Kaieteur News

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Ex Speaker of South Africa charged with corruption, granted bail

Reuters - South African prosecutors on Thursday charged former National Assembly speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula with corruption and money laundering, a day after she resigned following an inquiry into alleged graft during her time as defence minister

Shewasgrantedbailbya court in the capital Pretoria shortly after the charges were made public. MapisaNqakula, has denied any wrongdoing Mapisa- said in a ruling. As part of A veteran of the Nqakula, 67, whose bail conditions, Mapisa- governing African National residence was raided by Nqakula must surrender her Congress who was defence investigators last month as passport. minister from 2012 to 2021, part of the inquiry, had also The case will be back in Mapisa-Nqakula is accused resigned as a member of the courtonJune4. of receiving millions of rand parliamentonWednesday In an affidavit before the in cash as bribes from a Lead prosecutor Bheki ruling, a lawyer for Mapisa- former military contractor Manyathi told the Pretoria Nqakula argued that the “My resignation is in no way Magistrate’s Court that former speaker was not a anindicationoradmissionof Mapisa-Nqakula was being flight risk and that she guilt regarding the charged with 12 counts of voluntarily had come to allegations being levelled corruptionandoneofmoney court Mapisa-Nqakula against me,” she said on laundering. “The court is earlier this week lost a court Wednesday. Prosecutors satisfied that the amount bid to prevent authorities have not publicly disclosed initially suggested (for bail) from arresting her She the details surrounding the of 50,000 rand ($2,678) is handedherselfovertopolice allegations or evidence adequate in this matter,” earlier on Thursday before against her They did not MagistrateAnna Oosthuizen appearingincourt. objecttoherbail.

Man 69, kills wife, accused of cheating then commits suicide

A 56-year-old woman was brutally murdered on Sunday by her husband who then ended his life at Recht-Door-Zee West BankDemerara(WBD).

Dead are Sarah Bacchus Arjoon and Khemraj Arjoon of Lot 755 Recht-Door-Zee WCD.Areportissuedbypolicestatedthatthe murder occurred between 11:30hrs and 15:30hrsonSundayatthecouple’sresidence.

Police said that the body of the woman was found lying in a pool of blood in the bedroom by her 13-year-old daughter when she reachedhomeat13:50hrs.

Dead: Sarah Bacchus Arjoon

The teen reportedly told ranks that she foundherfathergaspingforbreathonthebed, emitting a strong smell of poison. A note writtenonacardboardwasalsofoundnearby, allegingthatSarahwasinanaffair Policeand murder weapon, which was a knife that was neighbours were then alerted at the crime found at the scene, as well as the note. Sarah scene. was pronounced dead at the scene by Doctor

Upon ranks arrival, they questioned the Sonia Gray Her body is currently at the murder suspect (Khemraj), who admitted to Ezekiel Funeral Home, awaiting Post ingesting poisonous substance He also Mortem Examination (PME). Khemraj, the directed ranks to where he threw the bottle murder suspect died on Sunday night at the containing the suspected poison. Notably, West Demerara Regional Hospital, while police took possession of the suspected receivingmedicaltreatment.

GuyanawelcomesVenezuela’s submissiontoICJinbordercase

The Government of Guyana has welcomed submissions by the Government ofVenezuela at the International Court of Justice(ICJ)inkeepingwith the Court’s stipulated timeline.

This comes after the Venezuelan Government had previously rejected the jurisdiction of the ICJ in the Commonwealth and other resources. The case finds its bordercasefiledbyGuyana. membersoftheinternational genesis in Venezuela’s In a statement, the Ministry community have also been challenge to the validity of of Foreign Affairs and urging Venezuela to the 1899 Arbitral Award of International Cooperation p a r t i c i p a t e i n t h e the boundaries that separate noted it welcomes the proceedings before the ICJ. the two countries As a submission made on “Guyana considers that it is result, the two countries MondaybyVenezuelaonthe beneficial to the Court to were sent to the world court merits of the case have before it the through the United Nation’s concerning the Arbitral submissions of both parties (UN) peacekeeping process Award of 3 October, 1899 on the validity of the 1899 to settle the controversy (Guyana versus Venezuela) Arbitral Award and the onceandforall.Attheinitial whichispendingbeforeit. s e t t l e m e n t o f t h e stageofthematterbeforethe

The case, which was international boundary,” the ICJ, The Government of filed by Guyana in March statementadded. Venezuela had indicated a 2018, seeks the Court’s “Guyana made its decision to not participate in decision on the validity of submissions in April 2023. the procedure that the the Arbitral Award which With the submissions of government of Guyana finally determined the land both States before it, the introduced before the World boundary between the two Court will be able to take all Court in relation to the countries. The Court has argumentsandevidenceinto “territorial dispute” over already ruled that it has account and issue a more Essequibo area. Back then, jurisdiction over the informed judgement, which the Venezuela Foreign controversy and will decide will be final and binding on Ministry issued a missive theissueonthemerits. the parties Guyana has n o t i n g t h a t , “ T h e

Guyana has repeatedly consistently pledged to Venezuelan delegation has called on Venezuela to abide by the Court’s informedthePresidentofthe participate fully in the Judgement,” the statement court,throughalettersigned judicial proceedings and added. by the President of the comply with the Court’s V e n e z u e l a h a s Republic, Nicolás Maduro rulings, and therefore historically claimed Moros, of its sovereign welcomes Venezuela’s Guyana’s Essequibo region decision not to participate in submissions on the as its own despite its initial the procedure that Guyana substantive issues that the acceptance of the 1899 intends to initiate, since the Courtwillultimatelydecide. Arbitral Award that gives Court manifestly lacks In the statement, the Guyana control of the jurisdiction over an action Ministry of Foreign Affairs Essequibo Essequibo is unilaterally proposed by the also said the Guyana Guyana’s biggest county, neighbouring country, Government has taken note filled with gold, diamonds which does not have the that CARICOM and the and significant natural consentofVenezuela.”

Kaieteur News PAGE 02 Tuesday April 09, 2024
Former National Assembly speaker of South Africa, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula

Exxon eight new discoveries is possibly total oil T&T produced in 100 years - Opposition

Gas spokesman pointed out government with the

that one of the Stabroek internationalcommunityand Block partners, CNOOC e v e n m u l t i l a t e r a l The fact that the

recentlyrevealedthattheone organizations. government of Guyana is oftheeightdiscoveriesmade The Economist stressed, aware of the country’s oil sinceApril2022isestimated “The government right now reserves but is hiding this toholdsome746Mbarrelsof could be hiding as much oil information should disturb oil. fromtheGuyanesepeopleas eachcitizen.

Opposition Spokesman on Oil and Gas, Elson Low

“The government right now could be hiding as much oil from the Guyanese people as Trinidad ever produced in their entire history This is the scale of the mismanagement; this is the scale of the bad governance you are seeing in our country and it should disturb each and every Guyanese ” – Elson Low

Heargued,“Weevensaw Trinidad ever produced in

This is according to the one of the partners in the their entire history This is Opposition’s spokesperson

Stabroek Block say one of t h e s c a l e o f t h e on the Petroleum sector, those finds was over 700 mismanagement; this is the ElsonLow million barrels of oil. There scale of the bad governance

During the Leader of the reserves could be equivalent 375M barrels of oil for each areentirecountriesthatdon’t youareseeinginourcountry Opposition’s weekly press to Trinidad and Tobago’s of the eight hidden even have 700 million and it should disturb each conference on Thursday, total oil production over its discoveries, the country barrels of oil in its reserve andeveryGuyanese.” Low highlighted that despite 100-yearstintintheindustry couldeasilybeinthedarkon andthat’sonefind.” VP Jagdeo two weeks eight new discoveries were Lowpointedoutthatdata the total oil produced by the Low said that the ago revealed that the announced by ExxonMobil at his March 21, 2024 Press from T&T’s Ministry of twin island over its century Opposition will raise its government has been Guyana Limited (EMGL) Conference. He said that the Energy and Energy long involvement in the concerns over the lack of updated on the Stabroek since the country’s last government has been Industries indicate that the industry t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d Blockreserves,howeverthis resource update in April receiving quarterly reports country’s oil production TheOpposition’sOiland accountability by the (Continued on page 13) 2022, the government from the operator of the totals just over 3 billion continues the hide the Stabroek Block that contain barrels during its more than reserves. updates on the reserves, 100 years in the sector The

It was the Chief however this information Economist in a subsequent Policymaker for the oil and wasnotimportant. interview with Kaieteur gas sector, Vice President The Opposition however News said that by using a Bharrat Jagdeo who believes that the hidden conservative estimate of confirmedthisstateofaffairs

Kaieteur News PAGE 03 Tuesday April 09, 2024


Nothing but a fraud

AnthonyVieiracouldnothavesaiditbetter:thepromise by the PPP/C in the lead up to the 2020 elections to renegotiate the oil contract was nothing but a fraud.Vieira clearlywasenticedbythepromisejustlikemanyotherswho voted for that party at the last elections. He was also even movedtogoastepfurtherbyofferinghimselfasacandidate.

Overtheyears,Vieira-apioneerintelevisionbroadcast hereandalsooneofthemostknowledgeablepersonslocally onthesugarindustryhasneverbeenonetomixhiswords. HeisconsistentinhiscriticismsofboththePPP/Candthe PNCR- both of whom he had in some point in his life tied bundle with as we say in local parlance. His joining of the party of red, black and yellow at the last elections was somewhatsurprising,althoughnotmanythingsdosurprise Guyaneseinthelocalpoliticalsphere.Overtheyearshehas offered sound advice on the management of the sugar industryandinabroadersensetheagriculturesector.Heis nevershortonadviceforanythingdevelopmental-mostof whichcomeoutofaloveforcountry Vieiraisnothand-tomouth-lookingforajobfromthegovernment.Thereisthat deepsensethathewantstohelp.Hewantstobeinvolvedin managingtheircountryinwhateverwayhecould.Hissober, yet blunt assessment about the present PPP/C regime over theweekendinalettertothepresstestifiesofamanwhohas grown tired and frustrated like so many well-meaning Guyanesewiththisgovernment.

Weatthisnewspapersharesomeofhissentiments,but wewishtozoominonhisofferingsonthemanagementof the nascent oil and gas sector- something which we have takenonsomewhatasaprojectforthegoodofthisnation.

Inhisletterinwhichhesaidthatheregrettedagreeingto beaPPP/Ccandidatein2020.Vieirahadthistosay:“Iam notevengoingtoaddresstheoilindustrysituation,starting withthecompletelackofoversight,monetarycontrolsand enforcementofthePSAprovisionsweakastheyare,which Glen Lall is exposing weekly in his radio programmes, supported by Christopher Ram, Dr Vincent Adams, Ms. MelindaJankiandothers.AndthenthereisGPL!!!Privatize thatmonsternow!!AsbadasGuyanesethinkthatGTTis,I go to Trinidad regularly on business and GTT is, in my opinion, as good as if not better than Trinidad and Tobago Telecom’swhichisstillmostlygovernmentowned.Butthey are smarter than us, the government is the majority shareholder, but the minority shareholder is Cable and Wireless.Forsomeweeks,Ihavebeenlabouringunderthe feelings of regret, I am experiencing by agreeing to be a PPP/Ccandidatein2020!Ireadtheirmanifesto,andIheard theirpromisestorenegotiatetheridiculousPSAoilcontract. I am now forced to tell the public that I apologise for unknowinglybeingpartofthatfraud.”

Behind the resistance to make any changes to the lopsided contract with ExonMobil is Guyana’s Vice President,BharratJagdeo-thedefactoleadmanagerofthis nation’s oil wealth. While in Opposition the erstwhile former president promised to renegotiate the contract, but has since changed his tune- even denying that he had ever made such a promise- although this newspaper has played tapes with both him and President Irfaan making such promises.

ApassionateandalmostangryJagdeowhilefunctioning asLeaderoftheOpposition,justoverthreeyearsago,saidin aninterviewthatthethenAPartnershipforNationalUnity+ AllianceForChange(APNU+AFC)Coalitiongovernment “sold” the country to “foreigners” because that administration failed to include ring-fencing to shore up profitsfromthe2016ProductionSharingAgreement(PSA) withAmericanoilgiant,ExxonMobil.Atthattime,Jagdeo assured that when the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C)returnedtooffice,thiswouldbeaprioritywhenthe contractisrenegotiated.“Theysoldusouttotheforeigners. Theoilcompanies,everytimethereisafindoutthere,our people should be sad because nothing comes our way We are gonna renegotiate those contracts because that’s not whatwehadinmind,”Jagdeosaidthen.Headded,“When

Holder to Bharrat: Fastest growing economy means


Irefertotheutterancesof Minister Vickram Bharrat, Minister of Natural Resources in the Guyana Times Newspaper dated April 1, 2024. It must have been an “all fools day message” delivered to our indigenous brothers and sisters of the Rupununi; but theyarenofools;theyknow andlivethetruth.

Firstly editor, the notion that the non-oil economic growth is the 2nd fastest in the world (needs to be fact checked) means nothing to mostGuyanese-theworking class and the poor which comprisethemajorityofour population. I take it that the Ministerwasreferringtoour growth in GDP. However, every economist around the worldwilltellyouthatGDP growth does not necessarily translateintoahighstandard oflivingforthecitizensasis the case in Guyana. The minister should have been ashamed to regurgitate that PPP propaganda at a time whenthereisahugeinfluxof funds from oil yet Guyana hasoneoftheworstcost-ofliving crises it has ever experienced.Themajorityof people are struggling with meagre income, living from pay-cheque to pay-cheque (justchecktheATMlineson paydays) while the top one percent friends, family and

nothing to most

favouritesofthegovernment livecomfortably

Editor, we just saw our teachers (Indo, Afro, Indigenous, all of them) on strike for better wages for close to five weeks in the face of an uncaring government that refused to properly address their dire situationeventhoughweare thefastestgrowingeconomy in the world according to MinisterBharrat.ThankGod for Justice Kissoon who forcedthegovernmenttothe negotiationstable.

Editor, our nurses are leaving in droves to the extent that the PPP government now intends to import nurses maybe from the slums of Bangladesh, IndiaandSriLanka. Whyaretheyleavingthis “fastest growing economy” as propagandized by Minister Vickram Bharrat?

Every Guyanese knows the answer Theywantaliveable wage, a comfortable work environment free from discrimination and victimization, and a country where there is good governance so that they can live a safe and comfortable life Unfortunately, under this PPP government, the situation in Guyana is quite theopposite.

Minister Vickram Bharrat, according to the article, told the indigenous

we were in the early days, we were coaxing the people (ExxonMobil)togoalong.They(Coalition)cameintooffice – three billion barrels of proven reserves and they gave up zero royalties, no taxes, no ring-fencing.” Soon after taking office in 2020, the now Vice President (VP) has not only changed his tune but also his tone when it comes to the renegotiation of the Exxon contract and securing greater benefitsforGuyanese.

A former President should have the self-respect, the thoughtfulness, to not do this to himself, to represent his people better, all those who trust him so much. A Vice Presidentwhoisinchargeofacountry’srichescannotbethis wishy-washy,socleverlycreative,engageinsuchcontortions ofhimself.Nooilminister,whichJagdeois,shouldgotothe lengthsthathedoestoevadetakinganyactionthathastodo withrenegotiatingthe2016ExxonMobiloilcontractthatthe companydumpeduponthiscountry,andwhichnowrubsthe noseofGuyaneseintotheground.

He has been a fine example of verbal innovations that weigh down the people of this country with great injustices. First, he came up with the sacred power of sanctity of contract, which means that no approach that would dare to touch ExxonMobil must ever surface. Suddenly, Bharrat Jagdeo has found religion, is a true believer about what is sacred, what should stay in that immaculate state. This is amazingfromsomeonewhosevocabularyneverheldwords likesanctityandsacredinit.Itisbecomingcrystalclearinthe skills and strengths that theVice President deploys to shield ExxonMobil and its profits, and how much he exposes his own Guyanese, and contributes to their ongoing impoverishment.

When sanctity of contract ran into turbulence, Jagdeo regroupedandcameupwithanothergemthathethoughtwas so glittering , it would blind Guyanese, and drive fear into them. It was that if the ExxonMobil oil contract is changed, foreigninvestorswouldgetasskittishasahorse,andboltfor theexits;orthosethatwerethinkingofcomingwouldchange


people of Region 9 that, “ Today as Guyanese we can boastthatwehavethefastest growing economy in the world”.

Editor, sadly our Indigenous people across thiscountryarestillamongst the poorest of people in our society today Many still can’t afford to eat three square meals per day or afford to send their children toschool.Thereisabsolutely nothing for them to boast about!

Editor,nowIwilladdress the stacked propaganda added to support this incompetent government in their quest to deceive the nation. Firstly, the article points us to the so-called 28% growth recorded last year for sugar, moving up from 47,049 tonnes in 2022 to60,204tonnesin2023and the 7% expansion in rice production from 610,595 to 653,706 tonnes. Editor, I want to remind the nation that with only three estates (Albion, Blairmont and Uitvlugt) functioning, the APNUAFC produced 92,246tonnesin2019.When the PPP were installed into office, their incompetence forced GUYSUCO to slash the production target down to70,000tonnesin2021;but even that they failed miserably to achieve. In the end, the actual production

was almost 50% less than that obtained under the A P N U A F C 2 0 2 2 production targets were worse,only47,049tonnesas admitted in the Guyana Times article Now after spending close to forty billiondollarsandreopening two other estates they shamelessly tell the nation about this misleading 28% growth of the industry after producing a dismal 60,204 tonnes, 33% less than the 2019figure.

Editor, as it relates to rice, again the situation is quite similar. In 2019 the coalition had a record production of 682,419 metric tonnes now the PPP boasts about an increase from 610,595 metric tonnes in 2022 to 653,706 metric tonnesin2023–adifference of almost 30,000 metric t o n n e s b e l o w t h e APNU/AFC figures No wonder the populace cannot relate to this talk of fastest growingeconomy

According to the article, these two sectors that underperformed when comparing them with the APNUAFC; these lower production figures account for 25% growth in manufacturing.

Editor, the Minister of Natural Resources claimed toourindigenousbrothers (Continuedonpage06)


Therealityisthatsavvy investors would have heard all the noise coming out of Guyana about the one-sided nature of the contract and factored the probability of it being changed into their risk matrix. They would have also heard the criticisms and cautions of foreign experts and people in reputable think tanks,andfoundaplaceforthoseintheirownconcernsand considerations. With that being said, foreign investors, whether already here or potential, would still conclude that Guyana is a great place to put their money, and among the safest of bets, so rich and sure its prospects are. So, when Jagdeodigsdeep,andcomesupwiththeseproductions,allhe does is deliver another dud, a loser of low standing. Thisis another revelation of how hard the Vice President labours against going anywhere near the ExxonMobil contract, and doingsomethingaboutit.

When he failed to scare Guyanese about what sensitive, and much-needed, investors would do, he changed his tune, and composed a new song. His newest symphony is that changing the ExxonMobil contract, even touching it, would destroythemomentuminplace.Ifanon-Guyanesehadsaid this,onewouldunderstand.Ifitwassomeonewhoispoorat reading and writing and is out of touch with real life, there couldbesomesympathy.

ButJagdeoisneither,andknowsbetterthantoengagein thedistortionsthatdigadeeperholeforhimself,thatinspire ExxonMobil to assault Guyanese with more economic brutalities, and that leave hopeful citizens in disgust and despair

Jagdeo was the Opposition Leader who cursed the same oilcontractthathenowcherishes.Jagdeowasthepolitician whosangharsh,bittersongsabouttheExxonMobilcontract that has no place, no standing, among civilized people. Today,BharratJagdeosingsdifferentsongs,histuneshavea sicklysoundaboutthem.HowandwhyisExxonMobilableto bend him six ways to Sunday where this contract is concerned?

PublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana. Publisher:GLENNLALL-TEL:624-6456 Editor:NIGELWILLIAMS Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Kaieteur News PAGE 04 TuesdayApril 09, 2024

Government should fund anti-suicide organisations Hypocrisy reigns supreme in the PPPGovernment


, Suicideisamajorpublic health problem in Guyana, but not much attention is placedonthissocialissueto lower, if not eradicate, it altogether

Guyana had (probably still has) the dubious distinction of having the highest number of suicides intheworld(41per100,000, 2019figures).

These figures may be under-reported because many suicides are not reportedtotheauthoritiesfor various reasons – stigma, religiousbeliefs,shame,etc.

Familiesofvictimscover up suicides and attempted attemptsofafamilymember taking his or her own life. Doctors also informed me thatfamilieswouldpleadnot to report a suicide or its attempt because of “the stigma or shame” to family. Thus, the actual number of suicides may be higher. Figures for more recent yearsarenotreported.

It is a crisis that need immediate government attention.

Suicide is not my specialty,butIamconcerned about its impact on family andsociety

I remember from a required Psychology course over 47 years ago that suicide is a very complex human behaviour with no single causative factor But regardless of the factors, except maybe for extreme mental illness, it can be attacked with persistent counseling.

It requires a government commitment with resources andindividualswhocarefor

life. Several organizations approached me for financial assistancetoaddresssuicide and a host of social issues, and I helped as much as I couldafford.

When advised to seek governmentassistance,their response is “Government does not care and does not offerrequiredhelp”.

I know of this typical response because for over three decades I approached governments to fund organizations involved in anti-suicidework.

The assistance was miniscule.

B a s e d o n m y investigations and conversations with people onthecoast,suicidesinrural areas are much higher than urban or semi-urban and suburban areas Suicides among Indians are much higher than other ethnic groups.

Atonetime,Berbicewas once seen as Guyana’s and the world’s capital for suicides; it may still be so. Freddie Kissoon used to lament about the high suicide rate on the Corentyne.

I am witness to nonIndian poking fun when Indianscommittedsuicide.

What is clear is that the trendrevealssuicideratehas increasedovertheyearsand it is very high among the youths and the poor, but all classes are presented in the figures.

No government seemed toshowmuchconcernabout suicide even though it impacts political support Buying votes or spending money to win over votes is

more attractive than spending money to address suicides.

Thebulkofworkagainst suicides have been undertaken by nongovernment organizations (NGOs). Caribbean Voice, among others, have done yeomanvoluntaryserviceto helpsavelivesinadditionto their cherished work counseling victims of domestic, alcohol, and substanceabuse.

Regrettably, politicians, political parties, and governments are more interested in power and material projects rather than in saving lives of those contemplating suicide Appeal to Indian politicians to address this tragic problemfellondeafear

Suicide is a loss to family, neighborhood, friends, the economy, and future earnings as well as talentofthecountry.Itisalso a loss of support for a politicalparty.

Victims are potential voters and while it may impact one party more than another, the entire country loses. One suicide is too many

S u i c i d e c a n b e successfully tackled It requires a government will. Government should commit moreresourcesandredouble effortstoaddressthiscritical problem. NGOs are on the ground tackling suicide but arehandicappedwithlimited resources.

Government should fund those NGOs that are committedtosavinglives.



, W i t h G u y a n a ’s expanding economy, the necessity for additional labour force, particularly in the healthcare sector, to ensuretheeffectivedelivery of quality and adequate services to the citizenry is needed.

Guyanesearefullyaware of this reality In fact, government hiring foreign nurses to address staffing shortages in healthcare facilities is not new While initially appearing as a pragmatic response to Guyana’s current nurses shortages, the consideration by the PPP Government to offer Bangladeshi nurses higher wages and additional benefitsthanourlocalnurses and professionals raises profound ethical and discriminatoryconcerns.

Itreflectsalevelofunfair and bias treatment that underscores the total disregard and absolute disdain with which the PPP leaders perceive our local nurses, and by extension, other public servants, includingteachers.

Our nurses have often undergonethesamerigorous training and education as their foreign counterparts andareevenmorededicated and dutiful in providing quality health care to patients once they are adequately remunerated and supported.

Despite the vast oil wealth available to the nation and the undeniable qualificationsanddedication of our nurses, this government persistently undervalues and underpays

them and other public s e r v a n t s , w h i l e simultaneously favouring their foreign counterparts.

The decision of our healthcare professionals to seekopportunitieselsewhere is not due to a lack of patriotism, but rather a reflection of the failure of leadership and poor wages. Moreover,thePPP’sdivisive tendencies are apparent in their preferential treatment and resource allocation alongethniclines.

It is crucial to recognize that healthcare, as a fundamental aspect of life and well-being, necessitates unityandfairtreatment.

The government’s inclination to prioritize Bangladeshi nurses over local professionals could deepen divisions within the healthcare facilities in particularandthecountryin general.

These disparities not onlydemoralizelocalnurses and jeopardize patient care, but they are dreadful in that they breed resentment and discord among the healthcare workforce and otherethnicgroups.

Many believe that President Ali’s one Guyana proposal and his constant

prattling of inclusivity is hypocritical, insincere and totallydishonest.

The decision by the Ali/Jagdeo regime to import nurses from Bangladesh without prior consideration of available nursing resources within the Caribbean region should serve as a stark reminder to C A R I C O M o f t h e government’sperspectiveon regional collaboration It appears that the primary motive behind the PPP’s actions is more about advancing political and ethnic interests rather than genuine concern for the well-being of our healthcare system.

This is exemplified by t h e g o v e r n m e n t ’s contradictory approach, which allows mass influxes of nationals from certain countries,suchasVenezuela while restricting entry for others, including Haitians, a fellow CARICOM member state, without implementing appropriate safeguards

Such actions demonstrate the PPP’s disregard for regional integration and shouldbeacauseforconcern amongCARICOMnations.


Kaieteur News PAGE 05 TuesdayApril 09, 2024

Speed humps not the solution to the recklessness and madness on our roads

DEAREDITOR, Last year, I penned two lettersdated22-03-2023and 13-07-2023 in your letter column I raised serious concerns about government floodingourstreetsandroad withspeedhumps.Thereisa difference between speed humps and speed bumps.

wasestimatedthatourroads had about 55,000 speed humps.

The humps are more aggressive while the bumps are milder At the time of publishing those letters, it

Despitepointingoutthat speed humps has a 90% harmfulsideeffectsandwill domoreharmtothiscountry, our government and by extension the Ministry of Public Works continued to flood our roads with even greater numbers and closer proximity

Even short streets about 150ft may have three speed humps.Thissituationcanbe best described as vehiclemuzzling The estimated speed humps across our country now has reached approximately100,000.This figure may be greater because I haven’t managed to get figures from some areas.

Editor, This course of action I understood was a direct response to the high volume of recklessness happening on our roads

A f t e r d e p l o y i n g approximately 100,000 speedhumps,thecarnageon theroadisstilloutofcontrol andevenworst.

Iexplaineditinmylast2 letters that it will not work and the reality has proven exactly as predicted I specifically warned that speed humps has severe economicimplication.

I have never seen or h e a r d G u y a n e s e complainingabouthighcost of living and economic hardship as experienced for

thelongestwhile. Itiswelldocumentedand explained on several mechanical forums on Google and YouTube how Speedhumpscausevehicles to burn three and four times morefuel.

When a vehicle has to maneuverinfirstandsecond gear repetitively over long period will consume excessivefuel.

With 100,000 speed humps across this country translate into a normal journeys which would consume one gallon of fuel will eventually consume aboutthreegallons.

This repetitive hopping every 30seconds is responsible for the high fuel consumption and this forms the basis of high cost of transportation.

Every living economic activity in this country depends on transportation. High cost of transportation has multiplying effects Depending on how many layers of production involved, we have seen pricesforgoodsandservices doubleandtriple.

Since last year, taxies, delivery trucks and general transportation providers were conscious of the

excessive rising cost of operation.Thiswasnotonly due to high fuel prices but also excessive fuel consumption due to speed humps and the frequent spending on expensive replacementparts.

Partsthatweresupposed to last three years are now changed as little as eight months Every cost mentioned above is eventually passed down to end-consumers.

Thisishowfloodingour country with speed humps playsasignificantroleinthe highcostofliving.

Editor, I have said it before, speed humps is not the solution to the recklessnessandmadnesson our roads Government literally has hundreds of optionstobringthismadness toascreechinghalt.

Whilehighcostofliving is squeezing the life out of Guyanese, finding the right solutions to this problem is imperative.

Government needs to reverse this bad decision of muzzling vehicles and to implementlawsandsystems to hold drivers and vehicle ownersaccountable.

YoursSincerely ColinWoolford


Frompage04 andsistersofRegion9thatthegrowthinthe non-oil sector is not because of oil but the “stellar” management of the economy by PresidentAli, VP Jagdeo and the cabinet However,inglaringcontradictiontothis statement, the very article in the Guyana Times talked briefly about the mining and quarry sector growing by a whopping 42 6% in 2023 due “mainly to theburgeoningoilandgasindustry”.

Additionally, in another contrasting statement, the article rightfully claims that gold mining (the same gold that was responsible for our economy’s growth prior to the discovery of oil) has now declined by a whopping 32% from 634,925 ounces to 432,113 ounces on account of a 70% reduction in declaration from small and medium scaleminers

Editor, these are indisputable facts which lead me to conclude that Guyana is worse off under this PPP government and the whole talk about fastest growing economy and second fastest growing nonoileconomyhaslittleornopositiveimpact on the livelihood of the majority of Guyanese


Kaieteur News PAGE 06 TuesdayApril 09, 2024

How and why Exxon is able to bend Jagdeo?

Anthony Vieira, a PPP/C 2020 candidate publicly said he regretted agreeing to be on that party’s list of candidates for the last elections. Among other things, he based his position on the government’s refusal to renegotiate the lopsided ExxonMobil contract.

This promise was made by both Vice President Bharrat while being Opposition Leader and candidate, Irfaan Irfaan Ali, now President. They both on assuming office have changed their tunes.

As Opposition Leader, Jagdeo cursed the same oil contract that he now cherishes. Jagdeo was the politician who sang harsh, bitter songs about the ExxonMobil contract that has no place, no standing, among civilized people.

Today, that same Bharrat Jagdeo sings different songs, his tunes have a sickly sound about them. How and why is ExxonMobil able to bend him six ways to Sunday where this contract is concerned?

Kaieteur News PAGE 07 Tuesday April 09, 2024

Govt. looking for contractors to build and design new Lethem Hospital using portion of IDB US$97M loan

The Government of Guyana the Conditional Credit Line for fromtheProcurementSpecialistby Administration (NPTAB) office in (GoG) through the Ministry of Investment Projects (CCLIP). The e m a i l : Georgetown. Health (MOH) is looking for a comprehensive program aims to procurement hcns@gmail com A second advertisement has contractor to design and build the bolster the capacity of seven Site visit will be conducted on been issued seeking consulting LethemHospitalinRegionNine. hospitals across various regions, Friday, May 10, 2024 at 11:00 services for the design and Theconstructionofthehospital including key hinterland areas and hours at the Lethem Hospital construction supervision of the falls under the US$97 million - urbancenters. Compound. Lethem Hospital. The ad outlines Health Care Network Strengthen - The Project Executing Unit Bids must be delivered to the the need for a consulting firm to Inter-America Development Bank (PEU) in an advertisement in address below on or before oversee the project, ensuring (IDB) loan. Part of the proceeds Kaieteur News April 7th edition

Tuesday,June25,2024at09:00hrs. adherence to sustainable and willbeallocatedtotheconstruction states that the RFP will be Notably,electronicbiddingwillnot resilientbestpracticesandbuilding of the Lethem Hospital, which is c o n d u c t e d t h r o u g h t h e be permitted and late bids will be code requirements. The deadline envisioned to operate at a level five International Competitive Bidding rejected. Bids will be opened on for submissions is set for 9:00 am, standard.The IDB loan, secured by (ICB) procedures specified in the

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 09:00 onFriday,April26,2024. the Guyana Government in IDBpoliciesforprocurement.

hoursinthepresenceofthebidders’ The consulting services sought December 2022, forms part of a Interested eligible bidders can representatives who choose to encompass various aspects, broader effort to strengthen the obtain further information and a attend in person at the National includingsupervisingthedesign nation’s healthcare network under complete set of bidding documents Procurement and Tender (Continued on page 16)

Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony

Kaieteur News PAGE 08 Tuesday April 09, 2024

Thepublicservicesector is governed by rules and regulations aimed at upholding integrity, transparency, and impartiality in the delivery ofservicestothepublic.One such regulation requires all public servants, including doctors,toseekapprovalfor anyoutsideemployment.

A few years ago, this newspaper quoted the rules of the public service as requiringpermissiontowork part-time outside of the public service.According to one report, Section F10 of the Public Service Rules, “Other Employment





of Official Working Hours, though public servants are expected to devote full attention and time to their work during official working hours, they may, with the permission of thePermanentSecretaryand Public Service Ministry, be

e n g a g e d i n o t h e r employment activities of a part-time nature, whether w i t h o r w i t h o u t remuneration. The rules it wasstatedindicatethatsuch request would not be favourably considered if suchemploymentislikelyto impair the efficiency and usefulness of the Public Servant in his/her job or conflict with the interests of theGovernment.

It has been the practice

for years that even government employees, employedoncontractwithin the public service, are required to submit to public servicerules.Assuch,when it comes to part-time employment, it is expected that government employees, regardless of whether they are tenured public servants or on contract would seek permission for work outside ofofficialhours.

However, despite these

rules,thereexistsaprevalent practice of doctors moonlighting at private healthcare institutions while beingemployedinthepublic sector This should not be happening without the requisite permission being granted.

Moonlighting doctors working simultaneously in the public and private healthcaresectorsinherently face potential conflicts of interest They may, for example, prioritize their private practice over their publicduties,compromising thequalityandtimelinessof care provided to patients withinthepublicsector.

The allowance of moonlighting for doctors while other public servants arerequiredtoseekapproval for outside employment creates an unfair double standard. It undermines the principles of equity and fairness within the public


service, as it grants certain individuals preferential treatment based on their profession.

While doctors are essential members of the healthcare system, they should not be exempt from the same standards and regulations applied to other public servants. All public servants should be held to the same level of accountability and adherence to regulations to maintain the integrity of the publicservicesector

Theapplicationofpublic service rules should be consistently even-handed, ensuring that regulations

Guyana gat some villages where the names sometime match the mood and sometimes they don’t. From Good Faith to Festival City, each name poses a puzzle, leaving us scratching our heads and chuckling in equal measure.

Let’s start our journey in Good Faith, where one mightexpectanabundance offaithtobeascommonas the mango trees. Yet, alas, faith is plentiful here Perhaps the residents are holding out hope for an economicmiracle.

De festival come and gone. But de name stick punFestivalCity

Names and puns What goes for one, must apply to all!

buriedbeneaththesurface, lies a treasure trove of politicalintrigue.

And what of Golden Grove? We have plenty villages named Golden Grove.DehhaveoninWest Coast Berbice, one on the East Coast of Demerara, anotherontheEastbankof Demerara and one on the Essequibo Coast. With a name so promising, you’d think gold nuggets would be as plentiful as sand on theseashore.Alas,theonly thing sparkling there is hardwork.

ThenwehavePearl,the residence of a former president One might wonder if the place shines like a gem in the sun. But alas,it’sjustanothersleepy village. Though perhaps,

Then there’s Mosquito Hall, where one might assume the buzzing pests reign supreme. But fear not, dear reader, for the insect repellent industry thrives in this mosquitoinfestedparadise.It’sacase of supply and demand in perfectharmony.

Cane Grove now has more rice than sugar cane. A sweet transformation, youmightsay,butonethat leavesthelocalspondering their roots. And let’s not forget Thomas Lands in Georgetown, where Thomas is no longer the landlord. The irony is as thickasthemudonarainy day,leavingustowonderif poor Thomas is still searchingforhislostacres.

But amidst the c o n f u s i o n a n d contradictions, there’s one place where you expect thingstobeblooming.Itiss Bloomfield. Whether it’s the flowers or buildings in full bloom, dat is left to be discovered.


Recentstatementsfroma senior government official suggest that the government is predisposed towards allowing moonlighting practices among doctors employed within the public sector This unwritten approval however sends a conflicting message regardingtheenforcementof public service regulations. The government has a duty toupholdtheruleoflawand ensure consistency in the application of regulations across all sectors of public service By condoning moonlighting among doctors,thegovernmentsets a precedent that undermines the authority of existing regulations and fosters a culture of impunity within thepublicservice.

governing outside employment apply uniformlytoallpublicsector employees, regardless of their profession or role. If public servants are required to seek approval for moonlightingorengagingin private sector work, the same standard must be applied to doctors working in the public sector Failing to do creates a sense of unfairness and inequality among employees. What goes for one, must apply to all! In as much as it may be the decision of the government to allow public sector doctors to moonlight at private institutions, this policy has implications for otherpublicservantsandthe policymustbeappliedevenhandedly and not limited onlytodoctors.

There is money to be made at present in the local economy No one should be locked out of the opportunities provided by the booming economy. The surge in economic activity creates an environment ripe for wealth accumulation, one in which workers can capitalize. Public servants, being integral members of theworkforce,shouldnotbe deprived of the chance to participate in this economic upswing. Just as doctors are afforded the privilege of engaging in outside employment,publicservants should similarly be granted the flexibility to take advantageofpart-timework opportunities within the privatesector

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s affiliates.)

There is an acute shortage of workers within the country’s labor force. Manyindividualsareturning to moonlighting to seize lucrative part-time opportunities after official working hours This phenomenon reflects a broader trend wherein workersseektocapitalizeon the economic boom by supplementing their incomes through additional employment.

Kaieteur News PAGE 09 TuesdayApril 09, 2024


Sanctity of contract, sanctity of the people

Guyanese exist with a sledgehammerbyExxon. when the other fella is only for another somebody that Guyanese are government and leaders that The talk is of honor fighting to the death for to give a peek (746K dunderheads with areskillfulincomingupwith Honour -my God, when has US$107M? Where is barrels). The Chinese are dunce caps to confirm all types of new tricks, all that ever been around in this principle when Exxon puts not known for being their retarded state. With manner of ancient tactics, to town?Men who don’t know up billboards that deceive talkative where business is everyrespecttoMr Khemraj overpower those deviating the beginning of what Guyanese? A partner or a concerned; yet they are the Parsram,theExecutiveHead No man with a spot of from the PPP script, when sanctity represents, or that it stalker? Or,inmafiaterms,a ones breaking the seal of of the EPA, who has been honorcouldstandbyandturn the national oil wealth is the existed, now make speak of heavyweightskullcrusher It secrecy And their chief reengineered into the his face from what Exxon is issue. In contrast, the same sanctity I am reminded that was the same people who shareholder is of a saddest, most pitied of doing here The savvy PPPGovernmentandleaders the devil does quote usedtoraceforwardwiththe communisticbent. caricatures, his leadership American oil company has shrivel into a bundle of scripture, when it suits his news: new discoveries, new

So, what is Guyana role and his mission are that not played fair nor square soaked newspapers when it purpose. barrels by the many new honoring? Sanctity of of a suicide bomber On an with Guyana. This country comes to the 2016 oil What is there to holdup millions. Now somebody contract? Or is it of Ali and unsuccessful day, he is a does not have to descend to contract wielded like a as the local end of a deal leaves that to somebody else Jagdeo surrendering victim; on a better day, he is anyscurrilouslevels.Allthat everything, so that the still in the loss column, as in medics Ali and Jagdeo have sanctity of the PPP’s hold on deadanddone. to do is to put the EPA to power is not breached? Tothechiefpolicymaker, work as it should have been Even if this pauperizesevery this recommendation is doing from the discovery of last Guyanese The PPP made. Make it a policy the first pint of oil: headmen-PresidentAli, Vice priority for the EPA to be a unfettered, uninfluenced, President Jagdeo, Attorney powerhouse of a national and untroubled EPA General Nandlall-know very regulatory institution. Stick director, Mr Parsram, may wellthattheirposturesabout with not going anywhere surprise us all, in that he has sanctity of contract are lame, near, not touching, the little relationship with the limp, and stink They contract. Let the EPAbe the effigyfigurethathascometo haven’tevenmadeamoveto spearhead that makes Exxon be automatically attached to test the vitality of how see matters our way I want his name, and actions. I inviolable this sanctity is. to say ha-ha, that will be the think that all he needs is a Because that alone could day with the EPA, the one hammer and he could spell political doom. So, when Jagdeo gets wings and become the local Thor, a they clump together these finds what he doesn’t have. fighter against wrongs, and a clods about honor and No!itisnotwhatbeginswith fearlesswarrior for Guyana. honorable people, which a b, but a c. But I will not do If the PPP Government is they themselves don’t thattoday truly serious about doing its believe, now have slippery This is the prescription, best for Guyanese, then it standing. the MRI, that I order for mustceaseitsbeatingaround

So, they walk around in doctors Ali and Jagdeo: the bush on oil matters. The those transparent trousers Exxon has brandished the EPA must be unleashed, and (contract sanctity), 2016 contract like a weapon K h e m r a j P a r s r a m regardless of how naked this under the nose of Guyana. recalibrated into more of an leaves them. Alright, go Therefore,itisjustified,well attacker than a defender, ahead and leave the contract within the rules of the more of an environmental alone. But why not playing field, for Ali and supercop and not for another empower the Environmental Jagdeo to weaponize the day such an embarrassing Protection Agency (EPA) to EPAtothefarthestextentsof nationalflop. be theboldest, fully armored itslegalperimeters. Convert Exxon can have its warrior for Guyanese the EPA to be the contract c h e r i s h e d s a n c t i t y ; Unleash the EPA and with the Guyanese people. Guyanese can get to fight insulateit. Onelocalbigshot My single concern is back,attainsomeparity has embraced the mantra of whether both national (The views expressed in leaving things to technical leaders have the nerves for this article are those of the people, and how he doesn’t theharshmedicine. a u t h o r a n d d o n o t get involved in such details

It is inconceivable to me necessarily reflect the and procedures This that a rich country like opinions and beliefs of this character straight out of Guyana could have such n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s DanteAlighieri must believe poorminds. affiliates.)

Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Monday May 02, 2022 Tuesday April 09, 2024 HARDTRUTHS BYGHKLALL
Kaieteur News PAGE 11 Tuesday April 09, 2024

Govt. must decide what protection Guyana must have from an oil spill not the Court - AG

...says has no obligation to tell the nation Govt. moved to CCJ

The Government of Guyana spill; it is not an “unlimited It was reported that the state (GoG) must determine the level of insurance” as referenced by the secretly moved to the CCJ on protection the country should politician. February 29, 2024 to appeal the receive to cover an oil spill and not The Legal Affairs Minister localruling. the Court, Attorney General (AG) went on to note that the guarantee When this newspaper sought and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil provided by Exxon does not mean confirmationwiththeAGonMarch NandlallSChassaid. that if an oil spill occurs in the 12 it was ignored. Subsequent

During an interview with the future the company will not be queries with the Minister’s Office state media on Sunday evening, the required to pay beyond the US$2B on March 28 and as recent asApril AG sought to explain the guarantee that was lodged and the 2, 2024 were unsuccessful, until a government’s decision to approach US$600M insurance. “That’s a confirmation of the appeal onApril the Caribbean Court of Justice totalmisconception,”hesaid. 4,2024. (CCJ) to join a court matter where

No obligation

Despite making a direct request two citizens are challenging Nandlall also used the to the AG for the appeal he filed, ExxonMobil to provide an opportunitytoclarifythathehadno Kaieteur News was not provided unlimited parent company obligation to inform the nation of withthedocument. guarantee to cover all costs his recent decision to appeal the Nandlall has made it clear that associatedwithapotentialspill. ruling, preventing the state from he does not have an obligation to

High Court Judge, Justice joining with ExxonMobil to fight inform the Kaieteur News, any Sandil Kissoon on May 3, 2023 the assurance should be the The AG was keen to note that againsttheunlimitedoilspillparent other news outlet or any citizen of ordered the Environmental satisfaction of the government. He while the EPA is tasked with guarantee Guyana’s Court of the government’s decision to Protection Agency, (EPA) to issue said the Environmental Protection securing that assurance, “it must be Appeal in December last year appeal. He said, “They say that I an Enforcement Notice to Exxon Act which requires the oil spill to the standard of the government.” unanimously rejected the filed the appeal secretly...I don’t Mobil to ensure it provides an insurance says “it must be to the Accordingtohisinterpretation,this application by the Attorney- knowhowitbecomesasecret unlimited oil spill coverage to satisfaction of the state ” He assurance cannot be ‘unlimited’. General to join the case of two issue.” TheAG pointed out that the safeguard Guyana, but the ruling therefore made it clear, “This “You will never get an insurance Guyanese, Frederick Collins and proceedings were filed in was subsequently appealed by both assurance is not to satisfy the coverage for a risk that has no Godfrey Whyte, who are fighting accordance with the requirements ExxonandtheEPA. judiciary, it is to satisfy the state. limit,” Nandlall said. It must be for the Environmental Protection oftheCCJ.

The government was not Whoisinchargeofmanagementof noted that two citizens are fighting Agency (EPA) to get ExxonMobil Moreover,hereasoned,“Idon’t allowed to join the matter Nandlall the state? The government, so the for a signed unlimited parent Guyana to furnish the nation with know that I have a duty to give is however arguing that the Court government has to determine what guarantee, which is a legal an unlimited parent company somebody in the press an appeal should not determine the level of that insurance or assurance will document that ties the company to guarantee (not insurance) for oil thatIfiled.Reportersknow protection the country receives, as be.” cover all costs associated with a spills.

(Continued on page 17)

Over $3 billion in contracts awarded to construct river & sea defence structures

The National Procurement and Pleasure on Wakenaam Island, Tender Administration Board Uniform on the Leguan Island, (NPTAB) office last week awarded Cane Grove on the Leguan Island, 28 contracts worth over $3 billion Okum/ Retrieve on the Leguan for rip-rap river and sea defence Island, Phoniex on the Leguan construction projects in Region Island, Uitvlugt/Stewartvilleon the Two, Three, Four, Five , Six and West Coast of Demerara, Anna Ten According to information Catherina/ Edinburg also on the recently revealed on NPTAB West Coast of Demerara, De website, the 28 lots projects being Kinderen on the East Bank of executed by the Ministry of Public Essequibo, and at Stanleytown on Works was awarded on April 4, theWestBankofDemerara. 2024 These works would be NPTAB information revealed continuing from previous phases, that contractors awarded are: whilesomeprojectsarenew (Lot5) Kal Investments Inc- $208,739,000, and

Section of the sea defence in Region Five.

such as Cullen, Abram Zuil, (Lot9) 1B Contracting & constructed between Bygeval and would see rip-rap structures are for well known that rising sea levels Aurora, and at La Resource/Marias Machinery Rental - $108,523,500; Belvedere at Mahaica, between along Grant 1651 in Crabwood poseaseverethreattothecountry’s Delight. (Lot10) Khan’s Enterprise - Belladrum and Washington on the Creek, Corentyne, No. 61 Village, coastal plain and in response to this Contractors awarded projects $106,964,120; (Lot11) R Maraj West Coast of Berbice, and No 59 Village, Springlands in major climate change risk, the for these lots in Region Two are as GeneralContracting-$72,974,400; between Fairfield and Manila at Corriverton, and at Line Path in Government has embarked on a follow: (Lot1) 4N Hardware Store (Lot12) Colin Talbot Contracting Mahaicony Theministryhadstated Corentyne. multi-faceted approach to Inc. - $84,865,000; (Lot2) 1B Services - $255,688,800; (Lot13) that in Region Five they would be The contractors awarded for developing coastal resistance Contracting & Machinery Rental - R&NConstruction-$213,412,300; constructing timber revetment projects there are: (Lot23) Kascon Senior Minister with the $95,129,100; (Lot3) Mohamed (Lot14) Aronco Services Inc. - structure along Mahaicony River E n g i n e e r i n g S e r v i c e - responsibilityforFinanceDr Ashni Ramzanallu Khan - $99,717,100; $124,508,900; and (Lot15) Puran dam,andalongAbaryRiverdam. $115,453,000; (Lot24) 4S General Singh in his budget presentation and (Lot4) C&L Construction - Bros.DisposalInc.-$189,836,800. Projects awarded for those Contracting Inc ; (Lot25) 4S had related that in 2023, $98,735,000. MovingtoRegionFour,Lots16 areas are: (Lot18) M&B General Contracting Inc - approximately $5.4 billion was In Region Three, works cover and17wouldseeworksbeingdone Construction - $44,047,750; $141,610,500; (Lot26) Kascon expended to upgrade sea and river from Lot 5 to 15 and would see at Chapman’s Grove on the East (Lot19) C Jorree Farming & E n g i n e e r i n g S e r v i c e - defences. structuresslatedforBendorffonthe Coast of Demerara (ECD), and at C o n t r a c t i n g S e r v i c e - $111,670,750; and (Lot27) This year, he mentioned, a sum Wakenaam Island, between Good Buxton, ECD The contracts $199,115,800; (Lot20) M&B Shaffeeullh Sawmill. For Lot 28, of $6.9 billion is budgeted towards Success and San Souci on the awarded are as follow: (Lot16) Construction - $174,026,100; which would see river defence enhancing the resilience of sea Wakenaam Island, Maria’s Deowdat Singh Construction Firm (Lot21) J&R Construction - structure being constructed at defencestructures.

Kaieteur News PAGE 12 Tuesday April 09, 2024
,230,600; and (Lot22) WismarMarketFrontinRegion10,
Allen - Professional Engineering Services Associate Investment - the contract was awarded to Region Two covers
-$151,387,680. $41,623,000. C.Jorree Farming & Contracting
would see rip-rap structures Enterprise
(Lot8) In Region Five it covers from With regards to Region Six Servicefor
18 to 22 and
will be
from Lot 23 to 27,
SSS $96
It was reported
that $91,089,600; (Lot6) Ivor
1 to
$121,324,600; (Lot7) Khan’s
- $151,390,655;
$95,721,810. being constructed in communities R&NConstruction-$115,427,500; Lot
which covers
As reported in
media, it is

Gas-to-Energy project to cost Guyana

four weeks of oil revenue - Reuters

The connection of the ontheworksmanagedbythe Gas-to-Energy (GTE) government. The Stabroek pipelinestotheLizaOneand block, site of the country’s L i z a Tw o F l o a t i n g first commercial oil and gas Production Storage and discovery in 2015, currently Offloading (FPSO) vessels produces crude - about could cost Guyana four 645,000 barrels per day weeks of oil revenue, (bpd).

according to a Reuters Thenewpowerplantwill report. be the first to use the It said Guyana’s efforts associated gas produced to use its natural gas from the oil field that to date resources to fuel a power has been re-injected plant that would slash the underground.

South American nation’s The gas pipeline energy costs have snagged completion will require on construction delays and Exxontopauseproductionin threaten to curtail the rising the third quarter at two oil oil hotspot’s revenue this production vessels to time ” As soon as the “There is more pavement in conferenceinGeorgetownin project. “There are so many yearbyabout$1billion. connectthemtotheundersea onshore facilities are ready, the city,” says fruit vendor February “We need to questions unanswered, there

The $1.9 billion gas-to- pipeline,Routledgesaid. “thewholethingwillstartup Michael Bharrat, 23, when developourgasnow.” isnotransparencyatall.” power project, Guyana’s If the tie-in lasts four and all those benefits will asked about the most visible UNANSWERED B h a r r a t J a g d e o , biggestefforttocapitaliseon weeks, Exxon and its flowtothecountry,”hesaid. signs of development

QUESTIONS Guyana’svicepresident,told its energy bounty, is consortium partners Hess Guyana will miss the brought by the nation’s oil Critics of the project say Reuters in February the embroiled in legal fights and and China’s CNOOC would chance to slash its power boom “The government there are a lot of decisions project is following its new risks cost overruns. The first have to halt up to 12 million costs this yearbecauseof the could be doing more to help yet to be made and little scheduleandwillstaywithin phase of a 300-megawatt barrelsofoiloutputfromtwo project delay It imports poorpeople,”hesaid. clarity over the next steps, its original budget “We (MW)powerplantisrunning platforms that produce expensivefueloilforanaged Government officials are including who will operate believe this is nothing to six months behind schedule 400,000bpdatpeaklevels. and often faulty power anxious to fulfill a 2020 the power plant and market worry about,” Jagdeo said. and full operation is not Based on Guyana’s facility When fully running election promise to cut the gas-liquids such as “It is a two-year project, will expected until the fourth recent sale at $85 per barrel, on natural gas, the new plant residents’ energy costs and propane produced by the take a few more months, but quarter of 2025, officials that could mean over $1 will reduce the nation’s want to use the gas for related gas-processing not a year” to complete. havesaid. billion in deferred oil power costs by 50%, industries that can create facility Wally David, 66, a retired Exxon Mobil, which revenue An Exxon officials have said “Of jobs or for exports as M e a n w h i l e , t w o trolling boat mechanic, operates all the oil and gas spokesperson last week course we are doing the best liquefied natural gas. The contractors hired by the smiles when asked if the production in Guyana, is declined to specify how long we can, but we have to be government has been government for the project government he voted for in building a 140-mile (225- the production halt will last. r e a l i s t i c , ” Wi n s t o n pressing Exxon and its have filed for arbitration 2020 will deliver on its km) gas pipeline from its Routledge had said the B r a s s i n g t o n , w h o partners, which prior to this over costs overruns of $90 promise to build the gas-tooffshore Stabroek block to pipeline connection and coordinates the power project have focused on oil, million and residents have power project as promised. supply the government’s maintenance works would project as a consultant for to develop the country’s gas filed lawsuits claiming “I think it will get done project onshore: a power take“weeks,notmonths.” Guyana’s Ministry of resources. unfaircompensationforland someday,” he says from his plant, a related natural gas The executive said NaturalResources,saidinan “There is a window of taken to build the project. home in Georgetown, where processing facility and Exxon is not worried about interviewinFebruary opportunity between now “What rate will Guyana be he complains a road transmission lines. The U.S. having to shut production W h i l e i t i s n o t and the end of the decade to paying for the unusable or construction project outside oil major’s part of the this year for a project that uncommon for major monetize and maximize the unused gas? Is the gas sales his house run by the project, the about $1 billion will not be ready to accept projects to run behind value of Guyana’s natural agreement completed?” government is behind pipeline, will be ready by the gas at least until schedule, Guyana’s gas resources,” President asked Elizabeth Hughes, a schedule. year-end as promised to sometime in 2025. When the government faces a Mohamed Irfaan Ali told oil land owner whose family “Maybe in three, four Guyana, said Exxon Guyana gas-fired power plant is p r e s i d e n t i a l a n d executives during a landwasexpropriatedforthe years,justnotnow.” country manager Alistair ready is “a question of parliamentary election next Routledge. That is despite timing,” said Routledge year and is keen to deliver having nothing to connect it “It’s hard to have all the tangible benefits to the to onshore because of delays facilities ready at the same nation’s 750,000 residents.

Exxon eight new discoveries is possibly...

From page 3

In the realm of oil and gas, companies information is not important if ExxonMobil undertake a process known to the industry as does not move to production. “We know appraisal to help the developer determine about all the reserves we have now but the whetherornotaprojectisviable. only way this country can make money This process helps to reduce the range of (from) is if we actually convert the resources uncertainty in the volumes of hydrocarbons into reserves and then into production. inplace;definethesizeandconfigurationof Knowing reserves without converting it into the reservoir and collect data for the production is nonsense because we already prediction of the performance of the know we have 11 billion barrels of reserves reservoir during the forecasted production and it will keep growing but what’s the point life about knowing any, about reserves,” the VP Jagdeo was asked to provide an estimate said. of the country’s reserves but instead said he He continued, “and we do get every would check to see whether the report quarter, a report on reserves. Every quarter, submitted by ExxonMobil contains we get a report so we got a quarterly report, proprietaryinformationsotheycanbeshared the Ministry in the last quarter of 2023 on it, on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ sotheinformationhastocometous.” website. “I have asked the Ministry on that to Jagdeo pointed out that while the see if there is anything proprietary in the information is presented to government, its reports and to see if we can’t extract the focus is not on pushing Exxon to do more basics, so if the report in its fullness has appraisal activities to understand the elements that are only the Ministry and the resources discovered, but on moving to staff of the ministry then we can’t extract production, since “you only make money on parts of the report and make it public on the production for the country, not knowing how Ministry’s website,” the Vice President muchreservesyougot.” explained.

Kaieteur News PAGE 13 Tuesday April 09, 2024
The gas-to-power project, Guyana’s biggest effort to capitalise on its energy bounty

High Court declares Public Service Credit Union elections valid

Justice Navindra Singh

The team which was noted too that the Chief on Monday declared that the headed by former Chairman Cooperative Development elections of the Guyana of the Credit Union, Benn, Officer has no authority to Public Service Co-operative won the Special Meeting prohibit or prevent the Credit Union (GPSCCU) with the most votes, but the elected Committee of held on March 02, last as old Management Committee Management from assuming validlycarriedout. contested the elections, their respective offices. As


As a result, he ordered saying that it was not held in such, he determined that the thatthe12personswhowere accordancewiththelaw The Chief Co-operative recently elected at the n e w C o m m i t t e e o f Development Officer (the GPSCUU Special Elections, Management was duly CCDO) by himself, his be allowed to take up the elected at the Special servants or agents be and is management of the Credit General Meeting held on hereby restrained from Union, without further March 02, 2024, at the preventing the newly elected delays. In accordance with Critchlow Labour College, Committee of Management the order, Mr Trevor Benn, Wo o l f o r d Av e n u e , fromtakingupitsoffice. Mr Patrick Mentore, Ms. Georgetown. They later met The court also restrained Eslyn Harris, Ms. Rajdai on March 04, 2024, at the the former Committee of General Meeting and committee approached the A Forde SC, and Mr Jagarnauth, Ms. Vanessa Society’s boardroom and Management of the by Electionswereheld. court to have their ChristopherThompson. The Kissoon, Ms. Mehalai elected its executive themselves,theirservants,or The team headed by appointments declared valid R e s p o n d e n t s w e r e McAlmont, Mr. Christopher pursuant regulations 22, 47 agents from preventing the Benn won with the most totakeuptheirnewpositions represented by Mr Neil Thompson, Dr. John and 53 of the regulations s aid new ly elected votes, but the Management after the elections That Boston, SC and Mr Siand Anderson,Mr.JudahLouisy, madeundertheCo-operative Committee of Management Committee headed by Karen ruling was handed down by Dhurjon The Chief Mr Kirk Fraser, Ms Societies Act, Cap. 88:01, fromtakingupitsoffice. Corbin said that those JusticeSinghonMonday Cooperative Development Candace Enmore and Ms. and Rule 43 of the Rules of A month ago, chaos and elections were not properly During the proceeding, Officer was represented by Beverly De John will be theSociety confusion ensued at the held.

the applicants were Ms.Alyea Williams and Ms.

- tells PAC his knowledge on tendering procedures were thrown out the window when he left office
Kaieteur News PAGE 14 Tuesday April 09, 2024
swornin. In his ruling, the Judge CreditUnionafteritsSpecial However, the new represented by Mr. Roysdale JinelleThomas. Members of new GPSCCU team and their attorneys at the High Court on Monday
Kaieteur News PAGE 15 Tuesday April 09, 2024


Sales Representative, canter Drivers & Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373.

Wanted! Male & Female workers preferably from WBD, for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100 per day. Call: 611-7839.

One Handy person to work in the Interior. Call: 677-0869.

One Welder and Handy boy needed. Living accommodation and meals provided. Call: 627-5043/ 639-1315.

Domestic needed, live-in or live-out. Call: 623-6383 7am7pm.

One night Watchman needed. For more information Call: 612-2125.

Two Kitchen Assistance to work from 6am-2pm. Call: 665-5074/ 603-1278.


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

First AID/CPR/AED & home nursing courses Available at St. John Headquarters. Call: 225-9082.


One Plumber needed for Eccles. Call: 645-8443/ 6159132.

Vacancies for Maintenance/ Semi- Skill Workers, One Cleaner, Welder and Labourer. Call: 621-6969/ 615-7784.

Male Sales Representative, Age 20-30 years old. Apply or Contact: 619- 1237.

One Driver/ Purchaser to work for a private company. Must have 10 years driving experience and Motor lorry license. Call: 625-1413/ 6290037.

Primary level Teachers needed. Submit applications to smartmindseducation @gmail.com

Vacancy Exist For two Experienced Dispatcher At Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.

Chinese national on bail for forging extension of stay stamp

Senior Magistrate Clive Nurse placed a Chinese national on $150,000 bail on Monday after he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court charged with uttering a forged document.

Ying Gou Sun made his first court appearance at the court, where the charge was read to him through a translator. Gou Sun was not required to plea to the charge that stated, he on Friday last by Air Services Limited at Mahdia, Region Eight, uttered a forged document. It was related that on November 30,

2019, Gou Sun came into Guyana and was given one month stay. On Friday last, he was reportedly travelling to Mahdia, where he presented his passport to the immigration authority and when it was checked by the immigration officers, it was discovered that he never applied for, or was granted any extension of stay.

The prosecutor objected to bail on the grounds that Gou Sun is not Guyanese, and as such he poses as a flight risk. Notably, Gou Sun, who was represented by Attor-

ney-at-Law Pamela C De Santos, refuted the claims made against her client that stated he can be posed as a flight risk.

The attorney explained to the court that Gou Sun has assets in Guyana and his passport is also lodged at the police station. On the basis of the forged documents, the attorney explained that her client was unaware that it (documents) was not valid. She assured the court that if given time her client will rectify such documents. It was highlighted by her that Gun

Sun has no prior incidents with the law, and if bail is to be granted, he will abide by any conditions the court wishes to impose.

Thereafter, Magistrate Nurse placed Gun Sun on $150,000 bail with conditions attached. As such, he is required to lodged his passport and report to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) headquarters on every Monday’s until the conclusion of the court case. Gun Sun is scheduled to return to court on May 7, 2024 for statements and fixtures.

Man jailed for stealing weeding machine

“I’m guilty, I’m guilty” a 48-year-old man told Senior Magistrate Clive Nurse on Monday, when he appeared virtually for his trial at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court in relation to a charge that stated he stole a weeding machine on March 2, 2024.

Phillips Adams pleaded guilty to stealing a weeding machine valued $120,000 on March 2, 2024 at Lamaha Street, Georgetown. According to the facts stated by the

prosecutor, the victim secured his weeding machine in a guard hut and went out.

The next day at about 01:00hrs he received a phone call from his security guard informing him that the accused jumped the fence and opened the guard hut and took out his weeding machine. As a result, an alarm was raised and Adams was apprehended with the machine in his possession. He was told of the allegations

against him and was placed in custody, hence the charge he is before the court with.

During the court proceedings, Magistrate Nurse considered the penalty based on the seriousness and prevalence of the offence. He also considered the fact that Adams did not waste judicial time and also he (Adams) does not have any prior antecedents. As such seven months imprisonment was imposed on the accused. Philips Adams

Govt. looking for contractors to build and



Business/ residential PFSGYD$58M, Visa Application, advertisements, graphics design, passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.

We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 6549711.

From page 8 process, overseeing civil works and equipment installation, and managing the Defects Liability Period. Qualified consulting firms will be invited to submit proposals for a Framework Agreement to cover the design and construction supervisory services for the Lethem Hospital. The consultancy is slated to commence in June 2024 and span approximately 42 months, encompassing phases such as design supervision, construction oversight, and defects liability supervision.

The US$97 million will be used to improve the health of the Guyanese population through increased access, quality, and efficiency of health services by improving health outcomes associated

with low and high complexity procedures.

This will be done by expanding the capacity of strategic hospitals, by extending coverage of diagnostic, medical consultation, and patient management services, inclusive of the country’s hinterlands, through digital health; and by increasing the efficiency of the public health system, by strengthening key logistic, management, and support processes and inputs. The project is also expected to target infrastructure improvement and expansion in seven priority hospitals, namely the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), the New Amsterdam Regional Hospital (NARH) and the Linden Hospital Complex (LHC), as well as four District Hospitals located in

the hinterland (Moruca, Kamarang, Kato, and Lethem).

According to a May 2023 article, Health Minister Dr. Frank Anthony had disclosed plans for the commencement of hospital construction in selected hinterland region with a primary focus on enhancing medical services in Lethem, Moruca, Kamarang, and Kato. He outlined a vision for the establishment of modern, state-of-the-art facilities over the coming years, underscoring the transformative potential of the endeavor.

In addition to infrastructure enhancements, the funds will facilitate expanded diagnostic services, medical consultations, and improvements in logistical and managerial processes. The project’s commitment to inclusivity is re-

flected in measures to enhance accessibility for disabled individuals and optimize water and energy usage for sustainability.

With an estimated reach of over 406,000 individuals, the initiative promises to benefit a substantial portion of the country’s population, particularly those in underserved regions.

Beyond infrastructure development, the CCLIP encompasses broader healthcare initiatives, including digital transformation efforts, supply chain optimization, and pandemic preparedness measures. Plans for the expansion of telemedicine networks and improvements in maternal and child health underscore the project’s multifaceted approach to addressing healthcare challenges.

PAGE 16 Kaieteur News Tuesday April 09, 2024
single room apartment for rent @ 21 street, Diamond E.B.D.$45,000 monthly.
enclosed 4d35
$1.5 mil, 1
Dyna Enclosed 15b engine $1.3 mil & open tray 14b engine 1.1 mil neg. Call:
223-5273. FOR SALE
Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or
615-9132. Painter needed. Call: 6159132 or 645-8443.
two and three bedroom Apt at Providence, Diamond & New Road Vreed-en-Hoop. Call: 682-6238, 216-2299/ 6046664. One
601-0889/ 6889315. 1 Mitsubishi canter
6261403, 649-9011,
Call: 615-9132. Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call:

Brazil Supreme Court judge opens inquiry into Musk

A Brazilian Supreme Court judge has opened an inquiryintoElonMuskafter the multi-billionaire said he wouldreactivateaccountson thesocialmediaplatformX, formerly Twitter, that the judge had ordered to be blocked.

Mr Musk posted on the platformthattherestrictions had been lifted because the c o u r t o r d e r w a s unconstitutional He also called for Justice Alexandre de Moraes to “resign or be impeached”. If X fails to complywiththeorder,itwill

be fined 100,000 reais ($19,774;£15,670)aday In his decision, Justice Moraes wrote that Mr Musk had launched a disinformation campaign against the Supreme Court. The platform’s Global Government Affairs team said the company was not allowed to say which accountswereaffected.

But Mr Musk has since posted that “X will publish everything demanded by [Moraes] and how those requests violate Brazilian law” The profiles are

believedtohavebeenlinked to far-right movements whichpostedcontentrelated toriotson8Januarylastyear when thousands of supportersofBrazil’sformer President Jair Bolsonaro stormed the country’s Congress, the Supreme Court and the presidential palace.


Frompage12 how to get legal documents; they have been doing it all the years. One newspaper ownerfeelsoffendedthatthe Attorney General did not give him a copy of the proceedings.Idon’toweany such obligation to any reporter or to any news agency The government doesn’t owe that obligation toanyone.Therearewaysby which you can get d o c u m e n t s T h e s e documents are public documents,goandgetthem!

I owe you no obligation to send cases to you that I file andwhyamIgoingtosendit toyouanyhow?”


Meanwhile,indefending the decision of the governmenttobejoinedasa party to the fight against the full liability coverage for oil spills,Nandlallsaidthecase has the potential to shut down Guyana’s oil and gas sector “Now that case had the potential and has the potential to shut down the whole oil and gas sector because the contention in thatcasewasthereisalegal requirement for a guarantee or some form of financial assurance as is required under the Environmental Protection Agency Act and the operations are going on in the oil and gas sector withoutthisassurancebeing inplace,”heexplained.

TheAGcontinued,“Asa result,oneofthepossibilities is that the license can be revoked, if the license is revoked, the operations will have to stop. Now these operations as you know is

underacontractbetweenthe government of Guyana and theLicensees-Exxonandits affiliatecompanies.Theyare ononesideoftheagreement andthegovernmentisonthe other side of the agreement, this is the infamous 2016 agreement signed under the APNU/AFC.”

Hebelievesthatsincethe country stands to lose “significant revenue flow” as result of a halt to the operationsfromthecontract, the government should be joined as a party to the proceedings.

Nandlall said, “All these persons, they have no interest,directinterestinthe oil and gas sector...every Tom, Dick and Harrylall (can)filecasesalthoughthey havenodirectinterestinthe oil and gas sector...now the government of Guyana draws a significant amount ofmoneyintermsofrevenue inflow from the oil and gas sector under that agreement. Wehavesaidamilliontimes that yes the agreement is lopsided but it is the agreement that we have to workwith...ifIamapartyto a contract and I am to get significant revenue flow fromthiscontractyouwould know and the entire world knows our budget for example has increased significantly because of the revenue flow from the oil andgassector.”

He therefore reasoned that the government should haveahearinginthematter, since according to him the state has more interest than the current parties in the proceedings.

Elon Musk bought Twitter, now called X, in 2022

Justice Moraes gained prominence after his decisions to restrict social media platforms in the country He is also investigating Mr Bolsonaro and his supporters for their rolesinanallegedattempted coupd’état.OnSaturday,the former president posted a video of a meeting he had withMrMuskinMay2022. Hours earlier, Mr Bolsonaro also called on his supporters togatheron21April.

Nandlall said, “The myth is that we should be fighting for the unlimited guarantee How can we fight for something that is impossible? We have a government to run.We have madepromisestothepeople of this country, we have to behave responsibly The people of this country expects their lives to be transformed or at least improved. They want the countrytodevelop.Wehave that duty; that oil and gas sectoriscritical.”Hesaidifa requirement is imposed which is a “financial impossibility” then the sector would shut down simply because the operator would not be able to meet a demandthatdoesnotexist.

To further qualify the government’s decision to appeal the ruling, the AG explained, “If the government doesn’t appeal this decision and allows a precedent to be left then cases can be filed and so many things can affect the government’s interest and the government will not become a party and adverse decisions can be made shutting down important projects and plans of the government, affecting thousands and tens of thousandsofourcitizensand the government is not going tobeheard?”“Theprinciple of appealing the decision is larger than this case. It’s about the right of a government to be heard in a case that affects the public interest and affects the government’s interest directly.”

Meanwhile, Brazil’s communication minister

Paulo Pimenta criticised Mr Musk, posting in capital letters that “social networks are not a lawless land”. “We will not allow anyone, regardless of the money and power they have, to affront our homeland,” he added. If X decides to disobey the order, the platform could be

blocked temporarily according to Bruna Santos whoistheglobalcampaigns manager at non profit organisation Digital Action. “Musk acted to provoke the Brazilian judiciary,” she said. “I think there is a real chance that X might get blocked.”

Cops probe online T&T porn ring; child sex videos, nudes being sold in Telegram groups

( T R I N I D A D GUARDIAN) Trinidadian men and women are selling and trading child rape videos on the social media appTelegramforasmuchas $200.

At least one person involved in the porn ring says 207 videos are availableforthatprice.He’s on a Telegram group called Trini’s School leaks/twerks Videos, which had 945 membersasofyesterday.

Thatchatisamarketfor buying and selling child pornographiccontent.

Pornographic content f e a t u r i n g l o c a l females—whichrangefrom young girls to older women—are also available forpurchaseonTelegram.

In addition, some men are even selling intimate pictures their ex-partners would have sent to the porn groupsformoney

If interested persons can’t pay for content, some menaretradingnudephotos of women for other nude images “I spending my money for this? Alyuh rel f*@&%$stinkinhere,”one person posted in one group chat, which has 8,525 members.

Meanwhile, in other Telegram groups, some people are taking women’s photos from their social media pages, altering it via Artificial Intelligence (AI) softwaresothattheyappear nude, and selling them. Up forsaleinthevariousgroup chats are digitally altered photos that women initially posted with themselves fully clothed in their social media which are now nude images.

Curious to find out if nudesexistofaperson?

People are taking pictures of girls off their social media pages and posting them on the chats seeking nude images of them.

Guardian Media, with support from IT consultant Shivam Teelucksingh, has identified 22 groups on Telegram selling and trading local pornographic content.

You can view the name chatsifyouhavetheappbut tojointhechatsyouneedan invite.

There are thousands of p e o p l e m e n a n d women—onthesechatsand at any given time there are hundredsofpeopleonlinein thechat.

The chats are: Best of Trini/Vincy/Bajan/Guyanes e,VazouTeens,Trini Pretty Pipersnationwide,A-Leaks, T&T Sex Group (Escorts andmore),SinfulLeaksTT, Trinidad Freaks all day, Nothing but steam, Pretty little piper’s, Wet It Up, Only local leaks, Trini hub, Trini school leaks, Trini barely legal leaks, Trinidad Pretty little pipers, The Continental regime, T&T Unseen Content 2023,Alya rel f*****ing stink in here, Trinidad no limit, leaks only, Trini nude only 2024 andLocal2024.

Telegram is encrypted and allows users to be anonymous.

Howwomenarefinding out Women, who found out their private material was being shared, joined the groupstoseewhatwassold and were unsuccessful in trying to reason with the chat members to get their content removed from the sites.

One of the victims said shewasscaredtotalk,asshe was now getting over a “revenge porn” experience and it’s now happening all overagain.

Kaieteur News PAGE 17 TuesdayApril 09, 2024

Gazans return to scenes of devastation in Khan Younis

Much of the city has been left in ruins

Throughtherubbleofthe streets,theyhavebeenfiling back on bicycles, donkey cartsandbyfoot,lookingfor their homes or what trace is left of them. “I am going to my house, even though I know that it is destroyed. I am going to remove the rubble to get a shirt out,” MohammedAbouDiabsaid.

Israel’s military pulled troopsoutofsouthernGaza, leaving just one brigade in the area. The smell of death is in the air, residents say, with bodies still lying beneath the ruins. The scale of the devastation has shocked them “The destruction is huge. It all needs to be rebuilt. It’s not suitableforhumanbeingsto live in - not even for animals,” Abu Saif Abu MustafatoldtheBBC.

“It’s as if an earthquake hitthecity,”RashadKhamis al-Najjar from the wider Khan Younis region said as he surveyed the scene. “The houses are not liveable, the mosques are not suitable for worship, and the roads and the infrastructure, even the electricity, have all been completelydestroyed.”

Another resident had a similar sense of horror at what he saw on his return: “We see total destruction everywhere as if it were an

earthquake or a natural catastrophe “The houses that haven’t been destroyed are burned or looted by thieves.Wearedyingslowly Therearenohomestolivein and we live like the dead.” Gaza’s second city was the focus of a sustained onslaughtbytheIsraeliarmy from December, believing that Hamas leaders and fighters had been driven there from the north and establishedanewstronghold intunnelsandhospitals.

Muchofthecityhasbeen leftinruins

Neighbourhood by neighbourhood, Israel ordered Palestinians to leave. The Israeli army said it was doing everything it could to protect civilians. A cityofsome400,000people was deserted bit by bit as Israeli forces mounted ferocious bombardments Almost from the moment thatIsraelannouncedthatits missioninKhanYouniswas completedanditstroopshad beenpulledout,Palestinians began to move from their overcrowdedsheltersfurther southtowardstheircity.

But many have found that with their homes rendered unliveable, they havelittleoptionbuttotryto gather what possessions are left and return to their temporary shelters One woman, Nour Ayyash, said she couldn’t reach her apartment because the stairs were gone Her brother managed to climb up and

retrievesomeclothesforher children.

Another returning resident told the BBC: “We came to get some of our things, we wanted to see if anything was left of our homesandtotakeanyofour belongings, like clothes for example.” But some would rather stay, even if there is nothingleftofwhatwasonce theirhome.

Mohammed Abu Rizzeq lostmorethanhishouse,his wife was killed in an Israeli bombardment after they were displaced. But he told the BBC: “Our biggest request is that Israel withdraw from our landthere’s been enough killing and destruction. It’s better for us to have a tent on the rubble of our homes than being displaced and in exile ” Israel’s military stresseda“significantforce”

would remain in Gaza after some troops left southern areas on Sunday The pullout is being interpreted as tactical,ratherthanasignthe warmaybemovingcloserto its end. On Monday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin NetanyahusaidIsraelhadset a date for a planned military operationinthesoutherncity of Rafah, where many of those returning to Khan Younis had been sheltering. He gave no details. More than a million Palestinians havesoughtshelterinRafah afterfleeingfightinginother areas-althoughthatcitytoo has been hit by Israeli air strikes. Mr Netanyahu said Israel wanted complete victory over Hamas. “This victory requires entry into Rafahandtheeliminationof the terrorist battalions there. It will happen - there is a date.” The US has said it

won’t support a large-scale offensiveinRafahwithouta credible plan to protect civilians.

Ceasefire talks are continuing, with Qatar’s foreign ministry telling the BBC it was cautiously optimistic about a new proposal. Hamas - which says it wants a permanent end to the war, full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and an influx of aid as part of any deal - has said that it is studying the latest proposal, without indicating whether its leadershipnowfeelsreadyto make concessions on its demands. The same is true ontheIsraeliside.Israelsays it wants hostages being held by Hamas to be freed in returnforatemporarypause in fighting But Defence Minister Yoav Gallant has said he believes this is an

opportune moment to do a dealwithHamas.

Meanwhiletheleadersof France, Egypt and Jordan jointly called for an immediateceasefireinGaza. Emmanuel Macron, Abdul Fattah al-Sisi and King Abdullah also warned againstanIsraelioffensivein Rafah, which they said would “only bring more death and suffering”. More than 33,000 Gazans have been killed in Israel’s offensive in Gaza, the Hamas-run health ministry says, the majority of them civilians. The war was sparked when Hamas attacked southern Israeli border communities on 7 October, killing 1,200 peopleandtakingmorethan 250 hostage. Israel says that of130hostagesstillinGaza, at least 34 are thought to be dead.

Germany faces genocide case over Israel weapon sales

Germany is accused of breaching the UN genocide convention by sending military hardware to Israel and ceasing funding of the UN’s aid agency Berlin rejects the claims and will present a defence to the International Court of Justice(ICJ)onTuesday.In 2023 some 30% of Israel’s military equipment purchases came from Germany, totalling €300m ($326m;£257m).

I s r a e l r e j e c t s accusations that it is engaging in genocidal acts initscampaigninGaza,and hasinsistedithastherightto defend itself. More than 33,000 have been killed in Israel’s offensive in Gaza, the Hamas-run health ministry there says, the majority of them civilians.

Gaza is on the brink of famine, with Oxfam reporting that 300,000

Theallegationsbuildon a separate case taken by South Africa in January, where judges in the Hague orderedIsraeltotake“every possible measure” to avoid genocidal acts. The court also ordered Hamas to release all hostages taken from Israel during its 7 O c t o b e r a t t a c k s immediately

people trapped in the north have lived since January on anaverageof245caloriesa day

Nicaragua says Germany’s arms sales to Israel, which totalled $326.5mlastyear-atenfold increase on 2022 - make it complicit in Israel’s alleged warcrimes.Componentsfor air defence systems and communications equipment accounted for most of the sales, according to the DPA newsagency Germany was also one of15Westernnationswhich suspended funding for the UN’s Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) over allegations that some of the

agency’s staff were involved in the 7 October attacksonIsrael.According topapersfiledwiththeICJ, Nicaragua wants the UN’s top court to order Berlin to halt weapons sales and resume funding of the aid agency, one of the few international bodies still operatinginGaza.Itsaysin the absence of such measures, “Germany is facilitating the commission ofgenocideandisfailingin its obligation to do everything possible to prevent the commission of genocide”.

Speaking as the trial opened, Alain Pellet, a lawyerforNicaragua,saidit was “urgent that Germany

suspend continued sales

“Germany was and is fully consciousoftheriskthatthe arms it has furnished and continues to furnish to Israel” could be used to commit genocide, he told judges.

Berlin has rejected the allegations, but has remained tight-lipped about its legal strategy ahead of the hearings “We note Nicaragua’s lawsuit and we deny the allegations as unjustified,” government spokesman Wolfgang Buechnersaid.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been a vocal supporter of Israel’s right to selfdefence, but he has faced increasing domestic

hostility to the continuation ofarmssalestothecountry

On Sunday, a group of civil servants wrote to the German leader calling on the government to “cease armsdeliveriestotheIsraeli governmentwithimmediate effect” “Israel is committing crimes in Gaza t h a t a r e i n c l e a r c o n t r a d i c t i o n t o international law,” the statement said, citing January’s ICJ ruling In January’scase,theICJruled that“atleastsomeoftheacts and omissions alleged by South Africa to have been committedbyIsraelinGaza appear to be capable of fallingwithintheprovisions oftheConvention”.

PAGE 18 TuesdayApril 09, 2024 Kaieteur News
(BBC) The devastated landscape of their city feels unreal to the thousands of Palestinians who have been returning to Khan Younis in Gaza. (BBC) Nicaragua has asked the UN’s highest court to halt German weaponssalestoIsraelatthe startofalandmarkcase.
Tuesday April 09, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 19
PAGE 20 Kaieteur News Tuesday April 09, 2024

Collins triumphs again with title in Charleston

AFP - American Danielle Collins continued her late career rich vein of form, winning the WTA Charleston Open clay court title on Sunday with a 6-2, 6-1 defeat of Russia’s Daria Kasatkina.

The victory comes a week after Collins enjoyed the biggest win of her career, clinching the Miami Open 1000 hard court title and her back-toback wins means she will move up to 15th in the world rankings.

The 30-year-old Collins has announced that she will retire from the sport at the end of this season but has found herself playing in the form of her life and has extended her winning streak to 13 matches.

Kasatkina, the 2017 winner in Charleston, reached the

final after a three-set semi-final win over top seed Jessica Pegula but Collins proved to be a step too far.

Collins, who defeated

Tuesday April 09, 2024

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)

You'll notice that your emotions are coming to a monthly climax today, Aries. Don't be alarmed but do be cautious about lashing out at people for no reason. You may feel on edge.


Extremes is the name of the game now, especially for you, Taurus. Today the emphasis is on action. You're the one to call to get the job done. You won't wait another second to simply go for it.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

Be adventurous and strike out into new territory, Gemini. Be a pioneer. Work to make some new discoveries in the world. Today isn't a day to worry about consequences.

CANCER (June 21–July 22)

Certain situations may be difficult to deal with today as they take an emotional spin, Cancer. You're getting anxious.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)

You should find that the general mood of the day is favorable to your personality style, Leo. Take this opportunity to present more of your thoughts and ideas to the world.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Se pt. 22)

The fog has lifted and you're ready to take off, Virgo. The dreaminess you may have experienced lately has been nice, but now it's time to get moving again.

to go 2-0 up in the second set, celebrating with a forceful first-pump.

The change in surface from Miami made little difference to Collins who marched to victory with her powerful strokeplay that was simply too much for the 26-year-old Russian.

Collins won 95.2% of first serve points and saved the two break points that she faced. “I’m blessed to be able to have the opportunity to live out my dream, I am so grateful,” said Collins.

not sure,” she quipped.

“I am going to miss you because you are such a character, your personality is amazing. Enjoy these moments, you are playing amazing,” she said.

The Floridian has dropped just two of 28 sets in

Greece’s Maria Sakkari in her semi, needed just 77 minutes to defeat Kasatkina and the contest moved decisively in her direction when she broke

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

This is a terrific day for you, Libra, and you'll find that there is a great deal of power at your disposal. This is a day of new beginnings. You have the opportunity now to start over.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

The fire is raging today, so be careful, Scorpio. Try not to be too impulsive in your actions. Your natural tendency may be to lash out against others without really thinking about the consequences.

SAGIT (Nov.22–Dec.21)

Go for the gold, Sagittarius. Today marks the beginning of the rest of your life. Treat it with respect. You may be on a crusade and your combative instincts could be working overtime.

CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

You may feel as if someone is poking you today, Capricorn, urging you to get up and get moving. Don't be surprised if someone seems to be picking on you for no reason.


This is a great day for you to get up on stage and make your presence known, Aquarius. Let people know that you're the leader of the pack.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)

This is a good day to add spark to your life, Pisces. If things have seemed boring and stagnating lately, you may need to infuse a bit of excitement into the situation.

Kasatkina joked that she was glad to know that Collins would be leaving the tour after this season.

“I was going to stay that I’m going to miss you on the tour but after this match, I’m

Guyanese athletes making push...

From page 25 best of 46.96 seconds in the 400m to meet the entry mark of 45.00 seconds, having recorded a season-best of 48.24 seconds.

Leslian Baird, bronze medallist at the 2023 Pan American Games, is also heading to French Guiana, aspiring to reach the entry standard of 85.50m, surpassing his current national record of 78.65m set in November, where his bronze medal throw was 78.23m.

As of now, no Guyanese athlete has qualified for the games through entry standards.

Similar to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, half of the athletes will advance through entry standards, while the other half will be determined via world rankings.

The qualification window for the 10,000 meters, combined events, race walks, and relays spans from December 31, 2022, to June 30, 2024.

her last two tournaments. The last player to win Miami and Charleston in the same year was Serena Williams in 2013.

Collins’ 22 wins for the season is matched only by world number one Iga Swiatek and fourth-ranked Elena Rybakina.

West Indies ‘A’ set for historic...

From page 22

Netherlands, Sri Lanka, South Africa, and Bangladesh.

West Indies ‘A’ Tour to Nepal Schedule All matches to be played at the Tribhuvan University International Cricket Ground (TU) in Kirtipur, Nepal. All matches start at 1.00 pm (local time)

Saturday 27 April - 1st ‘A’ Team T20, Nepal v West

Indies ‘A’ at TU at 1:00 pm

Sunday 28 April - 2nd ‘A’

Team T20, Nepal v West Indies ‘A’ at TU at 1:00 pm

Wednesday 1 May - 3rd ‘A’ Team T20, Nepal v West Indies ‘A’ at TU at 1:00 pm

Thursday 2 May - 4th ‘A’

Team T20, Nepal v West Indies ‘A’ at TU at 1:00 pm

Saturday 4 May - 5th ‘A’ Team T20, Nepal v West Indies ‘A’ at TU at 1:00 pm

Tuesday April 09, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 21
American Danielle Collins beat Daria Kasatkina to win the WTA Charleston Open on Sunday. (ELSA)

Cricket West Indies (CWI) appoints three women to board of directors in historic move

SportsMax - Cricket West Indies (CWI) is announcingtheappointment of three women to its Board of Directors, marking a historicmilestoneforgender diversity and inclusion withintheorganization.

Ms.DiannCampbelland Mrs Louise VictorFrederick join as new appointees, while Mrs Debra Coryat-Patton returns totheboard.

Ms. Diann Campbell, a distinguished Jamaican cricket administrator with nearly three decades of experience,holdsaMaster’s degree in Human Resource Management and a Bachelor’sdegreeinHistory withaminorinPolitics.Her expertise in cricket administration, corporate g o v e r n a n c e , a n d organizational development will greatly benefit CWI’s strategicinitiatives.

Mrs Louise VictorFrederick, a seasoned b r a n d i n g a n d communications strategist from St. Lucia, brings a wealth of experience to the board With a Master’s degree in International Public Relations and Global C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Management, along with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration,

Mrs Victor has made significant contributions to the corporate landscape of St.Lucia.Shealsoservesasa Director of the Saint Lucia Chamber of Commerce, Industry&Agriculture.

Returning to the Board of Directors is Mrs Debra Coryat-Patton, an accomplished Attorney-atLawfromTrinidad&Tobago Mrs Coryat-Pattonspecializes

in Employment Law, IntellectualPropertyLaw,and DiplomaticProtocol,bringing invaluable legal expertise to the board She is also a Chartered Director and Chartered Corporate Secretary, reflecting her commitment to governance excellence Inadditiontothese appointments, Mr Hallam Nichols has been reappointed as an Independent Director, further enhancing the board’s collectiveexpertiseandvision Mr Nichols is a prominent Barbadian entrepreneur He served on the CWI Stakeholders Relations Committee

Dr Kishore Shallow, President of Cricket West Indies, expressed his enthusiasm for the new appointments, stating, “We are thrilled to welcome Ms. Campbell and Mrs. VictorFrederickasnewappointees, and we warmly welcome

backMrs.Coryat-Pattonand Mr Nichols to the CWI Board of Directors. Their diverse backgrounds, extensive experience, and unwavering commitment to excellence will undoubtedly strengthen our organization and contribute to the advancement of cricket in theWestIndies.”

Regardingdiversityonthe board, President Shallow emphasized, “Since the beginning, I’ve advocated for diversitywithinCWItoensure fairness both on and off the field This appointment is a natural progression of our ongoing commitment ” President Shallow also thanked the outgoing Independent Directors saying “My profound gratitude to both Manniram Prashad and GailMathurinfortheirservice asindependentdirectors They have certainly made meaningful contributions to West Indies Cricket, and we anticipate their continued involvement and impact in othercapacities”

Withtheseappointments, CWI reaffirms its commitment to diversity, equity,andinclusion,setting a new standard for cricket governanceintheregion.All four appointments are for a one-year period ending March2025.

West Indies ‘A’ set for historic tour to Nepal

SportsMax - Cricket West Indies (CWI) and the CricketAssociationofNepal (CAN) have announced a T20‘A’Teamtouraspartof their respective ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024 preparations. This historic series will bethefirsttimeaWestIndies team has toured Nepal and will consist of five (5) T20 matches,allofwhichwillbe played at the Tribhuvan University International CricketGroundinKirtipur Miles Bascombe, CWI Director of Cricket commented, “This A-team tour is another indication of the importance we are placing on A-team cricket andasignificantphaseinour preparations for the T20 WorldCup.Itgivesusafinal opportunity to see many of thecontendersforaplacein the squad who are not participating in the Indian PremierLeague(IPL).Even forthoseplayerswhodonot

make the final World Cup squad they will be a part of thereservepool.Ahallmark of the 2016 T20 World Cup campaign was the ability of reserve players to come in and have an immediate impact so we must be ready foralleventualities.Wealso relishtheopportunitytotake the West Indies brand to Nepal for the first time, as cricket continues to grow in popularitythere.”

CAN Secretary, Paras Khadka, stated, “We are humbled and excited with the prospect of the West Indies ‘A’ team touring Nepal This marks a significant moment in our cricketing history as we embrace this wonderful opportunity bestowed upon us, which will help us prepare significantly for the T20WorldCupandbeyond. ThishistorictourtoNepal,a young cricketing nation slowlyfindingitspathwayin the world of cricket, will

excite our passionate fans. Our heartfelt gratitude towards CWI for their support and belief in Nepal cricketandforcontinuingto help grow the game all over theworld.Wehopethiswill ignite more future tours and bilateral cricketing tie-ups between us and other top cricketing nations, as we march forward with great e n t h u s i a s m a n d appreciation.”

The only time West Indies have played Nepal in International cricket was a OneDayInternationalatthe Harare Sports Club, during the ICC Cricket World Cup Qualifiers in 2023, with the West Indies winning by 101 runs.

Co-Hosts, West Indies are in Group C in the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup and willfacePapuaNewGuinea, Uganda, New Zealand, and Afghanistan,whilstNepalis inGroupDandwillfacethe


PAGE 22 TuesdayApril 09, 2024 Kaieteur News

B e r b i c e h a n d e d Essequibo a 5-wicket defeat yesterday when Round 2 of the GCB U19 T20 Intercounty tournament continued yesterday at Malteenoes.

GCB Women’s U19 T20 Inter-county Round 2 Berbice hand Essequibo 5-wicket defeat - Durant stars with bat/ball

exceptional during their spellsforBerbice.

Durant then led her side with 26 not out opening the batting but was aided by some wayward bowling from Essequibo who gifted their opponents with a whopping50extras,making theirchaseeasier

Marksreturnedtograb215 as she ended as the best bowler for the Essequibian ladies, who had a poor fieldinginnings.


Essequibo posted 142-5 after Barkoye and Maramootoo hit identical scores of 46, sharing a 11 6run stand for the opening wicket;asnoneoftheirother teammates reached double figures.

Brianna Samaroo had 217 while Lauren Williams and Tremaine Marks grabbedawicketeach.

Williams completed an MVP performance as she raced to 32* off 24 balls, while Shonette Belgrade cracked27off17(2x41x6), asEssequibowerestrolledto 144-6in17.1overs.

The final round concludes today at 13:30h with Demerara facing the Berbicians.

Essequibo were mowed down batting first for 90 all outin16.4overswithLatoya Williams (15), Ashanti Mohammed(14)andopener TremaineMarks(13).

Essequibo upset Demerara by 4-wickets in openinground

Crystal Durant (2-11), Daniela Hicks (2-15), and Trisha Hardat (2-25) were

On Sunday, Essequibo openersNaomiBarkoyeand Tilleya Madramootoo led their side to an emphatic 4wicket win over Demerara onSundaywhenRound1got

Seven disciplines to be contested at this year’s Inter Guiana Games in Cayenne

Fo l l o w i n g discoursewiththe r e l e v a n t governmental authorities and officials from the competing territories during anofficialmeetinginMarch, it was decided that seven disciplineswillbecontested at the 2024 edition of the Inter Guiana Games (IGG) in Cayenne, French Guiana, from October 24th–26th, a release from Director of SportSteveNinvalleandthe N a t i o n a l S p o r t s Commission (NSC) has disclosed.

The seven sports are: athletics, basketball, beach volleyball, chess, futsal, swimming,andtabletennis. Moreover, a tour of the facilitiesthatwillbeutilised during the event was also conducted, as the logistical apparatus was being calibrated by the host territory

Additionally, a virtual meeting on April 22nd will transpire amongst the relevant stakeholders where the age limits for the respective sports will be deliberated and eventually confirmed.

Due to the distance that Guyana must travel, their arrival date in the French territory will be the 22nd, while their departure will occuronthe27th.Suriname, due to their proximity, will arriveonthe23rd.

Director of Sports Steve

Ninvalle said, “The confirmation of the seven disciplinesandtheirrelevant logistical mechanisms and measuresmonthspriortothe actualoccasionindicatesthe increased significance that has been afforded to the championship.

Outside of its obvious competitive importance, the event has been a significant

cultural and social experience for all involved and stands to remain an integral element and component in our shared heritageandidentity.”

Ninvalle further stated, “This event is a reflection and confirmation of a covenantthatexistsbetween the participating territories, and the Government of Guyana,giventheinnateand immeasurable value of this annual undertaking, will endure and ensure that it remains part of the cultural fabricoftheterritories.”

Initiallyheldin1967,the IGG is normally an annual affair among Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana.

The previous iteration was staged in Suriname, with Guyana hosting the 2022 edition following a five-yearhiatusowingtothe COVID-19pandemic.

Kaieteur News PAGE 23 TuesdayApril 09, 2024
Opener Naomi Barkoye played a captain’s knock this past Sunday

Sir Curtly Ambrose imparts to youths to at BCB fast bowling clinic

West Indies c r i c k e t legend, Sir Curtly Ambrose, was recently the honoured guest oftheBerbiceCricketBoard (BCB) in collaboration with Dr Frank Denbow as they hosted the second fastbowling clinic of this nature withSirCurtly Over 40 cricketers

participated and gained valuable knowledge at a three-day clinic which was held at Jai Hind Ground in Albion.

Ambrose had visited Berbice two years ago and conducted a similar camp at Albion, and that camp included a then-unknown, ShamarJoseph,whoisnowa WestIndiesTestbowler Isai

Thorne, who is now a Guyana Harpy Eagles fastbowler, was also a graduate oftheclinic.

Ambrose said, “When I came here two years ago, I didnotknowwhattoexpect. I always have an open mind anditwasnicetobebackin Berbice.

Givingbacktocricketers meansalottome,itgivesme

Sir Curtly Ambrose (left) sharing his knowledge with some promising young fast-bowlers.


Sir Curtly also pointed out that he was not the only

person responsible for Shamar Joseph’s success Ambrose, however, is

Rose Hall Community Center Cricket Club once again benefits from Project “Cricket Gear for young and promising cricketers in Guyana”

Arguably, one of the fast growing cricket Clubs in Guyana, Rose Hall Community Center Cricket Club, East Canje, Berbice, has once again benefited from this joint initiative of Kishan Das of the USAand Anil Beharry of Guyana whentheyreceivedsixwhite ballsandthreeredones.

On a recent visit to the venue, Beharry was impressed with the progress of the club and its nursery cricket programme. There were over forty very young cricketers, male and female. In its short history, the club has produced many youth players for Berbice, Guyana and even West Indies. Pacer Isai Thorne, a teenager who recently represented West IndiesintheUnder19World Cup, is already playing first class cricket for his country, while Ashmini Munisar captained the West Indies Under19 team and represented the senior team already. She is also a teenager The aim of this initiative is to help keep our young people off the streets where they are exposed to drugsandcrimes.

To date, seventy two young players from all three counties of Guyana have directly benefited from seven gear bags, two trophies, four arm guards, thirty one bats, three boxes, six helmets, twenty seven pairs of cricket shoes, eighteen pairs of batting pads,twentyfourthighpads, one bat rubber, thirty one

pairs of batting gloves and three pairs of wicketkeeping gloves. Many others youths would have benefited indirectlytoo Inaddition,two clubs in the Pomeroon area benefitedfromtwousedbats Pomeroon, Leguan and Wa k e n a m C r i c k e t Committees and Cotton Tree

Die Hard also received one box of red cricket balls each, Cold Fusion Cricket Club thirteen color uniforms while RHCCCCreceivedfouranda half boxes of balls, fifteen whitecricketshirts,onepairof juniorbattingpads,onepairof wicket keeping gloves and a setofstumpsandbails Other beneficiaries are The Essequibo Cricket Board, the Town of Lethem and youthcoach,TravisPersaud, softball teams in the Upper Corentyne area, No 65 Young Titans, Just Try CC, Wakenaam Cricket

Academy, National fast bowler Shemar Joseph, Nehemiah Hohenkirk, Shamar Apple and Leguan Cricket Committee, Essequibo.

Cricket related items, used or new, are distributed free of cost to young and promising cricketers in Guyana. Skills, discipline and education are important characteristics of the recipients. Talent spotting is being done across the countryandclubleadersalso assist to identify talent Progressive and well managedcricketclubswitha youth programme will also benefit Gratitude is expressed to all those who havedonateditems.

Anyone who wishes to make a contribution can contactAnil Beharry on 623 6875orKishanDason1718 6640896.

Kaieteur News PAGE 24 TuesdayApril 09, 2024
hoping that more fast bowlers can follow in the footstepsofJoseph. Representative of the project Seon Hetmyer (left) presenting the balls to Ahil Hemraj of RHCCCC.

Guyana Defence Force deals first season defeat to old rivals Guyana Police Force KFCEliteLeagueSeasonSix...

Guyana Defence Force FC dealt a resoundingblow to their local rivals Guyana PoliceForceFCbyclinching a commanding 5-2 victory on Saturday at the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) National Training Centre in Providence, East Bank Demerara.

The loss on April 6 served as the first stumble forGuyanaPoliceForceFC, who entered the match as table toppers with six consecutive wins and 18 pointssincetheFebruary25 startoftheKFCEliteLeague SeasonSix.

The win has propelled the defending champions to a four-game winning streak, securing their position as thirdonthepointstablewith 12 points. They trail behind SlingerzFC,whomaintaina flawless record with five wins out of five matches, accumulating a total of 15 points.

Saturday’s eagerly awaited encounter between the two Georgetown sides

lived up to its hype, captivating football fans with a display of skill and intensity

In a dramatic turn of events,KevinLayneopened the scoring for Guyana Police Force FC in the 1st minute, but their joy was short-lived as rival striker Chris Macey swiftly equalisedinthe23rdminute. Thearmyteamthentook control with goals from Olvis Mitchell in the 33rd minuteandIanDookerinthe 44th minute, establishing a leadagainsttheiropponents. Police striker Neron Barrowmadeaneffortwitha goal in the 54th minute, signalling a potential comeback.

However, Guyana Defence Force’s Ryan Hackett and Macey extinguished any hopes of a reversal, clinching victory for their team with goals in the 72nd and 90+1 minutes respectively

Ten top-tier clubs are competingforthefirst-place prize of G$2,000,000, while

cash rewards of $1,200,000, $800,000, and $500,000 are up for grabs for the second, third, and fourth positions, respectively

This week has seen several teams make moves onthepointstable.Infourth position sits Western Tigers FC, boasting three victories a n d t w o l o s s e s , accumulating a total of nine points. Their recent slip in the standings marks the second time this week, following Guyana Defence Force FC’s triumph on Saturday

Following closely behind, Fruta Conquerors FC jumped one spot to the fifthslotwiththreewinsand fourlosses,alsototalingnine points. Den Amstel FC has made a notable jump of two spots, securing seven points from two wins, one draw, andtwolosses.

Moving down the table, Santos FC occupies the seventh position, with two wins and four losses, amassing six points. Ann’s Grove United FC trails

Guyanese athletes making push for Olympic qualification

- Team to compete in French Guyana on Saturday

T h e A t h l e t i c s Association of Guyana (AAG) has dispatched the male4x100mteamtoFrench Guiana in pursuit of qualification for the Paris 2024OlympicGames.

The team set off on Monday, featuring Emanuel Archibald, Shemar Horatio, Akeem Stewart, Noelex Holder,JaheelCornette,and KeironDeSouza.

Coaching the team is former national athlete Junior Cornette, as confirmed by AAG’s General Secretary, James Cole.

The objective is to achieve the qualification markof38.80secondsatthe International Athletics meeting, the Games of Guiana, to be held at the Dr Edmar Lama Stadium on Saturday,April13.

At the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, Stewart, Archibald, Arinze Chance, and Holder secured fourthplaceinthefinalwith atimeof40.05s.

Emmanuel Archibald (left) finished just ahead of former World Junior silver medalist, Daniel Williams in the men's 200m yesterday at the NTFC

closely with one win, one draw, and three losses, earningfourpoints.

Bringing up the rear are Buxton United FC and Monedderlust FC, both enduringdefeatsinallfiveof theirmatches.

Today, April 9th, the action continues with Ann’s

Grove FC taking on Buxton FC at 6:30p.m., followed by Monedderlust FC facing off against GDF FC at 9 p.m., bothgamesattheNTC.

Notably, Guyana’s 4x400m mixed relay team has qualified for the World Relays, scheduled to take place in The Bahamas from May4-5.

Meanwhile, Holder and Archibald will endeavor to

Guyana’snational4x100 m record (39 59s) was established by James WrenGilkes, Dennis Collison, Clifton Schultz, andAubrey Wilson at the 1975 Pan Am Games.

achieve the 10.00 seconds qualifying time for the 100m, with Archibald targeting 20.16 seconds or better in the 200m. Holder holds a personal best of 10 23 seconds, while Archibald boasts 10.13s and 20 69s in the respective events.

Additionally, Simeon Adamsaimstosurpasshis (Continuedonpage21)

Kaieteur News
PAGE 25 TuesdayApril 09, 2024
Elite league – The contest was keen between the Guyana Defence Force FC and their local rivals Guyana Police Force FC but the army boys came out the winners.

GCB Women’s U19 T20 Inter-county Round 2

5-wicket defeat Sports


had a solid game this past weekend.

Berbice hand Essequibo

-Durantstars withbat/ball

Seven disciplines to be contested at this year’s Inter Guiana Games in Cayenne

Cricket West Indies (CWI) appoints three women to board of directors in historic move

Director of Sport Steve Ninvalle From left: Ms. Dian Campbell, Mrs Louise Victor-Frederick and Mrs Debra Coryat-Patton are the new appointees to the CWI board.
West Indies ‘A’ set for historic tour to Nepal
Crystal Durant starred yesterday for Berbice. Williams

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