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+ALSO INSIDE: November 2013 | Monthly U.S. $3.95 • Canada $4.95


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ta ta bl e of c on t e n t s

november 2013 volume 36/issue 11

060 011

Up Front

Direc tor’s Let ter



Editor’s Let ter


Contr ibutor s


T h e R e d P a ge


How the Gold Wing got it s name.

R ider’s Ed

Going above and beyond.

The hot toys you want for your ride.

Five Things Ever y Gold Wing Owner Should Know

011 014


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04 4

Stu answer s your questions.

members onllyy The Lifer


One man’s stor y as told by his daughter.

Mr. Ser ious Congrattulations to Jer Congratulations Jerry ry Tate JSV ½RHMRK ;MRK] Taate JSV ½RHMRK ;MRK] T on page 74 of of the the September September issue! issue ! Wingy W i ng y on p age 74 was behind the the windshield windshield of of the the silver silver was hiding hiding behind GL1800 with ith trailer. tr ailer. Jerry Jer r y won won $50, $50, and and yyou ou G L180 0 w details on on page page 96. 96. ccan an ttoo! oo! More More details


Think you k now them all?

Wor k bench

Self development.

Golden Dealer


Wired Up

He’s a fu fun guy.


ta ta bl e of c on t e n t s

068 055

Trike Tracks


Rear View

When to Tr ike


Holiday Gift Guide


3 -Wheeled R ides






Motorcycle Goodies


Hall of Fame


Reader’s Rides


Features T h e Lo n g a n d Winding Road


Let’s go to Italy and take XLI %QEP½ (VMZI

O u r F i r s t W i ng D i ng


One couple’s storyy.

Shopping in Madison


Get your debit carrds dss ready.

Opr yland A s ne a k pe e k .


vview iew tthe he nnovember ovember iissue ssue ooff wing w ingg w wo world orld m magazine nline: agazine oonline: username: username: be password: password: well wel+l

046 w i ng w o r l d m a g . c o m


director’s let ter

a focus on fun

photography by: Carl Schultz


As you can see, our new model is loaded with lots of exciting c h a n g e s , a l l d e s i g n e d t o m a ke yo u r j o u r n ey w i t h G W R R A enjoyable, s affe a nd f un. ation grows So what does this mean to you? As our organizat and evolves, we need to do the same. T h r oug h ou r co m m u nic a t io n cha n n e ls we lis te n . You r • I t h a s a b r a n d n e w l o o k , s t a r t i n g w i t h W i ng W Woor ld C h a p t e r D i r e c t o r s s h a r e M e m b e r co n c e r n s a n d co m m e n t s • A new design with s treamlined communicattion w i t h t h e i r D i s t r i c t D i r e c t o r a n d s o o n u p t h e c h a i n of t h o s e • Bet ter handling with more well tr ained leader s six valves . • It ffeeattures a new MGS (Member G uided Sys tem) We also send out letters and take sur veys of the membership • Saves on fuel cos ts — r uns 10 0% on fun to hear what they are sayying. This or ganizattion is here ffo or you, • Improved speed in answer ing Member needs and we ser ve the Associattion so thatt we can make thatt jour ney • Has bet ter seating — more r oom ffo or Fr iends ffo or Fun of the Member “enjoyable, saffe and ffuun.” So k now thatt we are • Increased s tor age — holds lots of saffet y and k nowledge always l is tening a nd w want to hear your thoughts . • A solid ffrr amewor k — built on our or iginal GWR R A As we atttend the convention/rallies around the organization, vision, mission and values we we l co m e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o t a l k w i t h yo u a n d s h a r e i d e a s . P l e a s e d o n’ t f e e l t h a t we a r e u n a p p r o a c h a b l e , a s Ins tead of six valves to get you where you want to go, our not hing could be fu r t he r f r om t he t r u t h . Ta ke t he time to RI[ QSHIP MW IUYMTTIH [MXL WM\ 3J ½GIV W HIHMGEXIH XS LIPTMRK s top us , introduce your self, and tell us wher e you ar e from you ar rive at your des tination. They are your Chapter Direc tor, as well as your GWR R A exper ience . A s the new Direc tor s Dis tr ic t Direc torr, Region Direc torr, Deput y Direc torr, Direc tor of G W R R A , we w ill r e pr ese nt you t he b es t w he n we a r e communicatting direc tly. We look for ward to hear ing from you. and GWR R A President .

avve you seen the new GL250 0? Now that I havve v your attention, have you noticed all of the changes under wayy in GWRR A? It’s a lot like looking att the newest Gold Wing model. Our new Model in GWRR A is loaded with ffeeatures designed with you, our Members, in m ind.


no v e m b e r 2 0 1 3

director’s let ter

“As we start this new chapter in GWRRA’s history, let’s all pitch in together and share the fun, the knowledge and the safety: that’s really why we serve and why we are together, and how we developed the friendships that have lasted over the course of our almost 30 years with GWRRA.”

It starts with your Chapter Director who has the keys — just let him or her know where you want to go. They are there to guide you with your GWRRA experience and direct you to the best person to answer any questions that you might have that could be best answered by someone else. Your Chapter Director is the one that shares the fun ideas that have come from Members and are shared around the organization. If you can help them spread the fun, please pitch in as they will always welcome your help. Your Chapter will grow and prosper when more are involved in sharing the fun. So if you’ve been sitting on the sidelines, please get involved and then share your fun with all of us.

As we start this new chapter in GWRRA’s history, let’s all pitch in together and share the fun, the knowledge and the safety: that’s really why we serve and why we are together, and how we developed the friendships that have lasted over the course of our almost 30 years with GWRRA. In closing, Sandi and I want to wish each and every Member of our GWRRA Family a very happy and wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Be sure and take time to acknowledge all that we have to be thankful for, starting with family, friends and good health. See you soon!

Ray & Sandi Garris (KJS) Directors of GWRRA


from the editor

road trip

photography by: Carl Schultz


IPP MX´W SJ ½GMEP 8LI XMGOIXW EVI FSSOIH XLI VIRXEP GEV MW ready to go and we have hotels locked down. I’m going on a road tr ip, and I’m br inging you with me. ; LI R - ½V W X KSX XLMW KMK - V IEGLIH SY X XS WSQI SJ Q] fr iends and colleagues who I ’ve wor ked with over the year s to ask their opinions abou t Wing Wor ld, it s direc tion and so on. Mayybe they’ d see s omething t hatt I m issed a long t he w ayy. Thatt was how I met up with Car l Schult z, a photogr apher I met a few year s back when I wor ked at another publicattion. W h e n I p l o p d o w n a co py o f t h e S e p t e m b e r i s s u e o f t h e maga zine on his desk , he opens it up and sayys , “There’s not a lot of people in here.” Funny, but he was r ight . Sure, there were Member s telling their s tor ies in one way or another, but


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the human element was missing. Suddenly, the maga zine didn’t WIIQ EW TIV WSREP XS QI - RIIHIH XS ½\ XLEX We s tar t talk ing things out , and I realize that I have access to a net wor k of freelancer s thatt are all across the globe — I should be able to get some Member s covered in one ffaashion or another, but whaatt about domes tically? Should I ac tually hit t h e r oad m y s e l f a n d m e e t s o m e o f t h e s e p e o p l e i n p e r s o n? Thatt’s when I remembered my time at Wing Ding 35 and a few conver sattions I had with B r uce Beeman and Bob Phelps . Man, those are interes ting guys — I wondered aloud if they would want to be fe feattured in the book . At At the time I recalled B r uce telling me thatt he wa s in Minnesot a and I wa s pr et t y sure thatt Bob was in Madison, Wisc., so maybe I could plan a

“Suddenly, the magazine didn’t seem as personal to me. I needed to fix that.â€? trip where I covered a few roads, interviewed the two of them and got ahead of the game for Wing Ding 36. I turned to Carl and said, “Want to go to Minnesota?â€? Two emails later, I realized that I had a pretty big problem. Although Bruce did live in Minnesota, Bob was down south in St. Louis, Mo. But now I was committed, so I planned out a slightly longer trip that would start off in Missouri, go towards Chicago, then up through Madison and into Minnesota. It was EVSYRH QMPIW MR ½ZI HE]W ERH EPSRK XLI [E] [I´H MRXIVZMI[ three Members, shoot lots of roads almost tailor made for motorcycles as well as see some great cities. I was in, Carl was in and with that, we booked our plans. The day after this issue goes to print, I’ll be on a US Airways žMKLX XS 7X 0SYMW [LIVI [I´PP WTIRH XLI ½VWX RMKLX SJ SYV ZS]EKI From there we’ll cover roughly 250 miles a day, mostly on back roads and scenic views, with both Carl and myself taking pics as we go. Come day two we’ll check out Route 66 (or what’s left of it), and the next day it’s on to the Windy City, Chicago, for a look at what makes that area so amazing. Then it’s on to meet another Member, head towards Madison via some twisties (and IZIR XEOI E JIVV] GEQT SYX HS[RXS[R ERH XLIR ½RMWL SJJ MR Minnesota. I should be back in town around the time that this issue hits your mailbox, maybe a bit sooner. What does this mean for you? This issue we’re introducing a new section to the book, titled Members Only. In those pages, we take a moment to look at one person (or family) and their NSYVRI] XLVSYKL XLI +;66% ERH PMJI MR KIRIVEP ;I ½RH SYX what makes them tick, learn little things that otherwise might be left in the dark and take some great pictures as well. These are the stories that get passed around campgrounds, poker runs and hotel lobbies, and I want to get them out to all of our readers. Hence the road trip. 8LMW QSRXL [I LEZI X[S 1IQFIVW 3RP] TVS½PIW ERH FSXL of them are from Arizona. Next month we have a few more in store from opposite ends of the country, and I also have a buddy in the UK who is planning on doing some work for us. 3L ERH MJ - GER ½RH XLI VMKLX TLSXSKVETLIVW +IVQER] -WVEIP and more are on the line as well. By the time you read this, the plans will already be in motion and we’ll be moving forward on another exciting chapter in GWRRA and Wing World history. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this experience, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Kevin Whipps Editor in Chief @wingworldeditor

Publication No.: USPS No. 462-550 Publication No.: CPC No. 40032110


IBVC Publishers for GWRRA

Editor in Chief

Kevin Whipps • 623-581-2500, extension 253

Senior Technical Editor Stu Oltman

Technical Contributor Howard Halasz

Contributing Writers

Judy Frankel, Connic Gless, Wolfgang Gless, Marie Look, Laurel May, John Simonick

Advertising Sales • 623-581-2500 • Fax: 877-348-9416 Jodi Lipson – ext. 231; DeAna Janco – ext. 250; Elle Maurene – ext. 219


Keith Smith Felicia Penza

Contributing Photographer Carl Schultz

Home Office Hours (MST)

Monday–Thursday: 6:30am – 5:00pm Wing World™ ISSN #0745-273X is published monthly by IBVC at 21423 North 11th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85027. Phone 623-581-2500. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All letters, articles, art and photographs submitted become the property of GWRRA and are subject to editing and alteration. Reprint of articles or quote excerpts is granted when full credit is given to source. Send all address changes, notices, undeliverable copies, subscriptions, letters, contributions, editorials and requests to:


,SQI 3J½GI 2 XL %ZI 4LSIRM\ %> P.O. Box 42450, Phoenix, AZ 85080-2450 800-843-9460 • 623-581-2500 • FAX 877-348-9416 For GWRRA Memberships, Questions About Wing World Contents, Subscriptions or Member Inquiries, Call 800-843-9460 or 623-581-2500 e-mail:

PRINTED IN U.S.A. By Publication Printers 4IVMSHMGEPW TSWXEKI TEMH EX 4LSIRM\ %VM^SRE EHHMXMSREP QEMPMRK SJ½GIW POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Wing World, P.O. Box 42450, Phoenix, AZ 85080-2450 Send Canadian returns to: P.O. Box 240, Station A, Windsor, ON N9A6K7 COPYRIGHTŠ 2013 Gold Wing Road Riders Association, Inc. GWRRA (a RSRTVS½X SVKERM^EXMSR MW E GSQTPIXIP] WITEVEXI IRXMX] JVSQ ,SRHE 1SXSV 'SQTER] 0XH ERH MW RSX EJ½PMEXIH [MXL ER] SVKERM^EXMSR ,SRHE‹ +SPH ;MRK‹ %WTIRGEHI‹ -RXIVWXEXI‹ :EPO]VMI‹ ERH ,SRHEPMRI‹ EVI ,SRHE XVEHIQEVOW Gold Wing Road Riders Association used by permission of and agreement with American Honda Motor Company, Inc. Publication of any article, photograph, illustration or advertisement should not be construed as an endorsement by +;66% SJ WTIGM½G TVSHYGXW EGGIWWSVMIW SV TVEGXMGIW 8LI STMRMSRW I\TVIWWIH MR the articles in Wing World are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily VIžIGX XLI ZMI[TSMRX SJ XLI +SPH ;MRK 6SEH 6MHIVW %WWSGMEXMSR



marie look Marie Look is a writer and editor in Scottsdale, Ariz., specializing in travel and lifestyle features. Born and raised in the Midwest, she stayed just long enough to earn a degree in journalism from the University of Oklahoma before heading west in 2006. Although the Arizona summers sometimes make her struggle to remember why she traded the temperate plains for a desert where everything (everything) melts, the city’s 70-degree winters and copious amounts of personality are what keep her here. She has held positions with the Modern Luxury family of magazines, Haute Living Phoenix and 944 magazine, and contributed writing to Jetset magazine, Rebel, Process,, and Marie wrote “The Long & Winding Road,” found on page 60.

laurel may @laurel43 Laurel May is an intrepid explorer and documentarian of all things delicious, intoxicating and/or luxurious. You may have spotted her byline in magazines such as 944 and Culinary Trends or websites such as, but odds are even better you’ve read her writing without realizing it — enjoying copy on the product packaging and social media apps you use every day. She lives in Las Vegas with her best friends: a guy, a parrot and a bulldog. She also has to ride around on the back of a super uncomfortable Ducati, is a scrappy breast cancer survivor and you can follow her wacky adventures on Twitter — @laurel43. Laurel wrote “The Lifer,” a story about her father, on page 41.

carl schultz Carl Schultz is a photographer who has been shooting professionally for the past eight years, and been published in many magazines throughout Arizona. He is very passionate about his work, and is always striving to perfect his art by reinventing his photographic style. Carl’s interests include playing several instruments, such as the guitar and the drums; motorcycles; dining out; striving for self-improvement with his newfound dedication and appreciation for the paleo diet and CrossFit; and spending time with his girlfriend and daughter (Jennifer and Mia), close friends and family, two cats (Zeus and Noah) and two rescue Chihuahuas (Toby and Emma). Carl’s studio at the Cattletrack Compound in Scottsdale is one of his favorite spaces that inspires his creativity with its rich history, rustic atmosphere and the talented artists who share the gallery. His portfolio can be seen online at Carl took pictures of Ray Garris (pg. 4, 46), Kevin Whipps (pg. 6) and Mike Zuchich (pg. 42), as well as the cover.


november 2013



Honda has produced scores of memorable motorcycles over the years. Some have magical, evocative names. Cub. Hawk. Elsinore. Interceptor. Hurricane. Valkyrie. Some are just as memorable, but need only a few letters and numbers: CB750. XR650. RC166. But one name stands for much more: the Gold Wing. At first, the world’s favorite touring bike didn’t have a name at all, or even a model number (like GL1800). It was just a project. In 1972, Soichiro Honda himself tasked a handful of his top engineers to create what he called the “King of Motorcycles,” or “King of Kings.” Think back to the time—just three years earlier Honda had rocked the world by introducing the CB750K0. In 1970, that same machine won the Daytona 200. This was a machine that, quite literally, changed the world of motorcycling overnight and forever. It showed everyone who rode that a Japanese manufacturer wasn’t just capable of making a full-sized bike, but the best full-sized bike the world had ever seen. And soon something was coming that will make even the legendary K0 seem tame—machine with liquid cooling, triple disc brakes, shaft final drive and a radical, unique engine architecture.


NOVEMber 2013

At first, the only desire was to build the King. There were no ground rules—anything was fair game. The first concept? A flat-six prototype/concept bike named the M1, also known as the AOK. This 1470cc engine was double the displacement of a CB750, but it was also a far cry from what would come to be the GL series. The transmission was mounted inline with the crankshaft and behind the engine, as in most cars of the time. The M1 was built, tested and abandoned (it still exists today in Japan and is one of Honda’s longest-lived test bikes). But the die was cast, and the first GL1000 premiered in 1974 at the Cologne Motorcycle Show. And it carried a name that showed just how much Honda had riding on this: the Gold Wing. Honda’s first machines—the Model A, Model C and Model D—carried the word “Honda” on the fuel tank, but the graphic wasn’t the wing logo we know today. It was an entire winged figure, rendered in gold, leaning into the wind, running forward, wings stretched out behind. By the time Honda entered the U.S. market in 1958, that logo had been simplified to the familiar wing we know today, although through the years the wing logo has also evolved (the subject of future Red Page, no doubt). But in Honda’s DNA that original golden logo was never forgotten, and this new bike would not just carry the name of a place (like the Elsinore) or a number (like the CB750). No, this new bike was the best Honda could do, a representation of the entire company. And it would carry a name that represented pure Honda, the very image of the company from day one—the Gold Wing of that first gas-tank art. Honda has built thousands of different motorcycles, from the utilitarian Cub to their World Championship-winning MotoGP machines. But none of them have had the honor of representing the very soul of the company as the Gold Wing has.

r i d e r ’ s e d u c at at ion

self development 30 seconds to an improved relationship by John Simonick


avve you ever determined something you wanted to improve on, such as controlling your temper, s peaking more c learly or listening more effectively? Have you made an effor t, but the improvement never materialized, or it temporarily improved but then fa faded aw awayy? If you are serious aabout s elf-improvement, d etermine one thing that you want to improve. More than one thing at a time will reduce the possibility of any of them being successfully accomplished.

Write down a 21-dayy plan ffo or improvement. Consciously practice this item for the entire time period. Why 21 dayys? It takes that many dayys to establish a habit. Af ter the initial timeline, havve occasional follow-ups ffo or six months. Af ter six months, a conscious habit becomes second natture, and you will no longer even have to think about the improvement, as it will be par t of your subconscious behavior. This wor k s well in a buddy sys tem where you havve ex ternal assistance and oversight. w i ng w o r l d m a g . c o m


IMPROVED RELATIONSHIPS Sometimes we interact with many people and the relationships are extremely WYTIV½GMEP ;I [SYPH PMOI XS MQTVSZI our relationships, but other than spending WMKRM½GERX EQSYRXW SJ XMQI [MXL IEGL and every person, we do not know how we can accomplish our goal. The time constraint prevents us from making any TVSKVIWW %R] UYMGO ½\ XS VIPEXMSRWLMT FYMPHMRK ETTIEVW WYTIV½GMEP ERH QE] HS more damage than good. Consider applying the 30-Second Rule. This amounts to spending 30 seconds with an individual (please do not time this by looking at your watch or cell phone). In those 30 seconds, give this person your complete and undivided EXXIRXMSR +MZI XLIQ EJ½VQEXMSR 8LI HI½RMXMSR SJ EJ½VQ MW 1. To declare positively or firmly; maintain to be true. 2. To support or uphold the validity SJ GSR½VQ Let them know how they are important to you, the Chapter, etc. Be sincere! Everybody has good qualities, and brings some value to the world. If there appears to be nothing about a person that is good, or there is no perceived value, either you are missing something, or you should ask yourself why you want to improve your relationship with him or her. Finally, let the person know that ]SY ETTVIGMEXI XLIQ ERH FI EW WTIGM½G as possible. To summarize the 30-Second Rule, simply remember to give the individual about 30 seconds of undivided attention and address each of the three A’s: %XXIRXMSR %J½VQEXMSR ERH %TTVIGMEXMSR


november 2013

Golden dealer

simmons honda powerhouse Gander, Newfoundland, Canada by Wolfgang and Connie Gless


h i s i s a s t o r y o f a M o t o r c yc l e D e a l e r a n d t h e n s o m e . My wife and I and another couple were on a three-week XVMT XS 2I[JSYRHPERH 'EREHE *SV XLI ½VWX HE]]W EPP [IRX as planned. On the evening of day 10 we decided to wash the bikes, and when I got to the rear wheel I discovered a thick layyer of grease. U pon ffuur ther inspection, I discovered the rear drive seal was leaking. W Wee added oil the nex t morning and drove about 40 miles. Af ter stopping aatt an infformattion center, I checked and JSYRH JVIWL SMP SR XLI [LIIP ERH XMVI ;I HI½RMXIP] LEH E TVSFPIQ We wer e in Gander, New foundland , C anada , and they happened to havve a Honda Powerhouse Dealer. This is where Simmons Honda Powerhouse and their ser vice manager Davve Noel stepped up. We were about four miles from the dealer, so


no v e m b e r 2 0 1 3

we rode there and they put it right into the shop. We knew we would be stayying overnight as the seal would havve to be ordered. Knowing that we would need a place to stay, Simmons went above ERH FI]SRH F] LIPTMRK YW ½RH E LSXIP ERH KMZMRK YW E VMHI XS XLI hotel. A real class act, to be sure. The nex t morning we received a call ffrrom Simmons Honda and their ser vice manager explained thatt he had something to show us. This is never a good sign. Af ter disassembling the rear dr ive, they ffo ound thatt the main bear ing and the seal s ur face were shot. The bearing was available and could be overnighted, but the seal sur face was not readily available and he had no idea how long it would take to get it. Now the good news — I had a complete rear drive aatt home in the Stattes. I had bought the

Golden dealer

rear drive on a whim from a trike conversion shop just in case, and guess what, just in case happened. I contacted my daughter and she had it shipped to Simmons Honda. It took four days to get there. Simmons gave us a ride back to the hotel and advised they would contact us when the rear drive arrived. On Monday morning the part did arrive and by noon we were on the road. Simmons Honda did a great job, were very helpful and in the end kept the bill reasonable. They are an example of what all Honda shops should be. Now that I’ve talked about the Motorcycle Dealer, here is a little about the “and then some.” The entire time my bike was in XLI WLST [I LEH XS WXE] WSQI[LIVI JSV ½ZI RMKLXW 8LI HIEPIV helped us by suggesting the Albatross Hotel. We made reservations for one night and extended for another, then comes the weekend.


november 2013

And then we needed to stay three more nights and a major rock band was in a nearby town so all the hotel rooms in the area were sold out. While talking to the desk clerk, our conversation was overheard by the vice-president (Mr. Avery) of the small hotel chain we were staying at. He intervened and advised that he may be able to help. He stated he had a few rooms held back in case SJ ER IQIVKIRG] ERH SYV WMXYEXMSR HI½RMXIP] UYEPM½IH ,I KSX us a room at the same rate for the three nights and on Saturday mourning loaned us the use of a company car — how cool was that? We were able to do a little sight seeing and transport our belongings back to the Honda shop on Monday. %PXLSYKL XLI FVIEOHS[R VYMRIH ½ZI HE]W SJ SYV XVMT XLEX time was made a little better by the kindness and helpfulness of the Canadian friends we met. We will always be grateful to them.

wing ding 36 page 004

f e at u r e s

wired wi red up

G Gold old W Wing ing eenthusiasts nthusiasts llove ove ttheir heir aaccessories, ccessories, ffrom rom the the chrome chrome tto o the the lighting lighting and and everything ever y thing in in between. between. Even Even just just looking looking at at the the electronic electronic side side of of things, things, there’s there’s a world world o off o options ptions out out there there to to make make your your ride ride your your own own — so so where where d do o you you start? star t?



All All the the ge gear ar aand nd goodies need goodies yyou ou ne ed for for yyour our GGold old W Wing ing byy K Kevin evin Whipps Whhipps W

Right Right hhere. ere. That’s That’s b because ecause we we’ve ’ve w worked orked up up a list list of of amazing amazing motorcycle motorcycle electronics electronics that thatt aare re guaranteed guaranteed tto o m make ake your your eyes eyes glaze glaze over over in in lust. lust. Don’t Don’t believe believe us? us? Take Take a look look for ffo or yourself. yourself.

f e at u r e s

IPHONE 5S/5C, $99-$399 APPLE APPLE.COM/IPHONE It doesn’t matter where you go, the iPhone is everywhere — why not on your Gold Wing? 8LI PEXIWX ZIVWMSRW GSQI MR X[S ¾EZSVW XLI M4LSRI G ERH W ;MXL XLI G ]SY KIX QER] SJ the same features available in the iPhone 5, just with a plastic body and lots of color options. Then there’s the iPhone 5s, which is decked out with all the latest trim. It has a 64-bit processor, HYEP QSHI ¾EWL ERH E ½RKIVTVMRX WIRWSV FYMPX VMKLX MRXS XLI LSQI FYXXSR 2S QEXXIV [LMGL iPhone you get, it comes standard with iOS 7, a brand-new operating system that sets a new standard for smartphones. Plus, the built-in GPS and Bluetooth 4.0 are very bike friendly.

LP 530 LED DRIVING LIGHT KIT, $600 PIAA PIAA.COM Automotive enthusiasts have known about PIAA for years, because of their high quality TVSHYGXW [MXL MRRSZEXMZI XIGLRSPSK] 3RI SJ XLIMV RI[IV STXMSRW MW +SPH ;MRK WTIGM½G ° XLI 04 0)( (VMZMRK 0MKLX OMX (IWMKRIH WTIGM½GEPP] JSV XLI +0 XLIWI PMKLXW RSX SRP] LEZI a brilliant output, but their low power draw is perfect for Gold Wings with lots of custom accessories. Plus, they come with everything you need for a quick and easy install. What else could you ask for?


f e at u r e s



No motorcycle electronics roundup would be complete without a solid batter y, because it is the hear t of your Gold Wing’s electrical W]WXIQ -X LEW XS VIWTSRH [MXL TS[IV MQQIHMEXIP] YTSR ½VWX GVERO WXSVI IRIVK] IJ½GMIRXP] ERH PEWX E PSRK XMQI WS ]SY´VI RSX W[ETTMRK it out ever y summer. The MotoBattt ffrrom Impact Batter y is all that and then some. With 310 cold cranking amps and a ffo our-terminal design, it has more than enough power to get the job done and you havve lots of options ffo or connecting your accessories. Did we mention it has a two-year replacement warranty? Seems like the MotoBatt has all the bases covered.

If you havve any kind of mobile accessor y, chances are pretty good it thatt it gets its juice ffrrom a USB connection. Whatt if you’re out on the road and you have no wayy to get those bat teries back to life? Thatt’s why there’s the Dual USB Por t /Plug Charger by Bike Master. Just put one end into a 12-volt accessor y socket on your Gold Wing and plug two separatte USB devices into the por ts on the other end. Now you can charge or power two of your mobile accessories at the same time — and if one of those is ]SYV +47 XLEXX´W GIV XEMRP] E [IPGSQI FIRI½X 2IZIV KIX GEYKLX without juice a gain.



Long a gold standard in GPS technology, Garmin now offers the ^ΙQS 01 QEHI WTIGM½GEPP] JSV QSXSVG]GPIW -X MRGPYHIW 7MVMYW<1 7EXXIPPMXI 6EHMS [MXL 2EEZZ;IEXXLIV ERH 2EZ8V EJ ½G WYFWGVMTXMSR required, of course) so you’ll never get caught in the rain or stuck MR XVEJ½G EKEMR 8LI MRGL XSYGLWGVIIR MW KPSZI JVMIRHP] WS ]SY GER keep saffe, and it even has two-wayy Bluetooth technology for handsfree calling. As if thatt wasn’t enough, the case itself is watterproof, which gives your peace of mind in those rare moments when riding in the rain is unavvoidable. With all that and lifetime map updattes, ]SY GER´X KS [VSRK [MXL XLI ^ΙQS 01

Whether it’s a shiny new iPhone 5s or an Android tablet thatt r uns your GPS, you’ve probably got an accessor y or two thatt you want to mount on your handlebar s. Problem is, handlebar s vibratte, and most consumer electronics don’t take too kindly to E +0 EXX MHPI 7S [LEX´W XLI ½\# -X´W XLI %HETXMZ1SYRX JVSQ Adaptiv Technologies. This platte att taches to your handlebar s via a special mount thatt feattures AdaptiSorb, Adaptiv’s proprietar y anti-vibrattion technolog y. This wayy, your expensive device stayys vibrattion free and ffuunctioning properly the entire ride. It’s cheap insurance t o m ake s ure your gadgets last as long as your bike.


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ELITE SERIES INTEGRATED HEADSET FOR NOLAN N104 / ARAI CT-Z, $240-280 J&M CORPORATION JMCORP.COM A Gold Wing isn’t a Gold Wing without a solid communicattions setup, and there’s no one bet ter at thatt than J&M Corporattion. One of their many options is the Elite Series Integratted Headset kits, made fo for both the Nolan N10 4 and Ar ai C T-Z helmets. Not only does installattion come with the sale, but you also get a quality product that’s comfor table, easy to connect, simple to use while riding and superior microphone noise cancellattion. If you need a way to talk to your co-rider, this is the one of the best you can get.

PAS SENGER ARMREST T RIM WITH L ED T URN SIGNAL ACCENTS, $130 KÜRYAKYN KURYAKYN.COM You’ve seen Kür yakyn products on Gold Wings all over the place and there’s a reason: they make phenomenal accessories ffo or your r ide. Take the Passenger Ar mres t Tr im with LED Tur n Signal Accents, for example. Not only do they add more chrome to your bike, but they also act as additional turn signals, enhancing your visibility on the road and making your ride saffer in the process. A product that looks good and makes you saffer? Where do we sign up?

w i ng w o r l d m a g . c o m



T-CLOCK Part 4 The final chapter: chassis, kickstands and center stands by Howard Halasz

;IPGSQI XS XLI ½REP EVXMGPI EFSYX XLI 8 '03'/ MRWTIGXMSR TVSGIWW Let’s talk about both C and K, since they are closely related.


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is for Chassis, but it could also stand for Center stand. As far as the chassis is concerned, there is no routine chassis maintenance mentioned in the owner’s manual. However, it would be a good idea to look at the frame once in a while and PSSO JSV GVEGOW EX KYWWIXW EW [IPP EW JSV PMJXIH TEMRX -J ]SY ½RH ER] TIIPMRK SV ¾EOMRK TEMRX XLIVI´W E GLERGI XLEX ]SY LEZI E [IEO WTSX on the frame due to rust or corrosion. It’s most likely to happen near the battery box, so check there thoroughly. In our Honda Gold Wing owner’s manual, nowhere is it shown how to put the motorcycle on the center stand. I’ve seen people who weigh well over 200 pounds end up dropping their motorcycle in an attempt to put it up. I weigh about 125 pounds, and if I can put a Gold Wing on its center stand, anyone can, assuming that the tires and wheels are not too small or worn out. Undersized tires and aftermarket rear WLSGO EFWSVFIVW XLEX EVI XSS WLSVX [MPP QEOI MX VEXLIV HMJ½GYPX XS put a Gold Wing on its center stand, as well. Here’s how little 125 pound Howard does it: First of all, my 1977 Gold Wing has a 16-inch aftermarket (Lester Mags) rear wheel and the factory size is a 17-inch spoked wheel. As a result, the rear axle on my 1977 Gold Wing sits ½ inch lower than RSVQEP QEOMRK MX HMJ½GYPX XS TYX MX SR XLI GIRXIV WXERH -J - VSPP XLI bike backwards onto a piece of ½-inch plywood, that will raise the back end of the bike high enough to easily put it on the center stand. Next, I hold the Gold Wing upright and press lightly down on the center stand foot lever. Then I rock the Gold Wing slightly left and right until I can feel both center stand feet on the ground. Then I put all my of my 125 pounds on that foot lever while pulling gently up on the grip to the left of the passenger seat. Now the Gold Wing easily rolls up onto the center stand.

To get the Gold Wing off the center stand, I sit on the seat, shift my weight back and then forward. I make sure the kickstand is up and my feet are on the ground. If the kickstand is down, you can easily lose your balance if the kickstand hits the ground before the rear wheel does. If the center stand shows any sign of weakness, don’t use it. You’re better off replacing it with a genuine factory part rather than trying to repair it. I don’t recommend any kind of aftermarket center stand. Chrome plated center stands tend to lose their hardness during the chroming process. Make sure that your center stand and kickstand springs have enough tension to hold them in place. If you have any doubts, replace them with genuine factory springs. Make sure they are hooked to the frame and stands correctly. Don’t try to weld cracked or damaged center stands and side stands. The heat of the welding process softens the hardened steel and the repaired stands will fatigue in a short period of time. The 1988 and later model Gold Wings are equipped with a side stand safety switch that turns off the ignition if the side stand is lowered while the Gold Wing is in gear. When the side stand is down, the Gold Wing will start only in neutral gear. Faulty side stand safety switches should be replaced. A common problem with the 1984 and early 1985 Gold ;MRKW MW HMJ½GYPX] KIXXMRK XLI +SPH ;MRK SJJ XLI GIRXIV WXERH There’s usually nothing wrong with the part itself, the issue is usually with the stop on the frame that the center stand rests on when it is in the down position. Frame repair or replacement will correct this problem, but one must ask if it’s worth it to perform such a repair on a vintage Gold Wing.



Five Things Every Gold Wing Owner Should Know




hen I was approached about writing an article with this XMXPI - [EW WX]QMIH EX ½VWX 0IX´W WII © ;LEX SMP WLSYPH I use? Why does my GL1800 overheat at slow speeds? No, I decided to keep clear of those controversial, well-worn issues. Instead, I thought back to some of the questions I’ve had that indicated a general lack of understanding regarding some issues I feel are critical. So let’s address these one by one, starting with perhaps the most controversial. PROTECTIVE RIDING GEAR Since the beginning, our organization’s motto has been, “Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge.” But for some of us, Friends and Fun are the primary goal, with Safety and Knowledge coming only coincidentally through unfortunate experiences. Regardless of the efforts of Chapter Educators and fellow Members, an increasing number of Wing riders (and riders of other models as well) can be seen trolling the roadways dressed for a day at the beach. Is this a matter of mature adults making conscious decisions while well aware of possible consequences? I doubt it. I think fashion, “freedom,” television shows and a desire to not be ruled by the choices of others have more bearing on the issue. But we are all adults and free to make our own decisions in a fact-free environment or not. The information is out there for the taking. And unlike in years past, I no longer feel it’s necessary to tell any adult rider that what they’re wearing is “wrong.” The advice I currently offer on


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this subject is to protect at least those parts of your body that you plan on using again in the future. Everything else is optional. READ THE OWNER’S MANUAL Anytime I attend a rally (or convention, for us), Chapter meeting or even an informal get together, I’m besieged by technical questions. And while I’m certain most of the questioners believe the answers are unknowable, many are clearly addressed in the bike’s owner’s manual. For instance, more than a few GL1500 and 1800 owners have asked me where the engine oil dipstick is located or how to check the coolant level. “What tire pressure should I be running?” and the list goes on. Why should Wing owners know the answers to these questions, or at least [LIVI XS ½RH XLI ERW[IVW# 8S TVIZIRX XLI RIIH XS EWO SXLIV questions, such as “My bike’s engine makes a strange grinding noise. What do you think it is?” This is a situation where one becomes painfully aware of the difference between preventive maintenance and repair. So here’s the one thing Wing owners should know on this issue. There’s an inspection referred to as T-CLOCS, which is an acronym for Tires & Wheels, Controls, Lights, Oil, Chassis, and Stands. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) has provided us with a T-CLOCS inspection worksheet in PDF format online at I think good advice would be to paste that URL into your browser, download that form, make copies as required and use them in


conjunction with your owner’s manual at whatever inspection interval suits your fancy. I’d suggest once per week. But again, that’s just a suggestion, not dictum.

2008 issue of Wing World. Download it online at archives. (and that is a case-sensitive URL).

TRAILER TOWING Many of you realize from having read my articles over the years that I’m not a proponent of towing trailers with motorcycles — not unless they’re the light, one-wheeled variety. But I’m in the minority, for sure. Why am I not a fan? Because I realize the forces generated on a motorcycle by a trailer and the bike’s inability to adequately oppose those forces, especially in situations such as emergency stopping. I suspect a few of you have seen a Wing on its side, laying crossways to the direction of travel, with its trailer either disconnected or jackknifed. So what’s the one thing about trailering that all Wing owners should know? Every rider towing a trailer should realize that the trailer generates inertia and momentum that must be brought to zero when stopping. The heavier the trailer and the higher the speed, the greater the forces exerted. And because the trailer itself has no brakes, the job of stopping the entire rig is left to the bike’s brakes alone. Can they handle it before we run out of road, luck and ideas? If speed is high and space is short, probably not. For a thorough discussion of this topic, I suggest going online and viewing my article titled, “Towing A Trailer: Don’t Let The Tail Wag The Dog.” It begins on page 70 of the June

OVERLOADING This is a serious issue in the Gold Wing community. Aside from causing the bike to ride and handle poorly, overloading can result in extended stopping times and distances, low side crashes due to rear wheel lockup, and even tire failure — and a resultant crash. It seems that overloading and trailer towing can have similar consequences, and for similar reasons. Hoping not to come off as Chicken Little here, I’d be remiss in my duties if I didn’t at least mention these things to you. What you do with the information is your business. So, what constitutes overloading? That’s another thing all Gold Wing owners should be able to determine. Taking the 2008 non-airbag model as an example, the maximum cargo capacity is 410 pounds, including the weight of the rider, passenger, cargo and all accessories. That’s correct. That 30 pounds of farkling from various accessory catalogs has reduced your safe carrying capacity. As if that weren’t enough to consider, how much cargo is stored and where it’s stored is another issue, because it affects the bike’s center of gravity. Twenty pounds is permitted in the trunk and in each saddlebag, 4.5 pounds in each fairing pocket and one pound is permitted in each trunk pocket. Of course, if the load exceeds 410 pounds with the luggage empty, then the


tech FMOI MW EPVIEH] SZIVPSEHIH ;LIVI HMH - ½RH XLIWI WEJI PSEHMRK WTIGM½GEXMSRW# 6IJIV XS XLI WIGSRH XSTMG EFSZI Can a bike be overloaded even though its loading is within guidelines? Strictly speaking, no. The bike itself may not be overloaded, but the tires may well be. And that’s a situation that has needlessly caused more than one tire-related accident. 8LI PSEH GETEGMX] SJ ]SYV XMVIW HIGVIEWIW EW MR¾EXMSR TVIWWYVI decreases. So a load that may be permissible with 40 psi in the VIEV XMVI GSYPH FI HMWEWXVSYWP] LMKL MJ XLI XMVI´W GSPH MR¾EXMSR pressure were only 25 psi. Don’t laugh — around 85 percent SJ EPP QSXSVG]GPIW EVI FIMRK VMHHIR SR YRHIV MR¾EXIH ERH SV overloaded tires. For a more in-depth look at this subject — you guessed it — I have another article for your enlightenment. Titled What Goes Around comes Around, it can be found beginning on page 70 of the May 2006 issue of Wing World. Dig it up online at WingWorld_May2006_web.pdf. PROPER USE OF THE TRANSMISSION I was riding along the freeway the other day in my wife’s Miata, doing 70 mph with the cruise control engaged. The automatic transmission was in sixth gear, and the tachometer showed around 2600 rpm. As the car started up a mild incline, the XVERWQMWWMSR WLMJXIH HS[R WIEQPIWWP] XS ½JXL KIEV XLI XEGL registered 3,500 rpm and the car maintained 70 mph. Upon cresting this small hill, the transmission upshifted to sixth gear and the rpm dropped back to where it had been previously. This was all so smooth that without the tachometer to tip me off, I might not have even realized the car had taken these actions with no input from me. Twenty years ago, a person would have had a hard time convincing me that some motorcyclists had little understanding of how to properly use a manual transmission. But with the coming of big luxury two-wheelers, times have changed. You might be surprised at the numbers of folks who’ve never owned a motorcycle before who choose a Gold Wing, Harley &EKKIV SV SXLIV X[S [LIIPIH &MK 6MK EW XLIMV ½VWX FMOI %RH considering that cars with manual transmissions have been on the endangered species list for a number of years, it makes perfect sense that these folks don’t really have a feel for matching gearing to road speed and load. That causes all kinds of performance


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complaints, and I’m convinced it’s also responsible for clutch and transmission damage. Now please — if this isn’t you, don’t take offense. But for those who feel a bit unsure of themselves with this shifting thing, I offer the following guidelines. Though I’ve answered several Workbench questions related to this issue in some depth, it really requires a separate article to do the subject justice — room I don’t have here. So what’s the one thing Wing owners should know regarding the transmission? First, it will not perform without your input as my wife’s Miata did. The transmission must be manipulated by the rider to keep XLI IRKMRI EX ER VTQ EX [LMGL MX HIZIPSTW WYJ½GMIRX TS[IV JSV the task at hand. If we’re riding in the mountains at 50 mph, X[S YT JYPP] PSEHIH MR ½JXL KIEV SZIVHVMZI ERH IRGSYRXIV E LMPP the transmission must be shifted down to a gear which results in an rpm more appropriate for that speed, given the increased engine load due to the hill. No, 2000 rpm would probably not FI WYJ½GMIRX XS QEMRXEMR QTL MR XLMW I\EQTPI 8S WMQTP] X[MWX on more throttle and not downshift guarantees several things: • • • •

Reduced fuel economy Increased coolant temperature Increased stress on all engine, transmission and clutch components General dissatisfaction with the bike

Secondly, and this is one exception to my advice to adhere to owner’s manual recommendations, it’s my opinion that the upshift speeds listed in the owner’s manual are misleading, at best. While they may provide best fuel economy on level roads with a very light load, they’ll produce ridiculously poor acceleration. Further, they may deceive some into thinking there’s no need to IZIV WLMJX HS[R FIPS[ ½JXL KIEV YRPIWW XLI FMOI´W WTIIH HVSTW below 31 mph. The manual does mention the need to downshift before feeling the engine lug or labor, but my hunch is a lot of us wouldn’t recognize that condition till it had gotten extreme. IT’S YOUR CALL 'IVXEMRP] XLIVI EVI E PSX QSVI XLMRKW XS ORS[ XLER XLI ½ZI NYWX HMWGYWWIH &YX LSTIJYPP] XLIWI ½ZI [MPP QEOI ER MQTEGX SR XLI way you think about using your Wing and maybe even generate some discussion around the table at your next Chapter meeting.


Work Bench

technical questions and answers by Stu Oltman

Answers to the technical questions in this month’s Workbench were provided by Stu Oltman, Wing World’s Senior T Teechnical Editor. Please submit your technical questions about Gold Wings or Va Valkyries by email to or by mail to Workbench, GWRR A , 21423 N. 11th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85027. Please include your full name, city, state and GWRR A membership number. 8LI STMRMSRW SJ XLI XIGLRMGEP IHMXSV HS RSX RIGIWWEVMP] VI¾IGX XLSWI SJ XLI IHMXSVMEP WXEJJ SV TYFPMWLIVW of Wing W Wor orld magazine, GWRR A , or their agents. Stu, I have a couple issues and hope you can lead me in the right direction (I hope this GER FI ER IEW] ½\ 1. The cruise control does not set. the Cruise On indicator light is displayed when on, but the cruise set will not set. I havven’t checked any of the saffety switches yet. There are so many ffo or that system that I’m not sure where to star t. 2. The CB quit as well, the indicator light (on) is displayed, but no squelch, no transmit or receive. Not sure where to s tar t on that either. Any suggestions?

possibility of issues w wiith the clutch lever pivot. Failing that, the diagnostic tree in the ser vice manual would need to be followed step by step, and that’s not a task ffoor the ffaaint of heart. Seventeen separate tests could be involved before exposing the culprit. Regarding the CB, I’m assuming ffrrom your description that you get no TX or R X indications ffrrom your display, andd no audio whatsoever. In this case, I’ d unplug and clean all wiring connections at the CB, the stereo/ intercom unit and the connection of the left swiitch cluster to the main harness. Examine as much of the wiring as possible ffoor broken wires or pins pulled loose from the connector FPSGOW 8LIR VIGSRRIGX IZIV ]XLMRK ½VQP] ERH retest. If still no joy, Sierra Electronics may be able to diagnose and re repair your CB.

just replace it, or can it be recovered? Also, when/if this happens on the road in the future, what’s the right way to get it unstuck?

Lane Darnton El Segundo, Califf.

Wow — two in one month! Actually, I suspect there are a lot moree than that. Th These horrible push-on, push-off swiitches have been the bane SJ +SPH ;MRKIV W´ I\MWXIRGI WMRGI XLI] ½V WX appeared in the 1980s. Not meaning to be sarcastic, but the correct way to get it unstuck is any way that works. If you’re on the road at the time, and if you were clever enough to James Davis TEGO E WQEPP GER SJ ;( MR XLI PYKKEKI Ladson, S.C . tr y spraying some into the space between the FYXXSR ERH XLI JEMVMRK [LLMPI ½VQP] FYQTMRK the button with your thumb. If you persist, I’m Stu James, GSR½HIRX MX´ PP FVIEO JVII 8LIR FI WYVI XS WXE] ....................................................................................... 8LI IEW] ½\ [SYPH FI E HMVX] SV HIJIGXMZI GVYMWI clear of that button, at least till you get home. set button. Remove the rrig igght hand switch cluster, Stu — (SR´X IZIR XLMRO SJ XIWXMRK MX SV ]SY´ PP PMOIP] FI ERH ¾YWL XLI WIX W[MXGL MRREVHW [MXL IPIGXVSRMGW 8LI IQIVKIRG] ¾EWLIV W[MXGL SR Q] spending anotherr half hour out there tr ying cleaner. Check the cruise disengage switches GL1800 seldom gets used, but sometimes to break it free again. Been theree, done that. both at the ffrront brake lever and clutch lever gets bumped. Once on, it is nearly impossible for correct ffuunction, and don’t discount the to get it to pop out again (off ). Should I Stu


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tech Stu, My 2002 GL1800 developed a really rough ride — the ADV plunger was stuck. Online suggestions ranged from repair to disabling it with a shim and installing progressive springs. What is the scoop on this? Thanks.

Helmut via email

Helmut, (MWEFPMRK XLI ERXM HMZI ZEPZI JYRGXMSR MW RSX a great idea. Better to repair the valve, if you’re capable. The upper half of the valve W]WXIQ STIVEXIH F] FVEOI ¾YMH TVIWWYVI is replaceable, and at a price (for your 2002 QSHIP VIEWSREFPI IRSYKL XS RSX NYWXMJ] attempting repair. If the bike were a 2006 or later model, the price would be about LMKLIV ° KS ½KYVI ;LIR XLI PS[IV valve (the one that actually closes off the fork ¾YMH ¾S[ KSIW FEH YRHIV [EVVERX] ,SRHE VITPEGIW XLI IRXMVI PS[IV PIJX JSVO PIK WPMHIV of which the valve is considered an integral, non-replaceable, non-repairable part. I say nonrepairable, because there are no repair parts or instructions available from the manufacturer. Swollen O-rings combined with some corrosion residue are the usual culprits here. Once the guts of the valve are removed and cleaned, new O-rings on the plunger and piston should restore function. I recommend using Viton O-rings. Fred Harmon of the forums has posted some pretty good pictures and instructions for this repair at fredharmon/antidive. But again, I recommend repairing the valve rather than using Fred’s shim technique to disable it. Stu ....................................................................................... Stu, Thanks for the Sept. 2013 issue, p41, the heads up info about the Sub Air Filter. My 1991 SE has always run perfect these last 22 years, but it only has 34K miles. I ordered the “FILTER, SUB A/CLNR,” p/n 17253-KT8-000 for $2.93. I found it inside the right side inner fairing just inboard of the upper vent. The 22-yearSPH ½PXIV GSYPHR´X LEZI FIIR QSVI FVMXXPI and still been held together in one piece!

(I think dirt was holding it together.) It disintergrated into nothing when I touched it. It appears I caught it just in time as I saw RS ½PXIV VIWMHYI MRXS XLI LSWI 8LEROW again for the info. Are there any other similar things to check into on that old of Gold Wing ?

SJ XLMW ½PXIV SV XLI GVYMWI ½PXIV As an auto mechanic for over 40 years, I have done all of my own maintenance on XLMW FMOI QEMR EMV ½PXIV GLERKIW SMP ERH SMP ½PXIV GLERKIW JYIP ½PXIV GLERKIW ERH IZIR replacing my own brake pads when needed. The only thing it ever goes back to the dealer for is tire replacements and our annual state safety inspections. Steve Cooper When I read your article, I made it a Ada, Mich. point to get in there and change this sub air ½PXIV %7%4 ;LIR - XSSO XLI SPH SRI SYX EX ½VWX KPERGI MX WXMPP PSSOIH PMOI E FVERH RI[ Steve, All of the vacuum hoses should be inspected and ½PXIV FYX EJXIV TPEGMRK MX MR E TPEWXMG FEK JSV replaced if necessary. Pay particular attention disposal, it literally crumbled into a pile of to the small diameter hoses connecting the two dust. While I had the bike apart, I changed intake manifold throats, just below the rubber XLI JYIP ½PXIV QEMR EMV ½PXIV ERH XLI WTEVO insulating blanket under the carbs. They’re a plugs, as well as did an oil change. Now to my question: according to pain to get to, but most are badly in need of replacement by now. They usually rot open at the maintenance section of my owner’s the bend where they attach to the manifold, manual, the spark plugs in this 1500 are to be and when they do, you get a vacuum leak changed every 4,000 miles. Personally, I feel that makes the bike idle rough. If you check this is a bit excessive for spark plugs. What the carb synchronization when this symptom is your take on plug changes for a 1500? Now I will say that this bike has been exists, you’ll get a false reading — they will appear to be so badly out of balance, you’ll VYRRMRK ¾E[PIWWP] JSV XLI TEWX QMPIW wonder how the bike idles at all. In addition, — never had a miss, starts every time hot the bike will likely be hard to start and may or cold, and gets around 46 to 48 mpg I\LMFMX E ¾EX WTSX SR EGGIPIVEXMSR 1SVI XLER highway 2-up riding. Usually around 40 to one person has paid $600 for a carb overhaul 42 city 2-up. I will say also that the plugs I in an unsuccessful attempt to correct these took out of it had close to 40,000 miles on symptoms, when $2 worth of vacuum hose them and all were burning extremely well. Should I revert to the 4,000 mile would have done the trick. intervals of the owner’s manual and throw good money away on parts I cannot see Stu ....................................................................................... being worn out in such low mileage, or should I use my own judgement and replace them if they reach mileage I can live with Mr. Oltman, Thank you for publishing the article in or start having problems with them? the September copy of Wing World on XLI +SPH ;MRK WYF EMV ½PXIVW - VIEH William Probst your advice in every copy that I receive. Williamsport, Penn. Being a member since 1991, that makes a lot of articles over the years and a lot of good advice. Before reading that article Bill, MR XLI QEKE^MRI - HMH RSX ORS[ XLEX ½PXIV - WYTTSWI MX´W TSWWMFPI XLEX ,SRHE ½KYVIH XLEX even existed. ½PXIV [SYPHR´X RIIH VSYXMRI WIVZMGI HYI XS I got out the owner’s manual for my dirt accumulation. But the material of which ’89 Wing, and looked up the maintenance it’s made does indeed turn to dust after a few WGLIHYPI JSV XLIWI ½PXIVW ;SYPH ]SY FIPMIZI years. It’ll appear to be in perfect condition they are not even listed in the owner’s XMPP ]SY XSYGL MX [MXL ]SYV ½RKIV % XLMR GSEXMRK manual as a maintenance item? The local SJ PMKLX SMP IZIR WTVE]MRK [MXL ;( QE] Honda dealer, who I bought the bike from help delay the inevitable. new, never once mentioned the existence Regarding the spark plugs, you’re correct


tech – replacement of perfectly serviceable parts is a waste of time, money and resources. The replacement interval on the maintenance schedule was changed to 8,000 miles beginning with the 1990 model. However, provided the engine is in good mechanical condition and properly tuned, I consider even that to be excessively conservative. Remember, leaded fuels were commonly used when the GL1500 was introduced. Using only unleaded fuels, spark plug life is greatly increased due to the lack of lead fouling. Our main concern these days is with electrode rounding and gap increase due to spark erosion. So with lead-free fuels, I see no reason to replace the spark plugs EX MRXIVZEPW PIWW XLER XLSWI WTIGM½IH JSV the GL1800 – 16,000 miles – unless they become unserviceable due to fouling. But that’s a separate issue requiring repair or maintenance to prevent the issue from quickly recurring. And if one were to install spark plugs with Iridium-coated electrodes, I suspect that interval could be safely extended further due to Iridium’s resistance to spark erosion. Stu

To: Bud Starr Service Manager M & E Honda Bedford, Ind. CC: Stu Oltman I am writing to you both at the same time. (Stu: My bike is currently being worked on at Bud’s shop) I own a 2000 Gold Wing with a Motor Trike conversion. It has 105,000 miles on it. For the past four years I have experienced a serious, recurring problem. Here it is, and it is always the same: The bike goes dead and all electrical goes out. I continue to hear a slight grinding or whirring sound, like the starter running. After about 20 seconds, the sound stops and the bike’s entire electrical system is dead. It is now being worked on by the fourth dealer in the past four years. In the past, shops have replaced the starter and the alternator. One did nothing but check the entire electrical system, but found nothing wrong. 8LI] GLEVKIH XLI FEXXIV] ERH MX VER ½RI for six months. This problem has occurred at least ten times in the past four years. I would appreciate any advice you can give me to be passed on to mechanics.

Bill Patterson Columbus, Ohio


november 2013

Bill, You have an intermittently sticking starter WSPIRSMH ;LIR XLI FMOI MW ½VWX WXEVXIH MJ the solenoid contacts stick closed, the electric starter motor will continue to operate. Though it doesn’t draw nearly as many amps as when attempting to start the engine, it could well drain the battery, especially during periods of PS[ IRKMRI 641 EOE PS[ EPXIVREXSV SYXTYX such as at idle or very slow riding. That whirring/grinding sound is indeed the starter running, though I’d expect the starter clutch to engage after the engine quits, causing the starter to actually begin cranking the engine. The engine quits when voltage becomes too low to support the ignition system, but the stuck solenoid will provide a direct current path from battery to starter till the battery is completely dead — at which time the solenoid contacts will drop open. Tell your mechanics to replace starter relay A — located behind the right-side cover forward of the battery with a 4-pin red connector. Stu ....................................................................................... Dear Stu: I have been a member of GWRRA for a while as an aspiring Wing owner, and yesterday I took the plunge. My Wing now has 109 miles on it. You’re the most knowledgeable person I know on Wing info, and I’ve read frequently that running at low RPM strains the transmission. Since I’m getting used to

tech not working. The Cruise On light came on, but the Cruise Set light/function also failed, so there wasn’t any cruise control. Finally, the Automatic Volume Control for the radio/tape deck wasn’t working. We made the ride anyway, I pretty much sailed by tachometer. I did stop and check the main fuse on the right side and the 10 circuit fuses on the left, and they all appeared to look OK. Len Lipton Upon getting home after dark (all lights via email OK), I pulled the seat and removed the second biggest fuse box behind the circuit breaker box on the left side and made sure Len, It’s not the low RPM necessarily that strains XLI] [IVI WIEXIH 3/ %PP HEWL PMKLXW ¾EWL XLI XVERWQMWWMSR ERH XLI GPYXGL ERH IRKMRI up when the key is turned on, and that’s it’s the load on those components that all I know how to do. Everything on this matters. With each upshift to a higher gear, FMOI LEW EP[E]W [SVOIH ½RI ERH - XLMRO mechanical advantage decreases. Think of MX´W TVIXX] WXVERKI XLEX ½ZI XLMRKW WLSYPH it this way — say you’re pedaling along a fail at the same time, so I’m hoping they straight, flat road aboard your 21-speed are all connected. I’ve done everything I bicycle in top gear, and you encounter a steep know how to do — I’ve paged through my grade but remain in top gear. Human growth shop manual and am at a loss. Please help. hormone or not, not even Lance Armstrong could negotiate that grade without down Gene E. Zahursky-Klein shifting. The lower gearing and increased Mandan, N.D. mechanical advantage that results will cause the bike’s speed to be less given the same pedal RPM, but effort required will be greatly lessened, reducing wear on components and preventing excessive fatigue — the human equivalent of fuel consumption. 1,500 RPM [LMPI MR SZIVHVMZI QE] FI WYJ½GMIRX JSV WPS[ WXIEH] WTIIHW SR E ¾EX VSEH [MXL E PMKLX load, but don’t expect much in the way of brisk acceleration should you need it unless ]SY HS[R WLMJX ½VWX the bike, the engine is new I’ve been taking it easy (not that I’m a hot-rodder by any means), the engine seems perfectly happy at 1,500 to 2,000 RPM with one rider and no luggage. Would you be kind enough to comment on the recommended rev range? As a new Winger I’d be most appreciative. Thanks.

Gene, You’re correct. Those things are all connected. They all require speedometer input to function. My hunch is that your bike has either a broken speedometer cable or a malfunctioning speedometer drive gearbox. Stu [FOLLOW UP] Stu, Thanks, Stu. It WAS a broken speedometer cable.

Gene E. Zahursky-Klein Mandan, N.D. ....................................................................................... Dear Stu, Five of us just completed a 5,000-mile journey and had a lot of trouble with the 1800 Wings overheating. Our journey took us over Pikes Peak, Million Dollar Road and beyond. It seemed every time we started pulling the grades, some of which are steep at up to 15 percent, we would get behind slow moving

Stu ....................................................................................... Stu, I’ve e-mailed you a couple times before and you’ve been helpful and responsive, and so, of course, I need your expertise again. Yesterday, my wife and I decided to make a day of it and ride my 1994 SE (with 56,000 miles) about 200 miles to a fancy restaurant for lunch. I hadn’t started “Ragnar” for over two weeks, but of course he started up ½RI ERH - HMH Q] 8 '03'/ GLIGO %FSYX E mile from home, I noticed the self-cancelling blinkers weren’t cancelling. Then I noticed the speedometer and the odometer were


tech vehicles (under 15 mph), and they would start heating up instantaneously, even with the bikes geared down and running 3,000 RPM, forcing us to stop. The temperature outside was near 75 degrees. Four of the bikes were 1800s (model years ‘01, ’02, ’06 trike, ’12), but XLI ´ RIZIV LEH E TVSFPIQ %PP žYMHW are up to snuff. We came to the conclusion that the fans are neutralizing the forward motion and therefore no air was moving over the radiators. The 1500 fans blow backwards and the 1800 blow forward at slow speeds. Is there any way to reverse the fan rotation on the 1800s to make them blow backwards? We never have a problem when we ride them like we stole them. As you well know, you cannot always do that.

It is quite embarrassing when almost all of the other brands never had to stop to cool down. Thanks in advance.

VIWYPXMRK MR ^IVS EMVžS[ XLVSYKL XLI VEHMEXSVW ,S[IZIV PIX´W HI½RI ÂąSZIVLIEXMRK² EW opposed to elevated coolant temperature. It is safe to continue riding, as long as the gauge Loren Heideman RIIHPI HSIWR´X IRXIV XLI VIH ^SRI =SY QE] ½RH via email that riding even slower than 15 mph (if possible ERH WEJI [MPP EPPS[ XLI JERW XS FI QSVI IJJIGXMZI in those situations. If that isn’t possible, consider Loren, using an even lower gear to further lessen the We’ve been beating this dead horse since 2001, load on the engine, thus creating less engine so I assume either you’re either new to the heat. Running the fans backwards may improve GL1800 or you somehow missed the memo. XLI WMXYEXMSR TVSZMHIH QSHM½IH JER FPEHIW EVI Your conclusion is correct. With the bike moving used which are effective in the reverse direction. below approximately 15 mph, the fans will turn Google is your friend here. Some who’ve gone on at the designed coolant temperature and XLEX VSYXI W[IEV F] MX [LMPI SXLIVW HMHR´X ½RH MX blow cooing air forward. Unfortunately, that made much difference. HSIW MRHIIH MQTIHI [LEX PMXXPI EMVžS[ MW GSQMRK It doesn’t surprise me that the GL1500 in in from the front at those speeds, essentially your group had no issues with coolant temp. Unfortunately, the GL1800 cooling system was designed partially in response to rider UYIWXMSRREMVIW ½PPIH SYX EX VEPPMIW EGVSWW XLI 97 FIKMRRMRK EVSYRH - ½PPIH SRI SYX Q]WIPJ at the 1997 Honda Hoot in Asheville, N.C. One question related to things about the GL1500 that we’d like to see changed on the next model Gold Wing (we didn’t even know at that time [LEX IRKMRI WM^I SV GSR½KYVEXMSR [SYPH FI Apparently, there were a good number of folks [LS GSQTPEMRIH SJ ÂąLIEX SR Q] PIKW HYVMRK WPS[ VMHMRK ² - LEHR´X LIEVH XLEX GSQTPEMRX JVSQ 1500 riders unless they were wearing shorts and sneakers and had their legs splayed out on crash bar-mounted highway pegs which positioned their legs directly in line with the fan exhaust. Nevertheless, this complaint was apparently taken into account, and the Goldberg-esque cooling design of the GL1800 was the result. We should indeed be careful what we wish for, and manufacturers may want to more closely consider unintended consequences of unorthodox designs. Stu [FOLLOW UP] Stu, I have had my ’01 since ’02, and I am aware of the problems with overheating. I have never had this kind of trouble with my bike in the past, but I have not ridden in those extreme conditions before. I have done several parades and it might elevate a little from center. The Temperature reading was


november 2013

tech well into the red and spitting coolant out, so we needed to stop. I may have missed the memo about reversing the fans. As far as running in a lower gear, there are no QSVI KIEVW EW [I [IVI MR ½VWX EX XMQIW and as little as 5 mph. Any slower and we probably would have tipped over going into corners with a good amount of slip to them going up Pikes Peak. Thank you for the info I will look into different fan blades. Is it possible to just reverse polarity on the fan motors to make them turn the otherway? Thanks for the comeback,

Loren Loren, Water boils at lower temperature as altitude MRGVIEWIW FEVSQIXVMG TVIWWYVI HIGVIEWIW And once it starts boiling, the voids in the coolant will cause the cooling system to become even less effective. I once drove a brand new ’69 Mustang through Monterrey, Mexico, and it boiled over in the mountains along the route. I think your problem resulted from a combination of factors – high altitude, steep grades, super low speeds and a convoluted cooling system design. If the 2012 model behaved the same way, the increased radiator capacity obviously isn’t the be-all, endall solution. Yes – reversing the fan wires will cause the fans to turn backwards, but I think ]SY´PP ½RH XLEX HSMRK SRP] XLEX [MPP EGXYEPP] make matters worse. Stu ....................................................................................... Hi Stu, I have a 1994 1500 Gold Wing with a 2002 TriKing conversion. When I put it in reverse and press the reverse button, it may go a few feet or several feet and the reverse light goes out, the bike stops and I have to reset the reverse. We have checked everything from the starter switch back to the reverse control module. We then ordered a used module and reverse regulator and there was no change. Can you help?

Charlie Carrol via email


tech Charlie, Your reverse system is designed to act as yours is doing when it detects an electrical overload. 8LMW [SYPH SGGYV MJ [LIR XLI FMOI SV XVMOI [EW being backed up an incline or if something else was impeding its rearward progress. Your trike weighs maybe 300 pounds more than the original two-wheeler and likely has more rolling resistance. So I wouldn’t be surprised if those things alone were causing the issue, even on level ground. You may have more success if the bike is as unladen as possible when using reverse.

and shift aggressively, it does not do it. It’s more annoying than anything else. If I downshift then go back into OD it does it again. I was running Shell Rotella T6, but I changed the oil to Mobile 1 10W-40 and it made no difference.

CARL via email

Carl, Oil type, viscosity or perceived quality are not the culprits here. I don’t know why, but I Stu hear this complaint most frequently regarding [FOLLOW UP] 2006 and 2007 Wings. Your description indicates to me that the gear dogs are not Hi Stu, The Trike is a 1994 1500. My problem was fully engaging during routine upshifts from the reverse kicking out when engaged. 4th to overdrive. Whether this is due to worn Sometimes a few feet, and sometimes more gear dogs, worn or bent shift forks, worn gear — it would always kick out sooner or later. By shims, or inadequate foot pressure on the placing the reverse lever at about a 45-degree WLMJXIV MWR´X GPIEV &YX -´H WYKKIWX ½RHMRK E ERKPI MX [SVOW ½RI 8LI RIYXVEP PMKLX MW WXMPP shift technique that eliminates it, and use on and the reverse light is out. My question it from now on. Once this symptom starts, is this: am I riding on a full or half tooth gear the natural progression of things is to get worse, not better. and will I damage anything by doing so?

Charlie Carrol via email

Charlie, The system shouldn’t work unless the reverse lever is fully up. First, have someone knowledgeable check the reverse cables and adjust if necessary. If the system still works with the lever at a 45-degree angle, then yes, you could risk damage to the shift drum or other parts of the reverse system. In the service manual, there’s an item in the starter/ VIZIVWI XVSYFPIWLSSXMRK WIGXMSR XMXPIH ±8LI Reverse System Works Before Being Properly 7IPIGXIH ² ,EZI ]SYV JEZSVMXI QIGLERMG TIVYWI the diagnostic tree associated with that item. Stu

Stu ....................................................................................... Dear Stu, I have just purchased a 2002 Wing with 67k miles on it. I’ve been riding the bike, but before I got it I took it to the Honda dealer and talked to the Wing specialist and asked him about the engine noise, which sounds like a whistle, whine or some kind of harmonic noise when under a load. When at high speed — or any speed, really — the noise is present, but if I pull the clutch lever in, the noise stops. The mechanic says it’s normal; I’ll hear many noises and not to worry about them. This noise is pretty loud on the highway and I’m wondering if you can tell me more about it and if it’s possible to get rid of it. I like my quiet time on the bike. My ’91 didn’t have any kind of noise like this one does.

Hi Stu, I have a 2007 with a little over 53,000 miles on it. When I shift into overdrive Thank you, around 40 to 50 mph, a few seconds later Bill Clugh I get a clunk which feels like it is locking in, XLIR EPP MW ½RI ° RS KVMRHMRK SV ER]XLMRK like that, just a clunk. When I wind it out


november 2013

Bill, I was just about to send you a laundry list of things which could cause the type of noise you describe when I had one of XLSWI (9, QSQIRXW 8EOI E LEVH PSSO EX your rear tire’s tread. My hunch is that rear tire is singing the blues due to a saw tooth pattern worn in the tread where the more worn center portion meets the less worn part closer to the shoulder. This is easy to observe by looking at the tire tread from the side. If I’m correct, a new rear tire will stop that singing, at least for a few thousand miles — longer, if you maintain the tire’s MR¾EXMSR TVIWWYVI GSVVIGXP] Stu [FOLLOW UP] Stu, Thanks for the suggestion, but when traveling down the highway, I can pull the clutch in and the noise stops, therefore I would doubt that the noise comes from the rear tire. I’ll listen for the noise after I get new tires in a couple thousand miles, but the noise is there at slow and fast and medium speeds as well as when slowing down and will stop with the clutch pulled in. The mechanic at Honda with all those years of listening to these things (but who didn’t take it out for a test ride) says that there are all kinds of different noises and they’re all just the way it is. Again, it’s a whirring kind of sound when traveling through the gears at any speed until stopped, mostly when there’s a load on the gears, going up through or down through them. It sounds like a high pitch whistling/whirring — that’s the best I can do for illustration of a noise. I’d appreciate the additional items that you were about to send as I’ll be taking it in for tire change fairly soon. I sure do like it even better than the 1500, even with the noise. Thank you,

Bill Clugh

tech Bill, A singing or humming sound due to rear tread wear will stop when drive force is removed from the rear wheel by squeezing the clutch lever or rolling off the throttle. So if it’s still there when slowing down, you’re correct, it’s not likely due to the tire. Like your mechanic, I also have many years of listening to these things. Where your mechanic has the advantage on me is that he’s actually able to listen to your particular bike; I obviously can’t. And because he’s highly experienced with 40 years as a Wing specialist, I’d advise you to take comfort in his diagnosis. Stu .......................................................................................

- ZEPYI ]SYV I\TIVXMWI ERH [IPGSQI ]SYV Hi Ed, WYKKIWXMSRW EW XS ER] WXITW - QMKLX XEOI -´ZI XEPOIH EFSYX XLMW WYF ½PXIV WIZIVEP XMQIW to isolate my issue. over the years, but it never had the impact on the Membership as it’s had this time. Judging from the emails I’ve received from Paul Lenzmeier you all lately, my hunch is American Honda’s *EVKS 2( parts folks may be wondering why ordering of this part suddenly increased 1,000% LOL! Paul, The #10 fuse also powers the accessory Stu socket in the left fairing storage compartment. ....................................................................................... It’s plugged into a red, two-pin connector under the pocket. I’ve not seen a test meter Hi Stu, that would measure more than 10 amps - LEZI E JVMIRH [LS LEW E %WTIRGEHI without blowing its internal fuse, so I’m that needs the rear brake master cyclinder unsure how you’re measuring 22 amps. VITPEGIH - FIPMIZI MX MW ER ´ -X ETTIEVW But I can tell you that those accessory wires XLI TVIZMSYW S[RIV VITEMVIH E PIEO MR will quickly become crispy critters with that XLI G]PMRHIV [MXL WMPMGSRI ERH MX LIPH range of current. In fact, insulation may have long enough for him to sell the bike. My already melted, shorting a power feed from friend has found someone to do the some other device to the accessory circuit. [SVO FYX XLI] FIGEQI GSRGIVRIH EFSYX If you remove the fuse box and examine its destroying the hard brake line to the rear back side, you might see obvious damage. and backed out. He has an identical bike [LMGL LI JEMPIH XS OIIT XLI WLMR] WMHI YT WS E VITPEGIQIRX G]PMRHIV MW EZEMPEFPI XS Stu ....................................................................................... VIFYMPH 8LI UYIWXMSR MW [LEX XS HS EFSYX XLI FVEOI PMRI# %W - YRHIVWXERH MX XLI] EVI RS PSRKIV EZEMPEFPI JVSQ ,SRHE HS Stu, % QMPPMSR XLERO ]SYW JSV XLI EVXMGPIW SR XLI ]SY LEZI E WSYVGI JSV TYVGLEWI SV ORS[ WIGSRHEV] EMV ½PXIVW %JXIV ]SY I\TPEMRIH anyone that can custom build them from [LIVI MX MW PSGEXIH - STIRIH Q] [MJI´W XLI SPH PMRI TIVLETW# -´Q WYVI ]SY LEZI XVMOI ERH VITPEGIH LIV IPIQIRX -X [EW GSZIVIH XLMW FIJSVI FYX - GSYPH RSX ½RH EFSYX QMPIW SPH ERH WXMPP MR KSSH E QIXLSH XS WIEVGL TEWX EVXMGPIW SRPMRI WLETI 8LIR [I STIRIH Q] XVMOI ERH EW - ° XLEX [SYPH FI E FMK MQTVSZIQIRX XS PSSOIH EX MX EPP ETTIEVIH 3/ %W - XSYGLIH the online editions of Wing World. Thanks MX XS VIQSZI MX MX JIPP ETEVX MR Q] LERH JSV ER] LIPT SV EHZMGI ]SY GER TVSZMHI ERH PSSOIH PMOI TITTIV LEH FIIR TPEGIH MR Q] TEPQ - EWWYQI QMRI [EW SVMKMREP Bill Harrison EW - FSYKLX XLI QEGLMRI [MXL SR ZME IQEMP MX ERH RS[ LEW ERH XLMW MW XLI ½VWX - PSSOIH EX MX - TPEGIH FSXL I\EQTPIW MR TPEWXMG FEKW ERH XSSO XLIQ XS SYV RI\X Bill, 'LETXIV KEXLIVMRK )ZIV]SRI [EW WLSGOIH % 'EREHMER ½VQ REQIH 7MVMYW 'SRWSPMHEXIH EX [LEX XLI] WE[ % [IIO PEXIV - STIRIH sells very good aftermarket replacements YT E QIQFIV´W XVMOI ERH LMW IPIQIRX LEH for that rear brake line. Their website is E WQEPP LSPI MR MX ERH EPWS GVYQFPIH [LIR XSYGLIH &] XLI RI\X 'LETXIV KEXLIVMRK - ½KYVI IZIV]SRI [MXL E [MPP LEZI Stu VITPEGIH XLIMV ½PXIV XLEROW XS ]SYV MRJS MR [SVOFIRGL %KEMR XLEROW JSV EPP ]SY HS JSV YW XS OIIT SYV ;MRKW VYRRMRK [IPP

Hi Stu, Thanks for the monthly “Workbench“ section of Wing World. I enjoy reading it ERH ½RH MX TVMGIPIWW %W XLI EYXLSV SJ XLI WXIPPEV JSYV TEVX WIVMIW XMXPIH Âą)PIGXVMGMX]²



november 2013

m e m b e r s o n llyy

the Lifer

The story of Mike Zunchich as told by his daughter

by Laurel May | photography by Carl Schultz


m e m b e r s o n ly


ack in 1990, I was college student at the University of Arizona, my mom had just suddenly died and as an only child, I was worried about how my father was coping — living alone a few hours away, in Phoenix. While I fretted about how my poor dad would pass the time, I shouldn’t have bothered. As it happened, the old guy still had a surprise or two up his sleeve. He had planned a weekend visit down to Tucson to visit me at school. Expecting him, I happened to walk out into the dusty front yard of my rented adobe house just as a cherry red Gold Wing glinting in the sun rounded the corner and coasted gracefully into my driveway. While I puzzled over my unexpected visitor, the rider removed his helmet and my jaw dropped — it was my dad?


NOVEMber 2013

Um, on a motorcycle? Oh, I had heard stories over the years, tales that I only halfbelieved — about how as a 12-year old, he had motorized his Schwinn bicycle using a Wizzer Engine Kit; how in high school he had both a World War II surplus Cushman scooter and a BSA trail bike. There were even a few family photos of him hoisting a toddler-sized me up on to the gas tank of an old Yamaha offroader — but I couldn’t personally recollect seeing him ever go anywhere near a motorcycle. As I suppose it happens for many, somewhere along life’s road, amidst the work and children and relationships and responsibility, my dad’s love for riding had just been temporarily pushed aside in favor of four-wheel practicality.

m e m b e r s o n ly


m e m b e r s o n ly

“Expecting him, I happened to walk out into the dusty front yard of my rented adobe house just as a cherry red Gold Wing glinting in the sun rounded the corner and coasted gracefully into my driveway. While I puzzled over my unexpected visitor, the rider removed his helmet and my jaw dropped — it was my dad? Um, on a motorcycle?”

- HSR´X VIQIQFIV QYGL IPWI EFSYX XLEX HE] [LIR - ½VWX WE[ my dad on his new Gold Wing. Just that he took me for a spin around the neighborhood; that he seemed so excited to be back behind the handlebars, and his happiness was contagious. I knew LI LEH VIOMRHPIH ER SPH ¾EQI FYX - LEH RS MROPMRK SJ EPP XLI [E]W MR which that shiny red Gold Wing (and eventually GWRRA) would come to impact his life in so many incredible ways. After lurking around several chapters to get a feel for the SVKERM^EXMSR LI QEHI MX SJ½GMEP ERH NSMRIH +;66% MR 1E] SJ 1991. Over the years, he has since held the positions of Assistant Chapter Director, Chapter Director, Newsletter Editor, Assistant Arizona District Director, Arizona Rally Master and, along with his wonderful co-rider Jan (who would eventually become his wife), helped to kick-off a brand new Chapter: AZ-S. I didn’t realize it at the time, but that day I watched him ride into Tucson, I was witnessing him roaring into a brand new life — one full of Gold Wing adventures. “Without GWRRA, [I] undoubtedly would have never ridden the width and breadth of the United States on a motorcycle, or for many years camped twice a year in Rocky Point, Mexico in camping trailers pulled behind a motorcycle. Also — and very important — I never would have developed the level of riding skills learned from GWRRA programs and those of Arizona’s Drill Team.” As it often happens to GWRRA members, Dad’s enthusiasm JSV LMW RI[ PMJI SJXIR ZIVKIH SR +SPH ;MRK SFWIWWMSR 8LEX ½VWX motorcycle was swapped out for a newer 1992 Aspencade GL1500 loaded with chrome, which was then traded in for a GL1500SE — a bike that all my friends jokingly referred to as “The Christmas Tree” HYI XS [LEX ETTIEVIH XS FI QER] XLSYWERHW SJ PMKLXW EJ½\IH XS MXW front, back and sides. Asked to describe it himself, my dad waxes poetic, “It had a spoiler, chrome, custom paint, custom striping, a custom Corbin seat, luggage carrier, more chrome, a CB radio, more chrome, road lights, special rider and co-rider foot pads. And more chrome.” After over 65,000 miles of winding road and conversion to a Champion Trike, dad (now in his late 70’s) still attends weekly Chapter D meetings — in a car. Or, as he bluntly puts it, “Drat. Now I’m Wing-less.”


NOVEMber 2013

Though dad no longer rides, he remains a steadfast GWRRA advocate. “The people who are drawn to GWRRA continue to participate in not only its educational and safety programs, but the bonds of true friendship which form among its Chapter and State memberships really do continue year after year. Even when chapter members can no longer physically participate in the riding activities, they can still be a big part of the chapter.” And as if lasting friendships and the thrill of cruising the American highways and byways weren’t enough, GWRRA has added yet another important facet: a way to give back through charitable giving — in his case, through his own chapter’s support of the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. “A group of Wing riders from AZ-D and AZ-R went to the Ride For Kids Rally in Southern California to become more involved, and in preparation of having an Arizona rally. That event was basically rained out, but some activities and meetings were held in which (my wife) Jan and I, then AZ-R Assistant Directors, and David and Georgette Armes, Directors, were able to participate in using a rented car.” “The rest is history; the GWRRA Arizona Chapter staffs, with enthusiastic support from all of Arizona’s GWRRA Members have worked hard to make Arizona’s Annual Ride for Kids a stellar event. Arizona’s efforts were for years led by the outstanding commitment and leadership of GWRRA member Dave Helwitt and GWRRA’s Wing Ding Newsletter Editor. They help energize the Chapter staffs to comfortably support the program.” From enthusiastically pointing his bike’s latest custom QSHM½GEXMSRW HYVMRK Q] ZMWMXW LSQI XS XLI IQEMPIH TLSXSW SJ him and my step-mom, poised on some dizzying ledge of a remote scenic overlook with their Chapter D pals, grins plastered from ear to ear — looking back over the past 25 years, I can’t imagine my dad without somehow picturing him on a Gold Wing. If you’re new to riding or just new to GWRRA, maybe it’s time for you to imagine yourself on a Gold Wing. Take it from Mike Z., who made more than memories on the open road — but lifelong friends, too. “A better group of people ]SY [MPP RSX ½RH ²

m e m b e r s o n ly


m e m b e r s o n llyy

mr. serious 46

no v e m b e r 2 0 1 3

Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown — unless it’s made of felt, in which case it’s not so bad, actually. by Kevin Whipps | photography by Carl Schultz

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As if that wasn’t bad enough, soon there was a meat strike in the area and the local unions walked out. “As store manager, he had to go and went to lock the store with temporary employees inside while he went to get his car, to drive them to their cars,” Sandi recalls. “And four of these thugs followed him.” 6E] ½RMWLIW LIV WIRXIRGI ±;MXL PMXXPI XLMRKW PMOI FEWIFEPPW FEXW ² The icing on the cake was the 1971 San Fernando earthquake, which tore their world apart. Ray managed one of the few stores that was open that day, and they were the ½VWX SRIW STIR ±=SY GSYPHR´X FY] ER]XLMRK JVSQ ER]FSH] ² says Ray. “I sold every can of canned meat products, food, water, batteries, candles — I sold everything in the store in about two hours.” By 1973, the Garris family had two children, a boy and a BEHIND THE SCENES Ray was just 17 years old when he met Sandi. Back then, he girl born just 18 months apart. They weren’t making a ton of drove a brand new 1960 Chevrolet Impala four speed with a money, and living in a home that a friend of Ray’s rented to mammoth V8. It was red, of course, and it was quite the envy of them because he had moved out of California. This friend sold everyone on the road — including a few policemen, or so Ray carpet, and the Scottsdale Tornado of 1972 caused the roofs recalls. He drove that car all the time, cruising a regular route to lift off many of the homes in the area, so they all needed with friends that traipsed through Santa Monica and West L.A. either carpet repair or replacement. It was a gold rush for That’s when he met the girl who would become his wife, a young people in the industry. That friend had more than enough woman who was once told by her parents that nice girls don’t work to go around, and eventually asked Ray and his family to ride motorcycles, pierce their ears and don’t have good nail relocate to the Valley to help out. With no family, friends or polish on. She also had another accessory that was a problem: other contacts in Phoenix to speak of, Ray and Sandi packed up the kids and headed out to Arizona to change their lives. a diamond engagement ring. While Ray was spending his days working at a local Safeway, And that it did. 7SSR 6E] [EW QEREKMRK E ¾SSV GSZIVMRK WXSVI ±;I LEH Sandi had met a sailor and the two became engaged. When the boy went off to sea, she was left alone and wondered what would three partners total; we were the largest single location carpet happen to the relationship. The day she met Ray, she knew it WXSVI MR ½ZI WXEXIW ² 6E] WE]W 8LI LSYWMRK FSSQ [EW KSMRK was over, and the following morning she drove to the sailor’s on at the time as well, and builders couldn’t put up homes house and returned the ring to his parents. Ray and Sandi’s fate JEWX IRSYKL ° ERH XLI] EPP RIIHIH ¾SSVMRK ±;I HMH houses a day in carpet and 20-25 a day in vinyl. That’s basically was sealed from that day forward. Three years later, Ray and Sandi are married. At this point all we sold, and we did for years.” Soon, carpeting begat real estate, and Ray gets his real they’re 20 years old, and as Sandi says, “With no goals, no plans, RS MHIE SJ [LIVI [I [ERXIH XS FI MR XLI RI\X ]IEV ½ZI ]IEVW estate license. Next he added a broker’s license to the mix, or ten years.” Well, nothing cemented, anyways. Ray assumed and shortly thereafter, he was part of a brand-new company that he could continue working in the supermarket industry that built homes across the Phoenix area. “We went from no MRHI½RMXIP] [SVOMRK LMW [E] YT XLI GLEMR 8LEX´W I\EGXP] [LEX LI one ever hearing of us, to the fourth-largest builder by building did for a while, but come 1965, he started rethinking that plan. permits that we pulled. We were instantly a big-time builder.” 8SHE] 6E] WXMPP [SVOW MR ¾SSVMRK ERH LEW FIIR [MXL XLI The Watts Riots took place from August 11–17, 1965, and the Garris family felt the effects. “My friend and I had come up same shop for 18 years, selling carpets. The kids have each the ladder together, and his wife and our kids and his kids were all grown up, grandkids soon followed and life has carried on for about the same age, and so we played cards and socialized a lot the couple. But there’s one giant chunk missing to their story, together,” Ray explains. “We sat in our house watching TV as his one that is fairly crucial to the end result. For that, we need store was torched and burned, and we got to actually watch it.” to go back to California. he Director of GWRRA role is one that has its drawbacks. You’re the head Member in charge — the Grand Poobah, if you will — and that means a lot of responsibility. It takes a certain type of personality to do the job and excel, and a particular sense of humor. Fortunately, Ray and Sandi Garris have that last part in spades. They may hold a high title, but Ray and Sandi are two very down-to-earth people who just want to spread the wealth. They’ve spent almost thirty years in GWRRA, and most of that time have given back to the Association in spades. But who are they really and what do they bring to the table? Turns out it’s more than just funny hats and a predilection for Gold Wings.


m e m b e r s o n ly

THE ADDICTION CYCLE Motorcycles tend to be one of those things that some people frown upon, others are scared of and some pull to like magnets. Ray’s life on two wheels started with a Cushman — a scooter that you had to push to get started — and that got the bug in him early on. Later, the couple purchased a Honda 90 because, as Sandi says, “I had gotten my ears pierced and I hadn’t gotten in XVSYFPI JVSQ Q] QSXLIV ² 8LI PSKMG SJ E ]SYRK 7ERHM [EW ¾E[PIWW They rode that 90 all over the place, from down through Reseda to Mulholland Drive and down into the ocean. “It was an all-day ride and it was a blast. So I think we got the bug early,” Ray says.


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But Sandi is quick to remind Ray about the cost associated with the little Honda. “But the babysitter was expensive,” she says, then continues, “And we realized that we were at a point in our lives where we liked the motorcycle but we had the responsibility of the kids for a few more years.” So they put the purchase of more bikes on hold, at least for a little bit. A Honda 160 came later, then a Honda 350, both of which came to Arizona with the family in ’73. As their lives move forward, the kids get a bit older and, come the mid-’80s, the kids are grown and they can start thinking about bikes seriously again. Ray is doing real estate at this point, and the company had a woman who worked for them whose husband was the sales

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“I tell you what, we have one of those silly hats on, it’s a given. If you walk into a room and you’re holding a meeting of some kind and I am standing there with a silly hat on, we already know what the tone of the meeting is all about.”


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manager at Sunnyslope Honda. The woman and her husband decided to visit Ray one weekend, and they pull up on an ’84 Gold Wing, shiny and new. Now he was hooked. The ’84 led to an ’88, then a ’93 and a 2003, making them ½VQP] PSGOIH MRXS XLI +SPH ;MRK WGIRI *VSQ XLI WXEVX XLI] searched for a club that would introduce them to some new friends and scenery, but after an experiment with a CB club [IRX E[V] ° ±(I½RMXIP] RSX Q] GVS[H ² 7ERHM WE]W ° XLI] decided to put things to the side for a bit. But when they bought their ’84, the dealer also bought them a membership to GWRRA. While the dealer pushed the idea, Ray was stonewalled by Sandi at every turn. “Honey, guess what? And she would say, ‘Yeah, like the CB club. I am not going to do that.’ So for four years as Members, [we] paid every year, but we didn’t go [to any functions].” Back then, the Chapter Director’s wife would call new Members on a regular basis to encourage participation. After years of this, Sandi says to Ray, “[This] is getting embarrassing. Let’s just go and bite our tongue.” That weekend, they meet up with seven other people out of Chapter I and ride up to People Valley near Prescott, Ariz., and they had a blast. It was all downhill from there.


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FURTHER EDUCATION )ZIR XLSYKL 6E] ERH 7ERHM SJ½GMEPP] FIGEQI +;66% 1IQFIVW in 1984, they weren’t active until 1988. In those years between, they became active in the community. They had heard about a new CPR initiative taking place in Seattle, Wash., and they decided to extend that awareness to XLIMV PSGEP 6SXEV] 'PYF PIEHMRK XLIQ XS FIGSQI XLI ½VWX 6SXEV] Club in the world to be trained in CPR. As they started in with GWRRA, they started taking steps forward there as well, getting involved in Rider’s Education. Back then there was no curriculum to teach, so they made up their own. It was called the Red Book, and it was designed to train a new educator in a Chapter. “I cut up about ten-plus years of Wing World, took out all the Rider Ed articles that were really good, so they had something they could present with the story itself — how to present it, what kind of props to use, etc.” Ray says. The props concept would later work well for his role at INB Radio/TV, a streaming audio and video network that operated out of GWRRA headquarters. Ray would do many of the on-site interviews, but he found that there were some people who weren’t accustomed to having a microphone and camera put in front of them. To solve that problem, he started wearing funny hats to

break the ice. “I tell you what,” he says, “we have one of those silly hats on, it’s a given. If you walk into a room and you’re holding a meeting of some kind and I am standing there with a silly hat on, we already know what the tone of the meeting is all about.” This brings in a theme that Ray and Sandi want to incorporate into GWRRA in general: fun. In their many years in GWRRA, they’ve worked hard to have a good time and make new friends — that’s the whole point, right? But one way they do enjoy themselves is by giving back through leadership. “The whole idea was, what can we do to give back to the Association for all the incredible memories and enjoyment that we have received,” says Ray. “Serving the Members was the next best thing to do, and we have had a blast doing that. Probably had a lot more fun doing that then what we ever expected.” TODAY AND BEYOND Although they’re new to the position, they’re not new to GWRRA by a long shot. Whether it’s through local events, their time in the drill team or just hanging out at dinner with other Members, they’ve had fun every step of the way. In fact, that’s all they want to do from here on out. “I want to make my job fun,” Ray states plainly. “To do that, I’ve got to go back to the Chapter Director and make his or her job fun, then move right on up the line.” That thinking means that he’s taking his decades of experience in management and applying them to the position. And that’s impressive. (SR´X XLMRO XLEX XLI]´VI HMJ½GYPX XS talk to either, although the hats were probably the first giveaway. “We will just communicate to the Members that we are approachable, our Deputies are approachable, we will help them with the resolution with whatever situation they have. Encourage them to come with their situation and their resolution so we can help them move forward,” says Ray. It means that with Ray and Sandi at the helm, the future of GWRRA looks pretty bright, and it’s all because of that special thing that they bring to the table: heart.


trike tracks

trike tracks 56 … When to Trike 58 … Three-Wheeled Rides

trike tracks

to trike, or not to trike the ultimate question by Travis Mitchell


november 2013

trike tracks


lmost every day for nearly six years I have talked with people in various stages of catching trike fever. Some are skeptical, some are not. But they are all trying to answer the simple question: Is a trike for me? As a trike dealer, I have learned over the years that trikes are not for everyone, but they are for more people than you may realize. They may even be for you. So who are great candidates for a trike?

hands. That trike expanded this man’s vision of what is possible JSV WSQISRI GSR½RIH XS E [LIIPGLEMV THE AGED Perhaps the most common customers I sell trikes to are those getting up in years. These folks have been riding their entire lives but are beginning to feel uneasy on their motorcycle. Normally something sets them off, like dropping (or almost dropping) the bike with their spouse at low speeds. Their mate begins to get nervous and presses the issue.

WOMEN For decades now, women have been subjugated to the back seat SJ XSYVMRK QSXSVG]GPIW ERH XLI] EVI XMVIH SJ MX 8LI FEGO WIEX MW ½RI and all, but true freedom is experienced when you twist back on the throttle and feel the motorcycle respond to your command. “True freedom is riding when you want to, on your True freedom is riding when you want to, on your terms, not terms, not waiting for someone to ferry you around.” waiting for someone to ferry you around. Obviously there are exceptions to this, as some women can Trikes are great solutions to those who are getting older, handle the biggest and meanest motorcycles, while others prefer to be passengers. But for some, trikes are complete game-changers. because the alternative is to hang up your riding boots for good. Now, women can throw off the chains of passenger-seat touring We have seen trikes add years and even decades to the end of people’s riding career. It’s a wonderful thing to help keep people and take the reins of a true touring machine, a trike. doing what they have loved doing all their lives. THE DISABLED As a trike dealer, one of our biggest customer groups are disabled THE ULTIMATE ANSWER veterans. Folks who were injured serving our country, and come Whatever the reason, deciding to ride a trike instead of a motorcycle back only to realize they can no longer do some things they used is something many people should seriously consider. It is always worth taking a hard look at your riding abilities. Are you getting to, like ride a motorcycle. I once had a customer buy from me with an inner ear rupture XMVIH EX XLI IRH SJ E VMHI XS XLI TSMRX [LIVI MX MW HMJ½GYPX XS LSPH that threw off his balance. He couldn’t ride a motorcycle, but he up your bike? Have you stopped taking your spouse out because sure could ride a trike! In another situation, there was a customer you are nervous to hold up the weight of a passenger? Don’t be with an ankle condition that caused him a great deal of pain like some of our customers and decide that you should have gone when trying to hold up a motorcycle. We put him on a trike and to a trike only after a terrible accident — it’s not worth it. And conversely, are you tired of riding in the back and want he could ride pain-free all over the country. Then there was the customer who was paraplegic from the Iraq war. We put him on to go for it solo? Do you have a disability that might prohibit you a trike equipped with his own custom-made wheelchair holder. from riding a motorcycle but not a trike? If so, it may be time to We also installed Kliktronics so he could shift and brake with his take the plunge.


trike tracks

3-wheeled 3-wheeled rrides ides L ARRY COLSON APPLE VALLE Y, CALIF. I n Au g u s t of t h is ye a r, I m e t u p w i t h a n ol d friend Bill Jirka, Chapter Director of Chapter I in Mar shall, T Teexas. We met up in Santa Fe, N.M., then rode nine dayys in Colorado. We had up to eight dayys of rain at times! This a picture of Bill during one of those moments.

RICK & DEBBIE SAMMONS QUINCY, ILL. 1998 GL1500, 2001 GL1800 Here is a photo with our ’98 Pearl White GL1500 and ’01 Illusion Red GL1800/Motorttrike. The picture was taken high atop Rib Mountain, just outside Wausau, Wisc. while returning from the top of Michigan. W Wee decided to stop and see some sites [LMPI IR VSYXI XS XLI (IPPW -X [EW SYV ½VWX XVMT [I had taken on separatte bikes, and Debbie had the time of her life and is ready to do it all again nex t summer — hopefully we make it to South Carolina.


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trike tracks

M A R K & E F F IE L A S OF F PALM COAST, FL A. 2008 TRIKE 8LMW MW Q]] [MJI )J½I MR JVSRX SJ XLMW FIEYXMJYP [EXIVJEPP with our 2008 trike “BETT Y” in the background.

JOHN AND GLENDA MONTGOMERY BIG R A P ID S , M IC H . 2002 GL1800 TRIKE Our bike was triked out in 2007 with a Hannigan kit from Central Michigan Motor Spor ts in Mt. Pleasant, Mich. This picture was taken on a recent day ay trip in our home state of Michigan. The backdrop is the Michigan SSttate Fireman’s Memorial in Roscommon, Mich. This beau tiful memor ial is dedicatted to VIXMVIH ½VI½KLXIVW ERH MR TEV XMGYPEV XLSWI [LS have lostt their lives in the line of duty. V Veery powerful. w i ng w o r l d m a g . c o m


I n t e r n at i o n a l


November 2013

I n t e r n at i o n a l

The Long & Winding road

The Amalfi Drive showcases Italy’s famous coastal cliffs and villages by Marie Look


I n t e r n at i o n a l


hen the Romans cut a meandering path along the southern side of the Sorrentine Peninsula, it’s unlikely they had anything even close to Italy’s modern tourism industry in mind. And yet, this stretch of highway, now known as XLI %QEP½ (VMZI LEW FIGSQI E [SVPH JEQSYW LMKLPMKLX SJ XLI region, renowned for its breathtaking panoramas, spectacular GPMJJW ERH GLEVQMRK WIEWMHI XS[RW ERH ½WLMRK ZMPPEKIW Extending for roughly 20 miles (31 kilometers), the legendary HVMZI GSRRIGXW XLI WSYXLIVR -XEPMER XS[RW SJ %QEP½ ERH 7SVVIRXS passing through the unbelievably picturesque Positano along the way. Although it can be recognized on road signs and maps by its formal name, Strada Statale 163 (Highway 163), the locals have


November 2013

another nickname for their famous roadway: Nastro Azzuro, or the “Blue Ribbon.” The Tyrrhenian Sea, virtually always in sight along the route, has been dazzling mankind with its sapphire blue water for centuries. For some visitors, a mere 20-mile drive along the Sorrentine Peninsula seems too short for a tour. In that case, extending the trip from Salerno, located at the southern base of the peninsula, all the way west to Sorrento can offer about 38 miles (61 kilometers) of total touring bliss. But here’s a fair warning: The inexperienced need not apply, as this is a challenging roadway even for seasoned drivers. There’s a rule for those who drive the Amalfi Coast:

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Passengers look, drivers drive. Along the way, you’ll pass beaches, JVEKVERX [MPH¾S[IVW ERH VSEHWMHI ZIRHSVW LE[OMRK PSGEP PIQSRW peppers and other delectables. But you may not get much time to observe, since you’ll be too busy white-knuckling it as you take every potentially treacherous turn. At times, the road will be roomy, and at others, singlePERI =SY GER EZSMH XLI LIEZ] XVEJ½G XLEX GSQIW [MXL XLI TIEO tourism dates (see sidebar: “Make It a Joyride”), but waiting for oversized vehicles to pass in both directions or slowly take cliffside corners is simply commonplace any time of year. In other words, decide to spring for an Italian getaway while embracing the idea that you’ll never be bored, and you’ll have

an unforgettable time riding this icon of southern Italy. Here, we lay out the highlights of the coastline’s gorgeous towns so you can make the only really tough decision remaining: where to stop along the way! SALERNO POPULATION: 132,000 7EPIVRS HI½RMXIP] LEW QSVI SJ ER YVFER PSSO ERH JIIP XS MX compared to the other towns along the drive, and its active port, tattoo parlors, nightclubs and tourism services, as well as the University of Salerno (enrollment: 40,000), can give the impression of a conventional town. But the city has much to


I n t e r n at i o n a l offer in the form of its rich history and unique culture. 6IRS[RIH EW XLI PSGEXMSR SJ XLI ½VWX YRMZIVWMX] SJ QIHMGMRI MR XLI world (the Schola Medica Salernita, founded in the 9th century), Salerno continues to be an important city for education and the arts. Throughout history it has seen catastrophic earthquakes and plagues, and been under the rule of at least a dozen different cultures, owing to its fascinating diversity. Following World War -- 7EPIVRS IZIR FVMIž] WIVZIH EW -XEP]´W GETMXEP Must-see highlights of Salerno include the well-preserved historical city center (Centro Storico), with its prominent cathedral and Via dei Mercanti (street of merchants) shopping area. The castle of Arechi, situated above the city and looking out over the Gulf of Salerno, is visible from many places throughout the city, ERH XLI ½ZI QMPI 0YRKSQEVI 8VMIWXI TVSQIREHI QEOIW JSV E lovely walk along the waterfront following a delicioso Italian meal. AMALFI POPULATION: 5,000 DISTANCE FROM SALERNO: 15 MILES (25 KM) % VSEH XVMT EPSRK XLI %QEP½ 'SEWX [SYPH FI MRGSQTPIXI [MXLSYX a visit to its namesake town. Nestled between steep cliffs and FPYI [EXIVW %QEP½ MW HVEQEXMGEPP] WMXYEXIH EX XLI IRH SJ E VEZMRI that cuts a deep path from the imposing Monte Cerreto all the way to the Tyrrhenian Sea. Once a major center of trade with a TSTYPEXMSR SJ %QEP½ MW RS[ E 92)7'3 ;SVPH ,IVMXEKI 7MXI TVSXIGXIH JSV MXW ½RI I\EQTPIW SJ QIHMIZEP EVGLMXIGXYVI ERH MXW LMWXSVMGEP WMKRM½GERGI EW -XEP]´W ½VWX QEVMXMQI VITYFPMG Don’t miss the Cathedral of Saint Andrew, with its eyecatching striped marble and stone exterior and commanding staircase on the Piazza del Duomo. Also of architectural interest is the Cloister of Paradise, a noble burial ground built in the 1200s. The site is an interesting one, since the structures there display columns and arches reminiscent of Middle Eastern architecture, a RSH XS XLI %VEFMER MRžYIRGIW SR %QEP½´W TEWX ERH TVIWIRX GYPXYVI


November 2013

%½GMSREHSW SJ QEVMXMQI LMWXSV] QYWX ZMWMX XLI %VWIREP SJ the Maritime Republic. Now a museum, it was once used for the building and repair of warships. Coincidentally, the region’s traditional rowing competition, the Historical Regatta, takes TPEGI ERRYEPP] XLI ½VWX 7YRHE] MR .YRI ERH MW LSWXIH IZIV] ]IEV F] SRI SJ XLI JSYV LMWXSVMGEP QEVMXMQI VITYFPMGW ° %QEP½ Genoa, Pisa and Venice. POSITANO POPULATION: 4,000 DISTANCE FROM AMALFI: 11.5 MILES (18.5 KM) Positano is, quite simply, the stuff dreams are made of. For KIRIVEXMSRW E TSSV ½WLMRK ZMPPEKI XLMW WIEWMHI VIXVIEX [EW thrust into the world’s spotlight when Harper’s Bazaar in 1953 published an essay by John Steinbeck that waxed poetic on his little slice of paradise. “Positano bites deep,â€? the author wrote. “It is a dream place that isn’t quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone.â€? Positano’s population has doubled since Steinbeck’s visit, as it’s become a popular playground for the rich and famous and one of the Mediterranean’s most exclusive resort towns. Expect to get an eyeful of enormous yachts, luxury hotels, exceptional restaurants and couture boutiques. You may recognize Positano EW XLI VSQERXMG WIXXMRK JSV XLI ½PQW Only You (1994), starring Robert Downey Jr. and Marisa Tomei, and Under the Tuscan Sun (2003) starring Diane Lane. Often called a “vertical village,â€? Positano comprises a maze of steep climbs and stairways. Motor vehicles are therefore excluded from much of the town, a fact which has both pros and cons. While you can’t count on zipping up and down the WXVIIXW SJ XLI XMR] XS[R ]SY GER PSSO JSV[EVH XS PS[ XVEJ½G and carefree strolls along pedestrian-friendly cobbled paths. Think of it as more time to see and be seen on the streets of Positano.

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SORRENTO POPULATION: 16,500 DISTANCE FROM POSITANO: 11 MILES (18 KM) After a stopover in Positano, tourists who haven’t yet had their ½PP SJ XLI %QEP½ GSEWXPMRI [MPP IPIGX XS GSRXMRYI [IWX[EVH SR 77 163 and cross from the south side of the peninsula to Sorrento on the north. Nearby Oscan ruins indicate the territory was inhabited as far back as about 600 B.C., and ruins of Roman villas have been discovered beneath much of the area. Today, bella Sorrento has become a beloved resort town, offering pleasure seekers unique views of the Bay of Naples, Mount Vesuvius and the volcanic Phlegraean Fields.


November 2013

The town is famous for its lemons and oranges, olive groves, nuts, wine and wooden crafts, as well as its central square, the Piazza Tasso, and main shopping street, Via San Cesareo. Near the piazza is the Museum Correale, housing paintings by Neapolitan painters, Sevres ceramics, Murano glassworks and a collection of timepieces, among other valuable items. Sorrento has enchanted many of history’s most storied personalities, including authors, actors, explorers, ar tists, composers, poets, playwrights and other celebrities, all of whom are in good company with the now thousands of tourists [LS ZMWMX XLI %QEP½ 'SEWX IEGL ]IEV ° IZIV] SRI SJ XLIQ expecting to be dazzled (or dazzled again) by the legendary “Blue Ribbon.”

I n t e r n at i o n a l SIDETRACKED Here are a few more notable towns along the %QEP½ (VMZI MR GEWI ]SY GEVI XS ZIRXYVI SJJ XLI main path. Maiori: Pop. 5,500. Boasts the longest unbroken WXVIXGL SJ FIEGL SR XLI %QEP½ GSEWXPMRI %GGPEMQIH HMVIGXSV 6SFIVXS 6SWWIPPMRM QEHI WIZIVEP SJ LMW ½PQW LIVI ERH GSRXMRYMRK XLMW XVEHMXMSR SJ GMRIQE E ½PQ festival is held here every November. Ravello: Pop. 2,500. A UNESCO World Heritage site and home to the terraced and impossibly beautiful Villa Rufalo (built in 1270), which inspired the setting for the garden of Klingsor in German composer Richard Wagner’s opera “Parsifal.” Atrani: Pop. 1,000. The smallest town in the south of Italy, but the most densely populated, with all its inhabitants living in an area less than one-tenth of a square mile. Atrani appeared in Fiat’s 2012 “Immigrants” commercial for the Fiat 500. MAKE IT A JOYRIDE When to Go: Tourism season runs from April to September. Peak times are July through August. Planning a trip in late March or early October then can not only save you some travel funds, but also limit the crowds you encounter. East or West: Our route goes from east to west, due to convenience (Salerno has an airport; Sorrento does not) and safety: Westbound, you’re in the lane farthest from the edge of the cliff, allowing you to relax a little more on the drive. However, daredevils can opt to head east, from 7SVVIRXS XS 7EPIVRS [MXL RS SRGSQMRK XVEJ½G XS block the view ... and the cliffsides plunging down to the water immediately on your right. Ship or Rent: If you’re dead set on cruising around %QEP½ SR ]SYV YWYEP VMHI ]SY GER QEOI WLMTTMRK arrangements, but consider the alternative: renting a scooter. A scooter has far better maneuverability MR GSRZSPYXIH -XEPMER XVEJ½G ERH [MPP FI E PSX IEWMIV to park (scooters are often permitted in some inner city areas where larger motor vehicles are not). 8LI GSQTER] %QEP½ &MOI 6IRXEP EQEP½FMOIVIRXEP GSQ LEW E VIRXEP SJ½GI MR :MIXVM 7YP 1EVM IEWMP] accessed by taxi from central Salerno) and rents motorbikes from 125 cc to 600 cc, for up to 30 days or longer. Take Your Time: It’s not recommended you make the entire drive in a day, or even in two days. This roadway requires a lot of concentration, and you’ll need time to rest and work in some sightseeing. Incorporate stops and overnight stays in your itinerary.


f e at u r e s


no v e m b e r 2 0 1 3

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’m sure that those of you ffo or tunate enough to havve gone to TEWX ;MRK (MRKW JSRHP] VIQIQFIV ]SYV ½VWX ;LIXLIV MX [EW the thousands of super ffrriendly and smiling GWRR A Members, the hundreds of vendors and their wares, the scheduled events, or perhaps it was the oppor tunity to enjoy the fa fantastic rides of XLI WYVVSYRHMRK EVIE XLEXX ½VWX ;MRK (MRK PIJ X ER MRHIPMFPI QEVO in your memor y that keeps you coming back again and again. Our ½VWX ;MRK (MRK [EW NYWX EW QIQSVEFPI SRP] QE]FI RSX JSV XLI same reasons as you might expect. 3YV ½VWX ;MRK (MRK [EW I\TIGXIH XS FI E QENSV IZIRX ° XLI 35th annual Wing Ding, and as you might expect, GWRR A was going all out, star ting with a return to Greenville, S.C . (a ffaavvorite location of many of my ffeellow Members), nestled in the ffo oothills of the Smoky Mountains. Our expectations for the rides alone were pretty high, but I’m getting a little ahead of myself and need to back up to the beginning of this stor y. As fairly new Members, havving joined less than a year ago, Cindy and I are considered newbies. We even received a nice, big, yellow button to wear during Wing Ding so ever yone would know we were new. We needed all the help we could get with registration, reser vations, planning out our itinerar y and so ffo or th. GWRR A did a fa fantastic job working with the city of Greenville by setting up hotel accommodations and getting the word out. With a little assistance fr from our ffeellow Chapter Members, we were all set to go and, of course, ex tremely excited. This is where the best laid plans go out t he w indow. Since it was a mere 450-mile ride, lots of Chapter and Region Members were planning to ride down with several groups leavving each dayy, right up until the event’s kickoff datte. Our intention was to leavve with our group early T Tuuesdayy morning in order to arrive in enough time to catch the Wing Ding Welcome Par ty aatt Heritage Green. That was our plan right up until about Mondayy night att 6:00 TQ [LMGL [EW [LIR XLI [IEXLIV KYIWWIVW GSR½VQIH XLEX XLI front thatt was stalled over the entire east coast would be moving westerly on We Wednesday and would sit directly over Greenville, S.C . and the surrounding area ffo or the nex t several dayys producing LIEZZ] HS[RTSYVW ¾EWL ¾SSHW ERH HERKIVSYW VMHMRK GSRHMXMSRW After a great deal of consternation and soul searching, we decided it just wasn’t to be and we chose to drive instead. I know, I know, drive to a Wing Ding? W Weell, you havve to know your limitattions and as relattively new riders, we just didn’t want to take the risk — but at l east we we ren’t going to m iss i t. Off we go T Tuuesday morning, and sure enough we aren’t even out of the driveway and it’s already raining. At least we aren’t feeling too bad about not riding as we depar ted ffo or Greenville. We hook up with our group and with the exception of the ffrrequent light

rain and numerous cloud bursts, the trip was pretty uneventful until we get about an hour away ffrrom Greenville. That’s when the skies decided to just burst open sending rain down hard enough that you couldn’t even see the nex t vehicle or bike in ffrront of you. At this point, we were pretty glad to be driving, even though we wouldn’t be able to enjoy the rides if the weather did clear up. We arrive at the TD Convention Center with enough time to register, get our 50/50, Gold Wing and other tickets, and go check in aatt the hotel to cattch a power nap before heading to the Par ty on the Green to enjoy several of Greenville’s museums and some bluegrass music. Greenville is not what I would consider a really big city, so ever y thing is within a ffeew minutes drive. Finding Heritage Green was easy and by now we noticed just how many bikes were in the area — and not just Gold Wings, either. T To ouring bikes of all makes, many towing trailers, were ever y where. We visited the several museums that were open and headed over to the Children’s Museum where the bluegrass band would be playing. Now this was not your usual Children’s Museum; this is a real gem and the Members were havving a blast playying all the kid’s activities. W Wee were so impressed we mayy go back just to take our grandson to the museum. The local bluegrass band was great and just the type of enter tainment we would like to see more of at future GWRR A events. On day one, we headed over to the TD Convention Center XS GLIGO SYX XLI ZIRHSVW ERH ½RH SYX NYWX [LEXX E ;MRK (MRK MW all about. The remainder of our Chapter would be riding down that dayy, and we just hoped they wouldn’t run into too much bad weather so that ever yone would make it saffely. We caught the opening ceremony, during which they announced that our very own Region N Couple of the Y Yeear won GWRR A’s 2013 Internattional Couple of the Y Yeear. With over 200 vendors on hand, we cer tainly expected a full dayy and we weren’t disappointed. We learned a lot over the course of the nex t several hours, met a lot of great people, ffo ound E JI[ FEVKEMRW ERH MHIRXM½IH WSQI MXIQW XLEXX [I [SYPH GSQI back to latter. But by the end of the day, boy, we were really tired. One thing’s ffo or sure, Wing Dings are a lot of walking and standing! Exhausted and hungr y, we head back to the hotel to check on the rest of the Chapter, and although they did run into some wet and sloppy weather, ever yone did arrive saffe and sound. Now it was time ffo or happy hour. As one of our ffaavvorite T V personalities of ten sayys, ever yone was “happy, happy, happy” and we had a good evening at at the hotel with our frfriends. For dayy two, it’s the Four th of July (also our 26th wedding anniversar y) and that day’s plan was to pick out one of the poker runs and drive it since we couldn’t ride. Just as the weather guessers w i ng w o r l d m a g . c o m


f e at u r e s predicted, the wet weather rolled in and by now we’re getting really happy with our choice to drive. Driving out of Greenville, we GEXGL XLI LMKL[E] EPIVXW XS [EXGL SYX JSV ¾EWL ¾SSHW ERH [EWLIH out roads. I can only imagine what it would be like to hit a gushing stream running across the road at 55-60 mph on a bike — no thanks. But we were able to drive out to Chimney Rock Lake, Lake Lure, Chimney Rock State Park and up to Asheville, N.C., and for the few that did decide to venture out, it was a really great route. We only hope to make it back some day so that we can ride this and some of the other roads located here at the foothills of the Appalachian mountains. On the return route we ran across Campbell’s Covered Wooden Bridge, which dates back to the early 1900s, as well as a stone arch bridge built back in 1820. As the evening nears and it’s starting to rain even more frequently, unfortunately, the Light Parade and Fourth of July Celebration were in jeopardy. By the time we got back to the hotel for “happy, happy, happy hour,” the night’s festivities were cancelled due to the inclement weather. Are you starting to see a pattern developing? Friday, Day three. We kicked the day off by checking to see if we won any of the door prizes (no such luck), and then went over and enjoyed the motorcycle drill teams from Canada, North Carolina and Jacksonville, Fla. All three teams were really awesome, but it was a toss-up for me between the N.C. Team with their slapping antennas maneuver and the Florida Team riding side saddle for the majority of their demonstration. It was just an incredible display of riding skills that you don’t want to miss if you ever get the chance.


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The sun was shining for most of the morning, but by noon it was raining again. We spent most of the day walking the ¾SSV SJ XLI 8( 'SRZIRXMSR 'IRXIV GLIGOMRK TVMGIW PIEVRMRK more about the different products and planning out what we wanted to get for the bike. So far, Cindy had been doing most SJ XLI FY]MRK ½RHMRK E KSSH HIEP SR E 'LETXIV ZIWX QMVEGPI beads and other healthcare products while I’m still checking and rechecking prices looking for a deal and hoping some of the prices will start dropping so I can get some shiny stuff for the bike. In the afternoon we hung around to catch the Bike Show Judging and Awards, then check out some of the really nice bikes, trikes and trailers entered. It’s just great seeing the pride of ownership and custom work that was put into these machines. Afterwards, we head back to the hotel for some more “happy, happy, happy hour.” At dinner we’re joined by most of the Chapter Members in attendance and then we get “Oogie Boogied” with our friends from Chapter L. Another really fun and memorable time was had by all. Our last day of Wing Ding 35, Saturday, Day four. After breakfast, Cindy, Anne and Carol wanted to go down to Main Street Greenville to do some window shopping and check out XLI WMXIW 'SMRGMHIRXEPP] 1EMR 7XVIIX [EW GPSWIH XS ZILMGPI XVEJ½G for an open air Farmer’s Market. Some of the other interesting places they also visited included Mast’s General Store circa late 1800’s and a really fantastic town park complete with a QEKRM½GIRX [EXIVJEPP 8LI] EGGSQTPMWLIH TPIRX] SJ WLSTTMRK and a good time was had by all. Then it was back to the TD 'SRZIRXMSR 'IRXIV XS ½REPM^I ER] PEWX minute purchases and closing ceremonies. Unfortunately, we didn’t win the Gold Wing, any of the 50/50s, or any of the SXLIV HVE[MRKW +S ½KYVI 3YV ½VWX ;MRK (MRK HMH RSX MRGPYHI any tremendous rides, although great VMHIW HI½RMXIP] [IVI TPERRIH 8LI 4EVEHI of Lights, Fourth of July Celebration and Fireworks display were cancelled due to the weather and I missed the Grande Parade when I took the girls downtown for shopping. In fact, it rained every day we were there. So what was so memorable about Wing Ding 35? Despite XLI HEMP] VEMR WXSVQW ¾EWL ¾SSHMRK ERH washed out roads, we still managed to have a great time sharing it with our GWRRA friends. It certainly didn’t go as originally planned, but what does? We [MPP VIQIQFIV SYV ½VWX ;MRK (MRK JSV the great fun and friends we made and it gives me great pleasure being associated with such a fantastic organization. Thanks XS IZIV]SRI [LS LIPTIH QEOI SYV ½VWX Wing Ding such a memorable one.

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Shopping in Madison Soak in some of Wisconsin’s best retail venues by Judy Frankel, PR & Communication Manager Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau


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hat better way to commemorate your visit to Madison than with a unique treasure from one of our many retail establishments? The Greater Madison area offers a wonderful mix of stores, with diverse offerings from antiques to high-end fashion. Explore State Street, a pedestrian mall lined with eclectic gift shops, bookstores, restaurants and cafés, linking the UW-Madison campus with the Capitol Square. The area’s major shopping centers, West Towne Mall, Westgate Mall, East Towne Mall, Hilldale Shopping Center and Johnson Creek Outlet Center, offer comprehensive shopping selections at visitor-friendly prices. It’s no wonder shopping is the second most popular activity for people who visit Madison. From independent boutiques and specialty stores to national retail chains, there are treasures to be found for every taste. With hundreds of fabulous stores and boutiques, Madison is sure to help you “shop until you drop.” But where do you start? Here are a few tips.


f e at u r e s DOWNTOWN: Start off your experience in the heart of Madison at downtown retailers that stand out in the shopping category: A Room of One’s Own 315 W. Gorham Street An independent, local book store that LEW FIIR E ½\XYVI MR HS[RXS[R 1EHMWSR since 1975. University Book Store 711 State Street Located at the base of State Street and the edge of campus, University Book Store is the TIVJIGX TPEGI XS ½RH IZIV]XLMRK JVSQ FSSOW to Badger-themed gifts. Re-Threads 410 State Street A recycled fashion boutique featuring modern, vintage, new, used and recycled clothing and accessories for men and women. Iona 807 E. Johnson Street New to our area, this shop features contemporary designer fashion and accessories for women. FOOD AND GIFTS: A special attraction on Saturday’s is on the Capitol Square. You’ll be amazed by the spectacular array of items found at the Dane County Farmers Market. This bustling market, which hosts about 20,000 people each Saturday, is a spectacle to behold and a great space to buy gifts for those back at home. When food and gifts are on your list, don’t miss these destinations that include locally owned, universally loved shops: Bavaria 6317 Nesbitt Road Authentic, old world German sausages that have been made in Madison for more than 50 years.


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Candinas 11 W. Main Street Fine chocolates created by Swiss-trained confectioner Markus Candinas and made in Verona, Wis. Chocolaterian 2004 Atwood Avenue An unforgettable dessert and chocolate experience, as well as the home of Christine’s Toffee & Caramels. Ehlenbach’s Cheese Chalet 4879 Country Road V A Swiss chalet in DeForest that features more than 100 different Wisconsin cheeses, plus sausages and other gourmet foods to give as gifts.

Madison Craft & Gift Shoppes 4118 Monona Drive A collective of more than 150 crafters on Monona Drive in Madison. Odana Antiques 6201 Odana Road Madison’s largest antique center, featuring styles from Art Deco to Mid-Century to Victorian and every era in-between. Orange Tree Imports 1721 Monroe Street An incredible combination of culinary delights, specialty food and gifts that’s been located in Madison’s Monroe Street neighborhood for more than 35 years. HIT THE MALL: If concentrated areas of shopping are more what you’re looking for, Madison has three marvelous malls with a variety of stores:

Fromagination 12 S. Carroll Street A specialty cheese shop celebrating Wisconsin artisanal cheese makers and Hilldale Shopping Center MQEKMREXMZI TEMVMRKW [MXL EVXMWER FVIEHW ½RI 702 N. Midvale Boulevard wines and charcuterie. F e a t u r e s f u n of f e r i n g s s u c h a s Cornblooms, The University Book Gail Ambrosius Store, Macy’s and more. 2086 Atwood Avenue Fine chocolates made by hand and sold in East Towne Mall Gail’s Atwood Avenue store as well as online. 89 East Towne Mall Located less than a mile off of I90/94 and Kilwins contains four major department stores, 208 State Street more than 100 specialty shops, and 15 “Sweet in every sense since 1947,” now restaurants and eateries. located on State Street. West Towne Mall 66 West Towne Mall SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE: Try these stores that offer unique gifts that go from antiques to art and everything in This mall also has more than one hundred different stores to choose from, including between: many restaurants. Duluth Trading Co 100 W. Main Street, Mount Horeb For more information on shopping, please Hardworking clothing items for women and check out shopping. men found in Mt. Horeb, Wis.

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weekend at the opry GWRRA comes back to Tennessee with a bang by Kevin Whipps


f you’ve never been to Nashville, T Teenn. before, then now’s the bes t time to plan your upcoming trip. Why? Because come August 29 – 31, 2014 — Labor Day Weekend — GWRR A is coming to Nashville ffo or GWRR A’s Weekend at the Opr y, and it’s going to be spec tacular. Weekend aatt the Opr y is like no other gatthering in recent histor y ffo or many reasons. It star ts at the ffo oundattion of the event, the legendar y Gaylord Opr yland Resor t & Convention Center. The ffaacility itself is spec tacular, spor ting a mammoth atrium thatt holds shopping, enter tainment and more under one glass roof. If y ou h aven’t s tayyed t here b efore, n ow’s y our c hance. Then there are the tour s. Designed as an à la car te system, you can plan your own schedule however you like. Just pick a tour, your dayy of choice and you’re ready to go. Y Yo ou c a n d o t h e s a m e tour three times, one each dayy or mix it up however you choose. What tours are out there? Well there’s the General Jackson Showboatt tour, which r uns daily from 11:15am to 3:15pm. Eatt a buf fet-s tyle lunch on the Showboatt as you la zily r ide down the river, then check out a live show att the t wo-s tor y Vic torian Theatter fo found in the center of the boatt. Plus, there’s time to wander around and check out the ship and per use the deck s


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if you choose. Maybe you’ d r aatther check ou t Music Cit y it self. There’s a nar r atted tour of Nashville that r uns from 10am to 2:30 pm daily. In addition, the event includes admission to the Ryman Auditorium and the Countr y Music Hall of Fame and Museum so you can check them out on your own time. H i s to r y b u f f ? T Taake a look at the r ich his tor y of Nashville with a nar r ated dr iving tour from 9:30am to 2pm daily. This tour includes admission to the T Teennessee Statte Museum and the Par thenon in Centennial Par k , plus s tops at Bicentennial Capital M all S tatte P ar k . And if none of those tickle your fa fancy, whatt about a docent tour of Jack Daniel’s Dis tiller y from 8:30am to 4pm daily? In the process, gr ab lunch at Miss Mar y Bobo’s Boarding House, and shop at LLyynchburg T To own Square. Plus, tr anspor tattion to and from all of the events is provided on site. Shut tle to and fro in an air-conditioned bus and keep the rental car or motorcycle att the hotel. It doesn’t get much bet ter than thatt. So how do you get in fo for Weekend at the Opr y? Contac t Member Ser vices at 8 0 0 - 843 -96 4 0 ffo or more info. We’ll see you there!

olida Holiday H Holida ay Gift ay t Guide e


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H Hol ol lida a y Gift Guide Holiday ay G Gu uide liday


olida Holiday H Holida ay Gift ay t Guide e


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UPCOMING events W Wee list lis t o only nly G GWRRA-sponsored WRR A -sponsored and and supported suppor ted functions func tions by category, name, name, date, and contact contact person person and and information. information. category, date, location location and For For full full details, details, including including rally rally costs, costs, we we recommend recommend you you also also visit v i si t online online llistings istings according according to to GWRRA GWRR A Region, Region, District District and and Chapter. Chapter. Event Event listings listings may may run run up up to to six six months months in in advance advance of of an an event, event , and and will will rrun un through through the the month month of of the the issue’s issue’s cover cover date. date. “Photo “ P hot o Tours� T ours� and and “Other “Other Tours� Tou T ou o rs� will will appear appear periodically. periodically. The The deadline deadline ffor or Events Events is is approximately approximately the the fourth four th Friday Friday of of the the month, month, three three months months before before the the issue’s issue’s cover cover date. d at e .

To T o ssubmit ubmit event event information, information, emaill emaill editor@g wrra .org or or mail m ail Inc., 21423 21423 N. N . 11th 11th Ave., Ave., Phoenix, P hoe ni x , GWRR A , Inc., to to “Event “Event & Tours,� Tours,� GWRRA, inclusion, please please include include “Event� “ Event� or or A AZ Z 85027. 85027. To To help help assure assure inclusion, ine o m ail . “Events� “ Events� in in the the subject subject lline off aann eemail. best understand understand the the EVENTS EVENTS SUBMISSIONS SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE, DE A DLI N E , ****To * * To best YYWI XLI GSZIV HEXI JSV I\EQTPI 7ITXIQFIV HS RSX GSYRX WI XLI GSZIV HEXI JSV I\EQTPI 7ITXIQFIV HS RSX GSYRX XXLEX QSRXL 7ITXIQFIV GSYRX FEGO X[S QSRXLW MR XLMW GEWI LEX QSRXL 7ITXIQFIV GSYRX FEGO X [S QSRXLW MR XLMW GEWI %YKYWX ERH .YP] 8LIVIJSVI XLI JSYVXL *VMHE] SJ .YRI MW GSRWMHIVIH %YKYWX ERH .YP] 8LIVIJSVI XLI JSYVXL *VMHE] SJ .YRI MW GSRWMHIVIH tthe he ffo ourth Friday Friday the the submission submission is is due due for fo for the the September September issue.*** issue.*** fourth

national and international events

L AB OR DAY LABOR DAY WEEKEND WEEKEN D – AUGUST A UGU ST 29-31 2014. 2 0 1 4 . WEEK WEEKEND EN D AT AT THE OPRY OP RY IN NASHVILLE, N ASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Come check out beautiful Nashville and spend Labor Da weekend at the spectacular ar Gayold Gaayyold Dayy weekend Opryland Opr yland Resor Resortt & Convention Convention Center. Center. Attend fun tours, ride a showboat showboat and much, much,, much much more. more . Call 800-843-9640 to learn mor more. e.

FEBRUAR RY/MARCH 2014. A three-week tour of New Zealand,, organized organized orga and and escor escorted by Members of Chapter NZ-A. Z-A.. For more details, contact Ron Meiklen at vault@clear JUL LY 2 through JUL LY Y 5,, 2014. WING DING ONSIN.. Join us for 36 IN MADISON, WISCONSIN. the annual GWRRA par ty and convention, including the world’s largest Gold Wing trade show, parades, Rider Ed courses and classes, seminars, parties, dancing, fo ood, great riding and much more—all in a great city! Sign up now at www or call (800) 843-9460 or (623) 581-2500 (Phoenix area) to register now.

DISTRICT EV EVENTS OCTOBER 10 – 12, 2013. VIRGINIA DISTRICT’s “Rally in the Valley� at the Salem Civic Center in Salem, VA.. Lots of FUN,, ffood, ood, vendors and entertainment! This yyea ear’ss theme is “VIRGINIA IS FOR RIDERS�. S�.. For details,, contact Dennis Weston at dweston6@V on6@V or (757) 416-8479 or visit visit gwr gwr OCTOB ER 17 – 19, 2013. MISSISSIPPI DISTRICT CONVENTION. We’re going to the beautiful beaches of Gulfport,, Miss. to the Courtyard Marriott, Beachfront.. (Special room rates; rates increase after September 1. Our theme is “Disco Wings�.. Come Co join the fun and experience ARC, ERC,T Trik rikke course,Amazing T Team eam Challenge, Drill Team Exhibition, vendors, games, seminars,Talent Show, Lighted Lightted Bikkee Parade, Bikkee Show, Disco Party and much, much morre! Grand prize of $2,000 cash,, 50/25/25 draawing. For more inffo, visit or contact Bobby Bryant aatt (601) 919-0920 or


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OCT TOBER 25 – 27,, 2012. ARIZONA DISTRICT or the “Returning to CONVENTION. Join us ffo Tucsonâ€? Arizona District Convention to be held in the modern and vibrant city of Tucson with great scenery and sights. There’ll be education nars,, vendors with “saffety chrome,â€? and fun seminars, games, bikkee light show and judging, all the usual‌ and MORE! Host hotel with a special rate of $70 is the Hilton Tucson East [(800) 445-8667; Group Code: e:: GWRR13].Visit the AZ website at /district for for inffo o and rregistration egistration form. form. Schedule of events to be posted soon! For more inffo, contact Chuck Liberty at (520) 883-7883.

Chapter EV ENTS NOVEMBER 16, 2013. Chapter AZ-R, Region F’’s Annual Chili Fest/Fundraiserr. Starts aatt 11am at RideNow Powersports/Peoria,, located at 8546 W. Ludlow Drr.,.,, Peoria, Ariz.. Come enjoy some great chili, 50/50 draawing, pokker walk, people games and the fabulous Arizona Drill Team. Plus, shop RideNow for some great deals on new and used Gold Wings, the new F6B and accessories. For further infformation, ormation,, contact Jim Oliver at or call (623) 694-6356. JANUAR RY 9 – 11,, 2014. Maryland District’s WinterThingg in Ocean Cityy,, Md.This yyea ear’’s theme is “Wild World of Sports.� The event takes place

at the Clarion Resor t Fontainebleau. Events include a Thursdaay night ice cream m social,, our famous Fridaayy night theme dance, Saturdaay night banquet, loads of seminars and tons of fun! We KDYH GDLO\ V JUDQG SUL]H DQG 5LGHU (G UDIIà à HV Please visit us a t or contact Raayy Hartman at (240) 435-0559 or email at JANUAR RY 18,, 2014. WA-X’s Fourth Annual Motorrcycle Swap Meet. Held at the Armed Forrces Reserve Centerr, 15005 NE 65th St., Vancouverr, Wash... Silent Auction, Food and Buy-sell or trade parts,, accessories and related items. ms.. Flyer and registration available: available:: rg.. Donations being collected ffo or the local Veterans Hospital.. For more inffo, contact CDs Kelley and Connie Huse at, Lisa at motoswapmeet@ or Kathy at APRIL 3 – 5, 2014. Al abama Di stri ct Convention’s Roman the Baayy in Mobile, Ala. We will be at the Ashbur y Hotel & Suites where ever ything is on one site . Vendors, games, seminars, lighted bikke parade, toga costume contest, talent show and much more . Grand prize of $1000.00. Buy $1 tickkets ets ffor or a chance to win one of three Garmin Zumo 665s to be given awaay at closing ceremonies. For hotel and registration infformation contact Robert Brown (205) 948-8991 or

NEXT JULY ALL ROADS LEAD TO A DON’T-MISS DESTINATION Return to Madison for Wing Ding 36. Details at


free classifieds :MWMX +[VVE SVK QIWWEKIFSEVHW GPEWWM½IHW JSV YT XS HEXI 1IQFIV :MWMX +[VVE SVK QIWWEKIFSEVHW GPEWWM½IHW JSV YT XS HEXI 1IQFIV Q EMRXEMRIH GPEWWM½IH PMWXMRKW 8LIWI GPEWWM½IH PMWXMRKW EVI E FIRI½X QEMRXEMRIH GPEWWM½IH PMWXMRKW 8LIWI GPEWWM½IH PMWXMRKW EVI E FIRI½X ffor or GWRRA GWRR A Members Members and and are are for for GWRRA GWRR A Members’ Members’ personal p e r so n a l to aapproximately pproximately 30 30 words words each. property proper t y only. only. LListings istings limited limited to e ac h . Wee rreserve W eserve the the right right to to edit edit entries. entries. Include Include year, year, model, model, mileage, mileage, pprice, rice, nname, ame, phone phone number, number, eemail, mail, state st ate or or province. province.

by eemail mail to to editor@g wrra .org. To To help help assure assure inclusion, inclusion, please p l e a se MRGPYHI Âą'PEWWM½IH² SV Âą'PEWWM½IHW² MR XLI WYFNIGX PMRI SJ ER IQEMP MRGPYHI Âą'PEWWM½IH² SV Âą'PEWWM½IHW² MR XLI WYFNIGX PMRI SJ ER IQEMP Friday of of the the month month approximately approximately two t wo D Deadline eadline iiss tthe he fourth four th Friday he issue’s issue’s cover cover date. date. Ads Ads run run one one month month on on a months m onths before before tthe ½½VWX GSQI ½VWX WIVZIH WTEGI EZEMPEFPI FEWMW 0EXI EVVMZMRK EHW VWX GSQI ½VWX WIV ZIH WTEGI EZEMPEFPI FEWMW 0 EXI EVVMZMRK EHW aare re hheld eld ffor or a ssucceeding ucceeding iissue. s su e .

8]TI SV TVMRX [VMXXIR IRXVMIW ERH WIRH XS ¹'PEWWM½IH %HW ² 8 ] T I S V T V M R X [ V M X X I R I R X V M I W E R H WI R H X S ¹' P E W W M ½ I H %H W ² GWRRA, N.. 111th Avenue, Phoenix, G WRR A , IInc., nc ., 221423 1423 N 1th A ve n u e , P hoenix , AZ A Z 885027, 5027, or or

G WRR A aassumes ssumes no no responsibility responsibility for ffo or quality quality of of items items listed, listed, nor nor GWRRA for the the outcome outcome of of transactions transactions initiated initiated through through these these listings. lis t ing s . for

Dealers BUY Y-SELL-TRADERENT T. Highest prices pai d for clean bikes! America’s largest independent dealer of used bikkes,, (600+ in stock). Always ways huge inventory of quality Wings and other Touring ou bikkes. Coast-tocoast pickup and delivery. y Now RENTING GL18’’s and Trikkes! Check us out atWOWMotor cycles. com or call 800/572-3720.

Motorcycles 2012 GL 1800 and matching ching trailerr,, Navi, Comffor t pkg.. (heated grips and seats),, blue and silverr, trailer is Dart XL and is matching blue, 9K miles, custom striping. Comes with 2 HJC helmets with J&M headsets, 2 Rockket Gold Wing jackkets. ets.. Pics upon request. Asking $21,000. Virginia Beach,VA. Dave (757) 377-5433. David.

6( WK $QQLY 0HWDOĂ DNH FDQG\ DSSOH burgandy. y 20,500 actual, neew y. w tires,, brakkes. es.. Optional EDFNUHVW KZ Z\\ Ă RRUERDUGV FKURPH OXJJDJH UDFN hitch, wiring. Original ownerr, excellent, must see. $10,500 (307) 7) 660-1755,, helmets extra. 2005 SE 1800 30th Anniv. Candy Black Cherry, 14,500 actual. New radials. Optional backrest, passenger swing-out armrests,, Medallion luggage rack.. Ringg of Firree, LEDs on engine, bags, tour pack, over rear,r, more. Mint condition, likkee new $15,000 (307) 660-1755. 755.. MDT matching helmets extra. 1998 GL1500SE, 41k miles, white with silverr, k,, new tires and brakkes, es,, nice bike. mostly stock, $7,500 or possible trade for Harley. Daave 724941-5420,, W Western estern Pennsylvania. 2005 Honda Shadow Spirit 1100 Candy Apple Red windshield, engine guards, luggage rack,, new tires & batter y, throttle lock, Kur y grips,Vance & Hines exhaust. haust.. Still haavve OEM pipes.. 25,000 miles,, exc. cond. co ond.. Mike 479-452-0496 1995 GL1500 Aspencade w/maatchingg trailerr, dark green.. Back rest,, running lights, extra ffo oot rests, intercom,, new frt tire, 51,779 mi.. $6,500 Gerald 989-785-5566 2004 GL-1800,, Red, 55K mi.. Orig. owner, $4000 ([WUDV &% 03 Z VRQJV EDFN UHVW Ă RRU boards w/ H&T shiffte ter,r, matching Escapade Trailer, w/chrome wheels & tongue, carpeted,, ice chest, $14,000,, Bob @ 740-397-6224.. Ohio. White 2006 1800 Gold Wing w/Navigation. Bushtec trailer. CB Radio. Super brace. Exhaust chrome turn down; Headlight modulattor; spoiler w/modulating brake light;; highwaay pegs; Lots of extras.. $23,000. $23,0 000.. Gar y 314-322-5381 1981 GL1100 Interstate, 54K miles, garage kept, “show bikkeâ€? eâ€? condition, c , neew w starter 8/13,, drivver er seat


no v e m b e r 2 0 1 3

EDFN &% DQG UDGLR ÀUP &DOO 3DW 529-3620.. Roanokkee VA.. wing81rider 2008 GL1800 (maroon) 80k,, sound pkg, fr t fender ext, CB radio, Utopia back rest,, beautiful pinstriping, extra chrome , never been down, stored in heated garage unless ridden. Asking $15,500.. Price has been reduced. Please contact Bud at 308-530-4068. 2007 Honda Gold Wing 64K Silver w/matching Insta-trikke & Bushtec Quantum GL Trailerr. All inclusive $ 28,800. Garage k ept.. Completely airbrushed w/space program theme, loaded w/ light show quality lights & chr ome, won light show at Americade 2 yrs running,, many extras, pics aavailable vailable. Call Joe 813 817-1256 or jhudd8@ 2004 Honda Goldwingg GL,2013 Hannigan Trikke Kit, rare magenta metallic colorr, color matched trailerr, loaded with extras,, garage kkept, ept,, serviced regularly, 60,000 miles, 3000 on trikke kit, $27,900.00. Contact Dennis. email: Home phone 865-717-0030

Trikes 1993 GL1500 Aspencade w/ Califfornia o Side Car Trike conversion. Black w/ only 49K mi. and always garaged. Lots of accessories, ries,, 2 Nolan Helmets, 2 Weaather Covers,Tulsa Tall a Windshield and spare stock windshield,, CB. Getting to old to ride and could use tender care . New Orleans area. Asking only $12,000.00. 0.00.. Call Tom 985-774-3191. 2005 Gold Wing GL1800 Trikke w/Roadsmith w conv., AM/FM/CB/WB/intercom,, EZ E steerr,, 33K mi.,, Graayy, exc. cond.,, alwaays garage garaged, ed,, F4 vented windshield,, lower ffog og lights,, running boards,, will email photos, $25,500,, call Gary 217-710-8571, located in central Illinois.

classifieds 2003 Burgman 650 w/Tow Pac conv. Automatic (enjoy without shifting). Pinstriping is beautiful pink, blue and white star burst. Low 8,800 mi. It’s a head turner. Triked by the manufacturer. Nice, easy ride on the street or freeway. Roomy storage under the seat for two helmets. XL adjustable side mirrors, good visibility, extra tall windshield, adjustable backrest for leg length. Lock for bike spoke and ignition. $6,500. pneff@ Paula 714-374-1278. Huntington Beach, Calif.

Trailers and Sidecars A nice California Friendship 111 Sidecar. Needs restored but still in good condition.White with black convertible top. On hood is a Indian mural. Was mounted to a 1500 Gold Wing. Asking $3,500. Dan 317-834-3870. Mooresville, IN 46158 2008 Bushtec “Quantum GL” Grand Sport Touring Luggage Trailer. 2004 Goldwing Titanium (color). Cooler Package and hitch for trike. Purchased new from factory. Pulled less than 1000 miles.Always garaged. $3500. Tom (864) 360.0766 S.C.

2013 White Aspen Camper Classic, low mileage, air conditioner, 48-quart cooler, aluminum wheels, spare tire. Includes all camping equipment. $4350 or OBO,AL. Call Tim 251-510-8659 or email lej775@ for more information. 2007 Bunkhouse Camper. Complete option package including: 6x6 den, table, cooler rack with cover, 5 jack stands, swivel coupler, AC duct, tinted plastic and screened windows, spare tire rack, hydraulic brakes (a must for optimum safety). Used sparingly, excellent condition, always stored in air cond. garage. Over $7500 new.Tampa,FL, $4975 OBO. Call Tom at 813-727-3460 or email

Parts and Accessories Rampage Motorcycle Power Lift. New, used to haul 1 motorcycle.All controls and operations manual. Can send pictures. Call David 931-607-5836. Email 2008 GL1800 Dark Red Metallic — parts from a trike conversion. All parts, saddlebags with lights, trailer hitch, rear wheel, tire, Centramatic balancer, rear end — everything! Lowered price to $500.00 + shipping. Depends on where you are located, may meet you part way with the parts.We

Wingers always like to ride! Eddie (937)623-7866 1.0” lowering bracket for shorter riders with ride-off center stand with installation instructions. For the 1800 Gold wings thru 2010. $175.00 plus shipping. Milton 540-786-2994 VA 2008 New Steering Head for 1800, $50; 2004 Used Low Miles Steering Head for 1800, $25. Plus shipping. Bob 603-448-3707 NH or harryr70@ 2012 GL 1800 white all rear parts from trike conversion, all new parts saddle bags with lights, rear end, etc. Can send pictures. $800 plus shipping. Call Bob 603-448-3707 NH. Email harryr70@ 1999 GL1500.All rear parts from trike conversion. Two-tone limited edition color green saddlebags with lights, rear end, etc. $600 plus shipping. 570-8886794 or Pennsylvania.

Wanted Pull behind pet trailer within 500-mile radius of Pgh, PA 724-316-5407



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w i ng w o r l d m a g . c o m



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w i ng w o r l d m a g . c o m



“WHERE’S “WHERE’S W WINGY” INGY” CONTEST CONTEST For For G GWRRA WRRA M Members: embers: WIN WIN $50! $50! Here’s how the contest works: =SY GER ½RH ;MRK] anywhere in yyo our Wing World magazine! Follow these instructions: *MRH ;MRK] WLS[R LIVI Next: Email your entry to: or you may mail yyo our entry to: W W November “Wingy” Contest , 21423 North 11th A Avvenue, Phoenix, A Z 85027. All entries must be received before October 20th, 2013. Entries must include your name, mailing address, phone number, GWRR A membership number and the following: • The page number on which “ Wing y” is located. • The location on the page where “ Wing y” was fo found. A w i n n e r w i l l b e r a n d o m l y c h o s e n o n O c t o b e r 2 3; t h e l u c k y w i n n e r o f t h e $ 5 0 w i l l be cont acted by email or phone. Additionally,, the November winner’s name will be published in the Januar y 2014 issue of Wing World magazine. Limit one entr y and winner per issue. Enjoy the search! And while you are busy looking for Wing y, we’re sure you [MPP ½RH XSRW SJ MRXIVIWXMRK KSSHMIW EPSRK XLI [E] 7S [LEX EVI ]SY [EMXMRK JSV# +SSH luck and happy hunting! Legal stuff: Contest will run, star ting with the Januar y 2010 issue of Wing World magazine, and may be discontinued without notice by the publisher. By par ticipating in this contest , e ntr ants EKVII XS XLI WTIGM½G VYPIW XIVQW ERH GSRHMXMSRW TVSZMHIH JSV XLMW TEV XMGYPEV GSRXIWX EW WXEXIH MR the Rules given here. ELIGIBILITY AND ODDS OF WINNING: No purchase necessar y to enter. Limit one entr y per Member. Multiple entries will not improve chances of winning. Contests are open to any member SJ +;66 % I\GITX IQTPS]IIW SJ +;66 % -&:' EJ ½PMEXIW WYFWMHMEVMIW ERH WYGGIWWSV GSQTERMIW contest sponsors, a dver tisers a nd/or p romotion a gencies, c ontest p rize suppliers, p ar ticipating adver tisers and immediate family members of anyone so situated. “Immediate family members” shall include spouses, siblings, parents, children, grandparents, and grandchildren, whether as “in-laws”, or by current or past marriage, remarriage, adoption, co-habitation or other familial extension, and any other persons residing at the same household location, whether or not related.


No v e m b e r 2 0 1 3

HALL OF FAME (Recruited more than 100 new GWR R A Members)

ALLEN, DONALD ...................... FAIRFIELD, CA BARRINGTON, JAUNEE...YAZOO CITY, MS BIBLE MIKE....................................LAFAYETTE, IN BOLDT, CLARA................................TOLEDO, IA CARSON, JOHN.................JACKSONVILLE, IL CARTER, DAVID ................. CRYSTAL LAKE, IL COLEMAN, CHARLES ...TRAVELERS REST, SC COLLINS, JIMMY..............GREEN VALLEY, AZ DODD, JOSH.........................HOKES BLUFF, AL DODD, KACEY ....................HOKES BLUFF, AL ELLIOTT, KIRK ......................... KAMLOOPS, BC FISHER, STEVEN..............HUTCHINSON, MN FOX, RONALD.......................CHEYENNE, WY GOINS, SHERWOOD ............DRY CREEK, LA GRANT, KEN............................PENSACOLA, FL GREER, KARLA .....................JONESBORO, GA HEAP, KEVIN...............................HANOVER, MN HEWITT, DAVID ....................................MESA, AZ HOLTON, DEAN...................LOUISBURG, NC



in memoriam Daniel Barraclough GWRRA # 083387 Franklin, VA

Larry Brown GWRRA # 320874 Shelbyville, TN

Sherwood Goins GWRRA # 231354 Dry Creek, LA

Richard King GWRRA # 179118 Edwardsville, IL

Larry Kolling GWRRA # 169087 Maryville, IL

Larry Lauterbach GWRRA # 057531 Peoria, IL

Pierre Lemaitre GWRRA # 292798 Abbotsford, BC

John Newell GWRRA # 027327 Belleville, WI

Gary Newman GWRRA # 027252 Kingman, IN

John Reynolds GWRRA # 067673 El Paso, TX

Bonnie Rowles GWRRA # 061696-01 Bergen, NY

Jerry Russell GWRRA # 089908 Sisseton, SD

Florence Smith GWRRA # 312001-01 Loveland, OH

Michael Seaman GWRRA # 611021 Kenai, AK

nove mber 2013 november word search search puzzle puzzle word This month’ month’ss theme: theme: Wing Wiing World W Wor orldd adv advertisers. er tiser s. eated bbyy Wing ing World World Technical Technical Contributor Contributor Howard Howard Halasz. Puzzle cr created T T U B N O R I T L Q Y M F B G B A Y Z




















addonaccessories bigbikeparts centramatic denniskirk everett foxproject genesgallery hartco ironbutt kuryakin lawrenceville motortrike mustang niehaus progressive rampage saddlemen spectro traxxion yuasa

answers to OCTOber 2013 word search puzzle B M A A T O K A D H T R O N Q R R M M P

E o m n r K R S D Y R I H E Y O H I I E


T T N L N A P E R O V D O Y s i d s n c

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e a e e t o d n o r t h c a r o l i n a

y s t s s n q t l y y f v g s t k g e x

massachusetts michigan minnesota mississippi missouri montana nebraska nevada newhampshire newjersey newmexico newyork nort hcarolina nort hdakota ohio oklahoma oregon pennsylvania rhodeisland sout hcarolina

NOVEMBER NO OVEMBER 2013 ADS Ace Motorw Motorworks works orks Ad Add d On AJ Cycle And Trike Trikke Con Conversion veersion American T Trike Trik rikke Co. Co. Big Bik Bike kee Par Parts ts Brookshire/Eklipes Brookshire/Eklipes Bushtec T Trailers railers Centramatic Chrome Chr rome World, World, Inc. Inc. Everett Eve erett P Po Powersports owersporrts Falcon T Trikes Trik rikkes FFox ox Pr Projects Projects Gene’s’s Galler Gene’ Galleryy Gravity Gra avity Defy Defyer yer er Hannigan Motorspor Motorsports ts HD Hearing Aid Honda of Tupelo Tupelo Impact Batter Batteryy J&M Corp Jitterbug K Kuryakyn uryakyn Lakeview Lak keview Trading Trading Co. Co. Little Guy Worldwide/T W Worldwide/Teardrop orldwide/T Teardrropp Trailers Trailers Midwest Midw west Lists And More More Motor Trike T Trik rikke Motorcycle Motor cycle Tour Tour Conversions Conveersions Natur Nature’s e’s Rite Nelson Rigg Niehaus Cycle Sales Optic Armor P Performance erfformance PIAA Lights Rampage P Power Po ower Lift Rider Insurance Schiet’s Schiet’s Motors Southwest Southw west Trikes T Trik rikkes Superbrace,, Inc. Superbrace Inc. SuperBright LEDs The Jack Jacket ket et Store Storree The T Trike Trik rikke Shop Tow-Pac, T ow-Pac, Inc. Inc. Trigg T rigg T Trikes Trik rikkes Trike T rikke Alternatives, Alternativees, LLC Trike T rikke T Traders raders Trikes T rikkes By Rodne Rodney eyy UNB Customs Volunteer V olunteer Cycles & Trikes Trikkes Wing Stuff Yelvington Y elvington T Trikes Trik rikkes

wi ngwo rl

56 15 56 57 33 75 15 21 23 15 70 57 40 13 9 29 34 12 c2 17 1 54 71 39 52 35 51 24 37 35 5 35 12 57 57 58 21 71 15, C4 97 34 52 71 24 59 59 104, C3 32


readers’ rides

readers’ rides

DAVID DREWS, DAVID DRE WS, DOWNERS DOWNERS GROVE, GROVE, ILL. ILL. / 1981 1981 GL1100I GL1100I 8 LMW MW Q]] ´ FYVKYRH] -RXIVWXEXI EXX 7MPZIV 0EOI 1MGL SR XLI WIGSRH HE] SJ Q] 0EOI 1MGLMKER 'MVGPI 8SYV QMPIW ERH ½ZI 8LMW MW Q] ´ FYVKYRH] -RXIVWXEXI EX 7MPZIV 0EOI 1MGL SR XLI WIGSRH HE] SJ Q] 0EOI 1MGLMKER 'MVGPI 8SYV QMPIW ERH ½ZI HE]W PEXIV - [EW FEGO LSQI ERH IZIR QSVI MQTVIWWIH [MXL XLMW ½RI QEGLMRI - LEZI XS VIGSKRM^I +EV] 9PQER +;66% 1IQFIV H E]]W PEXIV - [EW FEGO LSQI ERH IZIR QSVI MQTVIWWIH [MXL XLMW ½RI QEGLMRI - LEZI XS VIGSKRM^I +EV ] 9PQER +;66 % 1IQFIV aand nd my my brother-in-law, brother-in-law w, who who acquired acquired this this bike bike for ffo or me me to to bring bring back back to to life life and and in in turn, turn, get get me me back back onto onto two two wheels wheels after afftter 25 25 years ye ars in in cagers. cagers. Thanks, Thanks, Gary! Gar y! Thanks Thanks also also to to the the Go Gold ld B Book ookk ffo for or tthe he peace peace of of mind, mind, though though itit proudly proudly remains remains in in the the saddlebag. saddlebag.

CCHRIS HRIS AAND ND JJOYCE OYCE SSCHIEL CHIEL FFORT ORT LLAUDERDALE, AUDERDALE, FLA. FL A. 22012 012 NNAV/ABS AV/ABS GGOLD OL D W WING ING Here H ere we aare re on on our our new new red red Gold Gold Wing Wing taken taken on on tthe he Dragon Dragon at at Deals Deals Gap, Gap, Tenn. T Teenn. We We have havve been been on on tthis his rride ide several several times times and and never never seem seem to to get get tired tired off it. o it. This This is is part par t of of our our annual annual vacation vacation rides rides circuit. circuit. 8LMW ]IEV [EW SYV ½VWX IZIV XVMT XS XLI XL ;MRK 8 LMW ]IEV [EW SYV ½VWX IZIV XVMT XS XLI XL ;MRK Ding D ing in in Greenville, Greenville, S.C. S.C . We We both both loved loved it. it. I hope hope we are are as as lucky lucky with with our our 2012 2012 Gold Gold Wing Wing as as we we re with with o ur grey grey ABS ABS 2005. 2005. were our


no v e m b e r 2 0 1 3

readers’ rides

TODD FARRIS TODD FARRIS / 2007 2007 GL1800, GL1800, LEVEL LE VEL 3 & SYKLX YWIH MR - LEZI LEH E KVIEX XMQI VMHMRK Q] +SPH ;MRK EPP SZIV 8LMW TLSXS [EW XEOIR MR 4EGM½G +VSZI 'EPMJ RI\ X XS &SYKLX YWIH MR - LEZI LEH E KVIEX XMQI VMHMRK Q] +SPH ;MRK EPP SZIV 8LMW TLSXS [EW XEOIR MR 4EGM½G +VSZI 'EPMJ RI\X XS Monterey, M onterey, Calif.) Calif.) during during a ride ride to to the the Good Good Ole Ole Days Dayys City City celebration celebration held held every ever y year year in in April. April. I am am also also a member member of of the the Blue Blue Knights K nights International International Law Law Enforcement Enfforcement Motorcycle Motorcycle club club and and have havve been been a Member Member of of GWRRA GWRR A for fo for the the past past two two years. years. After After this this TMGXYVI [EW XEOIR - TEVXMGMTEXIH MR XLI PSGEP XS[R TEVEHI 'EPMJSVRME LEW WSQI SJ XLI QSWX FIEYXMJYP GSEWXPMRIW ERH 4EGM½G +VSZI T MGXYVI [EW XEOIR - TEV XMGMTEXIH MR XLI PSGEP XS[R TEVEHI 'EPMJSVRME LEW WSQI SJ XLI QSWX FIEYXMJYP GSEWXPMRIW ERH 4EGM½G +VSZI hhas as plenty plenty of of eye eye candy candy and and places places to to just just pull pull off off and and enjoy enjoy the the sights. sights.

DON AAND DON ND CCHERI HE R I W WALLOCH A L L OCH WISCONSIN WI SCONSIN RRAPIDS, APIDS, WISC. WISC. 22005 005 GL GL1800 1800 This T his iiss o our ur 2005 2005 B Black lack Cherry Cherry GL1800. GL1800. In In June, June, we went we nt o onn a trip trip to to Yellowstone Yeellowstone with Y with several several other other Wisconsin W isconsin C Chapter hapter Members. Members. What What fun ffuun itit was was to to ggo o on on a trip trip with with other otther Wingers! o Wingers! This This picture picture was was ttaken aken on on one one of of our our day day rides rides in in the the Grand Grand Tetons. Teetons. T

w i ng w o r l d m a g . c o m


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