Ambassador Program Projects 2013

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Program Projects 2013 By Student Ambassadors from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Monash University, Melbourne Australia

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Ambassador Program Projects 2013 – Student Development in ACTION! The Ambassador Program Projects 2013 – Student Development in ACTION! ebook has been created by students from the Monash University Ambassador Program from within the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Published by What Really Matters Publishing c/- Organisations That Matter Compiled By Gary Ryan, Facilitator of the Projects Program Level 8, 350 Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria 3166 AUSTRALIA Phone +61 3 8676 0637 E-mail:

Copyright © 2013 Gary Ryan, Organisations That Matter® & Monash University & each of the members of the two project teams

All effort was made to render this ebook free from error and omission. However, the author, publisher, editor, their employees or agents shall not accept responsibility for injury, loss or damage to any person or body or organisation acting or refraining from such action as a result of material in this book, whether or not such injury, loss or damage is in any way due to any negligent act or omission, breach of duty, or default on the part of the author, publisher, editor or their employees or agents.


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Contents Disability Awareness Week


Team Members




Qualitative Goals


Quantitative Goals








Differences between plan and what happened?


What we learned?






Student Development Programs


Project Teddy


Team members




Qualitative Goals


Quantitative Goals






Differences between plan and what happened? What we learned?






Yes For Success Program

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Disability Awareness Week

Team Members Esa Chen

Lyn Diep

Samia Goni

Jeenal Patel


Nadine Tey

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Overview The challenge presented by the project management portion of the Student Ambassador program was to plan and deliver a project to enhance the student to student, faculty to student and faculty to community relationship. We chose to investigate disability as a community health issue: to organise an event that would raise awareness about the myths and misconceptions surround-

ing disability, to recognise how these misconceptions translated into communication and improve empathy for individuals living with disabilities in the community. Additionally, we tailored the event for our target audience of pharmacy students by addressing the role of health care professionals (particularly pharmacists) in improving health outcomes in these communities. 5

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The event delivered was an “Awareness Week” consisting of a keynote presentation and two interactive workshops. On Wednesday 14 August 2013, guest speaker Mr Rob Paterson gave the keynote presentation about his personal story and experiences with living with a disability. Andrew Fitzpatrick, Coordinator of Counselling & Mental Health Programs at Monash University, followed with an informative presentation discussing strategies for positive communication with people with disabilities and the mental health problems that are often experienced by people with a disability. The event also included an interactive question and answer panel with both speakers, in which the audience had a chance to reflect upon their past interactions with disability and discuss their responses, asking about whether they had been appropriate. The presentation was held in the cafeteria, with seats laid out in a casual style

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to promote a comfortable and inclusive atmosphere. Refreshments were also provided for the 39 participants. The following day, Thursday 15 August 2013, we held two 1 hour-long workshops: an Auslan Workshop and a Braille Workshop in tutorial room 1-1, Monash University Parkville. The Auslan workshop was presented by Maryan Raffaello, a Victorian College of Pharmacy graduate and practicing pharmacist (who is Deaf). She provided us with an insight into the life of a person living a hearing disability and taught proper etiquette when approaching Deaf and Hard of Hearing patients. Maryan was contacted and the workshop and an Auslan interpreter organised through VicDeaf. The Braille Workshop was presented by Jordie Howell and Emilie Butcher, from Vision Australia. Jordie, who is a fully blind adult Braille instructor,

and her colleague Emilie gave a brief summary explanation of Braille, demonstrated the vast array of technology available to assist those with a vision impairment and spoke about etiquette. As part of this project, we aimed to encourage a philanthropic culture at our Parkville campus. At each event during “Disability Awareness Week”, we promoted the giving of a gold coin donation to go towards VicDeaf and Vision Australia. Approximately $150 was raised and split equally between our two workshop presenters. Formal and informal feedback for the event was extremely positive, with a vast majority of participants finding the event interesting and relevant. 6

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Qualitative Goals

Improve knowledge of the challenges facing people living with disabilities, and the issues surrounding disability as a community health issue

Have an emotional impact on participants

Quantitative Goals 1

Reach 500 people through advertising and promotion


100 people in attendance


1 speaker


Minimum 1 activity, optimum 3 activities


Raise $200 for an associated charity

Plan April Brainstorm possible project ideas

Project Management session 1

Decide on project team target audience we were aiming for (students and faculty staff) 7

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Plan April Project Management session 2 • Refine project idea • Establish expectations and unacceptable behaviours of the team

Team meeting • Write project action plan for submission to sponsor: identify project name, team members, purpose, goals and tasks

May Team meeting • • • • • •

Draft project action plan due Write blurb for Gary to pass on to possible speaker (Mr Rob Paterson) Brainstorm ideas for interactive booths to be included in event Shortlist venues Decide on a window for date of event Brainstorm charities to be associated with and possible contacts

Team meeting with sponsor • Establish budget • Set a tentative date or get a definite window of dates for the event • Check OH&S issues and equipment to do with booth ideas 8

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• • 1. 2.

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Establish venue options Draw up a list for promotion Contact charities and possible speakers Refine project scope

June Team meeting • Contact possible speakers • Contact dog shelters/RSPCA for puppies • Decide on project scope and theme

Team meeting • Confirm events

July Team meeting (with sponsor) • Book IT equipment • Ask about catering for the keynote presentation 1. Create facebook event and start promotion 2. Team meeting (with sponsor) • Book venues • Organise parking for speakers • Set up surveymonkey RSVP link Print and put up posters

August Meeting with sponsor • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Set up surveymonkey feedback link Lecture announcements Hand out flyers Send email reminders to speakers Event delivery: presentation and two workshops Collect feedback via surveymonkey Presentation of project to faculty staff Evaluation and development of e-book


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What Happened April 1- Project Management session 1 • Brainstormed possible project ideas - Home Medicine Reviews - Antibiotic resistance - Mental health - Diabetes - Networking event • Decided on project team • Conducted research on a couple of events that we felt would be appealing to the target audience we were aiming for (students and faculty staff)

2- Project Management session 2 • Refined project idea to “Five Senses” theme • Established expectations and unacceptable behaviours of the team

3- Team meeting • Wrote project action plan for submission to sponsor: identify project name, team members, purpose, goals and tasks, decided on team leader (Esa)

May 1- Team meeting • • • • • •

Drafted project action plan, handed in to sponsor for approval Wrote blurb for Gary to pass on to Mr Rob Paterson Brainstormed ideas for interactive booths to be included in event - A keynote motivational speaker - Conducting an Auslan workshop - Conducting a Braille workshop - Wheelchair obstacle course - Mental disability awareness booth - “Cuddle a Puppy” fundraising event - “Five senses” theme - What would you do if you lost one of your senses? Shortlisted venues: Cossar Hall, CHR1 and CHR2 preferred Decided on a window for date of event: 5 August to 16 August 2013 Brainstormed charities to be associated with and possible contacts 10

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2- Team meeting with sponsor -Established budget -Set a tentative date of Wednesday 14 August -Checked OH&S issues to do with booth ideas -Established venue options -Drew up a list for promotion • Contacted charities and possible speakers • Refined project scope to ‘Five Senses’ theme • Confirmed Mr Rob Paterson for presentation

June 1- Team meeting -Contacted possible speakers

-Decided on project scope and theme • Team meeting -Meeting with Natalie Fisher -Got list of contacts from Equity and Diversity Committee • Confirmed speakers for both workshops

July Team meeting (with Andreia) • • • •

-Booked IT equipment -Organised gifts for speakers Abandoned finding puppies Confirmed events - Keynote speaker, Braille workshop, Auslan workshop Contacted Mr Andrew Fitzpatrick to speak at the key presentation Created facebook event and started promotion -Sent personal email invitations to staff

• Team meeting (with Andreia) -Booked venues: cafeteria, 1-1 and VPE2 as back up -Organised parking for speakers -Set up surveymonkey RSVP • Printed and put up posters 11

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August Meeting with sponsor

-Organised catering from Le Zodiaque -Sent out email invitations/reminders to student ambassadors, mentors, staff. -Sent out surveymonkey link after disability awareness week to collect feedback

• Lecture announcements • Handed out flyers • Formal meetings initially which guided us in the initial stages of the project - when all on same page, then things were less formal and we felt we needed less ‘formal’ meetings. • Sent email reminders to speakers • Wrapped gifts for speakers • Event delivered -Presentation Evening • .Venue: Cafeteria, red couches set up lounge style with projector in the centre • Finger foods, tea and coffee and soft drinks were provided • Attendees casually conversed amongst themselves while marking their name off • the attendance list and before a timely start of the presentation of 5:15pm. • Rob presented first at the front of the room followed by a powerpoint presenta tion by Andrew. The presentations ran rather smoothly and was well timed.

-Auslan Workshop • Venue: Tutorial room 1-1, rows of seats in 2 sections with an aisle in the middle • Powerpoint presentation was used in the workshop. Technology used had no issues. • Maryan stood at the front of the room for the presentation. She was audible and could be seen by all. The workshop ran without an issue.

-Braille Workshop • Venue: Tutorial room 1-1, rows of seats in 2 sections with an aisle in the middle • Jordie and Emilie sat at the front of the room with their displays for the workshop. Different forms of braille cards were passed around, making the workshop more interactive. • Unfortunately, there were many distractions outside the room which made it difficult to hear the speakers. -Post-events • After the presentation evening and the braille workshop the rooms were set back into place. • Posters were removed after all the events were done. • Feedback questionnaire was prepared and sent out via email to the attendees. • Received feedback, collated information • Prepared and presented project to faculty staff. • Wrote up e-book 12

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Feedback To collect formal feedback, attendees were emailed a survey monkey link to a short feedback questionnaire. A chance to win a prize was provided as an incentive to complete the questionnaire. Out of 74 unique attendees, 37 completed the feedback. Across the three events, over 93% found the content interesting, over 95% would recommend the event to a friend and 84% believed that the information presented would help them in their future careers. We received very positive feedback on the room set up for the “Living with a Disability” presentation. Our promotion was also received quite well, with many attendees hearing about the event through a number of different mediums, the most popular being word of mouth, facebook and posters. We received some suggested improvements from those who completed the feedback questionnaire which varied from location to content to timing. These are all parameters which were taken into consideration in our planning process.

Differences between plan and what happened? Events In planning events for Disability Awareness Week, we had initially brainstormed multiple ideas of potential workshops or seminars for our target audience. These included events such as a ‘Dining in the Dark’ experience, where the audience would nibble on finger food blindfolded, and a wheelchair obstacle course. However, these events were discarded due to occupational health and safety issues, and because we thought these interactive workshops may detract from the importance of the keynote speaker’s presentation. Another event that was not part of Disability Awareness Week was the ‘Cuddling a Puppy’ event. We had initially planned on incorporating the ‘Five Senses Theme’ as part of our awareness week and part of 13

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this theme would be including the sense of ‘touch’ through holding guide dogs. However, we were unable to arrange both dogs and volunteers from Delta Society Australia.

Venue and Dates Originally we had planned for the keynote speaker event and the Auslan and Braille presentations to be held on the same day, however, due to unavailability of the presenters, we eventually decided to commence Disability Awareness Week with the keynote speaker on Wednesday night and the two workshops to follow on the Thursday during the day. Similarly, we had initially thought to hold the events in ‘disability friendly’ rooms such as Cossar Hall and its adjoining tutorial rooms (CHR1 and CHR2). However, due to the unavailability of these rooms due to classes and other events, we decided to hold the keynote speaker’s presentation in the cafeteria and the workshops in Tutorial Room 1-1. This made for a more intimate and comfortable setting.

Attendance While we reached our quantitative goals in terms of reaching approximately 500 people through advertising and promotion, attendance for the three events were different to what we expected. We had assumed that because classes had finished for the day, attendance for the Wednesday night keynote speaker would be approximately 70 people and larger than the workshops. However, more people showed interest for the workshops, which meant that approximately 40 people were present at each event. While we were disappointed with Wednesday night’s attendance, we were able to allow for a more informal, interactive setting by incorporating couches instead of chairs in the cafeteria, and catered food for those present.

Registration and Feedback Registration and feedback was initially thought to consist of a head count at the start of each session, and paper feedback forms to be completed at the end of each session. However, we thought that this may make the room cluttered and disorganised. Therefore we decided to create an event page on Facebook allowing people to register for each event using a SurveyMonkey link. Part of the registration included an email address which was then used after Disability Awareness Week to email feedback questionnaires to those who attended. Those who did not register for the events were asked to provide their email address on the day on an attendance list, and were sent the same feedback questionnaire. The incorporation of a ‘mystery gift card prize’ was used as an incentive for those who attended to complete the feedback form.


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What we learned 1.

Teamwork and communication

• We learnt how to best utilise the different mediums of facebook groups, email and Google docs for effective communication. • Worked in a team of 5 people, including hearing everyone’s ideas and scheduling meetings that suited individual timetables and team interests. • Learned to leverage individual strengths and connections to our advantage. • Established and used some strategies of effective teams, such as setting expected behaviours and understanding different personality types.


Problem solving

• Managed a dramatic change in the project plan when we realised that our initial plan of a diabetes workshop may not meet our objective in the best way possible. • Came up with a new arrangement once we realised that we would not meet our target goal of audience number and that our original plans would not work with the new audience numbers.

3. Leadership • Promoted the importance of our event and the cause that we strongly believe in to seniors, peers and colleagues. • Each team member took a different leadership role within the broader scope of the project: everyone was responsible for the delivery of certain aspects of the week.


Planning and organisation

• Arranged for speakers to come to the university at designated times, including planning parking and transport. • Created a schedule of run-time for the workshops and presentation. • Organised the logistics of booking IT and room set-up equipment. • Arranged catering for the presentation. • Taking registrations for events in advance to enable us to make sure the planned location would accommodate all attendees. • Scheduling and booking of venues that were suitable for the number of attendees expected and their timetables


Life-long learning

• Collected feedback for the event and participated in a de-brief and evaluation of performance. • Learned new skills for dealing with patients with disabilities, eg. empathy.


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Initiative and enterprise

• Collected donations for relevant charities at all events during the week. • Sought out a topic that we felt passionate about, was relevant to our target audience and was an area lacking in attention.

7. Technology • Used a built-in AV system in tutorial room 1-1. • Used a variety of applications: Microsoft Powerpoint, Google documents, QR codes, Microsoft Excel, email, mail merge, clickers, survey monkey, social media for advertising


Cultural appropriateness

• Disability etiquette - how to speak to blind and deaf people - always ASK if people need help before assuming things.


Public speaking

• Lecture announcements to theatres of up to 200 students. • Introduction of speakers before the presentation and workshops. • Presentation of our project summary and results to faculty members.

Recommendations • Appoint a secretary to take minutes of meetings - this will make your evaluation of your performance a lot easier. • When looking for venues, consider the environment carefully - go to the venue at the proposed time of the event and scope it out. -In room 1-1, lock the door from the back corridor as this is very noisy when opened/closed and the sound very easily flows into the room. -In the cafeteria, the fridges and the kitchen can be loud and distracting (don’t notice this during the day). Find out if the lights can be turned off because this interfered with visibility of the projector. • Make sure you have a detailed schedule - this is a big help on the day of delivery. • Have a good understanding of the target audience; knowing who you aim to reach will help to decide content and promotion. • Word of mouth was the most effective way our event was promoted: start telling people about the event as early as possible and ask them to tell their friends to get people talking. • Having one point of contact from the group to external contacts was a clean and efficient way to keep track of communications. • Make and keep deadlines as they are good motivators for action. 16

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Acknowledgements • • • • •

Andreia Marques Marketing and Student Experience Coordinator, Monash Parkville Rob Paterson Strategic Consultant, Paterson North Andrew Fitzpatrick Coordinator, Counselling and Mental Health Programs, Monash Parkville Maryan Raffaello Pharmacist, Butterfly Pharmacy Lidia Risicato Information and Online Media Coordinator, Communication and Community Relations, VicDeaf

• • • • • • • • •

Jordie Howell Adult Braille Trainer, Vision Australia Emilie Butcher Group Program Coordinator and Employment Services/Trainer, Vision Australia Gary Ryan Director of Organisations that Matter Annalise Tindal Academic and Student Services Manager, Monash University Debora Barnes Marketing Officer, Monash Parkville Harris Xiao, Jeffrey Lee and Kenneth Lee Student Ambassadors Phuc Ung Monash University Leon Reger Owner of Zodiaque Café Stephanie Bonnes Advertising and promotion


Student Development Programs Enable your Student Leaders to Move Beyond Being Good!

Gary Ryan from Organisations That Matter has been facilitating Student Development Programs since 1995 to rave reviews from students and staff alike. Programs are tailored to the student outcomes that you desire while enabling students to fully understand and appreciate how student development relates to career success. Gary’s workshops are practical and engaging while enabling students to ‘see’ the link between theory and practice. As a facilitator who works in the ‘real’ world Gary is able to provide students with a current perspective with regard to how they can leverage their time as students for career success. In a world where the sense of belonging that universities once provided for their students has become harder and harder to nurture, Gary assists student leaders in seeing how their campus activities and volunteering contribute to a bigger picture that is good for themselves, their university and their community.

Universities don’t rehire external providers unless they are of a high and deliver what they promise. Gary’s lost list of repeat university clients include: • The Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University (both undergraduate and postgraduate student development programs) • The Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University (Undergraduate student development programs) • The Faculty of Law, Monash University (undergraduate and postgraduate student development programs) • Monash University Institute of Graduate Research (Higher Degree by Research student development programs) • Monash University Injury Research Institute (Higher Degree by Research student development program) • RMIT University (undergraduate and postgraduate student development programs) • RMIT University George Alexander Scholarship program (undergraduate student development programs) • Victoria University (undergraduate and postgraduate student leadership conference)

Gary’s programs include: •

Exploring Leadership “Really insightful workshop that enlightens where many others instruct.” Eduardo Neerhut, RMIT University

Teamwork for Business – including the Teams That Matter® process for creating High performing teams “Fantastic! Had an absolute ball. Thought it was going to be all listening and taking notes but the activities were fun. Worth the time outside of study. Extremely useful. Now I just need to implement it.” Lauren Chen, Student Leader, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University

Communication for Business “Once again another great workshop. Really hands on. Activities were really relevant. Workshop was engaging and informative throughout.” Stephanie Shield, Student leader, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash Univerity

Service Excellence for Business – including the OTM Service Strategy® for creating cultures based on service excellence “Really great session. It was a good insight and Gary was able to relate the theory with good real life examples that were clear/ understandable. It was really informative whilst being fun. Some points were able to be viewed from different perspectives. Great learning experience. Thanks Gary.” Brittany Hallgren, Student Leader, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University

Yes For Success Plan For Personal Success™ “Very motivating. Allowed clear, concise goals to be identified when previously ‘fuzzy’. Helped to guide / identify strategies to help achieve desired goals / outcomes. Forced more ‘internal investigation’ that had previously been put in the ‘too hard’ basket. Re-enforces the strength for personal / career growth when a plan can be followed and put into action.” Kelli Bradford, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University

Project Management Series – real project by real students creating real community benefits “The workshops proved extremely helpful in enabling me to highlight employability skills and it’s link to what to do in the Leaders Program. In addition, the workshops were really helpful in providing me with knowledge on planning, organising and executing projects.” Bhararth Srinivasan, Student Leader, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University

Using Project Management as an Overlay For Your Higher Degree Research “It was a privilege to learn from Gary. His tools for success are useful and can be modified to suit individuals. I strongly suggest attending any of his workshops. In fact, I think all students should benefit from his knowledge. Tessa Jones, PhD Candidate, Monash University

The Science of Public Speaking “Incredibly inspiring and comforting environment. Very useful and informative. Gary has an energy and vibrant personality, very encouraging and practical. Thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Kelsey Paske, Student Ambassador Faculty of Law, Monash University

Relationship Management For Managers “Impressive seminar delivered by a very knowledgeable and modern/forward looking person in this area of relationship management. Very good structure of the workshop with hands-on practical examples and applicability to work environments. I feel privileged to have been part of the workshop and all my queries had been successfully answered. The workshop has definitely enhanced my knowledge and will prove useful in improving my organisational and communication skills.” Girish Hurryvansh Aubeeluck, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University

The Seven Skills of Dialogue “Very insightful series of presentations and discussions on the importance of dialogue in communication with others in all walks of life – personal and interpersonal interactions. I appreciate your insight, knowledge and passion encouraging people to improve communication skills and bring out their best! Thanks Gary.” Maria Tirca, Student Ambassador Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University

Using his vast experience Gary can assist you in designing and implementing a student development program that matches the needs of your university and your students. Visit for more information or email Gary at

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Team Members • Harris Xiao

• Wee Min Khoo

• Jeffrey Lee • Daniel Ding • Meng Hui Yap

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As part of the Student Ambassador program, our task was to organise a project to enhance the relationship among the students, faculty and the broader community. We aimed to involve the students in a charity event, build funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation (RCHF) and improve the lives of children being treated at the hospital. In response to this, we chose to plan an event for the students of the faculty to build and personalise the teddy bears. Subsequently, the teddy bears will be donated to the children of the Royal Children’s Hospital. Funds were raised through cash donations, online donations as well as sales of the teddy bears and accessories. 100% of the proceeds were donated to the hospital. We secured Cossar Hall, Monash University Parkville, as a venue for the teddy bear workshop for 100+ attendees. Guest speaker Danielle Clark (Community Development Coordinator of RCHF) gave a presentation on the Pain Management Project Guest of RCHF and some of works that the foundation has done. All in all, a total of $566.20 was raised, 102 bears were built and 65 bears were donated to the hospital. Feedback from audience members was overwhelmingly positive. Our team fulfilled all quantitative and qualitative goals in executing the event.


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Qualitative Goals

• Improve children’s stay at the hospital. • Get university students and staffs working together to achieve a common goal

• Create awareness on children’s pain care management in the hospital. • Encourage and promote future involvement of pharmacy students in charity events

Quantitative Goals 1

Build 100 teddy bears


Target of 100 attendees on the event day


Raise $500 for the Royal Children’s Hospital.


An average score of 4/5 in overall feedback from audience members (feedback forms).

Plan April • • • •

Find costs involved with making teddy bears. Contact Royal Children’s’ Hospital Foundation to obtain letter of authority to fundraise. Have regular meetings when needed. Update each other on Facebook.


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May - August • • • • • • • • •

Organise hospital visits for students. Arrange for students to personally hand in bears. Finding a teddy bear template. Consider budget for printing posters for promotion, making of teddy bears. Consideration of sponsors. Event promotion - put up posters and invite lecturers to the event via email. Finalise proceedings for event and tasks for each ambassador. Order material for teddy bears. Book venue for workshop.

What Happened April 2013 • • •

1st meeting at Counselling Rooms at Monash University - Proposed goals of project - Allocated tasks - Confirmed Royal Children’s’ Hospital Foundation as charity to support Attempted to contact Royal Children’s’ Hospital Foundation Purchased sample material to make test teddy bear

May 2013 • 2nd meeting at Counselling Rooms at Monash University - Decided that making bears from scratch is difficult - Also considered safety issues for students and children for misplaced sewing needles - Researched into different teddy bear kits available • 3rd meeting at the Cube at Monash University - Decided for Make My Bear company based in New South Wales to be supplier - Calculated costs and profits generated for Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation • Gained authority to fundraise from Royal Children’s’ Hospital Foundation • Royal Children’s’ Hospital unable to approve hospital visits directly with children • Created a promotional teaser video and presented it to students


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June 2013 • • •

Began creating the Facebook group page Began creating an official event video 4th meeting at the Cube at Monash University - Discussed script for the official event video - Discussed management of the official workshop - Discussion of possible venue locations - Suggested Survey Monkey as a feedback tool

July 2013 • • •

5th meeting at the Cube at Monash University - Confirmed video layout - Decided on where the raised money should go 6th meeting on Facebook - Decided on event date and location - Facebook content agreed upon - Created order forms Visited Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation to collect donation tins

August 2013 Week 1 • Promotional stalls in cafeteria • Further event promotion: - Poster design, printing & promotion - Lecture announcements to each year level - Video uploaded to YouTube and presented to students. Video available at: http://

Week 2 • • •

Began pre-orders for bears Carried donation tins around university Ordered teddy bear kits according to pre-orders

Monday, 19th August 2013 Set-up: • • • •

Prepared tables and chairs Lighting, microphone Collect teddy bear kit parcels Separate teddy bear orders


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Event: • • • • •

Photo-taking for whole event Distributing teddy bear kits Presentation by Danielle Clark Collection of donated teddy bears Selling of teddy bear accessories

Post-event: • •

Pack-up (tables, chairs, IT equipment, Cossar Hall lock up). Distribute Survey Monkey link for feedback

Feedback on Event Feedback was collected from participants in the form of an online survey created with Survey Monkey. The survey was promoted on the Project Teddy Facebook event page and various year level Facebook groups. With online-based feedback surveys, there is a tendency for people to overlook or ignore requests to complete surveys, and as a result we only received 15 responses out of a pool of 100 participants. Some statistics and general comments from the online feedback survey can be found below. Anecdotally speaking, however, we found that the event was very well-received, with verbal feedback from participants on the day being overwhelmingly positive. All in all, participants were very satisfied with the teddy bear collection and building process, and were very supportive of the charity fundraising objectives behind the event. Several participants also commented that the event was a fun and enjoyable way to support a charitable cause.

Statistics: - 93% of people agreed that the event was well advertised and promoted - 93% of people strongly agreed that the event was worthwhile, fun and enjoyable - 86% of people agreed that the teddy kits were priced reasonably - 93% of people would recommend the event to a friend - 93% of people would attend the event if it were to be held again in the future

General comments: Comments in the feedback were extremely positive. Here are a few excerpts:

- “I LOVED this workshop, thank you for organising it! Good job guys!”

- “It’s a good event… unlike typical donations (cash only), you actually get to do something and

know how it will impact on other children”

- “I thought it was an innovative and very well organised event for a really important cause. The

ambassadors who helped out on the day were really calm, friendly and approachable. The


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making of the teddies with friends was a lot of fun… [and] I know my teddy will be in good hands. Thank you!” -

“The video was a nice touch - very cute, heartfelt, [and a] good appeal to the emotions”

In relation to Quantitative Goals: - $566.20 was raised - 102 bears were built - 100 people attended the workshop - 65 bears were donated to the hospital

The Differences Between Our Plan And What Happened? • Our initial plan of sewing a bear was altered to the stuff-and-zip method due to safety and uniformity reasons.. • Personal delivery of the teddy bears by students was changed to mass delivery through the hospital. • Photo booth plan did not materialise due to cost constrains • Add on accessories such as scarfs and jackets were made to personalise each teddy bear making experience. • Student hospital visit was changed to a short presentation from Royal Children‘s Hospital and it was well received by the audience.

What we learned 1.

Teamwork and communication

• We learnt how to use Facebook event, Google doc for effective communication. • Worked in a team of 5 people, including hearing everyone’s ideas and scheduling meetings that suited individual timetables and team interests.


Problem solving

• Sourced for non-sew teddy bears when we realised that making teddy bears from scratch might not be children friendly. • Teddy bears in the market were too costly ($15-$25) thus we managed to negotiate to a lower price of $10. • When we were informed that the students were unable to personally hand-in the teddies to the children, we came out with the alternative of having the students to name and personalise their teddies.


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3. Leadership • Personally contacted the RCH Foundation for event approval and also ask about participating in the workshop. • Coordinated contacts from a variety of fields (lecturers, speaker, supplier, sponsors) into the event, whilst being aware of the differing needs of each contact.


Planning and organisation

• Weekly meetings for updates and task allocation to individual members • Team members set up the venue, seating, tables and IT equipment • Determine dates for promotion, video release, pre-order, delivery and workshop event.

5. Initiative • Take initiative in asking for help from other people, who were identified as the right contact for a particular purpose. • Approached people around the campus for donations and to place orders for teddies • Organised meetings outside of the working week, and outside of university.

6. Technology • • • •


Learning how to use the microphone, sound and lighting system in Cossar Hall properly. Designed poster via Microsoft PowerPoint Set up online donation website Created the promotional video with various programs such as Adobe Flash Professional CS6, Autodesk 3Ds Max 2012, Sibelius 6, FL studio 10, Pro Tool, East West Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Silver Edition (Kompakt), East West Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Gold Edition (Kompakt), East West Quantum Leap Colossus (Kompakt).

Fund Raising

• Working with charities • Filling out application forms and being aware of the procedures and regulatory requirements • Use an authority to fundraise


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Recommendations • Pre order period from students and staffs can be longer to gather as much interest as possible. • May need to send reminder and confirmation emails about the event to keep team members up to date with new developments. • It could be a good idea to sell teddy bears on the event day. • Plan what you will do if something goes wrong during the event • Extend marketing and advertising period to 2 weeks • Show the real teddy bear models instead of pictures to students when doing pre orders. • Try asking other hospitals for speakers

Acknowledgements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Andreia Marques Student Experience Coordinator, Monash Parkville Gary Ryan Director of Organisations that Matter Danielle Clark Community Development Coordinator of Royal CHildren Hospital Foundation Jules Piccinin Youth ConneXion Coordinator Johann Posso Brett Anderson


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