Theexpandingoilandgas economy in Guyana is being seen as a boon by manyforthecountry'seconomybut thepotentialimpactsonthelivesof the many citizens that are going to be directly impacted with the increasedvesseltrafficbetweenthe Georgetown harbour and the Whiptail Development Project Area(PDA)aremany
These include, the further decimation of the country's fishing industry since the development of the new project, will result in the reduced availability of ocean surface areas, for commercial fishingandartisanalfishing.
Thismuchisdocumentedinthe Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), since approved by the r e g u l a t o r y b o d y t h e Environmental Protection Agency—as part of its approval process in order to secure its PetroleumProductionLicence.
The EIA also acknowledges that the increased traffic will not only affect the fishing industry, but also interfere with commercial cargo.
According to the EIA, the ExxonMobilledconsortiumwillbe using a number of support vessel trips to and from a Guyana or Trinidad and Tobago shorebase for the development and operation of theProject.
It stipulated too that during development, approximately 10 to 15roundtripsperweek.
D u r i n g i n s t a l l a t i o n , approximately three to five round trips per week; and, during the
“…some fisherfolk have been forced to sell their boats and find alternative jobs. In many cases, fish catch prices have stayed the same while the cost of living has increased, and the distance and effort to catch fish has also increased,”—EIA
production operations stage, approximately three to five round tripsperweek.
That EIA document also reiterated that the US$12 7B Whiptail Project will also generate a variety of marine vessel trips throughout the life of the Project, including maritime t r a n s p o r t o f P r o j e c t materials, supplies, and personnel, as well as the p r e s e n c e o f t h e F P S O (Floating Production Storage
a n d O f f l o a d i n g (FPSO) Vessels), drill ships, and major installationvessels.
“These marine a c t i v i t i e s w i l l potentially impact vessel traffic into and out of Georgetown harbour, open-ocean shipping in the vicinity of the PDA (Production Development Area), the limited commercial fishing activity that occurs as far out as the PDA, and commercial
themandwillhavetoavoidProjectrelated vessel traffic where none currentlyexists.
It notes however, “Artisanal fishing occurs well inshore of the PDA, so there will be no loss of access for artisanal fishing Artisanal fishing vessels could experience interference due to movements of Project-related vesseltraffic.”
andartisanalfishingactivitywithin the transit corridor between the PDAandGeorgetownharbour.”
The company insists however, that project-related vessels and commercial vessels are expected to be able to safely navigate around other vessels in these areas and as such, the significance of potential residual impacts on commercial cargovesselsislistedasnegligible.
Expanding on the commercial fishing vessels offshore, the companyoutlinedthatthisindustry will lose access to some fishing areas that are currently available to
According to the EIA, “while Notices to Mariners will be provided to mitigate potential interference with commercial and artisanal fishing vessel navigation, there are limitations—particularly for artisanal vessels to the effectivenessofthesenotices.
The ExxonMobil EIA also concedesreportsofadeclineinfish catch that has displaced some fisherfolk from their livelihoods andthat“somefisherfolkhavebeen forced to sell their boats and find alternativejobs.Inmanycases,fish catch prices have stayed the same while the cost of living has increased, and the distance and effort to catch fish has also
The EIA additionally concedes that catches have decreased, resulting in longer days at sea, whileinflationhasdrivenincreased pricesforfuelandequipment.
“Other complications include a loss of skilled workers, and the operational challenges of finding new fishing grounds. Fisherfolk representatives indicated that there is a lack of incentives or other support for the artisanal fishing sector, compared to other sectors in Guyana,” according to the Exxon EIA.
With the expansion of the industry, the EIA documents that the Project will require the use of onshore facilities such as shorebases, laydown areas, pipe yards, fabrication/maintenance facilities, warehouses, fuel supply depots, heliport, and waste management facilities to support development d r i l l i n g , F P S O / S U R F installation, commissioning andstart-up,productionoperations, andultimately,decommissioning.
The PPP/C Government and ExxonMobil are pleased with themselves, thrilled to point to local content gains in the last nine years. There was Minister Vickram Bharrat and Country Head Alistair Routledge smiling for the cameras in theirbestresponsesto‘saycheese.’ Mr.Routledgehasplenty tolaughaboutinthecontextoflocalcontent,forhiscompany has gotten away with many white-collar murders in the first degree every year for the last nine years. This is what Guyana’s Minister Bharrat was grinning about, he being the good soldier for the PPP/C Government’s cause. It was what Master of the Game, Routledge looked very cheery about. Giveathirstyman,anunthinkingandweakfellow,abottleof 7-Up and he gets the sensation of being on top of the world. Simple strokes for silly folks delighted over what is termed the Local Content bonanza. Scrutinizing this closely, there shouldbemorejeersthancheers.
There was the government and the minister (and ExxonMobil’sheadman)cheeringUS$1.5Bincontractsover the last nine years. A simple math exercise reveals that that distilstoameaslyUS$150MayearincontractsforGuyanese, a drop of honey to keep the locals buzzing. ExxonMobil just handedoutaUS$1.5Bcontractforanunderwaterplatformto bebuiltforthejustapproved6thoilproject.Onebilliondollar pluscontractinanhourtoaforeigncontractorfromGuyana’s oil business, but the same amount (US$1.5B) to Guyanese businesses in the span of nine years. We know that Guyana cannotbuildanunderwateroilplatform,butthereiscertainty that Guyanese can do more than what is coming their way When ExxonMobil does less in many areas, then Guyanese shouldbetheonlyonesinlinetogetthose. TheLocalContent law now operative identified a slew of areas and work that Guyanese should be involved in, and at what percentage levels. Thequestionishowmuchofthathasbeenhappening in such businesses as insurance and transportation, to name twoonly
Two Local Content numbers touted by the government and ExxonMobil are of 6,200 Guyanese employed in some connection with oil-related work, and 1700 Guyanese suppliers having a role in oil sector business. This looks arresting on paper, but only at first blush. The reality is that this approximates to 600 locals a year finding jobs and 180 domesticbusinesseshavingsomevendorassociationwithoil. In a business that is spending US billions of Guyana’s oil revenue money annually, these numbers are not only paltry, but they also don’t look as good as hailed. In fact, they could be said to be downright insulting, crumbs thrown at beggars whocannotdobetter,don’tknowbetter Thereisstillanother consideration worth the effort: What types of jobs are these mostlyabout,cooksandchauffeurs,orgatekeepersandtraffic directors for ExxonMobil and its people? Isn’t it time all this localcontentcheeringbereplacedbythejeeringthatisdue?
Guyanese who get carried away by the self-serving propaganda of the PPP/C Government have another gross imbalancetoweigh. SinceoilproductionbeganinDecember 2019, ExxonMobil and its partners carted away US$21.6B in profitsandcostrecoverydollars. Inthesameperiod,Guyana collected US$4.2B in what is celebrated as a 50:50 partnership. In this partnership that is supposed to be a half and half one, it is clear that ExxonMobil’s half is bigger than Guyana’s by a staggering margin. All in all, the American company’s half is bigger than this country’s so-called half by more than five times. That is better than fuzzy math, or fake accounting. That is what smells, looks, and strikes like something approaching sophisticated fraudulences. Billions in expenses incurred by ExxonMobil from its Guyana oil operationsarealmostlikesomesacred,ancientsecret. Inthat secret, aided and abetted by the PPP/C Government, resides the truths to many mysteries, especially the huge disparity in this 50:50 partnership profit-sharing. The jeers by now should be reaching the rafters and drowning out any cheers that still have life in them. Profit-sharing and local content, likelotsmore,areonecolossalcongame.
DEAREDITOR, the IPADA-G organization, consultants affiliated with political facade, prioritizing Mr. Vincent Alexander’s which purports to represent theAlexanderclique. financial gain over genuine recent attempts to sway the interests of Afro- It is imperative to support for the Afropublic opinion are met with Guyanese communities. question the true motives of Guyanesecommunity. skepticism by Afro- However, it has become figures like Alexander, who Speaking from personal Guyanese groups who have evident that Alexander and often target Afro-Guyanese experience, I am well become increasingly aware hiscohortshavemanipulated individuals expressing acquainted with Mr. of the dubious activities the process to serve their dissenting views with vile Alexander’s history, within the IPADA-G ownagenda. and vicious attacks, particularly his pattern of framework.
The recent decision by including being called victimizing Afro-Guyanese This includes the the government to provide ‘houseslaves’. individuals. alarming allocation of direct funding to Afro- Are they genuinely His direct actions against taxpayers’ funds for inflated Guyanese groups marks a c h a m p i o n i n g A f r o - me during his tenure as a consultancy contracts welcomed departure from Guyanese causes, or are they lecturer at the University of benefiting close associates the bureaucratic hurdles and simply advancing their own Guyana stand as a constant andrelatives. preferential treatment political interests? The reminder of his hypocrisy
The ongoing discussions e s t a b l i s h e d u n d e r infiltration of IPADA-G by and disregard for the very at the Permanent Forum on Alexander’sleadership. o p p o s i t i o n c r o n i e s community he claims to the People of African Everyone should support u n d e r s c o r e s t h e represent. Descent have shed light on mechanisms that eliminate o r g a n i z a t i o n ’ s Regards, the glaring inadequacies of the undue influence of paid transformation into a Ras Marcus
The positions of the PPP and the Govt. clearly aim to perpetuate the dominance of the ruling party and its racial constituency
DEAREDITOR, letter aims to express an are faced with a situation waging a major struggle to The long-awaited African viewpoint on unprecedented in modern change the governance Constitutional Reform constitutionalreform. history This writer takes the system is a “betrayal” of our Commission has been sworn The constitutional position that the African people’s fundamental in, with an unclear mandate reform process must end condition is one of profound interest and is nothing short on how far-reaching the winner-take-all governance crisis that could lead to a ofvisionlessleadership. process will go in reforming for good in Guyana. Nothing “new form of enslavement” The leadership of theconstitution. short of that is acceptable. if appropriate actions are not Africans must acknowledge What matters is the will The continuation of the old taken to reverse the situation our critical juncture as a of the people, not the systemisanexistentialthreat by our community inclusive communityandaspartofthe i n t e n t i o n s o f t h e to African Guyanese of the political, cultural, and Guyanese nation I have government. Unfortunately, exclusioninthecountry And religious fields, sports often stated, and I reiterate, Guyana lacks a unified time is not on our side. Our leadership, and grassroots that “Guyana has become public opinion on political p o s t - i n d e p e n d e n c e organizations From this hostile to African interests.” and national issues, with governance system has point of view, any talk of Consequently, we should African and Indian failed the nation
In the contesting the next general retract our support for the perspectives predominantly present reality of oil/gas, elections under the present longstanding political shaping public discourse with Africans owning less winner-take electoral consensusonnational Within this context, this than10%oftheeconomy,we arrangements without first
(Continued on page 5)
Aubrey Norton was elected for a specific term, which has expired
DEAREDITOR, elections and must subject party,ornational,leadership. Mr Norton was elected I am acquainted with a themselves to recall or Also in the USA, many foraspecificterm,whichhas view held by a substantial, reappointment. Americans, including expired, and he should, if he though not majoritarian, Even the great Kublai members and supporters of chooses,seekre-electionand section of PNC/R members Khan, the Mongolian khan his own party, have not attempt to extend his and supporters which claims of khans, at the height of his expressed disapproval of the term by artful means. Any that the current occupant of powerandworlddomination sitting President, Joe Biden, undue delay and subterfuge thehighestofficeintheparty had, in the Netflix series – seeking re-election in spite can only serve to sabotage, holds his position by some Marco Polo, to accept, and of his many achievements and make more challenging, amorphous right and that a participatein,a“kurultai”,or and proven ability to defeat the party’s campaign to constitutionally supported Mongol assembly, to his expected rival for the regain office in 2025. A challenge is a betrayal and determine if he should presidency confident, competent and v i o l a t i o n r e q u i r i n g continuetoleadtheMongols AccordingtoUSGeneral truly popular leader would opposition, condemnation infurtheranceofhisvisionto Douglas MacArthur, a true relish, and not shun, the andvilification. createthegreatestempirethe leader “does not set out to be opportunity to defend his I should not think it is worldhasseen. a leader, but becomes one by stewardship, vision and necessary to remind anyone Continuation in office is the equality of his actions plans for the advancement in this age that the argument notautomaticnorisitaright. and the integrity of his and empowerment of us all. between proponents of the Recent political history in intent”.Another brilliant US Any failure to accept, and all divine right to rule and Guyana and the USA has General, John J. Pershing attempts to undermine, leadership by consent has also demonstrated that being bluntly asserted that “a lawfulchallengesandhonest been settled centuries ago, at a spouse, offspring or competent leader can get debate, is dishonourable, least in this hemisphere. It is otherwise related or efficient service from poor disqualifying and not in the the norm, now, that leaders affiliated to a former leader, troops,whileonthecontrary, bestinterestsofthepartyand are chosen by popular whetherone’snameisJagan, an incapable leader can societyatlarge.
acclaim for a specific time, Clinton, Bush or Kennedy, demoralize the best of Sincerely, and mandate, in regular does not confirm automatic troops”. Oscar Dolphin
DEAREDITOR, and legitimizing the and/or contributions to to wonder whether the Afro-Guyaneseindividualor exposed to the vagaries of There has been a silencing of Indian history’ nation building take writings by Baytoram and group to pull down the domestic and global noticeable stream of detailed written by Baytoram precedence over the sum company are meant to Burnham’s legacy in the market place? One, we letters written by non- Ramharack and published in t o t a l o f G u y a n e s e influencethedeliberationsat same way as Ramharack and accept that paradigm; we resident Guyanese of a S/NofApril7,2024. historiography? and the outcome of the 32nd company try to pull down know that for the great particular ideological, ‘ N e i t h e r R a l p h Are we not woven into congressofthePPPduetobe Jagan’s. majority of Guyanese, their political, cultural and Ramkarran, Donald one as reflected in our held in early May this year Those who seek to ‘bread is not buttered with e t h n o c e n t r i c g e n r e Ramotar, Dr Bertrand National Motto? It seems to since they have stepped up besmirch Jagan’s beliefs as ham fat’nor do they have ‘a denigrating Cheddi Jagan, Ramcharan or Clement me that by particularizing or their efforts at a time when well as that of the three chicken in every pot and a his beliefs and an identified Rohee – and I reiterate – ring-fencing any specific the philosophical and named individuals have a carineverygarage.’ fewofhisfollowers. none of these individuals ethnic group for the sake of ideological pillars on which Right to do so, but that same From the writings of
Although Ramkarran, have demonstrated an political or ethnocentric the PPP was founded have, Right must be resided with Baytoram and company, it is Ramotar, Ramcharan and appreciation for Indian expediency, especially coincidentally, been brought those who disagree with clear that by criticizing Roheeaka‘TheFourR’s’are history Norcantheyboastof within our multiracial, intoquestion. Ramharackandwhoseviews Jagan’s beliefs, they are ipso not the only ones known to a public record of defending multicultural society, that There is absolutely no supportwhatJaganstoodfor factocriticizingthePPP The have spoken or written Indian interests. They have, would be tantamount to need to delve too deeply to Inanyexchangeofviews two are inextricably linked, favorably about Jagan, instead, knowingly in some unraveling what our discern the real motive on Jagan, context is b u t , a n i m p o r t a n t nevertheless they have been cases, contributed to the constitution demands of us; behind Baytoram and necessary, thus the question; observation is missing, they singled out for attack by silencing of the Indian …That we ‘celebrate our company’s campaign to how is Jagan’s philosophy have never pulled the PNC Ramharack and company voice.’ cultural and racial diversity besmirchthelegacyofJagan and ideology manifesting over the heat, considering Their new line of attack is My question is; should and strengthen our unity by and to include those who themselves under present that it is the PNC who is reflected in a letter; any one of our Indian, eliminating any form of they have singled out for dayconditionsinGuyana?Is responsibleforimposingand ‘Sentimental reverence for African, Chinese or discrimination’. attack simply because they Guyana today worst off or elevating to a constitutional Cheddi’s enduring legacy Portuguese peoples’ history
In this regard, one is left do not embrace ethnic better off with the PPP in level that; ‘Guyana is ‘in solidarity nor the sectarian government? Are we not the course of transition from cause that Ramharack experiencing relatively capitalismtosocialism.’ champions. This leads me to prosperous times, knowing On top of that, Guyana’s wonder whether they have fully well that as a country constitution states that; evernoticedthatthereareno built on a free market or ‘Everyyoungpersonhasthe discernible efforts by any capitalist economy, we are
From page 4 governance model, which organizations that were governanceestablishedpost- continues to deny justice to likely established by the PPP independence. Such a step is Africans, who have been itself, requiring these groups crucial for aligning with historically oppressed to demonstrate their loyalty African interests and, by through 250 years of before receiving any extension, the national enslavement and the support. interest at this pivotal s u b s e q u e n t l o s s o f For me personally, the moment in our history A generational wealth This battle line is drawn on the nation cannot thrive when ongoing denial significantly p r e s e n t p o l i t i c a l half its population controls contributes to our present engagement, that is, the end less than 10% of the economic and social of winner-takes-all economy The positions of difficulties. governance before the next the PPP and the government Any leaders, whether elections. clearly aim to perpetuate the African or Indian, who
This was a major goal dominance of the ruling disregard this issue, are unfit articulated in the WPA’s party and its racial to govern on behalf of the approach to the local constituency Thisintentwas African community or the government elections and highlighted by the recent Guyanese nation. Instead of remains so from my end for report that implicated the addressing core issues, their the crucial national government in the UN approach is to distribute elections. HumanRightsCommission. handouts to pro-PPP
Sincerely, T h e c u r r e n t P P P A f r i c a n - G u y a n e s e Tacuma Ogunseye leadership shows no commitment to leveraging the newfound oil and gas wealth to address historical injustices rooted in slavery and colonialism As Africans, we must reject this
(Continued on page 6)
I demand an apology from Mr. Sohan for his unwarranted assault on my character
way it had to be done around Green’s
The Elder Hamilton Green needs no property Green can fool himself by saying apology from Mr Charles Sohan. Green was that it was laid off workers who did the work the Minister of Works and Hydraulics so he around his house. He needed the same didnothavetogetpermissionfromanyoneto resources just like what was used for the sea take any sheet piling. I worked at the said defence. Furthermore, he needed the sheet Ministry and I was familiar with the item in piling to reinforce his basement which is question which came in various lengths. No being used as a bunker and also has a special cuts were done because there was no tool to compartmentwherehestoredgunsduringthe dosuch. Burnhamdays.
They were for the sea defence and were Regards, driven down by a crane so that was the only Kenneth Singh
DEAREDITOR, contest election. Is Khafra It is a fact that the preservation of culture.”The I challenge the Minister maliciously vilify IDPADAIn typical propagandistic confessing complicity in Government’s award of the word heavy is being to take me and members of G`s leadership, who have fashion, the Government is wrong-doing, including subvention coincided with r e d e f i n e d I m a g i n e the press on a visit to the cleanhandsasverifiedbythe c o m p l e m e n t i n g i t s being selected to represent the formation IDPADA-G. 70,000,000GYD plus “mega-farms” which among investigative audit that was attendanceatthe1stmeeting the community on the ERC What‘s strange about that 26,000,000GYD disbursed other ‘projects are geared undertaken by a unit of the of the 3rd session of the through a process conducted given the organization’s role inthe8thmonthoftheyearis towards their commitment MinistryofFinance.
Permanent Forum on the byVincent? as the country coordinating defined as heavy, compared and fairness’. The reality is Lastly, the troll’s People of African Descent, Is Khafra distancing mechanism and its goals tied to 9 billion in appropriation that the Government of comments in an article with direct and surrogate himself from due process, in to the Decade. Khafra‘s to the Indigenous peoples Guyana has not articulated a posted on Village Voice is releases in the main stream which he was involved? He evident illogicality brings andover8.7billiontosectors plan of action for the Decade not worthy of response andsocialmedia. represented the Rastafarian into question his ability to thatareessentiallypopulated and has refused to engage Imagine the troll contends Included in the fusillade Council and contributed to carry out functions which by Guyanese of Indian I D PA D A - G , w h o s e t h a t “ I D PA D A - G ” of propaganda was first, Ras all of the decisions which require an objective, descent. Without prejudice membership represents the (InternationalDecadeforthe Khafra who reposted a were made. The signatories professional and non- to those appropriations, the community of African People of African Descentmalicious 2022 attack to IDPADA-G bank account p a r t i s a n a p p r o a c h specificappropriationstothe Guyanese, and who have Guyana) is an “EVENT Secondly, the Ministry of were duly appointed by Interestingly, Khafra A f r i c a n G u y a n e s e developedaStrategicPlanto ESTABLISHED BY THE Tourism and Trade issued a b o t t o m - u p - e l e c t e d announced, at the Forum, community clearly indicate address the goals of the UNITED NATIONS”. He press release of distortions. Coordinating Council thathewasrepresentingcivil the level of disrespect for the Decade. TheGovernmentof shouldbeashamedtoexpose And, thirdly, a non-descript members. They were five, society, although his people of African descent Guyana has not, and could that level of intellect, troll took advantage of rather than three as claimed presence was facilitated by and the paltry degree of not have submitted a report publicly. Village Voice‘s liberal by Khafra. In any case, what Government, without any consideration given to the to the United Nations since Yours truly, editorial policy to scandalize is to prevent persons, reference to any civil society welfare of people of African there is no dedicated plan or VincentAlexander IDPADA-G. originating from the same organization. descent in the designated activities for the Decade. Chairman
K h a f r a ‘ s p i t i f u l organization, from being The Ministry‘s release is decade. Instead, they have sought to IDPADA-G regurgitation opined that duly selected, as also the most egregious and “For several years, Vincent occurredwhentwomembers outrageous in its effort to held the post of chairman of the Rastafarian Council spin. It proclaims that “The illegally”. Fact: Vincent was were elected to represent the Government of Guyana elected unanimously on the community on the ERC and continues to contribute firstoccasion,withKhafrain the Women and Gender heavily to the development full support, and reelected Commission,respectively Is of the Afro-Guyanese for a second term in a no- thatequivalenttohijacking?
communities and the
From page 5
These are important in order to gain traction for right to ideological, social, matters to ponder because views whose genesis is to be cultural and vocational they beg the question; how foundinaneralonggone.As development and to the come Ramharack and a consequence, they end up opportunity for responsible company have granted a free misinterpreting and participation in the pass to the PNC with regard erroneously misapplying the development of the socialist to its ideological convictions ideological framework laid order of society ’ The since it was that party who down by Jagan which, Constitution goes on to state authored the socialist and through the years, has been that ‘a socialist national ideological precepts the platform through which culture’should be developed enshrined in Guyana’s the PPP pursues its from the nation’s diverse constitution? programme and policies culturalstrains’. The preamble of our u n d e r p r e s e n t - d a y
Finally, it should be constitution presupposes conditions. acknowledged that a ‘Co- thatweliveinasocietyother Facing the challenges of operative Republic’signifies than what we live in now, in day-to-day life, Guyanese of thepreceptofcooperativism, other words, we are living in all social strata go to work a euphemism that envisages a society that is in total e a c h d a y w i t h t h e the establishment of contradiction to how life understanding that increased collectivist order of should be in ‘a society in productivity would bring Guyanese society Looked at transition to socialism’ and improvement to their wellholistically, our constitution where we should all be being. As for Guyanese of is more philosophical and afforded the ‘opportunity for humble means, the existence ideological than any other responsible participation in of prosperity around them constitution in Guyana. And the development of the should assure them that, ironicalasitmayseem,itisa socialistorderofsociety.’ provided they have a job, mereguidetoaction. In contradistinction, we work hard and/or work
In the circumstances, an live in a free market smart, life will improve important question arises, economy with all the steadily. what is more important? Is it economic, social and Young Guyanese today the way the aspirations of political imperfections, are inclined to dream about a Guyanese are formulated in which we experience on a home with a fence around it, our constitution or how the dailybasis. be employed, have a wife PPP is characterized in its The belief that we live andchildren. constitution? Has any of and work in a society in That dream is clearly these aspirational precepts transition to socialism is attainable once they are ever scared off foreign or thereforeutopian. preparedtoworkforitwithin local investors? Will Baytoram and company, a market economy with its scrubbing them make any having consciously chosen imperfections and with a difference? to ignore completely party in power whose
Experience has shown Burnham’s constitutional ideological pursuit does not that neither of these two handiwork prefer not to mattertothem.
characterizations have, subject to scrutiny all the Having experienced within recent times, played constitutional misnomers what it is to live in a freeany significant role for the associated with Guyana market system, Guyanese PPP/C or PNC/R to either being a cooperative or have instinctively rejected winorloseanelection.What collectivist state in transition the claim that they live in a has always mattered for the tosocialism. country in transition to electorate in this country are It is within a chosen socialism or that they live in bread and butter issues, free ethnocentric framework that a cooperative collectivist and fair elections, and fair Ramharack and company system.
play at the economic, social hasoptedtohangontoname Yours faithfully, andpoliticallevels. calling,clichesandlanguage Clement J. Rohee
Earlier this week, the Guyana Government was happy to announce that local businesses gained US$1.5B in contracts over the last nine years.
Guyanese who get carried away by the self-serving propaganda of the PPP/C Government have another gross imbalance to weigh. Since oil production began in December 2019, ExxonMobil and its partners carted away US$21.6B in profits and cost recovery dollars.
In the same period, Guyana collected US$4.2B in what is celebrated as a 50:50 partnership. In this partnership that is supposed to be a half and half one, it is clear that ExxonMobil's half is bigger than Guyana's by a staggering margin.
Two shareholders of the American oil major, ExxonMobil are urging investors of the company to vote against the election of Executive Chair and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Darren Woods at the upcoming Annual Meeting onMay29,2024.
Westpath Benefits and Investments and Mercy Investment Services Inc in a Notice to shareholders, through a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing, pointed out that W o o d s a n d L e a d Independent Director and Nominating and Governance Chair, Joseph Hooley have demonstrated disdain for the
voice of shareholders and are willing to use the threat of lawsuitstosilencethem.
The investors described Exxon's treatment of shareholders as “hostile” pointing to a recent legal action taken by the company they believe is intended to silence constructive discussion of its strategy.
Exxon filed a lawsuit on January 22, 2024, against two shareholders, 'Arjuna Capital' and 'Follow This', who had filed a proxy resolution with the company, focusedoncarbonemissions.
Westpath and Mercy reasoned, “We believe the action taken by Exxon represents a broader threat to
Chairman and CEO, ExxonMobil Corporation, Darren Woods
shareholder rights amid continued concern regarding the company's management ofclimaterisk.”
The decades-long investors of the company havethereforerecommended that shareholders vote against the election of the duo They explained, “Shareholdersshouldbeable to offer constructive s o l u t i o n s t h r o u g h shareholder proposals that
strengthen the company's ability to sustainably deliver on its shareholders' expectations ” However, they pointed out that the company's unprecedented lawsuit against investors undermines this important lever of accountability available to the owners of Exxonshares.
“Exxon's lawsuit sets a negative precedent that we believe will have a chilling effect on future efforts by shareholders pursuing consideration of proposals seekingtoimprovecorporate sustainability, ” the shareholders noted It therefore urged investors to vote against board members w i t h t h e p r i m a r y responsibility of oversight of the decision to use company funds to litigate rather than pursue standard Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) procedures. Westpath and Mercy explained that the lawsuit is akin to a “SLAPP suit” – a “Strategic Lawsuit A g a i n s t P u b l i c Participation.”
The long-standing investors said, “Exxon's announcement that it intends to continue to litigate its lawsuit despite the proponents' withdrawal of theproposalfurtherindicates that Exxon is pursuing an intimidation tactic. Nicolai Tangen, the chief executive
of Norway's $1.5 trillion oil fund and owner of 1.4% of Exxon's stock, told the FinancialTimes:“Wethinkit is very aggressive and we are concerned about the implications for shareholder r i g h t s . ” T h e t w o shareholders explained that attempts by ExxonMobil Corporation to undercut f e e d b a c k f r o m i t s shareholders threatens additional progress for i m p r o v e m e n t a n d transparency in the company's business strategy and progress, which has the potential for strengthening thecompany'sprofitabilityin the years to come. Further, Exxon's actions restrict shareholder communication and intimidate constructive investor feedback, according to the two investors. They argue, “Despite the company's arguments about the motivations of specific shareholders, it is crucial to respect the democratic avenues available to investors to make their voices heard on material issues to the company's business strategy.” To this end, they highlighted that while they support Exxon in its goal to responsibly grow long-term investor value, Woods and Hooley have demonstrated disregard for the voice of shareholders throughtheiractions.
A miner stabbed his colleague to death on Thursday at Paiyuka Falls, Puruni River Reports are that the suspect was asleep when his colleague, a Venezuelan national known as 'Frankie' hit him (the suspect)towakehimup.
The suspect, in a fit of anger armed himself with a knife, visited Frankie's hammockanddealthimfour stabs. P o l i c e s a i d t h a t investigations revealed that both Frankie and the suspect worked for Reneeta Andrews, a miner.“…On the mentioned date, at about 20:00hrs, the suspect was in a hammock imbibing with his co-workers, he became intoxicated and later fell asleep.“It is alleged that the victim hit the suspect while hewassleeping,wakinghim up The suspect became
angry, armed himself with a knife, went to the victim's hammock, and dealt him 4 stabs to his back,” the police reportsaid.
Frankie reportedly ran to his employer's room to seek refuge but succumbed to his injuries shortly thereafter The police were contacted and the victim was found lying face down on a mattress. He was clad in a pair of brown, three-quarter p a n t s D u r i n g a n examination of the victim's body, it was discovered that he sustained four stab wounds, two to his midsection and the others to his upper back The murder weapon was retrieved at the scene and the suspect was arrested.Frankie's body has been transported to the Bartica Regional Hospital mortuary Investigationsare ongoing.
Foryears,thedisciplesof credibility hinges largely on preferential treatment over River Bridge further tarnish progress and prosperity; Bharrat Jagdeo have woven Guyana securing debt relief. others. his legacy and led to him rather, it is one of stagnation a narrative of economic However, this claim glosses This is why Guyana got having to end his second and missed opportunities success during his tenure as overcrucialfacts.Debtrelief hundreds of millions of term under a cloud of The narrative of economic Minister of Finance and wasn’t a result of Jagdeo’s dollars of its debt written off criticism and disaffection, credibility and success President of Guyana. Yet, a astuteeconomicstewardship by Trinidad and Tobago. both of which contributed crumbles in the face of this article are those of the comprehensive examination butratheraconsequenceofa Under the Paris Club ultimately to the loss of the scrutiny, revealing a legacy a u t h o r a n d d o n o t of the facts reveals a global initiative aimed at agreement, Guyana could 2015electionsbythePPP/C. defined by mediocrity and necessarily reflect the differentreality alleviating the burdens of not repay those sums to J a g d e o ’ s l e g a c y , failures. opinions of this newspaper.)
Recently, Jagdeo was heavily indebted poor Trinidad and Tobago. The unfortunately, is not one of (The views expressed in asked about what he was countries (HIPCs). Guyana twin-island state therefore most proud about after 30 benefitted from this had to forego those sums as years as a member of the initiative irrespective of its debt relief. Jagdeo’s tenure, government. He was also leadership. as both a Minister and as asked what he regretted the TheParisClubterms,for President, was marred by a most. Jagdeo’s claims of example, were part of a litany of failures and restoring credibility to the broader international effort, controversies conveniently country’s economy crumble not a testament to Jagdeo’s omitted from the PPP/C’s underscrutiny Theyreveala personalachievements.Debt narrative. The public service l e g a c y m a r k e d b y relief had nothing to do with strike, which precipitated s t a g n a t i o n , p o o r the PPP/C’s or Jagdeo’s Janet Jagan’s resignation, management and missed efforts. remains a dark chapter in opportunities The period Guyana was benefitting Guyana’shistory Shegotthe between 1999 and 2005, from debt relief even before wrongadvice. under Jagdeo’s presidency, Jagdeo and the PPP/C took Guyana was never as was characterized by office Under the PNC unsafe as it was under lackluster economic growth. government, Guyana Jagdeo’s Presidency The Guyanaexperiencedafeeble benefitted from Paris Club surge in crime rates during average GDP growth of a terms.Thesetermsgotbetter his presidency underscores mere 0.7% in those years. under the PPP/C because t h e f a i l u r e o f t h e Annual figures tell a tale of t h e r e w a s i n t e n s e government’s failure to woe: from negative growth international pressure to ensure public safety and ratestosluggishexpansion. address the debts of security a fundamental Theeconomylanguished developing countries dutyofanygovernment.One under Jagdeo’s watch. In Guyana being a HIPIC of his own Ministers was 1999, annual GDP growth c o u n t r y b e n e f i t t e d assassinated. The Skeldon was 3.6%; in 200) it was - generously Sugar Factory debacle 1.4%; the following year, it When a country is stands as a glaring example was 2 3%; in 2002, it granted Paris Club terms, it of a Jagdeo’s failures declined to 1.1% and then means that the Paris Club Plagued by problems, the fell further the next year to membercountries,whichare factory became a drain on –o.6%. In 2004, growth was creditors of that nation, have resourcesratherthanhelping a mere 1.6% and in 2005, it agreed to provide debt relief to revive the ailing sugar slumped to -2% mainly on or restructuring according to industry Similarly, the account of the floods of that certain agreed-upon terms. Amaila Falls Hydroelectric year From 2006 onwards, One critical aspect of the Project was mired in the economy began to show Paris Club process is the controversy The developer better growth due to the principleofcomparabilityof eventually walked away rebound from the floods of treatment. The principle of over the lack of political 2005 and because of the comparability of treatment consensus. rebasing of the economy stipulates that once a Paris Jagdeo’s track record on However, in the seven years Club agreement is reached investment is equally between 1999 and 2005 with a debtor country, all dubious The ill-fated Guyana’s economy, under ParisClubmembercountries decisions surrounding Jagdeo’s presidency grew at who are creditors of that CLICO and the Santa an average of 0.7%. This is nation must offer the same Complex privatization are Jagdeo’s record, a record of terms to that country This sore thumbs. The flawed failure. principle ensures fairness models of the Marriot Hotel
The PPP/C’s contention and consistency among (including debt owed to that Jagdeo reclaimed creditors and prevents any unknown syndicated Guyana’s economic one creditor from receiving investors) and the Berbice
In de suga world, it ain’t just sweetness weself: is keepin’ dis suga bizness alive an’ light. Dis year, it look like we in fuh a reallyworthalldisfuss?Workersscarcelike bitta taste of disaster Rumor mill turnin’ hen’s teeth. De weather is unkind because it faster dan a mill grindin’ cane, spreadin’ bonedry An’nowweheardemwhispersofa wordofdefirstcropbein’adownrightmess. shake-upindemanagement. Dem canes, dey standin’ tall, but dey We investing in mechanization to ain’t packin’de punch. Why? Well, blame it compensate for de labour shortage. But if de on de dry spell.Ain’t dat a twist? Back in de canesgrowstunted,thenthatcancelsoutany day, rain used to take de rap, but now it benefitsofmechanization.Doesirtnot? lookin’ like de lack of it got us singin’ a In dis suga saga, every crop bringin’ a differenttune. fresh batch of drama. Like a pot bubblin’ Canes stunted, fields barren, an’ all over, we can’t help but wonder: what’s de fingers pointin’to de sky, beggin’for a drop point? But in dis land of sugar an’strife, de ofmercy Wordoutonthestreetsisthateven show must go on. And de industry must desmalltargetwasnotmet. survive. For what reason, we are no longer But let’s tek a lil’ pause, mek we ask sure.
…to repay when Exxon pays-up from cost oil
S p e c i a l i s t coming off a record year of profits and more recently securing the contract to supply the Jaguar Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel has had to secure a loan in order tofunditsconstruction.
T h i s m u c h w a s confirmed yesterday by the SBM Offshore which announcedthatithassecured a US$250M term loan facility to fund the construction of the oil ship. The company said that the loan facility will be fully drawn in the coming days to finance FPSO construction activities. The bridge loan is 12 months with an extension option for another six months, SBM added without disclosing the lender of the loan. “That drawdown is to be paid by the Contractor, namely the ExxonMobil led consortium developing the
U S $ 1 2 . 7 B W h i p t a i l Development Project.”
Ownership of the floater will transfer to ExxonMobil before the FPSO is deployed offshore Guyana SBM Offshore will operate the vessel for a decade. The Jaguar FPSO will be spread mooredinabout1639metres of water and will be able to store 2 million barrels of crude One day after ExxonMobil Guyana secured its Petroleum Production Licence, SBM Offshore last Friday announced that it will be constructing Guyana's sixth Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel,Jaguar
The vessel will be designed to produce 250,000 barrelsofoilperday,andwill have associated gas treatment capacity of 540 million cubic feet per day and water injection capacity of300,000barrelsperday
The Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Incorporated will be paying as much as US$2.4M annually for the use of a powership that it has contracted with Urbacon Concessions Investments, W.L.L (UCI) to charter the vessel with a total installed capacity of 36 Megawatts (MWs) for a period of two years. This, figure does not include fuel The contract, according to GPL, includes the provision of operation and maintenance services as part of the agreement
According to the utility company in a public missive yesterday, “the contract requiresGPLtopayUCIafee of6.62UScentsperkWhasa monthly charter fee for the powership and a monthly operation and maintenance feeof0.98UScentsperkWh, based on electricity generated.”
A36MWcapacityplantis expected to generate some 315,360,000-kilowatt hours per year, which would mean a n a n n u a l b i l l $2,087,683,200 This in addition to the 0.98 US cents maintenance fee, will add an additional US$309,052,800, o r c u m u l a t i v e l y US$2,396,736,000.
According to the power company in a missive, power ship is expected to operate at 96 percent availability. Additionally, it was pointed outthatGPLhasalreadypaid a total mobilization fee of US$1M and is not required under the contract to pay a demobilization fee. As had been indicated earlier, under the contract, GPL is responsible for providing
According to the power company,thepowershipwas lastoperatedinCubaasapart of contingent of similar
generation assets and is expected to arrive in Guyana on May 1, 2024, subject to weatherconditions.
According to GPL, the power ship will be located at Everton, Berbice and will be interconnected with GPL's Grid at 69 kV The company said it has already commenced preparatory work at the site to accommodatethepowership and the interconnection to GPL'sGridandisexpectedto be fully operational and delivering electricity by May 8, 2024. GPL on April 13, 2024, GPL Inc. inked the contract with UCI, a subsidiary of UCC Holdings, a company incorporated in the State of Qatar UCC Holdings has a strategic alliance with Karpowership International, a Turkish company Meanwhile, in an advertisement published in the Kaieteur News on Thursday, GPL invited expression of interest for the rental of a barge to transport and store heavy fuel oil from Kingston /Vreed-en-Hoop to Everton, Berbice. In the advertisement, GPL explained that it is in the process of expanding its generating capacity and the need has arisen for a barge with the capacity to transfer and store between 8,000 and 35,000 barrels of HFO to be transported from Kingston to Everton. The company noted that the barge will be primarily stationed at Everton. With this in mind, GPL said it is seeking e x p r e s s i o n o f individuals/companies who can provide these services.
The requirements for the barge include capability of transporting and storing heavy fuel, oil (HFO) in a safemanner Thebargemust have among other things,
capacity to store between 8,000 to 35,000 barrels of heavy fuel oil. The barge must also have the capability of mooring and transiting between GPL's Kingston and Vreed-en-Hoop ports. The barge must be self-propelled. It must hold the capability of performing ship-to-ship transfer /loading of heavy fuel oil. The barge must be available to be leased on a continuous basis for a minimum period of one year to a maximum period of two years. It must have a valid barge registration/licence and be double hulled. The relevant documents have to be submitted to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board by 2 pmonApril30th.
No power hike
General Secretary of the People's Progressive Party (PPP), Bharrat Jagdeo has assured that there will be no increases in electricity chargesduringtheperiodthat the power ship is in operation. Speaking at his weekly press conference at FreedomHouseonThursday, Jagdeo explained that the government will absorb any additional costs stemming from the rental. “There will be no increase in the price of electricity because of this rental. The government, at about$44or$50perkilowatt hour, is already subsidising the power to people, businesses, etc , ” Jagdeo said.The power ship is being rented in an attempt to supplement the generation shortfall, which has led to recurrent blackouts. It forms a critical element of the government'sshort-termplan to address this shortfall Jagdeo further noted, “It is a large sum of money that we use to keep the price of electricity fixed. Since we got into office, we have kept it fixed, in spite of the increase.So,thereshallbeno increase in the price.” On Tuesday, President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali affirmedthefeasibilityofthis rental, explaining that some of the challenges GPL faces are heightened demand and the lack of capacity This temporary arrangement will be in place for two years, es
On Thursday, a 29-yearold labourer was remanded to prisonwhenheappearedatthe Suddie Magistrates' Court to answer an attempted murder charge The accused, Mark ChesterofQueenstownVillage, Essequibo Coast is accused of attempting to kill 45-year-old Marlon Jones also of the same village on Friday Chester madehisfirstcourtappearance
before Magistrate Tamieka Clarke where the charge was read to him. He was not required to plead to the charge which was laid under Section 103 (c) of the Criminal Law Offences Act, Chapter 8:01.The prosecutor objected to bail, and the accused was remanded to prison. Chester is scheduled to return to court on April30,2024fordisclosures.
Remanded: Mark Chester
Structuralia, a leading online education school specializinginSTEM areas, has announced the second phase of the strategic collaborationwiththe O r g a n i z a t i o n o f American States (OAS) for the delivery of 2,000 online master'sscholarships.
In a press release, Structuralia said these grants, which cover 50% of the programme's tuitioncost, represent a joint effort to f o s t e r p r o f e s s i o n a l development on a regional and international level, paving the way to successful careers.Thisinitiative,witha track record of 14 years, p r o v i d e s a u n i q u e opportunity to advance professional development, allowing Latin American professionals and students to access high-quality education.
Themainobjectiveofthe grant programme is to expand knowledge and skills in crucial areas such as civil engineering, energy, environment, construction, management and digital transformation With a
widely diversified offer of specialised academic programmes, the grants also facilitate a study opportunity with UCAM (Catholic UniversityofMurcia),which will allow students to obtain a double degree; the proper degree from a university in Europe, and another from Structuralia. In addition, complementary benefits have been established to promote access to academic excellence, specifically aimed at women and young people between 20 and 30 yearsold.
Applicantswillbeableto choose among 60 masters including:
1. Master's Degree in ProjectManagement
2. Master's Degree in AgileMethodologies
3. Master's Degree in Cybersecurity
4. Master's Degree in Disaster Risk Management andClimateGovernance
5. Master's Degree in ArtificialIntelligence
6. Master's Degree in Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Industries
The beneficiary selection process is carried out
exhaustively,consideringthe idealprofileforthe selected master's degree, compliance with the requirements (residence in anOASmember state and presentation of aletterofmotivation)andthe sendingofthenecessary documentation along with the application (copy of i d e n t i t y d o c u m e n t , CV/Resumeand university degree). The application period for these postgraduate grants will extend until May 10, 2024. Those interested can obtain detailed information about the process and programmes on the official website: oasscholarships structuralia com
Structuralia and OAS reaffirm their joint commitment to foster access toqualityeducationand promote professional development in the region. This collaboration will continuetostrengthen the ties between both organizations, working together to build a stronger andmorequalified futureforLatinAmerican professionals.
Th e r e c e n t e x p l a n a t i o n , provided by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on the arbitration filed by the Gas-to-Energy Contractors, has sparked further concerns regarding the chaotic project which can best be resolved through the release of all documents, including the report from the Indian Consultant.
This is according to the Opposition spokesperson on Oil and Gas, Elson Low The Economist made these remarks during the Leader of the Opposition's weekly press conference on Thursday “Vice President Jagdeo, in attempting to extinguish the quickly gatheringstormovertheGasto-Energy project, led the nation on a rollercoaster of half-truths and blame dodging,” Low said. Given the vital nature of the project, however, Low argued that Guyanesedeserve“thewhole truth” from the leader and for the People's Progressive Party (PPP) to take responsibility for the
project. He said while the government has accepted a three-month delay as a result of Exxon being unable to completethesitepreparation,
the contractors have disagreed, stating that they will require more time to complete the gas plants According to Jagdeo, “That is where we are arguing the three months delay on the project came. They want a longer period because the liquidating damages for not
completing the project on timeforthecontractor,ifthey don't complete the project on time, it's over US$11M per month they have to pay in liquidating damages for delay on the project so they are arguing they need more time beyond the three months. We are saying three monthsisadequate.”
Forhispart,Lowbelieves the explanations have only sparked further questions
According to him, “There
appear to be significant issues with the soil at the Wales site Since Jagdeo claimsthegovernmentdid“a feasibility study” which considered site soil (he mentioned marshy land at Palmyra), we challenge him toreleasethatstudy.”
T h e O p p o s i t i o n spokesman said Guyanese areconcernedthattheVPhas once again neglected to assessthekeyelements
(Continued on page 23)
Opposition spokesman on Oil and Gas, Elson Low
“chaotic project”. The GTE project's three main components are the pipeline being built by ExxonMobil and the Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) facility and power plant being pursued by the Government of Guyana (GoG). These aspects of the venturearepeggedatUS$1B andUS$759Mrespectively A number of attempts by the Opposition for all agreements relative to the project to be made public have been unsuccessful to date, but with construction
delays now expected to push back the completion of the project to 2025, the Opposition believes the best way for the nation to be informed is through the release of all documents. Jagdeo revealed last week, following a report from Reuters, that the two contractors CH4 and Lindsaycathatwereawarded the US$759M in December 2022, have filed for a dispute r e s o l u t i o n o v e r a disagreement with the government on the delayed
( B B C N E W S )
Ukraine’s prime minister has told the BBC there will be a “Third World War” if Ukraine loses its conflict with Russia, as he urged the US Congress to pass a long-stalled foreign aid bill.
D e n y s S h m y h a l e x p r e s s e d “ c a r e f u l o p t i m i s m ” t h a t U S
lawmakers would pass the hotly contested measure, which has $61bn (£49bn) earmarkedforKyiv
T h e H o u s e o f Representativesissettovote onthepackagethisSaturday. The proposal includes funding for Israel as well as theIndo-Pacific.Russiasays any fresh American aid for Ukraine will not make a difference on the battlefield, as the situation on the front l i n e i s l o o k i n g “unfavourable” to Kyiv
Speaking to the BBC in Wa s h i n g t o n D C o n
Wednesday, Ukrainian
Prime Minister Shmyhal said of the US security assistance: “We need this money yesterday, not tomorrow,nottoday.”
“If we will not protect... Ukraine will fall,” he added. “So the global, the global system of security will be destroyed...andalltheworld will need to find... a new systemofsecurity “Or,there willbemanyconflicts,many suchkindsofwars,andinthe end of the day, it could lead
to the Third World War.” This is not the first time Ukraine has issued such an alarming warning about the consequencesofitspotential defeat. Last year, President Volodymyr Zelensky said that if Russia won the conflict, it could next invade Poland, triggering World War Three But Kremlin officials have ridiculed such c l a i m s a s We s t e r n scaremongering. Last month President Vladimir Putin dismissed suggestions that Russia might one day attack EasternEuropeas“complete nonsense”.
Russia has never attacked a country within Nato, which includes Poland. Nato’s collective defence pact means that an attack on one member constitutes an attack on all.
In Wednesday’s interview, PrimeMinisterShmyhalwas askedaboutarecentclaimby Republican House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul that members of his own party were being “infected” by Russian propaganda.
Mr Shmyhal said: “We should understand that d i s i n f o r m a t i o n a n d propaganda is influencing here in the United States on many people, in European Union on many people, such asinUkraine.”
Opposition from the right wing of the Republican party has blocked potential
assistance to Ukraine for months Some of those lawmakers have objected to sending tens of billions of dollars in aid overseas, without first passing funds for US-Mexico border security
These conservatives have also dismissed as smears any suggestion that they could be Kremlin dupes.
President Joe Biden said i n a s t a t e m e n t o n Wednesday, he would sign the package into law immediately once passed by Congress“tosendamessage to the world: We stand with ourfriends”.
Ukraine is critically dependent on weapon suppliesfromtheUSandthe WesttokeepfightingRussia,
which has superior numbers andanabundanceofartillery ammunition Months of congressional impasse have already had profound effects on the battlefield. Ukraine has found itself outmanned and outgunned and forced into retreat because of ammunition rationing and falling morale. In February, it retreated from Avdiivka, a town near occupied Donetsk that it had held since the conflict began in 2014 Oleksandr Tarnavskyi, a general overseeing the withdrawal, cited a 10-toone artillery ammunition advantage for his enemies and said pulling back after months of fighting was “the onlycorrectsolution”. President Zelensky blamed an “artificial deficit
of weapons” as he made urgent appeals for more military aid to avoid a “catastrophic” situation President Biden has cited “dwindling supplies as a result of congressional inaction” as a reason for the retreat.
Avdiivka’s loss was the heaviestforUkrainesinceits troops pulled out of Bakhmut in May 2023. Both came after months of attritional warfare in which Russian forces levelled buildings with massed artilleryandpouredwavesof troopsintothefrontline.
General Sir Richard B a r r o n s , a f o r m e r commander of the UK’s Joint Forces Command, recently stated he feared that Ukraine could face defeat
this year unless it was given t h e w e a p o n s a n d ammunition it needed to secure its lines. “We are seeing Russia batter away at the front line, employing a five-to-one advantage in artillery, ammunition, and a surplus of people,” he said. “Ukrainemaycometofeelit can’t win. And when it gets tothatpoint,whywillpeople want to fight and die?” Both sides have suffered heavy losses in the battles but mounting casualties have left Ukraine, unlike Russia, with a shortage of manpower.
The government earlier this month lowered the age ofconscriptionfrom27to25 in an effort to raise hundreds ofthousandsofnewrecruits. President Zelensky has said 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed since 2022. US officials, however, believe at least 70,000 have died and many more are injured.ABBCinvestigation calculatesthatatleast50,000 Russian troops have been killed.
Tens of thousands are believed to have been injured Russia has transformed its industrial baseintoawartimeeconomy - with some 40% of the national budget due to be devoted to defence and security in 2024, and deals struck with Iran and North Koreacoveringammunition, missilesanddrones.
Vice President, Bharrat contract between it and the Jagdeo on Thursday blamed
Central Housing and the evaluation team for the Planning Authority dated procurement breaches found February 24th, 2023, for the in the handing out of a upgrading of roads in Block $865M pump station three, Great Diamond contracttoTepui,acompany However, it was pointed out closely linked to the that the list of current ‘GuyaneseCritic’. projectssubmittedbyTEPUI
Kaieteur News told under evaluation criteria, Jagdeo at his weekly party gave the status of the press conference yesterday aforesaid projects at the time that an investigation done by of the bid submission (June the Public Procurement 2023) as 30% and 20% Commission (PPC) revealed completed,respectively several breaches of the
The commission noting procurement regulations in that the works for which the the awarding of the contract contracts were submitted by and asked the vice president TEPUI were neither for a August 2022 and has now bidder to rely on, and the for his response in this “pump station, sluice and or commenced the process of committee to accept, the Bureau of Standards), Miss Kaieteur News, NPTAB regard. drainage structure” as bidding for projects, hence purported work experience Shabbana Omar, a civil ignored several key details
The VP responded, “It specified in the evaluation wedonothaveanypastwork of the bidder’s officers, as engineer at the BNTF, whenitcametothecompany didn’t say breach however it criteria nor were any, by experience but our team of distinctfromthebidderitself Ministry of Finance and Mr satisfying the evaluation pointed out the application TEPUI’s own admission, personnel have years of (a company) which admitted Larry Karrel at theASDU (a criteria for the award of the for evaluation criteria; an completed, also as required experience under upgrading nopastworkexperience. unit at the Ministry of $865Mdeal. evaluation criterion that was by the said criteria In andrehabilitationofroadsas Further, the committee Agriculture). These were the The investigation was outlined in the bid that there addition, the bidder,TEPUI , indicated on their respective e v a l u a t e d t h e b i d three evaluators so they launched into the award of was not a perfect kind of submitted as part of its resumes.” submission, important to completed their evaluation contract after a complaint application or in this bid’s tender, a letter addressed to By way of the aforesaid note that discrepancies were report and then the report was lodged at the PPC by case,theevaluationcriteria”. the procuring entity and letter of February 6th, 2024, identified between the was sent to NPTAB and then opposition Member of Jagdeo pointed out that dated June 13th, 2023, by the commission also original bid document and itwenttotheCabinetforano Parliament, David Patterson the report by the PPC did not Winston Martindale, requested from NPTAB, electronic copies submitted
objection,”Jagdeosaid. whoraisedconcernsoverthe recommend the cancellation Director captioned “Record “clarification as to the by company, particularly He also told the media questionable circumstances ofthecontract. of Past Work Experience” in authority on which the r e g a r d i n g p r o j e c t that while it is good that it underwhichthecontractwas
Earlier during his initial which it is stated – “Our evaluation committee acted completionpercentages.The focuses on the transparency awarded For its part, statement at the press company was registered in which permitted the winning (Continued on page 22) of the handing out of NPTAB had previously conference, Jagdeo said that contracts, it must also shed defended the contract award the PPC did make some light on the implementation to TEPUI claiming that it recommendations as it and completion of projects follows the systems, relates to the evaluation by his government along processes and procedures process and that his with the benefits it brings to e n s h r i n e d i n t h e government will take them thepopulaceofGuyana. Procurement Act and its intoconsideration. The report released by regulations in the award of “...the recommendations the PPC revealed that contracts. w i l l b e t a k e n i n t o although TEPUI – the The Tender Board had consideration especially on company closely linked to explained that in any bid, the evaluation, the social media personality, there are administrative, application of evaluation M i k h a i l R o d r i g u e s technical and financial criteria,”hesaid. popularly known as the criteria to be followed which Jagdeo also sought to ‘Guyanese Critic’ had failed are assessed by the defend the awarding of the miserably during the Evaluation Committee in contract to Tepui by saying evaluationprocessforbidsat making its recommendation most of it was transparent the level of the National toNPTAB. and that the findings show Procurement and Tender “These criteria are all that there is a functioning Administration Board fully enshrined in the PPC under his government (NPTAB), but it was still specific tender document than was under the past handed a $865 million applicable to the specific administration. contract to build a pump procurement, whether for “One thing was clear and station at Belle Vue, West goods, works or services,” that is there was a public BankDemerara(WBD). thetenderboardsaid. tender for all of the 19 pump In fact, Rodrigues’
However, in its report, stations that were being built company beat off 26 other the PPC underlined the fact across the country including bids, 13 of which were that the company failed to the one under review by the described as “substantially satisfy several technical PPC,” Jagdeo said before responsive,” to win the criteriaforthespecificaward adding “that an evaluation lucrative deal This was but was still given the committee consistent with revealed in a report released contract. According to the the Public Procurement Act by the Public Procurement report,thecontractor-TEPUI was established. It was a Commission (PPC) the – did not demonstrate that it multi-agency evaluation body legally mandated to had construction experience Committee”. with oversight and or “[completed] projects of a “So I asked who the investigative capabilities to similar nature” as the Belle evaluators were today and m o n i t o r p u b l i c Vuepumpstationproject. theysentmethisdocument,” procurement.The PPC, in its
Instead,therecordbefore he continued before naming report released on Tuesday the commission reflects that theevaluators. highlighted several TEPUI submitted two “The evaluators were procurement breaches contracts under this criterion Randy Beckles, he was the committed by TEPUI and stating that it has a contract coordinatorfortheparticular overlooked by NPTAB in Hadi’s World Inc dated project and he is the awarding the contract March 27, 2023, for the procurementofficerfromthe According to the document construction of a concrete GNBS (Guyana National which was perused by wharf at Providence, and a
PAULO,April 18 (Reuters)A political push to raise the first-ever "Amazonia Bond" has ramped up during talks to agree a "roadmap", yet the chance of a deal this year faces technical hurdles and scepticism among some of those tasked with managing thedebt,sourcestoldReuters.
Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuadorareamongagroupof nations in talks with development banks to launch a specially supported framework to raise billions of dollars of low-cost funding to protect the world's biggest rainforest. Proposed by the Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank last year, Reuters is for the first time reporting the progress being made, the bond structures and timings being discussed, but also some of the push-back from officials in two of the region's biggest countries.
Covering more than 6 million square kilometers, the Amazon absorbs vast amounts of climate-warming greenhousegasesandishome to more than 10% of all knownanimalsandplants,the highest density of species anywhere on Earth. "It would be a major landmark transaction for nature-linked securities," said Arend Kulenkampff, director of the Sustainability-linked Sovereign Debt Hub, a nonprofit effort to coordinate green financing, referring to theeffort'spotentialimpact.
Politically, Amazonia bonds align with the call from the presidents of Brazil, Colombia and others in the Amazon basin for rich countries to contribute more to rainforest's protection. A member of Brazil's climate delegation told Reuters that increasing multilateral development bank (MDB) financingisatopdemandofit G20 presidency this year and ahead of the U.N. climate summits in Azerbaijan in November and itsAmazonian cityofBelemin2025.
Only MDBs can rally climate financing on the scale that is needed in large developing countries like Brazil, Mexico and India, the person said 'Credit guarantees' for example can sharply reduce borrowing costs that can normally be in the double-digits for countries. How much money MDBs can provide and how fast is an open question, as
officialssaythereisnotimeto waste in addressing climate change. But while politically Brazil, and Colombia which hosts the COP16 U N biodiversity talks in October, are both keen to have a landmark deal to show for their efforts, some officials are sceptical of the need to rushanewdebtinstrument.
"Colombia, like the other eight Amazon countries, could launch an 'Amazon bond,' but it has insisted on thinkingoftheAmazonnotas a source of debt but as a source of income," said Jose Roberto Acosta, Colombia's director of public credit at the finance ministry. Emerging economies are increasingly pushing for the world to help put a value on their stewardship of such shared resources, for example by generating biodiversity credits that could be sold to other countries or companies toraisemoney
"For this reason, it is not very likely that it will be achieved before COP16," Acostasaid.
Two sources with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters that discussions were still in preliminary stages within Brazil's government and that any progress, if confirmed, would not come this year Brazil's Finance Ministry, said it was "so far" unaware of any discussions and had not yet received a formal proposal for an Amazoniabond.Theministry also pointed to last year's strong demand for Brazil's first international green bond that raised $2 billion and was sold with lower-than-normal 6% interest rate. It plans to issue more in the future it added, although banking sources suggested an MDBguaranteed Amazonia bond might only need half that interestrate.Andthereisneed tokeepborrowingratesaslow aspossible.Thecostofhitting Brazil's self-set climate targets - it is aiming to more than halve its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and be 'net zero' by 2050 - has been estimated at $100 billion a year, or 7% of its economic output. Other countries and the development banks involved in the plans did not commentonthestatusoftalks whenaskedbyReuters.
TheMarchtalksdiscussed arangeofissuesthatwillneed to be agreed before the first bond is launched. Among them was what to include on the "menu" of bond options
open to countries issuing under the framework, with an aim of launching both "use of proceeds" bonds - where money is earmarked for specific projects - and "sustainability-linked bonds" (SLBs), tied to more general goals like reducing deforestationrates.Withmost countries in the region yet to write SLB frameworks into national regulations, a use of proceedsbondisamorelikely option for the first issuance, t h r e e s o u r c e s s a i d Companies and local development banks may also issueinfuture.
International interest is strong, with individual governments including Sweden, Italy and Spain already providing support, three sources said Going forward, other multilaterals such as the Development BankofLatinAmericaand
(Continued on page 23)
Sales Representative, canter Drivers & Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373.
One night Watchman needed. For more information Call: 612-2125.
Two Kitchen Assistance to work from 6am-2pm. For more information Call: 6655074/ 603-1278.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$5000 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839.
Porter needed for truck. For more information Call: 6611000.
Male Sales Representative, Age 20-30 years old. Apply or Contact: 619- 1237.
Primary level Teachers needed. Submit applications to smartmindseducation @gmail.com
Vacancy Exist For two Experienced Dispatcher At Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 2. Email application: techserigy@yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to cook & clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
(CNN) - Israel has carried out a strike inside Iran, a US official told CNN, in a move that threatens to push the region deeper into conflict.
Iranian air defenses have been activated in several provinces, the state news agency reported Friday. Multiple explosions were heard near a military base in Isfahan, according to reports from Iranian semi-official FARS news, where fighter jets are located in the northwest part of the city.
Reports of the explosion came hours after Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian told CNN that if Israel takes any further military action against Iran, its response would be “immediate and at a maximum level.”
On Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel
will make its “own decisions” when responding to Iran’s unprecedented weekend airstrikes, most of which were intercepted. Iran launched the attack in retaliation for a suspected Israeli strike on its embassy compound in Syria earlier this month.
Iran’s Fars news agency said an explosion was heard at an airport in the central city of Isfahan but the cause was not immediately known. Iran suspended flights over the cities of Isfahan, Shiraz and Tehran, state media reported.
* Several Iranian nuclear sites are located in Isfahan province, including Natanz, centerpiece of Iran’s uranium enrichment program.
* Tehran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport was closed to all flights until 0700 GMT, according to a notice to airmen posted on a U.S.
Federal Aviation Administration database.
* Some Emirates and Flydubai flights that were flying over Iran early on
Friday made sudden sharp turns away from the airspace, according to flight paths shown on tracking website Flightradar24.
Male Cleaner needed for Eccles. Call: 645-8443/ 6159132. Cook, Pastry Maker and Kitchen Assistant needed. Call: 223-5020/ 223-5021/ 223-1531 between 9am-3pm.
Wanted one experienced Cook. Call: 654-1535.
One male able- bodied Staff. Call: 231-2029, 616-5954.
Wanted: Skilled Masons, Carpenters and Labourers to work in Linden. Call: 6029469, 660-6385 or 625-7642.
River side land for sale in Timehri & Parika, Plantation Berg. Call: 653-2477.
LFS at Soesdyke. Call: 7000797.
Living and Business Quarter for rent at James and Hunter Street. For more information Call: 674 0614.
Call: 615-2911.
Painter needed. Call: 6159132 or 645-8443.
Experienced Accounts Clerk to assist in administrative function that company may require. Email: bakshwork @gmail.com
Experienced Lorry Driver, must have a valid licence.
WhatsApp application: 6092220, 725-4360, Email: donnal @sosgy.com
Labourer needed, must have good attitude and reference. WhatsApp application: 6092220, 725-4360, Email: donnal @sosgy.com
Operations Coordinator, must have 5 cxc, including English & Maths. WhatsApp application: 609-2220, 725-4360, Email: donnal@sosgy.com
Vacancy exist for two Nannies. Must be 40 Years or older. Call: 654-1535.
Vacancy for Cashier and Sales girl. Lot 4 Robb street Georgetown. Call652-9576 or 656-1234.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
From page 17 original bid document listed the construction of a concrete pile bed and foundation at Providence (Hadi’s World Inc.) and the upgrading of roads in Block 3, Great Diamond (CH&PA) as 100% and 80% completed, respectively, while the electronic copies indicated lower completion rates of 30% and 20%.
In such cases, the document noted that the information provided in the original bid document takes precedence. It went on to state further that whether the projects
Two SUV Lexus for sale @ 8.9 mil each. Call: 650-0402/ 652-0251.
House for sale at WBD,
submitted by TEPUI were 20% complete or 80% complete (Re: letter from NPTAB dated February 20th, 2024) is immaterial, as what was required by the evaluation criteria was ‘completion.’
Another requirement for the successful bidder is to provide evidence of financial capacity representing (30%) of the bid price. Bidder must provide a bank statement or LINE of credit from a bank or a recognized financial institution. The criterion has a number of levels within it which are to be satisfied. The first, being a bank statement or line of credit from a “recognized financial institution”. The record reflects the submission by TEPUI of a line of credit issued by Puran Brothers ‘Top Mix.’
Yet, another criterion required the successful bidder is for the company to– “…provide audited financial statements for the last financial year, dated within one year, for incorporated companies. Financial statements must be audited by a Chartered accountant/accountancy firm and include an auditor’s note…”
In response to this requirement the company’s director, Martindale addressed to the procuring entity dated June 13th, 2023, which states – “…Our company was registered in August 2022 and has now commenced the process of bidding for projects; hence, we do not have any financial statements.”
However, the security submitted by TEPUI was in the sum of $7,791,985. That is, $863,450 less than the required sum in satisfaction of this criterion.
Stemming from the PPC report, Minister within the Office of the President with the Responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, on Tuesday night, sought to reassure the nation of government’s commitment to transparency and accountability in the distribution of state contracts. In a live address, Dr. Singh spoke of the government commitment to the scrutiny of bidders to ascertain whether they would be able to meet the work demands and discharge contracts in a timely manner.
The PPC noted that in the absence of bank statements, which are not reflected in the record as having been submitted, a line of credit from a “bank” or “recognized financial institution” is required. What is a “recognized financial institution” is not defined. Notwithstanding, the issuer must at least be a “financial institution”. What is a financial institution is defined by law, pursuant to the Financial Institutions Act, Cap. 85:03 and in accordance therewith, must be licensed by the Bank of Guyana (Sections 2 and 3). [A bank must be similarly licensed by the Bank of Guyana in accordance with the said Act.]
Puran Bros. Top Mix is not a ‘bank’ or a ‘financial institution’ within the meaning of the Financial Institutions,” the regulatory body stated in its report.
more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.
The company was mandated to show evidence of ownership and or possession of key equipment in the specified number, is available for the project. The criterion provides that “ownership or possession can be demonstrated by providing the licences, purchase documents, registrations, agreement to lease or rent from a recognized leasing agency, and or affidavit of ownership.” The record reflects that TEPUI Inc. did not submit any of the aforesaid, to wit, a ‘licence, purchase document, registration, agreement and or affidavit.’
In addition to the aforementioned criterion, the successful bidder was required to submit “bid security in the sum of 1% of the Bid Price.” The report pointed out that TEPUI’s bid was in the sum of $865,543,500. Hence, the Bid Security ought to have been in the sum of $8,655,435.
“I wish to assure the Guyanese public that this PPP/C government, led by His Excellency President Dr. Irfaan Ali, remains firmly and unwaveringly committed to good governance and accountability, including through the maintenance and preservation of public bodies that can withstand scrutiny,” Dr. Singh said.
Meanwhile, NPTAB, in a subsequent release, also indicated what steps would be taken to strengthen its systems. It said it has “commenced two consultancies to strengthen records management and develop a public procurement management system.” The NPTAB release added, “Both will introduce information technology solutions to current processes and procedures and pave the way for a robust e-procurement system.”
Two elderly persons, one from Bartica and the other Georgetown, have been reported missing in separate incidents.
The husband of a 54-year-old Bartica woman, Winifred FernandohasreportedhermissingasofMondaymorning.He is seeking urgent assistance in locating his wife. Fernando hails from Byderabo, Greater Bartica. She went missing during a trip to Georgetown. Her husband Antonio Fernando saidshewaslastseenwearingawhitet-shirt,bluejeans,anda pair of pink sandals. She was also wearing a red hoodie. According to Fernando, his wife is not familiar with Georgetownandcouldeasilygetlostinthecity.Fernandohas beensearchingforhiswifesinceandisaskingifsheisseento contacthimon(+592)645-5375.
Meanwhile, Michael Bacchus, a 74-year-old man of Lot 51 Durban Street, Georgetown is also reported missing since Tuesday afternoon. He suffers from dementia and this is his third missing report. He was reported missing by his brotherin-law,PerrySelwyn. Themissingman’sofficialresidenceis at Lot 18 Houston, EBD. Persons are asked to contact his relativeson(+592)622-7573.
From page 19 sustainable development the Caribbean (CAF) are a n d h e l p r e d u c e likely to become involved, deforestation, with the one source added. Among equivalent of about four other issues to resolve is soccer pitches being cut defining what should be down every minute, considered a legitimate use according to EU statistics. of the new bonds’proceeds, While Brazil, Colombia, including whether to allow Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, spending in cities, given Bolivia and Suriname have 80% of those living in the already signed up, issuing Amazon are in urbanised bonds jointly is no easy feat environments. given the differing financial
While the first bonds are health of each state It likely to be issued by follows a drive by Brazil’s countries individually, the left-wing President Luiz hope is they could Inacio Lula da Silva to unite eventually be done jointly his neighbours in pushing under the IDB’s ‘Amazonia richer nations to help pay to Forever’ framework to protect the forest Since make large scale and 1970,LatinAmericahaslost effective cross-border 94% of its monitored conservation efforts populations of mammals, possible. birds, fish, reptiles and T h e a i m o f t h e amphibians, a WWF and programme is to fund ZSLanalysisshowed.
From page 15 in blaming Exxon and associated with the major GYSBI, is trying to absolve national project, which if the government from any delayed will allow the nation responsibility, when it is to face an electricity crisis ultimately the government 2025andbeyond. that is responsible for
To this end, Low called ensuring each leg of this forthegovernmenttorelease project is completed on time the report by Engineers India and in good order.” To this Limited (EIL), the firm hired end, the Opposition made it bygovernmenttooverseethe clear that the Vice President project. The company had mustnotbeallowedtododge reportedly reviewed the these critical questions since claim by CH4- Linsayca and a delayed project could not rejected it in its entirety, only escalate the cost of the accordingtoJagdeo. venture but result in
Be that as it may, Low “unforeseen consequences.” said, “The public needs to Furthermore,“Asnaturalgas know what exactly has been can be explosive, the people presented so that there is of Guyana must demand clarity as to the current state reassurances on the of the project and the risks engineering and operational that may come from safeguards to be put in place arbitration,butalsofromany to prevent any disaster Such dispute about the design and aprojectmustnotbecloaked siteoftheproject.” in secrecy and uncertainty,” He continued, “Jagdeo, Lowreasoned.
At the opening of tenders on Tuesday at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office, it was revealed that the Ministry of Education intends to construct a fence and drain at the East Ruimveldt SecondarySchool.
Duringthereadingofbids,itwasrevealedthattheworks are estimated to cost $11,901,475, and a total of 20 contractors have submitted bids for the contract. The ministry had also tendered for the rehabilitation of a fence and construction of reinforced concrete revetment at the Lodge Nursery School. These works are pegged at $7.9 million.
The ministry will also be executing electrical infrastructure works at CPCE male dormitory, and at the St. John’sCollegeSecondarySchool.
Ministry of Public Works
Miscellaneous roads/ drainage emergency rehabilitation of Parika Backdam main access road (section 1-0+00m to 2+300m), emergency rehabilitation of Parika Backdam main access road section (section 2-2+300m to 5+700m).
Ministry of Education
Rehabilitation of fence and construction of RC revetment at Lodge Nursery School.
Construction of fence with drain at the East Ruimveldt Secondary School.
Rehabilitation of electrical infrastructure at CPCE male dormitory.
Rehabilitation of electrical infrastructure at St. John's College Secondary School.
From page 26
Tour de France champion
Jonas Vingegaard-Hansen give the thumbs up as he is released from hospital.
(Team Visma-Lease a Bike)
Bicycling - TeamVisma- drawings Heartwarming! He will likely return Lease a Bike announced on Nowit’stimetofullyrecover home to Denmark or social media that Tour de again.Thumbsup!!” Switzerland to continue his France champion Jonas Vingegaard was one of recovery Although health Vingegaard-Hansen is severalinvolvedinahorrible and safety are everyone’s finally heading home. They crashonApril5,duringstage number one concern, the posted a message from the four of the Itzulia Basque TourdeFranceisjust74days Danish star, “Hello Country. He broke his away. The big question on everyone, it’s time for me to collarbone and several ribs everyone’s mind is whether leave the hospital. I want to and suffered a pulmonary or not Vingegaard will be thankallthemedicalstafffor c o n t u s i o n a n d abletoride. taking so good care of me. pneumothorax. He remained Cyclingnews reported And I want to thank at theTxagorritxu Hospital’s that Visma-Lease a Bike’s everyone for their moral ICU in Vitoria mainly sports director, Merijn support. I have received a lot because flying could be Zeeman, has confirmed that of messages, presents, and dangerousinhiscondition. Vingegaard will not be attending altitude camp in Spain in May The team has b e e n p r o t e c t i n g Vingegaard’sprivacy,saying little about his upcoming trainingandracingplans.
Alostobjectcouldhaveallthe members of your household going through every room trying to find it, Ariesprobably without success Visitors could pitch in as well andhelpwiththesearch.
This could be a very busy day in your community Some kind of rally, protest, or other public gathering might take place. If you attend, you may not hear much because of all the noise, and the event could seemdisorganizedatbest.
A future course of action that youmayormaynottakecould depend on information you might receive today, Gemini. However, don't be surprised if the information is vague and needstobeclarified.
Are you unhappy or uncertain about your current profession?
Are you thinking of making a change? News could reach you today of possible avenues to explore, but you shouldn't makeanydecisiontoday
Your natural psychic or intuitive abilities could be short-circuited today Interferencefromthemindsof other people could cloud issues, and this won't do you anygood.
VIRGO(Aug 23–Sept 22)
The atmosphere around you could seem somewhat unreal today If you get a weird vibe from someone, Virgo, take everything this person says with a grain of salt. He or she hasanagenda.
Communication could take some extra effort today, Libra. Abusiness or romantic partner couldseemlikethey'rekeeping thingsfromyou.Youmightget some uneasy vibes and wonder if there's trouble with your partnership.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Messages from a distant state or foreign country, possibly through fax, email, or website, mightnotbetotallyaccurate.If any information presented in this fashion sets off an alarm bell in your head, be sure to do someresearchonyourownand checkoutthefacts.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Staying in touch with a love partnercouldbedifficulttoday, Sagittarius, almost to the point ofcausingaminorpanic.Don't jump to any unwarranted conclusions about possible problemsintherelationship.
Are you having problems with the lighting or heating in your home? If so, you might not be able to get a professional out today Therecouldbeproblems intheentireneighborhood.
A friend or neighbor you need to contact could be in and out all day, and so you could have trouble reaching him or her Phone or email probably won't work, since your friend could betoobusytocheckmessages.
This probably isn't a good day to do work that concerns money, Pisces.Your mind may not be in the right space. You could make errors that cause problems.
alwayslikelytobeaconsiderablestepup,andatruertestof his level than his comeback outing against 62nd-ranked Cobolli.
The 25-year-old Australian examined Nadal’s movement by using drop shots early in the match, an effective tactic which helped him move 2-0 in front and tee upanotherbreakpointfor3-0.
But Nadal survived to hold and improved his level, producing a number of explosive cross-court backhand winnersashefoughtbacktolead4-3.
Another backhand winner, this time down the line, even drew a clap of the strings from De Minaur and teed up anotherbreakpointforNadal.
Taking the chance would have left Nadal serving for the set, but De Minaur recovered and won 19 of the next 24 pointstowinanopenerlastingmorethananhour
Aftersolongout,andwithplayingonconsecutivedays, Nadal’s endurance was always going to be tested, particularlyagainstanopponentknownforhisathleticism.
De Minaur played smartly in a one-sided second set and broke Nadal’s serve three times, silencing the Barcelona crowdintheprocess,tosecureanimpressivevictory
Nadalleftthecourtbearinghisname-forwhatcouldbe thefinaltime-toastandingovationandrapturoussend-off.
Remco Evenepoel (Soudal-QuickStep), Primoz Rogliè (BORA-hansgrohe), Jay Vine (UAE Team Emirates), and Steff Cras (TotalEnergies)alsosuffered intense injuries from the crash And although the events of the day were terrifying, all athletes have expressed gratitude that thingsweren’tevenworse. It’s a waiting game to see who will be recovered enough to race in the upcoming packed season, but most of all, proper recovery is the name of the gameforeveryoneinvolved.
Meanwhile, British men’s number two Jack Draper reached his 10thATPTour quarter-finals at the BMW Open inMunich.
Draper,22,foughtbackafteraraindelaytoearna4-661 6-1 win over German world number 179 Rudolf Molleker attheclay-courtevent.
Rafael Nadal has only played five matches since January 2023 because of injury. [Getty Images]
BBC Sport - Rafael Cobolliinastraight-setwin. because of hip and whatistocome,the6-1inthe Nadal’s injury comeback Aday later, Nadal lost 7- abdominalinjuries. second set is what had to was ended by Alex de 5 6-1 to world number 11 De Nadal is hoping to be fit happentoday,”hesaid. Minaur as the 12-time Minaurinroundtwo. enough to make a return to “Itwasn’ttodaythatIhad champion waved goodbye to Nadal, a 22-time major the French Open, where he to give everything and die. I the Barcelona Open for winner, has indicated he won a record 14 men’s have to give myself the possiblythefinaltime. plans to retire in 2024 if he is singles titles,next month and chance to do that [at the Nadal, 37, returned to unabletocompeteregularly suggested he was preserving French Open] in a few court on Tuesday after a The former world hisenergyforRolandGarros weeks,oratleasttryto.” three-month absence, number one, now ranked during the latter stages of the Facing a player of De making light work of 21- 644th, has only played five DeMinaurmatch. Minaur’spedigreewas year-old Italian Flavio matches since January 2023 “On a personal level, for (Continued on page 25)
Coco Gauff (USA) survived to defeat Sachia Vickery in Stuttgart.
(Geoff Burke-USA TODAY Sports)
defeated higher-ranked Vickery nonetheless Greet Minnen to reach the carried that late momentum main draw followed by into the second set, taking a fellow qualifier Aliaksandra 4-2 lead of her own and Sasnovichtobooktheround- shook off a love-break when of-16clashwithGauff. serving to force a decider to
A former Roland Garros break straight back, finalist, the reigning US shocking the Stuttgart Open champion was playing crowd. her first match on any More momentum shifts surface since her home followed in the final set: tournament ended at the Gauff won the first two hands of Caroline Garcia at games only to lose the next theHardRockStadium. four Vickery appeared on
The 20-year-old was coursetowinafifthwhenthe Tennis - Coco Gauff March, shaking off 49 playing in Stuttgart for the world No. 3 showed signs of pulled off an impressive unforced errors to reel off 12 third time, her best result life, capitalizing on some comeback to kick off her of the final 14 points and coming last April, when she slow serving from her 2024 clay-court campaign, edge over the finish line in reachedthesecondroundbut compatriottogetthesetback roaring back from the brink two hours and 26 minutes on losttoAnastasiaPotapova. onserve. of defeat to survive Sachia Stuttgart’sCenterCourt. Still,Gauffhadtheupper A point from losing a Vickery,6-3,4-6,7-5. Indeed, Vickery’s lone hand on Vickery, who third straight game, Vickery Vickery appeared on Top 10 win came against peaked at No. 73 in the turned the tide back to her course to earn her second then-world No. 3 Garbiñe rankingsbackin2018,asthe side when she saved a break career Top 10 victory when Muguruza at the 2018 BNP match got underway, racing point at 4-4 to force Gauff to she got within five points of Paribas Open, and as had through the first three games serve to stay in the contest. quarterfinals. against either No. 5 seed upsetting the reigning US been in the case at the Indian andholdingoffalatesurgeto Gauff responded with Shaking off a double Zheng Qinwen or Marta Open champion, but Gauff, WellsTennisGarden,the28- serve out the opening set aplomb, reeling off eight fault, Gauff held firm to Kostyuk, whom she faced in competing for the first time year-old American was aftersavingfivebreakpoints straight points to find herself complete the comeback and the last eight of the 2024 since the Miami Open in playingas a qualifier, having inamarathonninthgame. serving for a spot in the book a quarterfinal clash AustralianOpeninJanuary
IMMAF is delighted to
we continue to advance the anditsmembers.” announce the addition of mission and vision of Amanda Ribas stated: Amanda Ribas and Irman IMMAF ”Asaproudrepresentativeof Smajic as non-executive “Amanda Ribas and MMAand a former IMMAF members of the Board of Irman Smajic bring with world champion, I am Directors. them not only a wealth of thrilled to start this
Amanda and Irman join knowledge from their interesting new chapter with the IMMAF Board of respective careers but also a the IMMAF Board of Directors as athlete passion for their fellow Directors. My journey from representatives with their athletes, supporting young clinching the women’s combined experience as talent and the growth and flyweight gold medal in IMMAF champions and development of mixed 2014 to becoming a professional contenders mar tial ar ts Th eir professional contender with enabling the IMMAF commitment to upholding t h e U F C h a s b e e n leadership to benefit from a the values of integrity, exhilarating and the journey world class athlete respect, and excellence continues still. I am excited perspective. aligns perfectly with the to use my experiences
A m a n d a R i b a s ethosofIMMAF wherever I can to help the represented Brazil at the “ A s A t h l e t e interests of athletes inaugural IMMAF Amateur Representatives, Amanda worldwide and advance the M M A W o r l d and Irman will serve as vital sportofMMA.” Championships in Las voices, ensuring that the Irman Smajic stated: ”I Vegas,2014,winninggoldin perspectives and needs of am glad that I am a part off the flyweight division. She our athletes are at the IMMAF, it feels great to be was the first IMMAF Brazil in the strawweight heavyweight division. As a Kerrith Brown welcomes f o r e f r o n t o f o u r in such great organisation. I championtoenterthetoptier tournament. professional Irman has Amanda and Irman, stating: deliberations. think I can contribute with of professional MMA and is Heavyweight veteran competedinseveralstandout ”It is with great pleasure that Their input will be many things when it comes acurrenttop10challengerin Irman Smajic is among the promotions, including I extend a warm welcome to invaluableaswenavigatethe to athletes because off my the UFC, ranked 9th in the most decorated champions BRAVE CF, and he has been Amanda Ribas and Irman evolving landscape of MMA background and my time in UFC Women’s Flyweight in IMMAF history and Chairman of the IMMAF Smajic as the newest and work towards further IMMAF IMMAF is a great rankings and 7th in the represented Sweden during Athletes Commission since additions to our Board of enhancing the welfare and federation and MMA is a Women’s Strawweight the nation’s most successful 2020 with fellow members Directors, serving asAthlete opportunities for all young sport that is division. She accompanied period on the IMMAF including UFC Hall of Representatives. participants. developing every day and Team Brazil at the 2023 platformtodate.Heisatwo- Famer Forrest Griffin, and Their dedication to the Please join me in hopefully I can contribute to IMMAF Pan American time heavyweight world IMMAF veterans Daniyal sport, coupled with their extending a heartfelt make it even better in the Championships in Bogota, champion,in2016and2017, Shamkhalov, Colleen profound insights and welcome to Amanda Ribas future. Colombia, where future a2017AsiaOpenchampion, Augustin, Veja Hinda, and e x p e r i e n c e s , w i l l and Irman Smajic. I have no “Thank you so much for IMMAF world champion and won a gold medal in the youthathleteLariahGill. undoubtedly enrich our doubtthattheircontributions believing in me and giving GuillianyPereawongoldfor 2017 European Open super- IMMAF President discussions and decisions as will greatly benefit IMMAF methisopportunity.”
T- Over 1,000 talents from 60 schools on show
he debut edition WaramuriPrimary of the Guyana
REGION 2 (PomeroonF o o t b a l l Supenaam) Abram Zuil
Federation Blue Secondary Water Shipping Under-15
REGION 3 (Essequibo Girls’ National Secondary Islands-West Demerara): School Championship is Uitvlugt Secondary, Vreed scheduledtokickoffonMay en Hoop Secondary, 4 with sixty schools Westminster Secondary, registered to participate and West Demerara Secondary boasting over 1,000 aspiring andL’AventureSecondary young female athletes
REGION 4 (EAST competingfortophonours. B A N K ) ( D e m e r a r aEndorsedbytheMinistry Mahaica): Covent Garden o f E d u c a t i o n , t h e Secondary, Friendship tournament will be the Secondary, Soesdyke largest girls’ competition in Secondary and Yarrowkabra Guyana, taking place across Secondary 9 of the ten administrative
REGION 4 (EAST regions. Schools in region COAST): Ann’s Grove eight (Potaro-Siparuni) will Secondary, Beterverwagting not partake in this years’ Secondary, Bladen Hall edition. Secondary, Bygeval
It is a progression from Secondary,HopeSecondary, the GFF-Blue Water Girls Education Ground on Shipping “for their ongoing Schools football Secretariat nine administrative regions Lancaster Secondary, Under-15 Development Carifesta Avenue in commitment to investing in later this year and will be and featuring sixty schools. Plaisance Secondary and League and festivals which Georgetown and the GFF the youth of our nation,” introducing additional Over 1,000 enthusiastic President’sCollege was launched in 2022. The National Training Centre in a d d i n g t h a t t h e competitions and festivals young girls are eager to G E O R G E T O W N 2022 programme played an Providence, East Bank championship is “a for Boys and Girls at the exhibit their talents on a (North): Chases Academic integral role in stimulating Demerara. significant milestone in our nursery, primary and national stage, a pathway for F o u n d a t i o n , N e w interest in football among The format of the ongoing endeavours to secondaryschoollevels.The numerous promising players Campbellville Secondary, young girls and schools tournament was designed to expand women’s football in long-term goal of the GFF is to earn selection into the N o r t h G e o r g e t o w n acrossGuyana. ensure adequate playing Guyana. to work closely with the junior national team Secondary,Queen’sCollege,
For the GFF-Blue Water time for the players. Each This tournament is the Ministry of Education and programme,”Fordenoted. St. John’s College and the Shipping Under-15 Girls’ player is assured a minimum b e g i n n i n g o f o u r other key stakeholders in The GFF will be Institute of Academic National Secondary School of six (6) matches and can implementation of the establishing a well establishing a network of Excellence Championship, upcoming participate in a maximum of competition phase of the streamlined schools football t r a i n e d t o u r n a m e n t G E O R G E T O W N talents will compete in three sixteen(16). FIFA Football For School programme and yearly coordinators across the (South): Carmel Secondary, distinct stages: Preliminary Promising players will (F4S) programme, which competitionseason.” regions to administer the East Ruimveldt Secondary, round robin Matches will be earn opportunities to train was signed into being by “This tournament is matches. Child safeguarding Dolphin Secondary, South played at the regional level; for positions within the FIFA, the GFF and the groundbreaking as it stands workshops will also be Ruimveldt,TheNewCentral followed by the Round of 16 nationalteamprogramme. Government of Guyana on as the largest girls’ conducted throughout the High, Tucville Secondary and8groupstageMatchesto GFF President Wayne May12th,2022. tournament in Guyana’s competition. andWestRuimveldt be hosted at the Ministry of Forde thanked Blue Water
SportsMax - Cricket 16, Powell said he’s been possibilityofreturningtothe back and make himself West Indies (CWI) vice trying to coax Narine to West Indies team by former available to play in this president Azim Bassarath rejoin the squad for the past West Indies teammate tournament. Because this is hasdeclaredhisintentionsto year “but he’s blocked out Samuel Badree, pointed out what the people need,” he join the effort to possibly everyone.” that”Iwillbewatchingfrom said in a T&T Newsday coerce spinner Sunil Narine At the same time, the home,Badree.” article. to come out of international Jamaican revealed that he
However, Narine in Bassarath, the Trinidad retirement for the upcoming sought the assistance of another interview on and Tobago Cricket Board ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Nicholas Pooran and retired Tuesday, appeared to soften (TTCB) president Bassarath tobehostedintheCaribbean international stars Kieron his stance about making the alsorevealedthathereached andUnitedStates. Pollard and Dwayne Bravo proverbial U-turn, when he out to Queen’s Park Cricket Bassarath’s declaration to convince their compatriot said, “It is what it is, but Club president Nigel follows that of West Indies toreturn. we’ll have to see what the Camacho – Narine’s T20 captain Rovman Former maroon fast futureholds.” domesticclub–forhelp. Powell, who has led the bowler Tony Gray also Bassarath explained that “Ihavealsospokentothe charge of trying to get believes Narine would be a he has tried unsuccessfully QPCC president, and he Narine back to the regional welcomed addition to tomakecontactwithNarine, indicated to me that he will setup ahead of the June 1-29 Darren Sammy’s side to butheintendstokeepatit. also reach out to Sunil to see globalshowpiece. challenge for a third T20 “I haven’t spoken to him if he can change his mind to Narine, 35, confirmed WorldCuptitle. [Narine], and he hasn’t comeonboard,”heshared. his retirement from the West Indies won the spoken to me. Everybody is West Indies are set to international game last 2012 and 2016 editions of asking for him to change his open their T20 World Cup November However, after a thetournament. mind and come represent campaign against Papa New stellar 56-ball 109 for After KKR’s IPL win West Indies, at least for this Guinea in Guyana, on June Kolkota Knight Riders against the Lucknow Super lastchance.Itismyintention 2 Afghanistan, New (KKR) against Rajasthan Giants on April 14, Narine to give him a shout, and if I Zealand, and Uganda are the Royals in an IPLtie onApril when asked about the have to beg him to come otherteamsinthegroup.
We will be establishing a history set to be played in Blue Water Shipping REGION 5 (MahaicaSenior Vice President of Berbice): Belladrum Sales and Development, Secondary, Bush Lot Richard DeNobrega noted Secondary,FortWellington that “BWS Guyana Inc is Secondary, No 8 extremely excited about the Secondary, Rosignol launch of the U15 Girls Secondary and Woodley Tournament. We continue to ParkSecondary see this tournament grow REGION 6 (East fromstrengthtostrengthand Berbice-Corentyne): we are happy to collaborate Berbice Educational with the GFF on its Institute, Canje Secondary, continued success. The lives New of these young ladies will be Amsterdam Secondary, enhanced,andwewillsurely Tutorial Academy and seethetalentpoolforfemale Vryman’sErven f o o t b a l l i n c r e a s e
REGION 7 (Cuyuniexponentially directly as a M a z a r u n i ) : B a r t i c a result of these tournaments. Secondary and Three Miles This tournament comes on Secondary the heels of other massive REGION 9 (Upper strides by the GFF and all Takutu-Upper Essequibo): stakeholders including the Aishalton Secondary, Annai Ministry of Education to Secondary, Karasabai ensure that Guyana’s Secondary, Nappi Primary, sporting talent in the world Sand Creek Secondary and stageisfurtherimprovedand St.IgnatiusSecondary recognized. Congratulations REGION 10 (Upper to all the young ladies and Demerara-Berbice): bestofluck!” HarmonySecondary,Linden ParticipatingSchools Foundation,Mackenzie
REGION 1 (Barima- High, New Silver City, Waini): Kamwatta Primary; Wisburg Secondary and Kwebanna Primary; Santa Wismar Christianburg Rosa Secondary and Secondary
illips and Daniel 4x400m
Mixed Relay Williams. record.he Athletics Under the guidance of Individually, Abrams, Association of coach Johnny Gravesande, with a National record of
Guyana (AAG) the team aims for podium 50.20s, continues to impress yesterday announced the success, leveraging the with a season’s best of participation of its 4x400m prowess of its exceptional 51.93s. Likewise, Springer Mixed Relay team in the 400mathletes. and Phillips have achieved World Athletics Relay Gravesande praised the personal bests of 52.31s and championship in Nassau, team’s composition, 51.72s,respectively Bahamas,setforMay4–5. particularly highlighting the Chance and Williams
This marks Guyana’s impressive performances of e x h i b i t f o r m i d a b l e first appearance at the event AustinandSpringer capabilities, with Chance since its inception in 2014, He pointed out that holding a Personal Best of reflecting the AAG’s preparationsareunderwayto 46 05s and Williams commitment to showcasing optimize team cohesion, clocking a season’s best of Guyanese athletes on the g i v e n t h e d i v e r s e 47.32s. global stage, according to geographicallocationsofthe Austin showcased his p r e s i d e n t A m a n d a athletes. prowesswithapersonal-best Hermonstine, who also Gravesande said with the time of 46 35s at the highlighted their role in technicalities of the 4x400m CARIFTA Games, where he providing invaluable M i x e d R e l a y l e s s won400mgoldinGrenada. exposure to the country’s pronounced compared to the A A G P r e s i d e n t , sportingtalents. 4x100m, the focus lies on Hermonstine expressed The team comprises seamless coordination and unwavering confidence in Olympian and National strategiclegassignments. the team’s potential, setting 400m record holder Aliyah Currently, Guyana’s high expectations for medal A b r a m s , a l o n g s i d e 3:23.51 which became the success, particularly eyeing C A R I F T A G a m e s new CARIFTA Games thegold.
champions Tianna Springer records, is the 18th fastest She conveyed her best and Malachi Austin, and time globally in the 4x400m wishes, anticipating stellar indoor 400m record holder Mixed Relay Additionally, performances from each A r i n z e C h a n c e , the nation boasts the Youth athlete, reflective of their accompanied by Kenisha Commonwealth Games dedicationandtalent.
SportsMax - West Indies Women’s
Inresponse,PakistanWomenstruggledto captain Hayley Matthews delivered a stellar build partnerships against the disciplined all-round performance to lead her team to a WestIndiesbowlingattack.TubaHassantopcommanding 113-run victory over Pakistan scored with 25 runs, while Muneeba Ali and Women in the first One Day International NahidaAlvi made contributions of 22 and 20 (ODI) at the National Stadium in Karachi runs,respectively yesterday However,itwasMatthewswhoturnedthe Matthews played a pivotal role in setting game decisively in her team’s favor with the upthewin,firstwiththebatandthenwiththe ball,claimingthreecrucialwicketsforjust17 ball. She showcased her batting prowess by runs.AfyFletcherandZaidaJamesalsomade scoring an impressive unbeaten 140 runs, significant contributions with the ball, anchoring the West Indies’ innings to a picking up two wickets each to bundle out challenging total of 269-8 in their allotted 50 PakistanWomenfor156runsin35.5overs. overs. Matthews’innings was decorated with Sadia Iqbal (2-38) and Tuba Hassan (215boundaries(fours)andawell-strucksix. 48) were the standout bowlers for Pakistan, After losing an early wicket, Matthews but they couldn’t contain Matthews’ combined forces with Shemaine Campbell to brilliance. forge a crucial partnership of 102 runs for the With this commanding victory, West second wicket Campbell contributed a Indies Women have taken a 1-0 lead in the valuable 45 runs to the cause before three-match ODI series against Pakistan departing. Women, setting the stage for an exciting Chinelle Henry (23) and contributions contestintheupcomingmatches. from Chedean Nation and Aaliyah Henry, Scores: West Indies Women 269 for 8 who scored 17 each, further solidified the (Matthews 140*, Campbelle 45, Sadia 2-38, West Indies’ innings as Matthews led from Tuba 2-48) beat Pakistan Women 156 (Tuba the front, steering her team to a formidable 25, Matthews 3-17, James 2-14, Fletcher 2total. 19) by 113 runs.
The GDF ladies starting line-up.
With one month of intense competition Guyana Defence Force by three points. completed,theGuyanaDefenceForceFChas Holding steady in third place is Fruta firmly established their dominance atop the ConquerorsFC,tallyingtwelvepointsfroma point table of Round Two of the Women’s balancedrecordoffourwinsandfourlosses. League Division One, while Santos FC has Meanwhile,PotatoStrikersFCholdsonto withdrawn from the tournament to regroup the fourth position, accumulating four points and fortify their squad for the upcoming through one win, one draw, and four losses. season. The army team boasts an impressive Parkuri Jaguars FC round off the standings in unbeaten streak of seven wins out of seven fifthplace,witharecordofonewin,onedraw, matches, amassing twenty-one points andfivelosses.
Conversely, Santos FC faced adversity, The Women’s League Division has a rich enduring a challenging streak of four pool of talent, including former champions, consecutivematcheswithoutawin. national team representatives, and up-andWomen’s Football Association (WFA) comingstars.
PresidentAndreaJohnsonencouragedSantos It stands as a vital platform for players to FC “to utilise this time strategically for showcase their skills, compete for spots in preparations ahead of the new season,” and national team setups, pursue educational further urged the remaining five clubs in the scholarships and potentially land contracts competition “to maintain the high level of with clubs both domestically and intensity and team spirit throughout the internationally remainderoftheseason.”
On April 20, the matchup between Guyana Police Force FC is in second Guyana Police Force FC and Pakuri Jaguars position with six wins and one loss, trailing FCissettokickoffat4p.m.atNTC.
Mackenzie High School champions Christianburg today, Mackenzie High and Linden Foundation WismarSecondaryaimingto School will clash with the Secondary clinched three clinch the top spot in Group formidableLindenTechnical vital points in the ongoing A as they face winless Institute (LTI) in a game ExxonMobil Linden Inter- HarmonySecondarySchool. crucial for determining the School soccer tournament at In the second match semi-finalsline-up. theWisburgschoolground.
Linden Foundation secured a narrow 2-1 victory over Wisburg, courtesy of goals from Stephen Johnson (35’) and Esan Simon (64’), while Kilan Newland netted for Wisburg Secondary in the 70th minute, leaving them onthebrinkofelimination
Meanwhile, Mackenzie High School dominated with a 3-0 win over Harmony Secondary, with goals from Azaino Benjamin (8’), Dexter Milo (41’), andAzizi Grant(55’).
T h e t o u r n a m e n t
continues today from 2:00 p m w i t h d e f e n d i n g
Action between MHS and Harmony Secondary in the ExxonMobil Linden Inter-School football tournament.
CCC Spinner Avinash Mahabirsingh had a phenomenal day as he grabbed 8-51.
AGuyana Harpy Eagles spinners will look to finish the job today and give their batsmen ample time to settle in the second innings as they eye another win.
world-class season. compared to the first remainingwicketstoday. while KevlonAnderson (27) Mahabirisinghcontinued s p e l l f r o m Debutant, right-arm off- innings. Earlier, Harpy Eagles edged a delivery into the his rampage throughout the spinner Avinash break spinner Mahabirsingh, The Eagles spinners took their score to 201-6 by gloves of the wicket-keeper afternoon session despite
Mahabirsingh owned day 2 as he spun his picked up where they lunch after Mahabirsingh shortlyafter. Imlach resisting on his way which produced 8 wickets, way to 1st innings figures of stopped on Thursday, with ripped out a few wickets Sinclair reached 37, but to another half-century, helped Combined Campuses 8-51. the Berbice trio of during his opening spell, then completed his own before losing his remaining and Colleges (CCC) claw CCC were 165-7 in their Veerasammy Permaul (2- before completing the job demise after chopping a teammates to some classy theirwaytoasafepositionas secondinningsatthecloseof 44), Sinclair (2-29) and during the afternoon delivery onto his stumps, spinbowling. they enter Day 3 with a 142- play with Captain Shamarh Gudakesh Motie (2-42), session followed by Kemol Savory Day 3’s play continues run lead over the Guyana Brooks set to build on his providing the early Overnight batsmen, (05), which left Guyana with today at the Sir Frank HarpyEagles. 54*andtheteam’slead,with breakthroughs as they look Perez, were the first to go, most of their top-order back Worrell Memorial Ground The Eagles were bowled just three teammates to snap up the three having his stumps rattled, inthePavillion. from10:00h. out for 223 in their first remaining. innings replying to CCC’s Opener Odain McCatty 200, with Raymon Perez set the tone with a solid (62) and in-form Captain knock of 56 from 81 (6x4) Tevin Imlach (55), scoring while Yannick Ottley (17) his 4th 50-plus score this and Brooks looked better
The SouthTurkeyen Sports Committee, in collaboration with Johnny Barnwell, popularly known as “Overseas,” kicked off the Johnny ‘Overseas’Barnwell 78th Birthday 4a-side Small-Goal Football competition last Sunday at the VryheidLustTarmac.
In a thrilling final match, Seon Semple’s football team emerged victorious after defeating Tyson Jarvis’ team 3-1. The competition, held in honour of the 78th birthday celebration,sawSemple’steamfacingoffwithJarvis’team, with captain Seon Semple, Aaron Cosbert, and Kenny Richmondeachscoringagoaltosecurethechampionship.
The winning team not only lifted the championship trophygenerouslydonatedbyTrophyStallbutalsoreceived a cash prize courtesy of CEO of P&P Insurance, Bishan Panday The tournament’s runner-up also received a cash prizedonatedbyKenPhillips.
Additionally, the 78th Birthday Kings and Queens domino Competition, as previously advertised, has been rescheduled toApril 20th.The event will take place atWills Hideout in Vryheid Lust starting at 6 pm. Trophies and medals, sponsored by Johnny Overseas Barnwell, will mark theconclusionofhis78thBirthdayfestivities.
Demerara dethroned and Rampersaud Ramnauth made a quick sprint to their apiece.Berbicebowlerstried defending Champs Berbice (19) managed double-digit total and the title, finishing as Matthew Pottya (1-25), to capture the GCB U19 50- scores for Berbice, with all- on91-3in32.2overs. Kumar Deopersaud (1-11)
Over Inter-county title rounder Van Lange bagging Centurion from the last and Afraz Budhoo (1-35) yesterday at Malteenoes a whopping 7 wickets for 25 game, Mavindra Dindyal led m a n a g e d s l i g h t Ground.Theformerchamps, runsfrom6overs,inspiringa the chase with 31 not out breakthroughs. Berbice, imploded batting dramaticcollapse. featuring a pair of sixes and Van Lange for his efforts first as they were skittled for Support came from fours Opener Romeo with the ball finished with 90 all out with 32 extras Neeran Bani (1-1), Krsna Deonarain chipped in with the Man-of-the-match contributingtotheirtotal. Singh (1-9) and Anthony 22 while Alvin Mohabir and award, as Demerara hoisted Just Afraz Budhoo (15) Lim (1-19). Demerara then Sachin Balgobin had 11 theirtitle.
By Rawle Toney victory against then-world 4-2 lead and resiliently No. 3 Garbiñe Muguruza at rebounding from a loveSachiaVickery delivered the2018BNPParibasOpen. break while serving, an impressive performance S i m i l a r t o h e r sparking surprise among the attheStuttgartOpen,despite performance at the Indian Stuttgartcrowd. a hard-fought defeat of 6-3, WellsTennisGarden,the28- The final set witnessed 4-6, 7-5 against last year’s year-old American entered further momentum shifts: US Open champion, Coco Stuttgart as a qualifier, Gauff claimed the first two Gauff. defeating higher-ranked games, only to lose the next Reflecting on the match, opponentsGreetMinnenand four Vi c k e r y e x p r e s s e d Aliaksandra Sasnovich to Vickery seemed poised satisfaction with her reach the main draw and set to secure a fifth consecutive performance, speaking up the round-of-16 clash game when the world No. 3 exclusively with Kaieteur withGauff. mounted a comeback, NewsfromGermany Gauff, a former Roland capitalizing on sluggish V i c k e r y h a d a Garros finalist and reigning serving from her compatriot commanding 4-2 lead in the US Open champion, made toleveltheset. third set against the world herfirstappearancesinceher O n t h e b r i n k o f #3, putting her on course for early exit at her home c o n c e d i n g a t h i r d Vickery expressed to US, Vickery, whose parents me. The support from what could have been her tournament, the Hard Rock consecutive game, Vickery Kaieteur News that are Guyanese, shared her Guyana is truly special, and secondcareerTop10victory Stadium Acknowledging rallied, saving a break point advancing through the g r a t i t u d e f o r t h e I’m honoured to represent H o w e v e r, G a u ff , Gauff’s resilience, Vickery at 4-4 to force Gauff to serve qualifiers proved invaluable, overwhelming support from my heritage wherever I returning to competition remarked, “CoCo is a toremaininthecontest. stating, “It allowed me to Guyana. c o m p e t e , ” Vi c k e r y afterahiatussincetheMiami formidable opponent, but G a u ff r e s p o n d e d acclimate to the surface and “ I ’ m d e e p l y remarked. Open in March, rallied to I’m pleased with my decisively,stringingtogether refine my strategy, appreciative. The flood of Looking ahead, Vickery secure victory with a late performance and effort eight consecutive points to especially since clay isn’t messages from family and highlighted upcoming clay surge, clinching 12 of the A l t h o u g h i t w a s a secure victory and set up a our typical playing surface. fellow Guyanese expressing tournaments in Rome and final 14 points in a gripping challenging match, the quarterfinal clash against Despite the fatigue, it was pride in my efforts, Madrid before setting her encounter lasting two hours outcome could have swung either No. 5 seed Zheng immenselybeneficial.” considering me the match sights on the French Open in and26minutesonStuttgart’s eitherway.” Qinwen or Marta Kostyuk, Although raised in the winner, means the world to France. CentreCourt. Nonetheless, Vickery whom she faced in the 2024
Vickery’s only Top 10 carried her late momentum A u s t r a l i a n O p e n triumph to date remains her into the second set, seizing a quarterfinalsinJanuary
Tonight, the pulse of football beats at the PPP-C Office Compound in Linden as the thrilling One Guyana Kings and Queens of the Sand Beach Football championship 2024 resumes Anticipation is high as four electrifying matches are lined up for today’s proceedings, propelling the tournament closertotheknockoutstageswherethestakes escalate.
The evening promises a flurry of action starting at 8:00 pm with the opener between Hururu and LA Ballers. Following this, fans can brace themselves for the clash between Platinum and UDK Victors. As the night progresses, the showdown intensifies with Pro Ballers locking horns with DC Ballers at 11:00 pm before the ultimate showdown prizes. The champions of the Men’s division betweenFearlessandChungConstruction. stand to claim a hefty $1,500,000 alongside In recent encounters on SundayApril 14, the coveted trophy and medals, while the the heat was on as YMCAsuffered a narrow Women’s division champions will seize defeat to MS Ballers with a solitary goal, $600,000incashaswellasthechampionship while Hi Flyers soared above HH Ballers trophy Mark your calendars for the grand witha2-1victory Aroaimaheldtheirground finaleslatedforMay5atthesamevenue. in a draw against Hururu, while Young Sponsored by Bakewell and endorsed by Gunners and Universal Ballers secured wins President of Guyana, Honourable Dr Irfaan throughwalkovers. Ali as part of the One Guyana initiative
With both male and female divisions fostering unity among Guyanese, the vyingforglory,thechampionshippromisesa tournament is masterfully organised by the staggering 5 million dollars in cash and KashifandShanghaiOrganization.