This section is kindly sponsored by: Chairman: Mr William Britton Vice Chairman: Mrs Karen Wood & Mr Justin Miller
Exhibitors in this section are eligible for the Dorset Shows Championship. 2022 PRIZE MONEY (Except where stated) Dorset Shows Champion £100, Reserve Champion £75, Runner Up £50 Supreme Champion Sheep, Lowland and Heath, Hill & Upland Champions £40, Reserve Champions £20 Overall Champion Pair of Sheep £40, Reserve Champion £20 Overall Champion Group of Three Sheep £40, Reserve Champion £20 Overall Champion Group of Four Sheep £40, Reserve Champion £20 Breed Classes: First Prize £20, Second Prize £15, Third Prize £10 Junior & Novelty Classes: First Prize £12, Second Prize £8, Third Prize £4 ENTRY FEE: Members £8.00 inc VAT/entry Non Members £10.00 inc VAT/entry Except where stated SHEEP ARE TO BE SHOWN IN ONE CLASS PER DAY ONLY (EXCEPT FOR THE GROUP CLASSES, WOOL ON THE HOOF AND THE YOUNG HANDLER CLASSES) AND MUST REMAIN ON THE SHOWGROUND UNTIL 4.30PM ON SUNDAY PENS ARE ALL UNDERCOVER AT £5/PEN INCLUDING STRAW SHEEP MUST ARRIVE BETWEEN 2PM - 8PM ON FRIDAY 2ND SEPTEMBER OR BETWEEN 6AM 8.30AM ON SATURDAY 3RD SEPTEMBER IMPORTANT MV & MV Scrapie Monitored or Non-MV status must be stated on the entry forms. Sheep are penned separately depending on their health status. Only Dorset Horn/Polls are accepted as Scrapie Monitored, there is an exception for this County Breed of sheep at its local Show. A valid MV Health Status Report will be required to be collected from MV exhibitors. For your Movement Book the Society’s Holding Number is 11/126/8000. Exhibitor numbers will be sent out with your tickets and vehicle passes in late August. Pens will be labelled with exhibitor’s name. If there are less than 3 exhibitors in any section the Sheep Committee reserve the right to amalgamate the section. GRAND PARADE Champions and Reserve Champions in all sections WILL be required to participate in the Grand Parade on both days or they will forfeit their Prize Money.