Newstrategyunveiledto addressmentalhealth,suicide
A new approach to addressing mental health and suicide issues in Guyana was unveiled on Tuesday
ThenewNationalMental Health Action Plan and National Suicide Prevention Plan comprises of new programmes and policies which was put together by the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization (WHO)/ Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), that will be implemented within the country’shealthsystemfrom 2024 to 2030, to achieve all outlined objectives for overall better mental health ofthecitizenry

Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony receiving the new National Mental Health Action Plan and National Suicide Prevention Plan for the period 2024 to 2030 from Assistant Director of PAHO\WHO, Dr. Rhonda Sealey-Thomas
Minister of Health Dr establish a suicide Director of PAHO/WHO, Frank Anthony while preventionplantoreducethe Dr Rhonda Sealey-Thomas unveilingtheplansaiditwill country’s suicide rate, congratulated the ministry also help to revitalise the decrease alcohol and for achieving a milestone mental health and suicide substance use, and foster that will greatly transform laws in the country, the inter-sectoral collaboration thecountry Department of Public forrehabilitation. “We are confident that Information(DPI)reported. Additionally, it aims to Guyana’s mental health plan “PAHO\WHO assisted prevent mental disorders, w i l l g u i d e t h e usindoingananalysis,and improve mental health implementation of the having done that analysis literacy, and enhance package of priority mental we lay the foundation for mental health information health policies and treated this current plan that we systems actions that are built on havenow.Whiledoingthat Thisnewplanwhichwas underlying and cross-cutting we were able to enhance developed in accordance principlesofuniversalhealth t h e m e n t a l h e a l t h with the National Mental coverage, human rights, and environmentbecausewhen Protection and Promotion equity,” Dr Sealey-Thomas we look at the laws, they Bill of 2022 and the Suicide said. were quite outdated,” Prevention Act of 2022 will
The action plan will also MinisterAnthonystated. adopt a human rights involvegreatercollaboration
The plan encompasses approach to addressing with the private sector, as strategic areas to strengthen mental health and suicide, new services will be governance and leadership thereby improving the introduced within the for mental health, develop a treatment of patients community and schools to c o m p r e h e n s i v e a n d suffering from these raisefurtherawarenessabout integrated community-based conditions. mental health and suicide, mental health care system, Meanwhile, Assistant DPIsaid.

critical after crashing bike at Perseverance, Essequibo

An Essequibo teen is critical at the Eyewitnesses suggested that Lall was Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation speeding and lost control of his motorcycle (GPHC) after the motorcycle he was riding causinghimtorideintooncomingtraffic. crashed on Wednesday at Perseverance, Upon impact, his bike exploded while he EssequiboCoast,RegionTwo. wasflungafairdistanceaway
The injured teen has been identified as Eyewitnesses recalled that the teen ShaneLallofCullen,EssequiboCoast. suffered severe injuries and was bleeding Kaieteur News understands that the through his nostrils and eyes. He was rushed accident took place between 09:00h and tothenearesthospitalinanunconsciousstate 10:00 hrs. Reports are that he crashed into a but was later transferred to the GPHC’s car while negotiating a turn in Perseverance. intensiveCareUnit(ICU).
Wanted man scheduled for court in Brazil, remanded in Guyana
A32-year-old for crimes committed in the extradition proceeding man, who is r e q u e s t i n g c o u n t r y ’ s hinders Da Silva from
wanted in Brazil jurisdiction. attendingcourtinBrazil. f o r t h e o ff e n c e o f The father of two was T h e l a w y e r t h e n aggravated theft (using a represented by Attorney-at- appealedto the Magistrateto weapon while committing Law Siand Dhurjon, who grant his client bail in a theft), was remanded to revealed that his client is a reasonablesum. prison on Wednesday, when Dual citizen (Guyanese and Meanwhile, Police Legal he appeared at the Brazilian). Advisor, Attorney-at-Law, Georgetown Magistrates’ The attorney pleaded Mandel Moore objected to Courtforanextraditioncase. with the court to release his bail on the ground based on Junior Da Silva of Lot 23 client noting that he was in Section 15 (3) of the Hadfield Street, Georgetown custody for more than 72 CriminalOffenceAct. made his first court hours. Moore explained that appearance before Principal Dhurjon told the court according to the law, Magistrate Judy Latchman, that Da Silva is before the provision is made for a where an extradition case Brazilian court for the said probation arrest warrant to washeard. offence he was arrested for be issued. This, he said, The court heard that the The attorney explained that allows the court to keep the Government of Guyana Da Silva first attended court defendant in custody for up (GoG) is commencing an in Brazil virtually on to30days. extradition case proceeding February28,2024. Prosecutor Moore also against Da Silva, after an He said that his client’s revealed that the documents Interpol red notice was sent next court appearance was Dhurjon said demonstrated from Brazil, indicating that scheduled for Wednesday, that Da Silva was attending he (Da Silva) is wanted in the same day he appeared at court in Brazil only revealed Brazil for the offence of theGeorgetownMagistrates’ that the accused was not a g g r a v a t e d t h e f t Court. attendingcourt. Extradition is the formal Dhurjon assured the In light of this, p ro c e s s o f o n e s t a t e court that if his client was Magistr
surrendering an individual r e q u i r
d t
a p p e a r remandedDaSilvatoprison. t o a n o t h e r s t a t e f o r physically, he would do so. He is scheduled to return to prosecution or punishment Further, he said that the courtonApril12,2024.
Audit Report reveals: US$40M in materials bought by ExxonMobil could not be verified, Govt. kept in the dark

AttorneyGeneral,AnilNandlalloncesaidthatthePPP/C Government would love to bring about changes in the ExxonMobil contract, but it is handcuffed and severely limited from doing so. Theargument of the government is that the stability clause stands as an impassable barrier against any changes to the 2016 contract that causes economic loss in any form to the company Therefore, no matter how much the PPP/C Government is committed to doingbetterandgettingmoreforGuyana,itjustcannot,due to the presence of this ironclad stability clause in the contract.
This is breathtaking coming from a legal professional with the depth of theAttorney General, Mr Nandlall. It is astonishingthatthisdefeatistandresignedpositionistaken bythePPP/CGovernment. Weassertsobecause,morethan most, he should know that skilled legal practitioners are always searching and probing for ways to get around and overcome provisions that seem unchallengeable, and conditionsthatlookliketheyareinsurmountable. Whatthe learnedAttorney General would want Guyanese to believe today is that when the PPP/C was in the opposition, the group,anditsleaders(andlawyers)wereallinthedarkabout thissamestabilityclause. Thiswaswhilethetoppeoplein thePPPhadpromisedtorenegotiatethecontract.Ifthereare two things that separate resourceful and successful politicians and lawyers from the pack, it is that they figure out ways to conquer what stands in their way And second, thisiswhentheoddsofdoingsolookmostunlikely
WhathasbecomecleareristhatthePPP/CGovernment is now full of excuses, and there is always the readymade pariahintheAPNU+AFCCoalitionandtheoilcontractthat wassignedduringitsterms. Indeed,thatisso,andweatthis publicationhavebeenneitherhesitantnorsympathetictothe previousgovernmentforitscompletelossofjudgment,and terriblefailure,withthatrepulsivecontract. Theproblemis that constantly looking back at how the then government soldoutthiscountry,andforeversinginga‘woeisGuyana’ tune does not do anything that either confronts the contract full-onorgivesanyindicationofworkingarounditinskilful ways to achieve better That is, introducing the kinds of approaches and practices that help ExxonMobil to see the light,andyieldsomeground.
When the PPP/C Government, using Attorney General Nandlall as its warhorse, continues with its full-throated attacks on the crippling handiwork of the APNU+AFC Coalition, there is no benefit for Guyana, other than the scoring of cheap political points. The licking is deserving, but Guyanese remain trapped under the yoke of the 2016 contract. Noneisserved,nothingisgained. Further,when Attorney General Nandlall speaks of “born again champions” for transparency and accountability, then it is obvious that his government is comfortable with the same secrecies that bedevilled the former government with the signingbonusandconcealingofthecontract. Bytheerudite Attorney General’s reasoning, it would appear that APNU+AFC secrecies in the early stages of the contract’s existence, now justifies secrecies that proliferate under the PPP/CGovernment.
Whenthegovernmentanditsleadingspokespeoplefind it more advantageous to degrade Guyanese messengers pushing for better in an amended contract, then only ExxonMobilanditspartnerscontinuetobenefit.Onewould thinkthatthePPP/CGovernmentwouldleadthewayoutof this longstanding crab barrel mentality of pulling down locals, while foreigners tear the flesh from their backs.The PPP/C as a political group, and as a government, has never been lacking in resilience and adaptability But here it is today pretending to be paralyzingly harnessed to the 2016 contract,thankstotheAPNU+AFC.AttorneyGeneral,Anil NandlalloncesaidthatthePPP/CGovernmentwouldloveto bring about changes in the ExxonMobil contract, but it is handcuffed and severely limited from doing so. The argumentofthegovernmentisthatthestabilityclausestands as an impassable barrier against any changes to the 2016
Two world leaders on IsraelHamas war in an election year
One world leader, obviously frustrated at effortsorlackthereof,inthe ongoing Israel-Hamas war, hasurgedjustcallaceasefire whilelabellingactionsofits ally, whom it gave unstinted support,as‘mistake’making (AlJazeera).
Meanwhile another world leader, also an ally, boldly proclaimed his country‘willnotblockarms sales to Israel’even as such sales is not unconditional, (AlJazeera).
All of this amid a looming Rafah offensive, a w a r t i m e E i d f o r
Palestinians, continuing deaths and injuries, ICJ’s orders being defied and horror stories of men, women and children going hungry.
So while one speak of mistake and ceasefire, anotherspeaksofcontinued armssales
The threat is real
Not a single Guyanese for, or against any democratically elected government of the day nor even the ‘politically undecided’ should consider the threat by Venezuela to use force to seize a large chuck of Guyanese territory toberealorimagined….Itis real!
There is no tomfoolery about the promulgation by Venezuela of its ‘Organic Law for the Defence of GuayanaEsequiba.’
Therearecertainlessons to be learnt from history though we should not take comfort from them Examples abound where authoritarian regimes resortedtotheuseofforceto occupy territory other than their own. Three examples will suffice to demonstrate where this was done in flagrant violation of internationallaw
Turkey’s military invasion and eventual occupation of a significant portion of Cyprus’s territory known as Northern Cyprus was initiated on 20 July 1974. The event took place againstthebackdropofintercommunalviolencebetween GreekandTurkishCypriots, and in response to a Greek inspired military coup in Cyprus.
To e n f o r c e i t s occupationistpolicy Turkey mobilized 40,000 troops plus 20,000K TurkishCypriotsbringingthetotalof occupyingsoldiersto60,000 At the onset, Turkish
forces captured 3% of the Mediterranean island later, theoccupyingforceenlarged its original beachhead resultinginthecaptureof36 percentofCyprus’territory Turkey’s occupationist policy resulted in the displacement of 200,000 Greek-Cypriots and 50,000 Turkish-Cypriots.
The Turkish invasion ended in the partition of Cyprus along UNmonitored ‘Green Line’, which still divides Cyprus, and the formation of a de facto Autonomous T u r k i s h C y p r i o t Administration in the north. In 1983, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) declared independence, although Turkey is the only country thatrecognisesit.
The international community considers the TRNC’s territory as Tu r k i s h - o c c u p i e d territory of the Republic of Cyprus The occupation is viewed as illegal under internationallaw,amounting to illegal occupation of European Union territory since Cyprus became a memberinMay2004.
The next example was in1982,when Argentina decided to take control of the Falkland Islands by military means resulting in an undeclared war between Argentina and Britain over the sovereignty oftheIslands.
Known as ‘Islas Malvinas’ in Argentina,
contract that causes economic loss in any form to the company Therefore, no matter how much the PPP/C Government is committed to doing better and getting more forGuyana,itjustcannot,duetothepresenceofthisironclad stabilityclauseinthecontract.
When the PPP/C Government has had opportunities to proceedwith‘alldeliberatespeed’withitsapprovalofnew projects, it has raced forward like a reckless, drugged-up teenager by doing the opposite. When government had openings to use the bureaucracy and manifest savvy leadershipasitspowerfultrumpcards,itfoldeditshand,and cursestheCoalition.WhenthePPP/CGovernmentengages in these pantomimes, Guyanese go on losing, while ExxonMobiltriumphsandapplaudsitslocalheroes,likeMr Nandlall.
Is it too late for the formerandagambleforthe latter,inanelectionyear? Is there a collective will to see an end to this war?
Some day the wind will carry their laughter instead oftheirscream.
Sincerely ShamshunMohamedASouth Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
The conflict lasted 74 days and cost over 900 lives.
The islands are considered to be British overseas territories located in the South Atlantic, 8,000 miles from Britain Sovereignty over the islands has been contestedbyArgentinasince 1833.
M o s t F a l k l a n d
Islanders are of British descent and opposed Argentina’sclaim
Argentina believed the British had taken control of the islands illegally from them in 1833, but with the seizure of powerinDecember1981 of a military junta, led by General Leopoldo Galtieri, Argentina determined that the islands should be retaken,byforce.
Thus on 2 April 1982, A r g e n t i n e f o r c e s mounted amphibious landings, known as ‘Operation Rosario’, on theFalklandIslands.
In response, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher authorised a military operation, codenamed ‘Operation Corporate’, to retake the islands.Itwasthefirstsince the Second World War in which all branches of the British armed forces deployedsimultaneously
After fierce fighting between British and A r g e n t i n e t r o o p s
Argentinian forces surrendered on 14 June
Over 11,000 Argentinian troops were disarmed and repatriatedtoArgentina.
The British retook control of the South SandwichIslands.
907 lives were lost during the conflict: 649 Argentinian,255Britishand threeFalklandIslanders. The Falklands War
between the United Kingdom andArgentina did not result in NATO involvementbecauseArticle
6 of the North Atlantic Treaty specifies that collective self-defense is applicableonlytoattackson member state territories north of the Tropic of Cancer
While the islands continue to be British overseasterritoriesunderthe protection of its South Atlantic Islands Forces, the dispute with Argentina remainsunresolved.
The third example has to do with Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands, and the Golan belongingtoSyria
The Golan Heights are a rocky plateau in the Levant region of Western Asia that was captured by Israel from Syria in the 1967Six-DayWar
The international community, with the exception of Israel and the United States, generally regards the Golan Heights to be Syrian territory held by Israel under military occupation
The Golan was under military administration untiltheIsraeliparliament passed ‘The Golan Heights Law’ in 1981, which applied Israeli law to the territory; a move that has been described as anannexation
In response, the United Nations Security
Council unanimously passed UNSC Resolution 497 which condemned the Israeli actions to change the status of the territory declaring them “null and v o i d a n d w i t h o u t international legal effect”, and that the Golan remained an occupied territory
In 2019, the United States became the only state to recognize the Golan Heights as Israeli sovereign territory,whiletherestofthe international community continues to consider the territory Syrian held under Israelimilitaryoccupation.
Yoursfaithfully, ClementJ.Rohee
The government cannot afford to be weak on corruption
DEAREDITOR, The management of critical growth sectors ( i n f r a s t r u c t u r e / construction, electricity and housing) of the economy is provingtobesubparatbest. Evidence of corruption is alsocomingtothesurfacein other sectors such as healthcare and oil & gas. Management of the procurement and audit processesiswaiting.
Theseproblemshaveleft the government with high expenditures and little to show for it. This past week the nightly news showed a project undertaken by the Ministry of Housing that was delayed, where water pipeswerebeingovergrown by grass and the objective wastoprovidestandpipesto residents of the area. The amount of pipe was clearly insufficientandtheobjective wasonalevelofthirdworld development from decades ago. The news also covered
the continual problem of delayed infrastructure projects and the loss of pharmaceuticalfunds.These are just a few of the numerous examples of mismanagement coming to theservice.
The government knows that they cannot develop faster than what their capabilities and those of the nationwillallow,yetthereis an unsustainable push to accelerate the pace of d e v e l o p m e n t a n d transformation.Theoverage costs associated with this unsustainable pace of development has resulted in raised voices highlighting c o n c e r n s o f p o o r management and increasing corruption. Those without strong management backgrounds have been given key management positions that have unfortunately brought to the surface their ineptitude to effectively manage large
projects and major organizations.Lackofupper management experience has alsoresultedinfundamental mistakes being made that have embarrassed lower level managers in front of their workers Further reducing their effectiveness to get things done. We must as a nation return to a time when qualifications and experience matter Placing those who are clearly u n q u a l i f i e d a n d inexperienced in key positions will continue to hamper the government in itsquestfortransformational development.
The government can no longer afford to be weak on mismanagement and corruption. Waste of our limited resources and increased risk to future sustainable development will be the end result if an urgentchangedoesn’toccur
Eid Mubarak, to the Nation of Guyana
On this, the Holy and AuspiciousoccasionofEidul-Fitr,whichmarkstheend of the Holy month of Ramadan, we, the Guyana IslamicFederationforWorld Peace and Human Development, the Electric Mosque’s Presentation of the Teachings of Islam, in association with the Universal Peace Federation – Guyana, seize this opportunity to extend heartfelt Eid Mubarak greetings to our President, ExcellencyDr IrfaanAli,his government, the Leader of the Opposition and the nationofGuyana;especially our Muslim brothers and sisters.
The beauty and glory of the month of Ramadan, when fasting Muslims are spiritually and physically
empowered to be better and gratersouls. We have tasted hunger, we have tasted thirst by Allah’s command and day afterdayforover30dayswe bear that hunger and that thirstbecauseofourlovefor the commands of Allah, which draws us closer to humanity
Althoughthehungerand thirstweexperiencedduring this time cannot equate to

whatourbrothersandsisters as well as innocent children who are being massacred andmurderedinPalestineby the Israeli forces and government.
Because of this highly spiritual period of sacrifice we are able to better empathizewiththem.
Eid Mubarak, to the NationofGuyana.
Aubrey Norton must account for his stewardship of the PNCR
DEAREDITOR, Civilised society is governed by rules, laws, management systems and organisation structures
Aubrey Norton, who promised the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)partyandnationon January 1, 2022 “he would essentially do whatever it takestoholdthegovernment accountable” has proven disingenuoustothecoalition partners.
Two years later he has demonstrated a callous disregard for his own party constitution used to electhimleader
Supporters of the PNCR cannot continue to turn a blind eye on Mr Norton’s executive lawlessness and breaches ofthepartyconstitution
T h e P N C R constitution is the cornerstone for building a democracy, sound m a n a g e m e n t , a n d accountability
Aubrey Norton has failed to accomplish this Under Mr Norton’s leadership:
1 There has been no financial accountability for the party during the lasttwoyears
2 T h e p a r t y constitution Rule 16(4), which mandates an auditor be appointed by the first party general council convened March 2022 has not been respected The party has

no auditors and members don’t know how the party resources are being managed
This is a first in the party’shistory
3. The Party General Secretary was relieved from her constitutional duties as m a n d a t e d b y t h e constitution.
4 ‘Only two-party General Council meetings wereheldduringthelasttwo years even though the constitution mandated one everythreemonths.
5 T h e C e n t r a l Executive Committee meetings are sporadically held even though the constitution mandated onemonthly
6 The December, 2023 constitutionally due party Biennial Congress is being delayed until August 2024 so Aubrey Norton can create a paper membership to generate delegates to elect his dictatorship
Supporters of the Party must ask if Aubrey Norton falsely state to the nation that the Central Executive Committee decided to refer the decision to hold the constitutionally due Biennial Congress to the last November, 2023 partyGeneralCouncil?
That General Council didnotdecideontheholding of the constitutionally due congress.
There is an urgent need
to restore institutional confidence in the main coalition partner as the credible alternative to win thenextgeneralelectionand rebuild the coalition platform.
The diaspora social activists are working in overdrivetobringawareness of the plight and issues affecting Guyanese under thePPPgovernment
T h e P N C R supporters have a patriotic duty to unite for the restoration of constitutional order in the main coalition partnernow Thecrisisofour nation state is exacerbated by the failed leadership of theLeaderoftheOpposition Aubrey Norton who has done little or nothing with thecoalitionpartnerstohold t h e g o v e r n m e n t accountable.
The mismanagement of PNCR under Norton’s leadership and lack of supporters using their constitutional right to hold the government accountable isallowingcorruptiontorun rampant and widening the gap between the rich and poor
The above being said it is now critical for PNCRsupporterstoaddress the problems of the party under Aubrey Norton’s leadership with the collective spirit of all concerned Guyanese at homeandinthediaspora. Regards, Egland Gomes

Court to rule in teachers’ salary cut case next Friday

Justice Sandil Kissoonissettorule next Friday in the case brought against the Government of Guyana by theGuyanaTeachers’Union over its decision to deduct money from the salaries of striking teachers and its decision to stop remittance ofduestotheunion.
O n We d n e s d a y, attorneys representing the interest of the teachersSenior Counsel, Roysdale Forde and Darren Wade
madetheirfinalsubmissions maintainingthattheteachers hadarighttostrike,andtheir salaries should not be affected.
Both Wade and Forde, also argued that it was discriminatory for the Government to halt the deduction of union dues fromthesalariesofteachers, when no such decision was taken in the case of other unions whenever their workerswentonstrike.
Forde told reporters at
theend of thehearing that the essence of his argument established the principle of no work; no pay was inapplicable to Guyana “Secondly, my argument was to establish thattheroleandfunctioning of the Chief Labour Officer and the Minister of Labour a g g r a v a t e d t h e circumstances which led to thestrike,”Fordesaid.
The lawyer noted that following the breakdown in talks between the GTU

and the Ministry of
Education, the union sought the intervention of theChiefLabourOfficerfor the initiation of conciliation and later arbitration, but to noavail.
“I believe that the evidencewhichwereceived from the Chief Education Officer clearly establishes that the Government acted on numerous instances in a dictatorial and unilateral manner…,”Fordesaid.
Attorney General, Anil Nandlall SC had however argued that the proceedings filed by the GTU are incurably detective
He held that the principle of “no work, no pay” is applicable The Attorney General told the Court that while teachers, like other categories of workers,havethefreedomto strike, they do not have the righttostrike,andtherefore, they should have to face the consequencesoftheiraction.
“ I b e l i e v e t h a t I
demonstrated with great clarity, on examining the constitution, the 1966 Constitution, the 1980 Constitution, the 2001 Constitution and all the changes that have taken place in relation to trade unions, and in relation to rights to strike and freedom tostrikethatthereisnoright tostrikeinGuyana,thereisa freedomtostrike.
The Constitution has a right to demonstrate, a right toassembleandafreedomto strike, so the draftsman using language differently Then you have the right of theemployer
The Constitution also protectstheemployer’sright to property, so how could youadvocatethatyouhavea right to pay when you have not worked,” the Attorney Generalsaid.
Ontheissueoftheunion dues not being deducted on behalf of the union, the AttorneyGeneralsaiditwas an executive decision taken by the Government, and the
Court cannot intervene in such a matter, since there was no contractual agreement.Henotedthatthe remittanceoftheuniondues to the GTU was done on a voluntarybasis.
He said, “It was a courtesy extended to the Union by the Executive Matters that are within the remit of the executive cannotbereviewedbythe Court ” “And that is why in the GPSU matter, for example, with Nanda Gopaul, they did not go for judicial review because the voluntary s e r v i c e o f t h e Government in offering this facility to the Union is not grounded in contract, it is not grounded in law, it is the Government, as part of its policy decided to extend this service to the Union voluntarily and anything that is voluntarily done can be terminated voluntarily,” Nandlall hadsaid
GAWU Eid-ul-Fitr message 2024
The Eid-ul-Fitr celebration is here once again, and the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) would like to extend warm greetings to all Guyanese, particularly our Muslim brothersandsisters. Eid-ul-Fitr is a time when Ramadan, a period of fasting, comes to an end. However, it’s essential to note that this celebration is not only about fasting, but it’salsoatimeforpracticing love, perseverance, kindness, forgiveness, and tolerance - the fundamental qualities of Islam. Ramadan is a time of worship,
reflection, and meditation, but Eid is a time for celebration,markingtheend oftheholymonth.It’salsoa time to renew bonds of kinship, friendship, and peace while demonstrating loveandtolerance.
During times like these, it’s important to remember the values that bring us togetherashumans.
They remind us of our shared humanity and the importanceofsocialjustice. Additionally, it’s crucial to recognizeandappreciatethe diverse religions that make upournationandcontribute toourculturalrichness.
Aswecelebratetogether, let’s take this opportunity to
extend a hand of friendship tooneanother,andstrivefor lasting harmony in our relationships. Despite our d i f f e r e n c e s a n d disagreements, let’s approach each other with compassion, peace, and understanding.
May the spirit of Eid inspire us to continue working towards a world of peace and tolerance. Let us pray thatAllah showers His blessings on humanity and guidesustowardsapaththat leads to a better tomorrow, where empathy, tolerance, and general well-being prevail.
Regards GAWU
The government cannot afford...
Frompage05 and the ongoing probe into corruption has placed the government’sfutureelection prospectsatrisk. The ongoing excessive risk exposureintheoilsectorhas also raised eyebrows and attracted anti-corruption concerns. The Ali Administration must make thenecessaryadjustmentsto pivot to a stronger anticorruptionagenda.
investigation into corruption at key ministries
This may include a cabinet reshuffle and a deeper

Withtheincreasingscrutiny of the government by external agencies due to serious global security concerns, and given our complex history with the CIA,itisimperativeforthe future electoral success of the PPP that they quickly and effectively clean up theiract
Otherwise, the PNC and their allies may once again be the go to option for the US.
Mr JamilChanglee Chairman RepublicansofGuyanaGet serious
Mr. President
“If President IrfaanAli is seriously serious, and not about the nonsense that he preens so effortlessly nowadays, then a ‘no nonsense’approach to contract management must start at the tender boards, both national and regional. Who gets, why they get, how they could get, and why others are not getting. Go ahead, Dr. Excellency, make the day of honest, conscientious Guyanese. Give me some materials to work with, and I gat yuh bak. But not these leadership pieties that is the regular trump up, cook-up, and stickup.” - GHK Lall
AFC tells Western diplomats about breakdown in governance in Guyana
The Alliance for Change Kitty during which they were: Mr. Khemraj Ms.Nicole Theriot (USA), the AFC, matters of mutual high levels of Government (AFC) last Thursday met complained about the Ramjattan, Ms. Cathy Ms. Jane Miller (UK), Ms. interest and concern were and within State institutions representatives of the breakdown in governance in Hughes, Mr. Sherod Duncan Evelina Melbarzde (EU shared at this important w e r e a d u m b r a t e d . ABC&EU countries at the Guyana, the party said in a a n d M r. D e o n a r i n e deputy) and Mr. Mark meeting. A d d i t i o n a l l y , t h e Party’sHeadquarters,Centre pressrelease. Ramsaroop. The ABC&EU Bergman(Canada). The AFC members slothfulnessofconstitutional For Change, Railway Line Representing the AFC representatives included According to a press by emphasised their increasing and electoral reforms was anxieties at the deterioration discussed. of governance at various The representatives of l e v e l s b y t h e P P P the ABC&EU noted the Government, especially at a AFC’s concerns and Parliamentary level indicated that as diplomatic Parliament is not meeting as representatives, they want regularlyasitshould,norare only the best for Guyana and a number of its committees Guyanese; and, their best functional. efforts will be employed to Instancesofcorruptionat ensurethatthisberealized.

New Pharmacy Council appointed
The Ministry of Health may be necessary in the on Wednesday announced dischargeofitsfunctions.
the members of the The Ministry of Health Pharmacy Council of in a press release said that Guyana Board who began the new council is expected serving from April 1, 2024 to digitise all processes to and will continue until ensure seamless registration March31,2026. of pharmacists, practising
The members are pharmacists, pharmacy Chairperson, Dr Karishma assistants, and pharmacy Jeeboo, Vice-Chairperson interns; streamline the Ms Carol-Ann Lam , Ms internship programme to Shundell Seymour-Williams ensure pharmacy interns
– Council Member, Ms garner the most from this Mary Ramsaroop – Council e x p e r i e n c e ; o f f e r
Member, MsZoeGrenville- mandatory continuing Forde – Council Member, education sessions for Ms Clauida Hinds – Council pharmacists and pharmacy
Member, Ms Erica Ward – assistants
Registrar/Secretary, Mr Further, the Council is Sookdeo Singh – Ex-Officio expected to develop and Member, Dr, Narine Singh enforce standards for –Guyana Medical Council professional practice and Representative, Mr Khame ethics for pharmacy Sharma – Consumers professionals; host a website Association Representative for the council to inform and Ms Nakesha Cosbert – processes regarding LegalRepresentative. registration, temporary In accordance with the registration, accreditation, Pharmacy Practitioners’ Act andtheassignmentofcredits 2003, the main functions of for continuing education the Pharmacy Council are to sessions. regulate the practice of “The website would pharmacy in accordance include a yearly list of with this Act; establish, registered pharmacy maintain, and develop the professionals so that the standards for the practice of public can be informed,” the pharmacy; establish, Ministrysaid.
maintain and develop Moreover, the Council as standards of professional part of its mandate is ethicsamongmembersofthe expectedtopublishliterature pharmacy profession; and information relevant to publish, distribute and the pharmacy profession for disseminate in a manner that pharmacy professionals and the council thinks fit, thegeneralpublicandenable literature and information the review of the pharmacy relevant to the pharmacy laws of Guyana, with the profession; conduct Pharmacy Practitioners’ Act mandatory continuing of 2003 and its regulations educational sessions for beingapriority practising pharmacists; “The council will be set establish, maintain and up with functioning develop an internship; committees guided by the register pharmacists, chairman and vice-chairman practising pharmacists, to ensure this work is pharmacy assistants, and accomplished over the next pharmacy interns; and two years,” the Ministry of perform such other duties as Healthstated.
The Public Procurement Commission (PPC) holds a vital role in overseeing procurement processes, including investigating irregularities, and proposing necessary remedial actions. These are powers consistent with the need to ensure accountability and transparency in public procurement.
However, a report recentlyemergedinwhicha senior officer of the Public ProcurementCommissionis reported to have said that a complaint had been referred to the Office of the Auditor General for investigation. But why the Auditor General?
The Public Procurement Commission (PPC) has no authority to refer any such investigationtotheOfficeof the Auditor General OAG). Article 223 of the Constitutionprovidesforthe independence of the Office of the Auditor General. It statesthat,“Intheexerciseof his or her functions under this Constitution, the AuditorGeneralshallnotbe subject to the direction or control of any person or authority.”
When an entity is described as not coming underthedirectionorcontrol of any individual or authority it signifies its independence from external i n f l u e n c e . T h i s independence ensures that the entity is free to exercise its functions, make decisions, and carry out its r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s autonomously, without being subject to the directivesorinterventionsof any particular person or authority
This principle was upheldintheMarcusBisram
case wherein the Caribbean Court of Justice held that: “The relevant constitutional and legislative framework permits the DPP to exercise her functions in an i n d e p e n d e n t a n d autonomousmanner,similar to that of the Auditor General,whoisalsoapublic officer not subject to the direction or control of anyoneelse.”
Referring a matter to the AuditorGeneral,presumably forinvestigation, effectively amounts to subjecting the OAG to the direction of an authority The OAG is not the investigative arm of the government or any other authority.Thepowers of the OAG to undertake special investigation does not arrogate the right of any authoritytorefertheneedfor investigationstotheOAG. The only reason why a government department or other agency should be referring any matter to the Auditor General is for information purposes It would up to the OAG to decide whether that office needs to undertake its investigationconsistentwith its functions under the Constitution and the audit laws. This is strictly the prerogative of the OAG. No agency or authority should bereferringanymattertothe OAG calling for any investigation. Any such request impinges upon the independenceoftheAuditor General.
TheOfficeoftheAuditor General undoubtedly holds animportantroleinauditing the public accounts of government and ensuring
compliance with the
country’s financial regulations Itsindependence fromgovernmentalinfluence
is enshrined within the Constitution This enshrinement is not symbolic but is intended to preserve the integrity of the workoftheAOGfrombeing taintedwithaccusationsthat acts under the direction of government The argument against the PPC referring complaints to the Auditor Generalrevolvesaroundthe notion of theAOG acting at the behest of another authority, something strictly prohibited by the Constitution.
ThePPCshoulddevelop the capability to investigate complaints independently Insodoing,itwillsafeguard itsautonomyandenhanceits ability to foster greater t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d accountability within public procurement.
The PPC’s mandate e n c o m p a s s e s t h e i n v e s t i g a t i o n o f irregularities and mismanagement. To fulfill this mandate effectively, the PPC must possess the capacity to conduct independent investigations promptly and efficiently Relying on the Auditor General for investigative purposes could impede the timely resolution of procurement-related issues, thereby compromising accountabilityandhindering the delivery of public services.
The Public Procurement Commission (PPC) can opt todevolve,refer,ordelegate its investigative duty to others. But it should not do so to the OAG The frequency and nature of complaints in public procurement vary widely, rangingfromminordisputes to systemic irregularities requiring thorough
Guyana gat melody
Buddy, mi gon tell ya, living in dis land of many wonders called Guyana could mek yuh head spin likeitdehinablender It’sa place where de absurdity wheeljustkeeponturning. Every day yuh don’t know whethertolaughortocry
De odder day a man snatch a woman’s phone right outta her hand on de roadanddenhavedenerve to seh he didn’t mean to thief it. Wha?Yuh must be smoking more than just de good Guyanese bush to comeupwithdatone!
So why he snatched de
womanphone?Isaselfiehe wantedtotake?
But dis is Guyana, where absurdity is de national pastime and common sense is a rare species.Anddat,mifriend, isjustanothadayindeland ofmanywonders.Wherede line between comedy and tragedy is as thin as a parrot’swhisker,andwhere yuhneverknowwhetherto laughorcry
It remind dem boys of de time a man receive a phonecallfromtheschool. The school teacher on de odder end of line, told de
investigation. It is neither practical nor efficient to burden the Office of the Auditor General with procurement-related complaint, especially when the PPC should possess the expertise and mandate to address such issues independently R e l e g a t i n g t h e investigativeauthoritytothe Auditor General overlooks the specialized knowledge and experience that the PPC would have accrued in the area of public procurement.
Leveraging this expertise enables the PPC to conduct targeted investigations tailored to the specific nuances of procurementrelated complaints, thereby
ensuring more effective outcomes and informed remedialactions.
The PPC comprises individuals with a diverse range of expertise and competence, equipped to c o n d u c t t h o r o u g h i n v e s t i g a t i o n s independently or to engage external entities for assistancewhennecessary
By now, it was expected that the PPC would have established a robust internal investigative capability for handling the majority of complaints internally With its mandate to oversee procurement processes and ensure compliance with regulations,thePPChashad ample time to cultivate

expertise and resources necessary for effective investigations. Only highly technical or specialized matters, which require highlyspecializedexpertise, should necessitate o u t s o u r c i n g f o r investigations.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s affiliates.)
man, “ Sir, I am here to report to you that your son has been telling lies in school ” The man answered,“Welltellhimhe hasbeendoingagoodjobat it. I don’t even have a child.”
So next time yuh find yuhselfscratchin’yuhhead at de latest Guyanese absurdity, just remember: dis is Guyana, where de jokes write demselves and de punchline is always a surprise. Dem boys seh, only in Guyana, only in Guyana.

BY GHK LALLPres.Ali-savebreathsir;pleaseceaseinsultingGuyanese

I feel terrible for President Ali. bushesinwidearcswithhisversion that far in the alphabet, and that not these leadership pieties that is He really believes that he stands as of a ‘no nonsense’ approach to deep into the dictionary Whether the regular trump up, cook-up, and a credible figure before Guyanese; contract management. He worked they did or not is irrelevant, for stickup. diehards and other in that fanatical that magic with roads and a while Guyana is in the same way and the Here is another one for my breed see him as believable. Most back with the airport expansion backs of Guyanese taxpayers bear beloved and revered President Ali Guyanese, including his own, now project. In my words, there were the scars. Plus, their stomachs (that he is, he is I assure and raindrops are needed For views him as a figure of pity The the equivalents of ‘riot acts’ and tighten with the pangs from the publicly admit). The Hon Vice emphasis:mereraindropsfromthis latest confirmation from His ‘impatience’ and ‘zero tolerance’ monies not coming their way PresidentJagdeohasflashedboldly oil, and not quite the unlimited Excellency is that his government and‘peepletinkdeguvmentstupid’ because the billions have been and brightly about “better contract delugesfromrainstorms. will be adopting a ‘no nonsense’ and so on and so forth. I do my awarded to the friends and families management” with this oil. If that Putting all this on the drawing approachtocontractmanagement. spiritual duty: Hon Minister, go of the government. Infrastructure smells of having some blood board, this is my first and last mile Respectfully, Mr President, back and read scripture. Stick to is the money pool that is infested relationship to President Ali’s ‘no run. Corruption is drowning the please cease and desist with this chuch. Pray for some grace. The withwhite-collarcrimes,whichthe nonsense’ regime and culture, pat Guyana population. Corruption nonsense. Guyanese have heard kinds lacking for a long time. He presidenthadtohaveknown. Now self on the back. These chaps are starts with budget provisions. this before in different forms and knows what I mean, and he should he talks of ‘no nonsense’approach full of…of, ahem, the soft stuff. I Corruption soars with contract words from different PPP leaders know that I know enough. For tocontractmanagement.Heandhis ponder whether the erudite VP awarddecisions.Corruptioncomes and ministers and look where they wherearewewithonepublicworks people are the leading excuse madeamistake:hemayhavemeant home to celebrate with contract are. My humble recommendation project after another, despite the makers, diluters, when Guyanese mastectomy, but management performance. The first stop is to the unhearing national leader is helpful efforts of auditors who rail about corruption. If corruption slipped out. Because that is Freedom House. State House to save his breath, discontinue remind of those Japanese stone was/is so negligible, boss, why the precisely what is now his standard knows this, may even be too close wasting the time and patience of statues. To come full circle, I have needfor‘nononsense’action? ofbettercontractmanagement. He to such for comfort. I saw a huge Guyanese. heard the Mighty Ali (in his head, If President Ali is seriously hasremovednotonebreastofhope, commercial building on the East
Most of all, Excellency Ali Almighty Ali) rage royally about serious, and not about the nonsense but both, as far as Guyanese are Bank Demerara for the first time, ought to know that he insults who must deliver, and how his that he preens so effortlessly concerned. There is neither form and a name came up as the silent Guyanese when he comes up with government is not going to take it nowadays, then a ‘no nonsense’ norshapetohisefforts. Noristhere partner I know of some others these white rabbit about ‘no anymore. approach to contract management any mother’s milk coming for the before, and another big name nonsense’ approach to contract Today, he and his PPP cabal in must start at the tender boards, mostvulnerableGuyanesefromhis repeatedin the conclusions. I leave management. Hereisafastmoving government look even more national and regional. Who gets, bettercontractmanagementefforts. Guyanese brighter than I can ever history of what has been said impotent, of more jeering material. why they get, how they could get, What a character! What a be fuh pick sense outta nonsense. before, heard before, read before, I search internally and think of the and why others are not getting. Go charming fellow! What a man (The views expressed in this article and believed before. The game is UN people with their tough ahead, Dr Excellency, make the who, like Excellency Ali, is all are those of the author and do not up,Dr President. Getanothergig. questions, and that dirty word that day of honest, conscientious thunder and lightning, but is more necessarily reflect the opinions IrecalltheRightHon.Minister, starts with a ‘c.’ I am positive that Guyanese. Give me some material parched than the drought stricken and beliefs of this newspaper and Archbishop Edghill clearing the big PPP Government leaders went toworkwith,andIgatyuhbak.But interior when a few sweet little its affiliates.)

Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr

His Excellency President Dr Irfaan Ali said that it is important to inculcate the lessons of Ramadan outsideoftheholymonth.
He spoke of the significance of sacrifice, humility and togetherness during the Eid-ul-Fitr salat at the MuslimYouthOrganisation(MYO) groundWednesdaymorning.
“Ramadan teaches us that we have the ability to do what is right, what is God conscious,” President Alisaid.
He highlighted Ramadan as a ime of reflection and urged citizens to carry its values of tolerance, compassion, and generosityintoeverydaylife.
This is integral to the government’sgoaloffosteringa resilient, just, and equitable society,thepresidentexplained.

“As we exit Ramadan, it is important for us at this point to reflect on the lessons of Ramadan, to reflect on our sacrifices. And one of the important things about Ramadan is it taught us that we have the work hard every day…and [while there are] ability to do what is good and right,” the challenges in our society, those challenges esidentsaid. are not for us to mope about, but for us to Looking ahead, he underscored the confront and overcome so that we can build a government’s unwavering commitment to stronger society, a society in which we can policiesthatcreateaprosperousfutureforall. deliver better to the people of this country, His One Guyana vision encompasses this, and that is all we are concentrating on,” cultivatinginclusivity,acceptanceandequity PresidentAliunderlined.
“I assure you that we will continue to (Photos by Office of the President)

Pres. Ali’s intervention causes NBS to lose half a billion in profits - Chairman
The New Building Society, Georgetown headquarters
The New Building Society (NBS) last year despite, disbursing in excess of $19B, its highest ever, to more than 2,300 borrowers, granting of moratoria the the company’s profits society continued to assist c o n t i n u e t o s l i d e mortgagors whose earnings downwards. were negatively impacted by
…non-performing loans now a problem, will extend to other financial operators
This much can be the COVID-19 Pandemic. In gleaned from the company’s parallel the board monitored most recent financial annual and managed our risks report, which documents related to non-performing NBS’s profit margin for last loans, which have increase yearat$680M. over the past few years and In 2022, the previous arenowaproblem.” year, the company managed
To this end, the NBS torakein$932Mand$916M Chairman warned that “this in 2021 For 2020 the is not just the New Building company earned just over Society, but other financial $1B, similarly in 2019 sector operators have to deal A c c o r d i n g t o N B S with.” He did note however

Chairman, Dr Nanda that, “our mortgage business Gopaul, among the reasons

percent. The intervention by the company’s profits, its beingpeggedat$81B. increased in 2023 as a result for the decline in profits, the President, according to interest income for last year Similarly, the society’s of the government’s came in 2022 when Head of Dr Gopaul in his report, also was $3 1B compared to saving portfolio also saw an acceleratedhousingprogram State,PresidentIrfaanAli,in led to an interest rebate $2 9B the previous year increase compared with the and the housing market’s discussions with the NBS amounting to some $800M Additionally total assets for previous year At the end of recovery from the COVID- executives caused the in 2022, and $850M for last the company grew by 12 last year, NBS boasted some 19Pandemic.” company to drop its interest year percent to some $91.3B last $70.8Bin its saving portfolio T h e C h a i r m a n ’s percent. As such, despite an rate to the lowest ever in its It should be noted that year compared with 2022, compared with $62B for the sentiments were also echoed increased asset base, and history, “bringing our despitethecontinuedslidein which saw its asset base previous year According to by the Chief Executive income from mortgage, the lending rates as low as 3.5 Gopaul, in 2023 the Officer (CEO),Anil Kishun, company’s overall profit c o m p a n y s a w a who in his report noted that margin continues to slide. ‘magnificent’increase in the the reduced profits recorded R e p o r t i n g o n i t s numberofmortgagerswhich by the society was mainly investments, it was noted stood at some 11,059 due to the reduction of the that this only netted $259M compared to 10,002 for the mortgage rate in order to for the company when previousyears. support the government’s compared to $312M earned
GFC threatens legal action against drivers of overladen trucks

TheGuyanaForestryCommission(GFC) tolerated“andwillbedealtwiththefullforce is threatening legal action against truck of the law.” The GFC is the key agency driversdestroyingthenation’sroadwayswith responsible for advising the subject minister overladenvehicles. on issues relating to forest policy, forestry According to the GFC, it has “been laws and regulations in addition to being observed that some modes of transport are responsible for administration and transportingexcessivepieces/volumeofboth managementofallStateForestland. logs and lumber.” This practice, according to TheworkoftheCommissionisguidedby the GFC, “is very dangerous and contributes a National Forest Plan that has been tothedeteriorationoftheroad/waterways.” developed to address the forest policy Underscoring safety measure protocol, Additionally, the Commission develops and GFC cautioned too that persons are not monitors standards for forest sector permitted to sit on the lumber nor in the tray operations, develops and implements forest ofthetrucks.Additionally,theGFCreiterated protection and conservation strategies, the need for “forest produce being overseesforestresearchandprovidessupport transported must be in compliance with the andguidancetoforesteducationandtraining. designatedweightlimited.” See departments for a list of departments in These in addition to the use of traffic theGFC. TheGFCisgovernedbyaboardof cones, and reflectors being prominently directors appointed by the President. The displayed on the extreme end of the forest board is responsible for the performance of produce being transported. The GFC is the functions conferred on the Commission adamant that non-compliance will not be bytheAct.
Another cause for housingdrive. the previous year Despite concern flagged by the NBS According to the CEO, the anomalies, the directors Chairman pertained to mortgage revenue for 2023 reported satisfaction that repayments to the company stood at $2.9B or 92 percent NBS still has adequate Dr Gopaul in his Annual of it total revenue, compared resources to continue in reportsaid,“withcontinuous to 2022 which saw the figure business for the foreseeable repayment deferrals and the at $2.6B representing 89 future.

Attorney General says Guyana will have full protection from any oil spill but fighting against unlimited parent company guarantee from ExxonM
The Government of Limited (EMGL). The two however explained that even all the damage he or she Guyana (GoG) is adamant Guyanese that are fighting in the absence of the causes. Consequently, he thatthereisnosuch“animal” for the unlimited guarantee, unlimited guarantee, Exxon reasoned, “If it is US$100B as an unlimited parent Godfrey Whyte and would still be required to then that is what we are company guarantee and is Frederick Collins have provide full compensation in entitledto.Itisnotlimitedin fighting tooth and nail to specifically asked for the the event of a spill. He said, any form or fashion by this defend this position It parent company of EMGLto “This assurance doesn’t assurance.Thatisthekindof howeveralsobelievesthatin provide the unlimited mean, this is only an m i s c o n c e p t i o n a n d the absence of this legal guarantee, since this assurance, this is not the misunderstanding that is document that ExxonMobil, company is a mere amount necessarily that the being pushed in certain the operator of Guyana’s oil subsidiary and would not be government or the country quarters of the press.” The rich Stabroek Block will able to sufficiently handle would be entitled to if there AG’s statement would stand all costs should a spill the costs associated with is some disaster, not at all! therefore pose the question occur such a peril and could leave This is simply a sum that is ‘If the government expects
Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall, SC

Attorney General (AG) Guyana liable in such an being lodged as an Exxon to take full and Legal Affairs Minister, event, which has the assurance.” responsibility for oil spill twocitizenswenttotheHigh Justice Sandil Kissoon. The Anil Nandlall during his potential to even impact 12 The AG argued that the costs, why is it against a Court and successfully government was prevented weekly programme ‘Issues of this country’s Caribbean Law of Negligence and the signed parent company securedarulingthatrequired from joining the matter but in the News’ addressed the neighbours. polluter pays principle state guarantee that states Exxon to provide an not satisfied with theAppeal trending subject of The Attorney General thatthepollutermust pay for preciselythat?’ unlimited parent guarantee Court’sdecisionithasturned government’s approach to that explicitly states it would totheCCJforahearingofits the Caribbean Court of be liable for all costs contention. Justice (CCJ) to appeal a associated with cleanup and Nandlall on Tuesday ruling that prevents it from compensation should a spill eveningmadeitclearthatthe joining a case that seeks an occurs. GoG expects the oil unlimited parent company In a startling turn of company to cover all costs guaranteefromExxon. events, the ruling was associated with a spill. He
Given the current rate of appealed by the regulator of said there is a misconception oil production, pegged at t h e s e c t o r , t h e that the country will only approximately 645,000 Environmental Protection have US$2B at its disposal. barrels per day (bpd) and the Agency (EPA). ExxonMobil The US$2B he referenced is government’s intention to also lodged an appeal of the the affiliate guarantee that increase oil output to as Court’s decision, handed has been lodged by much as 1.2M bpd by 2027, down on May 3, 2023 by Exx
Wanted bulletins issued for suspect in labourer’s murder, teen who discharged loaded gun
TheGuyanaPoliceForce (GPF) on Wednesday issued a wanted bulletin for 22year-old Stephon Branford in connection to the murder of a 56-year-old labourer at Lot 643 ‘D’ Field Sophia, Greater Georgetown on March21,2024.

P o l i c e s a i d t h a t Branford’s last known addressisat‘D’FieldSophia, Greater. Meanwhile, a separate bulletin was issued for 18-year-old Alex Gonsalves, who is wanted in connection with two counts of discharging a loaded firearm between February 21,2024andMarch15,2024 at Durban Backlands, Block ‘E’ South Sophia, on phone numbers, 225Georgetown. GreaterGeorgetown. 6940, 225 8196, 226-7476, The wanted bulletin Persons with knowledge 225-2317, 225-8196, 227stated that Gonsalves’ last of the duo’s whereabouts are 1149 or the nearest police known address is lot 108 being asked to contactpolice station.

17 nursery school pupils received spectacles

Seventeen Nursery School pupils from schools across the coastland on Tuesday received spectacles as part of the Comprehensive Child and Youth Health Programme. This is a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, and Mount Sinai Health System eventeen nursery increasing the rates of early Nursery Department, Ms school pupils on diagnoses of childhood and Abeeda Ali stated that the
STuesday received adolescentdiseases. screening programme will spectacles as part of the Following the screening ensure that each child will be Comprehensive Child and exercise, it was noted that given the relevant resources YouthHealthProgramme. seventeen nursery pupils theyneednotonlytosucceed This is a collaborative neededspectacles. academicallybutoverall. effort between the Ministry Two pupils in Region Meanwhile, Dr Farah of Education, the Ministry of One, one pupil in Region December from the Ministry Health, and Mount Sinai Three, four pupils in Region of Health’s School Health HealthSystem. Four, three in Region Five, Unit stated that the initiative According to a Ministry six in Region Six and one in was designed to bring ofEducationpressrelease,in RegionTen. services to pupils in their July 2023, the School Health During a simple handing communities. Screening commenced with over ceremony at the Country Director for the Nursery Level 1 Ministry of Education, Mount Sinai, Josué Screening was done Brickdam, the spectacles Alcántara-Marte stated that throughout the country by were handed over to the Mount Siani understands thehealthcareworkersatthe pupilsinthepresenceoftheir that healthy children will primary care level. The parents, Education Officers grow into healthy adults as programme is being along with representatives such, School Health is an implemented with the aim of from the Ministry of Health important component of providing better access to andMountSinai. guaranteeing healthy health services for children In brief remarks, Senior children and thus a healthy across the country and Education Officer in the population.
Man stabbed after leaving Charlestown bakery
A psychiatric patient of the Georgetown AmanwhoassistedBennbytakinghimto Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) was on the hospital said he was in his car when Benn Tuesday reportedly stabbed by his friend’s wasattacked. brother moments after leaving Humphrey’s “AllIheartheguy[suspect]holleringyou BakeryonKetleyStreet,Charlestown. is a effing thief! you is a effing thief ! and Policeidentifiedthevictimas30-year-old running up the road,” the man told Kaieteur Orcsenio Benn of Providence, East Bank News. Demerara(EBD). He said when he looked across the road, Benn was reportedly attacked at around he saw Benn lying on the ground trying to 20:30h. “ketch he self”. The man said as he was
Police said the suspect approached Benn approachingBenn,hesawhismother fromanortherndirectionofKetleyStreetona “He mother coming to buy bread and she bicycle; and dealt him [Benn] three stab seeheandshesay‘ohshucksismeson’andI wounds,twotothecentreofhischestandone carry he to the hospital,” the man told totherightsideofhishead. KaieteurNews.
Employees from the bakery told Kaieteur Meanwhile, Police said that at the time of News that the victim had just purchased plait the attack the victim was standing in bread with cheese and was sitting outside the company with the suspect’s brother bakery eating it when he was attacked by a However, an eyewitness said that Benn had knownindividualinthecommunity,whowas gone to the bakery with the suspect’s brother ridingabicycle. who“wentuptheroad”beforetheattack.
“They tek way he phone and he money,” Investigatorsrevealedtoothatthesuspect one of the eyewitnesses said while others escaped east along Ketley Street. The duo opined that the suspect and the victim knew reportedlyhadapriormisunderstanding. each other since they recalled the suspect BennisbeingtreatedattheGPHCandhis claimingthatBennstealsfromhim. conditionislistedasstable.

Sales Representative, canter Drivers & Porters to work in warehouse. For more information Call: 673-7373.
One Handy person to work in the Interior. For more information Call: 677-0869.
One night Watchman needed. For more information Call: 612-2125.
Two Kitchen Assistance to work from 6am-2pm. For more information Call: 6655074/ 603-1278.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 611-7839.
One licenced Car/Van Driver in Georgetown area. Mechanical background, free upper flat for living. Call: 2271813.
Porter needed for truck. Call: 661-1000.

Business/ residential PFSGYD$58M, Visa Application, advertisements, graphics design, passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 6549711.

First AID/CPR/AED & home nursing courses Available at St. John Headquarters. Call: 225-9082.

One Plumber needed for Eccles. Call: 645-8443/ 6159132.
Vacancies for Maintenance/ Semi- Skill Workers, One Cleaner, Welder and Labourer. Call: 621-6969/ 615-7784.
Male Sales Representative, Age 20-30 years old. Apply or Contact: 619- 1237.
Primary level Teachers needed. Submit applications to smartmindseducation @gmail.com
Vacancy Exist For two Experienced Dispatcher At Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Painter needed. Call: 6159132 or 645-8443.
Vacancy exists for a Nurse, $180,000 per month, 5 days per week. Call: 617-5700.
Vacancy for a male Office Assistant, $160,000 per month. Must have a motor cycle. Call: 617-5700.
Vacancy for a Pharmacist Assistant, $35,000 per week. Call: 617-5700.
One Domestic needed. $30,000 weekly, 5 days a week. Call: 617-5700.
J & M Shipping is hiring Supervisors & Manager along with other team member. Call: 641-5897.
Anda Shipping is hiring Supervisors & Manager along with other team member. Call: 641-5897.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 6490956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Bids open for construction of Waramuri, Micobie & Orealla Secondary Schools
The construction of the new secondary schools at Waramuri in Region One, Orealla in Region Six, and Micobie in Region Eight is expected to cost $768,010,044. Tenders were opened recently for the construction of the new secondary schools and according to the engineer’s estimate presented at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office the schools will be constructed
for $768M.
The Waramuri secondary school is estimated to cost $338.3 million. Five contractors have submitted bids for the works. The Micobie school is estimated to cost $214 million and six contractors bid for that contract, while $214 million is estimated for the construction of the Orealla secondary school; seven contractors have submitted bids for that project. This year, the Ministry of
Below are the companies and their bids:
Ministry of Education
Construction of Waramuri Secondary School, Region One.

Construction of Micobie Secondary School, Region Eight.

Construction of Orealla Secondary School.

Renovation and extension to student’s residence at Three Miles Secondary School, Bartica.

Education was allocated some $74.4Billion, a portion of which will be used for the construction, rehabilitation, extension and maintenance of educational facilities.
This newspaper reported that the Ministry of Education has embarked on an aggressive programme to ensure that the nation’s children have access to secondary education.
The Government has set 2025 to achieve universal sec-
ondary education. To achieve this, the ministry has since moved to have several secondary schools constructed across the country. Schools are being constructed at Kwebanna, Hosororo, Tuschen and Karasabai Secondary Schools while St. Mary’s Secondary School, St. George’s High School and Christ Church Secondary School, all of which were destroyed by fire, are being rebuilt.
Extension and renovation to dormitory building at Paramakatoi, Region Eight.

Construction of students’ residence at Paramakatoi.

Painting of building – Dolphin Secondary School.

page 17)
Bids open for construction of Waramuri...
From page 16





Biden considering Australian request to drop Assange charges
President Joe Biden has saidthatheisconsideringa request from Australia to drop the prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
T h e c o u n t r y ’s parliament recently passed a measure - backed by PM AnthonyAlbanese-calling forthereturnofMrAssange tohisnativeAustralia. The US wants to extradite the 52-year-oldfromtheUKon criminal charges over the leaking of military records.
Mr Assange denies the charges, saying the leaks wereanactofjournalism.
The president was asked about Australia’s request on Wednesday and said: “We’re considering
High Court orders removal of vendors outside Demico House
it.”Themeasurepassedthe Australian parliament in February.MrAlbanesetold MPs: “People will have a range of views about Mr Assange’s conduct... But regardless of where people stand,thisthingcannotjust go on and on and on indefinitely.”
Mr Assange, 52, is fighting extradition in the UKcourts.
Theextraditionwasput on hold in March after London’s High Court said the United States must provide assurances he would not face the death penalty The High Court is due to evaluate any responses from the US authorities at the end of May
Banks DIH has been the occupant of the property since 1960s and over the past few years but the vending situation outside the business place has worsened.

The High Court has granted orders to remove vendors and their structures from outsideofBanksDIH Demico House, Stabroek, Georgetown.
The orders were granted by Justice, Navindra Singh. The Judge’s decision was handeddownafteranaction was filed by Banks DIH Limited,whichistheparent companyforDemicoHouse. The Judge issued the orders directingthetwoseniorCity Council officials to remove the vendors and their stands and structures and belongings from the pavement and surroundings outside the popular restaurant.
The orders are in keeping with an application presented byAttorneyReonMillerofthe Boston and Boston Law firm on behalf of Banks DIH Limited
They sought an order of mandamusdirectingofficersof the Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC) to removeorcausetoberemoved anypersonorpersonsleaving, placing,storingorcausingtobe stored, any cart, dray, barrel, box, dustbin, tent, palette, cooler, mobile stall and any othersuchmovableitemson the pavement, street or parapet surrounding the property at Demico House, Brickdam, Georgetown, Guyana.
The company also sought anorderofmandamusdirecting theCityCounciltoremoveor causetoberemoved,anycart, dray,barrel,box,dustbin,tent, palette,cooler,mobilestalland any other such movable items beingstoredonthepavement, street or parapet surrounding theproperty
The third order of mandamus was to direct the City Council officers to remove, any person or persons leaving, placing, storing or causing to be stored,anycart,dray,barrel, box, dustbin, tent, palette, cooler, mobile stall and any othersuchmovableitemson the pavement, street or parapetsurroundingDemico House.
The Town Clerk and the City Engineer who were both named as respondents werepresentatWednesday’s hearing.Theydidnothavea legal representation and opted not to object to the ordersbeinggranted.
Inresponsetotheorders being granted City Mayor Alfred Mentore told Kaieteur News that the Council was aware of the challenge “but there is nothing we could do about it.”“It’snotmuchyoucando aboutamandamusorder We havehadthoseissuesagainst usbeforeandwehadtoactin accordance with the orders. The council has nonetheless been looking for some time now to come out with a proper plan to address the vending situation… We are not looking for a band aid solution but a more permanent fix to the problem,”Mentoresaid.
EvenwiththeCourtorder handed down, many of the vendors remained defiant. They said they were served a noticetoremovefromthearea with immediate effect, but theydonotplantomovesince theyhavenoplacetogo They are demanding a meeting of theGeorgetownCityCouncil with the hope of the Council findinganalternativelocation for them to transact their business
BanksDIHsaidthatithas been the occupant of the propertysince1960sandover thepastfewyears,thevending situation outside the business place has worsened with no attempt by the Council to address it Banks DIH stated that the vending situation affected access to its business place which has resulted in severefinancialloss
On November 3, last Muneshwers Limited secured similar orders from the High Court requiring the city to remove all encumbrances from the pavement and streetssurroundingitsLots9 and 10 Water, Commerce and Longden streets premises.
As a result the Georgetown M&CC was compelledtoissuenoticesto vendors as required by Section 10 of the City Government By-Laws and adoptedundertheMunicipal and District CouncilsAct to remove all pallets, trays, tables, mannequins, barrels, cartons, and other encumbrances from pavements and streets immediately
In accordance with the order,failuretocomplywith the notice will result in the Councilremovingtheitems.
President Ali orders set up of special unit in ministries to monitor performance of contractors
Guyana’s Legal Affairs Minister and Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, SC. on behalf of President Mohamed Irfaan Ali, on Wednesday instructed all stateagenciestocreateaunit within their respective ministries to evaluate the performance of contractors executing government projects.
Amemorandumsentout by the AG chambers said, “You are hereby advised to immediately make functional within your respective Ministries and Project Units, a unit to specifically and dedicatedly evaluatetheexecutionofall contracts being undertaken inyourrespectivesectors,in order to assess the
performance of the contractors in the discharge of their contractual duties andobligations”.
According to the
Memorandum, once contract breaches such as unjustifiable delays, substandard works, and other such fundamental breaches are found, then the unit must immediately invoke clauses contracts “dealingwithnotificationof the contractor of the alleged breaches, and remedial provisions dealing with sanctions such as liquidated damages, forfeiture of securities and termination etc.”

To support the work of the units the AG Chambers and Ministry of Legal Affairshavesetupacontract complianceUnit.
“The functions of this [Contract Compliance] Unit

will be to provide the relevant legal advice and appropriate guidance and
actions when requested, including, the filing of legal proceedings when necessary,justandexpedient so to do”, the memorandum stated.
T h i s o f f i c i a l instruction comes seven days after the president ordered that immediate action be taken to address delayedprojects
On Wednesday April 3 , A li r ep o r ted ly instructed all relevant ministries and agencies to issue letters for liquidated damages to contractors for delayedprojects.
Hegavetheinstruction during an early-morning meeting at State House with Minister with Responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh;
Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, SC, and Public Works Minister, Juan Edghill
The government’s objective is to penalise ‘non-performing’ and defaulting contractors who have gone past their project deadlines and justifiableextensions
The Ministry of Public Works might already be moving in this direction according to reports in the media.
Reports are that the ministry is moving to terminate a multimilliondollar contract awarded to Kalco Guyana Incorporated fortheincompletionofLot8 B of the Conversation Tree to Dennis Street Road project.
3 sons and 4 grandchildren of Hamas leader killed in Gaza air strike
(BBC NEWS) Hamas’s political leader Ismail Haniyeh has confirmed that three of his sons and four of his grandchildren were killedinanairstrikeinGaza.
Hamas-linked media said the car his sons were travelling in was hit in AlShati camp near Gaza City Haniyeh said that the incident would not change Hamas’s demands in talks aimedatreachingaceasefire deal.
Israel’s military said the sons were members of Hamas’smilitarywing.
T h e g r o u p w a s reportedly on its way to a familycelebrationtomark the first day of the Muslim holidayofEid
Haniyeh told the broadcaster Al Jazeera that three sons - Hazem, Amir, and Muhammadhad remained in Gaza during the war. A statement from Hamas later said four of Haniyeh’s grandchildrenMona, Amal, Khaled and Razan - were among those killedinwhattheycalledthe “treacherous and cowardly” strike.Haniyehsaidheheard the news as he was visiting wounded Palestinians who hadbeentakenfortreatment to the Qatari capital, Doha, which is where the Hamas leaderlives.
“The enemy will be delusional if it thinks that targeting my sons, at the climax of the [ceasefire]

negotiations and before the movement sends its response,willpushHamas to change its position,” he toldAlJazeera
In comments reported on Hamas’s Telegram channel, he thanked God for the “honour” bestowed on him by what he called the “martyrdom of his c h i l d r e n a n d grandchildren” Israel’s military said it had “eliminated three Hamas
military wing operatives in the central Gaza Strip”, adding that they were the sonsofIsmailHaniyeh The statement did not mention the reported deaths of Haniyeh’s grandchildren
As international pressure to reach a ceasefire deal grows, US President Joe Biden has sent the head of the CIA, William Burns, for the latest round of talks in
Cairo. The latest proposal, which Hamas says it is analysing, reportedly includes the release of 40 Israelihostagesbeingheldin Gaza in return for 900 Palestinians from Israeli jails.
Haniyeh is widely considered Hamas’s overall leader and has been a prominent member of the movement since 1980 He was elected head of Hamas’s political
bureau in 2017 and the US Department of State designated him a terrorist in 2018.
These are not the first members of Haniyeh’s family to have been killed inthewar
Another son was reportedly killed in February, while his brother and nephew were killed in October, followed byagrandsoninNovember Hamas-led gunmen
attacked Israel on 7 October, killing 1,200 people and taking more than 250 hostage Israel says that of 130 hostages still in Gaza, at least 34 are dead.
More than 33,000 Gazans, the majority of them civilians, have been killed during Israel’s offensive in Gaza since the October attack, the Hamas-run health ministry says.

GCB Male Under19 Super50 bowls off tomorrow
The Guyana Cricket Board male under19 Super50 tournament is scheduled to commence tomorrow, Friday, April 12.
In round 1, Berbice play Essequibo at Malteenoes while Demerara battle GCB Select XI at Lusignan.
The squads read: GCB Select XI U19Deonarain Dindyal, Anthony Khan, Justin Doobay, Amos Charles, Shiloh Adams, Nityanand Mathura, Avishkar Persaud, Andres Fraser, Avishkar Beharry, Stephon Sankar, Natron Gill, Jayden Dowlin, Jerimah Hohenkirk, Rajikar, Ari Kadir.
Manager: Yueraj Khemraj
Coach: Kumar Bishundial Berbice U19- Rampertab Ramnauth (Captain) , Matthew Pottya M (V/C), Rampersaud Ramnauth, Salim
Khan, Kevin Kristen, Damion Cecil, Sanjay Algoo, Kumar Deopersaud, Afraz Budhoo, Romesh Bharrat, Rashad Gaffur, Ayhinde Roger, Devon Wharton and Okasie Boyce.
Manager: Shamar Angel
Coach: Seon Hetmyer Essequibo U19 - Myhim
Khan, Jadon Campbell, Navindra Sankar, Gulcharran Chulai, Thaddeus Lovell (Captain), Joash Charles, Benny Persaud, Shahid Viera, Rajendra Ramballi, Bruce Vincent, Darwin Joseph,

Zambia and Nigeria complete the 12 teams to play women’s football at Paris Olympics
The Independent - Zambia and Nigeria locked up the last two spots in the women’s football tournament at the Paris Olympics on Tuesday after winning two-legged playoffs in the fourth round of African qualifying.
The twelve teams for the tournament, which will be held across seven French cities from July 25 to August 10, have now been confirmed.
Zambia and Nigeria have joined the hosts France, World Cup winners Spain, and four-time Olympic champions the USA.
as the Copper Queens turned a 2-1 first-leg deficit into a 3-2 aggregate triumph with a 2-0 win at Moulay Hassan Stadium.
Captain and Orlando Pride striker Barbra Banda opened the scoring for Zambia in the 38th minute and secured the ticket to the Olympics when she converted a penalty in the 105th minute.
Thursday April 11, 2024
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)
Sometimes, it's amazing to see how your relationships can spin so easily out of control, Aries. Today you may have to deal with a lot of tension within your group. You'll almost feel as if no one understands the situation.
You sometimes have difficulty making up your mind. You don't always know exactly what you want. Today, Taurus, you'll be at peace with yourself.
GEMINI (May 21–June 20)
Sometimes we all feel a little lost, Gemini. We often want to move mountains and use all our energy and enthusiasm to try to do so.
CANCER (June 21–July 22)
You have a natural ability to accomplish a great deal rather easily, Cancer. But today you may feel snowed under with projects. Things around you might be moving quickly.
LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)
Your day has finally come, Leo. You have your own vision of life and you like sharing it with others. You're far from thinking that you're any sort of new messiah.
VIRGO (Aug. 23–Se pt. 22)
Today you'll have the strange feeling that something is floating in the air. The time is right to try to understand the different needs of your family circle.
LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)
As the dawn of another quiet and peaceful day appears, Libra, you will be in the best disposition to observe and appreciate the lightness of things. Life can seem so beautiful on some days.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)
You will find a clean page on the agenda today, Scorpio. You should try to think only about yourself. This will allow you to meditate about your life and be at peace with yourself.
You will wake up today on cloud nine, Sagittarius. Your morale is at a peak. You will feel totally free and be able to clearly perceive the essentials of life.
CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
The astral energy will have you reminiscing all day long over childhood memories, Capricorn. These memories will take you to the houses and places where you were raised.
You love interacting with people others might consider eccentric. You can't help it. You're simply attracted to them. You will probably encounter one of these people today, Aquarius.
PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)
You have always tried to build up your health using traditional methods, and you take great care of yourself.
Renaldo Jeffery, Justin Sutton, Shaziff Mohammed
Manager: Nazeer Mohamed
Coach: Antony Adams Demerara U19 - Romeo Deonarain, Vikash Wilkinson, Sachin Balgobin, Mavindra Dindyal (Captain), Alvin Mohabir, Zachary Jodah, Johnathan Van Lange, Anthony Lim, Kelvin Raymond, Wavell Allen, Krsna Singh, Neeran Bani, Riyad Latiff and Riyan Latiff, Arun Gainda, Dave Mohabir, Zahid Mohamed, John Persaud and Udesh Seetaram.
Manager: Puneeth Jaigopaul
Coach: Quasen Nedd

The other nations are Colombia, Canada, New Zealand, Germany, Australia, Japan and Brazil. Current European Champions, England’s Lionesses team failed to qualify, as the Netherlands finished top of their group.
Australia were knocked out by England in the World Cup semi-finals in their home nation, while the United States will want to bounce back from their disappointing campaign last summer.
Zambia needed extra time to get past Morocco in Rabat
The Zambians will be in a tough Group B in France along with former champions the United States and Germany as well as World Cup semi-finalists Australia. They open their campaign against the Americans in Nice on July 25.
Nigeria had an easier passage to their fourth Olympics, drawing 0-0 with South Africa in Pretoria on Tuesday to secure their berth by courtesy of a 1-0 win Abuja last week.
The Super Falcons will take on world champions Spain, former world champions Japan and Brazil in Group C at the Olympics. They face the South Americans in their tournament opener in Bordeaux on July 25.

CWI President Shallow pleased with region’s progress in preparation for T20 World Cup
SportsMax - As the much-anticipated ICC Men’sT20WorldCupdraws closer, Cricket West Indies president Dr Kishore Shallow expressed satisfactionwiththeregion’s state of readiness for global showpiece which is jointly hosted by in the Caribbean andUnitedStates.
Shallow’s remarks followed a recent visit Kensington Oval in Barbados where he was assured that all was on course for the June 1-29 tournament.
Barbados will host nine matches– five in the group stage, three in the Super Eight second stage, and the final on June 29, which will mark the third such ICC marquee game to be staged at the venue following on from the historic One-Day International World Cup in 2007 and the 2010 T20 WorldCup.
ThoughWest Indies will not feature in any group stage games at the Oval, a box office fixture between reigning T20 World champions England and Australia is on the cards for June8.
Ambassador Noel Lynch, chairman of the National Organising Committee, in a recent media conference said that the major elements of the storied venue would be delivered to tournament authorities next week while the remaining elements would be completed by monthend.
“On the eastern concourse where there’s the party stand and the temporaryfacility,andallof those facilities that are coming in, we are sure that we’llhandoverthoseonthe 30thofApril.Butwe’llhand
overthemajorpartsthatyou know – the 3Ws, the Greenidge and Haynes, the Media Centre, the field of play, the scoreboards, all of the electronic boards – will be finished within a week and handed over,” Lynch said.
“I think that’s ahead of schedule. I think Barbados hasdoneanexceptionaljob. It wasn’t my job … when I came back from the US, we were already very far advanced in terms of the progress–theinfrastructural progress at Kensington Oval,”headded.
Shallow agreed, as he gave the thumbs up to Barbados and other host venues across the region, who are well advanced in preparation for the tournament.
“Wellaheadofschedule. I’m happy with the progress we’ve made so far with the

WorldCupandit’sdefinitely goingtobeaspectacleofan event and something we should all look forward to,” Shallowsaid.
He later revealed that there was one territory that was lagging behind in their preparations, but was reluctanttonametheisland.
Along with Barbados, gameswillalsobeplayedin Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, St Lucia,andStVincentandthe Grenadines “Only one facility in the Caribbean, one country (is) probably a couple weeks behind
schedule, but we have their commitment that they are going to accelerate It might take some day and night application but no doubt, by June 1, every country in the Caribbean is going to be ready,” Shallow shared.
NBA roundup: Anthony Edwards leads Wolves over Wizards
Reuters - Anthony Edwards scored a careerhigh 51 points on 17-for-29 shooting from the field, leading the Minnesota Timberwolves to a 130-121 win over the visiting Washington Wizards on Tuesday
Nickeil AlexanderWalker added 23 off the bench for Minnesota, which has won four of its past five games Rudy Gobert collected 19 points and 16 rebounds and Mike Conley scored15points.
TheTimberwolvesshare leadtheWesternConference lead with the Denver Nuggets.
Corey Kispert put up 25 points and Jordan Poole had 24 but theWizards fell for a fourthstraighttime.
Bucks104,Celtics91 Giannis Antetokounmpo collected 15 points, eight rebounds and seven assists before he left the game with a leg injury, but Milwaukee still ended a four-game losing streak by defeating visitingBoston.
Antetokounmpo fell to thefloorandgrabbedhisleft calf with 3:37 remaining in the third quarter He walked to the locker room and did not return to the game. The Bucks called the injury a soleus strain, and the big manwasheadedformedical

Minnesota Timberwolves guard Anthony Edwards (5) drives as Washington Wizards forward Deni Avdija (8) tries to defend in the third quarter at Target Center. (Matt Blewett-USATODAY Sports)
tests. Patrick Beverley led the Buckswith20points,andhe grabbed 10 rebounds
Boston’s Jayson Tatum led allscorerswith22points. Warriors 134, Lakers
Klay Thompson scored 27pointsandStephenCurry added 23 as sharp-shooting Golden State inched closer
to host Los Angeles in the battleforplay-intournament seedingwithavictory
Curry was 6-for-6 from longdistanceandDraymond Green went 5-for-7 as the Warriors hit a season-high 263-pointerson41attempts.
Golden State notched the best 3-point shooting percentageinagameinNBA
history(63.4percent)witha minimum of 40 long-range attempts, per ESPN Stats & Info.
LeBronJamesscored33 points and dished out 11 assists and Austin Reaves had22pointsfortheLakers.
Golden State is now just a half-game back of Los Angelesfortheninthspotin
theWesternConference. 76ers120,Pistons102
Joel Embiid had 37 points, 11 rebounds and eight assists as host PhiladelphiabeatDetroitfor itssixthwininarow
Buddy Hield scored 18 points, Kelly Oubre Jr finishedwith17andTobias Harris added 15 points and 12 rebounds for the Sixers, who still sit one game behind the Pacers for sixth place in the Eastern Conference All-Starguard Tyrese Maxey sat out due tohiptightness.
Jaden Ivey scored 25 points as the Pistons lost for a fifth straight time
Evan Fournier scored 21, and Jalen Duren added 15 pointsand11rebounds
M a v e r i c k s 1 3 0 , Hornets 104 Luka Doncic outscored Charlotte in the first quarter, putting up 21 of his 39 points as visiting Dallas won for the 15th timein17games
Doncic also provided 12reboundsand10assists
Daniel Gafford racked up 26 points on 12-for-12 shooting Kyrie Irving added 18 points, nine assists and eight rebounds forDallas.
Miles Bridges scored 22 points and rookie Brandon Miller added 21 in the final home game for
Hornets coach Steve Clifford, who will step down at the end of the season
Pacers 140, Raptors 123 Tyrese Haliburton scored 30 points and visiting Indiana defeated Toronto to solidify its spot in sixth place of the Eastern Conference standings
Obi Toppin added 23 points off the bench and former Raptor standout Pascal Siakam contributed 16 points and nine rebounds for the Pacers, who have won three in a rowandfiveofsix
RJ Barrett scored 23 points for Toronto in the team’s final home game of the season
Kelly Olynyk added 22 points and Javon Freeman-Liberty had a season-best 20 points for the Raptors, who had won their two previous games after a 15-game losing streak
Pelicans 110, Trail Blazers100
Heat 117, Hawks 111 (2OT)
Spurs102,Grizzlies87 (FieldLevelMedia)
Reunion Gold Inc. Partners with Lusignan Golf Club for Exciting Golf Tournament
Reunion Gold Inc. p r o u d l y announced its partnership with the esteemed Lusignan Golf Club for the upcoming Reunion Gold Golf Tournament, scheduled for Saturday, April 13, 2024. This collaboration reflects R e u n i o n G o l d ’ s commitment to supporting local communities and fosteringsportsmanship.
Stacy Carmichael, Communications Specialist at Reunion Gold Inc , expressed delight in supporting the Lusignan Golf Club, highlighting the anticipationforaproductive partnership.
“When approached by the club, we eagerly embraced the opportunity to c o n t r i b u t e , ” s a i d Carmichael.
Bjorn Jeune, Country Manager of Reunion Gold Inc., echoed Carmichael’s sentiments, emphasizing the
company’s dedication to promoting community developmentandthespiritof sportsmanship “This partnership is a testament to our commitment to s u p p o r t i n g l o c a l communities, ” Jeune remarked.
The Reunion Gold Golf Tournament promises an exhilarating day of c o m p e t i t i o n a n d camaraderie Golf enthusiasts can expect a medal play format over eighteen holes, with two flights catering to players of different skill levels, 0-14 and15-28.
Exciting prizes await participants, including trophiesforthe1st,2nd,and 3rd place winners in each flight, as well as awards for the Overall Best Net and Overall Best Gross performances. Additionally, players can showcase their skills in the Nearest to Flag and Longest Drive competitions.
Highlighting teamwork, the tournament will also feature a prize for the best two-person team, where the net scores of team members willdeterminethewinner
To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, all participants are reminded to adhere to Covid practices andprotocols.
Registration for the tournamentclosesat5pmon April 12, 2024. Players are advisedtocontacttheclub’s manager on the tournament day to collect scorecards, payfees,andproceedtotheir allocated tee boxes for a prompt12:30pmtee-off.
The tournament’s conclusion will be marked by a prize presentation ceremony at approximately 5:30pm.
For registration and further information, interested participants can contact Lusignan Golf Club at220-5660.

LGC VP Brian Hackett (left) and Reunion Gold Inc. Communications Specialist Stacy Carmichael hand over the sponsorship cheque.
D o n ’t m i s s t h e opportunity to be part of an unforgettabledayofgolfand community spirit at the Reunion Gold Golf Tournament!
Fixtures confirmed for 2024 Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League
SportsMax - The fixtures for the 2024 Republic Bank Caribbean PremierLeague(CPL)have been confirmed with the tournament set to run from Thursday 29
August to Sunday 6 October For the first time since 2019 the event will visit six host countries with matches set to take place in Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Guyana, St Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia and Trinidad & Tobago.
There will be 34 matchesintotalwitheachof the six teams playing 10 group matches The knockout stages will take place in Guyana with the home team, the G u y a n a A m a z o n Warriors, looking to defend the title they won in 2023
The tournament gets underway with the newest CPL franchise, the Antigua & Barbuda Falcons, hosting their nearest rivals the St Kitts & Nevis Patriots The tournament will have two legs running concurrently with all six teams hosting home matches
Tournament Operations Director for the Republic Bank CPL, said: “We are looking forward to getting underway in Antigua & Barbudawithmatchesback in the country for the first time in 10 years. It is also very pleasing to be back havinghomematchesforall six teams with the Biggest PartyinSportsettohavean even wider footprint in 2024 ” Men’s Caribbean Premier League 2024
Thurs 29 August, 7pm:Antigua & Barbuda Falcons vs St Kitts & Nevis Patriots, Sir Vivian Richards Stadium, Antigua.
Fri 30 August, 7pm: Antigua & Barbuda Falcons vs Guyana Amazon Warriors, Sir Vivian Richards Stadium, Antigua.
Sat 31 August, 7pm: St Kitts & Nevis Patriots vs Trinbago Knight Riders, Warner Park Sporting Complex, St Kitts.
Sun 1 September, 10am: Antigua & Barbuda Falcons vs Barbados Royals, Sir Vivian Richards Stadium, Antigua.
Sun 1 September,
7pm: St Kitts & Nevis Patriots vs Saint Lucia
Kings, Warner Park Sporting Complex, St Kitts.
Tues 3 September, 7pm: Antigua & BarbudaFalconsvsSaint Lucia Kings, Sir Vivian Richards Stadium, Antigua.Wed 4 September, 7pm: St Kitts & Nevis PatriotsvsGuyanaAmazon Warriors, Warner Park SportingComplex,StKitts.
Thurs 5 September, 7pm: Antigua & Barbuda Falcons vs Trinbago Knight Riders, Sir Vivian Richards Stadium,Antigua.
Fri 6 September, 7pm: St Kitts & Nevis
Patriots v Barbados Royals, Warner Park Sporting Complex, St Kitts.
Sat 7 September,7pm: Saint Lucia Kings vs G u y a n a A m a z o n Warriors, Daren Sammy Cricket Ground, Saint Lucia.
S u n 8
September,10am: St Kitts & Nevis Patriots vs Antigua & Barbuda Falcons, Warner Park SportingComplex,StKitts.
Tues 10 September, 7pm: Saint Lucia Kings
vs Trinbago Knight Riders, Daren Sammy Cricket Ground, Saint Lucia.
Wed 11 September, 7pm:BarbadosRoyalsvs Antigua & Barbuda Falcons, Kensington Oval,Barbados.
Thurs 12 September, 7pm: Saint Lucia Kings vs St Kitts & Nevis Patriots vs Daren Sammy Cricket Ground, Saint Lucia.
Fri 13 September, 7pm:BarbadosRoyalsvs Trinbago Knight Riders, Kensington Oval, Barbados
Sat 14 September, 7pm:BarbadosRoyalsvs G u y a n a A m a z o n Warriors, Kensington Oval,Barbados
Sun 15 September, 7pm: Saint Lucia Kings vs Antigua & Barbuda Falcons, Daren Sammy Cricket Ground, Saint Lucia.
Tues 17 September, 7pm:BarbadosRoyalsvs StKitts&NevisPatriots, Kensington Oval, Barbados.
Wed 18 September, 7pm: Trinbago Knight
Riders vs Guyana Amazon Warriors, Queen’s Park Oval,
Thurs 19 September, 7pm: Trinbago Knight
Riders vs Antigua & Barbuda Falcons, Queen’s Park Oval, Trinidad.
Friday 20 September, 7pm: Guyana Amazon Warriors vs St Kitts & Nevis Patriots, Guyana National Stadium, Providence.
Sat 21 September, 10am: Saint Lucia Kings vs Barbados Royals, G u y a n a N a t i o n a l Stadium,Providence.
Sat 21 September, 7pm: Guyana Amazon
Warriors vs Antigua & Barbuda Falcons, Guyana National Stadium, Providence.
Sun 22 September, 10am: Barbados Royals vs Saint Lucia Kings, G u y a n a N a t i o n a l Stadium,Providence.
Sun 22 September, 7pm: Trinbago Knight Riders vs St Kitt & Nevis Patriots, Brian Lara CricketAcademy,Trinidad.
Tues 24 September, 10am: Trinbago Knight
Riders vs Saint Lucia Kings, Brian Lara Cricket Academy,Trinidad.
Wed 25 September, 7pm: Guyana Amazon
Warriors vs Barbados Royals, Guyana National Stadium,Providence.
Fri 27 September, 7pm: Trinbago Knight Riders vs Barbados Royals, Brian Lara C r i c k et Academy, Trinidad.
Sat 28 September, 10am: Guyana Amazon Warriors vs Saint Lucia Kings, Guyana National Stadium,Providence.
Sun 29 September, 7pm: Guyana Amazon Warriors vs Trinbago Knight Riders, Guyana N a tional Stadium, Providence.
Tues 1 October, 7pm: Eliminator – 3rd place vs 4th place, Guyana National Stadium, Providence.
Wed 2 October, 7pm: Qualifier 1 – 1st place vs 2nd place, Guyana National Stadium, Providence.
Fri 4 October 7pm: Qualifier 2 – Winner of Eliminator vs Loser Qualifier 1, Guyana National Stadium, Providence.
Sun 6 October, 7pm: Final – Winner Qualifier 1 vs Winner Qualifier 2, Guyana NationalStadium, Providence.
Appadu (Stolen Money) leads points standing after 4 races
O n G u y a n a ’ s horseracing circuit, the leaderboard paints a fascinating picture for Ronaldo Appadu, as the talented jockey claims top spot in the jockey points standing, showcasing his prowess with a remarkable 59 points accumulated after fourracesthisyear
Appadu’s mastery was evident as he piloted Stolen Money to exhilarating victories, notching up six wins, along with seven second-place finishes, three third-placefinishes,andone fourth-place finish in his 21 starts so far this season. However,hotonhisheelsis the seasoned contender, Colin Ross, sitting firmly in secondplacewith41points.
Ross, celebrated as the Jockey of the Year in 2023, has left his mark with his steed Spankhurst, clinching significant triumphs. With six first-place finishes, two second-place finishes, two
third-placefinishes,andone fourth-place finish in his 19 starts this season, Ross proves himself to be a formidable force on the track. In terms of earnings, Appaduleadswithatotalof $674,375, closely followed byRosswith$623,750inhis pocket.
The competition intensifies further down the leaderboard, with Yovin Kissonchand securing the third spot with 31 points, earned through four wins in his18starts,accumulatinga total of $236,250. Trinidadian jockey Kiran Razack follows closely behind with 28 points from his12starts.
As the anticipation builds, these top-tier jockeys, along with others, gear up to extend their lead as the highly anticipated Race of Champions meet approaches onApril 28. Set to unfold at the prestigious Rising Sun Turf Club, the
event is also hosted by Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred RacingCommittee(JJTRC).
Completing the top 10 standings after the initial four races for the 2024 season are Quinton Kellman, Kevin Paul, Nicholas Patrick, Vishal Ramnarine, the young sensation Kishawn Pereira, and Dillion Khelawan, showcasing the depth of talent within the racing fraternity.
According to the guidelines set by the Guyana Horse Racing Authority, points are awarded based on performance, with a firstplace finish earning five points, followed by three pointsforsecondplace,two points for third place, and one point for fourth place However, a race must have atleastfivestartersforthird place to be awarded and at least seven starters for fourthplace

Regional 4-Day Championships
Round 6 Day 1 - GHE vs. JS
Savory 127* anchors
point’s standings with 59 points.
World Athletics introduces prize money for Olympic gold medalists
Harpy Eagles after tough opening day at Sabina Park - GHE 1st innings
wicket-keeper Kemol
Savorycarriedhisteamwith a mature hundred on Day 1, as the champs endured a testing first day of action versus the Scorpions at SabinaPark.
Guyana ended on 278-8, eyeing another 300 run 1st innings total after Savory struck his highest score of the season and possibly his career,asterling127off251 deliveries, stroking 13 fours with3sixes.
Savory will resume today alongside his Captain TevinImlach,whowilllook toaddtohis33notout.
West Indies Test player Gudakesh Motie kept the lower-order from collapsing with his cool innings of 56 off 86 with 8 fours and a solitarysix.
OnlyKevinSinclair(23) lookedonpointasanumber of the Eagles top batsmen failed to score on the openingday
Taking advantage of the home conditions and the reputationatSabinaParkfor being kind to fast-bowlers, OjayShieldsrockedGuyana

with his spell of 3-56, alongside Derval Green (121),whichputthechampson theback-footearly Off-break spinner Pete Salmonchippedinwith2-64 and Abijahi Mansingh (132). After electing to bowl, Shields removed both Raymond Perez (04) and Tagenarine Chanderpaul (01) to give Jamaica the edge.
Vice-captain Kevlon Anderson (01) and Sinclair fell to Green and Salmon, shortlyafter,asSavoryglued
Day 1 (278-8)
Centurion Kemol Savory batted for the entirety of Day 1 against a good Scorpions bowling attack.

theteamtogetherthroughout lunchandteaastheChamps lookedtorecover Shields struck again in the afternoon session, this time removing Veerasammy Permaul for a run-a-ball 15; with Motie falling to the
bowlingofMansingh. Imlach and Savory compensatedforthehiccups and kept their heads high as they saw Guyana to stumps, with much work to do come today when Day 2 play resumesfrom11:00h.
SportsMax - In a landmark decision, World Athleticshastoday(10April) announced it will become the firstinternationalfederationto award prize money at an Olympic Games, financially rewarding athletes for achieving the pinnacle of sporting success, starting at this summer’s Olympic GamesinParis.
AtotalprizepotofUS$2.4 millionhasbeenringfencedfrom the International Olympic Committee’s revenue share allocation, which is received by WorldAthleticseveryfouryears This will be used to reward athleteswhowinagoldmedalin eachofthe48athleticsevents inPariswithUS$50,000
This initiative by World Athletics also includes a firm commitmenttoextendtheprize money at a tiered level, to Olympic silver and bronze medalwinnersattheLA2028 OlympicGames
Whensharingdetailsofthe decision, World Athletics President Sebastian Coe commented:“Theintroduction of prize money for Olympic gold medallists is a pivotal moment for World Athletics and the sport of athletics as a whole, underscoring our commitmenttoempowering the athletes and recognizing the critical role they play in the success of any Olympic Games “This is the continuationofajourneywe started back in 2015, which sees all the money World
Athletics receives from the International Olympic Committee for the Olympic Games go directly back into oursport.“Westartedwiththe Olympic dividend payments to our Member Federations, which saw us distribute an extraUS$5mayearontopof existing grants aimed at athletics growth projects, and wearenowinapositiontoalso fundgoldmedalperformances for athletes in Paris, with a commitment to reward all three medallists at the LA28 Olympic Games “While it is impossibletoputamarketable valueonwinninganOlympic medal,oronthecommitment and focus it takes to even represent your country at an Olympic Games, I think it is importantwestartsomewhere and make sure some of the revenues generated by our athletesattheOlympicGames are directly returned to those who make the Games the globalspectaclethatitis”
The payment of prize moneywilldependuponthe World Athletics ratification process, including athletes undergoing and clearing the usual anti-doping procedures. Each individual Olympic champion will receive US$50,000. Relay teams will receive the same amount,to be shared among theteam.
Theformatandstructure of the LA28 Olympic bonuses will be announced nearerthetime.
JumboJetRaceofchampions:EightracescardedforApril28 for 28

Eight high-quality races are on the provisional programme for the Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee Race of champions that is set for April 28 at the Rising Sun Turf Club. More than ten milliondollarswillbeupfor grabs and the feature race, which will be open to all imported and locally bred
horses running at 1600 meters,willseethetophorse walking away with G$2,000,000. Spankhurst, Bossalina, Easy Time, Jessica’s Pride and Stolen Money are among the top horses that will be igniting Rising Sun. AtotalpurseofG$3,750,000 will be divided for the feature race while the entry feeisG$232,500.
Other races carded includes, West Indian-bred four-year old West Indies and three-year-old horses at 1600 meters. The top horse in that race will be awarded G$600,000. The three-yearoldGuyanabredhorsesrace will also run at 1600 meters andthetophorsewillalsobe awarded$600,000.
The F Class & Lower & E Class non-earners in last
two starters race will be running at 1400 meters; and the winner of the race will walkawaywithG$400,000. H3 & Lower and H 1&2 horses non-earners in their last two starts & First time starter in Guyana – 1400 meters race will see the top horse cashing in on G$350,000. The I Class, J Class and West Indian-bred three-year maidens, the K
Class horses and Lower and the LClass horses and open to J3 first time starters will complete the provisional programme.
All races will run under the guidance of the Guyana horse racing authority rules. Races are subject to change and entries for the April 28 Race of champions will closeonApril22.
Horses must be properly
entered via contacting Fazal Habibula on telephone 6111141, Buju 658-7037, Shazenna/Rose on 3220789, Glen on 1 (868) 3685192 or contact Ginjo on 618-7278.
The race will run off at 12:00h and the meet is sponsored by Jumbo Jet, AJM Enterprise, Sinotruck, and XCMG. Admission is G$2000.
The 2024 April Open Chess tournament concluded Tuesday evening at the Catholic Life Center located on Brickdam with (FIDA MASTER) Anthony Drayton and the young RicardoNarineemergingon topoftheOpenandJunior’s category,respectively
The April Open Chess tournament is an annual r a p i d c h e s s o p e n competition held in the month of April It was originally started as a birthday celebration of the founder Marlon Williams, however, over the last thirteen years the tournament has evolved to a popular and highly anticipated event that now standsonitsown.
The tournament now attracts many chess enthusiastsfromallagesand genders, and persons from all walks of life The tournament has maintained its position as an excellent platform for the promotion ofthegloriousgameofchess here in our beloved home Guyana.
The total winners, includes Anthony Drayton first-place in the Open Category, Damian Moulder in second place and Gilbert Williams third.The Junior’s category saw Ricarho Narine carting off with first place, second place went to Kishan Puran, while third, fourth and fifth place were occupied by Sachin Pitamber, Kyle Couchman and Alexander Zhang, respectively Meanwhile,the Best Female overall award went to Aditi Joshi and the Best Newcomer overall to TendiCameron.

This year, the event paid homage to our country’s struggleswithitsaggressive neighbour under the slogan ‘Not a Blade of Grass’

Best female overall Aditi Joshi.

(Guyana Map covered in nation colours), also under the guidance of Chief Administrator, Rashad Hussain.
Thi s year’s tournament was made possible by sponsors such as SAB Mining, Andrews Supermarket,
Maggie’s Bakery and Snackette, Fantasy Gaming Lounge,JGSFillingStation, Victoria Law Chambers & DesignersHouse.

WorldAthletics has announced it will become the first international federation to award prize money at an Olympic Games. World Athletics introduces prize money for Olympic gold medalists

The GuyanaAmazon Warriors will hope for a successful title defence. (CPL) Savory 127* anchors Harpy Eagles after tough opening day at Sabina Park