Kaieteur News

Page 1

...Anthony Vieira regrets being candidate for party at 2020 elections

Senegal's newly elected

Oil, Gas and Mining contracts

President announces immediate probe and renegotiation of all handed out by former leader

‘Manifesto promise to renegotiate oil contract was nothing but fraud’ Former Ecuadorian Vice Pres. Jorge Glas


...company also deducted pipeline costs before project approved

Police raids Mexican Embassy in Equador to arrest corrupt Vice President

Police break down sitting Peru President's door in search of luxury watches

ExxonMobil daily production questionable as company refuses

ExxonM took out Guyana’s oil profits for Wales gas plant it is not building - former EPA Head to show auditors oil meters

Online readership yesterday, 48.350 Online: www.kaieteurnews.com April07,2024 Sunday Edition Price $150 AIETEUR NEWSK Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly
Senegal's newly elected President, Bassirou Diomaye Faye
(See story on page 17 )
Peru’s President, Dina Boluarte
SundayApril 07, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 02


‘Manifesto promise to renegotiate oil contract was nothing but fraud’

...Anthony Vieira regrets being candidate for party at 2020 elections

Anthony Vieira, a former staunch member of People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R), who created waves, when he flipped and joined the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), is now publicly expressing regret overthisdecision.

He has also pointed to, among other things, the “fraud” perpetrated on the nation with the promise to “renegotiate the ridiculous PSAoilcontract.”

Vieira gave the damning condemnation in a public missive saying “For some weeksIhavebeenlabouring underthefeelingsofregretI amexperiencingbyagreeing to be a PPP/C candidate in 2020!Iamnowforcedtotell thepublicthatIapologisefor unknowingly being part of thatfraud.”

Further qualifying this position he pointed to the complete lack of oversight, monetary controls “and enforcement of the PSA provisions weak as they are, which Glen Lall is exposing weekly in his radio programmes, supported by Christopher Ram, Dr Adams, Ms Janki and others.”

Lamentingthefailuresof the government through the party’s Elections Manifesto p r o m i s e s a n d t h e concomitant effects, Vieira pointedtothematterwiththe teachers; “the government and the teachers agreed to resume work after striking for several weeks, but on resumption, this country, which just published pages andpagesofcapitalworksto bedone,stillrefusedtosettle the matter amicably Quite typicalofourgovernment.”

Giving further weight to his arguments in defence of his newly adopted position, Vieira pointed to the recent scathing reports emanating from Guyana’s periodic reporttotheUnitedNations’ Human Rights Committee (UNHRC).

To this end, he recalled “…when called on to offer the government’s position regarding the charges of corruption made against it, the explanations were so puerile, showing clearly what passes for political narrativeinthiscountry.” He argued that for the UN to then totally disregard Guyana’s submission and concludethatthecomplaints of corruption in Guyana is a very real problem and urges the country to address “root causes of corruption” and advised, “to take steps to stamp out corruption especially in law enforcement agencies, public procurement and the oil sector as a matter of priority and ensure that all anti-corruption bodies are trulyindependent.” To this end, he summarized for the committee that “our ‘bible’ says that “Satan cannot cast out Satan!” The PPP of Cheddi Jagan was not corrupt, and he promised to run a lean and clean system of Government, Mrs. Jagan ditto! Then Jagdeo came along.”

According to Veira, corruption has embedded itself into this county since

contracts for that entity to supply drugs to the country, continuing to today when another group is seeking to monopolize hospitals, contracting and security industries at the same time! These people just won’t stop!”

Further compounding the situation Vieira pointed totheinactionsoftheprivate sector commission, lamenting “there has not been one word of protest fromthem,againsttheunfair competition which these publicofficialsareposingto our legitimate private sector throughtheirinvestments.”

The same, he alleges obtained with the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), “appointing the wrong people and look at whatishappening?”

According to Vieira, “The 2024 first crop is almost complete, and we don’tevenhave6,000tonnes of sugar made, Albion’s 1,200 cane cutters, worked only 16 days so far this year cuttingcane.Thisismainlya result of reaping 2024 first crop cane in second crop 2023.”

A s s i s t a n t P o l i c e Commissioners, they must know what they are talking about,andhereIwanttosay t h a t I p e r s o n a l l y congratulated Mr Slowe someyearsago,sinceitwas my opinion then, that as the trafficchief,hewasdoingan excellentjob.”

Additionally, the PPP/C Candidate at the 2020 Regional and General Elections said “and then thereisGPL(GuyanaPower and Light)! Privatize that monsternow!”

he became president, “starting with GPC – not onlythequestionablesaleof the Sanata property – but establishing a monopoly in the pharmaceutical industry through questionable

Adumbrating further, on the embedded corruption thathasbecomesopervasive since Jagdeo took Office, Vieira pointed to the concerns raised by former senior ranking members of the Guyana Police Force, in regards the promotion’s policy within that organization through its politicization.

“What is going on in Guyana,” Vieira questioned rhetorically, observing that over “in the past few days, I have seen and heard complaints and accusations from many important sections of our society and it’sverydisturbing.”

He was referencing allegations made by former senior police Paul Slowe, calling it “completely unbelievable, but since both heandhisco-hostareformer

Hequalifiedthisposition saying “as bad as Guyanese think that GTT (Guyana TelephoneandTelegraph)is, IgotoTrinidadregularlyon business and GTT is, in my opinion, as good as if not better than Trinidad and Tobago Telecom’s which is still mostly government owned. But they are smarter than us, the government is themajorityshareholder,but the minority shareholder is CableandWireless.”

SundayApril 07, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 03
Anthony Vieira on Nomination Day 2020

Corruption, corruption, corruption

Corruption and Guyana are now as inseparable as identical twins. In their existence since Independence, citizenshavebeenbetrayedbytheirelectedrepresentatives, paidharshpricesfortheirtrust. Theadventofoilhasmade matters worse, with those in charge carrying on like recklesshoodlums,withtheircroniesimitatingthem.

This is what UN Human Rights Committee Member, Ms.HeleneTigroudja,noted:“Thewealthderivedfromoil andgoldexploitationandminingonlybenefitstherichestin societyleavingthepoorestinextremepoverty.” Onedoes not have to look too far or too long, and there are selfevidenttruthsinwhatMs.Tigroudjaspokeaboutsoopenly

Mining contracts awarded for the exploration of local goldfields are a secret.Why is that necessary, why isVice President Jagdeo having such difficulty releasing them? What could be involved between schemers in the Guyana Government and foreign gold companies, that those contracts must be concealed from citizens? Given that so many of the details in offshore oil operations are hidden from Guyanese, what kind of deals have been worked out between the company and members of the PPPC Government who manage the ExxonMobil-Guyana relationship? Billions in expenses have been buried far fromthepryingeyesofGuyanese.

Whatisthequidproquoinvolved,whoiscollectingjuicy paybacks? At US$1 = approximately GY$215, it doesn’t require much from ExxonMobil to make the weak and the willinginthePPPCGovernmenttoseethingsthecompany’s way Whenthereisnothingtohide,thenthereisnoneedforany degreeofsecrecy Whenthereisdeepsecrecy,thelessonsof lifehavetaughtthatthereiscorruptionofsomekindpresent In timesbefore,peopleingovernmentshowedthattheydidnot have the principles required to say no when temptations and invitationstohelpthemselvessurfaced Nowthatthereisoil, whichmeansmuchmoremoney,thereisthesimplelogicthatits fruitswillprovetobeirresistible

TheGuyanaenvironmentnowstandsasaprovenfieldof corruptionthatisinfestedbytheoutofcontrol Sectionsofthe privatesectorinGuyanaarechokingonthepublicworksthat areapprovedtoprovidewhatisneededtosupporttheoilsector, ortheminingsectorintheinterior Somecontractawardsmake nosense,havenomerit,andthepeoplewhoaretherecipientsof themareknownfortheirintimaterelationshipswiththosewho makethedecisionsinthePPPCGovernment Thereallybig decisionsareonlymadebyasmallgroupofpeople,aclose-knit cabalfloating near thetop Thesecrecy is so tightthateven government agencies are thwarted when they put in for the records of awards involving specific contracts Awards that have raised a hue and cry about their cleanliness and their credibility This is what has become a standing feature of contracts that amount to hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayermoney. Somecomefromoil,andsomecomefrom goldandelsewhere.

Thecorruptionisatsuchanacutestagethatthosewhoneed thebenefitsoftheirpatrimonythemost,endupbeingtheones thatreceivetheleast. Theindigenouscommunitycanspeakto this,givenhowtheirrightshavebeenviolatedatwillbythose favored by the PPPC Government The Chinese Landing communityandhowithasbeenravagedstandasabillboardthat thepresentgovernmentpreferstostaycovered Secrecyand transparencyarenaturalenemies Theclashbetweencorruption and accountability falls in the same boat, with the PPPC Governmentbeingbothcaptainandcrew Guyanesealready knewaboutthecorruptionUNHRCmemberTigroudjaandher teamraisedintheirquestions,whichcausedsomehysteriain local leadership offices Those questions expose and emphasizehowcorruptgovernancehasbeenunderthepresent regime The media is mauled when pressing for answers, womenaremadeexamplesof,andotherGuyanesepummeled forcallingoutthegovernment

Government that is clean doesn’t have to resort to criminal conduct. Clean leaders fear none. But both the PPPC Government and its leadership operate in such a corruptworldthatprincipleandreasonhavefled.

PSC congratulates Pres.Ali for award


The Private Sector Commission extends its warmest congratulations to His Excellency, President Dr. Mohamed IrfaanAli, on being voted Best Caribbean GlobalLeaderAwardamong hisesteemedpeersacrossthe region.

The Private Sector

C o m m i s s i o n a l s o

The award, bestowed by the Caribbean Global Awards Limited, is a testament to President Ali’s outstanding commitment to the transformation of Guyana’s socioeconomic landscape, and towards placing Guyana on the global stage as a leader in sustainable development


P r i v a t e S e c t o r Commission

commends President Ali’s strategic vision and robust efforts to the u n i f i c a t i o n a n d development of the wider Caribbeanregion

GMSAhails PresidentAli on ‘Caribbean Global Leader’award


T h e G u y a n a Manufacturing and Services

Association (GMSA)

e x t e n d s w a r m congratulations to His Excellency, the President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Dr Irfaan Ali, on being named the 2024 CaribbeanGlobalLeader

This prestigious

recognition underscores President Ali’s exceptional leadership qualities and commitment to advancing Guyana’s position on the global stage. President Ali receives this distinguished awardjustthreemonthsafter being honoured with the Global Africa Leadership Award in January and receiving the Order of

Freedom of Barbados Award, demonstrating his c o m m i t m e n t t o strengthening ties between Guyana and the Caribbean community This rapid succession of accolades highlights his unwavering dedication and remarkable leadership in advancing Guyana’s interests while fostering regional

c o o p e r a t i o n a n d collaboration. The GMSA also commends Prime Minister Mia Mottley of Barbados for securing the secondspot on the list of Caribbean Global Leaders, and congratulates all the distinguished leaders who wererecognizedfortheir


your letters to Kaieteur News, 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown or email us kaieteurnews@yahoo.com Kaieteur News PAGE 04 SundayApril 07, 2024 Kaieteur M@ilbox Kaieteur News
by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456
Editor-In-Chief: NIGEL WILLIAMS Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
So long as we are afraid or unwilling to admit our mistakes and mis-steps, we remain mired in the mock and mud of despair and disappointment

DEAREDITOR, It is right that I should seekforbearanceforaverbal staccato or as R.B.O Hart two generations ago would have written “Things that botherme.”

As ordinary people experience discomfort and dislocation, thanks to regular blackouts, David Patterson’s clear account of why GPL has failed us, publishedinWednesday’s April 3, 2024 Stabroek News is useful and put to rest this obsession to blame everything that has ever gone wrong on the PNC and later Coalition Government The infamous28years

My next salvo is to plead with our current crop of political leaders and young aspirants on both sides of our political divide to learn from humanhistory

Ten years ago, fifty years ago, one hundred years ago, two hundred years ago, there are powerfullessons

Due to arrogance by those who hold high office, they fail to benefit from the lessons history offers

This human weakness must be corrected in Guyana if our abundance of natural resources and almost ideal climatic conditions are not to be a curse but a blessing Next salvo, I read beautifully crafted Phagwah messages from the President and Prime M i n i s t e r B o t h regurgitating their new One Guyana Motto

ignoring our National Motto, ‘One People, One Nation, One Destiny ” Whoaretheyfooling?

As for the Prime Minister, a charming, chubby chap, who also delivered the Phagwah message, I ask him to read that booklet written by a white American titled “The Spook who sat at the Door.”

The story of a billion-dollar white Corporation. In responsetoconcernsbynonwhite citizens, the Corporation was exploiting their human and natural resourceswhilenotinvolved nor consulted in major decisions and publication of profits.

The Directors identified an Afro-American out of college,anointedhimaVice President, with limousines andothertrappingsofoffice andalargesignsayinginthe frontofthemainoffice,(let’s say Samuel Marcus, being the Vice President} However, Samuel was not required to attend Board Meetings and be part of the inner circle where decisions weremade.

Symbolism to fool the people Is this Guyana today?

Aroundthistimein1961, preparations were advanced for the ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba organised by elements within the United States to overthrow the popular Fidel Castro’s


I met on several occasions with one of Castro’s Commandos, my friend and brother Hernandez, who described how they were able to repel theinvaders.

The lesson here is that superpowers,allofthem,are seldomconcernedwithwhat is good for the people in smallstatesbutwhatisgood for those with military and economicmight.

A thinly populated country with vast resources requires leaders who are visionaries and have the intellectual strength to navigate through dangerous international waters for the benefit of all and not a chosenfew

This is a problem many of our political leaders do not understand thattheyarerequiredtobe Statesmen and Patriots and not Foxes and servantsofMassa

I am not seeing that and this bothers me Talking about One Guyana, unity is easy The assignment should be to understand the ill effects t h a t s l a v e r y , i n d e n t u r e s h i p , i m p e r i a l i s m a n d colonialism have had on ourpeople

One answer is a retooled education system so that every child at the

instance of the community and trained teachers should allow each and every child to develop to his or her full potential And a passion to serve our CooperativeRepublic

Itisasadandsorrowing situation when we are saddled with a Government that shows disdain for Teachers.

Our young people are anxious to rid themselves of the old prejudices engineered by an imperial policyofdivideandrule.

When we dismantle the philosophicalunderpinnings of having young people of every race, colour, place of birth and creed, mix, play and work in a controlled environment, we lose the glorious opportunity to produceabreedofGuyanese who regard Guyana as their ownandguardandprotectit with every drop of their blood.

It is not too late for a Government concerned abouttodayandtomorrowto revivesuchaproject.

The end product would betohaveGuyanesesettlein everyHinterlandareasothat everywhere our Golden A r r o w h e a d f l i e s majestically, with the same tradewinds that brought the ships here centuries ago. This translates to the occupation of all of our 83,000squaremiles.

I was appalled when

speaking with some 13-14year-olds attending secondary schools, who did know many of our history andourpatrioticsongs.

So instead of working assiduously and together to rekindle that spirit of wholesomeness and patriotism, we set out to smother free speech and thoughts by our young people.

So we disqualified a young girl from singing a calypso at the semi-finals, which the high-command deemedunacceptable.

They say little things


My next salvo is that so long as we are afraid or unwilling to admit our mistakes and mis-steps, we remain mired in the mock and mud of despair and disappointment.

I was amused when I read that the President read theRiotActtoGPLStaffbut he did not tell us that the Chief Executive Officer of GPL is the brother of his seniorMinisterialcolleague. Iamanoptimistandstill hopeforthebest.

Kite flying workshop


Itwasgoodtoseemedia reports of the workshops on kite-making carried out for children in various communitiesthisEaster

I hope that flying the kitesmadeentirelybytheir own hands or which they were assisted in making, hasnotonlyincreasedtheir

enjoyment, but has also increased their creativity

a n d f e e l i n g s o f accomplishment and selfconfidence.

Small actions like these in a child’s life can have positive effects which last a lifetime.


Kaieteur News PAGE 05 Sunday April 07, 2024
Kaieteur M@ilbox

Progress in the sugar industry under the current government is commendable GOOD PEOPLE STILLEXIST!


As we approach the GeneralElectionsin2025,it isimportanttoacknowledge the continuous efforts of the current government since taking office in 2020 Development can be seen in various sectors, but I would like to highlight the remarkable progress of the sugar industry Before the PPP/Ccameintopower,our nation witnessed the closure ofmajorestates,resultingin the unemployment of thousands of workers. The APNU/AFC justified this decision at the time, but it had devastating effects on familiesandtheeconomy.It is crucial that we never forget the impact of such actions During their campaign,thePPP/Cmadea promise to reopen these estates and revitalize the industry

I am pleased to inform you that they have fulfilled this promise. According to theMinisterResponsiblefor

Finance, Hon Dr Ashni Singh,thesugarindustryhas experienced a remarkable growth of 28% in 2023.

GUYSUCO, the main sugar producer, has increased its production from 47,049 tonnes in 2022 to 60,204 tonnes in 2023. This growth

can be attributed to improved yields and favorable weather conditions.Thereopeningof theRoseHallEstatehasalso contributed to this growth, producing 1,031 tonnes in thesecondcropof2023. Additionally, significant efforts have been made to modernizetheindustry,with the conversion of 2,740 hectares of land for mechanized harvesting in Rose Hall, Albion, and the Blairmont Estates Over 4,600 workers have been rehired, resulting in a total employmentof8,100across the industry This is a major achievement that should not beoverlooked.Furthermore, the government is investing

$997 million in the procurementofequipmentto further support cultivation

and harvesting This investment demonstrates their commitment to the long-term success of the sugar industry Since the reopening of these estates, wehavewitnessedapositive impact on the economic landscape. Families are no longerstrugglingastheywere whentheestateswereclosed The sugar industry is on an upward trajectory, and its growth is benefiting both the workers and the overall economy Inconclusion,the progressofthesugarindustry underthecurrentgovernment is commendable The reopening of estates, increasedproduction,andjob creation are all signs of a thriving industry Let us continue to support and celebrate the success of the sugar industry as it moves forward


GMSAhails PresidentAli on...


outstanding contributions to the Caribbean region.


Recently,Iwasforcedto go to the New Amsterdam Regional Hospital because ofamedicalemergency

I was reluctant to go there because of all the negative reports I would often hear of other persons’ experiences, but faced with anemergencythatleftmeno choice, I ended up there againstmywill.

Here is a summarized accountofmyexperience:

As soon as my son opened the door for me to exit the vehicle, a female security guard attached to Queensway Security Company, rushed to my assistance.

Realizing that I could barely walk, she went and got a wheelchair, which she used to wheel me into the ER. I later learned that her nameisAllisonBess.

I was then met by Dr Staymon Carr; HOD of InternalMedicine,whoheld on to my shoulder and assured me that everything willbeokay

to me, Dr Campbell instructed Nurse Sasha Nicholson Mentor to administer appropriate medication and prepare me for lab works, which were done.

Much to my shock

and dismay, the lab results indicated that I needed to undergo emergency surgery I was prepped for surgery by female doctors on the surgical team; Dr Appadu, Dr K. King and Dr Deodat as well as Anesthetist male NurseSampson.Thesurgery was later performed by Dr Algu.

I spent a complete week in Ward ‘5’ of the hospital and during my timethere,mytreatmentwas nothing short of excellent. Myvisitingrelativesalways commented on the cleanliness of the ward and washroomfacilities.

The porters and maids were prompt and diligent with their duties

“DotheseDoctorsliveinthe hospital?Don’ttheyevergo home?”

T h e D o c t o r s consistently checked in on us from 6 in the mornings until well after 7atnights

Dr Algu, who I now call my Earth Angel, is simply the most caring SurgeonI’veevermet I paid hundreds of thousands of dollars at private medical facilities for medical treatment in the past, but my care at the New Amsterdam Regional Hospital surpassedthose

Sincerely Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association

This achievement reflects the collective effortsofCaribbeanleadersinadvancingthe region’sinterestsandfosteringcollaboration onregionalandglobalissues.

Next, I was taken to maleDr CampbellintheER who asked details about my symptoms and patiently listened as I slowly explained, amidst excruciatingpains.

After carefully listening

All of the nurses there were very patient, tolerant and efficient with patient care. Not once did I hear a Nurse abuse any patient, even though there were a few patients misbehaving fromtimetotime.


I cannot remember the names of all the Nurses in Ward ‘5’, but I wish to thank them all for making my stay in their care feel like home away from home I remember Nurse Angela and Nurse Jenny, Sister Harriet Bailey, Nurse Trevlyn Johnson, Nurse Roshnie Singh as w e l l a s m a l e D r Hamilton and female Dr James from the surgical team and Dr Kiaza Lewis from internal medicine Youguysrock!

Keep up the good work NARH.Yougavemehope!


Iyabo Omotola Johnson Thom

Kaieteur News PAGE 06 SundayApril 07, 2024
Kaieteur M@ilbox



“For some weeks I have been labouring under the feelings of regret I am experiencing by agreeing to be a PPP/C candidate in 2020! I read their manifesto, and I heard their promises to renegotiate the ridiculous PSAoil contract. I am now forced to tell the public that I apologize for unknowingly being part of that fraud.” Tony Vieira PPP/C 2020 candidate

BLUNT BLUNT BLUNT BLUNT Kaieteur News PAGE 07 SundayApril 07, 2024

ExxonMobil daily production questionable as company refuses - former EPA Head to show auditors oil meters

ExxonMobil daily p r o d u c t i o n questionable as company refuses to show auditors oil meters- former EPAHead

Guyana'sdailyrateofoil production is now being questioned by former Head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr Vincent Adams followingarevelationbythe a u d i t r e p o r t t h a t ExxonMobil Guyana

Limited (EMGL) refused to provide auditors with a map ofthemeteringpointsonthe Liza Destiny Floating Production Storage and Offloading(FPSO)vessel.

Kaieteur News reported onWednesday that the audit report of Exxon's US$7.3B expenses, prepared by VHE Consulting (Ramdihal & Haynes Inc , Eclisar Financial, and Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc.), revealed that the oil

company was requested, but did not provide a schematic showing all metering points ontheDestinyLizaFPSO.

The auditors said the schematic would provide a visual representation of the physical flow of production as it is produced onto the FPSO, through the various types of production equipment, and into the storage tanks Notably, ExxonMobil also refused to provide the raw production

data to the audit team. This informationisusedtocreate the monthly production data it provides to the Government of Guyana (GoG) ExxonMobil reportedly told the auditors consistentlythat“production information was outside the scope of the cost recovery audit.”

D r A d a m s a n Environmental and Petroleum Engineer, during an Alliance For Change (AFC) press conference on Friday told reporters that response by Exxon was a slap in the face and highlights disrespect for the Guyana government He explained,“Thisisnotjusta resentment of the processes of auditing. This here is a slap in the face, an eye pass for the government of Guyana. These auditors are not working there for themselves, they are working on behalf of the government of Guyana. The governmenthiredthemtodo theirjobsowhentheychase the auditors or prevent them from seeing something they are telling the government you cannot see what we are doing.”

Dr Adams said it is a norm in other countries for companies being audited to trytheirbesttocomplywith the requests of auditors to ensureafavourablereportis completed, stating the company's cooperation. On the other hand, the former EPA Head said, “It's the opposite here in Guyana because of the autocratic ruling that we have. They don'tcareaboutwhatcomes out of that audit and that is what we have here.” He

continued, “You cannot prevent an auditor from seeinganythingthattheyask to see. As a matter of fact, how dare them not (allow auditors) to see the oil meters?”

The Petroleum Engineer was keen to note in his arguments against the company's response to the auditors that production figures are linked to expenses. He believes that Exxonistakingadvantageof the “submissiveness” of government by refusing to show where the oil meters arelocatedontheFPSO.

Dr. Adams said this questions the volume of oil being produced by the Contractor

Furthermore, he noted thatskilledGuyaneseshould be on the FPSOs to ensure readings are correct on the oil meters. To this end, the formerEPAHeadsaiditwas ridiculous for the government to settle for remote monitoring of daily productionrates.


eyes and ears on the ground inthesecriticaloperationsto see exactly what is going on to make sure that these instruments and equipment are working correctly, they are calibrated in accordance withthecalibrationschedule andtheprocesshowitshould becalibrated,sowithoutthat we do not know what those numbers are telling us and it's not only the production numbers alone, its everything else, ” he explained. Presently, ExxonMobil is reportedly producing approximately 640,000barrelsofoilperday (bpd)intheStabroekBlock. Guyana is dependent on the operator for production statisticsasthecountrydoes nothaveitsownindependent systemstomonitorthedaily rateofproduction.

ThreeFPSOsarenowin operation,withmorethan11 billion barrels of resources discovered offshore by the company since 2015 Guyanaisaimingtoproduce some 1.2 million bpd by 2027.

Kaieteur News Monday May 02, 2022 Kaieteur News PAGE 08 Sunday April 07, 2024
Former EPA Head, Dr. VincentAdams

Bharrat Jagdeo got it wrong yet again

At his most recent press conference, Bharrat Jagdeo said that the Constitution prevents political parties from mobilizing along the lines of race. In mentioning the Ethnic Relations Commission, Jagdeo said that it “has the power to preventapoliticalpartyfrom contesting elections should theyuseraceasamobilizing factor.”

Thisisnottrueatall.The ERC has wide-ranging p o w e r s u n d e r t h e Constitution but none of these powers invests the Commission with the authority to prevent, for example, an ethnic party, fromcontestingelections.

One of the functions of theERCistodiscourageand p r o h i b i t p e r s o n s , institutions, political parties and associations from indulging in, advocating or promoting discrimination or discriminatory practices on the ground of ethnicity But this is quite different from sayingthatapartycannotbe mobilized along the lines of raceofotherethnicfactors.

Butitisnotthefirsttime that Jagdeo has inferred that our Constitution prohibits parties that use race as a mobilizing factor I distinctly recall him saying the same thing during that period when Ravi Dev had launched his political movement.

While the Constitution seeks to promote improved relationsamongallracesand religions, it does not outlaw mobilization based on race. It is therefore quite possible

that there can be established inGuyana,anAfricanparty, an Indian party and Amerindianparty,etc.

The colonial authorities had instituted a system of divideandrule.Thatsystem strategically exploited ethnic differences to maintain power and control by the colonial masters. By fostering divisions among different ethnic groups, predominantly between the Afro-Guyanese and IndoGuyanese populations, the colonial authorities hoped that that unity among the colonized was difficult to achieve. Thistacticnotonly perpetuatedtensionsbutalso led individuals to align themselves along ethnic lines to advance their political, social and economic interests As a result, ethnic organizations emerged as vehicles for mobilization, protection and advancement.

This divisive strategy entrenched ethnic identities. It also led to further and heightened competition for resources and opportunities along racial lines, thereby perpetuating a cycle of ethnic polarization and, in the process reinforcing the dominance of colonial powers.

Even in sport we had clubs formed based primarily on race The various ethnic communities established their own clubs andrecreationalspaces.The Chinese Sports was established in 1931, followed by Portuguese Sports Club in 1924, and

East Indian Cricket Club in 1930.TheDemeraraCricket Club and the Malteenoes

Cricket Club mainly a t t r a c t e d A f r i c a n membership British Guiana Cricket Club, later theGuyanaSportsClub,was formed to allow for persons who were denied entry into whatisnowtheGeorgetown CricketClub.

Eventually,bothChinese Sports and East Indian CricketevolvedintoCosmos and Everest, respectively, opening their memberships to include individuals from other ethnic backgrounds after Guyana gained independence in 1966. This was mainly because the pressure exerted by Burnham who was uncomfortable with ethnicbasedclubs.

The Constitution of Guyana does not outlaw ethnic organizations or societies. Had this been the case, the African Cultural a n d D e v e l o p m e n t Association(ACDA)andthe Indian Arrival Committee (IAC)wouldhavelongbeen outlawed. Similarly, there is nothing proscribing the establishment of race-based politicalparties.

I therefore wish to posit toVicePresidentJagdeothat there is no constitutional prohibition against establishing a race-based political party If tomorrow someone wants to establish anAfrican political party or an Indian political party or an Amerindian political party, and if mobilization is based on race, that would


De gat one law fuh you and another fuh dem big boys!

Dem boys seh deh watching de roads these daysanditlooknuffpeople decide to slap on some tint pon dem vehicles You can’t even tell if you’re lookingatacaroramobile caverollingby It’slikeacompetitionto see who could tint their windows blacker than de night sky. If you ask dem why,they’lltellyouit’sfuh “style”orfuh“privacy”but we all know it’s really because dem can get away withit.

But oh no, if you’re drivingalil’ol’carandyou tintyourwindowstoodark, oh lawd, brace yuhself fuh the traffic police to come down pon you likea ton of bricks! You’ll be asked to remove the tint faster than

yuhcouldsaydeword. But dem fancy folks with their fancy cars. Dey rolling around with windows darker than the abyss,butnah,nobodygon’ stop them. Nah, dey too important fuh dat. Dey got places to be, people to see, and deals to make, yuh know?

But wait, there’s more! Nowwegotthesewannabe VIPs blasting sirens and flashing lights like dem is de president or something. Who deh think they are?

Demboysseedemweaving through traffic like Moses parting the Red Sea. But instead of delivering the Ten Commandments, deh probably delivering some pizzaorsomething.

And guess what? Dem

not, in my humble opinion, notbeunlawful.

Whatwouldbeunlawful wouldbeforthosepartiesto incite ethnic conflict or ethnicdivision.Article160A of the Constitution is very clear: “All persons, institutions and political parties are prohibited from taking any action or advancing, disseminating or communicating any idea whichmayresultinracialor ethnic division among the people.” The Constitution also prohibits inciting racial hatredorhostilityorill-will. Guyana’s Constitution has provisions against discrimination based on race. But those provisions

need to be clearly u n d e r s t o o d T h e Constitution outlines two key principles regarding discrimination within the context of laws and public actions. Firstly, it states that no law should be

discriminatory, meaning it shouldn’t unfairly treat certain groups of people

differently, either i n t e n t i o n a l l y o r unintentionally

Secondly, it assertsthatnopersonshould betreatedunfairlybyanyone actingundertheauthorityof a law or while performing official duties in any public office or authority. In essence, it emphasizes the importance of equality and fairness in both laws and theirenforcement.

I therefore wish to disabuse Jagdeo of this idea that he has long harboured that political parties cannot mobilize along the lines of race. They can so long as in doing so they do not excite racial hostility or promote racialhatredandill-will.

What should be of more concerntoJagdeoiswhether Article 10 of the Constitution is justiciable.

boys even heard about dis big businessman not only using sirens but also using trade plates. Like he above de law Trade plates! Like he’s some international diplomat or something Man, he probably just selling hot dogs or expired milk.Butwhocares?

But hey, dis is Guyana, where deh got one law for de lil’man and another for de big shots. So next time you see a private tinted car zooming by with sirens blaring and trade plates on display just remember, in Guyana, anything goes, as long as you got de connections Dem boys seh, welcome to de wild, wild west... or should we say,dehwild,wildGuyana! Talkhalf.Leffhalf.

If Article 10 is legally enforceable and not mere declaratory, then, given the conduct of theAPNU+AFC inthe2020elections,andthe subsequent findings of the COIintothoseelections,the APNU and theAFC may be eligible to be debarred from contestingfuturegeneraland regionalelections.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Article 10 states: “The right to form political parties and their freedom of action are guaranteed. Political parties must respect the principles of national sovereignty and ofdemocracy.”

Kaieteur News PAGE 09 SundayApril 07, 2024



President Ali and Vice President Jagdeo warble at loud volumes about how muchtheyareforGuyanese. Both leaders with almost unparalleled power in their hands insist that the PPP Government, and they themselves, are about

transparency Now there is thiskickingutwakeupcall.

ThePPPGovernmentthatis s o c o m m i t t e d t o transparency went secretly to the CCJ to challenge a Guyana Court of Appeal rulingandjoinonthesideof ExxonMobil to defeat the Guyanesepeople. Theissue

is neither ordinary nor negligible; it is of an unlimited parent company guaranteeforthiscountryin the event of a disastrous oil spill at the company’s offshore operations. Is this movetotheCCJonstealthy feet,liketheproverbialthief in the night, an act of

transparency from a government that swears to transparency? Or is it the kindofconductthatismore commonlyassociatedwitha gangster group, one that thrivesindark,covertdens?

In regular life, there is shunning dealing with anyone-any neighbour, any friend, any relation, any colleague,anycitizen-who has a marked tendency towards the unsavory People of principle shrink from association with those who are transparent in how they are unscrupulous What applies to we, the people, applies with the same force to governments. The PPP Government has now accumulated an outstandingrecordforsecret ambitions, secret visions, and secret strategies. The approach to the CCJ is the latest and is preceded with all those documents of national significance that have been squirreled away from the eyes of Guyanese. I ask again: what is there to fear?

Who is there to protect? What is it that must be coveredupbyanymeans? I look at the Hon Attorney General, Mr Mohabir Anil Nandlall, senior counselor, seniorlawmaker,andsenior practitioner of the artifices of the PPP Government. I turn my eyes away quickly How does a man of the constructionofMr Nandlall (an honorary degree should be on the way) permit himself to be a party to the clandestine, and the nocturnal?

There are creatures of thelightandcreaturesofthe night. ToMr.Nandlall,this brother, I give this free counsel: very little light is left when actions like the one before the CCJ have

fingerprints The president is a lost c a u s e o n transparency,andthe maturity and sobriety that go with such. The VicePresidentthinksof himself as an authority on all things, but what ofcredibility? Whatofwhat is trustworthy? Not by my definition But by the expectationoftheGuyanese people. Guyaneseelecteda government to be by their side, lead the charge for them.

What Guyanese have received, in contrast, is a cowardly cur in the PPP Government that yaps in piteous advocacybefore the CCJoverwhatcoulddestroy morethanGuyana’swealth, morethannationalpromise, more than Guyanese hope. The PPP Government, with AGNandlallasaleadspear carrier,takestheExxonline in defiance of all that is national, and with what could irreparably damage the destiny of citizens of Guyana. Ifthereisanything more subversive than what the PPP Government is doing, I want to know If thereisanyactthatmatches in treachery what is being inflicted by this expanse of feeble leaders before the bullhorn and in parliament, then of that I confess to currentignorance.

My unpriced advice to thegovernment-Ali,Jagdeo, Nandlall-is that since this CCJ move beside Exxon was nothing but mandatory, then there was neither need nor basis for going forward with it under a thick screen of thicker secrecy Is advocacypornography?

Why does defending a so-called principle, contractual or legal or individual, degenerate into

the darkness of this diabolical cleverness? For howlongwasthissnakelike slither to the CCJ expected tostayhidden? Fightinthe lightforExxonanditsprofit enhancing priorities, if that it all that the PPP Government cares about Since the Ali, Jagdeo, Nandlall triumvirate is so enamored of the purity and power of their defence of Exxon’s depraved indifference, then the sanitation, ventilation, and disinfectantofsunlightmust be what is basked in, absorbed.Instead,theylook mildewed and worm infested, introduce a ratty and rancid smell, and decay at accelerating rates Governments defend their people to the death National governments and national leaders do not link arms with the doublecrosserthatGuyanahasfora partner in Exxon. I ask this of my fellow citizens, real patriots only: who today stands as representative of what is traitorous to Guyanese interests? Recall and sift through the unending series of appeasements of a plundering Exxon, of savaging the safety of citizens, and of government selling its dignity and integrityforthechamberpot ofpower

Thepotstinks. ThePPP Government stinks. “Laak ah sed, de peeple” stink so muchthatIdon’twanteven to mention their names anymore.

Look how they damage the dreams of Guyanese, wreck their aspirations

T h i s i s n o t s e l fdetermination. This is selfenslavement.

Itisnowbeyondthelast phrase of any argument that the Guyanese people have been abandoned by Guyaneseleadersandleftto the mercy of American and Chinese, European and Indian wolves. Guyanese must start thinking of new waystoovercomethemall.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this


Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Monday May 02, 2022 SundayApril 07, 2024 HARDTRUTHS BYGHKLALL BY GHK LALL
n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s

Police break down sitting Peru President’s door in search of luxury watches

During the wee hours of Saturday March 30, the home of Peru's President, Dina Boluarte was raided as part of an inquiry into possible illicit enrichment and failure to declare ownershipofluxurywatches as “disproportionate and unconstitutional”.

Police broke down the door of Boluarte's residence early on Saturday morning, television images showed, apparently after calls by officials to allow them accesstosearchforevidence wentunanswered.Boluarte's house is located in the Lima district of Surquillo, a few kilometres from the

governmentpalace. Yesterday, the Guardian reported, Peru's president, Boluarte, has dismissed an investigation into her use of luxurywatchesasa“smokes c r e e n ” , d e n y i n g wrongdoing and saying that theitemshadbeenloanedto her, though she admitted to journalists that it was a “mistake” to have accepted them. Earlier on Friday she faced closed-door questioning by prosecutors which lasted nearly five hours, amid allegations of illicit enrichment linked to heruseofatleastthreeRolex watches and designer jewellery that appeared

inconsistentwithhermodest monthly presidential salary ofabout£3,320($4,200). The president's fierce denial comes just a week after police and prosecutors battereddownthedoorofher home in a Lima suburb in a night-timeraidsearchingfor the watches. The Rolexgate scandal has embroiled her government in a political crisis and forced the unpopularleadertoreshuffle her cabinet after abrupt resignations.Boluarte,61,is far from being the first Peruvian president to be accusedofcorruptionbutthe allegations have done nothing to improve the

reputation of a leader accusedofpresidingoverthe killings of 49 people by security forces during widespreadprotestsoverthe ousting of her predecessor, Pedro Castillo, in December 2022. She faces a separate ongoing investigation over herroleinthosedeaths.

In a televised address to thenation,Boluartesaidshe told prosecutors that the watches had been a loan fromWilfredoOscorima,the governor of Ayacucho, a region in Peru's southern Andes, whom she described asa“friend”anda“brother”.

She said all the watches except one had been lent to her by Oscorima, who she said had told her he hoped they would project a good image of the country if she worethem.

“Itwasanerrortoaccept asaloanthosewatchesfrom my friend,” she said, adding she had already returned those she borrowed. “As these watches are not my property,Iwasnotobligedto declare them in my declaration of assets and income, ” she added defiantly She went on to dismiss allegations that she owned a luxury designer bracelet and necklace,

Peru's President, Dina Boluarte

saying the items in question were costume jewellery she hadownedforyears. Boluarte dismissed the investigationasa“lie”anda “smoke-screen” and called on prosecutors to be more professional, rather than following leads from the “tendentiouspress”.

Sheblamedherfailureto clarify the situation earlier on her lawyer Mateo Castañeda, who sat next to her at the press conference. She said he had advised her not to address the country until she had dealt with the

prosecutors. Boluarte's late response to the allegations, which emerged in midMarch,maydolittletoallay scepticism.

The scandal began when La Encerrona, a popular Peruvian news podcast, analysed 10,000 images from the presidential Flickr account, revealing what appeared to be an undisclosed collection of luxury watches and jewellery The prosecutor's office made no immediate comment following Boluarte'stestimony.

Kaieteur News PAGE 12 SundayApril 07, 2024

Police raid Mexican Embassy in Equador to arrest corrupt Vice President

Ecuadorianpoliceraided the Mexican embassy in Quito,leadingtothearrestof former Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas, who had sought asylum there. This action has sparked a severe diplomatic crisis between Mexico and Ecuador, with Mexico promptly severing diplomatic ties with Ecuador in response to what it called "an outrage against internationallaw."

CNN reported that in a statement foreign ministry spokesperson said all Mexican diplomatic staff would leave Ecuador immediately Video from the scene showed police officers massingaroundtheembassy, some armed. Embassies are generally considered protected spaces under diplomatic norms. Glas has since been transferred to the GuayasNo.3Deprivationof Liberation Center, a maximum-security prison in Guayaquil known as La Roca, the national prisons agency SNAI announced Saturday

A rift between the two LatinAmericancountrieshad been growing for several days, culminating Friday in Mexico's decision to grant politicalasylumtoGlas,who

served as vice president under leftist ex-President Rafael Correa between 2013 and 2017. Convicted twice on corruption charges, Glas says he is the subject of politicalpersecutionandhad been sheltering inside the embassy

He had most recently been accused by Ecuadorian authorities of embezzling government funds meant to help rebuild after a devastating2016earthquake. But on Friday, Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, on his official X account, said he had been informed that “police from Ecuador forcibly entered” the Mexican embassy and took Glas – who “was a refugee and processing asylum because of the persecution andharassmenthefaces.”

“Whatyouhavejustseen is an outrage against international law and the inviolability of the Mexican embassy in Ecuador,” Roberto Canseco, head of chancellery and policy affairs of the Mexican embassy,toldareporterfrom CNNE, calling Glas's arrest “totallyunacceptable.”

“It is barbarism, ” Canseco added “It is impossible for them to violate the diplomatic premisesastheyhavedone.”

Mexico plans to lodge a

A statement released by Ecuador's government on X also confirmed the arrest. Glas was “sentenced to imprisonment by the Ecuadorian justice system,” thestatementfromEcuador's government read, and was “arrested tonight and placed under the orders of the competent authorities.” He had been granted diplomatic asylum “contrary to the conventional legal framework,”thegovernment said.

complaint with the InternationalCourtofJustice to denounce the Ecuadorian police's actions, the spokesperson for Mexico's Secretary of Foreign Affairs added.

Mexico's Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Alicia Bárcena, said there had been no prior contact with Ecuador's foreign ministry aboutthearrestandCanseco was physically attacked during the arrest. Video shows Canseco scuffling with police outside the embassy and being dragged to the ground. Adding to

current tensions was Lopez Obrador's apparent criticism ofEcuador'srecentelections, saying the 2023 run-off vote tookplaceina“verystrange” manner and suggesting presidential candidates had used the media, presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio's assassination and overall violence in their favor while campaigning Afterthatcomment,Ecuador declared Mexico's ambassador to the country “persona non grata, ” meaning they would have to leave the country in short order The dramatic rupture in relations sent shockwaves through the region, with Latin American leaders swiftly condemning Ecuador's raid on the embassy

I n a s t a t e m e n t , Colombian President Gustavo Petro said Glas's right to asylum had been “barbarically violated” and called for an urgent examination of the “breach oftheViennaconventionbya m e m b e r s t a t e ” b y international bodies, includingtheOrganizationof AmericanStates.

Eric Farnsworth, a former US State Department official who now heads the Washington office of the

Council of theAmericas and the Americas Society, called Ecuador's move “impulsive andunnecessary.”

It“turnsacriminalintoa victimandgivesopponentsa rally point against (Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa) whom they despise,” he wrote on X, adding it ignites a “state-tostate crisis with Mexico at a tough time.” Ecuador, once seen as an island of peace in the region, has been convulsed by violence in recentyearsaspowerfuldrug trafficking organizations established operations throughoutthecountry

Afterviolencebrokeinto thestreetsinJanuary,Noboa tooktheextraordinarystepof declaring an “internal armed conflict” in the country, ordering Ecuador's armed forces to “neutralize” members of more than 20 gangs, which he labeled as terrorgroups.

“The underlying story here is Latin American leaders who increasingly believe it's necessary to violatetheconstitution,”said Brian Winter, editor-in-chief ofAmericasQuarterly,“orin this case break diplomatic convention because of the 'emergency' generated by organizedcrime.”

Kaieteur News PAGE 13 SundayApril 07, 2024
Former Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas


negotiating, and I can say here withoutfearofcontradiction,every SUNDAY contract that we negotiated augurs better in direct revenue for the Guyana could have received people of Trinidad and Tobago and US$1.1B in 2023 with 10% the multinational oil and gas royalty, instead received companies have not got up and run US$228M with 2% off.”

Young reasoned that those

For the year 2023, Guyana companies are continuing to invest received a total of US$228M in since“respectandfairness”arekey Royalty payments, in accordance pillarsinbusiness. with the 2016 Production Sharing

“They continue to invest Agreement (PSA) the country because it is all about respect and signed with American oil giant, fairness of relationships and I offer ExxonMobil. that here to Guyana and to

The terms of the agreement Suriname in a collaborative stipulates that “The Contractor approach because you see I am shall pay, a royalty of two convinced that [we can] work percent of all Petroleum produced together to change the and sold.” Royalty is a fixed dynamics…”hesaid. percentage paid to the owners of vessels (FPSOs). Guyana is aiming natural resources from the sale of toproduce1.2millionbpdby2027. Giveaway of Canje, Kaieteur production. Asproductionincreases,sowill Oil Blocks mirrors controversial

The paltry 2% paid to Guyana the potential losses for the country Senegal gas deals – Glenn Lall from ExxonMobil is one of the by not demanding more from its several provisions included in the naturalresources.

The controversial giveaway of deal that deprives the nation of a For its part, ExxonMobil has the Canje and Kaieteur oil blocks fair share of its wealth. In fact, the already made it clear that it would under the Donald Ramotar government has accepted that the not walk away if government presidency has striking similarities countryisnotbenefittingequallyin demands more from its sweet light of several gas deals signed by the the lopsided contract and has crude, discovered in the lucrative West African country of Senegal drafted a new PSA which will StabroekBlock. under its former leader, Macky however not apply to the Stabroek President of ExxonMobil Sall, anti-corruption campaigner, Block,whereover11billionbarrels Guyana Limited (EMGL), Alistair GlennLallhassaid. ofoilhasbeendiscoveredtodate. Routledge made the disclosure Lallmadethecommentsduring

In the new agreement, during a press conference in May his radio programme – The Glenn electionshehadjailedFaye,butthe like sand. “No Guyanese would governmentrequiresoilcompanies last year in response to a question Lall Show last Wednesday where young man came out of prison to have to go to bed hungry in this topayaminimumof10%royaltyto fromKaieteurNews. he revisited the issue of the defeat him at the polls. Asking country – that’s the kind of money thestate. giveawayoftheCanjeandKaieteur whether Sall’s behavior mirrors we already lost out on, just on the

The political Opposition had Companies have not blocks which were handed to that of former President Bharrat oilblocks,”thebusinessmanstated. voiceditssupportforthenewterms run off because of persons during the dying days of Jagdeo, Mr Lall said: “Yes it does, Giveaway to be a start of discussions with renegotiation – TT Minister Ramotar’spresidency heserved12yearstooandwanteda The Canje Block for instance ExxonMobil to secure a better deal Lall told his audience that he third term, put up billboards all was awarded by the Donald for the country Notably, had It must be noted that Trinidad had visited Senegal under the overforathirdterm,evenmovedto Ramotar administration on March Guyana institute this single and Tobago’s Minister of Energy presidency of Sall. Lall noted that thecourtsandwhenhelostthecase, 4, 2015, days before that year’s provision from the new PSA, the and Energy Industries, Stuart Sall took two of that country’s heruntilltotheCaribbeanCourtof General and Regional Elections, to country could have received a Young had offered the country’s richest gas fields, which he could Justice (CCJ) to see if the judges a local company, Mid-Atlantic Oil whopping US$1,142,166,805 in expertise to help Guyana benefit have sold and repay that country’s would give him a third term, and Gas. Similarly, the Kaieteur royalties last year, instead of the fromabetteroildeal. US$5B debt and lifted its 17 insteadhegetasledgehammer…” Block was awarded on April 28, meager US$228,433,361 it Youngwasakeyspeakeronthe million people out of poverty, but Turning his attention to the 2015, just two weeks before the c o l l e c t e d f r o m t h e 2 % second day of theGuyana’s Energy instead of selling them, he handed Kaieteur and Canje oil blocks, Lall elections,andliketheCanjeBlock, arrangement. Conference and Supply Chain both of them to an Australian, said had the PPP government sold it was done based on the advice of

In the first quarter of 2023, Expo, hosted at the Marriott Hotel Frank Timmis for free. Lall noted them in the open market, “by now former Minister of Natural G u y a n a r e c e i v e d a in Kingston The TT Minister that Timmis had no experience in no one would have had to be Resources, Robert Persaud, US$57,591,504M, followed by a shared that the country spent seven the oil and gas business. ”Now barking in their yards or in the Ramotar had said. Two companies US$54,436,683M payment in the years renegotiating almost all of its hear what went on in Senegal streets, to get a livable wage, received the blocks with 50-50 second quarter Meanwhile, in the gascontracts. –Timmis sold a portion of the two Guyana would have done paid out stakes – Ratio Energy Limited third and fourth quarters, the He said, “It can be done, so our gas fields to an oil company and the US$3B debt we had at the time, (now Cataleya Energy Limited) c o u n t r y w a s p a i d ability to sit down right across the collected over US$900M. He then and still have enough money for all and Ratio Guyana Limited. The U S $ 5 2 , 8 0 5 , 9 0 8 M a n d aisle and to share with those who tied up a deal the British oil Giant Guyanese to eat comfortably.” Lall award of the oil blocks to the US$63,599,266Mrespectively are now entering into the BP for the remainder, and is set to arguedonhisshowthatthevalueof companies was especially

Even though Guyana stands to negotiations of their PSCs collect US$12B more over a 40- the country’s oil blocks could have concerning since the ultra-deep gainsignificantlymorebyapplying (Production Sharing Contracts), year period.” He continued: “Hear played a major role in the drillingisrequiredforthoseblocks, a10%royaltytotheContractor,the their E&P (Exploration and that, one foreigner sitting with livelihoods of citizens today, “but atechniquewhichonlyahandfulof government of Guyana is reluctant Production) Licenses etcetera US$900M and is set to pocket they have disappeared in the wee companies in the world have the to engage ExxonMobil for a should not be underestimated US$12B more over the next 40 hours into the hands of people that technology, track record, and renegotiationofthedeal. because we have done the same years, and the whole country still have left many questions capability to execute. The red flags

It argues that the ‘sanctity of thinginourgassupplycontractsfor sitting with US$5B debt and the unanswered, about who got them, which have manifested in both contracts’ principle must be theupstream.” people starving.” “Hear more of how they got them, who are situations include that the awards respected. It also believes that The Minister added, “Very what happened, later on, the benefitting from them, where these were given to unqualified seeking a renegotiation now can often I hear those who have no country found out that the people come from, and what companies, that the initial owners drive investors away and slow the access to the information President’s brother ended up being expertise they have in the industry quickly flipped the blocks without pace of production and exploration whatsoever talking about the part of the company that received astobeinginpossessionoftheseoil doing any work, that they are activities ongoing in the Stabroek energy sector and what should be the sale money from that blocks. “ Lall believes had these incorporated in ‘secrecy’ Block by the Exxon-led done, similar to what Vice transaction.” blocks been sold on the open jurisdictions, and that Guyana consortium. President Bharrat Jagdeo was Sall served 12 years as market, Guyana would have paid likely lost revenue due to the Presently, over 600,000 barrels speaking about this morning. But president and elections were held off the entire region’s debt; salaries avoidance of an open, competitive of oil per day (bpd) is being the point is, we in Trinidad and lastweekwherehelosttoSenegal’s could have been five times more bidding process Lall told his produced by three Floating Tobago have spent the last seven anti-establishment leader, Bassirou than what they are getting now and audiencethatRamotarhadsaidthat Production Storage and Offloading years of our term successfully Diomaye Faye Prior to the money would have been rolling in (Continued on page 15)

Kaieteur News PAGE 14 Sunday April 07, 2024
ExxonMobil Headquarters Kaieteur News Publisher, Glenn Lall

From page 14 topayapplicabledutiesandtaxes. hundreds of files came to his desk

In addition to equipment, everydaytosignoff,“andwhenthe vehicles and machinery for the thenMinisterofNaturalResources, project, the pact also provides for Robert Persaud brought the files of the importation of all usual and theKaieteurandCanjeoilblocksto necessary personal items and his desk for his signature, he asked electronic and household effects Robert if everything is okay with that are not available in Guyana, to them, and Robert told him yes sir, be exempted, provided that these so he signed off the files. Ramotar arelistedasfortheproject. alsosaidveryclearly,henevermet, These however, cannot be know or see the people who resold, unless with the explicit received the oil blocks because permission of the Commissioner

Robert Persaud was the minister General of the Guyana Revenue who signed off the deal with the Authority, government, or with the people.” Lall said when Persaud government’s blessing, to another wasasked,whoreceivedbothofthe person. The same obtains for the Barbados and the Cayman Islands, hold to account those who misuse anything brought into Guyana oil blocks he said, “he never meet, Karouni Mineral Agreement, the government will ensure it goes anonymous companies. It should Compounding the situation further, see or know the owners, he only where also the company is given a after their information to ensure benotedthatcountrieswhichfailto the MineralAgreements also allow met the lawyers who signed on similar provision with the they pay their fair share of taxes. honour the requirements of the fortheforeignminingcompaniesto behalf of the owners, and when he exception of exemptions on the TheVicePresidenthadalsogivena international body could face pay Customs Officers to clear their was asked to provide the names of importations of food and a ten-year commitmenttoensurethatthiswas expulsion. imports at a port of the company’s thelawyerswhosignedonbehalfof cap. As indicated in the Reunion completed before the end of 2020. choosing. the owners, he said he can’t Manganese Inc. contract, it is the That was the same deadline given MONDAY These are among the glaring remember them or where their company that effectively defrays to Guyana and other members of similarities uncovered during a officesarelocated.” the cost associated with the the Extractive Industries Foreign mining companies perusal of the Reunion Manganese

It has been close to five years clearance of any imports into the Transparency Initiative (EITI) to handed carte blanche Inc. Agreement that was signed since the PPP/C Government has country Additionally, the have such information made exemption on taxes and fees on between the Government of failed to honour its promise to government spells out that in order public. anything brought into Guyana GuyanaandtheGeologyandMines release the beneficial owners of the to carry out their operations The international body, EITI, …pay Customs Officers Commission (GGMC), as well as oil blocks offshore which include effectively, “it is required to import hadsaiditdecidedtocrackdownon to clear their imports at the Karouni Agreement (Troy but are not limited to the Kaieteur, on an expedited basis a significant this global problem since hidden port of their choosing Rresources) In the Reunion Canje, Orinduik, Kanuku, amount of goods. As such, the identities in the extractive sectors contract,undertheclausethatdeals Demerara, Corentyne, and Berbice contract dictates that the onlyhelptofeedcorruptionandtax Large-scale mining companies with importing property into concessions. The issue was first government undertakes to ensure evasion. It also added that people have been operating in Guyana for Guyana, the pact stipulates that raised in November 2020 by the thatthecompany’simports“willbe who live in resource-rich countries decades with many of their terms governmentwillprovidetheproper Vice President, Jagdeo, who holds treated on an expedited basis by are at particular risk of losing out andconditionsbeingkeptoutofthe public officers having jurisdiction an oversight responsibility for the CustomsPersonnel.” when facing this problem as publicdomain. to provide customs clearance oilandgasindustry extractive assets are too often Similarly, small and medium- facilities and personnel for the Back then, he said that the Guyana’s oil account misallocatedforcorruptreasons. scale miners have been at pains, company, and its mining government would seek to gets US$604.3M top

The EITI further noted that its lamenting the conditions under operations, “at a location determine the beneficial owners of up in first quarter standard requires public officials, which government policies hinder designated by the company within Guyana’s resources, with first – payments represent sales also known as Politically Exposed their progress in developing the theprospectingareaasapplicable.” priority being given to the owners from 2023 fourth quarter Persons (PEPs), to be transparent industry and the unfair advantages The contract, dictates however that of the nation’s oil blocks. Jagdeo about their ownership in oil, gas beinghandedtoforeigners. the company shall defray all had said that the government The Natural Resource Fund andminingcompanies. A perusal of contracts signed reasonable expenses incurred by intends to have a greater (NRF) received US$604 3M

The international watchdog withatleasttwo miningcompanies the government in connection with understanding of the ownership during the first three months of said that this information, once suggestsacarteblancheonimports, providing such Customs’ structure of the companies with the 2024. provided by its members, will be giving credence to the local personnel. said licenses while adding that this According to a Gazetted Order, publicly available and will be lamentations. The contracts, all of Meaning, the company will is important for transparency and published on March 28, 2024, the published in EITI Reports and/or which this publication was told are have to foot the bill for the customs taxationpurposes. countrywaspaidforsevenliftsand publicregistries. crafted in similar fashion, not only officer(s)andtheirservices.

Jagdeo said too that while a oneroyaltypayment,relativetothe Once published, EITI said, law give clearance to the companies to This publication in its Sunday numberofthecompanieswhichare fourthquarterof2023.Thedeposits enforcers, civil society and others import any kind of equipment, it editionfeaturedonitsFrontPage,a operating Guyana’s oil blocks are were made during the period have a responsibility to scrutinize also gives foreigners carte blanche luxury off road vehicle imported registered in tax havens, including January 1, 2024 and March 28, the information, and take action to exemption on taxes and fees on intoGuyana,purportedlytobeused 2024. for mining operations. It should be

In accordance with the fiscal noted however, that under the provisions of the 2016 Petroleum contract signed with the Agreement, Guyana receives 2% government, GGMC and Reunion royaltyand50%oftheprofits,after Manganese Inc. the company is the Contractor deducts 75% of the firstly exempted from paying monthly earnings to repay its customs duties, Value Added Tax investments(costrecovery). (VAT), and any other direct or The Ministry of Finance indirect tax, on all equipment reported that two of the profit oil requiredfortheproject. payments related to lifts from the

Additionally, it was further third Floating Production Storage clarified at section eight (8) of the and Offloading vessel (FPSO)- contract, that whether for its own Prosperity- which commenced oil account of any local or foreign productioninNovember2023. contractor retained for the project

The NRFAct of 2021 mandates purposes, they too shall not be the Minister of Finance to report required to pay any licence, fees, receipts of all petroleum revenues duties or any other charges relating paidtotheoilaccount. totheimportantofanyvehicletobe This year, Guyana is expected used for the project’s purposes toreceiveUS$2.1Binoilrevenues. withinRegionOneofGuyana.

Out of 202 projected lifts of crude,

Theonlycaveat,ifthevehicleis Guyana will get 25. With each lift toberemovedfromRegionOne,or beingapproximatelyonemillion not used for its intended purpose,

(Continued on page 16) then the company would be liable

Kaieteur News PAGE 15 Sunday April 07, 2024
A luxury off road vehicle imported into Guyana, purportedly to be used for mining operations

From page 15 activities scale up, Routledge state the statutory b a r r e l s , G u y a n a ’ s stakeholders worry that the basis for a second agreement entitlement this year is 25 country may be at grave over the same area even million barrels of crude financial risk should an oil before the first Agreement

Each lift will be marketed spill occur since the country hadexpired? and sold by Guyana’s hired does have a full parent

Government expects

10 - Can he identify for marketers,andthefundswill company guarantee from Guyanese the provision in be deposited into the Natural ExxonMobil to cover these the Petroleum (Exploration ResourceFund. costs. Instead, the oil giant’s and Production) Act the In addition to profit oil, subsidiary, EMGL has authority for a Bridging the oil companies are lodged a US$2B guarantee Deed and state the name of mandated to pay Guyana and committed a US$600M theGovernmentofficialwith royalties of 2% of the crude insurance for each spill which Exxon negotiated produced and sold occurrence. suchadeed?

11- Can he state the role US$320M in royalties this TUESDAY of Sir Shridath Ramphal as year Added to the profit oil Escrow Agent under the export earnings, Guyana ‘Tell the nation how much allow Guyana to benefit companybyprovidingdirect up to that date. Would Mr Bridging Deed and whether would be making about it has lost from the lack of from 50% of all the profits responses to issues in his Routledge present to the he (Sir Shridath) was U S $ 2 4 B f r o m o i l ring-fencing’– Ram to after the cost of the column.

G u y a n e s e p u b l i c a retained and paid by Exxon productionin2024–afigure ExxonMobil development has been The Lawyer reasoned, reconciliation of this or the Government of that will pale in comparison repaid. In the absence of this “Mr Routledge is aware that difference? Guyana, and to meet EITI to the massive earnings of Attorney-at-Law and key provision, ExxonMobil Exxon will be the dominant 4-TheCompaniesActof disclosure requirements, ExxonMobil and its co- Chartered Accountant, has been using the country’s playerinGuyanaforthenext Guyana only allows an howmuchhewaspaid? venturers in the Stabroek Christopher Ram has called profits to fund the forty years or more and is no external company to hold an 12 - Is it correct that Block. on ExxonMobil Guyana development of other doubt concerned about the interest in land with the US$15 Mn. of the “signing

Currently, three projects- Limited (EMGL), the projects that are yet to negative image associated approval of the President. bonus” of US$18 million Liza One, Liza Two and operatorofGuyana’sprolific commence production with the company and its Would Mr Routledge wasintendedtotakethelegal Payara- are producing StabroekBlocktoinformthe activities. operations.Itisintheinterest identify the President who caseagainstVenezuelatothe approximately 640,000 nationonhowmuchrevenue The 2016 Production ofGuyanesetohaveanswers grantedthatapprovaltolease International Court of barrels of oil per day (BPD) it has lost due to the lack of a Sharing Agreement (PSA) to burning questions about landinOgle? Justice, the success of which in the Stabroek Block ring-fencingprovision. allows Exxon to deduct 75% the 2016 contract, the 5 - Under its lease from would be a major benefit to ExxonMobil Guyana The prominent anti- of the country’s oil each company’s operations and the Government of Guyana, Exxon? Limited (EMGL), the corruption activist in his month towards cost; the the unconscionable situation OgleAirportIncispermitted

13 - Would he agree that operator of the Block has weeklycolumn,publishedin remaining 25% is then split of a country with a high to sub-lease land only for it is a complete misnomer to ramped up production the Stabroek News, ‘Every with Guyana as profits. This poverty rate paying the taxes narrowly defined activities. describe the US$18 Mn. as a beyond the design capacity Man, Woman and Child in means that the country’s of one of the world’s top Can Mr Routledge identify signingbonus? of the Liza Destiny, Guyana Must Become Oil- profit share is significantly companies.” the government official who

14 -There are four types Guyana’s first FPSO. The Minded’compiledalistof30 reduced to allow for the He added that the authorised the exemption of expenditure provided for vesselwasdesignedtosafely questions for EMGL’s recoveryofcosts. Country Manager must also from this requirement to under the Petroleum operate at 120,000 bpd Country Manager, Alistair In his 30 questions beawarethatGuyanesehave allow for the construction of Agreement. Can he provide however it is now producing Routledge. addressed to the President of arighttohavetheirquestions an Administrative Office, details of any expenditure over 160,000 bpd according In an invited comment, ExxonMobil Guyana, and concerns addressed, by andwhateverelse? under the categories “Costs to the most recent statistics Ram told Kaieteur News he Alistair Routledge, the those who are enjoying the

6 - Whether Exxon and recoverable only with on the Ministry of Natural transparency advocate asked benefits of the people’s itspartnersobtainedfromthe Approval of the Minister” Resourceswebsite. Routledgetosaywhetherthe patrimony “It cannot be too Government approval of and Costs “recoverable

ExxonMobil also plans current or previous much to ask a major their joint operating subject to the approval by to carry out debottlenecking administrations ever beneficiaryofthatpatrimony agreement, the date of such Minister” over the past four on the Liza Unity, the formallyraisedthesubjectof toprovideresponsesthatwill approval and the Minister years? country’s second FPSO, to ring-fencing with the allaythefearsofthepeople,” whograntedthatapproval? 15 - Would he provide a allow the vessel to produce company Ramconcluded.

7-Whetherthepurported statement of the annual costs above the designed capacity Ram also enquired, QUESTIONS FROM takeoverofHessbyChevron of petroleum deducted from of250,000bpd. “WhetherExxonacceptsthat RAM TOALISTAIR constitutes an assignment by Gross Revenue for purposes

Vice President Bharrat the Government of Guyana ROUTLEDGE Hess to Chevron for of royalty payment to Jagdeo’s position is that the has the power to set 1 - Shell had paid Exxon purposes ofArticle 25 of the GuyanaunderArticle15.6of country’s oil resources conditions on the granting of for two farms-in the Petroleum Agreement for theAgreement? should be produced as a Production Licence, StabroekBlock,foratotalof which approval of the 15 - And further, quicklyaspossible.Jagdeo’s includingring-fencing.” 50% interest Can Mr Ministerisrequired? confirmation that such costs personal depletion policy, was forced to raise his In his preamble of his Routledge say how much 8 - Particulars of annual are also not deducted as aptly encapsulated by the concerns with the oil column, the Attorney-at- was paid by Shell and taxcreditsclaimedbyExxon operatingexpenses. phrase “drill baby drill!” has c o m p a n y s i n c e t h e LawreasonedthatRoutledge whether the money was in the USA in respect of its 16 -Would he provide an becometheguidingprinciple government does not feel it entertained a brief interview credited to the accounts of Guyana operations and estimate of how much of the government’s hasanyobligationtoprovide with Mr Stephen Sakur, a theGuyanaoperations? provideevidenceoftheGRA Guyana has lost annually in management of the Guyanese with answers to renowned BBC journalist on 2 - Can he also state for certificates of taxes paid, Profit Oil since 2020 in the petroleum sector The Vice the questions that are Exxon’s operations in the edification of Guyanese, usedtoclaimtaxcredits. absenceofring-fencing? President has said that fundamental to the economy Guyana, on the sidelines of how much Hess and 8 - Would Mr Routledge 17 - Whether Exxon demand for fossil fuels is and the country He said, the Guyana Energy CNOOC paid to Exxon for state whether he considers a accepts that the Government either going to be static or “Surely they (Exxon) have Conference and Supply their 55% share in the receipt for taxes not paid by of Guyana has the power to declininginthenext15to20 the resources to enable them ChainExpo. Stabroek Block and whether Exxon not only raises legal set conditions on the years due to the implications to obtain and pass on the Ram however noted that those sums were credited to and ethical questions but granting of a Production of climate change and the answers.” the limited nature of the the accounts of the Guyana violates the OECD/G20 Licence, including ringglobal transition to cleaner In his column published engagement did not allow operations?

Framework on Base Erosion fencing? energy sources. However, he on March 29, 2024, Ram Sakur the high standard 3 - The audited financial and Profit Shifting which 18 - Has the Coalition believes that Guyana has a asked Routledge to provide which viewers across the statements of these three oil requires large companies to Government or the current window of opportunity to an estimate of how much world associate with his companies(Exxon,Hessand pay a 15% effective Government formally raised extract its oil resources Guyana has lost annually in flagship programme ‘Hard CNOOC) at 31 December minimumtaxrate? with Exxon the question of before demand starts to Profit Oil since 2020, in the Talk’ To this end, he 2015 showed a total 9 - The Laws of Guyana ringfencing? decline, and this is why he absenceofring-fencing. challenged the Country expenditure of US$368 only allow the petroleum 19 - Former petroleum wants to extract the oil as A ring-fencing provision Manager to remove some of million,whilethecompanies minister to grant to any minister Raphael Trotman quicklyaspossible. would require each oil the more serious suspicions claimed US$460 million as company a single petroleum wroteinhisbookDestinyto Even as production project to pay for itself and and accusations against the pre-contract costs incurred agreement Would Mr

(Continued on page 58)

Kaieteur News PAGE 16 Sunday April 07, 2024
Attorney-at-Law and Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram EMGL’s Country Manager, Alistair Routledge

Senegal’s newly elected President announces immediate probe and renegotiation of all Oil, Gas and Mining contracts handed

out by former leader

In a televised address to the nation on W e d n e s d a y , Senegal's newly elected President,BassirouDiomaye Faye, revealed plans for a comprehensive audit of the nation's oil, gas, and mining sectors, and their terms and conditions under which they were handed out by his predecessor

Faye's announcement comes shortly after his landslide victory over the rulingcoalition'scandidatein March's elections, underscoring the electorate's strong desire for change in thecountryofapproximately 18millionpeople.

However, Faye's action strongly contrasts with that of Guyana's Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo who while in opposition promised to renegotiate the lopsided ExxonMobil contract with Guyana, but has since changed his tune- even denying that he had ever madesuchapromise.

A passionate and almost angry Jagdeo while functioning as Leader of the Opposition, just over three years ago, said in an interview that the then A Partnership for National Unity+AllianceForChange (APNU+AFC) Coalition government “sold” the country to “foreigners” because that administration failedtoincludering-fencing to shore up profits from the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with American oil giant, ExxonMobil. At that time, Jagdeoassuredthatwhenthe People's Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) returned to office, this would be a priority when the contract is renegotiated.

“They sold us out to the foreigners.

The oil companies, every timethereisafindoutthere, our people should be sad because nothing comes our way We are gonna renegotiate those contracts because that's not what we had in mind,” Jagdeo said then.

He added, “When we were in the early days, we

were coaxing the people (ExxonMobil) to go along. They (Coalition) came into office – three billion barrels of proven reserves and they gave up zero royalties, no taxes,noring-fencing.”

Soonaftertakingofficein 2020,thenowVicePresident (VP) has not only changed his tune but also his tone when it comes to the renegotiation of the Exxon contractandsecuringgreater benefitsforGuyanese.

Meanwhile, the auditone of the initial policy initiatives unveiled since Faye's inauguration on Tuesday signals a proactive approach to governance by the 44-year-old former tax inspector A

Senegalese newly elected

president, “The exploitation of our natural resources, which according to the constitution belong to the people, will receive particular attention from my government.”

According to the newly elected President: “I will proceed with the disclosure oftheeffectiveownershipof extractive companies and with an audit of the mining, oil,andgassector."

While specific details of the audit were not provided, President Faye did seek to reassure investors about Senegal's commitment to a conducive business environment. "Investor rights will always be protected, as well as the interests of the state and the people,"heemphasised.

the 5th president

Senegal'santicipationfor economic growth is high as the country gears up for its f i r s t o ff s h o r e o i l development, slated to commence production in mid-2024. The Sangomar oil and gas project, spearheaded by Woodside Energy, is e x p e c t e d t o y i e l d approximately 100,000 barrels per day, marking a

significant milestone in Senegal'semergenceasanoil andgasproducer

PresidentFaye'sascentto power comes amidst soaring expectationsfromayouthful population grappling with mounting living expenses and a dearth of employment opportunities.

In response, the new administrationhaspledgedto combat corruption

vigorously and introduce sweeping economic reforms aimed at advancing national interests.

This includes plans to renegotiate existing oil, g a s , a n d m i n e r a l contracts with foreign operators, underscoring F a y e ' s c a m p a i g n commitment to ensuring equitable benefits for the Senegalesepeople.

Kaieteur News PAGE 17 SundayApril 07, 2024
ccording to the
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo Senegal's newly elected President, Bassirou Diomaye Faye Senegal's newly elected President, Bassirou Diomaye Faye while being sworn as

Cops arrested man nabbed with ammo, after threatening child mother with gun

A36-year-oldmanwasarrestedbypolice on Friday, when he was nabbed with 15 live roundsofAK-47ammunitionsathishomein Middle Walk, Buxton, East Coast Demerara (ECD), after he allegedly assaulted and threatenedhischildmotherwithafirearm.

A report from police stated that at about 23:45hrs, ranks responded to a report of domestic violence, which related that a woman was allegedly assaulted and threatenedbyherchildfatherwithagun.Itis alsoallegedthatthesuspectpointedthegunat the victim when he heard her talking to the policeonthephone.

Assuch,ranksvisitedalocationatMiddle Walk, Buxton, where the suspect was contacted. He was told of the offence, cautioned and arrested. Thereafter police conducted a search of the premises, where they found a magazine with 15 live (7.62 × 39)AKroundsofammunition.Furtherchecks weremadeforthefirearmbutthesearchwas unsuccessful.Policesaidtheammunitionwas photographed, taken possession of, and transported to the Vigilance Police Station, where it was processed for latent prints and lodged. The suspect is in custody pending furtherinvestigations.

Kaieteur News PAGE 18 SundayApril 07, 2024
The 15 live rounds of AK ammunitions that were found

A Trip down Memory Lane

In observance of our 30th Anniversary as a national newspaper and 5th Anniversary as a Radio Station, Kaieteur News is sharing with you, our readers and followers a few intimate moments of staffers, past and present.

Kaieteur News PAGE 19 SundayApril 07, 2024

Kaieteur News marks

milestone305 years in radio broadcast

Publisher of Kaieteur News, Mr. Glenn Lall and family on Thursday celebrated 30 years of success in the newspaper business and five years of radio broadcast. The businessman was joined by staff, supporters and well-wishers at the Saffon Street, Georgetown Office for a simple celebration.

The Entertainment

Demarco, Timeka Marshall to headline One Guyana Concert at Port Kaituma

PAGE 22 SundayApril 07, 2024
Kaieteur News

It’s time the UN Security Council acts to stop the killing in Gaza

The escalation of violence in Gaza by Israel has prompted a global outcry, marking a rising disgust, particularly among theyoung,ofwhatiswidely regarded as a hugely disproportionate response to theHamasattackonIsraelon October7,2023.

Now, the outrage has grownbeyondyoungpeople t o i n c l u d e s o l i d representatives of the traditional establishment, at least in Britain. With over 600 British legal experts, including retired judges from the Supreme Court, demanding a halt to the British government’s arms salestoIsrael,theurgencyof a re-evaluation by the UN Security Council of its stanceontheconflictshould beobvious.

The concerns of the British legal fraternity are linked to their fear of the possibility of complicity by the British government in grave breaches of international law by Israel, usingarmsthataresupplied, in part, by Britain. If the Israeli government, particularly its globally unpopular Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, continues to dismiss all urgings to de-escalate attacks on Gaza, the current crisis will enter the realm of globalethicalresponsibility Genocideordefence?

ThecourageoftheSouth African government to take theallegationofgenocideby theIsraeligovernmenttothe International Court of Justice(ICJ),andtheCourt’s decision in January 2024 to order provisional measures against Israel, has strengthened the growing view that the government of Israel is committing genocide.

Thedetailedaccountsby the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, of civilian targeting, destruction of vital infrastructure, and the systematic denial of

essential supplies, give credence to the fears about genocide. Inherreporttothe UN Security Council, she said that there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that Israel is “committing the crime of genocide against the Palestinians as a group in Gaza.” Israel has adamantly rejected these accusations. However, the killing of aid workers from the World Central Kitchen, illustrates to many that Israeli forces maynotbeascareful,asthey claim, to ensure that noncombatants are not targeted intheirattack.

Excessive actions test traditional alliances These incidents not only fuel the debate but also test the historicalalliancesthathave, until now, shaped the geopolitical landscape, including in the U S administration, which has beguntorealizethatitcould betaintedbyPrimeMinister Netanyahu’s firm resolve to pursue military actions in Rafahthatcouldresultinthe deaths of thousands of civilians.

Rafah is a city of 25 squaremilesintheSouthern part of Gaza. Prior to the presentconflict,Rafahhada population of fewer than 200,000people.

On the orders of Israel, an estimated 1 4 million people have been pushed intoRafah.

They are all vulnerable to an Israeli military attack. This is why the U S government has been insisting on proper arrangements for civilian safety and humanitarian consequencesofanyattack.

Global Impact of RegionalWars

Intoday’sinterconnected world,thereisnolongerany such thing as an isolated conflict. The repercussions of warfare ripple across the globe, affecting food prices, shipping costs, and economic stability The conflict in Ukraine and the Houthis’attacksonshipping lanes has already demonstrated how wars can impact global economies

and individual lives far removed from the battleground Calls for a HumanitarianApproachThe call from British jurists to suspend arms sales to Israel is not an isolated sentiment but part of a growing international chorus demanding accountability and a re-evaluation of the policies that enable the continuationoftheconflict.

This movement, gaining momentum amid the rising deaths of civilians not only frommilitaryactionbutalso due to lack of medicine and hunger, challenges the U.N. Security Council, especially its 5 veto-nations, to fulfil theirresponsibilities.

This means that each of them must move to align their international policy withtheprinciplesofhuman rightsandjustice.

The 5 veto-nations

cannot wait for an unredeemableplightinGaza simply to make pious statementsortopointfingers of blame at each other Humanlivesareatstake.


This critical juncture calls for a collective reimagining of the approach byallnationstointernational c o n f l i c t s a n d t h e mechanisms of support that sustainthem.

Theresolutionpassedby the UN Security Council, demanding an immediate ceasefire and the expansion of humanitarian assistance, though a step in the right directionwasnotenough.

Sadly, it highlighted the limitations of international governance in enforcing peace and ensuring the protection of civilian lives, when big power countries play the game of seeking advantageovereachother Conclusion

As the crisis in Gaza unfolds, the international community, led by the UN SecurityCouncil,mustseize this moment to advocate for peaceandjustice.

Thisisnotmerelyacall foraceasefire,butademand for a profound policy shift towards upholding human dignity and preventing


The time for decisive actionisnow

The global community standsatacrossroad,andthe responsetothecrisisinGaza willberememberedeitheras a testament to international commitment to these ideals or to the abandonment of them.

The consequences of the latter abandoning the principles of peace and justice—would be too grave fortheworldtobear.Thatis

why even the smallest and least powerful nations of the world must not be silent; they must speak up l o u d l y a n together, in r e g i o n a l a n d international fora, withoutexception.

(The writer is Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador totheUSandtheOAS.

Theviewsexpressedare ent irelyhisown.

Responses and previous commentaries:www.sirrona ldsanders.com)

Kaieteur News PAGE 23 SundayApril 07, 2024
Sunday April 07, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 24

Interesting Creatures...

Sphynx: The curious looking cat with no hair

Hairless cats can b e p r e t t y controversial.

Some people lovethebaldlook,butothers arepu t off by felines with no fur. We true cat lovers believe all kitties deserve love, regardless of how muchhairtheyhave!

There are Several Breeds of Hairless Cats

Sphynx: The curious looking cat with no hair

Themostobviousfeature of this striking cat is their lack of a fur coat; however, Sphynx cats vary in the degree of hairlessness, with some having a very fine ‘peach fuzz’ all over and others just a fine fuzz over and affectionate cat, T h e S p h y n x ’ s breed.And despite sounding Bathing a fur coat all day, but theextremities. described by many as being hairlessnessisproducedbya like they hail from the While most cats are well obviously that doesn’t apply Duetothelackoffur,the almost dog-like in their mutation in the same gene Egyptian desert, the Sphynx within their rights to start tothehairlessfeline. Sphynx cats bone structure friendliness to both family that produces the short curly actually originates in hissing and caterwauling if That’s why you’ll often and musculature is there for and strangers They are coat of the Devon Rex Canada. you so much as suggest that see photos of hairless cats all to see, and this is a extremely outgoing, crave Moreover, it was found that Other popular hairless you might want to give them dressed up in sweaters remarkably robust cat, built attention and will want to be the curly coat of Selkirk Rex cat breeds include the a weekly bath, hairless cats duringfallandwintertohelp on elegant long lines, with involved in everything you cats is also associated with Donskoy, who comes have to be bathed as part of regulate their body somewhat loose skin that do,tothepointofpotentially thisgene. equipped with webbed toes, theirgroomingroutine. temperature. forms wrinkles in some being irritating and in the Thegeneencodeskeratin the Minskin, whose short This is because our Hairless Cats places. way – be prepared to be 71 (KRT71) and is legs almost resemble those hairless feline friends aren’t Have BigAppetites

They have a somewhat supervisedandassistedinall responsible for the of a Dachshund, and the Elf equipped with any fur to Being that hairless cats wedge-shaped head with matters around the home, keratinization of the hair Cat, whose ears bring to absorb oils, so those oils can get colder more quickly large eyes and ears, quite from paperwork to DIY, follicle. mind the fantasy creature needtobewashedaway than furry felines, it follows long legs and tail, and neat cookingtotakingabath! ThereAre Several Breeds they’renamedfor Hairless Cats Get Cold that their metabolisms work roundedpaws. Here are some fascinating of Hairless Cats There are five or six Humans often like to alittlefaster

Another extrovert type, factsAbout Hairless Cats

The Sphynx is the most hairless cat breeds in all, quip that cats and dogs are That means hairless cats the Sphynx is an energetic, Why don’t recognizablehairlesscat,but dependingonwhoyouask. fine with colder weather oftenchowdownlargermeal highly intelligent, curious they have hair? it’s not the only hairless Hairless Cats Need because they walk around in portions.

Kaieteur News PAGE 25 Sunday April 07, 2024
SundayApril 07, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 26

Silent heart attacks: The sneaky heart attack that can be even more deadly

Dr Zulfikar Bux muscle.

Age – Risk increases for Stresstestiftolerated attacks are found after the This one will likely be more Emergency Medicine Shortness of breath – If menolderthan45andfor These tests can show if heart attack is over severe and harmful. Also, Specialist you are feeling short of women older than 55 (or your heart muscle has been Treatment will be similar to you could have suffered breath or having trouble aftermenopause) damaged, signaling that that of a traditional heart damage to your heart that hen we speak breathing doing small Highcholesterol you’vehadaheartattack. attack but may involve using will make you constantly about heart activities, it could be a Highbloodpressure

WCan silent heart attacks more medicines if your heart sick because your heart

attacks, the signofaheartattack. Family history of heart be prevented? was damaged more because cannot pump blood like it thought of someone Heartburn – Mild pain attack

A healthy lifestyle can help ofthelatedetection. couldbefore. complaining of chest pains in the throat or chest can

Lackofexercise prevent any kind of heart These medicines help Yourdoctorwillstartyou and then collapsing usually be mistaken for gastric Stress attack.Thisincludes: improve blood flow to your on medicines and will likely comestomind. reflux, indigestion, or Obesity

Quitting smoking if you heart, prevent clotting, and recommend heart-healthy However, not all heart heartburn occurring Gender – Women have smoke, and avoiding reduce the risks of having lifestyle changes to help attacks occur that way and because of a silent heart silent heart attacks more secondhandsmoke. anotherheartattack. reduce your risk of getting data has shown that up to attack oftenthanmen. Keeping a healthy diet Your doctor will another heart attack and 45% of heart attacks can Fatigue – Physical

How are silent heart that is low in fat and low prescribe the medicines that make it easier to live with have a typical or silent discomfort or feeling attacks diagnosed? incholesterol. arerightforyou. yourdamagedheart. symptoms. very tired can be signs of Many times, silent heart

A silent heart attack is a many things. When they attacks are found during a

Exercisingregularly. If you have had a heart If you have any new

Managingyourstress. attack, your doctor will also symptoms of heart attack or heart attack without the occur with a silent heart routine check-up. If your Controlling your blood talk to you about lifestyle are in any doubt, visit your traditional symptoms; attack, they are often doctor thinks you may have pressure. changes.Youcanmakethese doctor or the emergency especially chest pains mistakenforotherthings. had one, he or she may order

Managing your blood changes to prevent more departmentrightaway Sometimes, people do not These could include poor imaging tests. These could sugar level if you have heartproblems. Early treatment is the even know they are having a sleep or age-related include: diabetes. What is life like key to surviving a heart silent heart attack and only achesandpains. An Electrocardiogram

Seeing your doctor if you survive a silent attack and if you survive, find out later when they go Feeling lightheaded – If (ECGorEKG). regularlyforcheck-ups. heart attack? decreases the risk of seeadoctor you break out in a cold Troponinlevels

How are silent heart

After you’ve had a silent avoidable damage that may These have the tendency sweat, feel nauseated, or Angiogram attacks treated? heartattack,youareathigher significantly hamper your to be more dangerous as the feel lightheaded, you CTorMRIangiography Usually, silent heart risk of having another one. qualityoflife persons affected, tend to could be having a silent delayaccessingmedicalcare heartattack. and this increases their If you experience one or chance of having poorer moreofthesesymptoms,call outcomes from the heart your doctor right away or go attack. Today, I will shed totheemergencyroom. some light on this silent but What causes silent heart deadlycondition. attacks?

What are symptoms of Silent heart attacks are silent heart attacks? caused by the same The symptoms of a silent things that cause heart attack are not as severe traditional heart attacks. as those of a regular heart This happens when part attack. They can often be of the heart muscle is m i s t a k e n f o r o t h e r damaged or dies because conditions Some people, it hasn’t received enough such as the elderly and oxygen. This is often due diabetics, may feel no to a blocked artery in the symptoms at all The heart However, the following symptoms may nerves around the heart occur in someone who is responsible for detecting gettingasilentheartattack: pains, may have “worn Discomfort–Theperson out” or were not properly may still feel pain, but it activatedduringtheheart w o n ’ t b e t h e attack and hence, pain is unmistakable chest pain notdetected.Riskfactors of a regular heart attack. forsilentheartattacksare It may feel like a also the same for discomfort in the upper traditional heart attack abdomen, or in the upper andinclude: back or jaw It could feel Smoking like you’ve strained a Diabetes

Kaieteur News PAGE 27 Sunday April 07, 2024
SundayApril 07, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 28

Country Profile Argentina

Argentina, officially the as the successor state of the trading culture in the northwest, oriented agricultural sector, the Argentine Republic, is a country ViceroyaltyoftheRíodelaPlata, whichwasconqueredbytheInca economy of Argentina is Latin in the southern half of South a Spanish overseas viceroyalty mpire around 1480; the America’s third-largest, and the America. Argentina covers an foundedin1776.Thedeclaration oconoté and Hênîa and second-largestinSouthAmerica. area of 2,780,400 km2 and fight for independen

the advanced Diaguita sedentary industrial base, and an export-

Kâmîare in the country’s centre, Argentina was one of the richest (1,073,500 sq mi), making it the (1810–1818)wasfollowedbyan and the Huarpe in the centre- countries in the world, on the second-largest country in South extended civil war that lasted west, a culture that raised llama 20th century in 1913 it was one America after Brazil, the fourth- until 1861, culminating in the ttle and was strongly of the wealthiest countries in the largest country in the Americas, country’s reorganization as influencedbytheIncas. world by GDPper capita It has a and the eighth-largest country in federation. The countr

GEOGRAPHY ”very high” rating on the Human the world. It shares the bulk of thereafter enjoyed relative peace

Argentina Coat of Arms

With a mainland surface area Development Index and ranks the Southern Cone with Chile to and stability, with several waves of 2,780,400 km2 (1,073,518 sq 66th by nominal GDPper capita, the west, and is also bordered by of European immigratio mi), Argentina is located in with a considerable internal Bolivia and Paraguay to the mainly Italians and Spaniards, southern SouthAmerica, sharing market size and a growing share north, Brazil to the northeast, influencing its culture an land borders with Chile across of the high-tech sector As a Uruguay and the South Atlantic demography the Andes to the west; Bolivia middle emerging economy and Ocean to the east, and the Drake HISTORY Chile and the Kom and Wichi in andParaguaytothenorth;Brazil oneoftheworld’stopdeveloping Passagetothesouth.Argentinais The earliest traces of human the north. The last group are tothenortheast,Uruguayandthe nations, it is a member of the G- a federal state subdivided into life in the area now known as farmers with pottery, like the SouthAtlantic Ocean to the east; 20majoreconomies. twenty-three provinces, and one Argentina are dated from the Charrúa, Minuane and Guaraní and the Drake Passage to the Argentina is the largest autonomous city, which is the Paleolithic period, with further in the northeast, with slash and south;[154] for an overall land producer in the world of yerba federal capital and largest city of traces in the Mesolithic and burn semisedentary existence; the nation, Buenos Aires. The Neolithic. Until the period of provinces and the capital have European colonization, their own constitutions, but exist Argentina was relatively under a federal system sparsely populated by a wide Argentina claims sovereignty number of diverse cultures with over the Falkland Islands, South different social organizations, Georgia and the South Sandwich which can be divided into three Islands, the Southern Patagonian maingroups. Ice Field, and a part of The first group is basic Antarctica. hunters and food gatherers

The earliest recorded human without the development of presence in modern-day pottery,suchastheSelk’namand Argentina dates back to the Yaghanintheextremesouth.The Paleolithic period The Inca second group are advanced Empire expanded to the huntersandfoodgathererswhich northwest of the country in Pre- include the Puelche, Querandí Columbian times. The country and Serranos in the centre-east; has its roots in Spanish and the Tehuelche in the colonization of the region during south—all of them conquered by the 16th century. Argentina rose the Mapuche spreading from

borderlengthof9,376km(5,826 mate (due to the large domestic mi). Its coastal border over the consumptionofmate),oneofthe RíodelaPlataandSouthAtlantic five largest producers in the Ocean is 5,117 km (3,180 mi) world of soybeans, maize, long.Argentina’shighestpointis sunflower seed, lemon and pear, Aconcagua in the Mendoza one of the ten largest producers province (6,959 m (22,831 ft) in the world of barley, grape, above sea level), also the highest artichoke, tobacco and cotton, point in the Southern and and one of the 15 largest Western Hemispheres The producers in the world of wheat, lowest point is Laguna del sugarcane, sorghum and Carbón in the San Julián Great grapefruit It is the largest Depression Santa Cruz province producer in South America of (“105 m (“344 ft) below sea wheat, sunflower seed, barley, level, also the lowest point in the lemon and pear. In wine, Southern and Western Argentina is usually among the Hemispheres, and the seventh ten largest producers in the lowestpointonEarth). world.[231] Argentina is also a ECONOMY traditional meat exporter, having Benefiting from rich natural been, in 2019, the 4th world resources, a highly literate producerofbeef,witha population, a diversified (Continued on page 31)

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Plaza de Mayo Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes Casa Rosada
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From page 29 production of 3 million tons (only behind US, Brazil and China), the 4th world producer of honey, and the 10th world producerofwool,inadditiontootherrelevantproductions.


Argentina is a multicultural country with significant European influences. Modern Argentine culture has been largely influenced by Italian, Spanish and other European immigration from France, Russia, United Kingdom, among others. Its cities are largely characterized by both the prevalence of people of European descent, and of conscious imitation of American and European styles in fashion, architecture and design. Museums, cinemas, and galleries are abundant in all the large urban centres, as well as traditional establishmentssuchasliterarybars,orbarsofferinglivemusic of a variety of genres although there are lesser elements of Amerindian and African influences, particularly in the fields of music and art. The other big influence is the gauchos and theirtraditionalcountrylifestyleofself-reliance.

Finally, indigenous American traditions have been absorbed into the general cultural milieu. Argentine writer Ernesto Sabato has reflected on the nature of the culture of Argentinaasfollows:

With the primitive HispanicAmerican reality fractured in La Plata Basin due to immigration, its inhabitants have come to be somewhat dual with all the dangers but also with all the advantages of that condition: because of our European roots, we deeply link the nation with the enduring values of the Old World; because of our condition of Americans we link ourselves to the rest of the continent, through the folklore of the interior and the old Castilian that unifies us, feeling somehow the vocation of the Patria Grande San Martín and Bolívaronceimagined.

Kaieteur News PAGE 31 Sunday April 07, 2024
Country Profile
Argentina Argentinian cuisine
SundayApril 07, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 32

J. Cole’s Response Is Good, But It’s Not Enough

Rap beef is when

thebestclaimthe throne. This has happened throughout the genre’s history Battling on wax is etched in stone; the ritualisoneofthegame’s10 Rap Commandments. Rap’s beenagameofthronessince the very beginning. Do the knowledgeonMCShanand KRS-One or Kool Moe Dee vs. LL Cool J. Carrying on tradition, last night J. Cole responded to Kendrick’s sneak attack on “7 Minute Drill,” the last track on his surprise mixtape Might Delete Later However, he soundedlikehisheartwasn’t fullyinitlikewhenNinohad to put G-Money down, just ashealludedtoonthesong. And instead of a headshot like most expected, Cole insteadfiredashotintheair Hisretortwasn’tenough.

ThoughColegetsrightto itandisverydirect,henever crossesthelinesthatneedto becrossed.

To be fair, he does say thisisjustawarningshotand this thing is just getting started. But when you first hear Cole spit, “Now I’m front of the line with a comfortable lead/How ironic, soon as I got it, now he want somethin’with me” asherunsdownhisthoughts on Lamar’s catalog and claims to have overtaken him in the power rankings, your ears perk up and you start rubbing your hands together, expecting a proper reply

But then he just coasts alonguntilthebeatswitches to something a little more sinister courtesy of Griselda stalwartConductorWilliams andyourearsperkupagain.

JakePaulspeaksattheTMobile District during a press conference on Jan. 18, 2024at the Puerto Rico Coliseum in San Juan,


Andstill,Coleplayswith his food and never truly handles his business Instead, he comes off reluctant to really engage, spitting, “My text flooded with the hunger for a toxic reply/I’mhesitant,Ilovemy brother, but I’m not gonna lie/I’m powered up for real, that shit would feel like swattin’afly/Fouralbumsin twelve years, n—a, I can divide ” Cole knew he needed to send a shot back, especially before the weekend of his annual Dreamville Fest What’s interesting is “7 Minute Drill” would’ve hit a little harder if, instead of just coopting Jay lyrics, he went full Jigga and premiered it live on stage and not on streaming services on New MusicFridays.

H e m i s s e d t h e opportunitytoputKennyon thatDreamvillescreen.

When Jay-Z was closing outhisVolumeeraattheend ofthe‘90s,heandNaswere the Defacto Kings of Rap with acts like Prodigy and Scarface not far behind. Jay was aware of the stakes and the history of this thing of ours.

He understood what it tooktobethebest.So,atHot 97’s annual Summer Jam concert in 2001, he boldly reached for the crown and snatchedit.

During his set he performed “Takeover” for thefirsttime,monthsbefore it would appear on his sixth album, The Blueprint, and calledNasoutbyname.

That moment was so seismicandimportanttohiphop history, people forgot that he brought out Michael Jackson during that same performance! The stakes werethathigh.Now,over20


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American rapper J Cole
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Kaieteur News PAGE 37 SundayApril 07, 2024

President Ali honoured with Caribbean Global Awards 2024 for exceptional leadership

Inanacknowledgmentofhisexceptional leadership, President Irfaan Ali has been bestowed with yet another prestigious international award, this time clinching the Caribbean Global Awards 2024 for his contributionswithintheregion

This accolade adds to Ali’s list of achievements,includingtheesteemedGlobal AfricaLeadershipAwardhereceivedduring hisofficialvisittoGhanaearlierthisyear

In a media release issued on Friday, the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) congratulated President Ali on being named the 2024 CaribbeanGlobalLeader.

According to the release from GMSA, this prestigious recognition underscores President Ali’s exceptional leadership qualities and commitment to advancing Guyana’spositionontheglobalstage

“PresidentAlireceivesthisdistinguished awardjustthreemonthsafterbeinghonoured with the GlobalAfrica LeadershipAward in

JanuaryandreceivingtheOrderofFreedom of Barbados Award, demonstrating his commitment to strengthening ties between Guyana and the Caribbean community,” GMSAsaid.

The association added: “This rapid succession of accolades highlights his unwavering dedication and remarkable leadership in advancing Guyana’s interests while fostering regional co-operation and collaboration ”

The GMSA also commended Prime Minister Mia Mottley of Barbados for securing the second spot on the list of Caribbean Global Leaders, and all the distinguished leaders who were recognised for their outstanding contributions to the Caribbeanregion Thisachievementreflects thecollectiveeffortsofCaribbeanleadersin advancingtheregion’sinterestsandfostering collaboration on regional and global issues, theassociationsaid Meanwhile in a similar release, Halim

Khan, Head of the Region Three Private SectorInc.(R3PSi),congratulatedtheHeadof-Stateandspokeoftheprofoundimpactof hisleadership

Khan emphasized President Ali’s steadfast commitment to nurturing unity, inclusivity,andsharedprosperity,indicatesa dedication that has not only reshaped the landscape of Guyana but has reverberated across nations He said, President Ali’s unwavering devotion to constructing a cohesivesocietyundertheguidingprinciple of‘OneGuyana’servesasabeaconofhope, illustrating the transformative potential inherentinvisionaryleadership.

Furthermore,KhanlaudedPresidentAli’s resilience and principled stance, particularly amidst the heightened tensions surrounding theborderdisputewithVenezuela.

PresidentAli’sresolveduringadversarial times underscores his unyielding dedication to the welfare of his nation and its citizens, earning him widespread admiration and respect.

Heextendedheartfeltcongratulationsto PresidentAliforthiswell-deservedhonour, recognizingthathisleadershipcontinuesto illuminate the path towards a brighter tomorrow not only for Guyana but also for the wider Caribbean region and the global communityatlarge

Kaieteur News PAGE 38 SundayApril 07, 2024
President Irfaan Ali

J. Cole’s Response Is Good, But It’s Not Enough...

Frompage33 years later, another band of kings must usher in a new era.

The Big Civil War has officiallybegun.Lastmonth, Future and Metro Boomin dropped their chart topping collabalbumWeDon’tTrust You.

It’s essentially the equivalentoftheMeanGirls burnbookdirectedatDrake. On the album’s sixth track,

“Like That,” there was a hidden pipe bomb that reverberated throughout everycornerofhip-hop.

It was very slick on Future and Metro’s part and fitting that they and Lamar chose that song to launch their offensive, with its Rodney-O & Joe Cooley sampleservingasareminder thatattheendoftheday,this iship-hop.


verse is mid (for the record, they’re delusional, but for thesakeofanargumentlet’s go with it) are missing the point.

The “Like That” verse hasthepotentialtobetheBig 3Era’sdefiningmoment.It’s closertoJayonthatSummer Jam stage performing “Takeover” than it is to Lamar’s first attempt at claiming the throne with ‘Control” back in 2013. We

Don’tTrustYouandKenny’s vitriol have sparked the beginnings of a power struggle atop Mt. Rap and thegamewillbebetterforit inthelongrun.

“Like That” is the number one song in the country It’s being played in sports arenas and during “NBA on TNT” halftime shows.

This is a page taken out of Drake’s own playbook.

HisMeekMilldiss“Backto Back”wasmadetobeplayed inclubsandontheradio;you couldn’tescapeit.

The song peaked at No. 21 on the Billboard Hot 100 and put a dent in Meek’s resumeforever

Now, Drake and Cole find themselves in the positionNaswasinwhenJay said his name on that SummerJamstage.

Cole’s first rebuttal fell

flat,buthestillhasachance to drop an “Ether.” Drake, however, should pay attention to the response J. Cole is getting. He now knows that warmup jabs aren’t going to get it done, nor will they appease the fans thirsty to watch the game’sthreebiggeststarsgo bar-for-bar

Drake needs a “No Vaseline” or, you know, another“BacktoBack.”

Kaieteur News PAGE 39 SundayApril 07, 2024
SundayApril 07, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 42

GNBS IN FOCUS Using Standards to Provide a Safe And Healthy Working Environment

Ap r i l i s

Occupational Safety and HealthMonth.

The month of activities is being observed under the theme “We are running out of time: Ensuring Safe and Healthy work now in a changingclimate”.

And what better way is there to ensure a safe and h e a l t h y w o r k i n g environment than with the useofstandards?

One such International Standard that provides a frameworkfororganisations tomanagerisksandimprove Occupational Safety and H e a l t h ( O S & H ) performance is the ISO 4 5 0 0 1 s t a n d a r dOccupational health and safety management systems

Requirements with guidance for use. Using the Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology, it helps organisations of all sizes to reduce workplace incidents by identifying risks and applying the necessary controlmeasures.

ISO 45001 specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety management system. It establishes criteria for an OHS policy, objectives, planning, implementation, operation, auditing and review

E m p l o y e r s a r e encouraged to implement the ISO 45001 to show employees and external stakeholders that the organisation is committed to worker health, safety and wellbeing leading to enhanced morale and reduced workplace injuries, illnesses and incidents Protecting your employees and customers reduces downtime and associatedcosts,aswellas legal issues which can a r i s e f r o m s u c h occurrences.

The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS)isheretohelpwith our Training and Technical Assistanceprogrammes.

Withitscompetency,the GNBS Team is the leading provider of training and technicalassistancetowards the implementation of National, Regional and InternationalStandards.

Local companies lookingtosupplythesafetyconscious Oil and Gas industry are rushing to implement the ISO 45001 Standard.

Recognising this need,

Key elements include leadership commitment, employees’ participation, risk assessment, legal and regulatory compliance, emergency planning, incident investigation and continualimprovement.

the Bureau in 2022 commenced providing technical assistance to interested companies. The process ranges from six to twelve months after an application form is completed and submitted to theGNBS.

The forms are available at https://gnbsgy.org/formsall/

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), more than 7,600 people die from work-related accidents or diseaseseveryday

Protect your employees and customers this Occupational Safety and H e a l t h M o n t h b y i m p l e m e n t i n g t h e requirements of the ISO 4 5 0 0 1 S t a n d a r d Organisations are also encouraged to join the Annual OSH Walk which will take place on April 28, 2024, at 06:00h from the Ministry of Labour’s forecourt and end at the SquareoftheRevolution.

ForTechnicalAssistance and Training support based on the ISO 45001 standard, contact the GNBS on telephone numbers: 2190064-66orWhatsAppuson +592-692-4627.

Remember to visit the GNBS Facebook and Instagram pages for regular updates.

Kaieteur News PAGE 43 SundayApril 07, 2024
SundayApril 07, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 44



Over the last few years, this column has carried a r t i c l e s o n t h e Venezuela/Guyana border controversy and on this occasion, we again revisit it in view of the outrageously false,contradictoryandnonfactual narrative which the Venezuelans continue to retail and the lawless action of the Venezuelan Parliament and President NicholasMaduroofpassing l a w s “ a n n e x i n g ” approximately 70% of Guyana’s territory and naming it the province of Essequiba Guyana and even appointingagovernor! This comedy of insanity would normally have been derisively ignored but it has to be taken with seriousness since Venezuelahasahuge modern military which is controlled by persons who may recklessly invade Guyana’s territory since they mentally and psychologically live in the times of Napoleon and Bolivar when stronger countries could invade and annexweakercountriesorparts of them with impunity

Toleration of such aggression has long passed away in International Law and Relations and this has led to Venezuela’s isolation and almost universal support for Guyana Another reason why Venezuela is not treated with respect is its duplicity and failure to honour its agreements. The Argyle Declaration in which Guyana and Venezuela solemnly pledged themselves from any threatening and aggressive action towards each other and theBarbadosAgreementwhere PresidentMaduroundertookto allow the Venezuelan Oppositionfreedomtocontest the forthcoming national elections in exchange for the lifting of American sanctions aretwoexamplesofVenezuela failingtohonouritspromises

What was the genesis of the Controversy? By the Treaty of Paris of 1815 whichendedtheNapoleonic Wars, Britain was awarded the Dutch colonies of Essequibo, Demerara and Berbice which were united as the colony of British Guiana in 1831 In the 1840’s,theBritishemployed a German cartographer Robert Schomburgk to demarcatetheboundariesof the colony which he successfully completed Venezuela claimed that Schomburgk had taken part of their territory The British, who at the time ran a world

empire, could not turn their attention to the comparatively unimportant matter of Venezuela’sclaim.

The United States was at that time resuscitating the Monroe Doctrine and Venezuelaaskedthemtopress their claim with Britain for arbitration of the Guyana /Venezuela border President Clevelandeventhreatenedwar andBritainreluctantlybecame a party to the Treaty of WashingtonwithVenezuelain 1897 wherein Venezuela insisted that the Treaty be an arbitral one The Treaty was signed by Jose Andrade and ratified by the Venezuelan CongresswithJoaquinCrespo,its Presidentdescribingitas“aneffort of intelligence and goodwill worthyofpraiseandthanksfrom us”. Venezuela appointed the Chief Justice of the United States as its arbitrator and Britain appointed a Judge of equalstatusonitssidewiththe chairman being a famed Russian international jurist TheArbitralAwardwastobe“a full,perfectandfinalsettlement of all questions referred to the Arbitrators” In their work, the Arbitrators scoured the Archives of Spain, Holland and Britain and did as thoroughaninvestigationas possible The Arbitral Award was made in 1899 andVenezuelaandallparties fully accepted it with Venezuelabeingparticularly jubilant.

Venezuelainsistedthatthe demarcationoftheboundarybe done with immediacy and in 1900 a Joint Boundary Commission was established and British and Venezuelan surveyors went to work in demarcating the boundary whichtheycompletedin1905 withVenezuelafullyaccepting it AndVenezueladidsountil 1962whenGuyanawasabout tobegranteditsIndependence Britain was anxious to withdrawfromthecolonyand in1966,theGenevaAgreement was arrived at wherein the Controversywastobesettledin 4yearsthusallowingBritainto grantGuyanaitsIndependence unhindered. Both parties however chose to use the Good Offices process of dialogue under United Nations auspices and this went on for nearly three decadeswithoutcomingtoa solution Both parties withdrew from the Good Offices process and the matter then reverted to the Secretary General who was then obligated to recommend a solution. He recommended that the matter be referred to the

International Court of Justice. Guyana duly went totheICJbutVenezuelasaid the Court did not have jurisdiction in the matter The ICJ and everyone else rejected the Venezuelan position and the ICJ is now deliberatingastothevalidity ofthe1899ArbitralAward.

It should be mentioned that Venezuela has proffered twopointstotrytonegatethe ArbitralAward:Thefirstisthat Guyana was part of the Venezuelan Captain Generalcy under the Spanish Empire, Guyana was never partoftheCaptainGeneralcy and there was never any Spanish colonial presence in “the Wild Coast of Guyana” This Venezuelan allegation was rejected by the 1899 Arbitrators. Thesecondpoint was a posthumous letter by Mallet-Prevost, one of the junior lawyers at the Arbitration who claimed that theBritishandRussianjudges colludedtorigtheArbitration in favour of Britain No evidence or proof of MalletPrevost’s allegation was ever forthcoming from the Venezuelans

Thequestionisaskedasto why Venezuela has been making this fraudulent and dangerous claim on Guyana’s territory at this time and the answer which is universally given is that Venezuela is actuatedbygreedforGuyana’s newfoundOilwealthwhichit feels it could seize with impunity since Guyana is a small, poor state with a very small military and secondly, the Venezuelan national elections will occur within a year and President Maduro who is contesting for another termofoffice, isboundtolose and in his desperation, he is threatening war on Guyana to seize its territory so as to stimulate nationalism and increasehiselectoralsupport

Venezuela recognises that it has no case in fact, logic and Law and so it is reverting to threats of military violence to intimidateGuyanaandseize its territory but the Venezuelan aggression has been adequately met by Guyana and its allies, in particular the United States. The policy of the United States,Guyana,CARICOM, Brazil and the other

American states in maintaining the Caribbean asaZoneofPeacehasacted

as a deterrence to

Venezuelan military adventurism but the danger hasnotpassedawayandstill requiresconstantvigilance.

Kaieteur News PAGE 45 SundayApril 07, 2024

Belle Vue unveils new neighbourhood library

- A safe space for children to embark on a journey of learning, discovery, and endless possibilities

The small community of Belle Vue West Bank Demerara (WBD) recently unveiled a public library for not just their community by for the communities in RegionThreetoaccess.The library is the first of its kind inRegionThree.

Theideafirsttookrootin 2020 when a staff from the Ministry of Health – Aruna Faria sought out ways to emulateherleadersandgive back to her community Ms. Faria who also sits on the board of directors for a Canadian Charity – Giving Health to Kids, reached out toherfellowboardmembers in 2020 to ask for tablets to help children who could not affordtoaccessschoolwork due to the restrictions of the COVID-19pandemic.

H e r c o l l e a g u e s responded by providing 60 tablets and 2 laptops which were donated to children livinginBelleVue,Patentia, CanalTwo and Stanleytown Primary School; as well as twenty tablets to less


It was during this exercisethatsherealizesthe gravity of the educational needs of the children in the community Asachild,Faria visited the Stanleytown Public Library located in Stanleytown, West Bank Demerara where she was born and raised by her parents Mr and Mrs GladwinLall.

Asanadult,shemovedto BelleVueandwouldpassthe Belle Vue Community Centre daily on her way homefromwork.Itwasthen that she noticed a vacant room at the entrance of the centre.

After making enquiries about the vacant room, she found that the room was not allocatedforanyactivities.It wasthenthattheideatostart alittlelibrarycameabout.

While her intentions weretobuildalibrary,Faria was unsure of how to get books and resources However, a chance meeting connected her with Mr Joe

Persaud, a philanthropist whohasbeengivingbackto his home country in many ways for over a decade. Mr Persaud was quick to assist with sending books and connecting Faria with his friends from the Little Library, a nonprofit


Faria discussed with the teamwaystobringtheLittle Library concept to Belle Vue.

As part of setting up the library, Faria sought permission from the local Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) and the Regional Chairman for the use of the room and upon receivingapprovalsoughtto commence renovations on theroom.

With the help of her friends,familyandstrangers who shared her vision for giving back to her community, she received donations to renovate the ceiling, rewire the room,

redo the plumbing, replace the bathrooms, replace the doors both external and internal, and replace the windows and locks among muchmore.

While much was provided by donations, she paidformostofthematerials and labour often times recruiting family and communityworkerstohelp.

Atthefinalstages,Little Libraryprovidedtheneeded assistance to build the shelves and complete the painting and fund the purchaseofthecarpetingfor theroom.

Itwasnotaneasytaskto clear the books and move them from the storage

location and then finally to the library But with help from fellow members from the community, the books were successfully transported to the library where sorting and packing commenced.

On March 17, 2024, the BelleVueLittleLibrarywas officiallyopened. The library stands as a testament to the power of community work and the boundless possibilities that emerge when people join hands in pursuit of a common goal. It is in these efforts that children can embark on the journey of learning, discovery, and endlesspossibilities.

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PAGE 46 SundayApril 07, 2024
Belle Vue unveils new neighbourhood library
Kaieteur News PAGE 47 SundayApril 07, 2024

The Spring Spr Break

Bad things always happen at the worst times. I lostmytwofrontteethonthe morning of my seventh birthday My mom had baked a special cake shaped likeasnowmanandalldone up in frosty, coloured icing. AllIcoulddowaslookatit. A couple years after that it was thechickenpox. Not so bad when you get to miss school unless it's only one day and it's the last day beforesummervacation.All I missed out on were water fights in the halls.As if that isn't bad enough, I had to spend half my summer shut inside the house too. That's the kind of stuff that could drive a kid bonkers, you know From atop my comforter,Ilookedupatthe hot-rodcalendaronmywall then down at my leg wrapped tight in an itchy, white cast. The first day of SpringBreak.Andmewitha broken leg. × Here we go again. Bonkers! Propped up on my bed, the cast looked like some huge, stringy

cocoon about to sprout Mothra If it did, that would've been a lot cooler than lying on my back watchingTVallday Itdidn't helpthatIcouldhearallmy friends down at the baseball field slugging fly balls into the trees and popping fouls intoneighbours'yards.They were gearing up for the first game of the season, only a couplepracticesaway Ding! There goes another one, I thought. Halfway through the Godzilla movie marathon I clicked off the tube and tossed the remote into the hamper with the dirty clothes “Yes! 2 points!” My excitement fizzled away though when I realized that was another thing I was missing out on.

Basketball.Aroundnoonmy dad brought up a plate of hotdogs,abagofchips,anda tall glass of grape juice. “How you doing, champ?” He set the tray on the side tableandplantedhimselfon the foot of my bed “I remember when I got a broken leg. No fun.” “Did anyone come to sign your cast?” I asked “Sure Everyone in town.” “You think people will come to sign my cast?” “They'll come.And when it's time to getthatthingoff,why,it'llbe socoveredinsignaturesyou won't be able to see a speck of white anywhere, even with a microscope.” There was a smile playing in his eyes.“Whoknows,you

(Continued on next week edition)



1.Gluethe2template pieces.Takethepairof identicalpinwheeltemplate pieces.Alignthemsuchthat thebladesofthefirsttemplate arenestedbetweenthoseof thesecondone.Gluethe templatepiecestogetheratthe center

2.Glueonetipatthe center Withoutcreasingthe paper,bringoneofthesixtips towardsthecenterandglueit inplace.

3.Gluetheadjacenttipat thecenter.Similarlybringthe adjacenttiptowardsthe centerandglueinplace.

4.Gluealltipsatthe center.RepeatStep5withthe remainingfourtips,working fromoneadjacenttiptothe next.Onceyouhavefinished gluingallthetipsatthe center,yourpinwheelwill lookprettymuchlikeasixpetalledflower

5.Gluethecircleatthe center.Gluethepapercircle atthecenter

6.Insertapushpin.Once thegluedries,carefullyinsert apushpinatthecenterofthe pinwheel.Wigglethepush pinaroundtomaketheholea bitlarger

7.Attachthepinwheeltoa pencil.Pushthepinontothe eraserofapencil.Leavea smallgapbetweenthepaper andtheerasertoallowthe pinwheeltospinmorefreely

Asanoption,youcanputa beadorsmallbuttonbetween thepinwheelandtheeraser Thishelpsthepinwheelrotate betterandpreventsthepin's pointfromgoingthroughthe othersideoftheeraser

8Enjoyyourpinwheel. Finally,tryblowingatthe edgesofthepinwheelto makeitspin.Loosenthepina bitifthebladesdonotrotate well.Enjoy!Theseflower pinwheelsaregreatspring andsummerprojects.Place themonthefrontporch,in thegarden,orwhereveritcan catchasoftbreeze.

Rememberthoughthatthese pinwheelsaremadeofpaper andwillgetdamagedifthey getwet.

TherearemanythingsIneedtodo Tohelpmeinmylearning, ButtheoneIlovemostofall Ismakingahabitofreading.

Readingmakesmelearnnewthings, Aswellastospeakandwrite; Ifindlessonsatschoolsomucheasier, AsIgetmoreofmyworkright.

Storybookscanbesomuchfun, Aswellasteachnewthings; Newspapersalsomakemehappy


Somakethetimetoreadeachday, Andyouwillfeelsomuchbetter; Youwillbecomemoreconfidentofyourself, Asyourworkatschoolbecomesapleasure.

Kaieteur News SundayApril 07, 2024 PAGE 48
Junior page

Avoid the Distractions that can impede your path to progress

The things that we indulge in that keep us off the track towards the goals that we have prioritised are probably the biggest obstacles facing any young person who is trying to make it in the modern world.

There are so many things that can keep your attention away from the things that you really need to do that you can waste a lot of energy, time and resources in getting involved in these and move inthewrongdirection.

Theunfortunatethings is that we find many people who are otherwise keen on working towards attaining theirgoalsgettingdistracted, sometimes just to please others, believing that they

themselvesneedthistimeto idle and enjoy the pleasure that these bring, or even thinking that they have enoughtimeandresourcesat their disposal to spend on uselessactivities.

Itistruethateachofus needs to spend some time in enjoying life and the

pleasuresthatcankeepusin agoodmood,butwehaveto carefully balance this time with what is needed to achieveprogresstowardsthe goals that we have determined to make the best ofourlives.

There is a great philosophical theory that

says: Whatever you place your u n d i v i d e d attentiontogrows. Thismeansthat,as long as we are serious about attending to the really necessary thingsinourlives, then we can be assured that we will see progress inthese.

Keeptelling yourself not to let the TV, cell-phone, idle friends,anduselessactivities get in the way of your ambitions, both short and longterm. Onceyoudothis earnestly, then you can be assured that your intuition will always guide you to do therightthingeverytime.


Connect the dots to make edges so that each circle is surroundedbyasymmetrical galaxyshape,andthepuzzle is completely tiled with galaxies.

Each galaxy shape must be rotationally symmetric, having an identical appearancewhenrotated180 degrees.

A life of service

Alifeofservicereallyisathingthatyoushouldtreasure, Foryouwillmakeadifferencetothisworldthatlastsforever; Forthosewhoarearound,someonewhoselifehasgoodintent




Yetothers do appreciatetheblessingsthatyoubring;













Iswatchingwithafather'spridetoshoweryouwithlove. permeating


Solutions to last week’s

Easter Maze


TEEN TIME Kaieteur News Sunday April 07, 2024 PAGE 49
remember the Guyanese proverb: You can't eat and blow whistle at the same time.

What Do Experts Recommend for Healthy Sleep?


Don'ttradeafewhoursofproductivity/wakefulnessfor sleep.Ifyoufeelasthoughyoudon'thaveenoughtimeto accomplisheverything,seewhereelseyoucancut out—watchingscreensintheevening,forexample—and makesleepanonnegotiablepriority.Recognizethatyouhave auniquecircadianrhythmwhenyoubodybestgetshealthy restanditmaydifferfromthosearoundyou.


Regularexerciseandactive,stimulatingsociallivesduring thedayimprovenighttimesleepandcanhelpwithsleep disorderssuchasinsomniaandrestlesslegssyndrome(RLS). Taichiandyogamayhaveparticularlypowerfulbenefitsif youarehavingtroublesleeping—theyofferphysicalexercise andcreateasenseofrelaxationthatfacilitatessleep.


Evertrytofallasleepafteranargument?Researchshows thattroubledfamilyrelationshipscandisruptsleep.Make cultivatinghealthyconnectionswithyourfamilyandloved onesapriority,practicingdeeplistening,gratitude,andgood communicationskills.


Havingahealthyritualeverynightbeforebedcanhelpto remindthebodythatit'stimetopreparetosleepandlullthe mindintoarestfulstate.Harvard'sHealthySleepprogram recommendsmakingyournighttimeroutineasstress-freeas possible—takeahotbath,meditate,orreadagoodbook beforeturningoutthelights.Trytogotobedandwakeupat thesametimeeachday,evenonweekends.


howtemptingitmaybe.Caffeineaffectseveryone differently,butyoucangenerallyexpectitseffectstolast6-10 hoursafterconsumption.Evenifyoufallasleepeasilyat night,theleftovereffectscandisruptyoursleepcycle,making youevensleepierthenextday(whichmaycauseyouto consumemorecaffeine!).Ensureyouareeatinghealthyfoods andavoidaheavymealaswellasalcoholinthehoursbefore bedtime.


Ofcourse,noteveryoneisabletoadhereperfectlytothe suggestionsoutlinedabove—shiftworkers,forexample,often dealwithchangingschedulesandworkthroughthenight, regulartravelersexperiencejetlag,andnewparentsmayhave towakeupmanytimesduringthenighttofeedandcarefora newborn.Whilehealthysleepshouldbeaprioritywhenitcan be,certaincircumstancesmaymakeitmoredifficult.That's okay.Noonegetsperfectsleep.Thegoalisjusttomakeit better


Kaieteur News SundayApril 07, 2024

Young Entrepreneur

“Many entrepreneurs also make a positive impact on their communities, improve their wellbeing by catering to the underserved areas and develop environment-friendly products.”

Young Entrepreneur, Crystal Wayne

Asons, Crystal Wayne decided in2020tolaunchherownbusiness.

Thebusinesswhichshecalled‘Crissy Exotic & Beauty Corner’ offers you a ty of natural and beauty care products.

In an exclusive interview with this magazine,Waynesaidwhatinspiredherto launch the business is that she is a single mother and was employed as a prisoner officer at the time, and even though she was getting a monthly salary, it could not coverallherexpenses.“YesIwasgettinga goodsalaryasaprisonofficerbutmybills weremore,andsowhenIdecidedtostarta smallbusiness,”shestated.

Wayne said when she first started off, shebegansellinglashesandlipgloss,but her product line soon expanded when she started making her own hair growth oil, vaseline,soaps,sheabutter,andlightening oils.

The young woman explained that she learnedtomakehairoilandvaselinefrom hergrandmotherwhousedtomakeitwhen shewasyounger Sheaddedthatshebegan researching as well to improve on the products and that it is how hair oils and vaselinewereaddedtothelineofproducts.

As for the Shea butter, Wayne said followingherpregnancy,shenoticedspots startedappearingonherskin. Shedecided to research online and discovered the healingpropertiesofSheabutter

“IdidmyresearchonYouTubeonwhat canbeusedtoremoveitandthatishowI endedupstartmakingmySheabutter,”she recalled. She related also that it was watching numerous videos online she learnedhowtomakethesoaps.

Havingbeeninbusinessforfouryears now,Waynesaidthesupportforherbrand hasbeenwelcomingandencouraging.She

journey, was having a suitable pick-up location for customers, but that has since been resolved.

As for the pandemic, however, the young businesswoman said “during the pandemic season, the business was very muchslow.”Waynementionedthathaving been faced with difficulties; she still kept thefaithandsawherbusinessthrough.

Whenaskedaboutherlong-termgoals for ‘Crissy Exotic & Beauty Corner’, the youngentrepreneurnotedthatshewantsto see her customer base grow She also wants to develop her products, increase sales,andopenanewlocation.

While Wayne is making strides in takingherbusinesstothenextlevel,sheis of the belief that young entrepreneurs promoteeconomicgrowth,provideaccess to goods and services, and help improve theoverallstandardofliving.

She further expressed, “Many entrepreneursalsomakeapositiveimpact ontheircommunities,improvetheirwellbeingbycateringtounderservedareasand developenvironment-friendlyproducts.”

To see young entrepreneurs grow in our society, she suggested that small businessownersaddtheirbusinesstolocal online platforms, master social media marketing,uselocallytargetedads,andget involved in the community as small businessowners.“Youwanttorelatewith localconsumers,bepartofthecommunity, and stand out from your competitors. However, knowing how to promote your business locally requires some smart marketingtactics,”sheadded.

Personsinterestedinconnectingwith Wayne’sbusinesscanreachheronTiktok @ Meet Crissy,

Meet crissy, or on Instagram
Meet Crissy or Crissy exotic&beautycorner
Kaieteur News PAGE 51 SundayApril 07, 2024
Some of the products from ‘Crissy Exotic & Beauty Corner’


the Embassy of the United States,Adrienne Galanek, Vice President of Recover Guyana Dr. Latoya Gooding, Founder and

Dr. Dave Lalltoo and

Dr. Omesh Balmacoon

RecoverGuyanalaunches 2ndphaseofsecondaryschool environmentalcompetition

Recover Guyana in collaboration with the Ministry of EducationwithsupportfromExxonMobilGuyanaonFriday launched the second edition of ‘SHOUT’, a four-part competition for Grades 9-10 students of Secondary Schools acrossGuyanatoshowcasetheirdrivetoprotectandpreserve theenvironment.

Recover Guyana and the Ministry of Education have teamed up to launch the second edition of SHOUT, an initiative that seeks to inspire environmental passion and innovationamongGradesNineand10studentsinsecondary schoolsacrossGuyana.

SHOUT aims to involve more young people in environmental action, encourage dialogue, and initiate improvements in school environments. It is supported by ExxonMobilGuyana.

During the launch event at the Ramada Georgetown PrincessHotelinProvidence,EastBankDemerara,President of Recover Guyana, Dr Dave Lalltoo emphasised that SHOUTtranscendstraditionalclassroomlearning,providing a dynamic and interactive platform that nurtures critical thinking, research, and public speaking skills, among participants.

He said, “SHOUT is more than a competition. It is a journey we embark on together A journey towards a sustainable future, where every speech delivered is a seed plantedforagreenertomorrow.”

The winners will receive $3 million in cash and prizes includingacashgrantof$500,000forthewinningschoolto kickstarttheirEnvironmentEnhancementProject.

Otherprizesincludefreefibreandinternetserviceforone year,laptops,vouchers,andmore.

World Environment Day is themed ‘Land Restoration, Desertification,andDroughtResilience.’

Meanwhile, Assistant Chief Education Officer for Secondary, Sheldon Granville, spoke about the significance ofprovidingaplatformforchildrentodevelopawarenessand solutionsforaddressingenvironmentalchallenges.

“Wewillseeourstudentsbeingabletothinkcriticallyon their feet. We will see healthy competition. We will see the students’abilitiestouserhetoricandtouserhetoricskillfully. We will see a demonstration of the use of persuasive language,tone,andtheabilitytoconnectwiththeaudience,” Granvilleadded.

The competition was first hosted in 2023 on World Environment Day and the winner declared after extensive judging was Vassana Persaud of Queen’s College. Vasanna laterwentontolaunchawaterpurificationprojectwithinher school’s premises to combat plastic bottle waste. Speaking aboutherexperience,Ms.Persaudsaid,“Iamremindedofthe profound impact it has had on my perspective and the transformative power of collective action in addressing environmentalchallenges.Today,Iwishtotakeyouthrough mypersonalexperiencewiththecompetition,sheddinglight on the process, and culminating with the vision of my environmentalproject.”

For more information about the competition, applicants canvisitwww.recoverguyana.org

Kaieteur News PAGE 52 SundayApril 07, 2024
From left: ExxonMobil Guyana’s Community RelationsAdvisors Lasawhna Prescott and Tameca Sukhdeo Singh, Operations Integrity Management System Co-ordinator Tenesha Les Flores (third from left), First Secretary at the Indian High Commission, Manoj Kumar, High Commissioner of the United Kingdom to Guyana, Jane Miller, Head of Foreign Policy and Diplomatic Services of the High Commission of Canada to Guyana, Ms. Caroline Mireault, Deputy Chief of of President, Secretary

MarcusAureliusoncesaid,“Whenyouarise inthemorning,thinkofwhatapreciousprivilegeitistobealive tobreathe,think,enjoy,andlove.”Thesewordsofreflectionareamantrafor thisweek’sbeautyandpremierGuyaneseMakeupArtist,Susan‘SAKS’Ibrahim

Susanisdeeplyenamouredwiththeprocessofeverythingshedoes,whetherit’smakeup artistryorcontentmarketing.Shesharedthattherepetitionandpracticerequiredforeachtask bringsherjoy,assherelishesthejourneyperpetualgrowthofherbusinesses. Aboveall,thisdotingmomloveswatchingherdaughtersblossomintoextraordinaryyoung ladies.“Thisfillsmewithprideandinspiresmetopushmyselffurther.”

PAGE 53 Kaieteur News Sunday April 07, 2024
Susan Ibrahim


El Parabel…

The ultimate Easter Sunday

Berbice Beach Fete

EveryAprilaroundthefestiveEasterweekend,thereisone beach fete that Berbicians are geared up and ready for the El Parabel Beach Fete. The fete was introduced to Berbice by CAJMannyEntertainmentandwasahitfromitsfirstyear

The fete is held annually at the Belladrum Beach inWest Coast Berbice and always has a vibrant theme. Due to the Hawaiian theme, patrons came decked in attire with lots of flowersandbrightcolours.

Headedthroughthegateafterpayingafeeof$1000,over thecanalpatronsweregreetedwiththecoolseabreezeandthe briny scent of the ocean. The VIPsection was elevated from the regular section and to enter, it was fairly simple. If they paidforatablepackage,theyenjoyedthefeteinalesscrowded manner,withtheaddedbonusofbottleserviceandhookahs.

TotheleftoftheVIPwasacocktailstation,whereforthe priceof$1500someofthebestandstrongmixeddrinkswere available for those who knew how to handle their liquor On theotherhand,forthosewhopreferredthelighterbeverages, there was a bar that catered to all their needs with very courteousstaff.

The DK line up did not disappoint as there were various sound systems passing through to keep the crowd vibing. FromJunglistSoundSystem,DJJordanandSelectorChucky brought the soca vibes and the crowd gyrated to a fusion of Trinidadian and St. Lucian beats. Slingers then brought the ‘bad man’side of things with the dancehall music, dropping tracksfromtrendingJamaicanartisteslikeSkeng,Valiantand Kraff.

The fete lasted all night and into the wee hours of the morningendedoffwithsomeslowjamsandsoulmusic.Itwas theperfectendingtoagoodevening.Atthepartyclosedoff, patronsslowlyfilteredoutofthevenue,thepromotersthanked thoseinattendanceandencouragedthemtocomeagainnext year (AnasaWilliams)

Jamaican Dancehall artiste, Demarco is set to headline the “One Guyana Independence Super Concert”, this May 25 at Port Kaituma, North West District(NWD),RegionOne.

The much anticipated event is presented by DJ GarwinandMeloEntertainmentandmadepossibleby the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sport, Titan IndustriesInc.andLegacyGlobalEntertainment.

Performing alongside the Jamaican singing sensation known for “The Bad GyalAnthem, Backaz, PuppyTail”andmanyotherhitswillbeourveryown, TimekaMarshall,“MissWinieWinie”andTrinidadian

Pecky Dread:

Winston Bradshaw better known by his stage name “Pecky Dread” is a Guyanese Dancehall Artiste who hails from a line of musicians and singers. He has been keeping that traditionaliveforthreedecadesnow


All roads will lead to Quincy Place, Port Kaituma for the grand Independence Fete. Music will be providedbyPowerKingandBulletSound,SeenUpand DJGarwin SelectorBigPapa.

So if you are looking to party out of town for the Independence Weekend then Quincy Place, Port Kaitumaistheplacetobe.Secureyourticketsearlyfor “early bird prices”- $3000 for general admission and $10,000forVIP

TicketsgoonsalefromApril8,atQuincyBarand ChilcottandSonslocatedinPortKaituma.

Keeping family tradition alive for three decades

“I used to live inAmerica (United StatesofAmerica(US)),Iperformedin America,inTrinidad,Surinameandall themplace”,theartiste.

PeckyDread,nowage64,told The WaterfallsonSaturdaythathehasbeen performingmusicsinceintheearly90s buthasonlystartedinvestingtorecord his songs within the last decade. He hasproducedsongscalled“Jamzone”, “Long way”, “Industry”, “Kartel pun Tar”, “Champagne Party” among others. One of his most popular songs being streamed on YouTube is “This Summer”.

Speaking with this publication, Pecky Dread claimed that in his youngeryears,hehadperformedasan artistebothlocallyandinternationally

According to him, he even had opportunities locally to perform at shows that headlined Jamaican dancehall artistes such as Elephant ManandthegroupcalledT.O.K. Pecky Dread said that he started doing music because he knew that he was born with a musical talent and althoughitwasnotmuchofaprofitable ventureforhim,hepursuedit.

“Myparentsthemusedtosing,my sister all of them used to sing”, the Guyaneseartistesaidwhileexplaining thatanotherreasonforhimpersevering for three decades is just to keep that traditionalive.

He noted that in Guyana musical talentisnotrespectedmuchsoinorder

to continue doing what he loved, he investedhisearningsfromgoldmining to record some of his music and even shootsomevideos.

Now 64, Pecky Dread works as security guard and although he is not earning enough, he is still focused on recording more music and even stepping out of his comfort zone of dancehalltoperformhip-hop.

One of his most recent Hip-Hop Song is called “Sky Scraper Money” anditishisplantoexploreothergenres too.

Below is a link of some of Peck Dread’ssongs.

https://wwwyoutube com/watch?


https://wwwyoutube com/watch?


https://wwwyoutube com/watch?


Kaieteur News PAGE 54 SundayApril 07, 2024
Demarco, Timeka Marshall to headline One Guyana Concert at Port Kaituma Marshall
Guyanese Dancehall Artiste, Pecky Dread Trinidadian Chutney Singer, Hitman Jamaican Dancehall Artiste, Demarco GuyaneseArtiste, Timeka Marshall

ExxonMobil took out Guyana’s oil profits

Wales gas

pipeline costs before project approved for


TheUS$7.3Baudit of ExxonMobil GuyanaLimited's (EMGL's) expenses racked up between 2018 and 2020, has found that the company began deducting Guyana's oil to fund the controversial Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project, at least two years beforeitreceivedapermit.

plant it is not building - audit report reveals

According to the audit report completed by VHE Consulting (Ramdihal & Haynes Inc , Eclisar Financial, and Vitality Accounting & Consultancy Inc ), ExxonMobil billed Guyana US$2,133,234 or over $426M GYD for costs associated with the gas project.

The auditors said, “The Contractor included on the Cost Recovery Statement costs for ground and air surveys, mooring studies, and Contractor andAffiliate labor for the proposed gasto-power pipeline and onshoreNGLplant.”

In November 2022, EMGL received an Environmental Permit from the Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) to commence construction of a 225kilometerspipeline.The structure is intended to transport gas from the Liza One and Liza Two fields in the Stabroek Block, to the Wales Development Site, where the government of Guyana is separately pursuing a Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) plant and a powerplanttogenerate300megawatts (MW) of electricity

The report however pointed out that while costs for the pipeline are recoverable; those for the NGL plant are not allowed under the 2016 Production SharingAgreement(PSA).It explained that the pipelines costs are recoverable since the structure will transport gas to the “Delivery Point” howevertheNGLplantcosts

are located past the “DeliveryPoint”.

“Delivery Point” means, unless otherwise agreed, the point at which title, control andpossessionofamarketed product under the Agreement transfers from seller or right-holder to buyer Auditors noted that Section 3 4 of the PSA (Other Costs and Expenses) of Annex C states: Other

possible the Government of Guyana may have agreed that these costs are recoverable in Section 16 of the GTE Heads of Agreement(HOA).”

That agreement was signed between government and the Stabroek Block CoVenturers, Exxon, Hess and CNOOC since June 2022, but was never made public despite commitments for it tobereleased.Auditorswere unable to confirm that the HOA allows the NGL Plant cost to be recovered and informedExxontoreturnthe costsnotagreedto.

ExxonMobilsaiditspent at least US$328,146 on studies for the NGL Plant.


costs and expenses not covered or dealt with in the provisions of this Section 3 and which are incurred by theContractorintheconduct of the Petroleum Operations arerecoverablesubjecttothe approval of the Minister They were keen to note that that provision is not applicable,sincestudiesand construction costs of a NGL plant is not considered a PetroleumOperation.

ExxonMobil has not made a Final Investment Decision (FID) for the gas pipeline but has said the structure has a US$1B price tag.

PAGE 55 SundayApril 07, 2024

AI holds potential to transform education sector in Guyana - service expert

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) h a s e m e rg e d a s a transformative force, reshaping the way people live,work,andlearn.

As the Caribbean region stands on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution, Guyana has a unique opportunity to harness the power ofAI to revolutionize its education system and prepare the next generation for the challenges and opportunitiesofthefuture.

To unlock the full potential of AI in education, Camille's Academy Inc- a leading private school in GuyanacollaboratedwithAI

expert, Nick Brown to host the first ever Caribbean AI4Education Conference in Guyana.

The conference slated to take place on April 25-26 in Georgetown, Guyana at the Princess Ramada, will be hostedinassociationwiththe AI4Dev Showcase The landmark event will bring together educators, technologists, policymakers, and students to explore the latest advancements in AIpowered education and cocreateinnovativesolutionsto the region's most pressing educationalchallenges.

In an interview with Kaieteur News Brown explained that over the

c ourse of two days, attendees will have the opportunity to discover more than 50 cutting-edge tools and technologies, from ChatGPT and Bard to Otter.ai and BrilliantAI.

He explained that by attending the Caribbean AI4Education Conference 2024, Guyanese educators and students can position them at the forefront of the

education revolution, e m b r a c i n g t h e transformative power of AI and preparing for the

challenges and opportunities ofthefuture.

It's time to redefine the boundariesofwhat'spossible in education and pave the way for a smarter, more inclusive, and more sustainableCaribbean.”

“Workshops, keynotes, andnetworkingsessionswill empower educators to integrate these tools seamlessly into their classrooms, while students willbeinspiredtoharnessthe power of AI to shape their own educational journeys and unlock their full


HenotedthatwhileAI,at its core, is the ability of machines to mimic human intelligence, learning, and problem-solving, it's not a new concept, but rather an evolution of technologies like machine learning algorithmsanddatascience.

“What makes AI so exciting is its potential to enhance and personalize the learning experience for students, empowering them to achieve their academic goals with greater efficiency and success…One of the

most promising applications of AI in education is the development of intelligent tutoringsystems.

According to the AI expert, the technology offers high-powered tools that can provide tailored, one-on-one instruction, adapting to the unique learning styles and pacesofeachstudent.

“Imagine a world where everychildhasavirtualtutor, always available to guide them through challenging concepts, offer personalized feedback, and unlock their fullpotential,”he

Kaieteur News PAGE 56 SundayApril 07, 2024
AI expert, Nick Brown

President Ali urges medical practitioners to work on achieving world-class healthcare

Medical practitioners across the ten administrative regions must align themselves with the government's vision of achieving world-class healthcare in Guyana, as emphasised by His Excellency, Dr Mohamed IrfaanAli.

The head of state made the plea during an engagement with several doctors, at theArthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC), LiliendaalonFriday

The purpose of the meeting was to enlighten the professionals about the government's plans for the health sector and to gather feedback on areas requiring investment During his opening remarks, President Ali highlighted the PPP/C A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ' s commitment to significant investment in the health sector This investment aims to position Guyana as a premier regional health institution and integrate the healthcare sector into the economy as a vital revenue earner

To this end, healthcare workersplayacrucialrolein thesector'smodernisation,as they are responsible for delivering efficient, reliable, and quality healthcare to the

citizensofGuyana.“It'sonly in this collaborative approach that we will be able to build a system where the practitioners own the changes, own the system, own the modernisation,” President Ali underscored. “If we don't create the ownership from all the stakeholders, then we'll not be able to derive the results that we want to achieve. So, you the doctors, must own the vision, must feel integrated in this vision,” theheadofstateadded. He emphasised the importance of a team-based approach to healthcare delivery, where emergency, pharmacy,andotherservices collaborate to enhance facilities throughout the region.

While the government has no objection to doctors practisinginbothprivateand public sectors, President Ali emphasised that the provision of public healthcare must not be compromised, and there should be a balance in the delivery of services “Because if you're specialised and if you have the capacity and capability that the country can utilise in a maximum way, that is whatIwanttofocuson,how

your talent is maximised withoutinjuringthedelivery in the public healthcare system,”hestated.

In response to numerous requestsfromstakeholdersto bolster the public healthcare system, President Ali urged medical personnel to collaborate with the government and identify critical areas that urgently needattention.Severalstateof-the-arthospitalsarebeing constructed across the country, which will decrease the need for referrals to the GeorgetownPublicHospital.

However, the president said it is essential to identify any gaps in healthcare provision at various levels once these facilities become operational. He assured the health personnel that the government is working on long and medium-term solutions to address staffing deficiency and is embarking on extensive training for additional personnel. Since 2 0 2 0 , t h e c u r r e n t administration has taken a holistic approach to modernising the country's healthcare structure, includinginvestmentsinnew hospitals and training institutions to increase human resource capacity.


Security guard busted with ‘weed’ tells police he was trying a hustle

After being busted by ranks with 2,385 grams of suspectedmarijuanaduringa road block at Weldaad, Mahaica-Berbice,a29-yearoldsecurityguardreportedly toldranksthereasonforhim being in possession of the cannabis is because he is 'tryingahustle.'Themanhas been identified as Eon Williams a security guard employed by Atlas Security Service.According to police on Wednesday last at about 17:00hrs,duringaroadblock operation conducted at Weldaad,amotorcarwiththe licence plate HD 1785, travelling towards Georgetown was stopped The officers requested to search the vehicle as well as thedriverandtheoccupants. Theoccupantswereaskedto exit the vehicle, along with their belongings, which they complied with Whilst searching Williams, ranks

Arrested: Eon Williams Haiasi Saul

discovered a large parcel wrapped in transparent plastic, suspected to contain 2,385gramsofcannabis.He (Williams) was told of the offence committed, arrested and cautioned. He admitted to being in possession of the marijuana, but stated that he w a s " t r y i n g a hustle".Additionally, a bag belonging to Haiasi Saul, a

21-year-old construction worker from Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, was also searched and police found a transparent plastic bag in it contained 43 grams of suspected Cannabis Saul wasinformedoftheoffence, arrested, and cautioned. He admitted to owning the drug and claimed it was for personaluse.

Asection of medical practitioners at theACCC on Friday

Kaieteur News PAGE 57 SundayApril 07, 2024

From page 16

The Liza Destiny FPSO

The refusal of the oil giant to Prosperity that a named Exxon share raw production data and officialwasinvolvedintheCabinet provide the metering points to the Paper for the 2016 agreement. audit team raises serious concerns, Would Mr Routledge confirm the especially as more than four years name of that person as Mr Brooke after production activities Harris? commenced Guyana is yet to

20-HasMr Routledgereadthe implement an independent system Clyde & Company report into the to verify the volume of crude oil 2016Agreement, and does he have beingextractedbythecompany any disagreement with the facts set Exxon is reportedly producing out therein, including the role of over 640,000 barrels per day Mr Harris? currently in the Stabroek Block.


Three FPSOs are now in operation. of Exxon had confirmed that Mr More than 11 billion barrels of Bobby Gossai had the necessary resources have been discovered authority to clear US$211 Mn. of offshore by the company since US$214 Mn. not supported by 2015 The company officially evidenceprovidedtotheauditors? began production activities in

22- Has Exxon agreed to pay December2019. the Government 50% of the Former Head of Maintenance US$214 million which was and Reliability at BP Trinidad and therefore wrongly claimed, and if Tobago, Kuarlal Rampersad had not,whynot? cautioned Guyana against making

23 -Would Mr Routledge ChinaNationalOffshoreOilCorp’s retainingitsparticipatinginterestin metering points on the Liza the mistakes made by the twin confirm that the ministerial audit CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Ltd. the Stabroek Block. The Stabroek Destiny,thecountry’sfirstFloating island by failing to independently and the Guyana RevenueAuthority retainstheremaining25percent. Blockisatpresentestimatedatover Production Storage and Offloading monitoroilproduction. audit for tax purposes are two ExxonMobil commenced 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent, (FPSO) vessel, to the auditors In an exclusive interview with separateanddistinctaudits? arbitration proceedings on March 6 with a number of appraisals reviewing the company’s US$7.3B this newspaper earlier this year,

24-CanMr Routledgestatethe before the International Chamber underway for newer discoveries expenses, incurred between 2018 Rampersad stressed that for quantity of proven petroleum of Commerce tribunal, arguing that that will revise the proven crude and2020. Guyana to reap the true benefits of reservesoftheStabroekBlockasat a pre-emption right outlined in the reserves upwards Regarding According to the report its rapidly developing oil and gas theendofFebruary2024? Stabroek joint operating agreement timelines and potential termination prepared by VHE Consulting sector,thecountrymustemploythe 25 - Routledge must be aware (JOA) applies to Chevron’s clauses, Hess clarified that either (Ramdihal & Haynes Inc., Eclisar useofitsownmeters. that Mr. Raphael Trotman, former acquisition of Hess. This right Chevron or Hess could terminate Financial, and Vitality Accounting In sharing the experience of Natural Resources Minister has enables a partner to prevent a co- themergerdealifcompletionisnot & Consultancy Inc.), the oil Trinidad and Tobago, the specialist indicated that he would give venturer from selling a stake to an achieved by specified dates company was requested but did not explained that in the early days of evidence in any inquiry into the outside party without first offering outlined in the agreement. Despite provide a schematic showing all oil production, dating back to the 2016 Agreement. Would Exxon thestaketothepartner. an initial end date set for April 18, meteringpointsontheDestinyLiza 1970’s, BP, formerly Amoco participate in any Commission of Subsequently, ExxonMobil on 2024, both companies have waived FPSO. Trinidad Oil Company, was inquiry established by this March 11, and CNOOC, on March the termination right associated The auditors said the schematic producing over 200,000 barrels per government to look into the 15, filed for arbitration with withthisdate. would provide a visual day (bpd) without a metering circumstances leading to the 2016 opposing claims. These cases have H e s s h a s s i n c e a l s o representation of the physical flow system to independently verify the agreement? been officially confirmed in filings acknowledged the possibility of of production as it is produced onto dailyratesofproduction.

26 - Does Exxon consider that with the U S Securities and Guyanese authorities asserting the FPSO, through the various In the absence of this, the the exploration and production Exchange Commission (SEC). To approvaloverthemerger,thoughas typesofproductionequipment,and Consultant said the twin island activities in the Stabroek Block streamline the process, Hess of the latest update, no such intothestoragetanks. republic accepted an average of harmful to the environment and a revealed that CNOC agreed to approval is anticipated. “As of the Notably, ExxonMobil also how much oil was being shipped breach of the Paris Accord? If yes, consolidate the arbitration cases d a t e o f t h i s p r o x y refused to provide the raw awaybythetankerstorefineries. what measures are in place to into one, with the authority statement/prospectus, the parties production data to the audit team. “The average would be mitigatesucheffects? administering the arbitration do not anticipate that any such This information is used to create accepted by the captain and the

27 - What is the estimated total confirming the consolidation on approval will be required from any the monthly production data it other team who would say we cost of the gas-to-shore project and March26,2024. Guyanese governmental body, provides to the Government of believethisis500,000barrelsofoil is any cost being charged against In a recent missive to its agencyorauthority”,readtheletter Guyana (GoG) ExxonMobil and Amoco had no record of how OilRevenue? shareholders Hess said it remains Meanwhile, in the United States, reportedly told the auditors much oil went across,” he

28 - Would the procedures and resolute with Chevron to finalise bothChevronandHessareactively consistently that “production explained. the valuation of private property their merger by mid-2024, despite working to navigate through the information was outside the scope About a decade later, compulsorily acquired for the theongoingarbitralproceedings.In anti-trust review process by the ofthecostrecoveryaudit.” Rampersad said Trinidad and projectcomparabletohoweminent thatletteraddressedtoshareholders Federal Trade Commission, as The report done by Haynes and Tobago realized that there were domainoperateintheUnitedStates and attached to a recent regulatory disclosed in the letter Despite the team recommended: “For future discrepancies in the reported ofAmerica? disclosure by Chevron, Hess complexities, Hess expressed audits, a schematic would assist in amount of cargo that was leaving

29-ChevronCorp.isoptimistic asserted, “Chevron and Hess confidence in the closure timeline. validating the volumetric data and how much oil was being in winning a stake in the prolific believe that the Stabroek ROFR According to reports however, an provided in the monthly statements shippedfromthecountry Stabroek Block following its does not apply to the merger due to internalemailsenttoemployeeson submitted to the Government of At that time, Trinidad was purchase of Hess Corp. which it is the structure of the merger and the March 6, 2024, cautioned that the Guyana”. producing approximately 260,000 hoping to finalise by mid-2024. language of the Stabroek ROFR consummation could face delays Although the auditors were bpd and determined that it wanted Chevron said it is confident despite provisions.” duetothearbitrationprocess. unable to access this information, value for money according to the challenges by consortium partners, Furthermore, the company they were satisfied that data former Head Engineer He said the ExxonMobil and China National reiterateditsintentiontovigorously WEDNESDAY presented by Exxon was accurate. country moved to install a meter on OffshoreOilCompany(CNOOC). defenditspositioninthearbitration The report states, “We have no thepipelinethatleavesBP’sfacility 30 - Chevron takeover of Hess proceedings.Itshouldbenotedthat ExxonMobil refused reason to conclude the data in Trinidad and goes across to the Corporation entails it assuming if the arbitration does not yield a to show auditors location presented in the monthly tanker controlofHess’stakeinStabroek,a confirmation that the Stabroek of oil meters on FPSO statements would differ from the Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo significant offshore block ROFRisinapplicabletothemerger – SecondAudit Reveals raw measurement data utilized by had announced in September last Currently, ExxonMobil operates and if an acceptable resolution is – tells them their job is to verify EEPGL (now EMGL) for year that government will be the block with a 45 percent interest not reached among Chevron, Hess, expenses not production data productionmanagement.” moving to tender to find a suitable through Esso Exploration and Exxon,and/orCNOOC,themerger

Auditors added that Exxon also company to monitor the daily Production Guyana Ltd., while agreement’s closing condition ExxonMobil Guyana Limited indicated that personnel from the volumeofcrudeoilproduced.Ithas Hess subsidiary Hess Guyana would not be fulfilled. In such a (EMGL), the operator of Guyana’s GoG are fully aware of all now been two months since the Exploration Ltd. (HEGL) holds a scenario, Hess would remain an resource-rich Stabroek Block had measurementpointsandarepresent country’sfirsttrillion-dollar 30 percent interest. Additionally, independent public company, refused to provide a map of the forcalibrationsandoffloads.

(Continued on page 59)

Kaieteur News PAGE 58 Sunday April 07, 2024


From page 58 transformerswerereplaced– newspaperreportedthatnine that the interruptions were Budget was passed with no fouryearson,withfivetimes out of the seventeen due to a number of reasons progressontheoilmeters. the annual budget, the PPP’s generators recently acquired ranging from planned GPL has not achieve a by the GPL are currently on maintenancetoemergencies. Pres.Ali now dissatisfied quarterofthesemilestones. the grid. This was disclosed Persaud disclosed that the with GPL’s performance Patterson reminded that by Minister within the prolonged dry season – says Govt. seeking in 2018, via the then Ministry of Public Works, contributed significantly to financing from UK to MinistryofFinance,Guyana Deodat Indar Even with the demand for energy in fund transmission gainedaccesstoaUS$900M these added sources of November and December line of credit from the electricity frequent 2023, hence, demand

A f t e r m o n t h s o f Islamic Development Bank blackoutsandpoweroutages outstrippedsupplyinseveral incessant blackouts, (IsDB). The first request to continue to plague this oil- instances He said the President Irfaan Ali has utilisethesefundswasaloan richnation.Theministerwas company was able to grow finally admitted that he is of US$110M for GPL to asked to provide an update its generation capacity by dissatisfied with the construct new substations, a on the new generators that 14.5 percent in 2023 but the performance of the Guyana new additional transmission GPLrecentlyacquiredandif peak demand for power Power and Light, but again and distribution network, as they were already added to increased by 21.4 percent. sought to lay some of the well as upgrading the thegrid.“Notallofthem,not As such, Persaud said that blame on the previous e x i s t i n g p o w e r all of them on the grid, the agency’s Smart Grid APNU+AFC Coalition infrastructure.”As expected, actually nine of them on the pilot project at Good Hope, Government that had on assuming office, the PPP grid, all are on the planks let East Coast Demerara (ECD) managed to cut blackout and canceledtheloanapplication me clear it…All of them are wasyieldingresultsthatmay improved the financial without reason. Without a ontheplanks,becauseIwant see an increase in power for health of the power doubt,ifthisapplicationwas to make sure you get my households and commercial company untruthful Patterson years, GPL under the allowed to progress to information correct. So all entities.

Inatersestatementonhis r e c a l l e d t h a t t h e coalition administration implementation, several of are set up and are on the Facebookpagefollowingthe management of GPL – in procured 63MW of brand- the challenges now facing planks(but),nineofthemare THURSDAY meeting with GPL’s board 2015, the former PPP new generating sets, GPL would have been on the grid, five of them and top management, administration had lost increasing the generating eliminated – another should be added again to the K/News turns 30 today! President Ali said his confidence in the then CEO capacity of the company by example of the Government grid some time during the The journey from meeting involved the Board Bharat Dindyal, refusing to 50%, a never-before-seen throwingawaythebabywith newweek,”hesaid. a weekly to Guyana’s o f D i r e c t o r s a n d renew his contract. In a expansion in generating the bath water in the nameof “There were some number 1 daily management of Guyana report prepared by GPL’s capacity in such a short politics.” electrical works that have to P o w e r a n d L i g h t board, dated December 22, period – with no oil revenue. Patterson said the status be done and the exhaust and By Davina Bagot Incorporated, the Power 2014, Patterson said his Contrast that to the PPP’s of our power sector remains everything have been Producers and Distributors performance was listed as four years, the company has a matter of national concern. installed. The fuel tanks and Kaieteur News printed Incorporated (PPDI) and “below expectations”. procured 17 third hand “I would readily admit that so just some electrical works its first edition in April of Wartsila at State House. According to Patterson on containerized sets of by June 2020, there were need to be done to have five 1994. The newspaper began “During the meeting, the assuming office, the unknown quality and several outstanding more. And then we have with a once weekly President expressed his Coalition administration’s procurement methodology.” challenges still to be three more that will publicationbeforeitevolved dissatisfaction with the appointed board of GPL Patterson said five months resolved, however the complete the 17 should be into the most popular entity’s performance while launched an international after this purchase, only four company was heading in the done before the end ofApril. householdname. acknowledging the myriad recruitment exercise, sets are operational, it is right direction with a very Thatis the latestupdateas of Publisher of the of problems inherited as a spearheaded by the understood the remaining limited budget With Tuesday afternoon at four,” c o u n t r y ’ s l e a d i n g result of a lack of internationally renowned sets have several defects, Guyana’s increased theministeradded. publication, Mr Glenn Lall m a i n t e n a n c e a n d firm of Price Waterhouse which has rendered them r e s o u r c e s a n d t h e He was also asked about wasamarketvendor,just31investments during the Coopers Advisory Services ineffective – a prime importance of this sector to the frequent blackout being years old when he was period 2015 to 2020. The Ltd, who after extensive example of poor technical our national development, experienced across the approached by an associate exponential growth in interviews, recommended management. one would have expected country Indarsaidthat,“Yes with a business proposal to demand, aged assets, and the appointment of Albert O n t h e i s s u e o f some increased momentum that is the case, I asked GPL start the newspaper lack of redundancy in Gordon – a CARICOM transmission, Patterson said infixingGPLsproblems–in to put out a statement, there Intrigued by the potential transmission were also national with extensive the above-mentioned GPL’s contrast,significantprogress were three last week that is returns from the venture, discussed. The President has experience in the power board report stated that there has all been reversed in whyIaskedyouwhen.Early Lall and his wife, Mrs scheduled a follow-up utilitysector was “low utilization of recent years Instead of lastweek,itwouldhavebeen Bhena Lall enthusiastically meeting later in the day It’s “On assumption of planned budget; poor seeking to address these because we had two engines jumped on board, along with important to note that the duties, Mr Gordon planning” thus resulting in challenges, the PPP at the Power Producers a third associate who Government has already commenced reorganizing frequentblackoutsduetothe administration tries to hide Distribution Inc, (PPDI) two investedinthebusiness. engaged UK Export Finance and revitalizing the then lack of maintenance to the their mismanagement of the engines totalling 13 For Lall, he intended to (UKEF)toexplorefinancing ailing company On their company’s Transmission & sector They have sought to megawatts were down. Both beasilentpartner,nothaving options for the transmission. return to office in 2020, the Distribution infrastructure placealltheireggsinasingle engines experienced a n y k n o w l e d g e o f Additionally, the President PPP dismissed Mr Gordon He said during the basket, the elusive Wales failures, one with a bearing journalism or how to present asked the utility to consider with immediate effect, and Coalition’s tenure, 300km of Gas to Shore project, which and one with another issue news. He would soon realise alternative options to returnedtheprevious“below high voltage transmission on its current trajectory is andthosewereoutofPPDI.” the venture required more provide bridging energy to expectations” CEO, talking lines were repaired or likely to become another The GPL Inc. in 2023 than finances to thrive. “It meet the demand while about doing the same things, upgraded, 16km of new project falling significantly recorded a total of 96 required more than just waitingforthecompletionof yet expecting different feeder cables were installed, short of promises and countrywide power outages, investment (or) a few the gas-fired power plant. results.” the express feeders on the expectations. No amount of signaling an increase from dollars. It required a brain or The utility expects a further Patterson recalled that D e m e r a r a B e r b i c e plasters, fluff, bluff, fancy the previous year This business to manage and take growth in demand this year theGPL’sboardreportonthe Interconnected System speeches and high-priced revelation came during a control it ran a few of around 30MW,” the performance of the pervious (DBIS) were completely PR, will move GPLforward, hearing of the Public mornings and we weren’t statementended. CEO stated that “GPL has upgraded, a new submarine it is clear that the Utilities Commission (PUC) getting anywhere with it,” However, in a swift over the last few years cable linking Vreed-en- Government is sailing up a last week when the power thebusinessmanrecalled. response to the President, written off over 10 generator Hoop and Princess Street creek without a paddle companycameupforreview “One of the greatest former Public Infrastructure sets which were destroyed was installed, 486km of new Solving Guyana’s problems of its 2023 Operating gifts we can give or we can Minister in the coalition due to poor operation, secondary distribution lines requires all citizens, creating Standards and Performance lend to another human government David Patterson catastrophic failure due to were installed, 19km of a m e r i t o c r a c y a n d Targets (OSPT). In 2022, being is wisdom.And it gives said the head of state’s the lack of proper secondary distribution lines f a c i l i t a t i n g a r e a l there was a 10% reduction me joy, it gives me great comments that: “We maintenance, and fire ” were upgraded, 87,717 democracy.” recorded in the outages’ pleasure every day I wake inheritedasystemthatwasin “That was the status of the service lines were replaced, New generators frequency GPL’s Divisional up and see this newspaper total collapse We are GPL generating capacity in 502 new transformers were not working Director for Loss Reduction, online or in the hands of rebuilding that system” is 2015. During the next four installed and 2,292 defective Only last week this Parsram Persaud explained (Continued on page 60)

Kaieteur News PAGE 59 Sunday April 07, 2024

From page 59 this profession with a mechanic. A ought to know, however Kaieteur hauled into legal matters for was also shot dead shortly before people, knowing that I was part of good mechanic is someone who Newsdecidedtodoitdifferently “I publishing the views of ordinary gunmen invaded the printery A it. I don’t think there is any other learns the skill from actually doing decided to go out there and find out members of society in its letters senior pressman, Ramchand noble profession…”- K/News the practical job. Going to the what the people want and once you column and even through Harripersaud called ‘Harry’ and a Publisher University and learning it through give the people what they want, advertisements.ThePublishersaid: securityguard,JulianDeGrace,66, Lall said Kaieteur News theory is nothing comparing to one they will continue (to come for ”every media house has a were the only survivors of the enduredthebruntofcriticismsinits learning that profession, that skill more).” responsibility to abide by the massacre. toddler years. “Some people would onthejobitself.”

The newspaper has been a law…we also have a responsibility Grenade thrown at have thrown at us comments like After publishing once a week medium for educating citizens in to give the nation a voice and when Publisher’s vehicle during whatareyougettinginvolvedwith, on Fridays for about seven years, the simplest of terms to reach the you are bold you want to push that wake of former employee since when you know about the mid-week (Wednesday) edition grassroots community It has been limit and let a nation know their In June 2016 unidentified newspaper, there is no room for was introduced, followed by a aforcetobereckonedwithfromits voices (and stories) can be told individuals hurled a grenade under anymore newspapers in this Sunday edition months later inception, daring to tread paths no through the pages of the Kaieteur avehiclebelongingtoMr Lall.The country There were two Thereafter, the Tuesday, Thursday other has. The publication prides News.ButIamnottheeditors.Iam incident occurred shortly after newspapers at the time- the and Saturday publications were itself in exclusive news items and just the publisher and we try our 22.00 hrs, and Mr. Lall’s vehicle, a Stabroek News and the Guyana added to the list and finally the captivating headlines with its best to avoid lawsuits because they Lexus, was parked on the western Chronicle and there was no room Monday publication in 2001. Lall publisher adding his special touch can be detrimental to any media side of Saffon Street. Mr Lall and forathirdnewspaper.” said the nation became hungry for to attract and simplify for the house and over the years I would other staffers were outside the

The businessman said it wasn’t the investigative journalism done masses. Kaieteur News was once have gotten several lawsuits some Kaieteur News building long after the newspaper launched by the publication. In fact he renowned for its leading role in the of which I would personally take participatinginawakeforAssistant that the two partners left, leaving recalled that Kaieteur News at one crime coverage and sensational the blame for I would say go after Editor Dale Andrews, when a him to manage the business on his time was selling 38,000 copies of front page headlines, but is now the story…the people must know security guard heard an unusual own.Lalldescribedtheprocessasa the paper on weekends – a feat famous for its dedication and fight what’shappening.” sound near Mr Lall’s vehicle. lone battle. Despite struggling to never achieved by any other for a betteroil deal. Since the terms Beyondthelegalconsequences, Thinking at first that someone had growthenewspaper,hesaidhewas publication. of the 2016 Production Sharing the newspaper and its staff were shattered one of the windows, the constantly encouraged and was Why Kaieteur News? Agreement (PSA) signed with US violently attacked over the years. guard checked the vehicle, but pointed in the right direction by Askedaboutthedecisiononthe oil giant, ExxonMobil became Lall believes fighting corruption observed no damage. However, on those in the field; above all, he was name of the newspaper, Lall said it public, the newspaper has not only hasexposedhimtoultimatedanger checkingthefrontoftheLexus,the supported by his wife and friend, was named by one its founding exposed the injustices of the but he refuses to stay silent guardspottedthegrenade nearone theextraordinaryBhenaLall. shareholders. He said the name contract,buthasalsochallengedits “Corruption, thievery is something ofthefronttyres.

Publisher, Glenn Lall

“I stepped in, always a fighter, never believed in losing and I said no, I had too much invested in the business and I’m gonna make it work.” Lall recalled that recruiting journalists during that time was a major challenge given the risks associated with the new business. “No one wanted to leave a sailing ship to jump on any shaky, rotten ship, ” he explained The determined businessman however utilisedtheskillsofjournalistswho were with other media houses and even paid them in advance for weekend articles. The publisher said one reporter, Michael Jordan, decided to join the newspaper fulltime in 1995, which led to othersjoiningaswell. resonates across the country, provisionsintheCourt. I detest. Before I even get into Pulling of State ads Growing the newspaper symbolic of the majestic and Lawsuits, grenades newspaper I have been fighting For its unwavering voice “It wasn’t an easy task mighty Kaieteur Falls. “I don’t and attacks have failed crime in this country, so when I got against corruption, the government Sometimes I don’t like to know what he had in mind but I In the 30 year journey, because intonewspaperandbegantoseethe 10 years ago had pulled remember some of the downs I guess yes, he believed it would ofthefearlessstancethenewspaper kind of corruption going on I just advertisements from Kaieteur went through with it, especially havemadeitsnameanditdid.” took, Kaieteur News has been the can’t stay quiet. It’s not within the News in a bid to punish and stifle going to people asking them for What makes targetofanumberoflegal,criminal bloodstreamofmybody.” the growth of the business. Private a d v e r t i s e m e n t s b e c a u s e Kaieteur News different? andotherattacks. KN Printery burnt businesses that were aligned with advertisements is what sustains a The newspaper offers readers a “They have killed my In December of 2002, Kaieteur the government at that time had newspaper or media house and it different perspective from what is employees, they came in here News’printeryatEccles,EastBank alsofollowedsuit. was extremely difficult but I offered in the other daily looking for me with guns, they Demerara was burnt by two armed Death on the job persevered and here we are today- publications. It has been fearless in threwagrenadeatmyvehicle,they gunmen, who robbed and Another harrowing moment in the leading newspaper in Guyana,” its pursuit of the truth and exposing bombed my place (but) as time brutalized four of the pressmen on the history of the newspaper was Lallsaid. corruption without bias. This not goes, you learn to accept what you duty The incident occurred around when it lost a young reporter,

To master the art of journalism, onlyhelpsthepapertostandout,but do as a publisher comes with that 3:30am.Thearmedbanditshadset Joseph Thomas who got ill while the businessman got enrolled at the has shaped the entity into a terrain and it can only make you off two explosions causing severe covering the historic 2005 floods University of Guyana (UG) where respectable and dependable source weakerorstronger,”Lallasserted. damage to the press, its electrical andsubsequentlydied. he spent seven weeks engaging in for information.According to Lall, In fact, the businessman said, systemandstorednewsprint. Achievements of Kaieteur News the basics of the noble profession. “It is completely different from the “Death means nothing to me, Execution of five press men at “Over the years, the impact of Studying and managing the run-of-the-mill newspapers. The speaking and standing up for the thesamelocation Kaieteur News…hadn’t there been newspaper however became a Guyana Chronicle focuses on right thing in a country is more In August 2006, five of the a Kaieteur News I shudder to think challenge for the businessman who government- propping up the important.” For him, he is the company’s press men lost their what this country would have left the university to focus on the administration; Stabroek News has fearless leader and Publisher lives after a gang of vicious youths looked like today,” Lall said. The daytodayactivitiesofthepaper been trying but it all boils down to because of his Creator Lall said he stormedtheprinteryatEccles. businessman said when he reflects Lall believes that to be a good the conscience, the understanding, seeks guidance daily to help him

On that fateful night in 2006, on the skullduggeries that occurred journalist, one must be in the field. the wisdom and knowledge of the accept whatever challenges may Chetram Persaud, 46; Eion inthecountry’spastandthecorrupt “I have since learned that this publishers.” He was keen to note come.

Wegman, 47; Richard Stewart, 24; activities that continue today, he is profession, journalism, you that editors are also important in Among the challenges, the Mark Maikoo, 22 and Shazeem grateful to be blessed with strength become a good journalist by delivering the right content to Newspaper has been forced to pay Mohamed were all placed to lie to play his part. He recalled that practicing, by learning on the job citizens. Lall said he has learnt that on a number of libel lawsuits. face down and shot at point blank Kaieteur News was able to thwart a (it) makes you into a great newspapers,PublishersandEditors While Lall accepted responsibility range to the back of their heads. A numberofprojectsandcorrupt journalist. I always like to equate all feed the people what the people for some, Kaieteur News has been sixth man, Wordsworth Grey, 32

(Continued on page 61)

Kaieteur News PAGE 60 Sunday April 07, 2024

From page 60

The radio station (99.1/ 99.5

system… we also have the right Frederick Collins, along with Esso deals over the years. In 2016, the FM) boasts of a balanced approach when we engage them to raise any Exploration and Production newspaper exposed the ‘giveaway’ in its entertainment programmes issuewhichwehavebeendoingbut GuyanaLimited(nowExxonMobil of the Sanata Complex to Dr offering something for all we must not fool ourselves we are Guyana Limited) are the named R a n j i s i n g h ‘ B o b b y ’ ethnicities with Indian and English notapartytothePSA.” Tothisend, respondents in the matter that will Ramroop—best friend of former selections throughout the day and Norton said that unfortunately it be heard before CCJ Judges Justice President Bharrat Jagdeo. Vice night. Kaieteur Radio also started a does not seem that President Irfaan A Saunders, President, Justice W President, Bharrat Jagdeo also Latin show for the Spanish Ali and Jagdeo want to hold Exxon Anderson and Mme Justice blames the Kaieteur News for community It is one of the few accountable. MaureenRajnauth-Lee. stalling the Amaila Falls Hydo radio stations with a regular kids

At another of his press According to the Notice of Power Project, which government programme. conferences, Jagdeo had said that Application for Special Leave to says will generate 165 megawatts Therearealsospecialshowsfor while the Ministry of Natural Appeal,seenbyKaieteurNews,the of clean electricity for the country sports fans and daily religious Resources is privy to what is being AttorneyGeneralwasinstructedby This newspaper had unearthed the programmes for each of the three depreciated and amortized by the CCJ to file and serve written troubling blueprint of the proposed religions aired during the morning Exxon,hewillnotshareanydetails submissionsandalistofauthorities projectwhichwasreportedthrough segment.ThePublisherofKaieteur in that regard. Instead, he directed onorbefore11March2024. the pages of the newspaper This Newshashisownprogramme,“the Kaieteur News to write their Meanwhile, the respondents project was stalled due to lack of Glenn Lall show” aired on questions to Exxon. ”Yes, the were instructed each file and serve financing.Justtonameafew Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays Ministry would know what is written submissions in response Evolution of the newspaper geared at exposing the injustices of government’s purview, adding, depreciated and stuff like that but andalistofauthoritiesonorbefore

With the noticeable changes in Guyana’s oil deal and the “Unfortunately, the Vice President I’m not gonna go through any 25 March 2024. Nandlall was the economy, Lall said so has mismanagement of the country by [Bharrat Jagdeo] and President financials here because I think granted until April 1, 2024 to file business for Kaieteur News. He Government and Opposition. Lall [Irfaan Ali] seem not to want to do Kaieteur has even a more and serve written submissions in explained that previously around has been dedicated to simplifying that.” rudimentary understanding of the reply, if needed. The Court of 24,000 to 28,000 copies would be the stories carried daily in his Norton was commenting on financials than I do and two, that it Appeal on December 19, 2023, printeddaily,howeverthishasbeen newspapers for the ordinary citizen remarks made by Vice President can’tbedoneatapressconference. unanimously rejected the reduced.The businessman said this tobetterunderstand. Jagdeo in relation to Exxon’s If you want to have that why don’t application by Nandlall to join the is a reflection of the spending Other publications expenses. During one of his March yousubmitinwritingtoExxon,ask case of two Guyanese to get power of the population and is a In addition to the main press conferences, Jagdeo was them, we have noted this- the ExxonMobil to furnish the nation dangerous sign in an oil-rich newspaper, Kaieteur News began asked to provide an explanation to followingthings,”Jagdeosaid. with unlimited liability coverage economy On the other hand, he printing the Flame inAugust 1999, the nation of the massive expenses Moreover,theGuyanaRevenue foroilspills. recognised that social media and an entertainment paper It also racked up by United States oil Authority (GRA) is still to release The Court of Appeal other forms of digital platforms launched its New York Edition in major, Exxon.This publication had thereportsoftwoauditsonbillions unanimously upheld the havealsocontributedtotheimpacts August2008,whichcontinuestobe askedthepolitician,whoischarged of US Dollars in expenses racked submissions made by Seenath onthenewspaperbusiness. a success today, reaching New with oversight of the petroleum up By ExxonMobil from 1999 to Jairam ,SC, leading Ms Melinda

Recognizing the importance of York, New Jersey, Connecticut and sector,toprovideanexplanationon 2020. So far two audits have been Janki and Mrs Abiola Wongan informed nation and society, Florida. Additionally, Kaieteur the $133 billion depreciation and conductedtoreviewExxonMobil’s Innings on behalf of Collins and Lall said Kaieteur News offers free News did private printing for amortization costs that were multibillion expenses for the Whyte,strenuouslyobjectingtothe online readership on its website. religious organizations and chargedtoGuyana’soilrevenueby lucrative Stabroek Block. The first joinder of the Attorney-General. Additionally, the newspaper politicalentities. Exxon. In response, Jagdeo said was done by a British Firm IHS- The Attorney-General had sought through its radio frequency offers Humanitarian efforts that Kaieteur News should seek Markit and was a review of some to join the side of Exxon Guyana news updates. “One of the greatest of K/News Publisher clarityfromExxon. US$1.6 billion in costs incurred by which opposed the orders made by gifts we can give or we can lend to The Publisher of Kaieteur Norton said, “We don’t need to Exxon during the period 1999 to High Court Judge, Justice Sandil another human being is wisdom. News, over the past 30 years, has meet out to Exxon. So we don’t 2017. The second was done by a Kissoon for there to be a full And it gives me joy, it gives me contributed significantly to his have to call on Exxon to do local consortium, VHE, supported coverage for all oil spill costs. great pleasure every day I wake up country and various parts of the anything this contract [2016 by an overseas company for some Jairam, SC made a number of legal and see this newspaper online or in world through his humanitarian Production Sharing Agreement] US$7.3 billion in expenses racked argumentsastowhytheAGshould the hands of people, knowing that I efforts. gives certain rights duties and up by the Oil Company from 2018 not be allowed to join but in was part of it. I don’t think there is Lallthroughthisnewspaperhas responsibilities to the government to2020. particular pointed out that the any other noble profession than been instrumental in raising relief andthosetoExxon.” Attorney-General has no place in journalism and I try my best funds for disaster-struck countries He criticised the government’s FRIDAY judicial review proceedings – a everyday with God’s guidance to such as Indonesia, Pakistan and perceived negligence and legal position that has now been ensurethatIcontinue.Ibelievethis Haiti. Through the newspaper’s incompetence, pledging continued Govt. secretly moved to judicially endorsed by the Court of ismycalling,IbelievethisiswhatI corporate social responsibility, pressure for accountability The CCJ to reverseAppeal Appeal. wassentheretodo,”hesaid. K/News have also contributed Opposition Leader stated, “If there Court decision blocking The Collins and Whyte case is Kaieteur Radio locally to students in need of is transparency that we are calling them from joining ExxonM currently in the Court of Appeal KaieteurNewshadappliedfora scholarships and other types of aid. for, then you will have the in fight against Guyanese following the internationally radiolicenseintheyear2010under He has organized a number of fund information to further pressure the Unlimited parent company renowned and historic decision by the People’s Progressive Party r a i s e r s t h a t w e r e d o n e government rather than run in guarantee for oil spills… Justice Sandil Kissoon on May 3, administration Lall said the transparently, with names and the believing that we have somewhat 2023. The High Court Judge had President at the time (Bharrat amount donated published on the locus standi based on the PSA, to ordered the EPA to obtain from Jagdeo) was selective in the pages of the newspaper The hold the oil company accountable The Government of Guyana Exxon Guyana, environmental approval process and Kaieteur businessman also finds pleasure in we have to hold the government (GoG) secretly moved to the liability insurance as is customary News was bluntly refused. It was his annual Christmas cash accountable and the government Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) in the petroleum industry and an w h e n t h e A P N U / A F C giveaways and other charitable has to hold the oil company overamonthagoinabidtoreverse unlimited parent company administration took office that the exercises. accountable.” the decision of the local Appeal guaranteetocoverallcostsofanoil businessman’s application for the N o r t o n c l a r i f i e d t h e Court blocking the state from spill, in accordance with the radiolicensewasapprovedin2018. ‘Ali and Jagdeo don’t opposition’s role is pressuring the fighting against the citizens of environmental permit issued to Kaieteur Radio is now popularly want to hold Exxon government for accountability, Guyana, seeking an unlimited ExxonGuyana. known as ‘The Radio with a accountable for misuse of acknowledging their limitations in parent company guarantee from In his judgment, Justice Difference’. It aims to reach the oil money – Norton says contractual matters. “When we ExxonMobil to cover all oil spill Kissoon was very clear and had more mature audience, informing, become the government we will. costs. castigated the EPA for abdicating educating and entertaining from Leader of the Opposition, Butfornow,wewillkeepcallingon The application was filed since its statutory responsibilities stating coasttocoast. Aubrey Norton has underscored the government to do what they February 29, 2024 by the Attorney thattheEPAhad“relegateditselfto The radio became popular and that the opposition does not have should,”headded.

General (AG) and Legal Affairs state of laxity of enforcement and reached its crest during the 2020 the power to hold ExxonMobil Moreover, he noted, “So we Minister of Guyana,Anil Nandlall, condonationcompoundedbyalack ‘elections saga’. It featured an Guyana Limited (EMGL) will raise the issue, we will put SC. It was only made known of vigilance thereby putting this hourly round up of the elections accountablefortheallegemisuseof pressure to the government, but as yesterday. nation and its people in grave through various programmes revenuesgeneratedfromoil. an opposition, we are obligated to Guyana’s Environmental potential danger of calamitous including ‘The Political Show’, He said too, that holding Exxon dealone,throughtheparliamentary Protection Agency (EPA) and disaster.”JusticeKissoonalso ‘WakeupGuyana’and‘The592’. accountable falls under the system, through the government citizens Godfrey Whyte and (Continued on page 62)

Kaieteur News PAGE 61 Sunday April 07, 2024
Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton

The 2,370 kilograms

From page 61 done, they have, Vickram Bharrat found in the evidence that Exxon was a little more open and at least Guyana, “was engaged in a he convened meetings but the next disingenuous attempt which was step equivalent to shut down is to calculated to deceive when it have maximum administrative sought to dilute its liabilities and delays so when the Committee ask settled obligations stipulated and for Exxon to come to answer expressed in clear unambiguous questions as about reserves and all terms”initsenvironmentalpermit. of that and proprietary interest

Both the EPA and Exxon Exxon don’t come and the Guyana appealed the decision government does nothing as the which is now before the Court of majorityinthatCommittee.Itisnot Appeal. doing anything too so because of this incestuous relationship U.S. Navy makes huge cocaine governmentdoesnotwantthatkind bust off Guyana’s coast of scrutiny and that is where the democracy guardrails are

On March 21, the U.S. Drug collapsing as a result of the nonEnforcement Agency (DEA) functioning of our Parliament and Georgetown Country Office itscommittees.” collaborated with the Joint Interagency Task Force South of scrutiny and that is where the despite the Committee agreed and interest of bringing the concerns Two teachers dead, (JIATFS), Guyana Customs Anti- democracy guardrails are d i s c u s s e d s e n d i n g t h e and questions all Guyanese have to baby, others survive Narcotic Unit (CANU), and the collapsing as a result of the correspondences, as the Minutes the Parliament and we request – as GDF boat collides UnitedStatesCoastGuard(USCG) nonfunctioning of our Parliament would confirm. ”This reflects answers,” the Chairperson of the with civilian vessel to seize a Self-Propelled Semi- and its committees.” – Khemraj badly on the operations of the AFChighlighted. S u b m e r s i b l e ( S P S S ) Ramjattan Parliamentary Committee of

As part of this process, she A three-month old baby and its approximately 150 miles off the The Parliamentary Sectoral Natural Resources because it’s not explained that the Local Content aunt survived a boat accident in the coast of Guyana carrying 2,370 Committee on Natural Resources for the want of asking and Secretariat had appeared before the Moruca River, that claimed the kilogramsofcocaine. has been unable to get officials of following, up we have minutes to Committee where a number of lives of two teachers on board, TheU.S.Navy’sguidedmissile oil giant ExxonMobil and its show and also the fact that Exxon recommendationsweremadetothe includingthechild’smother cruiser USS Leyte Gulf interdicted regulator, the Environmental has not found it fit to respond also organization However, Hughes The incident which occurred the SPSS, resulting in the arrest of ProtectionAgency (EPA) to appear troubling,” the former Minister said, “For many months, I’m around06:30hrsonFridaymorning four individuals and seizure of the beforethebodyforscrutiny noted. talking about from October, since involved a Guyana Defense Force cocaine This landmark SPSS Opposition Member of The Committee is presently thestartbackofthesessionafterwe (GDF) Coast Guard vessel and a seizure will be prosecuted in the Parliament (MP) and former chaired by Opposition MP, Dawn had our closure from August to civilian boat The GDF Coast United States The U S M i n i s t e r o f P u b l i c Hastings-Williams while Minister October, since then we have been Guard Radar Craft RC 17, was government remains committed to Telecommunications, Cathy of Natural Resources, Vickram asking and the Committee has under the command of a Sergeant, its support of the Government of Hughes flagged this as a serious Bharrat is the Vice Chairman.Also written to both the EPA and to assisted by two other ranks, while Guyana and its Caribbean partners concern on Friday during an from the government are Minister Exxon inviting them to come to the civilian boat carried four indevelopingever-greatercapacity Alliance For Change (AFC) press of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn, answer questions and provide passengers According to a to disrupt illicit trafficking and conference. Hughes who is a Minister within the Ministry of information on areas of concern statement from the Guyana Police transnational crime to advance member of the Natural Resources Local Government and Regional and as I have said to you, since Force, “The Coast Guard vessel citizensecurity Sectoral Committee explained, Development, Anand Persaud, and Novemberlettersofinvitationhave was at the time en route to Santa “Since our meeting of November MPs Faizal Jafarally, and Lee been extended and up to now, we Rosa but collided with a civilian SATURDAY 10, 2023 (we) askedour committee Williams. are talking about close to six boat with four occupants, whilst why we have not been able to get a Representing the Opposition months later, these have been negotiating a turn. Two of the ExxonMobil, EPA date from Exxon yet as to when along with Hastings-Williams and totally ignored and the Committee passengers have been presumed dodging scrutiny of they will come to the committee to Hughes are Vincent Henry and has not, and the Parliamentary dead and the other two suffered Parliamentary Committee answer some of the questions and Rickey Ramsaroop Hughes structure has not been able to injuries,”thestatementread. concernsthatwehave.” explained that the Committee had confirmameetingdateyet.” Information received “Exxon don’t come and the Shesaiditwasworrisomethata agreed to a work plan which Hughes said this was very confirmed that the Coast Guard government does nothing as the Committeedesignedtoprovideand includedinformationgatheringand “unacceptable” before making it Vessel suffered damages and is m a j o r i t y i n t h a t ensurescrutinyandtransparencyin transparency efforts which clear that the issue will be raised currently at the army Base in the Committee because of this the operation of the natural involved the invitation of with the Speaker of the National Pomeroon River All of the victims i n c e s t u o u s r e l a t i o n s h i p resources sector has not been able organizations to answer questions. Assembly,ManzoorNadir were escorted to Charity and governmentdoesnotwantthatkind to question Exxon and the EPA “The Committee operates in the Shesaid,“Wearedueameeting furthertotheHospitalfordiagnosis next Friday which is statutory and treatment. The GDF said their meeting and even today we are in staff have not reported any injuries the process of drafting a and the Guyana Police Force have correspondence to the Speaker singe launched an investigation because we continue to be worried into the deaths of the passengers. at the slothfulness of the “The Chief-of-Staff of the Defence Parliamentary support group in Staff, Brigadier Omar Khan, pinningdownthosemeetings.” Officers and Ranks extend sincere

Meanwhile,LeaderoftheAFC, condolences to the families and Khemraj Ramjattam said this was loved ones affected by this tragic similar to the “shut down” of the incident. Our thoughts are with P a r l i a m e n t a r y S e c u r i t y themduringthisdifficulttime,”the Committee. He explained, “We statementadded.

have powers to even subpoena For its part, the Ministry of witnessestocomeandgiveanswers Education expressed condolences to the questions what has to the families of the deceased happened now is a blank shut saying it is “deeply saddened to down. We had one meeting where learn of the tragic deaths of the two BennwasnamedtheChairmanand teachers.“Ourheartsgoouttotheir neveranothermeeting.” families, friends, and the entire

Headded,“Whatweseeherein educationalcommunityaffectedby this Committee that Cathy is this devastating loss. We offer our talking about whereby they didn’t sincerest condolences during this shut it down like what Benn has difficulttime.”

Kaieteur News PAGE 62 Sunday April 07, 2024
of cocaine seized off Guyana's coast

Phase Two of Mazaruni Prison project to be completed within weeks - GPS

The Guyana Prison Service (GPS) on Friday stated that phase two of the M a z a r u n i P r i s o n rehabilitation project would be completed in a matter of weeks.

AteamledbyDirectorof Prisons, Nicklon Elliot visited the facility as part of its inspection exercise of capital projects within the prison service At the Mazaruni Prison, GPS noted that phase two which is a pivotal project aimed at enhancing the correctional infrastructure, will be completed within a few weeks Additionally, construction of phase two ofthefenceiscurrentlyat 98 per cent completion, andthisisbeingdoneata cost of over $66 million. This project is a significant step towards fortifying the security infrastructure of the prison,therebyensuringa safe and controlled environment within the premises, the Prison Servicenoted.

In relation to other projects, the boundary fence and watchtower constructioniscurrentlyat70 per cent completion, and the commencement of the officers'messreconstruction, designed to provide recreational space for both senior and junior officers, whichwillbedoneatacostof over $57 million and is already at a 20 per cent completion. The GPS said these projects encompass a diverse range of initiatives designed to enhance the infrastructure, living conditions for staff and prisoners and overall functionalityoftheprison.

Lusignan includes six new state-of-the-art Prisons, of which lots 1, 2, 3, and 6 are operational. However, they notedlot4isintheadvanced stage of construction

Notably, lot 5 of the project was terminated due to the contractor inability to conclude the project, GPS explained. That lot will be rewardedsoon.

AttheLusignanPrison,it was reported that the project also includes a vocational school where inmates will undergo training to mitigate recidivism and upscale

skillsets. That project is said to be almost completed. Upgrades to the facility also include a female prison which is ahead of schedule. An Infirmary Annex, the construction of the senior officers' living quarters and overheadwater-storagetanks and water- treatment plants werealsobeingbuiltandare operational.

Meanwhile, on Thursday at the Lusignan Prison, the PrisonServicestatedthatthe ongoing project is moving apace. The agency related that the expansion project at

Further, construction works on the new headquarters have commenced. The GPS also statedthatworksareongoing in the Holding Bay facility which is being transformed into a trade shop where prisoners will be exposed to programmes such as auto mechanics,joinery,tailoring, andcarpentry

Kaieteur News PAGE 63 SundayApril 07, 2024
Construction works ongoing at the Lusignan Prison. Construction works which are ongoing at the Mazaruni Prison.

Santa Mission wild fires contained, risk of re-ignition still high-Fire Service

The Guyana Fire Service said that the current wildfires at Santa Mission are under control however the risk of reignition is still currentlyhigh.

In a statement the fire service said that, “the currentovercastandcooler weather, along with minor rain showers, have alleviated the situation somewhat, but risks still remainrelativelyhigh.”

Thefireservicesaidon Friday, April 5th its team returned to Santa Mission to continue firefighting operations

“Undeterred by the challenging conditions, our team bravely entered the heart of the smoke to combat the fires using all available resources until the end of the day’s operations ”

Currently the teams are daily travelling to the area to access the wildfires and conduct firefighting efforts Additionally, “the density of the location

Upon their arrival, they observed that the area was enveloped in thick smoke As firefighters tackled the operation, it became clear that the excessive heat from the earth was sporadically igniting dry vegetation. They explained thattheruggedterrainofthe area caused significant challenges, making it extremelydifficulttoaccess certainpartsofthearea.

h a m p e r s p r o p e r communicationbetweenour team and headquarters for immediate updates,” the releaseadded.

The GFS said they will “remain dedicated to safeguarding communities and ecosystems, and will provide updates as soon as possible ”

According to the fire

service they have responded to hundreds of grass and wildfires

over the last few months, and are urging citizens to refrain from lighting fires at this time.

“Guyana is expected to endure at least another month of the El Niño phenomenon (dry season), which increases the risk of

these fires,” the GFS said.

The ongoing fire crisis in Santa Mission (also known as Santa Aratak) in Region Three had led to the evacuation of several residents in the area in the weehoursofThursday

Last week’s fire had p r o m p t e d t h e e v a c u a t i o n o f 3 8 individuals from Santa M i s s i o n a n d t h e neighbouring village

Duetotheseverityofthe situation,34evacueesfound temporary shelter at the Timehri Primary School which was established and managed by the Civil Defence Commission (CDC), while the remaining fourwereaccommodatedby theirrelatives.

Sierra Leone declares national emergency after steep rise in use of deadly synthetic drug kush Israeli fire ‘most likely’ killed woman taken captive on October 7: Army



Israeli investigation has foundthatanIsraeliwoman who was seized during the October 7 Hamas attack was “most likely” killed when an Israeli combat helicopter fired on her kidnappers’vehicle.

Efrat Katz and most of the fighters in the vehicle were killed when the aircraft fired on them, the army investigation said on Friday. The helicopter “fired at a vehicle that had terroristsinit,andwhich,in retrospect, based on the testimonies, also had hostages in it,” the army said in a statement. “As a resultofthefire,mostofthe terrorists manning the vehicle were killed, and most likely, Efrat Katz waskilledaswell.”

The “tragic and unfortunate” event occurred at a time of “fighting and conditions of uncertainty”, Israeli Air Force chiefTomer Bar said in the statement “The commander of the air force did not find fault in the operation by the helicopter crew, who operated in

compliance with the orders in a complex reality of war.”The army statement said the mistake occurred because surveillance systems could not distinguish captives from kidnappers once in a vehicle, and that “the shooting was defined as shooting at a vehicle with terrorists”.


Katz, 68 at the time of Hamas’sattackonsouthern Israel, was taken from the Nir Oz settlement close to the Gaza fence Her daughterDoronKatz-Asher and her two children were also taken captive during the attack, but were later releasedonNovember24. Katz’s partner Gadi Moses and his ex-wife Margalit Moses were seized,too.Moseswaslater released but Gadi is believed to remain in captivity in Gaza and still alive.

Israel has said some 1,200 people were killed duringtheOctober7attack and more than 200 taken captive – dozens of whom havesincebeenreleased.It

is estimated some 130 still remain in Gaza. Israel responded to the Hamas attack with a relentless offensive in Gaza that has killed at least 33,091 people, mostly women and children, according to the healthministryinthestrip.

In December, three Israeli captives in Gaza were killed mistakenly by Israeliforces.

They were shirtless and oneofthemwasholdingup a white flag, the military said. The military wing of Hamas said last month that sevenmorecaptivesdiedas a result of Israel’s bombardment, adding that thetotalnumberofcaptives killed by Israeli military operations “may have exceeded”70.

This week, media reports shone a light on the AI-assisted system Israel uses to identify targets for its bombing campaign in Gaza.

The publications said the system, which reportedly has an error rate ofabout10percent,hasled tomanyofthethousandsof civiliandeathsinthewar

(CNN) Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio has declared a national emergency on substance abuse following calls on his government to crack down on the rising use of a cheap and sometimes deadly synthetic drug known as kush.

Thehighlyaddictivemix of marijuana, tentanyl and tramadol has caused hundreds of deaths and psychiatrically damaged scores of users since it first appeared in Sierra Leone around four years ago, a c c o r d i n g t o t h e government. There are no

official figures on the exact numberofdeaths.

Bio announced the national emergency in a late night address on Thursday, deploringwhathesaidwere “ t h e d e s t r u c t i v e consequencesofkushonour country’s very foundation: ouryoungpeople.”

He said a national task force on substance abuse –involving all sectors of societyandsupervisedbya presidential advisory team – would be set up to implement a five-step strategy for what he called adrug-freefuture Kush’slowpricemakes

i t a c c e s s i b l e t o disillusioned, unemployed youth in Sierra Leone, where around a quarter of the population lives in poverty

The drug is also found in the neighboring West AfricannationofLiberia Local communities have called on the government to tackle the scourgeandhelpthemdeal with drug users The head of Sierra Leone’s only psychiatrichospital,Abdul Jalloh, welcomed Bio’s declaration as a crucial step towards addressing druguse

Kaieteur News PAGE 65 SundayApril 07, 2024
Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio
Current situation in the area

Tens of thousands of Israelis rally in Tel Aviv demanding Gaza hostage deal

( B B C N E W S )

Opponents of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu say 100,000 people have rallied against the government and to demand a Gaza hostage deal.

The rallies in Tel Aviv and other cities came after the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) recovered the body of hostage Elad Katzir Protesters chanted “elections now”, and “Elad, we’re sorry”, local media said Both Israelis and Palestiniansarepreparingto mark six months of war on Sunday Anti-government protesters were joined by families of hostages held in Gaza. Demonstrators expressed their frustration with the government’s inability to free the around 130 hostages who remain in Gaza,heldbyHamasandits allies.

Earlier on Saturday the IDF recovered the body of EladKatzir,whowasseized andtakentoGazaduringthe Hamas attacks on southern Israel on 7 October. He

appeared alive in a hostage videoreleasedinJanuary “EladKatzirmanagedto survive three months in captivity

He should have been withustoday Hecouldhave been with us today,” protester Noam Peri told a BBC reporter Organisers saidtheprotestershadrallied inaround50locationsacross Israel. These were the latest of a series of huge antigovernment protests demanding that Prime Minister Netanyahu step down, amid fury that he has failed to free the remaining hostages.

A car ploughed into crowds at the protest in TelAviv,injuringfive.

The cause of the incident was unclear. On Sunday - exactly six months since the Hamas attacks triggered the war in Gaza - negotiators plan tomeetinCairotoattemptto reachaceasefireinthebrutal war

According to some media reports, CIA Director Bill Burns and

Qatari Prime Minister

M o h a m m e d b i n Abdulrahman Al Thani will join negotiators from Egypt,IsraelandHamas.Mr Katzir’s sister, Carmit Palty Katzir, blamed Israeli authorities for her brother’s death in a post on social media,sayinghewouldhave returned alive had they agreed a new truce deal.

“Our leadership is cowardly

and driven by political consideration, which is why this deal has not happened yet,”shewroteonFacebook. “Prime Minister, war cabinet, and coalition members: Look at yourself inthemirrorandsayifyour handsdidn’tspillblood.”

T h e 7 O c t o b e r Hamas attacks killed about 1,200 people, most of them civilians

Over 33,000 people have been killed during Israel’s offensive in Gaza since then, the H a m a s - r u n h e a l t h ministry says - many of t h e m w o m e n a n d children.

According to Israeli counts, 253 Israelis and foreigners were taken during the Hamas attacks.

About 129 hostages

remain unaccounted for after being kidnapped - at least 34 of them are presumeddead 12 bodies have been recovered by the IDF Israel gives a slightly higher official figure because it includes four people taken hostage in 2014 and 2015. Two of these are believed to have died.

Gaza: Israel urged to publish full report on aid worker deaths

(BBC NEWS) Food charity World Central Kitchen (WCK) has called for an independent investigationintothekilling ofsevenofitsstaffbyIsraeli dronestrikesinGaza.

It comes after the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said “grave mistakes” led to the fatal targeting of the workers.AnIsraelimilitary inquiry led to two senior officersbeingdismissed.

However, the CEO of theaidgroupsaidtheIsraeli military “cannot credibly investigateitsownfailurein Gaza”.

In a statement, Erin Gore continued: “[The IDF’s] apologies for the outrageous killing of our colleagues represent cold comfort. It’s cold comfort forthevictims’familiesand WCK’s global family.” She said Israel must take “concrete steps” to ensure the safety of aid workers operating on the ground in Gaza, where several organisations have suspended operations in light of the deaths. Israel is under pressure from key Western partners to publish the full findings of its

investigation, which have notbeenmadepublic.

US Secretary of State AntonyBlinkensaidhehad received the Israeli report and was “reviewing it very carefully”. He said the US will be “looking to see not just what steps are being taken, but the results that follow from them” The Biden administration is facing mounting pressure from some Democrats over itsmilitarysupporttoIsrael.

On Friday, more than three dozen members of Congress, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,signedaletterurging the US president and Mr Blinken to “reconsider” the authorisation of an arms packagetransfertoIsrael.

The letter called for the UStowithholdfurtherarms

transfers pending an investigation into the airstrike that killed the aid workers,orifIsrael“failsto sufficiently mitigate harm to innocent civilians in Gaza.”

In the space of four minutes on 1 April, the seven aid workers were killed when three missiles destroyed their cars one by

one as they engaged in humanitarianwork.

The charity’s team had been authorised by the Israeli military to help transfer aid supplies from the coast to a warehouse. The IDF said a series of m i s t a k e s a n d miscommunications resulted in them being mistaken for Hamas operatives and targeted Israel’s military said a “numberofarmedgunmen” were in the vicinity of the convoy,butdroneoperators wrongly tracked cars carryingaidworkers.

The army apologised after admitting its soldiers didnotfollowprotocolsand were not given crucial information about the preapprovedaidmission.

Aswellasthedismissal of a colonel and a major, threeIDFcommandershave been formally reprimanded and the drone unit responsible has been suspended UK Foreign Secretary Lord David Cameron said British officials were “carefully reviewing the initial findings” and called the dismissal of two officers a


InapostonX,formerly Twitter, he said: “These findings must be published infullandfollowedupwith a wholly independent review to ensure utmost t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d accountability.”

Additional material fromtheIDFinvestigationincluding video footage purportingtoshowaHamas gunman on top of an aid lorry - was shown to journalists in a private briefing ahead of the IDF’s public apology, but only a summaryofthefindingshas been made publicly available.

TheIsraeliinvestigation was carried out via a preexisting disciplinary procedure which deals with allegations of military misconduct, and was overseen by a reservist majorgeneral.

IDF spokesman Rear Adm Daniel Hagari described the report as being carried out by a “professional, independent body that is outside of the chainofcommand”.Family ofaidworkerkilledinGaza: ‘He had a desire to serve


On Friday, he told a press conference the findings would be made public in a “clear and transparent manner” after being presented in full to WCKandrepresentativesof countries whose citizens were killed in the incident. He said IDF soldiers were “certaintheyweretargeting Hamas” but described the strikes as a “tragedy” stemming from a “terrible chainoferrors”.

Also on Friday, United Nations Secretary General António Guterres said 196 aid workers had died in Gaza since the conflict began, adding “we want to knowwhyeachofthemwas killed” He told a press conference: “The Israeli g o v e r n m e n t h a s acknowledged mistakesbut the essential problem is notwhomadethemistakes, itisthemilitarystrategyand procedures in place that allow for those mistakes to multiply time and time again.

“Fixing those failures



The deaths have contributed to growing international pressure over howIsraelisconductingthe war, which has led to calls for countries to stop supplying Israel with weaponsinrecentdays.On Thursday,USPresidentJoe Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin N e t a n y a h u t h a t Washington’s ongoing support was contingent on moreaidbeingallowedinto Gaza and additional measures being introduced to protect aid workers Israel later said it had approved the opening of two routes into Gaza for humanitariandeliveries.

Itisnotclearwhenthese would be opened or under whatconditions.

The Erez Gate in northern Gaza will be reopened for the first time since the start of the war, and the Israeli container port of Ashdod - which is close to Gaza - will accept humanitarian supplies

More aid from Jordan will also be allowed to enter via


Kaieteur News PAGE 66 SundayApril 07, 2024
requires independent i
stigations and
e Kerem Shalom
Protesters demonstrate in TelAviv demanding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's resignation



Guyanese for the support extended over the years be suchthroughmoralforce,or inthepowerofsilence,orby anyothermeans.


EPA:arubberstamp institution

The United Nations Human Rights Committee hadthreeyearstolistento,to readabout,andwatchallthat is happening in Guyana, the mosttalkedaboutcountryon theplanet. Therehasbeena lot to absorb, with no end in sight, when there are so many components of leadership and governance that have gone wrong. This paper has led the way in pointing to the environment that results from the weakness of an impotent Environmental Protection Agency, one minimized to a rubberstampinstitution.


PresidentAli ‘Pampazeting’himself

With a lot of bluster and bravado President, Ali last week huffed and puffed at a BBC journalist during an interview Guyanese have become accustomed to seeing him huffing and cussingthemoutaswell.We don’tseefromhimthissame energy when it comes to the oilcompaniesthathavebeen robbing and raping this countryofitsresources.

We didn’t see the bravado when the audit exposed Exxon for recovering funds spent on other projects outside of the StabroekBlockorwhenthat company rolled out billboards misleading the nationaboutitsreturnsfrom the oil resources. He is as quiet as a lamb on those matters, but was ready to jump down the throat of Stephen Sackur and our teachers.Simply,Spineless



Awatchingandlistening worldwasrecentlyreminded once again when Guyana came up for review before the United Nations Human Rights Committee of what Guyaneselivewithandhave their share of different beliefs about-corruption in high places. The UN asked about allegations of corruption against Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo. They did not specify, but many persons believe it has

todowithMr Su.Webelieve that in addition to Su, the committee has other allegationsagainstthesitting VP Senior Government Minister, Ms. Gail Teixeira, MP, made a brave effort to represent her boss and guarantor to the best of her ability Weatthispaperthink thatitlackedanyelementof persuasive power When the peopleattheUNheardabout the filing of a police report and who should have done so, they must have kept a straightfaceoutofregardfor the occasion, and not anything that Minister Teixeira said Because a police report was not filed, the State seems to have wanted the ugly matter that enmeshed a former head of state (and now the man in charge of the crucial oil portfolio) to die away in the quickestpossibletime.


PPPcondemning Guyanesetoalife ofpoverty

Exploitation has rocked Guyana, with those reeling from their efforts at daily survival taking the hardest hits. The natural resource contracts involving the patrimony of the people are an impenetrable PPP/C Governmentsecret,withthe nation’s wealth going out, and poor Guyanese hanging byathread.Itistheextentof what they know, the harsh experience with which they live. The government is proudofhavinganEPAthat is a global joke, and a corporate dream, while 38.8%ofGuyanesestruggle toexistonGY$1100aday

Thanks to the lucrative awards of the PPP/C Government to its inner circle,theextremetiltsinits managementofasurgingoil economy, the cabals of its own (family, friends, and fawning brown-nosers), make 100 times that GY$1100 a minute, if not more). The fortunate few know what it is to revel in extreme riches and, at the other extreme, there are those many Guyanese compelled to a situation of extremepoverty



Anniversary It is a big deal. Despite all the attempts by the powerful to thwart and sabotageitsoperations- KN standsstrong

Wecanandwillpromise the readership of this newspaper that the same fearlessness we pursued our work for the past 30 years will be maintained in the unendingquestfortruthand justiceforallGuyanese. When the pursuit of fairness stands as the essential substance in our mind,inthegenes,thenthere is mightiness that cannot be defeated God bless all Guyana Thanks to all



Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo for several press conferences now has been adding an ‘s’ to the word aircrafttomakeitplural.

Yesterday he was at his ‘aircrafts’ best butchering the English Language as he commented on the purchase oftwoaircraftfromIndia.

So Mr VP, we at KN want to offer you some free language lesson. ‘Aircraft’ is the same in both singular and plural Singular example: There is one aircraft left on the runway

Plural example: There are twoaircraftintheskytoday. Thereisno‘s’EVER!


Guyanawillnottolerate aseizureofanypart ofitsterritory

“This attempt by Venezuela to annex more than two-thirds of Guyana’s sovereignterritoryandmake it part of Venezuela, is an egregious violation of the mostfundamentalprinciples

of international law enshrined in the United Nations Charter, the Charter of the Organisation of American States and customaryinternationallaw

It also contradicts the letter and spirit of the Joint Declaration of Argyle for DialogueandPeacebetween

Guyana and Venezuela agreed to on December 14, 2023 in St Vincent and the Grenadines. This unlawful act calls into question Venezuela’s obligation to abide by the principles of that Declaration In this light,theGovernmentofthe Cooperative Republic of Guyana wishes to put on noticetheGovernmentofthe Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,theGovernments o f t h e C a r i b b e a n Community and the Latin American and Caribbean Community of Nations, as wellastheSecretaryGeneral oftheUnitedNationsandthe Secretary General of the Organisation of American States, that it will not countenancetheannexation, seizureoroccupationofany part of its sovereign territory.”- Government of

Kaieteur News PAGE 67 SundayApril 07, 2024
Today Kaieteur News celebrates its 30th
PAGE 68 Kaieteur News Sunday April 07, 2024

Buttler 100* trumps Kohli’s 113* as Royals go 4-0 up

(Cricinfo) - Jos Buttler celebrated his 100th IPL match with a 58-ball century to return to form and lead Rajasthan Royals to their fourth win in four games in IPL 2024.

Buttler got to the mark in style by hitting the winning runs - a six over midwicketto finish unbeaten on 100, and his 148-run stand with Sanju Samson (69 in 42) for the second wicket set up the chase.

Their partnership was also the season’s highest, b reaking the record set by Virat Kohli and Faf du Plessis earlier in the day.

Kohli led from the front to smack 113 in the first innings - his eighth IPL century and third in his last seven IPL innings - but it was also his slowest century, getting to the mark in 67 balls.

With no batter apart from du Plessis contributing, the onus was on Kohli to lift the Royal Challengers Bengaluru innings. And he did so successfully, carrying the bat till the end, but their total of 183 proved insufficient, sending them to their fourth defeat in five games.

Buttler leads, Samson follows

With scores of 11, 11, and 13, Buttler came into the game needing to change his fortunes. More so after he saw Yashasvi Jaiswal fall for a duck to Reece Topley.

Then came a trademark Buttler scoop over wicketkeeper Dinesh Karthik in the fourth over, his first boundary of the night.

Having got that one away, Buttler survived a tough catching chance on 6 the next

Sunday April 07, 2024

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)

Today your brain is supercharged, Aries. If you've been thinking about doing some writing or have put off analyzing a particularly tricky problem, this would be the perfect day to get started.


With today's planetary energy, you'll find yourself a little more extraverted than usual, Taurus. You'll finally be able to say what you really think about things.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

Today you're unstoppable! You're a very hard worker by nature, and with the current planetary alignment you'll be able to accomplish even more than usual.

CANCER (June 21–July 22)

Discard those items from the past for which you really no longer have use. As much as you like to surround yourself with objects of sentimental value.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)

Intimacy will be in the air over the next few days. Loved ones suddenly want to spend more time with you, and you'll want to invite friends over every night! By all means, do.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Se pt. 22)

Feeling unusually adventurous, Virgo? You're often motivated by your idealistic expectations, and the planetary configurations today .

delivery. That, however, did now slow him down. He launched into Yash Dayal and then hit left-arm spinner Mayank Dagar for three fours and a six in a 20-run sixth over.

With Samson also matching him shot for shot, Buttler reached his first fifty of the season in the tenth over. Buttler was especially strong against the inexperienced spinners Dagar and Himanshu Sharma.

They often erred with their lengths, and he pounced on short balls by pulling over the leg side.

He also pierced boundaries through the covers and ran down the pitch to hit both spin and pace down the ground.

His connections got better as the innings progressed, on display when

he picked Dayal’s slower ball in the 13th over, had to wait ages for it to arrive where he stood and still flat-batted him for six. With one to win at the start of the 20th over, Buttler had a fairytale end to his evening when he pulled a six to reach his ton and seal the deal.

Kohli’s ton ends in defeat

Put in to bat, RCB needed their opening pair to get some runs, but it was meant to be a challenge against the team that was averaging three powerplay wickets per game. However, Trent Boult and Nandre Burger could not get the early breakthrough, and the Kohli-du Plessis pair put on 53 in the powerplay.

Lusignan A, B & Enmore triumph in ECCB/Aidan’s Inc. T20 Tourney

Lusignan A, B and Enmore registered victories when the East Coast Cricket Board/ Aidan’s Inc. T20 tournament continued recently.

Host Lusignan A beat East Coast Masters by eight wickets. Batting first, East Coast Masters managed 86-8 with S. Ramjohn scoring 24 and V. Gobin 21. Nigel Deodat and Kumar Bishundial took two wickets each.

Lusignan A responded with 87-2 in 13.1 overs. Robin Williams and A. Singh scored 23 apiece while Krishna Deosarran made 22. A. Duke took the only two wickets to fall.

Balgobin made 42 and A. Singh 41.

B. Jordan and R. Mohamed had two wickets each for the opposition. Better Hope B replied with 172-3. M. Persaud made 79, A.Persaud 47 and M. Singh 23. A. Singh took 2-37.

In another fixture, Enmore defeated Lusignan B by eight wickets at Enmore. Lusignan B were bowled out for 112 all out with Stephen Allick scoring 31 as Yuvraj Dayal claimed 3 for 20 while S.Jainarine, R.Singh and A.Mahase had two wickets apiece.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

The celestial energy signals a pleasant change for you today, Libra. Finally, the overpowering emotions that have been surging from your relationships will subside. You are now beginning a more contemplative phase.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

This is a good day to devote time and thought to spiritual pursuits, Scorpio. Do something inspirational that instills a sense of wonder deep in your soul.

SAGIT (Nov.22–Dec.21)

A new phase in your life is beginning, Sagittarius. The previous phase could be interpreted as having taught you to be serious and devoted to professional responsibilities.

CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

Today's aspects might clear up some rather sketchy ideas about your professional future, Capricorn. If you long for a change, such as daring to undertake a more artistic pursuit.


You have acquired some sound confidence in yourself, Aquarius. Now it is time for you to show everyone else by actually putting it to use in your life.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)

Today's planetary energy should compel you to commit certain acts of self-affirmation that are needed to define your territory and protect your rights.

The start was promising for RCB since du Plessis survived the powerplay for the first time this season and Kohli looked fluid at his worst IPL venue (he averaged 21.90 in Jaipur before this game). Kohli was the majority contributor in their 125-run opening stand, scoring 72 compared to du Plessis’ 44 before the latter fell in the 14th over.

National cricketer among suspects...

From page 72 deh pon them thing duh.” The cricketer even denied that he was ever arrested by police or questioned. Kaieteur News, however contacted, Region Three police and they said that the cricketer was arrested as a suspect in the brutal beating of Dookram and placed in the lock-ups. “…He was placed on (station) bail yesterday (Friday) afternoon and was instructed to return today Saturday for further investigations”, Police told Kaieteur News.

International athletes put on...

From page 73

Woodroofe (13:38) leading the way ahead of Haresh Rameshwar (17:10) and Kevin Radeshwar (19:33).

Day two will see the RX athletes going toe to toe in The Fire Drill, Inverted-Flame and Greater Heights to be crowned Kares Crossfit Champion and hold bragging rights.

Tickets will be available at the gate at $6,000 for VIP and $1,000 for General seating. Action will run from 11:00 Hrs to 17:45 Hrs using natural daylight. The prestigious championship is being live streamed by FL Sport and may be seen on www.flsport.gy, on YouTube at FL Sport and on the Guyana TV Network app on the FL Spot channel.

Meanwhile, Lusignan B beat Better Hope B by 14 runs. Batting first, host Lusignan B posted 186-7 as Stephen Alick struck 70 while C.

Enmore scored 114 for 2 in 12 overs, in reply as Vikash Wilkinson slammed 51 not out and Rudolph Singh contributed 40 to lead the scoring chart.

Sunday April 07, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 69

Lakhram XI wins Mike’s Memorial Softball match

Lakhram XI defeated Regal Legends by 10 wicketsinthefinalLakhram Mike’sSingh/ReyazHusein

Memorial T10 Softball Tournament played last SundayatDemeraraCricket Clubground,Queenstown.

Regal Legends batted first and made 100-7 from the allotted 10-overs while Lakhram XI replied emphatically, reaching the targetwith12ballstospare.

Nandram Samlall orchestratedthevictorywith an enterprising 43 while he shared a match-defining, unbroken partnership with skipper Seeraj Bhimsain whowasthereon42.

Experienced batter Eion Abel top-scored for Regal Legends with an impressive

54 The match was organized by the Guyana Floodlights Softball Cricket A s s o c i a t i o n T h e A s s o c i a t i o n a l s o commemorated the death of another member, Reyaz Husein.

Singh died due to a Cardiac Attack in 2022 while playing softball cricket in Florida while Husein passed away two years earlier with a HeartAttack.

Trophies and other tokens were up for grabs as widow of Lakhram Mike Singh,MalaSingh,whowas onhandtopresenttheprizes.

Earlier, Regal Legends defeated Falling Stars while Lakhram XI comfortably overcameFloodlights.

Verstappen on pole position for Red Bull

Verstappen said he felt it had not been this greatest lap, adding: “It was quite close at the end. This track is very sensitive with the tyre with the Tarmac being aggressive, and when you really want to go to the limit, it doesn’t always work out. (Getty Images)

Norris bestoftherest.

Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz was fourth, his team-mate Charles Leclerc eighth, and Aston Martin’s Fernando Alonso fifth McLaren’s OscarPiastriwassixthahead of Mercedes’ Lewis Hamilton, whose team-mate GeorgeRussellwasninth.

Japanese Yuki Tsunoda delighted home fans packed into the glorious Suzuka circuitwith10thplace. Verstappen had looked a certainty for pole since the start of the weekend but in the end his margin was

perhaps smaller than expected. Perez was just 0.066 seconds adrift of the three-time champion, who hadbeenhalfasecondclear of the field on this same circuitlastSeptember Red Bull, though, were in a league of their ownNorriswas0.292secsoffthe pace in third, and himself a comfortable 0 193secs aheadofSainz.

Verstappensaidhefeltit had not been this greatest lap, adding: “It was quite closeattheend.Thistrackis very sensitive with the tyre with the Tarmac being aggressive, and when you reallywanttogotothelimit, itdoesn’talwaysworkout.


a good starting position for tomorrow, and tomorrow is whatcounts.”Perezsaid:“It wasreallyclosewithMax.It felt like a good lap. It was quitetrickythere,especially closingthelapsitwaseasyto lose a couple of 10ths in the last sector “We have been reallycloseallweekendand when you are in that, little margins anything can makeadifference.

“Ididn’thaveagreatexit (from the chicane) opening thelap;thatcouldhavebeen different. Our long-run pace was not that strong this morningbutwehaveworked quite a bit and hopefully we will be strong.” Norris was pleased with third, saying McLaren’s “hard work was

payingoff”intryingtoclose thegaptoRedBull. Sainz was 0 485secs frompole,astepforwardfor Ferraricomparedtolastyear but their least impressive qualifying performance of the year And Leclerc, while only 0 104secs off the Spaniard, was perplexed as to where his pace has gone thisseason.

Leclerc has been the faster Ferrari driver on balancethroughtheirtimeas team-mates and he has been re-signed for next season alongside Lewis Hamilton while Sainz is looking for a drive. But Sainz has been more impressive this season and Leclerc said after qualifying:“That’sthebestI

cando.Honestly,Idon’tget it.” It was an encouraging dayforAlonso,whoseAston Martin has major floor upgrades this weekend and the veteran Spaniard put themtogoodeffect.

Secondfastestinthefirst session,Alonsoslippedback asqualifyingprogressedand othersfoundtheirfeet. He was seventh after his first run in the final top 10 shoot-out and was encouraged by his engineer to try to find the extra 0.15secs that separated him fromaplaceinthetopfourat the time Alonso replied saying: “I don’t know what todotogofaster;itfeltlikea good lap.” But he found almost exactly that time to

move up and split the FerrarisandMcLarens.

The 0 569secs that separated Hamilton from pole was seen as progress at Mercedes. Hamilton said:

“It’s been a night and day different weekend so far in terms of how comfortable I feltinthecar,wedidareally good job of analysis back at the factory to try to understand how we can get the car in a sweeter spot.

“The car has a been much nicer to drive this weekend and particularly at a track like this where you need a nice balance, this is the nicest it’s been for three years.

“Last year we were a secondoff,0.7secstoday.”

Kaieteur News PAGE 70 SundayApril 07, 2024
(BBC Sport) - Max Verstappen led a Red Bull one-two in qualifying at the Japanese Grand Prix with McLaren’s Lando The teams at the presentation

Gumdac Easter Badminton Tournament 2024…

Large wins highlight second night

The second day of the Guyana B a d m i n t o n Association (GBA) organised Gumdac Easter Badminton Tournament which unfolded on Friday evening at the National G y m n a s i u m s a w comfortable wins being recorded by the majority of thevictors.

Among the categories contested were the Men D o u b l e s , Wo m e n Doubles and Mixed Doubles The Tournament concluded on Saturday with the finale in the Women’s Doubles,Men’sDoublesand M i x e d D o u b l e s Completed results - second night

QF Men Doubles:

Avinash Odit/Javid

Rahaman defeated Colin B o w r y / J a h i e m

Carmichael: 21-6, 21-13

QF Men Doubles: Nkosi

Beaton/Frank Waddell d e f e a t e d M a t t h e w


QF Men Doubles:

Marlon Chung/Wenyuan

C h e n v s Wi l l i a m

Holder/Jason Khalil: 2112, 21-14

QF Men Doubles: Akili Haynes/Tyrese

J e f f r e y d e f e a t e d

G r a n d i s o n

R o b i n s o n / Tr o x l e y


Women Doubles

Semi-Finals: Priyanna

R a m d h a n i / M i s h k a

Beharry defeated Neveah

Eastman/Malia Haley:

21-4, 21-6 Women Doubles

Semi-Finals: Ayanna

Watson/Shivannie Persaud

d e f e a t e d A l i m a

Eastman/Asiyah Eastman: 21-17,21-13

QF Mixed Doubles:

Akili Haynes/Priyanna

Ramdhani defeated

Jason Khalil/Ashley

Khalil: 21-11, 21-10

QF Mixed Doubles:

W e n y u a n

Chen/Shivannie Persaud

d e f e a t e d N k o s i

Beaton/Anna Perreira: 21-17, 15-21, 21-17

QF Mixed Doubles:

Tyrese Jeffrey/Ambika

Ramraj defeated Frank


Berkley: 21-14, 21-5

QF Mixed Doubles:

Avinash Odit/Mishka

B e h a r r y d e f e a t e d

Nikolas Pollard/Alimah

Eastman: 21-4, 21-7 Men

Doubles Semi-Finals:

Akili Haynes/Tyrese

J e f f r e y d e f e a t e d



Rahaman: 20-22, 21-10, 21-7 Men Doubles SemiFinals:

M Chung/W Chen defeated N Beaton/F

Waddell: 21-18, 21-13

Mixed Doubles SemiFinals:A Haynes/P

Ramdhani defeated W Chen/S.Persaud: 21-14,218 Mixed Doubles SemiFinals: T Jeffrey/A. Ramraj defeated A Odit/M Beharry: 13-21, 22-20, 2115

Arsenal beat Brighton to move top of Premier League


(BBC Sport) - Arsenal maintainedtheirpursuitofa firstPremierLeaguetitlefor 20 years as they moved top of the table with an impressive away victory overBrighton.

Mikel Arteta’s side edged one point ahead of title rivals Liverpool, who face Manchester United at OldTraffordonSunday,and Manchester City after the reigning champions beat CrystalPalace4-2earlieron Saturday

The returning Bukayo S a k a , a b s e n t f o r Wednesday’s 2-0 victory over Luton with a minor injury, kept his composure under pressure to slam in a first-half penalty awarded for Tariq Lamptey’s foul on GabrielJesus.

David Raya leapt across his goal to keep out Julio Enciso’s spectacular longrangeeffortafter43minutes, which represented Brighton’s first attempt on target, to protect Arsenal’s advantage before the interval.

It was the in-form Kai Havertz who gave the Gunners breathing space, slotting in from Jorginho’s cut-back to settle nerves amongthetravellingArsenal supportafterthehourmark. Former Brighton player


Leandro Trossard was denied by Bart Verbruggen, but the substitute made no mistake later when played through by Havertz, calmly lifting the ball over the Seagulls goalkeeper to put theresultbeyonddoubt. Brightondroppedto10th withdefeatastheirhopesof achieving European football for a second successive season were dealt a blow by wins for West Ham and Newcastle directly above



Manchester City maintained their title challengeinruthlessfashion as “incredible” Kevin de Bruyne claimed his 100th goal for the club in a comeback victory at Crystal Palace.

In an entertaining encounter, Palace stunned City with an early opener from Jean-Philippe Mateta, before De Bruyne’s

wonderful finish pulled the visitorslevelinthefirsthalf.

Matetaracedontoapass from Adam Wharton and slottedtheballinsidethefar corner in only the third minuteasnoiseeruptedfrom thestandsatSelhurstPark.

But De Bruyne’s curling effort was a sublime equaliser just 10 minutes laterand,withastarringrole fortherestofthegame,City bossPepGuardiolasaidtheir success was thanks to his


“For many years he has been one of the best players forourclub,”Guardiolatold BBCSport.

“What he has done in England has been unbelievable.

Many goals, assists and consistency

We had four or five monthswithouthimandnow weneedhimattheendofthe season.

“I think he likes to score

goals but I don’t know if he enjoys it more to make an assist.Heissogenerouswith that-buthehastocontinue.”

Palace’s Jordan Ayew also struck the crossbar as Oliver Glasner’s side showed plenty of attacking threat but they were undone inthesecondhalf.

Having earlier made a crucial stop to deny Erling Haaland finishing off a clever De Bruyne throughball,PalacegoalkeeperDean Henderson was unable to block Rico Lewis’ strike within two minutes of the secondhalf.

T h e d e f e n d i n g championsthentookcontrol as De Bruyne teed up Haaland again and this time the Norwegian striker finished, before the Belgian addedafourth-markinghis century of goals for City sincejoiningin2015-witha ferociousfirst-timeshot.

Substitute Odsonne Edouard slotted in a late consolation for Palace but this was another crucial victory for Guardiola’s side in an enthralling three-way titlerace.

City moved level on points with Liverpool, who visit Manchester United on Sunday,butArsenalleadthe tablebyapointaftertheir3-0 winatBrighton.

Kaieteur News PAGE 71 SundayApril 07, 2024
Mixed Doubles semifinals were well contested. Bukayo Saka has scored nine of his last 10 penalties in the Premier League (Getty Images)

Chase’s Academic keeps clean sheet in 11-goal annihilation of Bushlot -Bartica,WestRuimveldtalsoamongwinners

Chase’s Academic Foundation,West Ruimveldt, East Ruimveldt,Bartica,Leonora and Dolphin Secondary celebrated victories in the latestthirdroundmatchesof the 2024 Milo Schools

Under-18 Football tournamentheldyesterday

Organised by Petra, the tournament entered its third round with an electrifying lineupofmatchesatboththe Ministry of Education (MoE) and Queen’s College (QC)grounds.

In the opening clash, Bartica Secondary faced off against Marian Academy, clinching a 3-1 victory

EzekielBaldeo,freshfroma stellar performance in the previous day against South Ruimveldt, secured a brace to aid Bartica’s triumph Baldeostruckearlyinthe5th minute, sealing the win, whileRodcliffAdamsonand ReizerReidalsocontributed withsolitarygoals. Tournament favourites, Chase’s Academic Foundation, showcased another dominant display, overpowering Bushlot Secondary

Captain Bryan Wharton spearheaded the charge with ahattrick,addingthreegoals tohistally

supported by Donovan Welcome and Jamal Fraser who each scored one goal apiece.

At QC, East Ruimveldt Secondary edged pastAnn’s Grove 2-1, with goals from Ezekiel Gibson and Jaden Abrams.

New Amsterdam Secondary fell to Leonora Secondary 2-1, with D’LessandroValenzuelaand Keon Grant netting for New Amsterdam Dolphin Secondary secured their second win, defeating CarmelSecondary3-0.

Tyrel Walcott, Isaiah Ifill, Dequain Samuels, and Shaquon David also found thenet.

Overinmatch#26,West Ruimveldt Secondary

Alongside Wharton, BevonHonesandOmarSam each scored twice in the resounding 11-0 victory

National cricketer among suspects accused of stabbing, breaking Tuschen man’s leg

Police on Saturday confirmed that a Guyanese National Cricketer, is one among four suspects accusedofbrutallybeatinga man last Tuesday with a baseballbatatTuschen,East BankEssequibo(EBD).

Reportsarethattheyalso stabbed the man multiple times about his body and shattered his femur (thigh) bones with the blows Hospitalised in a serious condition at the West DemeraraRegionalHospital is David Junior Dookram, age 50 Speaking with Kaieteur News the victim claimed that he was ambushed by four men, one of them wearing a mask, around 20:30hrs while at a friend’s birthday party He identified the cricketer as one of his attackers and the other two as acquaintances ofhis.

Kaieteur News learnt that one of the attackers had lost a weeding machine and believed that Dookram had stolen it. The cricketer who is related to the one of the attackers reportedly accompanied them to confront him. “Them man runtheyardoneofthemstart to juk me up and a next one

start to lash me up all over and bruk me one foor”, the victimalleged.

Dookramfriendsalleged thatthecricketerisonewho stabbed him during the ordeal.Thevictimcontinued that while trashing him the menrelievedhimofabunch of keys he had on him and fled in a vehicle. Unable to movehisfriendstookhimto sthe police station immediately where they


filed a report Dookram before leaving for the Hospital requested that his friendstakehimtohishome togetsomestuff. Whenthey arrived his house was opened Neighbours reportedly told him that some angry men in a car passedbyandbrokeintohis home.

“Demsaythatlashuphis house and suh”, Dookram recalled His friends

assisted in making checks around the house and it was soondiscoveredthatthemen carted away Dookram’s weeding machine, his stove and other valuables. After securinghishome,Dookram was taken to the West DemeraraRegionalHospital where he was admitted and has since undergone multiplesurgeriesonhisleg.

Questioned about the weeding machine the men took away, Dookram claimed that it was a brand newonethathehadrecently purchased from a store and had never stolen it from anyone. His relatives even provided Kaieteur News with receipts to prove that Dookram had indeed purchased the weeding machine.

KaieteurNewscontacted the cricketer for a comment on the allegations being made against him and he denied them. “I never get into no situation with police”, the national cricketer said Pressed further he added “Assault people bai, I is the cricketer yes but me aint know about that. Me ain’t know about assaultingnobody Idon’t


displayed their dominance, claiming a convincing 5-0 win against Yarrowkabra Secondary

Jeremiah Griffith continued his impressive form with two goals,

The tournament, sponsored by Massy Distribution through the Milo Brand, enjoys support from MVP Sports, Yellow Steel Inc , Ministry of Education, Blue Water Shipping, and the Guyana FootballFederation.

Action continues today at both venues with more third-roundmatches.

Sylus Tyndall named as replacement for injured Nandu

(Cricnation592) - Fastbowler Sylus Tyndall earns his maiden Guyana Harpy Eagles4-Dayteamcallupas action in the ongoing West Indies4-DayChampionship continueagainsttheJamaica Scorpions in the upcoming round which bowls off WednesdayApril10.

A former U19 national player, Tyndall who made a full recovery following a chronic ankle injury which hasbeenbotheringhimover thelast12months,willtake Nandu’s spot in the team after the opening batsman wasrecentlyruledoutdueto ashoulderinjury

Nandu had looked solid throughout the competition despite not posting a big score,butaninjurywhichhe

picked up in the previous round, was reaggravated duringatrainingsessionthis week; further leading to his omission as he will. Ow havetoworkhiswaybackto health.

Harpy Eagles will play the Scorpions this coming Wednesday April 10 at the legendary Sabina Park Ground,KingstonJamaica. GuyanaHarpyEagles4Day team – Tevin Imlach (Captain), Tagenarine Chanderpaul,SylusTyndall, Kevlon Anderson (Vice Captain), Raymond Perez, Kemol Savory, Kevin Sinclair, Ronaldo Alimohamed, Gudakesh Motie, Veerasammy Permaul, Isai Thorne, Nial SmithandAkshayaPersaud.

Kaieteur News PAGE 72 SundayApril 07, 2024
Chase’sAcademic goal scorers (from left) Duquain Samuels, Bryan Wharton, Tyrel Walcott,Omar Sam, Shaquon David, Isaiah Ifill and Bevon Jones David Dookram Matthew Nandu

Kares Crossfit Caribbean Championship 2024… International athletes put on strong show on opening day - Intensity shifts to the National Park today

At the crack of dawn on Saturday,athletestooktothe pool at the NationalAquatic Centre, Liliendaal to begin the second edition of the Kares Crossfit Caribbean Championship Every athleteinthethreecategories went at each other but when the clock expired, the internationals were in pole positions.

Englishman George

Dutton finished in a time of 24 minutes, 14 seconds (24:14) ahead of reigning champion Guyanese Dillon Mahadeo (26:02) and Trinidadian Bryant Snaggs (29:35) in the Men’s RX category The trio proved theirsuperiorfitnessoverthe other five athletes in the categorywhofailedtofinish their Swim Grace routine within the 30-minute time allocation.

Dutton started to move aheadinthefirst100Mswim after completing 30 cleanand-jerkat135lbs,Mahadeo managed to close the gap slightly as the athletes competed to burn 150 calories doing ski pulls Dutton kept the lead after another strong swim in the second 100 M swim before using up a lot of energy to burnafurther60calorieson the echo bike but finished strong with the final 100M swimaheadofMahadeoand Snaggswhojustmanagedto beattheclock.

The other athletes who failedtofinishwiththetime allocationare‘Pastor’Omisi Williams (Guyana), Kellon Reid (Guyana), Demron Thompson (Barbados), Christopher Henrey

(Guyana) and Timothy McAndrew (Guyana)

Henery who was first to complete the clean and jerk dropped back significantly inthepoolwherehewasnot that strong is expected to leadastrongchallengetothe leaders on Sunday on the tarmacoftheNationalPark.

In the Women’s RX category, there were six starters but only defending championAvaZalmanofthe Netherlands and American Bryleigh Hansen finished theentireworkoutwithinthe stipulated 30 minutes Zalman was in beast mode from the clean and jerk and opened the gap showing her poise in the pool while HansenandfellowAmerican Heather Hudson were leading the chasing pack. Zalman stopped the clock at 22:45whileHansengotthere at29:03.

Hudsonwillgointoday2 inthirdpositionfollowedby Delice Adonis (Guyana), Patiqua Cooper (Bahamas) andDashawnaWilliams.

Thedaybeganwiththree male under-21 athletes competinginaSwimRandy event however, it only included 75 snatches of 75

lbs, 50 M swim, 75 calories skipullsandfinishedwith50 M swim. All three finished within the 20-minute time allocationwithVladimir (Continuedonpage69)

Kaieteur News PAGE 73 SundayApril 07, 2024
George Dutton (left) and Dillon Mahadeo (right) turned in spectacular performances in the male division.

Chase’s Academic keeps clean sheet in 11-goal annihilation of Bushlot

West Ruimveldt’s Jamal Fraser (no.19) on the move againstYarrowkabra Secondary at MoE Ground

Kares Crossfit Caribbean Championship 2024… International athletes put on strong show on opening day strong day -IntensityshiftstotheNationalParktoday

National cricketer among suspects accused of stabbing, breaking Tuschen man’s leg

More action between West Ruimveldt andYarrowkabra on Saturday. - Bartica, West Ruimveldt also among winners
Sylus Tyndall Sylus Tyndall named as replacement for injured Nandu Organiser Jordana Ramsay (2nd left) interviews the top female performers on Day one of the event.
P. 70

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