Failed to meet $8 million bid security amount
Failed to demonstrate construction experience
No experience with project of similar nature
No record of past work experience
Failed to demonstrate financial capacity
No audited financial statements
Local social media personality, Mikhail Rodrigues called the ‘Guyanese Critic’
No evidence of ownership and or possession of key equipment
Although TEPUI - the company closely linked to social media personality, Mikhail Rodrigues popularly known as the ‘Guyanese Critic’ hadfailed miserably during the evaluation process for bids at the level of the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), but it was still handed a $865 million contract to build a pump station at Belle Vue, West BankDemerara(WBD).
In fact, Rodrigues’ company beat off 26 other bids, 13 of which were described as “substantially responsive,” to win the lucrative deal This was revealedinareportreleased by the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) the body legally mandated to with oversight and investigative capabilities to monitorpublicprocurement.
The PPC, in its report released on Tuesday highlighted several procurement breaches committed by TEPUI and overlooked by NPTAB in awarding the contract According to the document which was perused by Kaieteur News, NPTAB ignored several key details whenitcametothecompany satisfying the evaluation criteria for the award of the $865milliondeal.
The investigation was launched into the award of contract after a complaint was lodged at the PPC by opposition Member of Parliament, David Patterson whoraisedconcernsoverthe questionable circumstances under which the contract was awarded. For its part, NPTAB had previously defendedthecontractaward to TEPUI claiming that it follows the systems, processes and procedures e n s h r i n e d i n t h e Procurement Act and its regulations in the award of contracts.
The Tender Board had
explained that in any bid, there are administrative, technical and financial criteriatobefollowedwhich are assessed by the Evaluation Committee in making its recommendation toNPTAB.
“These criteria are all fully enshrined in the specific tender document applicable to the specific procurement, whether for goods, works or services,” thetenderboardsaid.
Howeverinitsreport,the PPCunderlinedthefactthat thecompanyfailedtosatisfy several technical criteria for the specific award but was still given the contract According to the report, the contractor-TEPUI - did not demonstrate that it had construction experience or “[completed] projects of a similarnature”astheBelle Vuepumpstationproject.
Instead, the record before the commission reflects that TEPUI submitted two contracts under this criterion stating that it has a contract Hadi’s World Inc. dated March 27, 2023,fortheconstructionof a concrete wharf at Providence, and a contract between it and the Central Housing and Planning Authority dated February 24th, 2023, for the upgrading of roads in Block three, Great Diamond However,itwaspointedout that the list of current projects submitted by TEPUI under evaluation criteria,gavethestatusofthe aforesaidprojectsatthetime of the bid submission (June 2023) as 30% and 20% completed,respectively
The commission noting thattheworksforwhichthe contracts were submitted by TEPUI were neither for a “pumpstation,sluiceandor drainage structure” as specified in the evaluation criteria nor were any, by TEPUI’s own admission, completed,alsoasrequired
TheGuyanaGovernment recentlysignedoffonasixth project for the ExxonMobilled consortium operating in the Stabroek Block, but its expandedproductionposesa risk not only to the availability of skills for the domestic labour force, but potentially an increased cost of living for citizens This much is documented in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), that was s u b m i t t e d t o t h e Environmental Protection Agency(EPA),aspartofthe approvalprocess.
In that document, it outlines that with the US$12 7B Whiptail Development Project, there willinfactbenodirectimpact o n t h e c o u n t r y ’s administrative divisions, population distribution, or education systems, socioeconomic conditions, employment,andlivelihoods
Further it said that “area for work will be small and thus will not result in any change in the overall population distribution ” Whatinfactisprojected,isa potential increase in the pricesforgoodsandservices
on the domestic market, meaning an even steeper increaseincostofliving
According to the ExxonMobil Guyana study, withthenewproject,thereis “Potential increased cost of livingtocitizensduetohigher demand for goods and services”
Withthecomingonboard of the sixth project, it would mean the oil companies wouldincreaseitsdemandof goods and services locally, and with a dwindled supply as a result of Whiptail and its related activities the price for goods and services left available for the domestic
economy, will inevitably skyrocket
Expounding on its rationale for its conclusion, the EIAnotes “The Project’s potential for adverse impacts
on socioeconomic conditions,employment,and livelihoodincludeapotential increased cost of living and competition among local businesses for qualified workers due to local hiring andspendingassociatedwith theProject.”
Meaning the domestic sector will lose more of its skilled employees to the oil sector with the expanding of ExxonMobil’s operations offshore Guyana As such,
according to ExxonMobil, it would be up to the government,throughProjectrelated revenue generation and increased tax revenues for the government, to potentiallyincreasespending on social services and infrastructure.
As is customary, the company did share that the Project is also expected to generate positive impacts through contributions to the gross domestic product as a result of the Production Sharing Agreement, as well
asthroughrevenuesfromthe local procurement of goods, wages paid to Guyanese employees of ExxonMobil Guyana, spending in local communities by the company, and tax revenues onlocalspending.
ExxonMobil expects the Whiptail project to require an investment worth $12.7 billion The project is anticipated to yield 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil by the close of 2027. This development is expected to elevate Guyana’s total daily
crude capacity to a staggering 1.3 million bpd, just eight years after the onset of oil production in thecountry
The Whiptail project includestheestablishmentof upto10drillcenterswith48 production and injection wells Located in the southeastern portion of the StabroekBlock,theprojectis expected to tap into the Whiptail,PinktailandTilapia fields, with the potential for additional resources pending feasibilitystudies
Guyanaisnowblessedwithmorebarrelsofenergythan it knows what to do with, but Guyanese cannot see their handsorfacesinthedaytime. Itisthatdark,andGuyanese are now back in the day with a rolling wave of blackouts blanketingmanycommunitiesandhomes.
The Guyana Power and Light, Inc., (GPL) has little to offer as to relief in sight. To their horror, what Guyanese recently heard from the GPLwas that the blackouts will be around, at some level or another, until mid-December In anothercountry,thepeopleingovernmentandthecompany would all be sent on their way They have no clues; they have no ideas; they have no visions. But they are rich in public relations that pull the wool over the heads of Guyanese, only adding another layer of darkness to the existingnearnormalstateofblackouts.
More billions have been allocated to the GPL from recent budgets, yet Guyanese are subjected to increasing blackout tortures. The heat is round the clock, and without fans, Guyanese are left to swelter and suffocate in their frustrations.Thecost-of-livingisgoingupandup,andfood storage appliances can only do the jobs that they were designed for so long without energy from the GPL. The Guyanese who can afford generators, inverters, and solar power are a tiny minority in the local population, which meansthatthemajorityisgettingbatteredbythestreamsof blackoutsthatoccurwithincreasingregularity
Some communities experience blackouts several times a day, and residents have complained that the outages last longer and longer In all of this, the government, normally so loud and expressive, is struck dumb, and has little to offer, other than platitudes. Right next to the government stands the people at the GPL, and they are also lost, and withoutsolutionsofsubstance.Allthemanymillionsspent, all the new equipment and technology obtained, and Guyanese are reduced to living like their grandparents did, with candlesticks and lampstands being what they can dependon.
Hundreds of billions are being spent annually for roads and bridges, but Guyanese have to grope for a firestick to see their way in their homes. The PPP/C Government should be ashamed, and the entire Cabinet should bag its head,andfindsomeremoteplacetodigabigholeandbury itself. On each occasion that any of their leading people opens their mouths and pontificates about how good this government is, the spittle from their deceptions dribble all over them. This is beyond shameful, for blackouts have become such a chronic condition that they now amount to a nationalepidemic.
Day after day, and with numbing regularity, Guyanese are informed and reinformed, that they are among the richest, if not the richest, people in the world. They are reminded through constant reinforcement in them, about theeconomictransformationthatisgoingon,andthelength and breadth and speed of grand developments. But they do nothaveareliablesupplyofelectricitytomanagetheirlittle businesses, and to live to some standard, and with any kind of confidence, in their homes. Guyanese are boxed in on how much they can read, or study, or relax, when the light goesout,anditisgoingoutallthetime.
The previous Coalition Government showed that improvements can be made to the energy supply, and that they can be sustained. This was despite the fact that there wasnoavailabilityoftheabundanceofoilmoneyandloans to which this PPP/C Government currently helps itself, but squanders or steals with abandon. Blackouts are a blackeye on the Governments of Guyana, and a blight on the Guyanese people, and there is no partisanship or discrimination in the distribution. Leaders live like kings and queens in their exclusive areas, while ordinary Guyanese men and women, and their families, are left to cope with persistent darkness any way that they can. Guyanesearebeingtoldthatthegas-to-energyprojectisthe answer, but with that there has been another blackout regarding its accuracy and credibility Guyanese must be themostdocileandunderstandingpeopleanywhere.
Mr. Norton is
DEAREDITOR, that Mr Norton is the independent judiciary indicated to me that the P o l i t i c a l p a r t i e s “unbillboardable.” andotherinstitutions. PNCR leader behaves like unusually stay the course The last whammy is Mr. Norton knows this. I his personal gratification is whenthetrendistheirfriend. probably the most important have personally conveyed more important than more The trend is not friendly to because the objective of this message to him several than half of Guyana’s the PNCR under Mr. political parties is to gain times. He personally said population. Norton’s leadership. In fact, power. this to me, quote “I know.” They also clearly show what we have is a quadruple For Guyana at this Yet, he is using all types of that he’s not a team player. whammy of negative juncture in our history, Machiavellian schemes to Winning should be the patterns. where the stakes are so high, cheat so that he can remain priority Second place at the
They are as follows: lack notgainingpoweratthenext the PNCR leader He has next election is like coming of personal integrity; election is an existential reassigned the GS from her last in a race. Norton is extreme divisiveness and threat to the PNCR. If Mr normal function of simply not fit and proper to factionalism; serialized Jagdeo and the PPPC maintaining the membership win any election fairly violations of the party’s remains in power, they will registration Recently, a Whether it’s the PNCR constitution; and most run the country like their c o m p u t e r w i t h t h e internal election or the next importantly for the PNCR, personal cake shop The membership records had nationalelection. theperceptionthattheleader PPPC regime will own and disappeared. Sincerely, is unelectable. Put simply, control the last one-third of Those moves have Brian Collison
DEAREDITOR, social media platforms. It house the next day after Elections in Guyana”, in my My attention was drawn remainsincirculation. IrfaanAli finally was sworn books, “Fragments from topublicstatementsmadeby Jagdeo made extended in after trying to steal Memory”and“DearLandof Vice-President Bharrat slanderous attacks against elections for five months Guyana”, as well as in Jagdeo, during a press mewhilecommentingonthe but forget the stealing of the numerous newspaper conference on April 11, recentlaunchinGeorgetown elections that he was an articles and speeches. I call 2024, in which he made of my four new books, activepartof ” on Jagdeo to retract his false several false accusations “Radical Roots”, “Like Those defamatory words claimthatIplayed“anactive against me, including an Scattered Seeds”, “Paintings weresaidofandaboutme. part” in stealing elections, allegation that I played “an in Poetry” and my I categorically deny andtoissueapublicapology active part” in stealing autobiographical, “Dear being “an active part” of therefor elections. Land of Guyana”. At that stealing the 2020 elections, I have since consulted VP Jagdeo, a former Launch I also re-introduced or any other elections, as mylawyers. President of Guyana, in his revisededitionsofmyearlier alleged by the Vice- Moses V Nagamootoo capacity as General books, “Fragments from President. What is indelibly Prime Minister and Vice Secretary of the People’s Memory” and “Hendree’s etched in the public domain President (2015-2020) Progressive Party (PPP), Cure”. is my consistent role S e n i o r held the press conference at During the media AGAINST elections rigging M i n i s t e r / M e m b e r o f Freedom House It was conference Jagdeo said: inGuyanasince1968.Thisis Parliament (1992-2020) carried “live” on and “He is so shameless to talk captured in my publication, A t t o r n e y - a tdisseminated by several that he had to leave the “Synopsis of Rigged law/Journalist
DEAREDITOR, multi-ethnic country, we government contracts to would have been able to President and Mr VP, havebeenblessedwithpeace contractors primarily of one compete against the please be mindful of what is unlike what obtains in religious background over foreigners. It is known that happeninginGuyanaasyour Middle East where there is others. Similarly, members Guyanesearedoingfantastic administration has been sectarian and ethnic strife. It of one religious group have overseas. Guyanese who ran pursuing policies and taking is noted that Guyana is been prioritized in high level fromthecountryaresomeof actions that have been portrayed as an Islamic state employment over those the most successful dividing our people along country in several media of other faiths. Instructions contractors and business religious, class, and presentations which I have been given to an oil owners in America, Canada, nationality lines over the last believe is okay with many giant on awards of local Trinidad, and elsewhere, threeandahalfyears. Guyanese given the peaceful content contracts with meeting the highest and Foreignersareexploiting religious co-existence in followersofonefaithgetting strongest standards our resources and enriching Guyana over the decades. disproportionate amounts Regrettably, there isn’t an themselves and their home But President Irfaan is over others. People who I active government program countries while most deepening ties with Islamic know were market vendors tobringbacktheseGuyanese G u y a n e s e r e m a i n states that is dangerous and have major contracts from t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n impoverished with half of raise concerns. There are too government and an oil giant. opportunitiesinGuyana. thecountrylivingatorbelow many radicals taking up Then there are awards of Government seems to be poverty line. We have a residence in our country that contracts to foreigners over easilyswayedbyhighprofile lopsided oil contract that the is very discomforting to Guyanese for major foreigners who recently government is doing nothing members of my jamaat and undertakingslikemining,oil visited Guyana to unfairly about even though when in nationally Also, of late, we refinery, power plants, stand award projects to foreign opposition it promised to have been experiencing by power stations, forestry, groups.Forinstance,asenior rectify that contract gives us murmurs of a development infrastructure contracts, former high level US 2% royalty since December since August 2020 that can housingconstruction,etc. personnel visited Guyana a 2019 against a global lead to severe religious All of these matters have few months ago with a standard of 10%. We are divisionsandevenviolence. the potential to upset business group pursuing the approaching another T h e s e i n c l u d e peaceful relations in our oil refinery, large scale election, and no attempt has complaints of religious country With the right miningconcessions,andreal been made to rectify that favoritism, real or imagined, approach and support and estate developments. It is unjustcontract. with people pointing to equal opportunities, local recalledthatthisformer As a multi-religious, disproportionate award of based Guyanese contractors
(Continued on page 5)
demand an apology from Mr. Sohan for his unwarranted assault on my character
DEAREDITOR, withthesteelsheetpiling. used to secure the lot I just
I read with some surprise On a visit to the East acquired in Lodge. I wrote a letter written by one Coast it was discovered that the Engineer through the Charles Sohan, an Engineer quantities of sheet piling Permanent Secretary who functioned at the were left on the ground and offering to purchase these Ministry of Works His wereveryuntidy discarded ends The PS allegations are unfounded, The Engineer, Lawrence employed the appropriate wicked and perhaps Charles, pointed out these administrative procedures politicallymotivated. were ends left after driving The details were fully
One of the issues raised the piling to ab initio or ventilated before the was fully ventilated after corpino, the rest is cut off Ombudsman, and it was being brought before the and could not be used since foundIdidnothingimproper Ombudsman Justice Van these were ends of various orillegal. Sertima. lengths. Sohan’s letter also
I shall deal with the two An Overseer who was impliedthatIusedMWH matters raised. The question with me said that it could be (Continued on page 6)
From page 4 anythingtodoaboutit?They children, and grandchildren official intervened in the last know if they complain, they to live luxury lives into the elections resulting in the will be victimized with foreseeable future. It is time swearing in of Irfaan in actionstakenagainstthem. that sanity and reasoning August 2020. Unfortunately, Guyanese are telling me prevail, that one can only eat since then, half of the enough is enough.The anger so much, wear so much, and population has been could trigger some travel so much. Beyond that, relegated to unequal status. Guyanese taking matters in it is senseless to be driven by What should have been done their own hands to address insatiable greed while the in parallel with a change in what they perceive as masses live in poverty and administration was to ensure dominance over economic misery Mr VP, I hope you a f r a m e w o r k f o r projects by foreigners and willtakenoteoftheangeron constitutional reform for members of one religious the ground among too many racial and religious equity group. That will impact the PPP supporters and also and measures put in place to economic boom the country those of PNC and act to prevent corruption It is i s e x p e r i e n c i n g prevent the country from learntthathisbusinessgroup Government should thread deteriorating into disdain for did not put in a bid or carefully and fairly putting foreigners and religious proposal for the oil refinery Guyanese ahead of division, that could be which was advertised some foreigners and making precursors to violence twenty months ago. Rumors everyone equal regardless of Please act to provide have it that the company has faithandassociationwiththe everyone with equal gone on top of the list that is president. I note that most opportunities regardless of being considered for the oil government officials would faithandnationality refinery project being have acquired enough
Yours truly, preferred over other money for themselves, ZainoolAlly companies that submitted proposals (bids) timely Can you imagine a situation where Guyanese know that they have been cheated by foreign nationals as in this case and feel helpless to do
The National Advisory Council on Occupational Safety and Health has not been operational for several months
DEAREDITOR, The absence of this increased awareness of
A s w e o b s e r v e council is a critical void in workers’ rights and safety, Occupational Safety and our national safety we need a robust advisory Health (OSH) Month, it is infrastructure. bodymorethanever essential to acknowledge the The council plays an The inactivity of the strides made in this area important role in creating council raises concerns while recognizing that policies, advising on aboutourcommitmenttothe significant gaps still exist. legislative measures, and Safety and Health of our While we appreciate the ensuring that standards of workforce.
Ministry of Labour’s efforts workplace safety are not Therefore, while we toward safer workplaces, we only maintained but also acknowledge the Ministry’s have noticed a concerning improved in response to efforts during OSH Month, issue that undermines these new challenges and we respectfully request efforts. technologies immediateactiontoreinstate
The National Advisory Atatimewhentheroleof the National Advisory Council on Occupational occupational safety has Council on Occupational Safety and Health has not never been more important, SafetyandHealth. been operational for several with rapid changes in the Bydoingso,we months. industrial sector and
(Continued on page 6)
The condemned wharf area should have been cleared and closed a long time ago
DEAREDITOR, be undertaken to have occupiers of the area
Despite a Notice posted condemning the removed and the wharf closed. Now it has wharf area at Stabroek Market, it was still come tumbling down... losses, damages and being used by vendors and hucksters The injuries the outcome. Does a Notice absolve authorities knew this. The recent visits from responsibility when it was common undertaken to markets should have revealed knowledge the condemned wharf was being the state of the roof/wharf area at this used? location.
A more proactive approach should have Shamshun Mohamed
DEAR EDITOR, actions, and engage in open Guyanese that our collective boundariesandareprevalent
The Institute for Action debate, democracy cannot strength lies in embracing across various sectors. The Against Discrimination function effectively When diversity, respecting o b j e c t i v e o f o u r (IFAAD) condemns in the freedom of speech is alternative viewpoints, and condemnation is to foster a strongest terms the restricted or suppressed, it fostering an environment more inclusive and disgusting and abhorrent can lead to a lack of that encourages open harmonious society, where treatment of Wanita Huburn, transparency, accountability, dialogue. We firmly believe individualsarefreefromany a respected female journalist and public participation in that a healthy democracy form of mistreatment or and media personality We decision-makingprocesses. relies on the active prejudice. believe it is crucial for all In addressing this issue, p a r t i c i p a t i o n a n d We call upon the Guyanese, irrespective of it is crucial for governments engagement of citizens with Guyanese people and civil political allegiances, to unite to uphold and protect varying perspectives, which society organizations to join and denounce such acts of freedom of speech as ultimately paves the way for us in standing firmly against abuse. enshrined in national laws progressanddevelopment. such reprehensible acts. It is
The recent mistreatment and international human We emphasize that crucialthatweworktogether of Ms. Huburn (Facebook rights standards. This holding individuals to create a society where page” Live in Guyana” includes ensuring the accountable for their actions everyone feels safe and controlled by the PPP independence of the media, should not be an avenue for empowered to express their Government) serves as a safeguarding journalists’ further discrimination or opinions without fear of distressing reminder of the rights to report without fear abuse. Instead, we urge for retributionorabuse. persisting issue of ofcensorshiporreprisal,and responsible dialogue and the I F A A D r e m a i n s discrimination and abuse promoting a culture of pursuit of justice through committed to fighting within our society It is tolerance and pluralism legal means IFAAD discrimination in all its disheartening to witness where diverse viewpoints encourages all Guyanese to forms and will actively work individuals targeted and a r e r e s p e c t e d a n d reject the perpetuation of towards creating awareness, victimized simply for encouraged. hostility and stand firm promoting dialogue, and expressing their opinions or C i v i l s o c i e t y against any form of advocating for policies that criticizing those in positions organizations, human rights discriminatory behavior safeguard the rights and ofpower Freedomofspeech activists, and international withinoursociety dignity of all individuals, and expression are institutions also play a vital Moreover, it is important regardless of their fundamental pillars of any role in advocating for to note that the issue at hand backgroundorbeliefs. democracy,andtheymustbe freedom of speech and should not be framed solely
Sincerely, protected at all costs holding governments within a political context. Pt .Ubraj Narine Without the ability to accountable for any Discrimination and abuse V i c e C h a i r m a n express diverse opinions, violations. are societal problems that /Communication Officer criticize government IFAAD reminds all t r a n s c e n d p o l i t i c a l IFAAD
DEAREDITOR, themselves off the backs of given long sentences. Others fraudulentschemes. A Vietnamese real estate poor hard working people. are undergoing trial while The judicial system in mogul who acquired wealth She was the mastermind of more are awaiting a date for Guyana, the Caribbean, and from corruption was theplot. justice. other Third world countries sentenced to death last week The female convict
The female convict should take a page out of the by a court. It did not matter conned several individuals expressed remorse and told judgment inVietnam against that the accused is a female. and government officials, the court and the nation that corrupt officials and Death for fraud regardless of someofwhomwerealsopart s h e c o n t e m p l a t e d business persons In my gender A strong message of the scam. Others who committing suicide after she travels around Guyana, needed to be sent to white were with her in the plot was caught in the scam and Trinidad, and the Caribbean collar criminals who enrich were also convicted and didn’t want to undergo a regionaswellasinIndiaand trial. Vietnamese, like all severalotherAsiancountries
From page 5 the council. Our workers reinforce our commitment to deserveaproductiveandsafe the safety of every worker working environment, and and ensure that our we appreciate the Ministry’s celebrations are backed by continued support in this substantive support and regard. We have just lost genuineprogress. another life to a mining pit, We kindly urge the againonetoomany Ministry of Labour to Yours faithfully, address this gap with the Seepaul Narine utmost urgency to reactivate President, GAWU
A s ians , are deeply (including Vietnam where I embarrassedforengagement visited last December), in immoral and fraudulent Africa, and Latin America, acts. They don’t like to carry people viewed corruption as the burden of shame for a serious problem afflicting wrongdoings. their nations. Investigations
There is no sympathy for are needed into corruption the convicted corrupt mogul and indictment and who the public feels has prosecution if evidence received the right sentence – exist. The convicted corrupt death penalty - and it is should be executed to send a hoped that it will send a strong signal that corruption strong message to others wouldnotbetolerated. who are involved in Yours sincerely, corruption and other Vishnu Bisram
DEAREDITOR, university, lacking the
I am writing to express necessary knowledge and my deep concerns regarding experience to effectively recent statements made by fulfill their role. Meanwhile, the President regarding the individuals with years of government’s plan to seek experience and expertise are engineers from Cuba to being overlooked for key address Guyana’s electricity p o s i t i o n s , f u r t h e r problems. As someone who exacerbatingtheproblem. has spent time in Cuba and Even more alarming is witnessed firsthand the the appointment of someone ongoing struggles with with a social sciences degree electricity shortages and to head one of GPL’s most blackouts, I find this technical departments, the proposal deeply troubling Loss Reduction department. andimpractical. This departure from
Cuba’s electricity tradition, where such situation has been dire for departments were always several years, with frequent headed by engineers, is akin blackouts being a daily to putting a chef in charge of reality for its citizens. If asurgicaldepartment. Cuba has been unable to Mr Editor this pattern of resolve its own electricity appointing unqualified and issues, it seems unlikely that inexperienced individuals to they would have the crucial technical roles is not expertise or resources to only detrimental to GPL’s effectively assist Guyana in operations but also causing a overcoming similar brain drain as qualified challenges. It appears to be a engineers are forced to seek case of the blind leading the employment elsewhere. It is blind. imperative that the
Furthermore, I must government takes urgent emphasize that Guyana action to address these already has capable systemic issues and engineers who are more than prioritize merit-based capable of addressing our appointments to ensure the electricity problems effective management of However, the real issue lies Guyana’selectricitysector in the mismanagement and I urge the president to political interference within reconsider the decision to the state sector, particularly seek engineers from Cuba within the Guyana Power and instead focus on andLight(GPL). harnessing the expertise and It is concerning to note potential of our local that qualified engineers are engineeringtalent. being sidelined in favor of Only through competent political appointees, leading leadership and prudent to a severe lack of technical management can we hope to expertise at the upper overcome the challenges echelons of GPL For facing our electricity sector example, the head of the and ensure a brighter future Metering Department was forallGuyanesecitizens. appointed just three years
Sincerely, after graduating from Pooran Hemchand
From page 5
workers to put in these piles.Acomplete distortion. The facts areasfollows:-
At that time, at the conclusion of works described as a project, the workers were laid off. At the instance of John Went, a retired Overseer, a few of these workers were utilised toputinplacetheabovementionedsheetpiling.Theywereall paid by me. In fact, they were all happy since I paid them a similarsumtheyreceivedbeforebeinglaidoff.
On the other issue raised by Mr Sohan, I challenge him to present the evidence to support his allegation about trucks. I neverownednorwaspartofanyTruckingCompany Iexpect Mr Sohan, who I know, if he has any sense of decency and subscribestothetruth,toapologiseforthisdistortionandtotal untruth. I demand an apology from Mr Sohan for his unwarrantedassaultonmycharacter Regards, Hamilton Green Elder
Guyanaasacountryhasoverthepastfour years been experiencing unprecedented growthinitsGrossDomesticProduct(GDP), specificallyasaresultofitsstillnascentoiland gas industry. This trajectory, has since been revisedandisnowprojectedtodeclineinthe comingyears.
AccordingtothemostrecentInternational Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook report for 2024, the International Financial Institution said while Guyana’s GDP is projected to grow by 33.9 percent for this year, by next year its growth rate will slow downto18.7percent.
The country’s economic growth rate projectedfor2029,bywhichtimeGuyanawill bepumpinginexcessof13millionbarrelsof oil per day, is projected at just 119 percent Guyana following its first year of oil productionin2020sawitsGDPskyrocketto 43.5 percent but tapered off to 20.1 percent the following year With the coming on
stream of a second Floating Production StorageandOffloading(FPSO)vesselinthe Stabroek Block, GDP for 2022 rose to a record-breaking62.3percent.
Meanwhile as it relates to the country’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) a measure of theaveragechangeovertimeinthepricespaid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services this is expectedtodoublebynextyear Accordingto the IMF’s report, the country’s CPI is projectedtodecreaseto2percentthisyearup from the 4.5 percent increase the previous year,butbynextyear—2025—thecountry’s costoflivingindexforecastanincreaseto4.6 percent. By 2029 however, the CPI index according to the CPI, is projected to reach a staggering5.5percentincrease.
It would be apposite to note that Minister with responsibility for Finance Dr Ashni Singh,inpresentingtheestimatesforthisyear hadobservedatthetimeofpreparingBudget
2023,itwasprojectedthatGDPwouldgrow by 25.1 percent, with non-oil GDPexpected to expand by 7.9 percent but the country exceeded expectations with Guyana’s real GDPhaving grown by 33 percent overall in 2023,withstronger-than-expectedexpansion of11.7percentinnon-oilrealGDP.
In his presentation, Dr. Singh was a little moreoptimisticinhisprojectionforeconomic growth for this year, announcing that “the Guyaneseeconomyissettoexpandataneven faster pace in 2024, with real GDP growth projectedat34.3percent.”
As it relates to the global economy as a whole, the IMF reported that this “remains remarkably resilient, with growth holding steadyasinflationreturnstotarget”
This,despitethesupply-chaindisruptions in the aftermath of the pandemic, a RussianinitiatedwaronUkrainethattriggeredaglobal energy and food crisis, and a considerable surge in inflation, followed by a globally
It was noted that “despite many gloomy predictions,theworldavoidedarecession,the banking system proved largely resilient, and major emerging market economies did not suffersuddenstops.”
The IMF further expounded that the overall inflation surge despite its severity and the associated cost-of living crisis did not trigger uncontrolled wage-price spirals, “instead,almostasquicklyasglobalinflation wentup,ithasbeencomingdown.”
AccordingtotheIMF,onayear-over-year basis,globalgrowthbottomedoutattheendof 2022, at 23 percent, shortly after median headlineinflationpeakedat94percent
As such, “according to our latest projections, growth for 2024 and 2025 will holdsteadyaround3.2percent,withmedian headlineinflationdecliningfrom2.8percent attheendof2024to2.4percentattheendof 2025.”
Compliments of the and vividness of his It is also contended that appreciationofthetext. ethos. Ministry of Education, our language and his keen sense t h e S h a k e s p e a r e ’s “Twelfth Night,” despite “ Tw e l f t h N i g h t ” secondary school children of humour It has been held p r o m i n e n c e i n t h e being set in Renaissance-era explores themes of social are being treated to a stage as a literary canon that the curriculum hinders efforts to explores themes that are hierarchy and class mobility, production of William works of Shakespeare’s decolonize education and relevanttotheCaribbean. In themes that parallel the Shakespeare’s “Twelfth works transcend time and empower Caribbean voices. “Twelfth Night,” themes of stratified societies of the Night”. geography These are said to However, it must be disguise and deception Caribbean.
But the hosting of this address universal themes conceded that many texts reflect the power dynamics C h a r a c t e r s l i k e If anything, Twelfth production, after almost 50 such as love, jealousy, written by Caribbean writes inherent in colonial Malvolio,whoaspirestorise Night is a much more years after the establishment power, and identity, all of form part of the books that relationships. above his station, and Sir relatable work that o f t h e C a r i b b e a n which are found in good are required material of the The character of Viola, Toby Belch, who revels in S h a k e s p e a r e ’s “ A Examinations Council measureinhumanexistence. C S E C E n g l i s h B who disguises herself as his privilege, reflect the MidsummerNight’sDream” (CXC) raises two questions: It has also been argued examinations. Cesario, embodies the disparities of wealth and a dreary and boring play that HowrelevantisShakespeare thatShakespeare’slanguage, Some students have complexities of identity and statusprevalentinCaribbean acts as a turn-off for to the Caribbean today?And though archaic, presents a alleged that Shakespearean agency in colonial settings, societies shaped by colonial students. should the independent linguistic challenge that English can be alienating. mirroring the experiences of legacies and socioeconomic In the long-term Caribbean still be using e n h a n c e s s t u d e n t s ’ T h e y c o n t e n d t h a t individuals grappling with inequalities. however,theCXCmustlook English texts and plays in its v o c a b u l a r y a n d interpreting archaic cultural assimilation and ”Twelfth Night” is beyond English authors literature syllabus? The last comprehension skills language and deciphering resistanceintheCaribbean. associated with the festive They need to see greater shallbethefirst. Engaging with his works, it Elizabethan syntax impedes, “ Tw e l f t h N i g h t ” traditions of the Twelfth value of the study of the The inclusion of English is claimed, demands rather than supports, showcases characters from Night celebrations, literature of other regions authors and texts in the analytical thinking and c o m p r e h e n s i o n a n d diverse backgrounds characterized by revelry, whichshareanexperienceof Caribbean Secondary interpretation, thus fostering engagement with the text. interacting in a complex disguise, and role reversal. colonization and to which Education Certificate linguistic dexterity The archaic language and social landscape. The play’s These themes evoke ourstudentscanmorerelate. (CSEC) examinations has beneficial in academic and complex syntax of these portrayal of mistaken parallels with Caribbean (The views expressed in long been a subject of professionalpursuits. t e x t s c a n h i n d e r identities and cross-dressing carnival traditions, where this article are those of the debate, raising questions O n e t e a c h e r h a s c o m p r e h e n s i o n a n d underscores the fluidity of masquerade, calypso music, a u t h o r a n d d o n o t about the colonial legacies advanced the argument that enjoymentofthematerial. identity and the blending of and social inversion serve as necessarily reflect the perpetuated by such literature requires the study T h e r e a r e o t h e r cultural traditions—a theme expressions of cultural opinions and beliefs of this curricularchoices. of characters. Shakespeare’s criticisms including how r e s o n a n t w i t h t h e identity, resistance, and n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s
At the heart of the debate characters are said to be Shakespeare portrays Caribbean’s multicultural communalsolidarity affiliates.) lies the colonial legacy complex and varied and thus gender It said that his works embedded in the educational his books are essential adheres to traditional gender systems of Caribbean p r i m e r s f o r t h e r o l e s a n d l i m i t e d countries. The imposition of understandingcharacters. r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f English literature as the Critics however, have marginalized groups. It is primary literary canon questioned the cultural contended that this lack of reflects a history of colonial relevance of Shakespeare to diverse perspectives in d o m i n a t i o n , w h e r e the Caribbean. They argue Shakespeare’s works European powers sought to that Shakespeare’s books perpetuates outdated impose their cultural values and plays are disconnected stereotypesandnorms. and norms upon colonized fromthelivedexperiencesof
One other criticism is peoples. Caribbean students, who that the emphasis on
By continuing to utilize may struggle to relate to Shakespearean texts in English authors, the CSEC Renaissance-era England standardized exams like the examinations may be and its predominantly white, CSECplacesunduepressure inadvertently prolonging the Europeancharacters. on students to memorize endurance of a Eurocentric The continued use of specific quotes and plot worldview. absence of Shakespeare details, often at the expense
William Shakespeare is raisesintheCSECEnglishB of deeper literary analysis. reveredasoneofthegreatest syllabus raises concerns This rote learning approach literaryfiguresofhistory No about cultural representation prioritizesregurgitationover onecanquestiontherichness andrelevance. genuine understanding and
It looks as if FreeDumb House ain’t underground chicken smuggling operation exactly the place where you can find happeningrightunderournoses! chicken.Disain’tnotalltale,disisareal-life It’s a scandal, meh dear readers, a sagaunfoldingrightunderourverynoses. downright scandal! You’d think with all the
During de local government elections politricking going on, at least they could campaign,everywhereyuhturnpeoplewere keepthechickenandchipsinsteadysupply sharing out Bar-B-Q chicken like it’s going So, if per chance yuh find yourself outofstyle. wandering within FreeDumb House, with a
Therefore you cannot be faulted into rumble in your belly and a hankering for believing dat de one place where you can some good ol’chicken and chips, don’t hold get a good piece of chicken, would be be yourbreath. right there in FreeDumb House, right? You’re more likely to find a glass of Wrong! water than any a decent piece of fried
Imagine a likkle child, innocent as can chickeninthere! be, waltzing into a certain person’s office in It mek dem boys remember de story of a FreeDumb House, eyes wide with manwhowenttoacourtforthefirsttime.He anticipation and asking fuh chicken. But heardthejudgeshouting,“Order!!” what happens? Not a single wing or So he replied, “A three piece combo!” drumstickinsight! De next thing he know that he was being
Now, if you can’t get chicken in escortedoutbytwoofficers. FreeDumbHouse,whatindeworldisreally De man thought they were taking him to goingoninthere? arestaurant.
Butitcouldhavebeenworse.Dehcould on strike, demanding better conditions and havebeentakinghimtoFreeDumbHouse higher wages? Or perhaps there’s a secret Talk half and Leff half.
Coldon Daly aka Big (left)wasvaluedat$150,000 Head, a bus operator on and the other one valued at Wednesday appeared in $160,000. Daly pleaded not courtchargedwithdamaging guilty to the charge read tworearviewmirrors. against him by Magistrate
He was arraigned before Isaacs-Marcus He stated Acting Chief Magistrate that he was willing to Sherdell Isaacs-Marcus compensate the victim for Police said on March 30, the damaged mirrors. Daly 2024, the defendant who is a was asked by the victim to bus operator at the No. 47 p r o v i d e $ 2 8 0 , 0 0 0 bus park damaged two rear compensation for the viewmirrorsvaluedatatotal damaged mirrors. Daly was of $310,000. The incident released on $60,000 bail and took place on Croal Street, expected to pay off a total of Georgetown and was taken $100,000. By the next compensation. If he fails to before the court on hearing on May 29, 2024, doso,hewillbesentencedto Wednesday. Daly is scheduled to finish threeweeksimprisonment.
The rear view mirror paying the full amount of
The clean, deep truth of newoilreservesfromthelast eightdiscoveries-whatisit? Discoveries not imagined butascomingstraightoutof the horse's mouth itselfExxon.
Though this has been written about before, it is vitally necessary that this issue of new oil reserves be keptbeforethepublic'sgaze. Members of the public have some questions to ponder; the public has a vested interest since every Guyaneseisabeneficiaryof thispatrimony
Fourth, why and for how long are these eight secrets (discoveriesamounts)going to be kept from Guyanese? And fifth, what do all the foregoing questions mean for Guyanese, should instill inthem?
Who is withholding?
Exxon has a duty to the Government of Guyana, not Guyanese directly At one time I harbored the thought that the company had given
First,whoiswithholding available reserves information, VP Jagdeo or Exxon? Second, who is prevaricating (pretending at ignorance), Jagdeo or Exxon? Third, who is misrepresenting the reserve situation to the Guyanese nation, Jagdeo or Exxon?
this country the details of eachnewdiscovery,andthat thegovernmentwaskeeping those from citizens, as is now customary with a lot of thingshere.
Then, Exxon itself came out to mention monetizing followed by appraisals, which can take years. To repeatapointmadeinaprior writing, this clashes with priordiscoveriesannounced, where Exxon relayed the excitingnewsaboutsomany estimated hundreds of millions of barrels found each time and within one circle of the clock. Dr VincentAdams, formerly of the US Department of
Energy and Guyana Dept of the Environment (EPA) made the same point in last Sunday's KN: Exxon bragging but Guyanese left guessing.
The issue is what is differentnow? Thegeology should be the same. The technology is still owned. TheStabroekterritoryisalso well known. Adiscovery is one barrel or a hundred million, maybe even a billion, and any number in between or above. On the extreme lower end of any such discovery, the announcementwouldnotbe ofadiscoverybutadryhole. To elaborate, not commerciallyfeasible.
For utter clarity: not enough barrels to make break even, or economic sense. The fact is that eight delighted announcements of discoveriesweremade. The record is there, and Guyanese are in the dark. Well, not anymore; at least not relative to one. For the Chinese partner in the Exxon-led consortium revealed 746,000 barrels fromonediscovery
SomuchforVPJagdeo's prevaricating with “monetizing” and Exxon's hopping about with “appraisals” taking years. Onedidn't,anditshouldnot havebeenasecret. Perhaps, it was considered too precious,ormeaningless,for Guyanese to know To the Chinese,xie,xie.
So,ifitisnottheChinese, and John Hess is waiting to capitalize on his US$53B windfall from Chevron, that leaves Guyana and Exxon Who is misrepresenting the new discovery estimates, Jagdeo or Routledge? With impeccable coordination, both chiefs speak near simultaneously of “ m o n e t i z i n g ” a n d “appraisals” Since those rule out knowing the discoveryestimates,alleight of them, how did CNOOC
come by that information for one discovery? I think the primequestioniswhether Bharrat Jagdeo and Alistair Routledge have just embraced tightly and danced a tango (excreted) on the headsoflocals
Morefrankly,istherethe likelihood that they conspired,andarecontinuing toconspire,tohidethosenew discovery estimates (and other matters) from Guyanese? If they don't know, then nobody knows, which means that CNOOC can't know I think I heard 746,000barrelsforone
Moving to the fourth questionaboutwhyandhow long this unreal situation is going to continue, I think thus. Flood the Guyanese mind with numbers from eight new oil discoveries months apart, and the roof could be raised. Twenty billion barrels may be enough to separate enough natives from their KFC and Coca-Cola, and Jagdeo and Routledgeconveniences.
Think of 'conveniences' as a euphemism for concoctionsanddistortionsa la who knew and when did they know Scrutinize this: Oneoftheprimaryobjectives of the US Securities and Exchange Commission's requirementfor10-kfilingis full and fair investor disclosure Decisionscanbe madeaccordingly
“Exciting” is nice and “worldclass” nicer But at sometime,Iremindoneand all, that the “reasonable certainty” of reserves using “proven technology” requirements of the SEC's 2 0 1 0 o i l a n d g a s modernization rules, would demand more specificity I believe, therefore, that Exxon is going to have to come clean with those new reservenumbers. Ascornful wave is given to the chatter from Woods and Routledge about Guyana being its
Just give Guyanese the numbers. Giveshareholders thefulldetails. Thinkabout this fellow Guyanese: it is always men like Wood, Routledge, and Hess, along with the CFO Mikells, who are beside themselves about Guyana'swealth. Whydoes Jagdeo always look so knotted, so constipated, so arthriticwiththisoil? Ithink that the new discovery barrels will be quietly released and with some space between them. The CNOOC 746,000 barrels stand as a fine example. Belowtheradar Awayfrom the mainstream But disclosed, nonetheless What is there to quarrel about? Justholdhorses.
Last, what is the significance of all this, and how should Guyanese start to think It relates to diffusing any pressure from building about contract renegotiation. It is Jagdeo probably pretending about not knowing and waiting on Exxon; I think he already knows these oil reserve estimates. It is of Exxon havingGuyaneseonastring and yanking them up and down; Routledge knows that,too.
Now, I steer my fellows into thinking of these two issues. The leader that they have in VP Jagdeo and PrezzieAli. Thepartnerthat this country has in Exxon. Closure: what manner of conspiracies have they been engagingin,newonesbeing constructed.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s affiliates.)
The body of one of the two fishermen who went missing on Friday washed up on Belladrum Beach West Coast Berbice on Wednesday. Dead is Ramdeo Samlall. Kaieteur News understands that the man’s body was identified by his sister at the Bailey’sFuneralHome.
Samlall and another man identified as Barat Bissoondial, both who are said to be from the same area, reportedly left their homelastFridayaround20:00hrstogoona fishing trip and were scheduled to return
Since the men did not return when they weresupposedtoandwereallegedlyspotted by another fishing crew, a search was launched to locate them on Sunday. However, these efforts proved futile as the searchteamcameupemptyhanded.
After filing a missing persons’ report, reportedly a second search was launched andaboatandenginesuspectedtobelongto the men were located on Monday At this pointthemenwerefeareddead.
Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai has affirmed the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) commitmentto empowering indigenous youths as key stakeholders and partners in advocating for their rights, cultures,andaspirations.
Minister Sukhai was at the time delivering remarks on behalf of the 14-member blockcommunityatthe23rd Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York, USA on Tuesday The minister said CARICOM recognises the need to invest in education, leadershipdevelopment,and skills training tailored to the specificneedsofIndigenous youth,toequipthemwiththe tools and resources necessary to become effective advocates, leaders, and decision-makers within theircommunities.
T h e r e g i o n h a s undertaken several initiatives geared towards indigenous youths’
comprehensive growth and leadership, including the C A R I C O M Yo u t h Ambassadors Programme, which marked its 30th anniversary in 2023
Minister Sukhai explained that this vital platform engages young people from all backgrounds, including
Amerindians, in both regional and national developmentefforts.
Moreover, in November 2023,CARICOMhostedthe landmark Caribbean Youth Summit in Kingston, Jamaica, bringing together young people and other stakeholdersfromacrossthe
Govt.unveiled43newpolicies aspartofcybersecuritystrategy
To enhance cybersecurity resilience, the National Data Management Authority (NDMA) unveiled 43 new policies as part of Government’s National Cybersecurity Policy Frameworkatthelaunchoftheir4-daypolicy sensitisation seminar hosted at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre (ACCC) on Tuesday
Thisisthefirstinaseriesofengagements across the public sector, which will be facilitatedbytheNDMA Thesecybersecurity policies will provide a strategic approach to managing cybersecurity risks, outline roles and responsibilities for various stakeholders andincludemechanismsforincidentresponse
Cybersecurity experts developed them to protectGovernmentofGuyana’sinformation andcommunicationinfrastructuresfromcyber threats, directly complement government’s vision of utilising Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) resources to provide easy access to government services, facilitate information sharing, and promote collaboration among government agencies, and other relevant parties.
NDMA’s General Manager, Mr Christopher Deen, underscored the importance of maintaining a robust and modern cybersecurity framework He reiterated the significant advantages of adopting modern cybersecurity practices and reaffirmed NDMA’s dedication to collaborativeeffortsaimedatbolsteringcyber resilienceacrossgovernment.
Mr.Deenemphasised,“Bychampioninga culture of cyber awareness and investing in cybersecurity capabilities, we can collectively mitigate risks, strengthen our cyber defences, and uphold transparency and security in our nation’s digital landscape This ensures that weemergestronger,safer,andmoreresilientin thefaceofcyberthreats.”
Furthermore, Mr Deen highlighted Government’s substantial investments in leveraging technology to propel the nation’s growthtrajectory,asoneoftheworld’sfastestgrowingeconomies This commitment underscores the imperative of continuously enhancing cybersecurity measures to safeguard critical infrastructure and sensitive data in alignment withthenation’stechnologicaladvancement
The participants of this four-day training session include the Permanent Secretaries, Heads of Agencies, and senior Information Technologyrepresentativesfromgovernment ministries and their sub-agencies Deputy General Manager with responsibility for Operations, Mr Orson Smith, called the policies “timely,” highlighting their significance beyond mere business continuity, and acknowledging the critical role they play in safeguarding the sensitive datastoredbygovernmentagencies.
Mr Smithfurtherexplainedhowarobust frameworknotonlyprotectsvitalinformation butalsoupholdspublictrustandconfidencein governmentalinstitutions
Furthermore,theDeputyGeneralManager urged heads of agencies to recognise the myriad benefits of embracing such policies Highlighting the proactive measures embedded within the framework, he emphasised how its implementation fosters resilience against cyber threats, enhances incident response capabilities, and promotes effectivecollaborationamongstakeholders.
NDMAremainsattheforefrontofshaping the future landscape of cybersecurity within government’sICTecosystem.Withasteadfast commitment to advancing cybersecurity resilience, the Authority continues to work withothergovernmentagenciestofortifythe nation’s digital defences against evolving cyberthreats (DPI)
region to network and share perspectives and solutions onpressingissuesimpacting theregion.
youth and elders alike can prosper.“Indigenousyouth are…the custodians of their cultures and traditions,andthroughthe necessary investment and partnership, we can equip themwiththetoolsneeded t o n a v i g a t e t h e complexities of our time and further bridge the gaps that exist, ensuring the long-term well-being and sustainability of their peoplesandcommunities,” MinisterSukhaiunderlined.
Guyana’s President, Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali,
As discussions continue forthedevelopmentofapact
for the future, the Amerindian affairs minister urged leaders to strive for a future where indigenous
Throughsuchinitiatives, CARICOM aims to foster the holistic development of Indigenousyouthandensure thelong-termwell-beingand sustainability of its people and communities “Their unique perspectives and innovative approaches are instrumental in the development of policies andprogrammesthatseek t o a d d r e s s t h e contemporary challenges facing theircommunities,” MinisterSukhairemarked.
currently holds the chairmanship of the community He is playing a leading role in advancing agriculture and energy security in the region. The 23rd Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is being held under the theme “Enhancing Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Selfdetermination in the Context oftheUNDeclarationonthe Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Emphasising the VoicesofIndigenousYouth.”
continue to do so as is necessary The BOG would like to reiterate that the banking system with an averagemonthlyturnoverin excess of USD 500 million, has an adequate supply of US dollars to meet the demand.”
The statement further explained that the, “Bank of Guyana is aware that some businessesareseekingfunds to meet the same payments frommorethanonebankand also there is a speculative queue for foreign currency because of a perception that thereisashortageofforeign currency
The Bank of Guyana (BOG) on Wednesday said that the country’s banking system has a total of 52M USD available for transactions to be done, debunking claims that there is a shortage of foreign currencyinthecountry “BOG would like to inform the public that while the available funds are not evenlydistributedamongthe banks, and there may be a
New $30M well to benefit over 100 households in Oronoque, Region One
Over100householdsinOronoque,intheMatarkaisubdistrict, Region One will soon benefit from a newly constructed $30 million well, providing potable water to over100households.
ThisprojectisontrackforcompletionbytheendofApril thisyear Contractor,MorrisJeffreyhandledthedrillingofthe well,whilethedistributionsystemupgradeandactivationare beingmanagedbytheGuyanaWaterIncorporated’s(GWI)inhouse team Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal along with GWI’s Hinterland Services Director, Ramchand Jailal, and other technical officers on Sunday, inspected ongoingworksonthenewwell
During an interview with the Department of Public Information (DPI) Jailal explained that before this intervention, residents were receiving water on a sectional delivery Hestatedthatduetotheextremedryseason,itwas evenharderforresidentstoreceivewater
However, with the new well, approximately 40 households are already benefitting from water access, alleviatingthechallengesposedbytheextremedryseason. Upon full operationalisation, residents in Oronoque, Long Pond, and surrounding areas will enjoy continuous water supplyandservice.Thegovernmentisinvestingheavilyin the water sector to ensure 100 per cent access to potable waterinhinterlandregionsbytheendof2025.
A total of $700 million is earmarked for drilling a minimum of 25 new wells in Region One, alongside upgrades to water distribution systems Works are advancingtocompletewellsandupgradewaterdistribution systemstoboosttreatedwatercoverageinRegionOne.
CommunitiestobenefitincludeSantaCruz,Warapoka, Kokerite, Barima Koriabo, Hotoquai, St Anselm Barima River, Red Hill, Hobodeia, Powaikuru, Smith Creek, Waikrebi, Assakata, Chinese Landing, Kariako, Sebai, Koriabo Arukamai Village, Imbotero, Santa Rosa Island, Mabaruma,FourMile,Haimaruni,Cabrora,Rincon,Mora, andPara.
Plans for a new water treatment plant in central Mabarumaareunderway,withvillageslikeHuradiah,Five Mile, Seven Mile, and Kumaka already receiving potable water despite prevailing dry conditions. By the end of this year, treated water access is expected to increase to 92 per centinRegionOne.
short waiting period for the transfer of funds, there is enough to cover the cash flow needs of transactions arising from businesses in Guyana,” they said. Further, “BOG has also been injecting US dollars into the banking system and will
Additionally, there is some hesitancy by commercial banks to submit invoices as required by the BOG which is used to monitorthelegitimateuseof funds.”“Cashflowingtothe banks is cyclical, as such there will be periods of excess liquidity and periods oflimitedsupply
The Bank continues to monitortheforeigncurrency
positioninGuyanatoensure there is no disruption nor adverseimpactoneconomic activities.”
This publication previously reported that
d e s p i t e n u m e r o u s complaints of long waiting time at local banks to have access to foreign currency, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeoissayingthatthereis currently no sustained shortage of the US dollar in Guyana,andhisgovernment has seen nothing to indicate such.
H e s a i d t h e administration receives daily reports from the Central Bank and no shortage has been reported.
At his Thursday April 4th pressconferenceatFreedom House,theVPwasaskedby Kaieteur News to comment on the US dollar going scarceandtheexchangerate risingoverGYD$220.
He said that, “The moment we believe that
there is a sustained shortage… because we get
dailyreportsfromthecentral bank on these matters. If we believe there is a sustained shortage then we can inject large amounts. We have the capacity to do that. That’s what central banks are for…to smooth out markets and we wouldn’t hesitate to use the Central Bank to smoothoutthemarket.”
Jagdeoexplainedthatthe administration believes that it is, “the choppiness of demandwhenyoulookatthe entire market on aggregate supply and aggregate demand it should even itself outataratethatdoesn’tseem massive.”Thegovernment’s current interest is keeping the currency around the historicrange.
“Sowhathappensisthat some banks have more foreign currency because they have more customers and suppliers of foreign currency than other banks and they don’t share their currencysoifyou’redealing with one bank etc,” he added.
The government, through the Ministry of Housing and Water- Central Housing (CHPA) is
currently seeking contractors to construct another four-lane road, this time from Craig to Land of Canaan on the East Bank of Demerara(EBD).
This is according to an invitation for bids (IFB) issuedbytheministrywhich stated that the project is divided into eight lots. The ministry is also seeking suppliers for the supply and delivery of vinyl sheet piles andaccessoriesforthefourlaneroadproject.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understandsthatfundingfor the new highway is part of the $100.5 billion that was
approved for the ministry in this year’s budget. It was reported that part of this allocation,asumof$76.517 billion was specifically earmarked for housing development, with $69.317 billion allocated for highways which would include projects such as Eccles to Diamond, Great Diamond, Meer – Zorgen to Schoonord, Schoonord to Crane, and Great Diamond toCraigjusttonameafew
At the ministry’s year endpressconferencebackin Januarythisyear,Ministerof Housing and Water, Collin Croalhadmentionedthatthe newEastBankhighwaythat is under construction will ultimatelyextendfromBuzz Bee Dam, Craig to Land of
Canaan,andthenfromLand of Canaan all the way to Soesdyke.
It was previously reported that when the new government took office, through the Housing Ministry, the first phase of the new East Bank highway began with the $2.6 billion Mandela Avenue to Eccles Road project, which was commissionedinApril2022. The second phase of the road was extended from the Eccles Dumpsite Road all the way to Diamond to the tune of $13.3 billion. The projectisdividedinto12lots a n d i n c l u d e s t h e constructionofmorethan30 reinforced concrete bridges, 8.6 kilometres of reinforced concrete highway road, and
AfterDiamond,theother phase of work continued to Buzz Bee Dam which was awarded late last year to the tune of $11 billion. It was noted in the ministry’s IFB that the construction period forthenewfour-laneproject would be 18 months per lot.
Contractorsinterestedinthe projects,mustdeliverbidsto the National Procurement and Tender
Afterseveralyearsofneglecttheroofof the Stabroek wharf collapsed Tuesday morning injuring five persons and bringing great distress to several vendors who ply theirtradeinthearea.
Two of the injured persons, who were transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) for further evaluation and treatment have been identified as Abdul Kumar and Marvin Sealy
President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali accompanied by Minister of Home Affairs RobesonBenn,MinisterLocalGovernment SoniaParag,MinisterwithintheMinistryof Public Works Deodat Indar and the Mayor of Georgetown Alfred Mentore along with other senior officials were on-site to assess the situation firsthand and provide assurance to vendors and citizens affected bytheincident.
Accordingtoapressstatementissuedby the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) responded to the incident at about 10:27hrs. Water tenders #105,#118and#95,FireBoatProtector#8,
twoambulances,twentyfirefighters,andthe chief Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) along with four emergency medical technicians, were immediately dispatched tothescene.
Upon arrival at the scene, firefighters initiated search and rescue operations, ensuring the safety of all affected individuals. Notably, one ambulance and a firetenderremainedonstandbyatthescene, ensuring readiness for any further emergencies. Additionally, the remaining unsafe structure will be promptly demolished to prevent any further risk to public safety, while the removal of the rubblewillbegintonight.“Thegovernment, incollaborationwithacomprehensiveteam including the GFS, is actively coordinating efforts to address the aftermath of the collapse.”thereleasestated.
Amidstthechaosofvendorshustlingto retrieve their valuables buried under the collapsedstructureoftheStabroekwharf,a fisherman told this publication, “is a lot of fishwecatchdidleftdowndeh,weclothes, wemoney,everything.”
The fisherman expressed his frustration about the losses he sustained in relation to the fishes and additional valuables. “We doesrentthere,ithassectionsinthewharf, thewharfcollapsedallthemrefrigeratorand otherthingsgone,”hesaid.
The decrepit Stabroek wharf was condemned for any sort of occupation. A noticesignlocatedatthewharfhighlighted, “Takenote,thiswharfhasbeencondemned for occupation, as such it is illegal to be foundoccupying,sellingorbuyingonsame further, anyone found doing any of the above mentioned shall be arrested and prosecuted by ranks of the city constabulary.”
Additionally, the Ministry of Public WorksMartimeAdministrationDepartment inawatertaxioperationnotice,highlighted, “Individuals travelling between Georgetown and Vreed-en-Hoop via water taxi, are advised that the on-boarding and off-boarding of passengers will be conductedattheHarbourMasterBoathouse from 17:30hrs to 20:00hrs daily starting todayuntilfurtheradvised.”
Two men who were known to the Guyana Police Force,weregunneddownin Suriname in the early hours ofWednesdaymorning.
This was confirmed by the Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum,whomadecontact with his Surinamese counterparts The victims have been identified as: Jeremiah Smith and Ozwick Brazillio.
Reports out of Suriname indicate that the incident occurred around 02:hrs Wednesday on Rubensstraat in Suriname. The men were m u r d e r e d b y t w o unidentified males and they diedonthespot.
AccordingtoWaterkanta news outlet in Suriname, thetwomenwerelimingon the street in Paramaribo
North around 2:30 hrs, when two men on a motorcycle stopped and fired machine guns in their direction Oneofthevictims ran into a gutter to escape the hail of bullets, but to no avail
After committing the act the perpetrators made good their escape and up until presstimetherewasnotrace ofthem.
The case has been transferred to the Capital Crimes Department of the Surinamese police and investigationscontinue.
Backin2022thethen18 year old Smith was arrested by ranks of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) following the interception of a boat containing 1000 twelve-
gauge live cartridges
According to CANU, on November 30, 2022 ranks were patrolling Crabwood and Moleson Creeks when theyinterceptedaboatwitha numberofoccupantsthathad justdocked.
After realising that the CANU officers were in the area, the occupants of the boatfledintonearbybushes. ThiscausedtheCANUranks to give chase. During the chase,therankswereableto apprehendSmith.
He was taken to the SpringlandsPoliceStationas investigations continue Additionally, Smith was arrestedbyCANUsometime before, for being found with 40kg of cannabis in a motor vehicle, along the SpringlandsPublicRoad.
A shot of B-Field Sophia
Three bandits armed with a gun on Tuesday robbed a sergeant of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) of his motorcycle at gunpoint.
ThesoldierhasbeenidentifiedasFitzroy Cummings, 53, of B Field Sophia, Greater Georgetown.ReportsarethatCummingswas robbed in B-Field after leaving his home to pick up his neighbour from fishing. He was attackedbythethreesuspectsanddidnotput upanyfightaftertheypointedagunathim. They took possession of the motorcycle and rodeaway Investigationsareongoing.
Two more individuals have reportedly been remanded in connectionwith the brutal murderofaBarticaMiner,MohamedZaheer Sherriff and his worker Donovan Washington.
Police identified them asTeddyThomas, 44,aTaxiDriverofItaballiLandingandPaul JamesDerrick,20,aminerofOnderneeming, Essequibo Coast, Region Two. They both
appeared on Tuesday at the Bartica Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Teriq Mohamed.
Thomas was charged with the murder withthetwomenwhileDerrickwascharged with“Accessoryafterthefacttomurder” They were not required to plead to their respectivechargesandwereremandeduntil Continued on page 16
The New Building Society insists that its reduction in its interest rate which led to a decrease in the company’s profits was in fact a ‘conscious decision’and not at the behest of the President. The clarification is being made following reports by this publication that said “Pres.Ali’s intervention causes NBStolosehalfabillioninprofits.”
According to NBS, through its attorney’s however, the articlewasmisleadingsincethedecisiontakennotasaresultof thepresident’sdirectintervention,butbythecompanyitself
Tothisend,thecompanyremindedthatinthereport,itsaid “Throughouttheyear2023,theSocietysteadfastlyfocusedon supporting our valued members having recognized the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their livelihoods.
In 2022, following discussion with His Excellency President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali the Society took the consciousdecisiontodropinterestratestothelowesteverinits history bringing our lending rates as low as 3.5 percent. We
made these lower rates available to all our borrowers currentlyholdingmortgageswiththeSociety
As a consequence, our mortgagors would have benefitted from interest rebate in the sum of approximately $800M for 2022and$850Mfor2023 Wehavealsoallowedoursaversto earnthehighestrate0.2.75%inthebankingindustry.”
Kaieteur News regrets the misrepresentation in the article and issues an apology to Mr Nanda Gopaul Chairman of the societyandalsoretractstheheadlineofthearticleinquestion
Sales Representative, canter Drivers & Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373.
One night Watchman needed. For more information Call: 612-2125.
Two Kitchen Assistance to work from 6am-2pm. For more information Call: 6655074/ 603-1278.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.
Male cooks, Mechanics/ serviceman and utility operators (excavator, bulldozer, ADT) wanted for mining operation. Call: 697-6015.
Cook, Pastry Maker and Kitchen Assistant needed. Call: 223-5020/ 223-5021/ 223-1531 between 9am-3pm.
One Plumber needed for Eccles. Call: 645-8443/ 6159132.
The National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) is gearing up to expend approximately $392,114,475 to construct several flood relief embankment structures in Region Six internal drains.
The eight contracts were awarded just recently by the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB). It was revealed that the projects are being executed in two blocks (Block 2&6).
Male Sales Representative, Age 20-30 years old. Apply or Contact: 619- 1237.
Vacancy Exist For two Experienced Dispatcher At Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Painter needed. Call: 6159132 or 645-8443.
Hiring Painter, Joiner & Carpenters, experience would be an asset, Interested persons can Call: 667-0859.
Male Cleaner needed for Eccles. Call: 645-8443/ 6159132.
Experienced Accounts Clerk to assist in administrative function that company may require. Email: bakshwork @gmail.com
Experienced Lorry Driver, must have a valid licence.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
WhatsApp application: 6092220, 725-4360, Email: donnal @sosgy.com
Labourer needed, must have good attitude and reference. WhatsApp application: 6092220, 725-4360, Email: donnal @sosgy.com
Operations Coordinator, must have 5 cxc, including English & Maths. WhatsApp application: 609-2220, 725-4360, Email: donnal@sosgy.com
Business/ residential PFSGYD$58M, Visa Application, advertisements, graphics design, passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.
$28,062,040; (Lot2) Quality Deliverer - $42,901,900; (Lot3) Rans Construction & Supplies - $54,205,035; (Lot4) KGM Construction & Supply Inc.$49,763,100; and (Lot5) Kingston Strategic Inc.$68,014,700.
Works for block 6 were awarded to (Lot1) Quantas Construction Services & Supplies Inc. - $51,460,120; (Lot2) Persaud Engineering & Hydraulic Services$45,153,120; and (Lot3) Quality Deliverer - $52,554,470.
year to the residents.
During an outreach in the region in February, Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha told residents that Region Six will undergo massive infrastructural development as it pertains to drainage and irrigation to positively transform the area and bring ease to the residents, especially farmers.
Kaieteur News understands that plans to upgrade the drainage and irrigation infrastructures in the region were mentioned earlier this
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
According to the NPTAB information, contracts awarded for Block 3 are as follow: (Lot1) Sheriff Construction Inc.(Reuters) - A high-level Caribbean ambassador said on Wednesday it was crucial to establish a new international special tribunal to seek reparations for transatlantic slavery and its legacies in today’s society.
Reuters reported earlier this month that support was building among Africa and Caribbean nations for the creation of such a tribunal on atrocities dating to transatlantic slavery.
For over four centuries at least 12.5 million Africans were kidnapped, forcibly transported thousands of kilometres by mainly European ships and merchants and sold into slavery.
David Comissiong, the Barbados ambassador to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and a wellknow reparations advocate, said a tribunal was needed
as there was no international court properly equipped to deal with reparations claims of such magnitude and complexity.
Comissiong was speaking at the third session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent (PFPAD) in Geneva. The PFPAD initially suggested the establishment of the tribunal last year. He said the tribunal would require a “positive decision” by the U.N. General Assembly, the main policy-making organ of the organisation. “Let us
It was reported by the ministry that at the outreach the minister said “We will see massive transformational development in Region Six in agriculture. We know for a fact that areas like these suffer tremendously when we have heavy rainfall. All the cultivation areas oftentimes suffer a lot”.
The minister had revealed also that the region will see three ‘Hope-like canals’ being constructed. One will be built between the Number 51-52 villages, one in the Bengal Village, and the other between the Whim and Letter Kenny areas. These canals will be equipped with pump stations as well. Additionally, the minister said that an embankment will be established from Number 66 village right down to the Canje Creek, the Agriculture Ministry reported.
resolve to put in the international advocacy work to successfully deliver the creation of this critical institution at the U.N. General Assembly,” he added. “Let us all rally around the forum and make this happen.”
At the session, representatives of other nations, such as of Guyana and Venezuela, echoed Comissiong’s call. In a video message at the opening of the PFPAD session on Tuesday, U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres reiterated that racism was based on centuries of enslavement and
colonialism. He said reparations should be part of efforts to tackle it.
The idea of paying reparations or making other amends for transatlantic slavery has a long history and remains deeply disputed, but has been gaining momentum worldwide. Even supporters of the tribunal recognise that establishing it will not be easy. Hurdles include obtaining the cooperation of nations that were involved in transatlantic slavery and the legal complexities of finding responsible parties and determining remedies.
Two more remanded in connection with...
From page 14 their next court date on May 15, 2024.
Last week Thursday two brothers, Travis Fredericks, a 32-year-old Miner from 287 Tuschen Housing Scheme, East Bank Essequibo (EBE) and Fernando Fredericks, a 28year-old Miner from the same address were also charged in connection with the same murder.
In a press statement sent out on Thursday last police said that following an investigation the brothers appeared separately at the Bartica Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Teriq Mohamed and were each charged with the offense “of being an accessory after the fact to murder”. Their matters were adjourned until April 25, 2024 for disclosure.
Police had also issued wanted bulletin for two more men. One of them Romain Henry, 19, was reported missing by his mother days before police issued a wanted
bulleting for him. The other wanted man is Kellon Fredricks, 21. On the morning of March 3 last Bartica Businessman, Zaheer Mohammed Sheriff, 50, and a former national athlete who worked with him, Donovan Washington, 26, were murdered by bandits while returning from Arimu Backdam, Cuyuni River, Region Seven. Mohammed owned a land dredge in the backdam. He had reportedly started his day early with prayers at the Masjid in Bartica before leaving with Washington for Arimu Backdam on an ATV (four wheel bike). They had gone in there to wash down (a process of washing separate gold from mats placed in a sluice box to trap the precious metal) and bring out production (the gold).
According to police reports they left with 102 ounces of raw gold worth some $37M but at around 10:00hrs that day, they were
both shot dead and the gold stolen. The dead businessman’s General Manager (GM) Joel Stephen, 39, told police that Mohammed and Washington were killed some five minutes after leaving camp. He recalled hearing “several loud explosions which he suspected to be gunshots”, police said.
Stephen reportedly followed the directions of the sounds and after walking for 500 meters away from camp he found his boss and Washington dead in the trail with visible gunshot wounds to their bodies.
Not only did he discover that the gold they were carrying was gone but Mohammed’s two licensed guns, a .32 pistol and a 12gauge shotgun, were stolen. Police had reported that investigators learnt that the businessman and his worker were attacked by two masked men on a Red ATV (fourwheel bike).
One eyewitness recalled seeing her Kaieteur News
that the suddenly running across the road before woman was killed five minutes after leaving hearingaloudpoppingsound. some friends at a location on Princess Street,
What was left behind was the body of a Georgetown. woman cut in half with body parts scattered “She just leff we bai she just went busing acrosstheroad. we up (friendly) and then she seh she going
WhenKaieteurNewsarrivedonthescene home, now look wa happen” A woman in itwasgruesome. tearssaid.
The world’s crude oil production fell by 55,000 bpd month-on-month in 1.2millionbarrelsperday(bpd)inFebruary February—to a seven-month high of 9.01 compared to the same month last year as millionbpd,accordingtotheJODIdata.The steep output declines in Saudi Arabia and Saudis have pledged to keep their crude Iraq were partially offset by a large annual productionat“about9millionbpd”untilthe production gain in the United States, the end of June 2024. So far, the Kingdom has latest data by the Joint Organizations Data been keepingits pledgeand hasn’t produced Initiative(JODI)showedonWednesday above its self-imposed quota under the
ComparedtoJanuary2024,globalcrude OPEC+ deal. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia’s oil production jumped by 473,000 bpd in crude oil exports rose by 20,000 bpd from February as U.S. oil production rebounded Januaryto6.32millionbpdinFebruary This following shut-ins due to bad weather in wasathree-monthhighinSaudiexports,the January, according to the JODI data shared datashowed. by the Riyadh-based International Energy Another large annual production decline Forum(IEF). was registered in Iraq, where crude oil Year-over-year, crude oil production in outputfellby347,000bpd,pertheJODIdata Saudi Arabia plunged by as much as 1.4 which compiles self-reported figures from million bpd, the data showed. The Kingdom the individual countries. The hefty output has been implementing an extra voluntary dropsinthetwolargestproducersinOPEC–cut of 1 million bpd since July 2023 to help SaudiArabia and Iraq – were partially offset the OPEC+ group’s efforts to “stabilize the by a 744,000 bpd jump in U.S. crude oil oilmarket.” production in February compared to the SaudiArabia’s crude production rose by samemonthlastyear (OILPRICE.COM)
A plume of smoke billows during Israeli bombardment at Daraj neighbourhood in Gaza City on April 16, 2024 [AFP]
(ALJAZEERA) Talks on a truce in Gaza conditions, amid shortages of food, shelter have hit a “stumbling block”, Qatari andmedicine. Meanwhile,thearmedHamas mediatorshavewarned. group continues to hold more than 100
The negotiations to end the fighting and captives taken from Israel during its raid secure the release of prisoners held by Israel across the enclave’s northern border on and Hamas are at a “delicate phase,” Qatari October7,whichkilledmorethan1,100. The Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Qatari prime minister said negotiators are Abdulrahman Al Thani said on Wednesday tryingto“moveforwardandputanendtothe “Wearetryingasmuchaspossibletoaddress suffering that the people in Gaza are this stumbling block”, Sheikh Mohammed, experiencingandreturnthehostages”. speaking at news conference alongside He condemned what he described as the Romanian counterpart Prime Minister policy of “collective punishment” being MarcelCiolacu,said.Qatarhasbeenworking followed by Israel in Gaza, as well as the to try to mediate a deal throughout the six occupiedWestBank.Qatarhas“warnedfrom monthsoffightinginGaza.However,thereis the beginning of this war against the still no sign of any breakthrough in the expansion of the circle of conflict, and today negotiations,asIsraelandHamaseachrefuse we see conflicts on different fronts,” he to move on conditions the other side declares added “We constantly call on the unacceptable As the longwinded talks, international community to assume its mediated by Qatar and Egypt, continue, the responsibilitiesandstopthiswar.”Theregion Israeli military has continued deadly is braced for the potential escalation of operations inside the enclave, which remains violence as Israel mulls its response to an blockaded. Close to 34,000 Palestinians in attack by Iran over the weekend in retaliation Gazahavebeenkilled,whilethe2.3-million- toasuspectedIsraelistrikeonitsconsulatein strong population have been left in dire Syria.
President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali that are not being maintained, that are left hasannouncedthatthecabinethas in a state that is dangerous to the city and
initiated discussions to determine we’ll have to decide how we address those the management and maintenance of key key assets,” PresidentAlistated. infrastructural assets within the city, as Minister within the Ministry of Public concerns over technical incompetence Works, Deodat Indar, and Minister of Local persist within the Mayor and City Council Government and Regional Development, (M&CC) Sonia Parag are tasked with conducting an
The president’s statements follow an immediate assessment of the situation and unfortunate incident where the roof of the evaluating critical infrastructure within Stabroek Market Wharf collapsed, resulting Georgetown. infiveindividualssustainingminorinjuries. The mayor needs to work closely with the
“The council should really come councillors in a collective way, because from forward on some key assets within the a leadership perspective too [they’re] in no city…Because if we continue to have capacity to manage some of these key situations like these, where the maintenance infrastructure and investment in the city,” of the infrastructure and the protection of the head of state stressed. Meanwhile, a the infrastructure is not addressed, then comprehensive plan of action will be issued health and safety become a major issue,”the later today, outlining the steps to be taken in presidentexpressedduringanengagement response to the situation, inclusive of withreporters. improving safety and rebuilding the
He believes that it is high time for infrastructure.
mature and serious engagement regarding The dilapidated structure reportedly critical assets that fall within the city’s collapsed at approximately 10:15 hrs. The jurisdiction “We’re discussing right government continues to provide support to now…the issue of key assets within the city theinjuredindividuals. (DPI)
From page 2
By way of the aforesaid electronic copies submitted state further that whether the ownership and or possession reassure the nation of by the said criteria In letter of February 6th, 2024, by company, particularly projectssubmittedbyTEPUI of key equipment in the government’s commitment addition,thebidder,TEPUI, the commission also r e g a r d i n g p r o j e c t were 20% complete or 80% specified number, is to transparency and submitted as part of its requested from NPTAB, completionpercentages. complete (re letter from available for the project.The accountability in the tender, a letter addressed to “clarification as to the The original bid NPTAB dated February criterion provides that distribution of state the procuring entity and authority on which the document listed the 20th, 2024) is immaterial, as “ownership or possession contracts. In a live address, dated June 13th, 2023, by evaluation committee acted construction of a concrete what was required by the can be demonstrated by Dr Singh spoke of the Winston Martindale, whichpermittedthewinning pile bed and foundation at evaluation criteria was providing the licences, government commitment to Director captioned “Record bidder to rely on, and the Providence (Hadi’s World ‘completion’ purchase documents, the scrutiny of bidders to of Past Work Experience” in committee to accept, the Inc.) and the upgrading of Another requirement for registrations, agreement to ascertain whether they which it is stated – “Our purported work experience roads in Block 3, Great the successful bidder is to lease or rent from a would be able to meet the company was registered in of the bidder’s officers, as Diamond(CH&PA)as100% provide evidence of recognized leasing agency, workdemandsanddischarge
August 2022 and has now distinct from the bidder and 80% completed, f i n a n c i a l c a p a c i t y and or affidavit of contractsinatimelymanner commenced the process of itself (a company) which respectively, while the representing(30%)ofthebid ownership ” The record “I wish to assure the bidding for projects, hence admitted no past work electronic copies indicated price. Bidder must provide a reflects that TEPUI Inc. did Guyanese public that this wedonothaveanypastwork experience. lower completion rates of bank statement or LINE of not submit any of the PPP/C government, led by experience but our team of Further, the committee 30%and20%. credit from a bank or a aforesaid, to wit, a ‘licence, HisExcellencyPresidentDr personnel have years of e v a l u a t e d t h e b i d In such cases, the recognized financial purchase document, Irfaan Ali, remains firmly experience under upgrading submission, important to document noted that the institution. The criterion has registration, agreement and a n d u n w a v e r i n g l y andrehabilitationofroadsas note that discrepancies were information provided in the anumberoflevelswithinitis oraffidavit.’ c o m m i t t e d t o g o o d indicated on their respective identified between the original bid document takes to be satisfied. The first, In addition to the g o v e r n a n c e a n d resumes.” original bid document and precedence. It went on to being a bank statement or aforementioned criterion, accountability, including line of credit from a the successful bidder was throughthemaintenanceand “recognized financial required to submit “bid preservationofpublicbodies institution” The record security in the sum of 1% of that can withstand scrutiny,” reflects the submission by the Bid Price.” The report Dr Singhsaid.
Aries, instead of digging deep intothebarrellookingonlyfor the misshapen, bruised, and rotten apples, concentrate on bringing up the shiny, bright redones.
Today there are many areas in which you can shine, Taurus. You need only be yourself to win over the hearts of others. Thereisagraciousnesstoyour manner that draws people close to you, whether or not you'veevernoticeditbefore.
If you're feeling needy today, you might consider seeking counsel from others, Gemini. Close partners might make light of the situation, so if you're looking for deep metaphysical advice, you mightwanttolookelsewhere.
Getoutinthefreshairtodayin whatever way suits your fancy,Cancer It'simportantto exercise your body with some brisk physical activity, or at least refresh your spirit with a rideinaconvertible.
Making decisions today is apt to be nearly impossible for you, Leo. That's why you should leave them up to someone else. Walk with your partner so you don't have to really think about where you'regoing.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
Thisisgoingtobeoneofthose days when you get annoyed if someone takes too long to make up his or her mind about something, Virgo. You aren't goingtohavethepatience.
Use the power of words as an artistic medium to express yourself. You have a magic waywithwordsthatoftengoes unrecognized. Your sensual nature is poetic. You shouldn't deprive others of this talent, so showitofftotheworld.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Whatever you're working on at this time can be expanded tremendouslywiththehelpofa partner, especially a creative projectorwrittenwork.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Take advantage of the lighthearted, flighty feeling of the day instead of getting annoyed by it, Sagittarius.You can't hide in your bedroom forever Well, you could, but you'dendupwastingawayand noonewouldevennotice.
Themoreyoutalktopeople,the more successful you'll be Everyoneisavaluableresource, so tap in to this boundless well Your agility with words and facts is impressive, so use it to youradvantage
Becarefulofpeoplewhotalka great deal and promise the world but have a difficult time deliveringthegoods,Aquarius. You might get trapped today if you rely on people who simply don't come through the way theysaidtheywould.
Your positive strength is especially noticeable today You may find that you're radiating gloriously to the people around you, Pisces. This is due to your polite, gentle,andpeacefulnature.
TEPUI of a line of credit pointed out thatTEPUI’s bid Meanwhile,NPTAB,ina issued by Puran Brothers was in the sum of subsequent release, also ‘TopMix.’ $865,543,500. Hence, the indicated what steps would
ThePPCnotedthatinthe Bid Security ought to have be taken to strengthen its absence of bank statements, been in the sum of systems. It said it has whicharenotreflectedinthe $8,655,435. However, the “ c o m m e n c e d t w o record as having been securitysubmittedbyTEPUI consultancies to strengthen submitted, a line of credit was in the sum of records management and f r o m a “ b a n k ” o r $7,791,985 That is, d e v e l o p a p u b l i c “recognized financial $863,450 less than the procurement management institution”isrequired.What required sum in satisfaction system ” The NPTAB is a “recognized financial ofthiscriterion. release added, “Both will institution” is not defined. Stemming from the PPC introduce information Notwithstanding, the issuer report, Minister within the technology solutions to must at least be a “financial Office of the President with current processes and institution” What is a the Responsibility for proceduresandpavetheway financial institution is Finance,Dr AshniSingh,on for a robust e-procurement defined by law, pursuant to Tuesday night, sought to system.” the Financial Institutions Act, Cap 85:03 and in accordance therewith, must be licensed by the Bank of Guyana (Sections 2 and 3). [A bank must be similarly licensed by the Bank of Guyana in accordance with thesaidAct.
Puran Bros. Top Mix is not a ‘bank’ or a ‘financial institution’ within the meaning of the Financial Institutions,” the regulatory bodystatedinitsreport.
Yet, another criterion required the successful bidderisforthecompanyto–“…provide audited financial statements for the last financial year, dated within one year, for incorporated companies Financial statements must be audited b y a C h a r t e r e d accountant/accountancy firmandincludeanauditor’s note…”
In response to this requirement the company’s director, Martindale addressed to the procuring entity dated June 13th, 2023, which states –“ Our company was registered in August 2022 and has now commenced the process of bidding for projects, hence we do not have any financial statements.”
evidence of
A F P - B o r u s s i a to go overboard in we wanted to get through. later, Maatsen threading in Dortmund fought back to interviews, but it was really This is football and it can be from an acute angle after he beat Atletico Madrid 4-2 in magical.Thestadiumwason cruel.” was given space to run in the theirquarter-finalsecondleg fire today,” Fuellkrug told - Dortmund’s fast start - Atleticobox. on Tuesday, securing a 5-4 DAZN.
The home side should With Simeone sensing aggregate victory and a first F o r m e r w i n n e r s have been level in the tie his chances of qualifying for Champions League semi- Dortmund, fifth in the after three minutes but thesemisforafourthtimeas finalsince2013. German top flight and Sabitzer took an extra touch Atletico boss slipping away,
Trailing 2-1 from the strugglingtoqualifyfornext with the goal beckoning, he shuffled his deck at halffirst leg, goals from Julian season’s Champions allowingAtleticotocover time, making three changes Brandt and Ian Maatsen had League, will next face Paris Just moments later, including hooking the Dortmund 2-0 up at half- Saint-Germain for a place in Atletico had a major chance ineffective Morata for time. thefinalatWembleyonJune of their own, as Alvaro Correa.
Visiting coach Diego 1. Morata raced through one- Dortmund’s wobbles Simeone made three “We did give them on-one with the goalkeeper suddenly returned, letting changes at half-time chances and goals in the 15 but chipped the ball well thevisitorsbackintothetie. including bringing on Angel minutes after half-time, we wideofthepost. Hummels turned Mario Correa and his energy told have to improve that for Buoyed by an 80,000- Hermoso’s header into his i m m e d i a t e l y, M a t s sure, but our response to it strong home crowd trying to own net from an Atletico Hummels conceding a poor was sensational,” said one-up last week’s corner under little pressure own goal before the Brandt atmosphere in the Spanish and with goalkeeper Gregor Argentine netted to put Atletico were bidding to capital, Dortmund pushed Kobelwaitingtosave. Atletico back ahead in the reach the last four for the and prodded, with Karim Atletico smelt blood and tie. first time in seven years, but Adeyemishootingstraightat could have levelled when But those goals brought fell at the quarter-final stage JanOblak. Correa dragged the ball just a sluggish Dortmund back for the third time in five Dortmundbrokethrough wide. to life, with Niclas seasons. on 34 minutes, Brandt The World Cup winner Fuellkrug and Marcel “It was tough,” Atletico collecting a Hummels chip made up for his miss on 64 Sabitzer each scoring in a captain Koke told Movistar and shooting on the turn, the minutes when he lashed a three-minute period to send “Their goals hurt a lot — the ball bouncing through loose ball inside the box in the Bundesliga club fact that they got them so Oblak’shands. off the crossbar, putting through quicklyaftereachother
TheGermanswereahead Atletico in front on “It was magical. I try not “We are angry because in the tie just five minutes aggregate.
China’s He Jie competes in the men’s marathon at the Asian Games last year (Song Yanhua)
AFP - The booming C h i n e s e A t h l e t i c s popularityof road running in Association said that had China has “exposed presentedproblems. problems”, the country’s top The association met on athletics body says, after a Tuesday and afterwards half marathon went viral issued a statement vowing to becauseofitsbizarrefinish. make improvements
Organisers launched an without mentioning investigation after two Sunday’srace. runners from Kenya and one “Sincethespringof2024 from Ethiopia appeared to road-running events have deliberately allow China’s been held across the country He Jie to win Sunday’s and people are enthusiastic Beijinghalfmarathon. about participating,” the
He, the 2023 Asian associationsaid.
Games marathon gold “Overall, the events have medallist, won by one beenrunningsmoothly second after his supposed “But they have also rivalsappearedtoslowdown exposed problems in event towardsthefinishandwaved o r g a n i s a t i o n a n d himoutinfront. management which have
Kenya’s Willy Mnangat aroused widespread social toldtheBBCthattheAfrican concern.” trio were pacemakers, It added: “The meeting although their bibs did not pointed out that the Chinese say that. Long-distance and Athletics Association will road running have surged in further strengthen guidance popularityamongthemiddle and supervision of roadclass in China, but the runningevents.”
SportsMax - Following an extraordinary Powell, determined to sway Narine’s display of batting prowess by Sunil Narine, decision, disclosed his ongoing efforts to scoringhismaidenT20centurywith109runs convince the seasoned cricketer to return to for Kolkata Knight Riders, West Indies T20 theWestIndiessquad. captain Rovman Powell is making a “For the last 12 months, I’ve been compelling case for Narine to come out of whispering in his ears, but he’s blocked out retirement and represent the West Indies in everyone,” Powell revealed. “I’ve asked the upcoming T20 World Cup, scheduled to Pollard, Bravo, Pooran. Hopefully, before kick off in the Caribbean and the USA theyselecttheteam,theycancrackhiscode,” startingonJune1. Powellrevealed.
Powell’s Rajasthan Royals clinched a Powell’s persistence underscores the thrilling victory over Narine’s Kolkata value Narine could bring to the West Indies Knight Riders by two wickets at Eden team, especially in a high-stakes tournament Gardens on Tuesday, but it was Narine’s liketheT20WorldCup.Narine’sexperience, exceptional century that captured attention coupled with his remarkable skills and reignited discussions about his showcased in domestic leagues, makes him internationalcomeback. an enticing prospect for Powell and other
Just days ago, Narine had been adamant teamselectors. about watching the T20 World Cup from As Powell and his counterparts continue home after announcing his retirement from to advocate for Narine’s return, cricket fans international cricket in November 2023. eagerly await Narine’s final decision, which However, his post-match remarks on could have significant implications for the Tuesdayhintedatapotentialchangeofheart. West Indies’T20 World Cup campaign. Will
“It is what it is, but let’s see what the Narine heed Powell’s call and make a future holds,” Narine stated when asked dramatic comeback to international cricket? about reconsidering his retirement decision Only time will tell as the tournament afterhisstellarperformance. approachesandteamselectionsarefinalized.
Guyana Harpy Eagles opener Raymon Goodridge (22), Jarion Hoyte (21) and Perez broke the shackles with his first Jediah Blades (22*) helped their team to a innings half-century, while their bowlers respectablescore. snapped up 10 wickets as they finished 86 The champs will be feeling confident as runs behind the Combined Campuses and they enter the second day on 114-1 after Colleges(CCC). losingTagenarineChanderpaulfor12.
CCCdidwelltomakeaneven200allout His partner Raymon Perez broke the in their 1st innings after winning the toss. It shacklesashereached61notoutalongwith was another bowling clinic from the Eagles his vice-captain Kevlon Anderson who fast-bowlers Nial Smith (3-45) and Isai resumes today on 27; as Amari Goodridge Thorne(2-45),whowererampant. endedwith(1-22).
Spin twins, left-armers Veerasammy After Chanderpaul departed, Anderson Permaul (3-51) and Gudakesh Motie (2-40) and Perez added a vital partnership which assistedinputtingonamagicalshow guided Guyana to a formidable score by the
While CCC lost 6 wickets for under 60 endofthefirstdayatSt.Augustine,Trinidad runs, middle/lower-order knocks from andTobago.
Demario Richards (43), Romario Greaves Day 2’s play resumes today from (36), Avinash Mahabirsingh (23), Amari 10:00h.
SportsMax-WestIndies Supremacy Set 213, West responsibilityformygame”. captain Hayley Matthews Indies were powered to a The first in her streak of has been named Wisden’s record chase in women’s match awards came against leading Twenty20 Cricketer T20Is by her buccaneering Ireland at Cape Town during for 2023, as she topped all 132 from 64 balls, including the T20 World Cup, where and sundry, including her 110inboundaries.Herscore, WestIndiesendedarunof15 malecounterparts. aWestIndiesrecord,wasthe defeats. She followed that
AlanGardnerlooksatthe first century in the second with another all-round remarkable performances of innings of a women’s T20I; display, against Pakistan, this outstanding player – a and it came after she had thoughtwogroupwinscould T20WorldCupchampion. been the pick of the bowlers, not put her side in the
We’ve all heard the one with 3-36 for her off-breaks. semifinals Ireland were about the globe-trotting, six- Thatthesideonthereceiving again on the receiving end in hitting West Indies all- end were the world July, asWest Indies won 3–0 rounder bestriding the T20 champions, playing in their in St Lucia, before their tour stage. But this tale comes own backyard, added only of Australia confirmed her with a twist: a first female lustre. status as the ICC’s number winnerinthisaward’sseven- If2023wasabanneryear oneall-rounder yearhistory for the women’s game, with Infivedays,shesmashed
Hayley Matthews has the inauguration of the 99 not out, 132 and 79 – a longbeenastarofthegame– Women’s Premier League in total of 310 off 178 balls, aged 18, she inspired West India, then Matthews rode with 43 fours and 13 sixes –Indies to victory in the 2016 the crest of the wave. She andtookfivewickets. WorldT20final–butin2023 was a WPLtitle-winner with Her overall T20I record s h e p r o d u c e d a n Mumbai Indians, the fifth- for the year read 700 runs unprecedentedred-hotrunof leading run-scorer in the from 14 matches at 63 form. Between February and competition, and captained (strike-rate 132) and 19 her final game of the year in Barbados Royals to victory wickets at 16 (economy October, on three different in the Caribbean Premier 6.84). Across men’s and continents, she won eight League, scoring 82 from 59 women’sT20–domesticand consecutive T20I match and taking 2-38 in the final. international – her tally of awards. She was also a high-profile 1,551 runs was topped only
The previous best was pick in The Hundred and the by Jos Buttler Unlike four in a row During that BigBash. Matthews, though, he was sequence, she averaged 88 Her feats could only not the leading wicket-taker with the bat, at a strike-rate sporadically lift West Indies, in the format.The Caribbean of144,and12withtheball. whom she had captained for had produced another game-
The pièce de résistance thefirsttimein2022,though changer came at North Sydney Oval, she credited the job for Article provided by the game seven in the Matthews h e l p i n g h e r, “ t a k e Editor of Wisden
- ZC hopes his inclusion in the set-up will help the side qualify for their maiden Women’s T20 World Cup
E S P N c r i c i n f o - record for the most Test experience at the highest Zimbabwe Cricket (ZC) has wickets (519), will be levelofthewomen’sgamein roped in former West Indies assisting head coach Walter particular will boost our captain Courtney Walsh as Chawaguta. chances of securing one of consultant for the national Between October 2020 the two spots up for grabs at women’s side Walsh’s and April 2023, Walsh was the main global showpiece appointment comes as the head coach of West Indies’ laterintheyear.” side looks to qualify for the women’s team, and under Zimbabwe are in Group Women’s T20 World Cup in his guidance, they reached B o f t h e q u a l i f i e r September-October2024. the semi-final of the tournament, alongside Walsh is currently with Women’sODIWorldCupin Ireland, Netherlands, UAE the squad in the UAE, where 2022. andVanuatu.GroupAhasSri they will play the qualifying “We count ourselves Lanka, Thailand, Scotland, tournament for the Women’s fortunate and privileged to UgandaandUSA. T20WorldCup. be able to bring in Courtney The top two teams from
The top two teams from as a technical consultant for each group will qualify for the 10-team event, which our campaign at the ICC the semi-finals, after which starts on April 25, will Women’s T20 World Cup the two finalistswill meeton qualify for the main event in Qualifier inAbu Dhabi,” ZC May7.
Bangladesh.Zimbabwehave M a n a g i n g D i r e c t o r The two finalists will never played at theWomen’s Givemore Makoni said. “He qualify for theWomen’sT20 T20WorldCupbefore. is one of the world’s greatest World Cup irrespective of Walsh,whoonceheldthe cricketers and we believe his theresultofthetitleclash.
ESPNcricinfo - At the why he was so desperate for much more than that. He start of the fourth over, earlyboundaries. reminds people to smile. To Gujarat Titans were Theballbeganholdingin enjoy themselves. To have projected to reach 169. By the pitch. Wriddhiman Saha fun. Just by smiling and the start of the sixth over, wentafteritbutwastooearly havingfunhimself. they were trending much into the pull and dragged it
After the eighth over, lower, to 120. In the end, onto his stumps. It began when Kuldeep Yadav was they were bowled out for spinning Tristan Stubbs, upset with a wayward throw, double-digits, 89 It was who had bowled only 177 acting like he had suffered a their lowest-ever IPL total, balls in his 79-match T20 mortal wound, Pant ran having been brought into the career,helpedhimselftotwo down to the bowler, put one tournamentin2022. wickets in an over with his hand around his shoulders
Four of the six bowlers offbreaks. and used the other one to Delhi Capitals used returned Four of the top six with strokehischest. economy rates of 4.5 or less, single-digit scores. Rahul There, there. Don’t setting up the batters to go Tewatia batting in the worry.Behappy. out there and do their thing. powerplay. Sacrificing the
Mukesh Kumar was the most effective of the Delhi Capitals bowlers with figures of 2.3-0-14-3. (BCCI)
He had a good game as The chase was done in 53 optionofRSaiKishoreasan captain too, bringing back balls, with six wickets to Impact Player against the Khaleel Ahmed for a third spare, and that mattered. right-hander-heavy Capitals over inside the powerplay to Capitals are now in sixth line-up to send in Shahrukh see if he could sneak a fifth place, above Titans on the Khan. He was meant to Titans wicket. That wasn’t everybody else was stuck David Miller had indeed But it didn’t matter points table, because their firefight.Hewasthein-case- possible but a maiden was. waiting as the Capitals nickedit. becausetheballjustbounced netrun-raterosefrom-0.975 of-emergency-break-glass For some reason he bowled skipper tried to remember There were a couple of off his gloves and straight to-0.074. option. He returned with a Stubbs ahead of Axar Patel what the plan was after stumpings as well, one that onto the wicket, prompting
How the Titans fell duck Out stumped even which turned a score of 47 winning the toss. “I think almost didn’t happen. Pant child-like glee at how a A slow, low, and turning though the wicketkeeper for4to48for6. we’re going to bowl,” he had seen that Shahrukh’s mistake he’d made actually pitch had the home team didn’t collect the ball Pant spent the rest of the said. back foot was nowhere near turnedoutokay spiralling all through their cleanly It was that kind of innings chirping away Pant took two catches, where it needed to be. He This is why the world innings. Shubman Gill tried day behind the stumps. It was one requiring a little more wasbeyondexcited. needs Rishabh Pant. A lot of to get ahead of it by going Pant is a joy likehewasneverevenaway effortthannormal,fromhow Thatmighthaveplayeda his fans - and India fans - hard at everything. He hit Rightatthestart,agiggle Scores: Delhi Capitals he needed to dive low and part in how he grabbed for must be thrilled that he’s two cuh-risp fours in five was caught on the mic. It
92 for 4 (Fraser-McGurk 20, quickly to his left to take it the ball, hard-handed, and back playing cricket again ballsandingoingforanother sounded very Rishabh Pant- Warrier 2-40) beat Gujarat and then call on DRS to therefore couldn’t collect it because he is a game- he got caught at cover y He and Gill were just Titans 89 all out (Rashid 31, confirm suspicions that cleanly changer But really, he’s so Eventually it became clear staring at each other and Mukesh 3-14) by six wickets.