRDAy at 1:30 pm. Please call at 1-800-252-5918 or email us at to set up a time to visit.

HoME FoR LIFE’S 2013 FALL GALA, THE FAnCy FEAST—with special guest temple grandin Friday, October 18, 2013, 6:30 pm | Reservations available July 15, 2013: $100 per person($50 tax deductible) International Market Square, 275 Market Street Minneapolis, Mn 55405 (612) 338-6250 Enjoy an evening of fine wines, gourmet food, auctions and an opportunity to meet Temple. For more information: or 800-252-5918

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