PAL Leaders Projects 2013

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program Pal Leaders

Student Development in Action!

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Projects 2013

Projects 2013

Pr-1 National Tree Day – Tree Planting PR-2 Aussie BBQ PR-3 Dodgeball: Commerce vs. Arts PR-4 The Best FAQing BBQ PR-5 Hollywood Fun Day Out PR-6 Bounce Day, Team #1 PR-7

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Project Homie

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Copyright PAL Leaders Program Projects 2013 – Student Development in ACTION! The PAL Leaders Program Projects 2013 – Student Development in ACTION! ebook has been created by students from the Monash University Ambassador Program from within the Faculty of Business and Economics. Published by What Really Matters Publishing c/- Organisations That Matter Compiled By Gary Ryan, Facilitator of the Projects Program Level 8, 350 Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria 3166 AUSTRALIA Phone +61 3 8676 0637 E-mail: Copyright © 2013 Gary Ryan, Organisations That Matter® & Monash University & each of the members of the two project teams All effort was made to render this ebook free from error and omission. However, the author, publisher, editor, their employees or agents shall not accept responsibility for injury, loss or damage to any person or body or organisation acting or refraining from such action as a result of material in this book, whether or not such injury, loss or damage is in any way due to any negligent act or omission, breach of duty, or default on the part of the author, publisher, editor or their employees or agents.

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contents 42

04 National Tree Day –Tree Planting 16 Aussie BBQ 28 Student Development Program 31 Dodgeball: Commerce vs. Arts 42 The Best FAQing BBQ 48 Yes for Success

49 contents

Hollywood Fun Day Out


Bounce Day, Team #1 56

Create More Success


Project Homie




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Project Name & No.

Project Delivery Date

National Tree Day – Tree Planting

28th July 2013

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MONASH University Facu lty of Bus i ne s s a nd E c onom i c s

National Tree Day Tree Planting (Project-1)

Team Members Name Peggy Chan, Shanila Paiva, Vivek Kumaresan, Janelle Chen, Cindy Zhang, Rita Yuwei Li



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1 Project Closure Report Summary Project Background Overview


ree planting on National Tree Day was carefully selected as the community event to participate in. The activities were facilitated by members of The Friends of Dandenong Valley Parklands organisation, who manage parks and bush land surrounding the area of Glen Waverley. The attendees undertook a range of gardening type activities, including weeding, planting and mulching in order to restore native flora.

Project Goals

Key Objective

1- Key Objective The key objective was to attract at least 30 first-year Monash students, whose university experience would be enhanced via student-to-student and student-to-community interaction.

2- Student to Student It was expected that friendships would form between the primarily international and first-year students. By working together in groups, undertaking fun activities, it was possible for the participants to interact and get to know one another. All the students helped each other, engaged in conversation and gained contacts.


Project Goals Student to Community


Student to Student

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3- Student to Community The Friends of Dandenong Valley Parklands are a community group, which assists Parks Victoria with conserving the natural environment of various wetlands and creeks in the Monash council jurisdiction. They encourage com

munity involvement in regular activities such as planting, weeding, monitoring, collecting seeds. Thus, the attendees gained awareness of the importance of maintaining local vegetation and about the work done by Parks organisations.

Project Highlights and Best Practices 2-

Participants were from a wide range of backgrounds, different faculties, and at different stages in their university courses. The increased diversity allowed for students to build relationships with individuals who have had varying experiences.


Engaged a number of students, just below the quantitative target.




3 3-

4- Attendees enjoyed the

wareness of the Friends of Dandenong Valley Parklands organisation was improved, creating interest in student membership and thus proving to be a successful symbiotic partnership.

event, socialised with others and formed friendships which will assist in enhancing their university life.

Best Practices:

Team members adhered to schedule, attended meetings face-to-face or through Skype, and kept updated via the Facebook group created.

Text and e-mail correspondence with registered students was maintained to provide additional information, notify of changes in circumstances.

In the planning and organising stage, a number of alternative events and volunteer organisations were identified – with constant correspondence to develop relationship.



Regular e-mail correspondence with the project sponsor (Alison Richardson) to convey updates of plans, seek clarification and support to minimize risk of failure.

Project Closure Synopsis The project is being closed as a result of satisfactory completion, whereby the goals and deliverables have been largely met.

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Goals and Objectives Performance Comparison of actual performance to original objectives: •

The number of attendance was 25 which is not far from the targeted number of 30 people.

Student-to-student interaction and communication had been created. Students gained the opportunity to expand their contacts at university and to work with other students in group activities, which enhanced their ability of working in teams and communication skills.

Attendees had successfully learned the required skills for tree planting on different types of landscapes. Also, the skill to conduct quality control to ensure the survival of a new tree. Additionally, attendees enjoyed the oppor tunity to communicate with the members of the Friends of Dandenong Valley Parklands. This increased their awareness of conservation of natural environment.

Success Criteria Performance Targeted success criteria achieved: •

Over 100 new trees have been planted on the required areas

Students performed team work throughout the event, after which they developed friendship and retained contacts with each other

The host organisation was introduced to students which both increased public exposure and students’



awareness of natural environment conservation •

Interaction and connection between senior students of leaders program and first-year students had been achieved

Certificate of completion of the event was distributed

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Targeted success criteria not achieved: Actual attendance was slightly lower than the targeted. The reason being was participants could not attend the event due to illnesses and other issues

Feedback survey questionnaire were not completed by participants while feedback had been obtained from the participants through inquiry

Milestones and Deliverables Performance •

Finding organisation and contacting them

Booking taxis

Delivery of all participants to the tree planting location and allocated them into groups was successful

Planted over 100 small new trees at the park and conducted quality control on the plants

Enhanced student interaction with each other and created encour aging environment for everyone to be involved in group activities

Promoted the communication between participants and the hosting organisation which both helped the organisation increase its ex posure to the public and achieve its goal of encouraging community involvement.

Enhanced students’ awareness of the benefits in helping out a community organisation, Dandenong Valley Parklands

Arranged BBQ lunch for all the participants



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Schedule Performance

From the very beginning of the project, our team wanted to help out the community. Thus, we chose our project to be based on volunteering. Throughout the planning stages, we had to quickly choose a charity and find relevant organisations who is willing to let us participate in their event.

APRIL Project update: •

Decided to choose a tree planting organisation to join, instead of holding our own charity event

Started researching on which tree planting organisation was near Clayton and contacted a few organisations

Looking at marketing aspect to promote the event

Design flyers

Talk to first years who would be interested in going to the event

What to write on feedback forms and set up registrations on facebook and Monash portal

Find a certificate of participation to print out

MAY Project update: •

Registered with “Friends of Dandenong Valley Parklands”

Can take up to thirty participants, after negotiating with the event organiser

Allocated tasks:

BBQ and water was provided

Designed flyers and posters

Finding tree planting organisation



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Allocated tasks:

Allocated tasks:

Contact Ali to print the posters/flyers

Keep in contact with event organiser, Brian, to keep him up to date with what is happening on our side

Promoted event on “news and events” in Monash portal under “events and promotions” and ask Ali to set up booking system for our event

Write up feedback forms

Hang posters in Caulfield and Clayton •

Book two maxi cabs


Corrective actions made throughout the project:

Project update:

Extended deadlines for group meetings

Printed out flyers and posters. Hanged the posters around Caulfield and Clayton campus

Change of plans from a weekday tree planting to a weekend tree planting

Ali helped set up the booking system for our event

Instead of having a BBQ on campus, there was a BBQ provided by the organisation off campus

Decided to take maxi cab as our to and from transportation

Budget Performance Project Budget Overview: Initially there was a budget for food, transportation and marketing expenses, but in the end we only used the budget for 2 maxi cabs and posters/flyers only.



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Issue Management

Resource Management

Risk Management

Risk Management

Quality Management



Communication Management

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Resource Management Resources were managed by carrying out budgets and through planning. Budgets allowed us to identify cost effective alternatives and allowed for efficient resource management. Additionally, by planning we were able to delegate tasks to individual team members which ensured the activities undertaken were not duplicated. One of the main resource that kept changing during was transportation needs. Initially, we were planning on hiring a mini bus to transport the students from Monash University- Clayton to the site. However, as we continued to monitor the registration progress, we identified it would be less costly to use two maxi taxis.

and other activities indoors. However, a fortnight before the event we were able to determine the feasibility of our original plan and plan B was discontinued. Another possible risk was organising an event off campus: •

People can go missing in the bush

Health and safety risks (back injuries, cuts)

We overcame these by: •

Headcounts to make sure everyone is there

The project knowledge from team members will be captured through the report presented. The report reflects consolidated information of all team members and it identifies actions that were effective and that need improvement. This is a project that could be run again in 2014, as the event organisers “Friends of Dandenong Valley” undertake this event annually and would appreciate any volunteers to aid in tree planting. “Friends of Dandenong Valley” provided a BBQ lunch for the tree planting volunteers. Also guest speaker, Bryan Loft, talked about the importance of conserving the environment.

Marking out trails in the bush in case someone gets lost

Getting approval from project sponsor (Ali)

Making sure there was university insurance cover for everyone in case of an emergency

Issue Management

Quality Management

On the tree planting day, there was a mix up with the taxis, which resulted in some delays for the second group’s arrival to the venue. This was resolved by contacting the taxi company and notified Bryan that the second group would be late.

The quality control measure is provided by three main types of quality assurance:

Outstanding Project Risks: At the end of the project there were no outstanding risks.

1. Year 1 students focus: •

Ensure the objectives of the project are linked to the needs and expectations of year 1 students.

Ensure a balanced approach between satisfying students and leadership program

We had some trouble in advertising, especially with MONSU; even though we had approval some of our posters were taken down at Caulfield or plastered over at Clayton

Make sure students understand the importance of their contribution and role as volunteer in tree planting

Risk Management

Received a verbal feedback from the participants

There were a lack of gloves for tree planters which we failed to emphasise to the participants. We overcame this issue by communicating with the hosts to provide more gloves.

2. Leadership:

Project Risks Mitigated: The major risk faced while carrying out the event was unfavourable weather conditions. As the weather could not be determined well in advance, we were required to formulate a Plan B. In the instance, of rain or unfavourable weather conditions we decided to carry out games



Establish clear barriers and challenging goals and targets of the project

Provide students with required and effective costs resources, free tree plant training skills and freedom to act with responsibility and accountability

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Motivating and recognising people’s contributions with thank you certificates

Making decisions and taking actions based on factual analysis

3. Advertisement •

Put up poster on facebook for all team members to proofread it

Consulted with Ali about the poster presentation who suggested to use QR codes for easy access to the website

Communication Management The project communication process is divided into four parts:

Planning: •

Group meetings- update changes via Facebook private group, Skype, google docs, email and mobile, effectively separate individual responsibility under team leader. Location of the tree planting event.



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Implementing: •

Advertise through Monash booking system assisted by supervisor.

Promote event by placing flyer/posters throughout Clayton and Caulfield campus and also get authorisation for the posters to be around campuses.

Looking for a tree planting organisation which was holding their event near Clayton campus, which was willing to take 30 participants. Delegating duties to call and email the Tree Planting coordinators to ask for requirements.

Monitoring is the way to test how effective the process was. •

Year 1 students gain the Tree Planting skills, create meaningful value for university experience with new friends, and provide an opportunity to work with different cultures.

Revision for the project through team project report.

Customer Expectation Management Managing customer expectations can avoid frustration and disappointment. Firstly, we identified their main needs through our own personal experience and assumptions of what a first year would want. Secondly, we optimally allo-

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cate resources to add value and expect to exceed participants’ expectations. Thirdly, we ask for feedback to check their expectations after implementing project and receive no complaints.

Post Project Tasks The only outstanding task is to hand in the taxi e-cards to Ali.

Lessons Learned

Communication: •

Constant updates by each team member as to how they were progressing.

Maintain adequate contact with organisations by following up, building relationship.

Problem solving: •

Coming up with alternatives and contingencies to manage issues relating to poor weather, since our event was outdoors.

Our signup process using the BusEco Registration System meant that we were limiting ourselves to only having students from the Buseco department. We overcame this by running strong advertising through other media including posters, ‘MyMonash’ portal, flyers, e-mails, Orientation day.

Planning and organisation: •

Number of contingency plans relating to promotion

Coordination of team member tasks

Agendas and meeting minutes were maintained also ensured that if some members couldn’t attend they were contacted and updated.

Taking registrations using the BusEco Registration System, to have a formal way of knowing the number of expected attendees.

Scheduling when to meet up with the students and what would happen if any of the leaders were late.

When meeting up to discuss our project team members all contributed ideas and engaged in collaborative criticism. Set goals and strived to achieve them.

Delegating tasks as this was the most efficient way of working as a team. Considered each member’s study and work commitments. Ensure that the team member knew what their task was, and sought to leverage their strengths. Built team rapport by making an effort to understand each other’s working style and personality traits.


Attracted a satisfactory number of people to attend a community event.

Ensured professionalism in the meetings with host organisation.

Making decisions and taking actions based on factual analysis: particularly in relation to the organisation we selected – considered proximity, organisation’s needs and abilities.

Promoted our event with great passion and belief.

Created positive impression of Monash and Monash students in the community.

Initiative and enterprise:

Team work: •

Service Excellence:


Time management and self-management:

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Research on which tree planting organisation to work with and contacting them. Also, starting early on the project and ask Ali questions when we have enquires.

Technology: We used Facebook, Skype, google docs, email and mobile to keep all the team members updated on where the project is at. In particular, we learned to use google docs efficiently. Created poster using MS Word function.

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Project Closure Recommendations •

Having an appropriate time where all group members could meet and discuss the projects.

Start the project as soon as possible

Have contingency planes in case the weather is bad or if there is an unexpected turnout

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If a group member did not attend the meeting make sure they were up to date on what happened during the meeting

The time we decided for the event may have been too early (9.30am on a Sunday). Therefore next group could choose a later time to start.

Acknowledgements Ali Richardson sponsor- PAL program coordinator

Look ahead, in regards to planning around your own studies and the other group members studies

Be more informed about the rules regarding putting up posters and flyers e.g. we didn’t know we had to have the Monash logo or which areas we could put it up

Friendly staff members of “Friends of Dandenong Valley”

Set deadlines and stick to these deadlines

Participants of the tree planting event

Be realistic about goals that you want to achieve

Have a project timeline, make small goals on the way that need to be achieved



Bryan Loft organiser “Friends of Dandenong Valley”

Gary Ryan Director of Organisations that Matter

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Project Name

Project Delivery Date

Aussie BBQ


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MONASH University Facu lty of B us i ne s s a nd E c onom i c s

Aussie BBQ (Project-2)

Prepared By Name



Amandeep Singh

Team Leader

Samiul Ahsan

Team Member

Stephanie Marvelli

Team Member

Autumn Tran

Team Member

Sameera Wickramasinghe

Team Member – Marketing Assistant

Lauren Ho

Team Member

George Makris

Team Member


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Project Closure Report Summary PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PURPOSE The Project Closure Report is the final document produced for your project and is used to assess the success of the project, identify best practices for future projects, resolve all open issues, and formally close the project.

PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT GOALS This Project Closure Report is created to accomplish the following goals:


A Review and validate the milestones and success of the project.

Confirm outstanding issues and recommendations.

C Identify project highlights and best practices for future projects.



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1.1 Project Background Overview

Hard work by team members paying off

Praise given by our sponsor on our organisation skills and meeting student demand

Our original goal was to welcome the new students to university. Since most of the new students in the second semester are international students, this event provides them insight into an Australian university and its culture. We intend to do this by putting on a BBQ lunch and introduce them to Australian Football. Furthermore, while they are enjoying the day, we would have a chat with students and get to know them. Our ultimate goal is to introduce the new students to Monash University and the Aussie culture.

Best Practices:

The success on the day will be measured using qualitative and quantitative factors. Factors such as: number of students at the BBQ, discussion with students, presence of Monash staff and feedback from Ali.

1.2 Project Highlights and Best Practices

Food Hygiene

Preplanning and budgeting


Service Excellence

1.3 Project Closure Synopsis Project Closure Synopsis Project has been completed (1 day event) and is now officially closed.

Project Highlights: •

Teaching International students how to kick an Aussie football



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2.1 Goals and Objectives Performance

the Australian Football information. As we were focused on food being perfectly cooked and ensuring everyone was fed well, we did not fully provide information about Australian Football.

Enhance the student to student experience

We did not have a specific person measuring performance but had estimates and compared to actual data and measure our progress at the end. All the criteria were met.

Enhance the student to faculty experience

Aim for 80 students to attend the BBQ

Aim for 5 faculty members to attend the BBQ

Expose International students to the Aussie culture

Introduce students to AFL

2.2 Success Criteria Performance

We had around 100 students plus Monash staff.

Chatting with students we felt that they really enjoyed their lunch and really enjoyed the welcoming session to university.

Finally Ali Richardson was really impressed and said “The event a real success and should have hired our team rather than the caterers to run the lunch in Semester 1 orientation day.”

We had a successful event and achieved most of our goals. The only goal we didn’t complete to our full potential was



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2.3 Milestone and Deliverables Performance •

Successfully hired BBQs and music equipment

Successfully booked the venue

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Successfully organised Crown Energy Drinks to come to the BBQ

Successfully organised help from PAL Ambassadors for the BBQ

Approximately 100 students came to our BBQ

All students seemed to be happy with the quality of the BBQ

2.4 Schedule Performance Project Schedule Overview Action High Priority/ Urgent


Due Date

Additional Information

Name for the BBQ


17th May

Create Poster/ Leaflet draft

Stephanie & Autumn

19th May

Send MONSU form via Ali Richardson to organise get energy drink car

Amandeep & Sami

1st June

We don’t mind which energy drink comes to our event

Book the venue for the BBQ

Amandeep & Sami

1st June

Needs to be done via Ali Richardson

Book the BBQ’s for the event

Amandeep & Sami

1st June

Needs to be done via Ali Richardson

Book tables for the event

Amandeep & Sami

1st June

Needs to be done via Ali Richardson

Book music player from MONSU

Sami & Steph

1st June

Needs to be done via Ali Richardson

Confirm details of the BBQ with Ali

Amandeep & George

17th May

Determine food/ drink list


June 1st

Find out demographics of new students


30th May

Need to know for catering purposes

Organise staff members and ambassadors to attend


30th May

We would like at least 10 ambassadors and 5 staff members

Organise members from the Overseas Student Services Committee


30th May

Create Budget


1st June

Contact cultural clubs to attend BBQ


10th June

Finalise numbers for the BBQ


1st June

Organise photographer


15th June

Medium Priority



Our goal is at least 80 students

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Due Date

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Additional Information

Low Priority Send finished Poster to Ali

Stephanie & Autumn

1st July

So that it can be placed in the student information packs

Enlist Business Society Info

Sameera & George

1st July

Email BCSS Caulfield President

Get a list of all cultural clubs from MONSU


1st July

Allocate roles for the event


20th July

Roles will not be permanent

Order meat from Coles


10th July

Needs to be ready to pick up on the 25th of July by 10am.

Meet at uni by 10am


25th July

Purchase food and drinks

Stephanie & Sameera

25th July

Collect tables, BBQs and music equipment from Monsu

George, Amandeep & Autumn

25th July

Start cooking by 10:45am, Lunch starts at 12pm


25th July



25th July

Return BBQs, tables and music equipment back to MONSU


On the day

Schedule Performance

Documents were created with updates on our project status

Communication over our mobiles through text messages and phone calls

Project Schedule Control Process:

Project Schedule Corrective Actions:

Regular team meetings every fortnight since the project initiation

Started preparation earlier than planned

A Facebook group was set up to allow for constant interaction

We needed to purchase more food during the event due to having more people attend the event than anticipated



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2.5 Budget Performance

would have cost too much for a one-off event. Lucky we did this as we would have been over budget if we didn’t due to purchasing more food during the event. We also didn’t need to purchase gas bottles because they came with the BBQs we hired.

We have exceeded Budget Performance by being $44 under our anticipated budget. We were able to keep costs down by not over buying food, replenishing items as they finished. During the event we purchased more beef burgers and bread which was unexpected due to increased numbers. However our team was also able to minimize expenses by bringing a lot of the items needed for the BBQ such as utensils from home instead of buying them. This was decided because it

Initial Budget: Based on estimations and actual prices Food

Gift Card: $400 Projected Expenses: $381.80 Actual Expenses: $337.36

Under Projected Budget by $44.44 Initial Budget: Based on estimations and actual prices

Initial Budget: Based on estimations and actual prices



175 Sausages (Beef)


50 Burgers (Beef)


25 (6 bags) Vegie Patties


Coke Zero

10 Loaves of Bread



65 Rolls


Tomato Sauce


BBQ Sauce




Brown Onions


Bags of Salad


Dressing for salad

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2 Coke

Price Special on soft drinks 2 for $25 or 3 for $35 Budget of $85 for drinks

Fanta Water


4 Bags of Ice




BBQ Utensils Tables

Free, hiring from MONSU





Aluminum Foil Trays Napkins

$2 each for a set of 2. Purchased 3. $6 $3







Rubbish Bags


Hand Sanitizer


Gas Bottle x 2




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3 PROJECT CLOSURE TASKS Resource Management

Post project Tasks

Project Closure Recommendations

Issue Management

Lessons Learned


Risk Management

Customer Expectation Management

Quality Management

Communication Management

3.1 Resource Management •

3.2 Issue Management

Our major resource challenge was people. Having everyone on BBQ duties to provide an efficient and quality food service prevented us an opportunity to interact more with the new students. The smaller challenge was running out of beef burgers. We under estimated the popularity of the burgers and maybe could have responded quicker in running off to buy them before they ran out. A decision firstly had to be made whether we would buy more beef burgers due to the large quantity of sausages left at the time but in the end we balanced the numbers to ensure minimal wastage on food. Another issue which occurred after the event was that the BBQ we hired was damaged before we used it and our group got blamed. We took a photo of the damaged BBQ before we used it but this didn’t help.



MONSU’s allegation of damage to their BBQ This issue resolved by Ali Richardson agreeing to pay for half the costs to avoid a long and tiresome battle over unfounded accusations by MONSU. Allocation of members to the various BBQ tasks To ensure maximum productivity and ensuring students with different needs (e.g. vegetarians) were aware of their options and served as quickly as possible.

3.3 Risk Management Project Risks Mitigated: •

We over rather than under cooked food to reduce chances of health risks e.g. food poisoning (no reported incidents of food poisoning)

We also wore gloves when cooking to try and minimize

Pal Leaders Program

any food handling issues that could arise •

Our team was clever enough to take photos of the BBQ that was already damaged to attempt to prevent blame from MONSU however total risk was not mitigated. In hindsight, we should have reported it to MONSU before utilisation

Outstanding Project Risks: N/A

3.4 Quality Management •

Ensuring high quality of the food and successful deliverance of our project was our main aim.

To deliver a quality project, we planned the running of the day carefully and understood our duties on the day.

While handling food, we followed all food safety and handling guidelines to ensure proper handling of food. This ensured a total wipeout of food poisoning chances.

When preparing posters for the event, we ensured all group members looked over the final poster to ensure there were no spelling errors or mistakes and ensured everyone was happy with the final copy.

3.5 Communication Management •

Our Facebook group facilitated effective communication throughout the entire project

Communication over our mobile phones also helped to ensure that any important messages were communicated to individuals within our group quickly

We also created word documents with status updates on our project. These outlined what had been completed and what still needed to be organised. These were very effective as at all times during the project our team was aware of everything that was going on or were able to find out.

We also had meetings every fortnight which were very effective in planning what we still need to do and any issues that team members were facing



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3.6 Customer Expectation Management Students •

Created a fun environment to ensure new students were having a great time

When students were waiting for food, we kept giving them updates to help ensure that they weren’t getting annoyed waiting in a line for food

Communication with Ali Richardson allowed us to identify the demographics of the new students as well as any expectations that the new students would have

Ali Richardson, Manager of the PAL Program

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Issue: We bought more burgers on the go to attempt to cater for the unexpected needs but it then took time to cook them Next time: Must balance student wants with the extra costs of supplying burgers over sausages

- Music Issue: Better organisation of the Music and knowing the procedures to play music on the lawn so that we could increase the entertainment, value and vibe for the students (got some music played out in the end) Next time: Inquire with Facilities Department beforehand on the procedures to play music on the lawn

- Time Management Issue: Always an ongoing issue when catering for a large group. We could have kept reheating the onions and the cooked food better to ensure people did not receive cold food Next time: Rotate the food in foil trays back onto the BBQ to reheat them

Regular meetings meant that we were aware of her expectations and made changes to ensure that we were meeting her expectations

- Extra Activities

Creating a plan that met these expectations allowed us to meet Ali’s expectations as we were aware at all times during the project

Issue: Should have initiated extra activities earlier. We were all too busy making sure everyone received food quickly that it took away from us interacting with students and teaching them Australian football and providing insights into our own uni life

We also sent emails to clarify any points that we weren’t sure off

Next time: Enlist more people to help with the BBQ so that it would free us up to interact with the students more

3.7 Lessons Learned

- Other innovative ideas

Positives •

Quality Production line – food prepared well and was ready to go when students came out for lunch (Ali Richardson was very happy with this)

Teamwork – everyone pitched in and there were no slackers

Arranged for Amandeep’s brother to take photos

Organised an external party to hand out free energy drinks (amongst the array of water and soft drinks that we provided)

• •

Next time: Come up with value adding activities to create a better Australian experience such as getting some free football tickets

Individual Employability Skills Lessons

Well-organised with most shopping done beforehand to minimize time wastage in buying everything on the day Met expectations – we ended up under budget, minimised food waste with our just-in-time food buying and cooking


- Leadership: •

Respecting and encouraging team members contributions is important

Communication is vital for effective leadership to ensure all members of your team are aware of their responsibilities

- Teamwork: •

- Underestimation of the popularity of burgers


Issue: Amandeep realised that due to his relationship with the Essendon FC that he may have been able to grab some free tickets to a footy game. With that being said, we should have come up with more outside the box ideas to maximise the Australian experience we were after


Assigning each member tasks that suited their strengths allowed for an effective team that worked well together

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as each member enjoyed what they were working on •

Communication was vital during the different stages of the project to ensure all members were up-to-date in what was going on and could help other members who were experiencing some issues

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ple, a raffle to win free tickets to a footy game would have been good.

Service Excellence: •

Effective planning of our service can be attributed to our success Communication between team members is also vital

Planning & Organisation:

Having a contingency plan in place in case it rained meant that our team was less stressed on the day because we were prepared for any factors that could have affected our event.

Allocating roles to each other ensured that we were being very productive during our service and meeting our customers’ needs

We were able to organise our event a lot easier because we created a plan at the start of the project which outlined what we needed to be done and how urgent that task was

Having the food prepared on the time was important. Our group was complemented on the efficiency of our service in terms of serving food quickly. Ali Richardson said we were working like pros and were better than the catering company that they hired during orientation week, semester one 2013

Initiative & Enterprise: •

Having a vision of what we wanted our event to be like was important during the stages of the project.

Our event was unique because we organized Crown Energy Drinks to come. This added to the success of the event because it was something different that no one had really experienced before

Having more value-adding activities would have made our event more successful than what it was. For exam-



Self-management: •

Important to keep assessing progress towards a target. For example, during the event we realized we weren’t hitting our target of providing an Aussie experience to the international students so we brought out a football and started interacting more with the new students

All team members created goals which were relevant to the tasks that were assigned to them. This meant that we completed tasks more effectively.

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Problem-solving: •

Worked out an efficient way to serve people. For example, while people were waiting for meat to be cooked, we served the vegetarians who were waiting in line to keep the line moving Used experts to resolve some issues; we had some issues playing music and discussed this with Monash Facilities so we could resolve the issue

Technology: •

Hiring a specialist photographer with additional DJ skills meant that our event ran a lot more smoothly and allowed us to focus on our service

We learnt that having a backup plan in case some of the technology we were using failed is very important. Fortunately, all the technology we were using worked, including the music player in the end.

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our closure report (and contact us if needed) to ensure they can build on our quality event, learn from our mistakes and undertake more ‘Australian’ unique activities and interactions to provide a better cultural integration experience. Another recommendation is try and get an accurate estimation of anticipated attendance to ensure that the event can be properly catered for. Any future groups should ensure that all group members can work effectively in a team together as this made our project a lot easier to organise and run. Ali Richardson can keep our project closure report on file for review to any future groups to undertake this project.

3.10 Acknowledgements • Ali Richardson Manager of the PAL Program • Gary Ryan Director of Organisations That Matter • MONSU Monash Student Union, Caulfield Campus

3.8 Post project Tasks

• Crown Energy Drinks • Monash University, Caulfield Campus

There are no outstanding tasks to be completed.

• Randeep Singh CEO of Turbanised Photography

3.9 Project Closure Recommendations

• PAL Ambassadors 2013

Our recommendations would be for the next group to read


Approved By Role

Amandeep Singh

Team Leader

George Makris

Team Member

Stephanie Marvelli

Team Member

Sameera Wickramasinghe

Team Member

Samiul Ahsan

Team Member


Name Amandeep Singh

Team Leader

George Makris

Team Member

Stephanie Marvelli

Team Member

Sameera Wickramasinghe



Team Member

Samiul Ahsan

Team Member

Autumn Tran

Team Member

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Enable your Student Leaders to Move Beyond Being Good! Student Development Programs Gary Ryan from Organisations That Matter has been facilitating Student Development Programs since 1995 to rave reviews from students and staff alike. Programs are tailored to the student outcomes that you desire while enabling students to fully understand and appreciate how student development relates to career success. Gary’s workshops are practical and engaging while enabling students to ‘see’ the link between theory and practice. As a facilitator who works in the ‘real’ world Gary is able to provide students with a current perspective with regard to how they can leverage their time as students for career success. In a world where the sense of belonging that universities once provided for their students has become harder and harder to nurture, Gary assists student leaders in seeing how their campus activities and volunteering contribute to a bigger picture that is good for themselves, their university and their community.

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Universities don’t rehire external providers unless they are of a high and deliver what they promise. Gary’s lost list of repeat university clients include: • The Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University (both undergraduate and postgraduate student development programs) • The Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University (Undergraduate student development programs) • The Faculty of Law, Monash University (undergraduate and postgraduate student development programs) • Monash University Institute of Graduate Research (Higher Degree by Research student development programs) • Monash University Injury Research Institute (Higher Degree by Research student development program) • RMIT University (undergraduate and postgraduate student development programs) • RMIT University George Alexander Scholarship program (undergraduate student development programs) • Victoria University (undergraduate and postgraduate student leadership conference)

Gary’s programs include: • Exploring Leadership “Really insightful workshop that enlightens where many others instruct.” Eduar do Neerhut, RMIT University

• Teamwork for Business -

including the Teams That Matter® process for creating High Performing Teams “Fantastic! Had an absolute ball. Thought it was going to be all listening and taking notes but the activities were fun. Worth the time outside of study. Extremely useful. Now I just need to implement it.” Lauren Chen, Student Leader, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University

• Communication for Business “Once again another great workshop. Really hands on. Activities were really relevant. Workshop was engaging and informative throughout.” Stephanie Shield, Student Leader, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University

• Service Excellence for Business – including the OTM Service Strategy® for creating

cultures based on service excellence “Really great session. It was a good insight and Gary was able to relate the theory with good real life examples that were clear/understandable. It was really informative whilst being fun. Some points were able to be viewed from different perspectives. Great learning experience. Thanks Gary.” Brittany Hallgren, Student Leader, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University

• Yes For Success Plan For Personal Success™

“Very motivating. Allowed clear, concise goals to be identified when previously ‘fuzzy’. Helped to guide / identify strategies to help achieve desired goals / outcomes. Forced more ‘internal investigation’ that had previously been put in the ‘too hard’ basket. Re-enforces the strength for personal / career growth when a plan can be followed and put into action.” Kelli Bradford, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University

• Project Management Series – real project by real students creating real community ben-

efits “The workshops proved extremely helpful in enabling me to highlight employability skills and its link to what to do in the Leaders Program. In addition, the workshops were really helpful in providing me with knowledge on planning, organising and executing projects.” Bhararth Srinivasan, Student Leader, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University

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• Using Project Management as an Overlay For Your Higher Degree Research “It was a privilege to learn from Gary. His tools for success are useful and can be modified to suit individuals. I strongly suggest attending any of his workshops. In fact, I think all students should benefit from his knowledge.” Tessa Jones, PhD Candidate, Monash University

• The Science of Public Speaking

“Incredibly inspiring and comforting environment. Very useful and informative. Gary has an energy and vibrant personality, very encouraging and practical. Thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Kelsey Paske, Student Ambassador Faculty of Law, Monash University

• Relationship Management For Managers “Impressive seminar delivered by a very

knowledgeable and modern/forward looking person in this area of relationship management. Very good structure of the workshop with hands-on practical examples and applicability to work environments. I feel privileged to have been part of the workshop and all my queries had been successfully answered. The workshop has definitely enhanced my knowledge and will prove useful in improving my organisational and communication skills.” Girish Hurryvansh Aubeeluck, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University

• The Seven Skills of Dialogue

“Very insightful series of presentations and discussions on the importance of dialogue in communication with others in all walks of life – personal and interpersonal interactions. I appreciate your insight, knowledge and passion encouraging people to improve communication skills and bring out their best! Thanks Gary.” Maria Tirca, Student Ambassador Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University

Using his vast experience Gary can assist you in designing and implementing a student development program that matches the needs of your university and your students. Visit for more information or email Gary at

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Project Name & No.

Project Delivery Date

Dodgeball: Commerce vs. Arts

Tuesday 6th August 2013

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MONASH University Facu lty of Busi ne ss a nd E c onom i c s

Dodgeball: Commerce vs. Arts (Project-3)

Prepared By Name



Louise Taylor

Team Leader

Alena Sen

Liaison Officer

Natalie Ringenbergs

Arts Procurement

James Chaplin

Venue booking and marketing

Toby Lu

Support and Monitor/Reporter

Shelly Judge

Head Chef and Shopper


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1.1 Project Background Overview

Dodgeball: Arts vs. Commerce replaced our original project of a 1,000 steps fundraiser challenge for the Starlight Foundation. This event aimed to provide first year students with the opportunity to have fun, meet new people and be active at Monash Sport. Our objective was to attract 25-30 students to verse each other in dodgeball based on their faculty.

Allocating tasks to each team member then successfully completing each task

Ensuring all team members were communicated with throughout the entire duration of the project

Providing charity tins which allowed donations to made and further information about Starlight Foundation to be given to those who are interested

Generated a small amount of donations for the Starlight Foundation

Best Practices:

1.2 Project Highlights and Best Practices 1.3 Project Closure Project Highlights: Synopsis •

Attracting 15 students to our dodgeball match and BBQ

Running the event to time, having the BBQ ready upon completion of the dodgeball match Providing a platform for students to develop new relationships with other first year and older students



This project is being closed as all project objectives and deliverables has been met. The last action that needs to be taken is to ensure that donations are passed on to Starlight Foundation and relevant costs that need to be transferred are done.

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2 PROJECT PERFORMANCE Goals and Objectives Performance

Success Criteria Performance

Milestone and Deliverables Performance

Schedule Performance

Budget Performance

2.1 Goals and Objectives Performance

4. Cook a BBQ following the dodgeball match. We successfully cooked our BBQ and provided enough food and drinks for all participants.

1. Raise $255 for the Starlight Foundation. We did not achieve our goal of raising $255 for the Starlight Foundation from the proceeds to our event, based on the number of attendees on the day.

5. Work collaboratively as a team, ensuring that the work load was shared evenly. At times it was difficult to work as a team, with some team members being more involved than others. Overall all tasks allocated were completed.

2. Advertise our event using a number of methods (Bus/ Eco booking system, Facebook event, mid-year orientation day, posters around Clayton Campus, promoting to other first year students attending other Leaders students’ events). We created an eye catching poster which was given to participants upon signing up, as well as utilizing all of the advertising methods listed above. 3. Attract 25-30 first year students from the Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Business and Economics. We did not meet this goal as we attracted 15 people to our event.



2.2 Success Criteria Performance In order to deem our project successful, we needed to create a fun dodgeball match for all participants as well as providing a BBQ. Although we didn’t achieve the student at-

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tendance expected, the event ran to time and was fun and enjoyable for the first year students. We also did not meet our goal of a donation of $255 to the Starlight Foundation using proceeds from the event. We had already made a donation to the Starlight Foundation for the purchase of merchandise (key rings) in the lead up to our initial event, the 1,000 steps challenge. We had approximately forty attendees register to attend this event however as we were unable to obtain a permit to fundraise at the 1,000 steps from Parks Victoria and uncertain weather conditions we abandoned this project. This did mean that we already had the sunk cost of the initial donation which we were unable to recoup from the dodgeball match.

2.3 Milestone and Deliverables Performance Deliverables were achieved with high quality and performance. In respect to the dodgeball game, we have great feedback from those who played who found it very enjoyable. As there were fewer members in each team, not only were the games short and sweet, but also the participants got a better chance to get to know each other. In respect to the BBQ, the food was on time, and well cooked. There was also plenty of food which allowed each participant to have as much as they wanted without being concerned over equitable distributions.

2.4 Schedule Performance •

Attended workshop with Gary Ryan and decided on group project: 1,000 Steps Challenge

Established Leaders Facebook group

Had group meeting to discuss project and set tasks for each person. Decided on Starlight as a charity to support. Decided we wanted to give participants a token of appreciation for attending our event.

Created Facebook event for 1,000 steps. Reached 40 attendees.

Donation of $255 made to the Starlight Foundation for the purchase of 50 starlight stars as well as completion and submission of sanction documents.

Team meeting to discuss project.



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Louise contacted Parks Victoria to discuss running the fundraiser event at the 1,000 steps. Ranger stated it was unlikely that the event would be permitted as the 1,000 Steps is a memorial for the Kokoda Track and its associated foundation.

Met with Ali to discuss viability of project.

Group meeting to brainstorm ideas for our new project, deciding on a dodgeball, Arts vs. Commerce match to replace the 1,000 steps challenge.

Louise liased with the Starlight Foundation to ensure that all sanction documents for the 1,000 Steps Challenge were cancelled and organised the re-issue of sanction documents for the dodgeball match.

James liased with another student to design a poster to promote the event. Two drafts were created, emailed to the team and voted upon.

Natalie had a meeting with Arts PAL Faculty members and leaders to ensure their support of the event, and discuss avenues to attract first year arts students to the event.

James was provided with feedback and logos (from Arts Pal program and BusEco faculty) which was used to create the final poster.

Posters were emailed to Ali for printing. Re-printing was sent to Louise.

All team members attended mid-year orientation to sign up members. Toby and Alena did a short spiel to the Commerce Orientation and Natalie did a short spiel to the Arts Orientation session to advertise our event. Cupcakes were made and distributed to those who signed up to attend during the lunch in the dining hall.

James organized hall and BBQ hire with Monash sport. Alena communicated and arranged booking payment with Ali.

Louise organized a new Facebook event, Natalie advertised the event via the Arts Pal Program Mentees Facebook page, and organized the flyer to be sent out to all existing 1st year Arts mentees via email.

Louise and Natalie sent reminder emails to first years who signed up on orientation day.

Shelley purchased food for BBQ using the BBQ budget prepared earlier.

Louise organised bread donation from Burwood Heights Bakers Delight.

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Project Schedule Control Process: The control process was characterized by our use of the Leaders Facebook page on which we could organize ourselves and distribute tasks.

Corrective actions made throughout the project:

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2.5 Budget Performance •

Food and BBQ expenses were $116.50, which was below the allocated budget of $150. However, given the lower than anticipated attendance there was a lot of food left over.

Court hire was $42.60

1. Unable to do Starlight Walk, therefore project was changed to dodgeball match

2. Flyers were printed before final edits which required re-printing 3. Not as many people attended as expected. This meant that the size of each dodgeball team needed to be changed on the day

Aimed to recoup the $255 donation to The Starlight Foundation but only managed to raise $61 at the event, so loss was $194

BBQ hire was $29.40



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3.1 Resource Management

merchandise were to be given away/sold. There is leftover Starlight merchandise that could be given to another project if it was in line with their aims and goals.

The project required several resources which were a venue (Monash Sport), food and relevant Starlight merchandise. To acquire these resources, it required forward planning such as prior booking of the venue and planning of how much food/ drink was required. Measuring the amount of food/drink was difficult as number of people in attendance was difficult to estimate before the event. Initially, our group had wanted to run a project at 1000 steps in Dandenong but this event failed due to weather and venue concerns, so the rental of the venue was an added resource, that we originally did not expect. It is difficult to ascertain how these resources would be shifted towards other projects as all the resources we had were short-term or perishable. The venue was hired for two hours, including the use of cooking equipment and food/Starlight



The project knowledge will be recorded via the use of this report and also the personal reflections of each team member. All team members would also be happy to discuss the event details if required to a prospective future project team. This project could certainly be run again but timing of the event would need changing. This event should be run in first semester rather than second. The creation of an inter-faculty event requires considerable planning and this must be accounted for by future project teams as gaining support from several faculties can be difficult.

3.2 Issue Management The project has very few outstanding issues that need to be processed. All costs have been paid and team members reimbursed. We would also like to contact the participants to express our thanks and gratitude for attending our event, as

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3.1 Resource Management

such as advertising on the BusEco booking system, using social media such as Facebook and approaching students during the second semester Orientation Day.

The project required several resources which were a venue (Monash Sport), food and relevant Starlight merchandise. To acquire these resources, it required forward planning such as prior booking of the venue and planning of how much food/ drink was required. Measuring the amount of food/drink was difficult as number of people in attendance was difficult to estimate before the event. Initially, our group had wanted to run a project at 1000 steps in Dandenong but this event failed due to weather and venue concerns, so the rental of the venue was an added resource, that we originally did not expect. It is difficult to ascertain how these resources would be shifted towards other projects as all the resources we had were short-term or perishable. The venue was hired for two hours, including the use of cooking equipment and food/Starlight merchandise were to be given away/sold. There is leftover Starlight merchandise that could be given to another project if it was in line with their aims and goals. The project knowledge will be recorded via the use of this report and also the personal reflections of each team member. All team members would also be happy to discuss the event details if required to a prospective future project team. This project could certainly be run again but timing of the event would need changing. This event should be run in first semester rather than second. The creation of an inter-faculty event requires considerable planning and this must be accounted for by future project teams as gaining support from several faculties can be difficult.

3.2 Issue Management The project has very few outstanding issues that need to be processed. All costs have been paid and team members reimbursed. We would also like to contact the participants to express our thanks and gratitude for attending our event, as well as gaining their insight into the success of the event. Louise is working actively to ensure that the outstanding costs are reimbursed as soon as possible and as a group we will endeavor to gain insight into the pros and cons of our project and the event.

3.3 Risk Management Project Risks Mitigated: There were several major risks that needed to mitigated. The major risk was that we would have no-one attend our event. We mitigated this by advertising through university channels


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We also did prior planning and pre-booked all venues and purchased food and drink in advance to ensure that all participants knew where the event was and would have food and drink provided to them with no delay or problems. We also looked to give firm and clear instructions and ensure a controlled environment was present, to ensure that possibility of injury was low.

Outstanding Project Risks: There are no outstanding project risks that are present. If participants feel the event went poorly, this may lead to a negative perception developing and may have an adverse effect on the image and reputation of the BusEco program. All indications so far have led us to believe that the event was a success and this should not be the case.

3.4 Quality Management Several quality management processes were implemented to ensure that the project ran smoothly. The centerpiece of our event was the dodgeball match and therefore we ran a set of rules that many people would be familiar with. Whether they played it during high school or watched the infamous “Dodgeball� movie, the rules hopefully were known to them and therefore allowed them to enjoy the game. This ensured that a good quality event was also conducted. All advertisements we created and methods employed were critiqued by the group to ensure that it achieved the goals outlined earlier in this report. This also ensured that the advertisement was relevant and effective in its marketing purpose and most importantly, did not lead to unwanted problems such as being considered disrespectful or biased. Unless all group members agreed, then a piece of advertisement was not used. We also ensured that all food and drinks served were safe to consume. This included checking expiry dates, getting the freshest produce possible and cooking the food properly. No food was served unless it passed inspection by three group members to ensure the health and safety of all participants. Post-event contact with participants to gauge the success of the event will also help us verify whether these quality control measures were effective.

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3.5 C o m m u n i c a t i o n 3.6 Customer ExpectaManagement tion Management The project communication process was very comprehensive and we attempted to tap into all resources available to us. We utilized social media such as Facebook, presented our event to new students in both the Arts and Business and Economics faculties during Orientation Day, approached them directly to pitch our event and utilized university services such as poster boards and online booking systems. Approaching the students and Facebook were by far the most effective communication processes and definitely ones we would utilize again. The university booking system had no bookings unfortunately and posters had minimal effect. Utilizing word of mouth and existing relationships in the university was crucial to us gaining success in our event. During the project, the decision was made to get the emails of prospective participants and to contact them on a semi-regular basis to ensure that they were reminded of the event, its benefits and the cost of it. This decision was important and one that was not initially considered.



Customer expectations were managed carefully throughout the development and running of the project. When pitching these events to prospective participants, we were careful to not overhype the event and focus on the benefits it will have such as helping charity and meeting new people. Participants expected to have fun, meet new people and receive free food and we were able to meet all these expectations. We provided a relaxed environment for them to interact in. Participants expected to be able to meet new people and this meant that the more people that were there, the better. Our turnout was on the lower end and made it difficult for us to meet this expectation. However, everyone was friendly and out-going and we were proactive in interacting with participants to ensure they felt included. Generally speaking, the expectations did not vary greatly

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throughout the course of the project. The expectations of the participants were very similar to the goals we hoped to achieve.

can be daunting. As such, we designed our project around activities that have proven success in bringing people together – team building through sport and food!

3.7 Lessons Learned

Fair delegation of responsibilities

Success: The successes of the event were that we were able to create an event for a group of people that allowed them to interact in a friendly and comfortable environment, develop new relationships, support charity and most importantly have fun. We were able to overcome initial obstacles and create the event We divided responsibilities evenly, made plans which were sustainable and achievable and ensured that administrative matters such as pre-booking the venue were done well ahead of time. This ensured that all food and equipment required was ready before the event. There was strong communication between team members particularly on the day and we were able to avoid any fights or major disagreements. We were able to support charity whilst providing a platform for new students to meet and interact with each other and this was satisfying for all involved. The game chosen was great as it was relaxed yet provided competition between all involved. Regardless of athletic or physical ability, participants were able to participate actively.

Shortcomings: There were unfortunately some shortcomings in our event. Our initial plan of conducting an event at 1000 Steps failed as we did not have a well-thought out plan. Many details were missing and led to this event failing, after more than 25 people had signed up expressing their interest. There was also some miscommunication in regards to the purchasing of Starlight merchandise which unfortunately left us with a $255 cost. Whilst, communication improved as the group spent more time working together, it is important we do not get distracted. As close friends, it was easy to become distracted by other matters and therefore improvements in planning, time management skills and communication were crucial to finally conducting a successful event.

Connection to the Employability Skills in your Lessons Learned section Critically evaluate and address the needs of our targeted audience. We believed that first year students were keen to start their time at university in an environment rich with opportunities to develop new friendships. We also understood that the environment and road to establishing this



This assisted us in ensuring that everybody played an integral role in successfully hosting the event. It was important that every leader felt as though they made a significant contribution to the event. It was vital to establish and ensure that key tasks were accomplished in a timely manner e.g. pre-booking the venue.

Communication We learnt the importance of constantly communicating and alerting our sponsor (the Faculty of Business and Economics) to all matters involving financial assistance. Additionally, this key skill provided the group with confidence that the project was moving forward and addressed all issues that surfaced.

Rapid conflict resolution Because our initial plans of hosting the event at the iconic 1000 steps could not progress we were forced to respond and rectify the issue in a timely fashion. We readdressed our previous viable project ideas, revamped our marketing strategy and communicated our issue to key personnel for advice.

3.8 Post Project Tasks The project has been completed and whilst it did not meet all our goals, particularly the number of people we wanted to participate and the donation amount, it was a successful event. We would like to communicate with participants about their experience to gauge their thoughts and what they feel could be improved. We hope to finalize the reimbursement of outstanding costs with the Faculty of Business and Economics and will attempt other methods to raise the donation amounts we have generated for the Starlight Foundation. These tasks will be done proactively as a group with Louise acting as our liaison with the Starlight Foundation.

3.9 Project Closure Recommendations This project involved creating a dodgeball event for primarily first-year/new students and creating a platform for people to meet new people, help the Starlight Foundation

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3 PROJECT CLOSURE TASKS and have fun. We were able to deliver an event which satisfied these criteria and no major issues arose during the day. Great care was taken to ensure that venue and food/drinks were provided and that health and safety were factored in during the planning stage. In the future, we would recommend this even be run earlier during the first week of Semester One to maximize its effectiveness and also the target market available. This project has been accounted for financially as all costs have been met and have not exceeded budget at all. Whilst not all our goals were met, we were able to still deliver an event which satisfied all participants and allowed the cooperation of two faculties, Arts and Business and Commerce to deliver an event which was to the benefit of students in both faculties. We are confident that all outstanding issues (which are very few) will be resolved in due process and we can proudly say that we have delivered an event which has met the key objectives we set out to achieve.

3.10 Acknowledgements •

Gary Ryan, Director of Organisations that Matter

Alison Richardson, Manager of Student Development at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University

The Arts Faculty in assisting the recruitment of attendees

Monash Sport

Burwood Heights Bakers Delight in donating bread for our BBQ

Prepared By Name Louise Taylor

Approved By Role

Team Leader

Name Alena Sen Natalie Ringenbergs James Chaplin Toby Lu Shelly Judge Autumn Tran

Role Liaison Officer Arts Procurement Venue Booking and Marketing Team Member Head Chef and Shopper Team Member Approval Date: 27 / 09 / 2013



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Pal Leaders Program

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Project Name & No.

Project Delivery Date

The Best FAQing BBQ

24th July 2013

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MONASH University Facu lty of Busi ne ss a nd E c onom i c s

The Best FAQing BBQ (Project-4)

Prepared By Name



Miranda Chung


Sherwin Ho

Financial executive

Jennifer Lieu

Marketing executive

Hollia (Ho Kiu) Lam

Creative director

Jacqueline Chan

Public relations officer

Michelle Kan

Project manager

Iris Liu

Event day coordinator


Pal Leaders Program

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1 Project Closure Report Summary Project Background Overview The objective of this BBQ was to welcome first year students to Monash University by organising a BBQ event to allow them to settle into university. This included providing them a BBQ lunch complemented with a FAQs sheet and the opportunity to ask any additional questions from a student’s perspective.

1.2 Project Highlights and Best Practices Project Highlights: •

Fed over 40 students

Active engagement with the icebreaker activity

Positive feedback from Monash staff and students

Successful completion of the BBQ while meeting all our goals and objectives

Well organised logistics

Good hygiene measures

Good preparation of schedule for activities

Excellent teamwork

1.3 Project Closure Synopsis None. Everything was completed on the day of the event.

Best Practices: •

Meeting and planning of the budget



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2 PROJECT PERFORMANCE 2.1 Goals and Objec- • Adequate number of flyers distributed tives Performance 2.4 Schedule Project Highlights: Performance •

To successfully run a BBQ for first year students

Project Schedule Control Process:

To provide the students with useful and informative facts about the university

Facebook group for majority of information sharing and delegation of tasks

To successfully run an ice breaker activity for the students

Whatsapp group for basic group communication and updates

To raise awareness of student life/services/faculties

Texting for follow up and logistics

To provide opportunities for leadership roles and responsibilities for all team members

CC and Bcc of E-mails with Ali

Google Docs for Sharing of budgets

Team meetings with minutes recorded

2.2 Success Criteria Performance •

No one was food poisoned

Corrective actions made throughout the project:

There was sufficient amount of food

Buying more bread, because of unexpected demand.

Positive feedback from supervisor and students

Location of set up (access to power, shielded from the wind, fire alarm free area)

Music was restricted during the time of the BBQ due to university regulations but corrective action was taken (remained courteous and apologetic).

2.3 Milestone and Deliverables Performance •

Team vision alignment

Delegation of tasks

Engagement of all group members

Purchase of materials

Approval for student information flyers

Booking of the sound system and BBQ

Waste management


2.5 Budget Performance $300 gift card Less expenses as from the receipt

$250 = $50


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3.1 Resource Management

setup and starting the BBQ. •

Running out of bread

Complaints from Monash security regarding the music played during the restricted hour.

Resources •

Esky for the drinks

3.2 Issue Management

BBQ stove


Music: We were told off for playing music during the restricted time (teaching time)

Transportation of food

Venue hire

Bread: We underestimated the amount of bread needed but fixed the problem with Sherwin purchasing bread from the campus centre

Ice-breaker materials

Music equipment

3.3 Risk Management Project Risks Mitigated:

Challenges •

Choice of resources (esky was too small)

Failure to clarify the on exact location of the BBQ

Time management during initial stages of equipment



Food poisoning

Time management

Meeting dietary requirements

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Outstanding Project Risks: None

3.4 Quality Management •

Ensuring that the food was cooked thoroughly

Making sure that there were sufficient flyers for everyone

Effective time management

Received positive verbal feedback from Monash staff and students

3.5 C o m m u n i c a t i o n Management •



Phone (Whatsapp and text messaging)

Face to face meetings

Google Docs

3.6 Customer Expectation Management •

Staff: Ensuring that the BBQ lunch met the orientation and teaching schedules

Students: Providing information and lunch in a friendly manner

3.7 Lessons Learned Overall •

Event management – including leadership and teamwork skills

Ensure that Monash University rules and regulations are complied with



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Individual Employability Skills Lessons •

Leadership: Having a common vision and being able to put it into action and also motivating each other.

Teamwork: Being flexible with roles, respecting other members, being inclusive of everyone, delegating tasks and responsibilities, collaboration and cooperation of the team, providing support and encouragement to other team members.

Communication: Used different mediums of communication and communicated frequently. Ensuring that everyone understood their roles and responsibilities. Planning & organisation: SWOT analysis and creating budgets and strategies.

Initiative & enterprise: Representing Monash PAL Program and responsible for our actions.

Service excellence: Maintaining positive attitudes and enthusiasm and having high quality standards throughout the whole project. Collecting feedback to improve on future projects.

3.8 Post Project Tasks Completing individual portfolios of the Leaders Program 2013.

3.9 Project Closure Recommendations •

Using technology for communication is very efficient

Don’t hesitate to ask others for assistance/clarification

Work together as a team

3.10 Acknowledgements •

Alison Richardson

Self-management: Be aware of individual personalities, strengths and weaknesses and take into consideration when making decisions and allocation of tasks.

Amy (from MSA)

Gary Ryan

Problem solving: Be flexible, adaptive and develop innovative solutions.

Monash University staff

Technology: Facebook, BBQ, Phone (Whatsapp and text messaging)

Monash University first year students

Robyn Moroney

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Prepared By Jacqueline Chan, Hollia Lam, Iris Liu, Michelle Kan, Jennifer Lieu, Sherwin Ho, Miranda Chung - Team Leader

Approved By Name



Sherwin Ho

Financial Executive


Jennifer Lieu

Creative director


Hollia Lam

Creative director


Jacqueline Chan

Public relations officer


Michelle Kan

Project manager


Iris Liu

Event day coordinator


Miranda Chung

Director Approval Date



04 / 10 / 2013

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Yes for Success! Unlocking Life Balance and Personal Success Created and designed by Gary Ryan – it’s like having your own personal coach without the ongoing costs! Purchase the entire 10 Module Program Now! Define what Life Balance and Personal Success mean to you and create a detailed plan for creating the future you desire. This program has been tested with over 6,000 people in live workshops throughout Australia – now you can have access to 100% of the easy to use content. • • • • • • •

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This program has been designed to allow you to optimise your preferred learning style and includes: • • • • •

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Turn your desires into actions and create the life you desire. Visit to purchase your program now!

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Project Name & No.

Project Delivery Date

Hollywood Fun Day Out

2nd August

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MONASH University Facu lty of Busi ne ss a nd E c onom i c s

Hollywood Fun Day Out (Project-5)

Prepared By Name



Xinyu Xia


Yu Li

Book Keeping and Budgeting

James Li

Book Keeping and Budgeting

Johan Lie

Facilitating and Monitoring

Yue Sun

Marketing and Selling

Suxia Duan

Digital Design


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1.1 Project Background Overview Hollywood costumes show is one of the greatest events throughout the world and is hold in Melbourne for the first time. Our team brought students to Hollywood costumes show so that they could have a unique opportunity to explore the world of Hollywood and make friends with each other. In the meantime, students could feel art of cinematic costume design and see the classic Hollywood Costumes. This project has created an entertaining and meaningful experience outside university environment.

1.2 Project Highlights and Best Practices Project Highlights: •

Around 20 students participated from different faculties

Hollywood costumes show is held in Melbourne for the first time

A good presentation about costumes provided by tour guide

A nice lunch after show

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Best Practices: •

clearly task allocation to ensure the project ongoing

effective marketing strategies via different channels (Facebook, twister, and so on)

A reasonable budget plan


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1.3 Project Closure Synopsis •

Collect feedback from sponsors and student

Transfer remaining money to sponsors


2.1 Goals and Objec- 2.4 Schedule tives Performance Performance •

Offering students a unique opportunity to explore the world of Hollywood

Planned Project Delivery Date:

Educating students the art of cinematic costume design and seeing the classic Hollywood Costumes

Team member duties and key dates:

Creating an entertaining and meaningful experience outside university environment

2.2 Success Criteria Performance •

We aimed to have 20 students come for exhibition. In actual, 15 students came for the exhibition

Managed to secure an educator-led tour as planned which enhanced students’ understanding of the art of costume design and overall experience

Students were provided free lunch upon exhibition finished

2.3 Milestone and Deliverables Performance •

Managed to book an educator-led tour and tickets

Designed posters to advertise on campus, PAL booking system and Facebook



10am -1pm Friday, 26th April

Promotion materials are ready by 7th April (include Facebook ad, poster, tickets).

Everything to be finalised by the 8th April

Elle: ticket booking and selling, booking for sport venue

Johan: booking for restaurant

Adele and Victor: poster and ticket design and printing

James: meeting recording and writing proposal

Li: budget and cost control

Project Schedule Control Process: •

We had regular meetings on campus and used Facebook, email, phone and Google Doc to exchange ideas and write project plan

Informed Alison of our progress or change of the plan

Kept each members informed about the progress of the project if someone was absent

Kept a track record of dates, contents and outcomes of each meeting

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Corrective actions made throughout the project: •

Project delivery date were postponed to Friday, 2nd August, 9:30am-1:30pm

Sports activity were cancelled and lunch was optional

Everything was finalised by 30th August

Everyone was involved in selling tickets

2.5 Budget Performance Revenue •

Tickets selling price at $10 X 15 people = $150

Tickets subsidy at $4 X 15 people = $60

Meal subsidy at $150

Promotion subsidy, including $10 for renting tables and $10 for printing flyers

Total revenue = $380 Expenses •

Tickets costing $14 X 15 people = $210

Meal expense $60

Promotion expenses including $10 for renting tables and $10 for printing flyers

Total expenses = $290 Net profit = $90, which was given back to our sponsor


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3.1 Resource Management

3.6 Customer Expectation Management

We need a table when we promote the event, and find out that it requires at student card with a payment for $10/table.

Sponsor: AlisonRichardson

3.2 Issue Management Ticket selling method is a major task for the event, as suggested by the supervisor, we tried the booking system at first. However, the one who clicked participate might not show up on the day since they did not pay. In the end, we choose to sell the printed tickets.

Construct a high-performance team: each team members was assigned with a certain role and team had a clear vision

Learn and develop a broad range of skills by project management: all of the team members attended a range of workshops and tried to implement what they learned by doing a real project

Enhance student to student experience: the team launched a project providing opportunities for students from various faculties to make friends with each other

3.3 Risk Management

Students attending the project

Project Risks Mitigated: Weather is one of the concerns, people might not show up if the weather is unfavorable. Punctuality for the group entrance is another one, as the delay might result in a default payment. Therefore, we gathered at the Flinders Street Station on the day half an hour before the assigned time.

Enjoy costume show: the team arranged a tour guide to give detailed information behind each costume

Meet new friends: the team introduced students to each other and broke the ice

Outstanding Project Risks:

3.7 Lessons Learned

The project is a one off event, and there is no outstanding project risks found yet.


3.4 Quality Management

We built up project management skills by doing an actual project.

Firstly, we hold our weekly meeting goes on to make sure we keep in pace with the planning objectives. Secondly, we use one ticket one name method to avoid any mistakes in money collection

- Leadership:

Individual Employability Skills Lessons

3.5 C o m m u n i c a t i o n Management At the team level, we communicated through Facebook, WeChat, phone call and weekly team meeting. At the external level, we used Booking System and Facebook for promotion and booking.



Used Facebook and Google doc to keep each team member informed about the progress

Hold a regular meeting by team members, with specific objectives of each meetings

- Teamwork: •

Team members worked closely to carry on the project

Learned to contribute own ideas and solve conflicts


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Planning & organisation:


set up dates and deadlines

prepared contingent plans for unexpected events

designed flyers and posters using professional soft wares;

organized materials for promotions

arranged online ticket booking system;

3.8 Post Project Tasks

Initiative & enterprise: •

took initiative to do promotion regarding the project;

negotiated a discounted price for group tickets;

Service excellence: •

recognized that each member’s output depending on other member’s contribution;

understood the expectations of our customers;


What tasks, if any will be completed after the submission of this report?

3.9 Project Closure Recommendations •

Identify a project that everyone has passion to do it;

Get more helps from sponsors;

Start the promotion early in the semester;

balance the time between studying and extracurricular activities

Monitor the whole promotion process;

devoted to the project and fulfill responsibility upon the project

3.10 Acknowledgements

Problem solving: •

handled unexpected events such as some students failed to arrive on time;

calculated budget in details;

Sponsor Alison Richardson, Student Development Undergraduate; Julie Ralph, Student Development Undergraduate;


Approved By 1



Xinyu Xia



JYu Li

Book Keeping and Budgeting


James Li

Book Keeping and Budgeting


Johan Lie

Facilitating and Monitoring


Yue Sun

Marketing and Selling


Suxia Duan

Role Digital Design Approval Date: 5 / Oct / 2013



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Project Name & No.

Project Delivery Date

Bounce Day, Team #1

Friday, 2 August 2013

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MONASH University Facu lty of Bus i ne s s a nd E c onom i c s

Bounce Day, Team #1 (Project-6)

Prepared By Name


Adrian Curro

Team Leader – Marketing Assistant & External Communications

Xing Yeh

Team Member – Marketing Coordinator, Internal Communications & Finance Officer

Ardisa Wibowo

Team Member – Marketing Coordinator & Internal Communications

Aloysius Ho

Team Member – Marketing Assistant & Catering Coordinator

David Wang

Team Member – Marketing Assistant

Lauren Ho

Team Member – Marketing Assistant

Chris Wells

Team Member

Approval Date: 5 / Oct / 2013



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How to use this report template - overview

PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PURPOSE The Project Closure Report is the final document produced for your project and is used to assess the success of the project, identify best practices for future projects, resolve all open issues, and formally close the project.

PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT GOALS This Project Closure Report is created to accomplish the following goals: •

Review and validate the milestones and success of the project.

Confirm outstanding issues and recommendations.

Identify project highlights and best practices for future projects.



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1.1 Project Background Overview

- Managed to defeat a group of small kids in a dodgeball contest. NB: Small kids can be tough to beat! They are light and nimble and have smaller body surface area, making them difficult to be ‘out’.

The project was delivered at Bounce Inc, a large indoor trampoline park located in Glen Iris. The goals and objectives of the team project were:

To facilitate a fun-filled and social activity for first-year BusEco students

Best Practices:

To enhance the first-year student experience

To provide a platform for expanding the participants’ network of friends and contacts

- Strategic decision-making: •

Initially the team had decided upon the project idea of The Amazing Race (sports-based). Concerned with the time involved in creating race schematics and the level of interest the targeted students would regard this project idea, we made an executive and unanimous decision to cease proceeding with this project idea. This was a good decision to make at the time as it is always less costly to do so during the planning stage of a project rather than during the implementation/execution stage. We turned our focus towards brainstorming new project ideas and finally decided on Bounce Day.

It was strategic for the team to market the Bounce Day event and also set up a registration & fee collection table during Orientation Week. In our view, this allowed us to market the idea to our “target audience” and thus maximise the number of registrations.

Success criteria for our project included: •

To reach a targeted group size of 20 students (including the 7 BusEco Leaders)

To attain a 100% injury-free event outcome

To have enhanced the first-year student experience

To have enjoyed a fun-filled, social activity

To have made new friends

1.2 Project Highlights and Best Practices

- Clear separation of duties: •

During the initial enquiry and survey stage of our project, we knew that the Team Leader would be the one responsible for making direct enquiries to Bounce Inc regarding issues such as pricing and payment options.

We also clearly divided up the Team Members into marketing teams for both Clayton and Caulfield campuses.

We also clearly decided on the Team Member who would be responsible for managing the lunch catering for the actual project launch day (i.e. on Bounce Day).

By having a clear idea of which Team Member was responsible for what sort of tasks, we were able to have a clear objective in mind and execute them accordingly,

Project Highlights: •

Successfully liaised with student bodies and other Monash University associations (e.g. MSA, Monash University Campus Management, Venues Office) to proceed with our project marketing activities.

Achieved great success in recruiting interested participants during Orientation Week.

Had a highly enjoyable time on Bounce Day with all participants engaged in the various activities offered at Bounce Inc


Received positive feedback from the Bounce Day participants, who all recommended the event to future firstyear students.


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without any risk of interference or doubling-up in duties. We feel that this ensured our project was able to run smoothly during these initial stages.

Clear and constant communication: •

It was important for all team members to be up-todate with the project progress and any communications between team member(s) and external party. We had adopted the practice of “CC” other team members in all email correspondence. We had also set up a Facebook group dedicated to all project discussions. This was a wise decision given the difficulty to coordinate each team member’s schedules and find a time when all members were free to attend a face-to-face meeting/ discussion.

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us immensely in the marketing stage of our project. We were able to spread word of our project event before and during the most critical stages of our project’s marketing phase. We would not have been able to utilise this resource if not for Ali notifying all BusEco Leaders.

1.3 Project Closure Synopsis Project Bounce Day was successfully launched on Friday, 2 August 2013. This project is now being closed as all project objectives and deliverables have been satisfied. All team members are in agreement on this.

- Awareness and utilisation of available resources: The ability to include a project flyer in Orientation flyers and have an online event registration system set up assisted



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2.1 Goals and Objectives Performance

Out of those who responded, they had all agreed that Bounce Day enhanced their first-year student experience and that they would recommend Bounce Day as an activity for future first-year students to participate in.

Please refer to Section 1.1 of this report for the original project objectives. The overall actual project performance achieved all the intended project objectives.

3. To provide a platform for expanding the participants’ network of friends and contacts

1. To facilitate a fun-filled and social activity for first-year BusEco students The target audience for Bounce Day was first-year BusEco students. We had ensured that it was indeed first-year BusEco students that participated in Bounce Day by strategically planning our marketing activities during Orientation Week and confirming with the students, as they registered, their first-year status. Not only did Bounce Day include a two-hour session at BounceInc, we tried to maximise opportunities for fun and social interaction by catering for (an opt-in) lunch. We strongly believe that we were able to achieve this objective. All Bounce Day participants participated in the various activities offered at BounceInc and it was evident that the atmosphere of the day was light-hearted and energy-filled.

On Bounce Day, we could see that as the day progressed the event participants became quite social with both the BusEco Leaders and other fellow first-year participants. Some of the BusEco leaders had even witnessed the exchange of contact information between the participants. From this it can be inferred that we were able to use Bounce Day as a platform for expanding the participants’ network and friendship group.

2.2 Success Criteria Performance Please refer to Section 1.1 above for details of the project success criteria. Our evaluation of actual project performance in terms of the project success criteria is as follows.

2. To enhance the first-year student experience

1. To reach a targeted group size of 20 students We believe that Bounce Day was successful in enhancing the (including the 7 BusEco Leaders) first-year student experience. Our belief is based on our observations on the day. Furthermore, we prepared feedback sheets, which included this objective as a feedback question.



We would like to acknowledge that most team members had put in considerable effort to maximise the probability of suc-

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cess of this success criterion. Despite such efforts, unfortunately our project did not achieve the intended 20 student group size. From a registration and fee collection standpoint, our project had achieved a group size of 19 students (including the 7 BusEco Leaders). However, despite efforts to remind the participants prior to Bounce Day of event details and to urge their participation, the actual group size on Bounce Day was 14 students (including the 7 BusEco Leaders).

2. To attain a 100% injury-free event outcome This success criterion was successfully met. No injuries were sustained on Bounce Day.

3. To have enhanced the first-year student experience This success criterion was successfully met. Based on the BusEco Leaders’ observations and supported by feedback sheet results, the first-year student experience of the participants was enhanced. We believe Bounce Day will be an event which the first-year student participants will speak of and remember fondly. Based on the responses in the feedback sheet, Bounce Day is either a recommended or highly recommended event to future first-year students, which is a great outcome!

4. To have enjoyed a fun-filled, social activity This success criterion was successfully met. Throughout the two-hour session at BounceInc, everyone actively participated in the various activities and maximised the opportunity to be engaged. For instance, after participating in one activity there was a sense of ‘rushing’ back in line for another turn or ‘running to queue up’ for another activity. There was no dilly dallying around. Even whilst waiting, it was observed that the first-year students would engage in social conversation. The mood throughout the day was certainly one that was happy and fun-filled.

5. To have made new friends This success criterion was successfully met. Based on the amount of social interaction observed on Bounce Day and the exchange of contact information between the participants, we can safely conclude that the participants had expanded their friendship circle.

2.3 Milestone and Deliverables Performance The project was delivered with high quality as we managed to get 7 students to turn up during the actual day. The response from the attendees was positive and some of them said “it is well recommended to try this activity”. Fortunately,



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everybody managed to get to the place safely and there was no injury during the activity. Regarding the major project milestones:

Project Origination stage. Deciding on a final project idea took two face-to-face meetings and frequent communication via facebook/email. Such communication was necessary, however not all team members were fully engaged throughout the process. We would attribute this, in part, to a large team size. Fortunately we decided on the final project idea as a team.

Marketing. The actual use of a promotional flyer, marketing via O-Week seminars and setting up a registration table numerous times worked well. Despite the use of these marketing tools, we were still unable to achieve the targeted number of participants. We would thus categorise this as a partial success.

Booking of venues. Booking of the BounceInc venue was executed well, but largely due to the support we received from our Project Sponsor. The booking of a university venue for setting up the registration table was not executed as well, due to last minute enquiries but also due to competing advice from university associations. We were lucky to secure a venue and table for the days we required it.

Execution/Project Delivery. All team members were punctual. The event adhered to the schedule. We were able to ensure that all participants left the venue safely.

2.4 Schedule Performance Project Schedule Overview: There were four main activities that needed to be completed by certain dates. These activities included: •

Deciding the project idea (due by the second Project Management Workshop on Wednesday, 10 April 2013)

Making initial enquiries (to be completed no later than end of June 2013)

surveying the location (to be completed no later than Friday, 19th July 2013)

Marketing (to be completed no later than Monday, 29th July 2013)

Pal Leaders Program

2.5 Budget Performance

Project delivery (due on Friday, 2 August 2013)

Project Schedule Control Process: Group meeting to decide on what kind of activities

Budget Overview:

Keep Ali updated with the project survey and process Check the available date for the activity with Ali so that it would not clashed with the activities in university as well as with the other PAL group

Project Schedule Corrective Actions: •

Initially, the project delivery date was set to the second week of University (9th August 2013). However, after a careful thought, it was best to deliver the project in the first week of university (2nd August 2013).

Cash revenue consisted of receipts from interested participants. The price was $5 per ticket/entry. The team managed to raise funds from twelve (12) interested BusEco student participants, amounting to Total Cash Receipts of $60.00. Cash expenses can be divided into two categories: 1) Orientation Week – registration table setup and 2) Project Day – Catering expenses. The project cash expenses were calculated based on the ‘amount paid’ rather than the ‘amount incurred’. For the first category, expenses totalled $19.40. The second category of expenses amounted to $90.45. Thus, Total Cash Expenses were $109.85. The difference between Total Cash Receipts and Total Cash Expenses saw the project finances result in a Cash Deficit of $49.85.

Budget Calculation Cash Receipts Cash collected from student registrations


Less Cash Expenses Orientation Week – registration table setup Orientation Week – registration table setup Receipt Book


Decorative materials (1)


Decorative materials (2)





Project Day – catering expenses Pizza


Beverages & tissue paper



Cash Deficit





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3.1 Resource Management The resources we used for our project included the following: Venue booking for setting up a table during O-Week. We had made enquiries about venue booking. However this was not successful due to competing advice from different university associations. However we were able to resolve this by arranging for a table at Rotunda during Orientation Week. Public transportation. We gave the participants two options: Either (1) meet us at the Bounce venue, for which we provided them with directions, or (2) meet a few of us BusEco Leaders at Glen Waverley Station so that we could travel together to the Bounce venue. We helped to research transport times from different departure locations. This was done well with no issue. People resources. The major issue was that one team member did not regard our project with much importance, which was often reflected by their non-attendance, lack of communication and lack of punctuality.

3.2 Issue Management Major issues we faced during the project included:

- Booking a venue for marketing purposes during Orientation Week. We had made enquiries at Monash University Campus Centre Management who referred us to the Venues Office. However the Venues Office referred us back to Monash University Campus Centre Management. When given details for a contact person in relation to booking a venue, the contact person then referred us back to the Venues Office. Luckily we were able to borrow a table for our marketing purposes at Rotunda during Orientation Week, as these formal channels were ineffective.



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- Achieving the targeted number of participants to actually attend the Bounce Day event. We had 19 participants confirmed for Bounce Day, including the 7 BusEco Leaders. However only 14 of us turned up for Bounce Day. We did send an email reminder to the participants, which was not quite effective. We believe the participant rate could have been better if we had sent a phone reminder a few days prior.

3.3 Risk Management Project Risks Mitigated: Bounce Day was an off-campus event. Therefore the insurance was covered by the university. This helped to mitigate risk of accidents.

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3.4 Quality Management Regarding our Project Plan, we had submitted it to Ali well beforehand. As planning continued, we kept Ali up-to-date on all issues and actions taken. Ali was able to provide us with feedback and, at times, much-needed direction. This ensured that our project plan was feasible and likely to be executed successfully. A major promotional resource we used was the Event Flyer. We ensured that the contents were error-free by proofreading it and getting team members to check over it. Ultimately, Ali reviewed it for us, made necessary changes and gave us her seal of approval.

Outstanding Project Risks: N/A



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3.5 C o m m u n i c a t i o n Management The communication process in this project is good. We decided to use Facebook as our main communication media as to discuss the progress. We did exchange our phone numbers during the initial project management workshop. However there are some members who did not actively responded during the process. There are no changes with the communication process during the project. Various channels of communication that we used included: •

Mobile phones (calls and SMS)

Facebook (private page)

Face-to-face meetings

Individual Employability Skills Lessons - Leadership: •

Ensuring that all team members have a common understanding and awareness of project issues and expectations.

Ensuring that each team member has clear objectives in mind, both at group level and individual level.

- Teamwork: •

We learned that a larger team presented several difficulties in the smooth running of the project. In hindsight, a smaller team will allow for better communication and teamwork and thus greater efficiency.

- Communication:

3.6 Customer Expectation Management The student participants did not really express their expectations towards this project. However as a basic expectation, they would have expected to be involved in a fun, social outing. They showed their excitement towards this project. Based on their positive feedback, we believe that we met their expectations. Ali, the Project Sponsor, was also our project customer. Her expectations included for us to have spoken with relevant parties, including Bounce personnel, the Monash Students’ Association and Venues Office, well in advance. She also expected us to have surveyed BounceInc location and surroundings, thought through the marketing and registration process, and to regard the project with high importance. We tried to meet her expectations by ensuring all deadlines were met and any issues encountered were raised with her as soon as they arose.

Team members needed to be actively aware of deadlines and be responsible for tending to these activities as a team. In particular after the submission of Leaders Report #3, many last minute changes were submitted. These changes should have been brought up and discussed beforehand as a team and then incorporated in the Leaders Report. Furthermore, the report should have been prepared and discussed as a team early in advance. In this case, the fact a Leaders Report was due seemed to have been overlooked by several team members, and thus when pointed out only provided limited opportunity for team discussion and team agreement on the various issues. As a result the report submitted fell below the necessary standard.

- Planning & organisation: •

Ensuring that mobile phones are fully charged on the day of the event

Although the idea of setting up such a table was well-founded and necessary, the planning and execution surrounding it could have been better. Enquiries with MSA and the Venues Office, regarding booking an area to set up a table during Orientation Week and borrowing a table, should have been made much earlier, say 2-4 weeks prior to Orientation Week. We did not do this until 1 week beforehand and as expected experienced great difficulty in getting this organised. It was partly luck that we were able to set up a registration and fee collection table during Orientation Week and Week 1 of Semester 2, as such a setup proved vital to the success of our project.

Based on feedback from the Bounce Day participants, it was voiced that perhaps transportation could be organ-

3.7 Lessons Learned Overall Reflecting on our project performance, we have identified areas of success and areas of improvement. In particular, team communication, planning and organisation could have been better executed.


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Clayton campus. It was easier to manage and easier to coordinate/explain transportation issues to the keen participants. We also believe that these marketing activities were executed in the right sequence (as detailed above). We believe this enabled us to maximise our marketing efforts and encourage maximum interest and participation. They should be followed next time. To improve, perhaps the project could have been marketed via the Orientation ePlanner and also the registration and fee collection table set up an additional time during Orientation Week along with the other clubs and societies.

ised in the future. Our plan was for the participants to meet us at the Bounce venue as this had been advertised prior to Bounce Day in our marketing materials. However we did provide the participants with an alternative, which involved meeting up in Glen Waverley and travelling together to the Bounce venue. We think that it may be a good idea to have a bus organised for next time, to take everyone to and from the venue. We could have made enquiries about this to find out the feasibility of such an option. •

When planning the lunch catering, we were discussing where lunch would be held after the session at Bounce. Having surveyed the surroundings we knew we could not bring outside food into the Bounce venue, which was

our plan. Thus, our plan was to hold an outdoor lunch at the nearby park, which is less than a 5-minute walk from Bounce. In the event it rained on Bounce Day, our backup plan was to hold the lunch at Caulfield campus. Transport would involve BusEco Leaders driving to Caulfield and others catching the direct bus. It was the right thing to have surveyed the internal and external surroundings of the Bounce venue beforehand. It had rained on Bounce Day. Having turned our mind to possible scenarios and catered for such contingencies, we were able to run Bounce Day rather smoothly.

- Initiative & enterprise: •

We believe it was the right choice for us to have marketed Bounce Day via various means – i.e. setting up an online booking system for registration, A3 posters around campus hotspots, A4 flyers in Orientation showbags, verbal promotion during Orientation seminars, and setting up a registration and fee collection table during Orientation Week and Week 1 of Semester 2. It was also the correct decision to market the project only at one campus, being



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- Service excellence: •

It was highly important that participants were fully sat-

isfied with the way the event was executed. We catered for this by being flexible with the participants that had to leave early.

- Self-management: We learned that time management is pertinent in juggling our individual commitments with university obligations. - Problem-solving: It was difficult to organise face-to-face meetings where all team members could attend. Thus we had to rely on other means of communication such as setting up a facebook page to ensure that we could still maintain regular contact.

Technology: •

We learned how to create marketing flyers using available software tools.

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We were able to utilise a number of communication mediums to ensure regular contact between team members.

3.8 Postproject Tasks There are no outstanding project tasks to be completed following submission of this report to both Gary Ryan and Ali, our project sponsor.

3.9 Project Closure Recommendations

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Our recommendations to future project teams include: • •

Be creative. Make enquiries and do your research well in advance.

Do not leave things to the last minute.

Ensure that you maintain regular communication with your team members as well as the Project Sponsor.

Ensure that all team members have a common understanding and awareness of all project issues.

Survey all possible transport options and choose the one(s) that would be most appropriate and with minimal risk.

• •

Budget your finances and try to stick to budget. Ensure participants’ attendance by contacting them by phone a couple of days prior.

It is with the following recommendations that we seek to close our project:

3.10 Acknowledgments

Approval from the Project Sponsor.

Approval from all Project Members, including Project Team Leader – all project objectives and criteria have been delivered and met.

Alison Richardson, PAL Program Manager & Project Sponsor Gary Ryan, Director of Organisations That Matter Shane Stephenson, BounceInc Customer Service Supervisor BounceInc Personnel


Prepared By Name


Xing Yeh

Marketing Coordinator, Internal Communications & Finance Officer

Ardisa Wibowo

Marketing Coordinator & Internal Communications

Approved By Adrian Curro

Team Leader

Xing Yeh

Team Member

Ardisa Wibowo

Team Member

Lauren Ho

Team Member

Aloysius Ho

Team Member

David Wang

Team Member

Chris Wells

Team Member Approval Date: 10 October 2013



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‘Beyond Being Good’ Mentoring Options


dentifying the success you desire for your career and/or your life is one thing, managing the various hurdles and interruptions that life puts in your way is another.

Imagine for a moment what life would be like if your biggest frustrations and concerns were no longer present in your life. Seriously, what would that feel like? What would like be like if you were truly living the life you desire? Have you given yourself enough freedom to know exactly what your answer to that question is? When answering the following question, “What is the success that you have identified worth to you?” the majority of people with whom I work have responded with answers ranging from “Millions” to “It’s invaluable. It’s worth so much I can’t put a price on it.”

Having an experienced coach guide you along your path to your definition of success makes a significant difference to your capacity to achieve the success you desire. “I have had the absolute pleasure of being mentored/coached by Gary Ryan in a new senior management role where I have been leading a high performance culture change program. The organisation that I inherited had been performing at a ‘good’ level which is why I engaged Gary’s support. Moving from ‘good’ to ‘great’ is often harder than moving from ‘bad’ to ‘good’. Through Gary’s wisdom, advice and ability to marry theory with reality I have been able to work with my team to set realistic and timely goals for our progress. In just under 12 months I have been delighted with the progress we have made in such a short period of time. All of which would not have been possible without Gary’s support.” Frank Catalano, Principal

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What’s on offer? You will receive one on one mentoring with me, Gary Ryan, founder of Organisations That Matter, expert facilitator, author and executive coach. Think about it. What is living a balanced life worth to you? What is learning skills that you don’t even know that you need to know worth to you? How much will your career benefit from you being not just better, but the best at what you do? What will that be worth to you, if from nothing else but a financial perspective?

A single promotion, a single pay rise, the opportunity to land a better job, improving relationships that matter to you will more than pay for themselves through your investment in this mentoring program. In fact, I even guarantee this service. In other words, if you don’t believe that you are getting value that is at least equivalent to your fees, then I will refund you 100% of your fee. It really is that simple. In addition to working one on one with me so that we focus 100% on your journey, you will receive exclusive access to a full suite of resources that include: •

Full membership to the Yes For Success platform for planning for and executing a life of balance and success

Access to an online What Makes People Tick Personality Profile Assessment;

Automatic enrolment into the What Really Matters For Young Professionals! Online Program which includes a wide range of extra information, tools and templates that are not included in the book (by the way, if you are a Senior Manager and are concerned that this material may not be ‘for you’, see what Malcolm Deery, Group General Manager for Health and Safety at the Programmed Group had to say about the book which he shared on

- “Like all “truths” that underpin the world we live in, which is what this book talks to, it

is expressed simply but rich in meaning. I would encourage Young Professionals to keep this book at hand as the learning value will come form regular reading and re-reading and thereby allowing the principles to unfold iteratively. It is a book that very much lends itself to an ongoing refresh approach to personal development. Also, the Young Professionals title can be deceptive. If you are more mature in your career but haven’t been able to:

1. Use stories to engage and lead people

2. Identify and apply personal values in your “brand”,

3. or you don’t appreciate the strengths of healthy, or the limitations of poor mental models this book provides a richness of learning opportunity to en hance your leadership style and value.” Malcolm Deery.

• • •

Automatic access to the video 10 Factors For Motivating Employees; Automatic access to the Teams That Matter® video; Discounted access to new resources and materials as they are released.

So how does this work? The mentoring will take place via Skype and/or Google Plus hangout. The service includes: 1. Any number of 60 minute mentoring sessions (you define how many sessions that you wish to have or you purchase a 10 session package that results in a 20% reduction in your fees) This service is for you if: • • • • •

You are unsure about your current direction; You would appreciate an independent perspective; You have limited access to experience; You wish to go to the ‘next level’ in your life/career; and You recognise the value being offered by this service.

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Your Guarantee! Remember you are guaranteed to receive at the very least equivalent value for what you have spent. This is how confident I am that I can help you to achieve the success you desire. I am willing to risk my time working one on one with you! This is a no risk opportunity!

Act Now! Purchase a 10 x CREATE MORE SUCCESS Sessions package and receive a 20% discount off the total price of the package! You will also receive access to resources (videos, slideshare productions, assessment tools and more) that are only provided to long term coaching/mentoring clients. Access to these resources is maintained while you remain a client.

Traditional Mentoring/Coaching Program If you would prefer a more traditional in person mentoring/coaching option, please email mentor@orgsthatmatter. com to discuss this option (Please note that corporate rates apply for in person mentoring/coaching programs). I look forward to helping you to achieve your personal and professional goals.

Still Not Sure? Why not register for a complimentary 20 minute Skype conversation to see whether this approach for enabling you to create the success your desire is right for you.

Potential Tax Benefits Please check with a Qualified Tax Accountant but various countries around the world allow the investment that you make in your own development to be included as a deduction on your taxable income.

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Project Name & No.

Project Delivery Date

Project Homie


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MONASH University Facu lty of Bus i ne s s a nd E c onom i c s

Project Homie (Project-7)

Prepared By Name Simon Tuong

Project Manager

Cordelia Foo

Procurement, Logistics & HR Director

Thilan Hallock

Chief Barbeque Officer

Godwin Wong

Promotional Manager

Branislav Zivanovic

Finance Officer

Adityayan Banerjee



Chief Mascot


Pal Leaders Program

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PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT PURPOSE The Project Closure Report is the final document produced for your project and is used to assess the success of the project, identify best practices for future projects, resolve all open issues, and formally close the project.

PROJECT CLOSURE REPORT GOALS This Project Closure Report is created to accomplish the following goals: •

Review and validate the milestones and success of the project.

Confirm outstanding issues and recommendations.

Identify project highlights and best practices for future projects.



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1.1 Project Background 1.2 Project Highlights and Best Practices Overview The aim of our project was to involve first year students in a game of social indoor soccer •

Our original project was to bring awareness to the issues of homelessness in Melbourne with first year students. However, we decided to change our project as it proved too difficult to communicate and work with charity groups.

Our indoor soccer event was designed to facilitate first years making friends with each other in a relaxed social setting.

The success criteria was based on the success and participation of our attendees. The attendance rate far exceed our expectations and all players who attended participated and enjoyed the day overall with much positive feedback from the players.

Project Highlights: •

The amount of attendees far exceeded our expectations

The team worked extremely well together and no conflicts arose between team members.

Everyone, both attendees and organisers, enjoyed the social event

Best Practices: •

We all managed to organise 2 team meetings very early on so that we were able to plan the majority of our project

We utilised effective means of communications to ensure a smooth project delivery

1.3 Project Closure Synopsis The supermarket receipts and the remaining value on the supermarket gift card need to be returned to Ali



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2.1 Goals and Objectives Performance Initially, our project was to work with a charity to raise awareness of homelessness in Melbourne however, we found this wouldn’t be possible in the timeframe we had and so made the decision to change our strategy and direction to a indoor soccer match. The aim of the project was to get the first year students to participate in socially engaging indoor soccer round robin.



Our attendance target was 30 first year students.. We planned to have a BBQ after the soccer tournamen.t.

2.2 Success Criteria Performance Due to a mistake in the booking of the courts, we only had one indoor court, and therefore we could not run two concurrent games as per our plans for the round robin. However, students still took turns playing on the one court.

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We exceeded our goal of 30 students. During the game, some team members started cooking the sausages for the barbecue. Students came outside to the barbecue after they had finished playing, However, since students took turns playing, they finished at different times and therefore students attended the barbecue in staggered stages. This was good because it meant that the demand for the food did not come all at once, but it meant that students did not mix and mingle as much as they otherwise might have if all students had been present at once. We managed to organise the team bibs and the scoreboard as well at no cost.

2.3 Milestone and Deliverables Performance The team was able to produce an event of high quality, delivering great value to all students that attended . This was demonstrated through a fun yet competitive indoor soccer tournament with a great time of socialising over a BBQ afterwards. First year students had an opportunity to meet other students and become better integrated into the Monash community.

2.4 Schedule Performance

realisation we created a contingency plan which we resorted to in the end. The majority of our project went relatively smoothly. We managed to organise the soccer courts very early which allowed us to plan our marketing efforts earlier. On orientation day, we managed to gather a few participants as we were able to place our marketing material in the orientation showbags.

Project Schedule Control Process: The team communicated via a Facebook group which we were all able to openly discuss ideas and issues. We regularly communicated to ensure group members had an assigned task and a deadline to complete that task. Project Schedule Corrective Actions:

Project Schedule Integration with Managing Project: Initially we planned to organise a volunteer event where students had the opportunity to serve those less fortunate in our community. Various obstacles were faced in executing this idea and so the team decided to change our plan and hold an indoor soccer tournament for new students.

2.5 Budget Performance We originally budgeted to spend $100, based on prices we had researched from supermarket websites. We received a $100 gift card from Ali to be used at a Coles supermarket.

Project Schedule Overview: When we called our first meeting, we soon realised the reality of how our initial plan was not going to work. Upon this


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In the end, we spent approx. $70 due to being able to economise on expenditures such as cooking oil, paper towels and plastic cups, which some team members had at home.

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3 PROJECT CLOSURE TASKS 3.1 Resource Management The resources we had available included the Sports hall at Monash Sport, a barbecue, utensils, food and drinks (covered by a $100 Coles Myer voucher) as well as referees for the soccer match.

3.2 Issue Management The largest issue we faced during the course of the project was being unable to complete our initial project. To mitigate this issue, we conducted an emergency group meeting

in which we brainstormed possibilities, and ended up with a new project proposal which was more viable, and still allowed us to achieve our goals. Another major issue we faced involved the organisation of



the venue. A few days prior to the event, we realised that the courts booked were actually outdoor courts. In order to resolve this issue we quickly changed our court bookings to indoor courts. This involved liaising with the relevant authorities, including the project sponsor and sport centre reception.

3.1 Risk Management Project Risks Mitigated: A risk assessment was conducted by the team to identify potential risks present at the event. These included student injury and food hygiene issues. To reduce the risk of injury, attendees were briefed prior to the event and all participants

were asked to wear appropriate attire and stretch before playing. Safe food handling practices were also employed to minimize the risk of food poisoning. Food was kept in the refrig-

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erator for as long as possible until it had to be transported, and no food was handled with bare hands in the food preparation process.

Outstanding Project Risks: N/A

Communication with Ali was primarily through email. Marketing our event was primarily through a poster which Godwin had designed. Ali helped us to print these, and they were distributed in tutorials of first year classes.

3.5 Customer Expectation Management

3.3 Quality Management Quality Management was undertaken throughout the project duration. Our referees were chosen carefully through an informal interview process. Our promotional material went through a process of review. This included mark ups by members as well as by the project sponsor.

3.4 C o m m u n i c a t i o n Management Communication within the team was very smooth. One team meeting consisted of breakfast beforehand, which created a relaxed atmosphere in which team members could chat casually before discussing ideas for the project.

In addition to a Facebook group, we had each other’s numbers, enabling timely and effective communication. For example, on the day of our project, it was raining heavily, and Cordelia, who had the food from the supermarket, was able to call Adit and minimise the amount of time he and Thilan had to walk in the rain to get the food.


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Generally, our ‘customers’ were happy with the services offered. Some of the students requested food before our preparations were done. In order to manage this, we made an announcement that the barbeque would be ready at 6pm. In addition, teams were cycled on and off according to the schedule. We kept the soccer games short (around 10 minutes each) in order to ensure that all students were able to spend a decent amount of time on court. In addition, we ensured that first year students were kept occupied whilst not playing. We made sure that all attendees met someone new. These expectations did not vary by much during the course of the project, as all our attendees were cooperative.

3.6 Lessons Learned During our planning stages, we were faced with some major hurdles for example, which charity we could partner in

our original plan to raise awareness for homelessness and how we could guarantee the attendance rate on the day. Our team worked really well together and we were able to solve these problems through calling team meetings and openly discussing solutions to these problems.

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An important skill we learnt along the way was contingency planning. We found that it is a worthwhile exercise to confirm court bookings and other related logistics at least a week prior to the actual event. This is to ensure that the venue and other related things are ready on the actual day and no administrative errors had been made. We all had experience working in a team prior to the event however we hadn’t had the opportunity to combine teamwork with leadership. We believe we were able to execute this event well as the participants felt the event was run smoothly. Every event comes with their challenges and our team had definitely experienced this. As such, many of us were required to demonstrate initiative and enterprise i.e. we were able to adapt and create spontaneous solutions to problems and put these plans to action. Many of us had to share positions and share tasks when required of other team members and we felt that the success of the event was attributed to the strong relationship and communication skills between our team members.

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3.8 Project Closure Recommendations The main recommendation would usually be to gain project closure approval from the Project Sponsor, including agreement that the project has fulfilled all of the requirements as documented and that the Project Sponsor is satisfied that all outstanding items have been satisfactorily addressed.

3.9 Acknowledgements Ali Richardson – Helping to organise our courts and helping with the overall planning Andrew Wu – Futsal Fever (Futsal League organisor) Vivek Kumaresan – For helping with the event on the day and finding a referees

3.7 Postproject Tasks Return gift card and receipts to Ali. We have met all of our success criteria.


Prepared By Name

Simon Tuong, Branislav Zivanovic, Cordelia Foo, Thilan Hallock, Adityayan Banerjee, Godwin Wong.

Approved By Name

Simon Tuong, Branislav Zivanovic, Cordelia Foo, Thilan Hallock, Adityayan Banerjee, Godwin Wong. Approval Date: 4.10.2013



Pal Leaders Program

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