Exxon plans up to 25 helicopter flights th a week for 6 oil project
Jagdeo pussyfooting
around to release Wales
Gas project agreements
ExxonM hands out US$1.5B contract to build underwater th platform for 6 Oil Project VP

Contractorsbid over$2Bfornew Prospectschool
Woman crushed by truck on Water Street
Man, 47, dies after covered in mining pit
Despite long wait at banks for foreign currency, Jagdeo says no shortage of US dollar
Exxon will be allowed to pump above safety th limits after two years in 6 oil project -Petroleum Licence
Exxon will be allowed to pump above safety limits after two years
th in 6 oil project
The Government of Guyana(GoG)hasinserted a provision into the Whiptail Petroleum Production Licence that allows ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) to produce oil above the safety limits, two years afterthestartofoperations. th Whiptail is Exxon's 6 deepwater project, pegged atUS$12.7B.Itisexpected to produce 250,000 barrels ofoilperdayby2027.
TheLicensestates,“The first such review shall commence two (2) years afterstartup.”
The oil company will be required to meet with the Chief Inspector, at his
According to the Petroleum Production License granted to EMGL on April 11, 2024, the License Holder shall facilitate and fully cooperate with reviews of production optimization reports for the Whiptail project.
request, to ensure any issues, concerns, and/ or recommendations arising out of the review are complied with and/ or addressed in a manner that is satisfactory to the Minister of Natural Resources.
Exxon's Environmental Permit, obtained by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - datedApril 10, 2024- also states in Section 13.30, “No system upgradesand/orproduction

increase above the FPSO's key design rates shall be implemented without the written approval of the Agency.”
ExxonMobil to date has ramped up oil production beyond the designed capacity of two Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels, the Liza Destiny and Liza Unity The Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for the two projects indicate that the Liza One and Liza Two projects were designed to safely operate at 120,000 and 220,000 barrels of oil perday(bpd),respectively The most recent production statisticssourced from the Ministry of Natural Resources Petroleum Management Programme- indicates that Exxon is producing more than150,000bpdattheLiza Destiny and over 250,000 bpd at the Liza Unity
A map from ExxonMobil's EIA showing the location of the Whiptail Project offshore Guyana
FPSOs. This means that both vessels are producing 30,000bpdmorethanitthey weredesignedto.
AthirdFPSO thatbegan producing oil in November 2023- Prosperity- is producing approximately 230,000 bpd. That vessel was designed to safely produce oil at a capacity of 220,000bpd.
Stakeholders have publicly expressed their dissatisfaction with the ramping up of oil and gas production in the Stabroek BlockbyExxonMobil,even as the country is not fully protected from the costs of anoilspill.
Exxon previously explained that the FPSOs are safely modified to allow for the vessels to produce at higher volumes daily This technical process is rigorously examined and reviewedbytheregulatorof thesector,theEPA.
Man, 21, remanded for possession of narcotics
A21-year-old man was on Monday charged with possession of narcotics with the purpose of trafficking.
Nicholas Whyte a p p e a r e d a t t h e Georgetown Magistrates' Courttoanswerthecharge. Hepleadednotguiltytothe charge.
On April 13, 2024, Whyte was found in possession of 50 pounds of cannabis He appeared before Senor Magistrate Clive Nurse who objected to bail on grounds of the nature and gravity of the offence.
Whyte is scheduled to return to court on May 30, 2024.

Despitelongwaitatbanksfor foreigncurrency,Jagdeosays thereisnoshortageofUSdollar
Despite numerous complaints of long waiting time at local banks to have access to foreign currency, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo is saying that there is currently no sustained shortage of the US dollar in Guyana,andhisgovernment has seen nothing to indicate such.
H e s a i d t h e administration receives daily reports from the Central Bank and no shortage has been reported. th At his Thursday April 4 pressconferenceatFreedom House, the VP was asked by Kaieteur News to comment on the US dollar going scarce and the exchange rate rising over GYD$220. He said that, "The moment we believe that there is a sustained shortage because we get daily reports from the central bank on these matters. If we believe there is a sustained shortage

then we can inject large amounts We have the capacity to do that. That's what central banks are for…to smooth out markets and we wouldn't hesitate to use the Central Bank to smoothoutthemarket."
Jagdeoexplainedthatthe administration believes that it is, "the choppiness of demand when you look at the entire market on aggregate supply and aggregate demand it should
UN Security Council concerned about possible escalation of tension between Venezuela and Guyana
The members of the Security Council expressed their concern about the possible escalation of tensions between Venezuela and Guyana. The body said in a statement released Mondayevening.
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeoeven itself out at a rate that doesn't seem massive.” The
government's current interest is keeping the currency around the historic range. "So what happens is that some banks have more foreign currency because they have more customers and suppliers of foreign currency than other banks and they don't share their currency so if you're dealing with one bank etc," he added.
Guyana to depend on Exxon for training to use data sharing equipment
Despite the glaring discrepancies and denial of access of pertinent information with regards to the oil fields being developed in the Stabroek Block, the Government of Guyana has opted to continue to rely on ExxonMobilfordata.
Under the latest productionlicenceissuedfor the development of an oilfield in the Stabroek Block, it enshrines that the licence holder shall ensure that the Minister be afforded access thereto, including by reference to a commercially reasonable level of system uptime.
This includes, having ExxonMobil providing necessary technical support and training on the use of such facilities and responding to related inquiries in a timely manner and with all reasonable speed.
According to the licence issued the facilities shall contain and make available at all times all submissions, proposals, data, documents, reports and forecasts submitted by the licence Holder: (a) from the date of the Application; (b) during the course of the review of
the accompanying Field Development Plan; and (c) subsequent to licence grant, all approved amendments, adjustments or updates. The facility shall include functionality that tracks any changesandtheirtimingand provenance.”
Only recently this publication had cause to flag instances where pertinent information critical to the Stabroek Block Operations were being kept from the country One such example, reported on the team of local and international auditors who collaborated on reviewing ExxonMobil's expenses totalling US$7.3B for the period 2018 to 2020 reporting to the Guyana Government that they were notprovidedwithallthedata and information they requestedfromthecompany Specifically, the team said in a report seen by this newspaper that Exxon was askedtoprovideaschematic diagram showing all metering points on the Liza D e s t i n y F l o a t i n g , Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel.
The auditors said a schematic would provide a visual representation of the physical flow of production
as it is produced onto the FPSO through the various types of production equipment, and into the storagetanks.
A u d i t o r s s a i d ExxonMobil was adamant that it would not provide the raw data or the schematic on the amount of oil and gas it produced Auditors said Exxon “consistently stated that production information was outside the scope of the cost recovery audit ” Furthermore, Exxon told the auditors that only sales information would be p r o v i d e d N o t a b l y, ExxonMobil also refused to provide the raw production data to the audit team. This information is used to create the monthly production data
i t p r o v i d e s t o t h e Government. ExxonMobil reportedly told the auditors c o n s i s t e n t l y t h a t “production information was outside the scope of the costrecoveryaudit.”
The report done by H a y n e s a n d t e a m recommended: “For future audits, a schematic would assist in validating the volumetric data provided in the monthly statements
They urged the parties to exercise maximum restraint, reminding them of their obligations to comply with the Order of Provisional Measures issued by the InternationalCourtofJustice on1December2023.
The Council also underlinedtheimportanceof maintaining regional peace and security and ensuring that the Latin America and
Caribbean region remains a ZoneofPeace.Inthisregard, it commended regional efforts which resulted in the
c o n c l u s i o n o f t h e Declaration of Peace and Dialogue of Argyle of 14 December 2023 in which Guyana and Venezuela, inter alia, agreed that any controversy between the two states will be resolved in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h international law, including the Geneva Agreement of 1966.
The members of the Security Council urged the parties to resolve their differences through peaceful means and to uphold their
o b l i g a t i o n s u n d e r international law and the United Nations Charter They also stressed the importance of regional actors playing a facilitating roleineasingthetensions. The members of the Security Council reaffirmed the importance of upholding the principles of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity and the prohibition to any party, on the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of another state, as enshrined in Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter
New GPSU Credit Union Management Committee takes office …addressing
Following the High Court decision by Justice Navindra Singh that the Special General Meeting of the Guyana Public Service Co-operative Credit Union, which washeldMarch2,2024waslawfulandvalid, the new Management Committee of the CreditUnionassumedofficeonApril9,2024.
In a press release issued on Monday, the Credit Union said that the Committee has started addressing several concerns of its membership.
“Several of our Members have raised concerns about the burdensome need to secure several guarantors for small loans. This has been a sore issue for the members, and the new Committee of Management has taken note and has already taken steps to addressit,”theCommitteesaid.
Further, the Committee said it plans to review all loan facilities with the intention of making the services more accessible to the generalmembership.
“We wish to assure all members that the CommitteeofManagementaswellasitsstaff, will be deployed in the various regions to listen to the concerns of members, and to addressthoseconcernsasfaraspossible.”
The new Committee of Management thanked all the members of the Credit Union and the public for their patience and understanding over the past two and a half
membership concerns
“We also appreciate the work done by the members to hold the leadership of the Credit Unionaccountable.”
Meanwhile, the Committee of Management apologized to members of the teaching fraternity for “the degrading statements made by some members of the formerCommitteeofManagementduringthe standoffonMarch4th.”
“It comes as no surprise that the former Committee who held the Credit Union hostage would seek to cast aspirations on members of the teaching fraternity in particular. We regret and reject any insults directed towards the membership of the Credit Union and encourage all members to remain committed to their Credit Union,” the newCommitteeofManagementsaid.
The new Management Committee consists of twelve members: Mr Trevor L. Benn,Mr PatrickMentore,Ms.EslynHarris, Ms. RajdaiJagarnauth, Ms. Vanessa Kissoon, Ms. Mehalai McAlmont, Mr Christopher Thompson, Dr John Anderson, Mr Judah Louisy, Mr Kirk Fraser, Ms Candace Enmore,andMs.BeverlyDeJohn.
The new executive includes; Mr Trevor Benn, Chairman; Mr Patrick Mentore, Vice Chairman; Ms. Eslyn Harris, Secretary and Ms.RajdaiJagarnauth,Treasurer

A leader whose time has come
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo is the wrong man to be spearheading Guyana’s oil business. Mr Jagdeo is the wrong man in the wrong place in the wrong business. Mr Jagdeo is the worst presence that we can think of that should be allowed to be near this nation’s trillion-dollar oil and gas sector Mr Jagdeo must not have anything to do withthissectorgoingforward.
He has caused enough damage, and he has displayed thoseworryingqualitiesthatwarnthunderously:heisnota fit and proper person, or leader, or contributor where the stewardship of this oil wealth is concerned. Since it has to be said, we will take the bull by the horns and lead the charge. We have lost all confidence that anything that Jagdeo does will result in what is good for Guyanese. For his friends and handpicked cronies, he will do his best and succeed,butfortherestofGuyanesehopingforsomething beneficial from this oil sector, Mr Jagdeo is a lost cause, a precious hope wasted. This is the essence of the man Jagdeo,andasharshasthismaycomeacross,hehaslostall claims for any consideration that he is a leader who can be trusted.
Mr Jagdeo has brought this upon himself, has only himself to blame for the dark place in which he must now barricade himself. Things have deteriorated to such a degree that the man in charge of the nation’s oil and gas sectorcannotevenprovideastraightanswertothesimplest ofquestions.
Thus, he condemns himself, has made himself into the feeblestlookingofleaders.Inhishandsisvestedthepower tospeakfor,pushfor,andfightfor,whatisbiggerandbetter for the citizens of this country Despite having the strength of the Guyanese people behind him, Mr Jagdeo is the frailestoffigures,onewhocan’tfindhisvoice,feelsforhis words, and mumbles like someone trapped in a deep sleepwalkingdaze.
In what way has he trapped himself in his handling of this oil wealth of Guyana? Only he knows the answer to that probing question. But when he scavenges around and comes up with the kind of shifty, sneaky answers that he delivers to listeners and watchers, no more confirmation is needed, regarding what he may have done to himself. A man of his experiences and exposures should know, and know very well, that the management of oil is not the managementofsugar.
Though the latter has its challenges, it pales when comparedtooil,andMr.JagdeoasPresidentandnowVice President has done incomparably poorly with sugar. It is thepoorestofrecommendationsforhimtobeputincharge ofthisnationaloilwealth. Further,wehaveaccumulateda world of knowledge about sugar, and still this country has failedwithit,candonobetterthankeepitonlifesupport.
Considering all this, with Vice President Jagdeo as the central figure, the only one in the discussion, in our oil, the timehascomeforPresidentAlitosummonthecourageand strengthandtoact. PresidentAlihasonechoiceandaction only at his fingertips. Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo must go. He must be kept as far away as possible from this trillion-dollar oil and gas sector The man as a Manager is poison, this leader for the sector is nothing but a loser, a loser,aloser
So, he must go. We would go as far as saying that, given the damage that Mr Jagdeo has done to this country in many crucial sectors of the national economy, he should really be put out to pasture, so that there will be a stopping of the misery to which he has subjected the citizens of Guyana.
Though there are no hard feelings against the person of the Vice President himself, there are the worst reactions to the sum of his handiworks and the great harms that they have brought upon numerous Guyanese. President Ali is theLeaderelectedbytheGuyanesepeople. Hemustknow thatMr Jagdeo’stimehascome. BharratJagdeomustgo.
I am not prepared to ignore atrocities in government or
in my party
DEAREDITOR, it is what drives my decision practices by which he can be leadership. And it is my I was made aware not to support Aubrey held accountable democratic right to say so SaturdayofPNCRChairman Norton for leader of the effectively placing himself and act in accordance. I am Shurwayne Holder ’s PNCR. SoComradeHolder, as an autocratic leader with a quite happy to support the recording, addressing hearmeloudandclear CEC rendered ineffective candidacy of Comrade statements he claims were ”I am not going to lift a andimpotent.Comrades,my Roysdale Forde who stands made by me and I have not finger under Aubrey party, the People’s National for respect, progress and denied same. Let me state Norton’s leadership. When Congress,whichIgrewupin most of all, he is prepared to categorically,Idonotneedto heischangedasleader,Iwill and have served over 53 confront the atrocities of the respond to deny the garbage l o o k a n d s e e w h a t years,fromtheageof14,has PPP allegations made by contribution, if any, I can always been a party of To party members I say Comrade Holder to satisfy make. But as of now, I want principles, a party with This party is ours. It belongs anyone. I am confident nothing to do with Norton respect for its constitution to each of you, and you must Party members and a n d h i s q u a l i t y o f and one where every fight for it. Do not be supporters are too wise to be leadership.” I am speaking member was valued and had dissuadedbythreatsorfears. misled. I feel pity for my aloud what many are silently the privilege of financial IfwewanttotakeonthePPP, young comrade and am saying and others fear to say accountability We must ask we must be able to clean our personally ashamed that he My reasons are well known Aubrey Norton what entitles house and remove the has allowed himself to be a but repeated here for the him to run the PNCR like his hindrances to positions conveyor of misinformation consumption of those who personal pig farm or cake where they can better serve a n d d i s i n f o r m a t i o n are unaware, as well as those shop. I have served every and be made to account. The desperatelyhopingthatIwill who are misguided as to the leader of the PNCR and our PNC is not Norton’s party or can be silenced; that Party truth of what is taking place members as well as It’s not and never was a one members would readily in our leadership: Aubrey supporters faithfully race Party, and I will always believe him and not me. Norton’s style of leadership KnowingAubrey Norton the bereadyandwillingtoserve. Himself and whoever he is undemocratic He has way I do, I cannot sit and I am just not prepared to serves can sit and wait. I, demonstrated a lack of quietly watch him weaken ignore atrocities in AmnaAlly, will not descend accountabilityinthePartyby and destroy the Party of LFS governmentorinmyparty into that cesspit of lies. The undermining and destroying Burnham, I cannot in all Sincerely, truth is my best weapon and various party structures and conscience support his AmnaAlly
Comparing India and Guyana Elections
DEAREDITOR, the country in all 543 seats. charismatic and telegenic government (as well as India and Guyana have Voting is spread over seven with approval ratings opposition) and a candidate different election rules. phases (dates) with voters in exceeding 75%. The what it can and cannot do India, the world’s largest different parts of the country opposition has not projected during the campaign (from democracy, commences the having the opportunity to a leader although Rahul date of announcement of globe’s largest election cast ballots (in a different set Gandhi, scion of the Gandhi election till the next exercise starting this week. of seats) only on one fixed clan, is largely viewed as the government is sworn in) Some 968 million voters are date determined by the face and lead of the under its power of “Model eligible to cast ballots in 543 Election Commission of opposition. Modi leads him Code of Conduct”. No new constituencies in the lower India (ECI) The ECI by 21% (51% to 30%) in the policies and expenditures house or Lok Sabha. Unlike employs some 200,000 staff, latest national opinion can be undertaken by the Guyana which has a PR inclusive of security agents, survey conducted a few days government.
system, India has a to manage this mammoth ago. This writer traveled all The ECI can disqualify constituency system of e x e r c i s e S t a ff a r e over India in December, candidates if they violate the c h o o s i n g e l e c t e d transported to various January, and February and model code of conduct and representatives that is locales to conduct and or found similar poll findings can also confiscate large similar to electing USA’s supervise the elections and among voters. The writer is quantitiesfundsbelongingto Houseofrepresentatives. theprocesstakesdays. settoreturntoIndialaterthis a party or candidates; there
The candidate with the UnlikeinGuyana,voting week for another assessment are strict spending limits on largest number of votes in is by machines, EVMs. The of the outcome of the campaigns although hard to constituency is the winner first phase of voting is on election. enforce in such a large The number of voters in a April 18 and the last of the Except for a couple country Political parties and constituency is roughly 1.78 seven phases is on Jun1. surveys, opinions favor the candidates cannot offer million, more than twice the Counting of the ballots will BJP for another term. The incentives to voters to cast population of all of Guyana; take place on June 4. The BJP claims it will win 350 ballots including the offer of the number of people EVMs will be under the seats on its own and 400 for transportation to the polling actually dwelling in a security of armed forces. the NDA alliance. Gandhi station, and they cannot constituency is roughly 2.5 Political parties and says the opposition alliance distribute gifts to voters m i l l i o n T h e 5 4 3 candidates are allowed will win the election. This Political parties can file constituencies are spread observers to guard the writer feels many seats will complaints to the ECI if they over 28 states and eight machines that are tamper be close with NDA feel the code of conduct is Union Territories The proof. The counting takes an prevailing; 400 seats look violated. The ECI, through largest state in terms of seats hour tough. its “investigating and arrest is Uttar Pradesh where most The election contest pits There is strict control powers” is empowered to Indian Guyanese originate; the ruling BJP and its NDA over the elections. Unlike seize money and handouts UP sends 80 members to the allies (several regional say Guyana’s Gecom, the destined for distribution to House Bihar and Tamil parties) against the Congress ECI is extremely powerful. voters; police can question Nadu, two other states from (led by Gandhi clan) and Unlike in Guyana or most and arrest campaign workers where Guyanese originated, INDIA bloc allies (two o t h e r n a t i o n s , t h e (or anyone) found with large sends 40 and 39 reps dozen regional allies) government does not fix amounts of cash.And tens of respectively The smallest Opinion polls suggest the dates for elections. The ECI m i l l i o n s o f r u p e e s state or union territory sends BJP will win a third term. determines dates of all (equivalent of millions of o n e e l e c t e d r e p t o The BJP, led by Narendra elections – nationally, American dollars) were parliament. Modi, won a majority on its statewide, municipal, and confiscated last week from Because the exercise is own in 2014 and 2019 with villages And the ECI campaign workers of a so huge, voting is difficult to its allies padding up its becomes a de facto kind of candidate;theywere be held on one day all over majority Modi is very power instructing the (Continued on page 5)
Education & Community Engagement in the Age of Oil and Gas
DEAREDITOR, theEraofOil&Gas,”hosted the mark for 50% of young build and enhance our pool thinking and problem- argued,educationisonlyone Guyanaisonthevergeof by the Caribbean Policy learners when it comes to ofSTEMtalent.Ms.Abrams solving skills – essential piece of the puzzle. amomentouseconomicshift consortium and Guyana basic literacy and numeracy emphasized the importance weapons in the arsenal of Community engagement is drivenbyitsrapidlygrowing BusinessJournal. skills at the nursery level—a ofweavingSTEMeducation tomorrow’s innovators. The critical for building trust, oil and gas industry. The dialogue brought to setbackfromwhichmanydo seamlessly into our Webinar participants also resilience, and ensuring Navigating this new era the forefront the critical not recover Ms. Abrams foundational educational focused on the broader equitable distribution of the requires a deliberate focus importance of arming our believes that before we programs She remarked, human capital needs for economic benefits generated on two crucial pillars: youthwiththeessentialtools embark on extensive STEM “As a nation with hefty engaging effectively with by our oil wealth. We must education and community required to excel in the new initiatives, we must first infrastructure needs,” theoilandgassectorarguing create a two-way street engagement.Theseelements s o c i o - e c o n o m i c ensure a significant boost in stressing that the cultivation that “technology our skills where communities are not were recently explored in a environment Ms Karen literacy and numeracy of young, innovative minds must be at the cutting edge,” just beneficiaries but active t i m e l y w e b i n a r , Abrams, the architect of amongtheseearlylearners. is essential to driving andthattheymustgobeyond participants in our growth. “Transforming Guyana: STEM Guyana, highlighted She underscored that Guyana forward, beyond the mere proficiency with new This requires open dialogue, Season II, Episode XI, concerning data showing these basic skills form the confines of an oil-dependent technologies to fostering a a deep understanding of Community Engagement in that Guyana is not meeting bedrock on which we can economy Programs like Guyanese technological community needs, and STEM Guyana are a mindset that embraces strategically aligning these testament to the innate continuous learning, needs with opportunities potential of our young e f f i c i e n c y , a n d arising from the oil and gas people, who, with the right sustainability industry Thewebinar’s support and opportunities, However, the panelists (Continued on page 6) can reach impressive heights.
I see two big wigs from the PNC crossing the
DEAREDITOR, PNC had entered into an ofthatparty
On my recent visit to arrangement with a PNC
Thepresentchallengerto Guyana,Iwasbombardedby who are dogmatically Black PNC Leadership speaks the politics of the PNC who Supremacist, something that loudly of upholding the are now calling on Mr will never gain traction in a “Legacy of Burnham.” the Mohammed to form a Third modernsociety basic meaning which is Force to unseat The PPP/C. That dogma taught rigging.
Now, while this may sound Charandass a lifelong lesson
So,letmetellthoseinthe as a novel idea, new and that he would never forget. PNC that Guyanese are not unusual different seen or So, Mr. Mohammed be stupid,wearewisernow,and known before, a third-party aware! withthatknowledgewehave forceisnothingnew. It must also be noted that will make wise, rational
In the first place, no third the idea of Mr. Mohammed decisions to go with The party has ever won an being a narco-trader, came PPP/C. electioninGuyana,andthere fromtheverysourcewhoare What should also be of is no reason to believe that calling for his run for office, note is that the educated and theycandosonow Anythird like others before him they emancipated few in The party must form a coalition are the ones who come up Opposition need to make with either one of the two with these ideas branding theirmoveandcomejointhe megaparties. public philanthropic figures party that spells out The
And here is where the as drug traffickers and the ONEGuyanaTheme. situation gets murky, lot.
In my present evaluation Guyanese are well aware of Finally, there is the of things, I see two big wigs third parties that linked fundamental fact that The from The PNC- maybe more themselves up with The PNC is deeply entrenched in - crossing the line to come PNC. rigging to gain power, over
From the early days of something that speaks
Respectfully Submitted, coalitions in the 1960’s with volumes as to the character NeilAdams Peter D’Aguiar to The 2015 fiasco, every one of those unions,failedmiserably
They failed because of the fundamental fact that they were never seen as equals who have brought the PNC into power, rather, they were seen as woeful underdogs who came to The PNCPartytogainpowerand prominence.
Secondly, the third parties who joined with The

Dr. Riyad Insanally, f o r m e r G u y a n e s e Ambassador to the U.S., reiterated Ms Abrams’ remarks,stating,“Thefuture of Guyana is in the hands of our young people ” This necessitates a strong foundation in literacy, the cornerstone of STEM (Science, Technology, E n g i n e e r i n g , a n d Mathematics) education Literacy fosters critical
Comparing India and...
From page 4 arrested. There were also seizures of other funds from raids by the ECI agents on offices or properties of candidates and campaign staff. The police, empowered by ECI, can also conduct raids on and seize funds of individuals not seeking office if it is suspected they are holding the money for use in the elections. In previous elections, tens of millions in equivalent of American dollars were seized by the ECI and depositedintothetreasuryofthegovernment.
The world is watching the largest electoral exercise in history
Yours sincerely
Vishnu Bisram (PhD)

Miner stabs drinking buddy to death
Anargumentbetweenaminerand him. hisfriendendedinbloodshedon The men then began imbibing and after
Sunday at Jonnel Gaskin’s sometimeaheatedargumenterupted. Shop,5Miles,Arakaka,NorthWestDistrict. Atabout23:00hDavidpulledoutaknife The victim was identified as Trevor from his pants’waist and stabbed the victim Hilliman. tohisleftchestcausinghimtodie.
“The suspect, Kenny David, a 42-year- Police was contacted and upon arrival oldminerfrom5MilesArakaka,NorthWest arrested the suspect who was still at the District, is being investigated for the scene. incident,”policesaidinastatement. The victim’s body was then taken to the Policeinvestigationsrevealedthatonthe Port Kaituma Hospital mortuary, where it day in question, David was passing on the awaitsapost-mortemexamination. main access road and Hilliman called out to Investigationsarestillongoing.

GECOM not engaged in any field exercise to collect registration information
The Guyana Elections Commission to verify the existence and accuracy of (GECOM) on Monday said that it is not addresses they would have provided engaged in any exercise nor has it authorised However, those applicants are routinely any person or group to collect information advised about that legal requirement at the from any person for any reason through time of the application being prepared,” the house-to-housevisits. Commission said. Further, GECOM said that According to a press release, GECOM itsstaffandscrutineersarerequiredtodisplay saidthatitisinreceiptofareportthatpersons their identification and accreditation badges who claim to belong to “Future Forward throughoutallsuchfieldexercises. Foundation” have been visiting homes in the “Accordingly, the general public is Wismar Registration area, Region # 10 hereby cautioned not to recognize any seeking information on the pretext of being person(s) without GECOM identification as employeesofthisCommission. being representatives of this Commission,” “GECOM takes this opportunity to state the Commission stated. As a result, citizens categorically that, as an integral component areurgedtobe“extremelycautiousandnotto oftheongoingregistrationexercise,GECOM provide any information to those persons Registration Staff and accredited Scrutineers purportingtobeGECOMrepresentatives.” of the Parliamentary Political Parties are Persons are asked to contact GECOM on required to visit the given residential telephone numbers 223-9653, 225-5808, or addresses of applicants for registration only 225-5868toreportorclarifyanyconcerns.
We must not be cruel to strangers
DEAREDITOR, our hospitality
Our schools must continue to
The way we treat strangers in our society teach our children our hospitable culture and is a reflection on our culture. The recent ensure that the discipline and behaviour in harassment and bullying of a school girl with our schools amongst our students are Venezuelan roots speaks poorly of what is reflective of the high standards we strive to expected in our society Our treatment of instill and uphold in our society Students strangers should be on par with how we must also remember that when they put on would like others to treat us if we were their school uniforms everything they do strangers. reflects on the school and impacts their
Guyanese have migrated to all corners of school’sreputation. the world including Venezuela. We were Do you want your school to be known as welcomed and given opportunities including theonewhere“warish”andbadbehavedgirls the opportunity for our children to go to go, or would you prefer it to be known as one school in a safe environment. Many of our where decent young ladies attend? Your leaders were scholars to other countries and behaviour in school and on the road will returned home safely from their studies. It is determine your school’s reputation. We must the responsibility of everyone in our society not be cruel to the strangers amongst us. If to ensure that we do not forget how to treat there is a problem bring it to the teacher’s each other and the strangers amongst us. We attention. must do so with the dignity and respect that With concern, we would like to receive if we were in their Mr. Jamil Changlee situation. Chairman
We the Guyanese people are known for The Cooperative Republicans of Guyana
Education & Community Engagement...
From page 5
bringing both immense ourcommitmenttoinformed participants served a opportunities and significant and meaningful discussions powerful reminder: a well- challenges. on pivotal issues must educated populace and a The potential to elevate transcends mere reporting to robust framework for our economic standing and actively involve the community engagement are invest in public services and c o m m u n i t y i n vital for navigating the infrastructure is vast comprehending and molding complexities of the oil and H o w e v e r, f o s t e r i n g the economic trajectory of gas era The speakers inclusive and sustainable ournation. collectivelyadvocatedfor: growth requires focused Crafting a sustainable
• F o u n d a t i o n a l attention tomorrow, together requires Education: Equipping our Investing in Our People, that we move beyond youth with the literacy skills not Just Resources treating education and necessary for further Simply extracting oil is community engagement as learninganddevelopment. not enough. We must invest merebuzzwords.
• STEM Education: heavily in our human Instead, let’s solidify Nurturing a generation of resources, not just through them as the foundational i n n o v a t o r s a n d education and training, but pillars for a sustainable entrepreneurs through early a l s o b y c r e a t i n g future in Guyana By exposure to science, opportunities for our people embracing this approach, we technology,engineering,and to utilize their skills and are not just preparing for mathematics. contribute to our evolving current challenges but are
• Broadened Economic economy also laying down the Opportunities: Ensuring the This means fostering an groundworkforaprosperous benefits of oil wealth reach environment that values future where every citizen of all corners of Guyanese innovation and rewards Guyana has the chance to societybycreatinginclusive, creativity succeed. knowledge-basedindustries. A C a t a l y s t f o r Regards, The economic narrative EnlightenedDialogue Dr. Terrence Richard ofGuyanaisbeingrewritten, As we look to the future, Blackman
Wrongmanfor theoilsector
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo is the wrong man to be spearheading Guyana's oil business. Mr. Jagdeo is the wrong man in the wrong place in the wrong business.
Mr. Jagdeo is the worst presence that we can think of that should be allowed to be near this nation's trillion-dollar oil and gas sector.
Mr. Jagdeo must not have anything to do with this sector going forward.
ExxonMobil plans up to 25 helicopter th flights a week for 6 oil project
The ExxonMobilled consortium is planning to make up to 25 helicopter trips per week when it begins operationsatitssixthproject, which was approved last week.
The information on the helicopterflightsiscontained in the Environmental Impact Assessment submitted and approved as part of the regulatory requirements for the setting up of such projects. According to the now public document, “aviation support is expected to be about 20 to 25 roundtrip flights per week during drilling and installation and
an estimated five to seven round-trip flights per week during production operations and continued development drillingactivities.”
It did note however, that helicopter usage will be optimised for all offshore activities for the Liza Phase 1, Liza Phase 2, Payara, Yellowtail, Uaru, and Whiptail development projects, as well as for exploration drilling ExxonMobil in its EIA submits that during development, approximately 10 to 15 round trips per week will be needed in relation to support vessels while during installation, approximately
three to five round trips per week; and, during the production operations stage, approximately three to five roundtripsperweek.
Additionally, the Project will require the use of onshore facilities such as shorebases, laydown areas, p i p e y a r d s , fabrication/maintenance facilities, warehouses, fuel supply depots, heliport, and waste management facilities to support development drilling, FPSO/SURF installation, commissioning and start-up, production operations, and ultimately, decommissioning.

Accordingtotheoperator it plans to use existing Guyana shorebases to support the Project; new onshore facilities in Guyana, which would be developed andpermittedbythirdparties asseparateprojects,mayalso be used by the Project. “All onshore support facilities will be owned/operated by others and will not be dedicated solely to the Project.”
Only recently this publication reported that even before Guyana began producing the sweet light crude discovered in the prolific Stabroek Block, ExxonMobil was chartering helicopter services that cost the country a whopping $5.4Mdaily
Thisfindingwasexposed in the US$1 6B audit, conducted by a British firm, IHS-Markit. The now public report detailed that the oil giant in 2015 contracted a Trinidadian company, National Helicopter Services Limited at a total cost of US$5.1M. In 2016 and 2017, the company then recruitedtheservicesofaUK firm, Bristow Helicopters International at a cost of US$11.6M and US$12.9M, respectively
Upon closer examination of the audit report, it is revealed that Exxon engaged i n a s o l e - s o u r c i n g arrangement with a Trinidadian company for helicopter services in 2015. The auditors noted that while
there were two providers of helicopter services to the offshore facilities in Guyana during the audit period, Bristow Helicopters underwent a competitive tender process, whereas National Helicopter Services International was singlesourced. The report further elucidated that the contract with Bristow Helicopters was in line with prevailing market rates, whereas National Helicopter Services International incurred higher costs.
The auditors highlighted the lack of justification for these increased costs, recommending that the additional amount paid to National Helicopter Services International, amounting to US$1,604,544, not be approved for inclusion in the cost bank without proper justification.
Subsequent analysis of the audit report by VHE Consultingfortheyears2018 to 2020 did not reveal any expenses related to helicopter services However, it is important to note that such charges are expected to be substantially higher, considering the commencement of oil production activities offshorein2019. Helicopters serve as a vital means of transportation for crew members in the oil and gas industry, offering expedited travel compared to boats.
While the Guyana
Revenue Authority (GRA), tasked by the Government of Guyana with overseeing the audit, has indicated approval of the report submitted by I H S - M a r k i t a n d recommended acceptance of the audit findings, there has been no progress in addressing the disputed costs flaggedbyIHS-Markit.
In2019,aConsultantwas engaged to review Exxon's expenses from 1999 to 2017. The 2021 report by IHS identifiedatotalofUS$214.4 million in potentially questionable or unjustifiable costs billed to the country by ExxonMobil. Commissioner GeneraloftheGRA,Godfrey Statiainapublicmissivesaid on October 18, 2023, “The Authority wishes to categorically re-iterate that it stands by its advice to the Ministry of Natural R e s o u r c e s a n d t h e Government of Guyana that the Cost BankAdjustment of US$214.4M as reported in t h e ' A u d i t R e p o r t Recommendation Final' by IHS Markit is the accepted final figure ” Statia also made it clear that its correspondence to IHS Markit, seeking clarity to the said “Audit Report Recommendation Final” and copied to EMGL should in “no way or form” be construed as a change in the Authority's position that the Cost Bank Adjustment of US$214.4M be adjusted, nor tore-opentheprocess.
NewHayven Merchant Bank Secures Financing for Sure Gig Inc.
NewHayven Merchant Bank (NHMB), has organised, collateralised, and secured financing for Sure Gig Inc., a 100% Guyanese woman-owned workforcemanagementandlogisticsfirm.
According to a press release issued by Tagman Media, the funding is an important step in increasing Sure Gig's presence and capabilities in Guyana's emergingeconomy
Founded in 2016, Sure Gig has made considerable economic progress by developing partnerships and providing excellent customer service. Recognizing the importance of aligning with Guyana's unfolding economic landscape, Sure Gig has opted for NewHayven as its financial ally “Thenewfundingnotonlystrengthens Sure Gig's financial foundation, but better enables them to deliver unparalleled endto-endsupportforworkforcemanagement and logistics needs for both local and internationalmarkets,”thereleasestated.
FilishaDuke,CEOandFounderofSureGig stated, "It's exciting because we have their support, their undivided support, not just the financesideofit.
They have an amazing CFO, Mr Kris Appanah, they've been advising us and now we're more confident in going after these big projectsbecauseweknowwehavesupport.”
Duke added, “We have found a partner who believesinourcompany'svision”.
According to Floyd Haynes, Chairman of NHMB, “NewHayven remains dedicated to playing a pivotal role in propelling economic growth for businesses in Guyana.” He added, “We understand the challenges faced by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in securing financing and we are positioned to be theirbridgetofinancialempowerment.”
NewHayven said it remains steadfast in its mission to fuel growth and drive economic prosperity throughout Guyana by facilitating access to finance and fostering strategic partnerships with MSMEs throughout the region.

The recent passage and p a r t i c i p a t e i n t h e usually issued advising the confronting Venezuela’s say what are government’s signing into law of d i s c u s s i o n s T h e p u b l i c a b o u t t h e annexationattempts. expectations would be Venezuela’s Organic Law proceedings of open-door proceedings. As at the time B u t e v e n m o r e speculation on his part for the Defence of the meetings may be recorded of writing this column, this perplexing is the position Promoted that it should also Essequibo, by its National and made available to the has not been done, adopted by Vice President be a concern for the Assembly, effectively public through official UN suggesting that Guyana was BharratJagdeoatlastweek’s government, he said that Is this an acknowledgement amounts to a legislative channels, such as webcasts unable to even garner press conference Jagdeo governments also have to that Guyana failed in terms annexationoftheEssequibo. orpressreleases. consensusonapressrelease. made a startling comment. learn to shut-up sometimes. of its expectations of the It is a provocative act which A closed-door meeting, This must go down as major Asked whether he is able to It is quite unlike Jagdeo to meeting?
poses a significant threat to on the other hand, is held diplomaticfailureonthepart provideanyinsightintowhat not have a say about what
(The views expressed in Guyana’ssecurity when the Security Council ofGuyana. will come out of the UNSC Guyana expected to come this article are those of the
The new law, mandated discusses sensitive or Guyana should have closed-door meeting on the out of the meeting, or, for a u t h o r a n d d o n o t by last December ’s confidential matters, such as sought sponsors for a draft issue of the recent actions of that matter, what actually necessarily reflect the referendum is also a issues related to national resolution at the UNSC. A Venezuela, Jagdeo quickly emerged out of the meeting. opinions and beliefs of this violation of the Provisional s e c u r i t y , o n g o i n g draft resolution could have shut down the question by To date, the government has n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s
Orders set forth by the negotiations, or classified served as a formal claimingthatthisis amatter not issued any statement on affiliates.) International Court of information.These meetings mechanism to condemn entirely for the UNSC and to the outcome of the meeting. Justice. The Government of are attended only by the Venezuela’s actions and Guyana also claims that it representatives of the mobilize international c o n f l i c t s w i t h t h e Council’smemberstates,the support for corrective DeclarationofArgylesigned Secretary-General, and measures. It does not appear late last year in St Vincent relevant UN officials. The that Guyana opted to pursue between Guyana and discussions in closed-door such a resolution and thus Venezuela In response, meetings are not open to the missed a golden opportunity Guyana’s President swiftly public or the media. No to isolate Venezuela further moved to have the threat formal record of the on the issue and to pressure raised at the level of the statements made at the that country to comply with United Nations Security meeting are kept but at the internationallaw Council. But did Guyana end of the meeting a It remains unclear blunderdiplomaticallyinthe communique or release may whether Guyana provided wayitraisedthismatter? beissued. comprehensive briefs to the While the decision to An open-door meeting international community, hold a closed-door meeting would have provided including Security Council is the prerogative of the Guyana with an opportunity members, regarding Security Council, Guyana to present its case publicly, Venezuela’s annexation should have pressed for two raising awareness and efforts and the implications things: first an open-door mobilizing wider support for regional security meeting and secondly for a from the international Effective briefing could draft resolution to be tabled. c o m m u n i t y a g a i n s t h a v e i n f o r m e d a n d Open-doormeetingsareheld Venezuela’s annexation mobilized international for discussions on matters of efforts. It would have also opinion against Venezuela’s general interest or concern, allowed for a public record actions, highlighting the where transparency and oftheproceedings.Asthings urgency of the situation and public awareness are now stand, there are theneedforcollectiveaction deemed important These contesting versions of what to uphold international law meetings are open to all UN happened during the closed- and territorial integrity member states, as well as doormeeting. Failure to adequately brief non-member states, While no record is kept the international community international organizations, of the various statements can hind efforts to galvanize and other stakeholders who made during a closed-door support and strengthen its may wish to observe or meeting, a communique is diplomatic position in
Dem Boys Seh...
Zebra Crossing and Pedestrian Pandemonium
Check it out nah, meh people! You ever me,buddy!” find yuhself in a traffic tango wid But leh we not only blame de pedestrians playing mas on de zebra pedestrians.Ohno,dedriversgotdemshare crossing stage? Well, brace yuhself, ‘cause of de limelight in dis zebra crossing circus dey got moves dat could make even de most too. seasoned driver do de electric slide of Wid licenses seemingly handed out like confusion! flyersdeybehinddewheellikedeyjustwon
Imagine yuh rolling down de road, cool delottery—pureconfidence,zeroclue. like a cucumber in yuh ride, when suddenly, So here we are, in dis confusion, where bam! derulesofderoadmorelikeguidelines,and
Acrew of pedestrians deh pon de side of everybodyplayingaroleindistragicomedy de zebra crossing, looking like dey waiting oferrors. fuh transportation to go home. But hold up, But fret not, meh people! There’s hope aretheywaitingforamini-busorhirecareor yet fuh we to reclaim de dignity of de zebra are they waiting to cross?Yuh neva know at crossing. timeswhatisreallydemintention. We just need a lil’ education, a lil’ And den, you got dem daredevils who reminder of de sacred bond between driver stroll onto de zebra, without even a glance andwalker Let’srememberdelessonsofde left or right. It’s like dey got de memo dat Highway Code and de sanctity of de zebra demblack-and-whitestripesisaVIPpassto crossing. trafficimmunity “Thoushaltyield,”saysde And maybe, just maybe, we can bring Code, but some pedestrians taking dat as a someordertoderoadways. personal invitation: “Thou shalt yield...to Talk half. Leff half.

GHK LALLVenezuela- the psychology of intimidation
Often, I ask myself whether Venezuelan strongman, Nicholas Maduro, is laying the groundwork for the future, raising the stakes in the present, or doing both by being about what is all for himself. I observe a leader who knows the cards he has, the limits of them, and the bluffs that he can try with them. There is considerable energy here about neither pebble nor blade; there is that, then there are the cold facts of reality. They bring a shiverandtheyaresobering.
The matchup is against Guyana, from the weight differential (heavyweight vs. flyweight) to the disparity in depth (numbers) to the level of hunger (free land, free treasure). Nothing new or unknown. What is new is how Maduro has harnessed
all those components and puts them to inflict psychological anxieties on Guyanese. Hedrewhismap. He named his governors. He moved his troops and armaments He has now given himself the cover of law and the backing of his parliament. Pressure. One step at a time, Maduro showed his hand and tightened his upraised fist. Morepressure. Ineachofthe actions identified a sentence ago, his hand is raised in the manner of a hammer against Guyana. I think he has taken stock of what goes on here and plays upon the fears and weaknesses of Guyanese. Check with the last person standinginthiscountryanda barrage of bellicosity will be heard. The name of Maduro ismud,andVenezuelaisvile.
Once thought of as a
reasonableneighbor,butnow representing the worst of intimidators and lowest of greedy-consumed, hovering invaders In the shortest description, the most fitting, Venezuelaisthevilest. None ofthismeanmuchtoMaduro for he knows that little that Guyana puts out could break his bones. Some delays and damage, of course; but that has been part of the grand sweepofhistoryandnations.
The objective from Caracas is to keep Guyana hopping from foot to foot, and Guyanese guessing about what he is going to comeupwithnext. Playwith local minds. He has been relentless in lining up his ducks Danger lurks, ambushesset. Argylestirs. I think that he has not shown his full hand, yet. To cross the line of no return or play a
waiting game. Something troubles. For I muse about whether Maduro and Venezuela are one of the pawns in the developing Great Game in this untouched part of the world. Untouched in that Guyana has been spared the march of feet like Afghanistan and the Middle East, among other coveted territory Hence, I push the question to the forefront: is Venezuela and Maduro(heisnotmad)being used to keep the top dogs in this country from getting ideas, viz., duly caged? A pattern is detected in Maduro's actions: he starts fires, then has the discipline (or self-preservation) to hold himself in check. America has a record of keeping all its options energized; thus, I ponderthisangle.
Separately, I absorb the

muscular friends who are either warning Venezuela or turning up in front of our gates in displays of delicate force Guyanese should never forget that Guyana has 11 billion energy beverages, with anywhere from 15 to 30 billion (likely more) in reserves that I believe is known. Takingtheestimated high end of 30 billion barrels here, Venezuela still has 10 times our reservoir(s). They representafistfulofinterests. The Democrats came in for perennial blame and withering scorn for losing China. Neither the present ones nor their adversaries want to be remembered by history for letting go of 300 billion barrels of Venezuela crude and just beyond Florida. Thepointisthatitis a dormant prize, with enemies of America looking to carve out a place for themselves in Maracaibo What must be done by the Yankees will be done to ensure that they are numbers one and two and three over there.
While there is some comfort in the flag-waving by locals and anchor weighing by foreign powers, I watch as Nicholas Maduro does his most maniacal reproduction of another Nicolas. HewouldbeNicolo Machiavelli Keep Guyanese on their toes, even if it means risking a bloody nose. Practically speaking, he doesn't have much to lose, having used up most of his Western political capital Butheknowsthathepresides overvastbasinsofoil. Inthe world of trump cards, he owns the pack, considering
that Arabs and Persians prefer doing business with easterners. Operate from all the angles, play his hand smartly, know the territory, know his controllers better His must conduct himself as if he is his own man, not one given to impulse and crassness. Most regrettably, in all this, Guyana's place is that of a wisher and hoper (who is really for this country); a bystander and speculator (what is the man really up to); and a low-level player and contributor (everybodyeatsfirst,Guyana is last). Maduro knows this very well, so he weaves his psychologicalwebs.
PartofMaduro'smangled magic is that he likes to play the madman; it is part of his psychological battering ram. He revels in behaving as a man with a warlike message but having to hold off on any mission. He is not mad, and he has a mission. Make Guyana see matters his way. And get the Americans to give him some breathing space. He may not have the material edge, but he has the psychological upper hand, where Guyanese are concerned. We must depend on the goodwill of others.
Maduro has what it takes to rock the local boat. He can do so all on his own. He has repeatedly
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

Contractors bid $2B to build new Prospect school
With the government moving forward with the construction of a new secondary school at Prospect on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD), three contractors vying for the contract have submitted individual bids totalingaround$2billionfortheworks.
This information was revealed at the recent reading of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office The three contractors were part of the six companies who initially submitted their proposals for the contract, but would have met the criteria by NPTAB to compete for the project. The contractors are:NabiConstructionInc.who bid US$13,085,663; Shandong Hi-Speed Dejian Group Co. Limited (China) who bid US$13,903,184;andKaresEngineeringInc. who bid $2,166,197,330. It should be noted that this project is being executed by the MinistryofEducation.
Asreported,theprojectisbeingfinanced through a loan from the World Bank. In its advertisement, the ministry had stated that having received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the Guyana Strengthening Human Capital through Education Project, it intends to apply part of theproceedstowardsthecontracttohavethe schoolconstructed.
In terms of the financing the country had

received a loan under the World Bank's –Guyana Strengthening Human Capital through Education Project. Kaieteur News had reported that inAugust last year Guyana signed a US$44 million loan agreement with
The Guyana Strengthening Human Capital through Education Project focuses on the expansion of access to quality education at the secondary level and
improving technical and vocational training (TVET). The project will also support the piloting and national rollout of a new curriculumforGradesSeventoNineand (Continued on page 18)

Woman crushed by truck on Water Street
Awomanwascrushedtodeath on Monday by a truck while standing alongside another vehicle on Water Street, Georgetown.
The woman has been identifiedasDoreenHaynes.
The accident was recorded on Closed-circuittelevision(CCTV).
The video showed Haynes standing on the driver's side of a parked pick-up talking to someonewhenalargetruckdrove along side her, squeezing her into thepick-up.
Haynes fell to the road and it appears she was crushed by the back wheel of the truck as it drove overherbody
The truck driver upon recognising what had occurred, stopped immediately while persons nearby rushed to her assistance.
The woman was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounceddead.

Contractor remanded for attempted murder
A4 4 - y e a r - o l d
contractor was on Monday remanded to prison after he appeared at the GeorgetownMagistrates'Courtto answer an attempted murder charge.
The accused, Raymond Williams, appeared before Senior Magistrate Clive Nurse where he pleadednotguiltytothecharge.
It is alleged that on April 11,
2024 at Norton Street, Georgetown, Williams had an altercation with Emmanuel Persaud, who he unlawfully wounded with the intent to kill.Persaudiscurrentlyhospitalized.
Magistrate Nurse objected to bail due to the nature and gravity of the offence. The offence of attempted murder attracts a life imprisonment penalty
Williams is scheduled to return to courtonApril29,2024.

Man47,diesafter coveredinminingpit
A 47-year old miner was on Sunday killed when a pit caved in on him at Puruni Backdam, Puruni River, RegionSeven.
The victim has been identified as Stephen Mark Samuel of Karwap Mission, Pomeroon River, Region Two. Samuel was employed with a Brazilian national on a six-inch land dredge as a jet man. Police reports revealed that at about 16:00hrs whilst Samuel was working in the pit, a part of the eastern wall broke and fell in the pit covering him. At the time of the incident, Samuel was among several others who wereworkinginthepit.

An alert was raised, and Samuel's lifeless body was extracted from beneath the rubble with the help of other workmen present. A report was subsequently made to the police, who arrived on the scene and examined the body No signs of violence were observed. Samuel's body was subsequently transported to Puruni Health Centre, where Doctor Semple proclaimed him dead The body is currently at the Bartica Regional Hospital mortuary and will be taken to Georgetown for post-mortem examination Investigations areon-going.
Remanded: Stephon Howard
Raymond Williams at the Georgetown Magistrates’ CourtA 27-year-old man accused of robbing a policeman of his valuables at knife-point was on Monday granted $100,000 bail when he appeared at the GeorgetownMagistrates'Court.
Jomal Jeriah of Lot 179 Charlotte Street, Georgetown made his first court appearance before Senior Magistrate Clive Nurse, where a Robbery Under Arms(RUA)wasreadtohim.
The father of one pleaded not guilty to the charge that alleged that on Thursday, on Durban Street, Georgetown, while being armed with a knife, he robbed a police constable of his Samsung phone valued $40,000 and $20,000cash.
Jeriah was represented by Attorney-at-Law Domnick Bess
who made an application for bail inareasonablesum.
The lawyer explained to the court that the video of the incident obtained by police shows no positive identification that his client is the individual thatrobbedthevictim.Hefurther highlighted that Jeriah is not a flight risk and has no prior problemswiththelaw
The prosecutor objected to bail on the grounds of the nature and gravity of the offence Jeriah is before the court with. Bail was also objected to on the fact that the accused robbed a serving memberofthecountry
Nevertheless, Magistrate NurseplacedJeriahonbail.Heis scheduled to return to court on April29,2024.
A 23-year-old Mason of Freeman Street, East La Penitence, Georgetown was on Monday charged and remanded to prison when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court to answer to charges of possession of firearmandammunition.
StephonHowardmadehis first court appearance before MagistrateCliveNursewhere he was charged with the offence of having in his possession a firearm, one 12 gauge cartridge with live roundsandammunitionforan AK5 without being the holder ofafirearmlicence.
Howard pleaded not guiltytothecharges.
The police report stated that at the said address on April 11, 2024, the defendant had the firearm in his hand.
Furthersearchwascarriedout and two live rounds of ammunition and 12 gauge cartridge were found in his bedroom.
D u r i n g t h e c o u r t proceedings, the prosecution objected to bail due to the seriousness of the offence. The prosecutor further noted that Howard has two pending matters that he has not been attending to court for, one of which is of similar nature to what he is charged with presently and one of attempted felony

According to the prosecutor if the defendant is granted bail it is likely that he will not attend court.
A n u n r ep r es en ted Howard, told the magistrate when asked why he did not attend court for the previous matters that he forgot the date ofthecourthearings. He then pleaded for bail, stating that he has to take care of his pregnant partner The magistrate however still refused bail to Howard. He willreturntocourtonMay28.
Exxon hands out US$1.5B contract to build th underwater platform for 6 Oil Project
Days after the Guyana Government granted a Production Licence for the ExxonMobil led consortium to begin the development of i t s s i x t h o f f s h o r e production Whiptail the US super major has already handedoutanothercontract.
According to Italian contractorSaipem,ithaswon anengineering,procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) contract worth up to $1 5 billion to supply a subseaproductionfacilityfor ExxonMobil's Whiptail ultra-deepwater field development offshore Guyana. The US supermajor last week took the final investment decision on its US$12.7 billion Whiptail field development, located on the prolific Stabroek block, which will exploit an estimated resource base of 850millionbarrelsofcrude.
Saipem in making the announcement said it has
already started initial activities the detailed e n g i n e e r i n g a n d procurement of long lead items for Whiptail and following FID, now has the issued authorisation to proceedwiththeexecutionof the remaining project activities.
The company's vessels FDS2, Castorone and Constellationwillbeusedfor the offshore installation of the Whiptail subsea production facilities. Also, for the on-site construction of part of the subsea items, Saipem will deploy its G u y a n a O f f s h o r e Construction Facility, located at the Port of Georgetown, and an additional local fabrication facility, which the company saidisproofofits“continued c o m m i t m e n t t o t h e sustainable growth in the country”.
Saipem had previously

Remanded: Malkchi Kennedy
worked on ExxonMobil's Liza Phase 1 and Phase 2, Payara, Yellowtail and Uaru field developments offshore Guyana.
The $1.5B contract is the second largest contact h a n d e d o u t b y t h e ExxonMobil led consortium in relation to the Whiptail Development Project. This past week, this publication reported Dutch shipbuilder, SBM Offshore confirmed that it will be constructing Guyana's sixth Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel, Jaguar
The vessel will be designed to produce 250,000 barrelsofoilperday,andwill have associated gas treatment capacity of 540 millioncubicfeetperdayand water injection capacity of 300,000 barrels per day. The FPSO will be moored in waterdepthofabout1,630
(Continued on page 16)
Remanded: Alicia Edmonson
Mother and son charged with murder
A42-year-old mother and her 22-year-old son were on Monday charged with murder after they allegedly stabbed and chopped a 36-year-old labourertodeathonFridayat Perry Street, Tucville, Georgetown.
Alicia Edmonson, a mother of eight and Malkchi Kennedy both of Lot 8 Perry Street, Tucville, made their first court appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court, before Chief Magistrate Sherdel IsaacsMarcus, where the capital offencewasreadtothem. Theywerenotrequiredto pleatotheindictablecharge. The duo is accused of murdering Amaziah H
i r i a f t e r a confrontation about a damaged speaker box. It is

reportedthatasaresultofthe confrontation, a fight followed, during which Edmonson armed herself with a knife, while Kennedy armed himself with a cutlass and chopped and stabbed Hohnikiriabouthisbody Notably the two accused were remanded to prison and are scheduled to return to court on May 7, 2024 for disclosure.
Reports issued by police stated that the confrontation occurred at about 23:15hrs on Friday last between Hohnikiri and his 24-yearold friend Darrel Kennedy Reports are that the duo became heated over a speakerbox,whichbelonged to Kennedy (Darrel), being damaged. At about 06:50hrs, K e n n e d y ' s m o t h e r (Edmonson) complained to her other son, Malachi that

A representation of Exxon's subsea umbilicals, risers, and flowlines (SURF) equipment used for production activities
shewasabusedbyDarrel.As a result, Malkchi went in search of Darrel and found Hohnikiri with Sean (only name given) an associate on PerryStreet.
An argument ensued on the street and continued at theaccusedhome.
Duringtheconfrontation, Sean who was allegedly armedwithahockeystickhit the woman on her left wrist. In retaliation, the woman allegedly retrieved a knife and stabbed Hohnikirk once in the abdomen and once on theleftandrightwrists.
After the attack Sean and Hohnikirk fled the scene in a motor vehicle and proceeded to the Georgetown Public H
ital Corporation ( G P H C ) . H o h n i k i r k succumbed to his injuries while receiving medical treatment.

ChrisAutoSparesbuildingmegamall andentertainmentcomplexatMahaica
The Ramlochan Family of Chris Auto Sale & Spares is currentlybuildingamegashopping mall and entertainment centre at Mahaica, East Coast Demerara, the family said in a press release on Monday
Noting that the project will contribute significantly to Guyana'stourismsector,thefamily said it will be conveniently located directly off the main public road (East Demerara Highway) at Mahaica which is currently being transformed into a four-lane highway Proprietor Praimchan Ramlochan, the release said will be utilising his knowledge and years of experience in business and Real Estate to develop and design what he described as a world-class Mall and Entertainment Complex which will help to transform the physical and business landscape of Mahaica and further contribute to Guyana's growingeconomy Ramlochan born and raised at Mahaica founded Chris Auto Sale &Sparesin1998.Whilecontinuing to significantly invest in Guyana, Ramlochan entered the Canadian Real Estate Market in 2009 and has been well known as a prominent RealEstateDeveloperandInvestor in Canada with properties across the Greater TorontoArea. “For Mr Ramlochan, being able to bring such a major development to the community he was born and raised inisagreatachievement.Hestated: “this is my home from where it all started and I never want to forget that.”
According to the release the development will be a symbol of modern and sophisticated
An artist's impression of the complex

architecture featuring ample retail and office spaces, casual and fine dining restaurants including a rooftop restaurant and lounge, a food court, a beautifully designed parkette and a massive indoor entertainment facility spanning over50,000squarefeet.
“This entertainment facility will include an escape room and laser tags, arcade and carnival machines, virtual reality spaces, 7D-12D virtual simulator rides,
multiple soft playgrounds for little children, a fast food restaurant, a gift shop, a few party rooms and manymore,”thereleaseadded.
Theprojectisbeingfinancedby Demerara Bank Ltd Mr Ramlochan expressed that he is extremely thankful to the bank and its executives for their continuous support and encouragement on this development.
“Mahaica is conveniently located between Georgetown and
Berbice and has great potential to become a business hub in the future.
Theregionisdenselypopulated and this project will provide residents with easy access to goods and services that are not readily available nearby With the entertainment aspect of this development, the main goal is to create a family-friendly environment with high quality entertainment for all age groups at
Thegrandeurofthisprojectwill add significant value to Guyana's thriving Tourism Industry as it will not only attract Guyanese consumers, but a large number of touriststhatvisitthenation.
A modern mall with such an elaborate entertainment centre will bethefirstofitskindinGuyanaand will serve as a major tourist attraction in the future,” the release concluded.
Kwakwani Nursery School to cost $71M
The community of K w a k w a n i , Region 10 will soon benefit from a new Nursery School to be constructed to the tune of $71,210,738.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the contract was signed recently between the Government of Guyana through the Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) and contractor,See-Solutions.
Present at the signing ceremony were Karen Roopchand, Project Manager of BNTF; Ajay Bissessar, Project Engineer
of BNTF; Beverley
Bunbury, Community Liaison Officer of BNTF; representatives of the Supervision Consultant, Caribbean Engineering & Management Consultants
Inc (CEMCO); and representative of the

Section of the current Kwakwani Nursery School in Region 10. (Photo courtesy, National Data Management Authority)

contractingfirm. According to the BNTF the current nursery school at Kwakwani's riverfront
experiences seasonal flooding which adversely affects teachers, parents and children.
Representatives of the Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) porgramme handing over the contract to representative of See-Solutions. (Photo: Basic Needs Trust Fund)
Flooding has caused many cancelled classes as well as damage to the school's physical structure, furniture and teaching resources.
improved access to quality education and human resource development services.
reduce the incidence of poverty by targeting the cause of inequitable access toqualityeducation.
Taking these challenges into account, after the new school is constructed, it is expected that there will be
The Basic Needs Trust Fund is a cyclical grant funded programme by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) that aims to
The project will be completed through the Education and Human Resource Development (Infrastructure)sector
Duo involved in serial robberies land in court
Two men, who were allegedly involved in a series of robberies, appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court on Monday to answer to a Robbery Under Arms (RUA)charge.DwayneKellman,a 19-year-old unemployed man and 25-year-old Shamar Norton made their first court appearance before Senior Magistrate Clive Nurse, where the RUAcharge was read to them.Theypleadednotguiltytothe charge. The court heard that on March 29, 2024 on Mandela Avenue, while being in the company of others and armed with a gun, Kellman and Norton allegedly robbed Charles McKenzie of one Samsung phone valued $30,000, a quantity of tools, one artist set valued $2000, one readingglassesvalued$20,000and onesilverringvalued$15,000.
During the court proceedings, the prosecutor objected to bail on the grounds of the nature and gravity of the offence Kellman and Norton are before the court with.
Further, the prosecutor told the court that the men are wanted for several robberies.Magistrate Nurse refused bail and the duo was remanded to prison They are scheduled to return on May 29, 2024forstatementsandfixtures.

Sales Representative, canter Drivers & Porters to work in warehouse. For more information Call: 673-7373.
One night Watchman needed. For more information Call: 612-2125.
Two Kitchen Assistance to work from 6am-2pm. For more information Call: 6655074/ 603-1278.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 611-7839.
Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.
One Plumber needed for Eccles. Call: 645-8443/ 6159132.
Vacancies for Maintenance/ Semi- Skill Workers, One Cleaner, Welder and Labourer. For more information Call: 621-6969/ 6157784.
Male Sales Representative, Age 20-30 years old. Apply or Contact: 619- 1237.
Vacancy Exist For two Experienced Dispatcher At Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Painter needed. Call: 6159132 or 645-8443.

Male Cleaner needed for Eccles. For more information Call: 645-8443/ 615-9132.
Experienced Accounts Clerk to assist in administrative function that company may require. Email: bakshwork @gmail.com
Experienced Lorry Driver, must have a valid licence.
WhatsApp application: 6092220, 725-4360, Email: donnal @sosgy.com
Labourer needed, must have good attitude and reference.
WhatsApp application: 6092220, 725-4360, Email: donnal @sosgy.com

IDB Invest partners with Redstart to boost retail and MSMEs supply chains in Guyana
IDB Invest signed an agreement to finance $25 million to Unicomer Guyana Inc, through its real estate division, Redstart Guyana, the hemispheric lender said in a release on Monday.
The funds will be used to build a commercial complex and megastore named “River Place,” located at Farm East Bank Demerara. The Unicomer Group of companies is a subsidiary of Milady Group and Liverpool Group, and it is one of the largest retail companies in the Caribbean, Central America, and South America, the IDB said.
With this financing, IDB Invest will play an important role in supporting Unicomer Guyana Inc.’s sustainable growth, and expanding business opportunities for local micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The number of suppliers is expected to increase as well as the value of purchases from local MSME. “Our commitment is to support investment to promote improved productivity to boost development in the region,” said Lorena Solorzano, IDB Group Country Representative. “With this partnership, we are expanding business opportunities for local MSMEs while responding to an increasing demand of middle and lowsocioeconomic segments for retail products in Guyana.”
With the construction of the commercial complex, the company is expected to employ approximately 100 new persons during construction and provide 30 spaces for businesses to operate, which will generate more local employment. Additionally, the construction includes a strong focus on sustainability by using LED Energy, solar panels, and local materials to leverage the local construction supply chain. “The Unicomer Group has had a presence in Guyana for more than 30 years, starting with its flagship brand Courts. This multi-million-dollar
Operations Coordinator, must have 5 cxc, including English & Maths. WhatsApp application: 609-2220, 725-4360, Email: donnal@sosgy.com We

President with Responsibility for Finance and Public Service; IDB Representative Lorena Solorzano Salazar; Mr. Errol LeBlanc, Vice President of Unicomer Caribbean
investment demonstrates the company’s commitment to the economic development, growth and most importantly the people of Guyana,” expressed Errol Le Blanc, Caribbean Vice President, Unicomer Group. The project’s Environmental and Management Plan will also focus on continuous improvement of the company’s Environmental and Social Management Systems (ESMS), alongside emergency response, and occupational health and safety policies and procedures.
The project is also expected to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth; SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities and SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals.
Delivering remarks at the signing ceremony, Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh congratulated the IDB Group and Unicomer for its forged partnership, noting that it sends a very clear signal to the rest of the private sector operating in Guyana that financing raised through IDBInvest is a very viable and doable prospect for them. The finance minister noted too that from 2020 to date, the value of financing approvals by IDBInvest for development projects in the country’s private sector totals US$173 million. He added that Government welcomes this

Call: 649-0956.
significant investment by Unicomer, pointing out that it is a tangible and visible demonstration of confidence in Guyana’s economy. The finance minister then also lauded the IDB for its continued demonstrated confidence in Guyana and commitment to supporting the country’s private sector to expand and invest in several projects as Guyana continues on its rapid economic development trajectory. ‘This investment comes at yet another key juncture in Guyana’s economic history, at a time when our economy is growing more rapidly than almost any other economy around the world, at a time when more Guyanese are in work from any other time previously in our country’s history, at a time when more Guyanese are earning higher levels of disposable income and acquiring their own homes through our Government Housing Programme and seeking to furnish those homes, and therefore are in a position to even more fully avail themselves of the goods and services that will be provided by companies like Unicomer,” Dr. Singh said.
Redstart Guyana, a wholly owned subsidiary of Redstart Limited, jointly owned by Milady Group and Liverpool Group, was incorporated in Guyana in 1991. Redstart Guyana serves as the real estate arm of Unicomer in
Guyana, responsible for developing real estate assets including offices, distribution centers, key stores, and service centers and operating Unicomer Group’s real estate assets. The Unicomer Group operates in 26 countries from its headquarters in El Salvador and has over 13,700 staff members. The company offers its customers the widest and most modern line of products and financial services across the countries of operations.
The retail brands of the Unicomer Group include Courts, Courts Optical, Ashley Furniture HomeStore, RadioShack, Lucky Dollar and Servitech.
IDB Invest, on the other hand is a member of the InterAmerican Development Bank Group, is a multilateral development bank committed to promoting the social and economic development of its member countries in Latin America and the Caribbean through the private sector. IDB Invest finances sustainable companies and projects to achieve financial results and maximize economic, social, and environmental development in the region. With a portfolio of $16.3 billion in assets under management and 394 clients in 25 countries, IDB Invest provides innovative financial solutions and advisory services that meet the needs of its clients in a variety of industries.
Exxon hands out US$1.5B contract...
From page 13 meters and will be able to store around 2 million barrels of crude oil.
In a public missive, SBM said that ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) has confirmed the award of contracts for the Whiptail development. Under these contracts, SBM Offshore will construct and install the Jaguar FPSO. Ownership will transfer to EMGL prior to the FPSO’s installation in Guyana, and SBM Offshore expects to operate the FPSO for 10 years under the Operations and Maintenance Enabling Agreement signed in 2023. SBM said the award follows completion of front-end engineering and design studies, receipt of requisite government approvals and the final investment decision on the project by
ExxonMobil and the Stabroek block coventurers. “The FPSO Jaguar’s design is based on SBM Offshore’s industry leading Fast4Ward program that incorporates the Company’s 7th new build, multi-purpose floater hull combined with several standardized topsides modules,” the shipbuilder explained. It said it remains committed to working with Guyanese companies and will continue to expand these activities, as more Guyanese engineers will be recruited and employed as part of the FPSO Jaguar project team. To date, SBM has constructed four FPSOs for Guyana, including the Liza Destiny, Liza Unity, Prosperity and One Guyana. Exxon had recruited the services of Japanese ship builder, MODEC, for its fifth FPSO, Errea Wittu.
Jagdeo pussyfooting around to release Wales Gas project agreements

Vice President Bharrat already public knowledge. when asked when the power project, including the Jagdeo is reluctant to tell the A c c o r d i n g t o h i m , agreements would be laid in environmental studies, nation when the Gas-to- “Everything that you see in Parliament. He argued that feasibility study, design Energy (GTE) agreements t h e a g r e e m e n t y o u the Opposition has been study and others but this was willbetabledintheNational know...wetoldyoutheprice- calling for the release of the not analysed by the Assembly US$750million;wetoldyou documents as part of its Opposition, which has He was asked by this t h e t i m e l i n e f o r normal “gyaff”. “When you mixed up the facts of the newspaper on Thursday implementation; you know don’t have anything to say, project. during his weekly press how many turbines and youjustsayohwedon’thave He accused the group of conference when the what’s the size of the enoughinformation,”theVP lyingabouttheprojectwhich agreements would be made turbines...youknowwhatthe reasoned. is then published by public when he said “maybe liquidatingdamagesare.” Jagdeo then pointed out newspapers As such the soon”. In fact, the Chief Jagdeo therefore said, that the former President, Vice President argued, “I am Policymaker for the oil and “Maybesoon,Idon’tknow I Donald Ramotar had tabled done with helping this gas sector noted that the don’t know That’s for Gail the agreements relating to Opposition and some of the details of the agreement are Teixeira and the others” the Amaila Falls Hydro people; you have to sort facility is being constructed wanna lay it because that thesethingsoutyourself.” by the government of would unravel where the
UNICEF appoints new rep for Guyana, Suriname
Gabriel Vockel, Deputy Representative of UNICEF Guyana and Suriname
Area Representative of UNICEF Guyana and Suriname, Nicolas Pron has announced the appointment of Gabriel Vockel of Germany to serve as the Deputy Representative of UNICEF in the two countries for the next four years. Vockel will succeed Mr Irfan Akhtar of India, to whom the UNICEF Area Representative and the U N I C E F Te a m a r e extremely grateful for his dedicated services over the past four years in Guyana and Suriname. Vockel in c o n f i r m i n g t h e announcement said, “I am extremely delighted to take up this new post as we pandemic, as well as during coordination efforts. Vockel continue to advance child the unprecedented refugee started his career with the rights in Guyana and response amidst war in UN working as a Human Suriname. I look forward to neighboring Ukraine that Rights Officer in the United w o r k i n g w i t h t h e saw UNICEF’s presence Nations Stabilization government and other triple in size amid an Mission in Haiti and the UN partners to progressively unprecedentedemergencyto Integrated Office in Burundi realize the rights of all whichUNICEFresponded. from 2008-2010. There, he children living in both He has also worked with centered on monitoring and countries.” UNICEF in the Democratic improving the situation of He will now lead the Republic of Congo detainees in prisons and o v e r a l l p r o g r a m m e (Kinshasa) for almost four police stations, as part of coordination, planning and years as Child Protection broader efforts around implementation across the Chief, leading a team of 45 transitional justice and areas of health, education, staff preventing and human rights reforms. Over child and social protection, responding to grave child the next few weeks, Vockel behavioral change, and rightsviolationsinandoutof will be conducting courtesy emergency preparedness, to armed conflict. Earlier, he visits at various ministries nameafew.ThenewDeputy served as a UNICEF Child including the Ministry of Representative assumes the Protection Specialist in Foreign Affairs, Ministry of office with a wealth of Kyrgyzstan, focusing on Education, Ministry of experience coming as a alternative care reform, Finance and Ministry of trained German Judge with a justiceforchildrenaswellas Health, to name a few – as a m a s t e r ’s d e g r e e i n the prevention violence starting point for a close diplomacy from the United againstchildren. cooperation.UNICEFworks Kingdom and a certificate in Prior to that, Mr Vockel in some of the world’s FrenchLaw/LegalFrench. spent over two years with toughest places, to reach the Vockel has previously UNICEF and the United world’s most disadvantaged s e r v e d a s D e p u t y Nations Development children. Across more than Representative in Romania Programme (UNDP) in New 190 countries and territories, since 2018 where he York, contributing to the we work for every child, c o o r d i n a t e d a l l
U N ’s m o r e g l o b a l everywhere, to build a better programmatic interventions knowledge creation and worldforeveryone. during the COVID-19
The Opposition has been Guyana. feed troughs are and how calling on the government to Former Minister of unviable this entire thing is. table all agreements, relative Public Infrastructure and It would show how corrupt to the massive US$2 billion MemberofParliament(MP), this thing is ” The GTE project, in Parliament David Patterson recently government has been however none of the raised concerns about the reluctant to release documents have been lack of transparency documents relative to this presented to the nation surrounding the project. He project and numerous Since 2022, the government explained that Budget 2024 attempts by the Opposition s i g n e d a H e a d s o f reveals that Guyana has toseekclarityintheNational Agreement (HOA) with the already spent US$400M on Assembly have been Stabroek Co-ventures, the initiative but the country defeated. MP Catherine ExxonMobil, Hess and remains in the dark on the Hughes had complained last CNOOC, that outlines the d e a l s s t r u c k w i t h year that questions principles and conditions for government and its submitted by her were not the commercial and contractors. allowed by Speaker of the technical arrangements of To date however, House, Manzoor Nadir since thedeal. Pattersonsaidnoagreements these issues were addressed The GTE project have been supplied to the by Head of the GTE includes a pipeline, to be House on the project. The Taskforce, Winston built and financed by the formerMinisterbelievesthat Brassington when Guyana Stabroek Block operator, the government is reluctant h o s t e d i t s E n e r g y ExxonMobil Guyana to table the agreements as Conference in 2023. This Limited (EMGL), while the these would expose the wasthefourthattemptbythe othertwocomponents,a300 beneficiaries of the Opposition seeking details megawatt power plant and a arrangements He said, s u r r o u n d i n g t h e natural gas liquid (NGL) “Obviously they don’t controversialGTEproject.
Two men charged with murder of Berbice woman

Dead: Ninawattie Nandalall called ‘Sharda’

Charged: Yogindra Pokhai

Charged: Crishan David
Two labourers from Corentyne, Berbice indictable charge and were remanded to were on Monday charged with the murder of prisonuntilMay8,2024. 52-year-old Ninawattie Nandalall called According to police reports, the woman ‘Sharda’whodiedlastweek. was reportedly murdered sometime between Yogindra Pokhai called ‘Ravin’, 18, of 12:30hr onApril 11 and 07:40 hr onApril 12 Lot 79 No.54 Village, and Crishan David at the No. 0 backdam, Corentyne, Berbice. called ‘Varen’, 25, of No 0 Village, Kaieteur News understands that the 52-yearCorentyne, Berbice made their first court oldwomanwasallegedlyrapedthenkilledby appearance at the Springlands Magistrates’ the suspects. A post-mortem conducted on CourtbeforeMagistrateTuannaHardywhere her body over the weekend revealed that she thechargewasreadtothem. diedasaresultofasphyxiation,incisewound They were not required to plead to the toneckandfractureofcervicalspine.
Freed Gaza detainees allege abuse, mistreatment by Israel, Palestinian officials say
RO, Ap
15 (Reuters) - Israel released 150 Palestinians detained duringitsmilitaryoperations inGazabackintotheenclave on Monday and many have alleged they were abused duringtheirtimeincaptivity, Palestinian border officials said.
The detainees, including two members of the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) who had been detained for 50 days, were released through the Israeli-controlled Kerem Shalom crossing in southern Gaza on Monday, the border officialssaid.
Several were admitted to hospitals, complaining of abuse and ill-treatment inside Israeli jails, they said. The Israeli military has deniedtheallegations.
Many of those freed said they had been questioned over whether they had connections to the militant group Hamas, which controlsGaza.
Palestinians inspect destroyed residential buildings, after the Israeli military withdrew most of its ground troops from the southern Gaza Strip, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip April 7, 2024. REUTERS/Ahmed Zakot/File Photo

“I went into jail with two legs and I returned with one refused to take me to A resident of Abassan said he had no medical They said Israel has been Emergency Service said that leg,” Sufian Abu Salah, said hospital, a week later the town east of Khan Younis, historyofillnessesbeforehis refusing to disclose the captives freed on by phone from the hospital, inflammations spread and Abu Salah, 42, told Reuters arrest, said he had no idea information on Gaza Monday had been subjected adding that he had no becamegangrene.Theytook was arrested by Israel forces where he had been held, but detainees, including how to “various kinds of abuse medical history of chronic me to hospital where I had attheendofFebruaryfroma that “it looked like an army many people it was holding and torture” and that many diseases. thesurgery,”saidAbuSalah, school where he and his campnotaprison.” andwhere. were admitted to hospitals
Contractors bid $2B to build new Prospect...
From page 11
“I had inflammations in adding that he had been familyhadtakenrefuge. According to the In December, the U.N. upon their release. It did not mylegandthey(theIsraelis) beatenbyhisIsraelicaptors. The father of four, who Palestinian Prisoners Human Rights Office giveexamplesofthekindsof Association,thereareatleast (OHCHR) said that it had physicalormentalabuse. 9,100 Palestinians from both received numerous reports, T h e P a l e s t i n i a n Gaza and the West Bank opens new tab of mass Prisoners Association detained in Israel That detentions, ill-treatment and accused Israel of continuing figure does not include those enforced disappearance of to withhold information on arrested in Gaza since the Palestinians in northern the people it detained in beginning of the Oct. 7 war GazabytheIsraelimilitary Gaza, including where they as Israel has not disclosed O n M o n d a y, t h e arebeingheld. numbers related to its International Committee of Israel’s operation in offensive. the Red Cross (ICRC) told Gaza was triggered by
Information Technology Laboratory, finance textbooks for Grades Seven to LanguageLaboratory,ScienceLaboratories, Eleven. It will also see the development of a Industrial Technology Department (metal new TVET sector policy for 2022-2030 and work, wood work AutoCAD), a Home improve the delivery of TVET at secondary Economics Department, Visual and and post-secondary institutions. Two other PerformingArtsfacilities,alibrary,sickbay, secondary schools have been built through an Administrative block, canteen, sanitary funding by the World Bank. Those schools facilities,assemblyarea/allweatherplaying are the Good Hope Secondary School and area, recreational area, and an agricultural theWestminsterSecondarySchool. area.
Kaieteur News understands that the new In addition, the following ancillary school is expected to accommodate facilities will be built: guard hut, car park approximately1000students. andcycleshed,septicsystem,watertrestle, In its project summary submitted to the boundary fence, bridge(s), internal and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in external drainage, and speed bumps and December 2023, the ministry had stated that pedestriancrossings the area reserved at Prospect for the The new state-of-the-art school is construction of the school is some 6.12 designed to cater for universal and special acres. needsaccess.
ThedocumentnotedthatUS$8.1million Minister of Education Priya will be utilized to construct and furnish the Manickchand said once completed, the new newschool. Prospect school will eventually result in the
When a contract is signed, the closure of the Covent Garden Primary Top, construction period is expected to be a 15- Providence Primary Top, Supply Primary month period, followed by a 12-month Top,andDiamondPrimaryTop. defectsliabilityperiod. The school will also help eliminate the
The Education Ministry said that the overcrowding in Covent Garden, Diamond facility will include 25 classrooms, an andHoustonSecondarySchools.
The Israeli military said Reuters it has not been able Hamas’sOct.7attack,which in a statement to Reuters it to visit any Palestinian by its tallies killed 1,200 acts according to Israeli and detaineesinIsraelijailssince with 253 taken hostage internationallawandthoseit October, when Israel Israel in turn has accused arrests get access to food, suspended such visits, but Hamas of abusing the water, medication and that it was aware of media hostages,includingsexually properclothing. reports of a high rate of T h e s u b s e q u e n t
“The IDF is operating to arrests by Israeli forces, as bombardment has killed restore security to the well as references to the ill- m o r e t h a n 3 3 , 0 0 0 citizens of Israel, to bring treatmentofdetainees. Palestinians, with tens of home the hostages, and to “Detainees originating thousands more wounded, achieve the objectives of the from occupied territories are andmanyfearedstilltrapped war while operating by considered protected under the rubble The international law,” the persons under the Fourth majority of Gaza’s 2 3 military told Reuters, adding Geneva Convention of million people have been that specific complaints of 1949,” it said. “The ICRC displaced and aid agencies inappropriate behavior are must be notified of all have warned famine is forwarded to relevant protected persons deprived imminent. authoritiesforreview of liberty and ensure that In the past 24 hours, NO INFORMATION ICRC delegates have access Israel’s operations have ON DETAINEES to them wherever they are killed 68 people and P a l e s t i n i a n a n d h e l d , i n c l u d i n g i n wounded 98, Palestinian international human rights interrogation centres, healthofficialssaid. groups have said they were prisons, hospitals or military Israel says it takes all aware of claims of camps.” possibleprecautionstoavoid mistreatment in Israeli jails. T h e G a z a C i v i l civiliancasualties.

Beijing half marathon probes ‘embarrassing’ win by Chinese runner
Competition Management and International Exchange Center also said an investigation had been AFP - Beijing half Ethiopia and home runner together throughout the launched. marathon organisers said Heapproachingthefinish. course of just over 13 miles
The incident received yesterday they were The three African ( 2 1 k i l o m e t r e s ) , a significant attention on investigating after footage runners can be seen pointing broadcasternoted. Chinese social media site shared widely online to the finish line and “We are investigating Weibo, with some users appeared to show three apparently waving He out in andwillannouncetheresults criticising what they saw as African runners deliberately front, while appearing to to the public once they are an“embarrassing”result. allowing China’s He Jie to slowdown. available,”a person from the
China’s He Jie won Asian Games gold last year.
“This will certainly be win.
He, the 2023 Asian Beijing Sports Bureau, who the most embarrassing Video clips of Sunday’s Games marathon gold w i s h e d t o r e m a i n championship in He Jie’s race showed the Kenyans medallist, won by one anonymous,toldAFP career,”onewrote. Robert Keter and Willy second. The event’s organiser —
“With such a major Mnangat, Dejene Hailu of The four had stuck t h e B e i j i n g S p o r t s organiser and such a wellknown event, this really pushes sportsmanship to the ground in shame,” the post said.

Tuesday April 16, 2024
Today is likely to be another busy one for you, Aries. You might have a volunteer activity in the morning and then get roped into running errandsintheafternoon.
You have a strong spirit of cooperation today, Taurus. It inspires you to pitch in and help others without being asked. Your romantic partner could be surprised to see you showupandhelpwithachore.
Keep your eyes and ears open to all new possibilities, Gemini. Even if it isn't your habit to read the "Help Wanted" section of the newspaper,dosotoday.
Today your strong sense of nostalgia likely has you leaning toward all things old. If you do some furniture shopping, you'll be drawn to antique shops rather than contemporary stores. There is something about the patina thatonlycomeswithage.
This is bound to be a wonderful day, Leo, as everybody seems to be in a warm and congenial mood. You and your romantic partner, in particular, are feeling especially close and connectedtoday
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
You have much to be grateful for, Virgo. Why not go out tonight and celebrate with friends? Forget about work and family troubles and kick upyourheels.Haveahighold time.
You're eager and optimistic today, Libra, which works well with your strong, capable nature.You'relikelytofindthat things begin to click into place at work. Something that has been troubling you for some timesuddenlybecomesclear
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Today should be devoted to paperwork and getting your financial affairs and budgets in order Once this is done, you can relax in the evening with friends and loved ones. You're especiallyintuitiverightnow
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
All financial undertakings have good aspects today, Sagittarius.Itcouldbethatyou havebeenthinkingofstartinga new business venture. If so, you're likely to meet the ideal businesspartner
Thisisboundtobeawonderful day You're lookingand feeling greatanditshows!Thisisaday of kindness and cooperation. Youcouldfindthatyourfamily pitches in to help at home withoutbeingasked.
This is a good day for you to analyzeinformation,Aquarius. You have an especially acute business sense, which you shouldusetoyouradvantage.
You're a conscientious, hard worker, Pisces, but today your thoughts are more on home than work. You feel especially close to your family and friends.They mean the most to you. Jobs and even careers come and go, but friends and familyareforever
Track and field’s marathoninthesoutherncity In 2019, a woman was internationalbodysaiditwas of Shenzhen, 258 runners filmed riding a green rental “aware” of the footage were found to have cheated, bike in the Xuzhou online and the investigation including many who took International Marathon in intoit. shortcuts. easternChina.
“The integrity of our Traffic cameras caught She was ordered by race sportisthehighestpriorityat themdartingthroughtreesto officials to dismount the World Athletics, while this join a different part of the bike, only to get back on investigation is ongoing we race. againafterwards. are unable to provide further comment,” Director of Communications Jamie Fox toldAFP
Long-distance running has boomed in recent years among China’s middle class, but there have been numerous instances of c h e a t i n g a n d p o o r organisation.
In 2018, at a half-

Lemmawinsmen’sBostonMarathon, Obiriretainswomen’stitle
B O S T O N , M a , champion Evans Chebet of clinched her second (Reuters)-EthiopianSisay Kenyawasthird,oneminute consecutive victory in Lemma won the 2024 and five seconds off the Boston, crossing the finish Boston Marathon yesterday winner line in two hours, 22 after a solo surge early in The 33-year-old Lemma minutes, and 37 seconds, the race gave him the set a blistering pace until narrowly edging out platform to finish first in fatigue set in towards the compatriot Sharon Lokedi two hours, six minutes and end but neither Esa nor byeightseconds. 17seconds Chebet could catch him, Edna Kiplagat came H i s c o m p a t r i o t although Esa made a late third, 44 seconds behind Mohamed Esa took second surgetosecuresecondspot. Obiri, to complete Kenya’s place, 41 seconds behind In the women’s race, dominance of the difficult Lemma while defending Kenya’s Hellen Obiri Bostoncourse.

Lithuanian discus thrower
Alekna breaks longest standing men’s track and field world record
CNN - Lithuanian discus thrower It seems like an apple does not fall far Mykolas Alekna broke a world record that from the tree – Alekna’s father, Virgilijus, is had stood for four decades at the Oklahoma an Olympic record holder in the same Throws Series World Invitational meeting in discipline.Virgilijus threw 69.89m inAthens RamonaonSunday 2004.TheLithuanianisatwo-timeworldand
The Lithuanian’s throw of 74.35 meters Olympicchampion.
surpassed Jurgen Schult’s effort in 1986, Lithuania’s long-standing discus when the German threw 74.08m. Schult’s tradition landmark effort had been the longest- Alekna’s record throw is a testament to standing record in track and field, according Lithuania’sdeep-rootedtraditioninthistrack toOlympics.com. and field event – the country has been hugely
According to World Athletics, Alekna’s successfulwithdiscusinhand.
throw was initially measured at 74.41m but While Lithuania’s discus throwing laterwasrevised,pendingratification. history began in 1921, according to its “It’s hard to understand what I just did,” national broadcaster LRT, the nation had not Alekna said after his achievement. “I saw the seensuccessuntilRomasUbartasbecamethe throwsandIknewthatitcouldbetheday,and European champion while representing the itjusthappened.” Soviet Union in 1986. Two years later, he
Alekna came to Ramona boasting the wonsilverattheSeoulOlympics. longest throw of the season – his previous After independence from the Soviet personal best of 71.39m on April 6 moved Union,UbartasbecamethefirstLithuanianto himto10thontheworldall-timelist–andhe win gold at the Barcelona games. Since then, carried on that momentum. All six of his all discus throw finals at the Olympics have attemptsonSundaywereoverthe70mmark. featuredatleastoneLithuanian.
BorninLithuaniaonSeptember28,2002, After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Alekna is already one of the leading athletes Lithuanian discus throwers have won five inhisdiscipline. Olympic, eight World and six European
He moved to train in the US in 2021, and championship medals – nine of them were at20,hebecametheyoungestathletetothrow gold. beyond70m. Add Alekna’s record to an impressive
He is also a two-time medalist at the medal count, and you get a remarkable World Championships, and the 2022 achievement for a nation of just over three Europeanchampion. millionpeople.

NBA roundup: Thunder rout Mavs, claim No. 1 seed in West
Reuters - Shai Gilgeous- the lead for good after set to face the Chicago Bulls in the Alexander scored 15 points in just DiVincenzo’s 3-pointer gave them first round of the play-in 16 minutes as the Oklahoma City a114-112leadwith3:13remaining tournament.
Thunder left no doubt, blowing out inovertime. Warriors 123, Jazz 116 the visiting Dallas Mavericks 135- DeMar DeRozan paced the Klay Thompson scored 25 86onSunday Bulls with 30 points, five rebounds points, but Golden State couldn’t
The Thunder finished the and five assists. Nikola Vucevic improve from 10th place in the regular season with a five-game finished with a 29-point, 11- Western Conference despite a winningstreaktoclaimthetopseed rebound double-double and Coby victory over visiting Utah in the in the Western Conference for the Whitehad26points. regular-seasonfinale. first time since the 2012-13 season. Celtics 132, Wizards 122 The Warriors will face the They held both the tiebreaker with Payton Pritchard scored a Sacramento Kings in an the Nuggets and the three-way career-high 38 points and added 12 elimination game onTuesday to tip tiebreaker; Denver winning sealed assistsandninereboundsasBoston off the Western play-in event. theThunder’splayoffposition. beatvisitingWashington. Golden State elected to rest

Oklahoma City Thunder guard Shai Gilgeous-Alexander (2) drives to the basket against Dallas Mavericks forward Olivier-Maxence Prosper (18) during the first quarter at Paycom Center. (Alonzo Adams-USA TODAY Sports)
JaredButleradded22.TheWizards Gui Santos finished with 13
Oklahoma City had seven Pritchard made 15 of 21 field- Stephen Curry and Draymond players finish in double figures, goal attempts. Svi Mykhailiuk had Green on the eve of the playoffs, with Aaron Wiggins scoring 14 off 26 points for the Celtics, who and limited Thompson to 20 the bench and Ousmane Dieng received 19 points and nine minutes, during which he had contributing 13 Rookie Chet reboundsfromNeemiasQueta. enoughtimetoshoot6-for-12on3Holmgrenscored13pointson6-of- E u g e n e O m o r u y i l e d pointers en route to his game-high 8 shooting with nine rebounds in Washington with 26 points, and pointtotal. just11:32.
With the Mavericks’ playoff ended their season on a six-game points and Lester Quinones 12 position set, they sat all of their losingstreak. among Golden State’s gamestarters other than Tim Hardaway Pacers 157, Hawks 115 endinggroup.AndrewWigginshad Jr Brandon Williams led the Myles Turner racked up 31 19 in a starting role, while Dario Mavericks with 22 points and points and 12 rebounds as Indiana Saricchippedinwith12. Olivier-Maxence Prosper added 15 clinched an Eastern Conference Keyonte George paced Utah as Dallas finished a season-low 33 andgrabbedsevenreboundstolead million from the LA Dodger to playoffspotwithalopsidedvictory with 21 points, while Omer percentfromthefield. Minnesota. coverillegalgamblingdebts. overAtlantainIndianapolis. Yurtseven put up a double-double Suns 125, Timberwolves 106 The Timberwolves entered the Knicks 120, Bulls 119 (OT) By matching their highest- with 11 points to complement a Bradley Beal scored 36 points game in a three-way tie for the best Jalen Brunson recorded 40 scoring performance in franchise game-high18rebounds. on 14-for-21 shooting, including 6- record in the Western Conference, points, eight rebounds and seven history, the Pacers earned the No. 6 In other results: for-6 from beyond the arc, and but they dropped to the No. 3 seed assists and New York landed the seed in the East and will play the Nuggets126,Grizzlies111 Phoenix cruised past Minnesota in after losing on Sunday while the No. 2 seed in the Eastern third-seeded Milwaukee Bucks in Magic113,Bucks88 Minneapolis. Oklahoma City Thunder and Conference by holding off visiting the playoffs. Pascal Siakam added Heat118,Raptors103 Devin Booker added 23 points DenverNuggetsbothwontosecure Chicagoinovertime. 28 points as seven Pacers scored in Hornets120,Cavaliers110 and seven assists for the Suns, who thetoptwospots. Aloss to the Orlando Magic by double figures. Indiana shot a 76ers107,Nets86 moved past New Orleans for the The former interpreter for the Milwaukee Bucks aided the stunning 65 percent overall (65 of Spurs123,Pistons95 sixth seed in the Western Japanese baseball star Shohei Knicks, who registered their 100) and went 19-for-36 from Lakers124,Pelicans108 Conference, escaping the play-in Ohtanimadehisfirstappearancein second 50-win season in 24 beyondthearc(52.8percent). Kings121,Blazers82 tournament. courtFridayonabankfraudcharge seasons. Donte DiVincenzo added Dejounte Murray scored 32 Rockets116,Clippers105
Rudy Gobert scored 21 points accusing him of stealing $16 25 points for the Knicks, who took points to pace the Hawks, who are (Field Level Media)
8 centuries, 6 five-wicket hauls recorded in round six of West Indies Championship
SportsMax - Big scores and Barbados Pride and the Leeward centuriestohisname. wickets were the name of the game Islands Hurricanes at the Queen’s Kemol Savory and Captain as both batsmen and bowlers Park Oval saw the teams Tevin Imlach both brought up thrived in round six of the 2024 combined for four centuries centuries for the Guyana Harpy WestIndiesChampionship. betweenthem Eagles against the Jamaica
Across the four matches West Indies Test Captain ScorpionsatSabinaPark. playedfromApril10-13lastweek, Kraigg Brathwaite scored the Savory made a career best 155 eight centuries were scored and biggest of the match with a off309ballsincluding16foursand six five-wicket hauls were marathon 400-ball 189 including threesixeswhileImlachmade101* recorded 17fours. off169ballsincluding11foursand
The biggest knock came during His opening partner Zachary twosixes. the game between the Trinidad & McCaskie, who was a member of In the bowling department, Tobago Red Force and Combined the most recent West Indies Test Roston Chase took 7-67 in the Campuses & Colleges at the Sir squad on their tour toAustralia, hit secondinningsforthePrideagainst Frank Worrell Memorial Ground 12foursandtwosixesonthewayto theHurricanes. whereAmirJangoobeltedtheCCC 101 off 148 balls and shared in a Pacer Gilon Tyson grabbed 5bowling all over the place on the 171-run first wicket partnership 50 for the Windward Islands waytoawonderful218. withhisskipperinthefirstinnings. Hurricanes in the first innings His knock, his first century in All-rounder Roston Chase was againsttheWestIndiesAcademy first-class cricket, came off 238 the third Bajan centurion of the Veerasammy Permaul spun a balls and included 15 fours and 10 game with an attacking 87-ball 127 web against the Scorpions on his sixes. including nine fours and seven wayto5-55inthefirstinnings.
In that very same innings, 37- sixes.
Pacers Anderson Phillip and year-old Jason Mohammed West Indies ODI team member Amari Goodridge picked up 5-71 recorded his 13th hundred in first- Keacy Carty got the Hurricanes’ and 5-92 for the Red Force and the class cricket with 157 off 228 balls lone century in the game with 127 CCC, respectively, while Rakheem including22fours. off 233 balls including 12 fours. Cornwall took 5-132 against the The game between the Carty now has three first-class Pride.

Amir Jangoo made 218 for the Trinidad & Tobago Red Force.
‘One Guyana’ Kings & Queens Beach Football C/ship 2024
Hururu, Fearless, UDF Ballers and Pro Ballers among winners on Sat.

The One Guyana Kings as the tournament kicked off 2-0 with Lynton Osborne and Queens of the Sand with a thrilling lineup of finding the net twice; in the Beach Football tournament matches In the opening 10thand35thminutes. heated up on Saturday at the clash of the Queens, Hururu WizBallerstookanearly PPP/C Office Compound in narrowly secured a 1-0 lead against Fearless, but the Linden The competition victory over Rockstone, latter fought back valiantly boasted enticing prize courtesy of a spectacular to claim a 3-1 victory packages for both male and goal by Alicia Fredericks in Selwyn Barnes of Fearless female divisions, ensuring the 5th minute. Meanwhile, rescued his team with an fierce battles on the sandy intheKingsdivision,Hururu equalizer just minutes after pitch. emerged victorious once Wiz Ballers’ initial goal, Excitement filled the air again, defeating Rockstone before Darnel Profit (22') and Devon Gilbert (29') sealed the win with their goals.

Guyana finishes second overall in OECS ‘Champion of Champions’ Boxing Tournament
Despite fielding a team that comprised Madraydidnotenterthesquaredcircledueto several debutants, Guyana finished second the unavailability of opponents in their overall in the Order of Eastern Caribbean weightandagecategories,respectively. States (OECS) ‘Champion of Champions’ On the individual side, Ryan Rogers BoxingTournamentinSt.LuciaonSaturday. copped the Best Junior Male award, while Guyana finished level on points with Abiola Jackman walked away with the Best Barbadosforthesilvermedalspot,asthehost EliteFemaleaccolade.
nation ended atop the standings. Martinique Guyana Boxing Association (GBA) roundedoutthetopfour President Steve Ninvalle said, “While our
On the final night of the competition, primaryobjectivewassimplytheexposureof Guyanaendedwitharecordofthreewinsand emerging talents in a competitive a loss. Ryan Rogers defeated Shane Brandon international environment, the resulting of Martinique via referee stoppage in the success of the team not only justified our secondround. initial decision but illustrates that the
Shaquan James forced a referee stoppage structures that have been employed by the against Rayan Placid of Martinique in the association are vital to the continued first round Alesha Jackman won via developmentandgrowthofthesport.” walkover after her scheduled St. Lucian Hefurthersaid,“Internationalexposureis opponentfailedtoenterthesquaredcircle. a vital component of development and is
Meanwhile, Zidane Wray lost to required, especially for burgeoning talents Barbadian Emerson Hurley via a points that compete in disciplines that have smaller decision. talent pools. This is even more critical in the
On Friday, Angelina Rogers lost to female aspect, where participation is a major AurianeBonvanofSaintMartinviadecision. challenge. The GBA is very proud of the Abiola Jackman defeated Marisa St team’s achievements and will continue to Catherine of St. Lucia, who abandoned the undertake similar initiatives and efforts for contestinthefirstround. the greater good and future development of
Unfortunately, Keyon Britton and Junior thediscipline.”
TheUDFBallerssecured a hard-fought 3-2 win over Golden Stars in a closely contested match Kevin Charles opened the scoring for Ballers in the 7th minute, only for Kenneth James to level the score for Golden Starsthreeminuteslater
Thegameremainedtense as Tryese Shultz and Deandre Wilson exchanged goals for their respective teams, before Whitland Tom’s goal in the 34th minute secured victory for UDKBallers.
In Game #6, Speightland suffered a 3-0 defeat against Pro Ballers, with Jermain Beckles, Shaq Greenville, and Jose Dapas each finding thebackofthenet.
Sponsored by Bakewell and supported by President Dr Irfaan Ali under the One Guyana initiative to promote unity among Guyanese, the tournament is also organised by the Kashif and Shanghai Organisation.
Action continued on Sunday, with updates on those matches to be featured inupcomingeditions.
Berbice storm to 10-wicket win over Select XI
- Lovell half-century in vain for Essequibo, as Demerara win by 48 GCB Men’s U19 50-Over Intercounty tournament Round 2
Half-centuries from Rampertab and from Rampertab, which guided the Ancient Rampersaud Ramnauth helped Berbice set Countyboystoahugewin. up a 10-wicket thumping over Select XI Demerara beat Essequibo by 48 runs Sunday when 50-Over action continued at Batting first at Malteenoes, Demerara theMeten-Meer-ZorgGround. posted 214 all out following knocks from Select XI had a good outing batting first Zachary Jodah (40), Johnathan Van Lange after Deonarain Dindyal stroked 10 fours in (29), Sachin Balgobin (28), Alvin Mohabir his52withAriKadir(26)andAndresFraser (26)andKrsnaSingh(17). (15) the main scorers for their team’s 140 Essequibo had a good outing with the score. Berbice bowlers did the ideal damage ball led by Gulcharran Chulai (3-34), as the crew of spinner Salim Khan (3-31), Darwin Joseph (2-41) and Mahem Khan (2Kumar Deopersaud (3-28) and Afraz 48).However,theirbattingfolded,asdespite Budhoo(2-21)ranthroughtheorder a belligerent 76 from Thaddeus Lovell, who Berbice in reply eased to their total of hammered8foursandthreesixes. 141-0 thanks to the century stand between Singhreturnedtograb3-19,whileRiyad theRamnauth’s.Rampersaudhitsevenfours Latiff (3-38) and Van Lange (2-29), which in his 51 but it was the aggressive knock of helped stemmed the flow of runs and secure 77 off 73 with six fours and as many sixes thewin.
GOAPC Inter Ministries
‘Bat Your Own’Tapeball Cricket tournament set for April 20
The Georgetown Office Assistants Generous contributions in the form of PromotionCommittee(GOAPC)isexcitedto trophiesandmedalshavebeendonatedbythe announce the upcoming Inter Ministries ‘Bat Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs and Your Own’ Tapeball Cricket competition International Co-operation, MP Hugh Todd, scheduled for April 20th at the Queen’s along with support from the Office of the College ground. This collaborative event, Prime Minister Coordination of the organisedbyGOAPCinconjunctionwiththe tournament is overseen by James ‘Uprising’ Permanent Secretaries representing various Lewis. Teams from different ministries will ministries, promises an engaging eleven-a- showcase their skills and team spirit in this side, 6-over Knockout tournament. The exciting tournament. For those interested in primary objective of this initiative is to participating in the Bat Your Own Tape Ball cultivate camaraderie and teamwork among championship, please reach out to James Government ministries through friendly Lewis at the MFAoffice. Entries close today, competitiononthecricketfield. Tuesday,April16th.
PartyStandticketsforICCMen’s T20WorldCup2024goonsale
Party-stand tickets for Caribbean fixtures go on sale from 10amAST today, Monday 15 April at tickets.t20worldcup.com
Prices start at US$25
Party-stand ticket bundles available for the semi-finals and final General tickets and hospitality package options available at tickets.t20worldcup.com Box offices to open across the Caribbean in the coming weeks
ST JOHN’S,Antigua –
Party-Stand tickets for ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024
Caribbean fixtures are available for purchase, which started from 10am AST yesterday, Monday 15 A p r i l , a t tickets t20worldcup com, including for fixtures where tickets are currently unavailable.
Fans can create an a c c o u n t a t tickets.t20worldcup.com to securely purchase partystand tickets to the 39 games across the West Indies Prices start at US$25, and fans can purchase up to six ticketsforeverymatch.
Venues that will have party-standsinclude:
• Antigua and Barbuda: SirVivianRichardsStadium
• Barbados: Kensington Oval
• Guyana: Guyana NationalStadium
• Saint Lucia: Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium
• Saint Vincent and the Grenadines:ArnosVale
• Trinidad and Tobago: BrianLaraCricketAcademy

Basic party-stand tickets areUS$25each. packageallowsyoutosecure said: “The launch of partyThis ticket option can be party-stand tickets for all stand tickets for the Men’s purchased as an individual matches at a particular T20WorldCupissomething match ticket and allows you venue. fans have been asking about access to the party-stand Semi-final or final and now they can get their section of the ground to tickets are included in party- hands on them through our enjoythematch. stand venue packages for website.
This ticket option does Trinidad and Tobago, Tickets will also be not include beverages Guyana,andBarbados. available at box offices However, a fully stocked bar General tickets continue across the Caribbean in the will be available, offering a tobeavailableformatchesin coming weeks, and with variety of alcoholic and non- the USA and West Indies at party-stand ticket bundles alcoholic beverages and tickets.t20worldcup.com available for the semi-finals foodforsale. where fans can purchase andfinal,weanticipatethese Standard party-stand tickets online securely and willgofast. tickets start at US$100 each. hassle-free. Payment can be “No one does a Carnival This ticket option can be made with Visa or Cricket party better than the purchased as an individual MasterCard credit or debit West Indies, and for the match ticket or packaged cards. World Cup fans can expect bundle for selected matches Additionally, hospitality an out-of-this-world party and includes alcoholic and package options are experience at each venue, non-alcoholic beverages available for all matches while watching the world’s Prices will vary depending acrosstheWestIndies. greatest cricketers on onthematchandvenue. In the USA, packages to show ” Party-stand tickets for all eight matches in New The party-stands in the the semi-finals, final and York, including for India v CaribbeanfortheICCMen’s other selected matches are Pakistan on June 9, are now T20 World Cup promise an being sold as packaged available to purchase. For electrifying atmosphere bundles. further details, email where every run and wicket
the easiest way om. combining the thrill of to ensure you secure party- ICC Men’s T20 World world-class cricket with an stand tickets for the semi- Cup 2024 Tournament
Kwakwani Secondary is unbeaten in the ExxonMobil Linden Inter-School Football tournament.
ExxonMobil Linden Interschool football continues today

The ExxonMobil Linden Inter-School Linden Technical Institute retaliated football tournament is set to heat up today strongly with a convincing 3-0 victory over with a doubleheader at the Wisburg School HarmonySecondary Ground. On the other hand, Kwakwani Secondary
Starting at 2:00 pm, fans can expect an demonstrated their prowess, maintaining an exciting line-up as Mackenzie High School unbeaten record with an impressive 9-1 win take on Harmony Secondary, followed by over Wisburg Secondary in their first match. Linden Foundation Secondary battling the They continued their winning streak with a hometeam,WisburgSecondary hard-earned 2-1 win against New Silvercity
In the tournament’s kick-off, last year’s Secondary champions stumbled to a 2-1 defeat against Unfortunately for New Silvercity Mackenzie High School. However, they Secondary, they faced their second quicklyrecoveredwithanarrow1-0winover consecutive defeat, having previously Linden Technical Institute on the following suffereda1-0lossagainstLindenFoundation day Secondary