Israel’s military confirms ‘decline in forces’ in southern Gaza
Audit Reportfinds: Before oil began pumping, Guyana paid over US$27,000 daily between 2015 and 2017
for Exxon’s helicopter services
Elderly man escapes arson attack on Linden home
Jagdeo satisfied giving up billions in taxes for a few jobs
...sayswithout concessionsno hotelswould havebeenbuilt
Man shot outside Charlotte Street church
-Pres.Ali,UNAmbassadorreiteratecallsforimmediateceasefire Guyana rakes in over $72M for Gaza
Govt. breaches High Court order, not remitting teachers’ union dues - GTU President
AIETEUR NEWSK Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly Online readership yesterday, 60,147 Price $100 April08,2024-Vol.17No.15 Monday Edition
Minister of ForeignAffairs, Hugh Todd hands over the cheque to United Nations Resident Coordinator to Guyana, Ms.Yeşim Oruç. Also in photo are, President IrfaanAli and other officials
Before oil began pumping,
paid over US$27,000 daily between 2015 and 2017 for Exxon’s helicopter services
Before Guyana began producing the sweet light crude discovered in the prolific Stabroek Block, ExxonMobil was chartering helicopter services that cost the country a whopping $5.4Mdaily This finding was exposed in the US$1 6B audit,conductedbyaBritish firm, IHS-Markit The leaked report detailed that the oil giant in 2015 contracted a Trinidadian company, National Helicopter Services Limited at a total cost of US$5.1M.
In 2016 and 2017, the company then recruited the services of a UK firm, Bristow Helicopters International at a cost of US$11.6M and US$12.9M,
Acloserlookattheaudit reportshowsthatExxonhad sole-sourcedtheTrinidadian company to provide the helicopter services in 2015. Theauditorssaid,“Overthe audit period, there were two providers of helicopter services to the offshore facilities in Guyana On comparison of the contracts betweenthetwoprovidersit has been observed that Bristow helicopter contract was tendered (i e awarded on a competitive basis) whiletheawardtoNational Helicopter was single sourced ” The report explained that the Bristow Helicopter contract was relative to the prevailing market rate,
whereas a higher cost was paid to National Helicopters Services International The auditorssaidthecostrequired justification which was not provided by ExxonMobil It therefore recommended that the additional amount of US$1,604,544 paid to National Helicopter should not be allowed in the cost b a n k w i t h o u t t h e justification.
This newspaper also analyzed the audit report submitted by VHE Consulting for the years 2018 to 2020 but could not find any costs related to helicopter services. It must be noted however that these charges are likely to be significantly higher now, since oil production
The Retrieve Linden house on fire
activities commenced offshorein2019 Helicopters are used in oil and gas industryasafastermeansof transportforcrewmembers, comparedtoboats.
It must be noted that while the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), assigned by the Government of Guyana’s to provide key oversight on the audit has signalled its approval of the report submitted by IHSMarkit and recommended that the audit findings be accepted, there has no progressinthepursuitofthe disputed costs flagged by
TheConsultantwashired back in 2019 to conduct a review of Exxon’s expenses during the period 1999 and 2017 IHS in its 2021 report flaggedatotalofUS$2144M in questionable or unjustifiable costs billed to thecountrybyExxonMobil Commissioner General of the GRA, Godfrey Statia in a public missive said on October 18, 2023, “The Authority wishes to categoricallyre-iteratethatit stands by its advice to the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Government of Guyana that theCostBankAdjustmentof US$214.4M as reported in the ‘Audit Report Recommendation Final’ by IHS Markit is the accepted finalfigure ” Statia also made it clear that its correspondence to IHSMarkit,seekingclarityto the said “Audit Report Recommendation Final” and copied to EMGLshould in “no way or form” be construed as a change in the Authority’s position that the Cost Bank Adjustment of US$2144M be adjusted, nor tore-opentheprocess
Internationalinvestorseye Guyana’sboomingmarket
ACEConsultingGroup(ACE)andACG Analytics have joined forces to usher Wall Street’s attention to Guyana’s burgeoning market.
Local consulting firm, ACE Consulting Group, known for its strategic advisory services,isteamingupwithACGAnalyticsto bring a prominent group of experienced internationalinvestorsfromWashingtonDC, NewYork, and London to explore Guyana’s growingmarket.
Elderlymanescapesarson attackonLindenhome
Anelderlymanescapedafireathishome lateSaturdayatRetrieve,Mackenzie,Linden
InapressreleasetheGuyanaFireService saidthatatapproximately22:36hrsSaturday the department received a call and was alerted to a fire at Lot 63 Ariwa Oval, Retrieve,MacKenzie,Linden.
Water Bowser #12 and four firefighters were immediately dispatched, promptly arriving at the scene by 22:45 hrs Upon arrival, firefighters found a two-storey concrete structure with corrugated metal sheeting engulfed in flames The first jet was deployedat22:46hrs.
The structure, owned by the late Deryl Josephandoccupiedby77-year-oldDouglas
Joseph, sustained irreparable damage, resulting in the complete destruction of the building and its contents, leaving its lone occupanthomeless,thefireservicesaid.
The fire, suspected to be the result of malicious intent by unknown persons, necessitated the deployment of one jet from thewaterbowser’stanksupplytoextinguish theflames.
“The incident remains under investigation as Fire Prevention officials collaborate with the Police to determine the cause of the fire. Anyone with information that could help identify the perpetrator(s) is encouragedtocontactthepolice,”therelease concluded.
ACGAnalytics is a distinguished policy advisory firm in Washington DC and is renowned for its expertise in advising asset managers primarily located in New York City,Miami,andLondon.
Chris Czerwinski, Director of Macro Policy at ACG Analytics, who will be accompanying the group, underscored the market interest in Guyana, stating, “In my years working with investment funds in macro, special situations, and event-driven strategies,Ihaverarelyseensomuchacrossthe-board interest in a single market and a governmentsocommittedtotheresponsible and conscientious development of its transformative energy discovery We are excitedtoseefirst-handallofthegoodthings thatarehappeninginGuyana.”
Thedelegation,representinghedgefunds managing a collective US$200 billion in assets,issettoengagewithpolicymakersand business leaders to navigate the evolving
Dr Rosh Khan, President of ACE ConsultingGroup,hailedthepartnershipasa significant milestone in Guyana’s quest for sustainableeconomicgrowth.Hesaid,“This trip is a milestone in Guyana’s journey towards sustainable economic development. It’s no secret that the world’s eyes are on Guyana,includingWallStreet.We’reexcited to facilitate this high-level delegation and explore various avenues for critical investmentsinGuyana.”
For his part, Vice President of ACE ConsultingGroup,WazimMowla,notedthe shift from mere interest to concrete action among experienced investors, signaling a promising future for Guyana’s market Mowla said, “The trip shows that the attentionofexperiencedinvestorshasmoved from “interest” to “action” when looking at the country’s market. There’s a steady pipeline of project opportunities in Guyana and we hope that the group joining us in Guyanaisoneofmany.”
ACE Consulting Group and ACG Analytics are orchestrating a series of highlevel meetings with key stakeholders across varioussectorsinGuyana.LeveragingACE’s extensivenetworkanddeep-rootedexpertise, the partnership is convening meaningful dialogues that address critical issues and explore untapped opportunities for growth anddevelopment.
Kaieteur News PAGE 02 MondayApril 08, 2024
Dr. Rosh Khan, President of ACE Consulting Group
Vice President of ACE Consulting Group, Wazim Mowla
A Bristow Helicopter used by ExxonMobil Guyana for its oil and gas operations in the Stabroek Block
Govt. moving forward with Amaila Falls Hydro project
Duringhisaddress,atthe 6th Annual Security ChallengesinLatinAmerica Forum on Thursday, while responding to a question President Irfaan Ali noted that the Government of Guyana (GoG) is moving ahead with theAmaila Falls HydropowerProject.
Alisaid,“AmailaFallsis still on...for the building out of this project that would moveusclosertosustainable a n d c l e a n e n e rg y production.” He noted too that the government has concluded one aspect of the tenderingprocess.
Last year, four local and international firms submitted proposals for the 165 megawatts (MW)
Amaila Falls project that is scheduled to begin in 2027. The four firms are: Rialma out of Brazil, China International Water and Electric Corporation out of Beijing,China;CH4Guyana Inc. out of Guyana, and OECGE WORLAY, a joint venture of companies from Guyana, Brazil, and United StatesofAmerica.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued by the OfficeofthePrimeMinister in the local newspapers and the Government of Guyana seeking investors for a Build-Own-OperateTransfer (BOOT) model The Amaila Falls Hydro project was introduced by a previous People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration since 2011. However, the project had been shelved on manyoccasions.
The project faced obstacles in its realization when the A Partnership for NationalUnity(APNU) and the Alliance for Change (AFC) Opposition parties, stopped the project back in
2014. Intheir2020election manifesto, the PPPadministrationnotedthatthe projectwillberevived.
In 2021, negotiations hit a stalemate after Cabinet granted a no-objection for the Prime Minister’s Office toengagetheChinaRailway Group Limited for construction Discussions faltered as the company sought to alter the project’s model due to financing challenges for the BOOT model, requesting a shift to a n E n g i n e e r i n g , P r o c u r e m e n t , a n d Construction (EPC) model.
The government was reluctance to switch to the EPC option, resulting in the talks with the Chinese contractorcomingtoanend.
In the revised RFP, the government said generation for the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Inc, will be largely derived in the future from two large projects includingtheAmailaandthe Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project that will come on stream by 2027 and 2025, respectively The power generated at the Amaila project will integrate and expand the national grid to includeLinden.TheAmailaLinden-Georgetown transmission voltage will be 230 KV and connect to the nationalGPLControlCenter at Eccles, East Bank Demerara(EBD).
Interested companies were asked to submit a proposal for a hydro dam with a design to deliver at least 165 MW and transmission lines and substations.
According to the RFP, the scope of work includes generation of at least 165 MW of power through an installed hydro dam, plant, andrelatedworks,aswellas
Manshotoutside CharlotteStreetchurch
AmanwasshotinhisthighbybanditsSundaymorningon CharlotteStreet,Georgetown,policehavereported.
The incident occurred at about 09:40hrs. The victim, Wesson Hinds, a 35-year-old labourer, was reportedly targetedbytwounidentifiedmenwearingfacemasks.
Accordingtothepoliceoneoftheassailants,armedwitha handgun,wasthepillionrideronamotorcycle.Investigations revealed that the victim was standing on Charlotte Street oppositetheTruthPower,Glory,andSanctuarychurch,facing north when the suspects approached from the south on the motorcycle.
Thepillionriderdisembarked,demandedbelongingsfrom the victim, asking “If he get anything” and without delay, discharged a round from a handgun, hitting the victim in his leftupperthigh.
Subsequently, the suspects fled on the motorcycle. The victim is receiving medical treatment at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, with his condition reported as stable. Investigationscontinue.
The Amaila Falls Hydropower Project – Ali tells forum
the creation of a 23 square KM storage reservoir
consistent with the Environmental Reports and studiesandpriorpermitting. On the transmission aspect of the project, the contractorwillberequiredto implement a double-circuit
230 KV Line from (a) AmailatoLinden(b)Linden to Georgetown and finally
230 KV Substations at (a) Amaila and (b) Linden, to integratewithGPL’sControl Center and 230 KV substationatEcclesusingpartof the “old Amaila” 230 KV
transmission corridor from GardenofEdentoEccles.
Additionally, the contractor will be expected to carry out the necessary upgrades and completion of roadsandbridgestothesite, as may be appropriate, takingintoaccount,existing
and planned work including the Linden-Mabura Road upgrade. Lastly, the RFP stated that contractors must assume all geo-technical risks including guarantees relating to the structure of the reservoir, dam, and transmissiontowers.
Kaieteur News PAGE 03 MondayApril 08, 2024
Slurs and slanders
Loonies, obstructionists, busybodies and more. Those areamongthetermsofendearmentthathavebeendugupto bring scorn on the work of Guyanese. Slurs and slanders like loonies and busybodies are not coming from gang leaders fighting over drug turf in some depressed ghetto. They are from leading PPPC Government figures to diminish and incite disdain on the work of conscientious Guyanese. Thereismuchtofindofwhatisconcerningwith governance in Guyana. Naysayers, obstructionists, and unpatrioticareamongsomeofthemorepolitedescriptions used to lash principled Guyanese who stand up for their rights,whospeakoutaboutwhatworriesthem.
This is what sturdy women of honest effort and known commitmenttothingsthatareGuyanesetothecorehavehad toendure. Totakeastandagainstthegapsinaprojectthat raisesalarmsaboutsafetyistobeunpatriotic. Toapproach thecourtwhensensitivenationalinstitutionshavefailedat their duty is to be denounced as obstructionists. To articulatetheanxietiesharboredbymanyGuyanesebefore international bodies is to be dismissed as a loony This is what Danuta Radzik, Vanda Radzik, Karen De Souza, and Elizabeth-DeaneHughes,amongothershaveputbeforethe Inter-AmericanCommissiononHumanRights. Whatthey havesharedrepresentsonlythetipoftheicebergrelativeto the abuses that have poured down from high functionaries andlower-leveloperatorsinthePPPCGovernment. There is now a settled culture in Guyana, where leaders lead the waywithabusivelanguage,andthearmyoffollowersinthe government are only too delighted to expand and intensify thevilificationandobscenities.
ThePPPCGovernmentanditsleadershiphaveearnedan uglyreputationforsecrecyonmattersofoilandgas,onthe environment,onwhatGuyanesearegoingtogetfromallthe moneyalreadyspent,orabouttobespent. TheWalesgasto-energy project has been mired in disagreements and disputes from the inception. Instead of having honest discussions with Guyanese, the government and its leadership concluded that Guyana is better served by labelingandtarnishingthereputationofcitizensfoundtobe offensive. Theyarethosewhoraisehonestobjectionsabout oilandgasgovernanceingeneral,andleadershipimpotence specifically ThePPPCGovernmentissolow,solimitedin standards,thatwomenactivistsareattacked,womeninthe independent media are singled out and battered by men of darkbearing,andthedarkesttypeofcharacter
Thereisafemaleministerwhohasresponsibilityforgender violence Yet when her own comrades inflict vile abuse on women who raise their hand to question or object, the same minister forgets all the positive and powerful things that she claimstobeabout Anotherminister,themanwithsomesortof officiallinktotheoilandgassector,hadthistosay:“Icanassure you that government has made no comments or derogatory remarks about civil society activists ” This is the makebelieveAliceinWonderlandworldtowhichGuyanahasbeen transformedtoday Theminister’sassuranceisn’tworththespit thatseekstopolishoverwhathasbeenthevulgarrealityofthe PPPCGovernment’streatmentofthosewhodaretorunafoulof its plans. One minister has stuffed her ears, and the other minister blindfolded his eyes. Both have frozen their minds, givewaytothebiggestabuserinGuyanatoday.
VicePresidentJagdeothesedaysrevelinbeingahissing, menacing presence when he is questioned, when his deceptions on the natural resources sector are exposed beforethenation. Civilsocietyinitswidestrepresentation comesinfortheworstkindsofabuseandbeatingdownbya leader who was a president for over a decade. He is the champion abuser, reviler, and denigrator, who seemingly eggs on his followers. The only thing that matters to the governmentisthatitisallowedtohaveitsway,regardlessof howpotentiallyunsafe(oruneconomical)itcouldbeforthe Guyanese public. TheWales gas-to-energy project is only one. The secrecies surrounding projects and spending are others. Whengovernmentisthechiefabuser,thencitizens arethebiggestsufferers,andthecountrytheworstloser
Is there really a problem between the governments of Venezuela and Guyana?
Whenthegovernmentof Guyanaissowillingtowork withagentsofVenezuelathat could be in the business of laundering stolen loot, can one rally conclude there is a major problem between the corrupt governments of the two countries? Is Guyana serving as a backwater post to wash illegal loot of Venezuelan rulership? Washington is no fool. It knows what is happening andapricewillbepaidonce newpartiesareformedunder decent leadership. I urge Azrrudin Mohammed and Glenn Lall to launch their parties to rid the country of theblightofthecorrupt.
It can’t be that Guyana officials don’t know that DominicanandPuertoRican companies have been laundering stolen wealth of theVenezuelanpeople.They have business in Venezuela. What are they doing there and at the same time also
have business in Guyana? Aren’t they mere fronts of Venezuelan loot with specializationforlaundering money? Is it true that they have been contracted for works in Guyana in billions ofAmerican dollars through which Venezuelan money will be washed as clean money and expected to be depositedinabankinPuerto Rico, DR, and in America? Will the Americans be fooled? At the right time, won’tAmericans make their move to seize assets? It was done repeatedly regarding corrupt officials from other countries Apparently, Guyanese officials don’t know that Puerto Rico is American territory Launderedmoneyisnotsafe there from US law At the right time, laundered assets will be seized A DR company is on anAmerican watchlist.
Isn’tVenezuelaoilbeing smuggled into Guyana and
some becoming filthy rich from it? Is the border controversy a distraction to hide corrupt proceeds on bothsidesoftheborder?The Madurogovernmentneedsa distraction and to project patriotism in the run up for electiontogarnervotes.The government of Guyana needs a distraction from the pervasive corruption eating away at the fabric of our country High officials are becomingunimaginablyrich while the poorer section is b e c o m i n g f u r t h e r impoverished. The middle class, including underpaid teachers, can barely make ends meet. The injection of government financing of projects and the loot from front companies of government officials only serve to further inflationary pressures Invested stolen loot by officials fuel inflation. The poor has to fetch the inflation burden while government officials
and the wealthy make out like real bandits. The poor can’t afford three meals a day Food products have more than doubled since August 2020 The agriculture sector has been decimated because of unbridled corruption by a handful of crooks Productivityhasdeclinedfor every food item; food prices have gone through the roof. The poor have been reduced toastateofbeingthatexisted during the peak of the dictatorship in the mid1980s.
Guyanese should stand upagainsttheongoingmove to make their country a backwater post to launder bad money from foreign companies and for government officials to loot the treasury of oil proceeds. Azrrudin and Glenn Lall must commit to review corruptcontracts.
Yourstruly, NigelPilgrim
Urgent need to revamp Ministry of ForeignAffairs
DEAREDITOR, Itwasrecentlybroughtto light in the press that our Nation doesn’t have a dedicated Ambassador in Russia During this very critical period in our history and given the sensitive nature of the conflict with Venezuela, it is a necessity that we have a strong presence in Russia. If there was a nation that could ensure peace remains the norm in our region of the world,Guyanawouldbeit. Our long and healthy
history with Russia is an assettoensuringthatRussia doesn’tinterveneonthepart of Venezuela For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l Cooperation to neglect this critical relationship is utter folly.To choose to place the ambassador in Venezuela insteadofRussiaistheresult of not understanding how to resolve the conflict. CRG calls for the immediate revampingoftheMinistry Asanationweshouldbe strengthening our
relationship with both Russia and the US. Not one in lieu of the other It is essential that we remain neutral. The US is a strong deterrent to Venezuelan aggression, and our close & strong relationship with Russia should allow us to prevent Venezuela from gaining support and access toresourcesthatcouldfuela larger conflict. CRG calls upon theAliAdministration to make the necessary adjustments to strengthen our relationship with our
Comrades in Russia. It is an essentialpartofmaintaining peaceintheRegion. HisExcellencyPresident BharratJagdeostudiedthere and should be given the opportunity to help in this criticalmatter
If Russia agrees to stay neutral in the conflict with Venezuela a war will be avoided Our nation’s objective is to secure Essequibo while also avoidingwar
The urgent need for a two-state solution, where Palestinians and Israelis can live side by side in peace
Theongoingmassacrein Gaza, Palestine, has once again highlighted the stark andharrowingrealitiesfaced by Palestinians caught in an unending genocide. This is further underscored by the tragicdeathsofsevenWorld Central Kitchen (WCK) workers, killed in an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) airstrike This incident, wherein aid workers were mistakenly targeted under the belief they were Hamas operatives, compels us to confront an uncomfortable question: How many Palestinian lives have been brutally ended under the
guise of mistaken identity? These aid workers were pursued and killed. Israel claimed it was a mistake. Perhaps the first strike, but were the second and third also mere errors? Similarly, Palestinian youths are targetedandkilledbyIsraeli snipers Videos depict Palestinian youths attempting to collect airdropped U.S. aid being systematicallyshotbyIsraeli snipers.
The characterization by United Nations SecretaryGeneralAntonioGuterresof Israel’smilitarycampaignin Gaza as a source of “relentless death and
destruction” is more than rhetorical. It reflects a grave reality where respect for international humanitarian law seems disregarded. The numbers are staggering: In just six months, 4,348 children, 4,924 women, 757 elderly people, and 144 journalists have been killed. In total, over 32,000 lives have been lost. This human toll is accompanied by the destruction of over 70,000 housing units and the displacementofmorethan2 millionpeople.Anditshould benotedthatthiswardidnot start on October 7, 2023 but rather this has been the disastrous situation of
Palestinians for over 70 years.
The recent UN report, “Anatomy of a Genocide,” by Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur about human rights in the Palestinian territories occupiedsince1967,offersa chilling assessment It suggests that the pattern of violenceandIsrael’spolicies duringitsoperationsinGaza could meet the threshold for genocide. This is a serious allegation, based on an analysis that shows how the principlesofjusinbellohave been intentionally distorted, withprotectivemeasures
CompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana. Publisher:GLENNLALL-TEL:624-6456 Editor:NIGELWILLIAMS Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Kaieteur News PAGE 04 MondayApril 08, 2024
ReflectionsontheConstitutional ReformCommission Kwayana and the PPP
DEAREDITOR, While I hasten to welcome the recent establishment of the Constitution Reform Commission, it is rather unfortunate that it has taken so long following the passage of the Act back in 2022. It is hoped that it will perform its functions e f f e c t i v e l y a n d expeditiously, and that the Government and other players will give this the priority and importance it deserves.Achievingthehigh aspirations of this commission will depend on the execution of a high quality, well managed process. If I may, I would like to share some personal reflectionsontheprocess.
Firstly,itismyviewthat the main initial thrust of the Commission must be electoral reform While paragraph 7 of the Act outlines a large agenda of areas that may require attention, reform is ongoing and many of those areas are part of the long-term reform agenda The Commission needstoaskitselfwhatisthe most pressing need to strengthen social and political stability I would suggestinthatregardthatthe firstpriorityistoaddressour governance institutions, and this would call for electoral reform.
Secondly, the CRC must be independent of the Government and other outside pressures. To begin
with, it must ensure that it has adequate financing and must be fully in control of the establishment and operationsoftheSecretariat. The Act provides for these things, but the Commission needs to be assertive in establishing effective independenceandcontrol.
Thirdly,welookforward to the publication of the work programmewith timeframes and deadlines presumably within the next monthorsoassetoutbythe Act. This will give a first indication of how the Commission intends to approach its work and prepare the public and civil society to understand the role they are expected to play Fourthly,theCRCmust o p e r a t e w i t h f u l l transparency The Act providesforitsdeliberations tobeopentothepublic,butI hope this means providing facilities for online viewing across the country The Commission should also provide for and encourage regular feedback from the public as part of its consultationprocess.
Fifthly, the CRC must address electoral system reform, not just issues of election administration and management Electoral system issues include such questions as how seats are allocated, how candidates are elected and how many per constituency, rules governing coalition of partiesforelectionpurposes,
and so on. It is worth noting forexampleonemajorparty seems consumed about the election mechanics (voting lists,biometrics,etc.).While these are important issues that must be addressed, the CRCneedstogofurtherand addresssystemicissues.
As is so typical of Guyanese politics, the political parties will maintainafirmgripontheir representatives on the Commission. By paragraph 5(2), any entity may withdraw its representative from the Commission. This is unfortunate because it undermines the ability of Commissionerstodeliberate based on their own conscienceandreasoning.It also raises the important question as to whether the President controls the Chairman Since he appointedtheChairman,can healsodismisshim?
That being said, the virtualsilenceofthepolitical parties on reform is disappointing Surely, the parties must have views on what they would like to see come out of the CRC. They should declare their intentions as an act of leadershipfortheirfollowers and the country as a whole.
All that said, the introduction of amendments to the Constitution has the potential to be the most m o m e n t o u s a n d transformative event in Guyana’shistorysince
MrEusiKwayana’s99th birthday was recently celebrated and I offer my belated best wishes for him toscoreacenturyandmore. Over the years I have been privileged to engage him in public discussions on various matters of national concern One was his response to my paper on the 1998 ethnic riots in which Indian Guyanese were assaulted in the streets of Georgetown by African Guyanese He claimed (summarized in a booklet “Guyana: No Guilty Race”) thatIthoughthe“believesin some guilty race”. This is excerpted from my 2010 response.
‘I would not pretend to know what Mr Kwayana believes. I can only follow the argument he has consistently made on the genesis of political violence in Guyana: ‘There is no guilty race’, he affirms, but insists that Guyanese political violence began on August 28th 1961, a week after the General Elections, when some Indians of Port Mourant murdered an African PNC supporter, Felix Ross Every other observer (including myself) has placed the beginning of political violence on Black Friday,February16th1962.
Mr Kwayana originally made this argument in 1962 (in his booklet, “Next Witness”) after he felt that the British Commission enquiring into the causes of Black Friday was biased. In
thebooklet,hestateshiscase about “guilt” explicitly, to expose, ‘(‘the coward’) Jagan’s racial insolence and h i s c o l d - b l o o d e d organisation of the East Indiansfortheconquestthat has always been their dream.’He concluded: ‘The (PPP) Government, the guilty party in the matter of racial conflict, wished to hide the truth because it w a n t s i m m e d i a t e independence under a constitution, which will leave it free to strangle the breath of theAfrican people and the minorities, to create here an East Indian State, to plant the East Indies in the WestIndies.’
Every proposition, as R.G. Collingwood noted, is ananswertoaquestion.The question that confronted Mr EusiKwayana(EK)whenhe made that claim – whither the African minority in a polity distinguished by ethnicmobilisation?-isstill dominating our political agendatoday.Inthisrespect atleastwesharetheproblem space of Mr Kwayana, one of our first politicians to directlyconfronttheAfrican Ethnic Security Dilemma. AsIemphasisedbefore,‘My objectinraisingtheissue(is) not to determine who was “rightorwrong”butwhether
the strategies (are) applicable for our present problem space and if not what might be possible alternatives.’ To understand EK’s answer of 1962, it is vital to understand the circumstances in which he was enmeshed at the time. I would never ever imply, much less “condemn” EK “asaninventorofincidents” as he suggests but would point out that the circumstances generating a particular question inevitably colour the m i n d s e t o f t h e respondent/actor Why is it, for instance, EK only records incidents of Indians verbally and otherwise assaulting Africans before andafterthe1961elections, when the newspapers of the time recount both groups as initiators? To paraphrase Nietzsche, propositions, as much as concepts, do not only have definitions but histories.
As one of the earliest supportersofDrJaganinthe latter’sbidforParliamentin 1947,EKintroducedand
Kaieteur News PAGE 05 MondayApril 08, 2024
Subsidise solar power
, Aletter writer suggested that homeowners should be offeredgrantstotransitionto solar power rather than remain on the GPLgrid that cannotmeetcapacity
I am in agreement since more homeowners moving away from GPLwill reduce demand and end blackouts. Solar power seems cheaper thanGPL.
A large consumer business on the Corentyne switched to solar almost a decadeago.
Theownerinformedme that his electricity expenses have been halved since he cameoffGPL.
Toinstallsolar,theinitial cost is high and maybe prohibitive for low income a n d m i d d l e - c l a s s homeowners. But with a government subsidy, it can
be made affordable. Solar Maygenerateenoughpower for home use. Any surplus can be injected into the grid to generate income for the homeowners.
In the USA, many Guyanese have switched to solar with government assistance; local and state governments offer subsidies and tax breaks for homeowners who install solarunits.Homeownersare able generate income by selling surplus electricity to thepowergrid.
Since our government faces serious challenges to meet demand for electricity that leads to blackouts, it shouldconsiderencouraging homeowners and businesses to try solar Subsidies or grants should be offered to those willing to experiment withsolar
The international community, including Guyana,pledgedlastyearin Dubai, to reduce carbon emissions produced from use of petroleum products andcoal.
Solar power is clean energy;itdoesnotpolluteas inthegenerationofpowerby GPLburning diesel or other pollutantsthataddstoglobal warming.
Thecountrywillacquire anti-global warming credits and maybe even funds from oilgiants.
Rather than continue to subsidizeGPLwhichhasnot metbeenabletomeetpublic demands, government shouldnowgivesubsidiesto homeowners interested in generatingpowerfromsolar energy
YoursTruly, VishnuBisram
Kwayana and the PPP...
Frompage05 endorsed him to Buxton even in the face of disapproval from some Africans. Before and after thePPP’svictoryin1953,in Burnham’s quest to assume theleadershipofthePPP,EK thwarted the latter’s machinations on several occasions.
However, in the fallout of the PPP’s removal from office, EK became disillusioned with several of Jagan’s moves – especially afterthe1955split.
In addition to Jagan’s condemnation of the “ultra-
leftists”,whichincludedEK, his stand on the proposed West Indian Federation (negative) and his 1956 speechtotheP.P.P Congress (to mobilize upper-strata Indians he now defined as “progressive”) convinced Kwayana that Jagan was pandering to Indians, to the detrimentofAfricans.
The final straw was when Kwayana decided to run as an independent in the 1957 elections and the PPP opposed him with BalramSinghRai
He lost, became even more strident about Jagan
and the “Indian threat” to Africans and became one of the founders and General Secretary of the PNC
Between 1958 and 1961, more than anyone else,aseditorofthePNC’s “NewNation”inaseriesof unrelentingly strident articles, EK helped shape the definition of the post 1957 PPP government as an Indian government that was out to destroy Africans The perception remains.
Frompage04 subverted to legitimize v i o l e n c e a g a i n s t Palestinians. This grim scenario is exacerbated by the broader context of settlercolonialism and settlerviolence and the erasure of the Indigenous Arab presence to establish Israel asa“Jewishstate.”
The acts of land confiscation, house demolitions, and denial of Palestinians’ right to selfdetermination are seen as part of a genocidal logic integral to Israel’s settlercolonialprojectinPalestine. Amidstthesedevelopments, high-rankingIsraeliofficials have reportedly advocated for the ethnic transfer and expulsion of Palestinians fromGaza.
Such statements, along with actions on the ground, underscore a chilling
disregard for Palestinian rightsandlives.Palestinians are made refugees in their own land, facing starvation, with children dying from hunger and malnutrition, trappedinacycleofviolence and displacement with no end in sight. They are even forced to consume grass for sustenance.
Israel has severely restricted the entry of aid intoGazaandhasprohibited even basic health supplies essential for hospitals to function, in addition to bombing and destroying almost all the hospitals in Gaza.
Currently, pregnant mothers undergo cesarean sections without anesthesia, andbabiesdieduetothelack of electricity for incubators, a situation exacerbated by Israel cutting off the power supply It is imperative for theinternationalcommunity
Israel’s military confirms ‘decline in forces’ in southern Gaza
(BBC NEWS) Israel’s military said on Sunday that it was reducing its numbers of soldiers from southern Gaza, leaving just one brigadeinthearea.
The military stressed a “significant force” would remain in Gaza. “This is another stage in the war effort”, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Lt Col Peter Lerner told the BBC. The pull-out is being interpretedastactical,rather than a sign the war may be moving closer to its end. Also on Sunday, Israel and Hamas said they had both sent delegations to Cairo to join fresh ceasefire negotiations.
Itissixmonthstotheday since Hamas attacked southern Israeli border communities on 7 October, killing 1,200 people and taking more than 250 hostage. Israel says that of 130hostagesstillinGaza,at least34aredead. Morethan 33,000 Gazans have been killedinIsrael’soffensivein Gazasincethen,theHamasrunhealthministrysays,the majorityofthemcivilians.
Gaza is on the brink of famine, with Oxfam reporting that 300,000 people trapped in the north have lived since January on an average of 245 calories a day
LtColLernersaidtroops wouldrotateoutbecausethe military had completed its mission in Khan Younis. KhanYounishasbeenunder Israeli bombardment for months, and the city and surrounding area are largely destroyed. Lt Col Lerner
Israelis have been marking six months since the 7 October attacks by Hamas
said: “The war is not over War can only be over when they [hostages] come home and when Hamas is gone.”
“It is a decline in the forces buttherearemoreoperations that need to be conducted. Rafah is clearly a stronghold. We need to dismantle Hamas’ capabilities wherever they are ” US National Security spokesman John Kirby said it appeared to be a “rest and refit” and “not necessarily indicative of some coming new operation for these troops”.
Israelhaslongwarnedof a planned ground offensive inthesoutherncityofRafah, where more than a million displaced Palestinians are sheltering.
But international pressure for a ceasefire is mounting, and the USIsrael’s closest and most powerful ally - warned earlier this week that its ongoingsupportfortheGaza war is dependent on “specific, concrete steps” to boost aid and prevent
Marking six months of the war, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel was “one step away from victory” but insisted there would be no ceasefire withoutthereleaseofIsraeli hostages.
“The achievements of thewarareconsiderable:We have eliminated 19 of Hamas’s 24 battalions, i n c l u d i n g s e n i o r commanders,”hesaid.
Tens of thousands of Israelis rallied against Mr Netanyahu on Saturday, demandingadealtofreethe hostagesheldinGaza.Antigovernment protesters were joinedbyhostages’families. The rallies in Tel Aviv and othercitiescamehoursafter the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) recovered the body of hostage Elad Katzir Organiserssaidtheprotestin TelAvivhaddrawn100,000 people, while other counts put attendance at around 4 5 , 0 0 0 M o r e demonstrationsareexpected onSundayevening.
to not only acknowledge theserealitiesbutalsototake concrete steps to address them.
Respect for and protection of human rights must be paramount, with Israel held accountable to international standards
Silence and inaction signify complicity
We must advocate for peace, justice, and a sustainable resolution that respects the rights and dignity of all Palestinians.
The urgent need for a twostate solution, where Palestinians and Israelis can livesidebysideinpeaceand harmony, has never been moreapparent.
We must collectively demandanimmediateendto the genocide in Palestine. From the river to the sea, Palestinewillbefree.
Sincerely ShazadSookram
DesmondThomas ERGCoordinator
Kaieteur News PAGE 06 MondayApril 08, 2024
Independence I hope that the Commissioners, starting with the Chairman, areallfullyseizedofthegravityandhistoric importance of this activity, and will serve
with the highest level of integrity and commitment.
Khan Younis has been devastated by Israel’s military campaign
Kaieteur News PAGE 07 MondayApril 08, 2024
Govt. breaches High Court order, not remitting teachers’ union dues -
TheHighCourthasbeen notified of the State’failure to remit teachers’ dues to Guyana Teacher’s Union (GTU) despite a court order instructing the Ministry of Education to maintain the statusquo.
This was revealed by President of the GTU, Dr Mark Lyte during a livestream broadcast via the GTU’s Facebook page on Sunday
Dr Lyte disclosed that thereisabreachofthecourt order on the part of the Ministry of Education. The GTU President explained thattheagencyhasnotbeen remitting dues despite a conservatory order that is in place. As a result, the GTU President said he hopes that the officers responsible for defying the order face the consequences for doing so.
“I hope the Judge takes a firm stance on this because as a Government you have the responsibility to uphold the law What the judge has asked is that they let the status quo remain the same and so, somebody has got answerforcontemptofcourt fornoduesbeingremittedin anyregioninGuyanaforthe months of March and February despite the court order,”Dr Lytesaid.
He said that the judge was already notified and the issue will be brought before the court at the next court hearing scheduled for April 102024.“Somebodywillbe held responsible for defying the court order ” Lyte reaffirmed.
Justice Sandil Kissoon, last month, had granted a temporary order blocking the Government of Guyana from deducting the salaries of striking teachers The High Court judge also granted an interim order which restrains the G o v e r n m e n t f r o m withholding the remittance of teachers’ dues to the
Miner drowns while swimming across Cuyuni River
A miner identified as Carlos Gomes on Sundayafternoondrownedwhileattempting to swim across the Cuyuni River, in the VicinityofMacapa,RegionSeven.
Wellplacedsources in theareasaid that he drowned around 15:30hrs. Reports are thatGomeswasswimmingovertotheother bankoftheriverwhenhewentdown.
Personsheardhimscreamingforhelpand rushed to rescue but by the time they got to him, it was too late Workers from the camp wherehewasheadingreportedlydivedunder thewaterandmanagedtoretrievehisbody
Eyewitnesses said that the water was
calm at the time and that the area where he drowned was shallow.They are speculating thatperhapshecouldhavebeenstruckbyan electric eel or a stingray, a poisonous fresh water fish. Gomes has been working as a miner in the area for some time now with a BrazilianDredgeowner
Hisco-workersarenotsurewherehehails from “We don’t know who is his family, he work long with the Brazilian in Macapa At onetimehesaidthatheisfromtheNorthWest (RegionOne),anexttimePomeroon(Region Two) and a next time, Region Nine,” one individualtoldKaieteurNews
Guyana Teachers Union (GTU).
The judge made the orders at the first hearing of thecasefiledbytheGTUto challenge the Government’s decision to deduct pay from the salaries of striking teachers and also blocking the administration from moving ahead with a decision to discontinue the deduction of union dues from the salaries of teachers on behalf of the Union until the determination of the full case the GTU brought againstthegovernment.
Not long after the court made the order, the Ministry’s Chief Education Officer (CEO), Saddam Hussain was hauled before the High Court to face contempt proceedings Husainhadissuedadirective which stated that teachers willfaceapaycutdespitean interim court order in place instructing the Government not to do so. Hussain had d i s s e m i n a t e d a memorandum to the RegionalEducationOfficers (REOs) within the eleven public school districts instructing them to continue
GTU President, Dr. Mark Lyte
collectingdataonattendance ofteachersduringthestrike.
He noted that orders made by Justice Sandil Kissoon are temporary and essentially when the final order is made, the data will usedtodeterminesalariesof thoseabsenteeteachers.The CEO emphasised in the memo that “Government of Guyanawillnotpayteachers for the days which they did notwork.”
However, when he appeared before Justice Kissoontofacethecontempt proceedings, Hussain
apologised profusely and gavethecourtacommitment that the directive to the REOs would be rescinded within an hour of the conclusion of the contempt hearing The memo was rescindedandanewonewas issued moments after the hearing.
For his part, Justice KissoonnotedthatHussain’s instructionstoREOswerein direct conflict with his interim orders, so much so thatitcanbeviewedasbeing geared towards bringing the administrationofjusticeinto disrepute.
Justice Kissoon noted that the fact that Hussain madereferencetohisinterim orders in his memo, speaks to an attempt of willful disobedience to the orders, an attempt to interfere, prejudice, preempt the decision of the Court and bring the administration of justiceintodisrepute.
Itwaspointedout,during the hearing that as a penalty for contempt, a person can face a fine not exceeding $250,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding threemonths.
Jagdeosatisfiedgivingup billionsintaxesforafewjobs
...says without concessions no hotels would have been built
Since the discovery of hydrocarbons in Guyana, there has been a spike in the registration of foreign companies looking to invest here The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has even set up a Diaspora Unit, to facilitate Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
This since, according to the administration,Guyanadoes nothavethecapitalrequired forlargescaledevelopment. Thismuchwasreiterated by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, during his weekly press engagement this past weekandwaspressedonthe prosandconsbeingassessed in light of the ‘exorbitant concessions’thataregranted as incentive to attract FDIs intothecountry
According to the Vice President however, notwithstanding the billions inforgonerevenueeachyear through these concessions, Guyana is getting- most of which are being provided under less than desired
He told reporters, “ when you mention merely jobs for people who have jobs its cushy, but for thosepeoplewhodon’thave a job…it’s a different story Further defending the concessions, the Vice President said, the reality is you have tens of other countries producing the same things, “we live in a competitiveenvironment.”
He was speaking to the needforattractinglargescale investments such as in the bauxite industry. Further defendinggivinguptaxesfor afewjobs,theVicePresident cited the hotels such as the Marriottandtheconcessions afforded.
Qualifying his position, he said government could have opted to not give any tax holidays and the hotel wouldnothavebeenbuiltin thefirstplace.
“That kind of thinking is backward and doesn’t take accountofrisks;certainrisks people take when they
invest,” Jagdeo said, doubling down on his defence.
According to the Vice President, “I am all for Guyana and protecting our people,” and pointed to this being achieved legislatively Jadgdeousedtheoccasionto cite as example, the Local ContentLaw,meanttocarve out niche industries within the oil and gas industry exclusivelyforGuyanese,as well as others such as the Trade Union’s Recognition Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Laws. He wasadamantthetotal
Kaieteur News PAGE 08 MondayApril 08, 2024
GTU President
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
The Self-Defeating Nature of the PNCR
The People’s National CongressReform(PNCR)of Guyana has a propensity to sabotage its own chances at success.Despitewinningthe 2015 general and regional elections, the PNCR’s fundamental flaw lies in its defeatistmentality
When it comes to elections, the PNCR has for toolongoperatedbasedona self-defeating mentality It has historically adopted a preconceived notion about elections and the inevitability of the party’s defeat in free and fair polls. Thispsychologicalapproach to elections ensures the PNCR’s own electoral failures.Thenowpredicable outcomesofitsperformance at elections, however, are of itsownmaking.
Central to the PNCR’s electoral strategy is a narrative of perpetual victimhood and a belief that it cannot win a free and fair election in Guyana. This defeatist mindset, an inheritance from Burnham, is deeply ingrained within the party’s ethos It is perpetuated by a leadership unwillingtoconfrontitsown shortcomings. By adopting this defeatist stance, the PNCR absolves itself of responsibility for electoral defeats, attributing losses to alleged rigging by its opponents However, this narrative insults the intelligenceofitssupporters. One of the PNCR’s most damaging tendencies is its predilection for fabricating
excuses and spreading misinformation even before Election Day. Rather than focusing on winning support, the party expends itsenergyonsowingseedsof doubtandsuspicionoverthe electoralprocess.
For instance, the PNCR has resorted to baseless claims of voter fraud. In more recent memory, it alleged the registration of foreign nationals like Chinese and Venezuelans. It has never provided any substantive evidence of this and it cannot. These tactics not only erode trust in the electoral process but also revealapartythatismorally bankrupt The PNCR’s insistence on clinging to outdated grievances and conspiracy theories further alienates potential supportersandthushampers its electoral prospects Instead of embracing demographic shifts and diversifying its appeal, the party remains fixated on divisive rhetoric and ethnic calculations. Guyana’s demographics haveevolved.Ithasdoneso in favour of the PNCR. Persons of mixed ancestry nowcomprisingalmost20% of the population. Indians, long the bastion of support for the PPPC, are now a minority. The electoral system has also changed to the PNCR’s favour, making it possible for governments tohaverazor-slimmajorities intheNationalAssembly
The PNCR remains
trapped in a narrow-minded worldview and a defeatist mentality.Youcannotwinan election when making excuses assumes greater priority than winning crossover votes. The PNCR’s defeatist mentality has become a self-fulfilling prophecy It perpetuates a cycleofelectoralfailure.By convincing itself of its own inevitable defeat, the party undermines its own morale and organizational efficacy This defeatism becomes a contagious virus infecting party members and supporters alike, sapping enthusiasm and diminishing turnout In essence, the PNCR becomes its own worst enemy, sabotaging its electoralprospects.
TheironyofthePNCR’s predicament lies in the fact that its electoral success in 2015, hailed as a triumph overtheincumbentPeople’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC), has become an aberration rather than a harbinger of sustained dominance Instead of building upon this victory andconsolidatingitssupport base, the PNCR has squandered its political capital through selfsabotage.
To break free from this cycleofelectoralfailure,the PNCR must undergo a fundamental re-evaluation of its approach to politics. Firstly, it has to abandon its defeatist mindset that that has shackled the party to failure.Ratherthanresorting
Goat like it bite we!
DebrandnewPresident for Senegal, Bassirou DiomayeFaye,donesehhe got big plans in store! He don pull up de sleeves and ready fuh tackle de issues wehdeoil,gas,andmining sectors facing. He seh he gon’doonebig,heftyaudit pon dem all, checkin’ out every last detail. He wan’ know how everything was given out by de president before him, and de terms andconditionsdemused.
Faye ain’t playing no games, he seh he wan’ transparency, he wan’ accountability! He naah leffnostoneunturnedwhen it come to dem valuable sectors De people of Senegal, dem gonna see change under dis new leadership Dem boys watching, and dem like whatdemhearing!
Meantime, in de quiet hours of de morning one week ago, hell break loose at Peru President Dina Boluarte house! Police stormdeplacelikedemina actionmovie.Demsehdem wan’ answers ‘bout some fancy watches. Dem boys ain’t believing no story ‘boutloanedwatches!Who dem trying to fool? Police naheasy,demhadtobreak down de door just fuh get inside de President’s residence.Itlooklikesome serious business going down in Peru. De people watchingclosely,demwan’ knowdetruth!
But de big firestorm was in Ecuador Police ain’t holding back in Ecuador, no sah! Dem raid de Mexican embassy right there in Quito, and guess who dem snatch up? None
to conspiracy theories and ethnic fearmongering, the PNCR should focus on articulating a compelling and democratic vision for Guyana’s progress and engaging with voters on issues that resonate across ethniclines.
Second the PNCR must prioritise internal reform
Because it tried to benefit from rigged elections in 2020 and because this happened in front of the whole world, the PNCR has become a discredited entity The party has lost support eventhoughitstillmaintains muchofitssupportbase.The forthcomingCongressofthe party is an opportunity for themembershiptoundertake sweepingchangeswithinthe party by removing from its leadership all those persons who were part of the
discreditednarrativethatthe 2020 elections were rigged. The PNCR must become a democratic party. Unfortunately, it cannot do so unless its purges its leadership of all those who perpetuated discredited narratives.
The forthcoming Congress of the party must accept the fact that the PNCR’s electoral failures are not the result of external m a c h i n a t i o n s o r insurmountable odds but rathertheproductofitsown self-defeating mentality
Until the party sheds its defeatist mindset and embraces a more proactive and inclusive approach to politics, it will continue to languish in the shadows of itsownmaking.
The path to electoral success lies in dispensing
with scapegoating or in conspiracy theories. Only then can the PNCR transcend its current state of electoral irrelevance But whether the PNCR can diss its past is left to be seen. A leopard never loses its stripes and the PNCR appears to behave, impulsively, as if free and fairelectionsareacurse.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s affiliates.)
other than de former Vice PresidentofEcuador.!
Seems like de man thought he could hide out safe and sound in the embassy,butnosuchluck! Dis man been in trouble before,notonce,buttwice, for corruption! Now he trying to seek asylum like dat gon’save him from de long arm of de law. But de police dem ain’t playing games, dem pull him right outta dat embassy and into custody! It’s a hot one in Ecuador, folks, and dem boyswatchingeverymove!
But somehow reading about de anti-corruption fightindesethreecountries demboysgetafeelingdem missing something about some other country Ah wonder what it is and in whichcountry? Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
Kaieteur News PAGE 09 MondayApril 08, 2024
Hopes, then shattered hopes
When the news of the national oil wealth kept increasing, the hopes of Guyanese soared. After slaveryandindentureship,thesons and daughters of those who paid brutal prices would finally come into their own. The assets long dreamed of had materialized. The world could not stop talking about those. The hopes of Guyanese kindledandflared. Thisisit;thisis thetime. Atlast. Atlonglast.
The world did change, but the world of ordinary Guyanese didn’t changeforthebetter Holdonisthe newmantra;betterdaysareahead. The official word is revenue maximization. Perhapsifthiswas said in the early baby days of oil production, there could be some understanding, patience The elected officials and their close companions who feast lavishly on theoilpatrimonyofallaretheones callingonmanyGuyanesetobottle theirdreamsandburyitforawhile.
There is a struggle going on here: those who reap rich rewards from this oil insist that real riches are not ours yet, though the lives thattheylivetelladifferentstory:a lying one A transparently deceiving one. The people in the PPP Government flaunt their food
andfinery,butsteerGuyaneseinto thewaitingarea,thebreadline. Sit still. Good things will happen. Justbeunderstanding. Thosewho live delightfully in the Guyana Dream condition (futilely) the masses of Guyana that their nightmarewillpass.
This is what intensifies shattered hopes, prompts poor people to seek out common sufferers,pushesthemtoshelterin aself-reinforcingcircle. Itwasthe Russian poet Yevtushenko who said that shattered hopes are what draws people together For they havehadthatcommonexperience, when they should not, considering the circumstances that have combinedtotransformGuyanainto thedarlingoftheworld. Shattered hopes are from raw experience. Hopesarewhathasnotbeenlived, what is anticipated will be, but often crumbles before reached, before there is any touch and savoring.
The government’s top oil leader,thecontrolleroftheflowof affairs that have some connection tothiscommodityheldsosacredby the world, lives in a self-inflicted haze. He holds the hopes of Guyanese in check; but gives the
freest rein to the army of foreign exploiters to run amok. The foreign explorers and producers work skillfully and tirelessly to return with the best news for their ownpeople.
The share price will be more. The dividend will be more. The rightsandwarrants(ifany)willbe more valuable. The guarantee for the future is for more of the same. The recipients-investors and other stakeholders-can count their present rich returns from the motherlode that is Guyana. They can count on still richer returns in thefutureonwhichtheirhopesare vested. They have harvested from theirhopesalready,theirhopesrun high for the future. Theirs is the bestofbothworlds:theexperience ofnow,andtheonesthatpromiseto be.
This is the backdrop against which the shattered hopes of Guyanese play out Indian Guyanese African Guyanese Amerindian Guyanese. All other Guyanese of whatever demographicblend,whoarenotin the charmed circle of insiders and hustlers. All these Guyanese can say in complete honesty that their experience has been of shattered
hopes. Having been held off, having been disappointed and dismissed, having been denied, at every step of their existence, they arestillbeingaskedtohope. That theyhavedonesoinvainhasbeen forgotten, rushed over, brushed aside.
Their own have sold them out. Their own are still selling them a bag of hopes. It was Chairman Mao who said: ‘dare to struggle, daretowin.’ Bysheerforceofwill, the bold and determined can force winning against the odds. This is where our people fall apart. In BharratJagdeoandIrfaanAli,Isee men who shred themselves of courage, have willingly shed credibility In Opposition Leader AubreyNorton,Ithinkthereisman who can do more, must represent much.
Guyanese are crying because they are in pain. Guyanese are givinguphopebecausetheirsense, their convictions and conclusions, isthattheirinterestsarelastinline. The foreign companies’ priorities come first, second, and third. The local comrades and their cronies (PPP Government) have slickly positionedthemselves,sothattheir sharing in the oil is guaranteed
Itdoesn’tmatterwhetheritisby hook or crook When the foreigners feed first at the Guyana oil trough, and the next in line are the arrangers and self-enrichers in thePPPGovernment,thenitshould be no great mystery as to why the hopesandaspirationsofGuyanese havebeentreatedsoshabbily The big boys have big ambitions and biggerpockets,thereisnospaceto accommodate the dismayed and disturbed.
Shatteredhopesresult,forthey are lived and felt. The many in Guyanawho livewithrejectionby their leaders, and the dejection of their condition, must decide what actiontheytake,wheretheywantto go Hope is tomorrow Oftentimes, the kind of tomorrows promised never come. I am the lowlymessenger,myroleover (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this newspaperanditsaffiliates.)
Kaieteur News PAGE 10 MondayApril 08, 2024
‘Guyana’sforestisanassetthatmustbe valuedandpaidfor’ – Pres.Ali tells LatinAmerica Forum
InanaddressonThursday at the 6th Annual Security Challenges in LatinAmerica Forum, President Irfaan Ali reiterated the importance of preserving the Amazon rainforest,oftenhailedasthe ‘lungsoftheworld.’
The forum, themed “Environmental Protection: Land Use in the Amazon
Basin and Marine Conservation,” served as a platform for advocating collaborativeeffortstowards preserving the planet’s most precious natural resources.
TheAmazonbasincoversan immense area that extends fromtheAndesMountainsin Peru to the northeastern coast of Brazil, where the river empties into the Atlantic Ocean. It includes parts of the countries of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname,andVenezuela.
Inhisremarks,Guyana’s head-of-state highlighted thatsafeguardingthisnatural asset is not only an environmental imperative but also essential for the
sustainabledevelopmentand prosperity of nations worldwide President Ali underscored the Amazon basin’ssignificanceasavital carbonsink,storingover150 billionmetrictonsofcarbon and playing a crucial role in mitigating global climate change. Ali urged world leaders to recognise the tangible value of the rainforest and invest in its protection, stressing the urgentneedforaframework tocomprehendandconserve forestsonaglobalscale.
“Iftheworldvalueswhat the lungs of the world are, then what are we willing to do? What are we willing to invest? We have to attach a value to this basin if we are going to protect the basin,” henoted.
President Ali showcased Guyana as a model for sustainable growth, leveraging its abundant oil resources to achieve environmentallyresponsible d e v e l o p m e n t H e highlighted Guyana’s Low Carbon Development
Strategy (LCDS) as a blueprint for balancing economic progress with e n v i r o n m e n t a l sustainability He commended Guyana’s e f f o r t s i n f o r e s t conservation, boasting one of the lowest deforestation rates globally and
positioning the country as a ‘net-carbon sink.’ To this end, President Ali encouraged other nations to emulate these measures and explore innovative climate finance mechanisms to protect forest and marine ecosystems.
Moreover, drawing attention to the dire
c o n s e q u e n c e s o f deforestation on Caribbean islands, President Ali highlighted the need for biodiversity conservation, encompassing not only the protectionoftheforestitself butalsoitsrichecosystems.
A d d r e s s i n g t h e economic dimension, Ali underscored the need for sustainable development goals to align with the preservation of natural resources. He outlined the substantial financial investments required to address the climate crisis, urging nations to allocate a
Explaining why Guyana keptitsforestintact,Alisaid, “Not because we don’t have the opportunity to have economicuseofthelandand deforestation for agriculture purposes, mining purposes but because we took the consciencedecisionthatthis is an asset we are going to protect for the world but as an asset [that] must be valued and paid for, very simplemodel…”
significant portion of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) towards sustainable, resilient, and decarbonised development.
“Ifwearenotvaluingthe asset that we have to safeguard, where is the resourcecomingfrom?That iswhyGuyanahasmadethe case that we need to have a marketmodelthatvaluesthe asset and generates revenue for the asset…So that these resources that are critically needed for the safeguarding ofthesocietycanberaised,” hesaid.
PresidentAlihighlighted the attainability of the goal, stressing the importance of collectiveeffortinreshaping the global attitude towards forests. He underscored the need to recognize forests as valuableassetsinthemarket and urged for their monetization. By doing so, he said, the world can prioritize protection and channelinvestmentstowards the forest regeneration, and ensuring sustainability for futuregenerations.
UG, US Patent and Trade Mark Office host discussion on intellectual property
The University of Guyana in collaboration with the United States Embassy Office for International Trade and the US Patent and Trademark Office, on Friday last 2024, hosted a discussion on Intellectual Property (IP) ahead of World Intellectual Property Day which will be observedonApril26,2024.
The event which was held at UG’s George Walcott Lecture Theatre (GWLT), sought to sensitise students and interested parties about Intellectual Property andsawtheinvolvementofawidecross section of stakeholders, including, IP experts, academics, persons involved in the creative
industries,ChambersofCommerce amongothers.
In a press release UG said Regional Intellectual Property Advisor for Mercosur, French Guiana,Guyana,andSuriname,Ms MariaBeatrizDellore,presentedan OverviewofIntellectualProperty
Ms Beatriz noted that once an individualorentityhasthepillarsof Intellectual Property “they will have the benefit of attracting investors becausewhateverisprotectedallows the individual or entity to have exclusiverightsandthisenablesboth partiestohaveamorefreeandopen conversationtoinvest” Regional Intellectual Property Attaché for Mercosur, French
Guiana, Guyana, and Suriname U.S. Patent andTrademark Office, MrDavidKellis,inhispresentation on Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals, highlighted certain parallels showing countries that have a strong IP infrastructure enjoying strongeconomicgrowth.
He further noted that there is a need for inclusive and equitable education, citing the fourth sustainable development goal of quality education and lifelong learningopportunities.
Dean of UG’s School Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation (SEBI), Professor Leyland Lucas in his presentation
delved into the IPSpace in Guyana emphasising the need for all stakeholders to understand the importanceofprotectingintellectual property HenotedthatwithoutIP, countriesasawholecouldloseonall fronts, including losing their creativeresourcesandfinances
Vice-Chancellor of the UniversityofGuyana,ProfPaloma MohamedMartiandinheropening remarks noted that UG has a fairly robust internal architectureto protect its own as well as students’intellectual property and has a coursein the Department of Lawspecificallyuponthisbutwill includeasensitizationmoduleinits free compulsory Human Relations
However, she pointed out that theforumismeanttoraisethelevel ofdiscoursetothenationallevelso that the issue will receive the continuous care and attention required in Guyana’s rapidly evolvingscientific, creative, innovative, business,and manufacturinglandscape.
AlivelyQuestionsandAnswers Sessionfollowedthepresentations.
Prof. Courtney Abel from UG’s Department of Law, in his closing remarks said intellectual property rights are paramount for creators, inventorsandinnovatorsasthereis a need for a balanced system that benefitsthesocietyasawhole.
Kaieteur News PAGE 11 MondayApril 08, 2024
President Irfaan Ali
United States of America Embassy Officials along with the University of Guyana officials pose for a photo after the Discussion
Lands compulsory acquired by Govt. to build new ‘harbour bridge’ gazetted
The compulsory acquisition of severalplotsoflandalongtheEast Bank of Demerara for the purpose of the construction of the new DemeraraRiverCrossinghasbeen gazetted.
According to information contained in an extraordinary gazettepublishedonApril6,2024, the lands are being acquired for public purpose to wit the connecting road for the News Demerara River Crossing on the East Bank of Demerara between Plantations Peter’s Hall and Providence (EBD), passing through the lands described in the schedule to the order was declared to be public work under section three of the Acquisition of Lands forPublicPurposeAct.
TheGovernmentofGuyanahas announced the acquisition of forty piecesofpropertyfromprivateland owners as it moves ahead with effortstoconstructanewDemerara River Bridge (DHB) crossing. In 2022, a US$260 million contract wasawardedtothejointventureof China Railway Construction Corporation (International)
Limited, China Railway Construction (Caribbean) Co., Ltd and China Railway Construction Bridge Engineering Bureau Group Co.,Ltdfortheproject.
The new crossing will replace the current bridge, which has already outlived its lifespan by some 40 plus years. The current
structure, which experiences mechanical and other maintenance issues, costs hundreds of millions ofdollarsinrepairseachyear
Thehybriddesignedbridgewill feature a modern four-lane structure(twocarriageways),cycle lane, with 2.65 kilometers. Last October, Attorney General (AG) andMinisterofLegalAffairs,Anil Nandlall, SC revealed that steps were taken to accelerate the process.
An artist impression of the New Demerara River Crossing
matter “Our government has a clear and settled procedure by which it approaches this type of situation. We have done this many times before, we did it on the BerbiceRiverBridge,wedidatthe Hope Canal Water Conservancy andwediditinrelationtheGasto EnergyProject,”Nandlallasserted.
He explained that the governmentisofferingtheproperty owners several options for compensation for the value of the lands. “Thegovernmentisoffering more compensation as well if the propertyvalueismorethantheland or the land and the house that is beinggiveninitsplace.”
“The work on the new Demerara Harbour Bridge is accelerating and as a result governmentismovingtoaccelerate the acquisition of lands from privatepersonswhoownproperties within the location where the new bridge is being built,” Nandlall said. TheAG revealed further that MinistryofLegalAffairsisplaying anintegralroleintheprocess.
“The Ministry of Housing and Ministry of Public Works had
commenced the process together some time ago but unfortunately the process has been a protracted one. TheMinistryofLegalAffairs has joined the initiative and hopefully we will accelerate the process,”hesaid,addingthatsome forty pieces of private properties will have to be compulsorily acquiredbytheState. Nandlall noted that the government has established guidelines on how to approach the
“At the end of the day, the government is doing everything possible to ensure that the process is not an antagonistic one and that theprivatepropertyissatisfiedthat he is being adequately compensated for the acquisition of the property for the public purpose,” the AG stressed, adding that giving market value is the principle driving force behind the acquisition of the properties in question.
“We are striving to achieve consensus that is agreement between the government and the property owners in terms of the value of their properties. So far, from what we have seen, the process is going smooth, no one is opposed to moving,” Nandlall added.
Twenty families from the communities of Yarakinta and Nappi in Region Nine, have received the keys to their new homes through the Hinterland HousingProgramme.
As part of the hinterland initiative, the government has committed to building 400 houses in Regions One, Seven, Eight, and Nine to provide sustainable housingtovulnerablefamilies.
The 20 by 25 feet houses cost approximately $3 million each. During his outreach to the Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo district, Minister of Housing and Water, CollinCroalofficiallyhandedover the homes to 10 families in both communities, on Saturday One of thebeneficiariesofNappi,Winston Marcello, expressed immense gratitudeforbeingprovidedwitha newhouse.HetoldtheDepartment of Public Information (DPI) that thegiftmeansalottohisfamily
“Iwanttothankthegovernment for bringing this housing programme to the region, especially in Nappi for the first time,” Marcello expressed. Also from Nappi, Grace Melville is overjoyedsinceherchildrenwillbe comfortably accommodated in their new home “My living condition will be much better than before,” Melville added. Another beneficiary, Regina Jonas, now findsreliefinhernewhome,given
Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, handing over key to new home to a family in Nappi
that her previous living conditions wereunsatisfactory
Meanwhile, Minister Croal emphasised that close to $700 million is currently being spent on thehinterlandhousingprogramme. He indicated that a total of 120 of these houses are currently under construction in Region Nine. The blocksandotherbuildingmaterials were sourced directly from the communityandLethem.
The first ten houses were
handed over to flood-affected familiesinKokeriteHillinRegion One last November The residents were also enlightened about the government’s extensive plans for enhanced development in the region. Notably, Nappi is among the communities that will soon receive cassava to improve production in the Rupununi, following the recent commitment made by President Dr Mohamed IrfaanAli.
Kaieteur News PAGE 12 MondayApril 08, 2024
One of the homes that was handed over in Region Nine
Guyana rakes in over $72M for Gaza
-Pres.Ali,UNAmbassadorreiterate callsforimmediateceasefire
President of Guyana, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali has once againcalledforaceasefireinGaza,stressingthatviolenceand genocidehavenoplaceinamodernsociety TheHeadofState madetheseremarksSaturdayevening,asheaddressedthose gathered at the Muslim Youth Organisation, Woolford Avenue,Georgetown,wheretheNationalRamadanVillageis beingheld,theDepartmentofPublicInformationreported.
The event was in commemoration of Laylat al-Qadr, one oftheholiestnightsintheIslamicreligiouscalendar,underthe theme “A Night of Prayer for Global Peace, Guyana and Palestine.”Some$72.5millionwas raisedattheevent,from donationstoprovideimmediatehumanitarianrelieftopeople inGazaandtheOccupiedPalestinianTerritories.
These funds will be handed over to the United Nations Relief & Works Agency (UNRWA). The president said this marks a historic event for Guyana, as the country has once again demonstrated its commitment to the values of charity and humanitarian efforts. “These resources were raised from everysinglecommunityacrossourcountry Theywereraised in small numbers and larger numbers, but they were raised withloveandcharity,”thepresidentsaid.
Headded,“Tonight,wehavereinforcedonceagainwhowe areasGuyanese Wehavereinforcedonceagainwhatmakesus separate and apart from all other nations We have once again reinforcedthattheloveandunityofGuyanacanbesharedand experiencedfromandbycitizenseverywhereelseintheworld”
President Ali vehemently condemned the first publicly televisedgenocide,andemphasisedthatjustice,equality,and compassion are crucial in addressing global issues. “It is nothing short of genocide. And it must stop, it must stop without condition, just as we, from any stage in this country can call on terrorism to stop. Terrorism has no place in our modern world and has no place in any religious texts,” the president asserted According to recent reports, more than 33,000Palestinianliveshavebeenlost,sinceIsraelbeganits brutalattackofretaliationonGaza
The president also urged world leaders to call out injustices in every part of the world. “As a government, our charityisnotonlyinwhatwedotoadvancehumanity Itisin ourpolicies,ourwords,andourspeechandthisiswhatIslam teaches.Letusensurethatwhereverinjusticeisinthisworld, thatourvoiceswillneverbesilenced,”PresidentAliappealed.
Meanwhile, the United Nations Resident Coordinator to Guyana,Ms.YeºimOruç,whoalsoattendedtheeventsaidthe fundsraisedattheeventwillbedonatedtotheUnitedNations Relief & Works Agency (UNRWA) to provide immediate humanitarian relief to people in Gaza and the Occupied PalestinianTerritories.
Speakingattheevent,Ms.Oruçsaid:“Iamhumbledtobe able to join you in making my own personal Zakaat al fitrah [charitable donation] on this night of reflection and prayer
And I am further honoured to have been asked by His Excellency the President, and Sheikh Moeen al-Hack, Director of CIOG, to facilitate this generous donation to UNRWA, from the people of Guyana, to help alleviate the appallinghumansufferingnowoccurringinGaza ”
“UNRWA was established by a UN General Assembly Resolution.Itisthebackboneofthehumanitarianoperationin Gaza.Nootherentityhasthecapacitytodeliverassistanceat the scale and breadth that the people of Gaza urgently need. ProfessionalhumanitarianworkersatUNRWAprovidefood, water, medicine and shelter to Palestinian people, and the organisation’sworknowismoreessentialthanever.”
TheUNResidentCoordinatorfurtherrecalledthaton2nd February, the Government of Guyana made a voluntary contributiontoUNRWAofGUY$31million(US$150,000)at atimewhenanumberofkeydonorshavesuspendedfunding. Ms Oruç repeated the Secretary-General’s call for governments to resume funding of UNRWA, without which vitaloperationsinGazacannotcontinue.
TheUNResidentCoordinatorreiteratedtheUNSecretary General’scallsfor:immediateandunconditionalreleaseofall hostages in Gaza, an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, safe andunimpededaccessforhumanitarianaidandhumanitarian workerswithinGazasothataidcanbedeliveredtopeoplein need wherever they are and full adherence to international humanitarianlawbyallpartiestotheconflict.
Kaieteur News PAGE 13 MondayApril 08, 2024
Minister of ForeignAffairs, Hugh Todd hands over the cheque to United Nations Resident Coordinator to Guyana, Ms.Yeşim Oruç. Also in photo are, President IrfaanAli and other officials
First set of surgeries successful at Kamarang District Hospital, Region 7
The Upper Mazaruni District Hospital, located at Kamarang, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazruni), has achieved an incredible milestone by conducting majorsurgicalproceduresfor thefirsttimeinitshistory
This achievement was made possible through the recently constructed surgical theatre in the Amerindian villagethatwasutilisedbythe surgical team organised by the government through the Ministry of Health So far, eight surgical procedures havesuccessfullycompleted, includingremovinggallstone andhernia.Theseprocedures provided much-needed relief to residents from Paruima, Waramadong, Phillipai, Kamarang, and several other villages
While reporting on the recentsurgeriesconductedat the operating theatre, the
Department of Public Information (DPI) managed tocatchupwithafewpatients who had successfully undergone the surgical procedures. One of these patients was Sylvester Hope, a resident of Waramadong Village, who happened to be the first person to undergo surgeryattheaforementioned theatre
“We appreciate that the teams are here for the first timeandIamthefirstmanto have this surgery.We would like the teams [to] come againinthefuturesothatwe willbefacinglessexpenses, rather than going to Georgetown,” he expressed, lauding the simple and smoothprocess.
Similarly, Colson Thompson, a resident of Paruima, now residing in Waramadong, expressed relief that surgeries are now
For the first time, some 262 residents in the village of Quarrie will have access to clean and safe water,followingthecommissioning ofa$12millionwell
The new well was officially commissioned in the small Amerindian village, located in CentralRupununi,RegionNine,by Minister of Housing and Water, CollinCroalSundaymorning.The water supply system was recently rehabilitatedtoachieve60percent coverage there Prior to these works,residentsheavilyreliedona hand-dug well, which suffered severe depletion as a result of the prolongeddryseason.
It was then decided that two new wells would be drilled by GuyanaWaterIncorporated(GWI)
th community participation to provide reliable service. The drilling of the second
The newly operationalised surgical theatre at the Upper Mazaruni District Hospital in Kamarang, Region Seven
beingdonewithinthedistrict and closer to home He said, “ManytimesIhavesuffered, I even went Georgetown, I couldn’t find no fault in me and only yesterday I had to find a fault that I was ill and suffering from hernia [and] I had to end up undergoing surgery I am glad everything is safe right now Thank you for the team and the doctors who you’ll [ministry]send” Romel Johnny’s daughter, Waramadong’s Vice Toshao (Amerindian leader), also underwent a successful operation. Speaking with DPI, he said when his daughter was diagnosed, he was very worried about the cost of travelling to Georgetown. “When I heard about the services coming to our district, I was very much happy yourfacilityisreally
well will be done within the next two months to service 20 more households with first-time access, increasing the overall coverage from20percentto95percent.The sum of $20 million is being spent on the two new wells and a new distributionsystem.MinisterCroal highlightedthatfrom2020todate, access to potable water has increasedfrom60percentto94per centinRegionNine.
appreciated and fortunately, she was successful in her surgery…. we have been c r y i n g f o r t h i s institution now it’s really helpingalotofpeopleinthis district,”headded Tamika Beharry, a resident of Kamarang c o m m e n d e d t h e transformation in Upper Mazaruni’sdistrict,including the operationalising of the surgicaltheatrethatwillbring immenserelieftohundredsof indigenous peoples. “I am very proud because as we know,thisareaistraditionally Amerindian and persons being here in their home, actually able to access surgeries, it’s more comfortableforthembecause theycanhavethatsupportof their family, instead of going to Georgetown, ” she
Meanwhile, the head doctor pointed out that the operating theatre was hardwon and people from farflung areas are enormously benefitting The government andtheRegionalDemocratic Council (RDC) invested approximately$50millionin the construction and furnishing of the operational theatre, which has now become an essential addition to the hospital’s medical facilities.
Director General of the Ministry of Health, Dr Vi s h w a M a h a d e o , highlighted the significance ofthisinitiativethatispartof the numerous commitments made by His Excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, in bridgingthegapbetweenthe hinterlandandthecoastland
“Thisisacaseofbringing healthcare to the people because this region has also been doing specialist outreaches this is how we know what to put in the budget,wecomeout,wemeet the people, we hear what are theirconcerns andwetryto meetthose,”hesaid Surgeon Sheik Amir is leading the surgical team to Kamarang, accompaniedbysupportstaff from the Lethem Regional Hospital, Mercy Hospital, and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation. Surgicalcapacitieshavebeen introduced in several hinterland villages for the first time, including Moruca, Region One and Aishalton, Region Nine The governmentisaimingtobuild additionalsurgicaltheatresin severalothervillages (DPI)
“So now, our emphasis therefore is to ensure that every household, those that are spread out,canhaveaccesstoo…Thatis the type of investment we are making. By the time we are finished with 2024, we will see over 30 completed wells in Region Nine,” Minister Croal underscored. Meanwhile, Senior Councillor of Quarrie, Martin Anthony emphasised that residents will no longer have to worry about water shortage since the well will be a permanentsource.“Foraverylong time, we were struggling with our water system and now it is here. Thisissuchagreatinitiativefor
Kaieteur News PAGE 14 MondayApril 08, 2024
Director General of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Vishwa Mahadeo along with the surgical team in front of Kamarang’s surgical theatre
coupled w
here in Quarrie,” the councillor expressed.Ameetingwasalsoheld at the information and communication technology (ICT) hub where various issues were raised by the residents Five households that are not within the vicinityofthewellwillbeprovided with tanks to store water The minister was joined by Regional Chairman, Bryan Allicock, GWI’s Hinterland Services Director, Ramchand Jailall, and other technicalstaff.(DPI)
New$12MwelltobenefitresidentsinQuarrie,RegionNine Housing and Water Miniter, Collin Croal and residents
UG Vice Chancellor debunks claims that she did not file report to Integrity Commission
TheUniversityofGuyanaonSundaysaid that its Vice Chancellor, Prof. Paloma Mohamed Martin has made submissions to the Integrity Commission contrary to what was suggested in April 7, 2024 Sunday
“The University finds it unfortunate that thenewspaperinquestionchosetorepublish dated information which by its own account seems not to have been updated or
substantiatedbytheIntegrityCommissionor theUniversity TheUniversityhaswrittento the Editor to request remedial action,” a statement from UG read Professor Mohamed and several other public officials
were named by the commission recently as beinglatewiththeirsubmissions.
TheIntegrityCommissionbackinMarch hadspotlighted31publicofficialswhoitsaid
Continued on page 16
Kaieteur News PAGE 15 MondayApril 08, 2024
Sales Representative, canter Drivers & Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373.
Wanted! Male & Female workers preferably from WBD, for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100 per day. Call: 611-7839.
One Handy person to work in the Interior. Call: 677-0869.
One Welder and Handy boy needed. Living accommodation and meals provided. Call: 627-5043/ 639-1315.
Domestic needed, live-in or live-out. Call: 623-6383 7am7pm.
One night Watchman needed. For more information Call: 612-2125.
Two Kitchen Assistance to work from 6am-2pm. Call: 665-5074/ 603-1278.
One Hauler Driver and Porter needed. Call: 611-7088/ 639-6106.
One Plumber needed for Eccles. Call: 645-8443/ 6159132.
Vacancies for Maintenance/ Semi- Skill Workers, One Cleaner, Welder and Labourer. Call: 621-6969/ 615-7784.
Male Sales Representative, Age 20-30 years old. Apply or Contact: 619- 1237.
One Driver/ Purchaser to work for a private company. Must have 10 years driving experience and Motor lorry license. Call: 625-1413/ 6290037.
Primary level Teachers needed. Submit applications to smartmindseducation
Commonwealth reaffirms support for Guyana in light of Venezuela’s recent actions
Commonwealth SecretaryGeneral, Patricia Scotland has reiterated the Commonwealth’s backing for Guyana’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the border controversy with Venezuela.
In a statement issued on Saturday, the SG expressed concern at the Venezuelan president’s promulgation of the ‘Organic Law for the Defence of Essequiba’ on April 3, 2024. This move by Venezuela purports to exercise control over Guyana’s Essequibo region. “This legislation appears to create a new state in Venezuela, the Head of State of Venezuela will have the power to elect a governor, and the National Assembly of Venezuela will have legislative functions in this
territory. Also, all political maps of Venezuela will now include the ‘state of Guyana Essequiba’,” the SG said.
She noted that last year, the ICJ issued its provisional measures to prevent any action by Venezuela that could lead to the annexation of Guyana’s territory, pending the decision in the substantive case.
In addition to these measures, the two countries signed the Joint Declaration of Argyle for Dialogue and Peace between Guyana and Venezuela in St Vincent and the Grenadines, in which, inter alia, both states agreed to use international law and diplomatic means to address the controversy and to refrain from escalating the conflict.
She stressed that Venezuela’s recent action is in direct contravention of these provisions, and urged that the country abide by international law, and to manage the dispute in ways that guarantee the peace and stability of the Caribbean region. “The Commonwealth affirms that the ICJ process is the appropriate and lawful means to address the matter under international law,” she emphasised.
The secretary-general further stated, “I am encouraged by the firm and consistent support from the entire Commonwealth family for the Government and people of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. I also call on member states to give whatever sup-
port they may feel appropriate to Guyana in this time of need. I offer my continued support, and that of the Commonwealth, to help resolve the matter by peaceful means.”
The controversy surrounding two-thirds of Guyana’s territory was settled in 1899, through an Arbitral Award.
However, during the early 1960s, Venezuela’s claims to the Essequibo region resurged, and the country threatened physical invasion. In the case currently before the ICJ, Guyana is seeking that the court affirm the validity and binding effect of the 1899 Award, which fixed the border between the two countries. (DPI)
Zealand tightens visa rules in response to ‘unsustainable’ migration
Vacancy Exist For two Experienced Dispatcher At Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.
Business/ residential PFSGYD$58M, Visa Application, advertisements, graphics design, passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.
Vacancy for Manager at Stretch Me Dollar Store, Lot 16 Robb Street G/T. Call: 6169209. VEHICLES
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 6549711.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
(CNN) New Zealand announced it has tightened its visa rules, introducing language and skill criteria and shortening work permit lengths in response to “unsustainable net migration.”
The changes to the Accredited Employer Worker Visa (AEWV) scheme have gone into immediate effect, and will mean that New Zealand is “better testing the local labor market and reducing the risks of putting New
Zealanders out of work,” the country’s Minister of Immigration, Erica Stanford, announced on Sunday.
In 2023, 173,000 non-New Zealand citizens migrated to the country, the statement said. While there are still skill shortages in areas such as education, Stanford said, “at the same time, we need to ensure that New Zealanders are put to the front of the line for jobs where there are no skills shortages.” Changes to
the AEWV scheme include introducing a minimum standard of English, a new minimum skill requirement in the form of work experience or qualifications, and shortening the maximum continuous stay on an AEWV to three years.
Employers will need to make sure that migrants meet these requirements before hiring them, and will be required to declare that no “suitable and available New Zealander” applied for a job before it is
offered to a migrant.
They must also advertise job postings for at least 21 days and declare “why any New Zealanders who applied were not hired,” according to New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
Some roles in the transport and care sectors will be exempt from these requirements, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website says.
UG Vice Chancellor debunks claims that she did not file...
From page 15 at the time were yet to declare their assets as required by law.
Despite the mandate outlined in the Integrity Commission Act, the officials are yet to fulfill their obligation to declare their assets for the period spanning from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022.
This revelation was published in the Official Gazette
on March 2, 2024. The Integrity Commission Act was established to bolster public confidence in the integrity of officials.
It stipulates that failure to declare assets constitutes an offence.
Section 22 of the Act prescribes penalties, including fines of up to $25,000 and imprisonment terms ranging
from six months to one year.
The Commission’s primary role is to uphold the standards of good governance and transparency within the government.
By administering and enforcing the Integrity Commission Act, which includes the Code of Conduct and declarations of income, assets, and liabili-
ties, the Commission aims to instill trust in public institutions and officials.
It is imperative for public officials to comply with these regulations to uphold the principles of transparency and accountability, which are essential for the effective functioning of democratic institutions.
Jagdeo satisfied giving up billions in taxes for a few jobs...
From page 8 reserves accumulated in all of the banks in Guyana didn’t even amount to US$10B as such, according to Jagdeo, all of the country’s savings could not even construct one Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel to engage in the oil industry. Guyana, he concedes, has significant resource potential as had been ac-
knowledged by each of his predecessors. According to Jagdeo however, “we don’t have the resources” to unlock the potential resources.
Pointing to what he called the largest economy in the world the United States of America (USA), still being heavily dependent on Chinese FDI to the tune of trillions, he posits that in
Guyana, achieving the same would mean giving in to a lot of waivers for the large companies because you need it get the projects up running.
This he said, would in turn benefit the entire economy eventually, since it would mean more disposable income being made available for citizens, essentially foregoing billions in concessions for the mil-
lions the few jobs pay.
Further defending concessions handed to companies such as exemptions from fees and taxes on gold exported by foreign gold mining companies the Vice President told reporters, “…we are a small country we will never be able to grow and thrive if we depend only on domestic demand.”
PAGE 16 Kaieteur News Monday April 08, 2024
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
First AID/CPR/AED & home nursing courses Available at St. John Headquarters. Call: 225-9082.
One, two and three bedroom Apt at Providence, Diamond & New Road Vreed-en-Hoop. Call: 682-6238, 216-2299/ 604-
single room apartment for rent @ 21 street, Diamond E.B.D.$45,000 monthly. Call: 628-2412, 601-0889/ 6889315.
Mitsubishi canter enclosed 4d35 engine, $1.5 mil, 1 Toyota Dyna Enclosed 15b engine $1.3 mil & open tray 14b engine 1.1 mil neg. Call: 6261403, 649-9011, 223-5273. FOR SALE
Kaieteur News PAGE 17 MondayApril 08, 2024
German civil servants demand ‘immediate’ end to Israeli arms supplies
(ALJAZEERA) A group of German civil servants have written to Chancellor OlafScholzandothersenior ministers calling on the government to “cease arm deliveries to the Israeli government with immediate effect”.
“Israel is committing crimes in Gaza that are in clear contradiction to internationallawandthusto the Constitution, which we are bound to as federal civil servants and public employees”, the statement says, citing the International Court of Justice’s ruling in JanuarythatIsrael’smilitary actionsare“plausibleactsof genocide”.
According to the organisers of the five-page statement, around 600 civil servantshavevoicedsupport for the initiative, which has slowly been gathering traction for months through professional networks and word-of-mouth across a range of ministries The statementalsorequestedthat the German government pressure Israel for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip; that it renew payments to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA); and
that it “actively and resolutely advocates for the recognition of a Palestinian s t a t e ” w i t h i n t h e internationally recognised 1967borders.
In 2023, Germany approved arms exports to Israel worth 326.5 million euros ($354m), a tenfold increase compared to the previous year, providing 30 percent of the Israeli military’s weapons, according to data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Researchers also found that 99 percent of Israel’s arms comefromtheUnitedStates andGermany,withthelatter being the second-biggest supplier The civil servants sent the statement via email to ministries last week, with the disclaimer that “due to the sensitive content and the excessive state repression that criticism in this area is metwith,wewanttoremain anonymous”.
Al Jazeera has verified the identities of two of the initiators, one of whom is in senior management The senior manager described a “climate of fear” within the civilservicethatthemanager had “never experienced anything like in 15 years”. After internal complaints to
ministers about supporting Israel’s war crimes dating from back in October, the managerwaswarnedagainst talkingaboutit.Onedirector ofdevelopmentevenadvised against discussions via email,andsuggestedinstead to only use phones so as not to leave a paper trail. “It has been hell for all of us,” said the manager, who singlehandedly gathered more than 100 signatures fromcolleaguesandthrough professionalnetworks.
Signees reportedly includeawiderangeofcivil servants from across differentministries,skewing towardsyoungerwomenand people with international experience or biographies “outside of the German bubble” Diplomats in particular are said to be worriedaboutthedamageto Germany’s reputation and international relationships, particularly with Muslim countries.
The group will publish the statement on social networkingsiteLinkedInon April 8, when Germany will be defending itself at the Hague against charges brought by Nicaragua that Germany’ssupportforIsrael violates the Genocide Convention.
Internationally, civil servants are increasingly speakingoutagainstWestern support of Israel In February, 800 civil servants in the US and the European Unionsigneda“transatlantic statement” that warned Western support for Israel could amount to “grave violations of international law”, and complained of expertadvicebeingignored.
One of the statement’s initiatorsisAngeliqueEijpe, whoresignedfromtheDutch foreign ministry over Gaza policy She said that “the framework of international humanitarian law was completely cast aside in Gaza,whichwilldamageour standing in the world”. The Netherlandslostacaseabout delivering F-35 fighter planes that would operate in Gaza, because of the risk of them being used in war crimes. “Israel was quite explicit on the genocidal intentions it had already in October,”Ejipesays.“Itried to speak to the foreign minister shortly after, but when they put this intention into practice and our policy linedidn’tchange,IfeltlikeI had no choice but to resign” after21yearsofserviceasa diplomat. The group posted another petition last week
Civil servants have written to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and other senior ministers calling on the government to ‘cease arm deliveries to the Israeli Govt. with immediate effect’[Nadja Wohlleben/Reuters]
and hold regular protests outside the Dutch foreign ministry
Another initiator of the German civil servants’ statement, a trained jurist, expressed fear not just of losingemploymentforbeing involved in the statement, but of prosecution and even imprisonment, citing the “utterlylawlesssituation”in the country post-October 7 where people are arrested, sometimes brutally, with spurious legal justifications. “There are no rights in Germany at the moment whenitcomestoPalestine,”
“We wrote this letter because this scale of destructionandviolence,the atrocities we are seeing are unprecedented in recent times.Thisisahugethreatto allofourdemocraticsystems if we justify killing thousands of children,” the initiator said, adding that senior ministers were creating a “collective governmental gaslighting of what we are seeing on the ground”. Germany’s foreign ministry did not respond immediately to a request for comment.
Rwanda genocide: World failed us in 1994, President Paul Kagame says
(BBCNEWS)Rwanda’s presidentsaidtheinternational community“failedallofus”,as hemarked30yearssincethe 1994genocidethatkilledaround 800,000people.
President Paul Kagame addressed dignitaries and world leaders who had gathered in Rwanda’s capital, Kigali, to commemoratethebloodshed.
“Rwanda was completely humbled by the magnitude of our loss,” he said. “And the lessons welearnedareengravedinblood.”
On this day in 1994, extremists from the Hutu ethnic group launched a 100-day killing spree, in which members of the Tutsi minorityandHutumoderateswere slaughtered The mainly Tutsi forces who took power following thegenocidewereallegedtohave killedthousandsofHutupeoplein Rwandainretaliation.
On Sunday, Mr Kagameanda group of dignitaries placed wreathes on mass graves at the Kigali Genocide Memorialwhere more than 250,000 victims
are believed to be buried. The president also lit a remembrance flame. In a speech later, Mr Kagame thanked fellow African countries including Uganda, Ethiopia and Tanzania for their assistance in accepting Tutsi refugeesandendingthegenocide.
“Many of the countries representing here also sent their sons and daughters to serve as peacekeepersinRwanda,”hesaid. “Those soldiers did not fail Rwanda. It was the international community which failed all of us. Whether from contempt or cowardice.”
under then-president François Mitterrand,wasacloseallyofthe Hutu-led government of Juvenal Habyarimanapriortothekillings, andRwandahasaccusedFranceof ignoringormissingwarningsigns and of training the militias who carriedouttheattacks.
complicity, but a report commissioned by Mr Macron three years ago concluded that France bears “heavy and overwhelming responsibilities”
according to the BBC team there, withnotraffic,manyshopsclosed, andfewpedestrians.
The genocide was sparked on the night of 6 April 1994, when Hutu President Juvenal
Habyarimana was assassinatedthe plane he was on was shot down.Hutuextremistsblamedthe Tutsi RPF rebel group, and launched a well-organised campaign of slaughter Their victims were shot, beaten or hackedtodeathinkillingsfuelled by vicious anti-Tutsi propaganda spread on TV and radio
Scars from the violence still remain, and new mass graves are still being uncovered around the country In the months that followed the genocide, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda was set up in Tanzania Dozens of senior officialsintheformerregimewere convictedofgenocide-allofthem Hutus Within Rwanda, community courts, known as gacaca, were created to speed up the prosecution of hundreds of thousands of genocide suspects awaitingtrial.
The failure of other nations to intervene has been a cause of lingering shame Former US President Bill Clinton, who was amongthevisitingleaderspresent, hascalledthegenocidethebiggest failure of his administration. In a video message recorded for the memorial, French President EmmanuelMacronacknowledged thathiscountryanditsalliescould have stopped the genocide but lacked the will to do so.
FrenchForeignMinisterStéphane Séjournéattendedtheceremonyin Kigali in place of Mr Macron on Sunday Other visiting dignitaries includedEthiopianPrimeMinister Abiy Ahmed, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, and Israel’s President Isaac Herzog. Sunday’s events mark the beginning of a week-long mourning period across Rwanda. Music, sport and films will be bannedfrombroadcastonradioor TV and national flags will be flown at half-mast. The streets of Kigali have been unusually quiet,
Thousands of Tutsi women were abducted and kept as sex slaves. After 100 days of violence, the RPF rebel militia, led by Mr Kagame, succeeded in overthrowingtheHutuauthorities and ending the genocide. Human rights groups say RPF fighters killed thousands of Hutu civilians astheytookpower-andmoreafter they pursued Hutu militia members who had fled into the Democratic Republic of Congo. TheRPFdeniesthis.
According to Rwanda, hundreds of suspects remain at large, including in neighbouring nations such as DR Congo and Uganda. President Kagame has been hailed for transforming the tiny, devastated country he took over through policies which encouraged rapid economic growth.Buthiscriticssayhedoes not tolerate dissent and several opponents have met unexplained deaths, both in the country and abroad.
PAGE 18 MondayApril 08, 2024 Kaieteur News
Haynes, Ramdhani dominated at Gumdac East Badminton Tournament
The reigning champions, Akili Haynes and Priyanna Ramdhani successfully defended their mixed doubles titles and also claimed victory in the Men’s Doubles with Tyrese Jeffrey and Women’s Doubles with Mishka Beharry.
Their consistent success across multiple categories demonstrates their skill and versatility in badminton.
The men’s doubles final between the older duo of Chung and Chen and the younger, more seasoned players of Haynes and Jeffrey
was a thrilling match, going to a three-setter.
Matches like these often showcase the intense competition and skill level in badminton, providing excitement for fans and spectators alike. It’s always fascinating to see the dynamics between experience and youth play out on the court.
The Results for the final Matches played are as follows – April 06, 2024
Mixed Doubles Finals:
Akili Haynes/Priyanna Ramdhani vs. Tyrese Jeffrey/
Monday April 08, 2024
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
A large weight should lift from your shoulders today, Aries. The air has started to clear, and the winds of communication have started blowing again. Listen closely to the buzz in the air.
People may be abrasive today, Taurus, but you will find after careful assessment that they don't mean any harm. More than likely they aren't fully informed.
GEMINI (May 21–June 20)
Don't criticize the situation until you've come up with a better solution, Gemini. Be creative. You can accomplish much if you approach the situation confidently.
CANCER (June 21–July 22)
Your thoughts may have a dreamy quality today, Cancer. You will find that things are less stable than they have been for the past few days. Don't get discouraged by pessimistic people.
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Your emotions are soaring, Leo, and you should feel free to indulge in your greatest fantasies. Take a break from reality for a while. Let your inner child play.
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Se pt. 22)
Reward yourself with two desserts today, Virgo. Take a bubble bath. Share your fantasies with others and express yourself fully. Don't feel like you have to say yes.
Ambika Ramraj: 21-14, 21-10
Women Doubles Finals:
Priyanna Ramdhani/ Mishka Beharry vs. Ayanna
Watson/Shivannie Persaud: 21-16, 21-13
Men Doubles Finals:
Akili Haynes/Tyrese
Jeffrey vs. Marlon Chung/ Wenyuan Chen: 21-19, 18-21, 21-14
The overall winners are as follows:
3rd - Wen Yuan Chen/ Shivannie Persaud
Avinash Odit/Mishka Beharry
2nd - Tyrese Jeffrey/ Ambika Ramraj
1st - Akili Haynes/ Priyanna Ramdhani
3rd - Naveah Eastman/ Malia Haley
Alimah Eastman/Asiyah Eastman
2nd - Ayanna Watson/ Shivannie Persaud
1st - Priyanna Ramdhani/ Mishka Beharry
3rd - Nkosi Beaton/Frank Waddell
Avinash Odit/Javid Rahaman
2nd - Marlon Chung/Wen
Yuan Chen
1st - Akili Haynes/Tyrese
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)
The weightiness of the past few days seems to be lifting. You will find a slight breeze building that will help fuel your fire, Libra. By building a solid foundation, you've created a reliable.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)
Now that you have a solid grip on your situation, unexpected things may come along that change the rules again, Scorpio. It may feel like the chair you just got comfortable.
SAGIT (Nov.22–Dec.21)
Use gadgets and electronic devices to make life easier today, Sagittarius. Why take the time to chop food by hand when you can use the food processor.
CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
Be careful of the information that comes your way today, Capricorn. People may make unwarranted claims and false accusations. The day has a dreamy, innovative quality to it that asks you to venture out on a limb.
Maintain an air of detachment, Aquarius. Feel free to delve into your fantasy world and let your emotions carry you to another realm. Today is one of those days when you might come up with a new invention.
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
You may find that things are much lighter than they were the past couple days, Pisces. This is a good time to let your physical body take a rest.
events, and Mr. Carpenay’s support is undoubtedly invaluable.
Additionally, we would like to acknowledge the players, parents, spectators, and fans whose involvement and support was vital in making this event a success.
Moreover, we would like to acknowledge the Director of Sports and the Staff of the National Sports Commission for availing the usage of the facility, the National Gymnasium.
Having access to appropriate facilities is
The Guyana Badminton Association expresses its gratitude towards Mr. Darrell Carpenay for his continued sponsorship of the tournament.
Sponsorship plays a crucial role in the success and sustainability of sporting
Dominic Tyrrell Goes 9-for 9- Prepares...
From page 23 Regional Record, but also an unofficial Guyana National Record.
His total, 757.5 kg or 1670 lbs earned him the first place overall lifter which is both an unofficial French and Guyana National Records.
Dominic, who holds a degree in Linguistics with a major in French, lives and works in Bordeaux France. He anticipates representing Guyana in June at the World’s Championship.
essential for hosting successful tournaments and facilitating the growth of badminton in Guyana.
Their support ensures that players have a suitable venue to showcase their skills and compete at their best.
The collaboration between the Guyana Badminton Association and the National Sports Commission underscores the importance of partnerships in promoting sports development and fostering a vibrant sporting culture within the country.
Monday April 08, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 19
Marian Academy Wins Nation’s Chess Interschool Invitational
President of the GCF, Anand Raghunauth, lauds the success of the tournament and encourages more lauds similar events which will promote a competitivechess environment among beginners of the game.
Ma r i a n
A c a d e m y e m e r g e d victorious at the National Chess Interschool Invitational, hosted by the School of the Nations on March26th,2024.
The tournament, which attracted fifty participants, aimedtoigniteapassionfor chessamongbeginners and intermediateplayers
In a surprising outcome, Queen’s College secured second place, tying with the host school.
H o w e v e r , t h e individual champion title belonged to Queen’s College’s MahirRajkumar,
who dominated the field with six wins and a single draw
Marian Academy dominated the remaining top spots, with 12-yearoldAlek Ubaldo Singh and 14-year-old Micaiah Enoe taking the second and third places in the male division. Thetopfemaleplayerswere all from MarianAcademy –Chelsea Harrison (10 years old), Kristen Xavier (14 years old), and Tharisha MontesDeOca.
Marian Academy’s chess team’s success highlights the school’s enduring commitment to chess development, particularly amongst
b e g i n n e r s a n d intermediates
T h e i r s t r o n g performance begs the question: who will be the next chess prodigy to emerge?
The tournament also awarded top finishers in eachagecategory
JadenJagoo claimedthe Under-18title,whileSamuel Barkoye and Tremusa Marshall secured first and secondplaceintheUnder-16 category
Omar Shariff and
Tejasvarun ¸ Kandavel emerged victorious in the Under-14 division, with Julian Mohabir and Javier Davenand taking the top
spotsforUnder-12players. Beyond competition, the event fostered
connections between e s t a b l i s h e d c h e s s powerhouses and youngbloodsinthecommunity
With the essential backing of the Guyana Chess Federation, the School of the Nations rolled out the royal treatment, enlisting the expertise of National Arbiter Odit Rodrigues to assistthem veryownchess
teacher, Oluwadare Oyeyipo, in orchestrating thisgrandevent
Oyeyipo invited local chess royalty, Women’s Champion Jessica
C a l l e n d e r, J u n i o r C h a m p i o n K e r o n Sandiford, and former Junior Champion Ricardo Narine to supervise and e n s u r e f a i r p l a y t h r o u g h o u t t h e competition as official arbiters
But the School of the Nations has more than just victory on their minds
By integrating chess
into their primary curriculum, they’ve become trailblazers in Guyana, offering their students a clear path to successfromanearlyage.
It’s a move that will hopefully shake up the
academicscenefavoringthe growthofchess.
As the chess pieces’ advance across the board and with new alliances formed, one thing is certain: the world of chess isreachingaboilingpointin Guyana,whichis sure to produce many more competitions and subsequent champions on the chessboard of Guyana’sfuture
The Guyana Chess Federation is delighted with the initiative of School of the Nations as the tournament was organized by the young people within the federation
Police Senior Officers' Cricket team defeat Trophy Stall Lions in exciting match - Deputy Commissioner Budhram named Player of the Match, Best Bowler
TheGuyanaPolice Force (GPF) Senior Officers’ Cricket Team emerged victorious in a thrilling 20/20 match against Trophy Stall Lions, at the Demerara Cricket Club (DCC) ground lastevening. Thespectacularmatchis to build collaboration between the Police and stakeholders and also to celebrate the owner of Trophy Stall Mr Ramesh Sunich’s70thbirthday
Trophy Stall Lions batted first, posting a challengingtotalof168/9in theirallotted20oversonthe back of Anil Beharry’s 61 runs which included eight 4’s and two 6’s and Mark Canthberry’s 28 which includedthree4’sandone6. The GPF’s Senior Team’s bowling was led by the
C a p t a i n , D e p u t y
C o m m i s s i o n e r M r Ravindradat Budhram, who capturedfourwicketsfor29 runsoffoffoursteadyovers.
He was supported in the bowlingline-upbyAssistant Commissioner Mr Khali Pareshram with three wickets for 21 runs off four overs and ASP Troy Benn withfouroversfor23runs.
On the Police side, there was some superb catching and fielding by Assistant Superintendents Trevor BennandGladwinHanover, Cadet Officer Raheem Haynes, and Christopher Francis. The GPF’s team showcased its batting
prowess, chasing down the target in just 16 overs, scoring 169/5 Deputy Commissioner Operations Budhrammade42runswith six 4s, after opening the batting with Khali Pareshram who made 13 runswiththree4’sandputon twentyrunsbeforethefallof thefirstwicket. Budhram got out caught on the boundary, with his team needing only five runs to win. For his outstanding performances, he was also
named Player of the Match andBestBowler Officer Francis made 18 runs with three 4’s, Troy Benn made 24 with two 6’s and two 4’s off only eight balls. After the fall of Troy B e n n ’ s w i c k e t , Commissioner’s Eleven needed 80 runs from 50 deliveries and Trophy Stall Lionsinthedrivingseat,but Troy’s younger brother TrevorBennhadotherplans, ripping apart the Lions bowlingwithsomeexcellent
batting, making 51 Not Out withfour6’sandthree4’s.
HealsoclaimedtheBest Batsman award Gladwin Hanover and Raheem Haynes shared the Best CatchawardandFranciswas recognised as the Best Fielder of the Match for the Commissioner’s Eleven Bowling for Trophy Stall Lions, Mr Vickey had two wickets for 24 runs off of 2 overs, and Mr Beharry had one wicket for 33 runs off fourovers.
PAGE 20 MondayApril 08, 2024 Kaieteur News
2024 Milo U18 Schools Football Tournament...
Waramuri Top, North, South, Charlestown Secondary register wins ahead of KO stages
The culminating day of the initial phaseofthe2024 Milo Schools Under-18 Football tournament witnessed thrilling encounters, marked by severalsurprisingresults.
As Leonora Secondary, Abram Zuil Secondary, Bishops High, South Ruimveldt Secondary, Charlestown Secondary, Waramuri Top, and New Central High demonstrated
commendable resilience to clinch victories, concluding the third round of the competition.
Six matches unfolded across the Ministry of Education (MoE) and Queen’s College (QC) venues
At the MoE venue, BishopsHighclashedwith Hopetown Secondary in Match #31 The encounter started cautiously, with both teams evenly
matched However, the deadlock was broken in the 67th minute when Micaiah Defreitas of Bishops High executed a flawless free-kick, securing a 1-0 win over Hopetown
Despite subsequent efforts,thescoreremained unchanged, as Bishops High cart off with a welldeservedwin.
In the ensuing match, Charlestown Secondary mirrored Bishops High’s success by defeating defending champions Santa Rosa Secondary with a solitarygoalfromDilshawn Alleyne in the 66th minute. Waramuri Top later continued their winning streak, triumphing 2-0 over President College (PC) Odel Holmes and Rondel Peters contributed crucial goals in the 53rd and 46th minutes, respectively, steering Waramuri Top to anothercomfortablevictory
At the QC ground, Abram Zuil Secondary stunned North Ruimveldt (Multilateral) Secondary 32, with goals from Omar Kendel, Jeraldo Culpeper, andEronBenjamin
South Ruimveldt Secondary showcased a dominant display, overpowering L’Aventure Secondary 5-1, courtesy of goals from Derwayne Hardy, Seon Grant, and DevonteGaima
Mark Phillips was the star of the match finishing with two goals in the 2nd and5thminute.
New Central High also secured their first win against Queen’s College
with a steady 2-1 victory, aided by an own goal and a strike from Trevor Gordon (65’). The Petra organised event progresses to the knockout stage this weekend, with exciting round of 16 matches
Currently, Chase’s Academic Foundation, West Ruimveldt and Waramuri Top lead Groups A, C, and E with 9 points each.
Dolphin leads Group B with 7 points, while Anns GroveandSouthRuimveldt maintain their positions atop Groups D and F, respectively
The tournament, sponsored by Massy Distribution under the Milo Brand, receives support from MVP Sports, Yellow Steel Inc , the Ministry of Education, Blue Water Shipping, and the Guyana FootballFederation
Liverpool squandered the opportunity to return to the top of the Premier League as they were held to a draw in another Old Trafford thriller with Manchester United
Manager Jurgen Klopp and his players will wonder how they failed to avenge the FA Cup quarterfinal loss here last month as they paid the price for missing numerous chances, having overrun the hosts for longperiods.
Liverpool only had a Luis Diaz strike to show for almost total first-half superiorityinwhichtheyhad 15 shots to none from United,whosemanagerErik tenHagwasthankfulforthe visitors’ wastefulness and saves from keeper Andre Onana.
themforthefirst45minutes. Their only consolation from an opening half in which they were outclassed was that Liverpool were not over the hills and far away after cutting through the homedefenceatwill.
Dominik Szoboszlai was denied by a superb save by Onana, with the Hungarian midfielder missing two other good chances as Liverpool camped in United’s half Diaz’s 23rd-minute goala calm finish after being left unmarked in the boxwasscantreward
error from Quansah as Fernandes pounced on a poor backpass and spotted Kelleher off his line to finish in spectacular fashion
Mainoo provided a special finish too, but Wan-Bissaka’s rash challenge on Elliott meant United could not celebrate another memorable victoryoverLiverpool
But Liverpool salvaged the draw, which was the least they deserved, when
U n i t e d , a l m o s t unbelievably, were gifted a lifelinefiveminutesafterthe break when Liverpool defender Jarell Quansah passed straight to Bruno Fernandes, who lifted a finish over stranded keeper Caoimhin Kelleher from insidethecentrecircle. Kobbie Mainoo then put themaheadafter67minutes with a superb curling finish at the Stretford End for his firsthomegoal.
Mohamed Salah scored from the spot with six minutes of normal time left after Aaron Wan-Bissaka lunged in late on Harvey Elliott. Liverpool now lie second behind leaders Arsenalongoaldifference, with Manchester City a
point further back in third place
Manchester United will have left their fans baffled and delighted in equal measureafteraperformance of the sharpest contrasts which earned them a point that looked way beyond
The half-time whistle came as a relief to the home contingent at Old Traffordbut,justasinthat enthralling 4-3 FA Cup success, United showed thatforalltheirflawsthey are still a threat if you do nottakeyourchances
And it came with that
It was such a mixed display that it offered no clues as to whether underpressure managerTen Hag is on the right lines, but United’s consolation is they have inflicted a blow onLiverpool’spursuitofa 20th top-flight league title - which would match their owntally
Liverpool will know betterthananyonethiswasa huge chance missed to reasserttheirauthorityonthe titlerace.
Kaieteur News PAGE 21 MondayApril 08, 2024
Waramuri Top goal scorers (from left) Odell Holmes and Rondell Peters
Santa Rosa player (with ball) under heavy gaurd during the match against Charlestown Secondary
Mohamed Salah is the first player to score in four consecutive Premier League away appearances against Manchester United
Easter Learn to Swim programme hailed a resounding success
– says DoS Ninvalle
The Ministry of Culture, Youth a n d S p o r t s celebrated the triumphant conclusion of the nation’s largest youth initiative, the ‘Teach Them Young’ Learn to Swim programme, in a grand ceremony held yesterday at the National Aquatic Centre (NAC) Heraldedasabeaconofhope for aspiring swimmers nationwide,theTeachThem Young programme provided a vital platform for children of all ages to immerse themselves in the world of swimmer
It offered them the opportunity to acquire essential skills and refine their techniques under
The programme, which began on March 26th, was held at four locations across the country: the Aquatic Centre and the Colgrain Swimming Pool in Georgetown; the Watooka Swimming Pool in Linden; andtheAlbionEstatePoolin EastBerbice.
The programme, which was headed once again by longstanding coach Paul Mahaica, saw over 2,270 childrenbetweentheagesof sixto18participatingatthis year’sevent.
Notably, over the past two years, this initiative has garnered immense support, welcoming nearly 15,000 participants from diverse
backgrounds. Regardless of socio-economic status, the programme championed inclusivityandunitythrough a shared passion for the sport.
The closing ceremony witnessed the presence of esteemed personalities including Director of Sports (DoS) Steve Ninvalle, Assistant Director of Sports Melissa Dow-Richardson, Franklin Wilson (Deputy Vice-Chairman of the N a t i o n a l S p o r t s
Commission), Cristy C a m p b e l l , a n d Commissioner Cheteram Ramdihal.
Expressing gratitude to allparticipants,coaches,and supporters, Director of
Kyrie Irving stars as Mavericks rescue win against Rockets
Kyrie Irving scored 25 of his season-high 48 points in the fourth quarter and overtime, and Dante Exum’s buzzer-beating 3pointer to close regulation helpedtheDallasMavericks complete a comeback from downasmanyas22pointsin their 147-136 win at home onSundayovertheHouston Rockets.
D a l l a s ( 4 8 - 3 0 ) capitalized on three missed Houston free throws in the final 25 seconds of regulation, including a pair byJabariSmithJr witheight secondsleftandtheRockets leading by three points, to force overtime The Mavericks dominated the extra frame’s final two minutes Irving scored attacking the rim to set his single-game scoring high as a member of the Mavericks, putting Dallas ahead 139136 with 1:48 remaining in overtime.
That kicked off a gameending,10-0run,punctuated whenLukaDoncicfollowed his block of a Smith 3-point attemptwiththefinaltwoof Doncic’s 37 points. Doncic also dished 12 assists, matching Houston’s Fred VanVleet for a game-high, andcameonereboundshyof his 21st triple-double of the season.
Among Doncic’s assists
was finding Exum for the wing 3-pointer as time expiredinregulation. Exum finished with 14 pointsoffthebench,andhis made attempt made up for a pair of misses from Irving andMaxiKleberinthefinal 30 seconds that seemingly left Dallas looking at a damaging loss to its postseasonpositioning. The Mavericks trailed for almost the entirety of regulation after digging a deep hole in the first half. They erased a secondquarter deficit of 22 points when they finished the period on a 27-10 run, but theydidnotbreakthroughto take their first lead of the gameuntilthelatefourth. 0
Sports Steve Ninvalle remarked, “I am pleased to say that this year’s Teach ThemYoungprogrammehas been nothing short of a massivesuccess.
What I am most pleased aboutisthatwewereableto
runtheeventsmoothlyonce again, with little to no hiccups.
Iamespeciallydelighted tointroduceanotherbatchof swimmersintooursociety.”
The two teams swapped theleadsixtimesfromwhen Dallas first pulled ahead at the 3:01 mark, until Reggie Bullock Jr sank a go-ahead 3-pointer with 58 seconds remaining, part of his 11 pointsoffthebench.
Houston could only extenditsleadtothreepoints asaresultofgoing1-of-4at the foul line down the stretch VanVleet, who missedoneofthefoulshots, scored24points.
Dillon Brooks led Houston (38-40) with a season-high 29 points and shot 5-of-6 from 3-point range.JalenGreenadded21 points, eight assists and six rebounds, and Jock Landale chipped in 13 points off the bench.
The Berbice
Cricket Board ( B C B ) i n collaboration with Dr Frank Denbow hosted its second fast-bowling clinic with cricket legend Sir CurtlyAmbrose.
Morethan40cricketers walked away with knowledge at a three-day clinicwhichwasheldatJai HindGroundinAlbion.
Ambrose visited Berbice two years ago and conductedasimilarcampat Albion, and that camp included a then-unknown ShamarJoseph,whoisnow a West Indies Test bowler Isai Thorne, who is now a Guyana Harpy Eagles fastbowler,wasalsoagraduate oftheclinic.
“When I came here two years ago, I did not know what to expect. I always have an open mind and it was nice to be back in Berbice. Giving back to cricketersmeansalottome, it gives me great satisfaction,”Ambrosesaid.
Sir Curtly also gave credit where it was due, noting that he was not the only person responsible for Shamar Joseph’s success. Ambrose, however, is hoping that more fast bowlers can follow in the
Looking towards the future, Ninvalle announced plans for the inclusion of a separate programme catering to differently-abled individuals.
Moreover, the Adult leg of the Learn to Swim programme is poised to commencelaternextmonth.
More than 40 youths benefit from Sir Curtly Ambrose/ BCB fast bowling clinic
Meanwhile, overseasbased Guyanese Dr Frank Denbow, who is the brainchild of this bowling clinic hailed the first clinic as a success and saw the needforasecondclinic.
“Thisidea(ofhavingSir Curtly in Berbice) came about when I was watching theWestIndiesUnder-19vs England Under-19 in September 2021. I saw Isai Thorne, at that time he was 16yearsold,andhewasthe fastestbowler
He was destined for greatness,soImadecontact via a friend who knew the thenBCBPresident,Hilbert Foster,andIpitchedideato him, to have Sir Curtly doing a three-day camp in Berbice.”
“I said I wanted Sir Curtly because I found him to be the most disciplined fast bowler. He has the best economy rate among fast bowlerswhotookmorethan 200 wickets Mr Foster made it come through in 2022, and it was a success. Several players in that group went on to play for Guyana,andoneplayedfor the West Indies,” Denbow explained.
Dr Denbow added: “There is another fast
bowlerwhowillplayforthe West Indies within 18 months.Afterthesuccessin 2022, we went ahead to havethesecondcamp.”
Berbice Cricket Board President Dr Cecil Beharry also thanked Dr Denbow and Sir Curtly on another historicvisit.Headvisedthe youngsters to return to the club and continue to work ontheirgames.
“What you learnt from Sir Curtly is not for you to do when he is here alone, but you need to develop it with your coaches at your club.
That is the hope we at the BCB have for you, so you can do better, and do well for Berbice, Guyana and the West Indies,” PresidentBeharrysaid.
The40+youngstersthat were present expressed gratitude to Sir Curtly for his sharing his knowledge. Guyana Under-15 fastbowler Arif Khan, and National captain Adrian Hetmyer were among those present at the camp. Some of the Berbice Under-19 female cricketers were also presentondaytwo.
The clinic started on
concluded on SundayApril 7.
Kaieteur News PAGE 22 MondayApril 08, 2024
l 5 and
Assistant Director of Sports, Melissa Dow-Richardson (right) handing over certificate of completion to a young participant at NAC
0:04Could pole
dancing eventually become
Appadu leads Guyana jockey points standing after race four
Jockey RonaldoAppadu sits at the top of the jockey points standing with 59 points after race four in Guyana this year Appadu, who piloted Stolen Money to some exciting races, recorded six wins, seven seconds, three third spots and one fourth in his 21 startsthisyearthusfar,while seasoned jockey Colin Ross sitsinsecondwith41points.
Ross, who was the jockey of the year in 2023, has piloted Spankhurst to
major wins. He has also recordedsixfirstplaces,two second spots, two third places and one fourth place in his 19 starts this season. Appadu has a total earning of G$ 674,375, while Ross has a total earning of G$ 623,750.
Yovin Kissonchand, had 18 starts and recorded four wins. He sits in third place on the jockey points standing with 31 points, earning G$236,250 Trinidadian jockey Kiran
Razackhad12startsandhas 28 points.These top jockies and others will be aiming to extend their lead and go beyond when the Race of Championsmeetrunsoffon April28.Thatracewillbeat theRisingSunTurfCluband willbehostedbytheJumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee.
Quinton Kellman, (fifth), Kevin Paul (sixth), Nicholas Patrick (seventh), Vishal Ramnarine (eighth), 18-year-old Kishawn
Pereira(nint h)andDillionKhelawan (tenth)arethetop10jockies after four races thus far for the2024season.
AccordingtotheGuyana Horseracing,afirstplaceis equal to five points, while a secondplaceisequaltothree points. Third place is two points while fourth place is one point. Five horses must start before third place is givenandsevenhorsesmust start before fourth place is given.
Dominic Tyrrell Goes 9-for 9- Prepares for World Championship
Dominic Tyrrell (center) receives his first place voucher.
Guyana’s74kgNational Powerlifting Champion participated in the “Open Des L andes” powerlifting competitiononSaturday,6th April, in Monte De Marsan inFrance.
Competing in the 83 kg category for a second time, he weigh in at 81.45 kg and used this competition as an opportunity to kickstart his preparationfortheupcoming World Powerlifting Championshipstobeheldin Lithuanian,inJune.
He successfully squatted 262.5kgor584lbsresulting in a 17.5 kg PB or 38.5 lbs.
This was an unofficial FrenchRegionalRecord.
162.5kgor358.3lbswas his bench press. This was alsoa5kgor11lbsPBandan unofficial French Regional Record.
Dominic, who was perfect throughout the competition, amassed a 332 5 kg or 733 1 lbs deadlift, which is his favourite event. This was a marked improvement from his previous best lift (322.5/ 711 lbs).This feat was good enough for not only an unofficialFrenchOpen (Continuedonpage19)
BV and Mahaica secure final two spots in Easter Cup semis
Beterverwagting (BV) Football
C l u b a n d
Mahaica Determinators clinched the last two spots into the semi-finals of the Easter ‘Skills Cash and Gold’ Cup after impressive victories at the Golden Groveground.
The tournament, running for three weeks, is a collaborative effort between Cool Crew
Promotion and Paradise Sports Club (PSC), aimed at showcasing emerging talents and delivering thrilling football action Building upon the success of its
inaugural edition, organisers Lynton Luke of Cool Crew Promotion and Glenford Fordyce of PSC have significantly raised the stakes, with a total of 2
millionincashandprizeson offer
WithTimehriUnitedand Cougars FC already in the mix, the competition intensifies as these four teams vie for championship glory
The eventual winners stand to claim a substantial prize of $500,000, along with20GoldChampionship rings, medals, and a trophy Runners-up won’t leave empty-handed either, with a prize of $300,000, 20 Silver rings, and their own set of medalsandtrophy Thirdand fourth place finishers will also be rewarded with cash prizes of $150,000 and $50,000 respectively, alongside medals and trophies.
Meanwhile, in the quarter-final matchups, Buxton Stars faced BV
United while Golden Stars FC took on Mahaica
Determinators Buxton
Stars, the crowd favorites, suffered a setback as BV
United staged a remarkable comeback to win 2-1
Despite taking an early lead withaNeilHutsonpenaltyin the 28th minute, Buxton
Stars faltered in the second half, conceding quick goals from Devon Griffith and Tony Ogle in the 51st and 60thminutes. Overintheotherquarterfinal clash, Mahaica Determinators dominated Golden Stars FC, securing a convincing 3-0 victory
Kevin Sherwood netted a brace while Nicholas Daw added another goal to seal thewinforMahaica,earning themaspotinthesemi-finals scheduledforApril13atthe s a m e v e n u e T h e
tournament’s grand finale is setforApril14. The success of the tournament wouldn’t have been possible without the generoussupportofvarious sponsors including MVP Sports, Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports, Office of the Prime Minister, Icon Construction and Supplies, Anchor Cement, Central Housing and Planning, M o o r e a n d S o n Construction, Singh and Son Construction, Urban Shoe Company, Republic Bank, JS Engineering and Supply, Lucozade Energy, Magnum Brand, Professor EmanuelCummings,Curtis Andries,ColinJoseph,Park S q u a r e , L e g a l Entertainment, Chicken King, KK Techcom Suppliers and Rentals, and GrillKingEnterprise
Kaieteur News PAGE 23 MondayApril 08, 2024
BV goal scorers Tony Ogle (left) and Devon Griffith
Jockey Ronaldo Appadu leads with 59 points, 18 more than Colin Ross in second
Police Senior Officers' Cricket team defeat Trophy Stall Lions in exciting match
- Deputy Commissioner Budhram named Player of the Match, Best Bowler
Sunich has been a longstanding supporter and sponsor of cricket and has made a significant contribution to the development of the sport. We also join in wishing him a Happy Birthday!
New batch of swimmers exhibiting their kick-board technique yesterday at NAC at the closing of the‘One Guyana’Teach ThemYoung programme
Easter Learn to Swim programme hailed a resounding success
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